t -i - r r i TOR -THE CAJIPaK;?! OF 1863. , ? ' The political cjwpak'n jnr opeutt in iTf.n)ivanIa 5 declined" to be 0n or &reat irmortanre, and to ha apowerftft in.W ence open the future of the country at lal in a -real measure it " will delerm ine it rrtbenjaJoriat comet of 1366, and hare an Influence upon the presidential election two year, (hereafter. ; Bot, more iropptmnt, it will probably determine the choice or the u-xl U. S. Senator Trora this State aridnn? 1 ..ffect the legislation of Congress and the lesioraiion of peaca .10 the land. It therefore, of riial importance that erery i exertion ehould be made by every member of oar party to acnre .the victory. Nor . only should eveiy local organization be put towork,bm every honorable measnn should b adopted to tir op the apathetic and ' lukewarm, aud to make new votes by con aversion. It can only be throagti the im - mutable and golden principles of Democra- tr tbat the cooutry can be redeemed irom tb thraldom of fanaticism, degradation and taxation. Outside the Democracy theae are no principles. The rola of action of the . opposition is ever changing ooe thing to - day something else to-morrow. It is held " together merely by expedientsthe latest ' and roost outrageous of all being the mod- em. six-months political trie- oi negro uilrage. - To defeat this, ana an o.ner .,.. nf the ADOli Uon-snouoT noroes i II. a. i who live only to plunder and tyranntze, let rv Democrat arouse and gird on the rusty armor of his fathers in Democracy of Washington, oi jenerson, oi 'and march to battle and to victory I THF.'WEKKLY PATRIOT AND UNION. : AtthA Central Oman of the Democratic nartT the Weekly Patriot and Union haa acquired a Jarje ana muio . laiionthan any other Democratic journal in the Slate. It has heretofore occupied .... influential nnaiiion as an . able and in- ' dastrious worker in the cause of Democ racy and its friends say that it still contin- ' ofs'to be a valuable organ of the party. it nm fnr on. however, to poff our own work. If we- have been faithful to the Af f Ha n.rlv and th COUntfV. W8 . v vi r J . , . , Democrat will make it an ob 5-... m 0:nri nnr field of operations, by adJing to our list ot subscribers. Tte low price of the Weekly in comparison with . the amount of matter furnished, makes it one of the cheapest of newspapers. We hope every good Democrat who reads this will send his name and $2 50 for a copy for ue year. If ibis is too much for those who r very poor, let all such send us fifty .m-ap.h. and receive the Weekly Patriot and Union for the campaign. The follow ing are the terms r - TERMS FIR TEA1. 5!:?le copies, fer annum, . six months, Clubs of tea or more to one adJress $2 1 2 50 50 DTJBINO THECAMPAIGH. Sinafe copies Club of ten or more to one address 50 cts SO cts All orders should be addressed to the 'j -. PATRIOT AND UNION, - Harrisbcrg, Pa. . READING RAIL ROAD. WLMEU AKBAXGB3IEAT. REAT Trunk line from the Nor:h and North-west for Philadelphia, New York, Reading, Pottsviile, Tamaqoa, Ash Uri', Lebanoa, AIlentown.Easton, &.c, &cr. Trains leave Harrisbarw for New York, follows. At 3.00, 7.25 and 9 05 A- M. nd 1 45 and 9.00 P.M., arriving at New York at 5.40 and 10 00 A. SI., and 3.40 and to.?5 P. M . corineclins with similar Trains on the Pennsylvania Rail Road ; Slaepins Crs accompanying the 3.00 and 9.05 A.M. 1 rtins, wilhoul change. Leave Hairisborg for ReaJing, Pottsviile, Traqra, Minersvilie, AsbUnd, Pine fitovp, Allenfown and.-Philadelphia, at 7.25 A. M-ar.d 1 45 and 9 CO P. M., stopping at fhanon and all Way Stations; the 9 00 I. M. Train making no close connections for Pottsviile nor Philadelphia. For Potts rille, Scbnylkill Haven and Auburn, via St.huy!kill and Susquehanna Rail Road, lf Harri&burg at 4 00 P.M. Returning, leave New York at 9.00 A. M , 12 00 noon, and 8.00 P. M. Philadelphia at 8 00 A. M. and 3.30 P. M. ; Pottsviile at J 30 JU M-and 2.45 P.M., Ashland at 6 00 and 11.45 A.M. and 1.15 P.M.Tamaqua at 7.35 A M and 1.40 P.M. Leave Pottsviile for Ha'risbori, via Scbojlkill and Susquehanna Rail Road, at 45 A. M. Reading Accommodation Train : Leaves Rf adift? at 6 30 A. M. returning from Phil arVIphia at 4 30 P. M. LolvrnDia uauroaa i rains leave ueaa- at 6 10 A. 31. ana t.io r. ai. lor tpnra Litiz. Lancaster. Colombia, &c. lOti Sundays : Leave New York at 8.00 P. i niiiaueipnia is r. ii-, roiisvnie a.oo A M., Tamaqua 8 00 A.M., Harnsbcrg 9 05 A..M-, and Reading at 1 00 A. M. for Har nsf urg, and 10 52 A. M for New York. Commutation, Mileage, Season, School .--ir1 Evrursion Tickets to and from all points nr reduced rates. Baggage checked through ; 80 pounds ;owed each Passenger. G. A. NICOLLS, General Soperintendent. RkdiK0 Pa., Dec. 13, 1865. NEW GOODS Another Arrival of Goods. : AT Hat, Cap and Grocery S3 Q CE 332 03 Now is Four Time to Buy. HE NOW SELLS CHEAPER THAN EVER Bn(jHE undersigned having jus', returned from toe Eastern cities with a larze It full assortment of Cf addition lo a snperi ci rc " i c rTOCK OF SPRING AND SUMMER f 4 HATS AND GAPS, cumj.rising every soil and quality, is now jj'rj.ared to sell ' a little cheaper than can r "purchased elsewhere. , H-s Slock of GROCERIES are not sur- I ,:sse d in this marke', which he offers c-ar for cash, or in exchange for GRAIN o;? PIIODUCE. LSO,-A fine lot of KIDS, MOROCCOES, -I I IMIV2 . - , k. " u .u ' ui.wiuo iu wuitu tie luniks me ai trnion of Shoemakers and the public. Give him a call At Stroup's Old St Stand, iu Main Street. - JOHN K Eloorssbnrg, Nov'r 27 1864. GIRTON. DR. J. R. EVANS, Pliyslclan and Snrgeoa, TfAVING located permanently on Main Street, BLOOJ1SBURG, Pa., would in firm the public generally, that he is pre pared lo attend to all buinesa faithfully and punctually that may be intrusted lo his care, terms commensura'.e with the limes. STIIb pays strict attention to Sar"ery 8we! as Medicine. . ' . I.ovember 25; 186J.-ly. TATID LGYTE3SEUG, C LOT II J N G S TORE,. Oxl ..i t,twcaoori above the Aret- J T11E.PI1CENJX PECTORAL ILL CU RE Your Cough. tisement below. ''" ftThe 'Ph'odAiPee 'imr.Txf 'toral; or compound Syrup of WildCherry nd Seneka Snake Root, will cure the Diseases of the Throat and Lunys,' such as colds, cooghs, cro.ip, Asthma, broncbiti, catarrh, sore throat. hoarseness, whooping cough; &C s . . Its timely use will prevent PULMOARY CONSUMPTION. And even: where this fearful disease is folly developed, it will afford more relief than anv other medicine. .-'J. 'Lawrence Getz. ex-Speaker of the Pennsylvania House .of Representatives,' says : 4,This cough remedy is now exten sive used, and is of the highest value to the community, its curative qualities hav ing been tested by thousands with the most gratifying results.: It Is carefully and skillfully prepared from Wild Cherry Bark and Seneka Snake Boot, by Dr. Levi Ober- boltzer. a reputable physician of Phomix- ville, Pa., and is sold by nearly all drug- gists and country storekeepers." D. P. Crosby, ex-Post Master and ex Batgess of Pottstown, certifies as follows: rOTTSTOWN, Jan. 3, 1865. This certifies that I have used the Phoe nix Pectoral in my family, and I recom mend it to the Public as the very best remedy for cough and cclda that I have ever tried One of my children was taken with a cold, accompanied with a croupy cough, so bad, indeed, that it could not talk and scarcely breathe. Having heard so much said about the Phcenix Pectoral I procured a bottle of it. The first dose relieves the difficulty of breathing, and be fore the child bad taken one fourth of the bottle it was entirely well. Every family should have it in their house. Signed D. P. CROSBY. J. C. Smith, druggist of New Hope.Eacks conuty, Pa., in writing to Dr. Obeiboltzer, says: "A few days since I bought two dozen of your valuable cough remedy to try, and find it very good, and as it is near ly all gone I would like yon to send me a gross of it. "Ycur medicine gives better satisfaction than any other I have in the Store. I am agent tor some of the most popular couh preparations, but yours seems to be doing the most good." The following is an extract from a letter from Hiram Ellis, merchant, near Polls town, Pa., "I have tried the Phoenix Pec toral and find it to be the best cough med icine extant. It meets with a more ready sale than any other that I have ever had in my store." The proprietor of this medicine has so much confidence in its curative powers, from the testimony of thousands who have 00 I useu li, tnai me money win ie pain oacK I . .1 . . L I, L ' I 1 I to any purchaser who is not sati&ned with its effects.'' It is so pleasant to lake that children cry for it. Price THIRTY-FIVE CENTS; large Bottles ONE DOLLAR. It is intended for only one class of dis eases, namely those ol the THROAT and LUNGS. Prepared only by LEVI OBERHOLTZER M. D., PLcenixville, Pa., and sold by all Druggists and Storekeepers. Johnson, Holloway, & Cowden, No. 23 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia, and F. C. Wells & Co., 115 Franklin Street, New York. General Wholesale Agent. N.B. If your nearest drugi.i or store keeper does not keep this medicine do not let him put you off with some other medi cine, because he makes more money on it, but send at once to one of the Agents for it. June 21, 1865 6m. OATAWISSA RAILROAD. On and after Monday, November 27, 1865, passen- cer trains on the Catawusa liaiircad will run as follows : SOUTHWARD BOUND. PII1LA. MAIL Williamsp't) dep. 8 45 a. m. dep. V. T SXP 6. 1 50 a. m. 2.S0 : 3 05 3 43 4 00 4 13 ' 6 15 6.45 1 Metocy, t 9 17 ' Aiillon, Danville, Rupert, Catawissa, t t 10 00 10.43 11.00 ' 11.15 1 1.27 p 1 58 4 t i t Quakake juo. 4 Tamaqua, m. Phila , via. Po!tsvilIe ' Phila., via. P. Clinton, ar. 7.00 1 Phila , via.M Chunk, 7.53 New Yo-K, 10.35 4 1.05 p .m 12.25 1.15 M0BTBWARD B0CMD. ERIK EX. ELHIRA HAIL. New York, dep. 6.00 p. m. dep. 6.00 a. m. i una ) via.M. Chunk, Phila. via. P.Clinton, 5.15 7.S0 8.15 Phila. via. Pottsviile, Tamaqaa, Quakake Jan. Catawissa, Rupert, Danville, Milton, Money, 3.30 1 11.50 a. m. J2.45pm 1 27 3.50 4.00 1 4.20 5.01 544 6.15 4 12.40 2.40 2.4 S 3.08 3.50 4.36 . 5.10 Williamspoit, ar. ar. Superintendent's office, Williamsport, Pa , Nov. 23, 1865. GEORGE WEBB, Supt. Lackawanna & Bloomfbarg It. It. N and after November 27, 1865, Paasen get Trains will run as follows v SOUTHWARD. A.M. P.M. 5 50 10.C5 6.55 11.15 9 15 9 50 10.30- P. M Leave Scrantoo, 44 Kingston, 44 Rupert, 44 Danville, Ar. Noribumber'd 4.50 6.20 8 53 9 30 10 15 NORTHWARD. Leave Northnraber'd, 8 00 3.05 3.40 Danville, -6.40 it Rupert, 9.15 Kingston, - 2.35 A. M. 8.30 9.35 4.15 6.55 Ar. Scranton, 5.45 9.35 8.10 1 rains leaving Kingston at 8 30 A. M. for Fcranton, connect with Train arriving at newionaijiu. leaving Worthnmber land at 8.00 A. M. and Kinsston 2.30 P. M connect with train aniving at New York at 10 55. V. M. Passengers taking tram South from Scranton at 5 50 A. M. via Noiihumbe IanI, teach Harrisborg 12 30 P.M., Balii leave 5.30 r. fll., VahKi2tofi lO.oo P. M. via Rupert reach Philadelphia at 7.00 P. M H A FONDA, Sup't. Kingston, Nov 25, l86i. ITlntrimoiiial. A UILS and Gentlemen : If you wish to "trutrr roa can do so addsessms me. will send you, wilhoul monev and -without price, valuable information, that will ena ble yon to marry happily and speedily, irrespective of age, wealth or beauty. Tins information will cost you nothing and if yon wish to marry, I will cheerfully asist you.. All letters stritftly confidential. The uesir-d information senr br return rn ait- aad no reward asked. Please inclose posl, age or stamped envelope, addressed to yourself. Addresn, - - 1 . .. . , . SAEAH B. LAMBERT, .:; CABINET WARE ROOM. 1 SIMOIV c. SUITE, , T ESPECTFULLY invites the attention of --'the Public to his extensive assortment ofCabinex Furniture and C H A IRS,Q 5 which he will warrant made of good Wa material.- anil in a workmanlike man-' 'I ' ner. -At his establishment can always be found a god. I assortment .cf fashionable furniture, which is equal in style &nd fin ish to that or Philadelphia or N. York cities ami al as low prices. He has on hand of diilerent style and prices, from 825 to S60. Divans Lounges, Walnut and Mahogany. Parlor chairs, Rocking and easy chairs, Piano stools, and a variety of UDholstered work, with Dress- ng and parloi bureaus, sofa, card, centra and r.ier tnh'ps. rtetashin. chefTeniers. whatnots and co m odes. C? &3 , - - and all kinds of fashionable work. His stock of bureaus, enclosed and common washbtandsjdress-lables, corner cupboards, sofas, DINING AND BREAKFAST TABLES, bedsteads, cane seat and common chairs is the largest in this section ol the county. He will also keep a good assortment ol looking glasses with fancy gilt and com mon frames. He will also furnish spring mattrasses fitted to any sized, bedstead, which are superior for durability and cam fort to any bed in nse. Oloomsbnrxr Nov. 4, 1863. 16GG: AO Independent l-mocraiic Daily, Weekly und semt- eekly Mewpaper. After four years of civil war, forcedopon the people of these United Slates by the violence of sectional parties, we now en ter upon a new era of unity and of prog ress. North and South, a oordial co-operation of all honest men is needed to re pair the waste of war, to establish our Peace through the triumph of sound con stitutional principles in the administration of the government, and our Unity bv guard ing all that makes Union desirable. The great Democratic party, "whose his tory in the past is the history of private prosperity, of territorial extension, and of public order in America, stands now, as it has ever stood, the Party of the Nation, superior to all sectional passions in its loy alty to the rights of co-equal Slates and to the liberties of the individual citizen. Once more its voice will be heard, once more its adherents will be rallied to its time honored standards in every city and town ot the Northern and Southern States. To the principles of the great Democratic Party of the Nation, The World has borne firm witness throughout the ordeal of civil war. It hill row be devoted to the not less arduous task of appUing those, prin ciples to the solution of the many and weighty questions financial, social, polit ical which come npoo n with the return of peace. Faithful t I lie real interests of all sections, it will be enslaved by the prej udices and blinded by the prepossessions of none. That the principles of American Democ racy should thus be uttered, with no weak or uncertain voice, here in the great metro politau center of American enterprise and commerce, is a matter of such importance to every c.lizen as must recommend The World to the co-operation and tuppoit of good men in all sections of the Union. Competeut correspondents at every com mercial and political center of boili f.eniis puerP6, who are always instructed to make the freest and promptest u.-e of the tele graph, will keep our readers full inlnrn.ed of the doings and the progress of mankind in all parts of the klobe. EDITIONS. The Daily World affords a complete com penJicm of, and commen'ary upon the news ol every day. The Semi Weekly World is a lare quar to sheet, same size as Daily, containing all its news, correspondence, editorial, com mercial and market news, catile rrarkel aud provision leports. and a fresh and en tertaining miscellany of literature. Pub lished Toes-day and Friday. The Wcklj World, a large quarto sheet same size as Daily, has now the largest circulation of any weekly journal publish ed save one. I's extraordinary success since its union with the New York Argus has justified the most liberal expenditures, which will make it unrivaled in interest und vn ne to armprs. Pnhli.ho,' Published Wednes day. 1. The market reporls embrace the New York, Albany, Brighton aud Cambridge live tock markets; toe New York coun try produce and general produce markets ; special and valuable hop intelligence; a department of agricultural reading ; all together composing an unrivalled hand book of current information for the farmer, live-stock or produce dealer, the country merchant, etc. 2. Its reading for the family circle em braces the freshest aud best stories, poetry, religious reading, etc. 3. Its digest ol the news is not, like most city weeklie?, a mere waste basket of the uany ; omy rnauers oi inierei ana impor tance arecboen from the daily, while the mass of its contents are prepared especially for the weekly. In every po$t office district there should be found some active, public spirited dem ocrat, who will confer a benefit upon us, his neighbors, and the cause, by making a determined effort to form a club of fonr, ten, twenty, or fifty for the Weekly World, al onr greatly reduced rates. GREAT REDUCTION IN TERMS. DAILY WORLD. One copv one year by mail, SlO-00 SEMI-WEEKLY WORLD. One copy one year, S 4 00 Four copies one yeal, 10 00 Ten copies one year, 2o 00 WEEKLY WORLD. One copy one year, 8 2 00 Four copies one year, .7 00 Ten copies, one year, " 15 00 Twenty copies, one year, to one ad dress, 25 60 Filly copies, one year lo one address 50 00 An ex'ra copy of the Weekly edition funii-heed io c-lnhs of twenty or more. For i-ldbs of fifty the Seni-Weekly, and for clubs of one huiiiired the Daily, wall be em to getter up ol a club. AdJiiiona may be n,ade lo clubs al any tune during the year at ihe regular club rates. Changes from club lists can only be made by requeM of the person receiving ihe club package. All such requests musl name the edition, rrbst-office. and state tO which it has previously been sent, and inclose twenty five cents to nav for changing lo seperate address. Orders lor any ol the editions of TFr World may be sent by mail, and 6bouId inclose Post office Monev Order or Rank draft for amount (less the discount". . W have no authorized traveling asentf. Mon ey sent by mail will bs at tbe risk of the senders... Orders and letters should be ad dressed to - THE WORLD. . . i .i.'- :; ' i$5ParkRowN. T j OciVr ??' :.: .- LIQTJOHS'i V.'IiXQTJCRS! Wlioctalc ami ilietail. viHE subscriber Two u Id ! aim ounce; to the - citizens o! Blooms-burg and vicinity, that tie i selling t LIQUORS in lare ;and small quantities, and al 'different prices', at his New Store, oh Main street, - north side, two doors south of AvgTZIO Iron sueet, Bloomsburg. ; His ' J$if slock of Foreign and Domestic consists of Cognac and Kochelle, Blackber ry, Ginger, Raspberry and Lavender. He haa a large assortment of .da 0. 63 lis. G5 Old Rve. crav with age, fine Old Bourbon, Old Folks Whiskey, and aoy quanity of common. He also has- PURE HOLLAND GIN, Madeiras, Lisbon, Claret, Sherry and Cam pagne Wines J and last but not least, a quantity oi good double extra BROWN STOUT; all of which he will sell at the lowest caS" Trices. . "r r wie are reaped fully solicited to give bis liquor a trial. D. W. R0BB1NS, Ag't. Bloomsburg, May 1, 1861. JYcid Stock of Clothing. SpringLaiid Summer Goods. TNV1TES attention to his stock of cheap and fashionable Clothing at his Store, on MjIIN street, bloomsburg, two doors above the Jlmirican House, where he has just received from New York and Philadelphia, a full assortment of 171 c li and Boy's Clothingr, . includiog the most fashionable, durable and handsome, DRESS GOODS, consisi inn of Box, Sack Frock, Gum and Oil Cloth . Coals, and Pants, of all sortSj sizes, and colors. He also has replenished his already large stock of Fall and Winter Shawl-; striped, figured and plain Vests, shirts, cravats, stocks, collars, handkarchiefs, gloves, suspenders ar;d fancy articles. N ,B. He has constantly on hand a large and well selected assortment of Cloth9 and Vestings, which he is prepared to make op to order, into any kind of clothing on very short notice aud in the best of manner. All his clothing is made to wear and most of it is of home manufacture. CcsHdl -sssresxo Caches AND .r? rr -rr rr Of every Description, Fine and Cheap. His Case of Jewelry is not tnrpased in this place. Call and examine his general as sortment of Clothing. Watches, Jewelry, &c. &c. DAVID LOWENBERJ. Bloomsburg, April 20, 1865. gJAMES ROBINSON,. Clock and AVaUZi iHnkcr AND IMPORTER OF Wutcbes, Jewelry & I'rench Time-Pieces ALSO. MASCFACTURER OF SILVER AND SILVER PLA TED WARE, GOLD, SILVER if STEEL SPECTACLES, Xo. 1031 Market Street, below Elevnth. North Side, . PAILADELPHIA. Clocks, Watches and Jewelry neatly re paired at the shortest ootice. Gilding and Piating, of all descriptions, done nea'iy to order. N.-B. Masonic, Odd Fellnw's and o'htr emblematic Mark-, made, and En graved to order. A FINE ASSORTMENT OF vysiaA- BOSSES' FI1M2 0 112 IS A AIM HVY FRENCH, ENGLISH 4. AMERI CAN CLOCKS, TABLE AMJ rOfKCT (TTLE F, aksiiv cos:a'is n tHnt:s FOR SALE. AND MADE TO ORDER. No. 1031 Market Street, 3d door below Eleventh. North side. March. 6, 1865. W ALL rAFISlt The undersigned has just received at his rooms, one door below Lu'z's Drug Siore, a new supply of WALL PAPER, WINS DOW CURTAINS ii FIXTURES, CORDS AND TASSELS, for pictures a 0f which be will sell CHEAP I OR CASH. His stock of goods surpasses any hereto fore brought to thi3 rrarket. K J. THORNTON. Eloomsborcr, Oct. 4, 1865. "MMICOTJEXIUOI S30jOOO,00 LOA. cr THE REPUBLIC CF IEXItO. Ticenty-year Coupon Bonds in Sums ' of $50, 8100, 500, crin' SI,000. Interest seTm Per Tent., Payable In The City of New Yirk. Principal and Interest Payable in GOLD. SI0 000,000 to be Sold at S I XT V CENTS ON THE DOLLAR. in U. S. Currency, thus yielding an interest of Twelve per cent, in Gold, or Seventeen per cent, in Currency, at the present rate of premium on sold. The first year's interest already pro vided. THE MOST DESIRABLE INVESTMENT EVER OFFERED. Immense tracts of Mining and Aericul- tural lands; sixty per cent, of port dues imposts and iaxes,io the Slates o'l Taroauli pas and an Luisl'otosi; and ihe phghied faith of the said State and the General Government ar9 all pledged for the redemp tion ui mew Donus ana payment ot inter est. The Sccnrily is Ample. it 0 r . . cow in li. o currency win duv a 7 ner cen 1 uoiu Donu 01 sou. S60 in U. S. Currency will buy a 7 cent. Gold Bond of S10P. per S300 in U. S. Currency will buy a 7 cent Gold Bond of $500. per SbOo in U. b. Currency will buy a 7 cent. Gold Bond of SlOOO. per Let every lover of Republican Institutions buy at least OIVE ROI. Circulars forwarded and subscriptions re ceived by JOHN W. CORLIES & CO., and J. N. TIFFT, Financial Agent . of the Republic of Mexico, 57, Broadway, New York. GF Subscriptions also received by Banks and'Bankers generally throughout the Unit ed States. Nov. 8, 1865. CHARLES B. BR0CKWAT, Attorner-at-Law. - Bounties, Back-pay, Pensions, 4-c, collected. Special attention paid to matters arising under th Internal Revenue Laws. - OFFICE, one door west of the Court ttous." BLOOMSBURG, P. T-T?T?ary 17, 1866. - DBWT-ISTR7. iiciiowun, , . SD UGEON DET I ST. . l ESPECFULLY offers his (T?k0$ -professional services to the XX.i-r JuJieg & gentlemenot Blooms burg and vicinity. He is prepared to attend lo all the various-operations in Dentistry, and is provided; with the latest improved PORCELAIN TEETH, which will be in serted on pivot or gold plate, to look as well as natural. Mineral plate and block teeth manufac tured and all operations on teeth carefully attended to. . A superior article of Tooth Powders, al ways on hand. Alloperations on the teeth warranted. Residence and Office, a few doors above the Court House, same side. Bloomsburg Aug. 19, 1885 Prospectus ol' Vol III. 1865. THE OLlTcctJAltU, A. MONTHLY JOURNAL, IF VOTED 'I v L1TEKATTJRK, SCIENCE AND ART, AND THE Principles of 1770 and 5S7. C. CHAUNCEY BURR, Editor. flhis Magazine will continue lo defend JL the priicifjles of Government which cuided onr fattier in the foundation of ihe Republic, Tbe spirit and doctrine of ihe two first volumes will be tully maintained in the third volume. We have no compro mises to make with error no parley with despotism. Democracy will be treated, not as a varying policy of cunnirg ofilce seekers and sprii hunters, but rather as an abiding principle cf political economy and of popular. liberty. All sjpporter of this revolutionizing, Abolition war, will be held a the enemies of the Democracy. We shall acknowledge no organization to be Democratic which does not honesty enun ciate and support the principles ol the Kentucky aud Virginia Reflations of 1798 and the Dred Scott Decision of the Su preme Court, the one asserting Stale Sov ereignty and the other White supremacy. To preserve these honorable doctrines, the Democratic party was organized by the very ioundersof the Federal Government, and it remained true lo them down to the fatal and dishonoring departure, at Ihe commencement of this war. The Old Gutridis an organ ot Democracy as it was, oetr this cowardly erurender of principle and a it must be again, before it can re deem our country from the rule of faction and despotism. This year it has been en larged to double its former size that in, lo forty eight pages for the purpose ol m;k ii.g it in all respects, as to style and matter a popular Literary and Familv Magazine. TO 23 02 SS23 a One copy, one year, S2 00 Seven copies, one year, and one . to the getter up of club, 14 00 Twenty copies, ' 35 00 Single copies senl. pesi-paid, for 20 Terms invariaby in advance, and the Magazine will be stopped when the time paid for expire. As each number of THE OLD GUARD is stereotyped, back numbers and volume can always be fut-riit-hed. Subscriptions will be understood as com mencing with the year, and back numbers sent accordingly, unless specially ordered otherwise. The Oid Guard will be 6ent tbronoh the Pnl Office 10 subscribers in the' city, Brooklyn, Williamsburg and Jersey Cily. The po.-tage ol The Old Guard is 12 cts. per year, payable in advance, at the olUce of mailing or delivery. Copies of Vols. I. and II. of The Old Guard for 1863 i.d 1864, will be Inrni-hed bound in paper, for 51.50; in cloth lor 2, pot paid. All letters in relation to the bui'me.-s de partment of the-Magazine, should be in variably addressed to the undersigned, a fellows : VAN EVRIE. HORTON & CO., 16 Nassau S;reet, N. Y. J9alional Foundry, BIoonibtir9 Columbia Co., Irje sub?ribjr. Dronrietor of th shove - named extensive establishment, is now prepared lo receive orders for all kindsroi machinery, for COLLERI ES, BLAST FUR NACKS STATIONARY ENGINES, MILLS THRESH IMG MACHINES, &c, kc. He i also prepared to make S.oves, al' izes and patterns, Plow-irons, and every hing usually made in first-class Foundries His extansive facilities and practical workman, warrant -him in receiving ihe ta'rgest contracts on tbe most reasonable terms. Grain of all kinds will be taken in exchange for castings. VsT This establishment is located near the Lackawanna Railroad Depot. PETER BILLMEYER. Bloomsburg, Sept. 9, 1863. IVatioEial Claim Agency, CONDUCTED BV HARVY &, COLLINS, WASHINGTON, D. C. IN order lo facilitate the prompt adjurt--- mem of Bounty, arrears 01 pay, Pension and other claims due soldiers and other persons from the Government of the U. S . the undersigned has made arrangement with lie aoove firm whose experience and clo-e proximity to, and daily intercourse with, ihe Department, as well a the early knowledge acquired by them of the decis ions frequently being made, enable ihetn to prosecute claims more effectually than Attorneys at a distance can possibly do All persons entitled lo claims o! ths above description can have them properly attend ed to by calling on me and entrustins them to my care. w. WIRT, Agent for Harvy & Collins. Bloomsburg, August 10, 1864. GROCERY STORE. ON MAIN STREET, BLOOMSBURG. More I rt sh Good. Just received at Henri Giger's New Store: MOLASSES, SUGARS. TISAS, COFFEE, RICE, SPICES, FISH. SALT. KAIS1N. TODAOCO, SEGARS, CANDIES, NOTINNs, Tovs, FEED AXD PBOnsIOXS, Together with a great variety of notions &c, too numerons to mention. BUTTER EGGS, MEkT, nd Produce generally, taken in exchange r goods. The best market price will be lowed. Give him a call. ICTTbe hiaheM market prices paid foi I kinds of COUNTRY FURS. : HENRY GIGER. Bloomaburg, January 3, 1$66. apOSYEYANClXG, NEATLY AND PROMPTLY DONE, by C.G. BARK LEY, Attorney it Ltw, BlooniBborg, P. ' Northern Central ZSaiiwny. T.I M ETA B L E . THREE TRAINS DAILY to and fr. the Nnrih and Wei-t Branch of tlie Susque an- tia, Elmira, ami all of -Northern New Ys.rk. On and al:er filoudav, May i!3i", itvo. the Pa?engr Trains ol ihe North Centrai Railway v.Tnarrive and depart from Sun hi.rv. Hrrisburs and B.il imore, as follows: SOUTHWARD. J Mail Train leaves Sur.bury daily except Sundays, at 10.40 a m. Leaves' Hairiborg, ; 1.30 p.m Arrives at Baltimore, 5.30 tl. Express Train leaves Sunbury daily except Sundays, at 1)40 p.m. Leaves Harrisb!rg,except Monday 2.50 a. rn Arrives al Baltimore daily except Monday, at ; 7-00 a.m Accomu.iodalion leaves Harrisb'rg 7.45 a. in Sunbuty Acc. leaves Sunburj daily except Sundays at 7 30 am Arv's at Harrisb'c except Sindajs 10 15 NORTHWARD. Mail Trail leaves Baltimore daily except Sundays at Leaves Hanisbnrg, 1.-15 p il. Arrives al Sunbury, 4.20 p m Express Trains Baltimore daily, 10.00 " Arrives al Harr'n-bura, 2.20 a.m Leaves Harrisb'rg except Monday 2.40 " Arrives at Sunbury, 5.15 " Erie Express leaves Baltimore ex cept SundayH t 8 00 p.m Arrives at Hatrisburi, 12.55 a.m Leaves Harrisburg, 1.15 Arrives at Sunbury, 4 10 11 Sunbury Accorn. leaves Harrisborg Daily except Sundays at 4.25 p.m Arrives at Sunbury at 7 10 " For further particular appiy at the office. 1 N DU BARRY, Supt. Harpuburs, Jn'y 10, 1865. 1S65. 18G5. OHILACELPHIA & ERIE RAIL ROAD This y real line traverses the Northern and Northwest conntis cf Pennsylvania lo thvcity of Erie, on Lake Erie. It has been leaded by the Pennsylvania Rail Uoad Company, and is operated by them. Time of Passenger trains at North'd. ,e:ve Eastward. Erie Mail Train 5 40 P. M. Erie Express Tran, 3 30 A. M Elmira Express Train, 1 1 25 P. M Elmira .Mail Train, 10 25 A M. licaves Westward. Erie Mail Train,' 3 15 A. M Erie Express Train, 2 40 P.M. Elmira Express Train, 5 30 A. M. Eimira Mail Tra'tu 4 35 P. M. Passenger cars run through on the Erie Mail and Express trains without change 6o;h ways between PhilfK'i ohia and Erie. NEW YORK CONNECriO.N. Lave New York at 6 00 P. M., arrive at Erie 3 37 A. M. Leave Erie at I 15 P. M . arrive at New York 1 15 P. M. NO CHANGE OF CARS BETWEEN ERIE AND NEW YORK Elpjant Sleeping Cars on all Night trains. . For information repecnntr Pusseiise'. rusine?s apply at cor. 30ifi ati I M irk et Sis.. Philadelphia. And for Fieight business ol the Corrpanv's Agents. S. B. Kingston, Jr., Cor. 13th and Mar ket Street. Philadelphia. J. W. Reynold,., Erie. W Brown, Airt. N. C. R. R.. Baltimore, 11 11 HOUSTON. G-neri.1 Freight A gt. Phil a. H W. G'.V INNER, Cen-riii Ticket Agt. Phil'. A. L TYLER, General Sup'', W!ilian;port. Dec 6, 1S65. OMNIBUS LINE. rfMIE undersigned would respectfully an- nnniice to Hie citiyer- ol Bloomsburg, and the public neutrally , that lie is running An 031 M BUS LIN E l)t-po:s, daily, (Sunday excepted) to con- j nect with (he r-everal Trains coin South j and We.-l on t ie Ctaivi-a 4c Wiiiiamiport , R11J Road, in. I witb thoe goinsf Nor'h and 1 S'uih ci the Lack, BJoomsl.ur Read. ! Ilia OMNIBUSES re in jood condition, rominodiuu& arid coir: fotrdble, and cbarge -reion.ib'e. H7 Persons wihirig to meet i or t-e their friend?, depart, can be accuni- j modated, upon rea.-onat-Ie cluryes, by lev ir y tiniolv nmice at any of ihe II of Ik. JACOB L. GIRTON, Pro,irie:or. B!ombi!r2, April 27, l,sGl. mi.B K00AS Propriefor j 1J .11 Ml IRC Si fpHIS magnificent Holt 1, situate m it,e I i- central portion ol ttie town, and op- polite the Lourt Home, hie L-een thorouhiy 1 repaired and refurnish d, and the Proprietor ! ii no prepared to acconimoda:e traveler IPam.lcr ilrnviri anil hnir.lr "... t. - i J 1 " - .... wt.ii.ria in UIC must . . pleasant and agreeable manner. His table I ' .:n u.- 1: . j ... .t .1 . . . : iuuc Miiiru mi me cost trie market arT'ird.-nd his B.ir with the choicest liqnorf. Attentif." ostlers will always be on hand 1 and his ptablin- is the mol extensive in this he ion oi country. Omnibuses tvil i alwajfcCte in readiness to convey papsen gers to and from tlie Railroad Depoi ! WM. 3. KOONS. I .Hlnombnra, July 4. 18fi0. j 1 ILAKK'S SCHOOL V1SII0U Volume X. A DAY SCHOOL MONTHLY The Visitor will commence its tenth volume with the January number, 1866. Tnis U the or.Iy Day School Periodical published at SEVEN I'V-FIVE CENT A YEAR! Magazine form, beautifully illustrated. New Ivpe, new Icatnres ; Readings, Musir, Sieechfs, Dialogues, Storie-.Puzzle., Enig ma, Rebuses, &c, from the very be?t Mriterf. The V i?i:or lias the Iarest circulation ol any Educational Journal published. Now 1 is il e lime to form clubs. I r.e publisher, in order to reach all pari of the ronnfry, will send the Visitor one vear, FREE, to one peron (who will act as aent) at any Post Office in the United S:ates Addre. with five cents for particulars, J. UAU'JHAUAY, Publisher. 1308 Che?tnut, Street, Philadelphia. hohTiI iTsissoci atiox. PHILADELPHIA, PA. DISEASES of the Urinary and Sexual Systems new and reliable treatment. Al so the BRIDAL CHAMBER, an Essay of V aning and Instruction, sent in sea'ed envelopes, free ol charge. Address, Dr. J. SK1LLIN HOUGHTON, Howard Associ ation, No. 2, South Ninth S'reet Philadel phia, Pa. . Jgne 21, 1865 ly. MORO PHILLIPS' Super-Phosphate of Lime. Baugh 4 Sons'' Raw Bone Phosphate, in large and small quantities, and Pure "War ranted Lake Salt, at teholesale retail for tale by J. . HARM AN. Je.ySi. 1 8 to.', " Rupert Statin., between tliis pUce a ml (!: d.deieut Rn! Road i'SrT VT . FLUID- EXTRACT CUCIIU, A positive t.nd Fj-triac. lnne.ijr frr A! -mm- r,t Cmi ItluJJrr, Ulil. tr.i.l i.t.a i i-H"-t This rieficlca lnrrfa6S lii-i jiovwa ( !1tMt'.t.,l icttca th chsprtcnig t:;-o :ci.i.j; ui lj.:.. by t wiitiyotcsUarcc flrpcr t'im-', sd on wr!-t r largcraontR crc rcfioccd, es veil cs pain iS.aU U(l Is ZvX tot men, Tromen o-J c!JMr2. , ' HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, 4 Tor wnakneM arising rrotn Excesw;. Uabtu tr r iwlp. tlon, Earl iDdlocrelloa, aitcndrt wllL llio futtOTl: Inrtlspofcltion to Exri;oa. I.o of Powr. DiSicnliy of U-.flltU.' Trcoit)tlce, TTaiefa'.xiot., Tain ta tbo Eri, . rtusiilos or tiK Eofly.' ErtHtloiw tTis Tac,' Locs or Memory, "Weak Kcrvci, " 0orror cf Disease, ' Dlnmeus ol VkJou,' Ilot Bands. IryB06 of the Ektn, Universal Losnltndft. I'oUiJCounie:ie5-' ta i:Tr:'oin4, 1 allowrd to go oa (rU-b H.L daelcvarlabty romoveEi.CP'olli-w . , , FATUITY, EPILEPTIC FITS, &C. lo one of which tbe pattont may expire. VTho ean Mf they are not frequently followed ty tboe "Clrcful C!a- n - T'SAMTT AXD COXSUMmON f Maay ere oworc of the cause of IbrlrcnfTcrltie.batiioD will confess. Tbo record of tbe lrinc asyluao and tnclarchoTy deaths by cocsumfttOD bear airpto irltnesa t the truth of tbo assertion. " " The ConstltnUoa, once ofTected by organic wealtncfi, refjulrca tbo aid of meUleitie tOBtronijtJien and Invigorate the nystem. which HM.MBOLD'S EXTH-CT Of BrCTftJ tnT&rl&bly su. A trial will convince lae iaoi accptlc&L Tntcboy a.T;ctloTas pccallrj to Femalea, tb T-muat Br cur la nieDa'ed by any other remedy, aad for all oruplalnta Incident to tbe eex, or In the DECLINE OU CUASQE OF EXT9S, 17" Bu Bncrroxa abotk. t7 Io Family vbould bo wlttvoA ltr TaTreno EaUam, Mercury, or cnpleaaanl medietM tar oapleaaant ond dacgeroua diseases. iiELHBOLD'3 EXTRACT BUCHU Cures Secret Diacac In all tttti Rtaget Utile erpecse. tttlla or eo a&ase ct CJet. co :sconT9nInco, and NO EXP02CEZ.. CJSE HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT B U C H U For all affections and diseases cf tte organa, tieufl EXISTIXO IN' MALE Olt FEMALE. From wha'.CTer cause ortslnctlns, and no matter bow long standing. Diseases of tacso orgs as requira tbo aid of a diuretic. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU 13 tho Great Diuretic. I And It Is certain to havo tbe desired effict laVdUase for which It is rccossicsded. BLOOD! ii-UOF! tJLOODl !IclmQlcr xnnnLT coKCTrmtATED coroca FLUID EXTRACT SARGAP AP.ILLA, For purtfy.t? the Flcod, rtsoTlng a t rhrf-i.'o tottt-. f.oral diseases erlahig f.ctn r. In:; ure stam of tre T'oo l, and tte only rella'ilc and cTertunl tno-rn rsiw-ty far tls euro cf fcror-il. frald Teafl. FH rbe-r., t-.'rt k- Cwciilnca of the Toaca. T"lceraiIor.i or Hie lhro,i rt legs. Blotches, Fln-.-lca on t.'ic Face, Telt-r, r:7fc'Me. and s'.l ers:y Eispuocs u' :lo 5a. ypT a jzvr of tbe worn di-crders tbst ad!c :antiud arts frsra V corruption tfcnt accunulates ta the blood. Cf ail tie ii . co erics that heve been cia'e to pot go It out. tr.re e euel la eCect 1Ilmdo's Cou Tocyi EiTBicrr or B 9atxv.ii.la. It cicunses and renovates the Bleed. lusiU' tie vsor of health Into the synttia, and purges out It humors wl.!ca raake tiliei;. It stlmuiates the bsallty fars 'onr." lie bodT.ecd exprle the iH.orflerslhat grow aui:au-10in the blood. Eueu a rctse-'.y that could La rlcd on hai'oug berc aocbt for. and now, for the trt liiO the public );aro oca oa which ib.-y can depend. 0:r rt.cebcie decs not admit of certificates to show lucCar la. I st tho U1.il cf a tlntlo bollle vill chow to ths sirs that It tn Its virtues sorpatstng anything they hare ever taken. Two tatlctjo"i-ful of the Extract of f urtparlll ad-ls-t to a ; tat tf wuft Is eijnM to the Lisbon Iiel Drink, an 1 ric boi'le Is f.-!ly Cynal ko a gallon of h f ymp X I pi.-.ili, cr '.c ccvclii.n as tsua'.ly cade. :oi;'3 rose wash, An excellent Lotion for diseases rising from cablta of dissipation, ned lo connection with the Extracts Bach and Sarsaparllla. In sncb diseases as recotomoeded. ErV dertce of the most restvjnsible and reliable character w1!l a-coro;any the medicines. Also exvljelt directions f- r uic, utfK hunJ-t it ft thousand, UtIoj witnesses, acd ward of 2Tifiy) oawMcite t certiDrates and reronuuecds tory letters, tn cy cf whl .h arc from the highest sources, liciudinj cct-ii: rbysiciana.ClcrgTiren.Ftatcaaien.e. Tho Froprleicr has nover resorted to their publication la tbo ncwrpupcrs ; be does not do this from the fact that his articles rar.k as Standard Trcparatlots, and do not seed to be propped np by certificates. ' . The Sc.ence or Medicine, like the Ikrte Column, sbootd etand aiciple. pure, taajcstlc, baTlns; Fact for tr basla. lsdactlon for Its pillar, and Troth alone fr lt Cac4UL J-y Extract Enrsrarllla !s a r.iood rorlaer; my rxtra Enchn li a Llnretlc. and will act ca encn In aU cases. Both are prepared on purely scientific prtnciplee-fca vftruo sJ arc tbo cost active measure or either that can be nade. A ready and ccicl aslro test will te a eoa pnrisoa cf tbolr properties with those eel forth la the fU lowing worts: fco El-pensatory cf the rclto.1 States. rrofessor Pbwzxs' Talaa!lo works ca tie Trv ' ofrbfi?. Tee jemarks ictie by tte r e1cbretd Dr.rHTa.TblJv. Scercui. s vizloXfl-r. Epim !cT1owj, a cc!s bri:.-d n;ridan tnj Member cfto To-al ColUcoef burgeons. IrclanJ, aad putiU:cd ta the TranaectlcasW the lUcg and Queen's Jocrsal. Peo i-'cdico-Chii urglcal licview, published by Bxs" Tbatxes. Fellow of the Eoyal College of SortBoos. Edcost Of Uic late standard works oa Mt-cia, FOLD ET ALL nstTGOTTS EVEKTTTET!S Add ecsa letters for lcfonnaUo,la conflfieoce. to LT. T. IIELMBOLD, Chemist r PI5CIPAL DEPOTS" ' ' f Delmbold's Drug aad Casmical WarebonH, 591 UR-jADAT, NEW Y0RX, d Xleimbol a AIed:oaI Depot, fio. 194 80UTE TSr ?T, PHILADELPHIA, .Minor ASK I'Oit CO I IN TIT: FI'.TTa. U E LMbUl.D'HI 50 oTiir , t . U : t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers