4 SOtPEWAi^sociA ym (IIIISS MMY E. REILY IS ID AUTHORESS Publishes Selections From the Writings of the Rev. Dr. C. I. Scofield Mies Mary Epilly Reily, of Front and Reily streets, this city, has com piled a little book from the writings of the Rev. Dr. C. I. Scofield, entitled "No Room in the Inn and Other In terpretations." It is published by the Oxford University Press. New York. Dr. Scofield is the eminent Bible teacher who is so beloved in this and many other cities; and all who have heard his wonderful expositions of the Scriptures will be delighted to see Miss Belly's book. From the opening chapter, "The First Christmas Night," tho book is full of delightful "expositions and in terpretations of Scripture, upon sub jects of vital import to Christian faith and life." WILL. D. MOYER TEACHER OF Mandolin, Guitar & Banjo 1218 GREEN STREET INSTRUMENTS FOR MALE P-R-I-C-E-S Spell SAVINGS Here To-morrow No matter what other stores throw out to-morrow in the way of attractive offerings and prices, we have no hesitancy in asking that the bargains offered here be compared with those presented elsewhere. We have given care to the selection of items for Saturday shop pers and have given no thought to profits. We KNOW you will favor this store if you will investigate. Come. Women's coat suits, special to morrow, worth $lO. Per d»i7C Large 10c buck towels, hemmed with colored borders. Satur day only, each Saturday special, 9 to 10 ■> m., standard apron gingham, 01/_ worth 6%c; yard «-* /2^ Special Saturday, 6c hemOl/ _ med table napkins, each. /2 t " Children's bleached muslin n°ttl coats, worth 12% c. Saturyll/ day. each ** /2C Girls' fancy gingham dresses, worth 25c. Saturday, up to Q 12 o'clock, each fC Girls', up to 14 years, lontr wool cloth coats, worth $4 each. Rs»♦ur day only, up to 1 p. m., $ 1 "7rt each J.. a & Women's black and navv dross skirts. Special Saturday only, 89c; Ladles' 25c brassieres. Sntiii-.i'iy, special bargains, 1 *JI / each , A <£/2 C Women's white voile and lingerie shirtwaists, worth up to S1 A and $1.25. Saturday each, Feather bolsters, 2 yards '->ng, worth $1.50. Saturday each ' Extra size muslin drawers, for stout women Clean up price, girls' up to 15 years, silk luster, black <-irneiil 'tyiats, worth $5.98. Sat- tfo QO urday, special ip&.rJG Boys' and girls' wool coat AQ~ sweathcrs, worth SI.OO, each, Saturday special, women's sec ond's 50c quality black 1 «>l/ hose. Pair I^72C Men's and boys' silk mufflers, never sold less than 25c, 50c-A— and 75c. Saturday, each .... fC Women's 50c wool fascinators, slightly soiled, 1 each IUC Morning sales up to I p. m.. boys' winter overcoats, worth up to $4.50, 1 A Q each «P 1 Saturday 'Special, boys' •* A 25c blouse waists ItC Saturday special, men's four-in hand neckwear, worth up t'Ol/ 15c, each /2C Men's heavy fleece lined under shirts and drawers, always OQ 50c. Sale price / 18-lnch wide, deep corset cover embroidery, worth 25c. Sale Q_ price, Saturday */C Corsets, extra value, full boned and full length, perfect, SI.OO model, bought especially for "7Q-, this sale, special • fC I SMITH'S, 412 Market St. jjUBIN&RUBIty HAKRISBUPG EYE SPECIALISTS 99fl Marlrdt Qf r( - r fr Second Floor. Hell Phone 2020W o£*\r mttiiici JircciL o Deil Wed alltl Sat Evenlllgs . FRIDAY EVENING, HARHSBBURO TELEGRAPH JANUARY 9,1914. Mrs. A. D. Horn's Guests Hear of Engagement | Guests at the card matinee Riven j yesterday by Mrs. Alexander D. Horn at her residence, 23 4 Keiker «treet, re ceived pink roses as favors. Attached to the stems were tiny envelopes bear ing the announcement of the engage ! ment of Miss Florence Katherlne Mll i ler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John 1 Miller, of 506 Emerald street, to Wal ter D. Fredeking, of West Virginia. ' A buffet supper following the games i was served to Mrs. Frederick McClin ! tock, Mrs. Fannie M. Snyder, Mrs. An- 1 I drew Buchanan, Mrs. Luther Halbert, iof Carlisle; Mrs. Ralph Riegel, Mrs. j Robert Hlckes, Mrs. Frank Stedman, 'Miss Helen May Miller, Miss Sara Rob ! erts, Miss Marv Harsh, Miss Alice Mad-» den. Miss Lillian Fisher and Miss Florence Katherine Miller. Mrs. E. S. Wolfe Hostess to a Wednesday Club Tho Wednesday Social Club was very delightfully entertained at the home of Mrs. E. S. Wolfe, 1835 Derry street, the festivities closing with re freshments served to the following guests: Mrs. J. O. Bender, Mrs. E. Klepper, I Mrs. Charles Henery, Mrs. E. E. Eshe j naur, Mrs. Gustan, Mrs. E. S. Erb and ! daughter Vesta, Mrs. E. V. Roland, i Mrs Charles Bare, Mrs. G. C. Wolfe ; and daughter Catherine, Mrs. E. S. i Wolfe, Masters, Fred Wolfe, Ray ; Wolfe and Marlin Bender and Pro j feasor E. S. Wolfe. 4 to 6 inch wide cluny lace, white and ecru. 19c and 25c values. Q Saturday sale price, yard .3C Clean up sale, women's and misses' all siik messaline and all wool serge dresses, worth up to $8 and $lO. Saturday's spe- d»/l cial, each tfHr.O;? Extra special, Saturday, ladies' hemstitched handkerchiefs. 1 _ each . 1C Kxtra special Saturday, 2 to 3 p. m., ladles' silk hose, garter top, all colors and black, worth double. Special Saturday, 2 to 3 1 Q p. m., pair I Extra special, broken lots chil dren's dresses, sizes up to 1 4 years, worth 98c and $1.24. Saturday special, morning sales up to *3£» I p. m ODC Ladles' collars, broken lots, for merly sold up to 25c. Slightly ■« soiled. Saturday special, each, AC Baby caps, formerly sold up to SI.OO. Broken lots, all 1 colors, each lUC Women's and misses' coats, less [than cost of making. Broken lots |of $12.50, $15.00 and SIO.OO. Boucle and chinchilla winter coats. Satur p,"™: 1 " 1 ' $5.00 ; Deep embroidery flouncing, Bto 12 inch-wide, worth 15c per vard. Saturday sale CI / „ price /2C Ladies' and children's hose sup porters, 15c to 20c values. Special Saturday morning sales, pair / C Girls' and boys' heavy ribbed stockings, worth up to 20c. Q Saturday special, pair "C 1,000 yards narrow torchon ; urday,. pair Women's special flannelette and percale kimono sacks, worth nj; 50c and 59c. Special Saturday, fciOC Extra special, ladies' new all wool Scotch plaid dress skirts, trimmed with buttons, worth up <£ 1 QQ to $5. Special Saturday, Women's and misses' newest sl6 value, tailored suits, best satin lin ing. Saturday *7C special # O Extra special, ladies' $3.50 new est all wool, navy, brown and black dress skirts, correct * • u j '1 • c staple skirts, all siz cs from 35 ,o 49. Skinner's satin lined. . . Ch,ldren S "a" 111 aftm™ 812 Si Reduced from $39.75, $35.00 and $28.75 to $15.00. Cll ' iV" ... l' * a V4,* l V ~T • Junior models m blue, brown and grav chinchilla; Bul buits of broadcloth, cheviot and wide wale serge, made in garian belts. Special $9.75, SIO.OO and $12.50 * Sn9 e 7^ Pn " g niodels-near seal collan Redllced froni S 3O Furs—in natural and Japanese Mink-raccoon—black, to .7.). re( or p o j n t e( l fox, gray or black marabou, Coney, civet cat Suits of broadcloth in taupe,black brown and navy. But- and Hudson seal. Special reduction of 10 per cent, extra on ton trimmed. Reduced from $39.75 to .'519.75 any fur in the house. W. B. & W. Annex, 311 Walnut Street, Bargains Follow Navy and black astrakhan coats, lined throughout with $5.95 value, $3.75, $3.95 and $2.95 satin. Very special $9.75 House dresses, 34 to 46 SI.OO and $1.50 Royal blue and red chinchilla sport coats, 14, 16 and 18 House dresses, 48 to 52 ...$1.35 years ; sizes $25 value $8,75 The greatest line of separate skirts in navy and black Seal brown, oxford gray and navy, chinchilla sport coats; serges and clothes; values from $4.50 to $6,50. Our prices, large kimono sleeve; sls value. Reduced to $7.50 $2.95, $3.50 and $3.95 Navy chinchilla and boucle coats with plush trimmings; Messaline Petticoats, green, cerise, navy and black and $12.50 value $7.95 royal blue $1.98 and $2.50 Children's coats, 8 to 14 years; sizes $3.95 to $5.00 values. Messaline petticoats with patent adjustable waist band, now .......: $2.95 $2.95 A of Children's coats, principally blue; 6 to 14 All lingerie waists, high neck »nd three-quarter length years; $16.75 values for $7.50 and $8.75 sleeves. Reduced from 95c to 09^ A nice line of serge dresses, navy, brown, Copenhagen and Black and brown Coney scarfs $2.75 to $4.95 garnet; sizes to 46; $7.50 value, $4.75; $6.50 value, $4.50; Black and brown Coney muffs $'2.25 to $4.95 JEd WITMER BAIR & WITMER Prices Are Inseparably 202 and 31 \ W . C j Store Open 8 A. M..—Closes 9 P. M. Saturday SERIES OF TUBIEIUIX POSED FOR CHITY Program For Pictures From Fic tion, Opera and "Idyls of The King" The program for the series of ta bleaux to be given under the manage ment of the Aid Society to the Visiting Nurse Association at Technical High School auditorium on January 15, was announced to-day. It has been divided into three parts, as follows: Part I. —Characters from fiction Romola, from "Romola"; Beatrix and Henry Esmond, from "Henry Es mond"; Tho Marchioness and Dick Surzelier, from "The Old Curiosity Shop"; Diana, from "Diana of the Crossways"; Lorn a. from "Lorna Doone"; Katrina Van Tassel, from "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow"; David Copperfield and Dora, from "David Copperfield"; solo by Mrs. Roy' G. Cox. Part ll.—Legends of King Arthur, with readings by Mrs. Carl Willis Davis —Arthur Drawing Out the Sword; Marriage of Arthur; Gareth in the Kitchen; Lynette; Merlin and Vivien; Meeting of Guinevere and Launcelot; The Sisters of Sir Percival and Galahad; Vision of the Grail; Bedlvere Throwing Away Excallbur; Passing of Arthur; Guinevere at Alms bury; solo by Mrs. Roy G. Cox. Part III —Characters from Opera— La Tosca, from "Tosca"; Cho Cho San, from "Madame Butterfly"; Boheme, from "La Boheme"; Aidn, from "Aida"; Carmen, from "Carmen"; Marguerite and Faust, from "Faust"; Tristan and Isolde, from "Tristan and Isolde." Embroidery Club Meets With Mrs. Crist Day Mrs. Crist Day was hostess for the Marguerito Embroidery Club, of which he is a member, Wednesday after noon, at her residence, 630 Kelker street. Sewing and social chat were followed by refreshments served in the ainingroom. The table appointments were of green and white and the guests in j eluded Mrs. Nelson Snyder, Mrs. Charles Ossman, Mrs. Percy Smith, Mrs. Samuel Hockley, Mrs. Ross Dyer, Mrs. Mary Yost, Mrs. Milton Hopple and Mrs. Crist Day. Mrs. Day had as her honor guest Mrs. H. C. Day. INVITATIONS RECALLED Mrs. John Oenslager was forced to recall her in'itations for a luncheon to-day at her residence, 115 South Front street, owing to the illness of her mother. Mrs. Conley. Mr. and Mrs. W. ('. Lewis, of 77 North Seventeenth street, announce the birth of a son, John S. Craig Lewis. Thursday, January 8, 1914. Mrs. Weaver was formerly Miss Char lotte Plotts, of Newark, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. S. Clyde Drennen, of 268 North street, announce the birth of a daughter, Dorothy Dunlap Dren nen, Monday, January 6, 1914. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph F. Burden, of Pittsburgh, announce the birth of a son, Ralph Frederic Burden, Jr., Mon day, January 5. 1914. Mr. and Mrs. Burden were former residents of this city. J Y. M. C. A. Course Opens; Miss Lamson the Star A fine audience assembled in Eahne stock Hall last evening, the occasion! being the first In the series of three entertainments given under the aus pices of the Young Men's Christian Association. Miss Lillian Leighton Lamson, of New York, was the bright particular star. She opened in "Peg o' My Heart," impersonating all of the characters in this most popular play and telling the story in a charming manner. Both play and player were thoroughly enjoyed by every one pres ent. Miss Lamson made every part so clear that the audience could almost see and hear an entire cast of players. As an impersonator true to life, this artist has few. if any, peers. She can come to this city again and again, and always be assured a most cordial wel come. LADIES' BAZAAR THREE BIG SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY Ifj OUR JANUARY COAT AND SUIT CLEARANCE For to-morrow we are throwing into our Janutry Clearance sule, three seasonable artitcs at very special prices for the one day only. Tn addition to these we call yotir attention to the wonderll bargain's that now prevail hi all departments, including some special purchases of astrakhan coats and Vimples of advance spring models in silk dresses which have won much favor here. " \ 1 V t I v SUITS COATS All suits, embracing, serges, plain and fancy. Special purchase of astrakhan coal, em corded eponge, chiffon broadcloth, basket bracing navy, black and brown coats inthree weaves, honeycomb cloth, brocaded cloths, vel- ' , , „ \ B vets and novelty cloths of all kinds in plain and quarter and full length models, all lined\some fancy models; worth with Skinner's, some with other guafcfatecd wie to $37 '. 80 '. 1n . th ' 3 $5.98 to $18.98 Batinß - and worth Extra in Plain Tailored Suits Saturday .$7.98 to $15.98 Strictly plain tailored suits in all wool man- All remaining coats In our stock, Ht&Sacing nish serge, blue and black, the most service- serges, chinchillas, astrakhan clotl velours, able garment for all occasions; Skinner's satin plushes, plain and brocaded, novel! cloths of lined; worth $22.50. In this d[l AQO all descriptions and shades, in th e-quarter sale «D1U.«70 and full length models; worth $9 o $27.50. Also sold In a full line of outsizes up to 53; In this c ry7 j }y uA WeJrvut* st. y) anil Miss Katlsrlna Nissley, of Hum melstown, retimed to-day to their studies at Smlfi College, Northamp ton. Mass., aftera Christmas vacation spent at their hones.