14 & | Every Day Brings Its Price Surprises in the Mill &j Factory Sale Specials in Women's Hose Women's $1.25 and $1.50 House Pretty Novelties in Spring Cotton Q_ $1 Silk COp ia, , D AJ" ,1 o 1 DreSS Cottons: Specially Priced Hose at Hose at ooc Dressesßeduced in the Sale | Thrifty women are buying many dress lengths of these Here's the opportunity for women to buy cotton or silk Women's $1.25 house dresses, in all sizes Special it v #I.OO dainty styles, anticipating Spring dress needs at the time when hose at lower prices than are usually quoted on these goods. Women's $1.50 house dresses,' in all sizes Special at $1.25 such forethought is profitable because of Mill and Factory Thank the Mill and Factory Sale for these attractive values. ' D(veßi p om eVoy & Stewart, second Floor. Sale specials. Women's 12j4c black cotton seamless hose, plain and rib- . F or instance— bed tops. Mill and Factory Sale Price 3 pair for 250; pair, 90 -t r"/~\ ■ r \\ t 4 * *. ■«*•' /-\ , 50c Silk Pongee, 36 Inches wide, white frround with pretty rose- Women's Silk Hose lou Coats for Women and Misses Move (Jut Mm an^ Factory . st,u ;. pr,ce : 29c Women's SI.OO silk hose, fashioned feet, lisle garter tops, _ 3»c Siik Muslin in rosebud patterns and neat ngures on black and colors, slight imperfections. Mill and Facttory Sale Ttl p r : rp 630 111 lAlV_y IVJLIII dllU I dUIUI V Jdlt/ <X I Dly I\C/UUL'llUllo green, rose, lifrht blue, brown, navy, tan, hello,, Copenhagen, IQ„ Womens heavy black silk nose, lisle garter tops, seamless Every coat remaining from our Winter stock has been cut tn nrices that make for bit savings. 25e Madras shirting, 32 inches wide, fancy stripes of blue, black feet. Mill and Factory Sale Price SO* The style, are the best of the season and ke siL range, are complete oand Pa "°' y . S *!'r' o ''. ,15c Women's 39c and 50c silk hose, tan colored ana White. ....59c Ratine, 38 inches wide in solid shades and self-colored J,Qr» IJ.U Mill and Factorv Sale Price 250 Mill and Factory Mill and Factory stripes. Mill and Factory Sale price, yard :. nsie tops. Mil) ana I aciory oaie riiec v SaUj pr|ce Salo $1 00 $1 39 and 9150 40 to 48 Inches wide, blue shades and Dives, pomeroy & Stewart, street Floor. $12 . 00 Copenhagen Zibeline Sport Coats, lined $25.00 Blue Striped Novelty Weave Brown ®£* ch m,xtureß : MIU and Factory Bale prlce ' 59C 1 _ . . throughout with silk $5.00 and Navy Coats, with patch pockets and deep v ard s *® solid Vh'a'des.' Mttl and Sale price, finnn fj/l'TCffUn V J-fOt-ItDS in i Bro\vn Mixed Coats, panel back, with cuffs, talored model $10.50 »7c I'llsse Crepe, rosebud printings on white ground and 101/ P iXX button trimming and round Collars- sizes 14 16 solid shades. Mill and Factory Sale price, yard 14/ it AM* 0 > rWArU A n'c a " d 36 Evening C ° atS and WraPS RedUCed rosebud . B. .. 10c IVIISSeS allQ O OllUt/O , $16.50 Brown and Black Two-tone Coats, lined $35.00 and $37.50 Brocade Velvet Coats, in blue Dlves > Pomeroy & Stewart—street Floor. Mostly black kidskin shoes in these groups with some throughout with satin, frog fastening; buttons and garnet; lined throughout with silk and trim- \A/ t 4- C * D rc sizes in patent colt and gun metal calf. These arc from regular cl ° s ® neick ... . SIO.OO med with fur collar and cuffs $18.50 VV 00l lvllPS stock and are of dependable quality and good style. throe. / oa( J cloth , Coats in $30.00 Mole Cloth, in a late style with elephant F> 1 O 1 rv * Misses' sa.oo black kidskin lace shoes, patent leather tips, Good- tnrce-quarter length, velvet collar and revers; . .. , ... c .. . . IrPrfll Of |—'f-ir»pc year welted soles; sixes li ft to 2. Mill and Factory Sale Qg c lined throughout with satin sl2 50 sleeves; lined with Skinners satin ..... $15.00 UCIUW 1 Uldl 1 11CCO IJnc °Misses' $2.'00 gun metal calf higii cut button shoes, made on full $25.00 Eponge Coats in navy, taupe, Copen- $39.50 Hunters Green Crushed Velvet Coat, One of the best inexpensive rugs for the bedroom, princi- Fa^tor^sVie'uf<'" y St ' tClied SOICS: S ' ZCa 11t0 ~ Jnn antl J $1.45 l ia R cn * black, mahogany and brown, yoke front with elephant sleeves $18.50 pally plain centers with fancy borders —greens, blues, browns Misses. $1.50 black kidskin button shoes with stitched and back, drop shoulder; panel back; plush col- $55.00 American Beautv Brocade Velvet Coat ai, d pi'ik. pecially priced in the Mill and Factory Sale as fol soles; si7.cn 11' Ato 2. Mill and Factory Sale price ] ar .j.. . •in . lV ' 1n,,,c Children's $1.75 tan calf and gun metal calf high cut button shoes, ' ' $1.1.00 With squirrel collar and Cliffs $18.50 I°*VS made on broad toe lasts with heavy stitched soles; sizes BMs 4fc"l OA $25.00 extra heavy Scotch rufes, 9x12 feet $20.00 to 11. Mill and Factory Sale price ' $15.00 Kazac Scotch rugs, 9x12 feet $10.50 Children's $1.25 black kidskin button and lace shoes with heavy X ■ n * . - $12.50 Kalga Scotch rugs, 9x12 feet $10.50 stitched soles; sizes 6to 11. Mill and Factory Sale Qg c I OtlH H nfninPriPC 1 BODY BRUSSKLB RUGS Pr Ct Ohildr'en's V1'.50 'patent'col't'and'bl'ac'k kidskin button aiid lace shoes J-/UV/VyO CtllVA I—/111U1 VJIVAv!/! It/O 111 I lit/ $29.00 Whittall Body Brussels rugs, 9x12 feet $2:5.00 with welted soles; sizes 5 to 8. Mill and Factory Sale o*l on ' s27.BoDobson Body Brussels rugs, 9x12 feet ; $22.00 price T 1 . Lyj Tl Jt *\ 1 ■% f—i - AXMINSTKH RU<iS Hhiidrens SI.OO black kidskin and gun inetal calf button shoes. +I I Q f~\ |H Qrv T I $20.00 Smith Axminster rugs, 9x12 feet $17.00 made on full toe lasts with heavy soles; Sizes sto 8. Mtll and i. Villi CO. lU. 1 IUI V W<ll V~/ $25.00 Iligelow Axminster rugs, 9x12 feet $22.00 Factory Sale price ■ • •• • • •• ••• •• • J $22.50 Smith Axminster rugs, 9x12 feet SIO.OO Children's 85c patent leather button shoes with hand turned soles ivnwaiv and wedge heels; sizes 3to 8. Mill and Factory Sale t\Kn ' '-Very WOinatl linds lieed >T\ _ price "<'>■' r _ i . , . , 1 *1 • Wool Ingrain Carpet, many designs and colors; 80c value, yard . ...05u Infants' 75c brown kidskin button shoes, broad too laats with hand turned soles; sizes Ito 5. Mtll and Factory Sale «5i)C wllCtl the dressmaking SC3.- 1-uljbor door mats, only one to a customer 390 pnC6 V'o." V ™ son nnpiK Thr> Mill Mill and Factory STAIR CARPET AND HALIJ RUNNKRS Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Street Floor, Hear. U|JtllS. 1 11C ivllll — ± V Sale Price . . . . . ~ tr i CI iY , V' h ■- 3, i-riue. Wool and liber stair carpet and hall runners; 22% inches wide, 40c Factory Sale otters such lbric Corset Cover Kmbrold- value, yard 25c 50c Ruffled Muslin dress trimmings at Special ry ' 17 lnches wide . nea t pat- XV ° ol stair <arP Di; e e s U p a o meroy StewarT—Thfrd Floor.' >ard a '° Curtains, 2% Yards, Pair, OOC " If You Need Towels--Take There's need for these neat inexpensive curtains iu every demand • er3, 7 il } ches wlJe ' lar 8° range -l-l- 1 v/L-l 1 VyOvi. i. U Wvlu 1 dlvv/ home. They are regular 50c values. Made of good quality must , of patterns, values up to 35c, a < r npi \t \ lin and finished with ruffle. Special in the Mill and Factory I_ySCOS 4U yard Ol 1 xIOSO V 3-lt-IGS Sale at. pair 330 Mill and Factory )f{\-J.Cambric Embroidery Flouncing, ... .. , . . C> 1 . .. . r . c , . „ 1 m , . , Sale Price. ;it•// i 7 i . All kinds of towels in the Mill and hactory Sale—and all 75c to SI.OO Window Shades, indies 1 wVrtJ°vn l ine !, ac V' i to 1 UUes up to good towels. Note these specials— Oil, cambric and Holland shades in all colors, 75c to SI.OO , German Torchon Taces, 2 toV'° Cambric embroiderv fl i ' 10c PACE TOWELS—BATH TOWELS values. Mill and Factory Sale Price, each inches wide, value up to'sc, yard. .3e 1 ' " ,,Jroidor > flouncing, li inches jq c red jj or( j er cottdn huck towels, good sizes and quality, _ I Curtains and Curtain Goods German Torchon laces, 1-inch wide, fine HK-sa&ly Bood patterns, values up to 35c. yard.. 25c each ... ............ .. . ..... 5^ L.urtains ana vurtdin vjooas . , . 12 %c red border huck towels, good quality for general use, ... thread patterns, worth 3c, yard 2c BBf ll cambric embroidery edgings and insertions 3 f or Z'SC 3."> c curtain Scrim With flat edge border, ecru, ivory and White Point de Paris Laces, 3 to 5 inches . in a large range of patterns, values up to 10c Fine grade of cotton liuck towels, sizes 18x36 inches, red white. Mill and Factory Sale Price, yard 19<: wide, values up to 19c, yard ~.loc IKHjJi yard border J (Jt Nottingham Lace Curtains. 2% yards long, ecru and white. All-over laces 18 Inches wide, white and |Hfl Cambric embroidery edgings 'and' insertions Yard® 0 5C Mill and Factory Sale Price, pair 490 e, ' ru - va'uea U P to o9c, yard 2»c |M |V " Sl Fine grade huck towels, good quality for general use, „q r,. m „,„ k n r 9C f . tn CO.- rnrtain Cretonne nlain -inrl S,lk frin Kes in a large range of colors. 2to WmtH 2to 0 inches wide, values up to 12% c, yard. . 8c dozen ..X $1'0" Remnants Of -X to .Wt curtain hvvihS Cretonne, plain and 4 inches wide, values up to 50c, yard lMtffiM Swiss embroidery flouncing 27 inches Wide 15c Turklsh bath towels, good size, 101/p fancy scrims, art ticking, etc. Mill and hactorv Sale Price, Ail linen Torchon laces 1 to j(t inches * , ' each ir rd 13i/ 2 <! to 25<fe wide, large range of patterns; values up to WLW Jfood patterns. values up to 29c yard l ßc All linen huck towels, red, blue and white borders, $1.05 Curtain Poles 1 ''" V" *« 00 Jroff lss eml,roir ' e ry flouncing, 27 inches wide, He bleached Turkish bath towels, large size, hemmed, ey e n curtain roles Linen Cluny insertions, 2to 4 inches wide, /uJW values up to 49c, yard 25c 3 for ZoC 39c mahogany curtain poles, 5 feet long, with fixtures, values U P to 29c - y ard 19cdHyT Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart— Street Floor. " „.,„„ 19c wl^lte colored b °rder bath towel's, good size, j round ball end and brackets. Mill and Factory Sale Price, } ~ TOWELING P ° mCT °'* s " w " l,Tl " r i9"and^r"efibi e e ci ald Nainsook&^CambricGowns 5c iyc anu SllK reversible and VV Ho Brown linen toweling, 17 inches, blue and white borders, Wool and Silk and Wool pliTn"L7 d fancy U colors and Mi 11 and and Drawers: Exceptional Values >jrd Dives; Pomeroy A'Stewart-Street Floor,' Rear. Dress Fabrics Reduced PH C e ory .. Sa ! e . 12//2 C Na /"- ook and ] soS ra d b^ e " d ££] Save on Black Dress Goods Tliousands of yards of stylish suitings are entered in the 1 \ 9C f a " d b !vrn 1^ IC _^°) VnS ' ed ruffle- trimmed r~ Good values in Dress Goods are always a feature of Factory Sale at special reductions Some tots are S? "or »£ " with'te " 25c the Mill and Factory Sale. These weaves are foremost in mill clean-ups, but most of the weaves are from regular stock each .. .... .. *OC YO^eSWith long broidery. Special in fashion's realm, and the low prices are therefore all the more and constitute attractive values. 50c reversible' tubular four-in- sleeves Or low the Mill and Factory attractive. roMiHFli nRERS r.nnn« , . . ' ~ , / i"„ 1 l. l _ _ Sale Imported Belgium broadcloth. *1.75 Black Diagonal, 56 inches. « . .. V ,rr 7 .. , hand tleS - sll P eas y band - Mlll neck and three- y - permanent satin finish, chiffon SI.SO 50c Granite Cloth, 36 inches wide, in a good range of Spring colors. p__ fr , r , r c„i A 4 If* weight: $3.00 Black Embroidered Voile, Mill and Factory Sale price 3»c ana factory Sale 1C c quarter SleeVeS I . Nainsook andl $2.00 quality, 50 inches ...#1 49 91.49 50c Shepherd Checks, in plain and fancy colorings, 36 inches wide. Price 4. *j. L J OK ana $2 50 quality, 54 inches . ..91.95 LININGS M 1" 50 n c d Serg C er r 36 naVy and broWn."' Mlli and 'Factory Sale 25c and shield silk teck ties. Hemstitched cambric drawers, flat $3.00 quality. 54 inches ... 92.49 x QOO yar(Js Cambric Mußlln , 6%c P "" sishwhiri'chViii' a inched WliW. VhV.i'.lz.,: ' iini Wnd p'" S f° 10c <*em- '"morf OT finished -ft |S° ' Ol.ih 'of " Sale price . .. . 49c Price, 3 for 25^; each broidery 'trim- wlth tucks ' lace or fOUC inches .. .. . . . 39c brown - blue > etc - : lengths 2to 5 7Bc ii l,^ n t Ch H « n , 42 ln ches, all wool in a range of tan shades. 50c wide end silk four-in-hand ; r ,embroidery. Special 75c Black imported Suiting . .49c ; ya [?'; , fi Inches wlrt« IV SLOO Canton Crepe, 42° inches wide,''imported fabric,' in all 'the 'new ties - Mill and Factory Sale QEJ r . V I j in the Mill and Fac- s^oo^^ack^S^ges 4 ' «»<• Our usual'2sc quality; lengths, 1 shades for Spring. Mill and Factory Sale price 75c Price, 3 for SI.OO, each OOQ Jn the Sale at tory Sale $1!25 Black Serges, 52 inches,B9c to 5 yards - Q Factory SaTe iwice * ! ™.V. .° n .°. Tc D " R & St - et * Stewart. Second Floor. W ; OJ Black . .75c Dives, Pomeroy ft^Stewart-Stroet SILK AM) WOOL FABRICS —— SI.OO Silk Poplin, 40 inches, in now Spring shades. Mill and Fac- w v j f Mens sls Blue Chinchilla Overcoats Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Street Floor. ' j JSfta the'&K Sus : 29c Special Wednesday Only at $9.50 A special lot of men's regular 50c fine lisle web suspenders at*. . d °"! > ! c . I . ak . C ""! > . e " tc!h hc M,U a " d ne °* most popular overcoat styles is the Chinchilla. We bought a special lot of these garments and Men's 25 c lisle web suspenders with moiiair end J and entered them for the first time last Saturday at this special price. Men who neglected to take advantage of patent Harris wire buckle. Mill and Factory Sale, 3 for 50this value will have the opportunity again to-morrow. This is a Wednesday flyer in the Men's Clothing Section. Boys' 10c suspenders ! Overcoats at sls S2O Balmacaans, sl4 worsted suits, fancy striped grey worsted 4jf\\ Boys' 15c suspenders Men's brown diagonal weave cheviot, Brown, grey, green, tan and black and an . d cassimerc suits, blue grey homespun } Dive., P„ m . r „ y „ sum , M . n .. st „, worsted, grey Irish frieze, grey while Balmacaans. sul,s ' oxfor . d "tinier, suits blue basket MUMTA „ ~~ — , I, . ~ weave cassimere and cheviot suits, plain /In RMfllH <'^g° na XNO ' s c ' 1 an S r °y diago- $25 Balmacaans, $lB blue unfinished worsted suits, plain blue ror 1 IlUbtJ VV no VV OUia Keep nal Striped trench cloth and heavy grey Grcy> brown and green mixed> p j ain serge suits, plain black diagonal cheviot WfJW Alive rond Sentiments of Lincoln dla g° nalcasslmereovercoa ts; shawl, notch and fancy Weave Balacaans suits, two and three-button coats lined «| ,i i| The Whole country is bowing this week at the shrine of and c ? nvert ' ble collars . , full <l«arter ' with mohair and fancy serge, English con- fl II 1 Lincoln, and practically every Lincoln lover is reading some Venetian lined, fancy plaid backs, box and Mens 5J>lB buits at $12.50 seivative sacks with soft roll or pressed j|II 1 V| book on his life and work belted backs, single and double, plain and Men's plain blue and grey diagonal lapels. j|l |l IJ Ihc n.ost calledl for books tins week are these: patch pockets. ' weave cassimere suits, black and blue sha- sls Suits at $lO / fi | Lincoln s Own Yarns 45* 1 F " . ' . |M?I |1 If, Abraham Lincoln, The Boy and The Man. By James $25 Overcoats at $14.50 dow striped worsted and,serge suits, grey Men's plain brown and brown checked Morgan .-joa ~, 11 - 1 • u-ii diagonal weave and mixed worsted suits, worsted and cassimere suits, chalk striped [m »1| The Counsel Assigned By Mary Raymond Shipman 6 311 l _ wn cunc 1 a overcoats, f W p and three-button sacks. black worsted suits, shadow weave blue IIM Ittl Andrews quai tei Venetian lined, patch pockets, # worsted suits, grey shadow striped wor- Ml llw Ihe Perfect 1 ribute. By Mary R. S. Andrews 50£ fancy plaid lining, double breasted, shawl Suits, sls sted and cassimere suits, two and three- y£S rfjl i Brown and tan mixed and grey check button sacks. fit TUESDAY EVENING, HAFRISBURG TELEGRAPH FfißK-CJARY 10,1914.
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