CELEBRATED ' . 33x07 'jpjLijBS. , "A Pra'and "powerful Tonic, corrective and alternative of wondertnl efficacy in disease of the STOMACH. LIVER AND ? BOWELS. . Cores Dyspepsia,-Liver com "plilnt, HeaJache, General Debility, Ner- voosness,' Depression of Spirits, Consiipa '-lion, Colic, Intermittent Fevers, Cramps and Spasms, and all complaints of either $sxt: arising from .'Bodily - Weakness ! "whether inherent in the system or produc ed by special causes. Nothing that is not- wholesome, genial and restorative' fit i'a nature enle'8 into the composition of HOSTETTER'S STOM- ACH BITTERS. Tnis popular preparation contain no mineral of any kind,uo deadly "botanical- element; no fiery excitant ; but it is a combination of the extracts of rare -balsamic herbs and plants with the purest " and mildest of at! diffusive stimolafits. It ia.wejl to be forearmed aaint disease andj so far as the human system can be Protected by human means against mala xes engendered by an on wholesome at mosphere, impure water and other external -causes, Hostetter's Bitters may be relied ' on as a safeguard. - Ir, districts infected with Fever and Ague, it has been fou nd infallible as a preventive -and irresistible as a remedy and thousand 'Who resort to it UDder appiehension of an 'attack, escape the scourge; and thousands who neglect to avail themselves of its pro tective qualities in advance, are cnred by 'a very brief course of this marvelous medi cine. Fever and Ague patients, after be ing plied with quinine for months in vain, cntil lairly saturated with that dangerous a!klotdare not nnfreqaently restored to heatm wi'hin a few. days by the nse of Hosteller' Bitters " The weak stomach is rapidly invigorBted and tha appetite restored by Ibis agreeable ionic, ana nsnce it worKs wonders in ca ses pi Dyspepsia and in less confirmed forms of Indigestion. Acting as a gentle and painless app-'rient, as well as upon the liver, it also invariably relieves the -Constipation superinduced by iriegular action of the digestives and secretive or 'gans. PersctS of feeble habit, liable to Nervous Attacks. Lev) less cf Spirits and Fits of Lan guor, find prompt and permaennt relief from the Bitters. The Testimouy on this -point is most conclusive, and from both vexes. ' ' The agony of Bilious Colic is immedi ately assuaged by a single dose of the ,timulani and by occasionally resorting to it, tha return of the complaint may be prevented- As a General Tonic, Hosteiter's Bitters 'prodnca effects, wtiiob most be experienced i l c w or witnessed ueiare iney in- ue iuny ep praciated. In casesof Constitutional Weak ness, and Premsjuie Dsray and Db tlirj and Decrepitude arif ins from Old Aste, it exercises the electric influence. In the convalescent stages of ail diseases it oper ates as a'dclig'.lfal invigorar.t. When the powers 01 uaiurs a.tr c.i.ieu, 11 cpsraien iu ie-nforee and re-establ.sh them.'- Last, but not Jeast, it is the The Only Safe S;iran!eat, being manufactured from feoend and innocuous materials, and en tirely free from the acid elements present more or lass in ail the ordinary tonics and itomachics ol the day. No family medicine has been so univer sally, 2nd, it JBiay be truly added, deserv edly popular, with the intelligent portion of jbe community, a Hosteller timers. Prepared by HOSTETTER & SMITH, .Pittsburgh- lJa., , Sold by all Druggists, keepers everywhere. ' Dec. 9, 1S63. ly. Grocers and Store- READING RAIL ROAD. ; WLYIEXt ARKAXGEjIEST. GREAT Trunk line from the Nor'.b and , North-west for Pniladelpbia, New York, Reading, Poltsvtlieebanoa, Allen town, Easton, &c, &e. . T Trains leave Harrisbnrg for Philadelphia New York,-Reading, Poitsviile, and all in termediate Staiions, ar 8 a. m. and 2 p. m. New York Expres JeavSs Harrisbnrg at h. 00 a. sr. auiviug at New York at 10 15; the same xnorniag. Fare3 Irom Harrisbnrg: to New York 3 15; to Philadelphia S3.35 and S2,80. iiasgage cnecteu tnrougn. . Returning leave New York at 6 A. M oon, and 7 P. ' (Pittsburgh Express, arriving at Harrisbcrg at 2 A -M.) .Leave Pjiil3delphia at 8. 15 A. M. and 3. 30 P. M. Sleeping cars in the New York Express Trains, through - to and from Pittsburgh withonr change. , .Passengers by the Caltawissa Rail Road leave Tamaqoa at 8. 0 A. M. and 2. 15 P. M. lor Philadelphia,. New York, and all .Way Points. " - - - - Trainsleave Potts vil'e at 9. 15 A. M. and ft. 30 P. M. for Philadelphia, Harrisbnrg und New -York. An accomodation Passenger train leaves Reading at 6. 30 A. M. - and returns Irom Philadelphia at 4. 30 P. M. C All the the above tiains run daily, Sundays excepted. - . T . - ". A Sunday train leaves Pottsville at 7.30 A. M. sad Philadelphia at 3.t5 P. M. Commatation, Mileage, Season, and Ex cursion Tickets, at reduced rate3 to aud froao all points. - --. , - - .": . G. A. NICuLLS, " , ' . ;General Soperintendan! November 16,. 1SS3.. ; . WI03II5G INSURANCE C03IPAXT, OJjltt over the If'yoming Hank, CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, 125,000. " Will tnsors" agairj't loss or damage by Fire on property in town or country, at reasonable ierns. DIRECTORS, G. M HoIIenback, John Reiehard, Samuel Wadhams, D L Shoe, makar; Daniel G; Driesbach, R. C Smith' H. ft. L.j G. P. Rteela. V. V. Keleham Cltla Darrancc, W. S. Ross, George M. '""G'.'ll; TIOLLENBACH, Preset. n.C. f-rilTII. Secretary,- 17. C. STALING, Treasurer.1 - L. II. CONOVER. Aaanf. Eeaci II a via, Pa. CABINET WARE ROOM. SI?JOIV. C. 8HSVE,;...;-' T ESPECTFULLY invites the attention of rZ. rblcto his extensive assortment oi uauinet furniture and C H ARS, which he will warrant made of good materials and a a workmanlike man. ner. At tiw establishment ran always be found a good assortment of . fashionable forniture, which is equal in style and fin ish to that ol Philadelphia or N. York cities and at as low prices. He has on hand prices, irom f 25 toS60. Divans Loupo, Walnut and Mahoanr Pu y,.J Rocking and eay chair, Piano ntools ,and a variety of uphoUtered work, with Dress ing and parlor bureaus, sofa, card centre and pier tables, detasho,'""? cbeffsniers, whatnots and conr.de.s,E2!S2 and all kinds of fashionable work. His stock of bureaus, enclosed and common wasn&tandSjdress-tabJes, corner cupboards DINING AND BREAKFAST TABLES, bedsteads,cane seat and common chair is the largest in this section ol the county. He will also keep a good assortment ol looking glasses with fancy gilt and com mon frames He will also furaUh spring maitrasses fitted to any. sized bedstead", which are superior for durability and com fort to any bed in use. Bloomsburg Nov. 4, 1S63. SOLDIERSfllV.TEIIS'AIMlY' And OarPcople at Home Are now offered an opportunity by which they can obtain a GOOD AND DURABLE TIME-PIECE AT A VERY LOW FIGURE. Oar Watches are WARRANTED TO KEEP TIME ONE YEAR, and the bnyer ss allowed the Priv ilege of Examination before Payment is rfqsired. IMPROVED DUPLEX IN FULL RUBY ACTIONS. A firM claVs Hunting Time-Fiece of Sil ver material, over which is electro fine ' I -Wt I tO I I I . J. II 1 1 plaice io . ui uuraoiy wrought, making the imitation t-o laultless that it cannot bedetecteil from the solid ma'erial most experienced . judges ; acid will not afTect it. ' London madfl movement. Im proved Dupleric Full Ruby Action, has sweep secouds, and is not to be excelled in general appearance. This is decidedly one of the best artrclesr ever oWed for tra ders and speculators. Ergineets, emigrants and persons tavelling, will find them supe rior to any other j alteration of climate will not affect iheir accuracy. Price, packed in good shape and good rnnning order only 35, or case of 6 for $200. ' SILVER DOUBLE TIME HUNTING LEVERS. Best Quality Silver Cases, over which electro-fine pla'pd k. gold, similar to our Improved Duplex, and superior adjust ed movements with "Slop," to fce ucd in timing horses, e:c, has Focr Indexes for Wabm2ton and Grewicb time, swppp second, and all the improvements. All in all, taking its Beautiful ar.J Faultl-s ap pearance and its Superior Movement into consideration, we regard it as tifcidedly the cheapeot article ot the kitid in itie mar ket. Price, in jood running order, S34, or case of 6 for 5200. " CF"We ak no pay in advance, but will forward either cfl'.pm to responsible par lies, to any part ot the luval Sta es, with biil payable to exyres:san when the'iiood are delivered, giving rhe bD)er th privil ee cf e.vaminalion, and, if not satisfactory , the watch can be returned at onr exprn.e. The express companies, refuse making collections on soldier and other parties in the distoj 8.I States, cons,cquent'y all such orders mnrfl be accompanied by the casii to insure attention. We make a deduction of two dollar? on either watch when the payment i forwarded in adrace. Money may be sent by express at ou expense. THOS. CAFFERTY & CO., S3 and 95 Broad St., oppose City Bank, " Providence, It. I. Oct.2l.lS63. . The Great TEA COMPANY. 51 VESEY STREET, -NEW' YORK ; Since its organization, has created a new era in the histor oi HboJesaJin-Teas D this Gonntry. They have introduced their selections of TEAS, ard are selling them at not over TWO CEXTS (.02 Cents) per pound - above Cost, Never deviating from the ONE PRICE asked. A nother pecnliarity ,of .the Company is XA that their Tea Taster not only devotes his time to the selection of their TEAS a of ddlerent style anrtO-" n to quality, value, and particular stjles for l ... i;-.,i I i:.- - i . I ioiuiuwi iut4mre5 oi coontry, Dnt tie helps the TEA buyer to choose out of their enormous 8!ocjc eucn JEAS as are best adapted to hi-i particular wants, and not on ly this, but points out to him the best bar gains. It h eey to see the incalculable advan tage a Tea Euyer has in th-s establishment over all others. II he is a Judge of Tea, or the Market, if his time is valuable, he has all the bene- nieoia well organized system of doins business,' of an immense capital, of the judgement ol a Professional Tea Taster, and the knowledge of superior salesmen. This enables all Tea-buyer no matter if they are thousands of miles from this market to pnrcbase on as good terms here as the New York Merchants. Parties can order Teas will be served by os as.well as though they came them'selves being sore to get original packages, rne weigntaana tares; and the 1EAS are war runtted as represented. We issue a Price List of the Company's "as, wnicn will be sect to all wheorder it ; comprising V. '. - . . Kyson, Younff flyson, Impe rial, Guiipofler. Twankay : and Skin. ' - OOLONG, SOUCHONG; OKANGE & HY SON PEKOE. ' JAPAN TEA of every description, col ored and oncolored. 1 .. - ' This list has each kind of Tea divided into FOUR Classes, namely: CARGO, high CARGO FINEST that every one may on dersatnd from description and the price annexed that the Company are. determined to undersell the whole Tea trade. ; We cuarntee to sell ALL our Teas at not over TWO CENTS(,02 Cents) per pound above cost, believing this to be attractive to the miny .whd havr -heretofore been payins Enormous Profits-.. -5 - UKEAT AMERICAN TEA COMPANY, ; IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS, No. 51 Vesey Street. New Ycrk: k GENUINE PREPARATIONS. TmpoETid FioiJ Extract Buclinj a pnsi tive aDd Sperrfio Remedy for disease -of the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, and Drop sical Swellings, r. This Medicine increases the power of Digestion, and excite the Absorbents into healthy action, by which the Watery or Calcareous depositions, and all Unnatural Enlargements are rednced,as well as Pain and Inanimation. IIBLJHUOLD'S FXTRACT BUCIIl. For Weaknesses arising from excesFe Habits of Dissipation, Early Indiscretion of abuse, attended with the following symp loms : . r Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Power, Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, Weak Serves," Trembling, Horror of Dis-ea-e, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Pain in the Back, Universal Lassitude of the Muscular System, Hot Hands, Flushing of the Body, Dryness of the Skin, Eruptions on the Face, Pallid Countenance. These symptoms, if allowed to so on. which this medicine invariably removes soon follows. IMPOTEN'CY, FATUITY' EPILEPTIC FITS, in one of which the Patient may expire. Who can say that they are not frequently followed by those "Direful Diseases." "INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION." Many are aware of the cause of their suf fering, but none will confess the Records of the Insame Asylums. And melancholy Deaths by Consump tiou bear ample witness to the Truth of thn assertion. The Constitution once effected with Organic Weakness requires the aid of Medicine to S'rengtben and Invijorate the System, which HELM GOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU invariably does. A trial will con vince the most skeptical. FEM A LES.-FEM ALES,-FEMALES. In many Affections peculiar to Female the Extract Bnchu is unenualed by anv i other remedy, as in Chlorosis or Retention, Irregularity, Painfulness, or Suppression of Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Scirrhous s'ate of the Uterus, Leiichorrfirr or Whites, S erility, and lor all complaints incident to the sex, whether arising from indiscret.ion Habits or Dissipation, or in the Decline or Change ol Lite. Take no more Balsam, Mercury, or un pleasant Medicines lor unpleasant and danserous disease. HELM BOLD'S Ex'ract Bocho and Im proved Rose Wah ceres SECRET DIS EASES, In all their Stages, At iMtle Ex pense, Little or no change in Diet, No Inconvenience, And no exposure. It causes a frequent desire and gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing ob structions, preventing and curing strictures of the Urethra, allaying Pain and Inflam mation, bo frequent in the clas of diseases, and expelling all poisonous, diseased and worn out matter. Thousands upon Thousands who have been the victims of Quacks, and who have paid heavy fees to be cured in a short lime, have lonnd they were deceived, and that liie ''poison'' has, by the use ol "pow erful astringents," been dried up in the system, to break out in an aggravated forrj, and perhaps after Marriage. y.-e HeLubold'a Extract Buchn for all affections and diseases of the Urinary Or gans, whether existing in Mala of Female, from whatever cause originating and no ma'ter of how long standing. Disease? of these Organs requires the aid of o Diuretic. Hclmbold'ti Extract Bachu is the Great Diuretic, and is certain to have the desired effect in all diseases for which it i recommended. Evidence of the most reliable and responsible character will ac company the medicine. Price 61.00 a Bottle, or Six for 85. CO. Delivered to any ad Ires, securely packed from observation. DesoriLt symptoms in all communications. Cures guaianteed '. Advice gratis. Address letter lor informa tion to II. Ii. IIFLNIJOl.n, t hemM. 104 South JOth sl., bel. Chestnut, Phila. HELM BOLD'S Medical Depot, HELMLOLDS Drug&Chem'l Warehouse. 549 Ii road way, New York. t tdPBeware of counterfeits and unprinci pled dealers, who endeavor to dispose "ol their own" and ''other" articles on the reputation attained by Helmbold's Genuine Preparations,. Ci'j do Extract Buchu, ft l L..1H f . I" . . -mi rieimooiii s venuine i'xiraci rarsapanna. do do Improved Rose Wash. fSoId by all Drnggists everywhere. Ask for Helmbohi's. Take no other. Cut out the Advertisement and send for it, and avoid imposition and exposure. ppcpmber 9, lSfi3.-ly. 3Iagic Tine Observers. Being a Hunting or Open Face or La dy's or Gentleman's IFatch Combin ed, with Patent Self -Winding Im provement, a most Pleasing Novelty. One of the prettiest, most convenient, and decidedly the best and cheapest time piece for general and reliable nse ever offe red. It has within it and connected with its machinery, its own winding attachment rendering a key entirely nnneressa y. The cases of this Watch are composed of two metals, the outer one being fine 16 carat gold. It has the improved ruby action le ver movement, and warranted an accurate time-piece. Price, superbly engraved, per case ol half dozen, S204. Sample Watches, jn neat morocco box8, 35. SILVER WATCHES. First Class Hunting Time-pieces lor accu racy of movemert, beauty of material, and, above all, cheapness in price, these watches muet insure universal approba tion. Aij imitation so faultless that il can hardiy be detected by the most experien ced jndges. The material being" of two metals, the outer one first quality Sterling Silver, while the inner one is German Sil ver, it cannot be recognized by cutting ot heavy engraving, making it, not only in appearance, but in durabiliiy, the best re semblance of Solid Sterling Silver in exist ence. . ' The sale of these Watches in the army is a source ol enormous profit, retailing, as they very readily do, at S25 aud upwards. Many hundred dollars can be made in a single pay day by any one of ordinary business tact. C-AT WHOLESALE ONLY! In heavy hunting cases, beautifully engraved white enamel dial, and fancy cut hands, in good running order, by the half dozen, 66. Sold only by by the case of six I Upon receipt of two dollars, as guarantee of good faith, we will send watches by ex press to any part of the loyal Slates, col lecting balance of bill on delivery. This ensure buyers against fraud, giving them their watches before payment is required. Send orders to the sole importer. - GAIUS WHEATON, No. 12 Jeweler's Exchange, Cor. Cortland St. and Broadway New York. , Dec. 9, 1S63- 3m. ; ; EDWRAD B, SNIDER, IT? ;.' . v . - -, AND. , . - r; , , . , . Gcnc'l Com'feioii Iflcrchaiit. Bloorasburg, Columbia county Pa. , Particular attention given la Palest right. Sept. 2, 18G3. 3mo. N.Y. WEEKLY NEWS. The ch-apest and best New ..York .N-vts-psper. Only one dollar per anu-un. Eicht pages forty column". A complete : record of eveuts, Benj.Vrnin Wood, editor and pro prietor, Published at No'. 19 Ciiy Hall Square, Daily News Building, Njv York City. THE NEW YORK WEEKLY NEWS u unrivaled in its ability and enterprise as a public ournnl, and in J. VERY DEPARTNENT is mot efficiency conducted, ro as la form a weekly record of events political, com mercial, financial and literary, throhout the World. In addition to this it contains all the Domestic Intelligence of each week and full reports of every matter of public interest. As a political Journal The Weekly News will be lound on the side of tha Constitu tion of the courtry as it was framed and established hy Ihe Fathers of the Republic, and will scan with care and fidelity every public act that may tend to the violation of the letter and spirit of that instrument ol our liberties. It prefers the TOLICY OF PEACE to a ruinous and exhaustir.s system of War. Insisting- upon the truth of the principle embodied in the Declaration of Indepen dence, that the jusi powers of the Govern ment are derived from the consent of ibe governed, it urges the preservation of the fundamental principles of liberty, inviolate a of more sacred importance than national grandeur or consolidated power under des potic rule without Ihe pale of established law. On all questions of national impor tance it is the indexible champion o( the rights of citizens, as guaranteed under the instruments by which they havedecidd to be governed. It ther?for holditr purpose ta-sn-iain t.'ie Freedom of Speech and ol the Press, w;iih.the view io protect the people from the encroaching dormas n theorists who conlempelat a modification OI the detnocratio nriiiriida whlrh ir. time have bpen scsiained asainst every ef fort to overthrow them. Jo all matters pr tuinins to Government (he piirposu of tins newspaper is to protect the people from in considerate and rash legislation, and to hold our public servants to a strict account ability for their conduct while car:yinT ou the machinery of power. To this end" th most careful at'en ! ionjwil! be given to all Federal and Legislative laws, and a firm and impanin examination of every new yoliMca! proposition rnay be expected a the only means of protectingr ihe people from an abridgement of their rights. COMMERCIAL & MARKerePORTS are given in Aie most soccinctyet complete manner. They claim particular notice for their fidelity and truth, and all ihoe who desire to comprehend the exact finan cial condition of the couetry should not fail to examine the - views which will be louun in this department of the journal THE FOREIGN CORRESPONDENCE will be found especially inferestin-T and in structiAe and being derived from ome of the ablest minds iu Europe mut be read with Ihe oimost avidity by thoe who deire to camprehend that diblomacy of the Gov ernments of the Old World. .-.V?,.?11 .,,ier irpPfcis THE WEEfcLY NEW b will be fo jnd to meet the public de mand. It is ihe ?special object of the Pro pnetor to render i;t a valuable and enter taining. FAMILY NEWSPAPER, pure in its moral influence, ennobling in its character, and satisfactory to that Jare class in the community v ho desire to see the Public Press treat ill public questions with arguments as pressed in courtesy and candor, thought, a: ihe same time, witi the spirit dee to the themes discussed. By reference to the term of Tne Nw York Weekly News it w iil be noticed ihat U i by far the cheapest newsp-iper in ihe world, and the Proprietor feels that he may invne tl"ie whefpp-ove of il principles and coiductto u-e their ir.fluence in adding to its yrcsenl iare circulation. " c. . Y03IKWELY NEWS, Eight P.e, Fcrty Coumn3 ISSUED EVERY SATURDAY, For One Year One Dollar Eleven Copies to one Address for One . ,Vear . TEN DOLLARS, ingle copies Three Ln THE ACIT YORK DAILY SEWS. A fifsiclau Metropolitan Jiuma devoted to Peace and Consiiimional Liberty, and containing all the news of the day, Politi cal, Telegraphieal, Commercial and Loral is ihe cheapel daily paper in the metropo lis. T E RMS: One Copy, One Year Six Dollars. One Copy Six .Months . Three Dollars, Single Copies Tow Cents. Address BENJAMIN WOOD, Edito and Proprietor, No. 19 City Hall Square, New York. IVorlh Cciilra! Uailu ny. TI M E T A LB E. TWO TRAINS DAILY to and from the North and West Branch of tfie Susquehan na, Elmira, and all of Northern New York. On and after Monday, Acril 20th, i63, the Passenger Trains of the North Central Railwnv- n ii arrivo and .1 o i r,nn. v j ' - 1 ('an liuiu ouil bury, Harrisbnrg and Baltimore as follow- snii'rmvtn n Mail Train leaves Sunbury daily except Sundays, at ' 10.10 a m. Leaves Hat ri-burs:, 1.15 p.m. Arrives at Baltimore,' 5.35 " Express Train leaves Sunbury daily except Sundays, at 1 1 07 p.m. Leaves Harrisb'rgjexcept Monday 2.00 a.m. Arrives at Baltimore daily except Monday, at 6.15 a.m. Accommodation leaves Harrisb'rg 6,30 a.m. NORTHWARD. Mail Trail leaves Baltimore daily except Sundays, at .... 9.15 a.m. Leaves Harriiibnrg,' ' ' 1.15p.m. Arrives at Sunbury, - 4.05 p m. Express Trains Baltimore daily, 9.15 " Arrive at Harrisburg, 1.35 a.m. Leaves Harrbb'rg except Monday, 3.00 " Arrive? at Sunbury, . 5.38 " For further particulars apply at the office. . . I. N..DU BARRY, Supt. Harrisburg, Aug. 8, 1863. THE OIjU guard. 4 Monthly Journal, devoted to the Prin ciples of 1776, Designed 4punmask Ibe Usurpation, Desptism and crimes of this ABOLITION ADMINISTRATION. And to defend ihe doctrines of State Right, and ot Constitutional Liberty, as held by our Revolntionary Fathers. Published by C- CHAUNCEY BURR & Co., sag streiM, New York. . . PRICE Single numbers 15 cents. For warded by rr ail or express to all parts of the United Slates at SI a yflar, in advance. Any person sending len subscriber . will receive an additional copy for one year. Aug. 26, 1863. G ents Bakiforal Lace Boots, will 4b..sold very Irjtr. "Also, Boys Shoes, at - ' ' ' L.T. SHARPLHSS.' tlCntlTV AN'I UNION OW; AND FORKVER.' THIS Journal, which is now in the sixty second year of its exiatence, is a thorough soinr , independent and fearless advocate ot genuine practical democracy. It main tains the equal rightof all men toj'istice and free loin; il earnestly approves the war for the Union; it holds up the har.ds ol our I hmvp snldinrs in thA fipld? nnd it n - - w ' ' v v v I v - - r O treason in all shapes, whether open, as at the Sou'h, or covert or sneaking as at the nordi. At the same time it is ihe enemy of all undue exprcise of power, or all kinds of political jobbery and corruption, and insists unon economy in expenditures, anil a strict adherence to the constitution. Thronchout the war it has advocated it.a the most v.goroits prosecution of it, but as the war draws to a close political questions lake th ascendent. A more stupendous, difficult and interesting problem was nev er presented to any people, than that of the restitution of the revolting slates Io iheir allegiance. It will require all the statesmanship and wisdom ol tne na'ion to brin it to a satisfactory solution. On that point the "Evening Post" will take definite grounds, and endeavor to brincr about a condition of universal freedom and real democracy. Pledged to no par ly, and looking only io the interest ol ihe wnote country, n win use whatever energy and inflnence in the defence of the "rat principle of human right and humanIe vation which lie at the foundation ol our institutions. It aims chiefly, however, at being a jrood newspaper. In its columns will Im found a complete History of Ihe war, all impor tant political or State Documents entire, Proceedings ol Legislative bodies, Snm mariesof European Intelligence, and news from all partot the worid'accurate reports of financial and commercial matters, trust worthy Correspondence, and a carefully selected Literary Miscellany, comprising Poetry, Reviews of now Works, with lit erary extracts, Tales gossip and anecdotes ihe whole formins an excellent variety in which every reader will discover some thing o his tas'e. Tt t ms Daily Evening Post. One copy 1 yr. oltv'ed by Carrier, Si 1 .00 One ropy 1 ver sent by mail, 10,00 One copy I month, j og Srmi-ir eek.'y Evening Post. Published Every Tuesday and Friday. One copy one year, 3 00 Two copies one year, 5 00 Five cop.ies one year, 12 00 Ten copies one year. 22 00 A copy of the weekly one year, or of the Semi-V ekly for six months, will be sent 10 any person who sends us a club of ten Semi Weekly. JJ'cehy Evening Post.- Ispubli-ned every Wednesday. When addressed with each subscriber's name : One copy one year, $2 00 Three copies one year, 5 00 Five copies one year, 8 f0 Ten copies one year, 15 00 And an ex'ra copy to Ihe setter op of each club of len. VYhen a Club is sent to one Address. In order 10 encourage the formation of clubs in pine where only single copies are now taken, we havp decided to offer the following inducements: 74 copies one year to one addre, 7 do do do s 00 JO f-0 20 00 16 do do do 20 do lo do 25 CO An extra cipv of fh WepkSy wi!l be sent f ir each Club of iwe;.tj at this rate. Cletar men are supplied by mail at the fi'.lort ing rn'e D-dlv, S3 0) per annum: Semi weekly, S2 25: Weekly, SI 50. Mir.ey may be forwarded by mail at our riK. l wSpcimpn Copies will be sent free to ail who d!rt it. WM. C. BYRANT & CO, Office of ihe Evening Pot, 41 Naai St., cor. of Liberty, N. Y. November 25, 1863. THE 31AGAZIXE FOR THE TI3IES! 5ETEUS0N'SMAGAZINE, the best and cheavesl in Ihe World for ladies. This popular monthly Maaire wil! be greatly improved for 1864. Ii will contain one Thousand Pa?es of Readtna! Fourteen Splendid Steel Plates! Twelve Colored Berlin Work Pattern! Niue Hundred Wood Cats ! Twenty Four Pages of Mu sic! All this will be civen for only Two Dollars a ypjr, or a dollar less than Maga zines of the cla- of "Peterson." Its Thril ling Tales and Novele'.tes are the best pub lished anywhere. All the mot popular writers are employed to write originally for "Peterson." In 18C4, ir. addition to i;s usual quantity of short storips. Four Origi nal Copyright Novelet?, will be mven, by Ann S Stephens, Ella Rodman, Frank Lee Benedict, and ihe Author ol 'the Second Life' It also publishes Fashions Ahead of All Others. Each number, in addition to the colored plates, gives Bonnets, Cloaks and Dresses, enaraved on wood. Also, a pattern, from which a Dres, Mantilia, or Child's Dress, can be cut ont, without ihe ?id of a mantua maker. A LSO, several aesof Household and other Receipts. ts the best Lady's Magazine in the JVarldTr-j it for one Year Terms, Always in Advance. One Copy, one year, S 2 00 Three copies, for one year, 5 00 Five copies, for one year, 7 00 Eight copies, one year, 10 CO Premiums for Getting tip Clubs: ThrpH Five or eijdit copie make a club. To every person ppttins up a club, at ihe above rates, a copy of the Magazine for 1861 will be given gratis. Address, posi-paid, CHABLESJ. PETERSON, 306 Chestnut St., Phila. November 18, 1863 LEATHR! LATHER ! fHIE undersigned would announce, that he has on hand, at his Hat and Cap emporium on Main 6treet, Bloomsburg, an assortment of different kind of leather. such as fine calf skins, morocco, red and black and linings, all of which he willsell cheap er than can be had elesewhere in this mar ket. Call and examine ihem for yourselves. JOHN K. GIRTON. Bloomsburg. May 21. 1862. DM. J. R. EVANS, Physician and Snrgeon, STAVING located permanently on Main LX Street, BLOOMSBURG, Pa., would in form the public generally, that he is pre pared to attend to all business faithfully and punctually that may be intrusted to his carp, on terms commensurate with ihe limes. tSHe pays strict attention to Surgery as well as Medicine. " November 25, lS63.-ly. HENRY ROSENSTOCK, Sky-7iiht Ambrofvpisf, OOAlS in ihe Tnird Story of the Ex change Block, (entrance above the Book Store,) Bloomsburg, Columbia couo ty, Pa. . : .- - Bloomsburg, Not. 23, 1859 lj J2 n legend M.tynl. and Hi fined 'crllarteom Family Jmirnrd. A PAPER FOR THE MILLION, Ar.d a welcome visitor to th home cir cle. It contains the foreign and dornesl c news of 1 fie day, an-f (.resems the fjre i'.est amount of intelligence. THIS MAMMOTH WEEKLY ' Is pritned on fine white paper, with nw and beautiful type, aud is a large weekly paper of ixteen octavo pages. An unrivalled corps of contributors are under repnlar encasements, and every de partment is placed on the most finished and perfect system that experience can de vise. Each number will be beautifully il lustrated. TERMS. $2 00 per annum. Invariably in advance. For sale at all "Periodica! Depots in the United States. Published every Saturday, corner of Tre monl and Bromfield streets, Boston, Mas sachusetts, by F GLEASON. Nov. 11, J863. MADISON HOUSE, (OF JEIISEYTOWN, PA ) "THE subscriber would respectfully ap prise his friends and the public gener ally, thai he has esfablii-hed the MADISON M HOUSE, in Jerseytown, Columbia county, Pa. The above house has lately been refutpd and undergone a thorough repairing by ihe pro prietor. He is fully prepared lo entertain the travelling custom as well as thr local with seneral satisfaction, His TABLE and BAI,are well supplied and will he rareful ly superintended. And hts STABLE is am ply and well stocked, in charge of cnrefnl grooms, will always be properly attended. Cr 11 invites a share of the pubticeus torn, and pledaes his best efforts, to help his guests feel at borne. SAMUEL RIM BY. Jerseytown. Jan 8, 1862. WM.B K00XS Proprietor m.OOMSIliriUZ IA spills mngnificeiit Hotel, situate m n,e -L central portion of the town, and op posite the Conrt Hntn3 hip been ihoroughlj repaired and refurnished, and the ProprTe'or is now prepared to accommodate traveler teamsters, drovers and boarders in thr most pleasant and agreeable manner. His iaV.i will be supplied with the best Ihe market affords, and his Bar with the choicest liquor Attentise ostlers will always be on hand, and his stabling i the most extensive in this section of conntry. Omnibuses wil always be in readiness to convey passen ger3 to and from the Railroad Depots. WM. S. KOONS. BloomsburjT, Jnly 4. 1P60. Whocsalc and tCcJail. rpHE subscriber would announce to the -I- citizens of Bloomsbnr? and vicinity that he isseilins LlQUOliS in large and small quantities, and at different prices at 1 r-. w 01111 1 ,11 main sireer. north side, two doors south of Iron s-.reet, BloomhnrTf. His stock of Foreign and Dnmesiic . consists of Cognac and Rochplle, li!a?kb- ry, turijer, Raspberry and Lavender. He hs a far asor!mprit of a C3 Old Kye, gray with ae. fine Old Bourbon, iu.ks .iisKy, ana ay qnji.tity J coirtmon. f a!-o has PURE HOLLAND GIN, Madeira-;. Lisbon, Claret, herry and Cam- piiC;r.o Whips; and list bnt not leat. a qnanti'y ol pccJ double extr? BliO'xVN STOUT; all of which he will sell at the lowesi cash prices. The public are respect fully solicited to 2'ivp hi liquor a tridl. D. W. ROBB1NS, Agt. Bloomsburg, May 1, 1861. D 23 IT 2 IG 5? S, Y . II. . IIOWtiR, SURGEON I K T!ST, r 3 ESPECFULLY off.-rs hi QJjYWk -"-professional services to ihe JJ- XT f Jadips & gpntlemen ot Bloorris burs and vicinity. Ha i prepared to attend to all the various operation" in Den;i-iry, and is provided with ihe latest improved PORCELAIN TEETH, which will be in serted on pivot or gold plate, to look as well as natural. Mineral plate and block teeth mannfar. j lured and all operations on tseth carefully J attended to. A superior article of Tooth Powder, al ways on band. All operations on the teeth warranted. Residence and Office, a few doors ahovp I the Conrt House, same side. I Bloomsburi'. Aut. 19 irss Perclsa nnckinsr. WITHOUT BRUSHING.) TOR Boot, Shoes, Harness, Carriages, and Military Lpathpr Work. This new nnd excellent article pjcpU pvp.iything ever before in nse, for bpunti fying and sof eninz the leather. Il maf-e a polish like patent leather; will not rub off with water, nor stain the finest white silk, and makes leathpr perfectly water proof. Twice a month applied on boots and shop, and once a month for harnes is sufficient. If the leather bpcomes d ir y wah it off with clean watpr and the pnlUh will re-apnear. Warranted as represented. Directions lor nse. Apply a lew !rops on a sponge, rub it slowly over the leather, and the polish is complptp. PRICE 37 CEFTS PER BOTTLE I tJT For sale by L. T. fcHARPLESS. 3 Bloomsburg, May 14, 1862. KoIIock's Dandelion Coffee. THIS preparation, made from the best Java Coffee, is recommpndpd by ph ysiciuns as a superior NUTRITIOUS BEVERAGE for General Debility, Dyspepsia, and all biliou disorders. . Thousands .who have been compelled to abandon th use of cof fee will use this without injurions effects. One can contains the strength ot two pounds of ordinary coffee. Price 25 cents. KOLLOCK'S LCVAIX, The pnresi and best BAKING POWDER known, for making light, sweet and nutri tious Bread and cakes. Price 15 cents. Manufacturtd by M. H. KOLLOCK, Chemist, Corner of Broad and Chestnut Streets. Philadelphia, IdfAnd sold by ell Druggists and Grocers.jF February 26, 1862. ly. E. II. LITTLE. Asp's iLssis'sr as aw9 . ELOOJISBUKG, Fa. Office in Court Alley; formerly occupied by Charle li. Buckalew. December 28, 1859.-tf. V- -fr-i '-V i ... , ,J. . THE CHEAPEST PAI'ER PCBLISUSO. TpORTY-F.TGfiT columns of revlin mat , 'P" w'"It forJl 20 per year. Ti onlv- ,NW ,.tk pdper Wfifo nt.etclaiv ly or country cirenlaiion; and. if.e new, of the week, wj&.Jhe rattle, pro u.-p, and other market -crefnlly reoorn-d - xvP?e?' ,Vork lJy-Hok.for 1864. U hi.e Men's LibertiesState Riihls Fed eral Union. - The Nw Y..rk Day-Book 5, an indepen dent, Democratic Jotirnol, holdinwifh tU late benaior Doualas, ,hat ih:s' govera ment is made on the white bais, by whie men, for the benpfit of white 'mea arid th eir onitrJlf- (trprdr " T, i . ble sheet, w ith frrty eight columns of read ing matter, ana in all respects whether lor Markets, new, Literary or AgricDltural iiiformation i not inferior to any as 1 po litical or family newspaper. In it? poL li ra! deparlmpnt.it grapples boldly' with the real question before ihe American people, and prespnt the only philosophy of it which can reist the sreepittg march of Abolitionism. Ir i Democratic in the irn? sense of the term the defender of the peo ple's rights, but it ihe upholderof no par ty chicanery or trickery. is no, on)y for peace, but it show how, and how only, permanent peace can be obtaired, and this "lo-ions white man's Envprnment of Wash ington restored, viz: by the utter rony overthrow, and extprminaiion of Abolition ism from American soil. The Day Book i now the only weekly political paper in Nw York city made up ex lu-ivp,y fir country circulation. All the others arc rhahed from the columns of some daily paper, which renders i; almoi-t impossible to give so complete anJ general a summary of the news as in the other 1 cae l'eri-on about snbcribtn?? shnnM take this into consideration. I)i-mocrat, al-o, most see lo it that sound piper are circulated amoni! the people, or ato!iiiori ism will never re put down. Vff" AM who de-ir lo refute ifp arsumemsof Abolition-it-1, fhnol I rpadThe Day Doak. TERMS: One copy, ot e yar. Three eopie on yea', 5 00; F.ve copie-, one ypar, $7 5": Ten copip, one jer, and one to thn peiter Lp of the club, SH 00 Twenty copis, one year, and one 10 tne net erunof the Clob, i 2 1 00. Additional copies, each Si 20 The nsnip of the pot-ofie. ronntv, and Sia'p, should in all cases, be plainly given in every Is'tPr. Payments always in advance, acd all papers will be stopped when ihe time of subscription paid for expires. A'Mres, VAN EVRIE, IIOKTON & CO.. 12 Nassau st., New York. Special Orders. We desire this year to phre btor? a million ot northern read ers the great doctrines 'The D-iy Bnok teache on the qup.-tion of thp Races. We conridentiy believe if this Journal wpre placed in ihe hands of one half of ihe vo ters of the northern States bptween this limR and November, 1S64, the Democrats could not fail to carry the next presidential elec tion. U' therefore make the following offer, net in the liht of prizes, ar.d not even bpraose it wiil be profitable, for wt can scarcely afford it but solely to scr.m a viide disrm inaiion of ;he view which w p prolout i!!) celieve xvill ave our coun try. Chds of Twenty. For a club of 20 t'psi'ip the pxtra psippr now ofTr?-.!. we will sml a copy of Dr. Vu Evrip's l'-! work on 4lc:Pr."c and npro rl'very,'; !' thr .' p fitioii ot which 1 just reai'v. 1'ri'? 0:w Dollar. Clvbs vf Fifty. For a thb of Fify "Cb'crit pr-i, ft we wiM sp.iJ one r. paper, and a cornjp'e cf A ' i A-'. iinoii Pob'fiticcis," the j-r-cp- of vtncti, tike-i toL":?!Pr amou it tn ?2 75. Clvbs of One Hundred. I i rrfaliob to Cbib ot op huiulred, wp will say i!ti Whoever will spnd t:s enr hnrdrc.l sut scribers at one lirr.e. the club to be sent T one addrps. and t'P-in and end ai tne shUJfe time, will reufive tiid pappm at Stcn. v. e., 11. i ca Novpmter 13, 163. rnosPLCTUs orniE A(;E,n A NATIONAL TEMOCRATIC NEWSrATEl ryo be published Daily and Wppkly In the city ol Phiia'ielphia. b A J (jI breniier & Co. ' The Asp" will advocate ihp principles ol the Dernoratic party, and will, therefore, necessarily favor the resto ration of the Union as ii was.' and defend t.e ronMi'ction of the United Stbtes, and ilnl of this Commonwealth. It will freely and fairly discuss all lepit imate subject of newspaper rommcnt, iii ciud'rig, of cour-e. and pre-eminently af ihis tunp, all que.-tions connected with the exi-tii.ij nrhappy condition of our country. It will fearle-sly rrnii-ise the publ.c aci4 of public servants and defend the lpal am! constitutional right of iudividual citizens nnd ol sovereian States, against assaults Irom any quar;er. Il will seek to awaken the mind of lh? ppoplq to a proper sense of the actual con dition ol the Republic to prpscnt lo thern, truthfully, the learful prrils in which w siand a a nation to exhibit the magnitude of Ihe ta-k Ihat lie be!'rp them, i: they wonht etiprk our downward prrgrs nd to inspire them with patriotic detPrmina 11011 lo apply the rempjy for our national t : ill. In' belief, M will in all thine. iim 10 be the faithful exponent ol Democratic prin ciples, and to render itself v. or hy to be an orjran ollhe !emocratic party, under whce auspices our country propered so lon " and so well. The restoration of Ihat park tv the party of ih Constitution and ih Union 10 power in the legislative and ex ecntive governmental branches of Ihe State and of ihe Union, we believe to be neces sary 10 avert anarchy, and the utter ruin the Republic. To contribute to lhai restc ration will be our highest aim. The news, literary, commercial and oh pr departments, will receive due attention and will be so conducted a to make "Thd Age" wortiiy of the support of ihe geuer- reader. , .. t The many difficulties now surrounding an enterprise of the magnitude of that Li which the undersigned are engaged, rt quire them to appeal to the public fot c generon. support, and to ask for "TbQ Ace'' a liberal patronage and extended ci culation. The preparatory arrangements warrant ed the issning of Ihe first number of ihfi Daily A ep in ihe month of March 1863, arpj the Weekly was coinmenceJ soon aftei. : terms : Daily, per annum, f 6 00 do Six month, 2 00 " Three months, . 1 50 Copies delivered at ihe counter, and tt Agents, and Carriers, 2 cents each. - : Weekly, perar.nnm, .. 2 00 . do Six months, t 00. .,' do Three mor.th, ' 80 Ten copies to one address, 17 50 Twenty do do '32 CO - ; Thirty, do do 45 OO ' CF. Payment required invariably ia "ad vance. Addr. A. J. fiLOSSERENER t CO., 43u Chestnut Sneer, Phi.a.J l November is, 1869
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers