H STIR INIHIANNEII. Wg` a • —l:"*„.V CETUS C. ffiefilhg, April ]?: ; r iiiii:kit,—ii;l7o4n. 4ttee dean. illidit*N4Vtetuttlicae State Ticket. . 3 d Ifcia• DY22lwihmor, of Bradford County. .7071TreniaIrffik of Clicator CoulltY. f;or •-41(Itt OANAt i .comattastomitt. . • Wf taLillgt Itt •MILLIVARDy of Philatiel'a. . . lrlt , istitililOni• siwpla notice, in,last week s jeintl. deportment ,of the "STAR, " o f the - essapel4 , 4ecapture-.—rind snbaoquent re, - fatival -, of a fad by-the name of, 316:IRAN:I. Mink:Mount Si: Mary's College, Reim Etc.: , fiditabst' has aroused the 'Jesuit sysiipa ifit4irfand'theirels.st.Sni, Who oantrol the spint of 'ma; ligtotpt i persmial dtfamatton which from Asin.p time haa.boeu direated against us • IJsrusgh;theeoltuins..of Allot voraciou st and ' respectable .pridt: We arc not in the habit of i payiagettention to the mpotent; as 'kit/6106f tievisliapee 'tteriblerS'atid pthitiY4 7 fiw63';*iwWilh'eov : itird hltid serilie Under ,Rdignant, the motive or baseless Ats. , „r,hargett f. , ,The,diatribo, of . personal yectivo Welt gruse a column and a. half of Shit 41aitoo,Compiles i ::although emanating frier& , rtuiltatite-sobree, - -entitles it tO pas; aink tititme it by reason of the fact that the , _ _ istim,see besn ff t . tis,, adopt.as his own, , . aniktuantind the.respolisibility.cof sant spirit. The charges of 'lslet:hood," "hypoentidstsrefestions;"•oquibling, for givortratimfrightdned, yi.datorai. of, order • -44 - and .justicsr,Nit .olficto intermedlers," and. 'chaste diction, alternating in graceful olpgance throughout' the entire diatribe, pith:iced us tit recur to‘tbe which frokel , this sitvlar ebulition of fitful spleen ; and thatt_ the reader 'tidy ap . pettiltkallte.olead.amdfrotii of out offend ing." we reproduce tt, word for word, us it, "kpistaitstdiitpthc'Sfor of hitt week't ew - wee s a o a ponsKlaCtfatited M'Grnnb, made his escape Co p ego,, , noar limmitsharg, iY4V' t 71 1 4.44 ( 491 10 Wet 1 b,y one of the officers of the ushietton, :Overtaken n few miles below Get. tysifitig; 14.;ek to the .Cullegcl.' ; List week-beiagain- mash his escape, and renelthnr ' thil place, Stopped, at the House of Dr.frw smiN &teams, and sought his protection un til he o conld ., ,coutmunicato with , his friends at Lancastet„4. Ho.represented himself to lie an orpletu,,liby,,•botli"itis parents, inring died while . h$ was. 'quite gouttg, and that his.uncle, re.sicjsegotSjoineaster, hod:placed him at the: Clitholic Institution, near ~E unnitsburg—ibut' Ile had been cr uelly: whipped and maltmated, , 'hat was not Rerreitted.to communicate with his uncle or,:frsendsi, r bis , letters ..being ' over. haaledsitc , 42 h. Mr. Sehnver Not feeling nt liherty to inter pose in edni\Niled himself for aday Or two in the -barn of Mr. Schneer, 4nt,y 1 110. pAtep!liin whereabouts, b e in g commuu*mte. r by actiye spies to the ,ottieers ire'Strfeditiit, die of the Pref, ' ets tiMile bis .41plesattinhe'lletiettysburg, -and precur.4 iWrikof Habeas,Corpus to recover the costody I ...of,thin,t/tdp,lThe, boy ,wasgiyett' up, awl! so wn I . back to the Ctdlege—tud, however, before :set. WA gent:fen:MO 'of this' Plttee,'WliMie sympathies shadsbeen 'delisted in this case; lead promised Itiwthinninicatemritli his friends at Um:aster. ha hilt wits . l done Lund Are utideritalid that reitterdtif a gentleman front Lancaster passed nutherhted to iletnend from tithe bttioenwat ihe Institution the discharge 'of LY,4nlngt.WGriitin. Thu effort succeuful, o t otthis Torn.. inthe p4rties leave for Lances ter.--The case hut s tented some fet,ling in oar counnaaVY;nalid' we dim' the Shnple factj'as ;filmy' ism been 'communicated to tio'contro"iersy with the Compi. - /iit'd.lSaiig since had' we itcased 'to Twit 'ler fatFdeslJ or • ininlj- 6daring to the conduct scan f ' apnl , 9 ! iniantjti,our expectations, since it -Ass monsented an cheerfully to,do the dirty joinif The slate- Intents ~coutalued. 'moor .artiele l :catefully jgiGea to.the, reader . withent room or coin. 'sotto; *ens hised upon the'representations tifiesPeditilite 'cl Hieh;<'cori versant ' iho tisl'ecnireised With teltaatid with the . gentleman' ho bad vet IgcQd Y r n fFTn i tlin. lin3tiCntiPn; Those mistimes hare called on us within , the . . iiiiiik t day of t"roi a l ocl ro•assert I,lte cotroOl I , ndoiii* , ,thobe fatatetbents i the , Compikrls Jitibilaiehtirges 4of , tAfolsehond!'t eti • the coil. • Italy notwithstanding. Alesprs •. hid the ether 'en tl • g e ntetisealiitit this tit'elFeesip itt this cttairtuti!ty, RetA r reqpiKe oo(!vitteu4sti,o9 'our bands .Irmainolol hpnor, integrity and Arnzhful • turret ; it grill rag uire sornathing.morii than *.tshei•ge of falsehoal from , the 4. Republi. - 444' Compiler,". and the antibiotic who a -1 'dentin' odic:ulna 'with' the Omani' produc iiiiiiii`Of ifieiiE)ens, to d keret' t 'th6e aiuie tpfuttkoi-.9 a , nte con erne rnptcoe tl°TlB ' • ' t Vilth h e AV et S t P , n r, veracity, l'a ß eti b y -,the. Compiler, (As betweep tiro 14(1 . 1 .11. 0 - 4 , otmoil4tid the.etEcers of, the Itlaitoiott at irhlsth be alleges he was so cruelly. maltreat.. `ere hive little dlepositiento. , interfere. lilodnani gave as' the"tx.mon of his OSo:odOooqui. or the Itistiihtion l and'hie ;4'! . kne!lllinguerai to retnr , ti;that ‘ l he4ad be:tijk crielly.trbipped and maltreated," and that ;•,,flte+;;trai ;lot perinitted .to communicate • kis muoicrov .he coll., .e,..ittnlthe-uprotectioif' of 31r. Schriver and ttithttre tniiil , l4 'dotal emmunreate with before tigreeiog to be d o . iittl , e4lop to the oiTtoeni Odic lustitotion, 0 40C4xAotod ) fram4a•trpm th9se It they coulamuicate,iutelligeuee — 4liittikituation to hie allele—and that he I iteriettittl the olargee of cruel.treatment in , Atliiikiit) Obis toptora.:/Offering to show ' ale !Pan upon bio body, and that he to: mired from his kind protectors "the ppm. patbizing admonition, which is rehearsed by i the IConyikr, that "hige - t no ott f ire I t kleseired,"—:are all facts which. r• I s can resent/ oe at.esma bscores 01 wane& .Ipitters were •tirittett ,to ,l snejstet, in accordance wait the prOrnir.sishOm w . ,the 'And two niq., here : 1 # 11111 ',4, that the reply to one of these letters, has been handed to us, in which the uncle and legal , guardian of the boy gratefully acknowled ges the sympathy and kindness extended I to Ins ward— hs spirit and tone strangely contrasting, with the Compiler's, charges of khyporritical professions of philanthro phy)" And proving that the latter, in its blintlfzealotism, is ready to do even a. isiarierserVider that' nate': to „, As eb the tharrtmer of the „Isd MeGrann, apti. the [Millie of the punisEntout, 'Aimed open him ' tve have. nothing to say... 'We knew nothing beyond hits "simile state• inentsoui they haie hien Ooirununleated to us—nor dothey especially oanoorn us.— They may, or may not be exaggerate/I. It may suit. the _purposes. of. Jesuitism, to blacken }.hie reputatir in,ord shield ..,s rcpt, lon . ier to t al . - fuse to"endorse him on that scow. The the wrong doors from:censure. . hints over Liquor League, after going into a thorough been'ao. The bitterpersetutionsod cold= exam i nat i on of the,doentnants; have taken blooded eitmler"reak down 'th e ellete e t e r the, alarm, and dechire that Packer mus t ofjosEPON Burnairi the escaped nriv - be 'Crowded off the course. They have iee.froM SL hooch's. littrd by that of S. been quietly at work for some ttMe, and 34.4'n; are n'jil • fresh in ifie . rec° ,!'"' imi their , operations are graduelly , co ming to a, 'fall' It was but n `reek or tvr° ago that head. • Col. Straub, the 'staunch Remo the story ,of Miss MILLER; of Nashville,. °ratio Senator- from Schuylkill, which Tette., from the Catholic, Institution. near next to Berke is she greeted Rum county Bardstown, Ky., was published, and ever in the`B, ate. ; has been strongly importuned since the active tools of jesuitism have la h eco m otho ii, ean 'did ate ;• und a l t h oug h been doing their best to falsify her simple narrative:'And so with innumerable nth- the despatch mates, and other accounts: ' agree in the assertion, that he has refused era. It has ever been ao, , to g i ve hi, name in, the manner suggest. '., Row, could it be otherwise 1 The po• ed, it is pretty clear that the Item forces . litico-religipus system instituted by Loyola ass at work, with his entire approbation, • was a most• rigid. despotic one, and his to compel Packer. to send in his reeigna. disciples have not scrupled ia all ages t i on in, time for the 'selection of a new blindlY and zealously to enforce its tenets. man , when 'the Convention aseemblee Leokibg.to the supremacy of Itorne and which is to complete' the Ticket for the Ron n ie's Master SA the highest aim and on" Supreme. Bench, Judge Lewis! decline blest asPiretion of the faithful, all that ed. tion 'it >is now Plainly inferred, was =tea ; intellect, inildmitable -energy, and brought 'about for'the very purpose of in unscrupulous artifice can. accomplish, has dticing, Packer to'follow suit. Will Pack bean made subservient to its avowed put' er withdraw? is now the great question. , lmea• ' Ever active, ever weteldoli and llf he does, Straub, or some other pledged alWays intent upon the' great end of i t s advocate,of free rum will be put upon the mission, it ''coizipaiseil sea an d land; de throning kingi aril potentates at pleasure ' course in his stead. . If ho does not. ap pearances indicate that there will be a - 7 -prescribing law te • kingsea ' Peasents— locefoco Rum l eandidate in opposition to fettering couscience r7 previding the, ,dun- hint nevertheless. The Liquor League gem', the ..rack,and -*nameless tortures as are powerful' in this State, and they kcow the means of subduing refractory heretics, i ' i t , They care' little for "Democracy , " but --- ' " At ur° treadip g' iti ‘ wn ." thro eg h horrid ; everything for their darling traffic. On ma•sacre and , blood—at Others lighting up 14 0 acmes will they vote for Packer, and its - pathway with blazing pre. of martyr- i i. h e i t i w i l id y fo re i gners , neither - will they ed saitits-:=at all times, e i ght 'all ages, ....the vote for the American' Republican candi consistent, unyielding, implacable fdb to d ate , , "Democracy and Rum" is i their Free- leatitetions and RePubgeen Govern. watchword. , "Democracy and no Rum" meats.., Talk ;about ftliypocrisy,"--"sal- sticks in their throat. ) roduless."7—i.''dark-laotern lodges,"— ye This is not mere gossip. The project advocates and:defenders of the workings of is` seriously contemplated, and , the plan I Jesnitiem, which ever moves in darithere , will soon be developed. In this town and windlrg 'moats stealthily and cautiously county 'the Teadiug Liquor men are already 'ar " dnd' t " ii°43 ' ' "'Hie; add 61" t giving up fu ,arms, , and swear they will not toter iiiiiin cof , its presence , 1, the striking of ate the Temperance dodge. In Prattle - time deadly ' f !'"1 1 : phis, Schuylkill,. York, Cumberland, and Thel,eur,eouduet , of the Si tr has not other eastern couniies,,this symptoms of to been likingthelof the adherents of this rebellion arb-equally apparent. nt i eyste,is not-much'fr-matter of surpr ise. I . Unfortiniatelf' for• the party, even the We,..did , nut expeiii; it to be, , nor can we withdrawn! . of • uremia° /-that our course in the (Ware will Packer, or recantation of his Temperance• votes, will be equivalent he more aceeptble. ' Jesnitiun, above all , tc , , a uietieit.• The western Democracy are other , thing, fears , n free, , uptramel led eii . meoli 'opposed to free 'runt os-the east- Presi. No agency' effectually Mars its e rn Democracy are in favor of 'it, and if so Plane ! , Hence, where, ;Jesuitism rules, a • the General is to he sacrificed to suit the Free Press As •It'ultnetrui For much less, latter, the former will bolt. The objection offence- than that of which we have been - *corks botti ways, : and must 'produce Ber -1 guilty in ouronwp7kon revalations of the, , ions :results. It seems • strange that the 1 purposes of Jeignititro, , generous he'arts are ',,,,i1y good eat of the Locofoco candidate' even now eking fiat .i . ` lingering ' exia -, ''should' be urged to work' his ruin, but so lenre ' in t he 41"6mY dungeons and prison - 'it looks just now. , Our Locofoco friends housds - of Catholic &rope. ' Thank God, ' have get themselves into a beautiful snarl holYelver t we .lire in 2i'ree, Protestant A- ;--L-but, as they made the Liquor question a ntetielt. We" have a . gioriout laud, w ith i party question they must take the conse gleijous Institutions, and not the least no. ;quences of their own foolish acts. blo or them all, is our. Pm Press. With I 'Look out for the withdrawal of Packer. it, -.untrammelled by Priestly influence, I re . , hat appears to be the next move on the Jesuitism may do its worst. It ' OI V howl' poliiical chessboard. Or perhaps'be will and rave, and hurl its impotent anathem as ; prefer to write a letter ' pledging himself to agaimit all who ` dare dispute its away ; but ;do whatever the, Liquor League may re dui cause of Right, !.oTillth. and Jii ail" , ' qUire. It is very .easy fore Loeofeeo Min in, the provideuae l i of God, mull:and will did a ie ' to mp yi m c row s , w h en a goo d triumph: . , ' I fat , office is at stake. The Otteral it not I to, stiff:necked but he may incline to the latter course. If So, ,will the Rumites trust his eleventh hour repeCtaneeN---Will the , Temperance •Donteerticy sustain one who hits'recanted his faith ? 'Either horn of the (Munroe is bad' for the General.— But it is idle t o specelite upon the sub. jest. We must await the Loup of future developments. )10d-it is' stated that the Secietary of the Interior has selected the Soirthein route for the Wagon road frothi the llltsais eippi River to : San Franoieco. Three routes were , proposed, the Seareiary [icing empowered by act of Congress, to ahoose between••them, , the Southern, she •North ern and the Central. Buchanan has made MissiPpiatt, aneotiThompsort. Secretary of the Ititoricir ; and lie has se lected the ez&enie Sonthein route: The nest • movement will t o the building of the Pacific railroad .• by the same • route, al-. though the interests of trade require that it. should be built from a more.northern point. Thas itd is that the South', by ; the outtni4ana traitorthis Buchanan, hay tainell and Willprescrve the 6- nendancy of than interests in the Re: public. , , poollte 'election in Connecticut, list Week, ferfultetl in the (Molt* of Holley, (lepublicau;) 'for worernpr.Th' "vote stood':' fitopd: 3 1 :463'; Tigltor, (Dem.) 31,014,;5c0tt, (American,) FoUr meinliers ,of Congress were, elected, of whotu two .rtre Democrats. The Senate stailds : 15 Opposition to 6 Buchanan.— The House stands 190 Opposition- to 93 Etechanan. - ' Portland Maine municipal e lection iudioat4 a great popular Obinge there. , A year ego the vote s for Mayor etoud 1837 ,Ropublican to 2,115 anti.— 'l'bic year the vote is 195.5. Republican to 1580lanti. The City rCouncil hot year was 'four • Republiettna to meaty-font ibtie~.:< . , • Trouble In She Locofoe° Comp.! see-It ; , a small' 'not to use e' I , I harsher term, for till of a County 774 e. Liquor,lxague at Work. I ) .dfms.house to jnterrip the place of , .., •,.. ,51 .-.-•••••• ~ - 1 kis 6irfh, every,poorWm may chance , \ The', fo9owing important telegraph i c/. de. ito make application i h meal's vie . tipatelt .. appeared in: the See:no other motive4ittle politica l l'hiludelpiti4 tica ape re 1 tualsoirafnigheir lodgrder—we can y, !of .last: Saturda: and has fallen '