.5 lit-- 3 m r- - . FiiriirnE-cAiJiv ir.N op 18g. . ' TV. !amrai'jn illM ODnii.I . M Penfylrihia i (testified to. be omr of Teat A n. ntl r have a powerful nnAo-. nce upon the faiore of the country at )aike. i...f ma.ir( it will determ ine it- .1 .-.i .nn:i nf.i866. ancf have an I r Influence npoathe presidential election two ve tnerear.er. i", ... i v i - . )Via'rnu-K or ( he will profaDiy cst;iei":" ". , " nexiU.S. Senator from thi Slate aniithu. a fleet the legislation of Congress and Mhe ; restoration of peace to the land h is, ; therefore,- cf vital importance that every fe Vxertioo should be made by every member , of our party to secure the victory. Not : only should every Iccat organization be pnt to wcrk.tut every honorable measnn should be adopted to etir op the apathetic and 'lukewarm, audio make new vote by con version. It can only be through the ira , rautable nd golden principles of Democra. . cy thai the country can be redeemed from ' the thraldom of fanaticism, degrada-iou and taxation. Outside the Democracy thcje are n principles. - The rule of action of the opposition is ever changing one thing to : day something else to-morrow. Jus held together merely by expedients the lvest and most outrageous of all being the mod- em, six-months ' political trick of negro "'"suffrage.'1, To defeat this, and all o'her "schemes of the Abolition-shoddy hordes who live only to plunder and tyrannize, let every Democrat arouse and gird on iho rusty armor of his fathers in Democracy f 'of Washington, of Jefferson, of Jackson, ' and march to battle nd to victory ! THE WEEKLY PATRIOT AND UNION. -Asibe Central organ of theDmocrut c " parly the Weekly Patriot and Union has acquired a lar-e and more diffused circu - lation than any other Democratic journal in the Slate. It has heretofore occupied an influential pokion as an able and in riustrioua vorker in the eaoo of Democ- 'aey, and ita friends fray that it still contin ues to be a valuable organ of the party -It is not for us, however, to puff our own work. If we have been faithful to the l:anse.cf ihe party and tho country, we Lope every Democrat will make it an ob ject to extend our field of cperatinns, b? adding to our list of subscribers. The low price of the -Weekly in comparison with . the amount of matter furnished, make it one ef the cheapest of newspaper. We - hope every good Democrat who reads this 4 wiil send his name and S2 50 for a copy lor one year. If this is too much for those who are very poor, let all such ' send us fif'y cents each, and receive the Weekly Patriot nd Union for the campaign. The follox ' ji.g are the terras : . ' TERMS Tt. TEAH. Single copies, fer annam, - , . ' six months, Clbbsof ten or more to one aJJresi S3 50 1 50 2 CO DfaiKO TBI CAMPAIGN. .Single copies 5n cts Clubs ol lea or more to one address 50 cts. All orders should be addressed to the ' PATH 1 0 1 AIn U U Nlurx, Hanislxr?, Pa. READING RAIL ROAD. 1VLVTE2! Ai;iUXCL2JE.T. KOTEMBEIS 273 18G5. GREAT Trunk lir.e frpm' the Nor'.Ii and Norlli-west for Philadelphia, New York, Trading, Pottsville, Tamaona, Ah Und, Lebanon, Allentown, Ejston, fiic; Trains leave Harrisbor for New York, os follows. At 3 00, 7.25 'and 9 03, A. M. and 1 4S and 9.00 P. M , arriirins at New York at 5.40 and 10 00 A. M., and 3 40 and 10. ?5 1 A! , connecting with similar Trains cm the Pennsylvania Rail Road : Sleeping accompanying the 3.00 anf SUj A. il. Trains', without chan3 Leave HarrMurg for Reading, Pottsvi!!e, Ta!i;aqiia, Minersville, Ashland, I'ir.p Grove, Allentown and Philadelphia, at 7 S5 A il. ar.d I 45 and 9 00 P. M.t Mopping at Lebanon and all Way Stations; the 9 00 P. M. Traiif making no close connections lor Poitsville nor Philadelphia. For Pott vilTe, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via - t?vhuyikiir and Susquehanna Rail Road, U-ivb Harrisbora at 4 00 P.M. Returning, leave New York at 9.00 A. M , 12 CO noon, aud 8 CO P. 11. Philadelphia at 8 00 A. M. and 3.30 r. M. ; roitsriiTe at I 8. 30 A-. M. and 2.45 P. M, AMaiid at ! 6C(Jand 11.45 A. M and I 15 P.ll Tamaqua i 7.35 A.M ar.d 1.40 P.M. ! Leave Pottsvill for Ha'risburi, via j Sihuylkill and. Susquehanna Rail Road, at 45 A. 11. 1 5, Reading Accommodation Train: Leaves I Reading .at 6 30 A. II. returning from Phil I iultphia at 4 30--P- 11 j - Colombia Railroad Trains leave Read- ?wirj at 6 10 A. 11. and 6.15 P. M. for Ephra I Us. Litiz, Lancaster, Colombia, &c. 1 " r- On Sundays : Leave New York at 8.00 P. ! "' 11. Philadelphia 3 15 P. 11., Puirsviiie 8.00 ' ' A.M., Tamaqua 8 00 A.M., HarrUbsrg 9 05 A. M., an? Readina at 1 00 A. II. for Har psourg, ana u s.' n. m ir new iur. j j Commutation. Aliieag, ea?on. -nooi ' and Excursion Tickets to aud from ail points at reduced rates. ; Bagiage checked through 80 pounds I " allowed each Passenger. S G. A. NICuLLS, j General Superin:eidenl. 1 Readiko Pa., Dec. 13, 1S65. I : NEW GOODS! Anolhci Arriral ol" Goojlf. 1 AT - Ilat, Cap and Grocery j grp CT T?T IT ' Aow is Four Time to Buy. , HE. NOW SELLS CHEAPER THAN EVER 1 1 1HE undersisned having just relumed I from the Eastern cities with a lare and fall assortments of f(t in addition to a snneri ki-hhjJ. ct stock of spring and summer 1 II ATS AND CAPS, comprising every sort and quality, is now prepared to sell a little cheaper than can b- purchased else where. H's Stock ol GROCERIES are not ur f azsed in this marke', which lie offer cheap for cash, or in exchange for GRAIN Oil PRODUCE. - ' . ALSO,-A fine lot of KIDS, MOROCCOES, and LININGS to which he invites the. at tention ot Shoa makers and the public. Give fclari a caii At Stroup' Old Stand, oa llaia Suee:. JOHN K GIRTON. Elooresborg, Nov'r 27 1864. DR. J.R.EVANS, ' TLjsteian and Surgeon, ".TAViNG located permanently on Main Slreet, BLOOMSSURG, Pa., wonld in form the pu'uiic generally, that fan is pre pared to a. tend to ail business faith fa lly and punctually that may be intrusted to his care, co terns coramerisora.e with ;he times. C7 He pay strict attention to Surgery a?we!l as Medicine. . November 25; lS6J.-ly. . . I-MVIi) LOiriJXDEKG. : C L O T HI AG STORE, r " ' "'rest,! wo door ftbf)re the Amer-. ' - "':'.!. - .... -. . THE P ll(E XIX PECTORAL VTILL CURE ' Your Cough. Read the, alvijr- itlsement below, ''The Phcenix Pec toral; or compound Syrup of WildCherry and Seneka Snake Root, will core the Diseases of the Throat and Lungs, "Each as co'do, coughs, crocp, Asthma, bronchitis, catarrh,sore throat, hoarseness, whobping cough, &c. , Its timely use will prevent PULMOARY CONSUMPTION. And even where this fearful disease is fully developed, it will afford more relief than any other medicine. J. Lawrence Getz, ex-Speaker of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, says; "This cough remedy is now exten sive used, and is of ihe highest value to the community, its curative qualifies hav ina been tested by thousands with the most gratifying results. It ia carefully and skillfully prepared frrm Wild Cherry Bark and Seneka Snake Root, by Dr. Levi Ober holtzer, a reputable physician of Phcenix ville, Pa., and is sold by nearly all drug gists and country storekeepers." D. P. Crosby, ex Post Master. and ex Burgess of Poltsiown, renifiea as follows: FOTTSTOWN, Jan. 3, 1865. This certifies that I have used the Prce nix Pectoral in my fimily, and 1 recom mend it to the Public as ihe very test remedy for cough and cclds that I have ever tried One of my children was taken with a cold, accompanied with a crotipy couh, so bad, indeed, that it could not talk and scarcely breathe. Having heard so much said about the PI tcnix Pectoral I procured a bottle of if. The first dose relieves the difficulty of breathing, and he fore the child had taken one fonrdi of the bottle it was entirely well. Every family should have it in their house. . Signed D. P CROSBY. J. C Smith, drng-jit of New Haf--3 .oncks conoty, Pa., in writing to Dr. Oce.i ol xer, says: "A few days since I bought two dozsn of your valuable couh remedy to try, and find it very good, and a it is near ly all gone I would like you to send ice a gross of it. "Ycur medicine gives better satisfaction than any other I have in the Store. I am egenl lor some of the most popular couh preparations, but yours seems to be doing the mod good.'' Toe foiiowins is an extract from a letter from Hiram Ellis, merchant, r.ear Pelts, town, Pa., "I have tried the Pi.cenix Pec toral and find if to be the best cough med irire extant. Ii meets vrith a more ready sale than any other that I have ever had in my store." The proprietor of tf.is medicine has so much oor.fiJet.ca in iis curative powers, from the testimony of thousands who have ued it, that the money will te paid back to tr.y purchaser who is not satisfied with its efldcts.''- It is so pleasant to tike that children cry for it. Price THIRTY-FIVE CENTS; lar -e Dottles ONE DOLLAR. 1; is intended for only one class of dis ease, namely those cl tho THROAT and LUNGS. P epared only by LEVI OSERIiOLTZER M D., Pi csnixvil.'e, I?a., and sold ty s.11 Druggists and Storekeepers. Johnson, Uoi.'oway, & Cowden, No. 23 North Sisih tlreel, Philadelphia, and F. C. Wells & Co., 115 Franklin Street, New York, General Wholesale Agent. N.B. If your irearest drngii-t or store keeper -Joes not keep this medicine do net let t.im put you off v.ith some other medi cine, because he makes more mor.ey on it, bot send at once to one of the Agents for it. June 21, 1863 6ai. a.TA WISSa i-AILaOAIi. On antl alter Monday, November 27, 1865, paten ter t rains on the Catawissa Rairoal will run as follows : EOUTHWAflD B3CND. TK1LA. MAIL n. y rxp s. 1 50 a. m. 2.J0 : 3 05 3 43 4 00 ' 4 13 ' 6 15 s 6.45 4 1.05 p .m WilfiamspM, dep. 8 45 a. m dep. Muriej, 9 17 Aii lion, 10 00 10.43 ' 11.00 1 11 15 ' 1.27 p 1 58 . Danville, Rupert, Catawis, Q inkake jan Tamaqna, m. Phila , vi. PoMsville ' Ptuia.. via. P. Clinton, Plida , via.M Chunk, New Yo'k, ar. 7.00 753 10.35 12.25 1.15 NORTHWARD BOUND. ERIE E.Y. ELMIKA MAIL. New York, dep. 6.00 p. m. dep. 6.00 a. m. Phila , " ' via. M. Chunk," Phila. via. P. Clinton, ' 7.30 8 15 Phila. via. Poltsville, Tamaqua, Quakake Jun. Cata wi.tsa, . Rupert, Danville, Miiton, lluncy, ' .- ' - 1-';- .' " - '.V'-v-i:.-Vi..-.' 3 30 i 1150 a.m. .. i2.45 pra 12.40 l 27 2 40 3.50 2.43 4.00 3.03 ' -4.20 ' 3.50 ' 5 01 4.36 ' 5 44 ' . 5.10 ar. 6.15 ' Wilhamspott, ar. 5uperintenlent's office, Williamfport, Nov. 23, 1865. GEORGE WEBB, Pa Supt. Lackawanna & iJIooEijbrjrg II. II. ON and after November 27, 1865, Passen ger Trains will run as follows : SOUTHWARD. A.M. P.M. P.M. Leave Scranton, " Kingston, Rupert, " Dar.viila, Ar. Northumber'd 5 50 10.C5 , 4 50 6.55 11.15 6.20 9 15 8 53 9 50 9 30 10.30 10 15 NORTHWARD, Leave Northnraber'd, 8 00 3.05 3.40 4.15 G 55 8. 10 M. for Danville, 8.40 Rupert, 9.15 Kingston, 2.35 A. M. 8.3) 9 35 (i Ar. Scranton, 5.45 Trains leaving Kincsto.i at 8 30 A C . . - rr. rrramon, connect witn A ram arnvnitr a; New York at 5 20. Leaving N orthnrooer land at 8.00 A. M. and Kingston 2.30 P. M. connect with train ar. isin at New York at 10 55. P. M. Passengers taking train South from Scranton at 5 50 A. M. via Northurr.be land, teach Harrisburg 12 30 P. M., Haiti -leave 5. SO P. M., Washington 10.00 P. M. via Rupert reach Philadelphia at 7.00 P. M. -HA FONDA. Sup't. Kingeton, Nov 25, i86. ITIatrimonial. T ADIES and Gentlemen : If yon wis1) to "marry you can do so addsesing me. I will ssnd you, without money and without pric, valuable information, "thaf will ena hle you to marry happily and ppeedily, irrespective of age, wealth or beauty. Tins infornation will cost you nothi.ig and if you wib to marry, I will cheerfully assist you. All letters strictly confidential. The desired information aent by return mail and uo reward asked.- Please inclose posl, age. or stamped envelope, addressed to yourself. ' Address, SARAH B. LAMBERT, " Greenpomt, Kings Co. N. Y. "CABINET-WARE' ROOM. SlUlOiV C.-BMIVE, T ESPECTFULLY invites the attentionol -"-the Public to his. extensive assortment of Cabinet Furniture and C H A IUS,Q which he will warrant made of good materials ai;d in a workmanlike man.' i ' i:er. At his establishment can always be found a good assortment of fashionable furniture, which is cqnal in style snd fin ish to that of Philadelphia or N. York cities and at as low prices. He has on hand pf I of differe: flerent style and prices, from S25 to S60. Divans Lounge, Walnut and Mahogany. Parlor chairs, Rocking at:d easy chairs, Piano stools, and a variety of upholstered work, with Dress ing and parloi bureaus, sofa, card, fT?" centre. and pier tab'es, detashn,' cheffeniers.whatnois and enmode1 and alt kinds of fashionable work. His Mock of bureaus, enclosed and common wasr.standsjdress-tables, corner cupboards, sofas, DINING AND BREAKFAST TABLES, bedsteads,cane seat and common chairs is the largest in this section ot the county. He will also keep a good assortment ol looking gi-isscs with fancy gilt and com mon frames. He will also furnish spring mat'rasses fitted to any sized bedstead, which are superior lor durability and com fort to any hed in use. fFtiomsbiirir Nov. 4, 1R63. 1 SG: Ay liitlrpiilPit I -mci ill -- Utiny, W eekly udU emi-ty cekly .e.vi-iper. After four years cf civil war, forced n;ion the people of thee United States by the violence of sectional parties, ws now en ter upon a new era of unity and of prog ress. North and South, a oordial co-operation of ail honest man is needed to re pair the ai'e of war, ti etatTi.-dt cur Peace through the triumph cf sound con stitutional principles in Ihe administration of the crovernment, am? our Unity bv guird intr all that makns Union deifjble. The great Democratic party, Those "iis" lory in the past is the history of private prosperity, of territorial extension, and of public order in America, stands now, fis it has ever stood, the Party rf the Nation, superior to all sectional passions ir. its loy ally to the rights of cn-cnnal States and io the liberties cf the individual citizen. Once more its voice will he heard, once more it adherents wiil be rallied to its time honored standards in every city and tawn of the Northern and Southern ita'es. To the principles of ihe great Democratic Party of tne Nation, The World has borne firm witness-throul out the ordeal of civil war. It hill row be deoteJ io the not less arduous tar-k of apply ing thne prin ciples to the solution of t'le many and weighty questions financial, social, poht ical which come npnn us with the return of peace. Faithful to the real interests of r.ll sections, it will be enslaved by the prej udices and blinded by the prepossessions of rone. . That the principles cf American Democ racy should t.ius be uttered, with no weak or uncertain voice, hers in the great me;ro polita'i center of American enterprise and corr.merce, is a matter of such importance to every citizen as mnst recommend The World to the co-operation ar:d suppcit cf good rren ia all sections of the Union. Corr peteul correspondents at every com mercial and political center of bodi hemis pheres, who are always instructed to make the freest and promptest n.se of the tele graph, wiil keep our readers full informed ol the doing- and the progress of mankind jn all parts of the slnbe. EDITIONS. The Daily World affords a comple'e com pendium of, and commentary upon the news ol every day.- TheSerni Weekly World b a lare quar to shept. same size as Daily, containing all its new., correspondence, editorial, com mercial and market news, cattle market aud provision lepo.-'s, and a fresh and en .'ertainini; n iscelhiny ot literature. Pub lished Tuesday .and Friday. The Weekly World, a larce q-nrto s!;est same size aw Daily, has now i',e I tres: circulation of any weekly journal publish ed save one. ls extraordinary success since its onion with the New York Argus ha justified the most libera! expenditures, which will make it unrivaled in interes'. value to farmers. rpMifd WIn.' day. 1. The market reports embrace the New York, Albany, Brighton and Cambr dge live stock markets; the New York counr try produce and general produee markets ; special and valuable hop intelligence; a department cf agricultural reading ; a!J together composing an unrivalled hand book of current information for the farmer, live stock or produce dealer, the couniry merchant, etc. - 2. Its reading for the family circle em traces the freshest aud beMstpjies, poeliy. religious -reailmz, etc. 3. I's digest cl the news is not, like mol ci'y we-"kiie, a mere waste basket ol the daily ; only matters of ihtere-t and impor tance are choeu from the daily. v.-hi!e th-: mass of it conienis are prepa;cJ especially for the w eekly . In every pns office dis'rir" there shouid be found fonie active, pntlic spirited dem ocrat, who will confer a bertefu upon hs, hi neirtbors. and tiie cause, by makins a determined ell.ut tofcrm a club of fonr, ten, lvenly. or fifty for the Weekly World, at onrsjreaily reduce ! r.:ts. ' great reduction in terms." daily world. One copv rr.e ?arhy loail, cEM I WEEKLY WORLD One copy one 3"ear, Foif copies one jeal, 10 09 f 4 lo 2u S 2 7 0!) 00 CO CO 00 oo 1 en copies one year, WEEKLY WORLD. One copy one year, Four copies one year. Ten copies, one year, Twenty copies, cue year, 15 to one ad- dress, 25 eo Fifty copies, one year to one ndJress 50 00 An cx'ra copy of the Weekly edition furnisheed to clu; of twenty or more. For clubs of fifty the Seui-Weekly, and' for clubs of one hunnred the D ily, will be ser.t to getter up ol a club. Additions may be rr a le to clubs at any time during the year at ihe regular dob rates. Changes from club hsts can oi.iy be made b request of ihe person rfi'm.j the club package Ail nc!i r-pie-t-niusl name ihe edilion, po-t oili.-.-, ami stale to which it ha. previously been sent, and inclose twenty five cents to pay for chanaing 10 seperate address. Orders for any ol the edition of The World may be sent by mail, and shcold inclose Post office Money Order or Bank draft for amount (Ies3 the discount). We have no authorized traveling agents. Mon ey sent by mail will be at the risk of the renders. Orders -and lexers should be ad dressed to THE WORLD, 35 Park Row, N. V. October 23, 186A. v J ' r Vlioesnle and Uclail. rpHE subscriber" would announce to the J- citizens ol Bloomsburs and vicinity, that he is felling .LIQUORS in large and mall quantities., and 'at different prices, at his New Sioreon Main street, n riorihsiile, two doors south of iyTp Iroir street, Bloonisburg. His VrJ :rp!:f stock ol Foreign and Dffmcs.tic cK'j- ,.I.V consis'sof Cognac and Rochelle. Blackber ry, Ginger, Raspberry and Lavender. He has a large assortment of Old Rye, gray with agq, fine Old Bourbon. Old Folks Whiskey, aud any quauity of common. He also has PURE HOLLAND GIN, Madeiras, Lisbon, Claret, Sherry and Cam pagne Wines'; and last but not lea?t, a quantity of good double e.ytr? BROWN STOUT ; all cf which he wili sell at the lowest cas prices. The public are respect fully solicited to give his liquor a trinl. D. W. ROBBINS, Ag t. Bloomsburg, May I, 1861. JYcio Stock of Clothing. Sliriiacr asscl uiaiisicr Goods. TNV1TES attention to his" stock of cheap A and fashionable Clothing at bis Store, on M.UX STREET, JJ L O OMSE UR G , two doors above the .Imtrican Iluitae, where he hns jrn-t received from New York iitid Philadelphia, a full as-ortment of including Ihe most fa!;ipnr.b!e, ilnrable and handsome, DRESS GOODS, consisting of Rox, t'ack, Frock t Gum and Oil Clot. Coals, and Pants, of p.ll errt?, sizes, and color?. He also has replenished his already large stock of Fall and Winter Shawl; striped, figured and plain Vests, shirt", cravats, stock--, collars, handkerchiefs, gloves, suspenders ai d fancy article. N R. He has constantly on ban I a large and well selected assortment of Cloiiis and Votings, which he is prepared to trake v.p to orJer, into any kind of cio hirig on very short notice and in the best of manner. All his clothing is mads to wear ami most of it is of home manufacture. AND Ol every Description, Fine, atul His Case of Jewelry is not Mirpn Chea p. e.J in ihis place. Ca'l and examine Ims get-erril a--sorlrrent ol C'othin2, Wa'cf e-, lewc'.ry, &c. &c. PAVID LOWENREiiG. Bloomtbnrjr, April 20, IS65. Jilillev's Store. OF F,all& JVintcr Goods. 'IMIE subscriber has just relnrned from -- Ihe cities with another large and .elect assortment of Fall and Winter Goods, purchaed at Philadelphia anil New York, at the lowest figure, and which he is deter mined to sei! on as modera!e terms a can be procured elsewhere in fJioo;nsbu rg. His stock compris EJEIE'6 DRESS CCOLS of tl-e chcicest s'yles and latest fashions together with a lare assrirtment of DilY-GOODS, MUSLINS, CLOTHS, AND VESTING S. 4LSO, GROCERIES, HARDWARE. QUEENSW ARE, C E I) A Ii W A H F. , HOLLOW WARE. NAILS. IRON. j ROOTS 4- SHOES, HATS fy V VS c. I In short, everything usually kept in ,(n;n I try stores, to which fie invites the attention ! cf the public generally. j The highest orice will b? paid forcoun I try produce, in exchange fo' noods. ! STEPHEN H. MILLER, j Bionmsbnr!!, Nov. 22, 1S65. TOBACCO C 5 STOKE At Stroup's Old Stand, on Maui Slrctf. THE undersigned, having opened, the S'.cre formerly occupied by David S:rnup as a Grocery, rd lutnihfii it with a large and varied assortment of excellent TOBACCO AND CIGARS, most respectfully ' invites the pa ro:;age of the citizens of Hloomsburg and vicinity. He is prepared to sell at wholesale and retail, upon the mo! reasonable terms. Merchants, Hotel keepers, and Grocery men, "would do well io give hi.n a call. UiAII kinds of Chewing and Smokinc Tobacco, in large and small quantities, con stantly on hand for sale. If. H. I1UNSBERGER. Bloom-bur:;, Sept. 13, 1865. AM IMPor.TK!! OF yy 'alettes, J wrli y .: f-'rt-ncli I imeIiecfs AISO. 3IAlFACTCaKT OF SILVER AND SILVER PLA TED WARE, GOLD. SIL I'Ett If STELL SPLCTJCLES, iYo. 1031 Marktt Street, below Ehvnth. XorJi Side, PA1LADELPHIA. Clocks, Watches and Jewelry neatly re paired at'the shortest notice. Gilding snd Plaiing, of all descriptions, dotte neatly io order. H?" N. IS. Masonic, Odd Fellow's find other emblematic Marks, made, arid En graved to orJer. A FINE ASSORTMENT OF iivVbwS' FRE.CIf, E.XGUSl $ AMERI CAS CLO( KS, TAB LI A5 rorKFIT (t'TLi:r V, FOR SALE AND MADE ll ORDER. No. li'-3l Market S reet, 3 1 door belov Eleiemtij North side. 20. 1865 , M a r'-l nilW WALL 1'Ai'Li: ! The under-ignett has just received at his rooms, one door below Lu'z's Drug Store, a new supply of WALL PAPER, WINS DOW CURTAINS & FIXTURES. CORDS AND TASSELS, lor pictures all of which he will sell CHEAP FOR CASH. His stock of goods surpasses any hereto fore brought to this market. E. J. THORNTON. Eloomsburs, Oct. 4, 1865. $90 A MNHrril J AGENTS wanted lor six entirely new articles, inst out. Address O. T. CAREY, City Building Biddeford, Me. Dc.20 !65 ly. II C IIOIVUR,- SUKGEOK J)E T I'S T. ' ES PEG-FULLY offers his frjY -"- professional ervics to the --XT.T ladies & gentlemen of Blooms burs atid vicinity. He is prepared to attend to all the various operations in Den;itry, and is provided wnh the latest improved PORCELAIN TEETH, which will be in serted on pivot or gold plate, to look as well as natural. Mineral plate and block teeth manufac tured and oil operations on teeth carefully attended to. A superior article of To2'h Powders, al ways on baud. All operations on the teeih warranted. Residence and Office, a few doors above the Court House, same Fide. Bloomsburg Aug. 19, 1885 I'rosptctits oi' Vol. lll.lSGS. OLD GSU.tEiD, A- MONTHLY JOURNAL, II VOTED H MTtKAlCRI' SCIENCE AND ART, AND TMK Principles of B77G and $7. C. CHAUNCEY BURR, Editor. rjibi th ihis Magazine will continue to defend ie principles of Government which suided our father in the foundation ol the Republic. The spirit anil doctrine cd the two first volumes will be fully maintained in the third volume. We have no compro mises io make with ericr no parley widi lt-sp:ii--rn. Democracy w.l! be treated, not as a varying policy of connirg rfikre seekers am) spcil hunters, but rather a an abiding principle of political economy and of popular liberty. All supporters of liiif reviilntiotiiy.irj Abolition war, will he hH as t!,e enemies of the -'Democracy. We shall acknowledge no organization to be Democratic which does not hone-tly enun ciate rr.d support the princiitles oi d.e Kentucky aud Virginia Resolutions of 179S and the Dred Scoil D.cision of the S;i prerne" Court, the one asserting Slut'e Sov ereiznty and ihe other White supremacy. To preserve these honorable doclriin-s, ihe Democratic pany was organized by the very founder of the Fe'.fptai (j;vern':icn!. and it remained true lotli'em down to li e fatal and di-honorin departure, at tne romniencentent of 'h's war. The (J!d Gum J is an organ ot Democracy as it was before this cowardly srurender of prnciple and as ii mist be a tni, before it. can re deem our country from the rule rf faction and de-pr-lisrn . Tnis year it lias befji o.i lared to double its former size : iy to (oriy eii:!t pae for ,iie purpose of rr.ik ii:2 it in ail ic-t ects. as uj style ai.d rna'-cr a popular Literary and Family Magazine. One copy, ope year. S2 00 Seven copies, one year, and one to the getter up of club, 14 00 Twenty copies-, 35 CO Sin-le copies sent, posi-paid, for 20 Terms iii vnriabv in advance, an I th" Magnz'ne wii be stepped when the tin'tc paid for expires. A each number of THE OLD GUARD i-; stereotyped, tack numbers and volume? car. alwaj? bi (usni-hed. Subrcrip'ions wi'I be understood ascorn mencir.g witii the year, and back number sent accordingly, unless specially ordered cihcrwise. The O.'d Guard wil! be sent -thrpuoli the Po.-t Office to subscribers in the city, Brooklyn, Williamsburg arnt Jcr-ey Ci'c. 'Hie poMr.ge cf The Old (itar.t is 12'cs. per year, p.ijable in advance, at the tff.ee of mailing or delivery. Copies of Vols. I. and II. of The Old Guard for 16G3 and 1864, will be funii-l.pd bound in paper, for Si 50; ia ciutii for $2. post paid. All letters in rvlatlon to the business de partment of the Magazine, should be in variably addressed t. tiie utidersiiitied, a- .-it a tuliows : . VAN F.VRIE. HORTON c CO., 16 Nassau Street, N. Y. JYa I i o n a I ZAmn dry. KIoom-slHirsTs CoIuniL-ia c. rghe sulwibjr, proprietor of the bove named extensive establishment, i now prepared to receive r-rders for all hinds rd machinery. forCOLLEIHES. BLAST IT R N AC ES STATIONARY ENGINES, J1ILL THRESH IMG MACHINES, &c. Sec. He is also prepared to make S oves, ail ize an.I patterns, Plow-irons. ;,:d every fiing usually made in rirstcla-s Foundrie.. His extanivn facilities an. I pracli.-ai workman, warrant riim in receiving the largest contracts op the most reasonable terms. rs Gra'n of all kinds w ill be taken in exchan-je for castinss. VZF Thi" e-tabli-fimen' is located near 'he Lackawanna Railroad Depot. PETER BILLMEYER. Bloomsburg, Sept. 9, 1863. IVnliois.tl Claim Agexi CONDCCTFO r.v Si HARVY Gc COLLINS ' 3 IVASIII.XGTOW I), c. rr,.i:r to facilitate the Promr.i a'i.i-t mem oi i.onri'y, arrears oi pay, I't i.-! ,i and other claims ilun srddiers and "titer persons from tl-e Gjvernnien vf the U. S . the under(gied has made -arrange tncnt with the above firm whose evpettertce and close proximity to, and daily intercourse wish, li e Department, as well a- the early knowledge acquired by them cf the deri--ion, lrerpientiy being made, ena'de ti.em to pro-ccute claims more effectually ttian Attorneys at a distance can po.-sibiy i;o All persons entitled to claims cl t!i3 above description can have ihem properly aster d ed to by calling on rr.e and entrusting them to my care. y. WIRT. Agent for Harvv & Col. ins. Bloomsburg, Auaust 10, 1S61. GROCERY STORE. ON MAIN STREET,- BLOOMSIiURG. iTZorc I'rcsli Cioctl. Ji'sl received at Henry Hirer's SVew Store M O L A S S E: S. S U O A J W , r i . i LAS', UurFCK, KICE.SI'ICCS, FISH. SALT. UAISIN, TOBAOCO, SEOARS, CANDIES, NOTINNs, Toys, FEED AM) PR0VISI0XS, Together with a great variety of roMon? &c , too numerous to mention. BETTER EGGS. ME T, and Traduce generally, taken 'in excha'-ee for coods. Tfie best market price wiil be allowed. Give him a call. iCTThe h'i2het market prices raid for all kind of COUNTRY FURS. J1ENRY GIGER. Bloomsburg, January 3, 1866. COXTKY A XG.N EAT LYAN"D PROMPTLY DONE, by C. G. BARK LEY, Attorney at Law, Bloomsburg, Pe Northern Central Railway. I T I M E TABLE. THREE TRAINS DAILY to and fron the North ai d West Branch of tte Susqueha.n na, E'mira, and all of Northern New York. On and afier Moudav, May 28th, 1E65 tfie Passenger Train- of the Nnnh Cetitrai Railway will arrive and depart from Sun bury, Harrisburc nod Unl'imore, as follows: SOUTHWARD. Mai! Train leaves Sunbury dntly except Sundays, at 10.50 am. Leaves'llairisborg, 1.30 p. rn Arrives "at Baltimore, 5.30 41 Express Train leaves Sunbcry doily excejit Sundays, Kt 1 1 40 p.m. Leave llarrib;rg,excepl Monday 2.50 a.m. Arrives at Haltnnore daily except Moudav, at 7.00 a.m. Accotnmodatiop leaves Harrisb'rs 7.45 a.m. Suiibttr MPc. leaves Sutibur) daily except Stimlasal 7 30 a.m Arv;s ai Harrisb'" except S'jndajs 10.15 SOUTHWARD. Mail Trail leaves Baitimore daily except Sundays at 9.20 a rri. Leaves llarnsburg, 1.45 pm Arrives at Sunbury, 4.20 p m. Expiess Trains Baliirnore daily, 10.00 " Arrives at iia'ri-bur, 2.20 a.m Leaves Harri.-b'r except Monday .2.40 " Arrives at Sunbury, 5.15 " Erie Express leaves Baltimore ex cept Sundays at . 8 00 p.m. Arrive at I lalrisburg, 12.55 a.m. Leavee llarri-bur, 1.15 Ariives.at Sunbury. 4 10 ii it Siinbnry Accom. leaves Uarrifburi; Daily execj t Sundays at 4.25 p.m Arrive.- at Sunbury at 7 10 ' For furlner particulars appiv at the ofTioe. I N DUBARRY, Supt. Harr'tshnrjr, July 10. 18C5. PHILADELPHIA & ERIE RAIL ROAD This ir(fai hue traverses the Northern and Ncrih w-t entit'tie cf Pennsylvania to thecily td Erie, on Lake Erie It !ih b iti l-a-ed by the V Ynnsy lvania I Oj-t-raied by iiuu Ko.iJ Irompany, ana is o them. Time cf Paseri2cr trains at Iv.u'.h'd. lft!:iyc ::. I ward. Erie Mail Train 5 40 P. Krie E.vprc-s Train. 3 30 A. Eimira !'.). r?s- i'rain, 11 25 P. Eitnira Mad Tr.n", 10 25 A Leaves Vt'!ixvard. Erirt Mad Train, 3 15 A. Kne Exjue Train, 2 40 P Ermra Expre-s Train, v 30 A. E'inira Muit Tiai i -i Si P. M. M M M. 71. M. M. M. Pa.-sener car- run through rn tiie Erie j M ill il'd E.Xprrts tr.T.-ei u itfio'jt 'ti .ine : ho h uas bet.ve,-: iii I o 'I till I :l a IHi cr(e. NEW YORK t ON NEC HON. j Lave New York at 6 00 P. M., arrive ; at Ette 3 t.7 A. M. - Leave Erie at I 5 P. M , arrive Jt New i York 1 15 P. M. nochan;e(jfcur: eric AM'-vrdv E'e :ar' r h-ep-n. ('.it- on ri Ni i ' I I i n I : Vasssi. j for i- lo-ma I i S ! si .e a ; : ; ' i v at ' ! baila ieb.rua. Ami ; '.e ( on na n 't- A w i re-prcoov an I Mark ei S s F;e.th; L u-iiiOss cl ' s I S. IJ. ivi-'sl,,!., ,lr C?t. 1 3 h and Ma:. ' kct Street. Pnilaelphia. J. W. Reynold.-, l-.r.e V Brown, A-"i. N. C. R. R.. Baltimore. 11 il HOUS I ON. General Freight A t. Piiil a. II W. G WINNER, Ceneral Ticket A-t. Phii'd. A. L. TYLER, ! Gerreral Sup'1, Williamsporl. Dec G, 13u5. ! OMNIBUS LINE. 1IE urtdersiened would re-pectfoiiy r iionp.'-e io the citizens of Bloomst nrg, and t he (uihlie. neio-rally, that he is rnnittg AnOMXICUS M.aE between this place and j?rj t!ie d.tierenl 11 nl Road r-,-.ir irterr?222a Dcpols, daily. (Su-.day excepted) to con nect with the several Trains enmg Suutii and We-t on tite Catawia& Wi!liamport U;iil Road, anil with thoe scisia North and S tutl. on Hie Lnel;. & Bloomsburg Rrtad. His OMN I iJUSEs frc in uood condiiinn, commodious an ! comlotrable, and charges reascnab'e. Persons wislii.ig to meet or 'pe iheir friends depart, can be accmr. mod ;ed, upon reasonable charges, by leav i: -g ti.-neh n- ii-e at any of the llwti-is. JACOR L. GIRTON, Proprietor. Brior:i-Lo;rr, April 27, 1SG1. Z! Gj vr C riitt tr :gn liicer.t lintel, siti.a'e I the JL. central portion of the town, and ri- ! posjte the Court lbiue, In? been thoroui-hlv repaired and ret ununited, and the Proprietor is no prepared lo accom moda:e travelers team-lers, drnvers and boarders in the most ' plea-ant and agreeable manner. His table will be sup; died with the beet tle matket i u.i .1.. , n:.- w ii ii J..I iiitf citoicesi liquors, j Alientise ostlr-rs will always be on liandj and his siablin- i- the most e.tnsive in j It'is sc inn t.l cnnr.try. Omnibuses wil laiw.tjs.'te in readme-!, lo convey pasen ' g'-'fs to and Ir: t:s the Railroad Depots'. i it t ,.,1 i. ; n . . .. : . i. . i - . i. . . WM. S. KOONS. r.Junm-bnrs, .Iidv 4. lTO. tLiiiL s Ioc v:r5iio:;. Volumr X. A DAY SCHOOL MONTHLY. 1 iio -.-li.-.r v. id fominertce its te th """- v.it:. tl... J.ti.ttary number, JSu'6. Iin- i the f.!v Day Sch-vc! Periodic! i'diirj c ; L V. V EN I Y - F I YE CENTS A YEAR! Mijazire New t i. f.;r:T, cant ifnlly iiiustra'ed. w Jcatt.r-' : Readiiics, Mn-ic, .),-cc,n s mas, E'jL.tjsi.- f . i r . es, Mones-.TuzzIes. Em- wt , uotn ttie very tr-t yvr r.ers-. 'I h'i iter h ts ihf Lircrfst circuiaiion cl i ir..:l Journal published. Now :-y F.J -tc:,; is 1 1 c tirr e d i;e pnbi rf til? (.-:- f.'riti clnb'S. s.:cr. i i order to reach nil parts ' !rv, wiil s?;ij th. Visitor one ', vct.r. I- Ul.fl, I ) oi.e person (who will act j is f-e;;!) a: a: j Post Qice in the United a es wn:t f.v.' rpr" fnr rar!;fi: J W. DA UGUADA Y, Publi-her. l3i S Ci c-tnut Street. PhiiaJeitLia. - I Kor.iins AssofiATiorv. PHILADELPHIA. PA. ! DISEASES cd the Urinary and Sexnr.! Svstet.Ts i e-.v and reliable treaTftit. AI- ! su Hie PKIHAL CH AMRER, an Eay of; W nr.ii g -.nd Ir.strucitrn, sent in sea'ed ' envelcp-s. f.-.-e of charge'. Addres-,- Dr. ! J. FK'SLLJN HOUGHTON, Howard Associ- I a'i ::, No. 2, Sui.th Ninth S'rcel Philadel- I p.hia, P;t. I Jut !!. Ja.fi3 ly. MORO PHILLIPS' Sitper-Ph:sp!tate of Lime. Bavgh Sons' Raw Hone Phoaphate, in large and small quantities, and Pure War ranted Lake Salt, at wholesale retail for tale lh J. II. HAR MAN, July 31, ISS5. Rupert Station. . .. v ' i i 1 t i. x iS . r4 p ? b5 J L U I D S ST R A C T . B.Ut U 0 . A pocUlT3 :ir..l Ti-JJi.-.s r.oiQ.-tty fi..- UOi o t!v r.lioitcr, I'.S.'.nJ, r.rutl .r.J Rronf-tiJ cvortlt -Tti!rn ttic retort: r.-itH Ir.'o liCclrL-? r.ctlMi, by rtlcS . '.nr-cnr)t r.rc rclncftl, rs vcU its p-.ln V- H.:icnujuilv tad zv& rr..-3, Tror:-.-- !r:l cM:i fiELf'DOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, tcr veikus urinlnj; from Excosaes, lla'ilu of Picslji t!on, tariy Iuicroitor., H'.lenito.: -rUu tSo fcUonkr. Si-J.rtoraa: - Im.Lpollton to Eicrtlca, Loes cf ToT-cr, , Disutility cf HreoVWcav Trcrabtlnc, WakofuUniJs -rain ia tto Dc FluihlDg or tha Borty, Ercptloaa of lie Jico, Tsllia Coaatcnancc. Jxs ot J.'eraory, TVt-nk I'crvcs, Horror of Elscnsc, DiT.iie.ss of Yifctoa, Hot n-a-ts, jDrynois of tljo PVJb, TTclversul I a.Hbi!.ae, These fymptorus. If altowed to go on (vlucb tliU Mxa c'ao tnvartably removes;. Boon follow . FATUITY, EPILEPTIC I1T3, &c. In one of wbich the patient may expire. "Wio tan uf they oro sot hcqnemlj followed by those "dtrefal cllv C0303," XTTSATITT ASD COStTMPTTO:; f 1'a.nj nro cwuro of tho ennse of th'tx 6affcrlag.liot none K'iYl cor.fcus. Tbe records of Uie lss.vnc tsyltms rod tta ciotaacto'y do!;t!j3 ty ffonaamptloa ber cjoplo wltncE t the truth cf iiso r.Ercr'JoX " l!ie Ccr.s'.;'.r.tfc3, oacc sJcctcd l?yori;Bntc wcakneac, re.; -'.res ihe :Ju of n:rl!cluc i'jt'renstlien acdlnvlROrats ;tic -.Titem, vra'cS RI-LMfcOLD'3 TRACT OF ECCHTJ tcvdifla'ov A trial will couviiiCO Ue cjost scepttcU M M Tntr.iiPT ftTcctio-18 recuLcr lo FctiirIc. fb Zjrrtxrf j Xtxur Is uccjiicd by ar.y oihcr rerccdy, aud far ! j corpluints lncidct.t lo Ltio cz, or In DECLIXK OU CUAJTCrE OF LTFC, , tZT 2To Tauxily should te -without lti i TaTcoco rat;am, Mcrcary, or cnptoaiait si&dlctBe for j wipleaaaut aud 'Ungeroai dlicascs. j iiZLUBGLii'S EX7iACT BUCHU Cures Secret Eisrascs : In til their stages lluto cti-cust, il:t!o or oo cOiacje o Clet, io lsooDTCutccce, and y.O Zj-POSCIiE. r 1.4 -J M rr XTRACT OUCH U ; ror oil asctlocs and diiiErts cf tbc-.o orriLi, ietbar ' F.zisTiicu Et; liALK on fe::a":-.. Tmrrx;l.atcTer ta.:orlsl!ia:,.ns.nd nonnUttr ho-rtoejj ftntn;. llecutcsc t'iiO organs reral.s lLa iic4 ""'"''kZLJTZCLS ZX7P.ACT 2UCKU J3 tho Orsr.t Di'irrtic. ' cd tttirertitn toti-c C; i.c:u iC'.'. 1j aU i?.'s-jtt tot vlZch Ji Is rcccdar-iti:'. t. ' V ! lie-' FLUID EXTRACT S ARSAP ARILLA, i'r T'.Tjng ln n'oort, niotn r.'it rhron''; i-5Wil 1 ft t.3.; trMrg f--.:a ?i ! r. ct tto TV"f. r.". ! t j c-jt i ifl'j c t r..'.:--t Jjo-"n rv-r.ci To; t- -tr.:? c: f f'::'. I.r-;. ftt ft-.sK-.;. Vi'.-.it a- r-rj'.;!!!-? ; v ? T-wi, I l-c-.V.!'r; "f '-i Tb-v i4 is! stl bc: l.i uj ::cu of Cuv fiia. cf :.r -rcrr'. t"r -r .'. -l-at a.T.;t rrir.f.a ; - lii f.o-i JT r -rrontiin :Tt in ire TVx-fi. ' f a'.t n i ,.v covcrlc l:at fta-vc- ota r-.o-.li to purg j i: oat. nrr. t::zii.z.. It c"r-EC3 r.?::' r?T.ovs:r3 rioad.trii" It vi.jr-v f f t ci'.ili tuto it.c nyacci. mid pa.-;e oct tb b -:r.r. m v Lich ir.nio tU:cu.-.f. It e'tuiulaics tbe l-silt)r f'Z"-r ' t o'l.'-.trd c -rr.sU.e iltisrlermbttfrc ci. 7 ,.r::"..:'.ii it. j Mco ;. -.t'.i b reni:ij- !tat eoritd 1 r..".: ; 'a !;., V-cci? sucjt for, red ko. for the Cr; t:.- -.1 :.c : .--.-t o-i-n t w Mclv they can dtal. Cr 2 f ctitl-jrcvrttJcftlestosti-.i-B-luti-rrfU-L .1 ti;r oi it ijj?io lot'.lo Trill ahoir to thii'.dti;:rl ! twit ? !;tursBT5ri,aseiig an-ihlrg they bsvo ever tr-ke Tri t;!;!eroou fs'. r-t Iba r-xtrvit tr Sansrrlil ad'lf 1 to & w.'.-r sr-iil to th") Un'.-on Tlct iTlnS. n:l ' -,' ':;;; ;(.. ..1 1 -j a jiV.on of tte trvp cf rura HELrci.D's rcsi: wash, ; AncxrUtcnt Utter, for (Itwaaci trlaicg from hWM- o dtbslpa'.ton, r.'zt', ii conuectlcn lrltb ttic EzlracU Ituchl a: U ?ar.-.prrt:"ia. sab diseases as recomTncnfieA. Evl co' co cf tb; :.;ort rero.ilble and reliable cbaracter irlll acre.?-;?--;- itc ;iicd:c!n- v. .M50 explicit directions tnr n -. r S:. . :- r n. t..'i "tTj-f wltr.esscs.snu nj-y-uiC '''.' :'-l'cl:c.l .-crtiUrtiCi aud rccomicttt ''t n.-f! from tb3 bigUnt sourctt. i lcrpjirn, Stttcfmen, Ac. I ...ir;..t..:i-6 ncicri js-jr;ra io ucir Fuciictiioa ii x:-.r n :T. (;.-.;-.; r, : , C"C! zc'. i'.n tUIs from the ftct that bl : n: .';tc; rir.U r.j : t.-.yji il rrp-jraltos, and lo not noo-t I to tu ji: c t):...:; u,p bv- ct-rl.iicaies. c 'ai rorlc Columa. shoal 4 '.nr'o. Hire, rc.-Jctilc, taT'"g Fact f:r Vs beds. ii: f.j f .i'.&r, aa-J Tmil. a'ona fr ill C&plUL J r r'.-r.-l rirparltla U i a Mood Pnrl2er;ciy Txtrae Ir, ti 1 tLrvilc. ir..l w t'.I act t3 such in ell case, r t'j r..e prcj-arcJ cn j,j.-cl rc:eriU5o principle im :-' r.r.'i tic t!.c mo:t r-. -.t-e aicaanrei of cltber thai - ci tr. A rci.tv i-d cocc!us!to teet rlll bo acoa.. -: - -. iC t: e'.-i rcpcr;'c3 wl: taoso set forlMo ti fol- i - 1 :-r 1 t rr.-r..-.--cf tho retted States. - T i: r Lr-.VEii' vi'.iiatvo Tro:i.3 on the rraeUco F O.'I r -ii'--.-'-!rt.,:'T tie ceWretea Dr.Puraic, THO. T. r !. :.:I::: raic'l y f r.Ei-nAiM McDowxtx, ft ete-Ii.-:.,.:..a tr.J ?:exier cf tho Eojal Coltcftof r.t"s'..ud la tUft TraceecUooa t V.'.r..' a-..' C'"cc:.'j J --..rnr.1. r i:.-.-, j- :-, T. !'. : T f ti? 1., ;;; Cc'-.ejecf SurgftOBJ. EouU :ti- J:.rl -...Vot. Mazdas. I l.'-trs f ,r l:.ionra:iwr,, ta c&iitderu:e. to 1 ri T1-'" Cc'.rr.':-,. i": l-'i'.j.; iiud Casj.nical Warebout CD; ht'ADWAY, KE77 Y0E.E, aiA. ri5.:x-bo! :i'a ?ld:o&l Depot. - ; IZililu Si., FiTILAEHLPELI. i3 r:vA -;e of couNTKRFnrrcL on ay I. iiuoLD'si f t JLj 13 JO 1 JlJ I: 4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers