flfTUP ATI rrmji -Mnn'njj uliih ui: luh l.Un 1 II. 7T.). . JJCOUY, EDITOR. C (J. JiARKLEY, Assistant Editor. nzmMRv,, xtzvmm, pic, m, isgs. .. ' "- .T. . S. M." Pettehgili. & Co., 37 Park Row Mew York, arc duly authorized to solicit and receive ubcriptions atd a d vertisin j for the Wr of the North, poblinhed at Blooraburj, Columbia county, Penn'a. -- Mathkr & Co., 335 Broadway, New York, are authorized to receive subscriptions ai.d advertis-inst tor the Star rj the NcUn. f tnu&a Wood and Honee Crcclry. ' ')Po!iiicj rnnke wnncs beJ fallows" it an old saying, and i asai'i verified iu. the City cf New Yoik bj a most remaikable Uuloa of Horace Greeley ar.d . Fernando Wood on one City ticket for Mayor and Cor poration Coanel. The Democrats of the Tammany organization nominated Recorder Hoilman for Mayor and Richard 0 Gormao Ceq , for Corporation Caarisef. . . - To defeat ibis ticket Horace Greeley, ihe father of the abolition negro equality parry, end Fernando VVood, a leading Democrat of the mct extreme view, have united Mo zart Hail and the Citizens' Association, and nominated John Hecki-r for Mayor and O' Gormao for Corporation Counsel. We .call attention to this most nnnatur! fusion fr the purpose of boin: ho.v hol low hearted and hypocritical are the pre tentions t)f boib Greeley and the Wood that they are governed by principle. M'ood pretend thai he hate the negro equality party, and Gre(eley cannot eay things vile enough to express liia detestation of "Cop perhead, ' and yet here find ihe very antipodes in politics in a warm and loving embrace each praising the other through the columns of their respective organs. When Democrats of the Wood FchooJ who, are constantly condemning the action of the Democracy io their conventions for not repndiatin; every dogm or principle started by oor oppoaenu, thus loviugly em trace the vilest enemies ol Democracy for the verj purpose of defeating the regular Democratic ticket as in New York, we may well hold tip oor hand in amazement and await wib anxiety the next development. Weil, Democrat, we have been lea'en fcsJ enough io the recent elections, tut we never dreamed ihat Mozart Hall ur.der the lead of Fernando and B. Wood would march bodily over, to the most extreme negro equality man of the abolition party and sur render everything ortccr.ditionall'o him, and this too whilst the Democracy have a ma jority of twenty five thousand in ;hat city. . Hoffman is elected ! CoxnPts?' ta In fea:oii, but a. yet we iave rv litt'fl ofiheir nrarepJirsi I fie Ofrrari- 1 . ... , r- -.- . r- , ization wa effected by ilie election of Hon Schcyler Celfax, of Indiana, SpeAer, over Mr. Brooks, of" New Voik. The election over, Mr. Colfax made a short speech and then wai f ondoctei to the chair. Mr. Sic Fherson, the old Clerk, was declared by resolution to be the clerk for the- present Iloae. The names of the Southern mem ber were left off the roll, not eren placing on the lil Mr'3Iaynard: of rennepee, the Stale of President Johnson' rativity, and which Sta'.e to-day furnishes the Chiel Mgictrate of tliee United State. not Tenneiee loyal to the Aboli'ion party 1 Ii wo old seem not. When a car.dida'e tor the Vice Presideticy was reeded to toI:er np the corrupt party, tbar State via, loyal enoD2h to furni.-h Hie man ! Will the Pre idem like the treatment his neighbors are receiving at the hands of sach men as S.e irtfls & Co.? We rather think not. ! Worthless as U the "contemptitle shoddy rag currency, there are those among the party of "grnd moral ideas tn the interest ;f Cod and bnraanity'' the shoddy consoli dated despotism thieves who advocate tba death penalty for coonterleiting it. "Dog Forney' is one of these. He says, in hi Washington Chronicle, in an article cpon eoanteifeiting "Th national credit is in ieoparJy. Lei Congress show its apprecia tion of the importance of thU matter by Joing that which the safety of the na ion 'emands to wit: by awarding to the ?rimei!ja?t punishment death." If the :redlt of the nation is in danger, let there be a return to gold and silver, or let there be a paper mediam that the most ordinary cocn erfe iter cannot so easily imitate. I Goxzalv-5 and Peiiicier -were arraigned efore the Coort cf Oyer and Terminer of Tings county, N. Y., on Wednesday, the 3.h clt., frr the murder of Otera in City 'ark, Brooklyn. When they en'ered the Jourt room, the great crowd of people as sembled, were with mcch difficclty kept :om carrying them eff, for examples of vnch law proceedings. The icdicimant as translated ' into Spanish by an in- rpreterj and Goizales showed terrible eiing cpon every mention of the name, of tero, Eorneliraes looking at tha audience i if fearing injnry from that quarter. Thu aro stne Democrats in this Slate ho ccr.iinca to take a Demccratie news iper just as Jong a tbey can get ofrce and lor.rr When they have all tbey can ! ofiheir party, then they tarn llrnir backs an tte Dernncratie pr s then ihsy, all at ce, discover that lliey cannot ogSrti to lake paper any f?rger they are to:p'or, have - tic.e to read, end 52 CO cr T2 I'i i )ear is .'c .i i pay for a county paper ; when r can c'ub for and receive a city paper l.bO. Of this Liud cf Democrats we have i.i this county, to our certain knowledge, ' how many mora there are we do not i u know. We saw one of this stripe t week - - s President's Massage will appear in ;5. !t earn 9 to late for this iissa . , VfJlat a Ear J Currency ..wcniidisj,.. There is a general complaint in every section of this State and o.hers of the scare iyof. houses. Aifhougb. rents are ev I cry where eocrraou, capital seeka -everv otner avenua lor uiveMment rather thaa in the erection of dwellings. The reason for this is succinctly given in the following paragraph from the New York Tribune : Brick, stone, lumber, glass, labor everything, io abort is so hish priced that a houce which will cost 512,000 to bnild cannot prebably be eold for over $10,000 when our currency shall have hardened igato to par with coin. So the capitalist declines to build, lending his money or baying Block -instead..- Contract the cur rency to-morrow to par, and labor rna eri- ls, &o , must fait in currency price, when such a house as would now cost Si 2,000 can .be boilt for 58,000.' Then honse build ing, &s , can and will be resumed on the largebl scale, giving employment to thou sands of mechanics and laborer." It is'thue abundantly apparent that while' the present inflated currency of paper ex ists, the erection of bui!drhj3 and tenant hoases will ntt keep pace with the de mand, but it is equally apparent that a ra turn to specie payments will involve a cor responding looSj to "capitalists, no 'mutter whether their investments have been maie in honees merchandise, lands, or ether property, except blocks and governnent .bonds. As the government cannot depre ciate it. own currency, and will always be obliged to consider a paper dollar equiva ler.no one' of gold even after a return to specie, fhow'4 that time ever come about the enly species of property that cannot suffer correspcndici-lv by a return to '-old and silver, is government stocks These siocks, therefore, have been preferred by capifilisis, and capital that might have been invested in manufactures an I real es tate goes into the government coffers. Thus the government, while providin;; it.-elf with the whereat h to fill the immense gaps created by reckless officials, stands as an ucmeni-B ujciacte io tne growtn oi trie country and the development ol its re- sources. It i true, government bondholder, whose interest is not stipuhtHd io be paid in coin, , . . , . : , may lose a port.on ot their intere?t, but they will not suffer in principal equal to him who invests it: houses, &c. With the I exception to government creditors all other capitalists seem adverse to a return of pe cie payments, asserting as a reason that their lo&ses will be immense. This, how ever, is not tree, in fact; A man who own ed property to the amount of 3,000 pre vious to' the inflation of the currency, has had that prnorty enhanced to lie present vahje cf S12,C)0. A return to specie pay men's would oniy bring his property back to its oiiiiual value which is its .eal val ue in gold Besides this, many per-on-, now wea'.hy, were not so before the cur rency becanfj inflated. They have gone up with the inflation and cai afford to hare the:r gains with thoe-from whom they have acquired their wealth in so short a time. I; . is certainly Iy true that there es"in asndden re- bUl V V - would be come ''lumb'es' turn to specie pay men n.r.n f ,1 ;; i! - rr. nn ci mt ; r,r, t. fa. 1 1 1. t ti : ! vi w .... ...v.. . , u..., ... , ,..v i a 1 necessary for the good ol thj whole coua try. The advance of the few, sbotlJ, I therefore, be made secondary to the great j ,.,.. gooa oi me many. ruirioi j union. Sice Company: ,. . . r , OJ , laical preachers and many even among the I 3 ir, fide Is of the negro party, have generally . 1 . . J set np a claim to "mora advancements." K t . , . j Did they ever thick of their company;; Thi.k for instance, first of Cameron a:d red Herring Camming starting the New j York World as a sort of "ministers organ" and ministers guide !! The Abolition cler gy drawing iheir religion from Cummin; a-.d Cameron!! Then think of Lincoln's mot and profanity; of Seward's drur.ken ri.eaft ! Johnson at the Inaugural ! S'af.tou'a blasphemy ! Butler among the silver spoons! the mu!e.! Curtin as a "Temperance" . 1 i T- : . i. c i r t ' i r . . I Forney comparing the files of his cid Penn. fy'vinian and the Press seekingt truth ! Greeley as a liar and Beecher a a model pulpit saint ! Nice company! Morala in deed!! Sunbntv Democrat. Tup Trt-T..r . t .. i l me Festival and Fair of the Washing- cn tr.fi rm.. i j c . i Z I ton tire Company closed on Saturday Mht I i,c. i, , . . i last. It a3 a complete success both in the ! r . i amount ot pteasnre it aflorded to those who ! .-...tf ti r i . visitea it, and the pecuniary adrantage t , tt.-. r if u . reaped by the Company. We have not j h n a l.i., n, i i i I heard net amount of funds were realizedi ' l. ;, . Dnt it must nave been n hsnilwm mm The Cano io be presented to the editor com manding the most votes, alone brought in over two hundred dollars. The voting on"! this question tecame very, exciting at the close of the Fair, and as the secret ballots were thrown iu much speculation were indulged in as to whom would fall this splendid testimonial, which was not al layed until the committee announced that the editor of the Intelligencer had received the highest cumber of votes. Then a cheer went op for the successful candidate ihat shook Thompson's Hall from base to 8pex. The whole number of vo'es polled was 5,236i.--Danville Intelligencer. Clerical Apostast While in the Church es PtotestarJ Priests are declaiming against Theatres and Circuses, in the Post Office they are preaching in their favor by display-, ing the pictcre ol Abe Lincoln and describ ing him as "that great man." A more ap propriate place to hang such pictures would be in ihe vestibules of theatres and upon the walls of circuses, where the object is to decoy the unwary. Satan' reward is for the political Priests ud merceuary hirelings who thus keep people's mind in the direc tion of vile places of amusement. Vas Lccr was sworn into the office of Sheriff of Luzsrne county, one day lasT week. The Republican candidate has not yet contested the election. The Democrat fc possession md ao doubl will joidy keep it. tit ro'ctrim of tegrb "Eqnalitj to' be' En- , . dcrstd tJ CODgrcSS. ; Unless we are greatly nVstaken one of the fkst acts of the radical Republican majority in Con-ress will be to confer the riaht of euifrBge uj on the negroes in the District of Columbia. , John W. Forney, who seems ;to delight in groveling in his i j ... , . . . . . J dAfll I, itinn U. . I t . . ; . I 7 r v..fe..liwUj s a loug lener lu yrg.erua) uis oignaiure oi wcasionai, in which he argues its adoption. The let ter concludes with the following words : "The district is national ground. It is exclusively governed by rhe'Coo2ress and the President. Therefore it is not only right to do this thit;?, but ii U a duty that ohonld be cordially acknowledged and promptly discharged.. There is not near as much hostility to impartial suffice among the remaining and retnrned residents as ihre was to the. ad of Emancipation. There is excitement, of course, among thoie who may be voted out of the offices they hav3 held fo long by the aid of the umerrified Democracy; but this will sub side before what begins to look like the inevitable., And even the pardoned and re intsta'ed reoels will be furprts-el how smoothly the experiment ivill work." It will be remembered, that. jnt before the recent eleciion in this State, Forney in a letter to the Press, repudiated the idea that the Republican p.irty wers in any way committed to the doctrine of nero suffrage. Either be was guilty of ottering a falsehood then, or he has -changed his opinion t-inre. Thai the real leaders of the J PAtty were fully cotnmi:ied to the odious 1 'uc,ri"B ,tie:' we were fu"' convinced; j t!ia; '"tf' itltan to agitate the question I ut,ui ,r,e ,,eru stands the acKnowledged equal of the white man cani.ot be success fully denied now. Ii was only a few days ago that Henry Ward Beecher used the following language in his paper, the Inde pendent : ''The former aims of the Republican party are ended. Did it advocate the non extension of slavery? That was accom pliohed, Did ii advocate the prosecution ol me war; mat was accomplished. Did it advocate the constitutional amendment ? That was its crowing appeal. All these ! ,e5ues are now of t'1 pa. They do not ! ,f ow IiPWican party ac- i cepts no tew principle, it will have none a) , . It ii will nave none at all it will peristi. Are we the Iriends, therefore, or the etie- mies of ihat party, whe.i we warn it against its own instruction ? ''A national party mnst have a national issue. The next issue before this na ion is equal rights. The R-pubiican party cannot escape. If the President ihail decline i, then Congress must accept. It Congress shall decline it, then the next Presidential canvass will lay it at every man's door for a verdict." There is philosophy and political trjth in the utterances of that political preacher. The Republican party was bom in agnation, it lived upon agitation, it can never exist without agitation. And the leaders of the party, in a'id out of Congress, recognize the truth ol Beecher's utterances and are ready to act in accordance with his suggestions. i i Finding that President Johnson i not to ; be bent to their cherished d-j-ij:; of forcir; negro soffraze upon the peopl-3 of the Soiin, j a an asteceJr.t condition to the rea'orauco !0f tna Sju;her:' S:a? 10 lh3 Ln,"ri a'lJ r : . .... : l. t -1 i . tri'I 2 III iilolf ISSiiB V.' liil 11 1 .XI U ItC I7i ILlcV . have resolved that :he i.ue ot nero rq jal- ! hy shall be taken f by Congress, and the first bold :ep in that direction made by the ,r . - passage of an act conferring the nzht OI i I fcuiTtae upon the negroes in the District of Columbia. The bolemn enactment of such a law by Congress will go far to gratify the fanaticism of the extreme radicals, and, as r . . . , , . rorne) hopes, to prevent them from making ,.. . ,. , r . . , a split m the r?nks of the party. Ttiey hope , , . . . . ' . . , . . to ba able :o iniljer.ee President Johnson to . , , , ... ,v. . -., , - Whether 1 . ' ' . . v.... ...av.iiw. liu . . lit not remains to be sean. V hnna anH tn- ,j(Jfe ,I9 hdVe nMhood eDOUh l0 refuse. Bj:, whether he does or not, by the pas sage ol seen an act in regard to the District cf Columbia, the Republican party will have fully committed itself a- a party to the doc triae.of negro suffrage and nero equality. They cannot then dodge tha issue any Ion pertion9 ;Lat it ;3 nol an iua. U'e hope 1,ey wul tniis snow their hands to the ce':- pie. They hate fooled ihpm by false issues and betrayed them by lying words long enough. La.r.cz.i'er Ia'elUzcnccr. Bjdt Focsd. While a ycur-gman, named Levan Daugherty, was engaged in hunting iicidii y.ui-iieiiy, was f tagsj in nunung ., ; . . . c. s. ... " on tae r.ver along tne liiaua aoove tais city. . . n . . - ., , , , . ' catted ilcLormick a inland, he foacd the , ' ., fif.ilv ol n man wnn r.jif pri fpnlli? . mai ' J death by drowning, fie immediately noti- , , , . , . ' , , 3 ned Jude Hiester ot the fact. Squire Cor " , H tet, in the absence of the coroner' called a . .... (jury, who neiii an inquest over the body, i 1 ' I aril rplarneJ a vpnlirl nf "Aociilpr.'al itrnuin ing." No clue was discovered as to the J identity of the person, but he is snppo.-ed to be the person who, about four weeks sino was missing at Clark's Ferry. The body was rsoch decomposed and was dressed in ! a brown flannel shirt and anldier, nanla- i loons. Nn clue was found as to his name. Patriot !f Union. The Phrenological Jouknal far Decern ber, completes Vol. 42d, contains" Lord Palme'ston, Napoleon III, Washington, Ca3sar, Hon.D. S. Dickinson, Blind Tom, with Portraits, Characters and Biographies Also 'Work 'for Women,'1 a new History of Civilization; Destiny of America; Beau ty, Vigor, and Development; Symmetry of Character; Phrenology in the Pulpit; Animal Types of Hnmau Physiognomy 5 Gymnastics for men, women, and children ; incljdiug Ethnology only 20 cents, or S2 00 a year. New volume bpgins with Jan. No. Addres Fowler & Wells, 3S9 Broadway, New York. Tiik Atlantic and Great Western R. R. Company, received possession of (he Cata wissa Rait Road on last Friday. We have been informed that no change . will be made in the working force of ihe company. The old employees will hold their position under the old regulations, and all to be worked under the supervision of the gentle manly . and efficient superintendent George Webb. j ' A co"BaEpoDsiT of the New York World. I writing from Montgomery, Alabama, elales the following truthful matter It is." trne, as tlated, that in the various Southern cities ihere is much sufleriniz among the negroes, ar.d they are dyingoff by thousands; bt.t, by eareft.'l in veslluatfon, 1 am persuaueJ thai tins state ol anair? is I Tf. V- ,eactl,r! ot artA- iriHii't, "iiw. in mcii ui ; ai iioiaiiiiucs . j to 1ne treedrnen, iol pressed upon them the taea tnai mey must not nue to meir ia:e mas' ters; that the North would take care of ) re-ulatmg medicine. The names and Mate them as it had their brethren at Hilton , , , .,, . . . . Head, and after rhristmas a ' fortv-acre loi" would be set off to ech of thatn ; and held out every inducement i'- taeiii to crowd into the Urg towns, that i.hey and their children uight.be educated, etc. I tpeak advisedly when I say thai the abov& ideas were insidiously it culcted by North ern men throughout the South, and ihez-Ie-giti -nale result of thee teachings has been as desired, to causa a great ii.flax ol The negro population into the lare' towns and cities, where there is but iirle employment tor them, nor tenements adeqnaie to their wants, and as a sequeuce we find Ihem to- day nuduied together liiie swine in idy ven tilated cellars, hutj and alleys, living in fi!;h and idleness, wa.ting for the ''cood lime coming, ,; about whieh ihay to have henrJ bo much from ti,air Xorheni frie iJs J h is characteristic of th uej.ro to put con fidence in wJ.at a NV.r:hern?r may ttl! him. yet if he gt in'.i. -any difficulty he isbure to go to hi-foriuer maier: and not in vain, lor aid, and I have y et to find one South erner who is not, and does not set lite fii-n ! to his former slaves. The frenJrnen are !t ily the rect-ipients of prater atnse and harsher treatmeiit' from the Yankee soldiers tha i from the la'e tiaveholder, and in every ir.star.ee, of ths many which ( have come under my observation, where the nesro has R-ne bek ti work on the plantations, he has received ocd treatment and is now doing well, and not one cm be louna woo is Buiiennji irora wie pangs oi hunger or from co! t. Planters are to be seen every day in this as well a? in every Southern city endeavoring i r j vain to pro cure laborer to work their plantation, and it is alone 014 to the erroneous teaching of such Neither.; men as French and Fik that the negros ur ii.t.v starving iti town insteal cf beir.j at work for ihcr fottiier rnaiters. The Spirit of Vcageanc?. ilany of ihe radical press reems desirous of finding mere fieiexl for keeping the country divided. Tbece paper's although some of them pretend to support the policy ol the President, do not hesitate to censure that policy upoa every possible occasion. Others support Johnson believing thai he, like the balance of his party, is a disunion- iot, opposed to letting the South come back into the Union ! Is it not strange that any per-on of SfDse can longer le led by thee dicuriioni-i of the nero party. "War lor the Union 'Union parly!'' and yet oppoped 10 the Union ! Disunion ists 111 teelin?, 1.1 action, in teaching breathing a spirit of blood, plunder and desolation, and calling this loyaity ! If that is loyalty, Hell is full of it ! ! Puulury Den ccrsl. i i'ki rr i r'f .-ret.'.rv ot v; ar n: o:.?or- r tl that t!;e i.arj.e of Fort Haitian, on of j the defence cf Wusl.h-gton, Lecl.at-gej to 1';t, , K,I:r',rk- tG?r-sJ RQRJ,on f u i for Govcrr.crcf iW.v Jcr,?y.. T.ot .ui:.-.! v.- ; ' 1 -. t:.e it.jrtcy ar.i patru.-. '.la i mic it, u.rtlcr ccr.-rj In t A .t rr in islrn'mn f'i'I f.rl AJrcintstranorj tti.i UiVitt ??!een: b-v this r.-.ttiexoMble c insult to a cal'tint suldier'.nc exhibits 1.3 ri;. nd ratriat. As (nT k'i'-irj'r r'r. tha cavr-Irv lh irrnt r.f tha Polemic, if consulted, v.cu! I scarcely have 5-j'4ested his rtarre i:s appropia, e to one of the tie? sr.cn cf ths cnital. It was well said by a distinuishd c flicer of the army. ;Sor.d out Sheridan with ten thou- send men', and t'.e certainty is thai he will turn up in the np.ht poce. cr.d out KiN patncli and it i? only by the crace ol Uo 1 tnat he or his men are eve. heard ot again." The African churches cl Richmond are very much excited because Re. I leaiant Bowler, a colore J missionary from Boston, refuses to vacate the Second Colored Pres byterian Church, as decird I o the enngre- gation in consequence of his :making en- .: i i :.u . v. ti . i u . UteiJ IU lice v. mi iiie c;s;c.i l ilc i ll es have applied to the Freedman's Bureau,' r.nd Bowler, r.o doubt, wili appeal to Bcston ! iha creator cl the Bureau. General Gittcon'ij cour.e ii Tet2s i generaily dsiuounced, ni taid to be iufu- irisurrecttor.srry sentiments jr. to tl e I i minds of the freeduien. fie addressed the ! freeJmen, denonncemg the course of Col. StronSiOf General Howard's statf, who, in , - , . a nrav ovs address, advised them to return ' ' , . . to their former owners as tbeir bost Iriends and net depend on the Sovdrnmant lor assistance. The Northumberland Democrat hears tha the "coming man" is coming North, and j there upon '"breaks out" "Let all tlioe j . ii i , , i who consider themselves 'an equal and a! n i bruJJer'' 'bress de "or.'ar.d let all the reM Ja . t-. .,. . . EssK MtNfCH. of Franklin, aovertises in ltiis PaPer a ,racl o! UJ for sale, belonging io me estate oi juna Ditisr, late ot r ranin twp., this county. CEY1W OF THE MARKET, CARCFCLLT COhKLCTED WEEKLY. WHEAT, S2 40 RYE, 1 00 CORN, ' 80 OATS. 50 BUCKWHEAT, 1 00 FLOUR pr bbl 12 00 CLOVERS EE I) 7 00 BUTTER, EGGS, TALLOW. LARD, per lb POTATOES, 40 25 15 30 1 00 DR'D APPLES2 52 HAMS, 2S M A U R I E D. In Oraiiceville, Nov. 30th, by the Rev. Nathaniel Spear, Isaac M.THmott, to Miss Sarah W. Gillaspv, botri of Greeuwood. In Berwick, on the 25th clt., by Rev. M. P. Crosthwaite.. Mr. Isaac Martz, of Brmr creek, to Mi&s Samaktua J- HEVk.vER, of Nescopeck. - VJJ ll' In Benton township, Columbia county, on Thursday, the SOth of November, 1865, Mrs. Catherine Davis, aged 81 years) lack ing 8 days. In Sugar loaf township Columbia county, on Monday tne 6iu of November, Mr, 3?,VmS? S hfir'i I sober Facts for Thinking Teoitle. ( . Year a.ter i ear. for an eighth of a cen- lury, the Pross of the country haf chroni cled the beneficial effects of HOSTETTER'S STOMACH HI1TERS. Editors, authois, physicians, merchants, officers of the army and navy, chemists, counselors, ministers, of the gospel, in short, a great cloud of wit nesses of evei3 profes-sion, trade and calling have testified to its efficacy as a tonic and "",a " - u u:.i puu- li3ed in the pHblic prints. Many of them are well known to the whole public. Their testimony has never been challengbd or impugned. Upon evidence far less weigh ty men are acquitted or condemned by conscientious juries IfosTETTKtt's Stomach BtTTBas is not, however, upon trial. It has b?en tried and pronounced on the authority of those whosj lives arid health it has preserved, a pure, harmless, and eminently salu'ary prppara lion. Attempts have been made to rival it. They have failed. Can it be necessary to say why they have failed? Ask the rcrv- erad dyspeptics; bilious sufferer--, victims of fever and ague, and nervous frul.jjcis who have experienced iis effect, what thfy thirjk of it. A-e them and be guided t-olely by what they s:iy. Sold everywhere. Nov. 29, 18G5. Valuable Heal JEstalc. tN PURSUANCE A the Ornhans' Co OK AN ORDER OF nun of Columbia county, on SATURDAY. TIIE 23,f OF DECEIT BER NEXT, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, Jesse Jl-tisrh, (Jiiardian of Cl.iri'a Sutler, a minor child of John Sitler Jate cf Frank lin township, Columbia c aunty, adjoining lands oi Ziba 0.-rr;an on the south, Stephen Ba'dy on the east, Michael rlensi;i o:s the n?rth and west, containing O.NP2 HALF ACHH mora or h:gs, wliereon are erected a Two Story Frame Dwelling House, out hiic-hn nr.. I frame stab's. La'e the Estate of s;i;d i!eceas?d, Filiate in the loviifchip cf Franklin arid county aforesaid. JLb'SE COLE.M AN, Biooiiisburg Dei:. 4, 1?65. Ci'cr.i. CONDITIONS OF SALE. One third of the pnrchae money Io re main in the hands ol the purchasers ilvtrii the life ol Cathpfine Lorernun the widow of John Sitler dee'd. the interest on the said one third to be paid to the said Catherine intiual.y. ien tier cent, on iwn-thirds uf ! the purcha money lota paid' cn" day cf j sale, and the reidue on thw confirniaiion 01 his ueierrea payment m ire secur ed by bond and montage on ihe premises. iiie purcnaeer to pay tor iteeil. rriortiaj anU s amps. JLbMi MENisCIJ, (Jii.r ! ran. PATAU I5SA HAILROAD. On and af.er ilonday, November 27, 1835, passen fertramson the D;atwi!.a llaiiroaJ will ri:n as follov.-s : EOCTHWAr.D SOUND. F.'.'i la. mail Wi.li.-ifnsrrt. deo. 8 45 a. ni. de.T K. V EXP 6. 1 50 i rn 2. SO ; ... 4 9 17 ' ; S ;.Ve, ! CaUwi,,,, 19 00 10.43 11.00 11.15 3 03 3 43 4 U0 4 13 Quak a :e luij 1.27 p 1 m. 6 15 6.45 1.05 p .m i .itn :-.:'! a. t I'hil , via. I'o'tsvi v'3- LlltltOtl ar. 7 00 7.53 1 10.35 ' j Phda , ' v.,a- Chcrilc, j New o'K, 12.25 ' 1.15 4 nsiiTuwaf.d eound. c IF tv i;!.n::A mail. Jcp. G-.U0 a. i:i. , ;;ew York- (le-. 6. CO in. Piiila , via. 2.1. Chunk, Pnil... via. P. Clinton, ' Phiia. via. Pottsviile, 1 Tarn aqua. ' Q iakdke Jun. ' Ca'awissa, ' 2.1. Chunk, 1 5.15 i 7 3 30 1 1 50 a. in. 12.40 ' 2 40 2.4S 3.CS 3.50 4.3G , 5.10 iupert, j nvme, i ill. .ton. Muncy, V 1 1 i i . n i s p l r t . ar Superintendent's ofTi'-e, William ort, Ta Nov. 23, 1S05. GLLORiiE U'Ebi!, Sup:. lI. U. STOSINEH, IWKIM AMI CC.NTLTf I0i:a AS always on hand and lor .sari tresli B!l tlAD, CAKP.S, and PIES ; rrcscii aud Dcnifstic Coufcciious in "reat and splendid variety : Nuts Fruits, and everything usually found I.i a ill: class coitleciioiiery slre. He would call e.;:eciai atteuiioti to his newlv rei t-iied .-:n.-li of PICKLED I IIUITS, AND JELLIES. j Having recently lUieu up a new ana I elegant oi ste:; sASaOorv, on the hrst floor, two doors west of Ever c. . . ' .tra . rr r r . . N. iloier uruir store, tie i rrrt areu to j wait 1Jf,oll llM Ular.v r,..nmrr will. FIRST CLASS F11KS11 OVS1EKS a cheap as the cheapest 1 1 will supply Ball., Parttes. lai.liiaill.llt;?, null ,;ici?, VUIUC UM1ICI t , &p at rea,0' able X . Bloom-burg, Nov. 5-2, 1 S 35. NEW STORE IN BLOOMS BU RG, PA. THE UNDERSIGNED has jnt opened a new Store in SCHIVE'S BUILDING MAIN STREET. Bloomsburg, Pa., which he has filled with a fir-t cLss assortment of T'' - Cfi 1 rj rrj K y?j of ill descriptions, a"n 1 CROCEUIES, HARDWARE AXD Qn:i:.s,VARE, in the usual variety. Also FLOUR and FEED supplied at the lowest market prices. He respectfully so licits a fair fchare of patronage. JAMES K. EVER. Bloom.bnrj, Nov. 8, I65 tf. ITC H I ITCH ! m u ! ScraCcIi, Scratch, Scratch! IVUE.ITOX'S OIXTMEXT lViil lore the Itch in 4S Hours. ALSO cures Salt Rheum. Ulcers, Chil blains, and all Eruptions of the skin. Price 50 cents. For sale by all drnaists. By. tending 0 cents to WEEKS &: POT TER, Snl Agents, 170 Washington street, Boston. Mass., it will be forwarded by mail, free of po.tage, to any part of the United' S'a'p8. Sept. 27, 1S63. 6m. Oyer's Cheny PectoraL 0 ' 8 15 i j 2 . 4 5 p m 1 7 ' 3.10 4 0 J ' 4.20 ' 5 01 I 44 (J.15 4 . THE WKEIiJA' ri)K nil-: cajiimkjn ir i&. Tiie po!i;ir;l carnjiiiu jul openiiii ii Peiinsylvaniu.is de:il:d to be ote oT reat imoriani-e, and u tinvt a poverft-l tr.ilo ence upon the. fti'ure of the country at iare in a sreat measure it will lt-termine gubernnlorial coniest of 1866, and hare an Influence upon tiie presidential elecicn two years thereafter, but, more important, i' will probably determine the choice of ihe next U. Senator from this Statu at d I'm affect the legislation of Congress and Ihe rejitorsi'ion ot feac to the land. It is, therefore, cf vital importance that every exertion should be made by every niembei of our party to eecure the victory. Not only should every lecal organization be jnt to work, t ut every honorable meatus should be adopted to stir up the apathetic and lukewarm, and to make new votes by mn version. It ;.n cnly be thn.r.h the im mutable and qol 'en priicij les ol Df mncra cy that ttie c-cufry can be re!emed jrorn t!ie ihrahlom c' !unaiit i.-;n, ilenradation atul laxn'ion. Outsit! : the Democracy thfje are 1:0 principles, ihe rule of action rl the or posiiion is ever chancing one thins to day soirietliirtg e!se lo-ntorrow. It is held together nif-rely ly expfdtetiti the la est and rno-t ootr.iiieous of iill being the mod- I ern, si.v-.'iim: ti; political tnct t-i 1 cgro tuiTr;ie. . jV il'.i'i-ai this, and tl! o f;er si-hetr.s of the Aboliiitr.--hoddy hordes who live or. ly 'o ;duru!er nod t y ra t; m lei every Democrat arou-e s-nd i rl on the rusty armor t.f hi fathers in Der:i-cr ry of Wa-hitigt.-M, r, Jeffert oti, cf Juclavit. and n:.'irc''. rrt I ,'t!e and to viVt iry ! THE WEEKLY PATRIOT AND UNION. As the Cr.itral orsan cf ihe Democrat's I party the Weakly Patriot and Uitioti has acquired a lore ;.i;d tv;ote diiU'sitd ciicu latrjii th;i:. ai.v other Ir.-.ociatic jo'irt.al in the Sla'e. It lias herf tufore occupied an influential po-.i-.iTti a a-i able arte! in dustrious worker in the caa-e of Democ racy, nd i'.s f, io.'ids that it slid coiilid ues to I e a va!n.tb!e orun cf t!;e na:tv. j It is not for us, ho;-, ever, to puff our own i work. If we hr.ve been faithfi.l to t'.e j cause cf the party and the rout try, we i hope t-wry Der.tiJt rat will make it an ot- jet-1 to exiet.d our field of cperetious ! I addinsi to oar ii-t oi riiL't ribers. The lo'.v j pricj id the Woekly in ccn, p.irisnr. with I : ttie ;irr.oi;:it ot ir. a : ! r Jurm-hed. irtnkes it one t,l li.e chea;-e-t ct newspapers. We hope every L'ood Democrat who reads 1 h i -will sen.i )is i.anie a:,d 5'2 5i for a iopy fi r ot.e year. It i!;is is loo much f:r t!io.-e v. ho are vtry f'cn;r, let u such ser.d t: flf'y j cents each, and receive the Weekly Patriot I and U.iion for the campaign. Thj fo'.lo c , ii.g art; the (erntiS : i k:Mi pra TEa. Single copies, j er annum, 2 50 ' " six n.oi.tli.-, 1 50 ' Clubs of icij cr nitre to one addresa 2 fji ! i Fina'e cop ei l Clubo oi ten or more to one addre n cts 50 cts. Ail orders phonM a t.friJ.Fd to the 1'ATHIOI AND U SION, Hutristur, Pa. Aoi-llitiia Central 2S:iiIu;xv. TIME. TA LB E . t : i n r. e t 2 a i n siuilvio 1 frrai the North il West i. a, i...r,:r.i, a .J a.i ol .. n:rn .e-.v i oik. O.i and iiher r.lon.'av, Slay 28t-'. Ic65, the Passenger Trams of ihe North Central iia.l.v.y i i ! arrive a:..! de-art ftrra Sun bat) , Ila.'rishur ar.d Bl ;r- rr.j a, jl.ows: SOCTUWJllD. . M :ii Train leaves Sui.burj daily except Sundays, at 10.43 a Leaves Hat ri.-turg, 1.20 p. m Arrives at Bal:inJ,or3, 5.3d " Express Trai?i leaves Sunbury dily ex.epi Su ri-iay s, at 11 40 p.m. ! Leaves tiarn-b rg, except Monday 2 0 a.ii. Arrives at B.iltiattre daily except Mcu.iay, at 7.C'' a in. Aceorr.ti.odrtiion leaves ilarrlsb'r 7.45 a.m. Scnb'jt v Arc. leai es Sutibi.rj dily except Sundays at 7 3-1 a.m. Arvrs ai Harri-b'-j eveppt S vi lajs 10 15 J- uonTjnr.niD. Mail Trail leave L'ai'.imcrj daily except Sui.Jaj s l S 20 a m. Leave. ilarri.-L i rg, 1 45 j. ra Arrives ;.i Sunt nry, A.l ) p ir.. Kxpies- Tr;.i;. s lTrf!:imire daily, in. CO ,; Arrive nt Ha'risb'.irj, 2. EG s.m Leaves Ilarrisb'ri; except Monday, 2. 40 '.' Arrives at Sutibury. 5.15 " Erie Exoress !-av-s Lniltiniora ex- c?pt St lay ;t 8 on p.n-. Arrivi-s j,t H.irisl)U'j, lit lo a. in. L-aves llarrisbur, 115" Arrives at Sut bury. 4 L ,l Su'ibury Ari-..;n. leaves Hairisl-ur Dii!- ev ej.t Sun .lays at 4.25 p t:i Arrive at S-j-ihury -at 7 1(1 " Fur lunger parlieLlar- a"pty at tne oiae. 1 N fil iiAivIiV, Supt. Karrishorc, July 10, 165. ! JAMES ROBINSON, i Clock ::riI Valcli 3t;i;r, AND I.MIMIU OF 1 ulcli , J' w liy .V i i in-It I imc-riiHT-o Al.sO VIMFU'Tfrtili OF SILVER AND SILVER PLA TED WARE, GOLD. SILVEXSr STEEL SPECTACLE. Xo. 1C31 Marltt Strut, bdotv LhvntU Junh Sine, l'AlLADELITHA. ClorKs, Watches an' Jewelry neatly re- j pd'ue.t at t.e churte-t ..oiii-e. I iiiiiii' an i Pi.tir:g, of ail descriptions, done ne-iTlv to e rJer. C?" N. B. Masonic, Odd Fellow's and o'her einblemaiic ..latks, made and Eti-gra.vt.-d to order. A FINE ASSORTMENT OF F2.j; ODESSA AXl k'Y UlsXSXK&i - FRENCH, EM1US1I $ AMERI CA X CLOfKS. TABLE AM) POCKET CITLEi Y, ABMIY COISI'S FOR SALE AND MADE TO ORDER. No. 1031 Market S ree;, 3J door below Eleienth, North ide. March 26, 1865. U3I.B K00XS Proprietor iti.ooiiMii iu; IA. THIS magnificent Hotel, f-ituate in the central portion of the town, and op posite the Court House, liar been thoroughly repaired and refurnished, and ihe Proprietor in now prepared to accommodate travelers, teamsteis, drovers and boarders io the most pleasant and agreeable manner. His table will be supplied with the test the market afTord.-,and his Bar with the choicebt liquors. Attentive oxtlers will always be on hand, and his stablin- is the most extensive in this e ion ol country. Omnibuses wil alwayscte in readiness to convey paesen grsto and from the Railroad Depots. WM. 3. KOONS. Bloomiborg, July 4, I860 FLUID EXTRACT EUCH0, A poclilvo aut f uctao rotarJy f.,r fii.ja of tbo Tliis Mcdlctsa trrreai?3 ihn r"ircrs cf l,-etlcc. nad licii tho absorbent into fccnlftiyacr.cn. iyvhlca ir wntcry orcel.-r.rcou8 ".cpjxit.iar!S, ui! &U tunttcr-.l ca- larsrtpcr.U ere reduced, on xvcil as pain niwi iiTto. lad Ik ooi fcc tuca, vrorziyn anil cbllurta. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT DUCHU, For ce&!cncEar!3'r! from T-Mcezet, Habits of DlwipSk tion, tarty ladlscieitos, attccde -w:ti U10 tullowiag Eymptorus: IiifU-polltan to Exertion, Lois ol Ilcraory, Treat :'c rv-!9, Horrrr o J)Isea?, Hot Hands, rryiicsi of the Skin, X.rM of Power, r.-CEVllr-s. T."s.icru!2M8, rcntnthotaclc, McrUlr-s of lio rjodr. Erupt! oiu of tho Tao. Universal LaMiiuiIo, rcuiil Loaoliraaac, These sTn:loiiii,ir f.ncwci1 to eo oo -wlticti U.1 MsIV Cine lavtrlaljty r.'raover.'i, boin MtcT FArciTr, Ki-iri-Ti -z nrs. &e. In one of vhlrh tba e.t..-ct may c.tpir?. Vfco en r.r tScy are not tre-ioocy fclloxci ty U.CS9 direful ili r3."TTT K".7D C jN'STH.rPTTCS? H.iry are avr.rc cf Ciecsus-: or t.v:r.3icrtis2.t.ut rum vrt'.l conrcL-s. Trio n c-jras of tt.a trs.rae ary'.arna na tin n-ot-TicaoIy dca'.Uj r 7 cotsaujipitonbSttr tmpia ultneii l ttie t.t" cf tLc rvj",;r 1;.2 rc::.'!'.-.:i--i, cr.ca 6fr. r-c3 Y? or;cte vemo, rc'u'.rb lLo l;J or irr ctric losi.vui--tii:uinAl&vljsora ilc H-.ii a, t-::.za Til- r: ."i.vcT ok Bucnrr Inviili: C. w. V 1 v.-Li t.oa? Izc3 Ui e(r):tc&t. Inrr.tiny afc-'.ton iuci:"J:ir to t'oicale. tie rjmu" Evcnr Is cnr-f,uu. 1 l y ar.y otber reatuy, bad for tH coiiplulnti Inc'ucu: .0 t.ei, crtn I'.o DECLnrii CP. OF LIFE, tySrs C-Trr(TOjt abovjl. Taks no EoUrva. Merc-ry, or n't'.ca-il nisttoSi ft cnpteoai-i cA dr.r..ons dt3eja'.. L"?C v7 E D AQ G C 2 W & rA Curca Secret Eisease laUtt:ctrtr.2ej l't'.'ie c?ear.. If:: cr no ecg mi Clot, do Inconvenience. - I ;:"o hV-H4 CJSE Hl-X.MI3OiltT03 EXTRACT DUCHU I Tor all affection aad &c&:3S cf thto or;n. betbtf j rXITn"G IS MILE OTi PZilALE, j rrom whatever cause erlgtimtisjr. and Bonxetter bow too i dlarettc. HELMBOLD'5 EXTP.&CT BUCHU I3 tb.o Great Xiuretic. And It Is certala to hsTe toe cUtlrtd t-c". tfl aU i Cor wMcli It It rccoumcndcd. iv. iil K J i -k I FLLMD CXTUACT SAP.SAf AuiLL, l'Tf,T'SrS .;'? E'ro.l, ri -i-v':? i.l cti-'Tl- T'Ut :i ;b .li? tr'.t'.i ? frC3 r.3 tr j tiro r cf :'.n it.- ar t tL-sc-'j r :itto C-.'.-.z:.'. L-;i-r. r?- 'or f c-i-2 ff :wf:a, f.2i.1i r.'.a.J, "i.-U i l-.srz, ai 1 ''i"i:' of tlii Toi'-i, Vlcrrc-.tcr." it Vjf TT-o-t Lcj?, 1..CI :'r-, I-:.ci oa i'..? T?z, 1 v'.. si , an i t 1 t-c-Sl-j T.rc. :.i i t. s &f ii a I i ! r.. TO fA Jl-'" ft ttt -rcr-t .its.. :2.3 i. '.: r.C; t irs-r--i-J n f.-cm m c-r-cr'.'--, u -.1 :.:.uictv;: !i flzc. Cf U;:.-4: covtrtca ir.nl heve ortc niile to x.-iij-c :t-.ut,Boa c;-.r. luc..-i"-i::BOi-is Ccvrc-;:ris Jz.-sr-r ci?. E-r -j;:: T.v. II i '' Z'-.'ij til riaovilrs i-z I lccd, t-ji!: tif v:.rsr cf t :C.:h I: to i-e si'c:-, eal pcr:s v-1 &i tv.-.-c.i vL!.:U j.-.sT;; '.. cv.r. ?"..ui Li t tea!:iy . fjr.-.':-r ' c ant cr.?-.:; it,-: i. -.-j. s that cre- tn-y n'-.:r;n t':o V.izl. S. Ca iCjii-'y ttat cc-.'.i h rcIicJ ts has 1-r- Icta oc:'ut fjr. r.fl ac:-!r,for tie C l ttiC tt-t r--'s Lave or." v3 tt!;! .1i ticv CjO dipcLd. C cr rr.r.c5herc iV-c- z-l u'. :.'.:crctr:13c:ktcsicsl.ow:ucr:;:a. Izt tto t;;! cf a E!rlc bott!o vltl i:uvr to tte tick i'j-t it J.uj !:? 'urpa.-.-.ia; aa.-tli-'- t'uey Lavo ever tit-ca. 7-ro tit l.-r cc.'r! if tt; r.t; at' c 5a.-ti arir.a aac-I to i i-tnl cf Vat.'r . tvul to ih I. It, hen I'Ui Xrlnk. ad1 o-.'k li-.r.'.c ti I: ''; ; .i toc KUoa c'TU.9 T;tc? vf Sia-' lr:z, w ;j J.v.; .: u." -i;i:i:7 raid:. necctlcat Lottcc fr Cl-iCtscs arlslij ttom aSt rt ittf'.i'a-.'oc, t.bciii cr"Zi. z:l:tn vri the I.itiscU Enct : r lisu-vi rci . or. ..Y. r. ! i . 1c cliirar.:er till a-c-jirpary tuc'c;cs. A'.: nutlet riircc'.iou ter uc, l .". A ).';. v j '- . iirioa -s:tie..c,aai np varti of v. '. c r.ir-fittcn cn.I it ci.4s- U rj- t ..!":-. . - i v. 1 ;,.h or'; . rui ;ln i-.:.:.-.: t c-.t lnoludv cr: 1l' -V lXji!i:;:.2".CIor5rTr..ji,: tct-s.uco, c. 1 lie I'i cj..l. . r i .j-.: ci tc ItiiU jiuU'.lLatloi tu tr.e r ?n 'pnp-r ; t:c d n;a set u f.il? r-u3i Sh- fad list lit crtk-l' s riLt Li L;!i-"Jt:il rrcr'2rt.t.oi.a, ucJ io Dot urtt to Lc rrr-r-tJ up t j lU .uat.s. TLe fclcnec v! y.e-.XU-'.M. l.kc the !or!e Colutaa. atioaM rtarid bttrf'c, pur, taaje'ttc, lav Ins; Tact for It t.aala. IducUvii iT llo t ::.ir, bad 'Jrat.-i alob ft.r l'- J.'y r-tract S-rycpo: ilta l; a Lto.: rnrtn-T ; tdj Exte Ecchu Is a rtcrctlc. an.t ti i;l tct as :icb !n oil rifca. Eo.U trc prcrr-cil cn purely rlcn:!2c i rise: p da VJrio ioj V..3 tr.oit tc:ive ir.e2-t:-s cf c'.'.hcr that can be ir.; '.c. A rc2:'.j tna eoucl j-iTe f6t wt'.I be o cora larkoa cf l ir urcr.crUvs wii'a rjosc eel furta la tol. loTiiip rorki: Ceo rt pciiatirj- of the rcll-.-l ?Litc. Ecs rrc'wssor L'iwis valas.o t. u:j oa tte Praeilo cf rtj-tlc. tec rcn-.e-Vs mnac by the celersiej Dr.rHTstc, rhlta, Ecc rcraaiti ir.iJo.j iT.IIrirr.ir M. Ii.iw el:, a clr- tratca riirs'.clun i.trl Vf uVr of Eoj-l Con.-gof Furspons, Irelat-1, tstl i i l '.u tUa 7ria..actioiu cX tLc IUn cr -i Qir.-n '.i Jouunt. See :e!lro-T!.!rnri:i. .ul Ttc.l-w. ii'llbh?1 . Ct-ja- TKA-rrBfi. F'IUw of tv.a r.oj-ul Coiitjio. of Snrgtmi, tea a.cu cf tie lato s ur.,:r i v crtj oc iiclicia. FOIJ PT ALL DKrCOU-'TS rVfCTWHTSV Address letters fcr IrfcrcatJorjjla ccu2W.ncc. t H. T. HELMEOLD, Chemist. IIelinboIJ-a Dru ar.i Ccra: ;al Warehouae,, Ho. I? JADWAY, XEt.7 asi Heltccoli's Merlimit lot, h. 101 SOL iil TLSTZ f HILADELPELA. IiCWAlin 01' COIJNTKRFEITa. ASK i'OH .ltKLHiiOLD'61 7W - " " , I . rr V f M 1 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers