STAR OF THE NORTH. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 12, 1859. REVIEW OF THE MARKET, CAREFUI.LV CORRECTED WEEKLY. WHEAT, SI 20 RYE. 75 CORN, 65 OA IS. 33 BUCKWHEAT, 5(1 FLOUR pr. bbl. C 50 CLOVE USE ED 5 oo BUTTER, 20 EGGS. 12 TALLOW, 12 LARD, , 12 I'OTATOES, 37 DlfD APPLES, 1 50 HAMS, 12 We are not able to give the official vote of the County in this paper, but in our next it will be seen. WK hear some complaint throughout the county respecting the potato rot. In this part very little is said upon the subject \Ve hope this disease will be slight. THF. buckwheat crop in Columbia county | this season is a good one; better than it has been ot late years. We hope soon to have it in market. It is about alt gathered. NEW BAIIBER —We would inform the cit zens ol Bloomsburg and vicinity, that Mr. Chutes Henry Null, of Philadelphia, has ta ken charge of the barber shop lately occu pied by FerdinandStine. His advertisement will be seen in to day's paper. ON Friday night last a very great attempt was made by incendiaries, to burn the city of Lafayette Ind , which consisted in firing the city in five different places within twen ty minutes. The damage, however, was prevented by timely discoveries. THE Western Peiiita. F"air, held at Pitts burgh. September, 1859, awarded the first Premium for bet Business and Ornamen tal Writing to the Iron City Commercial College. This is the third triumph at the Fairs of this City over other Colleges.— Pittsburgh Gazette. C®"* The Sandy Hill Herald says that the Republicans ar'e going to nominate Blondin for President, as he can stretch a rope from the dome of the Capitol to some point up Salt River and take the whole party up in a wheelbarrow. THOSE attending the Agricultural Fair and knowing themselves indebted to us oil sub scription and advertising will have a good opportunity to square up There will be, we hope, a good Fair and well attended Turn out, and bring something with you; i come early and slay all day; and see that your neighbor comes along. Thai's the way to make these Fairs interesting. PUBLIC SALE—It will be see by reference to our advertising columns that the Real Estate of Isaac Demolt, deceased, will be sold on Saturday tho sth day of November next, ins'ead of October 22d as was adver tised in our Inst paper and by hand-bill.— On account ol other sales interlering it has been changed. Remember the time as de sirable property will be offered See ad vertisement in another column. NEW Goons—Stephen If. Miller has ar rived from the eastern cities with a fresh supply of Dry Goods and Groceries. His assortment is extensive ; and he is prepar ed to sell reasonably cheap. Give him a call, and examine his stock. We think you j will he pleased with his merchandise, and in consequence make a purchase whiclt you will never regret. BEWARE OF PEDLARS—Our exchanges are warning families against admitting pedlars into their houses, as many ol them are only burglars, or spies for burglars. After noting the interior arrangements of a house, they can give information to others, or use it themselves. Housekeepers should beware of admitting tiieso strolling pedlars to their dwellings if they would escape their mid night depredations. THE LEFT STOCKING.—An editor of a pa per lately informed his readers ;ha'. the la dies always pull off the left stocking last.— This, as may he supposed, created some stir among his fair readers, and while, in positive terms, they denied the statement, they insisted that he had no business to know it even if such were the fact. He proves it, however, by a short argument : ''When one stocking is pulled off there is another left on ; pulling oft this is taking lite left stocking off last." SIMPLE MODE OF ABCKRTAININO INTEREST. —A new mode of computing interest at six percent, has been published, which ap pears simple. Multiply any given number ol dallars by the number of days of interest desired, separate the right hand figure, and divide by six ; the result is the true interest of such sum for such number of days at six per cent. This rule is so simple and so true, according to all business usages, that every banker, broker merchant and clerk should post it up for relerence and use.— There being no such thing as a traction in i it, there is scarcely any liability to error or mistake. By no other arithmetical process can so decided information be obtained •with so few figures. POTATOES ROTTING —We learn that since 4he heavy and constant rains often days or two weeks ago, the potatoes which bad not been taken up previous to that time, have been rapidly rotting in the ground. Ever ' since the rain, the ground ha 9 been of mor tar-like consistency, and the roning of such f otatoea as remained in it has been the re •Ulbtk A great many potatoes were dug before the rain set in, and we presume that, except fo very dry localities, they will be The chief dependence. In the district of country conslhqtiag the bottom lands along the SusquehanW the rot is more prevalent than elsewhere in this county, The potato crop, aside from tfls disastrous termination, lias been more tliij| usually good—produ cing well, and size.— Patriot and Union. Wk PUBLIC SALE OF HEAL ESTATE. '■' HERE will be exposed to public sale at X the late residence of ISAAC DEMOTT, deceased, in Madison township, Columbia county, Pa., on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER, sth 1859, at 10 o'clock, in the forenoon, the following described real estate to wit: A FARM, containing about one hundred and fiteen acres, of which about one hundred acres cleared land, and in a good slate of cultiva tion. and a pan of it excellent meadow land, adjoining lauds of Jacob Demon on the South, lands of Robert Montgomery and George Eves on the East, lands of Joseph Masters on the West, and by Saw Mill lot belonging to the deceased on the North.— There are on the premises two Iraine DWELLING HOUSES, near which is a good spring of water, a Stone Spring Hou-e, a large FRAME BARN, two Wagon Sheds, and other outbuildings. The r e is an excellent APPLE ORCHARD I on the premises, and a variety of other fruit ; trees. At the same time and place there | will be snld ONE TIMBER LOT, containing thirty-three acres, about four acres ol which are cleared meadotv land, ly ing close by the above properly. Also, there will be sold at the same lime, the On | divided one halt of a TSILW EANILLIA S>IB(2)'3>ISIESRA , A the Mill being in good condition, with ex cellent water power. The lot upon which ■ his Mill is situated contains about one acre of ground, ami lies close by the above farm. This property is all desirably situated, and the land is in good order, Laving lately been well limed. The Farm lays along the public roads leading to Jerseylowti, Mill ville, Bloontsburg, arid other towns; thus affording an easy access to market. The larihest point named is Bloomsburg, which is nine miles, while some others are but two and three. Conditions will he made known on day of sale by DAVID DEMO IT, ) P , MOORE DEMO IT, j lucr s Madison, Oct. slh, 1859. NEW ARRIVAL OF GOODS. David Lowcnbci'g fNVITES attention to his stock of cheap X and fashionale clothing at hisstoreon Market street, two doors above the 'Amer ican House,' where he has a full assort ment of men and boy's wearing apparel, including '.he most fashionable IS 12 $ £ <£s <E> ia & 0 Box. sack, frock, gum and oil cloth coats of all sorts and sizes, pants of all colors, shawls, stripes and figure, vests, shirts, era vals,slocks. collars, ha ml kerchiefs, gloves, suspenders and fancy articles. N. B. He will also make to order any article of clothing at very shortnntice and in the best manner. All his clothing is made to wear, and most of it is of home manufacture. DAVID LOWEN'BERG. Bloomsburg, Oct. 5, 1859. 1,000 Agents Wanted. If VERY BODY'S LAWYER AND COUN XJ SELI.OR IN business containing plain and simple instruct ions to Everybody for transacting their business according to law. with legal forms for drawing ihe various necessary papers connected therewith, to gether with Ihe laws of the Stales, for Col teciinn of Debts, Property Exempt from Ex ecution, Mechanics' Liens, Execution of Deeds and Mortgages, Rights ol Marrieil Women, Dower, Usury, Wills, &c. By FRANK CROSBY, Esq, of the Philadelphia Bar. 384 pages, 12mo. An entirely new work on the subject, adapted to the wants of every citizen ol the United Slates. Single copies sent by mail to any address, on receipt of piice, SI.OO, or in law sly le of binding at $1.25. 1.000 Agents wanted to canvass for-it with whom liberal arrangements will be made. Apply io or address JOHN E. POTTER, Publisher, No. 617 Sansom Street, Pniladelphia, Pa. October slh, 1859.—2m0. NOTICE IN PARTITION Real Estate of Ezekiel Cole, deceased. COLUMBIA COUNTY, SS : ——— The Commonwealth of Pennsylva -11 nia to Alinas Cole, John M. Cole, ' j Silas D. Cole. Benjamin Cole, He ———- len, intermarried with Joseph Hess, the heirs of Ezekiel Cole, deceased, you and each of yon are hereby commanded to he and appear at Hie late dwelling house of Ezekiel Cole, der'd. on Monday the Till day of November, nezt_ between the hours of 1 and 4 o'clock, P. M , of said day, then and there to accept or reluse to take the Ilea l E-iaia of Ezekiel Cole, deceased, at the valuation put upon it by an Inquest duly awarded by this Honorable Court, or shew cause why the same should not be sold. Witness the Honorable Warren J. Wood ward, President of our Court of Common Pleas held at Bloomsburg, the eighth day of September, eighteen hundred and fifty-nine. JOHN SNYDER, Sheriff's Office, J Sheriff. Bloomsburg, Sept. 28. 1859.} FRESH ARRIVAL OF AT SHARPLESS 3 STORE, IN BLOOMSBURG, PA. THE citizens of Bloomsburg and vicini ty, are respectfully informed that a fresh supply of new goode have been received at Bloomsburg. An extensive assortment has been received, one that will compare favorably with any in this place. Country produce taken in exchange for goods at the marke'. price. JOSEPH SHARPLESS, Bloomsburg Sept. 14, 1859. PERFECT WATCHES, MADE IIY B. J. WARNER and FRED. MARSHALL, of London, UNSURPASSED FOR TIME AND DURABILITY, having received the approbation ol the IIOVAL POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE OF LONDON. Prices at Retail from SIOO to S2OO. 'I bc Trade supplied ou LiLeial Terms. DIAMONDS AND FINE JEWELRY constantly on hand at Wholesale. W. EVERTSON SMITH, No. 15 Maiden Lane, July 27, 1859. New Yoik City. JOSEPH SHARPLESS. FOUNDER AND MACHINEST, Buildings on the alley between the "Fix change" and "American House." DAVILOWENBERG\ CLOTHING STORE, On Main street, two doors above the "Amer ican Hotel." LOCATED AT PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK, BUFFA LO, ALBANY,CLEVELAND, DE TROIT AND CHICAGO. PHILADELPHIA COLLEGE, S. E. Comer Sevenili and Chestnut Street?. JNO. B. MEYERS.'HVOWVERTHVVAIT, Prof JOHN S. HART, J. B. LIPPINCOTT, MORRIS L.HALLOWFLL. COUNTING HOUSE COURSE, ;C< mprises Book Keeping (or Mercantile, Banking Railroad, and Manufacturing Business with Pennmanship, Cal culation?, Correspondence, &c &c., fully qualifying the Student for alenal business. Students receive individual In struction. Diplomas are awarded to Graduates. $35.00 Pays for Life Scholarship good in seven Col leges; #25 for partial course, ty For Catalogue and Specimens of Wri ting, Address, inclosing two stamps, BRYANT & STRATTON, July 27, 1859. Pnilad'a. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. The Largest and Cheapest stock ever offered in this City. CHARLES 7T. DEAN, WHOLESALE DEALER IN French and German Baskets, Wood and Willow Ware, Notions, Brushes, oil cloths, Cotton Laps, Wadding, Carpet Chain, &c. Nn. 119 MARKET Street, below 2nd, (north side) Philadelphia. f|THE subscriber ha just opened an entire- X ly new and complete stock of goods ol the best quality and description, to which he would respectfully call the attention of Merchants and Dealers who wish to find a good article CHEAP FOR CASH. These goods were bought for Net Cash, at the greatly reduced prices consequent upon the stringency ot the limes, and be lieving the "nimble sixpence" to be better than the "slow shilling," they are now of fered to the public at prices they de f y com petition. The following are a few of the articles al ways on hand : Pails and Tubs of all kinds and qualities, Toy Pails, Salt and Sugar boxes, Half Bush els and Peck Measures, Well Buckets, Towel Rollers, Patent, head and straight clothes pins, wash boards, wooden mop handles, Grain scoops, toy wheelbarrows, corn brooms, every variety, shoe painl scrub and sweep brushes, &c. Bluthes, brushes, Baskets, willow and ra tan chairs, shirt ratans, bird cages, clothes lines, bed cords, skirl cords, tie yarn, twine of all kinds, together wi h a large assort ment ol Notions ar.d Fancy Goods. Hosi ery, Gloves, Shirts, Drawers, Threads, &o , cheap from auction. These goods are all new and carefully selected, and are offered at prices that can not fail to attract attention. Buyers will invariably find it to theirown interest to call belore purchasing elsewhere. GF Perliculur attention given to packing goods for shipment, so as to prevent damage or excessive charges for freight. or Orders by Mail promptly attended to. CHARLES W. DEAN. 116 Market St., north side, below 2nd, Philadelphia. Sept. 21, 1859-ly. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT FROM THE QUAKER CITY PUBLISHING HOUSE ! 100,000 CATALOGUES, New, Enlarged and Revised -Now Ready for Distribution.—Superior Inducements to the Public ! A new and sure plan for obtaining Gold and Silver Watches, and other valuable Prizes. Full particulars given in catalogues, which will be sent free to all upon applica- I lion. Valuable Gifts, wotth from 50 els. to SIOO guaranled to each purchaser. SIOO,OOO in Gifts have been disturbed to my patrons within the past six mor.lfts—slso,ooo to be distributed duiiug the next six months. The inducements offered Agents are more liberal than those of any other house in the business. Having been in the Publishing and Book selling business for the last eight years, my experience enables me to conduct the Gift Kuterprize with the greatest satisfaction to all. AGENTS WANTED in every town and county. For lull particulars address DUANE KULISON, Quaker City Publishing House, 33 South Third Street, Sept. 21, 1859-4 m. Philadelphia, Pa. EXECUTORS' SALE OF EiAL ESTATE, ESTATE OF HENRI KRUAI DEC'D. WILL be exposed to public Sale on the premises on TUESDAY the TWEN TY FIFTH day of October, A. D., 1859, all that certain plantation and tract of land sit uated in Montour township, Columbia coun ty adjoining lands of Daniel Kershneron the East, Joseph Mauser on the North, the Heirs ot William Linn on the West, by lands of Frick & Hurley on the South, con taining 197 Acres and 43 Purches, Strict Measure. There ere two two-stor" DWELLING HOUSES " on the premises, a Bank Barn, Two Wagon Houses, Corn Crih, and other out buildings; a good Spring of Water near the dwelling house a Well of water with a pump near the Barn, AN APPLE OltCIIAIt and other Fruit Trees, and about one hun dred and lorly acres cleared land. The above tract of land to be sold pureuant to the directions contained in the last will and testament of HENRY KRUM, Deceased, and wilt be sold in the whole or in two parts to suit purchasers. Conditions ot the Salo will be made known by the Executors on the day of Sale. GEORGE BLECKEK, )p. PETER M KERSHNER j t'*ec,llorß - Iwp., Sept. 7, 1859. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. IVOTICE is hereby given that letters of s ' administration on the estate of Rosanna Reedy, late of Bloom township, Columbia county, deceased, have been granted by the Register of Columbia county, to George A. Beam, who resides io the Borough of Ber wick. All persons having claims or de mands against the estate of the decedent are requested to make inem known to the administrator without delay, and all persons indebted to make payment forthwith to GEORGE A. BEAM, Adm'r. Bloomsburg, Sept. 21, 1859. BLANKS!RLANKS! ! BLANKSM DEEDS, SUMMONS, EXECUTIONS, SUBPtENAS, AND JUDGMENT NOTES, of proper fit desirableforms, fo- sale at the , office ofthe "Star ofthe North." PROSPECTUS. A New Work by Emerson Bennett, Auihor of 'Clara Morelaml,' 'Prairie Flow er,' "The Relngees,' 'Blanche Bertrand,' 'The Artist's Bride,' &c., &c., entitled WILD SCENES ON THE FRONTIERS ; OR, HEROES OF THE WEST. " Westward, the course ot Empire takes Us Way!" Thru work, is the only one in Book form, which for <reVJfl years has emanated from the pen ol auihor, who treads r:ow alone the path once trodden bj our own Cooper. It will contain graphic pictures of the conflicts of the hardy Pioneer, whose strifes and struggles with his Indian foe, ri val the tales of fiction and the tragic coun terfeits of the mimic stage. Also thrilling narratives of the (taring deeds, the heart trials, the heroic devotion and self denial of noble women, the mothers of the West ! Beneath the over arching forests, hand to hand, and fool to loot, the intrepid adven turer has encountered in deadly combat ifie ruffian desperadoes who made their haunts in the backwoods, and his sialism achieve ments have thrown a halo of romance over the waving prairies, the grand old moun tains, and the majestic rivers of the land of fie setting aun! Not are these pages wanting in those gert{ tier scenes which make up home-lile, and which are pictured with all the skill and fidelity lor which the auihor is pre-emi nently distinguished. His delineation of Frontier characlnr, and of the scenery of the Borders, has always the advantage of an accuracy whittMsrihe reeultuf an intimate, personal acquaintance. The work will be printed on fine while paper, in clear, open type, and appropriately and beautilullv illustrated bv the most skill ful artists 12mo. Cloth. Price, $1.25. HAMELIN & CO., Publishers, No. 606 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. - N. B—Agents wanted in every part of the Union and the Canadas, to whom a liberal discount will be allowed. September 28, 18S9-2W. PUBLIC SALE OF Valuable ICcal Estate. DV virtue of an order of the Orphans' "Court of Columbia county, Solomon Neyhurd, Administrator of Benjamin Hay - man, will on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22rf, 1859, at 10 o'clock, a. m., expose to public sale upon the premises, in Orange township, Columbia county, at the late residence of the decedent, the following real estate : A TKAQBLOF LAND, the east end of the farm, adjoining lands of Wm.Delong, Jacob Uaub, Writ. Mears, and other lands of Benj. Hayman's estate, and containing 08 ACRES & 130 PERCHES, on which there are erected a Frame House, and Frame Barn, with other out-buildings. There is a good spring of Water on the premises and all kinds of Fruit Trees.— About Fifty Acres are cleared land. At the same time there will be sold S32S OD 533 s adjoining the above properly, two of them on the west containing respectively 6 acres and 45 perches, and 7 acres and 149 perches; the oilier four on the south, containing res pectively 5 acres and 159 perches, 5 acres and 68 perches, 5 acres and 50 perches, and 5 acres and 130 perches, and adjoining lands of Beuj. Sterner, R Sitler, and 1) Montgomery. Late the estate of said Benj. Hayman, of Orange township Columbia county, deceased. SOLOMON NEYHARD, Adm'r. O'ange township, Sept. 21, 1859. LIGHT STREET HOTEL. D. L. EVERHALTT, PROPRIETOR. THE Proprietor ol this hotel takes pleas ure in announcir.g lo the public that he still occupies this large and commodious house in Light Street, Pa.,and is as ever,prepaired to accom- I i |Smodate travelers, teamsters,dro- HPKSfeaJ vets and borders, with accom modations that will favorably compare with any hotel in this section ol country. The ' traveling public may depend on all comforts at home, as his house is well furnished and always kept in order. His table and bar will always be found furnished wi'h the best the market affotds. Mr. E. will ever be happy to emetiain arid accommodate his friends to the utmost of his ability. D. L. EVERHART. Light Street, Pa., Nov. 24, 1858. tJT The Proprietor of the above house, having no desire to continue in the hotel business, will sell Mle properly at ptivate sale, upon reasonable terms. The stand is a good one, with stables auJ all the neeesj sarv outbuildings; all of which are in good condition. To any person wishing lo em bark in the business, it is a good locality, and a desirable place. LAW 3BLANK STORE, A'o. 230 Dock Street, Philadelphia, ESTABLISHED IN 1831. The subscribers respectfully call the at tention of the numerous Micrills, I'rothonotiirles, Lawyers. ftlngls. (rules and others, to their large slock ol Law Blanks, forms, which an experience ol nearly 30 years en ables them to present with great accuracy of form and neatness of style. Orders so licited. A printed list of our Blanks will be forwarded, on application, free of charge. JOHN CLARK & SON, 230 Dock Street, l'bilada. Sept. 14, 1859-lm. ESTRAY. to the premises of subscriber, in ''Madison township, near New Columbus this County, on or about the last of August, a YOUNG RED HEIFER, supposed to be nine or ten ' HW mouths old- The owner or owners are requested lo come •KESseSSk forward, prove property, pay charges and lake it away, otherwise it will be disposed of according lo law. JACOB BECHTEL, Madison, Sept. 14, 1859. rpRIMMINGS AND NOTIONS, fancy urti -1 cles, a good assortment of Hosiery of the best quality; also gloves, mitts, baskets, Ca bas, Combs, dress trimmings and linings, sewing silk, thread, etc., etc., to be had next door to the "Exchange." AMELIA D. WEBB. Bloomsburg, May 25, I 8 BLOOMS BURG BARBER SHOP rpHE understand fespecllully informs the -*• citizens ol Bloomsburg, and the public generally, that he has taken the Bather Shop, located on Main Street, in the white Frame Building, nearly opposite the Ex change Block,where he is at all times ready to wait upon his customers to entire satis faction. SHAVING AND HAIRDRESSING, Will be executed with care and neatness and in the most fashionable style, and on very moderate terms. tyShampooing, done up in City Style.— He solicits public patronage and pledges his best endeavors to give every reasonable *alilact.on. CHARLES HEN R Y NOLL. Bloomsburg, Oct. 12, 1859. HUMPHREYS' SPECIFIC .HOMYOPATHIC REMEDIES NO. 562, BROADWAY. THE GREAT FEATURE Of this series of Domestic Remedies is that each particular medicine is a Specific for the particular disease or class of diseases whose 1 name it bears, and may be relied upon for I the cure ol that particular affection. Hence, persons suffering from a chronic disease or long standing ailment, in buying a case of Humphreys' Specifics, obtain the particular one desired in their case, and thus them selves make a cure which otherwise would cost them many dollars, and no small a mount of lime and medical attendance, if, indeed, it could be obtained at all. Titus multitudes suffer Irom Dispepsia, Billions, Cosltveness, Bad Taste, Coated Tongue, and Debility, which is perfectly controlled ami cured by the DYSPEPSIA SPECIFIC. There is scarcely a phase or form of this disease which is net promptly controlled and ultimately cured by the use ol this Specific. Thousands w tin have suffered for years with this-'Billions Condition" having purchased a case of these Specifics have obtained a perfect cure and immunity Irom their old complaiat. COUGHS, COLDS, AND SORE THROAT wltiah so frequenly lead to BRONCHITIS AND CONSUMPTION, are all in their early stage cured by the COUGH PILLS. Many cases of long standing Bronchitis and irritating Coughs have been perfectly cured by this Specific. But more ! many persons have a specific liability to colds and take them from the least exposure. Tins will be entirely relieved by the use of the Cough Pills, as scores can testify Irom experience : So CATARRH is one ol our most common arid mnsltroublesome diseases,against which the Old School Medicines and even Ho mccopathic prescriptions, are of little use.— Yet hundreds cf persons have been cured of not only recent and fresh, but even long standing and obstinate cases of Catarrh by the use of this Specific. One aged lady in Syracuse was thus per fectly cured of a Catarrh, which had attoyed her all her life. And a young laJy at one ol our first class boarding schools, who was so afflicted with this disease as lo require more than forty handkerchiefs a week, was en tirely cured in a single week by this Speci fic. PILES, bleeding and blind, is one of those common and obstinate forms of disease which are so difficult to cure by tlte ordinary methods, but which find an entire fundamental cure in the Piles Specific. True, time is reqnir. Ed ; but the Specific is pleasant to take, re quires neither diet nor restraint, and being lollowed up a perfect cure is ttie result.— Hundreds of persons, in purchasing a cure ol Specifics, have obtained a cure for this most trying and obstinate lorm of disease, which has been worth to them ten times the cost of the entire set. The case contains the best FEVER AND AGUE SPECIEIC known. A remedy without any deletions or poisonous substance, which not only cures the ague, and old, mismanaged agues, but may be relied upon as a preventive when persons are residing in a faver and ague district. It prevents or protects upon the same principle that vaccination prevents small pox or belladonno prevents scarlet le fever, by pre-ocotipying the system with the true specific. Hundreds have been tnus protracted and cured. THE OPHTHALMY SPECIFIC has proved a most valuable remdy lor Soro Eyes and Etelids, and for Weak and Blur red Sight. One lady in Indiana, who had been a sufferer from sore eyes for many years, and for two years was entirely blind, was cured perteclly by the Ophlhaliny Spe cific alone. HEADACHES to which so many are subject, find a cura tive in the case. There is a specific which relieves at the lime ol the attack, and also one which corrects the condition ol the sys tem upon which it depends, and destroys the disposition to a return. The Specifics for the various forms of FEMALE COMPLINTS have proved invaluable. Old Standing Le ucorrhma or Whites, attended with debility i of exhaustion, and for which other forms of medicine are of little value, are fully con trolled and cured by the Female Pills ; while the specific for Irregularities control almost every form of Scanty, Painful or Irregular Menstruation. DIARRHtEAS & SUMMER COMPLINTS in adults or children are controlled like ma gic by the Diarrhcca Pills, wbiie it may be averred without the possibility of successful contradiction that the Dysentary Pills are the most perfect specific for that disease know n. For the vaitous forms of FEVERS, SCARLET FEVER, MEASLES, and other diseases of children, the Fever Pills may be safely and surely relied upon. These Specifics of Prof. Humphreys, used for years in his extensive practice,and to the perlection of which he has devoted the re sources ol extensive knowledge, experience and study. The public may rest assured that during the lifetime of Dr. H., no one has been or shall be trusted with the preparation of his Specifics, and he offers the guaranty of his professional li le at.d reputations that they shall be just as he represents them. They have now been before the pub lic for five years, and have everywhere won golden opinions from the many thou sands who have used them. Simple, Itee from intricacy, technicality, or danger, they have become the ready re course and aid of the parent, traveler, nurse, or invalid, and have become the family physician and medical adviser of thousands ot families. Nowhere have lhey be -n tried without having been approved, and their highest appreciation is among those who have knowu them the longest, and most in timately. Every Family will find these Specifics all they have been recommended ; Promt Re liable, Simple and Efficient ; a Friend [in need and oiten a Friend indeed. LIST OF SPECIFIC REMEDIES. No. 1. Fever Pills—For Fever, Congestion, and Inflammation of all kinds. No. 2. Worm Pills—For Worm Fever, Worm Colio, and Welting the Bed. No. 3. Baby's Pills—For Colic, Crying, Teething and Wakefulness, and Nervous ness of adults. No. 4. Diarrhma Pills—For Diarrhea, Cholera, Internum and Summer Complaint. No. 5. Dysentary Pills—For Colic, Griping Dysenlaiy or Bloody Flux. No. 6. Cholera Pills—For Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Vomiting. No 7. Cough Pills—For Coughs Colds, Hoarsness, Influenza and Sore Throat. No 8. Tootkache Pills-—For Toothache, Faceache, and Neuralgia. No 9. Headache Pills—For Headache, Vertigo, Heat and lullness ol the Head. No 10. Dyspepsia Pills—For Weak and Deranged Stomachs, Constipation and Liver Complaint.. No 11. For Female Irregularities—Scanty, Painful or Suppressed Periods. No 12. Female Pills—For Leuchorrhcca, Profuse Menes and Bearing Down. No 13. Croup Pills—For Croup, Hoarse, Cough, Bad Breathing. No 14, Salt Rheum Pills—For Erysipelas Eruptions, Pimples on the face. No. 15. Rheumatic Pills—Fot Pain, Lameness, or Soreness in the Cttest, Back ! Loins, or Limbs. A.—For Fever and Ague, Chill Fever, Ducnb Ague, old mismanaged Agues. P.—For Piles, Blind or Bleeding, Internal, o- External. 0— For Sore Weak or Inflamed Eyes and Eyelid", Failing, Weak or Blurred Sight. C.—For Catarrh, of long standing or re cent, either with obstruction or proluse dis charge. W. o.—For Whooping Cough, abating its violence and shortening its course. P 11 I C E S . Full set, 20 large vials In Moroco Case and Book S3 00. Full set, 20 large vials, in Plain Case and Bonk $4 00. Case ot 15 No boxes and Bonk $2 00 Case of any 6 No. boxes ai d Book 1 00 Single No. boxes, with directions 25 Single lettered boxes with directions 50 Large plantation, or physician's case, 1 and 2 oz. vials. 15 00 OUR REMEDIES BY MAIL. Look over the list, make up a case of what kind you choose, and enclose the amount ill a current note or stamps, by mail to our address, at No. 562 Broadway, New York, and the medicine will be duly returned by mail or express tree of charge. Address Dr. F. HUMPHREY & CO , No. 562 Broadway, New York. For sale by K. P. Lntz, Bloomsburg, and all other druggists throughout the country. July 6 1 -59—3 rn. GIFTS! GIFTS! GIFTS ! GIFTS ! A glorious chance to gel Good Hooks for nothing 13"" Send for a catalogue which will be sent to you Iree of postage. J. S. COTTON 8c CO., PUBLISHERS AND BOOKSELLERS, SO. 409 CHESTNUT ST., PIIII.A'D., Have, in addition to their regular business of publishing and bookselling, adopted the principal of furnishing a gift of the value of from 25 cents to s>loo, to the purchaser ol every Look of the value of one dollar and upwards. Send for a catalogue, which we will send lo yon free of postage. Being largely engaged in the publishing business, J. S. Cotton & Co., have peculiar advantages of obtaining Books at very low prices, which enables them to give more valuable presents than can be aflorded bv any other house engaged in the same line of business. Any book published in the United Stales, will be furnished at the publishers' price, and also a valuable gift to the purchaser without any extra charge. These gifts con sists of gold and silver watches, gold chains, Ladies' splendid silk dress pal>erus, Time pieces, silver plated Wnre, costly sets of Cameos, Mosaic, Florentine, Coral, Garnet, Turqttois and Lava Jewelry, Gold Loekets, Pencils and Pens, Ladies' Neck and Cliate lain Chains, Gents Bosom studs and Sleeve Buttons, Pocket Knives, Porte Monnaies, and other gifts of use and value. Five hundred dollars worth of presents will be distributed with every thousand dollars worth of books sold. Send lor a catalogue, which will be sent to yon, free of postage. Persons forming Clubs, or wishing to act as Agents, can get books and valuable gifts for -nothing ! Agricultural, Bcianical, Horticultural and Scientific Books—Historical, Poetical, Ju venile and Miscellaneous Books—Dictiona. ries, Bibles, Prayer aud Hymn Books—Al bums, Annuals, Cash Books and Works ol Fiction, and all other Bonks published in; the United Stales, furnished at publishers' prices, and a free gib furnished with every book. Send for a catalogue, which will be sent to you free of postage. Address, J. S. COTTON & CO , No. 409 Chestnut Si., Philadelphia. Agents wnled in every pait of the Country [Sepi. 7, 1859-41. THIS WAY FOR BARGAINS! NEW GOODS. MAKTZ & KN T WOULD repecifully inform '.tie citizens of Light Street and vicinity that they have just received a new and extensive as sortment of DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, which they will sell cheap for cash. They have a large and general variety ; all ihai is commonly found in a Country Store, and are determined to sell cheap. In the selec tion of their goods they have paid strict at tenlion ; therelore their merchandise will bear recommendation aud will ptove lo be ol the first class. Tlie proprieiors are gentlemen and honor able dealers, and cordially solicit a liberal share of palronage. Customers would do well lo call and examine their general vari ety before purchasing el-ewhere. Country produce taken in exchange fur good at the highest market price. MARPZ & F.VT. Light Street, May 4. 1859 Rising Sun Hotel—Berwick, Pa. THE subscriber would respectfully inform his friends and the travelling public that he has taken charge of the above named hotel, and has filled it up in the best possible man ner for the accommodation of all who may favor him with Itisir patronage. He flatters himself that by unremitting atttention, he can give entire satisfaction to all. His table will be supplied with the best the market affords, aud his bar with the choicest liquors. Obliging and attentive ostlers will always be on band, and his stabling is the mist ex tensive iu this section of country. MAJ. N.SF.ELY. Berwick, April 20, 1859. Executors' Notice. Estate of Henry Hoffman, tote of Honringcreck township deceased. Letters testamentary on the above named estate have been granted lo the undersign ed, by the Register ol Columbia County.— All persons having claims or demands against the estate ol the decedanl are re quested to present them lo the Executors for settlement, aud those indebted will make paymeat without delav lo HENRY HOFFMAN, jr. LEONARD ADAMS, Roaringcreek, Sept. 7, 1859. Executors Administratrix's Notice. JVOTICE is hereby given thai letters of ad t ministration on the estate of John Town send, late of Madison twp., Columbia coun ty, deceased, have been granted bv 'he Reg isler of Columbia county, to the undersign ed residing in Madison twp.; said county. All persons having claims or demands a gainst the estate of the decedent, are request ed to present them to the administratrix dn |y attested without delay, ami all persons indebted to the estate are notified to rnaek payment forthwith to HANNAH TOWNSEND, Madi-on Sept. 7, 1859. Administratrix. Wheatlry A Clarke's Theatre. Arch Street, above Sixth, Philad'a. rpHE Star Company, composed of ike first X artist in lite world, and exceeding in strength and talent any Dramatiu combina tion heretofore offered lo the Theatrical public, will appear every evening ttt Come dy, Tragedy, serio-comic Diama, Vaude villes, &e. When you visiting the city, go there. June 29, 1859 —tf. BIUJXDMSBUJB© CABINET WAKE ROOMS. S- C. 2£ BHIVE, Respectfully invites tho attention of the Public lo tils extensive assortment of Cabinet Furniture and Chairs, which he will warrant made of good materials ami in a workmanlike manner. At his Establish ment, can always be found a good assort mem ot FASHIONABLE FURNITURE. which is equal in style h,,d finish lo that of Philadelphia or New Ymk cities, and at as low prirts. He has Sofas ol different style and prices, from #25 to #6O. Divans Loun ges, Walnut and Mahogany. Parlor chairs, Rocking and easy clour., Piano stools, and a variety of upholstered work, with Dressing and parlor bureaus, sofa, card, centre and pier tables, detashm, cheffeiuer*, whatnots and commies and all kinds of fashionable work. His stock of buieaus, enclosed and common wa.hslands, dre.s-iatle., corner en pho srils solas, DINING AND BREAKFAST TABLES, bedsteads, cane seat anJ common chairs is the largest in ibis section ot the couniy. He will also keep a good assortment ot looking glasses with laricy gilt and common frames. He will also furnish spring maPrasses fitted in any sized bedstead, w hiclt are superior for dutability and comfort lo any bed in u.-e. Bloomsburg, January 13, 1858. TO HOUSEKEEPERS. SOMETHING NEW.—B. T. BABBITT'S BEST MEDICINAL SALERATUS. Fs rrauulaciured frotu common salt, and is prepared entirely dif- CtJ ferenl from other Saleratus. All 'he deleterious matters extracted in such a manner as to produce Bread, Biscuit,iscuit, and all kinds ol a n r. Cake, without containg a particle and o' Saleratus when the Bread or Cake is baked ; thereby produc ing wholesome resulis. Every 7Q particle ol Saleratus is turned gas and passes through the Bread • " or Biscuit while Baking ; conse queiuly nothing remains but com mon Salt, Water Flou'. You and will readily perceive by the taste and of this Saleratus that it is entirely different from other Saleratus. It is packed in one pound pa flfi ners, each wrapper branded, '-B T. Babbitt's Best Medical Salcra UO lus also, picture, twisted laol of Breas, with a glass of efferves eing water on the lop. When and you purchase one paper yon AN D should preserve the wrapper, and he particular to get tho next exact ly like the first—brand as nbove. wo Full directions for making Bread sy/x I U with the Saleratus and Sour Milk i U or Cream Tartar, will accompany each lacknge ; also, directioni for making all kinds of Pastry ; also, and directions for making Soda Water and Seidlitz Powders. MAKE YOUR OWN SOAP, WITH B. T. BABBITT'S PURE /Q CONCKNIRATED POTASIF. OO Warranted double the strength of ordinary Potash ; put up in cans— I Id., 2 Ids., 3 Ids., 6 Ids. and 12 A N D lbs —with full directions for mak- and itig Hard and Soft Soap. Cottsu mors wil! find this the cheapest Potash in market. \ Manufactured and for sale by 'T'fh B. T. BABBITT. Nos. 68 & 70 Washington st , N. Y., and 38 India-sl., Boston. Bioomsbarg Express Office. For (lie Compnnle.M of Howard & Co.. AND HOPE ALL orders for Goods to come by Eppress, sent Free of Charge lo all the coun try. Money and Bills eollocleJT All Loesea and Damages promptly paid A. C. MENSCH, Agent. TV In addition to the above, the under signed is likewise agent for the sale of FLOUR JIND FEED. which he will sell at the lowest Cash Prices. EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR always on hand. Likewise GROCERIES, as Coffee, Sugar, and Mnlosses. A share of Public patronage is respectfully solicited. A. C. MENSCH, Agent. Bloomsburg, July 20, 1859.—3tn. GREENWOOD SEMINARY. A BOARDING SCHOOL and Normal In ** stiiuie, for Teachers and others. The first quarter will commence April ltth. The second after Summer vacation, on August 15 h, etc. TERMS :—s3o per Quarter for all expen ses. Catalogues will be sent to those who apply for ihem. WM. BURGF.SS, Prill. Millville, Pa., March, 30, 1859. B II- VAMATTER, CABINET MAKER. rpHE undersigned having entered into X business, and rented Wm. Rabb's Shop, on Main street, near D. Slroub's Grocery, and prepared to furnish all kinds of CABINET WORK, such as CHAIRS, BED STEADS. BU REAUS, CUPBOARDS, SOFAS, STANDS, TABLES, etc., He is also prepared to attend to HOUSE PAINTING and PAPERING, in all its de partments. THE UNDERTAKING BUSINESS will likewise be attended to. He will con stantly keep on band an assortment of Fin ished Coffins, by which he can fill all or ders on presentation. B. H. VANNATTER. Blnorrsbnrg, June I, 1859. PUBLIC SALE oTUKAL ESTATE OF CONRAD HESS. DEC'D, WILL be exposed to public sale on the premises, on Friday the twenty-fifth day of November next, all that certain planta tion and tract of land, situate in Sngarloaf township, Columbia county, adjoining lands of Wm. J. Hess on the south, Wm. Hess on the east, Wm. Stephens on the north and east, and land of the heirs of Robert Mont gomery on 'he west, containing one hun dred and seventy five acres and one hundred anil forty nine porches, (the quantity to be ascertained by survey,) late the estate of Conrad Hess, deceased. There is oil the premises a Two Story Log House, a Log Barn, Frame Shed, Two Apple Orch ards, and about fifty acres cleared land The crop of grain upon the premises when sold, will be reserved, possession of the premises will be given to the purchaser on the first day of April next. Condition will be made known on day of sale WILLIAM HESS Executor. ol Conrad Hess, dee'd. Sugarloaf twp , August 17, 1859. 1859.—Dry Goods Tor Autumn—lßs9. slock of silk goods, lull stock of staple goods, full slock of fancy goods, fashionable fall Shawls, cloths, cassiraeret, and veatings, blankets, quilts, table linens, &c. Sic., EYRE & LANDELL, Fcurth If Arch Street, Philad'a. N. B —Black Silks, Wholesale, at low rate*. tWßargains Daily from N. Y. Auctions. September 7, 1859.—3m05.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers