- > - -vml ■->. v- • •• ' . •- - s i-[ •*••••* ■ - . . 1 y ' * • ••- ."•• . r • . * -■■. ■; 4 - j * • * ' FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRXPH FEBRUARY 20,1914. Lust LOST On Monday evening last, on train No. 32. between Dalmatla and | Mllleraburg, small leather-covered memorandum book about six incnea long and two Inches wide. Book valu able only to owner, who will appreciate If finder will return. J. O. .Bingeman, Dalmatla, Pa. IX>BT Scotch Collie, with white mark on head. Answers to nam« ot Towser. Reward If returned to No. 2323 North Sixth street. IiOST Rubber tiro oft of under taker's wagon. Keward If re O. H. Sourbier, Undertaker, 1310 North Third street. IX>ST A Shrlner ptn, In the nfish borhood of 1830 State street. Finder please return to Mrs. Tirnm, 1830 fetate street LOST Gold bar pin. rosette In cen ter, containing small diamond. Reward If left at No. 3 North Market bquare. LOST A watch fob, sulphur dia mond keystone with gold band. Re gard If returned to this office. Help Wanted—Male GOOD, reliable man to learn tea and, coffee business. Must furnish bond and reference. Apply Grand Union Tea Co., 208 North Second street. PARCEL. POST means many appoint ments from the coming Hallway Mail Clerk Examinations Tn Harrisburg. Commence $75.00 month. Common edu cation sufficient. Sample questions— FREE. Write immediately. Franklin Institute, Dept. 363-K. Rochester. N. \. TWO experienced grocery clerks, at once. Apply S. S. Pomeroy, Market Square Grocer. WE can use a good solicitor all or part of time to take orders for Engra.v in* and Embossed Stationery. Harris burg Embossing Plant, 4 North Fifth, Mcip Wanted —Female AN experienced colored cook, with good reterences. Apply 01- North , Front street I FIFTY experienced operators for sewing on power machines; paid while learning. Apply S. Silver, Forster and Cowden streets. t LADIES to canvass house-to-house, take orders. Salary. Apply 407, Pati iot Building. TWENTY girls over 16 years of age Apply Silk Mill. TWO neat colored girls, with good reference; also cook and second mala. Sleeping quarters for cook; second maid must sleep at home. 517 North fcecond street. TWO women to assist manager In educational work. Energy and refine ment required. Good income and ad vancement for right person. 1?. H., ill, caie ot Telegraph. WHITE woman for general house work; ho washing; family of three. Au dress H., 707, care of Telegraph. Situations VV anted —Male A POSITION as stenographer by a young man 18 years of age, a graduate of a preparatory school. Have also suf ficient knowledge ot drafting to do be ginner's work in a drafting room. Mod est compensation expected to begin. Address E. F., care of Telegraph. A YOUNG man desires position on fruit farm. Understands trimming, spraying and cementing. Address P., 704, care of Telegraph. BY experienced poultryman, position on poultry farm. Rudolph Cuna. 776 Mohn street, Steelton. COLOKED boy wishes position as er rand boy or around office. Call 809 South Tenth street POSITION as chauffeur by colored man, experienced— Address, or caH, 1404 James street. STRONG, reliable, steady boy, 18 vears of age, desires position of any kind paying fair wages; capable of driving single or double team; can fur nish reference if required; experienced in driving grocery delivery wagon. Ad dress A. W. F., 408 Chestnut street. YOUNG man desires position of any kind; good education and can furnish reference. Call, or address, L. R. Gil bert, 1812 George street. Wanted —Female BY white woman, position as house keeper in hotel or private family, in or out of city; best of references. Address H., 703, care of Telegraph. CHILD'S nurse or mother's helper wishes position. Address 1., y99. care of Telegraph. . COLORED woman desires cooking or general housework. Call, or address, 1112 North Seventh street. GENERAL housework or day's work, by colored woman. Address No. 107 Mulberry street. LADY, experienced In stenography and general office work, desires posi tion. Can furnish the best of refer ences. Address G. N. E., care of Tele graph. MIDDLE-AGED widow, with child, desfres position as housekeeper; can give best of reference. Address 0., 709, eare of Telegraph. WASHING to do at home, or any kind of work. Call 622 Hamilton street. WOMAN wants cooking to do by the day or week. Call, or address, 622 Hamilton street. YOUNG girl wants general house work. Call, or address. 324 Christian street, Steelton, Pa. YOUNG lady, 25 years old, wishes light office work. Understands type writer. Or telephone operator in hotel or private office. Good references. Ad dress C. A. N., care of Telegraph. YOUNG woman desires washing and ironing to do at home. Apply 1812 George street. Agents Wanted v LIVE, hustling men and women anxious to make money. One hundred per cent, profit. Address The Robert Supply Co., P. O. Box 25, Maclay Station, Harrisburg, Pa. Salesmen \Vanted FOR splendid high-grade article: needed in every church, school and home. Write for particulars. Tuec Company, Lancaster, Pa. A MAN living in Harrisburg to take orders in this city for well-known ar ticle In everyday use In nearly every home; state age, experience and salary expected. Apply to No. 710, care of Harrisburg Telegraph. Rooms For Rent ONE large front and one small room, second floor; one large bay window room, third floor; quiet, private home; hot water heat; use of phone. 117 Pine street. FOR SALE NEELY LIVERY STABLES 117 to 121 S. Second St, Harrisburg Business and buildings will be sold together or sena rately. 1 Business can be bought and buildings leased at a rea sonable rental. MILLER BROS. & NEEFE FEDERAL SQUARE HARRISBURG Ruc'tli Ko FURNISHED ROO. or en suite; all convenle; including phone; reference requires Apply 1015 North Front street. TWO unfurnished rooms, suitable for j light housekeeping, with use of bath. Apply 1402 Market street. TWO rooms, single or communicat lng. 222 Pine street Apartments For Rent FOR RENT COMFORTABLY and conveniently ar ranged apartment, four rooms and tiled bath, with all modern conveniences; I electric lights; plenty of steam heat; locker in basement; centrally located; Immediate possession or April 1. Apply Penna. Realty Co.. 132 Locust street. j COMMODIOUS second floor apart ment, Front and Herr streets; large front porch overlooking river; electric , light and gas; hardwood floors. Also garage In rear for rent. T. B. Rocka fellar. Second and North streets. V\ anted A GOOD, second-hand Underwood typewriter or typewriter of other make, ir in good condition. State make of machine and lowest cash price. U., No. 1008, care of Telegraph. HOUSE on Hill, must be in good re pair and good location, need not be large, from March 1 or April 1. Ad dreas H., 995, care of Telegraph. Business Opportunities AN opportunity to increase your bual- j ness 100 per cent, by using Steel Die Embossed Stationery. Phone 3652 for prices. Harrisburg Embossing Plant, 4 North Fifth street, Harrißburg. Pa. FOR SALE Small lunch room in good section of city, doing good busi ness; can be bought cheap; owner leav ing city. Address "Lunch," care of Telegraph. ANY intelligent person can earn good income corresponding for newspapera; experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate. 793, Lock port. N. Y. I MADE $50,000 in five years in the mail order business, began with $5. Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hea cock, 355 Lockport N. Y. _ MOVING PICTURE THEATER; best offer takes it; 225 seats; no opposition; fully equipped; doing good business. Garden. Mt. Joy. Pa. Business Personals CLEANING CARPETS AND RUGS on your iloor with latest improved electric cleaner service. Ex perienced operators with machines. Furniture repaired and finished. A. Levin, 230 South street. iicll phone 1787. HAULING 11. IV. I.ATim, lioardinx Stable and Nutioual TruuNlrr Co. Movers of pianos, sales, boilers and general haul ing. H. W. loathe, Manager, Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phone No. 2503 R. FOR falling hair try Gross' Quinine Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the Druggist and Apothecary, 119 Market street, Harrisburg, Pa. Telephone orders given prompt attention. Bell, 1960. FEATHER RENOVATING AVE are now Renovating Feathers, Making Pillows and Folding Feather Mattresses at the corner of Tenth ana Paxton streets, near Cameron. B. J. Campbell. WORKS DRESSMAKING SCHOOL CAN take a few more students. Perfect uiting is taught Uelokc saving. Make your entire dress while learning. Don't deiay coming, 22 North Fourth street REPAIRING AND UPHOLSTERING with best material and by expert help. Send us your worn furniture. Our best ettorts insure your satisfaction. S. N. Cluck, 320 Woodbine street. Real imitate For Sale FOR SALE TWO fine homes, will be finished March 15. Nine rooms and latest and only practical, common sense bath room. Steam heated; large tront and back porches; ornamental fixtures tnrougnout; reception hall; open stair case; laundry room and stationary wash tubs, outdoor sleeping chamber with south side exposure, slao 16xii; 12 minutes by trolley to Market Square. For further information call P. Vander loo, Masonic Temple Building, Tlilrd and State streets. SUBSTANTIAL built 9-room houseand bath; finished throughout In chestnut; combination electric and gas fixtures; steam heat; water; lot, 41x180, with ad joining vacant plot if desired; large concreted barn witn water and elec tric; good chicken houses. Corner Twenty-ninth and Canby streets, Pen brook. Apply 2837 Penn street, Pen brook. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE SPECIAL PRICE INDUCEMENTS TO QUICK BUYER for 1815 Whitehall Street. 3-story brick dwelling front ing on Reservoir Park. A delightful i location. Miller Bros. & Neefe, Federal ( Square, Harrisburg. INVESTMENT FOR SALE SSOO cash is all that Is needed to buy two houses on paved street, ten minutes' walk from center of city, that will yield 11 pel - cent, on your investment. A. jW. Swengel, 219 South Thirteenth street. LOTS FOR SALE 40x115 FT., south side of 2% Street, 145 ft. north of Brookwood St, one square from Derry St. trolley. Special Bargain price. Miller Bros. & Neefe, Federal Square, Harrisburg. INVESTMENT New property brick all improvements tenants ; pay rent yielding 8.5 per cent, after deducting taxes, water rent, Insurance. Price, $1,700 and $2,300. Bell Realty I Co., Bergner Building. DOUBLE BRICK HOUSE FOR SALE; jnew; well arranged; Improvements; I porches; either one or both can be bought; now yielding over 8 per cent, net investment. Bell Realty Co., Berg ner Building. $2,400 WILL BUY a suburban prop-' erty 3-story frame houea porchea —cemented cellar furnace heat lot, 40x130 work shop fruit oil trolley line. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. THREE-STORY brick house No. 239 N. Fourteenth street 9 rooms bath gas electric light furnace. Price reasonable. Look at No. 2038 Green street. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. 2460 N. SIXTH ST. 3-story brick— -8 rooms, bath and furnace front and rear porches drive alley on rear lot. 15x115. Price, $3,100.00. Brlnton- Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. THREE-STORY brick House, with improvements, on main thoroughfare, within five minutes' walk of Capitol, suitable for professional man. Poulton, Hatter, 6 North Third street. LOOK at No. 1512 Hunter street. Thia property can be bought at very reason able price. 9 rooms bath gas furnace lot, 20x100 porch. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Budding. THREE LOTS, 30x120 ft., in South Erlington. Must be sold to settle up estate. Apply to A. D. Zinn, Lemoyne. Pa. Real hstate hor bale LOTS I'OH SALE EDGEMONT LOTS AT BETTER THAN BARGAIN PRICES get our list and figures. Miller Bros & Neefe, Federal Square, Harrisburg. SI,BOO WILL BUY a suburban house on trolley line 8 rooms bath furnace two porches lot, 20x160. Only S3OO cash needed. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. NO. 422 HARRIS STREET corner property 9 rooms and bath. Now la your time to buy thia property at at tractive price. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building- lAHOE FARM, one and half miles east of Halifax. Good buildings, fine water, plenty of fruit. Very cheap. Easy terms. Address M. M. Mattls, Mil lersburg. 1919 DERRY STREET 3-story frame dwelling and store room—stable on rear. Brlnton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. Real Estate For Rent HOTEL FOR RENT Temperance House, located in Tower City, contains 19 rooms in first-class condition. Re cently overhauled. Large dining-room, two parlors, steam heat and electric light. Stable with accommodations for 14 horses, auto shed, etc. Address Mrs. D. E. Kaufman, Tower City, Pa. FOR RENT LARGE brick dwelling house, on Derry street near Twenty-fourth street; all Improvements; large yard and plot for garden; good stable and poultry houae; open surroundings; very desirable; rent reasonable. Apply at Harrisburg Trust Company. FOR HHJVT 1839 Zarker St $20.00 185 North Fifteenth St 18.00 1734 Market St 30.00 J. E. GIPPLE. Real Estate Wanted SIX OR SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE. Must be in good condition. On Hill pre ferred, fifteen or twenty minutes from P. R. R. Station. Rental reasonable. Address Y., 706, care of Telegraph. RELIABLE party would like to rent large house in or near heart of city. Would like to have possession now or April 1. Address R. K., care of Tele graph. For Sale FOR SALE TRUNKS, Traveling Bags, Suit Cases, Gloves. Sole, Harness and Strap Leather. Calfskin, Kip, Do-tgola, Waxed Upper and Sheep Skins. Leather Sample Cases and Leather Specialties made to order and repaired. Harrisburg Har ness and Supply Co., Second and Chest nut streets. ONE BLACK HORSE, 7 years old, sound and all right; one bay mare, heavy with foal, and single line leader; one bay pacing horse, with speed and style. Call at Stahler's Store, Fort Hunter. Pa. Call after 5:80 P. M. For sale by J. Q. Baker. GLASS window signs. Furnished Rooms, Unfurnished Rooms, Rooms and Board and Table Board, at 25c each. One of these signs will be given with each six-time order for a classified ad. if paid in advance. Inquire at Office of Telegraph. CIGARS. For a limited time only, we arte giving 12 of our Havana Combina tion 5-cent Cigars Free with each order for one Box of 50 of our 4%-lnch Per fecto Cigars, at one Dollar per box, postpaid. Snell & Company, Red Lion, Pa. RESTAURANT, centrally located; well established trade on paying basis. Owner leaving city March 1, object in selling. Sacrifice cash price to quick buyer, $425. Address X., 701, care of Telegraph. ONE-H.-P. Gasoline engine and "Posi tive" power wash machine. Engine capable of running small machinery as well as washer. Address K., 708, care of Telegraph. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE five rooms complete no reasonable offer refused. Reason for selling, leaving city. Address H„ 702, care of Tele graph. ONE of the moat prominent houses for transient and permanent trade in the city of Harrisburg. Address R.. 923, care of Telegraph. ONE font of 10 pt. and one font ot 12 pt. O. S., with Antique Linotype Matrices. The Telegraph Printing Co„ Harrisburg, Pa. ONE 7%-H.-P. Wagner A. C. Ingle phase and one 3-H.-P. D. C. motor. Ap ply Cowden & Co., Ninth and Herr streets. LODGE ROOM furnishings, altars, chairs, etc. Inquire J. H. Troup Music House, 15 South Market Square. AN Upright Chlckerlng Piano, in fine condition. Apply 400 North Front street, Steelton, Pa. j NEW speeding sleigh at a bargain. —PPIy Dr. Oyler's' Stable, 331 Black- I berry avenue. FOR SALi£ CARDS on sal* at the Telegraph Business Office. For Rent STORE ROOM FOR RENT on the corner of Third and Cumberland streets. No. 1200. Show windows Bide and front. In a live part of Harris burg. The largest and best market house, two of the best banks and many first-clasß business ho"ses in the same square. In center of population. Size of room 33x100 ft. 14-ft. ceiling. Up to-date in every particular. Kent from April 1, $125 per month, Including heat J. S. Slble, 206 Herr street FOR RENT Desirable offices In the Telegraph Building, singly or en-sulte. Inquire at Business OlVlce. ROOMS FOR KENT CARDS can oe secured at the Telegraph Business Office. Storage HARRISBURG STORAGE CO. Two large brick warehouses, built ex pressly for storage. Private ooina for household goods and unexcelled fa cllltles for storing a'l kinds of mer chandise. Low dtorage rates. South 8t: and Penr-. R. R. STORAGE IN 3-story brick building, rear 40H Market irtreet. Household goods In clean, private rooms. Reasonable rates. Apply to P. G. Dlener, Jeweler, 408 Market St. STORAGE 419 Broad street for household goods and merchandise. Pri vate rooms. $1 to <3. Wagons 76 centa per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co.. 41' Broad street. Both phones. Financial MOI JY TO LOAN on Real Estate security in any amounts and upon any terms to suit borrower. Addreas P. O. Box 174. Harrisburg. Pa. Money to Loan PROFIT-SHARING LOAN SOCIETY WE HAVE ORIGINATED a new plan of loaning money by which borrowers share profits of lenders. Legal rates, easy terms, confidential. Offices. Rooms 6-7, > North Market Square. Died HOFFMAN Mercy M. Hoffman (nee Coulter), wife of George R. Hoffman, of Philadelphia, died Thursday, Feb ruary 19, at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Gerge H. Biles, 1907 Green street, Harrlsbur- Services Saturday evening, at 7:30, 1907 Green street. Burial at Allentown, Pa., Sunday. February 22. Relatives and friends are invited to attend with out further notice. RUTHERFORD On Wednesday. Fee ruary 18. 1914, Margaret Brown, wife of John Q. A. Rutheford, Sr., aged 67 years. Funeral Saturday afternoon, Febru ary 21, at 1:30 o'clock. Services at the residence, Rutherford Station, and 1 1,, p-.- f" Cl-i'r-ll On-rpvfifrl AUTOMATIC SIGNALS j AFFECT OPERATORS; i Complete Rearrangement Will Be Necessary on Main line of Pennsy As a result of the introduction of automatic signals at a number of points along, the main line and branches of the Pennsylvania railroad an extensive rearrangement of op erators and tower forces will be neces sary. It was announced to-day that a new schedule is now being arranged by the various division operators which will become effective on or about March 1. At the offices of the Philadelphia division this morning a statement was issued to the effect that at present no definite conclusion had been reached regarding changes. There have been transfers made and Bome telegraphers placed on the extra list. In towers having in charge automatic signals covering from live to ten miles of tracks reduction of forces has re sulted, but In most oases positions have been furnished the men whose services at the towers were no longer needed. On the Middle division an eleven mile section, between Lewistown Junc tion and Denholm, was recently placed under automatic, control. As a result of this Improvement three towers will be put out of service and twelve men will be effected. On this division It is said that from twenty-five to fifty men will be subject to change. At the Pennsylvania Railroad offices and along the main line telegraph op erators In the employ of the Pennsy are anxiously awaiting orders affect ing their future positions. Dissolution Decision Soon. —The hearing in the Government suit to dis solve the relations between the Read ing Railway, the Central Railroad of New Jersey and their subsidiary coal companies at New York yesterday was devoted to the reading of documentary evidence. It was announced that at the conclusion adjournment would be taken until March 2, when the Gov ernment expects to complete ita case. Pennsy Sells Coal Lands. —The fifty ninth annual report of the Northern Central Railway, completed at Phila delphia yesterday, shows $1,703,071 net income, a decrease of $122,361. This is equal to 8.8 per cent, upon the stock, and after 8 per cent, dividends were paid the surplus was absorbed by sinking funds and expenses of bet terments. RAILROAD NOTES Passenger Agent Edward F. Dun lap, of the- Philadelphia division was in Philadelphia to-day. Miiton T. Robinson, of the legisla tive board of the Brotherhood of Rail road Trainmen, has returned from Pittsburgh. Ephraim N. Jones, 504 Calder street, a retired passenger engineer of the Pennsylvania railroad, who has ben ill, is recovering. The regular fourth Sunday meeting of Lodge No. 574, Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, will be held Sun day afternoon, February 227 at <l2l Marttet street. Lc~' Notices In tlie District Court of the United States for the Middle District, of Pennsylvania ln Bankruptcy, No. 2602—1n the Matter of Ch&s. 8. Fohl, Bankrupt. PUBLIC SALE OF HEAL ESTATE THE undersigned Trustee will expose at public sale, In front of th 6 Court Harrisburg, Pa., on Wednesday, March 4, 1914, at 2 o'clock P. M., the following described real estate: All that certain lot-or piece of land, situate in the Ninth Ward, of the City of Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Penn sylvania, bounded and described as fol lows. viz: Beginning at a point on the west side of North Seventeenth Street 78 feet south of the southwest corner of Sev enteenth and AValnut Streets, at the southern line of property No. 90 North Seventeenth Street: thence weetwardly along the line of said property, through the center of the frame partition wall between said property and the property herein described. 80 feet to a 10 feet wide alley, thence southwardly along the line of said alley 14 feet, more or less, to line of property No. 86 North Seventeenth Street: thence eastwardlv along the line of said property, through the center of the frame partition wall between said property and the property herein described, 80 feet to Seventeenth Street; thence northwardly along Sev enteenth Street 14 feet, more or less, to the place of begirtning; having there on erected a three-story frame and brick dwelling house, numbered 88 North Seventeenth street. The above described real estate will be sold free and clear of all incum brances. TERMS: 10 per cent, on day of sale, and balance thereof on confirmation by the Court. HARRY A. BOYER. Trustee. SEALED PROPOSALS will be receiv ed by the School District of the Bor ough of Dlllsburg, York County, Penna., until 12 o'clock noon, Friday, March 13, 1914, for the erection and completion of an eight-room School Building, at Dlllsburg. Pa. The Drawings and Specifications for which can be had from Hauer & Mowere, Architects, 829 Cumberland St., Lebanon, Pa. At the same time and place will also be received separate bids for the Heat ing and Ventilating Plant. Plumbing and Electrical Work for the said Build ing. The Board reserves the right to re ject any or all bids and to return un opened any bid or bids which may be received after the time hereinbefore stated. Mark envelope containing bids "Pro posal," and address to W. P. DEARDORFF, Secretary, Dlllsburg, Pa. NOTICE Letters Testamentary on the Estate of William Sheesley, late of Harrisburg. Dauphin county. Pa., de ceased, having been granted u> the un dersigned residing in Harrisburg, Pa all persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them for settlement, to J. HARRY SHEESLEY. Ninth and Hemlock Streets- EDMUND J. MILLER. 660 Race Street, Or. Executors. D. S. SEITZ. Attorney. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Estate of Isabella Stout, late of Har risburg, Pa., deceased. NOTICE Is hereby given that Letters Testamentary upon the Estate of said decedent have been granted to the un deralgned. All persona Indebted to said Estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will make thsm known without delay, to JOHN E. PATTERSON, No. 222 Market Street. Harrisburg, Pa. I ANNUAL MEETING ~~ ! Harrisburg. Pa., February 16, 1914. NOTICE Is hereby given that the An nual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Harrisburg Railways Company, for tho election of Directors, and the trans action of such other business us inay come before the meeting will be held Tuesday, the 3d day of March, 1914, at the office of the Company, in the City of Harrisburg. at 10:00 o clock A. M. By order Board of Directors. J. O'CONNBLL, , Railroad Clerk Has Battle With Big Eagle By Associated Press Pittsburgh, Pa., Feb. 20. S. L. Mc- ] Donald, a clerk in .the Pennsylvania' railroad offices here, was scratched and cut to-day when he attempted to capture a large eagle that had Bwooped down from the hills above the Union Station and alighted on a window sill. McDonald opened the window and attempted to drag the bird Into his onui, out it fougm so flrecely he was compelled to release it. McDonald's injuries were dressed by a physician. Standing of the Crews HARRISBURG SIDE Philadelphia Division—lll crew first to go after 2 p. m.: 130, 101, 113, 107, 116. 110, 103, 102, 127, 119, 114, 105. Englnaers for 102, 118, 124. Firemen for 102, 111, 113, 11J. Conductors for 116, 124, 126. Flagmen for 101, 118. Brakemen for 110, 111,113, 116, 127. Engineers up: Sober, Yeater, Mc- Guire, Newcomer, Shefter, Black, May, Keane, Maxwell. Howard, Gable, Lefever, Balr. Relsinger, Happersett, Wenrick, Downs, Blssinger, Gray, Mc- Gowan, Kautz, Treeni, Clehr, Baldwin. Firemen up: Eekman. Sheaffer. John son, Rost, Manghes, Klllian, Tennant, Kinrlch, Glllums, Henry, Gonder, Jack son, Brelnlnger, Menear. Miller, Ress ler, Newman, Hoyles, Deltrlch, Kuta. Conductors upt Fink, Stauffer. Brakemen up: Smith, Gilbert, Deng ler, Collins, Murray, Hivner, Dowhower, Preston, AVynn, Shope, Moore, Kerstet ter. Bainbridge, Hubbard, Miller. Middle Division—2l7 crew first to go after 2 p. m.: 245, 236. Marysville: 10. Conductor for 10. Engineer up: Steele. Firemen up: Stober, Grubb, For sythe, Lukens, Lilian, Dyslnger, Brasel marin, Hunter, Parsons, Snyder, Kep ner, Stemler, Hoover, M. W. Z Hoffman, S. H. Hoffman, Sholley. Conductor up: Wleand. Brakemen up: Henry, Walk, Quay. Sutch, Kllck, Shearer, Harner. Yard t rews —To go after 4 p. m.: Engineers for 707, 574, 118, 1368. Firemen for 2800, 1886, 707. Engineers up: Kuhn, Pelton, Shaver, Landis, Hoyler, Beck, Blever, Blosser, Rodgers, J. R. Snyder, Loy, Meals, Stain, Swab, Silks, Crist, Harvej-, Saltz man. Firemen up: Crawford, Rauch, Welgle, Cookerley, Maeyer, Sholter, Snell, Bartolet, Hart, Barkey, Sheets, Balr, Klerner, Eyde, Knupp, Haller, Ford. ENOLA SIDE Philadelphia Division—246 crew first to go after 1:15 p. m.: 245, 261, 210, 242, 229, 263, 241, 211, 221, 216, 247, 231, 260, 238. 230, 225, 209, 243, 206. Engineers for 206, 208, 223, 226, 261. Firemen for 206, 211, 219, 242, 245, 251, 256, 259. Conductors for 216, 229, 230, 241, 242, 243. Flagmen for 20S, 237, 242. Brakemen for 206, 20S, 209, 259, 231, 242, Conductors up: Hlnkle, Lewis, Lay man, Llbhart. Flagmen up: Krow, McCann, Reltzel. Brakemen up: Casey, Calfaunt, Mc- Illroy, Hovel, Decker, Short, Goudy, Albright, Boyd, Doestler. Crook, Burd, Malseed, Robinson. Hardy, Brenner, Meisenbaugh, Reinsch. Wheatfield, Brownawell, May, Whissler, Meyers. Middle Division —234 crew first to go after 1:45 p. m.: 250, 247, 223, 232 231, 237, 227, 401. THE READING Harrisburg Division —4 crew first to go after 2:45 p. m.: 5, 7, 6. 3, 8. Helpers' crews: Freed, Wynn, Fer ner. East-bound, after 3:45 p. m.: 70, 57, 64. 56. 63, 71, 68, 65, 54. -F/iTglneers up: Bonawitz, Pletz, Wyre. Firemen up: Nye, Kelly, Longnecker, Ely. Harner. Lower, Murray, Miller, Hoffman, Chronister, Burd, Brown, Boyer, Bishop. Brakempn up: Martin, Ryan, Hoover, Wenk, Dyblic. rniCAGO CATTLE By Associated Press Chicago. 111., Feb. 20. Hogs Re ceipts, 27,000; slow. Bulk of sales, $8.55 ®8.65: light, $8.46®8.70; mixed, $8... 8.1O; heavy, $8.|35 • 8.7u; rough, $8.35 8.45; pigs, $7.70^8.60. Cattle Receipts, 2,000: steady. Beeves, $7.10@9.65; Texas steers, $6.90 @8.00; stockers and feeders. $5.50(g)7.90; cows and heifers, $3.70@8.50; calves, $7.50 @ 10.75. Sheep- Receipts. 14,000; steady. Na tive. $4.85@6.25; yearlings. $5.80@7.25; lambs, native, $6.90@7.55. SENTENCE POLICE OFFICERS By Associated Press St. Paul, Minn., Feb. 20. —Martin J. Flanagan, St. Paul's former chief of police, and Fred Turner, former city detective, adjudged guilty of bribery In the third degree by a jury in district court last night, were to be sentenced to-day by Judge Morrison. The for mer police officials weer convicted on an Indictment charging them with ac ceptance of $3,000 from an under world woman for police protection. WANTS YOUNG MEN TO ENLIST By Associated Press Washington, D. C., Feb. 20. —To en courage young men to enlist in the navy and, being once in the navy, to study hard to advance themselves, Secretary Daniels has proposed a bill authorizing him to appoint annually twenty-five young enlisted men to the Naval Academy as midshipmen. Don't aend your tobacco and M rettc coupon* and tag* away. Our big W S atock cf premluma makes it eaay to aclect m present and get It same day, M GEO. B. HESS, 416 Market St. ~ [R. R. WATCHES FOR ! R. R. MEN J Price: On Easy Payments Hamilton—Elgin Waltham—Howard ' NATIONAL WATCH & DIAMOND CO. Room 205, Bergner Building . THIRD AND MARKET STREETS The oldest and most reliable credit house tn the city. * FLUCTUATIONS AMONG STOCKS VERY NARROW Cessation of Outside Buying Was as Evident in Bonds as in Stocks; Bonds Steady By Associated Press New York, Feb. 20. with a week end session to-morrow and a holiday oft Monday, and with no essential change in the speculative situation, traders made no attempt during the ■ morning to arouse the market from its ' lethargy. Fluctuations among the 1 well-known stocks were unusually nar- • row, although the tendency Was upward j after early hesitation. A few of the more vulnerable stocks were weak. Rumley Issues, in particu lar, reflected uncertainty over the out look for the company's financial plans. Cessation of outside buying was as evl- i dent In bonds as In stocks, and the ] bears took the ground that there was I no room for a further advance at pres ent, but the firm undertone effectively checked short selling. Bonds were steady. Furnlahed by H. W. SNAVEI.Y, Arcade Building. New York, Feb. 20. ~ . Open. 2.30 P. M. Alaska Gold Mines . 22% 22' A Amal. Copper 75£ 76 American Beet Sugar 2.1% 23% American Can 31 31% American Can pfd.. 92% 92% Am. C. & F 51% Bllt Am. Ice Securities.. 32 31% American Sugar ... 105% 105% Anaconda 36 % 36% Atchison ... 98% 98% Baltimore & Ohio .. 92% 92% Bethlehem Steel ... 38% 38% Bethlehem Steel pfd 78 79 Brooklyn R. T 02 % 93 California Petroleum 28 28 Canadian Pacific .. . 214% 214% Central Leather ... 33 32% Chesapeake & Ohio 4 64 64% £k. M ' £ St ',F 103 Chino Con. Copper . 41% 42 ">4 Col. F. & 1./:....... 32% 32% Consolidated Gas .. 134% 134 Corn Products 12 12 People's Gas & Coke 121% 121% Pittsburgh Coal pfd 92 92 Pressed Steel Car . 44% 44% Ray Con. Copper .. 20% 20-ii Reading 167^ Republic Iron & S. 26 26 % Rep. Iron & S. pfd. 89% 89% Rock Island 6% 5% Rock Island pfd> . . 9 % 9 % Southern Pacific .. 96% 96% Southern Railway . 26% 26% Texas CoiriDan.v ... 148% 148% Union Paclflo 162% 162% U. S. Rubber 60% 60% U. S. Steel 66 66 Va. Car. Chem ... 30% 31% Wabash 2% 2% Western Maryland.. 30% 30% Western Union Tel.. 65% 65% Westinghouse Mfg.. 71% 72 Woolworth 99 99 Distilling Securities ,19 19 g rie 30% 30% General Electric Co, 149 149% Goodrich, B. F. .. . 25% 25 Great Northern pfd. 129% 129% Illinois Central .... 111% 111% Interboro-Met 15% 15% Interboro-Met. pfd.. 60% 61% Lehigh Valley 151% 151 Louis. & Nashville . 136 186% Mex. Petroleum ... 67% 68% Missouri Pacific ... 26% 27 Nev. Con. Copper ..16 16% New York Central .. 69% 69% Norfolk & Western. 104% 104% Northern Paclflo ... 116 116 Penna. R f R 112% 112% PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE By Associated Press Philadelphia, Feb. 20. Wheat Firm; No. 2, red, export, 99@99%c; No. 1, Northern, Duluth, export, $1.04® 1.05. Corn Firm; new. No. 2, yellow, natural, local, 69%@70%c; do., kiln dried, local, 72@73c. Oats Firm; No. 2, white, 45%@ 46c. Bran Market Arm; winter, per ton, $28.00@28.60; spring, per ton, $27.00 @27.50. Refined Sugars Market • firm; powdered, 4.20 c; fine granulated, 4.10 c; confectioners' A, 4.00 c; Keystone, A, 3.96 c. Butter The market is steady; western, creamery, extras, 31c; nearby prints, fancy, 34c. Eggs The market is lower; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, free cases, $8.26 per case; do., current receipts, free cases, 8.10 per case; western, extras, firsts, free cases, $8.25 per case; do., firsts, free cases, SB.IO per case. Live Poultry—Weaker; fowls, 18%®) 19c; young chickens, 15@20c; brolllne 'hi.ken* i:.' r i,<\ old 1. ers, 12@lSc; ducks, 19@20c; do., spring duckK. 16gjil7c, geese, I6iyl7c, turkeys 19@20c. Dressed Poultry Firm; fowls, western, fancy, heavy, 18% @ 19c; do., medium sizes, 16@18c; do., small, 12@16c; old roosters, 14% c; ruaet ing chickens, fancy. 19(8>20e; broil ing chickens, fancy. 20@Z3< do, fair 18@19c; capons, large, 23@25c; d 0.,, small, 18@20c; turkeys, fancy, 24@26c; do., fair, 20@23c; ducks, ll@18c: geese, lli^ltc. Potatoes Firm; Wew York and Eastern, per bushel, 80@85c; Western, per bushel, 80@85c; Jersey, per basket, 20@50c. Flour—The market Is firmer; winter, clear, $3.86@4.10; straights, Penn sylvania, $4.20@4.35; western, $4.25@ 4.40; patents, $4.60 (g) 4.00; Kansas straight, Jute sacks, $4.20@>4.40; spring, firsts, clear, $4.00®4.25; straights, $4.30 @4.50; patents, $4.60@4.90. Hay The market Is firm; tim othy, No. 1, large bales, $18.00@1850; No. 1, medium bales, $17.EO@18.00; No. 2, $16.00@17.00; No. 3. $14.00® 15.00. Clover mixed: Light mixed, $16.50® 17.00; No. 1, $16.50® 16.00; No. 2, $14.00 @15.00. A Full Set C of Teeth, J • Come In the morning. Have I your teeth made the same day. Plates repaired ou short notice. MACK'S PAINLESS DENTISTS SlO Market Street. Open Days anil Evenings. taHHHnnMan wmmm I I - ! FOR SALE' I 1 Modern Brick House (Three Story 1 Front) 221 Foster St. I rt Lot forty feet wide, side yard and asphalted alley In rear Large o 5 hall, thirteen room (4 with washatands.) Also a lavatory on first floor w 6 bathrooms on second and third floor. Abundant closet space Front § 5 porch set back from pavement. Threo open Are grates and eomolet* X g water heating system. Desirable residential section. Front street Dark S X 200 yards distant. Midway between post office and markethouse In- 3 5 quire of W. S. Young or EM. McCormlck, Jr., Cameron Buildinv 5 5 Harrlsburg, Pa. *• X CHICAGO BOA.RO OP TRAD! Furnished by H. W. SUAVELY, Arcade Building. Chicago. 111., Feb. 20. Open. High. L.ow Clou. Wheat- May 94% 94% 94 }4 July 89% 89V4 8»(5 S9H orn— May 66 66% 65% 66% July 65% 65% 65% 65% Htß May 40 40% 39% 40% July 39% 89% 39% 39% HOW TO GET HID OP YOUR SUrERHIiUUS HAIR I Cured Mine by a Simple, Safe, Harm* leaa Treatment Which Can Be Uaad at Hume W Ith Complete Suc cess. V*e and Severity No Obatacle Prominent Lady Offer* to Tell He* Secret FREE I am a woman who belongs to a fam ily whose women members have been especially addicted to Superfluous Hair. Before I was 26. I developed a horrid case of hair growth, which quite spoiled „ THIRD SORTS of ad ™ 4.. '•> vcrtlaed rem - edles but met with success^ was no use to !''' 1 almost ra»dA good, so ASHAMBD o< my blemish. One day I mentioned my resolve to an intimate friend, a pro fessional man. who gave me the name and address of a great scientific chem ist in London who was said to have In vented a new treatment which waa a ■Treat aucceaa. I replied that I had tried so many things, I was not going to be humbugged again, but my friend pointed out that the Inventor was everywhere recognized as a really FAMOUS CHEMIST OP EMINENT STANDING, who, as Professor of Chem istry at a leading University, had been honored by the leading Scientific In stitutes of Chemistry In the world. So I sent for the method and after some hesitation tried it. The result was Indeed a pleasure and a aurpriae. The Hair disappeared at once and after a little further use, never came back. Undoubtedly the ROOTS WERE KILLED. It was wonderful— so unex pectedly satisfactory Indeed after all my previous disappointments that I be gan to wonder if mine were an unusual case. So I submitted the preparation to a reliable PHYSICIAN of Integrity and good position, and asked for his candid opinion. After testing It, he wrote me that he saw no reason why It should not be a universal aucceaa, as the Great English Chemist had un doubtedly solved the problem qf REACHING THE ROOTS. And so I have decided to put my pride into my pocket and to give my secret to the world by telling the facta to all other women that they too may secure the same successful results. If you are a sufferer from Superfluous Hair, whether on face, neck, arms or any other part of the body, I will tell you the secret of my success and hap piness FREE, and I will see that you have full particulars without delay of how I succeeded In destroying all signs of my hair growth so that they NEVER RETURNED. When writing please send two-cent stamp or stamped ad dressed envelope and address your let ter to Mrs. Kathryn Jenkins, Box 772, B. T.. Wentworth Bids., Boston, Mass. NOTE—Mrs. Jenkins for years was a well-known member of Society at Scranton, Pa., and much given to phil anthropic endeavor. The chemist she refers to Is widely known as a man of learning and Integrity and one of Eng land's leading Scientific Chemists of the highest standing. All readers of this paper who have been disappointed with ordinary depilatories and advertised remedies should write to her at once. Her address Is Mrs. Jenkins, Box 772, B. T., Wentworth Building; Boston, Mass.—Advertisement. — I 0 I I IHMA SIXTH STREET PLOTS FOR SALE S. E. corner 6th and Wood bine streets, 98.7x100 feet. 8. E. corner 6th and Forrcat streets, 117.6x100 feet v EASY TERMS Apply COMMONWEALTH TRUST COMPANY 222 MARKET STREET Herses For Sale All In flrat-class condition. W» have more than wa need tor the winter. United Ice & Coal Co* Forstcr and Oowden Bta. V————————a—a! MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPU9 and others upon their own nataee. Cheap rates, eaay payment*, confiden tial. Adama A Co.. R. 804. g N. lUrlWt LOANS 'lO and kVHIIM UPWARDS You will find the Equitable a sur. prlslngly different institution from the ordinary loan company you hear of read about. ASSIGNMENTS II n REFERENCES Fill ENDORSEMENTS PLEDGES Confidential dealings quick service. courteous employes, bright, cheerful offices, considerate treatment, LEG AI, RATES, make us different. If you have never borrowed, or if your experience with other companies has not been en tirely satisfactory, please call on us. Let us explain the Equitable system. It will please you. EQUITABLE INVESTMENT COMPANY » N. MARKET S«UARB Room 21—4 th Floor. 15
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