The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, October 14, 1863, Image 1
r i r 4 0 Vr, 11. JACOBY, I ublisher. - Truth and Right God and our Country Two Doll is per Annum. 0 E NORTH VOLUME 14; N Y. flVEEKLY NEWS. The cheapest and b.-st New York News paper. Onljr one dollar per anunni. Eht pages frty column. A complete record of event, Benjamin Wood, etiiior and pro r-rietor. Published at No. 19 Ciiy Hall Sqoau, Daily News Building, New York City, r THE NEW YORKWEEKLY NEWS is onrivufeJ iir it ability and enterprise as a public joiirral. and in EVERY DF.PARTNENT It mo't efficien ly conducted, so as to form a weekly record of event political, com - mercial, financial and - literary, ihrognout the World.; In addition to Ihi it contains " till fhre Domestic Intelligence of each week and mrl reports of every n.atier of public interet. A a political Journal The Weekly News will be found on the side of tha Constitu . lion of ibe co'jrtry a. it was framed and . estsblisasd hy the Fathers of the Republic, and w ill wan with care and fidelity every public act I hut may tend to the violation of ite letter and npiril of that instrument of our libertine. It prefer the POLICY" OF PEACE to a rait.ocs and exhausting sysiem of War. ' Insisting upon the ' trutn of the principle embodied in lie Declaration of Indepen dence that th-s just powers of the Govern ment are derit ed from the consent of the governed, it ures the preservation of the fundamental principles of liberty, inviolate, a of more sacred mportance than national praridenr or eonsolic"attd power nnder des potic rule wit tout the pale of established . law. On all question of na'ional impor lance it ! the inflexible champion ot the nchw c( citizons, as guaranteed under the instruments by which they bav edecided to be Cemed. It therefore boldiy avow its ' purprse ta ataio tne freedom of Speech and ot the Pte., wuh the view to protect te-ruople from the encroaching dogmas ot theoris is vrho contempelate a modification f tho democratic principles which to thN time have been solaiued ainst every ef fort to overtt row them. In all matter per twining 1.3 Government the purpose of this .cwpaper is to protect the people from in considerate r.d rash legislation, and to hold nor public servants to a strict account" Ability fir their conduct while car:y'mg on ihe 'machinery of power. To this end" the const c-irel'ul attention will be gien ta ll Federal and Legislative laws, and a firm -and tin partial examinat ation cf every new yoliiu-nl proposition may be expected a the only means of protecting the peonle from an abridgement ot their rights. COMMERCIAL MARKET REPORTS re given in he most succinct yet complete manner. They claim particular notice fur their fid liiy and truth, and all tho-e who desire j comprehend the exact finan cial condition of i,e couetry should lil li e.xanit e the views which will not be ""' n this department of the journal. . THE FOREIGN CORRESPONDENCE i!l tie fonn especially interesting and in structi a ,.t feing derived from some of t'ie bl"s; m iiuls in Europe mu-t be read wnh h" a'jr ost iIiiv by those who deire t cartrpreh.end that diblomacy of the Gov -Tirc.-n cf the Old Wo-ld. In aU iuher respects THE WEEkLY NEWS -ill be found to meet the public ' maul, h i the especial object of the Pro prietor ic render ii a valuable and enter taining. FAMILY NEWSPAPER, pure in vn moral influence, ennobling in n character, and satisfactory to that lare ;! in the community who desire to se- iNe .Public Pres treat all public qn-tio'- wtth arguments axpressed in eouney and riimlor, thoiihi. at the ame tiine,witli tn piril due lo the themes discussed. ' By reference to the term, of Tne York Weekly Newj it will be noticed that il is by far She cheapest newspaper in the world, and ihe Proprietor feels that he may invne those who approve of - its principles ud coid oct lo use their influence in adding lo itn yresetiMarge circulation. NEW YORK WE ELY NEWS, Eight P2ei Forty. Columns ISSUED EVERY SATURDAY, For One Year . One Dollar Eleven Copies to one Address for One Year TEN DOLLARS, Single copies . Three Cents TIIE JflHF T0RK DAILY KEIFS. A first class Metropolitan Journal devoted to Fear e and - Constitutional Liberty, and .containing all the news of the day. Politi . caf, Telesrsiphical, Commercial and Local t tbe cheapest daily paper in the metropo- TERMS : One Copy,-One Year Six Dollars. On Copy Six Months Thn-e. Dollars, Siij!e Copies Tow Cents. Addrens BENJAMIN WOOD, Editor ; and Proprietor, No. 19 City Hall Square, New York! SISGER & CO S Letter "A" Fansilj Sewing Machine, ' IFith all the Recent Improvements. Is the best and cheapest and most beauti- ful of all Sswina Alachines. This Machine will saw anything, from the running of a luce itTarletan to the making ot an over coat; anything from Pilot or Beaver cloth down (o. Ibe softest Gaue or Gossamer Tissue, and is ever-ready to do its work to perfection It can fell, hem, bind,. gather, - lack, eiuWr., and has capacity for a great va riety of ornamental work. This is not the only Machine that can fell, hem, bind, and to fori o, tnt it will do so-better than any other machine. The Letter "A" Family Syriri; Machine may be ha J in great vari ety of cabinet cases. The Folding Case, which is 'now becoming so popular, is, as its : naroe-'implies, one ihat can be folded a box or case, which, when opened, makes & beautiiul. substantial, substantial, and spacious table for the work to rest upon.. Tfja ca-earaol every imaginable deiign; plain as the wood grew in its native forust, or i s elaborately finished as art can make them. The Branch OSices are well supplied with sill: twist,! ihread,. needles, oil, etc., of the very best quality. ' . 5ec d (or a copy of StsGrn & Co.'s Gazette. ,1 I. M SINGER & CO., - . 458 Broadway. N. Y. FIHLADELFHIA OFFICE.810 Chestnut St. H. S. Tiiigley, Agent, in Espy Pa. John Sbiuple, Agent, ia Cattawiesa. Joy 23,;iS62.-)y. ( r 'BLOOMS BURG. COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA., WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 14 1863. HEADING RAIL ROAD. St ill MLR ARRANG-MEAT. "JREATTrunk line from the Norlh and North-west for Philadelphia, New York, Reading. Polisville, Lebanon, Allen town. Easton, &c &e. ' Trains leave Harrisburg for Philadelphia New York, Reading, Poitsville, and all in termediate Sta.ions, at 8 a. M. and 1.40 p. m. New York Expre- leaves Harrisbnrt at 1.25 a. m. airtving i New York at 8.25 the same morning. Fares from Harrisbnrg: to New York S5 00, to Philadelphia $3,25 and $2,70. Baage checked through. Returnins leave New York at 6 A. M. 12 Noon, and 8 P. M. (Pittsburgh Express.) Leave Philadelphia at 8 A. M. and 3.1 5 P. 11. Sleeping cirs in the New York Exprers Trains, through to and from Pittsburgh withour change. Passengers by the Caftawissa Rail Road leave Port Clinton at 4.45 A. M. for Phila delphia and all intermediate Stations, and at 3.00 P. M. lor Philadelphia. New York, and all Way Points. Trains leave Poitsville at 9 A. M. and 2.15 P. M. for Philadelphia and New York, and a; 5.30 P. M. for Aubnrn and Port Clinton only, connecting' for Pine Grove and with the Catlawissa Rail Road. An accomodation Passenger train leaves Reading at 6 A. M. and returns from Phila delphia at 5 P. M. lis" All the the above ttains run daily, Sui das excepted. A Sunday train leaves Potlsvijle at 7.30 AM. and Philadelphia at 3.i5 P. M. Commutation, Mileasa, Season, and Ex cur sioi: Tickets, at reduced rales to and from ail points. G. A. NICULLS, General Superiniendaut. June 4:h i8C2. COMMUNICATED Pulmonary Consumption A Curable Disease ! A CARD. TO C OIVMJJJ PTI VES. THE undersigned having been restored to health in a few weeks, by a very rim pie remedy, after having suffered several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease, Consumption i anxious to make known to bis leiJow sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire t, he will send a copy cf ihe prescription n-eJ (free of charge), withthe directions for -preparins and u-inn the ame, which they will find a turt cm e lor Consumption, Anhma, Bronchitis, Conahs, Colds, &e. The object of the adverser in sending the Prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread the infor mation which he conceives to be invalua ble ;' anf he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing', and may prove a blessing. Parties waning the prescription will please addres REV. EDWARD A. WILSON Wiliiamsburib, Kings county, N. Y. Sept. 23. 1863 4mos TERRIBLE DISCLOSURES ! Secrets For the million ! m i valuable and wonderful publi ca'Toii. A work of 400 pa2, and 3icoWI engravi-igs. DR. HUNTER'S VA DE.MECUM, an original and popular trea'i- on Man and Wcman, their Phys iology, unctions, and Sxual disorders of , pvirv kinu, with xvever railing iiemedies. i.r i' r peedy cure. The practice of Dr. Ht'-NTER has long been, and still is, I unbou iOrtd, but at ihn crcest solicitation I num'etdiis persons, he has been induced ; to pr o' d h:a medical usefulness through the ,ei mm of his "VADEMECUM." It is a volume ihat snonld be in the hands ol every family in the land, as a pre venti ve of secrei vices, or as a guide for the allevia tion of one of the most awful and destruc tive sconrse ever visited mankind. One copy, seourely enveloped, will be forwar ded free ot postage to any part of the Uni ted States tor 50 cents in P. O. stamps, 3 co.ues for SI. Address, post paid, DR. HUNTER, No. 3 Division StTeet, New York Sept 9. 1863. North Central Railway. TIME TALB E. TWO TRAINS DAILY to and from the North arid West Branch of the Susquehan na, Elmira, and all of Northern New York. On and after Mondav, Anril 20lh, 1863, the Passenger Trains of (he North Central Railway will arrive and depart from Sun bury, Harrisbnrt: and Baltimore, as follows: SOUTHWARD. Mail Train leaves Sunbury daily except Sundays, at Leaves Hairisburg, Arrives at Baltimore, 10.10 a m. 1.15 p.m. 5.35 Express Train leaves Sunbury daily except Sundays, at 1 1 07 p.m. Leaves Harrisb'rg.excepl Monday 2.00 a.m. Arrives at Baltimore daily except Monday, at 6.15 a.m. Accommodation leaves Harrisb'rg 6,30 a.m. NORTHWARD. Mail Trail leaves Baltimore daily except Sundays, at 9.15 am. Leaves Harrisburg, 1.15 p.m. Arrives at Sunbury, 4.05 p m. Express Trains Baltimore daily, 9.15 " Arrives at ilarrii-bnrg, 1.35 a.m. Leaves Harrisb'rg except Monday ,3.00 " Arrive? at Sunbury, 5-.38 " For further particulars apply at the office. I. N DUBARRY, Supt. Harrisbnrg, Aug. 8, 1863 TIIE OLD GUARD. A Monthly Journal, devoted to the Prin ciples of 1776, Designed to unmask the Usurpation, Desptisro and crimes of ibis ABOLITION ADMINISTRATION. ADd to defend the doctrines of State Rights, and of Constitutional Liberty, aa held by our Revolutionary Fathers. Published by C- CHAUNCEY BURR & Co., saa street, New Fork. PRICE Single numbers 16 cents. For warded by mail or express to all parts of the United States at SI a year, in advance. Any person sending ten subscriber ill receive an additional copy for one year. Aug. 26, 18631 ' J.ent9 Balmoral Lace Boots, will be sold Tery low. Also. BoytShoes, at . L. T. SHARPLX SS.' J 'etc Stock of Clothing. FALL So WINTER GOODS JNVITES at'ention lo his stock of cheap and fashionable Clothing at his Store, on MJIJ.V STREET, Ji LOOMS BURG, two doors above the American House, where he has just received from New Yotk and Philadelphia, a full assortment of Men antl Boy's Clothing, includiug the mosi fashionable, durable and handsome, DRESS GOODS, consisting of Box, Sack, Frock f Gum and O'U Cloth Coals, and Pants, of all sorts, sijes, and colors. He also has replenished his already lariie stock of and Winter Shawls; striped, figured arid plain Vests, shirts, cravats, slock-, collars, handkerchiefs, gloves, suspenders and fancy articles. N B He bus constantly on hand a large and well selected assortment of Cloihs and Vestings, which he is prepared to make up to order, into any kind ol clothing on very short notice and in the besi of manner. All his clothing is made to wear and most of it is of home manufacture. AND Ot every Description, Fine and Cheap His Case of Jewelry is not Mirpased in th is place. Call and examine his general as sortment of Clothing, Watches, Jewelry, &c &c.' PAVID LOW EN BE KG. Blnomsburg, Ai). 26, 1863. Miller's Store. OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS. rMIE subscriber has just returned the Cities with another large and from telicl assortment of FALL & 1VIiTK: GOODS, purchased at Philadelphia &nd New York, al the lowesi figure, and which he is determined rosell on as moderate terms as can be procured elsewhere in BloomsLarg. . His stock comprises Ladies' Dress Goods, of the choicest styles and latest fashions.- DRY GOODS, C2 xtce a1 a S5S HARD W ARK. QUERNS WARE. CEDAR WARE, HOLLOW-WARE, Boo's and Shos, Hais ami Caps, &c , &c. In short, ever thing usually kepi in com try stores; to which he invites the public gener ally. The highest price will be paid for coun try produce, in exchange for good. STEPHEN II MILLER. Bloomsburg, Aug. 26, 1863. CIRTOXS i CII EAP HAT STORlf" REMOVED. Another Arrival of Goods. " Now is Your Time lo Buy. I NOW SELL CHEAPER THAN EVER. TIHE undersigned having bought out the 1 Grocery of David Stroup, has removed his Hat and Cap Store up to Slroup's Old Stand, where in addition to a superior as borimenl of SPRING AND SUMMER a HATS AND CAPS, Comprising every soit and quality, which will be sold ai unusually low prices. He will continue ihe Grocery and Notion business in all its forms as carried on by Mr. Stroup And solicits a continuance of the old customers. ALSO,-A fine lot of KIDS, M0R0CCOES, and LININGS to which he invites the at tention ol Shoemakers and the pnblic. JOHN K. GIRTON. Bloorrsbnrg, Aug. 26, IH63. rVciv Clothing More. LATEST STYLES CHEAP GOODS. fllHE undersigned respectfully informs his friends and the public generally, ihat he has just received from (he Eastern Cities, a laroe assortment of 'AND SUMMER CLOTHING Fresh from ihe seat of Fashion, cf all sorts, sizes and quantities, which , will be sold cheap for cash or country produce. ALSO, " RATS & CAPS i-Sjw Together with a variety ol no tions and things loo troublesome to numer ate, lo which he invites the attention ol pur chasers. ESCall and examine our stock of goods. ANDREW J. EVANS. Bloomsburz. Ana. 26, 1863. PELATREAU'S STIMULATING ONGUENT. OR FRENCH CREAM. FOR BALD HEADS AND BAR FACS: T MJIS celebrated article is warranted to brin" out a full set of Whiskers en the smoothest face, or a fine growth of hair on a Bald Head, in lest, than six weeks, and will in no way stain or injure the s;in. The French Cream is manufactured ty Dr. PelatreauH of Paris, and is the only reliable article of the kind. Use no other. , War ranted in eve'ry case. ONE BOX WILL DO THE WORK. Price SI. CO. ImporteJ and for sale Wholesale and Retail by THOS. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist and Druggist, 831 Broadway, New York. P. S. A box of ihe Onguent sent to any address by return mail, on receipt of price, and 15 cents for Postage. . August 26, 1S63 1m. EDWR AD B. SNIDER, - '. AND . General Commission Iler , chant. Bloomsburg, Columbia county Pa. . ' Particular attention given to Patem rights. SepU 2, 1863. 3mot - STAR OF THE NORTH PUBLISHED ETKRT VBDRE8SAT BY w. a. JACOBy, Office n Main St., Sd Square belw market TERMS : Two Dollars pr annum if paid within six months from the time of subscri bing: two dollars and fifty cents if not paid within the year. No subscription taken for t less period than sis months; no discon tinuance permitted until all arrearages are paid, unless at the option of the editor. 7 he terms of advertising will be as follows: One square, twelve lines, three times, SI 00 Every subsequent insertion, . . . , . 25 One square, three months 3 00 One year, ... 8 00 (Cljoice iJoelrn. BETTER LITE TfliS NEVER. Life is a race where some succeed, While others, are beginning ; 'Tis luck at times, at others speed, That gives an early winning. But if you chance to fall behind, Ne'er slacken your endeavor, But keep this wholesome truth in mind, 'Tis better late than never. If you can keep ahead, 'lis well, But never trip your neighbor ; 'Tis noble when ton can excel By honest, patient labor But if you are outstripped at last, Press on as bo'd as ever : Remember, thongh you are surpassed, Tis belter late than tever. Ne'er labor for an idle boast Of victory o'er ano'.her , Bnt while ou strive your mtermost, Deal fairly with a broihf Whate'er your station, do jowbeit, Antl hold your purpose ever ; And if you fail to beat the rest, 'Tis better late than never. Choose well the path in whjch you run, Succeed by Bobleilaring ; Then, iho' the last, when once 'tis won, Your crown is worth the wearing. Then never fret il left behind, Nor slacken your endeavor. But ever keep this truth in mkid 'Tis belter late than never. "IT'S BENEATH ME." " I tell you it's beneath me, and I shall not go. 1 didn't marry you to be made to sit down with ail the common people in Mexworlh. My lather was an apothecary, and I know what's due o myself too well to disgrace my family ; ar.d that's all abont it, Sam," said Anne Rogers to her hus band one erenrug towards the end of the honey moon. ''Bui they are not law people," quietly remarked Sam, as soon as his wife's volu bility had a little expended itself. "They are honest, industrious, well mannered folks as any in the whole town." "They are low people," retorted the lady. ! Didn't Mrs. Perkin's mother sells nuts and apples at the corner of the street, and was her father anything belter than a journey men 1 It's nothing because Joe was your fellow servant that you want me to demean myself lo people like that I wonder you haven't more proper pride than to forget that you were butler when he was groom. But if you have not dignity enough be longing to you, 1 have, and that you'l! find, Mr. Rogers." Sam was pretty certain it was a desper ate case, for his wife bad only once before honored him with this form of address. He stuck his hand), ihereiore, into his pockets with a hopeless air; but not to be beaten without a struggle, began once more, with a "Bat my dear Anne" "But my dear Anne has got a will of her own about some things," was the impatient reply, "and that's one; so joucan tell the Pelkinses not lo expect me." Half in terror, half in anger, her hus band took up his hat, and hastened into the street. I Thank God that eyerywhere, even in the busiest thoroughfare? of our busy towns, ' the sweet freshness of the summer evening may be fell by those who seek it. It seems ' as a messenger, sent to smooth the rufHIed brow of the angry and careworn, and to bring fresh bloom into the faded cheek of the sickly and the sad. Il is certainly our own fault, if we do not come in of a sum mer's night happier and better than we go out; and so Sam, thought as he felt ihe breeze upon his forehead. Accordingly, he had not gone far before his anger had sub sided, and his tenderness for his wife came back. 4'I knew the was high, before I married her," he remarked to himself, "so I have no cause to be surprised. She's high but then she has a kind heart at the bottom. Who can tell whether I mayn't get her to see as I do, if Iv'e only patience for a bit?" True, Sam: if you have patience you may fairly expect it. We wish you success, with all our hearts. We shall be glad too, if you do succeed, of a lilUe advice from you; for, unfortunately, not a day passes over our head but some good undertaking is spoiled in the beginning, for want ot ho ping and trying a little longer. Will Sam's be spoiled ? is, however, the question at present. I think not, for con scious that be had patience, and a good deal for his time of life, he quickly made up his mind what course to adopt. This was, not to try to overturn his wife's pride by direct attack; but, like a skilful general, investing some fortified place to sap and undermine it at the foundations. By the lime he reached home, the cloud bad passed away from Anne's face, and, in a cheerful voice, she asked ilhe were ready for supper. - During the meal, conversation went on briskly; and Sam took an opportunity of remarkink that be thoaght his wife would have a visitor in a day or two; for he had heard thai his old mistress and kind friend, Mrs. Coortenay had come back from Lon don, and she told him just before she went that she would call and see him as soon as she returned. J "Well, I'm sureit's very kind, and I shall ! be uncommonly pleased to see her," said ' Anne. "I hope she will look in of an even ing, though; I shonld not like a lady to catch me in my dirty trim.'' "As to dirty, that you never are, said her husband, turning a pleased look on the tidy figure beside him. "1 believe," added he, somewhat more drily, "that it's you she comes to see. and not your new gown ; but I dare say she wouldn't mind going up and looking in the drawers, if you asked her.'' Anne, who had a quick sense of the ridi culous, was moreamused than angry at this speech, and f fesnVy. after turned the conversation. myJ The following evening when Sam came home to tea, be heardthat Mrs. Courtenay had just called ; and found bis wife in ex treme delight at the kind and good-natured her visitor. liked so much," said Anne ''was iiifteomiug right up to the table instead of standing just in by the door. And then she sat down on her chair there just as if she had been in her own drawing-room and talked away to me as kind as though 1 were her equal " What did the talk about V inquired Sam. "About you, mostly what a good ser vant you used to be, and what a good hus band she haJ thought you'd make. And than she asked all about my family where mother lived and how many sisters I had married, and lots of things besides. But il was not' said Anne, warming with her subject, "i. was noi so much of the things she said as the pleasant manner she had witb her, ami then he shook hands so heartily when she went away." A halfsmile passed over Sam's face, as he quietly remarked, "She did not seem as if she thought it was beneath her to come to see you then ? ' Anne made no reply , nnles a deep blnsh can be considered as such; and her husband wisely refrained from pressing her any far ther. This was Wednesday evening. Friday morning, at breakfast, Mrs. Rogers a"ked her husband whether he had eaid anything yet to ihe Perkinses. "No: 1 have not seen Joe"; but I expect to do so this evening, and I must give him an answer then. What had I better say ?" "That we will go," said his wife, without the smallest hesitation ; and the husband felt himself rewarded for his forbearance. The evening of the visit soon came ; and Anne, dressed in her wedding gown, ac companied her husband. To her surprize she found Mrs. Perkin's house, thoogh smaller than her own, not merely clean, bni the very pic:ure of com- j fort. It had a most unusual luxury in this ! part of the town several pots of balsams! and fuchias in the siuing-toom window; and the room itself was hung with various pen- ; cil drawings, the work of ihe Misses Cour- i tenay, by whom they had been presented : to Joe on his marraige. J In putting on her bestbonnel and gown,' Anne had also put on her most dignified j manners. For the last three days she had been weighing the difference of rank be- , tween the daughter of a journeyman and . that of an apothecary , and it was, as im- ! portant in her opiniong, that this difference . should be felt in its precise degree at their ; first meeting, as it is in the eyes of a sol- emn conn usher that at some grand cere monial the precedence of an earl over a ba ron shall be carefully observed. j You will wonder perhaps, that as Anne was sufficiently moved by Mrs. Cosrtenay'a : example to go at ail if she did not go in a ' more humble spirit. Unfortunately, to many i of us, this is no mystery. Her inborn in- j visible enemy had received a sharp blow, it is true ; but it had driven him from ihe outworks into the citadel. There he took . up a stronger position than before ; and but j for God's blessing on a nature hottest and j kindly in the ftiain, il would have gone j hard but he would once more have regain- ed the master) . Anne, then, went prepared to be royally J gracious, and to patronize Mrs. Perkins, if she found her agreeable; but her plans! were disconcerted, and by a very simple eourse Mrs. Perkins was a person who , could not be patronized. Happily in most circles her counterpart is to be met with, so i a 6hort description will enable my readers J to recognize her. When you see a woman i quietly doing her daily work, without seek- i ing for excrement, content to live and die j unknown, if it so please her Father in heav en, when you see one who feels that in doing ihe bumble duties of every daj life she is as great, in the sight cf God, as the ! conquerer in ihe battle-field or the lawgiver j in the senate, there you see one whose j manner is full of true dignity and whose! countenance beams with true happines, then you have the picture of many noble woman amongst others of my Iriend Mary Perkins. ' - j "What a lady she would make I" said Anne to her husband, as ihey walked slow-! ly borne by the light of the moon. j "What a lady she is " he quickly replied, i "Yes, all the fine clothes in the world could j not make her more so. All they could do S would be to help other people to see it: but it's a poor traveler that can find noplace without a directing post." . Anoe answered only by a sigh. There' was something in her heart that said "Yes" lo every word spoken by her husband , but there was also a strong dislike to hear the : remark spoken. j Courage, Sam! have patience a little longer, and who knows what, with God's j blessing, you may be able to accomplish. ) , tu i vuinc. juuiinv." rr p i n iitiia criri at 1 ' J , ,' v. nine years old to her brother, who was ap parently a year younger, "run of now, for it's just five o'clock, and you won't be back' again belore tea time, unless you make haste." "Here's mother ; I'll a-k her if I most Mother, I don't like to go for James Strong; i may Anne go V "Why don't you like to go John ?'' in-i quired his mother an old Iriend, whom we have not seen for ten long years. "Because he has got such shabby clothes, and the boys all laugh at him. And Henry Davis paid this morning thai it was beneath us lo play with bim." "Henry Davis is very wicked then," ex claimed the little girl." "Not wicked, but he ought to be better taught," said the mother. "Does he ac cuse James Strong of being a thief.Johnny?' she inquired. "No mother," said Johnny, looking at her with some little surprise. "Or of being a liar, or of using bad words!" he asked again. "No," said Johncy, opening his eyes wider and wider. Then go and bring him here directly And tell Henry Davis, the next time he says anything, that your mother snyi it is not be neath you to play with good boys, although they jnay bt poor, and it is beneath you 10 plaj wiia bad beys, let them be ever so'' Johnny ran off immediately, inspired by his mother's word's ; and the father, who had come in just in time to hear the last se.nence, stood, looking at the picture of si lent delight. "Thank GoJ for helping me to be patient with her," he said to himself. "Oh, what a difference from ten years ago." Fowi the Savage's Typographical Dictionary. The London Times in 140. The printing ofa daily newspapers inthe me' ropolis is a distinct branch from that of brint ing books and jobs, and is governed by differ ent rules and regulations, so as to require a separate account of the process. The rou tine of business is uniform and regular, without that variety which occurs in a book house. The qualifications requisite for a compositor on a newspaper are : Punctu ality, quickness in composing, and clean proofs so that no delay may take place from the deficiency of any one individ ual. As the London Times is one of lhe7 largest daily papers in Europe, and as it is printed in a smaller type, and containes more matter than any other, it consequenly re quires and employs more people to prepare it lor publication ; and as it is generally ac knowledaed to be one of ihe be-l conducted papers lor the arrangement of i s matter, and :he punctuality ot its publication, j have selected it to give as a specimen ol the manner of printing a daily morning newspaper in London. The compositors employed to compose this great mass of intelligence day by day , and every day throughout the year, Satur day excepteJ, there being no publication on Sundays, are seventy-five, who are di vided into two classes, viz. : the night or news hands, and the advertisement hands The first class consists of 33, who are di vided into full hands, 14; supernumeraries, 10; assistants, 15; to these may be added 10 ''outsiders," who fill the frames of ab sentees in cases of sickness, or from other causes: ihey are not considered pe longing to ihe establihment, inasmuch as they hold nc situation, and are consequen tly dependent upon the workmen. The advertisement department consists of 36 hands. As it is desiratle not to have to distribute letter after copy is taken, the compositors usually put iheir leiter in after all the corn posing is completed, or take ihe oppertun ity while waiting for copy, lo be ready for the evening, or else they attend sooner in the afternoon than the usual hour, lor that purpose. The full hands take copy at bix o'clock in the evening, precisely and go on withoul regard to the old rule of first work and finish, and the day's work is considered to be completed at the expiration of eleven hours, five o'clock in the morninz; if en gaged after that time all hands are paid by the hour, ihe printer never availing ,himie!f of the ehoice of beginning an hour later on account of the lateness of the preced-1 , , r i ing morn in I. 1 lie iuu uanus aircijicciou iu compose two galleys each per night, and all over lines are paid for extra, even though they are conoed within the time prescribed by the rules laid down for lhe guidance of compositors. The supernumeraries are expected to compose one galley each per night, and all over lines are paid for extra, the same as with the toll hands. " The full hands have each ihree pairs of cases Nonpareil, Minion, and Borgeois; and as the most advantageous' matter is generally set up in the smaller type, they claim the benefit of it as an equivilant for the labor Of putliog the tones to the ma chine. The supernumeraries and assistants take copy at seven o'clock in the evening, and NUMBER 51. continue to work till all is composed; an should there be sny standing still for copy, they are alloweJ at the rate of a quarter cr paey per hoor for B lhe tjme ,hey may have lost durins- the night. The assistant have no stated salary, but are paid by the galley, and share the same advantages as the supernumeraries, no distinction being made in the giving out of copy. The compositors in the news department have the privilege of composing a consid- erable quantity of extra, or "back" matter to enable the printer io have at all times a resource in case o.' accident. This extra: copy is given out and divided into half gal-, ley shares, and taken in rotation thus pre venting monopoly and favoritism. As there is an emense quantity of letter in use, the division of which for distribution , would occasion loss of time, and Irequent disputes, the companionship pay a man to lay op the forms, mark the letter for each individual, Bnd distribute the useless' heads. An is also answerable for the clear ance of the board. Each compositor has a hnmber attached to his frame, and when he takes copy, bis number is placed on the back of bis copy; so that each man's matter is immediately identified ; and in case of a foul proof or an out that will occasiot much trouble, it is immeditaely handed to him wbo com posed it without furher inquirry, which prevents an exposure and annoyance to the individuel. The copy is marked with pro gressive numbers, which prevents confu sion by enabling the compositor to know with certainty whom he follows in coco-, position, and to emty his stick in the prop, er galley so as to join the preceding mat-, ter. As the matter is composad it is taken, a galley at a time, by the printer, and made up into columns ; a proof of the column is then pulled upon the galley by one of the compositors, wbo all take it in turn; it is then given to the reader ; af er being attent ively read and corrected, it is returned to the compositors to make the correction, wbo take it in turn, two and two ; the col unin is divided into four, the first and third parts, and the second takes the second and forth parts, and be who is the last in mak ing his corrections, pulls a second proof, which is carefully revised, and when the revise is corrected the matter is ready for the paper. It thus goes on, column after column, till the whole papei is composed, when it often occurs that the arrival of foreign intelligence increases the quantity considerably ; matter of less im mediate interest is, in this instance, taken away, and kept as back matter lor a luture day, to make room for the latests intelli gence. If lhe first compositor has six or nlore lines to compose of copy that he has in hand, he finishes il before he commence correcting , this regulation is adopted to prevent any interruption or delay in the progress ofgeuing the paper out. The full hands take in turn to correct the revises, lock up the forms, and take I hern to be worked off. The advertisement department is not regulated after the same manner as the news department, there being co distinc tion of graOes, nor any fixed salaries; nor is there any, precise lime of commencing work, the uncertainty as to the time of ad vertisements being received at lhe office' rendering it an impossibility to appoint any regular hour for beginning. The composi tors are paid by the galley, not according to the scale of prices fixed for morning papers. The method adobted in this part of the es tablishment in taking copy is the same as in other offices the first out of copy takes first, and so on, and as the compositors come out of copy their numbers are placed on a slate, which prevents disputes or con fusion. The compositor marks his copy by putting his initials on the back of it; so that if any gross error be committed, and re mains uncorrected a wrong number in & reference, for instance it can immediately be ascertained whocomposed it, and either he reader or compositor is held responsible for that advertisement duty, the proof de ciding which is to pay the fine for negli gence. The salary ol a fall hand is 2. 8 per week, but the average earnings are 31. 12s. f 6d. Thesaleryofa fupefnumerary is II. 3i. per week, but the average, earnings are 3. Il often happens that mcch higher bills at 4 written, but the above may be taken as a fair average. The .whole establishment of the Times newspaper, including editors, reporters, compositors, readers engeneer, overseer of of the machiens, persons to lay on and take off sheets, clerks, etc., consists of one hun died and thirty-seven persons. 1r lha i-Pir lh Tim ft nSWRDlDCf. . . according to the official returns of the gov ernment, consumed 3,650,000 stamps amounting to 73,000 revenue, in addition to that chargeable at the period on their immense daily list of advertisement. Impcp-kt Questions. To ask an unmar ried lady how old she is. To ask a lawyer if he ever told a lie. To a-k a docter how many persons b has killed. To ask a merchant il he ever cheated s customer. To ask a young lady il she would like beau? To ask an editor the names of bis corres pondents. To ask a subscriber if he bad paid the printer. To ask an Abolitionist if he loves tha Union and the Constitution. To ask a loyal Leaguer if he is going It enlist