STAR 111' THE NORTH, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11, IMS. *'!' ; LL!-~R=- J IN another column it will L>e seen that an j Omnibus is offered for sale, which will afford , a bargain for the purchaser. i TUB EPISCOPAL CIIHRCII of this place was, ! on las', Monday evening, during the heavy [ thunder shower that visited this place.struck s by lightning. The damage was slight. ! TUB attention of our patrons is directed to T f the Court advertisements for May term. A / pretty interesting trial list will be piesented j / at this session. j AT HARTMAN scheap corner car. to found r any thing in the mercantile line the public J wish. They have an excellent assortment of j dry goods and groceries ort hand, second to s •tone in this place. Give them a call. . A. C. MKNSCII, Howard &: Co's Express Agent at this place, is receiving fresh shad ? which he will sell at a reasonable figure.— Those who live in the suburbs of the town n anil wish to enjoy a delicious mess of fresh 1 fish will de well to call upon Mr. Metisch. t I TUB BAPTIST CIIUIICII in this place is be- J ittg speedily erected. Every thing connect- v ed with its progress seems to move briskly J £ on. It will be ready ere long for the dedi catory services. TOR REV JoNytiAN Disim, of Aaronsburg, p will assume the pastoral charge of the Evan- si gelical Lutheran Congregation of this piacn. He will preach his introductory serirtati on [j next Sabbath, April 17th. We learn that he d is a very estimable young man and pos- j sesses line literary talents. n SUITABLE FOR TUB SEASON.—A fine as- ! sortment of dress goods, suitable for gentle- [ J men's wear, fine shirt collars, neck ties | a and handkerchiefs, just received at Lowell- i 1 berg's clothing emporium, in Main street, I ? above the American House. j 1 1 i The Uev. W. Goonaico has changed his ' residence from this place to Orangevillc. j j He will still have charge of the congrega- ) v tion of the German Reformed Churchat this ' place. Both as a man, a citizen and minis- ! ter he is universally esteemed and respect- t ed— Col Co llcpublicail. ( j IN to day's paper will be found the Char- t ter of the Columbia County Agricultural, j ' Horticultural and Mechanical Association, i i published in (nil, as it was passed by the 1 ' Legislature ot litis State, and as it received ! the signature ol Gov. Backer. T Mi-s JANE WILSON has opened a new j ' millinery shop in rooms directly under our j office, where she has on hand a most hand- ' some lo of millinery goods, which will bear , close inspection and suit the taste of tlie \ ■ most fastidious. We invite particular at- , tendon to her assortment, as it is the most | cnmpVfe an.! choico selection of g->ods ol • ' • I this kind that lias been seen in this place for 1 some lime. Success to the new enterprise. ' SMALL BUSINESS —The Berwick Gscl'e lias, we observe, been making rather ton ! free use of our editorial and first page col- I tonus, by copying articles and forgetting to ; credit litem. Von ate welcome to them, il ; you will only act gcllemanly about it. Wo i 1 don't like to furnish brains to others for! nothing. There are several others who, if! they are not careful, will cause our "dutch ' ! to rise."— AJnnaytink Stir. WEST BIMNCII CANAL.—The water is now i in the canal, and the boating boys are busy, j They appear, generally, to anticipate a brisk 1 Reason. The line of packets owned by j Messrs. Eder, White, & Co., under com- j maud of Captains Lehman and Figles, has l supplanted the stages between this place and Lock Haven— Lycoming G iselle. Uev. E. A. SHARRETTS has retired from i t the ministerial charge of the Evangelical ! ' Lutheran Church of Blootnsburg and Espy, ! ' and has moved upon his farm in Mount- j ■ pleasant township, this county. The scr- j vices required of him on this charge were : | too laborious for his physical constitution; t and consequently ho sought employment ! i more beneficial to his health. Mr. Sharretls ; ! is a valuable young man, affable and cour- < j teous in his manners, and an excellent min- j | ister. He has many warm friends in this | | vicinity, and they were loath to part with j ! him, as his services have beer, much felt, 1 and to him belongs great credit for bis un tiring efTorls in forwarding on the good > { work in which he was most ardently eitga- I ged. I ( USES of ADVERSITY.—You wear out your I i old clothes. You are not troubled with I many visitors. Yon are exonerated from 1 making calls. Bores do not bore you. Spoil- I gers cannot haunt your table. Itinerant': bands of music and Italian organ grinders T • do not play opposite your window. You avoid the nuisance of serving on juries. No fwilh a testi is you by ask e article lo vriters leave t is useless to lerance. You trs. You nre ception,many u have a true re, in a very t in receipt of tion and lam lished by Ala ucele, and un dence of Col. fork city, and only JiJly cents ted in octavo te paper, and contains many interesting be sides the large amount of and useful literature. The very are employed in writing for this pfl^K-Post age only six cents a year. Sec ad^^^f Scroftila, or King's Evil, if* a constitutional disease, a corruption of the blood, by which this fluid becomes vitiuted, weak, and poor, Being in tlic circulation, it pervades the whole body, and may burst out in disease on any part of it. No organ is free from its attacks, nor is there one which it may I not destroy. The scrofulous taint is variously caused by merciuial disease, low living, dis ordered or unhealthy food, impure air, filth and lilthy habits, the depressing vices, and, abovo all, by the venereal infection. What- ) ever be its origin, it is hereditary hi the con stitution, descending * from purcnts to children unto the third and fourth generation ;" indeed, it seems to be the rod of Him who says, 44 1 will visit the iniquities of ilio fathers upon their children." Its effects commence by deposition from tho blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, wliich, in the lungs, liver, and internal organs, is termed tubercles; in the glands, swellings; and on tho surface, eruptions or sores. Tina foul cor ruption, which genders in thAlood, depresses the energies of life, so that scrofulous constitu tions not only suffer from scrofulous com- j plaints, but they have far less power to with- I stand the attacks of other diseases; conse quently, vast numbers perish by disorders | which, although not scrofulous ift their nature, J are still rend -red fatal by this taint in tho system. Most of the consumption which do- ' cimutcs tho human family has its origin directly ! in this scrofulous contamination; and many \ destructive discuses of the liver, kidneys, bruiii| | and, indeed, of all the organs, arise from or ; are aggravated by the same cause. One quarter of ail our people arc Fcrofulous; their persons are invaded by this lurking in- i fcction, and their health is undermined by it. j To cleanse it from the system we must renovate ' tho blood by an alterative medicine, and in- j vi go rate it by healthy food and exercise. Such a medicine we supply in AVER'S Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, the most effectual remedy which the medical j skill of our times ran devise for this every j where prevailing and fatal malady. It is com bined from the most active remediate thnt have been discovered for the expurgation of this foul disorder from the blood, and the rescue of tho system from its destructive consequences. Hence it should be employed for the euro of not only scrofula, but al o those other afire- j lions which arise from it, such as EKUPTIVE I and SKIN DISEASES, ST. ANTHONY'S Finn, HOSE, or ERYSIPKT.AS, PIMPLES, PUSTULES, \ BLOTCHES, BLA INS and BOILS, TUMORS, TETTER and SALT KUF.TWI, SCAI,I> HEAD, RINGWORM, RHEUMATISM, SYPHILITIC and MHRCUHIAL DIS EASES, DROPSY, DYSPEPSIA, DEKILITV, and, indeed, ALL COMPLAINTS ARISING FROM VITIA TED OR IMPURE BLOOD. The popular belief in 14 impurity of the blood, " is founded in truth, for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsapa rilla is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid, without wliich sound health is impossible in contaminated constitutions. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FDR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIC, are so composed that disease within tho range of their action can rarely withstand or evade them Their penetrating properties search, and cleanse, and invigorate every portion of the human organ ism, correcting its di&cased action, and restoring its healthy vitalities. As a consequence of these properties", the invalid who is towed down with pain or physical debility is astonished to find his health or energy restored by a remedy at once so simple arc! inviting. Not only do tlicy cure the every-day complaints of every oot'y, but also many formidable and dangerous diseases, Tho agent below named is pleased to furnish gratis my American Alumnae, containing certificates of their cures and dire ctions j for their use in the following complaints: i oative tie if s, Heartburn, Headache urisingfrom disordered Stomach, A auscn, Indiejc: tion, J'mn in and Morbid Inaction of the Move's, Flatulency, Loss of Appe tite, Jaundice, ami other kindred complaints, arising from a low state of die body or obstruction of its functions. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, FOR TIIE ILAPID CURB OP Coughs, Colds, Influeuzn, Ilonrscness, Croup, liroiichitin, Incipient Consump* t on, and for the relief of Consumptive Patients in tidvuaced stages of the disease. To wide it the field of it* usefulness and so nu merous are the cases of its cures, that almost every section of country abounds in portions pub licly known, who have been restored from alarming and even desperate diseases of the lungs by its use. When once tried, its superiority over every other medicine of its kind is too apparent to escape observation, and where its virtues are known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the distressing and dangerous afTcctions of the pulmonary organs that nre incident to our climate. While many inferior remedies thrust upon the community have failed and been discarded, this has gained friends by every trial, conferred benefits on the afllictcd they enn never forget, and pro duced cures too numerous and too remarkable to be forgotten. PREPARED RY D 52. jr. C. AVER & CO. LOWELL, MASS. E T I.UTZ, Bloomsburg; Reighard anil Creveling, Espy; G. Masters & Son, Mill ville; II W. Creasy, Light Street; VV.Ager, Rolirsburg: C. lleifsnycler, Cattawissu, aiici! all Druggists. Public Sale of Valuable Ileal Estate.! In pursuance of an order of the Orphan's ] Court of Columbia enmity, on SATURDAY, ' the 26ih day of MARCH, insi.. at 10 o'clock I in the forenoon, ISAAC K. KRICKBAUM, Executor of tho lust will and testament of John Kline, late of Benton township, in said county, deceased, will expose to snip, by public vendue, upon the premises, a certain portion of the REAL ESTATE of the said deceased, situate tit said township, consist ing of about ONE HUNDRED ACRES, Of Land, the most of which is reasonably WELL TIMBERED, about Fifteen Acres being cleared. A SAW MILL is oil the premt-es, and the land when cleared will be gooti farming laud. Terms favorable. Lite ihc estate of said deceased, situate in lite township ot Benton, arid county ahoreenid. JACOB EYKRLY, Clk. Bloonnsbnrtr. March 2, 1859. liT The above sale adjourned to April 23d, 1859, at one o'clock, B. M., at tho same place. WYOMING HOUttE, J. It. I.AY'OGK, PItOPKIBTOK, WYOMING, LUZERNE COUNTY, BENN. FIIHE Brnprietor respectfully informs his JL frtenils and the public generally that lie has Itikeii charge of the Wyoming House, in the village ol Wyoming, near the Railroad Depot of that place, ainj lias fitted il out so as to eolprtain both transient and perma nent visitors in a suitable and comfortable manner. His rooms are spacious uttd airy, and not only calculated to add to the conve nience anil comfort ol the traveling com in ti nny, but also to those who would seek a pleasant summer resort with families. HIS TABLE will be supplied with thebest the market can uflord ; and Ids BAR will be furnished with the purest liquors that can be obtained. The proprietor will give his exclusive attention to the comfort and con venience ol fiis guests, and is determined to make the WYOMING HOUSE rank a trtoug the firs! hotels in the The Proprietor hopes that from his expe rience in the business, and by unremitting attention on bis part, combined with a judi cious selection of the mostcaieful and oblig ing servants, be may be entitled to the fa vorable consideration o! the public, and re ceive a liberal share of their patronage. IF Please give htm a call, and judge for yourselves. [April 2, 1859. NOTICE. qnHE tnxables ol Columbia county are ■* hereby notified, that an appeal from the Triennial Assessment, will be field by the Commsssioners, of said connly, at lite fol lowing places, to wit : | Briarcreek and Borough of Berwick—At the house pf Frederick Nicely in Berwick, April ISth, 1859. Centre and Scott—Al the house of D. L. Kverlinri, In Lightstreet, April 19• h, 1859. ) Ml. Pleasant and Orange—At the house of Alex. Hughes in Orangevtlle, April 20lh 1859. Fishingereek—At the house of James Ed gar, lit said township, April 21st, 1859. Benton and Sagarlnnt—At the house of William Cole ir. Benton township, April 22d, 1859. Greenwood and Jaoltson —At the house of W. A. Kfine in Khorsbnrg, April, 23<l 1859. Madison and Pmc —At lhehoueof K A. Smilli in Jerseylnwu, April, 25ih 1859. Hemlock—At the house ol G. L. Shoe j maker In Bnckhorn, April 261h 1859. I Catlawissa antl Franklin—Al die house of I Jacob Dyer in Cattawissu, April 27m, 1859. iCnnyngham. Locust and P.oar.ngerepk—At ihe house of Joseph Long in New Media, April 28th, 1850. I Beaver and Maine—At the house of Isaac. | Yelier in Maineville, April 29ih, 1859. | Mifllin—Al ihe house of John Keller in Mifflinville, April 30ih, 1859. ! Bloom and Mainour—At the Court House | iri Bloomsburg, May sth, 1859. i Commissioners office, 1 R. C. Fruit, i Bloomsburg, March,27,1859 t Clerk. | ' * YOUTH AM) MANHOOD, ! / Jusl published, the 25di Thou- I sand, and mailpd in a sealed en ! velope, to any address, post paid on receipt j of three stamps. ; A medical essy on the physical exhaustion j and decay of Ihe frame, caused by "self | abuse/' infection, and the injurious conse qnences of mercury. By R. J. Culverwell, M. D., Member of the royal College olsttr geori, &e. Ci?' Spermatorreoia nr Seminal Emissions, Genial and Nervions Debility. Impoleney, Loss of Energy, Depression oi Spirits. Tiini- I dity, Disease ol the sexual Organs, and Im pediment to Marriage, are promptly and, : effectually removed by the author's novel and most successful mode of treatment, by means of which the invalid can regain pris tine health without having recourse te dan gerous and expensive medicines. fFrnm the London Lancet.) The best treaties ever written on a sub ject of vital importance io all, well worthy the author's exal'ed reputation. Address, the Publishers J. C. KLINE & Co.. Ist Avenue, cot. 19ih-slreel : Post Box 4586, New York City. March, 23 1859. LIGHT STBIDET HOTEL. D. L. EVERHART, PHOPRIRTOR. rpHE Proprietor ol this hotel takes pleas- I ure in announcing to the public that he still occupies this large and commodious bouse in Light St reel, Pa., and is yet, as ev er, prepaired to accommodate travelers, teamsters, drovets and borders, with accom modations that will lavorably compare with any hotel in this section ol country. The traveling public may depend on all comforts at home, as his house is well furnished and always kept in order. His table and bar will always be found furnished wi'li lite best the market afifoids. Mr. K. will ever be happy to entertain and accommodate his friends to the utmost of his ability. D. L. EVERHART. Light Street, Pa., Nnv. 24, 1858. 5-r" The l'roprietor of the above house, having no desire to continue in the hotel business, will sell the property at private sale, upon reasonable terms. Tlnr stand is a good one, with stabh-s an.! all lite neces sary outbuildings; all ol which are in good erudition. To any person wishing to em bark in the bu.-iness, it is a good locality, and a desirable place. IS EG I STL irslvo THE. jVOTICE i* hereby given to all legatees, 4 * creditors anil other persons interested in the estates of the respective decedents and minors, that the following administration and guardian accounts have been filed in the office of Ihe Register of Columbia county, anil will be presented for confirmation and allowance to the Orphan's Court, to be held at Blootnsburg, in the county aforesaid on Wednesday Ihe 4th day of May next, at 2 o'clm-k, P. M. 1. The account of William Bobbins, Joseph Robbius and Daniel Robbins, Executors ol John Robbius late ol Greenwood township, deceased. 2. Tin-account of Samuel Creasy, Guar dian ol Sarah Ann Fry, late Sarah Michael, now deceased. 3. The account of William G. Hurley, ad t rninistrator of Dr. Thomas N. Butler, late of I Blriom township, deceased. I 4. The account of Jacob Hosier, John L. I Hosier and Daniel Hosier, Executors of the I estate of Frederick Hosier, late ol Briarcreek | twp., deceased. j 5. The account of William Cole and Alin | as Cole, Adrnr.'s of the estate of Ezekiel Cole, late of Sugarloaf township, deceased. 6 The account of William B. Welliver, Admr.of the estate of Ezra Welliver late ol Madison township deceased. 7. The Guardian account of Mosss Hart man, guardian of Matilda Yocurn, a daugh ter of Joseph Yocum late of Cattawissa township, deceased. 8. Account ol John T. Davis, Executor ol Joseph Millard, late of Briarcreek township, deceased, filed by M. F„ Jackson, Executor ol the said John T. Davis, deceased. 9. The account of A. Lockard and J. R. Smith, Administrators of Abraham Lockard, late ol Briarcreek township, deceased. 10. The account of l'noebe Nungesser, Executrix of Sarah Ann Michael, late ol Mifllin township, deceased. 11. Tito account of Thomas Bowman, one of tlie Administrators of John Bowman late of lirtarcfeek township, deceased. 12. The final account of Thomas Bowman; one of the Administrators of John Bowtnan, late of Briarcreek township, deceased. 13. Tlie account of John Reece Testamen tary guardian of Margaret Mather, daugh ter of Robert Mather, late of Greenwood township, deceased, as filed by Joseph W. Reece, Ins Administrator. 14. The account of Kplieraim P. Lutz, Ad ministrator de bonis non with the will an nexed of Henry Gigger,late of Montour twp., deceased. 15. The account of Nicholas Funslon.Ex ecu'or of Joint Kuoston.late of Madison twp., deceased, as filed by John T. Funston am! Nicholas F. Barber, two of the Executors ol Nicholas Funstcn now deceased. • 16. 'The account of Peter Eot and Theo dore McDowel, Executors of the last wtl antl testament of Matliew McDowel, late ol Scott township, deceß-ed. 17. Tlie account ot David llemley_ adm't of Jacob W. Hess, late of Jackson town ship, deceased. Register's office, j DANIEL LEE, Bloomsburg, April 5,'59. j Regislsr qiRIMMINGS AND NOTIONS, fancy arti -A- cles, a good assortment ol Hosiery of the best quality; also gloves, mitts, baskets, Ca bus, Combs, dress trimmings and linings sewing silk, thiead, etc., etc., to be had nex door to the "Exchange." AMELIA D. WEBB. Bloomsburg, May 25, 1857. Phil'a & Reading Railroad. 1 WINTER ARRANGEMENTS FOR PAS SENGER TRAINS, January Isi 1859. , Up Trains, going North, leave Philadelphia al 7J A. M. and 4 P. M. ' Down Tiuinti, inning South, leave Pottsvillo ai 74 A. M. and 4 P. M. , The Express Train is discontinued until J further no'ice. Close connections are made by the 10.22 A. M. Up fraiits, Iro'tt Pint Clinton to Elmira and nil intermediate points; and by the 622 P! M Up Train Ironi Port r Clinton to . Elmira. Canaitdaigna, Buflalo, Niagara, Detroit, Chicago. St. Loliis, Dav ' enpon, and lowa City; matting tit's route ; the shortest and cheapest to the Lake Cities and Canada. On Sundays the Down A. M. Train Irotn . Pot sville, and Up P. M. Train (torn Phila delphia, only (Sin. f E?* Depot in Philadelphia, corner ol Broad and Vine 6treets. Filly pounds ol 1 baggage allowed each passenger, (except on Sunday trains.) Tickets must be pur -1 chased before entering the cars. G A. NICHOLS, jly29—tf. General Superintendent. TitIAL LIST FOR MAY TERM 1859. , 1. Barnabas Callender admr., vs. William B. Peterman. 2. Township ot Conynghnm, vs. Jacob Derk, el. al. 3. Benjamin Peterman. vs. David GolJer. 4. John Johnson, vs. Daniel Zigler. ft. A. W. Creamer, vs Ijact Yelter. 6. Peter Longeuberger, vs. William Long euherger. 1 7. Amos W. Creampr, vs Charles B. Troy. | 8. John Bennet, vs Bet.j Winlersleen. ' 9. William Simons, et. al. vs. John Coven hoven. | 10. Ghrislian Wolf, vs. Jams Dull, el. 01. MIL Benjamin A. Cole, vs. William Simons. ' 12. Leonard B. Ruperi, et. al. vs. Washing tort Lee jr. > 13. Mary Ricked?, vs Elijah G, Rickeit?. 14. Siraxvbridge A. W.lson, vs. William Robison. 15. Henry M. Fuller, vs. Nathan S'eoker. ' 16. George It. Freas, vs. George Retford. ' j 17. Jesse Bowman et. al., vs Geo. Bowman, et til. 18. Jacob Sanders, vs William Metz. 19 James Hess, vs. John P. Lnubach. 20. David Lewis, vs. George Moore, 21. David Lewis, vs. Chris'inn L. Moore. . 22. David Lewis, vs. John Mome. 23. Andrew Fox, et. al , vs Joshua Womer. 24. Andrew Fox, ct. al., vs. John P. Levan. 25 Bettiamin Winterstcen, vs John' Beimel. ; 26. William Davis, vs. J V Creswell, et. al. 27. Lawrence Singley v J V. Creswell, Pl. al. 28. Samuel Biitenbeiider, vs. Silas E. Pow er, et al 29. Joseph H Long, vs. William 11. Rein bold. 30. Godfrey Cline's Executors, vs. Harriet r Carry, et. al. i 31. Ashbcl B Wilson's Executors vs Adrian Vanhouleri, et. al. , 32. John Pealer vs. Thomas Pesler. 33. 11. W. Weaver's admr., vs. William 1 Robison ; 34. John MeChesneyv et. al., vs. Jacob Loose, et. al. [ Tiaverse jurors lor May T rm 1859. ' Bloom—James K. Eyer, Joseph Weaver, t Benton—Jacob Wo'dever. Mulhew Mullen i ry, Cyrus B. White, Christian A-h. Beaver—Moses Schlicher, David Davis, Stephen Leltr. Briarcreek—George A. Beam, Jonathan Eck. Catlawis-a —John Keiler, Nicholas Ilaiman, , | Isaiah John. Centre —Je-e Hicks, Daniel Jamison, George t P. Miller. . CnnynghatT—Reuben Waser. ■ Fishingcreek—Thomas l'caler, Richard I Bright. Franklin—William Mensch, Mo?e? Hower. , Greenwood—John Station, David C.Albert son, Johnson 11. Ikelor. Locust—John L. Hurst, Isaac Reloads. Montour—Lloyd Paxtnn, Daniel Giger. , MiIII n—John Wolf, Jacob Smith, i Madison—Oliver P. Banyan. I Orange—William Whitmire. I Pine—John F. Fowler. Scott—Silas E. Fowler, George Reals. j Gram! Jurors for May Term 1859. 1 Bloom—John Barkley. Elisha C. Barton, a Levi Cnxe. Rot ert Putsel. 2 Benton—David Remley, Briarcreek—l-aao Bower. i Cattawissa —Levi Keiler, Lewis Yetler. I Centre—Peter Miiler. , Franklin—Reuben Eohrbach, Joseph Hart man. . Greenwood—lsaac tkeler. I, Hemlock— James Emrnit, James Roat. Jackson—George Herlemait. - Mt. Pleasant—Daniel Zig'er. f j Mifflin—George Swank, Stephen Wolf Maine—Daniel Miller. Montour—Peter M. Kashner, Isacher M a Evans. k Orange—John Covanhovan. Sngarlouf—John M. Cole, James F. Kilo. ; liISIIBttE SJiTTTAUr" rpHE County Commissioners will receive A- Proposals al the house 'of Jacob Kim i tiles, in Benton township, Columbia courly, on the the 27th day ol May next, until 3 . o'clock P. AL, for building an open TRUSS BRIDGE, it: said township, over Westcreek, a near the residence el said Kirnbles. The length to be 52 feel between abutments ; if width front out to out 16 feet; the height oi i, abutments Of feet above low water mark, r and the wing-ua!ls to extend llleet fiom the abutments. ALSO, on the 28 day of May next, they 1, will receive proposals until 4 o'clock P. M., at the house of James I'ater-ons, in Orange r , township, for building an open TRUSS >' BRIDGE, in said township, over Greencreek. near the residence of said Pattersons. The e length to be 72 fed between abutments,with 0 a pier: the width of bridge from out to out 16 leet: the height of abutments 9 feet 1 above low water mark and the wing-walls lo b extend 11 feet from abutments. Plans and Specifications can be seen on • the days and places of lettings. lhy outer cj County Commissioners. d Commissioners ntlice, / '• Bloonisburg, April 5, 1859. j l GREENWOOD SEMINARY. '• \ BOARDING SCHOOL and Normal In •t stitnte, for Teachers and others. The first quarter will commence April 11th. The second after Summer vacation, •> on Angusi 15th, etc. '• TERMS :—s3o per Quarter for all expen ses. Catalogues will be sent to those wlio apply lor them. WM. BURGESS, Prin. 'l* Millville, Pa., March. 30, 1859. >f Ailininislralor's Alnticc 'r is hereby given lo all persons in Fx tereteil, ihut letters ol adminstration or the estate of Jacob Fry, late of Mifflin town ship, Columbia county,deceased, have beer r granted by the Register ol Columbia coun ly, to the undersigned, living in Mifflin, it i- said county. All parsons having claims o te demands against the estate ol the decedent a- are requested to present them to the admin 3, istrator, duly attested, without delay, am XI all persons indebted to the estate are noli fied to make payment forthwith. SAMUEL CREASY, , Mifflin, Feb. 26, 1869. Adm'r. .1 EVANS & WATSON'S I'liil'a Manufactured '||Sf3sALMANDER 1 BB; j m SAFES; 1 ! jf No.26South Fourth Street PHILADELPHIA. 1 From ilie Villaprc Record, WEST CHESTER, Pa. I Saturday, Feb. 5. 1859. , R"BDE;;Y —The office of the old Railroad, t in \Ve*l Chewier, was broken into last Th'trail ay main, und robbed cf o fma'l a* I 1 mount ol money. The thieves entered the building in the rear, broke tho door*, and ' locks <fT the de.-ks. and attempted to get in to the large iron Mifa, but did not succeed , The Safe was maiiiitactureil bv KVANS fc WATSON, No. 2(5 South FOURTH Streets, Philadelphia. STILL ANOTHER ATTEMPT. OCTOBKII 18th, 1858.—Three theives en [ tercil the linurmg-niill ot Messrs. Dorrace & I Duron, Bristol, Pa., and tried all tt'glrt lo , blow open tlipir Sale, with powder, which ! had $250 in cash, but did tint succeed in getting it opon. Their Salamander Sale was ill anulucturetl by EVANS & WATSON. , GREAT SAFE ROBBERY AT NORRIS , TOWN, DKCBMBKH Ist, 1858—Some time lost ntgbl, the flnuritig-mill ol Mr. Joseph , Fezone, in Norristown, I'a., was enierad and one ol Fatrel, Herring, & Co's best pa tent Powder proof Lock and Sate WAS BLOWN OPEN WITH PuWDER, and $1,600 in cash taken out and carried away. Thiv Sale is now in Evans & Wat son's store, No. 26 ootilli Fourth Sheet, where vve mot laspeetlnlly invite the pub lie to call nod examine it. N. B.— We find in The Press, December 4th, the following: ' All our Sales are war ranted to give perfect satisfaction, or the money will be relumed. FARREL, HERRING & CO." We, EVANS ft WATSON, would ark all parties having Parrel, Herring & Co's Patent Champion Safes, to take advantage of the above offer, and return them and get their money, as they will find that, in a few years, the Composition with which the Sates are filled (a large portion being oil ot ' | vitriol) will eat out all the iron. A spec'l i men ot their Champion Safes may be seen in front ol our siore, eaten foil of holes now. EVANS & WAISON, No. 26 South FOURTH Street. f From Tlic Press of Ilie 4lh nil.] j Farrel, Herring & Co's Paient Champion [ I Safes, the only Sales made in the city which i have never been robbed by burglars, or had I their contents destroyed by accidental fires, f j Evans & Watson's Philadelphia answer lo a N"w York Humbug. We, the undersigned citizens of St Jospph, I Mo., do hereby cer'ifv that the iron Sale I belonging to ,C. E. Baldwin, made by Far rel & Co., No. 34 Walnut Street. Phi'adel , phia, which was in the fire that occurred here, is not firp-proof, and is useless as a fire prool Safe; that the books, papers, jew l elry, &c.. winch were in the Safe at the tiirie, were much injurpd; also, that the 3 building which it was in was of frame atut only one story high, and that a fire so tri - fling as the one which burned over the said . Sale was not sufficient to have injured any Safe purposing lobe fire-proof. W. R. IV.NICK, Druggist. Josi FIT W.TOOTI.B, Dry Goods. J. A BBATTIB, Banker. ' DONNKLI.,SAXTON& MCDONNELL, Dry-Goods WILLIAM RV>'. Drv Goods. JOHN CORD, Dry Goods. ' C. K. BALDW.N, St. Joseph, Mo. ' EVANS & WATSON, 26 South FOURTH Street, Philadelphia, have now on hand the | largest assortment of Salamander Sale* HI the United Slates, warranted equal to tyiy others made in the country. Please give "I us a call. ' Feb. 23.1, 189 . v *t 7 -T" JLy ' vUI 4=v J. - < vU libvWT I CABINET WARE ROOMS. s. c. sniVE, RESPECTFULLY INVITES THE ATTENTION OF the Public to his extensive assortment of Cabinet Fnrnituta anil Chairs, which he will warrant made of good mueriaW anil in t a workmanlike manner. At his Establish ment, can always be iound a good assort menl ol FASHIONABLE FURNITURE, which is equal in style hud finish lo that of Philadelphia or New York cities, and al as ' low pries?. He has Sofas of different style and prices, from $25 lo S6O. Divans Loun ges, Walnut and Mahogany. Parlor chairs, Rocking and easy chair-, Piano stools, and a variety ol upholstered work, with Dressing and parlot bureaus, sofa, card, centre and pier tables, detashus, cheffenicrs. whatnots and coini des and all kinds of fashionable work. His stock of buieaus, enclosed and oomtnon WH-nstands, dross-table-, corner Clin ho iri's solas, DINING AND BREAKFAST TABLES, bedsteads, catie seat and cominrbi chairs is the largest in this section of the coutiiy. He R will also keep a good assortment ol looking glasses with fancy gilt and common Irames ' Tie will also furnish spring matliasses fitted ® In any sized bedstead, which are superior * for duiatiiliiy and comfort to any bed in i u-e. liloomsbiirg, January 13, 1858. 1 DRUtb AND JIKDIITl \ES, 1 2_2J O UP* n C 1 1" I ' ,e a,lenl ' Bn °f a " those who * wish to buy good goods in his line, that he has just replenished his (already ) y large and well selected assortment of the fol- J lowing articles,.viz: — tril \ \ I RUGS MEDICINES* OILS, W ' I PAINTS, NARNISHES, GLASS, DYKSTJFFS *- " Conl'ectionanes, IVrluiiiery, soaps and i toilet articles generally ; Cigars and Tobacco I of every variety and brand, Harrison's Inks " I wholesale and 'mail at the manufacturer's '' prices, P URE WIEES AND IIRANDIES for 0 medicinal use only. Trusses, Shoulder Braces n and Abdominal Supporters, AND DENTAL INSTRUMENTS. Paint, Varnisti and Toollt Brushes: also agetn for most of the popular Putenl Medicines ol lite day. Toys, and an endless variety ol '* useful and lancy nolions not here enurner. ~ ateil. Physician's I'rescriptions and Family Medicines put up carefully and al short no ' lice. Glass Cutting done to order at the old stand E. P. LUTZ. 'J Bloomsbntg, Jan. 13, 1858. M'KELYY, NEAL& CO., ME It L'fUJN TS, Northeast corner of Mnin and Market Sts '• A.M. RIi'ERT, ■; TLXXEII $ STO VR DEALER, , Shop ou South side ol Alain street, below J,. Matket. I" UARNAIU)HIima\ llf FASHIONABLE TAILOR, Shop on ilie South Side ol Main Street, firs id square below Market. " IIIRAM C. BOWER, SURGEON DENTIST, Office near Wilscn'e Carriage shop, Main Si New Arrival of Fall and Winter I an op op S3 „ [ KIcKFfiYY, WISAI. & CO., TTAVE jusi received and opened ihdir stock ot Merchandise for sale, which compri , aea the LARGEST, Cheapen, and handsom est assortment now offered in this TOWN.— Having paid great attention to the selection of their entire stock as to E'ricc ami Qualify, r they flatter themselves that the) can compete i with the cheapest, arid ull those wishing to buy cheap, can pave money by giving us a • call. We hnvea'l k mils of goods and wares I to opply 'he wan'tf of the people. A very large and complete assortment ol LADIE'SDREFS GOODS. , French Merinoes, wool plaids, alpacas, bom baxines, de began, poplins parametta cloths, mohair lu.sires, muslin l laines, Persian cloths, Ginghams, Cabcoes, &c. white (irons OF ALL KINDS, Sleeves, Collars. Spencers, handkerchiefs, flouncing**, bands ami Iriinmni-iS, tapes and edgings,bonnet ribbon®, in large variety, vel vet tibbons, and braids, kid, cotton, li.-le thread gloves, mohair mitts, &c. AM. KIIV3*Si OF KISAVVLS, btoche, llav Slum, Watprvitle, black silk, cashmere, emhrndered, &c. Also a very large large assortment ol Cloths, oasimefs, satinets, I weeds, jeans, coaling vel vet, beaver cluilis, &e. mm® & of oil kinds and sizes for men, women and children. We have a largo assortment ol HATS and CAPS of Ihe latest fashion. We huvp also, Hardware, Qneensvvare, Cedar ware, &e. Very cheap CARPETS, CARPET-BAGS, FLOOR, table and carriage oil tdoihs, male, rugs, bas kets, &e. Mnslins, flannels, tickings, dia pers, tnwelings, drillings, &e., in abundance. U e invite our Iriemls and the public gen erally to give its a call before purchasing elsewhere. We have bought our goods at . the LOWEST CASH PRICES and will not be undersold by anybody or the rest of man kind. WeKELVV, NEAL & CO. Bloomsbnrg, January 13, 1758. GROCERY, BAKERY AM) CONFECTIONERY. Main Street, Bloomsburg, otie door below Iron Street. THE undersigned respectfully inform the citizens ol Bloomsburg, and the public in general, thai they have formed a partnership , under the name and firm of Moyer Si Shel , don, and have just opened in their spacious i new S'ore House, the GROCERY, BAKERY & CONFECTION ; ERY BUSINESS, On an extensive scale in all their various do pari in en ts, anil in great variei es, wlieie ihey J will always be pleased to ineei their friends . ami administer to their creature comforts. Their groceries are all fresh, and of the I choicest kinds, have been selected with , much care, and will be sold for oash, at the "lowest living prices." , Their Bakery is entirely new, constructed , after the most modern improvement ami i will be under the superintendence of "mas ter workmen," I Their confectionery is manufactured by themselves wiih care and cleanliness—and cannot be surpassed by the most improved irnporiaiions. OYSTER SALOON AND RESTAURANT. They Imve also lilted up a most magnificent , Restaurant and Oyster Saloon, occupy ing the entire space of Ihe (up stairs) second fioor, wuh splinter new fixtures and finishings, wlmm litay will l-.t lUI- rVg lilt?If CMS miners with choice Oysters, wholesale and r retail. N. B—A Ladies' Saloon separated from ihe General Restaurant, has also been pre pared lor their special accommodation. ALBERT MOYER, E. M. SHELDON. Bl.ioms'vtro', Oct. 27, 1858. SHERIFF SALES. pv virtue ot a writ of veitdnioni exponas, to irie directed, will be exposed to pub lic sale at the Court House, in Bloomsburg, . on Monday the 5d day of May next, at one o'clock, in the afternoon, the following de scribed properly to wit: All these two certain lots of land situate in the borough of Berwick, county ol Colum bia, bounded as follows, to wit: On Ihe north by Main S rest of said town, on the east by lot ol M. M. Coo| er, on the south by water r street ot said town, ami on the west by lot ol Hunleier Set bert's heirs, whereon is erec ted a-f.v o stoiy frame dwelling house, two frame shops, a frame barn, and other out buildings with the appurtenances. | ALSO, Two nut lots situated in the borough of Berwick, containing in all nine acres more i or less, bounded on the north by lands ol j ; Eager, on the east by a Street, on the i' sonh by lands ol Wood ill and Bower, and on ll.e west by a Street, all of which is cleared laud, Willi Ihe appurtenances. , Seized, taken in execution and to be 6old s | as the ptiipsity of Lewis Euke. !j ALSO, I At die same time and place all thai certain ' i messuage and tract of laud situate in Ml. f | Pleasant township, Columbia conniy, con • | tabling one hundred and seventeen acres be I die same more or less, bounded on die north " | by lands ol H-nry Kitchen, on the soniti by J lands ol John Ruckle, on the east by land ol John Johnson, ami on the west by lands til 0 John Jones and others, whereon is a frame , barn with the appurtenances, j I Seized taken iri execution and to be sold I. as die property ol David Johnson, in die , hands ot John Johusou his administrator and • Jacob Johnson. 1 ALSO, d At the atne lime and place a certain piece 0 or trad of land situate in Locust towp., Cn s lumbia county, containing fifteen acres, be 's the same more or less, all of which is im ir proved land, bounded on the norltl, south is and west by land of Francis Kern, and on ihe eas' by land of William Myers and Lee, whereon is erected a two story dwelling house, a two and a half storv Grist Mill, a 1 i log barn, a ling pen, with the appurtenances, 'j I Seized taken in execution and to be sold it ! as ihe property ol Jecoh Idler. ALSO, r ' I All that certain tiacl or piece of land sit J uate in Locust township, Columbia County, _ containing TEN ACRES more or j ol which is improved lands, bounded on the North West, by lauds ol John Earnst, cn the Sotnh and East A>y lands of Samuel C. Reed wheteon is Erected a one and a halt Story dwelling house, with the apperteuarices. Seized taken in execution and to be sold as tho property of John C. Hnlilren. ■ JOHN SNYDER, Sheriff. Bloomsburg, April 6th, 1859. Public Notice. A LL persons indebted to the undersigned, _ on Book account, Note or otherwise, will lake notice iliat all accounts mu ' il be *' e , l , up between this dale (Feb- 19 th) and the first ot Miy next, and save trouble. All ac counts not settled and paid by lhal time, costs will be added without respect to per ~ son. Therefore stop P ,he captain's ol fice and square > ° jbHN°W H1 T K N | G HT. *t. Bloomsburg, Feb. 13, 1859, j THE GREATEST ' MIMICAL ft DISCOVERY ! hOF THE AGE. i 1 \t R KENNEDY of Jlf>xlnry h>*£ tiirteovfr* t 1 "e<l id one of our common pasture weMrf ; ' areme*lv that puree i EVERY KIND OP 111 AIOR FROM THE j worst scrofula down to a common pimple. He has tried it in over eleven hundred I cases, and never failed excepf in two cases, both thunder fnmof. He has now in his possession over one hundred ceriifi rates of its value, all within twenty milee of Boston. Two Lollies are warranted to cure a nurs ing sore mouth. One lo Ihreo bnl!l will cure the wntst kind of pimples oil Ihe face. | Two or three bottles will clear the ays | tem o( biles. i Two b< tiles are warranted lo cure the worst I canker in the mouth or stomach. | Tn.ree lo five bottles are warranted to cure I the woisl wind of Erysipelas. I One or two boldes are warranted to cm I all humor in the eyes, j Two bullies are warranted to cure running I j of ihe ears and blotches in the hair. , j Four lo six I oitles are warranted to dure | corrupt and running ulcers. One tio tle will cure scaly eruption of Ihe ' skin. i Two or llitep hollies are warranted lo cure 1 j the worst kind of ringworm. I Two or three boiiles ate warranted to core I the most desperate case of rheumaiism. 1 Tftree to four bullies are warranted to cure i sail Rheum. Five to eight bodies will cure the worst I case ol scrofula. I A benefit is always experienced from het i firsi boitle, and a perfect cure is warrante | when die above quantity is taken. ROX BURY MASS. i Dear Madam—The reputation of ihe Med ical discovery, in coring all kind of humors, Jis so well established by the unanimous | voice of all who have ever used i>, that t I need not ay any thing on the subject, a j the most skilful physicians and the most careful Druggist in the country are uuani | minis in lis praise. j In preseu<ing the Medical Discovery to j your amice, I do it with a lull knowledge of j its curative power, in relieving all, and cur | ing rnosi ol those diseases io which you sre j unfortunately so liable. The most excruci i ating disease to an affectionate mother, NURSING SORE MOUTH, { Is cured as if by a miracle; your own tem j per is restored to its natural sweetness, and , | your babe from short and fretful nn'ps to j calm and sweet slumbers; anil Ihe medical , I discovery becomes a fountain of blessing to j your husband and houshold, I lu the advanced stages ol €AN K E K ' il extends to ihe stomachy causing DYSPEPSIA, i which is nothing but canker on the stomach I then to the intestines and Kidneys, creating a sinking, gone leeling, anil an in. difference even lo the cares of your family. Your stomach is RAW AND INFLAMED, your food distresses you, am) you can only j take certain kinds, and even of that your , system doss not get half the nourishment if I contains as the acrimonous fluid of the eank | er eats it up; then yonr complexion loses its ; bloom ami becomessallow and greenish, and j yonr bet day is gone. For want of nourish} nient yonr system becomes loose and flabby, and ihe fibres of jour body becomes relax} ed. Then follows a train of disease which the Medical Discovery is peculiarly adapted | 'o CURE; Palpitation of the heart, pain in the side, weakness of the snine and small of J the hack, pain ol the hip joint when you re j tire, irregularity ol I lie bowels, and also, that most excruciating of disease, the r I L E s. How many thousands ol poor women are suffering from this disease and pining away : a miserable life, and their npxt door neigh ' bor does not know the cause, I wish lo im i press on your mind that good old proverb, j "An ounce of prevention is belter than a ! pound of cure." In the Medical Discovery j you have boih the preventive and the cure, I with this great and good quality, that il will never under any circumstances, do you any i injury. j No change of diet ever necessary—sat the . | best you can get and enough of it. | ' Directions for use.—Adults one tablespoon' ' ] ful per day. Children over ten years dessert | spoonful. Children from five lo eight years, ; | leu spoonful. As no directions can he appli j cable to all constitutions, take sufficient to ' j operate on tin; bowels twice a day. . Yours truly, DONALD KENNEDY | Tiice 51.00 per bottle. For sale by J. R. I Meyer, E. P. Lulz, Agents for Bloomsburg. , j Sold by ail the Druggists throughout the I country, in general. Jn. 28, 'SB. [j Administrator's Notice. II NOTICE is hereby given that letters of j administration on the estate of Catharine I | Lulz, late ol Bentou township, Columbia I j county, decea-ed, have been granted by , j the Register of Columbia county to the un j dersigned, who resides in Benion township, I and county aforesaid. All persons having > | claims against the estate of the decedent j j are requested to present them to :he admin istrator without delay, and all persons in debted lo make payment forthwith. WILLIAM LUIZ, Adm'r. Benton, Jan. 24, 1859. j AD3IIM3TKA I'OU'S NOTICE. | A LL persons interested will take notice | that letters of administration on the l estate of Catharine Metz, late of Locust township'in the county of Columbia, have J been granted by Ihe Register of Columbia j counly to Charles Metz, who resides in j said township and county; a'! persona hav ing claims or demands again" '" B eslaie of the decedent, are requested to make them known to the administrator, without t- delay, and all persons indebted lo make ij pa>memforlhWi ' h 'CHAßLES METZ, ' e Locust Feb. 19. 1859, Administrator. f MLIJLMSTRATOR S NOTICE: V ALb persons interested will take notice /* that lepers of Administration lo the d Estate of Noah 8. Prentis, late ot Bloom township, Columbia counly, deceased, has been grained by the Register of Columbia county, to the undersigned, living in Blooms - burg, in said county. All persons having claims or demands against the estate of the decedent, are requested lo present them lo j the Administrator, duly attested, without I delay, and all persons indebted to the estate , are notified to make payment forthwith. J. M. CHEMBERLIN, Bloomsburg, Nov. 10, 1858. Adm'r. ~"JOBEPH SBARPLESS. FOUNDER AND MACHINES!'. Buildings on ihe alley between the "Ex change" and "Ametican House."
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers