SECOND SECTION. FRIDAY EVENING, pages 9 TO is JJ A.RRISBURG TELEGRAPH' 4 CHANCE TO! 1 GET A SHORE RESORTLOT FREE WANT OTHTSR VALUABLE AWARDS TO RK GIVEN IN THIS I'NIQUB AND INTERESTING CONTEST. i. PITBLTCITT AN'H ADVERTISING 6TUNT THAT IS NEW, STARTLING AND ATTRACTIVE TO MAKE YOU ACQUAINTED WITH •OCEAN GATE." How many -word* can you n»k«oat , «f the letters in the words "IDTI.AI/| OCEAN GATE"? Put your thinking cap on anrl try. as it cost* you nothing. «n<l| niay mean tho foundation of your ru- | tire fortune! , _ To the person sending in the larg est number of English words con structed from the letters in the words , "IDEAL OCEAN GATE" we will award sVisolntelv FREE of cost a choice! 1 uildlng Site nt Ocean Cate. N. J. The person sending In the next la.rg- ] art number of English words construct- i ed from the letters in the words "IDEAL OCEAN GATE" we will award, an order for one week's vacation at one of the Ocean Gate hotels (*ll* time during the summer), and a *•» I Credit Certificate to apply on the pur-; chase of a choice building site at) Ocean Gate, the regular full price oil which is ?l"0 up. To the five (:>) persons sending in the next largest number of English words constructed from the letters in the words "IDEAL OCEAN GATE I "» e will award to each a si<> t redlt | C'ertillcate to apply on the purchase of! r choice building site at Ocean Gate. | the regular full price of which Is * 100 J ''"TO all of those who send In thirty j (30) words or more made from letters In the words "IDEAL OCEAN GATE , we will award a SSO Credit t'ertlfl<*ata j to apply on the purchase of a choice 1 building site at Ocean Gate, the regu-| lar full price of which is SIOO up. i You must adhere to the following' RULES and CONDITIONS: RULES—Your correct name and ad-1 dress must be plainly written No more than one member In a fam-| lly will be considered eligible fori an award in this contest Tou must mention name of newspaper you saw this contest advertised in. No minors allowed to participate. Do not use the same letter twice un-1 less it appears twice in tho word*] "IDEAL OCEAN GATE." In the event of a tie the same award will be gifen to each so tielng. i Onlv English words will be allowed. Write your list of words on one sld«j of the sheet only, number each! word, and state the full number] that your list contains. Two prizes will not be awarded to on«! person submitting two lists, and no] list will be accepted where there is evidence of collusion No awards will be granted to any one who has had a Free I<ot In a pre vious contest. Answers must be !n our office at the j address given below before 5 p. m. of the closing date mentioned here-] In. L Names and addresses of the many peo- ) pie who have won tn our contests In other cities will be cheerfully, mailed upon request too many , to publish here Also offer hun dreds of "fae simile" testimonial letters from pleased Investors OUR GUARANTEE—We will donate the sum of 1500 to any charity In your I city if it can be proven that any lota In OCEAN GATE are being sold or of fered for sale by this company for less than SIOO each. The corporation that has promoted OCEAN GATE is one of the best known and among the most reliable in Ameri- | ca, and its directors have been associ- | ated with It since Its Incorporation and J with its allied companies for over 28 I years. OCEAN GATE is a live, booming, le cltlate, high class, restricted Shore Resort Development, within the region of Asbury Park. Sea Girt, Point Pleas ant, Bay Head and Seaside Park, N. J., and Is in the pine zone of Lakehurst and Lakewood, N. J. Among Its many advantages may be enumerated the fol lowing: Pine groves, fruit orchards and vel vety lawns. Long distance telephone service. Two miles of clean beach. Pennsylvania Railroad station on ths ground for the free use of every prop erty owner. Ideal bathing. Btor«s and restaurants. Water mains through the utreets. Yacht club. Post office. Boardwalk. Miles of well made streets and boulevards. Three docks for free use of property owners. The finest Ash ing grounds in the country. Over 350 bungalows and cottages already built and occupied In season. Special trips to OCEAN GATE every Sunday from May 30. Also weekday trips by special appointment. Mall Tour Answers to GREAT EASTERN PUBLICITY BU REAU, "DEP. B." SUITE 508, BETZ BUILDING, PHILA DELPHIA, PA. IMPORTANT NOTICE Mall your answers aa early as possible, as this contest closes it 6 p. m. Advertisement. PEOPLE Of All Ages ; Ohm *0 ®r. ram** ft* Mt, kacaoaa W reputation ku pat M la the fnmt rank, fcy »arr jw»' :: gBMSK- s ®"* g££*l I It w£l i*a r r«a to have as 4s roof vak. Poat nan about pamoate, ar ra&fomats «sa he Marts te aolt patMßta. l4f*atartaLLnest Frtoea. Writtaa gaarantao with ■; wtrfc. ; DR. PHILLIPS S2O Market Street ? lias >* Mkes—loading oaUPUladolgkla. Quick Relief for Coughs, Colds and Hoarseness. Clear tlie Voice—Fine for speakers ami Singers. 25c. GORGAS' DRUG STORKS 10 X. Third St. l'eiina. Stullun I WORLD IS LACKING IN PLAIN SINCERITY! "White Lies" Reveal Black Spots in Character, Says William | T. Ellis The International Sunday School trea son For February is "Faltli De stroying Fear."—Luke 12:1-12. ( By William T. Ellis) Looking out the window Mrs. ! | Jones sees a neighbor approaching 1 , and exclaims, "There eomee that tiresome Mrs. Smith. I simply can't 1 j endure her." A moment later, at the door, she i says, with effusive smiles, "My dear ! Mrs. Smith. lam so glad to see you; and it is so good of you to come." i And that is a picture of what is j fundamentally the matter with a j large part of the world to-day. It; i lacks common, ordinary, straightfor- j ] ward sincerity. Tho wisest of social physicians once put a label oh this disease so deadly to souls. He called i it "the leaven of tho Pharisee, which is hypocrisy." Rottenness in the I bones of character, functional dlsin j tcgration of the soul, palsy of the i motor nerves of tho will—all this j and more is the essential insincerity which the complexity of our social i I life fosters, and which Jesus excori- i j atoil in the Pharisees. ""White lies" reveal black spots in • character. The reason the judgment of mankind condemns a liar is not ; because of the lie itself, or its par-1 ' ticular consequences, but because it j denotes fundamental unsoundness. To |be insincere is to be wrong clear i through to the center of things. A I hypocrite is worse than an open and I shameless drunkard or gambler; for j his offense is not one of appetite or I peculiar weakness: it is structural, i affecting the stability of th® whole life. I Wlial Our Stenographers Think The business man's stenographer : is, if,one but stop to think of it, like j a piece of the day of judgment to j him. She knows all his artifices and ' pretenses and double-dealings, if he |bo not wholly straightforward. Our | children, too, see the difference be ! tween what we really are or believe, j in the frankness of the family circle, and what we pretend in the presence I of company. More important yet, as Jesus i pointed out. wo are known through land through to God. There are no successful hypocrites in dealing with 1 Him. We may for a time fool « few | persons, but not for a minute can we deceive God. What: is more, as Jesus, | said, "There is nothing covered up | that shall not be revealed." Hypoc- Lracy is as vain as it is vicious. Tho | } whole world one day comes to know ! | the truth about us. Whether that | prospect fills us with joy or with | | dread is a fairly good symptom of the j ! sort of person we are. When tho lid is lifted from our j j life, as it some day will be, shall we ibe glad or terriliedV The stern ut-. Iterance of the Master is a powerful] | sermon upon living in the open sun ' light. "Walk in the. light," and you i will never fear a policeman's tread j jor a gossip's tongue. A clean life is j invulnerable armor. Graft investiga- i | (ions hold no threat for the honest! | man. Judgment days are the vindi- 1 cation of the righteous. "Beware of j I the leaven of tho Pharisees, which is j I hypocrisy," and you will welcome ! every ray of sunlight. No truth ; needs to be more strongly impressed upon youth than this: the dying words of John B. Gougli were "Young man, keep your record I clean." The "Dare-to-Dic" Chinese What a person fears most tells I what he is. Now these old Pharisees I were afraid that the public would j not think well of them. Had they j lived in our day tho richest of them would have employed press agents to j secure favorable mention for them in [ the newspapers. They were afraid j for their reputations, forgetting that, i in the long run reputation is but an | emanation of character. Some persons are scared of dying. \ Our artificial day has multiplied this I terror Do you recall how summer j cottagers fled from the Atlantic coast; when the approach of the Spanish j fleet was rumored? Without being | cynical it may be said that we are I attaching an entirely undue inipor- j tance to the mere matter of living, j We have come to overvalue physical safety and comfort. An inspiration during the Chinese revolution were the "Dare-to-die" bands of young; men, mostly students who volun teered for extra-hazardous service, j They rightly perceived that their j own lives were of relative unimpor-1 tance as compared with the freedom of their nation This same reckless braver}-, which put the assurance of Paradise above all concerns of life or safety, was what led the followers of Mohammed to sweep onward in an 1 ! tho ccrms and diseased tissues which poison every breath! Her* in the big point in the treatment by O ! Kondon's Catarrhal Jelly. It purifies tlie air aa it enter* tho nos#. throat and mouth. ]ta y action is simple, soothing and scientific. No / harmful drugs Guaranteed right and we prove it by a hi? free sampl*. 12c and 50c «s i tubes—all druggists or diree'. kondan Mfg. Ca., Mlaaeapolls. Mian.' X\ 1/ONDON'S v\ H Catarrhal Jelly \\ Have Color inYourCheeks Be Better Looking Take Olive Tablets If your skin is yellow—complexion j pallid—tongue coated—appetite poor— ' you have a bad taste in your mouth—a ' lazy no-good feeling—you should take \ Olive Tablets. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets—a aub- I stltute for calomel—were prepared by Dr. Edwards after 17 years of study • with his patients. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are a purely vegetable compound mixed with I olive oil. You will kuow them by their olive color. If you want a clear, pink skin, bright eys, no pimples, a feeling of buoyanc> like childhood days, you must get at tho cause. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets act on tho liver and bowels like calo mel —yet nave no dangerous after ef fects. They start the bile and overcome i constipation. That's why millions of, boxes are sold annually at 10c and L'sc per box. i, Take one or two nightly and note the ! ■ plcasine results. The Olive Tablet Company. Columbus, O. At all druß '' Lists Advertisement. t irresistible conquest of a large part of the known world. If we feared God more, we would , fear dying less. There is no warrant in the words of Jesus Christ for pur- I chasing life at the price of loyalty and truth. Why the Korean Pastor lU\-.tgnod A man from Korea told me this story a few days ago. as we were talking of the so-called "conspiracy j j trial," of Korean Christians by the ; Japanese. As is well known, the Japanese tortured the prisoners most I fiendishly, in order to get them to j confess that the charges of a Chris- I , tinn conspiracy against the Japanese! Government were true. Wild with the agonies of torture, some of the i men said "yes" to anything they ' ; were asked. The sentiment of civil- i ization forced Japan to liberate one i hundred and nineteen of the Chris ! tian men against whom these pre- i posterouß charges had been con- l ! cooted. Among those freed, after more ; than a year in prison, was tho pas- ; lor of »thc Syen Chun church. He i arrived home on Saturday. On Sun- i day he resigned his pulpit. His ex- i planatlon was simple: "I lied. I j said that which wns not so. and I am ; therefore not fit to be a minister of 4 the Gospel." Friends remonstrated I that the untruth had been spoken In ! the agony of unendurable torture. ; He sturdily maintained his position, i "I could have died—though the trou- ; ble was that they would not let me i really die—but 1 need not have lied. 1 Jesus died for the truth. Paul would i not have lied. 1 thereby denied my i Lord, and I cannot stay in the pul- j pit." And tho resignation .was ac- . *eepted. a thrilling example to the church everywhere. Could there have been a more perfect illustration I of the Master's words in this very j lesson, about fearing not those who can kill the body; and concerning confession of His name before men? The ringing lines of Charlotte Per kins Stetson can scarcely be quoted I too often: "A man must live." We justify Low shift and trick to treason high. But is it so? Pray tell me why Life at such cost you have to buy? In what religion were you told "A man must live?" "There are times when a man must I die. Imagine, for a battle cry From soldiers, with a sword to hold— | From soldiers, with the flag unrolled- The coward's whine, this liar's lie, ' "A man must live!' " Tlie Sparrow and tho Saint Some truths are so bed-rocked that: they suffice for sage and children. They outlast all philosophies. Like the love of a mother which can never be out grown, they serve from in fancy to the grave. They are always the "truth for the time." Such was the message of Jesus concerning tho care of God! "Are not five sparrows sold for two pence? and not one of them is forgotten in j the sight of God. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not: ye arc of more value than many j sparrows." God's power is only j 5 equalled by His love. His majesty Is! matched by His fatherhood. ITis' j loving kindness is made effective by! | His almightine?s. As James C. Wal-1 | lace sings: | "There is an Bye that never sleeps , Beneath the wing of night; I There is an 13ar that never shuts When sinks the beams of light. "There is an Arm that never tires ' When human strength gives way; j ! There is a Love that never fails When earthly loves decay." The Unpardonable Sin In this compact talk to the throng- ! 1 ing crowds Jesus uttered a sentence 1 j which has troubled thousands of sen sitive saints: "Unto him that blas phemeth against the Holy Spirit it shall not be forgiven." Probably' [this point will creat more discussion | in the Sunday School classes than all j the rest of the lesson. Have 1 com- : , mltted the unpardonable sin, cry j I worried spirits? Nobody who is worrying about it ; has committed the unpardonable sin. ! The very spiritual solicitude Itself is 1 ! proof of life. The spiritually dead, [ I who give no reaction to the concerns | j of the soul —they are the ones who 1 J should be affrighted. If It were possi- j j ble to interest them at all. Over in Japan I noticed, especially 1 ! at the hot sulphur springs of Kusat- ! | su, that the lepers were marked with j ■ polka dots, blackened by the sulphur. | ; Faces and legs and arms all showed I [ these strange marks. Inquiry re-1 | vealed that the doomed ones had! | burnt themselves with the moksa I : plant, in an effort to secure sensa- j ! tion. It was the deadness of their | flesh that they dreaded. Any sign of 1 life, even pain, would be welcome. |So it is with the spiritually dead. [ They have lost their feel of life. No j 1 concern about their present or future ! ; state affects them. They are almost \ dead in soul, even as the lepers grad- ! i ually become dead in body. To bo J 1 alert to the state of one's spirit is the! first sign of the presence of God's I Spirit in the heart. DEATH OF WliU.-KNOW N TEACHER ANI) WHITER Special to The Telegraph i Gettysburg, Pa., Feb. 20.—Professor j Aaron Sheely died at his home In; West Middle street last evening. He was 81 years old. In 1863 he was; elected superintendent of Adams coun-; l.v public schools and held that for twenty-four years. In ISG7 he I established n select school in (Jettys-1 burg for the training of teachers. He is the author of "Anecdotes and Hu mors of School Life'' published In | 1557, and contributed the historical | sketch in Kgle's History of Pennavl-: van la. published at Hnrrisburg in 1876. Mr. Sheely was one of the town's oldest and most respected citizens. During his early life he was promi- i nentlv connected with the advance-! tnent of education in Adam* county.! Ho is survived by his wife and three j daughters, Mrs. Rev. Diehl, of Clear Spring, Md.; Mr. and Mrs. H. Y. But-! torff, of Hartisburg. and Miss Sadie ■ Sheely, at home. Funeral will be held j Sunday afternoon with burial In Ever-! green Cemetery. THEATER PARTY OX BIRTHDAY Special to The Telegraph Newport, Pa., l'eb. 20. —Charlotto V*. : Blatzer celebrated her ninth birthday | anniversary by giving a. party at the j Pastime Theater to her little friends, after which refreshments were served j at the home of her parents, Mr. and 1 Mrs. Lewis M. Blatzer. Those present ; to offer their congratulations wero Elizabeth Liggett, Katharine Ickes i Drue Keim. Ruth Smith, Katharine i Mattlack. Carolyn Matlack, Louise Watson. Louise Kiokes, Helen Besom Mary Flurie. William Morrow, Wal ter Kepner, William Wilson. William Knisely, Donald Wagner, Ralph Sau cerman and Charles Barton. WOMAN'S ARM BROKEN' Dillsburg, Pa., Rob. 20. On Thurs day Mrs. Wiley, wife of Lewis W. Wiley, of c.irroi township, had her riwht arm broken at the wrfst when jshe fell on an ice-covered board. I i I Uo=morroW== I Marks the end of the greatest clothing clearance i in the history of the LIVE STORE. I ' When started We lost no time in 1 I this sale we were con- any attempt to makeprices RM fronted with the biggest c ° nform ™f h tr " e value /tML L 1 . „ We juggled no figures in iMWi problem in all our years an effor t to ma k e printed of successful merchandis- figures give the impression , fHMlll HI fS * a ' ar S er stock an B rea * reductions when JM ill Ly ever before demanded u \. a cut was SU IS drastic action to effect rea yma e * llf 111 II * ts ent * re disposal; aWe took our entire 111 I 11111 l sluggish season, having stock including even our I 111 hel(J back tlie usual " ow exclusive Kuppenheimer II IIP seasonable selling, gave styles, and without regard W"* little promise of our being l ? c L ost j value °f P roflt . we 11 US ii . i .1 ji slashed original true values If 111 able to clear the decks . . L i- ®.l •11 II i i ire- • to the limit, thus quickly Ii ill before Spring excepting turning the tide of purse |jS& through offering our w j se buyers into our store Ips known greater quality at for the greatest bargains Opjrrif ht 1913 The t loum of Kup{*nh«im4 the mostcompellingprices. they ever enjoyed. j I / One Day More and a Larg We have previously stated that this sale would positively close on * Saturday, February 21 st and it will— B U T:~ We intend to make to-morrow one of the biggest days in the history of this store and we will do it; by offering the most startling, the most compelling values in good clothes-by doing more for you than has ever been done by anyone anywhere. TO MORROW WE GIVE YOU YOUR UNRESTRICTED CHOICE OF ANY $15.00, $20.00 or $25.00 Remaining in the store at $10.75 $14.75 $18.75 Spread the news---let every man know of this great opportunity—remembering that its like will not be seen for many many seasons. REMEMBER To-morrow, Saturday, February 21st, will positively be the last day of the LIVE STORE'S MARK-DOWN SALE , < n n ypnmsM Er' J 304 MARKET ST. • HARRISBURG, PA. I ' ■■BHHMBNHmMHHHUHHKBmH
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