The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, March 16, 1859, Image 1

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W. 11. JACOB?, Propfteftr.]
Off UISIE STdMfiltUls
W.. U. J.IOUY,
Office <m Main St., Srd Square below Market,
TERMS :—Two Dollars per annum if paid
Within six months from the lime of subscrib
ing: two dollars and fitly els. if not paid with
in the year. No subscription taken tor a less
period than six months; no discontinuance
permitted until all arrearages are paid, un
less at the option of the editor.
, The leims of advei Using will be as follows:
One square, twelve lines, three limes, $1 no
Every subsequent insertion, 25
One square, tiiree months, 3 00
'One year, M, 8 110
ygfrouc poctrg.
At the Burns Festival in Boston, the fol
lowing poem, enclosed in a letter, was re
ceived from John G. VVhillier:
How sweetly come the holy pßalms
From saints and martyrs down,
The waiving of triumphal palms
Above the thorny crown!
The choral praise, the chanted prayers.
From harps by angles strung,'
The haunted Cameron's mountain airp,
The hymns that Luther sung!
Yet barring not the heavenly notes,
The sounds of earth are heard,
As through the open minster floats
The song ot breeze and bird.
Not less the wonder of the sky,
That daisies bloom below ;
The brook sings on though loud and high
The cloudy organs below.
And if the tender ear be jarred
That haply hears by turns
That saintly harp of Olney's bard,
That pastoral pipe of Burns,
No discord mars his perfect plan
Who gave them both a tougue,
For he who sings the love of man,
The love of God hath sung!
To-day be every fault forgiven
Of him in whom we joy ;
We lake, with thanks, tne gold of Heaven,
And leave the earth's alloy.
Be ours his music as of spring,
His sweetness as of flowers,
The songs the bard himself knight sing
In holier ears than onk3.
Sweet airs of Ibve and home, the hum
Of household melodies,
Come singing, as the robbins come
To sing in door-yard trees.
And heart to heart two nations lean,
No rival wreaths to l\Vine,
But blending, in eternal green,
■ The holly and the pine!
Hamlet's Tomb.
A recent traveller in Denmark gives the
following sketch of his visit to the tomb of
the great dramatic notoriety : —"A trip from
Copenhagen to Elsinore took us through
two of those royal residences that are about
to pass into other hands—viz; Friedens
borg, about twenty two miles from Copen
hagen, and Marienlust, at Elsinore. Mar
ienlust is a desolate place in April, but most
beautilul when its trees, garden, and statues
are decker! in simmer grab. Situated on a
declivity sloping into the sea, the little cha
teau looks out upon the clear waters of the
Sound, glistening with sharp reflections in
the sunlight, and bounded on the horizon
by the pleasant hills of the Swedish coast.
On the side the stronghold of Kronberg,
which defends the passage of the Sound,
rears its Elizabethan lowers, whilst in the
distance behind glistens the white house of
llelinsborge in Sweden, crowned by an an
cient tower frowning in dark tones on the
surrounding country. The innumerable ship
ping that stud the waters increase the charm
of a landscape unsurpassed in beauty of its i
component parts, and brilliancy of its col
ors. Turning for an instant from this bril
liant picture, a different one presents itsell.
tn a shady nook, away from the sea, the
eye rests on a pleasant grove ol trees. There
in a sequestred spot, nea'r a brawling limpid
stream, stands the tomb of Hamlet. It is a
little mound of earth, on the top of which
stands a little obelisk. This obelisk, formed
of stones neatly superposed, resembles a
section of a cone. No inscription breaks
the mystery of the place, and the mind wan
ders undistnred in Bhaksperian dreams, and
such reveries as moss and lichen can create.
The ghost of the Prince of Denmark has
never frightened the peaceful inhabitants
of Marienlust, and to this may be ascribed
the unbelief of Elsinore gossips that Ham
. let ever lived in aught but the imagination
Of our best known dramatist."
NxvxaToo OLD TO Lxxaa Socrates, at
q exiremeiy old age, learnt to play on mu
sical instruments. Cato, at eighty years of
ge, thought proper to learn the Greek lan
guage. Plutarch when between seTenty
and eighty commenced the study of Latin.
Sir Henry Spelman neglected the science
aam in his youth, but commenced the study ot
.<•* them alter he had turned fifty. After this
t , time he became one of the roost learned
antiquarians and lawyers. Dr. Johnson ap
plied himself to the Dutch language but a
few years before his death. Franklin did
Dot commence his philosophical pursuits
tiH be had reached his fiftieth year. Dry
irth, in his sixty eighth year, commenced
the translation of the 'lliad,' and his most
pleahfjSj productions were written in his
13T Fiffthy Fern says "if one half of the '
girls knew tra previous life of the men
they marry, the list of old maids would be
wonderfully lf the n**® h new >
Fanny, what their jJhtt* lives where to be,
wouldn't it list of old maids
still further 7" gjj
iy The mau who couhl'nt "trust his feel
ings," is supposed to do business strictly
on tho cash principle. <Bf|
Correspondence of Ike New Yoik Tribune.
A Bold ind Cunning Forgery in Virginia.
Prrcßssußa, Va., March 3, 1059.
Since die days of Monroe Edwards, no
forgery (hat has come to light equals, lor
shrewdness and adroit villainy, one which
has just been developed here, the history of
which is as follows :-In the early part of last
month two strangers made their appearance
in this oity, one of whom soon alter visit'ed
the office ot Paul & Hinton, brokers, whete
he offered to dispose of a large amount of
uncurretit funds. They were ill bills on
Banks in Louisiana, Tennessee, and South
Carolina. He handled them in the most
expert and business-like manner, counting
them over rapidly, and using his fingers as
though he had been a bread a Bank teller.
He the clerk in attendance bills
enough to receive therefor a bank cheek for
$5OO. On being asked his name he replied
with hesitation, ''Osborn," but requested
the check to be made payable to' currency,"
which was done accordingly. From the
brokers he proceeded to the Exchange Bank,
on which the check was drawn, where it
was duly certified by the proper officer.—
This check, it seems, he carried to Rich
mond, and there presented it to the bank
ing office of Enders, Sutton & Co. The per
son to whom it was shoWn not knowing the
individual, Requested to have him identified,
as was their custom in such cases. To this
he expressed himself perfectly willing that
any steps necessary might be taken, and
suggested that the brokers return the check
to Petersburg,and there ascertain fully about
it. Messrs. Enders, Sutton, & Co., becoming
satisfied as to the genuineness of the paper,
paid the cash for it, less the usual discount
Two days after, this same person called
at Paul & Hinton's in this city agaia, and
and desired to negotiate for another check.
He exhibited between three and four thou
sand dollars in Southern bills, including one
of $5OO on a New Orleans bank, which, to
gether with other bills, he exchanged for a
check of $lOOO. This he also took to the
Exchange, and the Teller endorsed it as
good. One repoit states that he was ele
gantly dressed, and his shirt bosom adorn
ed with a magnificent diamond pin. When
he appeared the first time he was very plain
ly appareled.
The very next day he again called upon
Messrs. Esders, Sutton & Co., when he got
from the junior partner, Mr. Foster, Rich
mond funds for the check, minus the ex
change between the two cities.
A week ago last Thursday this financial
operator secured another check, under al
most precisely the same circumstances, for
43,900, which, being duly certified, was pre
sented to the Richrhond brokers with a re
quest that Mr. Foster would go with the
holder of it tothe bank ctUl identify him, as it
was payable to the bearer. He also express
ed disatisfaction to the Richmond gentlemen
that Messrs. Paul & llinion always sent
him paper payable in Petersburg instead of
Richmond, by which he was not only an
noyed, but lost commissions ill getting it
The cunning villain was thus operating
in order to secure the confidence of the
Richmond bankers and to familiarize him
self with the signature of the brokers, tel
lers, and others, through whose hands the
checks were passed, as the sequel fully es
tablishes. The details of the transaction
develop a degree of ingenuity, assurance
cuning almost unequalled in the history ol
Hiß next appearance was on Saturday last
at the office of our Richmond friends, with
a check, to all appearances like the preced
ing ones, duly endorsed "good," with the
signature of "A. L. Archer, Teller," across
the lace of the intsrument, for four thousand
one hundred dollars ($4100,) which the ac
commodating Messrs. Enders, Sutton & Co.,
cashed, reserving to themselves one-half
per cent, brokerage. This was deposited in
the Farmers' bank on Monday. On Tues
day it wss forwarded to the branch of the
Farmers' Bank at Petersburg, and from
thence it was sent over to the Exchange
Bank on Bank street) where it was re*
ceived and placed to the credit of the
Farmers' Bank. During the day the Cash
ier, Christopher Fisher, Esq., met with Mr.
Paul, the broker and mentioned, among oth
er financial matters, the large business this
man must be doing in the money line, and
stated, in addition to the $3,900 eheck, that
he had just received another from Richmond
for $4,100, with the signature of his (Paul's)
firm. D'Arcy Paul suddenly thought he
would examine the books, and hastily re-
I pairing to the office and consulting with his
partners and clerk, he discovered that the
check was never issued by them—that it
was a forgery!
Giving due information to Cashier Fisher,
that gentleman immediately returned the
fraudulent paperto ths Farmers' Bank which
made it good to the Exchange. Thence it
was returned to Richmond, and back to the
accommodating brokers, Enders, Button &
Co., upon whom the whole loss of $4,100
It now appears that this forger is the same
operator who figured so skilfully in New
Orleans some time in January, and who car
ried away several thousand dollars as the
fruit* of His penmanship, boldness and vil
lain!}'. This conclusion is come to from the
fact that most of hia money was on Louisi
ana banks, and the method of conducting
his financial affuirs is now discovered to
have keen nearly the same.
The adroit adventurer has probably gone
to Philadelphia, New York, Boston, or else
where North, where he probably Will en
deavor to dispose of or "exchange" his
Virginia "currency" for the local medium
of circulation. It will be well for brokers to
be on their guard, and for the police to ope
their eyes. PCTCMBURO.
A Case of Amalgamation
It is our painful duly to record one of the
most humU'ating occurrences known to a
christian community—tire marriage of a
white girl to a negro.
The negro's name is John Sophia, who
has for some years lived in the family of
Mr Joseph E. Whiting, a wagon maker, in
the village of Harford, this county. He is
a quadroon, aged about 22 years. The
name of the victim in this disgusting trans-
is Amelia Tingley, daughter of Mr.
Truman Tingley, who resides in Harford
township, some three miles from the village,
and about a mile from the University. Her
age is 18 years. Some months since, the
girl lived for a time with a family near Mr.
Whiting's, and during this period the plot
was concocted, which has had so terrible a
termination. Her father, learning that she
was being taught to associate familiarly with
the negro, took her home at once, and, to
shield her and her friends (rom disgrace, it
was kept secret; and here for the time, the
matter ended.
On Saturday the 13th inst., the girl went
to church, accompanied only by two little
brothers, (other members of the family be
ing kept at home by the ttiuess of Iter
grandfather, Darius Tingley, a notice ol
whose death appears elsewhere) and in
stead ol reluming home, went with Whit
ing and his wife to their house, when they
called in a clergyman to perform the mar
riage service. Of course none would be a
party to so black a crime, whereupon the
parties went to New Millord and other plac
es in search of some being who had not
decency enough to deter him from lending
himself to so degrading an act, and on the
next day, a Justice of the Peace at Kirk
wood, N. Y consented to give legal sanc
tion to an alliance forbidden alike by the
laws of God and man.
When they returned to Harford, and it
became known that they were married, the
town was thrown into great excitement, and
various demonstrations were made, expres
sive of the indignation and disgust of the
citizens. On Friday night they came to
Montrose, to avoid, it is said, the just indig
nation of the peopie at homfe, a double
btd-roomwas engaged by Whiting, at Searle's
hotel, where the four (Whiting and lady,
Sophia and lady) spent the night before it
was known to Mr. Searle that there was a
darkie in the gang. The next day, Whiting
and his wife, l he negro, and Robert Alexan
der, who also accompanied them on their
bridal tour, were arrested by the Sheritf
and held to bail on a charge of conspiracy,
at the instigation of the girl's feihnr. We
trust the affair will be fully investigated.—
The Whiting's were so anxious to keep the
mailer secret until a marriage could be ef
fected that iliey obtained a pledge from the
clergyman at Harford (Rev. W. W. Welsh
of the M. E. Church) that incase he did
not marry the parties, he would not reveal
their plot and he, thinking they could not
succeed in their design, did not make it
In justice to Mr. Tingley, his family and
numerous relatives, all of whom occupy
a high standing in community, we must add
that they are not chargeable with any
wrong in ihe nlfair. In her father's family
the girl has been taught no doctrine tend
ing to so degrading a result. The only ex
planation of the matter is that her mind was
poisoned by the influence of those engaged
in bringing about the marriage, who, it
seems ; are too fully enamored of the mod
ern doctrine o r "Negro Equality." Were
none but themselves affected by the result
of their plotting, it would, comparatively,
make iitlle difference, but that a young and
innocent girl should be ruined, and a fami
ly and large circle of relatives have such
a disgrace fastened upon them, is too great
an outrage to be quietly submitted to.
We learn that a citizens' indignation
meeting is to be held at Harford to-morrow.
Should there be any error in the above
statement we will be obliged to any person
who will furnish a correction, or add any
material information on the subject.—Mon
trose Democrat.
"MOHAWK DUTCH." —The following story
is good because it is true. We bad it from
the lips of a goad woman—was told it by
the principal actor herself:
"Ven 1 first come to Filadefy to serve, I
was very much uncivilized," said Katrine,
now a tidy, intelligent servant in a respect
able family; "I laugh mooch, and I feel
mooch ashamed to remember how I behave
ven I know so little. Shon, that was my
beau then—Shon he took me to the theater
one night, when I been in Fildelfy but three
weeks. We sit in the gallery; and we not
see good, and Shon said he would get a pet
ter seat. So he puts his leg round de post,
and shlides down mid de pit, and he looks
up and calls out, "Katrine 1 Katrine! coom
down ! tish a good view here !" and I lean
ed over, and said 1; "How can I coom,
Shon 1" And he said : "Just shlide down."
So I put my legs round de pillar, and I shlides
down, too. Donder! how de peoples laugh!
Dey laugh so dey play no more dat night
upon the stage. Every body laugh,and yell,
and whistle all over de house ! 1 was much
ashamed, den, though 1 knew not any harm!
But now, I plushes red every time I dinks
of it."
A CLCRQVMXN was lately depicting before
a deaply interested audience, the alarming
increase of intemperance, when he aston
ished his hearers by saying : "A young
woman in my neighborhood died suddenly
last Sabbath while 1 was preaching the Gos
pel in a state ol beastly intoxication 1"
truth and Right Clod thd ouF Country.
The Donee of Death.
, The following a'coount of the stgjden death
| of a young lady in Baltimore, which We
, copy i rom the Sun, has something exceed
ingly affecting and startling in its circum
stances. Returning hojro trOm a scene of
festivity, she was stricken on the way, aud
life left her on the public highway— at a
stranger's door, and before medical aid could
be brought, or intelligence o( the attack
could be communicated to her waiting par
ents. Truly, "in the midst oflife we are
in death," and warning voices from newiy
opened graves give continual monitions of
mortality. We do not notice this affecting
incident in a special manner for the pur
pose of founding " upon it an argument
against indulgence in the amusement in
which the victim had just bean pal icipat
ing. Although it stood to the former in
some respects in the relation of cause to
effect, yet it Would b'e too broad a gener
alization to condemn the amusement on
account of the particular instance. Dis
ease of the heart, aggravated by unusua!
excitement, probably fatiguing exercise and
the sudden change from the ligfit and
warmth of the ballroom, to the cold and
darkness of the waring night, may suffi
ciently account for the quick catastrophe,
but if there be no other lesson taOgfit by
the event, we can certainly deduce from it
one of moderation, which thu young who
"chase the laughing hourß with flying feet"
are so apt to lorget, especially those sub
ject to organic disease, who need at all
times to avoid sudden and powerful emo
tions. The last exclamation of the dying
girl shows that she felt that there was some
thing incompatible between death and the
dance—tha*. the two ought not to be brought
near together, and gives point to the Sup
plication of the Litany to be delivered (rom
"sudden death."
Laura E. Stratton, second daughter of Mr
Robert Stratton, No. 320 North Eutaw street,
near Hoffman, died suddenly one morning
lately, under the following distressing and
terrible circumstances. Miss Stratton, who
was a most estimable young lady of 16
years, had attended the ball of the Indepen
dent Grays, at the Maryland Institute, in
company with several fcompanions. After
enjoying the occasion until between 2 and
3 o'clock, she left the scene with het com
panions to return to her home. At the cor
ner of Baltimore and Liberty streets, she
said she felt strange and unwell, but walk
ed on until! the corner of Howard and Mon
ument streets was reached, when her ill
use* griuuly increased, egended with a
gurgling In the throat, luMksense of suffo
cation. She was laid upon the steps of a
dwelling, supported in the arms of her lady
companion, while her male escort hasten
ed to the nearest physician's office. When
he returned with Dr. McSherry, it was
found that Miss Stratton was a corpse in the
arms of her friend. Her only exclamation
was, "Lord, have mercy on me." The
body was taken to the apothecary store of
Dr. J. K. B. Emory, southwest corner of
Howard and Madison streets, and every
thing that could promote resuscitalidn, was
applied in vain. A messenger was de
spatched to the dwelling of her parents in
advance of the body, and the announce
ment of her sudden decease fell like a thun
derbolt on the hearts of the household, who
were now momentarily expecting her re
turn from the happy scene she had helped
to grace and enliven. It is supposed her
death was caused by disease of the heart,
to which she was thought to be subject
A Horrible and Unnatural Deedi
A Young M'omdti it dehiiertd Of a Child on
board the Cars, and flings it out the Window I
A young woman elegantly dressed and of
prepossessing appearance, got aboard the
Cleveland and Erie cars at the depot, Tues
day noon, just before they started, having
no baggage with the exception ot a satchel,
which she placed upon the seat by her side.
After the cars started she went into the la
dies saloon several times, and was in there
when Mr. Murry, conductor on board the
train, came around to collect the tickets.—
She appeared to be suffering with pain, and
told him he would find her tickets in her
satchel, Which lay in the seat she had occu
pied. He went to the seat and found them
as she represented. Mr. Murry was suc
ceeded by Conductor Haight, who proceed
ed with the train to Dunkirk, the woman
remaining in the saloon of the cat most of
the way* At Dunkirk Mr. Haight received
a telegram from Erie stating that a new born
babe had been found by the side of the
track about two miles east of Erie, and de
scribing the woman Conductor Murry found
in the saloon, whom it was conjectured, was
the unnatural mother, and who to hide her
shame, had attempted the destruction of her
offspring by hurling it from the cars. He
returned a reply that the woman had de
parted on the N. Y. & Erie road.
The child was found by a woman who
was passing, and although the train was
going at the rate of twenty-five miles an
hour, the child was alive-when found / It was
cared for in a proper manner, and was alive
yesterdayi No clua was obtained in regard
to the name of the mother, and it is not
known where she dtiM from.
OKB or the best reasons yet heard for dis
union, is related by a fellow who went to
call on the President. He said he waited
four hours, apd could not get to see him,
"and I concluded," said he, "that if he was
so cursed busy as all that, one President
was not enough to attend to the affairs of
this Republic, and we had bettor hare an
A youth and maid, one winter night,
Were sitting in the corner;
His name, we're told, was Joshua White,
And hers was Patience Warner.
Not much the pretty maiden said,
Beside the your.g man sitting;
Her cheeks were flushed a rosy red,
Her eyes bent on her knhting.
Nor could he guess what thonghts of him
Were to her bosom floqking,
As Iter fair fingers, swift and slim,
Flew round and round the stocking.
While as for Joshua, bashful youth,
His words grew few and fewer;
Though all the time, to tell the truth,
His chair edged nearer to her.
Meantime her ball of yarn gave out,
She knit 60 fast and steady ;
And he must give his aid. no doubt,
Tt> get another ready.
He hbtd the skein ; of course the thread
Got tangled, snarled, and twisted ;
" Have Patience!,' cried the artless maid,
To him who her assited.
Good chance was this for tongue and churl
To shorten all palaver ;
" Have Patience cried he, "dearest girl !
Aud may I really have her 1"
The deed was done ; no more, that night,
Clinked needles in the corner
And she is Mrs. Joshua White
That once was Patience Warner.
The following daguerreotype, which, we
find in an exchange, is executed in true col
"Look! look!" said & half dozen lady
voices, one pretty night, we sat leaning |
against the outside of the ball room. We
did look—alas! for our modesty ougnt not
to have don'e SO. "If my children were
among them, I'd whip thern for it! Yes, if
they were full grown, I'd give theht the hick
ory!" So said the wife Of OOf princes, as
she turned away in utter disgust. Let me
describe a little—if the public may look,cer
tainly it may read, though it run. A group
of splendid ones is on the floor, and loving
ly mated. The gents encircle their partner's
waist with one arm. The ladies and gentle
men stand close, face to face. The gents
are very erect, and lean a little back. The
ladies lean a little forward. Now
all wheel, whirl, circle and curl. Feel and
heels of gents go rip, rap.tippit y,ti p. Ladies'
feet go tippily, tip, tippity,tip. Then all go
rippity, clippity, slippity, tippily, bippity,
hoppily, jumppily,thumb. Ladies fly off by
centrifugal momentum. Gents, pull ladies
hard and close. They feel, swing, slide
sling, look tender, look silly, look dizzy
Feet fly, boopi* fly, dresses fly, all fly. It
looks tuggity, pnllity, squeezity, rubbity .rip
The men look like a cross between steel
yards and "limber jacks," bottles,Xes. The
maidens tuck down their chins very low, or
raise them exceedingly high. Some smile,
grin, some giggle, some pout, some sneer,
and alt sweat freely. The ladies' faces are
brought against those of the men, or into
their bosoms, breast against breast, nose a
gainst nose,and toes against toes. Now they
go in again, making a sound, like georgy,
p or gey,derey, pery, ridey, coachy, poachey.
This dance is not much, but the extras are
glorious. If men were women, there would
be no such dancing. But they are only men,
and the thing goes on by woman's love of
it. A secular writer says : "There is no
established standard of propriety about this
matter. If I were a lady, 1 might object to
these dances, but being a man, i do not. We
certainly ought to be satisfied, if they are."
Naaei of the Months.
Thß nafhes of the months were given by
the Romans.
January, the first mouth, was so called
from Janus, an ancient King of Italy, who
was deified afier his death, and derived
from the Latin word Januarius.
February, the second month, is derived
from the Latin word Feburo, to purify, hence
Februarius: for this month the ancient Ro
mans offered up expiatory sacrifices for the
purifiyingoi the people.
March, the third month, anciently the
first month,is derived from the words Mars,
the God of Waif.
April is so called from the Latin Aprilus,
i. e., openinig : because in this month the
vegetable world opens and buds-fotth.
May, the fifth month, is derived from the
Latin word Majores, so called by Romans,
in respect toward the Senators: heuce Mains
ot May.
June, the sixth month, from the Latin
word Junius, or the youngest of people.
July, the seventh month, is derived from
the Latin word Julins, and so named in
honor of Julius Cmsar.
August) the eight month, was so called
in honor of Augustus, by a decree of the
Roman Senate, A. D. 8-
Seplember, the ninth month, from the
Latin word Septem, or seven, being the sev
enth from March.
October, the tenth month, from the Latin
word Octo, the eighth, hence October.
November, the eleventh month, from the
Latin word Novem, nine; being the niuth
from March.
December, the twelfth month, from the
Latin of Decern, ten; so called because it
was the tenth month from March, which
was anciently the manner of beginning the
A MAN from the country, whose wife had
eloped and carried off the feather bed, was
in search oi them—not that he cared any
thing about the wile, "but the feathers,"
said he, "why, them are worth forty-eight
cents a pound I" That's a great estimate 1
I rospeel of frtde in the Far Eut.
If we tako Singapore as an index of the
progress of Eastern trade, we shall perceive
how much may be done in a brief period,
especially with the enlarged area opened
to us, the increasing 'civilization, and the
extended movements of shipping in the
Eastern and China Seas. In a quarter ol
a century the Strai'S settlements have doub
led their population and trade ; and Singa
pore, the great commercial entrepot of the
East, increases its commerce at the rate ol
nearly a million sterling a year. One thous
and square-rigged vbssbls, and from two to
three thousand native craft, n'ow annually
enter at Singapore, and the entire native
and other tonnage employed in the trade ol
the Straits settlements is froth 800,000 to
1,000,000 tons. The prospects of future
trade are dazzling in this extreme. Japan.
Siam, Cochin China, the Chinese Empire,
and the Eastern lalauds, are ihe countries
that will furnish the elements of this new
commerce. China has a population of a
million and a half on a sea coast alone ; but
we arts nbtir also admitted through her riv
ers to the interior. Japan, with her popu
lation of 50,000,000, has recently, by treaty
permitted free intercourse with her people,
highly advanced in civilization. Siam is
progressing favorably in the development
of extended commerce. We have, also, to
take into the calculation the vast and un
developed resources of Polynesia and the
Eastern Archipelago, connected as they
now are also with our Australian settlements,
which contain a present population exceed
ing one million, and continually increasing.
The exports of the Australian settlements
now exceed £20,000,00<f annually, and their
imports are of proportionate value. They
draw largely already upon China, the
Straits, Java, and the Philippines, for much
of their supplies, and will do so more still,
as communication becomes more facile.—
The Chinese have now Bpread themselves
over India, and all our Eastern and South
ern Colonies. We meet with them in the
West Indies, in California, at the Chinchas,
and at Panama. They have no longer that
tear of travel which formerly tle'.ered them
from facing ocean voyages, but with the
money-getting desire of the Europeans, they
now make their way to any field which of
fers good food, wages, and brighter pros
pects of return for industry, than their own
over-crowded and disturbed land.— China
Great Outrage by a Negro upon a white Girl.
Proipect of Lynch Law. —A day or two
ago, a young girl, barely fourteen years ol
age, the daughter of a respectable carpen
ter, named Collins, residing in Xenia, be. I
came the mother of an African child, great
ly to the amazement and horror of her rela
tives and friends, who had never doubted
her purity for a moment. The poor girl,
forced to make some explanation, then
told, with the deepest sense of shame, and
in a perfect agony of mind, that, ten months
belore, she had gone, about dusk one even
ing, to a cooper's shop to obtain some shav
ings, and was approached by by a stalwart
negro, named Booker, who seized her, and
choking her so that she could not scream,
most brutally violated her person ! No one
was near, and in his hands the poor child
was compelled to yield to the monster, and
to endure what she would have died to
So greatly was she horrified when she ob
tained her treedoth, that she dreaded to ex
pose the negro, who had threatened to kill
her if she revealed what had happened,
knowing thai by so doing she would pub
lish her own infamy. Believing that no one
would ever know the dreadful secret except
through her, she resolved to hide it iu her
own bosom, and even after she knew that
would be impossible, she preserved the
most complete silence concerning the great
wrong she had suffered. Not indeed until
the child was born did she reveal the horrid
fact that had crushed out her hope and peace
and clouded her life forever.
The negro, it appears, had left Xenia a
few days before his crime became known,
or the people of that vicinity, with all their
morbid sympathy with the colored race,
would have lynched him on the spot. A
number of persons are now in pursuit ol
Booker, and will if they capture him, hang
the black villain, as he richly deserves
The infant, very fortunately, lived but a sin
gle hour.
How to KEEP Hl* BABIES QUIET.— An old
bachelor having been seduced against his
will into the commitment of matrimony,
and being troubled alter a certain length ol
time with a prosperity of young bachelors,
contrived the following plan to keep them
quiet: "As soon as the sweet little creature
awakes, and begins to squall, set it up in
bed, propped up by a pllow if it can't sit
alone, and smear its fingers with molasses,
then get half a dozen feathers into his hand
and it will commence picking the feathers
from one hand to the other, tili it drops
aßleed. As soon as it awakes again more
molasses and feathers should be applied
immediately, and instead of the nerve as
tounding yells ol the dear, there will be a
sweet and calm silence, producing the most
profound enjoyment and rapturous domestic
felicity. A cup with molasses can be kept
at the head ot the bed, in a stand drawer
lor use. Syrup ie preferable to common
When you have lost money in the streets
every one is ready to help you to look
for it; but when you have lost your char
acter, every one leaves you to recover it
as you can.
["Two Dollars per Jtnotaa.
Tobacco Convention.
A committee of the Kentucky State Agri
cultural Society recommends a Convention
of the producers and buyers of tobacco, to
be held in Louisville, Ky., on the 29th ot
May next, which is the day fixed for award
ing premiums to the growers of the best
tobacco, tinder the auspices of the State
Agricultural Society. The design is to
bring the producers and purchasers togeth
er. in order to an interchange of opinions.
The agricul uralists may learn what gtades
are best suited to the market, and will
meet the most ready sale. The Louisville
Journal , speaking ol the great commercial
importance of the staple, says that the value
of the raw tobacco exported from the United
States to Great Britiau, was over three and
a half million of dollars in 1895, and during
the first half of the present century that
countray collected import duties on it to
the enormous aggregate of over 8750,00b;-
UOO ; The total value of our exports of to
bacco in 1857 was 820 662,772. and in 1858
amounted to $19,409,882. During the first
nine months of 1857 the import revenue
derived by France from it was over 825,-
000,000.four-fifths of which were exported
Irom the United States. The Cydopedm of
Commerce says that tobacco, next to salt, id
probably the article mostconsumed by men.
In one form or another, but most generally
in the form of fume or smoke, there is no
climate in which it is not consumed, and no
nationality that has not adopted it. To put
down its use has equally baffled legislators
and moralists, and in the words of Pope,
on a higher subject, it may be said to be
partaken of "by Saints, by savage, and by
sage" The average consumption, per
head of male populatlbn bver eighteen years
of age, in some counlHes, seems almost
fabulous. In the German States, included
in the operations of the 2ollverein and the
Stenerverein, it reaches from 9$ to 12£
pounds; in Holland an'd Belgium and'Deu
mark to Bor 9 pounds. Tile advanced cost
of tobacco is shown Irom the fact that in
1842 we exported 150,710 hhds. at an aver
age cost of $60.11, and in 1857 only 156,-
848 at the average value per hhd. of $132 -
A merchant had a dispute with a Quaker,
respecting the settlement of an account.
The merchant was determined to bring the
account into court—a proceeding which the
Quaker earnestly deprecated, using every
argument in his power to convince the mer
chant of his error; but the latter was in
flexible. Desirous to make a last effort, the
Quaker called at the honse one morning,
and inquired of the servant if his maslet
was at home. The merchant hearing the
inquiry, and knowing his voice, called out
from the top of the stairs, "Tell the rascal
I am not at home." The Quaker, looking
up to him, camly said, "Well friend, God
put thee in a better mind." The merchant,
struck afterwards with the meekness of the
reply, and having more deliberately inves
tigated the matter, became convinced that
the Quakeb was right, and that he was
wrong. He requested to see him after ack
nowledging his error, he said, "I have one
question to ask you. How were you able
with such patience, on various occasions,
to bear my abuse?" "Friend." replied
the Quaker, "I will tell thee. I was natural
ly as hot and violent as thou art. I knew
that to indulge this temper was sinful; and
I found it was imprudent. I observed that
men in a passion always spoke aloud ; and
I thought if 1 could control my voice I
should repress my passion. I have, there
fore, made it a rule never to let my voice
rise above a certain key; and by a careful
observance of this rule, I have by the bles
sing of God entirely mastered my natural
temper." The Quaker reasoned philosophi
cally, and the merchant, as every one else
may be, his example.
SOMETIME in the spring of 1857, the steam
er St. Nicholas "opened" at New Orleans
with a Calliope, the first one ever heard in
those parts, causing the greatest consterna
tion among tho servants, most of whoM
supposed they must now give an account
of their sins, sure enough. But one of theiri
a girl stood and listened for some time, and
at last walked into the house, and express
es her opinion thus, "Missus, 1 don't b'leve
dat ar's Gabriel, 'cause I a'nt 'feed abit
but if it it him, he's pinying' 'Wait for the
If agin, 'at sure'tgoWrb born I"
PRAYER is ever profitable; at night it is
our covering; in the morning it is our ar
mor. Prayer should be the key of the day,
and the lock ol night. Prayer sanctifies all
our actions. He is listed In all God's ser
vice and protection, who makes it his first
work to be enrolled by prayer, under the
standard of the Almighty. He carries an
assistant angel with him for help who begs
his benedictions from above ; and without
it he is lame and unarmed.
A Yankee describing an opponent,whose
person was extremely slim, says, "I'll tell
you what, sir, that man don't amount to a
sum in arithmetic, cast him up, and there'*'
nothing to carry."
"Sally," said a young man to a damsel,
who had red hair, "keep away from me,
or you will set me afire." "No danger of
that," was the answer, "yott are too green
to burn."
"A dreadful little for a shillng," said a
penurious fellow to a physician. Who dealt 1
him out ati emetic. "Can't you give more?'