Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 12, 1914, Page 3, Image 3

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    II Yon Need a Medicine,
You Should Have the Best
Although there are hundreds of pre
parations advertised, there is only one
that really stands out pre-eminent as
a remedy for diseases of the kidneys,
liver and bladder.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root stands
the highest, for the reason that so
many people say It has proved to be
iust tho remedy needed In thousands
upon thousands of even the most dis
tressing cases.
Swamp-Root makes friends quickly
because its mild and Immediate ef
fect is soon realized in most cases. It
is a gentle, healing vegetable com
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is a phy
sician's prescription for special dis
eases. which Is not recommended for
everything. „ _
A Sworn Certificate of Purity is
with every bottle.
For sale at all drug stores, in bot
tles of two sizes—fifty cents and one
dollar. _
Sample Size Bottle of Swamp-Root
In order to prove what Swamp-
Root. the great kidney, liver and
bladder remedy will do for you, every
reader of the Harrlsburg Dally Tele
graph who has not already tried it.
may receive a sample size bottle by
Parcel Post. Enclose ten cents and
send to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Blngham
ton, N. Y. Write to-day.—Advertise
A aulck. rate, loothlng, healing, antiseptic relief
for Sore Thro:*!, briefly describes TOWSIt-tWt. A
small bonis of Tonsllina I»st» longer than moil inr
cow of S*ro Throat. TOSSILINI relleTea Sore
Mouth and HoarseneM and prevents Quinsy.
ZSc. anj 50c. Hospital Slie Jl.Ofl. All Droifht*.
TH« TOWSItim COMPANY. • • Canton. Ohio.
j t
I Breaks the Fetters That 1
Bind Men
! \
Hundreds Here Know It. ?
i "Break away from that ailment *
0 or complaint that unfits you for i
4 business or pleasure. You can- $
1 not expect the fullest enjoyment ?
i or pleasure in life fettered to a ?
• 'drag.' " says an eminent physi- ?
o clan, writing to a prominent busi- *
0 ness man in this city. "Break the f
• fetters that bind you! Throw f
• them oft. Begin a new life to- ?
4 dav—now. Regulate the hours ?
• of sleep. Choose carefully your t
• food. Read cheerful Inspiring ?
• papers or books. Bet the follow- ?
» ing prescription be used regular- f
• ly for several weeks or months ?
• and all such symptoms as these f
f will vanish: Dull, sunken eyes; *
f cold extremities, backache, head- T
? ache, sleeplessness, thinness (or ?
• over fat), weakness In the spine, i
f twitching, spots before the eyes, ?
? - pains in back of head, trembling. T
• fatigue, despondency, impaired :
T memory, loss of appetite, flabby :
• muscles, shrinking skin, consti- ?
? pation, kidney disorders and a s
? general restlessness and inability >
• to do important duties when they •
1 should be done." •
f For the benefit of those who i
" want a restoration to full, bound- I
• ing health and all the happiness I
• accompanying it, the following j
t homo treatment is given. It con- I
? tains no opiates or habit-forming ;
I drugs whatever. Mix it at home ;
? and no one will be tho wiser as i
• to your affliction. i
! The treatment is simple, thor- i
j ough and correct. L»eadin.g drug- j
; gists supply the main tinctures. I
i extracts and essences in one- i
i ounce bottles, ready to mix. Get i
i three ounces syrup sarsaparilla •
i compound fluid balmwort, and 4
• stand two hours. Add one ounce i
• compound essence cardiol, and o
• one ounce tincture cadomene i
i compound (not cardamom). Shake o
• well and take a teaspoonful after .
i each meal and one at bedtime. t
Signs of Failing Vision!
When your eyes tire, and when'
you cannot continue for any length
of time to regard small objects, as in
When you involuntarily frown or
partly close the eyes when looking
at an object.
When things "swim" or become
dim after being looked at for some
When the eyes ache, smart or
water; when your eyelids get In
flamed often or when you have pain
in the eyeball, orbit, temples or
When you have any derangement
that you cannot otherwise account
for, you should consult some eye
METHOD is entirely different and is
the only correct way to fit glasses.
NO DROPS USED. We correct
your eye defects by looking in the
eyes, taking the exact scientific
measurement of tho focus and shape
of the eye.
f ~N
No Charts Hung on the Wall
We Manufacture a Pair of Glasses
an Low os (1 With a Ten Year
Uold Filled Frame.
V _J
Is absolutely the highest class work
done in fitting glasses In Harrls
burg. Don't suffer with headache.
National Optical Co.
34 North Third Street
Near Post Office
Funeral Director and Embalmer
113 Wuluul St. *lell Phune
Instrument and Other Fixtures of |
Hostelry to Go Under
Sheriff's Hammer
Would you caw
that have weighed at one time or
other many of the pretty witnesses in
a rather notorious case in the Dauphin
county courts?
Or a multiphone?
Or some beer mugs?
Or a cuspidor or two?
The chance will be offered by Sheriff
H C. Wells on Friday morning, Feb
ruary 17. At 9 o'clock that morning
the furnishings of the Hotel Menger,
formerly the old United States, are to
go under the sheriff's hammer. The
piano and other furnishings and fix
tures helped make the "Rose Garden"
so attractive in a certain way as to
bring the hotel management within
the clutches of the law. And the ,
Dauphin County Court revoked the j
license of the proprietor, Angelo
Boschelll. Some highly edifying tes
timony of the doings of the patrons
of the Rose Garden were told on the
witness stand. Among other things
significantly dwelt upon by the district
attorney was the character of the rag
time selections pounded out by the
electric piano. Since Boschelli's place
was closed he has gone into the hands
of the sheriff.
City lias lots of Money.—Harris
burg isn't, or wasn't, so badly off
financially at the beginning of Feb
ruary, according to the monthly report
of the City Treasurer. The balance on
hand was $538,707.81.
Special Sale of Railroad I*ropertles.
—ln order to clear the calendar as
much as possible for the next regular
sheriff's sale, a special auction of the
properties owned in the upper end of
the county by the Northern Central
Railway, the Summit Branch Mining
and Railroad Companies, will be held
by Sheriff H. C. Wells March 5. All
told there are twenty-two properties
to be sold.
llnril to Dig Out of Jail.—Just liow
unsatisfactory and laborious a job it
would be to tunnel one's way through
the walls of the Dauphin county jail
will be learned definitely when the
County Commissioners award the con
tract for the changing of the lower
tier prison windows. The plans as
submitted by the Prison Inspectors
have been approved by the commis
sioners and as soon as they are ap
proved by the State Board of Charities
and Corrections the contract will be
let. The masonry walls are more than
two feet thick.
At the Register's Office. Four
daughters of Samuel Balsbaugh, West
Hanover township, were granted let
ters testamentary on the estate of
their father, whose will was probated
Draw Jurors To-morrow. March
criminal sessions grand and petit
Jurors will be drawn to-morrow at 10
o'clock, it was definitely announced to
day. There will be twenty-four grand
and seventy-two petit jurors.
Thirty-live Merchants' Orders Ileatly.
—At yesterday's meeting of the Poor
Directors thirty-five warrants for sup
plies purchased from as many mer
chants were O. K.'d and turned over to
tho County Controller, where they may
be obtained upon call under the new
system inaugurated by the Poor Direc
Really Transfer*. Realty trans
■ fers yesterday included the following:
M. Baron to M. Mavreton, Steelton, sl,-
100; M. S. Hershey to P. S. |\Vilson,
I Derry township, $2,300; Cora McKlsslck
to J. K. McKlssick, Middle Paxton
township, $-50; N. Miller to Cora J.
Keister. Washington township, $520;
Elizabeth 11. Sanders to Mary B. Early,
Susquehanna township, $225; H. H. Buf
fington to J. VanNewkirk et al.. Eliza
i bethville, $3,000; Mae E. Krelder et al.
to M. Katzman, 646-48 Calder street, $1;
William Elder to John E. Zook, 101
Summit, $1; John E. Zook to William E.
Orr. 101 Summit. $1; George A. Keener
to H. G. Brandt, and to P. M. Skivington,
Reel, near Schuylkill. SSOO and S6OO, re
spectively; C. M. Sigler to M. H. Baker,
1330 Derry, sl.
Some Officials Busy. Despite the
fact that to-day was a holiday and the
county and city offices were closed, the
heads of departments and some of the
attaches were on the job cleaning up
odds and ends and transacting such
business as developed. Several mar
riage licenses were issued, tho Pro
thonotary, the Poor Directors and the
County Controller were ori the job,
while the City Treasurer's staff did
some business.
KeMiinied Interceptor Arbitration. _
Although to-day was a legal holiday
| the board of arbitrators who are set
tling the dispute between the citv and
IW. H. Opperman Co., the river inter
ceptor contractors, was resumed in No.
| 2 courtroom.
News Items From Points
in Central Pennsylvania
Special to The Telegraph
Reading.—A committee of the two
local posts of the Grand Army of the
Republic called on the Berks county
commissioners yesterday with a re
quest that they make an appropriation
of $50,000 for the erection of a me
morial hall.
Shamokin. As Thomas Roman,
Michael Padusky and Joseph Zulesy
entered a breast at the Susquehanna
| Coal Company's Hickory Ridge col
liery yesterday they were blown to the
bottom of the pit by an explosion of
, gas. Their injuries are serious.
Wilkes-Barre.—While sitting in the
smoking compartment of a trolley car
William Healey, aged- 53 years, of this
, city, died yesterday of an attack of
| heart disease. Only a few minutes be
| fore he left his home to start for work
; apparently in good health,
j Hazleton. —The executive boards of
i the three anthracite districts of th<
1 United Mine Workers are preparin*
ito attend n conference in Philadel
| hia on Monday with J. P. White, th
international president, and the na
tional executive board regarding adop
; tion of due payments in the hard coa.
i belt.
Pottsville. Ten-year-old Loretta
Elison, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
■ Peter Elison, of this city, ignited her
Or weak blood governs for good or
I ill every part of the body. The
medicine that make* weak blood
pure and strong ia HOOD'S
third of a century it has been the
J leading blood purifier.
!» f f TVVTf fyyfM W »TfT ¥¥ ¥ yyfyTTTTTTf TT▼ ▼ ▼ T¥TT T¥ ¥ »
50c Wool I 1'
50c Golf Gloves n r 2 }ISIj 1f |w Striped -y C• j •<
► Have been assorted for a Fri- UfeSS hOOdt jM || I | VV I ftov Wash Silks 1 OmOITOW, T HCWy
t day Bargain Sale, and the price InliLlH M ilnln ill Ifek
to-morrow will be * splendid assortment or the I lUll H R h)||| HTj Ul V VI fl dmlw These are pure silks, 19 inches I JAll lAflll A
► BOWMAN'S—Main Floor, Fr,da >' I I i| H 1 SPCC ' aI , g W1 "
► _____ i II ■ |pv yard have very attrac
► B °WMAN'S—Main Floor, jfl | ||M|[||l I P 111 II BOWMAN ' S—Ma,n F,oor - • 1 II * '
, Friday Bargain I »■' ""lllißllllllll tive values all over ' i
.Sale of Art Goods LOWEST PRICES y"\ FOUNDED Ts 71 •< LOOK the store. The '
L 25c Cushion Tops, without * w MmM C UJJnUCU 101 l_ f I 14 t . , , . i
K ba ks rt , Jt* OFTHE FOR THE fourth day of the
* 19c Guest Towels. 2 for ~,u _ MMM WM MMjfL § _ r .. i . , ,
SI.OO College Cushion \/EEK M GREEN SIGNS B. D. D» SALE
Round D o me ß . l2 -i I'lf ' 1 and the lowest -<
►sc Round Doilies. 9-inch size. BoyS $2.50 I|} .. 1 I 3jl | ||c|l9 || SIP'
25c Yard Wide M
3 for 10* C *CL IBsli ' ' IrlTf r !l llTr ll iflS'l IPi IIF f • pliWO dUVCI IM u
K ITresses, pink and blue. 2 and 3- These are high cut shoes. Just will il||M | U 11 | W| HI W \ lot we have marked for Fri- ,wl " vCNo INUIC
year sizes 1 4 * Hie thing for snowy and rainy 1 f'M j | |V 111 11 | Iflli dav Bargain selling. While It , . 4
► BOWMAN'S-Second Floor. prTce". ?.* 1 'asts the price will V per yard, lteill 111 thlS J
™™™BOWMAN S Third Floor. |jJ Ij BOWMAN'S —Main Floor. announce ment, N
lPmses"md ISc Fancy Just 0 "« Lot . y ° U '
' Belt, Crepes come to the store ;
► $.... and Jo.ji Biad Bags. beautiful new designs of V" PICCCS) 2.000 yards of white Dais;' lOOK (Of ttlC C^jTCCn
«T> stripes and figures. Friday Bar- l . 1 WLIi- Flannel, 27 Inches wide, extra _.
$1.50 Bead Bags O.lc sain price, per yard Q l /i$ IIHpOnCQ TfUllC quality. Friday Bargain OlPllS i
* 50c Bead Purses Jss<> BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. FrPflfll Linen Skirtin? * ®
. * >J > rrcucn Liincn BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. i
26c suede Belts ........ 15 <> $3.00 Quality
: 12/-*««,•. _ , 2Sct r .
► Colored Lawns, DDKj yU. Flannel Flouncing* <
; $'2.00, $2.50 .«rs: y p?«,,"5. On Friday Only tSSS SsSlitSx <
> and $3.00 Shoes BOWMAN'S MAIN RIOOR BOW» m „. n „,
I In a Friday Bargain Sale to- material. Sorrv the lot is 4
► morrow at an exceptionally low U7L2a- small but those who share ——————
price. There are shoes for men. W tUte 1 OrCcluin will have purchased a most '4
* nearly all sizes, for work and _ _ remarkable value. One pat- OC. r-.iL.. fA_ I 1
| . dress. And there are women s Ipn I nnf tern has border of drawnwork COC r CUtflCr llf C OTM A
' * shoes samples—ln gun inetal. *■** —the other dull finish drawn f" ■ • 1
. patent colt skin, vici kid and tan A very special lot to go on sale flowered. A high class ma- lICRinQ IK* / am, *
* calf; button and blucher styles; to-morrow at the Friday Bargain terial which cannott be dupll- ® MvC LtUCeS ,
►m 3 4* sizes. Your choice price of. per dozen IOC cated. £
Jhl.lHJ . BOWMAN'S—Basement. „ „ « «■«"«■ Wide Unusual \alue for I<riday at. de Paris Laces and Insertions. <
► — • AISAS-;,
► ?Q/* and F> 9 /IA """"'""""■■i - * - BOWMAN'S Main Floor.
' 10 K 2o'w II iSc'mlmSers ° B Z fcey
► 10c tO 2UC Wall A lot of decorated porcelain CL i O'll f> j n r i •• ,
. a miik pitchers that win be offer- OvpYmat* oneets, rillow Loses 49c embroidery A
► Papers ed for Friday. Your choice,
► Suitable for halls in stenciled BOWMAN'S —Basement. hvni^or^.rJ^ioiV"'■.. uf a !«o z! r loUnCMSIS
. effects; kitchen papers in scroll !"f. a ' s ' tcd models with marmot fur r •! t . s 4
► and brick designs; bedroom pa- —-———= ♦!? LU f s - RcdU(^,< J > t riday DOT gam Handsome patterns that will
pers in floral and satin stripes; r riuaj to n ' appeal to those who like exclu- 4
Frid'ay 3 Bargain'°pr ioe?'" S 25c PorCe- BOWMAN'S Second Floor. I HCCJ , yard <
► VM and J • J ™____ ~,SaiOT n " A >" BOWMAN S-Main Floor, * <
► BOWMAN'S Fourth Floor. lul " •"*6° _ ~ UegMlar s«ir '
These are green glazed porce- Rnv n Rnhh/sr MM Prlee ————•>
► • lain jugs that will be marked Dliy a ilUOOer »jy < I rice
clown for Friday Bargain day n nm , jr» «j llq"!!!! '2° Sic _
► nlI - 11 Door Mat Friday :::::::::10c and 12 U2c
► Robbers and K. c,d T 0 K!s 0 U I?^. Fmhmid,rv FAo„* A
, A r/.f>/>« just the kind of weather you 2A?S2 #l.olt sio LtUlUTUlUciy L* IgtX
► ftTCULS need a rubber door mat. Size 905:1)0 »>•*» 82e This is a remarkable group of
. Men's $2.00 Arctics with snag O/T - n«/»/iv/i#i>/7 ,18x30 inches, r riday s price is Bolnter ( nsrn embroidery edges with good, 4
proof toes $1.69 c * c "ecuruicu (]{)<• ««77 .Oo strong scallop Friday's price, 1
Women's, misses' and chil- China BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor. ,n * r:J 1 111 11111 I»4o ynrd ; s f.
dren's 50c Rubbers for ... jn good as;;ortmell t of Pillow C a nea BOWMAN'S —Main Floor, <
Boys' and youths' 69c Rubbers. patterns. German china. Extra •' «e !«,. ,
*" F f' day at 49f special for Friday at j *OO Yards " 1111111
► BOWMAN'S-Third Floor. BOWMAN'S-Basement. f OfO C'iLV MOHAWK BRAND " „. ,
► ___ l £ 1-zc dUROlme Regiiiar sale Friday Bargain -
. - . A fine quality. Can be used for - Prlee Prlee _ . ._ .. .
$2.98 and $3.50 $2.49 Aluminum Zt Sale of Totlet
I Aluminum Tea Kettles Sets S2 ::::::::: Articles
t These are imported tea kettles Th«« are , B u U i Ce Suted et handl t e »«*OO »sel! Pompelan Massage Creain, ,
► and are extraordinary value at adjustable nickel plated handle. ' ~ *
the Friday Bargain price of Extra special for Friday at Bolnter Cases ■CJQ
► SSI OC f A ' 3S<. ;j S .. tlyniettus Talcum Powder and
► BOWMAN'S —Basement. BOWMAN'S-Basement. 25c Curtain 10. .30, Honey Cream, combination for
Strrtm c Pillow Cases
► ———OLTlillS 42*31! a«c ir,c 25c Mirrors for 170
►CI AC VJcnroMoT FridaX Bareain ers Vit An"?ra J ™lai V v r an.e°for " 11111 .* I 11111f .* j Packers Tar Hoap for ... t <
51.45 Wearever ° ar S a } n BTlday at Uc . 11111111 la-S- 39 c Bladder Ice Caps, betjr H
Windsor Kettles Sale in Sporting BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. tlian rubber
* Every woman knows the fa- Cnndt T)ennrtm/>nt —— ——. 29c Bladder Hot Water Bot
► mous quality of wearever alumi- UOOuS L/epaTinicnl tits 190
► ,V"". *''"'•'%»* ,or . Five Handred Thirty Dozen " T »"" Sf. <
y BOWMAN'S —Basement. . 98c Steering Sleds for . . 50c Oil Window 65c Seamless BO " MAX S Main F,oor '
' 79c Heavy Gal- f0I ?-- 98 si^ lu , tub . e Blcyt s l T g
vanized Tubs bowman's —Third Floor! c V fHda/ r .?. n ... c 39'J; a?e a" h ' %%y h iTm Handkerchiefs ,
M^ de TrT ith wringer attach- BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor. 2wi l v V sh ,f. ets , that «'!" wash A very fine lot of all linen ,
y ment. Extra special. Limit, one .l L. d bleach easily. The embroidered handkerchiefs for
to a customer, Friday .... ")9o Armv fillprmtlif nufkfn'i? in° st °-^ ! I c without the women will be offered at Friday
► BOWMAN'S—Basement. Army UVerCOOtS lClQnn contacted for *4'
at a Friday Sale of SIB.OO th«e\r, 8 oSr:, c rh uy BOWMAN-S Mam Floor.
ci oc r tj- Bargain Price« Axminsier Rags
ipl.cD roiamg This ought to be Rood news These fine Axmlnster rugs are BOWMAN'S Alain Floor. 4
OT LI - for both men and women. Men in oriental patterns. Size 8.3 x I /l- /mWa/j
► jewing J aDI€S who do driving and out-door 10. G. A limited number, to close IVC lillltUlfU 4
. Very specially constructed and 6 out at the Friday Bargain price An/i v , frfo J i. ,
I varnish W FHday's o price ß ' rad O«#f make good suits from these over- ' r 400 Yards 15 l-2c HandkerChlCfS
| ► %armsn - i "da} s price .. coats. They are heavy blue army BOWMAN S—l-ourth Floor. WLU JM * n We want to close out the bal-
BOWMAN'S—Basement overcoats with capes. Small Tf MtC IrlaYQUlSette ance of these initialed handker- .
; ► sizes. They are lined with 18-oz. ————— „ 7 chiefs because all tho Initials are, <
all-wool blue serge which can be , can be used for various pur- not here. But you can afford to ,
► cut and made into boys' suits or C/lfl Yarn Snnnl nf poses. An exceptional white buy them at the Friday Bargain *
ry • j n • children's heavy dresses or coats. OUV I Ufa sJJJUUI Ul goods value, 27 inches wide. Fri- price of Ha
„ . .... , _ . . Linen iilllsll thread, 2 spools
Yard Wide Percales „ , A4l an ;or .. iw n _ #n > t 7r.
In the popular stripes and fig- Mett S $6.90, $7.90, 5c all -° ver ,lair nets for %(• $5.00 Silk ' Women S/ DC
ures on lig*nt grounds. Quanti- 7 y .... , , . . . . .. .
ties restricted for each customer. CO 0/) f)t)i>rmni* back sklrt braid for.. |)( ,. /"■ _,J / « (jIOVCS
Friday Bargain price, extra spe- QV.VU UVerCOOIS buttons do/ *>, LOVered LOmtOrtS <
yal, per yard ijp. just 36 coats in all. You'll find " /S " . i ' •' . ... „ , In 2-clasp cape and overseam
Y BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. & the °b mater e 0 "" A™ . -° X . <
► ————— day Bargain price s4.<K> BOWMAN'S Main Floor $3.98 BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. 4
. BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. 1 loor. BOWMAN S—Main Floor. ,
;' $1.50 to . '
;► $2.50 Shoes Boys* $2.98 15c White $6.00 Silk Children*s 50c i
with white Nubuck tops, in all
Overcoats Coj-cfuroy Covered Comforts Gauntlets 1
► sizes; and Women's patent colt A small lot to close out on Fri- for Spring C drcßses! e ' inches These luxurious comforts are e-lovpa
► the e palr U Fridlay te NUbUCk 4c»l' fa"/ and^beltChoice"' VCrtible «C| 1 " xvi . ,K '' sh . ort lengths." Friday's filled with wool. A great' value be closed out at the Friday Bar- 4
tne pair, i riaaj <Ml* lai and belt. Choice S9f price, yard 9f< for t riday at gain price of
► BOWMAN'S Third Floor. BOWMAN'S Second Floor. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor.
► <
► j
dress with a lighted tallow candle.
Her screams brought her father and
neighbors to her rescue. The father
took off his coat and wrapped It
around her. Her condition is critical.
Tamaqua.—John Verokas, aged 25,
died at the Coaldale Hospital from the
effects of a gas explosion in the Nes
quehoning mine.
Pottsville.—Harry Morgans, 20 years
old, of Frackville, sustained injuries in
the Stanton colliery of which he died
a few minutes afterward at the Foun
tain Springs Hospital. He was the
son of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Mor
Mahanoy City.—Walter Craig was
swallowed up in the earth last night
while assisting in filling a cave-In
under the Schuylkill Railway tracks
near Jacksons. He was carried into
an old mine workings about sixty feet
and rescued by means of ropes.
City Health Officer's
Salary to Be Raised
Dr. J. M. J. Raunick's salary as
secretary of the Board of Health and
city health officer will be increased
from $1,500 to $2,000 during the en
suing year, if City Council adopts the
recommendation decided upon last
evening by the Bureau of Health and
Sanitation. The suggestion for an In
crease in the pay of one of the city's
ablest officials will be incorporated in
the budget to be considered by Com
missioner of Public Safety Harry F.
Provision for two additional sani
tary officers, a welfare nurse, and a
chemist-bacteriologist are among the
other recommendations, salaries being
suggested as follows:
Chemist-bacteriologist, $1,300; four
sanitary officers, S9OO each; welfare
nurse, SSO per month; food inspector,
$675; clerk and stenographer, $450;
bureau physician, $900; plumbing In
spector, $1,125; building Inspector,
$1,125; watchman hospital, $360;
school inspectors, $150; plumbing ex
aminers, S9O; rent of offices, $720; dis
infectants, drugs, etc., $1,500. Dr.
Rauniclc was directed in a resolution
offered by Dr. J. B. McAUster, to
reprimand David H. Ellinger, sanitary
officer, for failing to properly placard
a house quarantined for diphtheria.
_ *
Rivers and Harbors Bill
in Congress Made Public
By Associated Press
Washington, D. C., Feb. 12. —The
rivers and harbors appropriation bill j
carrying a grand total of $42,000,0001
FEBRUARY 12,1914.
for waterway improvements through
out the country, was made public to
day. Last year's river and harbor
bill carried appropriations aggregat
ing about $48,000,000.
A feature of the bill is the proposed
government acquisition of the Chesa
peake and Delaware canal. Under the
bill, the canal now used for smaller
craft traffic between Haltlmore and
Philadelphia, is to be enlarged into a
Ask. Your Doctor First
Headaches Biliousness
Ayer's Pills Ayer's Pills
Ask Your Doctor First
sea level canal of twelve feet depth
and ninety feet bottom width. The
■ purchase, the enlargement, and tho
first year's maintenance are all to
come wltliln the maximum of SB,-
000,000 cost. «
The bill does not provide ffr the pro
posed waterway from the Delaware
1 Bay to New York, upon which tho
War Department had adversely re
, ported.