The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, April 10, 1861, Image 1

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J. 1
! IF; II. JUOBY Proprietor.
Trutb and ltigbt God and our Country.
Two Dollars per Annuo.
TV T r TPK nTl Tr TT
ii. .o.o
i W. A. JAlOBY,
Office oi Main St., 3rd Square below flarket,
TERMS : Two Dollars per annum if paid
rir,ain six month from the time of subscri
bin; : two dollars and fifty cents ii not paid
within the year. No subscription taken for
a l?!8s period than six months; no discon
1 lintiaoce permitted until all arrearages are
paid, unless at the option of the editor.
The term of advertising will be as follows :
One square, twelve lines, three times, SI 00
Every subsequent insertion, ...... 25
w square, three months, 3 00
Or a year, , 8 00
(Choice Poetrn.
When first I sought my Lydia's lore,
I talked of flames and rapture ;
Jod with unceasing ardor strove
Her gentle heart to capture.
'I ll quit the world if I'm denied !"
1 said, without reflection ;
'As yoa think best," the fair replied,
. "I've not the least objection."
Fard hearted girl ! for your embrace,
To dastard fear a stranger,
Arabia's desert Band I'll trace,
- Andjlaogh at every daftger :
Or tcate the Andes' steepest side,
To roe rii your -affection !"'
"As you think best," she still replied,
'"."I've not the least'objection."
Can nothinz move yoo ? is he doomed
To years of gloom and sorrow,
Who tondly tho't you would have bloomed
His lovely bride to morrow ?
lv family, with joy and pride.
Expect the blest connection "
"As yon think best," she smiling cried,
''I've not the least objection."
The gloomy forest in which I witnessed
what I about to relate is situated at a
fhot distance from the town of Dietky. in
lje East India Island of Timore.
, Oa a small plot of ground where stands a
gronpof about fifty buildings of most fan
tastic shapes, each surrounded by its own
inclosures, live and die a few sickly Euro
' peans and a number of Malays who black-
eo (heir teeth with betel, areka, and lime,
llere they live, aud near them so r.ear in
'eed that he can reach them at a single
round lives the terrible boa constrictor,
vrho only devours myriads of insects when
he happens not to have pounced upon a
tuffalo in his rapid flight.
The buffalo is the boa's natural food
7 he moment he has seized upon an animal
of this description, he drags him toward
one of the Mnrdy giants of the forest, enfolds
liim, squeezes him, and stifles him, in
spite of hiB sharp horn, his frightful bel
lowing and bis sturdy shoulders; then cov
ers him with slime, his rough tongue seem
ing at once to caress and inject his victim ;
the kneads his body, he stretches it out and
poutiJ lii bones, and when these hidions
preparations are completed, aud his rep
tile instinct tells him that his victim is in a
Btate to be devoured, he lets it fall, and
placing himself ai full length opposite the
lifeless buftaloe's head, opens his jaws, the
elasticity ol which almost beyond credence
till his rings creak as they drar nearer
;ach other, and then draws a long breath,
hen the quadruped is sucked in by a seri
s of jerks, and ar sooner is its body half
ng ailed than the Zvoracions boa grows
calm, feels drowsy, and at length falls
asleep as if wearied by a struggle that has
exhausted his strength.
- If the boa was alone before he attacked
'buffalo, and If his female is asleep at some
distance from him, yoo may then approach
in full confidence, lor you have nothing to
' ifear from his strength, his slime, nor his
open jaws that are yawning like some vast
furnace. I have said that he is asleep, but
it would be more correct to say dead, for he
is as insensible as the trunk of a tree.
"There is no glory as yoa may perceive
in killing the boa in the state of torpor in
which, he is thrown at the beginning of his
loathsome repast, bat as" no one thinks of
glory in the daily war waged against this
hidious reptile, the best plan is to take him
in the midst of his feast, and for several
men to kneel dqwn , from . his head to the
middle of bis body, as if before some vener
ated idol, and then to place a poisoned ar
row on a siring made of the entrails of fish,
;and, at a given signal, to let fly simultaoe
'oasly at this crawling Locullus, who is
struck by death in the midst of his feast.
Hauling a boa is far more perilous, and,
rfor myjart, I should a thousand time pre-
fer attacking a tiger or a hungery lion in the
: lesert, than the dreaded boa constrictor in
forest. Bullets are inffectual against him
for how were it possible to direct' them
i with a sure aim in the midst of his rapid
j undulation, as the flickering of a flame ?
i Besides, where is your enemy 1 Yoo fancy
you hear him rustling under your feet,when
' lo! he is hanging by the last rings of bis
ta'il to some high branch, swinging to and
fro ready to dart upon yoo, and crush yotr
i to atoms as he would a buffalo. It may be,
as "there is no sting to be feared, that, you
; may have sufficient presence of mind todi
' mde the reptile's body with your sword ;
; I'Ut, for my part, I should give myself op as
lost the moment his slimy body had encir
I c.'ed me ia its folds, arul'I should, only be-
liuvs in the success of your attempt, if yoa
assuf3 ins yoa are torn a Malay, and in
i hatit Timers. - "" -
T! 3
relations on the herds' of beffa-
. -'
, 1 .
'fins and to the Ra
ing this unfortunate colony, had become bo
frequent and so fatal that the Gevernor.Jose
Pinto Alcoferado de Azevedo Souzza, deter
mined at length to organize hunting parlies
for the purpose of destroying, or at any rate
driving away, these dangerous reptiles
For this purpose he enlisted a number of
stout-hearted, energetic men, who were riot
afraid of entering the gloomy forest by day
or by night, and making war on its dreadful
rulers. Their weapons consisted of the for
midable crisk. whose undulating blade is
generally steeped in the, yellowish gum of
he upas tree, and of. short jagged arrows
that are placed in the shape of a fan, on
their chest, and which the dart at the mon
ster whenever they surprise him asleep.
But so many of the hunters fell victims to
the reptile, that they at length gave up this
mode of attack, for which- condemned fel
ons were chiefly employed.
After these unsuccessful attempts, which
would have finished be depopulating the
island far more .rapidly that dysentary or
the most pernicious fevers, Don Jose Pinto
determined to set fire to the wooJ, even at
the expense of a general conflagration
throughout the island. He, however, adopt
ed every precaution required under tne
ctrcumstances ; and as soon as the buffa
loes that were ant forward to be sacrificed
to the reptiles, had given token of the pres
ence of one or more of these monsters, he
caused a quantity of trees to be felled in a
circle round the shot thus indicated. And
as the t,e r pent remains in a state of torpor
for some months after his repast, the coura
geous woodcutters had only lo be on their
guard against those reptiles which had not
yet gorged themselves, but were not suffi
ciently bold to attack a troop of men ready
No sooner were the time honored trunks
felled to the ground, together with the lux
uriant branches, so varied and so fantastic
in their shapes, than whole armfuls of dry
leaves were cast into a heap in the middle,
thee were set on fire, and the fire wascon
tinuallay fed by fresh fuel cast in from the
outer circle, and then through tha fitful un
dulations of the lambent flames the dreaded
boas might be seen writhing round and
round in the fiery circle, in their struggles
to escape from death ; then leaping at a
bound lo the topmost branches of the trees,
and attempting is clear the belt of flames
that hedaed them in but in vain were
their eudeavors. They fell exhausted in
the midft of the furnace, and breathed thei r
last amid the most hideous contortions, ex
pre.sMve of the horror of to agonizing a
Some of them, bowpver, r.s Don Jose Pinto
assured me, con trived to leap beyond the
scene of danger, rushed upon the intrepid
Malays, several of whom forfei ed their
lives belore the replies could be subdued.
But it is wfien the boa comes forth from
the gloomy and silent forests, and ecours
the plain to enjoy the light and the sun
shina, that human life is in the greatest
jeopardy, even in the most securely closed
habitations. 1 he boa constrictors possesses
all the cunning and hypocrisy of the jackal
and the tiger ; lie crawls along stealthily
through the fences, following all the sinu
osities of the soil, so as not to make a noie
by striking against any object that might
impede his passage. He stoops his head
beneath the leaves and. branches of the
shrubs, and then raises it up again with
due caution, having previously listened to
ascertain whether there might be some easy
prey near at hand, after which he crawls
onward in the direction of the spot he aims
at, when suddenly by a series of rapid
bounds and evolutions, that can be compar
ed to noihing more aptly than the streamer
on the mainmast of a vessel dallying with
the wind, he twists himself, now to the
right, now to the left, then turns backward,
and anon leaps forward as though he were
seized with a vertigo. But in this fevered
slate the boa has marked his victim, and
his greedy eye has at once discerned which
animal will afford him the largest digestion.
Such of the natives of Timore as are em
ployed on plantations open lo the incursions
of the boa, have therefore devised the fol
lowing stratagem : They tie up a buffalo
with strong ropes lo a tree or a rock, witbr
crenated openings, where they can en
sconce themselves in safety, while ihey are
enabled to watch their enemy V mancDver
ingsl The boa now rushes upon its victim,
and the surppressed roar of the buffalo
soon proclaims the reptile's triumph and
the feast that follows. " f
But it must aol be imagined that when
the monster i6 impelled by hunger he acts
in the cautious manner 1 have described-
just the contrary ; at such limes his. bearing
is bold atTd decisive ; he towers proudly
above . the tall heath, ottering a hissing
sound like the moaning of the wind in a
tempestand following as straight a line as
an arrow shot out of a bow by some . prac
ticed -baad. Then, oh ! then, woe to the
unhappy man upon whom this hideous rep
tile is about to rush! Noihing can save
him from his deadly grasp, and frequently
have several fallen a prey to his voracity,
when he stalks with a rapidity lar exceed
ing that of the most nimble tiger.
It is difficult to comprehend tha wonder
ful elasticity of the boa's jaws. His head
is "no larger, than a manrs two fists put to
gether, yet hi jaws expand without any
great effort, and engulf masses of astound
ing onormityThus"when the whole body
ot the buffalo nas been consigned to his
living tomb, yoa may see the' boaa scaly
skin distended by number of domes, while
the victim's horns rise np'like two sharp""
But of all sights in the world, none is at
once more curious and more frightful than
an encounter between two boas, which are
contending for the possession of a female
or of a buffalo.
Don Jose Pinto and I witnessed an en
counter of this kind one evening, taking
care, however1 to keep at a respectful dis
tance. We look up our position on lofty Belvi
dere, from whence, though at a distance of
about a thousand footsteps from the 6cene
of action, we could hear the sonorous his
sing more like gusts - of wind than any
thing else of combatants, about to enter
the lists. We saw the scattered branches
on the ground rising like whirlwind in mid
air, impelled by the rapid evolutions of the
two infuriated compatants, and flying like
rockets in all directions. The two boas j
reached at a bound, the solid branches of a
couple of trees standing near each other;
and then there -was a kind of lull, only in
terrupted by the feverish rustling of the
thick foliage, in. which lhe terrible combat-;
ants lay ensconced.
On a sudden the trees quivered all over,
and two sturdy cables rushed at each other.
These cables were the two inveterate foes
hanging by the last ring of their tails, each
to a branch entwined in each other's folds,
like cemented stones of a bridge; and pois
ed above the abyss below. Sometimes
they formed a convex, and at other times
a concave arch, then they remained mo
tionless awhile ; yet even during their ap
parent immobility, they would crush and
each others's tings, and under this seeming
calm there was rage, despair, and gnash
ing ot teeth. The body of one of the boas
must diop lifeless to the ground, and the
other fall asleep beside his vanquished foe.
The struggle had lasted for about a quar
ter of an hour, when the two champions, as
if by mutual agreement, loostned their hold
ol each other, and retreated each to his for
mer station, lill lhe hostilities should be re
sumed. The war-cry wa a kind of tiried
hiss, but more prolonged than the two first
we had heard, after which both monsters
slid down the smooth trunk of the tree they
bad chosen for the field of battle, ana then
followed a violent attack as rapid as light
niris's fierce onslaught, and the last agonies
of one of the combatants seemed almost
simultaneous. One of ihe reptiles had
drawn his adversary within his vortex, and
the ring of his tail were relaxing their hold
by slow degrees. The bodies of the two
monster were now side by side, and
stretched at full length. One was motion
less ; the other more agitated, and afer
carefully coiling himself round the tree, he
a: length stifled his adversary within his
deadly embrace.
to Jerusalem. We have good reason to
believe that a part, at least of the object of
Admiral La Ronciere ie Nourry's late visit
to Constantinople had reference to the for
some lime intended pilgrimage of the Em
press of the French Jerusalem. Her Ma
jesty is said to have had such a journey in
view ever since the death of her sister, the
Duchess d' Alba, and the official rumor
now is, that her intention is to be carried
into effect before the French troops leave
Syria. As the Imperial voyage, however,
cannot be made till at least the end of
March, this fact is put forward asone rea
son for stretching the term fixed for General
Beaufort's departure by lhe Convention.
On the other hand, our information is that
the Porte disposes of this insinuated neces
sity by the amplest offers of escort and mu
nificent care of her Majesty during her stay
in its territory. It is said that the Empress
like another Helena intends to com
memorate her visit lo the Holy Places by
the foundation of either a hospital or a
church worthy of Imperial France, and, in
fact, to make a "progress" whose effects
shall be at once striking and durable. She
will, it is said, replace the diamond star
stolen, according to Consul Botta by the
orthodox Greeks from the Cave of the Na-
tivity at Bethlehem, by another of greatly
superior value, and make, also, most costly
additions to the decorations of the Holy
Sepulcher itself. Monsignore Brunoni, the
Constantinople vicar apostolic. M. Bore,
chif of the Lazarists, and the Bulgarian
unionist archimandrite, Macaries, are it is :
said, to meet her Majesty at Jaffa, to tender
to her the felicitations of the Latin clergy.
Levant Jlerald,
Mails and Baggagr Burned The mail ; shall. When I have a child Christ covets,
and baggage car, attached to one of the. with a divine coveting, and he says tome,
trains on the Pennsylvania Railroad, ran in words of tenderness, "Will you not. give
off the track near Altona, on Thursday ; me the child, and let me take care ol it,
night last, and before the train could be 1 iutdead of yourself?'' my flesh may remon
stopped the stove was upset by the jolting strate, but my heart says, ' "Lord, take it
of the car, and the mail bags were set on , and adapt it." - 1 have lived long enough
fire. The baggage mas'er, who had the
mails also in charge, was in one part of the
car, and made a narrow escape with hi
life from the fire and smoke. About thirty
mail pouches and - the baggage of about
eighty passengers was destroyed. The
remnants of the mails were scraped togeth
er and sent to the dead letter office, at
Washington. The total amount of the loss
has not yet been ascertained;'' '
GTDont Believe it The Cincinnati Dai
ly News tells the story of an editor who
recently got married, and being somewhat
confused, he headed the marriage notice,
"Dreadful Calamity The next day his
Wife gave him a proof of his mi-lake by box-
Tail nolt Better than No nolt.
The following laughable affair is from a
book entitled "Fisher's River Scenes and
Characters." The incident is located in
North Carolinia It is the story of a man
named Oliver Stanley, who was taken cap
tive by wild "Injins." After some consid
eration, they put him into an empty oil bar
rel, and heeded him in, leaving the bung
hole open that be might be longer in dying.
The prisoner relates a portion of his ex
perience in this wise :
"I determined io get out o' that or bust,
and so I pounded away with my fist, but it
were no go. Then I butted a spell with
my head, but I had no purchase. So I
caved in, made my last will and testament,
and virtually gave up the ghost. It wur a
mighty serious time with me for sure.
While 1 was iying thar, balancing accounts
with t'other world, ! heard suthin' scram-
bulatin' in the leaves, and snortin' like he
smelt suthin' he didn't adzactly like. I lay
as still as a salamander, and thonght maybe
there's a chance for Stanley y it. So the
critter' kep' moseyin' round the' bar'l.
Last he came to the bnnghole, put his nose
in, smelt mighty perticler, and gin a mon
strous loud c-nort. I soon seen it was a bar
of the woods, who had lived there from
time immortal. Thinks I old fellow, look
out; old Oliver ain't dead y it. Jist ihen
he put his black paw in jist as fur as he
coud, and scrabbled about lo make a ;sco
very. The first thought I had was to nab
his paw tul i soon seen that it wouldn't
do, lor, you see he couldn't travel then
So I jist waited a spell with great flutterba-
tinn ot mind The next move was to put
his tad in. I seen tnat were my time to
make my Jack ; so I seized my holt, and
shouted at the top of my voice. The bar
he put, and I k no wed tail holt was better
than no holt; and so we went, bar'l and all,
the bar full speed. Now my hope were
that the bar would jump ovtf some prtssfpiss j
break the bar'l all lo shiverations, and lib
erate me from my nasty, 'ily prison. Ar.d
6ure 'noff, the bar at full speed leaped over
a catarack fifty foot high. Down we went
together in a pile, cowhallop, on a big rock,
bnstin' the bar"! and nearly shaktn' my
gizzard out'n me. I let go rny tail holt
had no more us for it, and away went the
bur. I've never seen nor hearn from that
bar, but he has my best wishes for
his present and future welfare."
flow Hcld Mr. Lincoln's Hat
A Cincinnati paper gives the following in
cident of the inauguration of Mr. Lincoln :
:,One of the representatives of this state
in Congress reports an interesting and rath
er funny incident of the inauguration, which
lol htfv'mg seen in print, we record. On
approaching the platform where he was to
taKe his oath and De induced into trie otnee j ef our tartest post offices, it is evident that
of Chief Executive, Mr. Lincoln removed j tne 8Ubject is about as little understood as
his hat and held it in his hand as he took j any o:ner connected with post-office mat
the teat assigned him. The article seemed , ,er9 For instance, quite an intelligent
to be a burden. He changed it awkwardly j merchant recently insisted, in our hearing,
from one to another, and finally, despairing iuai the New York post office was worth
of finding for it any other easy positon, de- au ihe way from S6 ,000 Si 5.000 per an.
posited it upon lhe platform beside him. j flUm to ,he postmaster." The facts are
Senators and Judges crowded in, and to 1 BimDv these This ma-.ter of tha cnmnr..
make room for them he removed nearer to
the front of the stage, carrying his tile with
him. Again it was dandly uneasily, and as
Senator Baker approached to introduce him
to the audience, he made a motion as if to
replace the tile on the stage under the seat,
when Douglas, who had been looking on
quietly, and, apparently with some appre
hensions of a catastrophe to the hat, said,
'Permit me sir,' and gallantly took the vex
atious article and held it during the entire
reading of the Inaugural ! Dug, must have
reflected pretty seriously during that half
hour, thai instead of delivering ihe. inaugu
ral address from that portico, he was hold
ing the hat of the man who was doing it."
Lost Children. The following beautiful
sentiment, in regard to the future condition
of childrenis from the pen ot Henry Ward
Beecher :
"When God gives me a babe, I say, I
thank God for this lamp lit in my family."
And when, after it has been a light in my
household for two or three years, if it pleases
God lo take it away, I can take the cup,
bitter or sweet ;T can say, ''My light has
gone out ; my heart is sacked ; my hopes
are desolated ; my child is lost my child
is lost !" or I can say in lhe spirit of Job
"The Lord gave,' and the Lord hath taken
away ; blessed be the name of the Lord "
It has pleased God to take five children
from me, but I never lost one, and never
since the taking away of my children, to
find that il is better as il is, than that
they should have remained with me. I
have seen a great many cares and troubles
for a person of my years, but I bear vit
ness that God has put no trial upon me,
which has not been good for me to endnre:
t3 Somebody says "devil" is -a mean
word any way il may be written. Remove
the d and it is "evil," remove e and it is
"vile," remove the v and it is "ill,'' remove
i and 1 remains, which has the aspirate
sound of "h 1."
EFr"If a girl were to fall in love with
yon said a yon n a d tJ oajr o rr.rL
Topping the Question.
Fair Sally and her lover Mat.
Close by the fire in silence sat ;
A dish of apples rosy faced,
Was 'tween them on a table placed.
In vain poor Mat essayed to speak,
While blushes mantled Sally's cheek
For well she knew what Mat would say,
If he could only find the way .
To him she cast a sidelong look,
Then from the dish an apple took,
And deltly slicing it in twain,
She paed half to the silent swain.
Mat looked confused, then brightened up,
And said as he the apple took,
' Now, Sally, dearest unto me
As kind as io this pippin be
You;ve HAt.vKD the apple pray have me !
Romantic Elopement on an Ox-Sled. I
The Detroit Fiess relates the following,
for the truth of which it vouches, but we
tlon't ;
An ox team attached to a lumber sled
and bearing astride its cross beam a coarse
grained young man and a buxom girl of
eighteen, dragged its slow length along
Lamed street yesterday and halted in front
of Justice Hard's office. The couple dis
mounted and entered the office where they
made known their wishes, and requested
to te married immediately 'lhe expec
tan I bridegroom said he had come to town
with a load of produce for his employer,
who owned the teamand as Susan wanted
to buy a kaliker dress he had brought her
along on Ihe top of the bags. On the way
they had talked lhe matter over, and in
view of the fact they sorter liked each oth
er, and had dune considerable courtin' on
lhe fly, concluded lo get married. Tbey
declared themselves of age, and took the
bonds for better or for worser. The bride,
groom was very much elated, and kissed
the bride an unreasonable number of times
Then he requested lhe Court to kiss her,
and even went so far as lo intimate that all
respectable persons among the spectators
might enjoy the same privilege.
He was especially elate on the newspa
per question. "Put'er in," he said, in a
reckless manner. 'Put'er in the paper,
and make Susau's name all capitals. I'll
pay lor big letters. What's the Ube in be
ing married to a pretty gal uuluss you can
get il in the papers ?"
In the midst of thi jubilatioa :he thought
of the old man struck him, and he sobered
down as though a shower-bath had taileti
on his head ' Come, Susan," he said, la.
king her hand, ''lei's go home and see it
out. Lord! won't he be mad?" And he
drew a sigh and switched up the cattle
whose slow gait seemed too fast lor his pal
pitating hopes and fears.
Postmaster's Fees.
From remarks which we frequently hear,
as to the pecuniary value to the incumbents
satiou of pos'.ma&ters 'u entirely regulated 1
and controlled by law. Ail offices where
the commissions amount to S'2,000 and up
wards, are designated as salary offices, $2, j
000 being the maximum pay allowed from '
that source, and an additional 52,000 to be
taken out of the recipts for book rents j
making $4,000 the highest compensation !
to any postmaster. A larger sam than this ;
cannot be realized without resorting to acts '
made criminal and felonous by laws of i
Congress, and punished by the severest
penalties- Even were a posimaster inclin
ed lo take the risk of such penalt'es, as well
as the ruin of private and official character, ,
such are the checks and restraints now en I
forced, that the "pickings and stealings" ;
which many outsiders so flippantly talk i
about are entirely out ol the question. '
And if it were not so, the indulgence in'
such practices would involve perjury, as a j
postmaster is required to make oath that he
has kept nothing from the government, in
fees or emoluments of any kind, to which
he is not legally entitled. It will thus be
seen that the New York post-office, with its
238 clerks, 117 penny-posts, Sl,00o 000
annual revenue collected, and its S150.000
bonds, under an honest administration ot
its duties, cannot be made to net much, if
any, more than some other offices, with per
haps a dozen clerks, a few thousand col
lections, and required sureties of one-fifth
the amount. We intend soon to prepare a
statement of the emrlumenls received an
nually at the large post offices in the sev
eral States, llolbrock Mail.
Prairie Chickens at Washirton. The
astonished hackmen say "these Black Re
publicans are poor trash, for they are walk
ers. They walk to the white house, they
walk lo the Capitol, they walk to they Navy
Yard, they walk io Georgetown, they walk
the avenue all day, and then walk to a ball,
and walk home, and take another walk af
ter they get there to straighten . their legs
before going to bed. Such chaps are good
for shoemakers, but a poor set for the hack
man. One of these prairie chickens can
walk down any hack in Washington
Guess they all walked in here from Califor
nia. CP" Charleston continues to be a port of
delivery. A lady in that city, a few nights
ago, had three children at a birth.
A Terrible Romance.
In the year 1766, a young girl of very!
prepossessing appearance from one of the
inter or provinces of France, was placed at ,
Paris in the service of a man depraved by
all lhe vices of that corrupt metropolis
Smitten with her charms, he altempted her
ruin, but was unsuccessful. Incensed at
his defeat, he determined on revenge, and,
in furtherance of his desisgn, secretly plac
ed in her trunk articles belonging to him,
and marked with his name He then de
nounced her to a magistrate, who caused
her to be arrested and the missing articles
being found in her possession, she was
brought to trial. In her defence she could
only assert her ignorance of the manner in
which the property came into her trunk
and protested her innocence. She was
found guilty, and the sentence of death was
pronounced upon her. The hangman's of
fice was inefficiently performed, it being
the first attempt of the executioner's son.
The body was delivered over to a surgeon,
by whom it had been purchased. He im
mediately conveyed it home, and was pro
ceeding to dissect i., when he perceived a
slight warmth about the heart. By prompt
nse of proper remedies he restored the sus
pended animation. In the meantime he
had sent for a trustworthy priest, and when
the unfortunate girl opened her eyes she
-ppo-ed herself in another world, and ad
dressing the priet (who was a man of
marked and majestic countenance, ex
claimed : " Father, you know my
innocence; have pity on me?' In her
Simplicity believeing she beheld her Maker
she continued to sue for mercy, and it was
some time before she realized rhs was still
in the land of the living. The surgeon and
priest, being fully convinced of her inno
cence, she retired lo a village far distant
from the scene of her unjust punishment.
The community subseque'n ly became ac
quainted with her story, and the autho'r of
her misery became an object of reproach
arid contempt, though it does not appear
that any attempt was made to bring him to
Where Shall We Be?
Where shall we be when our names have j
been forgotten and passe J into oblivion, our ;
bodies moulded into earth, and moss and
ivy growir g upon our tomb-stones?
Where shall we be when the Empires, ;
Kingdoms and States that are now reared !
like proud fabrics over the earth have pas- '
ted away their emperors kings, princes j
and sta'.esmen Uid io.v in. the dust their sub erted, and their sceptres bro- '
Where shall we be when the little birds,
which sung so sweetiy, have hushed their
merry songs forever, the brooks loryet iheir
complaining, and zephyrs their whispers?
Where shall we be when the fountains of
oceans, lakes and rivers will be dried up?
When lightening will no longer flash
athwart the heavens, or play Among the
clouds, and the thunders cease to roll in the
vaunted depths of air? When hiils and
and mountains, dales and valleys, trees and
flowers have pasted away ?
When a pall, black as lhe clonds that
hover o'er Stygian lake, shall veil the sun,
obscure the moon, aod wrap lhe world in
Tartarian gloom? When the great arch
angel, with trumpet and sonorous voice
shall summon from their coral beds, be-
nesth the slumbering waves of the mighty
main, the marble sepulchre and the mossy
tomb, the dead, both small and great.
When the white cloud, the angels, and
the glory of His Fa'her shall descend, lhe
throne be set ; the Judge be seated, the
books opened ; and the myriads that have
lived on earth since the beginning, all
called to judgement? And when the scythe
and glass of Time will be laid by, the just
taken home to God, natures's grand laws
destroyed, and amid confusion and conster
nation of element, the vicked driven to
dreary domain of eternal night reader,
where then, shall you be?
Toison in Spirltnons Liquors,
In a communication to the Medical and!
Sngical Journal, Dr. Hayes, State Assayer i
of Massachusetts, states that he has made i
a somewhat extended series of analytical
1 observations on spirits, and in no case had
' ne foond tnat any deleterions body had
been added y manufacturers lo distilled
liquors. Cases of sudden poisoning by low j
pricel common spirits frequently occnr j
but these are caned by 'he fusel oil which '
is produced by the fermentation of mixed J
ernins. American distilled linuors. when i
allowed to become old, are less deleterious
than most of the foreign brandies In newly
distilled spirits, however, there is a source
of great danger which should be generally
known, as it is of special interest to the
medical profession. Ol these, Dr. Hays
oays lhat the newly distilled spirits, of the
most common kind, often contain salts of
copper, of lead or tin, derived from the
condensers in which the vapors are reduced
to a fluid form. The quantity of copper
sail contained in the bulk usually taken as
a draught is sufficient lo produce the minor
effects of metalic poisoning, and the cumi
lative character of these poisons may even
lead to fatal consequence. In the "old
spirits" examined by Dr. Hayes, he found
that those metalic salts had all deposited to
the bottom of the cask. New spirituous
liquors and the dregs at the bottom of the
cask may, therefore, be considered highly
A Snoring Wife.
Talk a!out your scolding wives and yonr
smoky chimneys, but the ain't nowhere
they ain't a circumstance ! I would rather
have a chimney that emits smoke enough
to cure the whole family, and be forced to
live with a dozen Xantippes all together
let them be ever so much predispo-ed in
favor of "sprinkling'' with (on) "holy wa
ter" than to have to ' put up" with snor
ing wife! Oh! The very idea makes a
nervous man tremble from the top of bis
stove pipe hat to about a foot below the
soles of his boots ! A snoring wife ! Boo I
But I started out lo tell a Mory, and I am
going to do it. ,
Well, ''In life's morning march when
my bosom was young," I wooed and won
the beautiful and accomplished Miss Ann
Dash. The difficulties of the courtship I
will not here enumerate, for they will not
weave into the plan of this story, which is
intended to be short very short.
The appointed lime for the wedding ar
rived, and hundreds of young people, from
far and near, assembled at the mansion of
the old man Dash to witness the ceremony,
and f 'trip the light fantastic toe." It was. a
brilliant wedding and "happiness our be
ing's end and aim" was ours. When a
couple really love, their day is the happiest
of their lives; and if they should be unfor
tunate in after life, they look back to that
day as a bright oasis in the desert of ihefT
memory.. About two o'clock in the morn
ing the company broke up, and we went to
Before I got to sleep, Nancy began to
I wa dumbfounded. "Great God !" I
inentatlay ejaculated, "is this a reallity ?
Is it possible that I am bound np for life to
a woman who tnoiesV I was miserable.
1 thought over Pope's conplet :
''Oti! thoughtless mortal ever blind lo fate,
Too oon dejected and loo soon elate !"
Here I Lad been just a moment -before in
ecstacies over the poesion of, as I tho't,
a treasure! Can I love her ? I asked of my
heart. And the answer i.istantly came :
It is impossible !" I debated with myself
whether or not I should "secede," but 6nor-
ing was not a ground of divorce
It ought
to re "you can bet.
' I sat up in the bed.
and from thinking, J went to talking :
"I can't and woc't stand this. I'll just
get np and leave, let the consequences be
'vhat they may. I loved her, Iknow, but I
did not know that she morel '
About ihis time I noticed that 6he had
quit snoring, a: d was shaking the bed with
suppressed laughter.
And I began see that I was sold. There
never was a poor wight belore nor since
that rejoiced more at discovering , that he
had been sold.
"Why,"' taid she, "I thought yon promis
ed to take me for better or for worse, but
here you are raising a row, and threatening
to leave me at the first little fault you find
about me."
"Well," said I, "I will make lhe same
promise again, if you won't snore; but I'll
be hanged if I would live with a 6noring
wife ter. minutes !"
A Chinese Kitchen.
Charles Dickens in his weekly paper is
telling curious and cruel stories about Chi
nese cookery. When anxious to cook a
; larnt in ih highest etyle of the art, the Chi-
nese it is said, build a low mud wall, in
closing a sp ice of two or three feet across,
and another wall outside, forming a circus
of about two feet, wide, in which ihey set
pots containing wine, vinegar, soy sauce,
and so forth. In the inner space ihey light
a good fire, and in the circus thus prepared,
p-Jt a live lamb. The Iamb naturally be
comes thirsty from the great heat of lhe fire
and drinks what be finds as he runs back
ward and forward in search of means of
escape. When the d.inks are all swallow
ed and dried into lhe animal's flesh, the
Iamb becomes exhausted, fall down dead,
and in a very short time is completely
Turtle may be prepared according to the
same authority, by placing it over the fire
in a pot of water, in the lid of which there
is a hole large enough to allow the turtle to
put his head. As the water becomes hot,
the turtle naturally thrusts his head out to
get cooler air, when he is fed with spec;es
wine and soy sauce, w hich he drinks read
ily as a relief from the he-it. This goes on
as long as he has strength to keep his head
up, an! as the tur le does not part with life
easily, he seldom, fails lo go oa bluffing
himself till he is cooked.
Why are the people of Texas like
cinnamon trees ? Because, the bark ol her
Twiggs is worth more than the body.
fp Not a word more of reproaches
forget and forgive. Remove i but instant
gratification, but forgiveness is pleasure for
CP To the man of strong will and giant
energy, possibilities become probabilities
and probabilities certainties.
CP" Nightmare To prevent this disa
greeable feeling, it is merely necessary to
sleep with your right toe in your left ear. .
A young man living in town say it i a
sure cure.
P"Verry orry, sir," said a pretty shop
keeper to a horrified swell, "hut we bi
: to Ear:
to the