Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 09, 1914, Page 4, Image 4

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SOtPEWAi^sociA ym
Publishes Selections From the
Writings of the Rev. Dr.
C. I. Scofield
Mies Mary Epilly Reily, of Front
and Reily streets, this city, has com
piled a little book from the writings
of the Rev. Dr. C. I. Scofield, entitled
"No Room in the Inn and Other In
terpretations." It is published by the
Oxford University Press. New York.
Dr. Scofield is the eminent Bible
teacher who is so beloved in this and
many other cities; and all who have
heard his wonderful expositions of the
Scriptures will be delighted to see Miss
Belly's book.
From the opening chapter, "The
First Christmas Night," tho book is
full of delightful "expositions and in
terpretations of Scripture, upon sub
jects of vital import to Christian faith
and life."
Mandolin, Guitar & Banjo
Here To-morrow
No matter what other stores throw out to-morrow
in the way of attractive offerings and prices, we have no
hesitancy in asking that the bargains offered here be
compared with those presented elsewhere. We have
given care to the selection of items for Saturday shop
pers and have given no thought to profits. We KNOW
you will favor this store if you will investigate. Come.
Women's coat suits, special to
morrow, worth $lO. Per d»<ry ,dQ
suit, Saturday only. .. . .t I */
Women's sl2 to sls emit suits.
Saturday special, $4.98
Women's and misses' chinchilla
coats, worth up to SB.OO. /IQ
Children's small size fleered un
derwear, vest and pants, worth A
up to 20c. Each Saturday,
Saturday's special, men's worsted
pacts, worth $1.25.
Pair <a>i7C
Large 10c buck towels, hemmed
with colored borders. Satur
day only, each
Saturday special, 9 to 10 ■> m.,
standard apron gingham, 01/_
worth 6%c; yard «-* /2^
Special Saturday, 6c hemOl/ _
med table napkins, each. /2 t "
Children's bleached muslin n°ttl
coats, worth 12% c. Saturyll/
day. each ** /2C
Girls' fancy gingham dresses,
worth 25c. Saturday, up to Q
12 o'clock, each fC
Girls', up to 14 years, lontr wool
cloth coats, worth $4 each. Rs»♦ur
day only, up to 1 p. m., $ 1 "7rt
each J.. a &
Women's black and navv dross
skirts. Special Saturday only, 89c;
Ladles' 25c brassieres. Sntiii-.i'iy,
special bargains, 1 *JI /
each , A <£/2 C
Women's white voile and lingerie
shirtwaists, worth up to S1 A
and $1.25. Saturday each,
Feather bolsters, 2 yards '->ng,
worth $1.50. Saturday
each '
Extra size muslin drawers,
for stout women
Clean up price, girls' up to 15
years, silk luster, black <-irneiil
'tyiats, worth $5.98. Sat- tfo QO
urday, special ip&.rJG
Boys' and girls' wool coat AQ~
sweathcrs, worth SI.OO, each,
Saturday special, women's sec
ond's 50c quality black 1 «>l/
hose. Pair I^72C
Men's and boys' silk mufflers,
never sold less than 25c, 50c-A—
and 75c. Saturday, each .... fC
Women's 50c wool fascinators,
slightly soiled, 1
each IUC
Morning sales up to I p. m..
boys' winter overcoats, worth
up to $4.50, 1 A Q
each «P 1
Saturday 'Special, boys' •* A
25c blouse waists ItC
Saturday special, men's four-in
hand neckwear, worth up t'Ol/
15c, each /2C
Men's heavy fleece lined under
shirts and drawers, always OQ
50c. Sale price
/ 18-lnch wide, deep corset cover
embroidery, worth 25c. Sale Q_
price, Saturday */C
Corsets, extra value, full boned
and full length, perfect, SI.OO
model, bought especially for "7Q-,
this sale, special • fC
I SMITH'S, 412 Market St.
99fl Marlrdt Qf r( - r fr Second Floor. Hell Phone 2020W
o£*\r mttiiici JircciL o Deil Wed alltl Sat Evenlllgs .
Mrs. A. D. Horn's Guests
Hear of Engagement
| Guests at the card matinee Riven
j yesterday by Mrs. Alexander D. Horn
at her residence, 23 4 Keiker «treet, re
ceived pink roses as favors. Attached
to the stems were tiny envelopes bear
ing the announcement of the engage
! ment of Miss Florence Katherlne Mll
i ler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
1 Miller, of 506 Emerald street, to Wal
ter D. Fredeking, of West Virginia.
' A buffet supper following the games
i was served to Mrs. Frederick McClin
! tock, Mrs. Fannie M. Snyder, Mrs. An- 1
I drew Buchanan, Mrs. Luther Halbert,
iof Carlisle; Mrs. Ralph Riegel, Mrs.
j Robert Hlckes, Mrs. Frank Stedman,
'Miss Helen May Miller, Miss Sara Rob
! erts, Miss Marv Harsh, Miss Alice Mad-»
den. Miss Lillian Fisher and Miss
Florence Katherine Miller.
Mrs. E. S. Wolfe Hostess
to a Wednesday Club
Tho Wednesday Social Club was
very delightfully entertained at the
home of Mrs. E. S. Wolfe, 1835 Derry
street, the festivities closing with re
freshments served to the following
Mrs. J. O. Bender, Mrs. E. Klepper,
I Mrs. Charles Henery, Mrs. E. E. Eshe
j naur, Mrs. Gustan, Mrs. E. S. Erb and
! daughter Vesta, Mrs. E. V. Roland,
i Mrs Charles Bare, Mrs. G. C. Wolfe
; and daughter Catherine, Mrs. E. S.
i Wolfe, Masters, Fred Wolfe, Ray
; Wolfe and Marlin Bender and Pro
j feasor E. S. Wolfe.
4 to 6 inch wide cluny lace, white
and ecru. 19c and 25c values. Q
Saturday sale price, yard .3C
Clean up sale, women's and
misses' all siik messaline and all
wool serge dresses, worth up to $8
and $lO. Saturday's spe- d»/l
cial, each tfHr.O;?
Extra special, Saturday, ladies'
hemstitched handkerchiefs. 1 _
each . 1C
Kxtra special Saturday, 2 to 3
p. m., ladles' silk hose, garter top,
all colors and black, worth double.
Special Saturday, 2 to 3 1 Q
p. m., pair I
Extra special, broken lots chil
dren's dresses, sizes up to 1 4 years,
worth 98c and $1.24. Saturday
special, morning sales up to *3£»
I p. m ODC
Ladles' collars, broken lots, for
merly sold up to 25c. Slightly ■«
soiled. Saturday special, each, AC
Baby caps, formerly sold up to
SI.OO. Broken lots, all 1
colors, each lUC
Women's and misses' coats, less
[than cost of making. Broken lots
|of $12.50, $15.00 and SIO.OO. Boucle
and chinchilla winter coats. Satur
p,"™: 1 " 1 ' $5.00
; Deep embroidery flouncing, Bto
12 inch-wide, worth 15c per vard.
Saturday sale CI / „
price /2C
Ladies' and children's hose sup
porters, 15c to 20c values. Special
Saturday morning sales,
pair / C
Girls' and boys' heavy ribbed
stockings, worth up to 20c. Q
Saturday special, pair "C
1,000 yards narrow torchon ;<nd
val. lace, worth up to 10c. Sat- O
urday, per yard
Stamped doilies, clean up. 5c and
10c size, slightly soiled, -J „ o„
each IC,
Women's combination suits, for
merly sold at SI.OO and $1.25 slight
ly soiled. Saturday, 29c
Extra special Saturday, 9 to 10
a. m., women's shirt waists, worth
50c. Special hour sale, 1
each IOC
Big value, unmatchable, all wool
serge, one piece dresses, black,
navy and brown, worth tfjo oq
up to $7. Saturday,each, <4»<£.Ol/
Ladles' bleached muslin drawers,
deep ruffled, worth up tclQl/
25c. Saturday I £ /2 C
Children's bleached muslin draw
ers, worth up to 12'/ic. Sat- A\/ «
Men's socks, worth sc. Sat- *>
urday,. pair
Women's special flannelette and
percale kimono sacks, worth nj;
50c and 59c. Special Saturday, fciOC
Extra special, ladies' new all wool
Scotch plaid dress skirts, trimmed
with buttons, worth up <£ 1 QQ
to $5. Special Saturday,
Women's and misses' newest sl6
value, tailored suits, best satin lin
ing. Saturday *7C
special <jpOi> # O
Extra special, ladies' $3.50 new
est all wool, navy, brown and black
dress skirts, correct <tjl no
styles, each «p1.170
Clever Actress-Manager Thinks
Public Is Surfeited With
Cheap Shows
Annie Russell, who as actress-man
ager Is on tour with a series of old
English comedies, is strong in her
faith that the taste of the American
public la changing.
"Surely they are becoming surfeit
ed," aho said, "of so much vulgarity
and cheap variety. The people of cul
ture demand clean, wholesome plays
of literary merit. That I am right
has been proved by the success of my
tour so far."
The little actress should know
whereof she speaks for she has been
before the footlights since she was 7
years of age.
"I had my mother to help support..
We player folk are serious, hard work
ing people, trying to earn our living
like anyone else. But lam very fortu
nate In always having my husband
with me. (he plays to-night in the role
of Young Marlow). We have been
married nearly ten years and, except
for a few weeks last winter, we have
always been in the same company.
We are absolutely and perfectly con
genial and see the same side of every
question. i met him In New York
when he came over from England to
be my lead in 'Mice and Men.' Of
course we have an apartment in New
York, but our real home is away up
on the shores of New England. Just
as soon as the season closes we fly up
there and get into old, old clothes and
have such a Jolly time! That home
means so much to me! I was in At
lantic City this week and I bought a
few pieces of Venetian glass and sent
them on. Do you know, it made me
dreadfully homesick for a while?
"I have the handsomest dinlngroom
you ever saw, all furnished in antique
curly maple, tho kind of wood they
used to make violin cases of. My side
board is six feet long and I do not
keep a thing upon it but two golden
ca.ndlesticks and Venetian glass vases
and dishes full of flowers. Every few
days 1 change the color scheme of the
flowers. Mr. Yorke and I try to eat,
but we kpep one eye almost constantly
on the picture that precious sideboard
But, unlike so many stage people,
she has no laughing baby faces wait
ing for her at home.
"God has not been so good to me
a sthat," she sold. "Oh, for a child of
my own 1 would gladly give it all up,
this life of success and work! But that
is my one sorrow."
In staging her plays Miss Russell
has gone to considerable trouble and
expense to duplicate the period cos
tumes from the original fashion plates.
The voluminous skirts of ''Kate Hard
castle'" are supported upon real side
hoop-skirts of boneing, such as were
used at that time. Several thousands
of dollars have been expended upon
the star's costumes alone for her Gold
smith comedies.
When dscusslng the narrow-minded
view of the private life of actors held
by so many old-fashioned people, Miss
Russell sighed.
"It is one of the saddest things in
life," she declared, "this misunder
standing of the classes. You see it be
tween capital and labor, between
churchmen and nonchurehmen, be
tween the public and ourselves. Be
cause a few wrongdoers stand in the
limelight of publicity where their acts
are seen by the world, why should they
represent their whole profession?"
"Miss Russell, one of the chief at
tractions of your role to-night is .the
soft, charming laugh you use."
Her eyes twinkled.
"You think so? One time in a
Washington cafe there was a French
woman raving about the weird laugh
I used in 'As You Like It.' One of the
party introduced Mr. Yorke to her and
added that he was my husband.
"'Oh, Monsieur!' she cried, 'Mon
sieur! Does she laugh for you like
that at home?' "
has remover] his parlors from 912 N
Third St. to 908 N. Second St.
Announce Engagement
of Miss Fannie Capin
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Capin, of 1731
North Third street, announce the en
gagement of their daughter, Miss Fan
nie Capin, to Lawrence Laskey, a pop
ular Steelton man. The marriage will
be a Spring event. Miss Capin, who
is both pretty and amiable, has a host
of friends who are wishing her happi
Mrs. Wallower's Guests
Meet Mrs. Wm. J. C alder
Mrs. Edgar Z. Wallower gave a
small, informal tea this afternoon at
her home, 223G North Second street.
In honor of her mother, Mrs. William
J. Calder, of Bryn Mawr.
American Beauties graced the tea
room and the refreshment table where
Mrs. Richard J. Haldeman and Mrs.
E. Z. Wallower presided. Assisting
were Mrs. Henry McCormlck and Mrs.
A. Wilson Norris.
Mrs. George Preston Mains, of New
York city, who is visiting at the home
of her brother, Theodore G. Calder,
319 North Front street, gave a small
Informal luncheon yesterday, to be
followed by a like event to-morrow
afternoon, *
UK. FRANK I,IN MM.ICS. The tirent Spe
cialty, Ulveu New Book and W.OO
Worth of Neuroiinthlv
Treatment Free.
Siok people whose nerves are weak or
deranged—who have weak heart, liver,
stomach or bladder; blues , headache,
dizziness or dullness; nervous dyspep
sia, Irritability, cold hands and £eet,.
shortness of brenth, palpitation or ir
regular heart-beat, dropsy, drowsiness,
nervousness, sleeplessness. trembling
wandering pains, backache, irritable
spine, rheumatism, hysteria—would do
well to accept Dr. Miles' liberal offer.
You may never have another oppor
His Book contains many remarkable
cures after five to twenty local physi
cians and specialists failed. It also con
tains endorsements from Bishops,
Clergymen, Statesmen, Kditors, Busi
ness Men, Farmers, etc.
Send fur Remarkable Cure* In Your
His Improved Treatments for these
diseases are the result of 30 years' ex
perience and are thoroughly scientific
and remarkably successful, so much so
that he does not hesitate to offer Free
Treatments to the sick that they may
test them at his expense. Write at
Describe your ease, and he will send
you a two-pound Treatment and a new
Book Free. Address Dr. Franklin Miles
Dept. NS. 523 to 531", Main St., Klkhart!
W., B. &W. | W., B. <Sfc W. I W„ B. W. [ W„ B. «S? W.
All that was necessary was winter weather to bring the crowds for the bargain Suits, Coats, Dresses,
Gowns, Waists, Evening Wraps, Plush Coats, Plain and Brocade Children's Coats, Top Skirts, etc. The bar
gains are better than any January sales before because of the mild Fall. Keep coming, though the stocks are
unusually large—they are surely going down.
Main Store, 202 Walnut
Dresses of serge in navy, Copenhagen, maroon and brown Fifty other suits in chiffon broadcloth, wide wale serge,
satin collars and cuffs. Reduced from SIO.OO to $5.00 matelasse and mannish serge, all new spring models,
Dresses of wool crepe in taupe, Copenhagen, brown and «H<£«s.oo. $29.75, $31.50, $35.00, $40.00 and $40.50.
navy blue, chiffon yoke and frill of pure shadow lace. Reduced Coats of chinchilla in navy, black and gray—large plush
from $18.75 to $11.50 collar. Reduced from $15.00 to SIO.OO
Dresses of charmeuse in Copenhagen blue, raglan sleeve, Coats of astrakhan in black and blue—raglan sleeves—vel
peg top skirt, frill of fine net. Reduced from $18.75 to $11.50 vet collar and buttons. Reduced from $17.50 to $12.50
Evening dresses of chiffon in lavender, pink and yellow, Coat of Duvetyne in navy, taupe and carrot, large belt and
touches of satin and lace. Reduced from $22.50 and $19.70 to buckle. Reduced from $25.00 to $15.00
$5.00 and $7.50 Coats of Plush, in black—raglan sleeves. Reduced from
Suits of serge in navv blue and black, button trimmed. $25.00 to $18.75
Rrclncerl fmm ' r.n <£i<wwt Coats of plush, velour, brocade velvet, broadcloth plush,
Keaucecl trom • 5(517 - 50 » 10 0 ° . plain or fur trimmed. Reduced from $45.00, $40.00 and $35.00 to
buits of worsteds and wide wale serge in navy, brown, 75 d $25 00
taupe, gray and mannish mixtures—plain tailored models with r-u i > * • u j '1 • c
staple skirts, all siz cs from 35 ,o 49. Skinner's satin lined. . . Ch,ldren S "a" 111 aftm™ 812 Si
Reduced from $39.75, $35.00 and $28.75 to $15.00. Cll ' iV" ... l' * a V4,* l V
~T • Junior models m blue, brown and grav chinchilla; Bul
buits of broadcloth, cheviot and wide wale serge, made in garian belts. Special $9.75, SIO.OO and $12.50
* Sn9 e 7^ Pn " g niodels-near seal collan Redllced froni S 3O Furs—in natural and Japanese Mink-raccoon—black,
to .7.). re( or p o j n t e( l fox, gray or black marabou, Coney, civet cat
Suits of broadcloth in taupe,black brown and navy. But- and Hudson seal. Special reduction of 10 per cent, extra on
ton trimmed. Reduced from $39.75 to .'519.75 any fur in the house.
W. B. & W. Annex, 311 Walnut Street, Bargains Follow
Navy and black astrakhan coats, lined throughout with $5.95 value, $3.75, $3.95 and $2.95
satin. Very special $9.75 House dresses, 34 to 46 SI.OO and $1.50
Royal blue and red chinchilla sport coats, 14, 16 and 18 House dresses, 48 to 52 ...$1.35
years ; sizes $25 value $8,75 The greatest line of separate skirts in navy and black
Seal brown, oxford gray and navy, chinchilla sport coats; serges and clothes; values from $4.50 to $6,50. Our prices,
large kimono sleeve; sls value. Reduced to $7.50 $2.95, $3.50 and $3.95
Navy chinchilla and boucle coats with plush trimmings; Messaline Petticoats, green, cerise, navy and black and
$12.50 value $7.95 royal blue $1.98 and $2.50
Children's coats, 8 to 14 years; sizes $3.95 to $5.00 values. Messaline petticoats with patent adjustable waist band,
now .......: $2.95 $2.95
A of Children's coats, principally blue; 6 to 14 All lingerie waists, high neck »nd three-quarter length
years; $16.75 values for $7.50 and $8.75 sleeves. Reduced from 95c to 09^
A nice line of serge dresses, navy, brown, Copenhagen and Black and brown Coney scarfs $2.75 to $4.95
garnet; sizes to 46; $7.50 value, $4.75; $6.50 value, $4.50; Black and brown Coney muffs $'2.25 to $4.95
Prices Are Inseparably 202 and 31 \ W
. C j Store Open 8 A. M..—Closes 9 P. M. Saturday
Program For Pictures From Fic
tion, Opera and "Idyls of
The King"
The program for the series of ta
bleaux to be given under the manage
ment of the Aid Society to the Visiting
Nurse Association at Technical High
School auditorium on January 15, was
announced to-day. It has been divided
into three parts, as follows:
Part I. —Characters from fiction
Romola, from "Romola"; Beatrix and
Henry Esmond, from "Henry Es
mond"; Tho Marchioness and Dick
Surzelier, from "The Old Curiosity
Shop"; Diana, from "Diana of the
Crossways"; Lorn a. from "Lorna
Doone"; Katrina Van Tassel, from
"The Legend of Sleepy Hollow"; David
Copperfield and Dora, from "David
Copperfield"; solo by Mrs. Roy' G.
Part ll.—Legends of King Arthur,
with readings by Mrs. Carl Willis
Davis —Arthur Drawing Out the
Sword; Marriage of Arthur; Gareth in
the Kitchen; Lynette; Merlin and
Vivien; Meeting of Guinevere and
Launcelot; The Sisters of Sir Percival
and Galahad; Vision of the Grail;
Bedlvere Throwing Away Excallbur;
Passing of Arthur; Guinevere at Alms
bury; solo by Mrs. Roy G. Cox.
Part III —Characters from Opera—
La Tosca, from "Tosca"; Cho Cho San,
from "Madame Butterfly"; Boheme,
from "La Boheme"; Aidn, from
"Aida"; Carmen, from "Carmen";
Marguerite and Faust, from "Faust";
Tristan and Isolde, from "Tristan and
Embroidery Club Meets
With Mrs. Crist Day
Mrs. Crist Day was hostess for the
Marguerito Embroidery Club, of which
he is a member, Wednesday after
noon, at her residence, 630 Kelker
street. Sewing and social chat were
followed by refreshments served in the
The table appointments were of
green and white and the guests in
j eluded Mrs. Nelson Snyder, Mrs.
Charles Ossman, Mrs. Percy Smith,
Mrs. Samuel Hockley, Mrs. Ross Dyer,
Mrs. Mary Yost, Mrs. Milton Hopple
and Mrs. Crist Day. Mrs. Day had as
her honor guest Mrs. H. C. Day.
Mrs. John Oenslager was forced to
recall her in'itations for a luncheon
to-day at her residence, 115 South
Front street, owing to the illness of
her mother. Mrs. Conley.
Mr. and Mrs. W. ('. Lewis, of 77
North Seventeenth street, announce
the birth of a son, John S. Craig
Lewis. Thursday, January 8, 1914.
Mrs. Weaver was formerly Miss Char
lotte Plotts, of Newark, N. J.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Clyde Drennen, of
268 North street, announce the birth
of a daughter, Dorothy Dunlap Dren
nen, Monday, January 6, 1914.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph F. Burden, of
Pittsburgh, announce the birth of a
son, Ralph Frederic Burden, Jr., Mon
day, January 5. 1914. Mr. and Mrs.
Burden were former residents of this
city. J
Y. M. C. A. Course Opens;
Miss Lamson the Star
A fine audience assembled in Eahne
stock Hall last evening, the occasion!
being the first In the series of three
entertainments given under the aus
pices of the Young Men's Christian
Association. Miss Lillian Leighton
Lamson, of New York, was the bright
particular star. She opened in "Peg
o' My Heart," impersonating all of the
characters in this most popular play
and telling the story in a charming
manner. Both play and player were
thoroughly enjoyed by every one pres
ent. Miss Lamson made every part so
clear that the audience could almost
see and hear an entire cast of players.
As an impersonator true to life, this
artist has few. if any, peers. She can
come to this city again and again, and
always be assured a most cordial wel
For to-morrow we are throwing into our Janutry Clearance sule, three seasonable artitcs at very
special prices for the one day only. Tn addition to these we call yotir attention to the wonderll bargain's
that now prevail hi all departments, including some special purchases of astrakhan coats and Vimples of
advance spring models in silk dresses which have won much favor here.
" \
1 V t I v
All suits, embracing, serges, plain and fancy. Special purchase of astrakhan coal, em
corded eponge, chiffon broadcloth, basket bracing navy, black and brown coats inthree
weaves, honeycomb cloth, brocaded cloths, vel- ' , , „ \ B
vets and novelty cloths of all kinds in plain and quarter and full length models, all lined\some
fancy models; worth with Skinner's, some with other guafcfatecd
wie to $37 '. 80 '. 1n . th ' 3 $5.98 to $18.98 Batinß - and worth
Extra in Plain Tailored Suits Saturday .$7.98 to $15.98
Strictly plain tailored suits in all wool man- All remaining coats In our stock, Ht&Sacing
nish serge, blue and black, the most service- serges, chinchillas, astrakhan clotl velours,
able garment for all occasions; Skinner's satin plushes, plain and brocaded, novel! cloths of
lined; worth $22.50. In this d[l AQO all descriptions and shades, in th e-quarter
sale «D1U.«70 and full length models; worth $9 o $27.50.
Also sold In a full line of outsizes up to 53; In this <tO Qj2 fr*v 1/1 (\Q
worth $25.00. Special in this 2 sa ' e «Pfci.«/0 LO
Bale v '"' ' ' :
n «. r\ c tl Unusual Values in
stresses serge dressls
Lot of French all-wool serge dressi In Co-
Advance spring models in Crepe Meteor, penhagen, wistaria, navy and black; n\v plain
Crepe de Chine and Charmeuse dresses, an model embroidery collar and cuffs, sk satin
apent's samples, only one of a kind; worth Kirdles; worth $6 and $7. Special Friky and
$12.98 to $24.98. In thiH sale, Saturday. V
$7.98, $12.98, $15.98 $3.98
V \ \
A lot of new crepe kimonos, Ijot of tnf(eta silk , )ett! . 28 skirts, all wool ),fln
in floral patterns, and a va- . , . . .. lshed worsteds, corilrovs
riety of shades; worth $1.50. coats, special purchase, worth an( j whipcords In the.lot;
Special in the sale to-mor- $2 special In the sale for Sat- worth $2.50. Special bur
row, choice, urday, choice day; limit one to a custcher,
98c 79c $1.39
The Siy 10-12 South Fourth St. 10-12
Miss Dorothy McCormlck, of 3107
North Front street. Miss Ivatherin©
Jackson, 1717 North Second street,
c foilirchyrar?
Chocolate Covered Molasses Brittli vJT\
I Saturday Special 29c Regularly s>c ry7 j
}y uA
WeJrvut* st. y)
anil Miss Katlsrlna Nissley, of Hum
melstown, retimed to-day to their
studies at Smlfi College, Northamp
ton. Mass., aftera Christmas vacation
spent at their hones.