Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 24, 1914, Page 7, Image 7

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Motherhood Men in Harrisburg
Say There Is Nothing to
the Story
Railroad circles were somewhat stir
red to-day by the report that in the
event of an adverse decision regarding
passes for members of families of rail
road employes, there would be a gen
eral demand for increased wages. The
idea was laughed at by membors of
local brotherhood men in Harrisburg.
The report came from Altoona, where
meetings are being held each week in
the interest of the Federal Brotherhood
of Railway Employes. Brotherhood
men said this morning that the an
nouncement of a further demand for
more wages is false. The Brotherhoods
are not inclined to act hastily and the
only thing to do is to wait for the de
cision on the pass question. The Broth
erhoods have Just pulled through a
Jong- siege of arbitration over wages
and there is no disposition to cross
more bridges
Wnr Against Tippling lt became
known to-day that railroads in the
Pittsburgh district are waging vigor
ous warfare against tippling by Its em
ployes J. B. Vohe, general manager of
the Pittsburgh and Lake Erie was
quoted as saying that forty trainmen
had been discharged from that rail
road for breaking the anti-drinking
rule, and announcement was made bv
officials of the Buffalo and Pittsburgh
that seventeen trainmen had been dis
charged from that service for the same
Surplim Car* Compared witli sta
tistcis for the corresponding date in
1913, there was a marked increase in
the number of Rurplus freight cars on
railroad lines throughout the country
on January 15, according to the Ameri
can Railway Association Service Bulle
tin. issued to-day
The report shows there were 217,274
Idle cars on January 18, an increase
Over last year of 104,044 cars. The to
tal car surplus on January 1 was 190,-
Harrlsburg will be largely.represent
ed at the entertainment at the Enola
P. R. R. Y. M. C. A., Monday night when
a literary treat is promised with Byron
W. King as chief entertainer.
■ George W. Fisher, yardmaster at the
Rnola yards, a veteran in the service
»f the Pennsylvania Railroad, is one of
live of the early yardniastcrs still in
the harness. Yardmaster Fisher is near-
Injr his sixty-fourth milestone and
hopes to round out a half entury in
years of service.
B. A. Worthington, elected president
if the Chicago and Alton Railroad last
June will shortly quit that company.
He will be succeeded by W. G. Bler'd,
low vice-president and general man.
idwin F. Paul Dead;
Veteran Conductor
Was 111 For Some Time
Edwin F. Paul, aged 60 years, a
reteran passenger conductor on the
Philadelphia division of the Penns.vi
ania railroad, died at the University
lospitai, Philadelphia, Thursday,
olio wing nn operation for gall stones.
?he funeral will take place Monday
.fternoon at 2 o'clock from 4122
'ennsgrove street, Philadelphia. Bur
al will be private.
Conductor Paul, who was well
;no..n in Harrisburg, is susvived by a
vidow, and one sister, Mrs. W. L.
'owell, formerly of this city. For
wenty-eight years he has been a con
luctor on the Philadelphia division,
,nd has handled many fast trains.
For forty-two years Conductor Paul
kas connected with the Philadelphia
Ivision. He was a member of the
feteran Employes' Association of the
'hiladclphia division, tho Pennsylvan
ia Railroad Relief Association, Order
f Railway Conductors, Vuux Dodge
ffr. and Mrs. Sayre
Return to America
New York, Jan. 24,—With a rope
bout her waist, Miss Margaret Wilson
limbed up tho side of the White .Star
ner, Majestic, at quarantine to-day to
reet her sister, Jessie, who returned
•om abroad with her husband, Francis
owes Sayre. Miss Margaret went
own the bay on the revenue cutnr
anliattun, with Dudley Field Malone,
le collector of the port. The sea was
bit rough at the time and the rope
as made fast about her waist as a
recau tlon.
During the rough weather that the
ajestic experienced Mrs. Say re was
irown against tho door of her state
>om, wrenching her wrist. It was
iccssary to carry it in a sling for a
ly or two, but when tho ship docked
-day she was experiencing no ill ef
icts of the injury.
After a short stay In Washington the
lyres will go to Wllllamstown, Mass.,
here Mr. Sayre will assist tho presl
;nt of Williams College.
On Monday evening at 7.20 many
incing people of this city will go to
ork to attend the dance given by F.
Hoffman, floor director at Winter
ile, at the Coliseum Hall. Harris
irg dancers, pupils of Mr. Hoffman's,
ill demonstrate the relincd tango,
leen schottische, hesitation waltz and
oradora. From present indications
i will take along 200 people. The
lin leaves Union Station at 7.20 and
turning trains will leave York at
.40 and 1.45.
Millersburg, Jan. 24. —Mrs. J. A. W.
'ubaker, gave a 6 o'clock dinner in
nor of her husband last evening at
eir resident In West Center street,
le table decorations were pink with
centerpiece of roses and ferns. The
llowlng guests were present: The
sv. W. C. Skeath, N. C. Freck, T. F.
adenbaugh, Burwell Ntmmons, Dr.
P. Seebold, Herbert Gilbert Frank
rk, Oliver Watts, Luther Shepp,
ibert E. Woodside, Hay W. Bowman,
G. Frederick and J. Wood Bru
roofless plate. Gives lasting
comfort and satisfaction. Hy
gienic. Cannot be had elsewhere.
We are the originators of Roof
less plates. Do not be deceived.
by others. Come in the mornlns
and go homo at night with a new
set that fits perfectly.
Plates repaired on short notice.
310 Market Street.
Open Days and Evenings.
No. 293, F. and A. M„ and Philadel
phia Commandery No. 2, Knights
Veteran employes of ■ihe Philadelphia
and Reading Railway Company held
their annual banquet and meeting at
Philadelphia to-day. Harrisburg was
represented by thirty "Vets," who went
to Roading this morning and met the
special train from Reading which car
ried 1,200 to the Quaker City.
The business meeting was held at 4
o'clock this afternoon, and was ad
dressed by George F. Baer, president of
the Reading system. J. William Mc-
Adam, station agent at was
elected president without opposition. He
has been in the company's service
thirty-five years. The banquet was
scheduled for 6 o'clock.
Standing of the Crews
Philadelphia Division —ll9 crew first
to go after 1 p. m.: 121, 104, 123, 102,
Engineer for 104.
Firemen for 104, 113, 119, 125.
Conductor for 121.
flagman for 125.
Brakemen for 104, 121.
Engineers up: M. H. Gemmill, Shock
er, Resslnger, Newcomer, Hogentogler,
McCauley, Kimes, Ault, Hubler, Al
Firemen up: Welsh, Neuman, blat
tery, Glllums, Tennant, Shimp, Jack
son, W. J. Miller.
Flagmen up: Hartman, Yeager.
Brakemen up: Huston, Wynn, Neff,
Hogentogler, Smith, Preston, Ranker,
Carroll, Hubbard, Bogner, Bainbridge,
Felg, Moore, Miller, Mumma.
Middle Division— 22 crew first to go
after 1 p. m.: 23, 24.
Marysvillc: 202.
Engineer for 22.
Firemen for 22, 24.
Engineers up: Brlgglef, Howard,
Baker, Kugler, Uorman, li tzier, Ha
vens, Willis, Harris, Bov.\ , Grove,
Steele, Uisli, Clouser, Hummer, Tetter
man, Slmonton, Albright, ltessler.
Firemen up: Kohr, Forsythe, Grubb,
Snyder, Hendderson, Bruker, Miller,
Braselmann, McAllcker, Stober, Beisel,
Malone. Harshliarger, Lukens, Bortel,
Kline, Hunter, Hoover, Reeder.
Conductor up: Patrick.
Brakemen up: G. E. Dare, Fleck,
Stahl, Beers, A. V. Dare, Delhi, Walk,
Palmer, McNaight, Blessing, Henry,
Wright, Williams, Klick, Shearer, Har
"baugh, Walmer, Sultzaberger, Roebuck,
Trout, Adams, Plpp, Harner, Kimber
ling, Putt, Schmidt, Bolden, R. C. My
ers, Burd, Sutch, Murray.
Vnrd Crews—To go after 4 p. m.:
Engineers for 1460, 707, 14.
Firemen for 213, 1456, 707, 1758, 1556.
Engineers up: Loy, Rudy, Stahl, Swab,
Silks, Crist, Harvey, Saltzman, Kulin,
Shaver, Landls, Hoyler, Beck, Harter,
Blever, Blosser, Mallaby, Rodgers, J. R.
Firemen up: Rauch, Weigle, Lackey,
Maeyer, Sholter, Snell, Bartoiet, Getty,
Hart, Barkey, Sheets, Bair,' Eyde,
Keever, Knupp, Haller, Ford, Klerner,
Crawford, Bostdorf, Schlefer.
Philadelphia Division— 2os crew first
to go after 1:45 p. m.: 218, 202, 236, 251,
253, 226, 222.
Engineers for 205, 226.
Firemen for 205, 226, 237.
Conductor for 208.
Brakemen for 218, 254.
Conductors up: Flickinger, Fraehlich,
Keller, Carson, Ltbhart, Layman.
Brakemen up: McCall, Doestler, Mc-
Dermott, Long, Peters, McGovern,
Kochenour, Hutchison. Shertzer, Wine,
McComb, Campbell. Malseed, Stimeling,
Crossby, Short, Gil let, Hutton, .1. M.
Hutton, Stelunan, Arment, Waltman.
Middle Division —ll4 crew first to go
after 3:45 p. m.: 106, 103, 104, 122, 105,
Enginers for 106, 103.
Firemen for 114, 106, 103, 101, 105.
Conductors for 122, 122.
Flagmen for 114, 106.
Brakemen for 114 (two), 104, 122.
llnrrlsburg Division —3 crew first to
go after 2:15 p. m.: 6, 14. 12.
Helpers' crews: Freed, Ferner, Wynn.
East-bound, after 2:15 p. m.: 71," 54,
6S, 56, 59, 62, 65, 63. 51, 52, 64.
Conductors up: Smith, Hilton.
Engineers up: Hollenbaeh, Werner,
Clouser, Richwine. ,
Firemen up: Reed, Longnecker,
Chronister, Holbert, Fulton, Corl
Grumbine, Stephens, King, Moyer!
Shearer, Brown, Moyer. Miller, Trawitz
Viewing, Henderson, Hollenbaeh, Nye
Hoffner, Sex, Anderson. Hoffman.
Brakemen up: Gardner, Pye, Mc-
Quade, Kapp, Sherman, Powley, Kuntz.
Wenk, Palm, Hoover, Walsh, Dunkl<*
Barr, Resell. Creager, Stephens. Hess,
Ryan, McHenry, Ayres, Rittle, Heilman,
Miles, Maurer. Keim, Warner, Cook,
Carlin, Page, Swartz.
[Continued From First Page]
safe—when he discovered the old
books. The pages are yellow, but the
ink was surely of an excellent quality
judging from its present State of pre
servation. The money of the land
then, of course, was English money
and pounds, shillings and pence"
figure entirely in the columns.
Aames that are familiar in Har
risburgs well-known fiimilies to-dav
were equally prominent perhaps in
the days when the county was young;
Greenawalt, Hamilton, Montgomery,
ttv!ilP 0 u Fahnestock, McFarland.
Lliler, Hummel, Keilter und Ott are
among the more familiar ones.
h Q^ Ut^ he s . ha( | e , of J°hn Thome would
have stared with widened eyes at the
open hooks of the county treasurer
to-day when remembering the fig
ures of the books of 1785.
'r»o T °"^ ay the total tax duplicate for
hon 1 nf 1 .v, 1 -"!,'! is ,n tho neighbor-
Ihnrn of '? 1,1 1785 ' the cit Vs
share of county tax totaled $3,031.94;
And YT? nM OUnty and clt y. $15,864.
fiftePn pounds
job about Jiu—a year for his
Deaths and Funerals
MRS. .11 Alt V A. SPEIS
! ThuMday & even\ng P at B '
I U?ness. She*
I daughters: Mrs. Katherfno pfder o?
1 an°d U M°rs' Hafvey Bowe?s'
! Georg^Sp^
SDi" vi ve" M
?P e .u "; aH a member of the St Paul's
Methodist Episcopal Church. Funeral
services will be held Tuesday afternoon
at 2 o'clock. The Rev. R. W Runyan
pastor of the church, will officiate.
~j»asral services of W. A. Pelton, who
Nnrti.FiS," y '" ol ' nlnK at his home. 07
North Eighteenth street, were held tills
afternoon The Rev. j! C. Forncrook
Km ? r »°f M ,aclay Street Church of Ood'
officiated. Burial was made In the Ilar
rlsburg cemetery.
/-|,. TI J O f i'„ ncral of Mrs. Jessie N. Mc-
Curdy, .10 years old, who died yester
day morning at her home, 1342 North
street, will be held Monday afternoon
° c '2 C £;. X. he services will be in
charge of the Rev. William N. Yates,
pastor of the Fourth Street Church of
if,?=K Mrs. McCurdy is survived by her
""hand Warren E. McCurdy; one
daughter. Miss Irene McCurdy; and her
mother. Mrs. Nathan S. Schultz; three
sisters and three brothers. Burial will
be made In the East Harrlsburg Ceme-
Miss Laura Miller, asred 20 years
step-daughter of Frank S. Clinton,
Philadelphia division freight conductor,
died this morning at licr home, 223
Knola lload. No arrangements have
been made fnv the funeral. Burial will
probably be made In Philadelphia,
Commissioner Jackson Has Ar
ranged For a Start of Its
Work For State
Pen nsylvania's
W new Idust r1 a I
f jflbk regulations
State, will begin
lis work on February 4 when the first
of the monthly meetings will be held.
At this meeting a general outline of
the work to be handled will be made
and problems which hnvc arisen In
the administration of the factory in
spections and other laws will be taken
up. The board will fill a unique place
in State affairs as it will bo a part
of the Department of Labor and In
dustry, whose commissioner is its ex
offlclo chairman, and will afford a
place for appeal against orders issued
for changes In manufacturing plants
and at the same time have authority
to make rules in cases not specifically
mentioned in the laws. An Important
branch of the work of this new board
will be the Investigations, which may
be held anywhere in the State and the
result of which Is to be final subject
only to the courts.
Justices Needed. —Scores of ap
pointments of justices of the peace
will have to be made this winter to
fill vacancies which are turning up
among the magistrates of the State.
The adoption of the constitutional
amendments changing terms caused
more or less uncertainty in rural dis
tricts and as a result of search by
clerks of the commission books at the
Capitol It has been found that men
were not elected In November where
they should have been. The number
of declinations of office is larger than
Coal Tax Suit. —Filing of the action
in equity for a test of the constitu
tionality of the anthracite coal case
will not halt the steps by the Auditor
General's Department for collection
of the tax because the bill entered in
the case does not ask for an injunction
except after hearing. Coal producers
have until the end of this month to
file their sworn statements of pro
duction during 1913 and then the bills
will be made up and sent out from the
Capitol. Attorney General Bell will
determine during the coming week the
manner of meeting the suit, whether
a demurrer or an answer should be
filed. It is probable that the suit wilt
be argued in the Dauphin county court
within a few months and that other
coal companies will enter into the pro
ceedings in order to secure test of
questions which have arisen.
Sew Fund Ruling. Tho State
Banking Department has made a
ruling that secretaries of building and
loan associations may not arbitrarily
ereate contingent funds, but that each
shareholder must be apprised before
such a fund Is created. The reports
called for from associations contain
requirements for statements as to
funds provided under the act of 1913.
There are 1,737 such associations, of
which a very large majority are in
Studying Laws.—F. Herbert Snow,
chairman of the engineers' commis
sion which is charged with the duty
of preparing a State law for supervis
ion of engineering projects of a haz
ardous character, has arranged for a
study by the commission of the laws
governing engineers in various States
and abroad. The requirements and
supervision will be outlined and a plan
worked out for submission to the next
Baldwin Busy.—State Fire Marshal
Joseph L. Baldwin and his nine depu
ties are out on the trail of several
bands of organized firebugs, which
are blamed for fires that have oc
curred recently in Potter, Tioga, Elk
and Westmoreland counties. In one
case it is suspected that a woman has
been mixing in a fire for the sake of
helping a friend get insurance, and
she will be brought back from Michi
gan to stand trial. These investiga
tions are in half a dozen towns and
are part of sixty-eight now under way
for the department. The Fire Mar
shal's men have secured fifteen indict
ments against persons to be tried with
in the next fortnight.
N'ot Heard From. —The State High
way Department officials have not yet
heard anything from the supervisors
of New Castle township, Schuylkill
county, to whom was sent the contract
for resurfacing the road which led to
the indictment of Commissioner E. M.
Blgelow and several of his officials.
The bids were opened over a wepk ago
and notice of the award sent to the
supervisors. The township must bear
a part of the expense.
Licenses Run High. The income
from the automobile licenses for 1914
thus far has run over $520,000; from
hunters' licenses $260,000, and from
oleo licenses $166,000.
< 'a taw ismi Hit. The borough of
Catawissa, famous as the home of
"Farmer" Creasy and because of its
name, is under quarantine in churches,
schools and halls because of scarlet
Mi's. Kdward Again. ln Reading
they say that Mrs. Edwards is being
already beset by people who want to
use her in moving picture and various
shows. Her attorneys are annoyed by
importunities as they want to comply
with the desires of the Board of Par
dons and have her taken away.
Commission Issued.—The Secretary
of the Commonwealth to-day issued
the commission of Dr. F. B. Kann. of
this city, reappointed a member of the
Board of Osteopathic Examiners.
Ask About Crossings,—The Public
Service Commission is receiving a
number of letters about the grade
crossing regulations which are pro
posed. The problem Is now being
studied and it is expected that in a
short time a set of regulations will be
presented to the commission for* ap
Te Build Bridges.—The Pennsylva
nia Railroad has applied to the Water
Supply Commission for permission to
build bridges on the Tyrone division,
one being over Warriors Mark run.
Visited Capitol. —The members of
the Downingtown basketball team
were visitors to the Capitol this morn
ing. -
llcrson Resigns.—Henry W. Pier
son. who has been chief of the division
of distribution of biological products
of the Department of Health since its
establishment, has tendered his resig
nation. Mr. Plerson will engage in
business in Philadelphia. He was'ap
pointed from that city, where he had
been one of the secretaries to Edwin
S. Stuart when he was mayor.
Preparing Argument.—Deputy At
torney General W. M. Hargest is pre
paring for the argument on the cold
storage law test case next Wednesday.
This is expected to be the first step
toward testing the law because the
people owning cold storage plants
contend that it is confiscatory.
[Continued from First Page]
that General Pratt, a former superin
tendent, is back of the movement to
oust Superintendent Friedman.
"Why, that is always the cry," he
said this morning. "Every time there
is any trouble at the school and an
investigation is intimated. General
Pratt Is blamed for being 'the man
behind the gun' by some people, who
say he wants the superintendency
again. General Pratt told me only
recently that he was glad to be free
and had no desire to be superintend
ent of any school. General Pratt Is a
man who has his whole heart in the
welfare of the Indian and takes a per
sonal interest in every movement for
the development of the race."
Mr. Wheelock was a student and an
employe at the Indian school from
1889 until 1900. He was graduated in
1896. Since Mr. Friedman has been
in charge of the school he has not had
any connection with the institution,
but he knows many of the employes
and students there. He said this
morning that some of his friends at
the school had told him on a number
of occasions that Mr. Friedman would
go away from the school for two and
three days at a time without any per
son knowing where he was and also
that he never takes any responsibility
for anything that goes wrong in the
school. If something goes wrong, said
Mr. Wheelock, "the blame will be
shifted about until it finally rests on
some other person's shoulders."
Regarding the liquor charges, Mr.
Wheelock said he believed, but was
not positive, that several charges In
volving the illegal sale of liquor to the
Indians were made while he was in
school. Continuing, he said: "There
was little cause for investigations ot
the sale of liquor because of the strict
discipline. The punishment was so
severe that the students did not want
to break the rules of the institution.
From what I can understand now, the
discipline is loose.
"While I was in school," said
Wheelock, "every man had to be In
hie room and In his night dress by
9.30 o'clock, with his clothes hanging
a certain way on a chair. At Inter
vals during the night inspections
would be made, so there was little
chance to get out for liquor or for
any other purpose."
Mr. Wheelock attended school at
the time Frank Mount Pleasant,
Frank Cayou, Edward Rogers, Levi
St. Cyr, Leander Gansworth and other
prominent athletes were students
Four Injured During
Big Fire in Cleveland
By Associated Press
Cleveland, Ohio, .Tan. 24.—Throe
firemen and one employe of the M.
and M. Auto Supply Company were in
jured in three explosions when fire
broke out in the M. and M. plant this
The injured are: Captain Thomas
O'Brien, Lieutenant Walter Reid,
Firemen P. J. McGlynn and Frank
Twenty other firemen fighting the
blaze in an alley were cut off by fall
ing walls and nearly suffocated before
rescued. Several more were slightly
burned when ■ llames burst from the
basement through the glass light
shafts to the side walk..
The blaze apread a half block east
and threatened several other build
ings and at 9.30 the loss was esti
mated at $140,000 and was still burn
Suffragettes Destroy
Gardens in Glasgow
By Associated Press
Glasgow, Scotland, Jan. 24. —A
bomb outrage, believed by the police
to have been carried out by militant
suffragettes, to-day, destroyed the ex
tensive conservatory In the Glasgow
Botanic Gardens known as the Kibble
Crystal Palace.
The great glass roofs and sides of
the structure were blown into thou
sands of pieces. Many valuable plants
were ruined. A caretaker succeeding
| in severing the fuse of a second bomb
just before the first one exploded. He
bad a narrow escape from losing his
life by being struck by some of the
flying splinters of metal and glass.
Footprints and remains of food
found in the bushes ia the vicinity
of the conservatory Indicated that the
perpetrators of the outrage had hidden
for some time awaiting an opportunity
to set the fuses of the bombs.
Three sons and a son-in-law of
John S. Lynch, the former recorder
of Dauphin county, *vho died Thurs
day morlng at his home, 22 4 North
street, were the pallbearers at his
funeral this afternoon. They were
William H. Lynch, member of City
Council and former Highwav Commis
sioner; Christian W. Lynch, former
County Treasurer; John C. Lvnch,
secretary of the Young Men's Chris
tian Association at Wheeling. W. Va.,
and J. Harvey Patton. The Rev. Stew
art Wlnfield Herman, pastor of the
Zion Lutheran Church, conducted the
services. Burial was made in the
Harrisburg Cemetery.
By Associated Press
London, Jan. 24. Two hundred
thousand union men employed In the
building trade In London laid down
their tools for the week-end holiday
to-day and declared that they would
not resume work until the employers
withdrew their demand for the "open
shop" principle.
Hot From the Wire
By Associated Press
New York. Frank L. Polk, a great
nephew of President Polk, was appoint
ed corporation counsel by Mayor
Mltchel to-day. The position pays sls -
000 a year. Mr. Polk Is 43 years old
and a Yale graduate. He served In Mr
Mitchel's campaign as treasurer laßt
Fall. T
llrem**it, Germany. The trans-At
lantic passenger rate war between the
German shipping companies was open
ed to-day with the announcement by
the North German Lloyd that Its
steamer, Kaiser Wllhelm Der Grosse,
will be placed at the exclusive disposal
of third-class and steerage passengers.
I,ln coin, Neb. Secretaries McAdoo
and Houston, of the regional bank re
serve committee, arrived In Lincoln to
day for a healing on location of the r»
serve bank.
Berlin. The German Imperial Par
liament to-day, In order to demonstrate
its indignation over the recent inci
dents between the military and civil
ians at Zabern, adopted by a larne ma
jority a resolution demanding Govern
ment action to prevent the use of troops
against citizens unless at the request
of the civil authorities. *
nig Rapids, Mich. Governor Ferris
at his home here to-day, said he had
asked his chief clerk to obtain for'him
all the available official Information
possible with reference to the action
of the House Democratic caucus In
asking for a special rule authorizing
an investigation of the copper mine
Washington. Secretary Tumulty
said to-day that President Wilson's en
gagement next Monday night with the
Senate foreign relations committee was
made nearly a week ago. and was not
the result of any particular
ment in foreign relations
Divorce, Trespass, Alienation of
Affection and Auditor's
Mandamus Schedules
among the questions scheduled for
threshing out at the midwinter Besslon
of argument court January 27. The
list was completed yesterday after
noon by Prothonotary Harry F.
A murder case wasto have been
put on the list, but because of the
delay in preparation of the written
testimony, and the fact that Addi
tional Law Judge McCarrell, the trial
judge, will be unable to sit, made the
continuance necessary. The appeal
for a new trial by Martin Fleming,
convicted of murder, is the case in
Although Judge McCarrell was im
proved enough to-day to sign a couple
of orders and transact some other
matters at his home, his place on the
bench for both desertion, support, ar
gument and probably divorce court
will be taken by Judge Henry, Leb
Following is the argument list:
Arthur C. Mead vs. Central Penn
sylvania Traction Company, trespass;
Frank R. Laverty vs. John T. Ens
ininger, trespass; Jacob Snyder vs.
Louise Snyder, divorce; John B. Kider
vs. Yoork Haven Water and Power
Company, trespass, all motions for
new trails; H. D. Koons vs. Farmers'
Bank, Hummelstown, vs. Grant S.
Runkle, open judgment; Common
wealth vs. Dollar Savings Bank, de
murrer; Joseph H. Simmons vs. Tri
une Lodge, Independent Order of Odd
Fellows, Middletown, demurrer;
Emanuel Rhinehart vs. William J.
Bayles and James M. Sanders, strike
oft judgment; Co-operative Loan and
Investment Company vs. Clara and
Henry W. Campbell, open judgment;
Auditors vs. County, mandamus. Cold
storage cases involving the Philadel
phia warehouse and storage compa
nies are fixed specially for January 28,
and the State case against H. W. Rebe
is fixed for February 11.
Wow! Here Comes tlie Circus.
May 30, Memorial Day, may be circus
day in Harrisburg, too. To-day the
advance agent of Ringling Brothers'
circus got a permit to show In this
city, and while the date wasn't defi
nitely fixed, the advance agent thought
May 30 would be the time. The per
mit cost SIOO.
Dates For County School Directors.
—Three sets of dates have been sug
gested for the annual meeting of the
Dauphin county school directors to be
held at Lykcns. The dates will be
definitely fixed on Wednesday. Feb
-1 ruury 13 and 14, February 20 and 21,
land March G and 7 are the dates sug-
I gested.
I Realty Transactions.—Realty trans
fers in city and county yesterday ln-
I eluded the following: J. H. Koons to
[Joseph L. Walters, Upper Paxton, $10;
(H. M. Neiffer to Anna M. Snyder,
Riverside, $1,000; W. D. Farley to
I John G. Earley, half Interest, East
Hanover. $1; John G. Earley to Wil
liam Earley, hhlf interest, East Han
over, $1,500; Bridget Clancy to H.
Prcsberry, 1154 South Cameron street,
$875; Benjamin Brennen to G. DlSan
to, 1114 North Seventh, $1,350; Isaac
Freedom to State, 123 State, $1,250.
I'rolwted Will. —The will of Harriet
A. lloart was probated to-day and let
ters weer granted to John Davis as ex
ecutor. Mrs. Hoart was a Highsplro
resident and Davis lives in Steelton.
Must Walt Year to Vied.—Leonard
T. Dlehl, Herkimer county, N. Y., and
I Edith May Rhoads, Mohawk, N. Y.,
»\vere refused a marriage license this
morning by Deputy Recorder Muinnia
because of the divorce conditions im
posed by the State of New York upon
the woman when its courts granted
her a divorce. The divorce decree
specifies that Mrs. Rhoads may not
marry again for siv years. She got
the divorce five years ago.
lCxeeptcd to Auditors' Account.
In a brief ordered handed down to
day, Additional Law Judge McCarrell
allows the exception to be made by
Thomas 8. Hargest to the recent re
port of the auditors of the account of
Percy M. Chandler, receiver for the
Tradesmen Trust Comjany. The rule
will now be argued. Attorney Hargest
wanted $3,500 for services as coun
sel to the receiver; the auditors al
lowed him $2,500.
Cardinal Approves the
Boy Scout Movement
New York, Jan. 24.—Official rec
ognition of the movement for the es
tablishment of Catholic Boy Scouts
In his diocese In affiliation with the
national organization has been given
by Cardinal Farley. In u letter ap
pointing the. Rev. Francis J. Sullivan
spiritual director of Catholic troops,
the cardinal made known the condi
tions under which he approved the
scout movement. These provide that
the scouts be dlstinctlyCathollc troops,
that the scout masters be approved
by the church authorities and that no
Catholic boy be allowed to join the
scouts unless he be a member of the
Junior Holy.Name Society or kindred
Carlisle, Pa., an. 24. —The popu
larity of the tango is blamed for what
Is being called a "tango war" In Car
lisle. Announcements have been made
by tango enthuusiasts that three sepa
rate tango teas will be conducted In
the only three halls that Carlisle can
boast of to-morrow afternoon.
Mrs. Parker, who has been onduct-
Ing classes for years, will hold a tango
tea in the armory. Miss Helen Wile,
it is understood, will conduct a tango
tea In Assembly Hall. A committee,
comprising James Beetem, Ralph Har
ris and Leo McDonald, have Issued
Invitations for a tango tea in Mentzer
Carlisle is wondering why tea Is be
ing served at all the dances. As there
are no more than 100 pairs tHat are
tango crazy, people here are watching
with Interest the outcome of the war.
Des Moines, la., Jan. 24.—The con
dition of Lafayette Young, former
United States senator and publisher
of the Des Moines Capital was an
nounced as serious by his physicians
after a diagnosis to-day. The for
mer senator was taken ill with pneu
monia several days ago. He is 66
years of age.
Sunbury, Pa., Jan. 24. —William L.
Mann. 68 years old, a retired hotel
man here, said to a friend, "I feel that
I will die," and shortly afterward he
went to see a doctor. In the doctor's
office he gave a gasp and fell dead of
heart trouble. Mann ran the Hotel
Mann here for many years and Mann's
TANUARY 24, 1914.
Trm MlD^LeTcwenjCf)ief)sPiw&A
Firemen Invited to Services; Pre
pare For Overflow
The first "men's day" service ever
held in the borough will be held in
Centenary United Brethren Church,
South Second street, to-morrow even
ing. The plans for this service were
made by the Rev. A. K. Wier, re
cently chosen pastor of Centenary
Church. While the service is in prog
ress in Centenary United Brethren
Church here similar services will be I
in progress in every United Brethren ]
Church in each city and town In the
An invitation has been extended to
all the borough's firemen to attend
theso services. The firemen will meet
in their respective flrehouses before
7 o'clock. Members of the uptown
companies will meet the members of
the Citizens' company at the latter's
parlors and march to the church In a
body. The Baldwin members will
meet at their house before 7 o'clock
and march to Swatara street, where
they will join the other firemen.
So great is the interest already dis
played in this service that the Rev. A.
K. Wier has arranged to hold an over
flow aervice in the Sunday school |
room. This service will be addressed
by the Rev. I. Moyer Hershey, of
Hershey. The overflow meeting will
bo open to women, but the entire
auditorium has been reserved for men.
The Rev. Mr. Hershey will also con
duct the morning services.
The sermon to the men will be de
livered by the Rev. A. K. Wier. His
subject will be "God's Call to the Men
of the Twentieth Century." Special
music will be given by the choir and
the Steeiton male chorus.
A meeting of the Municipal League
will be held Monday evening. The
league meets in room No. 4 of the
Steeiton Light and Power Company
Building, 49 North Front street.
Steeiton Lodge, 184, Independent
Order of Odd Fellows, conferred the
initiatory degree upon a class of eleven
candidates last evening at a meeting
in the Steeiton Trust Building. Visitors
were present from Harrisburg, Mid
dletown, New Cumberland and other
surrounding towns. ,
M. J. Horwath, Stanko Srblc and
Steve Noenic, the first two officers and
the latter a delegate of the Steeiton
Croatian Sokol, will attend the con
vention of the Federation of Sokois
of the East, which meets in Philadel
phia to-morrow.
The Rev. T. H. 'Williams, pastor of
the Wesley Methodist Episcopal Zion
Church at Middletown, will conduct a
rally in his church there to-morrow.
A special program has been prepared
for the service.
Charles Street, of Defiance, Ohio,
who has been the guest of relatives
here for some time, left to-day for
the Philippine Islands.
Joseph Beidle, of Buffalo, is the
guest of relatives and friends here.
Frank Myers, who was the guest of
relatives here, has returned to Alex
andria, Va.
Members of the Regents' Association,
of Steeiton Council, Royal Arcanum,
bnnqueted at the Bessemer House, last
evening. Among the guests were: E. H.
Men gel, president; Mrs. Mengle, Mr.
and Mrs. JZ. E. Whitney, of Hongham,
Mass.; Harry T. Newlln. of Baltimore;
Dr. D. B. Travel-, Mrs. Nivin. Mr. and
Mrs. H. F. Lupfer, Mr. and Mrs. A. N.
Lupfer, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Brehm, Mr.
and Mrs. E. B. Wright, Miss Jessie
Wright, Dr. and Mrs. C. R. Miller, Mr.
and Mrs. George S. Sherer, Mr. and Mrs.
H. Russell Rupp, Mr. and Mrs. A. 11.
McCauiey, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Martin,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Wiekersham.
The committee on arrangements in
cluded. A. N. Lupfer and A. V. A. B
| First Reformed The Rev. D. TT
Leader will preach at 11 a. m„ and 7.30
p. m. Installation of church officers at
morning service. Sunday School, 9.60
а. m.
First Methodist The Rev. .T E
Grauiey will preach al 10.30 a. in. on
the topic. "The Church's Relation to
the New Democracy," and at 7 30 p. m
on the subject, "Paul In Corinth." Tiles
day evening Illustrated lecture on Pan
ama canal. Wednesday evening at
social and prayer service, topic, "Gid
eon's Band."
Mt. Zion Methodist—The Rev. J E
Grauiey will preach ot 3.30 o'clock in
the afternoon
St. John Lutheran—The Rev. M. P.
Hocker pastor. Holy communion will
be observed to-morrow. Preparatory
service at 8.30 o'clock this evening
Sunday School at 9.45 a. m.; Interme
diate Y. P. S. C. E., at 6.45 p. m.; lead
ers. Robert Miller and Paul Metzger
Trinity Episcopal The Rev. Har
wick Arthur Loll is. rector. 8 a. in., Holy
communion; 10 a. m„ Sunday School;
Ji. a, J I '".. rnornln ® service and sermon!
St. Paul s Attitude Toward the Gog
pel; 7.30 p. m., evening service and
sermon. "Child Labor."
Central Baptist Main and Trewick
streets, the Rev. George T. Schools
pastor. 10.30 a. ni., subieet. "The Sav
gin Sign;' 7.30 p. m.. "The Logic of
Gods Love;" Sunday School, 2 p. in.- B
Y. P. U.. 6.30 p. m.
First Presbyterian—The Rev. J. Har
old Wolf, of Dillsburg, will preach at
11 a. m. and 7.30 p. m.; Sabbath School,
9.45 a. m.; C. E. at G. 30 r>. m. The Men's
League will meet on Tuesday evening
at 8 oclock.
Main Street Church of God James
M. Waggoner, pastor, will preach at
1.30 a. m. and at 7.30 p. m.: revival
services will be held; Sunday School 2
F' 30 Pl m - Revival services
will be continued during the week
St. Mark's Lutheran The Rev. Wil
liam B. Smith, pastor. 10.30 a. m
"Counterbalance Evil With God'" 2 p'
m., Sunday School: 6.45 p m.. C. E.; 730
p. nl„ "What Doest Thou Here?"' 4 - .30
p. m. Friday, Junior catclietical class:
7.80 p. m. Friday, Senior catechetical
class. Mrs. Charles Peck's Sunday
School class will hold an entertainment
in St. Mark's Lutheran Church at 8 n.
m. Thursday evening. January 29
1914. Everybody cordially Invited to be
United Evangelical—The Rev. James
M. Shoop, the pastor, will preach to
morrow morning at 10.30, and In the
evening at 7.30 o'clock: special illus
trated sermon. "The Attraction of the
Cross;" Sunday School, 9.15; K. L. C. E
б.45 p. m.
The meeting of the Good Citizenship
League that was scheduled to be held
last evening, was postponed. A meeting
will be held the evening of February 4,
at which time officers will be elected,
and . other business will be transacted.
For the second time since its com
pletion, the new Bessemer Mill was
"blown." Vice-president J. V. W.
Rc.vnders and Superintendent Frank
Carney were present and watched the
mm •» .titration for a while.
"She Stoops to Conquer" was pre
sented in the High school auditorium
last evening- by the members of the
senior class of the High school In
honor of the juniors.
The acting of the entire cast sur
passed anything seen here In an ama
teur production for a long time and
showed the results of the drilling of
Professor William Harclerode, of the
high school faculty, under whose di
rection the play was staged.
While it would be hard to pick out
any single member of the big cast for
excellence in acting, so well did each
member carry out their part, the act
ing of Miss Jessie Sharosky, as Miss
Hardcastle; Mies Lillian M. Kell, as
Miss Newville; Miss Marion M. Barth,
as Mrs. Hardcastle; Richard C. Alden,
as Mariow, and Charles Chambers, as
Hardcastle, was of such a quality that
it is deserving of praise. Charles L,
Kent, as Tony Lumpklns, Installed a
great deal of humor into the play.
A surprise party was given last
evening in honor of Eugene W. Suy
dam, 222 Liocust street. It was the oc
casion of his 50th birthday anniver
sary. A leather rocking chair was
presented him in honor of the event.
Refreshments were served to the fol
lowing: Miss Catherine McFarland, Miss
Carrie McFarland, Mr. McFarland, Mr.
and Mrs. Hafieigh, Miss Hafieigh, Mr.
and Mrs. Smiley, Mr. and Mrs. H. C.
Zacarlas, Mrs. Suydam, Miss Esehtre
Suydam, Raymond Suydam, Harold
Suydam, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gamble,
Miss Mary Gamble, Mr. and Mrs. E. Mc-
Farland and E. W. Suydam.
The class of the St. Mark's Sunday
school taught by Mrs. Charles Peck,
will hold an entertainment in the
church Tuesday evening. An excellent
musical program Is being arranged.
William J. Gallagher, 70 years old,
died at the home of his daughter, Mrs.
Robert Holstine, West Main street,
Thursday night. Death was caused by
heart disease. Mr. Gallagher was a
native of Ireland. He was one of the
oldest employes of the old pipe mill. At
the time of his death he was a pen
sioner of the United States Steel Com
He is survived by his wife and the
following children: Mrs. Thomas
Huber, Philadelphia; Mrs. W. W. Ben
net. Harrisburg; Mrs. Robert Holstine,
Middletown; Angus Gallagher, Newport
News, Va., and William Gallagher,
Cleveland, Ohio.
The funeral of Joseph Yeager, whose
body was found hanging from a limb
or a tree in the rear of his home,
Thursday night, was held at the home
of Michael Geyer, at 1 o'clock this
afternoon, and at Geyer s Church at
1:30 o'clock. The Rev. William Beßach,
of Royal ton, and the Rev. I. N. Seldom
rldge, officiated. Burial was made in
Geyer's Cemetery.
Ihighspire" 777^!
The Rev. B. L. C. E. Baer, pastor of
the Highspire Church of God, will
preach a sermon on "The Unpardonable
t,le evening services, Sunday,
j The Rev. Mr. Baer has been requested
to preach a sermon on this subject by
a member of his church to shed some
light on a controversy concerning thu
Bible utterances upon this subject.
Said the Rev. Mr. Baer this morning:
"I want to announce that X will discuss
any moral Issue from the pulpit about
which the people of this community are
thinking and concerning which there is
a doubt, if such persons will be frank
enough to present in writing, or per
sonally, any such requests."
Last Sunday evening the Rev. Mr.
Baer told the audience, which packed
the auditorium of the Church of God to
capacity, "Why Some People of High
spire Are Not Christians; Refuge to Be
lieve in God and Will Not Attend
„ The funeral of Mrs. Mary Catherine
Klugh, mother of Burgess Klugh, of
Highspire, was held yesterday after
noon at the home of her daughter, Mrs.
Charles E. Burkholder. Burial was
made nt the Mumma Cemetory.
A meeting of the Highspire branch
of tile Woman's Christian Temperance
Union, will be held at the home of
Mrs. M. V. Coover, Second street, this
evening. An address will be de
livered by Mrs. M. K. Stees. of Steeiton.
president of the Dauphin County Asso
Mrs. J. Simmonton, a resident of the
East End, tripped and fell down a flight
of stairs at her home, Thursday. Her
arm was broken.
Miss Ada Short and Harrison Parthe
more, both of Highspire, were married
1 Thursday evening, at the home of the
bride, in Market street, bv the Rev. B.
L. C. E. Baer, pastor of the Highspire
Church of God. Mr. and Mrs. Parine
more will reside in Highspire.
Mr. and Mrs. David Ackerman spent
Sunday with the former's father, in
Mr. and Mrs. Willis Hoch attended the
funeral of the former's sister, Mrs.
Theodore Sullenberger, at Newville,
Cumberland county, Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Yeager, Market
streot. spent Saturday In Enola, with
their son, Guy Yeager.
Mrs. Margaret Lehman spent Sunday
in Hummelstown.
Miss Myrtle Bacliman spent Saturday
with former schoolmates, in Mlllers
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs.
James Green, Second street, Thursday,
January 22.
Church of God—The Rev. B. L. C.
E., Baer, pastor. Preaching, 10.16
. a. m. and 7.30 p. m.; evening sermon,
"The Sin Which is Unpardonable: Is
; It Possible To-day? How? By
[ Whom?" Sunday school, 1.30 p. m.;
Sunday school at chapel, 3 p. m.;
, Christian Endeavor, 6.15 p. m.
United Brethren—The Rev. 11. P.
I Rhoad, pastor. Morning sermon,
' 10.15, "What Is a Christian?" evening
1 sermon, "The Unsaved in Hell." 7.15;
Sunday school, 1.30 p. m.; Christian
Endeavor, 6.15.
! John H. Gardner, of Carlisle,
Dies From Pneumonia Today
Carlisle, Pa., Jan. 24. —John 11.
I Gardner, a prominent real estate
' I owner and manufacturer here died
,! this morning from an attack of gas
tritis, developing into pneumonia. He
was a large stockholder in the
Cooper Heating Company and owned
several large mercantile houses here.
He was a member of a number of
lodges. He is survived by his wife and
two children, Mrs. Charles Stevenson,
of Lock Haven, and Mrs. William Zer
by, of Carlisle.
Carlisle, Pa., Jan. 24. — W. N. Hall,
62 years old, a former resident of
Carlisle, died last night at Grandvleir
i Sanatorium, Werncrsvilie, of pneu
monia. Mr. Ilali, while living in Car
lisle, was prominent in Democratic
political circles and for A number of
years was collector of State, county
and school taxes. He is survived by
one son, W. N. Hall, Jr., of Carllal*.