Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 08, 1914, Image 3
v -»-▼.▼ v^>^y»y T TVyvyTT^TT . T T t.T~T TT? ff f .qp. ¥jr„i 1 I ► StoreHonre Try Our CALL 891-ANYTfIONE.'*- "»"& Store Hours CALL »«-ANY "PHONE. *0- -J*"* Try Our J J ' A. M. to .3 P. M. J3jQt£fJ]ZCWZA Daily 25c Dinner Daily BA.M. to 5.30 P. M. Daily 25c Dinner < m i * Saturday 9 to 9. tunmuM* ••*«<* Mtmar STOM It s delicious Saturday 9 to 9. it's delicious « « :The Second Day of Bowman's January White Sale Abounds With New! Seasonable Goods of Quality At Economies That Are Exceptional j| F sai e S oTEmbroideries in January Sale Muslin Wear Now in Full Swing: ! « ... ... , . . , You will find manv a fine savinc opportunity in the sale in hiarh-elass muslin wear < y —that will interest every woman who is preparing for her sum- ~a. J :• , , Kf • ~ , " , lIIUBUU "«'»• ► mer dressmaking. The newest and choieest 1914 patterns are . reduced our'entire stock and lia've prepared to make this event, surpass all pre- J rp?fa^ 4 Igigapwiiiiai] i ► presented in the White Sale and eaeh is an excellent value. vious occasions. 1 here is included a special purchase from the "Best Undergarment jiff m-, <,„J 1C« C 0.," retiring from business. The purchase provides a fine list of values which will be !Ml] KHMni 'I I Ir^i!'i fl lip < I * lvc and on sale until the entire lot is disposed of. * "HSIIV i !:• Coreeit cover embroideries, about 100 yards. JANUARY SALE RQC. \ JANUARY SALE hQr ! JANUARY SALE SOf. i\ ► \j —————— \j \j J p'Hjj!ft I\\ iiiiiii < ► 500 Yards of 500 Yards of 25c Fin « Xalneook round neek. with com- Princess slips of Nainsook. Round Nich'towns of fin* nainsook mimH ii ! Nfc?:| . \ / \ -TvMjP' l 'liMMlPl u -J «11 nll J t _!• hinatlon of lace and embroidered inser- neck with blin<l embroidered ruffle au „.£*:£ , "« ,n «»ok. round l| \ \| i«llf/ I ilMji il| HU| 4 ► Embroidery Galloons Galloons and Insertions tions. beading and ribbon. Some with in with hem-stitching and ribbon bead- neok Wlth embroidered yoke finished !W \ \% \ll Lriy sAIK&EgOrTZ 50^ d J? _ lace medallions. Armholes trimmed to lng; armhole and neck finished to with insertion and edge of torchon « \ \ N \ L,n 4 \ 10c 10c ssxrsxir.r a '"iz;'i!,7i ska AM - §4 V^U terns. Twenty-live designs. insertions to close out. B • $1.25 to $1.69 Fine Nainsook Nightgowns at 89c iPV 1 ► BOWMAN'S MAIN FLOOR. Round, square or V-neck: long, kimono or elbow sleeve, trimmed with insertion and edge imitation habv Iri.h _ and ribbon. Empire model with embroideries, medallion, insertion and flno torchon lace^ and edge snd ■ \<i I I * it TV i o in i. mo. srii. v ssfi%"ii ■Si.raajs s r .s™*" .<•»*.«„» „d , w . /hapl IV Another Day to Save 1U to iU 50C and 59c White Skirts 45c 25c Drawers 19c Nightgowns 49c, 50c, 59c Hilt " a m White skirts of flm* cambric, tucked Drawers of cambric or muslin, tuck- Niehtirown-* of fln« hi.v. iflpiilj 4 Wf'Ci '"'wl.! A \ ► (1M Dill ATT7 I 9 CAC with ruffle or either open or blind em- ed or plain ruffles edged with ruffle v ,v>ir» !f ! m 1 , ytijl® 1 /m, If 11 vduCdt broideries. of ooen work embroidery. Torchon lace -neek, yoke of hemstitched tucks or yM I /§*[ 'pA \ I y WAi. J. " -VfcVWV#W» or f, llnd embroidery edge; open or Plain tucks with either two or four in- -//* I I—\ \, « J 69c White Shirts 50c closed. sertions of embroidery; neck and KAI OTOI*O „ v ■ .. 7~~ _ _ Sleeves finished with hemstitched ruf- Iwa 1 /\ ±1 1 \ I < k DUIOICIO ruffle 0 6 r "mbroldJrv 8 rlC> 50c and 75c Drawers 39c fie; regular and extra stzee. ' /}. i _ . . , _ , , ... .. . H Drawers of fine _malnsook. circular or JV3 7 & ZroSlOHhlllliw * y This Special Lot Offeied at the 79c to 98c White Shirts 69c Ja d embroidery. Others with" ruff ► tractive Price of &r w* f Whit, sk.ru of cambric ,ltH |ai «„ em,W,d tZ: Nightgowns of round / , Always Sold for 75c KKp °Jith e »ri^ d inS4rtlon ' with or 89c to $1.50 Drawers at 69c, , -a. \ # ► Tir QR/> bon: others with embroidery yoke a.nd <Bl% Six sets limited to a customer. These sheets are I *e «c + ei cr» WKiit® <llrir+c ' edge: two rows of ribbon beading; ► made especially for us. Blelaclied and laundered ready I to ?J..uu wxukc »iuiir» TOty Drawers of nainsook, daintily trim- square neck with colored embroidered **» for use; 3-inch hems at head and slightly torn about I White skirts of cambric with ruffle med with fine lace or embroidery, dotted band on neck and sleeves. A 4 ► one inch from the fool. Every good housekeeper will | of either open or blind embroidery. beading and ribbon. few with lace edee. want six of these sheets, liacn J Some with insertions and ribbon bead- 4 ► Sheets Bolsters | Pillow Cases "Too „ md v* corset o»v OT isc 50c and 69c Chemise ] l. ' tinkank 40*-" Snow I'lnkr- *»tr ' mt<ia Fluke l2vte »I<W Willie BIuITS o»C chemise or empire models; edged Corset covers of naineook. Round 4 3 *s c » White skirts of cambric, flounce of with torchon lace, embroidered yoke, neck with embroidery edging and trlm "4 m w "j" i' l White Kale 20<- White Sale 7Vte lawn, with hand machine embroidered beading and ribbon. med armhole and ribbon. %oi White SH?e ,a riV- «x 73 Mohawk 37He. 42j3« Snow Flake 18e, and scalloped ir. dainty designs, set In ■ Ai. J(1 /% _ J L l|/k . ► . clov " white sale 30c white sale IBC W1 omj-o er> —fa. mg. Nightgowns at 44c 25c and 29c Corset Covers at 19c AX 3f C and 111/ . W| , Oft *l' ti.^i'' «i!j 42x76'i IVpperell 40c. 4T.*3r» linen llnUh 16e, 1Q n„ w „ it. Nightgowns of nainsook. V, round or Corsert covers of nainsook, round w w < n-h te snie ' White Sale 2»o White Sale lie iOO uraw "s iut, square neck trimmed with embroid- neck, effectively trimmed with embroid- _ . k. ro tl>o Penim* '' *I M» 4', iT2 I,'tlca 430 4T.x3SV, linen flnlnh Drawers of cambric with hemstitch- ery beading and ribbon, neck and ery or lace; beading and ribbon. A DA/VMla* nft A Clr<w4- T K White Sale? q .. i « bHe s"e. .. .. 3 3 J1 » ► On Sale 011 the Main Floor. Rear, BOWMAN'S 0n Sa,e on th « Second Floor, Bowman's. «- Quality in this thoroughly prepared I Two Splendid I Large Purchases Especially for White Sale ► a 1-tt Cillr Colo Offers in Presents Extraordinary Values: Newest 1914 White Goods • ►; January OILK oaie 1914 Spring Embroidered White Goods - TllOSe are the autlienlic spiiuj* silk fashions. vlll" Our January White Sale opened this morning and among the leading items was a lot of several thousand ► f\f\ o*ll f* f\ iijr i fit\ yards of 1914's Spring Embroidered White Goods. These materials will be charming for spring dressos and em- ■* . 2H/.UU ollK LrGOC IVLCXCOIT* vCI«* JbI.UV A • * braces such wanted fabrics as Embroidered Pique at $1.35 a yard; and Embroidered Voiles at $1.25 a yard; V dIITT/IITI T>/l PA and Embroidered Crepes at $1.50 a vard; and St. Galls' Swisses at 75c a yard. \~ ► 40 inches wide; in navv, black, wistaria, Nell rose, helio, taupe and Copenhagen. VIUMUU XSCTVV A < All Silk Pongee, yd., sl.lß Silk Crepe De Chine, yd., $1.89 qv. r . . Fancy White Linair© Cloth at 15c a yd. « ► All -ilk pongee 3J inches wide. Set figures in Figured all silk crepe de chine fh Copenhagen, ma- I lift CUrtaiUS Lmaire Cloth is new and it is gaining great favor among women who liko fine fabrics. Ltnaire washes and < Copenhagen. ' « hograny and green; 40 Inches wide. vmaaaw wears like linen and is not nearly so expensive. We have twenty different patterns to show you. y Wash Habutai, yd., Silk Foulards, yd., 71 ONE LOT OF $1.25 LACE ' On-iTlcll IVidft 89c LillGll Sh-Gfitinc vd < All silk wash llabutai. All shades on white ground. Cheney Brothers' shower proof pure silk foulards. hi'dt » ive •-> j i lUI/I1 " *Uv O'V L/XllvU UUCCIiUgy ► 36 inches wide. Oombiui-tion c-olorod set figures in navy, Copenhagen, UuKIAIJNo o yards long, You cannot appreciate the value of this offer until yon see the linen shooting itself: vou must feel of its 4 reseda, tan. Drown, manoganj, wistaria, taupe and old , . . .\ \ a Tn , .> , , . . ° . ► Wash Habutai yd. rosc * llc « ular 85c qu-allty. good patterns, reduced to the heavy quality and its firm weave. If you want an exceptional value this is your opportunity. Stripes, all shades, on white ground. I h ' teSalcPriceot 'B9c 3500 Yards 30c White Flaxon, yd., 17c ] Figured Crepe De Chine, if taupe, navy, black, wistaria and mahogany. Regu- I pair I very fine quality for dresses, waists, etc. Supposed to bo slightly imperfect—a tiny hole 54 inches apart ► Bulgarian figured crepe de chine in taupe, Copcn- lar ,1-7j f l uallt >'- caused in the loom work. Too small to find. ; t-s;, $1.48 3&M c.„. Curtain Lace mif™.*Hf if ?%* W? < , inches _ • Satin Messaline, yd~ - , , OdLin r ouidras, yu., CfOv In Nile, reseda, light blue, gray and tan. 36 inches —for sash or long ClirtaillS, __ _ - rn / J _ ___ __ ~ ...... __ _. __ , 4 y brown?copenhageli! b^k.^Re^L wide Regutar 85c quality. 45 and 25c Fancy Lawns, lZVrf 19c White Voile, 111/ 2 ? 89c Diaper Cloth, pc., 69^ quality. Satin Charmeuse vd. SI.OO Wide • White Sale cm About 300 yards, full perfect About 500 yards. 40 inches wide; Limit, one piece to a customer. Wash Silks vd Satin Charmeuse. 40 inches wide; sho?t lengths. All 'j ZdC P ie(,es ' A mill clean-up, 27 inches for waists and dresses. An excep- 10 yards to a piece, 27 inches wide, ■i ► Striped in pin, double stripes. good shades. Regular,l.o9 ands2 00 quality. Price, yard, UI L wide . tional value. Non-irntant and samtary. , C2 inches wide. All shades on white ground. BCnVMArs & COMPANY. On Sale on the 4th Floor, Bowman's. 0° Sale on the Main Floor, Bowman s. ' :Very Attractive Friday Bargains in Good Seasonable Merchandise : : Bargain ees of u Women's Glove, Wafl Paper . Basket Trays ' 500 Dozen Women's Handkerchiefs' ! ... _ . _ . , clia gloves, on sale Friday A ?0.00 lot of wall paper. |IB I!IKJ1I|!, iSMM! HN. $1.25, *1.39, «1.50 and $1.75 ► All on Sale Friday at, the pair TvV re r i S to^ ve l- a !»11l Hi I 111 Unßllv bask€t tra > r « w,th . 4 y Table No. I—Women's shoes of Bowman's Main Floor. MJI 9C jM ji I ]|l| ■k. SSToSrtS'rtt wSoC I C EaCH patent colt skin, gun metal, vici kid; ing aiWor ! 1111 I 111 IP i UK. ln the lot for I dm\/ ———• button and blucber styles. Xot ev- Women's GIOVeS Bowman's Fourth Floor M |pilinlik Bowman's Basement. I . I 'll I ► erv size in the lot but a good assort-. 3» c ant i 50c cashmerette a■■ ourm r loor. » r gan, || , | : T ||l || ii WjUHBt jßlk I Limit 10 to a customer. 4 ► b s ° o ut t :,° s^ 8 0 : 7Qp & c^d O i6" t utt?,\ 0V s e Jil mMm! Ii ■li These I,andkerchiefs were used at Christm as time for dis- , ► n«ir * l " ,u ,0 5-.uu, | | white, chamois, ( brown ... filllUill 11111 l liiiiaJwulilliliil«TT^^ j HllBI ' in1 " 1 1 play on the booths on the main floor and in the windows. They ► Table No. 'J —Men's and bovs' Bowman 3 Main Floor. I PRICES jT\ FdlWrm Iflll .. LOOK 1 I need a trip to the wash tub—and that's an easy matter. All II J I shoes, patent colt skin, gun metal; "PriHau "Rav<rain M*J *-- * L "I of them placed on sale to- morrow, while the lot lasts, each. : rr&j&tfzr&gr \ sSeo y t ZZs OF THE FOR THE L-,. 10. . ; si_.7;> and $2.00, y*/C | loc suspender elastic hose sup- WEEK MM wfQr M GREEN SIGNS „ . _ , «i •> y ' Table No. 3— Misses' and chil- porters, children's, in three Men S Pajamas Sleds dren's high cut shoes, gun metal and sizes. The pair, : TX°''^ b l«:Stnri 12^Zl 2 tTH braidß si Olive Dishes IB Ml U BW W Milk Pitchers X?'iK < ► .T re "; 5 °. to .? 2 - 00 : «Pl« 00 3c Scand 8c „J« h 1 Pi? Jife It I! ll ft 1 W V? "« "RST'SIi"- 1 ► Table No. 4—Women's shoes les braid, white OTllj', the olshea" Friday °spe!jJ(C llifif ll ' llwll iM SI sal. I-riday 00 A j '|. n .. ' y, made by a prominent factory in the vard, C ' a at m|3j lu'l tAilNliil I'WtlßlU pric^ 8 I<>W UOUI6S Women's Gloves * East. These are factory hurt. Made 15,. horn i-nmlw mptnl and T>IAIII Bowman's Basement. WiU I v ' " " One lot of embroidered am , , 4 ► to sell at $3 a pair, fti •% AA 10L Horn COmDS, metal ana plain 1 Bowman s Basement. m EX- 7SI» one lot of women's 2uc j r < , 44 pairs in the lot, jKI .09 baCkS ' £['Jo? Friday? 3 for and 60c S olf gloves, white. Jjg , pair 25c and oOc barrettes, shell and , _ Bowman's Second Floor. fc-peclal on I ridaj at, pair,.. ► Table No. a-Misses' and chii- amber, each,..., Children's Underwear I Men's $7.50 and $8.50 Men's Underwear Bowma,. ■ Mam Floor. l dren s sboes, good stvies; not all r> uu *■ j i. 1 ii ► Winter Suite JSr^2 t JSTSSi , SiSf C Wmb«n» J«» Crepe Paper y pair V/ Bowman's Main Floor. 2»c quality at df >i drawers. On sale Friday at™"*' 49c japanned umhreila 5e crep<) p appri assorted m 4 Table No. 6—Men's shoes, broken Bowman's Main Floor. lkcL US Bowman's Main Floor. jars. On sale Friday at... Uv\s colors. On sale Friday at J)|» 4 * line of good shoes; wero $2.00, AVomeil's Stilts " r. . u a 3 ro "" for * $2.50, $3.00; not all in the W*»r<a 00 fift anH . Extra special value for Fri" ~ owniau I daemon . Bowman's Basemont. 4 ' 1.79 $ - and Children's Underwaists day. A limited number OF suits Flannel Shirts Bread Boxes Women's Hosiery 1 ' OnSa,, A f\o ™ "SSIS# "T" *** P™ 8 ' K Jg- 1 ► Bowman s. f U X at and worsteds in dark shades. I a«y at •VV round corners. On sale Fri-ifJIC heav y weight cotton and 1 \fi ► „ W■ • \J Bowman's Main Floor. Bowman's Third Floor. Bowman's Main Floor. day at ; fleece lined, plain black, at.. 4 y Serge Skirts r,,, ,J ~ . ... . . . , Bowman s Basement. Bowman's Main Floor. 4 y „ , . 6" There are 18 suits in this lot and ————— Chie lot of women s serge skirts, the first come first served. They mw r . —_ . , . _ , 4 than the P regular styie. are 'sfap 1^ a '!'ty 1 ep]''"r'he ' materials Women's Underwear Smoking Jackets Men's Neckwear j! Coal Hods | Children's Hosiery IJ j J1 AO u U rSoT. W u% r :CA|» 9C M-s 25c „.ckwear. |o J, 9e " d h 10l* h C | ,Udren ;» h r eavy cotton 4A a 4 Ij.OO skirts. On sale <PX«vO suits for. cotton and wool mixed. Mill. at Christinas time. A 1 nu.MM four-in-handa, broken I hods with hood. I_.xtpa spe- ■ Ml" hosiery, double heels and | lli* y 1 rlaay at y n g a j fl Friday, Bowman's—Second Bach at one price for Frlda; v lines, at cla i f or Friday at toes, 12% c grade, at, pair,.. *W 4 Bowman's Second Floor. , Floor. Bowman's Main Floor. Bowman's Main Floor. Bowman's Main Floor. Bowman's Basement. Bowman's Main Floor 4 - —— .. Woman's Impenetrable Age It was hoped that some way of tell llg the age of women would have re iiilted from woman suffrage, but even .his is to be denied us. Fn California, •vhere woman suffrage is in use, the ' 4 question, "What is your agef" is omitted out of courtesy. Thus our last hope is gone. The great difficulty is that in trying to discover how old a woman is, there is no standard. You can tell a horse'a age by his teeth, but that is no cri terion in a woman, now that porcelain fillings have come. If you could separate (or extricate) a woman from the things she puts on to make her young, some progress might be made. But women no longer wait to do this until they are old enough to lack things. Young girls wear false hair now. They also lacquer their faces. Also, in their mental habits, they make themselves up. k A woman of 60 (this at a guess) will make up her mind to look like 17. i This lady also dances tho tango and ' cavorts like a colt. , There are, indeed, no more old la dies who desetv* the name. The my»-| tery of woman's age is greatpr than . ever. And it promises to be buried I forever in future polities.—Life. Alike In One Way "He's quite wealthy and prominent now," said Mrs. Starvem, "aad Utey say he rose practically from nothing." "Well, well!'' romarkod Mr. Board cr. "That's just what I rose from— at the breakfast tabic this morning." —liondon Answers,