v -»-▼.▼ v^>^y»y T TVyvyTT^TT . T T t.T~T TT? ff f .qp. ¥jr„i 1 I ► StoreHonre Try Our CALL 891-ANYTfIONE.'*- "»"& Store Hours CALL »«-ANY "PHONE. *0- -J*"* Try Our J J ' A. M. to .3 P. M. J3jQt£fJ]ZCWZA Daily 25c Dinner Daily BA.M. to 5.30 P. M. Daily 25c Dinner < m i * Saturday 9 to 9. tunmuM* ••*«<* Mtmar STOM It s delicious Saturday 9 to 9. it's delicious « « :The Second Day of Bowman's January White Sale Abounds With New! Seasonable Goods of Quality At Economies That Are Exceptional j| F sai e S oTEmbroideries in January Sale Muslin Wear Now in Full Swing: ! « ... ... , . . , You will find manv a fine savinc opportunity in the sale in hiarh-elass muslin wear < y —that will interest every woman who is preparing for her sum- ~a. J :• , , Kf • ~ , " , lIIUBUU "«'»• ► mer dressmaking. The newest and choieest 1914 patterns are . reduced our'entire stock and lia've prepared to make this event, surpass all pre- J rp?fa^ 4 Igigapwiiiiai] i ► presented in the White Sale and eaeh is an excellent value. vious occasions. 1 here is included a special purchase from the "Best Undergarment jiff m-, <,„J 1C« C 0.," retiring from business. The purchase provides a fine list of values which will be !Ml] KHMni 'I I Ir^i!'i fl lip < I * lvc and on sale until the entire lot is disposed of. * "HSIIV i !:• Coreeit cover embroideries, about 100 yards. JANUARY SALE RQC. \ JANUARY SALE hQr ! JANUARY SALE SOf. i\ ► \j —————— \j \j J p'Hjj!ft I\\ iiiiiii < ► 500 Yards of 500 Yards of 25c Fin « Xalneook round neek. with com- Princess slips of Nainsook. Round Nich'towns of fin* nainsook mimH ii ! Nfc?:| . \ / \ -TvMjP' l 'liMMlPl u -J «11 nll J t _!• hinatlon of lace and embroidered inser- neck with blinir» !f ! m 1 , ytijl® 1 /m, If 11 vduCdt broideries. of ooen work embroidery. Torchon lace -neek, yoke of hemstitched tucks or yM I /§*[ 'pA \ I y WAi. J. " -VfcVWV#W» or f, llnd embroidery edge; open or Plain tucks with either two or four in- -//* I I—\ \, « J 69c White Shirts 50c closed. sertions of embroidery; neck and KAI OTOI*O „ v ■ .. 7~~ _ _ Sleeves finished with hemstitched ruf- Iwa 1 /\ ±1 1 \ I < k DUIOICIO ruffle 0 6 r "mbroldJrv 8 rlC> 50c and 75c Drawers 39c fie; regular and extra stzee. ' /}. i _ . . , _ , , ... .. . H Drawers of fine _malnsook. circular or JV3 7 & ZroSlOHhlllliw * y This Special Lot Offeied at the 79c to 98c White Shirts 69c Ja d embroidery. Others with" ruff ► tractive Price of &r w* f Whit, sk.ru of cambric ,ltH |ai «„ em,W,d tZ: Nightgowns of round / , Always Sold for 75c KKp °Jith e »ri^ d inS4rtlon ' with or 89c to $1.50 Drawers at 69c, , -a. \ # ► Tir QR/> bon: others with embroidery yoke a.nd —fa. mg. Nightgowns at 44c 25c and 29c Corset Covers at 19c AX 3f C and 111/ . W| , Oft *l' ti.^i'' «i!j 42x76'i IVpperell 40c. 4T.*3r» linen llnUh 16e, 1Q n„ w „ it. Nightgowns of nainsook. V, round or Corsert covers of nainsook, round w w < n-h te snie ' White Sale 2»o White Sale lie iOO uraw "s iut, square neck trimmed with embroid- neck, effectively trimmed with embroid- _ . k. ro tl>o Penim* '' *I M» 4', iT2 I,'tlca 430 4T.x3SV, linen flnlnh Drawers of cambric with hemstitch- ery beading and ribbon, neck and ery or lace; beading and ribbon. A DA/VMla* nft A Clr/l PA and Embroidered Crepes at $1.50 a vard; and St. Galls' Swisses at 75c a yard. \~ ► 40 inches wide; in navv, black, wistaria, Nell rose, helio, taupe and Copenhagen. VIUMUU XSCTVV A < All Silk Pongee, yd., sl.lß Silk Crepe De Chine, yd., $1.89 qv. r . . Fancy White Linair© Cloth at 15c a yd. « ► All -ilk pongee 3J inches wide. Set figures in Figured all silk crepe de chine fh Copenhagen, ma- I lift CUrtaiUS Lmaire Cloth is new and it is gaining great favor among women who liko fine fabrics. Ltnaire washes and < Copenhagen. ' « hograny and green; 40 Inches wide. vmaaaw wears like linen and is not nearly so expensive. We have twenty different patterns to show you. y Wash Habutai, yd., Silk Foulards, yd., 71 ONE LOT OF $1.25 LACE ' On-iTlcll IVidft 89c LillGll Sh-Gfitinc vd < All silk wash llabutai. All shades on white ground. Cheney Brothers' shower proof pure silk foulards. hi'dt » ive •-> j i lUI/I1 " *Uv O'V L/XllvU UUCCIiUgy ► 36 inches wide. Oombiui-tion c-olorod set figures in navy, Copenhagen, UuKIAIJNo o yards long, You cannot appreciate the value of this offer until yon see the linen shooting itself: vou must feel of its 4 reseda, tan. Drown, manoganj, wistaria, taupe and old , . . .\ \ a Tn , .> , , . . ° . ► Wash Habutai yd. rosc * llc « ular 85c qu-allty. good patterns, reduced to the heavy quality and its firm weave. If you want an exceptional value this is your opportunity. Stripes, all shades, on white ground. I h ' teSalcPriceot 'B9c 3500 Yards 30c White Flaxon, yd., 17c ] Figured Crepe De Chine, if taupe, navy, black, wistaria and mahogany. Regu- I pair I very fine quality for dresses, waists, etc. Supposed to bo slightly imperfect—a tiny hole 54 inches apart ► Bulgarian figured crepe de chine in taupe, Copcn- lar ,1-7j f l uallt >'- caused in the loom work. Too small to find. ; t-s;, $1.48 3&M c.„. Curtain Lace mif™.*Hf if ?%* W? < , inches _ • Satin Messaline, yd~ - , , OdLin r ouidras, yu., CfOv In Nile, reseda, light blue, gray and tan. 36 inches —for sash or long ClirtaillS, __ _ - rn / J _ ___ __ ~ ...... __ _. __ , 4 y brown?copenhageli! b^k.^Re^L wide Regutar 85c quality. 45 and 25c Fancy Lawns, lZVrf 19c White Voile, 111/ 2 ? 89c Diaper Cloth, pc., 69^ quality. Satin Charmeuse vd. SI.OO Wide • White Sale cm About 300 yards, full perfect About 500 yards. 40 inches wide; Limit, one piece to a customer. Wash Silks vd Satin Charmeuse. 40 inches wide; sho?t lengths. All 'j ZdC P ie(,es ' A mill clean-up, 27 inches for waists and dresses. An excep- 10 yards to a piece, 27 inches wide, ■i ► Striped in pin, double stripes. good shades. Regular,l.o9 ands2 00 quality. Price, yard, UI L wide . tional value. Non-irntant and samtary. , C2 inches wide. All shades on white ground. BCnVMArs & COMPANY. On Sale on the 4th Floor, Bowman's. 0° Sale on the Main Floor, Bowman s. ' :Very Attractive Friday Bargains in Good Seasonable Merchandise : : Bargain ees of u Women's Glove, Wafl Paper . Basket Trays ' 500 Dozen Women's Handkerchiefs' ! ... _ . _ . , clia gloves, on sale Friday A ?0.00 lot of wall paper. |IB I!IKJ1I|!, iSMM! HN. $1.25, *1.39, «1.50 and $1.75 ► All on Sale Friday at, the pair TvV re r i S to^ ve l- a !»11l Hi I 111 Unßllv bask€t tra > r « w,th . 4 y Table No. I—Women's shoes of Bowman's Main Floor. MJI 9C jM ji I ]|l| ■k. SSToSrtS'rtt wSoC I C EaCH patent colt skin, gun metal, vici kid; ing aiWor ! 1111 I 111 IP i UK. ln the lot for I dm\/ ———• button and blucber styles. Xot ev- Women's GIOVeS Bowman's Fourth Floor M |pilinlik Bowman's Basement. I . I 'll I ► erv size in the lot but a good assort-. 3» c ant i 50c cashmerette a■■ ourm r loor. » r gan, || , | : T ||l || ii WjUHBt jßlk I Limit 10 to a customer. 4 ► b s ° o ut t :,° s^ 8 0 : 7Qp & c^d O i6" t utt?,\ 0V s e Jil mMm! Ii ■li These I,andkerchiefs were used at Christm as time for dis- , ► n«ir * l " ,u ,0 5-.uu, | | white, chamois, ( brown ... filllUill 11111 l liiiiaJwulilliliil«TT^^ j HllBI ' in1 " 1 1 play on the booths on the main floor and in the windows. They ► Table No. 'J —Men's and bovs' Bowman 3 Main Floor. I PRICES jT\ FdlWrm Iflll .. LOOK 1 I need a trip to the wash tub—and that's an easy matter. All II J I shoes, patent colt skin, gun metal; "PriHau "Rav and $2.00, y*/C | loc suspender elastic hose sup- WEEK MM wfQr M GREEN SIGNS „ . _ , «i •> y ' Table No. 3— Misses' and chil- porters, children's, in three Men S Pajamas Sleds dren's high cut shoes, gun metal and sizes. The pair, : TX°''^ b l«:Stnri 12^Zl 2 tTH braidß si Olive Dishes IB Ml U BW W Milk Pitchers X?'iK < ► .T re "; 5 °. to .? 2 - 00 : «Pl« 00 3c Scand 8c „J« h 1 Pi? Jife It I! ll ft 1 W V? "« "RST'SIi"- 1 ► Table No. 4—Women's shoes les braid, white OTllj', the olshea" Friday °spe!jJ(C llifif ll ' llwll iM SI sal. I-riday 00 A j '|. n .. ' y, made by a prominent factory in the vard, C ' a at m|3j lu'l tAilNliil I'WtlßlU pric^ 8 I<>W UOUI6S Women's Gloves * East. These are factory hurt. Made 15,. horn i-nmlw mptnl and T>IAIII Bowman's Basement. WiU I v ' " " One lot of embroidered am , , 4 ► to sell at $3 a pair, fti •% AA 10L Horn COmDS, metal ana plain 1 Bowman s Basement. m EX- 7SI» one lot of women's 2uc j r < , 44 pairs in the lot, jKI .09 baCkS ' £['Jo? Friday? 3 for and 60c S olf gloves, white. Jjg , pair 25c and oOc barrettes, shell and , _ Bowman's Second Floor. fc-peclal on I ridaj at, pair,.. ► Table No. a-Misses' and chii- amber, each,..., Children's Underwear I Men's $7.50 and $8.50 Men's Underwear Bowma,. ■ Mam Floor. l dren s sboes, good stvies; not all r> uu *■ j i. 1 ii ► Winter Suite JSr^2 t JSTSSi , SiSf C Wmb«n» J«» Crepe Paper y pair V/ Bowman's Main Floor. 2»c quality at df >i drawers. On sale Friday at™"*' 49c japanned umhreila 5e crep<) p appri assorted m 4 Table No. 6—Men's shoes, broken Bowman's Main Floor. lkcL US Bowman's Main Floor. jars. On sale Friday at... Uv\s colors. On sale Friday at J)|» 4 * line of good shoes; wero $2.00, AVomeil's Stilts " r. . u a 3 ro "" for * $2.50, $3.00; not all in the W*»r