NEW MILLENARY GUODS. niiitarsigued rPß|exfu!ly in- ££>* l JL I onr8 the ladies ot BloOfiieLurg Bp and vicinity, the has* removed her Millinery ei*uhii-liiiieiii a few door* above Wilaoii'* Cairiase manufactory on Main si., Bloomnburg, where ehe is prepared to exe cule all oniere in the Millinery and Mantua making line, in Ihe moat fashionable and la ieM style. She ha just received a larije and fushioimble stock of Fall ami Win er Millinery G>od*, from ihe Eastern cities, comprising all kinds of Millinery DUESS GOODS, HON NETS, KIBBONS, Trimii gc. Silks, &\, to <%*liich the attention of the public is invited. She has on hand Misses bonnets, hats and caps of various styles Mint prices. r?** A share of public custom is solicited, whilst it w ill bo her aim to give general * satisfaction. Oct. 13. 1858. MARY BAKI.RY. The Luzerne Countv AGRICULTURAL FAIR. ■\\7 I El. be held at the grounds, In Wyom * in", Pentta, near the Wyoming l)e pot of the Luckawaua and Bloom-burg Rail road. The Rule* and Regulation* of the Penn sylvania State Agricultural Society will gov • rr. the Pair, ami Diploma's and Premiums, will be awarded to all urlicie* of superior merit enumerated in the S ate Catalogue. The grounds are well enclosed, embracing ten acres Acconitiinilaiions will be afford ad ro exhibitors, and all due care and pre caution taken to preserve articles Irotn in jury. Dinners and refreshments, except intoxi J eating drinks, will tie furnished on the grounu A good field lor ploughing and for Ihe exhi bition ot Machinery ami trial ol strength and spred of horses, ami oxen, &c ; ami ev ery other arrangement to give satisfaction to visitors ami exhibitors are provided. Price of membership SI.GO, which entitles to the right ol Exhibition and admission ol the subscriber and his family to the grounds.— Price of admittance to others 25 cts. An address on the second day of the Fair (28th itiKt.'jttiay be expected by G. BfUGHT BROWN, Esq.. of Montgomery County Pa. THOMAS 1. HUNT, Cor. Sec'y. To Teachers and Directors. A PPLICANPS for Schools in the town •f* ships of Bloom and Montour, may meet meat the Academy in Blootnsburg, on Sat urday the 23d ol Ociober, inst., at 10 o'clock a. rn ; and those of Madison and Green wood, may meet me at thb Seminary in Millville, on Ihe 30th iu.-t., at 10 o'clock, a tn., to undergo examination. School Di rector* are solicited to attend. Notice fot the other districts, will appear next week. WM. BURGESS, October 6, 185 S. Co. Snpt. G. S. C'l-AICH. CO. No. 26 Maiden ■l l.ano. New Vnik, MANUFACTURERS OF GOLD & SILVER PENCIL CASES &. GOLD PENS OF KVKBY DESCRIPTION, offer | tbeir goods direct to the country trade at the prices others charge Ihe ci'y dealers, thereby Ihe dealers il bough' from Ihein—our object is to sell lor cash at one profit over Ihe cost nl manufacturing. Samples will be furnished to Ihoße who may de-ire to see goods, at the dozen price, and can bo sent by express, with bill to collect. Aug. 11, 3. mos. Lriitlii r, L.c:ttiicr! Leather! EIiEEW W. IMPORTER OF FRENCH CALF SKINS and IsCiiciml Leather Dealer, No. tiSomh Third Street, Plnla. tr' A g.r.cta! assortment of all kinds cf Leather, Morocco,&c. &c." IiED AND OAK HOLE LF. ITHER. February 28, 1857. ly. NATIONAL POLICE GAZETTE. This ureal Journal of Crimes and Crimi nals, is in its Thirteenth year, and is widely circu.ated throughout the country. Il is the first (taper of the kind published in the Uni ted Slates, and is distinctive in its character. Subscriptions Two Dollars per annum; One Dollar for six months, to be remitted by subscriptions, (who should write their uames and the town, county and Stale where they reside plainly.) lo GEO. MATSELL & CO., Editors and Proprietors ol N. P. Gazelle. Oct. 13, 1858. New York City. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. | NOTICE is hereby given to ull persons in- ! lereMtd that tellers of administration ou the estate ol John Kemley, late of Orange town- j ■> (hip, Cnlunibia couniy, deceased, have been | (trained by the Register of Wills of said co , to Henry K. Kemley, residing in Orange tp., ♦ (aid county, to whom all accourtv mut be presented properly authenticated lor settle ment. HENRY K. KEMLEY. Orapge, Sept. 22, 'SB. Adinr. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Abraham IV. Kline, tlec'ti. TVJOI'ICE is hereby given to ad persons in teresied, that letters of administration on the estate of Abraham W. Kline, late of 'Orange township, Columbia county, dec'd., have been granted by the Register of Wills of said County, to Catharine Kline, residing in said township of Orange, to whom all accounts must be presr nled, properly au thenticated lor settlement. CATHARINE KLINE, Orange, June 16, 1858. Administratrix. THE subscriber announces that he will carry on the COOPERING BUSINESS at his j breweiy in Hopkinsville, where he will make BARRELS, TUBS, KEtiS, and everything in that line ol business. He Will also rapmi f all hinds, Slid will do It skillfully and at fair prices. CHARLES W. HASSERT, Bluomsburg, Jan. 13, 1858. ¥J| ATS AND CAI'S on hand and for sale at ** the Arcade by May 27, 57. _ A. C. MF.NSCH. \M/OOD St COAL for sale at the Arcade by A. C.MENSCH. N. S. LAWRENCE'S NEW PAPER, PRINTERS' CARD & ENVEL OPE WAREHOUSE, JVo. 405 Commercr. Street, PliilaWa. Cash buyers will find it for their interest to call. Jan. 7, 1858—ly FRANKLIN HOUSE, LIGHT STREET, COLUMBIA CO., PA. N. HUDSON, Proprietor. /"CHARGES moderate, and aceommoda lions satisfactory. Apr 14,'58.—if. FRESH ARIUVAir ~ \ NEW lot of cheap muslins and prints just t' ""ived by railroad and lor sale by A. C.MENSCH. "jIfIORTICED POSTS on baud and for sale at the Arcade by May 27. '57. A. C. MENSCH. 40 111 HA JOINT AND LAP SHINGL ES tor sale at the Arcade by May 27. '7 A. C. MENSCH. LARGE assortment ol Iron, Steel and Nails for sale at Ike Arcade by May 12, 'SB. A. C. iJENECH. IRON CITY COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. PITTSBURGH, PA. - - - CHARTERED 1855. 300 Students Utending January , 1858. (Vow the largest ami most thorough Com- V" mercial School cf the U. Slates. Youug men prepared for actual duties of the Count ing Room. J. C. Smith, A. M. Prof, of Book-keeping and Science oi Accounts. A. T. Doulhet, Teacher of Arithmetic and Commercial Calculation. J. A. Hcjdrick and T. C. Jenkins, Teach ers of Bcok keeping. A Cowlew and W. A. MilleV, Profs, of Penmanship. single arid double entry Book-keepitig, as used in every department of business, Com mercial Arithmetic—rapid bnsiuesxwMliog —detecting poutilerfeit money—mercantile CQrrKspnuileinwttuginmercial law am taught, and all other necessary lor the Suc cess and thor Jpt®eduoatiou of a practical business tn-mw^g 12 Drawn all Ihe premiums in Pittsburgh for. the past three years, also in Eastern ana Western cities, for best writing, not en graved work. IMPORTANT INFORMATION. Students enter at any time—No vacation— Time unlimited—Review at pleasure—Grad uates assisted in obtaining situaiions—Tu lion for full 'commercial course, $35 1)0 Average time 8 to 12 weeks—Board $2 50 per week—Stationery, S6.oo—Ettlire cost, ••60 00 lo S7O 00 US'* Ministers' Sons received at half price. For CanJ—Circular—Specimens of Busi ness and Ornamental Writing—inclose two -tamp*, and address F. W. JENKINS, Oct. 6, 1858. Pittsburgh, Pa. PUBLIC SALE. |>Y vtrloe ol an order of ihe Orphans Court ** of Columbia county, Solomon Neyhard, Administrator oi Benjamin llavmaii, will on SATURDAY, OCTOBER THIRTIETH, ins!., at J o'clock, p. in., expose yo public sale upon the (.remises, in Orange township, Columbia eo., at the Lite residence ol the decedent, the following rea. 1 estate.' A TRACT OF J.AND, tho easl.'eml of the farm, adjoining lands of Win. Delong, Jacob Uaub, VVm. Wears, and other lands ol Benj. Huymnn's eslale, and containing Sixty-eight acre- and some perlic'i l , on which thtire am erected a FRAME HOUSE 8c BARN. Thero is a good spring ot water on the premises, and all kinds of fruit trees. About fifty acres are cleared land. At the same time there will be sold S3 12 L£a -2-> OIIPISS s adjoining life above property, two of them on ihn west containing respectively 6J and acres; Ihe other four oil the smith, contain ing respectively 5 acres 31 perches, 5 acres 112 perches, 5 ncrea 126 perches, and 6 acres 'J9 perches, and adjoining lands of Beuj. Sterner, It. Sitler and I). Montgomery. These lots are mostly cleared land and will be sold separate')'. At the same time and place ihere will be -old the decedent's interest in a Lime Stone Quarry, in Cer.tre township, Columbiaco., 10 wit : ilia undivided one Icurili of a quarter acre of ground. Late the es'aie ol i-aiJ Benjamin Huyman, ol Orange township, Columbia county, deceased. SOLOVOM NEYHABD, Orange tw p., Oat. 6, 1808. Atlm'r. Berwick *l A IS II Is l-i V ARM. The undersigned having charge of the Marble Cutting establishment, lormerly owned by Juhn H. Young, feels competent and able to execute in a workmanlike man ner Carving and Lettering Tomn Stones, Monuments, Mantle*, &e., &e. He would most respectfully solicit the attention of all who desire to purchase. Since the change I in money matters and in order to extend the business, he will sell marble as low as can be had elsewhere on a short credit with ap proved security. Any body wishing work done in his line will do well to give him a call; as lie flat ters him.-elf that his work can not be sur passed this side of Philadelphia. He keeps on band at all times a lot of good . stock ; that which cannot fail to be sa'isfactorly to tho purchasers. Country produce taken in exchange lor work at market prices. JOHN H. YOUNG, Agent. Berwick, Pa., Oct. 13. 1858. GREENWOOD SEMINARY, ~ Attn COLUMBIA COUNTY NORMAL INSTITUTE, r I 'HE next Quarter at this Institution, will -I commence on the 16ih of August, and terminate on the 29th ol October. The at tention of Teachers is particularly directed '.o the advantages of a course cf Norma! in struction during this quarter. Some have already engaged, and all others who desire to join the Class, should make early appli cation to the Principal. All who attend should make arrangements to commence with the quarter, or they will sustain a pos itive loss. TERMS:—About S3O per quarter, for all expenses. Catalogues w ill be sent tu all who apply lor them. WM. BURGESS, Principal. T. M. POTTS, Preceptor. Millville, July 7, 1858. THE ATLAMIC MONTHLY TERMS. —Three UoPars PER annum, or Twenty five cents a number. Upon the re ceipt of the subscription pricp, Ibe publisher will mail the "ATLAN'I IC" to any part of the United Stales, pre-paid, Subscriptions may begin with any number. CI.UBS— For Ten Dollars the publisher will send five copies of Ihe "Atlantic" tor one year, the subscribers to pay their own I postage.* j Clergymen, Teachers, and Postmasters l will receive tfle periodical for Iwo dollars a a year. j Booksellers and Newsmen will obtain the | terms by the hundred, etc., upon applicat or) to Ihe publishers. PHILLIPS, SAMPSON & CO., 13 Winter street, Boston. NEW AMUROTYPE SALOON IN BLOOMSBURO. Henry Roserwlock, of Philadelphia, res pectfully informs the citizens ol.'Bloomsburg and vicinity, that he has opened in connec tion with his Barber Saloon, a DAGUKRREIAN GALLERY, in the rnoms lately occupied by C. Slahl . as a book bindery, and is piepuod to take pic ture", which will ol the kind ever seen in this WT Fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, now is the time to procure one ol those imperisha ble Ambrotypes, and thus secure the leatures of beloved friends. Life is uncertain; but Ambrotypes are lasting. All sre invited to call and.' examine speci mens. [Oct. 6, 1858. AN ASSORTMENT of confectionary, jew elry, Perfumery soaps, hair oils, &c. Pomades, to be bud at C. CLARK'S Book Store. the ground by 12 o'clock, M., on Thursday the 141 li. 2. All arncles exhibited must remain on Ihe ground until 4 o'clock, p. m., on Friday Ihe )sib, and on all occasions will be return ed lo the exhibitor, unless otherwise. 3. CAUTION. —All ariiclesexhibiled,wheth er ealables or not, must be respected as private property, and any person detected in purloining or injuring them will be deult with according lo law. 4. All articles offered for competition, musl be owned by Ihe competitors ; all fruits, vegetables, flowers, &c., must be the growth of Ihe competitors, ami all manufac tured arncles musl have been made by the competitors. 3. Every competitor for*premiums, must be a resident of Columbia county. But per sons from other counties may have the priv ilege ol bringing articles on exhibition, on the payment ol on entrance fee of fifty cents SPECIAL NOTICE. The amount required for Membership lo the Society is FIVTV CENTS. Far this a cer ■ Jificate will be given, signed by the Presi dent. This certificate not only constitutes thes [>wjteLs 4S|ern'jpr of the Columbia county AjUpKur^LSociety, lor one yeaf, but it etttilieehflffelf and family lo attend III# Fstir wthotit extra charges, and further til lows him a privilege of bringing such artic les on exliibjiittn as he may choose, without "ahy further payment of entrance, fee. Certificates may be obtained at any lime at the officii of Ihe President, and at the storeol 11. C. & I. W. Hartman. PA LEMON JOHN, JOHN G. FREEZE. Sctl'ry. PresU. Blootnsburg, Sept 22d, 858. CATTAWISBA, WILLIAMBPORT AM) ERIE RAIL ROAD.' JJuu\ Niagara Falls and Philadelphia. Shortest, Quickest and Cheapest Route from. Western New York in Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Pittsburg. Baltimore, Washington city, ami ike South. PASSENGER TRAJNS leave Klmira daily (except Sunday,) al7 passing, William spori at 10 15 A. M..' connecting with Head ing Rail Road i Porf Clinton, and reaching Philadelphia at 7 30 P. M. Returning, leave Philadelphia from corner of Broadway and Vine streets, at 7 36, A. M. reaching Williamspnrt a! b 15, P. M-, and arriving at Klmira at 9. P. M. • PASSENGER TRAINS WILL LEAVE PORT CLINTON FOR HARRISBURG Direct, via Dauphin and Susquehanna Rati Road, on the arrival of Ihe Cattawissa Tiain, at 4 45 P. M. reaching Harrisburg at 8 1' M. l th 'urin'ug leave Harrisburg nl 7 15 A. M., connecti-" at Pf" l Clinton with Catfawissa train bound weal forming the mciM direct route to Harrisburg,- IVtt'Urg, Baltimore and the Soutti, connecting tn eise ootids with all Northwestern Pennsylvania #ou western IV York. Commencing at Elmira with trains of.' Ncl" York and Erie Rail Road; also, with In." Elmira, Canandaguu Rochester, Buffalo and j Niagara Falls. Collecting directly with the Great Western Railroad at Suspension bridge for Detroit, Chicago, St. I.oui, &c., thus making the shortest, ami the cheapest rout Irons Plnladel phia to those point-. A FREIGHT TRAIN Willi leave Williamsporl daily, at 0 30 A. M. for Philadelphia. Freight train to and from Philudehlhia without transhipment, from JifSdtng Rail Road Freight Depot, corner of Board and Cherrv streets. TRAINS PASS DANVILLE AS FOLLOWS GOING EAST. Passenger Train 1? m. Freight Train 9 21 a. m. GOING WEST, Passenger Train 3 25 p. m. Freight Train 4 22 -FARES- Between Philadelphia &. Jinpert, SI 40 " " Danville, 4 60 " " Caitawissa, 435 " " Tamaqga, 290 " " Milton, 5 10 " " Williamsporl, 5 9o Fifty pounds of persona! baggage aliowed to each passenger—excess charged at doub le first class height raies. 11. A. FONDA, Superintendent. \\D lEIMuivES, VSIOULD call the attention of all those who * * wish to buy good goods in his line, that lie has just replenished his (already) large and well selected assortment of the fol lowing articles, viz;— n PRIGS, MEDICINES, OILS, W PAINTS, NARNI SUES, (1 LASS, DVKSTUPFS £ Confeciionarles, Perlumery, fancy soaps and toilet articles generally; Cigars and Tobacco ol every variety and brand, Harrison's Inks wholesale and retail at the manufacturer's prices, P URIC WINES AND BRANDIES for medicinal use only. Trusses, Shoulder Braces and Abdominal Supporters, AND DENTAL INSTRUMENTS, Paint, Varnish and Tooth Brushes; also agent for tnosl of the popular Patent Medicines of the day. Toys, and an endless variety of useful and fancy notions not here enumer ated. Physician's Prescriptions and Family Medicines put up carefully and at short no lice. Glass Culling done to order at the old siand. E. P. LUTZ. Bloornsburg, Jan. 13, 1858. "Thick Darkness covers the Earth, And Cross Darkness the People." COUNTRY MERCHANTS, And all others, w ill take Notice ! that they can supply themselves, in any quantities with Junes' Far Famed PatQjit NON EXPLOSIVE KEROSENE OR COAL OIL LAMPS, At the wholesale and retail, head quarters, 39. South Second Street, 38. Philadelphia. The only place where exclusive Agencies can be obtained for the Siate of Pennsylva nia, New Jersey and Delaware. These Lamp, give a light equal in inten sity of flame, and similar in appearance to Gas, and claimed to be superior to all other portable lights, now in use. No fear ol Explosion—.No offensive odor.—No smoke. Very easily trimmed.—As easily regulated as a Gas Light.—Can be adapted to all pur poses.—And belter than all for a poor man. —SO per cent cheaper than any other porta ble light, now in common use. Solo Agency also for Knapp's Patent Rosin and Coal Oil Lamp. CP" Lamps, Oils, Wicks, Shades, and ever; article in Ihe line. S. E. SOUTHLAND, Agent. No, 38 South Second St. Phdad'a. September 8, 1858. WHEATLEY'B AHCU fit. THEATRE. ARCH STREET, ABOVE SIXTH, PHILADELPHIA. The Star Company, composed of the first Artistes in the world, aud exceeding in strength and talent any Dramatic combina tion heretofore offered to the Theatrical Pub lie, will appear every night in Comedy, Tra gedy, Serio-Comlc Drama, Vaudevilles, Mu sical Burlettas, &c. &c. When visiting the city, go there. Philadelphia, Out. £7, 1857. BRANDRETH'S PILLS PUKIFY THE BLOOD. Continued pain or uneasiness in any or gan is generally cured by one or more doses ol Bramlretli's Pills. Thirty years' personal experience by the undersigned fully juslity ibis assertion. Dr. James Lull, of Poisdam, N. Y., says: —"I have cured ihe mosuleplorable coslive ness of the bowels with Brandrelh'e pills,, when every oilier remedy had failed, and die p&lieiit was given up 10 die. Skin diseases of an inveierate and painful churarter, snrli as erysipelas, sail rheum, teller and summer heal, I iiave seen eradicated by their use. I have cured ihe rheumatic, die epileptic, the paralytic and the consumptive with these excellent pills alone." In jaundice ami all affections of the liver dyspepsia, dysentery and diarrhoea, pleurisy, sudden pains arid inflarrimaiious, female ob siructions, scorbutic and scrofulous, even gouty and neuralgic affections, have given way to dm use of ibis medicine, and now, afier twenty years' experience, my estima tion of Bramlretli's Pills continue to increase. OBSTRUCTION. —A young lady, beautiful ami healthy, took cold, which caused a ser ious obstruction for two years; her health was broken down and her beauty departed. At length Btaridreth's Pills wero tried; eleven doses, of from two to four, were taken in fifteen days preceding the usual period Regularity was restored, and her health and good looks recovered. WORMS.— Brandrelh'e Pills are Ihe best vermiluge: they are infallible. A little child six years old, lor some weeks was drooping, its mother gave it one ol Bramireih's sugar coated pills, the next day there came away a worm six'een inches long, and as large as a child's finger. The clwfd was well. PLEURISY.—A genlfeman, away from home, was :aken with pleurisy, the inflam mation was terrible, every breath made him writhe with agonj. Eight Brandreth's Pills were swallowed, and warm oil applied local ly; the pills operated, and tile pairi was re lieved ; plenty of gruel was taken, and six more pills, and the second day the patient was cured. These statements should have weight, ami prevent the use of poisonous drugs, and slop the sad practice of bleeding. B BUANDRETH. Brandreth's Pills are sold at Ihe Principal Office, 294 Canal streel, Brnndreth Building, at 25 cents per hoy; and the same sugar coated, 13 cents, warranted to keep as well as the plain. Sold also by JOHN R. MOYKS, Druggist, Bluumsburg, Pa. [Sept. 22, 1858. Dissolution of Pnrtiici'sliip. ritHE Partnership heretofore existing be i tween the undersigned, doing business under the firm of NEYHAUD&JACOBY,has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. The honks of the late firm will remain in the hands ol Samuel Neyhard, for collection. SAMUEL NEYHARD, ENOS JACOBY, Blootnsburg August 10, 1858. The undersigned takes this method of in to.-mitijj hif friends, that having purchased the interest ''1 his la!e parlner.Samuel Ney hard he st,;: coiT'inucs the Bottling business at the old stand, ,'.n it." "■ tear of the Exchange Block, Blootnsburg, i'.a- „ . . ENOa JACOBY. Bloomsburg Sept, 1. 1858 —fit. NEW BOOT AND SHOETTOiIS. ! riIHE subscriber has taken this rnetlioil, o! ■ informing his Iriends, and the public in general, that he lias opened a new BOOT and SHOE establishment, in the stand lately occupied as a Barber Shop, in'the Exchange Block, Bloomsburg, where he is prepared to execute, a. I .' orders in his line in a style unsurpassed by uitye— j£s : abljshment in this section of the country. His long experience in ihe bits'"®' 1 ') alu ' general knowledge of the peopleof Coln.""ba county, superadded to a fixed determination j to render satislactioti to which he hopes lo j merit. JOHtv NEYHARD. Bloomsburg, April 7th 1858. c. w. M'KKI.VY. J. S. JI'KISTCII.' C. VV. M'KELVY, & CO.. PAP EII ill ANEF AI TI It Elt S AND Dealers in Bags, Callawiesa Mills, keep constantly on hand pnper of all kinds, such as Printing, Book, Cap, Letter and Wrapping, al the lowest prices lot cash or in exchange lor tags. Having increased facilities for manufactur ing, would call the attention of merchants and dealers, lo their slock of paper, which is offered at extremely low prices. Orders by mail promptly attended 10, and rags purchased at utaiket value, to small or large quantities. Cattawissa, April 21, 1858. FORKS HOTEL. BLOOMSBURO, COLUMBIA CO., PA. ROBERT 11AGENBUCH, Proprietor. lIIAKES pleasure in announcing totlie pub lie that he has rented and thoroughly : refitted the Forks Hotel formerly occupied I by James Freeze, in Bloomsburg, and is prepared to accomodate liavelleis, teamsters, | drovers and boarders. His table will be sup- I plied with the best products the markets af I lord, and his Bar will be eotistanlly furnish ed with the choicest liquors. Attentive ostlers will always be : n at tendance, and he trusts his long experience in catering to die wants of the public, and i his obliging attention lo customers wi 1 se cure him a liberal share of patronage. Bloomsburg. April 21, 1898. A EDITOR'B NOTICE? The undeisigued, a| pointed by the Court of Common Pleas ol Columbia county, an Auditor, to distribute the assets :n the hands ot Nathan Dripsbach and Reuben buhringet, assignees of George W. Dreisbach, to and among the creditors, -of the said George W. Dtiesbach, according to the rates and pro|or. lions, and in the manner directed by law, i.i such cases; will attend at his office in Blooms burg, in said county, lo fulfil the duties of his appointment, on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 23d, 1858, between the hours of t) o'clock, A. M., and 3 o'clock, P. M. oi said day. J. G. FREEZE, Bloomsburg. Sept. 14, 1858. Auihlor. EXECE rOR'OOTiCE, jVOTICK is hereby given to all persons •'-"interested, that letters testamentary on the estate of George W. Parks, late olScott township, Columbia county, dee'ed, have been granted by the Register of Wills ol said county, to Charles H. Dieterich, resid ing in Centre townshih, in said co., and j Phoebe Parks, residing in Light Street, in Seoit township, of said county, lo whom all accounts must be presented without delay properly authenticated for settlement. CHARLES H. DIETERICH, PHOEBE PARK'S, September 13, 'SB. Executors. AMERICAN - HODSE. JOHN LEACOCK, Proprietor. Illoomsburg, I'a. THE Proprietor of this well known estab lishment thankful for tho liberal patronage heretofore extended him, takes this method of informing his Irtends and the public, that he has added considerable to the facilities ol his house and is prepared to accommodate all those who tnay favor him with their cus tom. His house and its arrangements will be lound to be in good order, and he hopes by a strict desire to please, to receive a lull share of patronage. He has also good sta bling and attentive ostlers. JOAN LEACOCK. Bloomsburg, July 21, 1858. New Arrival of Kali and Winter CD QD S3D S3 a IfIcKELVY, HEAL & CO., IT AVE'just received and opened their stock ol Merchandise for sale, which compri ses the LARGEST, Cheapest, and l.andsom est assortment now offered in this TOWN.— Having paid great attention to Ihe selection of their entire stock as to Price and tonality, they flatter themselves that they can compete with the cheapest, arid all those wishingito buy cheap, can save money by giving us a call. We have all kinds of goods and wares to supply Ihe wants of the people. A very large and complete assortment of LADIE'S DRESS GOODS. French Metinoes. woo! plaids, alpacas, bom baxihes, de bages, poplins parametln cloths, mohair lustres, muslin do laines, Persian cloths, Ginghams, Calicoes, &c. WHITE GCODS OK ALL KINDS, Sleeves, Collars, Spencers, handkerchiefs, flouncings, bands and trimmings, laces and edgings,bonnet ribbons, in large variety, vel vet tibbons, and braids, kid, cotton, lisle thread gloves, mohair mid*, &c. ALL KINDS OF.SI3AWLS, broche, Bay State, Waterville,' black silk, cashmere, embrodered, &c. Also a very large large assortment of Cloths, casimers, satinets, vestings, tweeds, jeans, coating vel vet, beaver cloths, &e. mms & wm§ of all kinds and sixes for men, women Hnd children. We have a large assortment nl HATS and CAPS of the latest fashion. We have also, Hardware, Queenewaro, Cedar ware, &c. Very cheap CARPETS, CARPET-BAGS, FLOOR. table and carriage nil cloths, mats, rugs, has kels, &c. Muslins, flannels, tickings, dia pers, lowelitigs, drillings, &c., in abundance.- We invite our Iriends and the public gen erally to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. We have bought our goods at the LOWEST CASH PRICES and will not be undersold by anybody or the rest pf man kind. WcKELVY, NEAL & CO. Blootnsburg, January 13, 1758. A. C. MENSCII AT THE ARCADE STAND ITAS just received and opened a full and *-■* large assortment OF SPRING AND SUMMER GCODS, which he will sell at Ihe lowest living profit. His stock embraces Stella, thibel an.l crape shawls, barege, barege delaines, tissues, lawns, itebeges, crape orientals, alpaccas, SILKS.—A very handsome assortment ol striped, plain, plaid and black silks, which he intends to sell al very redueed prices. EMBKOIDEDIES. An immense slock of etnhrotJeiiea, such as embroidered handkerchiefs, collars, spen cers, Swiss and jaconet edgings and inserting*, linens, cotton and thread laces, "flouncings and embroidered curtains. DOMESTICS—MusIins, drillings, tickings, checks, ostiaburgs, baggings, ginghams, flan | ttels, table diaper and ready made hags. Men and Roys' Wear. Cloths, cassimeres, vestings, jeans, cotton ailes, denims, blue drillings, cotton plaids &e I CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. A very large assortment of new style car nets, si?"lt as tapestry, Brussels three ply. in grain a "d Ve'"Cl ,n " "d cloths, of all widths. A large a.?sortiri°'lt of Ladies'& Childrens' Shoes, which lie will very cheat). • GKOUERSES. A lot of fresh sugars, molasses, J| TEAS, COFFEE, FISH SPICES |Sh .&c. Also Hardware Queen-war.- etTS-fc&S '. "b Crockery and Wooden ware. IST Flour and Feed always lor 6ale at the lowest market prices for cash. April 29, 1857. INEIV L.MTRY STABLE: i*. s. phEi7T'S, Respectfully in- fortG' his friends and the genera!, that , he still conliti-w/ -ues the LIVERY ! BUSINESS, on Main Streel, East Blooms burg, at Ins NEW BRICK STABLE, where | lie will always be.pleased to furnish his ens j ■omers, and the community at large, with HORSES and CARRIAGES by the hour, day or week, at reasonable rates. His stock is entirely new, and by keeping good horses and carriages, and attentive tlri- ; vers, &., he hopes to receive a good share I of patronage. Having added to his extensive \ stock some of the most com r ortahle two- ' horse vehicles, parties will find it to their ad i vantage to call on him. He also bus in connection with the livery business, an excellent CDiidaaAtl'QDuass LLaamasg running regularly several times per day, to ami ftorn the several Depots, on the arrival : and daparlure of the Cars, by which passen- I gers will be pleasantly conveyed lo or from, if desired. He tenders thanks for patronage heretofore ] bestowed, and respectfully solicits a conlinu-1 anee ol the same. N. S. PRENTIS. Bloomsburg, March 10, 1858. Etaaaoi Artist, [Pupil of J. M. Dillus, New Yurie."] HHVING taken rooms in this place for a law weeks, is prepared to sketch in ] waler.or oil colors, views of Dwellings,] Farms, Manufactories; also favorite ani mals, of every description, from na ure, in the best style of art. Having received Ihe ' most flattering testimonials Irnrn eminent { Artists and Connoisseurs throughout I e | country, also from publishers ol tne rr, si { prominent illustrated Journals in New York i and Boston, to which Mr. W. is a conlribn- j tor, lie is led to believe he can plea.e the ! most fastidious. Instructions given in Drawing and Paint-1 ing Irom nature; also m an entire l }' new style of pictures on glass, surpassing in bril liancy the finest oil paintings. This is a beautiful pastime for ladies and gentlemen ami easily acquired without even a knowl edge of drawing. Exchange Hole , ) Bloomsburg, Aug. 25, 'SB. j IlxciTilor'h Notice. LETTERS Testamentary on the estate ol Jacob Pleckenstein, late of Orange twp., Columbia County, deceased, have been this day granted by the Register and Recorder ol Columbia county, to Nathen Fleckeusteitt and John Neyhard. All persons having claims or demands against Ihe estate of the decedent are requested to make them known to Ihe Executor-, who reside in Oiauge twp., in said county, without delay, and all per sons lo make payment. NATHEN FLECKENSTEIN, JOHN NEYHARD, E*q., - Orange, Aug. 7, 1858. Egecutors. a. h7o. brocken. 22 CLIFF STREET NEW YORK. MANUFACTUnEH OP Gluss Syringes, Homoeopathic vials, Graduated measures, Nursing liottles, etc, Glass Ware for Chemicals, Druggists. Per fumers, Photographers, etc. Green Glass Ware by the package. A liberal disoounl made to the trade. Orders from Country Druggists and Dealers solicited. Price Litis sent on application. August 4th, 1858— 3 m.' §THE GREATEST MEDICAL DISCOVERY OF THE AGE. |R. KENNEDY ol Rnxbury lias discover ■f-"ed in one of our common pasture weeds a remedy that cures LVEIiY KIND OF lIUIOSS FROM THE worst scrofula ilou n to a common pimple. He has tried it in over eleven hundred eases, and never failed except in two case*, both thunder rumor, lie has now in Ins possession over one hundred certifi cates of it* valae, all within twenty miles of Boston. Two bottles are warranted to cure a nursing sore mouth. One to three bottles will'cure the worst kind of pimples on Ihe face. Two or three bottles will clear the system of biles. Two- bottles are warranted to cure the worst canker in Ihe mouth or Ihe stomach. Three to five bottle* are warrant ed to cure the worst wind of Erysipelas. One or two boples are warranted to cure all hu mor in Ihe eyes. Two bottles are warranted in cure running of the ears atid blotches iu the hair. Four to six bottles are warranted to cure corrupt and running ulcers. One nottle will elite er aly eruption of the skin.—■ Two or three to cure the worst kind Two or three bottles are warranted to cure the most des perate case of rheumalis.m. Three to four bottles a*e warranted to cu re salt Rheum.— Five to eight bottles will cui'e the worst case of scrofula. A benefit is alw ays experienc ed from the first bottle, and a perfect cure is warranted when ihe above quantity is taken. KOXjfctf JWASS. Dear Madam—The ihe Med ical discovery, in curing all kind of humorsr, is so well established by the unanimous voice of all who have ever used it, that I need not say any iliiug on the subject, as die most skilful physicians and the moS' careful Druggist in the coumry are unani mous in its praise. in presenting the Medical Discovery to your notice, I do it with a full knowledge of its curative power, iu relieving all, and cur ing most of those diseases to which you are unfortunately so liable. The most exctuct ating disease to art affpr-tionate mother, NURSING SORE MOUTH, Is cured as tl by a miracle; your own tem per is restored to its natural sweetness, and your babe from short and IretfnJ nu'ps to calm and s-.veel slumbers; and Ihe medical discovery becomes a fountain of blessing to your husband aud houahold, Iu the advanced stages of € A HI K E li il extend# to the stomach, causing DYSPE P 8 I A, which is nothing but canker ou the stomach then to the iute-'iiif-s and Kulutys, creating a linking, homo feel iiiit, and an in* difference even to ihe cares of your fuTnily,. Your stomach in RAW AND INFLAMED, your foot! distresses you, and you can only lake certain kinds, nnd even of tlial your r-yr-iem does not get half the nourishment i! contains us the norimonous fluid of the cank er cuts it up; then your complexion loses its bloom anil beeomeesailow and greenish, snd your best day is gone. For want ol meat your system becomes loose and flabby, and the fibres of your body becomes relax* ed. Then follows a train "of disease which | the Medical Discovery is peculiarly adapted to CUKE; Palpitation of flic heart, pain in the side. Weakness ol IMkeifiue and small ol the ba.'k, pain of the hip joint when you re tire, irregularity of the bowels, and also, that most exoruciai.'og of disease, the r i L io w. How many thousands ol poor women are suffering froin tins msense and pining away a miserable life, and tlldjr next door neigh bor does not know the cau-e, J wish lo„ im press on your mind that good old provett), "An °! prevention is butter than a pound of c' ,re " 'h® Medic.? 1 yon have both the preC?°'' ve 'he cure, with ibis great and good q|ia.' ll Vj that it will never under any oiicemsiuiices, do j'" u a "J" injury. No change of diet over necessary—eat the best you can get and enough of it. Directions for use.—Adults one table spoon ful per day. Children over ten years dessert spoonful. Children from five to eight years, lea spoonful. As no directions can bo appli cable to all constitutions, take sufficient to operate on the bowels twice a day. Yours truly, DONALD KENNEDY. Price SI.OO per bottle. For sale by J. R. Meyer, K. P. Lmz. Agents for Bloomsburg. SoU by ail the Druggists throughout the country, in general. Ju. 28, 'SB. BERIYUK MARBLE YARD. JOHN H. YOUNG, TTAVING become the proprietor of the Marble Cutting Establishment, formerly owned and carried oil by C. Pearce, lie feels competent and ablo to execute in H workmanlike manner Carving aud Lettering Tomb Stories, Monuments, Mantles, &c., &c. He would most respectfully solicit the attention of all who desire to purchase. Since the change in money mallets and in order to extend the business, he will sell marble as low as tan be bad elsewhere oil a short credit with approved security. Any body wishing work done in his line will do well to give him a call; as lie Halters himself that his work can not be surpassed this side ol Philadelphia. He keeps on hand at all limes a lot of good stock' that which cannot fail to be satislactoriy to the purchasers. Country produce taken in e (change lor work at market prices. JOHN H. YOUNG. Berwick June 2, 1858. t\KW ARRIVAL OF FALL & WINTER GOODS, D/-"VID Lo7f SNEERO INVITES attention to his slock of cheap and fasltionalo clothing at his storeou Market street, two doors above the 'Amer ican House,' where he lias a full assort ment of men and boy's wearing apparel, including the most fashionable Box, sack, frock, gum and oil cloth cOats of all sorts and sizes, partis of all colors, shawls, stripes and figure, vests, shirts, cra vats,stocks, collars,handkerchiefs, gloves, suspenders and fancy articles. N. B. He will also make to order any article of clothing at very short notice and ill the best manner. All bis clothing is made to wear, and most of it is of home manufacture. DAVID LOWENBERG. Bloomsburg, April 1, 1857. TRIMMINGS AND NOTIONS, rancy nni cles. a good assortment of Hosiery of the best quality; also gloves, mitts, baskets. Ca bas, Combs, dress trimmings and linings, sewing silk, thread, elo., etc., to be had next door to the "Exchange." AMELIA D- WEBB. I Bloomsburg, May 25, 1857. THE MIGHTY HEALER! WORLD KNOWN AND WORLD TRIED, HOLLOWY'S OINTMENT The free admission* of oil nations, a* we|l as the verdict ol the JetiUiiifJ Hospitals o' the Old us well as the Nyw World, stamp this powerful remedial Accct 0 s il'O greatest healing preparation ever made Known to suffering man. lis peneiralive tjoaltlives urn more ihan marvelous, through the external orifices of the skin, Invisible In the tiakcl eye, it reactie9 ihe seal ol I tie internal dis ease ; and in ull external affections its antD inflammatory and healing virtues surpass anything else on record, aud is Mamie's great ally. Erysipelas and Sail RheUm, Sre two ol ihe most common and virulent disorders preva lent on ihis continent, to these the Ointment antagonistic, its modus operandi is lirst to eradicate the venom and then com plete the cure. It 4 D LEGS, OLD SOLE?, ,)■ ULCERS. Cases ol many years stand-tig that have pertinaciously refused to yield to aov other remedy or treatment, have invariable annum bed to a lew applications of ibis powiul un guent. ERUPTIONS ON THE SKIN, Arising from a bad state ol ttie blood or chronic disease are eradicated, and a clear and transparent eutface regained by the re storative action ot this Ointment! It surpass es many of the cosmetics and other toilet appliances in its power 10 dispel rushes aud other disfigurement* ol the face. J'ILES AND FISTULA. Every form and leatuio of these prevalent and stubborn disorders is eradicated locally and entirely by the use of this emolteul; warm fomentations should precede i's appli cation. lis healing qualities will be found to be thorough aud invariable. Uoth the Ointment and Pills should be used in the following cases: Bunions. Skin Tlisease's, Burns, Swelled Glands, Chapped Hands, Sore fargs, Chilblain*, Sore lWeatsts, Fistula, Sure fMRd*, Gout, SoreJ'hroat*, Lumbago. Sores of ull kinds,- Mecuiiul Eruptions, Sprains, Piles, Stiff Joint*, Rheumatism, Teller, Ringworm, " Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Venereal Sores, Seal' l *. , Worms of all kind*. CAUTION ! —None are genuine unless the | words "Holtoway, New York and London," are discernible us a "water-mark in every leaf of the book of directions around each box ; the same may be plainly seen by holding ihe leaf to Ihe light. A handsome reward will be given to any one rendering such information a* may lead to the detec tion ul any parly or parties counterfeiting the medicines or vending the same, know- I ill# I hem to be spurious* *i ; * Sold at the Manufactories of Profess - or Holloway, 80 Maiden Lane, New York, and by all resuectabfb Druggists and Dealers in Medicine throughout. the United Stales and the civilized world, iu pois at 25 els., 63 cents, and $1 each. , £5" There is considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. N. B —Directions for the guidance of pa' ieiiis in every disorder are affixed to each box. [June 9, 1858. rcflpssq HEKKIiXG's"" yyp o£j a IFTPSPRSFJFSII ,JHK ACKNOWLEDGED If Hp- CIIMAPIOX!! fILrL. ifer TIIK rece " l trials at Read- E^CT>Tr^Wßia i "g hale indorsed the cur rent oLpbblic opinion, and confirmed the verdict of mere'than 200 aeci dentaT-ffres, proving conclusively that ••'Her ring's" is the only safe that will no! hum. Extract from the Committee's Keport on lite Trial of Iron Bates at Reading: "On the 26th of February all the members of the Committee met to witness the Safes and books and papers, (placed in thentj arid w perfectly satisfied that all was right.— 'I he u.\ v following, the burning took place, under it'; w superintendence of the Committee. After a fair and' impartial burning for five hours, the Safe of Messrs. Evans & Watson, was first opened, the Sjfa being on fiie in side, aud the contents partially consumed, while* the contents ill the Sale of Messrs. Farrels & Herring were in good condition, end no fire inside." Heading, March 2, 1857. H. F. FELIX. ) (Signed) P. N.COLEMAN, I Com. A. 11. PEACOCK \ And endorsed by over 50 of tiie best men of Heading. The above Safes can be inspected at 34 Walnut Street, where the public can satisfy themselves of lite great superiority of the "Herring's Patent Champion," over the de feated and uaeil-up "inside Iron Door Sala mander." FAHRKLS & HERRING. 34 Walnut St.. Philad'a, Only makers in this Stale of Herring's Potest Champion Safes. The attempt made by other parties to bol ster up the reputation of a Sale which has latled signally in accidental fires in Philadel phia, (Ranstead Place,) by taking one out ol an agent's store, fH. A. Lnntz.] made dou ble thickness (different from those they sell) to ' burn up" or.e ol Herring's, (half as thick) has met with its Hue reward. ' Herring's Sale could not be burnt, proving conclusively that the only reliable Safe now made is Herring's of which over 15,000 are now in actttel use) apd more than 200 have been tried by fire without a single loss. Philadelphia, Jail. 13, 1858— ly. COOPEBIXtt, John HI. Martin, Cooper, Columbia co., Pa. THE subscriber announces that he carries on the Coopering Business in all its various branches, at Greenwood, (near Greenwood Post office) Columbia co., Pa , vvhero he will make and repair BARRELS, TUBS, KEGS, and every thing in his line of business. He will give satisfaction, and do his work in a most skillful manner, and at fair prices, .*** Any person having work, and feel disposed to give him a trial wifl ! e;(Ve net work or orders at the. "Forks Hotel," in I U V Mt " M - his to this place once every two weeks, (upon Saturday.,) aud will call there ami gel it. He wnl take it to his place and back free ol cartage—and a'd trusted to his care will be promptly attended to. Give him a trial. ~ , JOHN M. MARTIN. Greenwood, Aug. 18, 1858. 2,.F00 MORE MEN WANTED u'ATiTv !?mut a ! a,e '"P" 1 celling valuable FAMILY WORKS, which attract by their ow pneea, inieresiing content*, hdJ tmperb ly colored plates. For circulars, with panic if you liva Kaf "> > HENRY HOWE, No. 102 Nassau si., New York; if went, to the same, No. 11l Main at. Cin cinnati. Aug. JJ, 8 mos.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers