12 r §)\^^crm^m^^to(^A Last Week of the Mill and Factory Sale Profit by the Offerings for the Closing Days In the Sale of Bleachers' Table Demonstration of Bleached Pillow Cases Spe- T \xriii r? i Perfection" Dress Forms cially Priced for the Last Days Linen Damages W ill be round a «,» ~/ Kru c i *=> the Hall Borchert Dress Form M A Ot the Mill anCl raCtOrV bale / 1 fil O D ++ /"M +L, Co., will be here to demonstrate x-'ifL- ' atteril V- lOtflS the usefulness of these time Bleached Pillow Cases — O 990 I ifipn Nflr»lrir»c These forms enable WOI " e " 12^c cases > 42x36 inches, 9c Tir. inl !|i{ f A U Lvinen INapKinS to make better fitting apparel MM Cases, 45x36 inches, 17c JHt 667 Yards Damask 25c cases. 45x30 inches, 20c * %\ ( 'A 11 c* . mi A ' /11 TT by using one of these forms. NnKj|My| MtißlJP'l hemstitched and em ' -AJt at Savings That Average Close to a Half. broidered 1* Bleachers' Damages mean slight imperfections in the goods sucli as aL!! pe f ,al e,gh *o S -n tion ad J ust - " ' U( ' a dropped stitch or a torn thread For many years Harrisburg house- forms a ?*a»o! jersey forms at s ! ,ee * s ' g*®® inches, 36c wives have availed themselves of these sales to replenish their linen SB.OO, SIO.OO, $12.00. 80 1 „A. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart —Street Floor, Rear. BREAKFAST AND LINEN $4.25 to »5.00 pattern cloths, 2& , UNEN NAPKINS LTeSS OIOV eS OpeCialat CLOTHS ; X 2% yards. Special, $2.39 to 82.69 1 18xl8-inch linen napkins. Spe- l: X* ' rt.-. ™ lA, Sl.oO to $2.25 breakfast cloths, $6.00 to $7.50 pattern cloths; 2x cial, each 10c DrOKeil lllieS Ot meil S ffi 1 .00 aild rol. 50 Cape T-* • . f rr~vi * ;,;zlfe| ! »™» rd ,"o rut-JT -egi£™3? kidsloves - Mm a " d Sale price. s»c Brassieres for Thursday tern cloths, square and round de- j Special, $1.69 to $1.95 round and square designs. Special, Men's $1.50 lined cane kid and ptpv mnrhi rrloves Mill ' signs, 2x2 yards. Special, ! $2.!)5 to $5.00 pattern cloth; 2x3 each 15c «p*«~ uucu uipt kiu ana grey mocna glO\ es. Mill , - O£T $1.39, $1.69 ami $1.95 ! yards. Special $2.39 to $2.69 ! 22 and 24-inch linen napkins and Factory Sale price sllO V Jl\ IV" FIT ZtlC $4.50 to $5.00 pattern cloths, 2x2 $6.00 to $7.50 pattern cloths: 2x:: | Special, each ........ . 10,. ~ . ' * ' j w tJ "» vv/ yards. Special $2.39 to $2.«9 yards. Special $2.95 to $3.95 ' 24 and 26-inch double damask Mens ?J.OO lined tail kid and grev Mocha gloves. Mill | su.so to *7.00 pattern cloths: $4.00 to SB.OO square table cloths linen napkins. Special, each. i niir i r-.rtr>r,- ' ' m, I hese Brassieres are made of good quality of cambric, 2x2 yards. Special . .$2.95 to SS.»S I with round designs,, 2V* x 2% yards. 25c 39c- to 50c actor} >ale pi ice st.,>o . , . $2.95 pattern Cloth, yards. I Special 5t.95 to $3.95 Linen napkins, 22x22 inches- ' Monx , i I reintorced under the arm: embroidery insertion yoke trims Special $6.00 to SIO.OO pattern cloths, value $3.00 dozen! special $" r,9 -Mens >_.?u seamless lined outseam grey mocha gloves. 1f,.,, ... , ■ , . $3.95 pattern cloths, yards. 2' 2 x2>i yards. Special. I Oives, Pornerov & Stewart—Linen Mill and Factorv Sale nrirc ttl IrO,U dnd back ' embroidery edge trims neck and armllOleS. s P eelal SL#5 $2.95 to $1.95 Store, Street Floor. ! , r , ' , 1 Soecial 'for Thursday onlv 'llo Men's canvas gloves, only six pair to customer. Mill and tor i nursdaj only Children's $1.50 Knit' CQ | NewTitlesinLate - a™—« bweater OUItS Special at Hirtion t % ' actor - a ' e P r ' ce Open lront and cross over back styles, trimmed with lace or ThIVP niepp crnrmpnt«l..\eaLei, and cap, grey and navv,' regular $1.50 value, . tie latest reprints to 5o« Corset Covers at oOc In thp l llncd horsehide mittens. Mill and Fac- j Nainsook corset covers; yoke trimmed with embroidery and laco 111 ine sale TOl inursaay only at .>UC. J" 1 - 1 ton-sale price ! insertion, lace edge trims neck, armholes and button pieces 50c C.-_, j. an/A RnfVi PnK/)C ! tiction at t>oc in- Mens SI.OO lamb's wool lined mittens. Mill and Factory Sale price, j ■ Nainsook corset covers; embroidery beading and ribbon trims neck, O W eaierS ano. Dcllll XvODeS j elude-- I embroidery edge trims armholes 50c Men's SI.OO V-neck sweaters, plain grey or with Cft- v„„„ »r <>. m ■ J I C~^c»-n»c Black batiste corset covers; lace insertion, ribbon and laco edge border. Mill and Factory Sale Price *> UC J "LL Men's $3.98 Bath Robes, large shawl collar, QO . Elamstead Quarrio. Boys' 50c golf caps with inner fur band. Mill and Factory Lives, Pomeroy & Stewart Muslin Underwear, Second Floor. Mill and Factory Sale price O | Mystery of tiic Bouie Cabinet. Sale price .. Coming of the Law. 75c rlannelette Alg;llt Shirts, 50c The M H<£kon' \m,t lenS cordurov silk velour a »d dark Kersey cloth, Men's 75c heavy flannelette night shirts, sizes 14 CA_ within The Ljiw." Brighton shape caps with inner fur band. Mill and Factorv I w C«JI A to 20. Mill and Factory Sale price OUC f> Sale price tis l V®mJ\WV!f\ j v DIVeS ' lomCr ° y & St6Wttrt ' Me "' S Store ' Street Floor ' ! DIV Stre'e? f3. Dlves ' Ponieroy & Stewart ' Men ' 3 Store. Street Floor. | ijpP I % 1 "Relieved my Rheumatism ' — "Yes, and after I'd been laid up all winter, had jHEnff doctored, and tried everything I could think of, fijHm and was just about ready to give up the fight, the pain was so terrible — that's what ■ i_ji . Sloan's Liniment did for me. And it'll penetrating —goes straight to the sore STOPPED SHOULDER PAINS RELIEVED SCIATIC RHEUMATISM Mrs. J. H. Bleckwedck, of Groton-on- Mr.Periso.of