Star and banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1847-1864, April 17, 1857, Image 2

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Wg` a • —l:"*„.V
ffiefilhg, April ]?:
; r iiiii:kit,—ii;l7o4n.
4ttee dean.
illidit*N4Vtetuttlicae State Ticket.
. 3 d Ifcia•
DY22lwihmor, of Bradford County.
of Clicator CoulltY.
f;or •-41(Itt OANAt i .comattastomitt. . •
Wf taLillgt Itt •MILLIVARDy of Philatiel'a.
. .
lrlt , istitililOni•
siwpla notice, in,last week s
jeintl. deportment ,of the "STAR, " o f the
- essapel4 , 4ecapture-.—rind snbaoquent re,
- fatival -, of a fad by-the name of, 316:IRAN:I.
Mink:Mount Si: Mary's College, Reim Etc.:
fiditabst' has aroused the 'Jesuit sysiipa
ifit4irfand', Who oantrol the
spint of 'ma;
ligtotpt i persmial dtfamatton which from
Asin.p time haa.boeu direated against us
• IJsrusgh;theeoltuins..of Allot voraciou st and
' respectable .pridt: We arc not in the habit
of i
payiagettention to the mpotent; as
'kit/6106f tievisliapee 'tteriblerS'atid pthitiY4 7
fiw63';*iwWilh'eov : itird hltid serilie Under
,Rdignant, the motive or baseless
Ats. , „r,hargett f. , ,The,diatribo, of . personal
yectivo Welt gruse a column and a. half of
Shit 41aitoo,Compiles i ::although emanating
frier& , rtuiltatite-sobree, - -entitles it tO pas;
aink tititme
by reason of the fact that the
, _ _
besn ff t . tis,, his own,
, .
aniktuantind the.respolisibility.cof
sant spirit. The charges of 'lslet:hood,"
"hypoentidstsrefestions;"•oquibling, for
givortratimfrightdned, yi.datorai. of, order
• -44 -
and .justicsr,Nit .olficto intermedlers,"
and. 'chaste diction, alternating in
graceful olpgance throughout' the entire
diatribe, pith:iced us tit recur to‘tbe
which frokel , this sitvlar ebulition of
fitful spleen ; and thatt_ the reader 'tidy ap
pettiltkallte.olead.amdfrotii of out offend
ing." we reproduce tt, word for word, us it,
"kpistaitstdiitpthc'Sfor of hitt week't
ew - wee s a o a
ponsKlaCtfatited M'Grnnb, made his escape
Co p
ego,, , noar limmitsharg,
iY4V' t 71 1 4.44 ( 491 10 Wet 1 b,y one of the officers of the
ushietton, :Overtaken n few miles below Get.
tysifitig; 14.;ek to the .Cullegcl.' ; List
week-beiagain- mash his escape, and renelthnr '
thil place, Stopped, at the House of Dr.frw smiN
&teams, and sought his protection un
til he o conld ., ,coutmunicato with , his friends at
Lancastet„4. Ho.represented himself to lie
an orpletu,,liby,,•botli"itis parents, inring died
while . h$ was. 'quite gouttg, and that his.uncle,
re.sicjsegotSjoineaster, hod:placed him at the:
Clitholic Institution, near ~E unnitsburg—ibut'
Ile had been cr uelly: whipped and maltmated, ,
'hat was not communicate with
his uncle or,:frsendsi, r bis , letters ..being ' over.
haaledsitc , 42 h.
Mr. Sehnver Not feeling nt liherty to inter
pose in edni\Niled himself
for aday Or two in the -barn of Mr. Schneer,
4nt,y 1 110. pAtep!liin whereabouts, b e in g
commuu*mte. r by actiye spies to the ,ottieers
ire'Strfeditiit, die of the Pref, ' ets tiMile bis
.41plesattinhe'lletiettysburg, -and precur.4
iWrikof Habeas,Corpus to recover the costody I
...of,thin,t/tdp,lThe, boy ,wasgiyett' up, awl! so wn I
. back to the Ctdlege—tud, however, before :set.
WA gent:fen:MO 'of this' Plttee,'WliMie sympathies
shadsbeen 'delisted in this case; lead promised
Itiwthinninicatemritli his friends at Um:aster.
ha hilt wits . l done Lund Are utideritalid that
reitterdtif a gentleman front Lancaster passed
nutherhted to iletnend from
tithe bttioenwat ihe Institution the discharge 'of
LY,4nlngt.WGriitin. Thu effort succeuful,
o t otthis Torn..
inthe p4rties leave for Lances
ter.--The case hut s tented some fet,ling in oar
counnaaVY;nalid' we dim' the Shnple factj'as
;filmy' ism been 'communicated to
tio'contro"iersy with the Compi.
- /iit'd.lSaiig since had' we itcased 'to Twit 'ler
fatFdeslJ or • ininlj- 6daring to the conduct
f '
apnl , 9 ! iniantjti,our expectations, since it
-Ass monsented an cheerfully to,do the dirty
joinif The slate-
Intents ~coutalued. 'moor .artiele l :catefully
jgiGea to.the, reader . withent room or coin.
'sotto; *ens hised upon the'representations
tifiesPeditilite 'cl Hieh;<'cori versant ' iho
tisl'ecnireised With
teltaatid with the . gentleman' ho bad
vet IgcQd Y r n fFTn i tlin. lin3tiCntiPn; Those
mistimes hare called on us within , the
. .
iiiiiik t day of t"roi a l ocl ro•assert I,lte cotroOl
I , ndoiii* , ,thobe fatatetbents i the , Compikrls
Jitibilaiehtirges 4of , tAfolsehond!'t eti • the coil.
Italy notwithstanding. Alesprs •.
hid the ether 'en tl
• g e
ntetisealiitit this
tit'elFeesip itt this cttairtuti!ty,
RetA r reqpiKe oo(!vitteu4sti,o9 'our bands
.Irmainolol hpnor, integrity and Arnzhful
• turret ; it grill rag uire sornathing.morii than
*.tshei•ge of falsehoal from , the 4. Republi.
- 444' Compiler,". and the antibiotic who a
'dentin' odic:ulna 'with' the Omani' produc
iiiiiiii`Of ifieiiE)ens, to d keret' t 'th6e aiuie
tpfuttkoi-.9 a , nte con erne rnptcoe
tl°TlB ' •
' t Vilth h e AV et S t P , n r, veracity, l'a ß eti b y
-,the. Compiler, (As betweep tiro 14(1 . 1 .11. 0 -
4 , otmoil4tid the.etEcers of, the Itlaitoiott at
irhlsth be alleges he was so cruelly. maltreat..
`ere hive little dlepositiento. , interfere.
lilodnani gave as' the"tx.mon of his
OSo:odOooqui. or the Itistiihtion l and'hie
;4'! . kne!lllinguerai to retnr , ti;that ‘ l he4ad be:tijk
crielly.trbipped and maltreated," and that
;•,,flte+;;trai ;lot perinitted .to communicate
• kis muoicrov .he coll.,
.e,..ittnlthe-uprotectioif' of 31r. Schriver and
ttithttre tniiil , l4 'dotal emmunreate with
before tigreeiog to be d o .
iittl , e4lop to the oiTtoeni Odic lustitotion,
0 40C4xAotod ) fram4a•trpm th9se
It they coulamuicate,iutelligeuee
— 4liittikituation to hie allele—and that he
I iteriettittl the olargee of cruel.treatment in ,
Atliiikiit) Obis toptora.:/Offering to show '
ale !Pan upon bio body, and that he to:
mired from his kind protectors "the ppm.
patbizing admonition, which is rehearsed
by i the IConyikr, that "hige - t no ott f ire
I t kleseired,"—:are all facts which.
r• I s
can resent/ oe at.esma bscores 01 wane&
.Ipitters were •tirittett ,to ,l snejstet,
in accordance wait the prOrnir.sishOm w .
,the 'And two niq., here : 1 # 11111 ',4, that
the reply to one of these letters, has been
handed to us, in which the uncle and legal
, guardian of the boy gratefully acknowled
ges the sympathy and kindness extended I
to Ins ward— hs spirit and tone strangely
contrasting, with the Compiler's, charges
of khyporritical professions of philanthro
phy)" And proving that the latter, in its
blintlfzealotism, is ready to do even a.
isiarierserVider that' nate': to
As eb the tharrtmer of the „Isd MeGrann,
apti. the [Millie of the punisEntout, 'Aimed
open him ' tve have. nothing to say... 'We
knew nothing beyond hits "simile state•
inentsoui they haie hien Ooirununleated to
us—nor dothey especially oanoorn us.—
They may, or may not be exaggerate/I. It
may suit. the _purposes. of. Jesuitism, to
blacken }.hie reputatir in,ord shield
..,s rcpt, lon . ier to t al
. - fuse to"endorse him on that scow. The
the wrong doors from:censure. . hints over Liquor League, after going into a thorough
been'ao. The bitterpersetutionsod cold= exam i nat i on of the,doentnants; have taken
blooded eitmler"reak down 'th e ellete e t e r the, alarm, and dechire that Packer mus t
ofjosEPON Burnairi the escaped nriv - be 'Crowded off the course. They have
iee.froM SL hooch's. littrd by that of S. been quietly at work for some ttMe, and
34.4'n; are n'jil • fresh in ifie . rec° ,!'"' imi their , operations are graduelly , co ming to a,
'fall' It was but n `reek or tvr° ago that head. • Col. Straub, the 'staunch Remo
the story ,of Miss MILLER; of Nashville,. °ratio Senator- from Schuylkill, which
Tette., from the Catholic, Institution. near next to Berke is she greeted Rum county
Bardstown, Ky., was published, and ever in the`B, ate. ; has been strongly importuned
since the active tools of jesuitism have la h eco m otho ii, ean 'did ate ;• und a l t h oug h
been doing their best to falsify her simple
narrative:'And so with innumerable nth- the despatch mates, and other accounts: '
agree in the assertion, that he has refused
era. It has ever been ao, , to g i ve hi, name in, the manner suggest.
Row, could it be otherwise 1 The po• ed, it is pretty clear that the Item forces
litico-religipus system instituted by Loyola ass at work, with his entire approbation,
was a most• rigid. despotic one, and his to compel Packer. to send in his reeigna.
disciples have not scrupled ia all ages t i on in, time for the 'selection of a new
blindlY and zealously to enforce its tenets. man , when 'the Convention aseemblee the supremacy of Itorne and which is to complete' the Ticket for the
Ron n ie's Master SA the highest aim and on" Supreme. Bench, Judge Lewis! decline
blest asPiretion of the faithful, all that ed. tion 'it >is now Plainly inferred, was
=tea ; intellect, inildmitable -energy, and brought 'about for'the very purpose of in
unscrupulous artifice can. accomplish, has dticing, Packer to'follow suit. Will Pack
bean made subservient to its avowed put' er withdraw? is now the great question.
lmea• ' Ever active, ever weteldoli and llf he does, Straub, or some other pledged
alWays intent upon the' great end of i t s advocate,of free rum will be put upon the
mission, it ''coizipaiseil sea an d land; de
throning kingi aril potentates at pleasure ' course in his stead. . If ho does not. ap
pearances indicate that there will be a
- 7 -prescribing law te • kingsea ' Peasents— locefoco Rum l eandidate in opposition to
fettering couscience r7 previding the, ,dun- hint nevertheless. The Liquor League
gem', the ..rack,and -*nameless tortures as are powerful' in this State, and they kcow
the means of subduing refractory heretics, i
' i t , They care' little for "Democracy , " but
--- ' " At ur° treadip g' iti ‘ wn ." thro eg h horrid ; everything for their darling traffic. On
ma•sacre and , blood—at Others lighting up 14 0 acmes will they vote for Packer, and
its - pathway with blazing pre. of martyr- i i. h e i t i w i l id y fo re i gners , neither - will they
ed saitits-:=at all times, e i ght 'all ages,
....the vote for the American' Republican candi
consistent, unyielding, implacable fdb to d ate , , "Democracy and Rum" is i their
Free- leatitetions and RePubgeen Govern. watchword. , "Democracy and no Rum"
meats.., Talk ;about ftliypocrisy,"--"sal- sticks in their throat. )
roduless."7—i.''dark-laotern lodges,"— ye This is not mere gossip. The project
advocates and:defenders of the workings of is` seriously contemplated, and , the plan
I Jesnitiem, which ever moves in darithere , will soon be developed. In this town and
windlrg 'moats stealthily and cautiously county 'the Teadiug Liquor men are already
'ar " dnd' t " ii°43 ' ' "'Hie; add 61" t giving up fu ,arms, , and swear they will not toter
iiiiiin cof , its presence , 1, the striking of ate the Temperance dodge. In Prattle -
time deadly ' f !'"1 1 : phis, Schuylkill,. York, Cumberland, and
Thel,eur,eouduet , of the Si tr has not other eastern couniies,,this symptoms of
been likingthelof the adherents of this
rebellion arb-equally apparent.
i eyste,is not-much'fr-matter of surpr ise. I . Unfortiniatelf' for• the party, even the
We,..did , nut expeiii; it to be, , nor can we withdrawn! . of •
uremia° /-that our course in the (Ware will Packer, or recantation of
his Temperance• votes, will be equivalent
he more aceeptble. ' Jesnitiun, above all , tc , , a uietieit.• The western Democracy are
other , thing, fears , n free, , uptramel led eii . meoli 'opposed to free 'runt os-the east-
Presi. No agency' effectually Mars its e rn Democracy are in favor of 'it, and if
Plane ! , Hence, where, ;Jesuitism rules, a • the General is to he sacrificed to suit the
Free Press As •It'ultnetrui For much less, latter, the former will bolt. The objection
offence- than that of which we have been - *corks botti ways, : and must 'produce Ber
-1 guilty in ouronwp7kon revalations of the, , ions :results. It seems • strange that the
1 purposes of Jeignititro, , generous he'arts are ',,,,i1y good eat of the Locofoco candidate'
even now eking fiat .i . ` lingering ' exia -, ''should' be urged to work' his ruin, but so
lenre ' in t he 41"6mY dungeons and prison - 'it looks just now. , Our Locofoco friends
housds - of Catholic &rope. ' Thank God, ' have get themselves into a beautiful snarl
holYelver t we .lire in 2i'ree, Protestant A- ;--L-but, as they made the Liquor question a
ntetielt. We" have a . gioriout laud, w ith i party question they must take the conse
gleijous Institutions, and not the least no. ;quences of their own foolish acts.
blo or them all, is our. Pm Press. With I 'Look out for the withdrawal of Packer.
it, -.untrammelled by Priestly influence, I re . , hat appears to be the next move on the
Jesuitism may do its worst. It ' OI V howl' poliiical chessboard. Or perhaps'be will
and rave, and hurl its impotent anathem as ; prefer to write a letter ' pledging himself to
agaimit all who ` dare dispute its away ; but ;do whatever the, Liquor League may re
dui cause of Right, !.oTillth. and Jii ail" , ' qUire. It is very .easy fore Loeofeeo Min
in, the provideuae l i of God, mull:and will did a ie ' to mp yi m c row s , w h en a goo d
triumph: . , ' I fat , office is at stake. The Otteral it not
I to, stiff:necked but he may incline to the
latter course. If So, ,will the Rumites
trust his eleventh hour repeCtaneeN---Will
the , Temperance •Donteerticy sustain one
who hits'recanted his faith ? 'Either horn
of the (Munroe is bad' for the General.—
But it is idle t o specelite upon the sub.
jest. We must await the Loup of future
)10d-it is' stated that the Secietary of
the Interior has selected the Soirthein
route for the Wagon road frothi the llltsais
eippi River to : San Franoieco. Three
routes were , proposed, the Seareiary [icing
empowered by act of Congress, to ahoose
between••them, , the Southern, she •North
ern and the Central. Buchanan has made
MissiPpiatt, aneotiThompsort.
Secretary of the Ititoricir ; and lie has se
lected the ez&enie Sonthein route: The
nest • movement will t o the building of the
Pacific railroad
.• by the same • route, al-.
though the interests of trade require that
it. should be built from a more.northern
point. Thas itd is that the South', by ; the
outtni4ana traitorthis Buchanan,
hay tainell and Willprescrve the 6-
nendancy of than interests in the Re:
public. , ,
poollte 'election in Connecticut, list
Week, ferfultetl in the (Molt* of Holley,
(lepublicau;) 'for worernpr.Th' "vote
fitopd: 3 1 :463'; Tigltor, (Dem.)
31,014,;5c0tt, (American,) FoUr
meinliers ,of Congress were, elected, of
whotu two .rtre Democrats. The Senate
stailds : 15 Opposition to 6 Buchanan.—
The House stands 190 Opposition- to 93
Etechanan. -
' Portland Maine municipal e
lection iudioat4 a great popular Obinge
there. , A year ego the vote s for Mayor
etoud 1837 ,Ropublican to 2,115 anti.—
'l'bic year the vote is 195.5. Republican to
1580lanti. The City rCouncil hot year
was 'four
• Republiettna to meaty-font
. ,
• Trouble In She Locofoe° Comp.! see-It ;
, a small' 'not to use e'
I , I harsher term, for till of a County
774 e. Liquor,lxague at Work. I ) to jnterrip the place of
, .., •,.. ,51 .-.-•••••• ~ - 1 kis 6irfh, every,poorWm may chance ,
\ The', fo9owing important telegraph i c/. de. ito make application i h meal's vie
tipatelt ..
appeared in: the
See:no other motive4ittle politica l
ape re 1 tualsoirafnigheir lodgrder—we can
!of .last: Saturda: and has fallen '<liki3 a, capital may thereby I.„ t ' ure d for a
4 i ' &km
- bomb hr I al t oftmo Camp, acatieir- i rutteir.Und sinking to du not envy
jog dismay 41 .. 4 direatians
..,,, .the'man - that bitterne. feeling which
-, must prompt to such s nor...the even
'' li irtZttsattito, April 3d, 1857. bolder step of‘publishi world the evi
"A now.political movement is on the tapis . deuce of his own weakr his signature s
in this city. Strange as it may appear, there las Steward. The gen ho at present
are strong indications that a third candidote is ' has charge of our Pecvilt be guilty of
I about being brought out for cavemen A 1 no such thing—that 11 003190 the pub
-1 strong conservative • element is at work in the lie confidently,-Comj
1 this object. i
Eastern section of the State, looking towalrds ) 110“Tbe above canna 'part Of a
1 • ' •
I "Senator Straub has been strongly urged to' bitter attack upon J rr, Esq., the
give his consent to the use of his name as a late worthy and po award, of the
candidate, burhp to:thisliine le r bull'refused - 1 . . 'f / ' 7 • I ' •• '' ''' W
to give` assent. Ile may y yield to the Aaltna-lioutteoe the ttiptter. e
solicitations of- hie:Aim:l44.. waver. l'ho pate it, not to , ti4efaiicti ot the
whole movement wilt soon be velaPed." '1 late Steward. Mr. stands too de
-Tue. third. (sahib& , hero '
late , bere :referred to
into be brought out in opposition to Gen:
Ikcittn, by the very bone and• aiuew of
theLotofcco party in the ComMOntrealth.
It seems that ever since his 'norninstion,
there has been a strong party at work , in
he ranks of the Democracy,. who are dis.
astisfistrwith Gctieral,Pachet's record on
tbeiltuirte Liquor liar question; and. re-]
Judge Wilmot's Letter on the
'lO The letter , of Judge Wilmot explan
ritory of his course and views on the Tar
iff question, Beams to have given universal
iatisfaction. Not a 'murmur has been
heard against it from his especial enemies,
the, bogus democracy or. their or gans,
t ,while chow of his fiiends who feared that
!ha would be open to objection in that re
epees have read it with ?Wei and apple
bailee: , ' This letter seems to have cut off'
all'hope of thi - Judkos enemies to detach iity...kcorrespondent of a Chicago pa
from his Napped any of those' wtio look ph.' •
upon tbo tariff u i . .quesito 'of vital inter - t in , expressed his supriae at. finding that
•. . ~ writing from s t. Louis before the eleo
,. . - •
est to our country's welfare, and who have ity thoroughly free soil, saying that, he
each' condemned Mid opposed the course I i tt e enable to recognize it as a, southern
of the detuocraey•on it. . . • 'own. The people of St. Louie have prob
. SENATOR SUMNER:L4 ; a tt er (roi l ably: earned something from , the sudden
Aeorrespondent o'f . the 7ibtine, ho sailed and wonderful growth of Chicago. They
for Europe in the Fulton
v ia l S enat o r , have seen the power of the free North to
Sumner, reports that
,gentleman as haVingi build up cities. and hive felt, during the
been muck. beafitted by the voyage, sad Kansas troubles and the Missouri river
b eing now nearly in perfect health. embargo, the heavy band ofretrogression
dragging hack their commercial prosperity.
• -
THE lOWA EilturtoN.—The C.
deetion, returns from, lowa indicate They have, therefore, determined to shake
• i he , off. the fetters_of the slavery propagandists.
tend be reallfthe emporium of the free as
success of the Republican candidates for ,
owell as of the slave West. We do not
State officers,by a majority, equal to that idown thai,the city will profit, immensely
obtained at ilie•November election. iby it. - . ' ' . - :
gervedly, high in the ad ',earldom
of the public, to be i y' malevolent
pergola' assaults. e suppose ho
would thatOr ne for iting in his be
half, We give it Mader simply as
a, sample of the sPiiiernpei which
characterize the poliihich the Com•
piter seeks to ingrat f into the cour
ticienurof the JOSIIILI 1
whom it haa
consented tri serve. 1,
The Compiler ei witholds from
its renders the fads= are aroused its
ire, and which form is of its ungen
erous . nttacks2-- MrpiYin the','dis
charge of his :dutildteward of the
Poor-house. and in i'i to ,lbe rules
prescribing his dulls kept a record
of all persons'applyiiielief, with the
place, whence each oe. In making
up,his record - for Or, it, turns out
that out of 817 vaiPaupera apply
it% for relief, 766 ibreigners, and
only' 51 AmericanCoMpiler, in
publishing the Stew nual statement,
Suppressed thi e tau t eeming it pru
dent to let its ree ye the ' simpl e
truth. Upon being :as to the omis
sion, instead of sup the defect, the
editor bitterly , ass4e Steward for
keeping a record wievelopes such a
iia e
a, state of facts I N the reader well
knows, statistical in '
on of this char
acter is one of the ast requisites
of our political syste ur Census-tak
era are required by l( return the rel
ative proportion of ••lettris and For
eigners, with place oh,\ tr.°. Similar
statistics are requir nearly all the
Alma-houses of the try. , And why
not? up our Poor
houses, and Jail; anditentiaries. If,
as the leaders of thelgu , party main
tain, we should, In alon to supporting
our own Poor; hercqi to titrow wide
open our ports t) w 1 e the hordes of
felons, and convi:ts. eupers who are
annually disgorpd upahrtshores from
the prises,
an4 :240 0, ! ...5r Ritmo
4 ail least know the
cost ? But that i l l not snit the pur
poses of the dernafes who seek to de
lude the honest ds into a blind adhe
sion to their reoltioli°Y.
But this eenspess to statistical in
formation is altoNof modern birth.—
In olden times, in , parties• were more
honest, ar i d d e ques less reekless, these
things were (16001 right and proper.—
We have a e , 4) point, and with that
we drop the '. We have before us
a printed copylhe "Ordinances, Rules
and By:Laws,,the Poor and House of
Rmployment he County of Adams,"
enacted in 18 which is appended the
L i ,
appreval . of t art, over the siguature
of_, the jUdilthe name of MOUE . %
SHEFFER—pn =one of the Associate
Judges, and lan active and influential
leader of theballed Democratic party—
being anto4oni. Those ordinances
have never 0 repealed, and are now in
foree. Am; the first of them, on page
1, we find troliosving:
"The Ord shall 'keep a fair and
regular lit all the Poor, together with
their sexe 'id ages, as near as. can be
ascertaine td the time when received
into the e, AND FROM WHENCE."
As the piler gives us the assurance
that the -payers shall bereafter kear
nothing his record, it might relieve
"the gen an who at present bee charge
of the P house" froom emberaisment,
by blotiiitiat the obnoxioue'statute.
81 ,Central Comenlitr?e.
The s Went oldie late American Re:
r •
pnblicaoCouvention, has appoined the
tatkCentral Committee, viz:
'ltrzi. TODD, Chairman
Simon eron, -, Joseph Casey, •
John , Ceo. Bergn,er,
John ullivan, Wm. D. Kelley,
Joseph'. Myers, J. M. Sellers;
Henry bite, James Edwards,
Lindlemith, J. B: Lancaster,
P. C.•'maker, , • Jacob Crossler,
R. L. Inner, Edward. C. Knight,
Davidfewport, EdWard Darlington,
Wm. !Kelm, Wilson Cowell,
Peterkartin, T. J. Worth,
Miehler, Samuel E. Dimmock,
Thoe4. Cochran, David E. Small,
Edwil MePherson, B. Rush Petriken,
John'enn Jones, W. P. Miner,
John.aporte, L. P. Williston,
D. Steam°, C. R. Curtis,
Joh;N. Parviance, D. L. Eaton, ,
Rolvt P. bleDowell, D. E. Finney,
Johß. Wells, J. R. Edie, ,
T; !Coffey, A. J. Fuller,
Joh•Covode, Robert M. Palmer,
The Adultery Case.
o:3"The Jury, in the trial of the Rev.
Mr. Kalloeb, for adultery. were . unable to
agree, and were discharged.'. They mood
—8 tor acquittal', and 4 for conviction.--
A meeting of the members aids coUgre
gation, in Rolston, was held aftsr the trial,
at which' the follOiring resulittlen wits, a
dopted :
ResolvO, That we have carefully weigh.
ed the testimony which has been biought
forward to sustabl• the charge alleged a
gainst our pastor, the Rev. S. Kalloch,
and we know declare in the Most positive
manner our unabated confidence in his in
tegrity as a man and a minister of the Gos
pel; and meet earnestly do we now re
quest him to'reimmo the public service of
the . sanctuary as our pastor and teacher;
and we again most 'tiortlially pledge hint
our undivided attachtnent,and unwavering
support until the dark
,clouds of his trial
have all ditiappeared.
KrIV hile the Douibfeces of the North
are virtually helpicg to extend slavery over
free rerritory, the. true, men of the slave
states are endeavoring to rid them:elect
of the incUbus, and in some places have
:drool) , organized r(forraidable . party for
the purpose. At St. anis, the othdr clav,
there was an election (or Mayor,
, and the
Emancipationists !Wept the board.—
were three tickets in,
, the field—
Democratic, American : and Republionn..-- ,
Pratt, who headed the Deutocratio ticket,
is regarded as one among the most popular
of his party, and for that reason was oho
nen as the one most likely to give free
soilism its quietus 'in Missouri, He has
twice beer: elected mayor, and has once
been appointed by the Legislatuie . , Presi
dent of the ,Bank of the . State. Lane, the
Native candidate e has been mayor of the
city nine dire ; out notwithstanding their
unboundekl popularity, they had to a na
-1 •
cumb to the fast spreading doctrine of free
territory and free speech. The vote is
given in another column.
Lamm. TODD.—We observe
that the Hon. Lemuel. Todd, of Carlisle,
has been selected as the Chairman of the
State Central Committee, appointed by
the American Republican Convention.—
We are htghly gratified by this appoint
ment, because Mr. Todd is an American
beyond 'all dispute, whom even the Daily
News declared it could support as a can
dictate for the Governorship. The selec
tion of Mr. Todd was paying the highest
compliment to the American party.—
Whatever position Mr. Todd may be
placed in, no ono will doubt his intense
Americanism—that it absorbs all other
political feelings. This, therefore, is a
movement which, at all events, will plea . se
all the elements of opposition to foreign
.TRattnowl 4 t4 threatening
difficulty has occurred in noises; 4.1.2
town of Topeka._ A bogus sheriff attempt
ed to arrest a Free Seiler on a political
charge, but was driven off bv.a number of
citizens. Be went away to some other
town, procured a posse, and volumed to
take his ,pristmer.
.Again, however, the
citizenii o 1 l'opeka interfered and preven
ted the arrest. Thereupon the sheriff
sent a message to acting.govereor Wood.
son, at,Lecompion. The result,liad not
ranspiredf:at the latest dates.
Destructive Couflagration at Baltimore—A
Half-Million Dollars' worth of Propel ty De.
A Terrible fire occurred in Baltimore
on Tuesday night in Charles and Lom
bard streets—the business centre of the
city. The following properties were de
stroyed :—On Charles street the ware
house of Measrs. It. Edwards & Co.,
Importers of Glassware ; Messrs. Norris
& Brothers, Importers of Hardware;
rison & Co., Ca p Manufacturers; James
S. Robinson, Paper Warehouse. On
Lombard street. the Iron Warehouse of
Messrs. E. L. Parker & Co.; the hard•
ware establishment of Messrs. Hodges,
Enack & Grant ; also the building of Gil
-1 pin, Bailey & Canby, Wholesale Drug.
gists ; . Wm. Davidson, dealers in Chemical
1 Paints. The above properties, tbgether
with their contents, Were destroyed. '
,About half-past ten o'clock, while a
number of persona, suppoaed to be at least
twenty, were on the first floor of the gro
eery store of Handy & Bro., the npper
part of the building, as well as those on
both'sides being in flames, the floor above
fell upon thettl, enveloping them in
'flames and covering• them with the ruins.
A number of thenr were got out variously
burned and.injired. Among those repor
ted as left under the 1111111! was John Wal
lace of the Lafayette Fire CoMpany.
sal,.The circumstances connoted with
the lose of Mr.' Milburn's (the eloquent
blind preacher's) sight were of the,most
aggravating nature, 30d MUtit move every
heart with indignation. of the brutal cause,
and with sympathy for the victim.--
When ahoy bf five years, one of his•eyes
became slightly affected, in such a manner
as to require treatment from a physiciin.
Dr.-, (we wish we know his name.)
was accordingly called, and while apply
ing'a caustic 'preparation the , boy winded
and eiied, as would be very natural for 'a
child under such circumstances, when the
physician becoming enraged, crushed 'the
little fellow between his knees, and dashed
the burning caustic in his eyes and de
stroyed his sight. forever.
nail Inquirer says that a horse ran away
with a dray in that city on Saturday, and
on reaohing the corner' of Main and Co
lumbia sts.. and meeting a horse and dray
crossing to Columbia street, =he sprang
over the team, carrying with him his dri
ver and drag in his fearful asap: This
extraordinary leaf waa witnessed by a
large number pt people withlunbounded
astonishment. The effort required Kir
thia wonderful leap had the effect t check
the speed of the terrified 'l3ucephalus, so
dist he was shortly after captured 'by
some Jahns, who happened to be in the
Maine line asked die Supreme Court a
that State, ior. their opinion, whether ne
grog. are citizens.• The Constitution
. of
that State conform. the right of suffrage on
ly on citizens, of the Uuded States.
Religions Sers•lceN cur the next
, fiabbatb. -
Presbytirialn Church.—Services morning
and everang, ,Rev. Mr Van Wylie. ,
(Luthcran.)--Services in
the Morning. and evening—lniorning Prof.
lifultiginitrg;‘ evening, Rev. Dr. Krauth.
'St. 'fames' Church, ( Luthe:ran.)--Servieea
in thirinoiniug (German,) Wee. Dr. Schneffer'i
evening Rev. R. Rill.
Methodist Episcopal Church.—Sernaen
morning and evening.
German Reformed Church.—Morning and
evening (Eog:ish.)
Associate Reformed Church.—No services.
Catholic Church.—No aervices.
The Prayer-ifeetiun of the Presbyterian,
German Reformed, and the two Lutheran
churches is held every Wednesday evening;
Methodist. Thursday evening.
Ma:EntTott glancleg over the Corn.
pile, oiMondai last; rwes surprised to notice
the l increrieed boldmiss / alid daring of its editor
in his attiiniptito justifyleverl act of the For
eiga Party, an the e qually increasing :wing
nancy with which ha assails everything, ,which,
by any possible' conception, can ,be tortured
into a squinting towards Arnerienniant. Fully
committed--hody,,sod , and breeches L-to the
service of a'tnorige!ll' party whose
,livery' he
now Wears, he freti and - filmes, and *chafes,
at every little incident which crosses his path,
magnifying trifles , into matters of moment; and
jealously- suipicious of all around him, save ,
the uew masters into 'whose keeping he has
placed his polities) cebscience, 'Seems to be
sorely troubled with constant visions iff the
dorlr'ptirpoSes and doings of the terrible band
of outlaws 'who,. in 'his imagination, are in
nightly secret conclave plottings
.mischief and
seeking the destruction Of our Free Institu
tions. Thus iMpressed and anxious to evince
the earnestness of his zeal in the new faith,
what bad formerly seemed but recklessness of I
truth and partizan asperity, degenerates into
senseless ravings and acts of folly, which can
be justified only on the charitable assumption
that the editor of the Compiler is rapidly tend
ing to that peculiar degree of idiosyncrasy at
which an impartial Jury would be • compelled
to return a verdict of non comps mentis.—
Possibly „the judici . ous use of a straight
jacket might p,revent such a result. We leave
the suggestion with his political guardians.
These thoughts, Mr. Editor, have been sug
gested by the ravings of the Compiler of last
Monday, and especially by the bitter attack
upon the late Steward of tire Alms-house, fur
simply doing what is done iu nearly every
Alms-house in the land—keeping a record of
the relative number of Foreign and American
Paupers who apply for relief during t h e year.
The Tax-payers of the County have certainly a
right to know where their money goes, and if
it be true that the largest proportion of our
money goes to sepport—not our own people—
but those cast upon our shores from the lazar
houses of. Europe—why shall wo not know it ?
Ah, Mr. Editor, there is the rub I It. seems,
by the official records of onr Alms-house that
out of 817 vagrant Paupers applying for relief
during the past year, only 51 were American
/fern—the ballance, 766, being Foreigners.—
.. Had the proprtion been reversed, Mr. SCOTT
..vadal hare bemdoing his entire duty, in the
opinion of this -. Votlitneniide; narrate Goa d .:
ler would have 'published , the fact in glaring
eapitalsl , But it dOes not suit the purposes of
Jesuitistn to . 'have the people leariithe truth—
hence the Compiler carefully garbles the Re
port of the Steward--suppresses the truth,
and bitterly assails the character of John Scott.
Bali I Wonder whether the editor of the COM
pito has ever read the story of the Viper and
the File JUNIUS.
According to previous notice, there was an
educational Convention held ill Petersburg,
on the 15th inst. The meeting was organized
by the appointment of Wm. B. Brandon Esq..
m chairman, and C. W. Beaks 119 Secretary.
On motion of the Secretary, the Chair np•
pointed Messrs. Lyttle, Carl and Kart, a coin
mittee to draft resolutions expressive of the
sense of the meeting. During the absence of
the Committee the assembly was addressed by
the County Superintendent, on the relation of
the present school system, to the State and the
The Committee then reported:the following
resolutions, which, having been taken up set
iatim and discussed, were unanimously adopt.
L Resolned.—That we earnestly call upon
the friends °reduce:inn throughout the 'Conn.
ty of Adeims, to unite with us in our endeav
.to . .elevate the standard of the,qualifica.
Sons TonclMrs, and tho condition of the
Common Schools. • :
2. Raso/ved.---That We see nothing in the
present School, Law Anti Republican or Anti
DemoCratic; but on the contrary we hold that,
by. thii Common School system, the masses can
be edneated, and that iiiiiication is'the safe
guard of the nation.
3. Resolved.--That , wa congratulate the Cit
izens of Hunting ton 'Township, in having a
school 'board faroriiiilo to the progressive syn.
tern' of education, and that from
their untiring ezertione, they feel determined
to lead the van in the cause of education in
Aditna County. ' • '
4." Resolved ,
—That, a of thanlce be
dered to the' County Superintendent for hie
'address, and attendance at•our . nteeting.
erotred,—That the appointment of
County Superintendentis not a waste of public
Money, and , that the several Boards of Direc
tors of ibis county, be respectfully requested
to vote a salary to the County Superintendent,
commensurate with .the ditties of his office,
which have demanded and, will continue to
dernandlis whole time and best energies.
6. Reso/Ced,That the schools of Hunting.
ton Township sub as well conducted and reg
ulated, as any, in the county.
On motion of R. A. Lyttle it was Resolved,
—That the proceedings of this meeting be
published in the County Papers and the School
0. G. BEALES Say:
[For As Star rind Banner.
ENIGMA. •• • •
'.`l am co m posed of 22 letters. •
My 812 20 is what all persons do.
" 18 517 13 is an Irish foolsoldier.
" 12.13.13 5 : 20 ; 1 16 is a lady's name.
" 10 14 9 6 is an uner,incipled person.
" 15 12 13 is a city in Asia.
" 21.167 is an eittible. •
" 11 14'2056 is often sought for by travellers.
1 ' 4 9 13,12 is a city in Africa. •
22,8 16 1 14 20 12 7 517 is a bravo.
" 13 19 4 14 1 2 is the name of an owner Of
a vineyard in Kings . . ' ", '
" 3 12 22 9 13 is a city in Michigan..
!ity whole is what some persons : like to be.
. .
FIRST PAGE.—An interesting letter from
Ba - rann Tann., the celebrated. American
Traceller s now, on a' trip of pleasure in Northern
Europe, will be fonnd Oil our, first page. We
Inv giro other lettere hereaßer. At last dates
Ms. Tapp! bad mood the Arctia C4e.
TOR.—I'he great and principal characteris
tics of Daley'• Mogiofiti ittiss Extractor con
sist : •
ist. Of its never failing and unique proper
ty, as won as applied to any external injury,
to thee. intiantraution instantly ? and rapidly to.
reduce it. , This testure constitutes its great.
power to alleviatg the pain of burns and
scalds, and otherpainful diseases, in so in
credibly short a space of time, and as will ap.
pear from the few testimonials hereunto an
nexed. ':Every intelligent mind is fully aware.
that, in all cases of external injury, the, pair.
is produced by inflammation of the injured
parts ; and, thereflwe, ifyou remove the cease,.
the effect must cease.
2d. Its purificative protnarties neutralize the
poison that may lurk in the system, and will,
when applied to the sores, draw rapidly all
impure matter to the surface, and eject it--
Jioncittbe kreat discharge it;produces from
sores occasioned by burns—and when applied
to old and inveterate-sores, Balt. Rheum, or..
other cutaneous discuses.
Each bo* of quxutse thkt.t.e7l! Pair Ex-
Titsciimt has upon it a &eel Plate Engraved
Lahti with die signatures ore. I`. EN
IMt CO.; proprietors, end TIENILY 7 DAL.
LEY,'inanufacturer. All others are counter
feit. Price 25 cents per box.
1196.A1l orders should be addressed to C.V.
Cliekener dr, Co., 81 Barclay street, New Yea-.
Idarch6 101
• Ber There area plenty of young gentletners
as well as plentyp, of old ones, whose • beards are
turning grey, wirich gives the form& is putt
deal of uneasiness, and Orposes the age of the
latter. To avoid these little perplexitleti we
advise such Of our readers to use Prof. Wood a
Hair Restorative, which will, in the course' of
a lbw weeks, change the hair to its , natural
color. It does not dye the hair like the most.
of the hair restoratives, butproduene akradual
change of color from tliti s ibbfit - zniie hair to
the final end, and gives it a fine and glossy ap
pearance. We have seen many persons who
have used it successfully, and pronounced it
the only invention which .has come up to their
idea of a ''cure for.grey heads." We com
menced using it - about two manta since, rind
if we are any judge ot , age and beauty k it has
made us at least ten years younger; in fact
We are beginning to look quite young, and feel
very.much like getting a young wife. The
change is miracnlous, and it would be is dif
ficult to find a grey hair now as it would be to
find an idea in the head of the Duke a Buck
ingham. We know several old maids and
some young widows, whose locks are just be
ginning to assume a silvery hue, and w)ro have
been talking seriously about resorting to this
remedy, and we advise them not to delay any
longer. It never fails.—Si. Louis Herald.
sprit' 0,1 in
TioN.—At length a cure for the above, which
may be most confidently relied on, has made
its appearance ; a cure so positive that it 11PV
er has failed, and never can fail, if properly
administered, in roof whereof the money paid
for it will be instantly returned in every ease
where it does not give the must thorough sat
isfaction. efiekenees Sugar-coated Vegeta
ble Purgative Pills is the remedy spoken of,
and reference is made to all respectable phy
sicians, who will cheerfully give the most un
qualified testimoilyan their favor . Let any
person afflicted with either of these diseases,
give them but one trial, and he is sure to pur
chase them for life i not only because they
Care them more speedily and better than any
other medicine, but also because they tire as
easily swallowed as bitfolloaf sugar, and en
tirely unattendended with griping or nausea.
They are so powerful that three of them will
effectually operate on a giant, and yet so mild
and pleasant that a child might swallow hull a.
box full without repugnance or injury.
april I 0,2 t.
There is an article selling throughout the
Count r y w 9 I ...mattained the widest celebrity
ever known us a remedy fur Ltver.muspisd.ta.
We haVe reference to Dr. Sanford's Iniigo
ratur, or Liver Remedy, that has performed
cures almost too great to believe, were i nut
for the undoubted evidence that accoMpany
the testimonials. It is, iu truth, the greatest
remedy known for Dyspepsia, Jaundice, or a
general debility that so often baffles the skill
of our most eminent physicians.
Dr. Sanford has been fora lung time oneof
the eminent killysicinus of New'Nork, and it
is said, =stet his cases were treated with'the
Invigorator with such invariable success that
he has been induced to otter it as a family
medicine, and let the world have the benefit
of his discovery. If those who are troubled
with debility, headache, languor, or slow, lin
gering fever will try a bottle, we think they
might save physicians' bills, and days, perhaps
years ,of suffering. aprillo,ltn
no one succeadettitir mating a reliable Hair
Dve except Wra. A. Batchelor ? Because
they would avoid the cares. the thought. tho
time, patience and labor necessary. Others,
by s hort cuts, would buy a reputation they
cannot win, and by certificates of feed chem
ists and newspaper bravado, fight their way to
notoriety. But "Industry has its reward."—
Witness the invincible reputation oE WM. A.
sold, or applied, (in nine private rooms) 233
Broadway, New York.
Every box has*Wm. A. Batchelor on an en
graved steel label to be genuine. Sold by
Druggists in every city and. town in the Um
led States. . • aprillo, Im
member in all things that if you do not begin .
you will never come to an end. The first
weed pulled up in the garden—the first seed
set in the ground—Me „first dime, put iu Me
Suing. Ina:Wien—are all important things.
They make a beginning, and thereby a hope,
a promise, . a pledge, an assurance that you . are
in earnest with what you have undertaken.—
Hew many a poor, idle,:doless, worthless
spendthrift is now creeping or scratching
his way through, the world, wbo might have
held op his head and prospered, OW had only
commenced to save —if ho haikonly made a
beginning with a first dime in the SAVINGS
HOVER'S INK, made in Philadelphia, is a
great comfort to edttors, and we suspect even
greater to compositors , seeing that its fluidity
eavds no excuse, for bad or charred -writing—
the great foes'of typesetters
It is .really quite , a pleasure to write with
such ink, especially with a good steel pen, for
.which mainly, it us prepared .--hire York
American; •
We cheerfully add our testimony to that Of
the Editor of the Asnerican, in favor of Has.
er's Ink. It is all thigt-esn be desirml.—Ncto
Fork Courier and Enquirer. - '
- Horer's Phiimk/p itia Ink, is & beautiful sr
tide, well calculated for metal pens, as it does
not corrode them.---Brtgher ll:maths:4 New
York. •
„ •
MH. AND Mee. JOHN IJHAN..--It is true
(as we learn from moat excellent authoil,
ty) that Mr. John Dean has gone to 't
school in a distant part of the Slate, for
the purpose at having his wits and his
manners polished up a bit. The school
is ,a private:on'e, and is in the habit of ta•
king in grown pupils, whose early educe,
lion has been neglected. Mrs. Dean
remains for the present at the house of
Mr.' H. Bertholf, the officer of the Su- 1
prome Court who removed her from her
lather's house when the writ 0f habeas
corpus was allowed.
• aeL.Several families - ate about leaaing
Chatubereburg for Ratans. They pro•
pose to locate together and lay sulk a town
to be called Kane City.
KrHow to oweeton soOtade—Shul
bOy down in a cellar and give' 4 0 .
Ou to the - 4101145n barrels
A VALUABLI V OTE.-11. gen tleman yes
entity being , in a ,hurry to vote before
proceeding to Sacramento, depolited at
the third ward polls a check for one bun
d red dollars instead of a ballot. Hut the
meat laughable part of the joke oecurrsd
atterwards. Discovering his mistake
when about going on Ward the boat, he
came running baok, and finding he could
nut get his check before the counting of
the ballots communed, he voted again,
and put his name on ten-ballot, that the
inspectors might know the check belong
ed In him. He also left orders to have it
drawn, and part of the amountspent for
wine. But he was not to vote yesterday; ,
fir on coining to the ballot' with his name
on, they found.thus he had ,in his hurry
folded two together, and so the gentleman's
vote counted for nothing.-San Francis
co Herald, sth uhisno. ' ,
' of Mr. Buclonian Kai st least the merit, of
financial solidity. ,• The meMbers .repre•
sent an aggregate wealth of some four
and a hall millions of dollars. It may be
thus divided among them:
Lewis eau , $ ,o'o
llowoil Cobb 600,000 .
Jacob Thoropnon, , 1,000,000
Jacob B. Floyd ' 600,000
Messrs. Toticy, Black andßrown, •-600,000
Mr, .11uchenan himself. ie arid' to be
worth 1150.000 or more. '
The Greatest Wonder ot the Age.
No Pay if Dc, Tobias' celebrated Venitian'
Liniment does Mot - cure CholeT, Dysentery
Croup, Cholle, Coughs, Dyspepsia, .Vomiting
Mumps, Toothache,lleadache, Chapped hands,
Cold Pea, Moliqulto Ititet, l lnsect Stings,
Chronic Swellings Old Sores Cut,
'lluruzyßruises and Pains or 'Weakness iu the
Limbs, Back and Chest. NO HOIIIIUO, TRY IT.
Dr. Tobias has warranted his Liniment for
eight ' , Oars without over having a deakand for
the /eturn of the money—all that is asked is to
use itstecordiug to the directions. Ni one will
seer be without it after once using it. If you
do not find Whetter than any thing you have
ever tried before, gel your money returned /
Vgl,..Thousands of certificates have been re
ceived speaking of its virtues. Now-mlaysiit
is the practice to fill the papers with certfi
cates from unknown persons, orgiven by
those who have never used the medicine—now
Dr. Tobias offers to pay 1000 dollars to any
one, who will prove that he ever published a
false certificate during the time he has had
his medicine before the public.
. Call on the Agent and get a pamphlet con,
taing genuine certificates.
As persOns envious of the large sale of thb
Venetian Liniment have stated it is injurious
to take it internally, Dr. Tobias has taken the
billowing turn :
Samuel I. Tobias, of the city of New Yok,r
being duly sworn, do depose that I compound a
Liniment called Venetian, and that the ingro
diem: ref which it is compounded are perfect
ly harmless to take internally, even in double
the quantity named in the directions, accom•
pitying each bottle.
New York, January 9th, 1856.
Sworu 'this day before me, •
Price 25 and 50 cents'; sold by the Druggist
and Patent Medicine Dealers throughout the
United StaXes.
11So for sale, Dr. Tobias' Horse Lini
ment., in pint bottles, at 50 cents, warranted
salmi - tor to any other.
Dr. Tobias' Office i SG Courtland street, N.
LS, Also, by A. D. BUEFILBR, Gettysburg
and 11. S. Milier t East Berlin.
Sept. 19, 1856.—in
Careully corrected to riqsrsdall, 4pril 15, 57.
Flour, Howard Street. J $5.87 ( . 4 0.00
Ilya Flour '3.75'4.00
co/m.3 ( 1d1 2.75 2.87
Wheat, white 1.46 , 1.413.
'Wheat, red 1 36 1.42
Corn, white 58( .. 4i 60
Corn, yellow 64 (4 65
Rye, Pennsylvania 4 87 ( . 4 90
Oats, Pennsylvania
.. 49 (4 51
Clover Seed 8.00 ( . 4 8.75
Timothy Seed 3.50 (al 9 75
lily Timothy ' I5.0:1 (0.20.00
1 i ops 7 (el 11
Potatoes,, 70 (4 75
Bacon, Shoulders 93 tri3 101
Baffin, Sides 111,4 12
Bacon, llama 12i (Li., 133
Pork, Mess q't 00 0 . / 1 23.30 j
Pork, Prime 1;4.30 (419.00
Beet, Mess 15.00 a 18.00 I
Lard, in barrels 13 a 143
Lard, in kegs 143 a 15
Wool, Unwashed 2G a 27
Wool, Washed 33 a 36
Wool, Pulled 30 a 34
Wool, Fleece, common 35 a 35
Wool, Fleece, fine 60 a 60
• Wool, Choice Merino . 60 a .55
Butter, Western, in kegs ~. 13 a 14
Butter, Roll ' 20 a •23
Cheese "10 a 121
Coffee, Rio 101 a 10}
Coffee, Java' ' ' ' 15a 15/
HANOVER, April 16,1857.
FLOUR 'f bbl., from wagons, 1 , 5 25
NVIIEAT, v. bushel, 1 25 to 1.33
, RYE - -
BUCKWHEAT, per bushel
POTATOES, per bushel
, —. •
TORII, April 16, 1857.
FLOUR,VI bbl., froto wagons, $5 37
1 ;711E,A.T,11 bushel, 1 25 to 1 30
RYE, " • , 68
CORN, a • 48
OATS "' 38
: TIMOTHY-SEED, VI bushel, ' 825
,7 50
FLAX-SEED, , . " • 75
PLASTER OF PARIS,'' ton. ', 6 80
On the 9th inst.,. by the Rev. David Rhein-
'hart, Mr. JOHN M. COVER, of Carroll co.,
.and Miss •MAOGIE E. SAYLOR, 'daughter
of the Rev. D. P. Saylor, of Frederick county,
.all of Maryland.
On the 9th inec., by the Rev. Jacob &oh.
Jar, Mr. HENRY OLINGER, and Miss ANN
ELIZA. JACOBY, both of Adams county.
Ofer. - .
- 01 i the 13th inst., Mr. PETED. AUGHIN
BAUGH, after a lingering Manes, aged 78
years 8 months and 7 days. .
On the 23d of December last, in Darke co.,
.dow, of Christian Hershey, who died a few
years since,) aged about 93 years. She resi
:tied about 49 years on the farm now owned by
Mr. Henry Butt, on Marsh creek, in this coml.
On the 2d inst., in York, Mrs. MARGA
' HET BARNITZ, widow of Charles A. Bar
' nitz, deceased, aged 71 years.
On the 22d ult., in Mountpleasent township,
Adams .county,. 'Mm, NANCY, consort of
:Mathew Tolenon the 73 year of her ye.
On the 3d inst., in the same township, Mrs.
ELIZABETH, consort of Mr. 'John Felix.
. lOn Tuesday evening last, Mrs. JANE E.
wife of Mr. Samuel Witherow, of this place, in
the 49th year.ofherage.
vEDAR ware and endlese't*iety of House
"told artielea to be bad very cheap at
Ertra .Icconsmodations.
TLIE undersigned returns his thanks to the
public for the encouragement heretofore
extended to him, and takes pleasure in an
nouncing that he has completed arrangements
by which
'of Coaches will bb run between Gettyshurg
and Hanover, to connect with the trains to and
from Baltitriore, York, Harrisburg, Philadel
phis, &c. Persons.desiring tickets or infor
mation will call on the undersigned, or on
CHARLES TATE, Ticket Agent;at the Ea
gle Hotel. in Chambersbarg street.
ler-Special attention given to all. packages,
dm., or other,busineess entrusted to the. ander
signed between. Genyebdrg and Hanover,
which will be promptly and carefully attended
he undersigned has also.effected ar
range ents, by ivliich he will be Able to sup
ply C cites, Stages, 'Ate., for Funeral and
other occasions, at moderate charge's., .
4pril 17, 1857.---tf .• •
TIE Lotteries of Samuel Swam& Co., are
chartered by the 'Spite' of ,Georgia and
have sworn commissioners appointed to ;Georgia,
intend their drawings, and certify that every.
thing connected with the same is done in a
strictly honorable manner. They- offer to the
public a fair opportunitT for investment, the
interests of parties at a dtstanie being as well•
protected as though they were present. The
Managers wonld respectfully call attention to
the fact that all persans• have a legal right
to send orders for tiekets to Georgia, as the
lotteries of Samuel Swan & Co., are authorized
by the Legislature of that State. A lottery
will be drawn every Saturday throughout the
year, all orders received be ing filled in the
drawing next to take place after the same
comes to hand. According' to the scheme
one ticket in every ten must draw a prize.
TIOZSTEI Alla 1010
halves, $5 ; quarters, $2,50. No ticket sent
unlesethe money accompanies the order.—
The drawings are upon the principle of one
number on each ticket,-and are so simple that
none can fail to understand them. There is
no combination of numbers to mystify the buy
er. Prizes vary from
840 lo $30,000
every prize being drawn, and result of draw
ing forwarded to all purchasers
inb...A list of the numbers that are drawn
from the wheel with the amount that each
prize is entitled to, will be published after ev
ery drawing ; in the hollowing papers :—New
Orleans Delta, Mobile Register, Charleston
Standard, Nashville Gazette, Atlanta Inte
gen,cer, Savannah News, and New York Week.
ly Day Book. Write your address plainly,
and direct to
S. SWAN k Co., Atlanta, Georgia.
I [Prizes paid in full—no percentage deducted
from prizes rte in other lotteries.
All communications strictly confidential.
April 17, 1857.-ff-1y , .
rlllllB HAIR DYE needs only a trial to
satisfy all of its perfection as a DYE, and
the following testimonial from that eminent
Analytic Chemist, Professor Booth, of the U.
S. Mint, will only confirm what thousands
have previously borne testimony to.
"Laboratory for Practical Chemistry,
St. Stephen's Placci " .
Philadelphia, February 171 h, 1857.
"Bjuing well ecipusinted with the substances
composing linver'epad Hair .l)ye, I am
satisfied that by followang the simple direc
tions given fur its use, it will not injure the
Heir or Skin, but will given natural and dur
able cola; to the Hair.
JAmEs C. 13oonr, Analytic Chonist."
HOVER'S WHITING fSlilh, including
Rover's Fluid , and Mover's Indelible Inks, are
too well known mid introduced to require nap
additional testimony of their character. The
sales have been increasing since their first in
troduction, giving evidence that the articles
truly possess that intrinsic merit claimed at
first for them by the Manufacturer.
OrdeN, addressed to the Manufactory, No
in; RACE street above awnTu, (old No.
l. 1) Philadelphia, will receive prompt. Litton
time by. -
JOSEPH E. HOVER, Manufacturer.
April 17, 1837.—1 y
lljust returne d from, the city, with a
II new and beautiful assov4ent of BON
NETS and
of the most fashionable styles, which she in
vites the ladies to call and examine, confident
that they will be pleased with her selection.
Lhibb M'Creary will carry on the
business, iu all its branches, and hopes by her
superior work, and reasonable prices to merit
tue patronage of her friends.
April 17, 1857.-3 m
3 00
7 00
7 60
il 00
upas MARY H. LAUGHLIN has just
J-Ta. returned from the Cit? with the LATEST
writes and importation 'of fancy
to:which (463 invites the attention of her old
customers, and the Ladies generally. ,
...ROOMS at Mrs.Wiirrs's Baltimore Street,
Afow doors South of the Presbyterian Church.
April 17, 1841.—St.
n‘frltl find out how many Lazy people there
-1- are in a Town, set two dogs at fighting."
"To find out how many children are in the
same Town, get nut the Bass Drum." ,
To find ont, what is transpiring everyday in
the world, call at the News Agency. of A. J.
Potterfield, where you will find all kinds of
Periodicals, Newspapers &c., which are rep .
lady received as soon as published; PaTer's
Magazine, Graham's Magazine, God . ey's La.
dy's Book, Yankee Notions, &c., all for May ;
expected this evening upon the arrival of the
Baltimore stage.
A. J. POTTERFIELD, News Agency.
April 17, D357.--11*
Adams Co Agricultural Society.
frIHE members Of the Adams County Agri
cultural Society, are requested to meet at
the Court-house, in Gettysburg, on Saturday,
the 2d day of Nay naa, at 1 o'clock, P.M.,
A fell attendance is. desired, as. business of
importance and interest will be submitted to
the meeting.
JOHN M'GINLEY, President.
April 17, 1867;—ta
On NRlurdaY next . , l April lSth.
OR the newest styles of Goods, always call
at 8011101V9
THE Proprietor of the Mercantile Guide
would respectfully call the attention of
the Merchants, Farmers and Mechanics resi
ding out of the city, to the moderate terms for
a yearly subscription to the Guide, being to
Mail subscribers only 50 cents per annum,
makic,g it the cheapest Family Newspaper in
the United States. The columns of the Guide
will contain the usual variety of original and
spicy articles, written not only to please but
to instruct. In regard to politics, the Guide
will maintain an independent tone, and from
time to time will 'advocate measures ris con'-
ducive to , benefit the 'greatest number. Post
inasters'and others are respectfully requested
to act as agents for this paper, 'to whom we
will forward specimen copies free when desir•
ed to do so.
As an inducement for Pert:One t 9 interest
themselves 'to . obtain subscriptions for the
Mercantile Guide, we offer the folloWing pre
mien& Upon the receipt of the names, imp
in advance, we will forward them by express
or otkerwise,, if ordered to the addrelki of:those
entitled to them ' - '
For 300 subscribers, cash,
For 260.Subseribers, we will giie k
splendid tine gold watch, (war
For 200 subscribers, an elegant gold
locket, 4 glasses, worth ) 16 00
For 150 subscribers, I elegant brace
let, worth ' -
For 100 subscriber, one gold vest.
chain; worth
For 75,subscribers, one gold penned
bolder, handsomely engraved,
worth 8 00
For 60 subscribers, ono gold pen and
holder, worth
For 40 Aubseribers, one gold pen and
holder, worth
For 15 subscribers, one medinm gold
pen and bolder, worth
For 12 subscribers, one gold pen and
holder, worth 1 50
All communications should be addressed to
BKAKENEY, Editor" and
Publisher of the N.. Y. Mercantile
Guide; No. 193 Greeimich f3t.,
Now York.
rrNevrspnpers throughout the Union by
publishing the above appropriately displayed
including this notice '
2 months, and calling'
attention editorially to the same, and sending
ns the paper, will be entitled to an exchange,
and receive a gold pen and holder worth $l2
Ayril 47, 1857.-2 m
Schick's Cheap Store,
Corner of the Diamond and Baltimore street.
J. L. SCHICK has just returned from
Philadelphia with a full and complete
assortment of Spring Hoods, consisting of
Black and Fancy colored
of all styles and patterns; alto Satinetts
Jeans, Cottunades and Linen Good, for Men's,
wear; and Satin, Silk, rind Marseilles vesting;
also, Suspenders, Cravats, Handkerchiefs,
Hoisery, and Gloves, utprices to suit the times
—which gentlemen wishing a complete outfit,
would do very well to examine.
tritEtLei 1.64247)21,2161A
Just received a superior assortment of Blae
Silks, which will be sold low; also, Berege
Laines, Gingham, Brilliants, Calicoes, Irisl
Linens, Swiss, Book and Cambric Muslins
Dotted Swiss and Plaid Musties t Gloves, Rib
bons, Collars, Dress Trimmings, Lc., &c.,
which fur variety, excellence and cheapness
cannot be surpassed in this tnarket.
llOgl..lleccollect, that although there is a
great rush to Schick's for bargdius, all can be
accommodated. No trouble to show Goods.
Therefore cull in, and examine the largest,
richest and cheapest stock you ever laid your
cyst on.
Gettysburg, April 17, 1957.—tf
Tlll4 MAR %T AIR,
The Truth drknowleged.
Y. T is a common remark made by those who
have examined the new antLelegant assort
ment of FANCY and Millinery Clouds, at the
Store of
12:1313 IVOLEIAL.A.N,
on the N. E. corner of Centre Square, that her
stock is the BEST and CHEAPEST ever brought
to town. The assortment consists of
Silks, De Lanes,
Ginghams. Calicoes, De
Bade, Coburg Cloths, Mug. ,
lin, Lumen, Sack Flannels, Bon
nets and Bonnet Trimming's, Satins,.
Ladies' Dress Trimmings, Velvets, Arttfi
dials, Black Veils, Blue do., Gloves, Hosiery
Handkerchiefs. French Worked collars,
ambric,Jackonetand Swiss Edgings,:
Insertings, Muslins, Sleeves, Mo
hair and Silk Mite, Black •
Lace and Silk,
• Braids, Fans,
1111-Call and examine for yourselves.
Gettysburg, April 17, 1857.—tf
Jewelry and Stationery.
ANY quantity and the beet stock ever
brought to this place. If you doubt~t,
call in and'see for Touraelves—at
DON'T FORGET to cull at SCHICK'S, all
yo who wish 441 purchase Choice articles
of Perfumery, Hair- Brushes, Soaps, and ev-.
orything else in that line. • • .•
TILn r gn d now -runs a DAILY
uds LEo e fos e ches through to Baltimore,
from Gettysburg, by way of. littlestowl "nd
Westminster. ' Leaves Gettysburg at 6 o',elock,
A. M. Passengers for Baltimore, or any,of
the intermediate places, .will inquire at the
"Eagle Hotel."' •
S TO 10 GOOD . •
• 4 . , '
or, Sale by
Anril 3 1857.—tf
FOR sale at the Book Store of A. D. BUEII-
LER, on Chambersburg street. Differ
ent varieties on hand.
Gettysburg, Jan. 30.
10 LYE for making Soap—to bo had at •
BONNETS, Ribbons, Parasols, and Shawls,
to bo had very cheap at
OIIR stock of HARDWARE has been very
much increased, and persons building
or requiring anything in this department,
should first call and see FAIINESTOCKS
cheap stock
PARASOLS, Umbrellas, Fans--staelu3
thom--at 801:LICK'S"
ONNETS, Ribbons and Flowers, in large
assortnient, at ' SCHIOK'S.
UMBItEbLAS, Parasols and Fans can be
found good and cheap, at SCHICK'S. •
a .
KEEP DRY..--A, fine assortment of
BKELL4B just .received audfor sale, cheap
at Briavim 411 , lughissbitugh's.
ESPECTFULLY calls thi attention of
-11.14 Capitalists and those hiving money to
invest, to their BONDS, now king issued.—
The lengthof their Road, now ander contract,
is It miles, the grading atd masonry of
which is more than two.think finished, and
rapidly progressing toward completion. By
a resolution of the Board of Directors, a Mort.
gage of the entire road from Remover to Get.
tysburg, and also of the unfinished work of the
Pennsylvania Extension, iron Gentsburg to
the Maryland line, beyond Mayneslioro", will
in a few days be executed to GEORGIE SWOPS,
Esq., as Trustee, fur the seetrity of the bond
• The Bonds will be issued In sums of $lOO
and $5OO each, bearing 6 Fer cent. interest,
with coupons attached, payalle semi-annually.
They 'certainly will form a eery safe and desi
rable investment, as the Binds will be free
from taxation, and yield into-est payable semi
annually, at 6 per cent. perannum. Persons
wishing to subscribe for them, can do so by
calling,on the President, Secretary or Treasu
rer of the Company, or anv of its Managers,
with any of whom they will . 6nd the conditions
of sale., R. McCURDY, President.
Plain WILLS, Secretartt.
11.,3100Lst.wit,'trosurer. ,
March 20, 14157.
Irr HE following applications to keep Public
1 Houses of entertainment, in the county
of Adams, i hava been filed in my office with
the requisite number of signers, and will be
presented at the 'pat Court of Quarter Session,
On the 2014 day or April next :
. D. Wattles , Gettysburg borough.
Ben jamm Schriver do: do.
John L. Tate, 1 do.' do. '
Henry . 'Hobler, Barwick • do.
Francis J. Wilson, do. do. '
Michael •• Hoffmauldo.' do.
3ohn,'Busbey, .Conniago tiwnship.' •
Jeremiah Johns, do. do. ' •
Francis Braun, Canibetland do. .
Reuben , Stem, Hamiltonban do. - •
Peter Shively do. , • do.
Wm. McLellan & Code ' do. '
Peter LingenfUltet, 51/drmany
Joseph 'Barker, • ' do: do.
David Newcomer ' Efamilton do.
John D. Becker, Llvntington do.
Mary Hildebrand, i do. --do.
Elizabeth Miley, Oxford do.
Mary M. Brough,Meiintpleasantdo.
John A. Dicks, Reading do.
Jacob Lo - Grass, StMban do.
John A. Haber, Ratter do.
Samuel Sadler ' Tyrone do.
Conrad afoul , , Latimore do. •
Charles Myers, Menallen, ' .do.
David Goodyear, Franklin do.
Hez. Latahaw, • • do.
ClSrk of Quarter Sessions
April 3, 1857.—t0
And the Cash System.
11AVE just rectfived from Philadelphia a
handsome assortment of Goods suitable
for tbo season. Our stock of
Readp.llllde Clothlug,
and. all Goods k that Ike is extensive.-'--
Cheap Cloths, CiOsinkres, Cattlimeretts, Drab
Detate, Linens,
,Vestings, &c.
Call and see us. If we cannot please vou in a
garment readpriade, we have our Tailors con
suotlycittting cut and making up, and can
make you a garment upon short notice and in
the very best manner. Our prices cannot be
beat. Give us a tall.
I have given Hr. J. C. GUINN an interest,
expressly for the purpose of settling up my
old business. I have now been operating
37 years and have never, until now, determin•
ed to settle up my business generally, Those,
therefore, who are indebted to me, either by
bond, note, or book account, will please call
and pay the sem,.
April 3.
1 0 101 f IS THE
Now is the only time to make very pretty
.I.l.:and cheap selections - of Spring and Sum
mer Goods. 7 tell youth° truth is ;
want cheap and pretty Goods, tocall the,
north vvest corner of the diamond the only
place to get them.
REJIDIP-414.013 CLOTH?) iv
constantly on hand All gOodi cut free if
charge. Call and see before purchasing else
where ; at the Cheap store of
April 3, 1857.
MAW ' 03 1 4 1 0 MS t
Fresh aft . Iva, or
. .
114 HATS., •CAPS,
' 21 1 .14)6th3 .
Wall Paper, Wido4 Blinds, franks, Carpe
saga, tobacco, Segars, &e., at
April 3, 1857.—ff
MD& T. KING respectfully annonnces to
Y V • hie friends t►nd the public generally
that he continues the VAILO RING BUSI
NESS •in =the room recently occupied by
Alexander Frazier, on Baltimore street,
He has made arrangements to receive
regularly the LAVES 2 1 FASHIONS, and
it will be his constant. tan to giveentire satis
to those who may favot Bin with their custom.
Mr 'Country produce will be taken in ex
change for work.
• ,WDi. T. KING.
Gettysburg, April 3, 1855.
BY Y order of the Cour4il of the Borough of
JIJP Gettyaburg, a REWARD OF $5OO is
hereby offered for such Information as'. shall
secure the detection asd conviction of the
person or persons who fired the Barn of Mr.
JOHN HOUCK on the eight of the 20th lust
JOHN CULP, Burgess.
March 27.1857.
EDITORS of Country Papers will please
take notice, that the advertisement of the
Illustrated Edition of Irving's Life of Wash
ington, for the insertion of which a copy of the
work was promised, is from and after this date
rescinded, Papers that have not inserted it,
will therefore not do so.
G. P. PUTNAM & CO., Publishers
New York, March 10, 1857.-41
LADIES—Lo you want a pretty dress, ban
some shawl, or any new style ribbons, ar
ticles in our line ? If so you can - find the la
test styles, and most approved patterns at the
cheap store of • FAHNESTOCK'S.
FOR RENT, II ROUSL linuire of
• -
The Gettysburg Railroad
NOT lc E.
IV E W S T.& N
N 0 T I C E.
_Ma 11E21MT
PRE Subscribers would respectfully
announce to their friends and th•
public, that they have opened a NEW
HARDWARE STORE in Baltimore at,.
adjoining the residence of DPI Vie ZiEatan t
Gettysburg, in which they at• opening a
arge and general assortment of
Cutlery and Coach Trimmings,
Springs, Axles, Saddlery,
Cedar Ware, Shoe Findings :
Paints, Oils, &Dyestuffs,
in general, incuding every descriptio.a of
articles in the above line of business—tu
which .they invite the attention of Coliek,
makers, Blacksmiths, Carpenters, Cabinet.
makers, Shoemakers, Saddlers, and the
public generally. ,
Our stock having been selected with great
earn and purchashed for Cash, we gnarl
entee,( for the Ready Money,) to disposd
of any part of it on as reasonable terms as
they can be purchased any where.,
We particularly request: .all from our
friends, hnd earnestly solicit a share of
public favor, as we are determined to es.
tablish a • character for selling Goods e
ow prices and doing business on fair prin.
Geßysintri,Jun el 3,18,5 I.—tf. , ,
Falmestock Brothers •
•wouLD respectfully inform their custom-
T era and the puhlte generally; that they
luviejust received the largest, and beg select
ed stockof, •
Spritig and hotititter Goods
ever offered to them. ,t(aving purchased for
the t.loll,they are prepared Ao offer such in
,duceinents as ,to defy all competition. Give,
us a ml—no troutdo , to show Goods. •_.
S,ign of Red Frojit
1 0 ,April0 1861.--tf
reteactra SMINEION
ffAS just received at hie Readyopde
1111 thing Store, on York street nearly oppo
site the Bank, the boat assortment bf
or sprifig and Samna. wear over' opened in
this place.. If you
. w . aut a 1411.triadu • ,
CO A ' l t. V EST, N
or anything in the Hai) of licady•inada Cloth
ing, at less cost than they can he had outaide
of the city, call at
April 10,1837,
N 0 7' CE •
Di the School Directors of Adams County
GENTLEIIEN : In pursuance of the 43d see.
lion Of the Act of Bth of May, , 1854, you are
hereby notified to meet in Convention, at the
Court .House in GE MSBURG, on the first
Monday in May, A. D. 1807, Willy the fintrili
day ql the math, at I o'clock in the afternoon,
and select, vita tom, by a majority of the
whole number of Directors present, one•per•
son of literary and scientific - attainments, and
of skill and experience in the art of 'reaching,
as County Superintendent, for three succeed
ing years; determine the amount of compen
sation for. the same, and certify the result to
the State Superintendent at Harrisburg ; as
required by the 39th and 40th sections amid
act. R. HILL, County Superintendent
of Adams County.
April 1(4 f857.--at
LETTERS of Administration on the Es
tate of HENRY BECKER, deceased,
late of Butler township, Adams coniity,
baring been granted! to this sUbserikr, re
the same' township,..he hereby gives
notice to persons indebted to said Estate, to
call AO settle the
,eamo t, and those haying
l_claitris are, reqUested• to present the same
properly autlienticated for settlement.
April 10,185T.-6t
ETTERS'ofAdrainietration op.the 'Mate
JLI . et MARY.4I.BWITT, late of Meilallen
township, Adams county, deceased, harily;
been granted .to the subscriber, residing in
Bendersville, in said township, he hereby gives
notice to persons indebted to said Estate, to
call and settle. the same ; and those having
claims are requested to present the same, prop.
erly authenticated for settlement. •
April 10, 1857.-61
• -
0 WING; to some mismanagement in not re.
coking my; Periodicals last Friday, I
wool(' -inform the Public, that I expect the
same this evening upon the arrival .of the
timore Stage. The New York Ledger for
April 'lBth expected, call and see.
A. J. POTTEIWIEL P , News Agent.
April 10.
TO the voters of "Adams County . : 'Encour-
A , aged by, numerous, friends I Mier my
self as a candidate for the office of SHERIFF,
at the next election, subject to the decision of
the AMerican Republican County Convention:
Should I be *ma I pledge myself ,to. dis
charge . the duties of the office with prompt
ness and fidelity:
Cumberland tp. April 10, 1857....
OR Ladies .and (lentlemeiry MO be found
in immense variety, and - cheaper 'than ev
er, at SCHICK'S. " Step in -and' examine the
new stock for Fall and Winter.
Oct. 3i, 1856. ,
HE Books and Acconnts of A. FAHN.
ESTOCK & SONS have been put in my
hands for collection. Persona indebted to
said firm will save costs by calling with the
undersigued, and settling the same.
April 10,.1867.
WILL find it to their advantageto call 'at
Fahnestock Brothers, and see their;
large and cheap stock of Silks, Challis, Lawns,
Ducal's, Tama/tine's, Delaine's, Calico's,
Gingham's, &c.,which are stilling cheap, at
Sign o/' the Red Front.
April Iq, 1857.—tf
VESTINGS, Kentucky Jeans, and Cotton- ,
odes, the largest and cheapest stock in
the country to be had at •
HAVINLIMING increased =stook of Hardware,
Oils, Paiute, (Oasis, &c. We are prepar.
ed to offer very great inducements to persons
Llout or Pauper. Remaining lu
the Almshouse oradatne Cohn*,
on the brit day otJanuary. 1804.
Males, • 63
Females, 41
Children, • 13 -
Colored people, 3
Total, 110
Transient Paupers not Included in the atiove
, Foreigners, 766
Americans, ' 61 '
Total, 817
Wheat..' 482 bit.,
Oats, • 307 "
Rye; ; 34 "
Bari of Corn, ' •.• 1028 "
Cloverseed, ' 8 "
Timothy Seed, •• ' , 6 "
Onions, • SG "
• Potatoes, . 45 "
Turnips, ' ' ' . "
Loads of Corn Fodder, 17 •
• Tons of Hay; " 39
Heads of Cabbage, . • 2300
Pounds of Pork, • . 8762
Articles Manofadured j'rons the Ist of March
' - 1856 to is! qf Mara 1837..
Barrels of Soap,
" of Sour-Crout,
Pounds of Ilarl Soap,
Corn Brooms,
Shoes, (pairs)
Shimois, ,
Calico Dresses, '
Stockings, (pairs)
" Footed,
Chaff Beadlicks, •
Cotten Dresses'
Short 001,11;
Ilundkerchiehi, ,
- -tens
' Flannel Shirts,.
Fiannel,Bhimbid, '
Bonnets, - r.
~Towels,, •
April 3,1857.
From actual Surveys carefully Taken by O.
AL Hopkint, Civil Enyineti.
THIS Map is drafted upon a scale of If in
aids to the iiittkiniit Very conven
ient to find by it the distance trnm one piece
to - orlother in the County, and it will *are upon
it every .
All Post Of 'Hotels, Stores, Churches,
School Houses, Cemeteries, Mills, Mechanics'
Shops, &C., will be Marked 'and the residence
of Evcity‘ ruortierttimmin: in the County will
be noticed with a dot, 'and his name' c.niefully
inserted. It will be distinctly ' Engraved,
handsomely colored, and the herder oilmen-.
ted with views and engravings of Vublialuild
ings, and Private Residences in .the . ,Coustif
and delivered to subscribers''."!•••••••••'• ' • -
For $.5.0131 per, Cssis7. ,; . •
The u i ntlersigned have examined the draft
of the Map of Adituis Conoiy, now being par
pared by :dr. CON V ERSEdand•ain • well sat
isfied with its general correctneas. • When tin•
islied in the style of
,theZMaps of other coun.
ties shown as epecimens, it will bee, beautiful
and valuable map and should be possessed
ny every family able to own it ; the county..
As the'maps are to be made dnly frir'Subsen-
Ger., we hope no person will scourer one
while the opportunity presents itself.. r
D. A. &Miller, ••• •• •- Dr. H.. 1.1. Bungler,
Dr. S. S. Schmiicker, Prof.•Mi L. Stoever,
Fahnestock Brothers; '" •M. Jecobs,'
Geo. Arnold, •••• • Dr. C. F. Sclitelfer, •
A. D. Biehli3r,' -
B. McCobalighy,' •
S. Russell, , David Wills,
C. H. Buehler, • G. Swnpe, • • •
Dr. 0. Krauth, Cobean & Paxton,
A. G. Harper, Rev. Jacob Ziegler,
J. L. Schick, H. J. Stable,
Prof, itiuhlenburg, Rev. G. P. Van Wyck,
Danner & Ziegler, . : . J. Ilouck, • •
R. G. McCreary, • Dr. D. Horner,
David McCreary, M. & W. McClean,
Rev. I. Hill, John L. Hill.
Dr. H. S.. Huber,
Feb. 13,1857.-4 f •
FOR the. Treatment of Cancers. Tumors
Wens, Ulcers, Scrofula, any Growth or
Sore. Chronic Diseases, . generally, can be
cureil (if ourable,) without surgical opel'ation
or poison. For all particulars write, state
diseases plainly, and enclose twenty-fivc cents
for advice. All letters must have a postage
stump enclosed to prepay answer. Medicine,
can be sent any distance. 'Addiess
zO. L. RELLING, M. D.,
Meelianicsburg, Cumberland Co., Pa.
RrMechanie.sburg is 8 miles from 'Morris-
burg, on the C. V. 'Railroad and: accessible
from all parts of the Union. ,
Old and young, poor and rich, come all:
we will do you good. . , • •
I.lrTo dumb atilicted who cannot :visit me
personally, I will send, per mail, on receirl.of .
$5,00 only, a Recipe, to . prepare Medicine,
with full directions toriuse,•Stc. State allpar
ticidars.. Address as. above.
• Feb. 20;,1.867, 7 -6m •
.Re;inved a few . doors Soalhofthe old Stant!
ir H. SKELLY respire/411y Mclnnis
gpj his old itomera and the public
renerally, that he,cmitin.
lea the TAILORO43I 7
lUSINESS. at hie new
tend/ in Snuth
we, where he will be
ippy to niTortinitidate all
ho. may patronize him;
11 work entrusted to his
se warranted . to fit and
be of most substantial make, ',Thankful
for pest feaora, he solicits a continuance of
public patronage.
ICF•The Aim Fork Spring and Stan.
mer F.dsm9,ysare reerived,Hand
see them. : •
April 27. 1855.—tf c I
and for sale by • ; '
No. 157 Franklin •treat, tlaltimori
TOBACCO, in eture Bud for
sale by WM. BUEHLER,
tio, 147 Franklin strut
. )31:Eari ) WAR M•
•• : ;
T have just receiv'el t a stileiiiiiiLiessortment
i of, Wool Ilu t ietaluits and Di:swept, which
, will bo ooldiott fal. ,
7g 45,. •
' 26
JOHN SCOTT, S L.,,lcard
One bottle is tne surest thing known to car
ry away the had. 'effects of mineral poison of
any kind.
Only one beide is needed to throw outitf
the system ilia crook of inedicinonftes+,'
sickums. ; - • • -•-•
One bottle takoo for Jaundice removeslill'
yellowness or unnatural color frointh akin.;
One dose Mier eating is siitteieht to `relieve
the stomach and' preient 'the food from rising
nod souring. - • -
Only one dose taken befoitireiiringiiiiiteuts
nightmare: ~y
Ode- dose'taken'at night lointens the bottfeis
ysptly, and cures costiv.peis., ,
One dose taken after' eaeh' , lneal
?oliovecsin. ‘.
.One dose,qf twojes-spoousful will - slaps •-
Mnves bleadocho.. , h.t .!!
perfect battle taken for female o bstruction ro„ :
Onlyhe cause of the disease, and makes ti
whilecure. ' •
One dose often repeated sure,inui for
Cholera Alorbus aid a sure preventative of.
Cholers,. ,
°lily one dqse ithinediateig ielieves ` Chops
One dose taken often will prevent ?he recuii
rence of billions atutekts,. while it, celievelsota
painful feelings.
ses.One or two doses r taken, occaajopallj
oue.of the best rentedii.efoitold ever known.
Thousand cases ufinflitunnatiou au4 weak.
ness of the lungs have been eared by the Tu
One dose taken a short time beforS' eatteg'
gives vi r or to the appetite . and wakes fond di
One dose often repeated cures Chronic. Pier.'
aura in its worst forms ' while ,stumnorfami •
bowel complaints yield almost to. the first dose.
One or,two doseaeures attacks caused by. 4
worms, while for worms in children, there is
no surer, safer and. Speedier remedy the
world,,as it never fails.... '
The"re it no • assggera I t . OW J • . th a n e : eta
n}ent44,,Okey are plain and aoltarfscte t that wd
can give evidence to,prove, while all
it are giving their thaqincitiyiiiiii
- ,
• Vie wish allwho are sickt,anddebilitatst tit
:try,this remedy, and "te s t' it thorpughly,; sad
any who are not benefitted by its use we stoidd •
like to hear from, as we hive yet to bear"
froto*ho first person who has used a &
nvigorator = without receivieg benefit, AO
`here are such astonishing medicinal virtual
in it, that all, no mutter hew !erg then have
been affected, if their , complaint arises Irons a
deranced liver, will he benefited, if notentlyt ,
ly cureil t
- • SANFORD CO.,& „Proitekloes,
345 Broadway, New .Irototk.
AGEtil S—A: 1). 1 1 1JEHLEK'01.
Wrn. Berlin, Ilaikiver ; J. IL ilea* 4.0600'
Aciwa,iirlaroggists gemorally.
Moth, 6, 166T.-4a
.always i!ometidult Now.
". •
IP, no doubt, the most wonderftil &scores*
1 of this age of progress, for it will restore
permanently, gray hair to its original color,
cover the head of . the balds.
a must luxe
Taut growth, remove at once all dandruff;' and
itching, cure all scrofula, and other cutaneous
eruptions, suc h as seal ) head, etc. 4t wilt
cure, as if by magic, nervous or periodical
headache make the hair soft, glossy sad
wavy, and preserie, the color perfectly, and. *sr
haietrom fulling, to extreme old nip.
The folloging is from a distinguished meta.
ber of the medical profession d•
. • Sr. PAW, January 1,1858.;
Paorzasoa O. J. WOOD—
DEAR Sin : Unsolicited, I send you this ter.
tifichte.7 Alter being nearly bald for a long
time, and •having tried all the restoratives ex.
tam, and having no faith in any, I was induced,.
on hearing of yours to give it a trial. I placed,
Myself in the hands of a barber, rind had my
head rubbed'with a good stiff , blush, and 'the
Restorative then applied and well'rubbed in,
till the scalp Was aglow. This I repeated, ofry
cry morning, and in three weeks, the young
hair appeared and grew rapidly from Aeguat
last till the present time, nod is new ;Melt
black and strong—soft and pleasant,,o the
touch; Whereas, befere, it was harsh sack wiryi.
whdt little there was ofit, and that little WWI
disappearing very rapidly...4l still use your
restorative about twice a week and soon shall
have a good and perfect crepef'hair, Now,
I had read of these things—and who fsts not?
bat have not seen hitherto any ease" where
any'persou'e hair was really benefited by any
of the hair tonic, etc., of the day ; and it really
gives me pleasure to record the result eT , My
experieece. „I have recommended yourprep.
Mailed to otheri, and it already has a large
and' generalsale throughout the Territory.--
The people here know its effects, and have
confidence in it.- ;The supply you sent us, - fie
wholesale • agents for the: Territory, is nearly
eiliatiMed, and daily inquiries are made of it,
You deserve credit for your cliirovery I, and `I
for ciee,'return you ro'.annki for the benet4.
it has' done me; for I certainly had f desrifed
long ago of ever offecting,any such •
Yours, hastilY, •
Firm of Dead &Kelley, Druggists, St. Pant.
li E:ditor of Real Estate .Advertiser.l
Ros To. , 27 School Street, ifareh 20, 1855.
'Deis 8 : Having become' prematurely
frite grey, I was induced, Some six weeks
since, to make a trial of your Restorative.,, I
have : used less than two 'bOttles, 'but the
gray hairs have all disappeared ; and although
my:hair:has not fully attained its original
or, yet , the process ofehauge,is gradually . : go.
ing , on, ana I am, in great hopes that ,In a
short time'MY hair will be as dark as formerly. ,
I have alse been much gratified at the,hatiltby
meistnek and digor of the hair, which before
wus hirsh and dry: • and it has Ceased to' come
out as formerly. •
Respectfully yours,
D. O.
Professor Wikxl
, • ;Tuns 19i'f$55.
*,heve used Prolt , ssor Wodd'alair,RestOri•
have admiNd, its wonderful effect;,—
Me hair was 'mounting,. tu!,l thangliti,pterna
iniely gray,•bnt bf the usi, ot his "EesorativeY"
iiihns - reststntid' its original, color, a dd I hava
no dotiht, perrnaneittli
,ExSenstoi- United Stateet
• • ;
O." WOOD & 00., Pro),;rittfors,
312 Broadway, N. Y, twit 114
Market s treet, bt. Loais,lll,lCairl:'
AOEIeiTS-4: p. .13LTEHLt11,, Gittys•
burg ;" ganover • ;Jogai:4l,M ilea.
'ry, Abbottatown4 and Druggutts ketketally.
March 6,1857.-3 tn. '
ONLY 0 N . N.:1";1,0 T TLZ
nzt; sAortitszos,
Invigoralor,:oi Liver 'Remedy
IS requiredto cure any,. one troubled with
Liver CoMpMints, unless the, most deeper
ate of cases, whoa the micosn , Lurie will, with
scarce ' a single thilure, restore The Ratiept to ‘;
health and-vigor. , IVe wish lo 'Call the atten
tion of all to these facts, that the Itivigowdor
is colopeunded by 'a physician who beit,uied it
in his practice fur tee pest twenty years witit.a
success almost credulous, end that it is whir&
ly vegetable, being composed wholly ofgnms.-
Some • idea of the strength 'of these' glints
may. be formed when it is known one' bottlerPf
the luvigorstor•contains as touch strength'ss'
one hundred doses of Calomel withont anj. "0"
its deleterious effects.