WHITE T F.BTH, PERFUMED BREATH) AND BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION— can be ac quired by using the "liaim ff a Thousand Fkmiri." What lady qr gentleman would remain under the curse nf a disagreeable lirealh. when by using the ' Balm of a Thou sand Flosens" as a dentrifice, would not only render ii sweet, bur leava ihe teeth asNvhne as alabaster ? Many persons do not know their breath is bad, and thesuhjeot is so deli cate their friends will never mention it. Be ware of counterfeits. He sure each bottle is gnesid FETRIDGE & CO., N. Y. For sale by all Druggists.: Feb. 18, 1867~6m. Cristadoro's Hair Dye. WITHIN a nut-shell all the merits lie, Of Cristadoro's never equaled Dye ; Red il makes black, to brown transforms a grey, Ynd keeps the fibres always from decay. . This matchless revitalizing Hair Dye still holds its position as the most harmless atttl wiieaeious Hair Dye in the World. Prepared nml sold, wholesale and retail, and applied In len priva'e rooms, at Cristadoro's No. 6 Aster House, Broadway, and bv all Drug gists and Perfumers in the United Stales. Agent*.—T. VV. Dyolt & Sons, Philadel phia, Pa. [uo. 8-3 m. CA'ITAHYSSA, WILLIAMSPORTAND ERIE RAIL ROAD. Direct Railroad connection between Niagara Falls and Philadelphia. Shortest, Quickest ami Cheapest Route horn Western New York to Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Pittsburg, Baltimore, Washington city, and the South. PASSENGER TRAINS leave K/mira daily (except Sunday,) nt 7 A.M. passing, William apon at 10 15 A. M., connecting with Read ing Rail Road m Port Clinton, and reaching Philadelphia al 7 30 P. M. Returning, leave Philadelphia from corner of Broadway and Vine streets, at 7 36, A. M. reaching Williamsport at 5 15, P. M., and arriving al Elmira at 9. P. M. PASSENGER TRAINS WILL LEAVE PORT CLINTON FOR HARRISBURG Direct, via Dauphin and Susquehanna Rail Road, pit the arrival of the Caitawissa Train, al 4 45 P. M. reaching Harrisburg at 8 P. M. . Returning leave Harrisburg al 7 15 A. M., connecting at Port Clinton with Caitawissa train bound west forming Ihe most direct route to Harrisburg, Pittsburg, Baltimore and Ihe South, connecting these points with all Northwestern Pennsylvania arid western N. ... York. Commencing at Elmira with trains on New York and Erie Rail Road; also, with Ihe Elmira, Catiaudagua Rochester, Buffalo and Niagara Falls. Collecting directly with the Great Western Railroad nt Suspension bridge for Detroit, Chicago, St. Louis, &c., thus making lite shortest, and the cheapest rout Irom Philadel phia to those points. A FREIGHT TRAIN Willi leave Williamsport daily, al 6 30 A. M. for Philadelphia. Freight train to and from Philadehlhin without transhipment, from Reading Rail Road Freight Depot, corner of Board and Cherry streets. TRAINS PASS DANVILLE AS FOLLOWS DOING HAST. Passenger Train 1? m. Freight Traill 9 21a.m. COIN'S WEST. Passenger Train 3 25 p. m. Freight Train 4 22 p.m. -FARES- Retwecn Philadelphia & Rtrperl, $t 40 " Danville, 4 60 " " Ca'tnwissa, 4 35 " " . Tamaqua, 290 " " Milton, 5 10 " " Williamsport. 5 90 Fifty pounds of personal baguage allowed to each passenger—excess charged al doub le first class freight ra'es. . H. A. FONDA, Superintendent. ~ ~DR. WALTON'S AMERICAN PILLS. JOV TO THE AFFLICTED. YOU,> 44 AMERICA VICTORIOUS! /\NE small box of Pills cures ninety-nine cases 00l ol a hundred. No Balsam, no Mercury, no oder on the breath, no lea'r of detection. Two small pills a dose ; tasteless and harmless as water. Full directions are given, so that the patient can cure himself as certain as with lite advice of the most ex perienced surgeon, and much teller than with the advice of one ol little experience iu this class of disease. Sent hy mail to any pari of Ihe Country by enclosing one dollar to Dr. D. G. Walton, No. 154 North Seventh St., below Race, Philadelphia, A liberal discount to the trade. None genuine without Ihe written signature of D C. Walton, Proprietor. Dr. VV.'s treatment for Self-abuse, Weak ness, &c., is entirely different from the usual course. Dr. W. has cured hundreds who have tried others without benefit. The treatment is as certain to cure as the sur. is to rise. Enclose a stamp, arid address Dr. W. as above, givang a full hivlory of your case, and you will bless the day you made the effort to secure what is certain—A RAD ICALCUKE. [Jan. 27. 1858-ly. List of Cans for Trial at May Term 18*8. 1. Jacob Schuyler vs. Wilson Agcr. 2. Christian Hoist vs. Daniel Digger. /.• 3. Martin Mo wry vs. Thomas Btaokhousc et al. 4. Daniel Wintersteen ot al. vs. Christian fchu r man. v 6. JamesHittenhouso et al. vs Barney Dolo. , 0. Cornelias McErrcti vs. Henry J. Ynple. ' • 7. Olemuel 8. Kiokotts vs. John Copenhoven. 8. Samuel B Seybert va Wallace Beybert. 0. Peter Longenherger vs. Wm. Longonborgcr. 10. afohn O. Jaeoby vs. John P. Creapy. 11. Mordecai Al. Cooper vs. Lackawana A Blooms burg R. R. Co. 12. Leonard B. Rupert ot al. ve. Laokawena and Bloomsburg 11. 11. Co. 13. Jacob Shipman vs. James W. Shipman et el. 14. Henry Drumbiteh va Enhraim Stelncr. 15. Jacob Hill vs. Laok. A Bloomsburg R. It. Co. 16. Wm. 11. Woodin otal. vs. Fred. Nioolvetal. 17. buuiuel Boone vs. Lack. A Bloomsburg R. R. Co. 18. Peter Oliphcnt ot al. vs. Christian Shuinan. 10 Peter Oliphent vs. Christian Shuman. N. S. LAWRENCE'S NKW PAPER. PRINTERS' CARD & ENVEL OPE WAREHOUSE, No. 405 Commerce. Street, Phi!ad'a. Cash buyer* will find it for their interest to call. Jan. 7, 1858—ly . FRANKLIN HOUSE, ~~ LIGHT STREET, COLUMBIA CO., PA. N. HUDSON, Proprietor. CUfARGES moderate, and accommoda lions satisfactory. apr14,'58.-lf. Leather, Leather! Leather! TOH3SY W. ©TOISMiIM, IMPORTER OP FRENCH C.ILF SKINS mid General Leather Dealer, No. 6 South Third Street, Phila. Itr A get.end assortment of all kinde of Leather, Morncoo,&c. kv. RED AND OAK SOLE LEATHER. Pebruary 28, 1857.—1y. MATS AND CAPS on hand and for sale el the Arcade by May 27, 57. A C. MENSCH. LARGE lot of No. I. 2, & 3 Mackrel, also, White Fish, Cod Fish and Herring, joat received and for sale by May 17. '67 A. C. MENSCH TREASURER'S SALE OF UNSEATED LARD IN COLUMBIA CO. A GREEABLY to the provisions of en act of Assembly, entitled an act directing the mode of selling unseated lands for taxes .and for other purposes, passed the 13th day of March, 1815, and the further supplements thereto, passed the 13th day of March, 1817, 25th day of March 1821; and the 9th day of March 1847, the Treasurer ol the county ol Columbia, hereby gives notice to all persons concerned therein, that unless Ihe Cotiuty, Road, School, and Slate Taxes Hue on Ihe following tracts of unseated lands, situste in Columbia county, are paid before the dßy of sale, Ihe whole or such parts of each tract as will pay the taxes and costs chargeable thereto, will be sold at the Court House, in Bloomsburg, on the Second Monday ot June next, 1858, and be continued by adjournment from (lay to day, for arrearages of taxes due said County ; and the cost accrued on each tract respectively. BENTON. Acres. Dots. Cts Samuel McHenry, 25 24 Coleman & Stiles, 17 32 BEAVER. Esquire Coxe, 165 12 42 Andrew Clark, 200 2 05 Isaac Davis, 35 68 do do 25 49 Isaac Davis dee'd, 400 4 10 Robert Deel, 400 4 10 Jonathan Fisher, 30 1 84 John Groff, 200 12 30 James McNeal, 200 2 OS Daniel Reese, 300 6 14 Uriah Riilenl.ouse, 40 41 Tighlman Rittenbouse, 55 77 Moses Sohlicher, 40 1 64 Sarah A. Caffran, 400 4 10 Charles B. Troy, 150 6 14 Peter Yohe, dee'd, 200 6 14 Chii6tian Zimmerman, 100 3 07 John Balcot, 31 1 22 Columbia Coal & Iron Co. 1089 223 14 Andrew Clark, 286 58 62 I Elias Miller, 360 10 85 Franklin Shuman, 80 3 28 John M'Calls, 400 9 30 BRIARCREEK. Jese Bowman, 41 3 26 Nathan Beach, 427 4 24 do do 288 1 90 Christopher Bander, 180 90 Lewis Bender, 277 1 30 W.J. D. Clem, 28 1 10 John Cox, 303 3 00 John Doak, 10 70 James Evans, 38 3 80 I Juhc Freas, 50 3 16 John Kelchner, 115 1 14 A. B. Pierce, 35 34 do do 7 14 John Zaner, 10 I 00 John ParkUut), 64 1 20 Lewie Riohard, 190 1 01 David Scott, 94 60 Rav. Oliver Edge, 3,3 2 52 Thomas Lemon, 150 1 50 CONYNGHAM. Robert Jordan, IN. Y. and 277 96 28 Andrew Porter,, j Mid'le coal 285 99 18 Ttioa. Rushton, j Field 120 13 92 Mary Rushlon, j Rail Road 380 44 08 I Lewis Walker,. J Company. 303 105 28 | Thomas Besley 1 384 89 02 I (Jeo. Bickham, > 100 46 40 I Rbl. Hdlzheimer) City 384 267 08 |T. Hiltzheimer j Philadel'a 384 89 02 ; Wm. Shannon, > Lands. 384 267 09 A. Wickershain, ) 250 58 00 ' Joshua Bean, 429 49 60 1 John Young, 406 46 98 | Nathaniel Brown, 450 52 20 ■ Lewis Walker, 8 86 ' Benjamin Coombe, 160 110 16 Judge Coxe, 432 49 50 Peter Baughner, 100 23 20 Jacob Trim, 100 23 20 do do 100 23 20 A. Davidson, 3 3 48 B. do 120 139 40 1 C. do 35 40 60 Kbenrzer Bianham, 441 154 66 Thomas Barnes, Jr., 30 3 48 Samuel Billle, 50 18 84 do do 100 37 64 Mary Davidson, 6 4 06 George A. Frick, 400 92 80 C. Gerrelson, 407 95 26 George Krook, 300 60 90 Davul Reinbold, 409 95 93. Sharpies*, Kline & Paxton, 136 94 62 Patterson Bird and others, H0 127 60 John P. Brock and other*, 45 52 20 Rea A W. & A. Eckel, 112 12 78 Robert Jordan, J N. Y. & 277 92 28 Andrew Porte.r, .1 Middle coal 285 99 18 Lewis Walker, [ Field 303 105 28 Thos. Ruston, J Company. 60 696 Mary Huston, j 190 22 04 Mary Rusion, j Norlh'd. 190- 22 04 Thos. Rnalon, ) Imp. Com'y. 60 6 96 ' George Asliton. J 320 92 16 Peler DeHuveitj J 394 75 60 Wm. Elliott, ) 289 55 44 Joseph Gordan, J 331 63 49 Wm. Miller, } 393 76 34 Caleb Lowiies, ) Locust 376 108 24 Wm Powell, J Mountain 386 74 05 William Porter, j Coal & Iron 389 74 64 Daniel Reese, j Com'y. 300 57 60 Peter Smith, J 109 20 88 Richard Tlifnee, ) 4 ' 72 John Whitemau 1 372 71 39 John Warner, > 337 64 67 John Young, ) 382 73 22 FRANKLIN. George Schick, 22 80 FISHINGCREEK." David Fowler, 150 4 85 Hoffman & Frea, 2DO 3 23 R. B. & J. Juries, 28 82 Monroe Markle, 25 98 Edward M'Henry, 160 25 87 John Athenbstch, 48 1 47 Jv.ob Farbef, 19 3 06 William Kester, 100 16 17 Jonas Doty, * 90 3 27 Elias M'Henry's Estate, 39 2 05 R. J. Millard, 60 1 98 William Patterson's E*late, 60 388 GREENWOOD. Margaret Courson, 90 1 80 John Coventioven, 24 2 01 James Demott, dee'd. 59 2 70 Wm. Davis, 30 1 62 Samnel C. Longshore, 100 2 70 George W. Morris, 50 1 35 Russel P. Welliyer, 30 81 Jacob W. Warner, 20 66 David A. Kline, 25 1 35 Jesse W. Merrill, 25 62 HEMLOCK. Bailie Appleman, 190 6 00 Mathias Appleman, jr. 7 34 Reuben Bogart; 26 1 30 Nathaniel Campbell, 30 1 50 Obed Everett, 13 1 30 John Gruber, 10 50 Robert Montgomery, 80 4 00 Charles Newhart, 3 14 Dennis Pursell, 16 80 Levi Wright, 5 24 JACKSON. Scott E. Colley, 50 2 86 George Diltz, '• 50 138 Jamison Keeler, 16 1 46 Wesley Kile & Co., 25 8l Philip Reese, 75 3 30 Samuel Neyhard, 216 5 06 LOCUST. Samuel Bitldle, CO 7 14 do do 100 16 51 Wrigh. & Lawson Hughes, 126 951 Samuel John, 200 10 16 Wm. Sayres, 30 3 02 Yocum P. & L.John, 70 7 lu Mary Myers, I 160 II 11 Daniel Reese, > Coal Run 96 964 Charlott Rush'.on ) improv'd. 100 12 16 John Reynolds, )R. 11. Co. 1(10 12 16 | Mary Kflstubn, } Lands. 100 12 Ui Thos. Hushlon, )' : > -60 612 Jnmes Cotvserl, ,200 60 96 ] Thos. JluilOn, 1 120 12 16 Mary Rusion. IN.Y. & 380 50 John Reynold*, ) Middle 100 12 16 Mary Myers, 1 Coal field 110 11 16 C. Rusion, I R. U, Co. 100 12 16 Daniel Reese, ) 96 844 TlJos. Rusion, j 120 12 16 j Mary Rusion, J 380 38 50 i John Reynolds, ) Norlh'd., 100 12 16 Maty Myers, 1 Improv. 110 11 16 I C. Rusion, > Corap'y. 100 12 16 ; DeOiel Reese, ) 9e 844 I Thomßß Rilliugton, 200 15 20 | Samuel John, 55 5 93 do do 54 5 01 ' ' MIFFLIN., j David Hertzel, 25 24 j Adam Kline, 306 4 00 I Simon Lonfeaberger'g Eal., 9 50 | Phiper & Miller, 200 70 | Jacob Schweppenheiser, 200200 I Jolin Ulrioh, 7 34 j Peler Yohe, ' no 2 20 Jacob Yohe, 40 30 Latimore & Johnson, 300 30 MAINE. | B. P. Frick, 14 3 36 Michael Gruber, 10 96 George Miller, 10 96 | Philip Miller, 112 6 56 ; Pipher & Miller, 100 3 02 I W. Roai & C. F. Mann, 332 7 93 I Joshua Webb, 2d, 24 73 j Isaiah Shnman, 69 1 60 I Daniel Shuman, 69 1 60 H.J. Bowman, 16 2 56 MADISON. Wis. Ellis, 40 40 MOUNT PLEASANT. Samuel Boone, 19 92 Samuel Me lick, 45 2 50 John Melick, 30 1 64 Adam Siroup, jr. 11 54 MONTOUR. ! John Groves, 10 70 Ritter's Estate, 10 70 ORANGE. George Sloan, 17 1 16 PINE. C.H. Dtebler, 150 10 35 Silas Demon, 64 2 88 Isaiah Galbraith, N l2O • 7 13 Harriet Hoffman, 120 4 14 Eves & Thomas, 100 6 90 Vulersliump's Estate, 116 5 29 Theodore Smith, 42 1 86 L. A. German, 127 1 26 Abner Welsh, 323 14 82 ROARINGCREEK. William Yocum, 160 4 32 Peler Bauglmer, 50 2 70 Thomas Barnes. Jr. 60 3 24 Jacob Ttien, 50 5 40 Rea A. VV. & A. Eckel, 100 5 40 SUGARLOAF. James Buckalew,* 475 21 30 Daniel Everb art, 430 19 20 Jamison Keeler, 25 1 50 John Lockharl, 400 9 00 Robert Montgomery, 250 7 50' do do 200 6 00 Frick & Woodsides, 200 G 00 Jeremiah Keeler, 25 1 50 JAMES S. McNINCH, Treasurer's Office, ) 'lreasuter. • Bloomsburg, April 5, 1858. j Treasurer's Sale of Real Estate. AGREEABLY to the provisions of the act of Assembly, entitled an Act to reduce the State debt, inc., passed the 29th day of April, 1844, the Treasurer of the County of Colum bia hereby gives notice to all persons con cerned therein, that unless the County, Road, School, Poor and State Tax, &c , due on the following Real Estate situate in the county of Columbia are paid before the-day of said, the whole or such parts of each as will pay the charges arid costs chargeable thereon, will be sold at*the Court House, in Bloomsburg, County of Columbia, on the Second Monday in June next, 1838, and be continued by adjournment from day to day, for arrearages ol taxes due said county, and the costs accrued on each respectively: SEATED LAND. BEAVER. 1854 / Acres. Dol. Ct. Simon P. Case, 200 50 Sarah A. Cochran, 400 2 05 T. M. Hubble, 369 9 48 1855 Isaac R. Davis, 110 5 90 1856 Isaac R. Davis, 110 5 50 T. M. Hubble, 369 9 00 1857 Isaac R. Davis, H0 6 50 George A. Frick, 400 12 00 Peter Robert*. . 50 75 BENTON. 1855 Peler Shultz, 50 75 8561 James Hess, 70 1 40 BRIARCREEK. 1854 A. C. Dickison, Lot 5Q Charlotte Foster, 3 Lots 67 Barbara Hudson, 4 92 'David Ki-ner, It 25 Lockhait Eiale, 2 Lots 137 A. B, Pierce. 5 2 75. tdo do IS 3 00 do ■ : do 25 25 Joint Snyder, 2 Lots 1 50 1857 George Brohsl, 2 Lot* 1 25 John Seybert 350 6 00 John Turner, 20 2 30 FISHINGCREEK. 1856 i. ' L. A. German, 10 1 00 Randalph German, 10 1 00 John Kiine, • 63 88 GREENWOOD. 1853 i Rnswell Smith, 93 3 84 1855 Dougherty's Eslato, Lot 50 Abraham Swisher, 90 Joseph Jones' estate, 16 23 Ephraim Watts, 10 1 25 1856 David A. Kline, 50 1 05 Joint Cnvanhoveti, 24 90 Andrew Gray, 54 1 20 Dougherty's esiaiv, Lot 30 Parks' estate 15 HEMLOCK. 1855 Bahis Applaman's estate, 17 68 1 Jack wisher's estate. 6 25 JACKSON. 1857. "I Elenor Lewis, 15 24 Mary Sickle, 84 6& MADISON. 1855 John Masters, 193 336 MOUNT PLEASANT. 1 ' 1856. Arirnan & Sands, 50 4 19 1857. Joseph Babl, 10 * 50 ORANGE. 1854. Samuel Betz, Lot 36 A. B. Curomioge, Lot 80 David Fetter, 10 59 1855. Wm. Everett, Lot 1 57 PINE. 1855. Jackson Casper's Estate, 35 62 Coxa's Heirs, 79 78 Charles Potter, 89 45 Lott Parker, • 50 /... 60 David & Alvy South, 125 4 25 Philip Winterateen, 100 2 1)0 John Renter, 112 1 41 Wm. Johnson, 89 > 67 1 James Barry, 47 2 60 j Philip VViiUerstsen, 100 2 40 i 1856. i Philip Winteisieen, 100 2 40 | 1856 I A. Vall.-rshamn 50 2 58 I 1887. Lewis Schuyler, 20 38 Jacob W. Warner, 130 5 52 SUGARLOAF. 1855. Ira K. Parks, 82 81 1850. Ira IC. Parks, 82 72 SCOTT. 1855. John Brosins' E-tale, Lot 2 50 B. F. Doll man Lot 2 26 James T. Farnawoulh, Lot I 90 JAMES S. McNINCH. Treasurer's Office, ) Treasurer. Bloomsburg, April 5, 1858. \ Public Notice for LUenses. |\OTICE is heredy given Rial the following 1 - persons in Columbia county, have filed their several petiiioitsin Ihe Court of Quarter Sessions of the said county, lor Tavern and Ealing House license in their respective townships, which said petitions will be pre settled In the said Court, on Monday the 3d ■Jay of May next, of which all persons in- I teresied will hereby lake notice, and the j licenses for the County of Columbia, will be grained on Wednesday, ihe sth day of May next, al 2 o'clock, P. M. Applicants. Townships. 1. A. K. Smith, Madison. 2. Oliver A. Jacnby, _ Bloom. 3. Robert Hagenbuch, Bloom. 4. Isaac Rhoads, Locust 5 Joseph Long, Locusl. 6. Joshua Womer, Conyngham. 7. William Kline, Conyngham. 8. William Hutchison, Ml. Pleasant. 9. Isaac Yelier, Maine. 10 Reuben Wasser, Conyngham. 11. Samuel Everett, Orange. 12. George L. Shoemaker, Hemlock. 13. John Leacock, Bloom. 14. Enoch Howell, Scott. 15. VV. A. Kline, Greenwood. 16. Adam Still, Briarcreek. 17. Frederick Nicely, Berwick. 18. Daniel 1.. Everhart, Scott. 19. Peter Btllmeyer, Bloom. 20. Enoe Everett, Montour. 21. Samuel Harmon, Centre. 22. Alexander Hughes, Orange. 23. Samuel Kuslenbader, Cattawissa. 24. John L Hursi, Locnst. 25. Hiram Smelhers, Briarcreek. 26. David Miller, Briarcreek. 27. H. B. VV. Vanecker, Scott. 28 Jacob Dyer, Cattawissa. 29. John J. Stiles, Benton. 30. Daniel M'Henry, Ftshingcreek. 31. N Hudson, Scott. 32 John Keller, Mifflin. 33. Jacob Good, Orange. 34. James Edgar, Fishiugcreek 35. John Connelly, Briarcreek. 36. Daniel Reiitbnld, Maine. 37. Reuben VV. Nicely, Berwick. 38. Else &. Wilson, Bloom. 39. Moses P. Wyman, Briarcreek. 40. John R Jones, Conyngham. 41. Franklin Shaman, Beaver. JACOB EYERLY, Clerk, Prolhonolary's Office; J Bloomsburg, Ap'tl 14, 1858. ) REGISTER'S NOTICE. TVTOTICE is hereby given to all legatees, creditors and other pe-sons interested iu ihe.estates of Ihe respeclive decedents and minors, that the following administration and guardian accounts have been filed in Ihe office of the Register of Columbia county, and will be presented lor confirmation and allowance to Ihe Orphan's Court, to be held al Bloomsburg, in the county aloresato oil Wednesday the s'.h day of May next, at 2 o'clock, P. M. 1. The account of Thomas Knorr, Guar dian o( Pliiueas Knorr a minor child of Win. Knorr, late of Centre township, dee'd. 2. The firsl and final account of Joseph Mouser, executor ol Joseph Giger, lale ol Montour township, dae'd. 3. The account of Wm. Cole, executor of Daniel Harlman, late oflienton township, dae'd. 4. The account of Samuel Mendenhall, adin'r. of the estate of Wm. Brown, lale oi Scott township deo'd. 5. The account of Wm. J. Iketer, Ailm'r. ol the estate of Elijah Albetl.on, lale ol Greenwood township, doe'd. 6 The account of Jacob Sheep and Dan iel Ernst, executors ol ihe eslale of Mary P. Mills, late of Madison township, deo'd. 7. The first and partial account of James C. Sponenberg and John G. Jacryby, Adin'r.. ol Ihe estate of Daniel Spo lenberg, lale of Briarcreek township, tlec'd. ■ 8. The account Of Alexander B. Stewart, executor of the e.tale of George Wirt, late ol Orange township, dec'tl. 9. The first account of William Hess, ex editor o! Conrad Hese, lale of Sugarloaf lownship, dee'd. 10. The first account of Klias Bogarl, Adm'r oJ Wm. Weikheiser, late of Madison town ship, tleu'd. 11. The second account of Solomon Ney hard, executor of Joshua Webb, lale of Centre township, dee'd. 12. The account of Joseph R. Uobbins Ad ministrator of Harmon M. Joint.on, lalo of Sc.oP township, dee'd. |3. The account of Samuel Creasy, Ailm'r, of Jonathan Nungesser, lale al Mifflin town ship, dee'd. , 14. The account of Conrad Binenbender, Guardian oi Mary Low late Mary Garrison, one of the daughters of Jacob Garison, lute of Bloom township, dee'd. 15. The account ol Conrad Bittenhender, Guatdiau of Martha Edgar lale Martha Gar rison, one of ihe daughters of Jacob Garrison lale of Bloom township, deo'd. Register's Office, j DANIEL LEE, Rloonisburg. April 7, 1858 ) Register. Cattawissa H ilii;tui>port & Erie R. R, THE different Trains ou this Road pass Kuport as follows : TRAINS MOVING NORTH. Express Freight, 12. in. I Way Freight, 4.35 p m. Elmira Mail, 3 05 p. m | Niagara Exp. 11,07 p w TRAINS MOVING SOUTH. Phila'il. Exp. 4.05 a. nr. j Way Freight, 10.30 a m Express Freight 10 a. m. | Phila'd Slail, 1. 10 p m FARES BETWEEN RUPEIiT AND PHILA'D. Rupert to Phila'd. $4 4u I Rupert to Milton, 8 70 " Harris'!). 310 I '* Williuius'pt 140 11 P.Clinton 205 t " Eluiira, 365 " Tnmnqna, 155 | " N. Falls, 790 All passengers are requested to procure Tickets before entering the Cars. Baggage cheeked through to Philadelphia and Elmira. [up.2B 'sb. CHARLES STAHL, ■ BOOK BINDER, has located in glooms. ■-* burg, where he will bind books, period icals and painphlels in any desirable style and manlier; and at reasonable prices. He will bind newspapers and magazines, plain, in library style or ill morocoo ornamented. He has his place of business in Hopkins vilie wilh Mr. F. Isler. Bloomsburg, July 13, 1857. FISH! FISH!! Tho aubsoriber i* daily in receipt of frosh fish, for sale cheap at hi stand bv the American House Ho has various kinds of fish such us Shad, Pike, Salmon, Halibut, Ac. He also has oa hand, and for sale, Vegetables, such as tho season af fords. He has made arrangements wilh dealers below, in tho article to supply him, so as to be en abled to accommodate all tnose who may favor him with their patronage BAI/fZER LEACOCK. Bloomsburg, April 28,1868. SPLLNDIb e IFTB, AT 439 Chestnut y Sx M Philadelphia. The Original Gift Book Store. G. KVAN'S would inlorin his friends and Ute public, thai he has removed Ins Siar Gill Book Siore end Publishing House, 10 lite splendid siore in Brown's Iron Building, 439 CheftUMit street, two doors below Filth, where the purchaser of each book will re ogive one oi the following gifis, valued ai from 25 cents to SIOO, consisting of Gold Watches, Jewelry, &c. Worth each. 650 patent English lever gold watches SIOO 550 patent anchor do do 50 440 ladies' gold watches, 18k cases 85 6uo silver lover watches, warranted 15 600 parlor timepieces 10 600 camoo sets, ear drops and pins 10 600 ladies' gold bracelets 6 to 12 600 gents vest chains 10 1000 gold lockets (large double case) 8 8000 do (small site) 8 1000 gold pencil oases, with gold pens 5 IflftO extra gold pens, coses A holders 10 50 3500 gold pens, with silver pencils, 2 60 3500 ladios' gold pens, with coses 1 50 6500 gold rings, (ladies') 1 2000 gonts' gold rings 2 75 2500 ladies' gold breastpins 2 50 3500 misses' gold breastpins 1 50 3000 pocket knives 75 2000 sets gents' gold bosom studs, 2 50 2000 do do slocvo buttons, 3 2000 pairs ladies' car drops 3 8000 ladies' pearl card cuses c 25000 Indies' enmeo, iet or mosaic pins c 3500 ladies' cameo shawl A ribbon pins 3 50 2000 Fotridgo's Balm of 1000 Flowers 60 Kvana' new Cuulogue columns all the most popular books of Ihe city, ami il.e newest qublicalions, all of which will be sold as low as can be obtained ai olher stores. A complnte catalogue of books pent Iree, bj application through the mail, by addressing G G. Evans, 439 Chestnut street, Philadel phia. Agents wanted in every lown in the Uni- StAte*. Those desiring so to act can obtaiu particulars by addressing as above. N. B.—ln consequence of the mony crisis and numerous failures the subscriber has been enabled to purchase from assignees an immense slock of books embracing every < apartment of literature, at prices which will enable him to give SSOO worth oT the above gifts on every SIOOO worth of books sold. An extra boQjc, gfilh a gift, will be sent to each person ordering Ten books to be tent 10 one address, by Express. * # * Send for a Catalogue. [apr 28 'SB. NEW BOOT AND SUOE STORE. subscriber has lakeri ibis method, of •* informina bis friends, and Ihe public in general, that he has opened a new BOOT and SHOE establishment, iu the eland lately occupied as a Barber Shop, in the Exchange Block, Bloomsburg, where he is preparecf 10 execute, all orders in his line in a style unsurpassed by any establishment in this section of ihe country. His long experience in Ihe business, and general knowledge of the peop'eof Cotnmba county, superadded to a fixed determination to render satisfaction to which he hopes to merit. JOHN NRYHARD. Blnnmsbnrs, April 7th 1858. l'Oli SALE rj'HK T.aw Library, ot ihe ian-R. \V. Wea eer, Esq., will be sold by the undersign ed, Administrator of the decedent, at private sale, any person desirous of obtaining a good LAW LIBRARY, will do well to call and examine ihe hooks. They will be sold to suit the purchasers. GEOROK WEAVER. Bloomsburg, Mar. 31, 1868. Ailm'r. c. w. M'KBLVV. J. S. H'KIKCH C. W. M'KELVY, & CO,, PAPER MAN li F A CltUi; R S * ND Dealers in Rags, Catlawiesa Mills, A keep constantly ori hand paper of all kinds, such as Printing, Book, Cap, Letter and Wrapping, at the lowest prices lor cash or in exchange for lags. Having increased facilities for manufactur ing. would call Ihe attention of merchanls and dealers, lo their slock of paper, which is offered ( extremely low prices. Orders by mad promptly attended 10, and rags purchased at market value, MI small or large quantifies. Catlawiesa, April 31, 1858. CQIttBItYED r REAPER AND MOWER. Patented hy J. H.Manny, Sept. 22, 1851, April 12, 1852, June 21, 1853, March 29, 1854, Ocl. 15, 1854.—And by Waller A. Wood, 24th day ol June and Ist day ol July 1856. The beet Combined Machine ever invented. I lake great pleasure iu offering my Machine to the Fanners for the next Harvest, and leel assured it w ill lullv meet their highest expectations, ft is easily man aged, on is clean and easy, is of light draft, and readily changed from a Reaper to a Mower, and vice vtrsa, requiring Hot more than a minute to make Ihe change. The alterations that experience has induced me to make in the Machine for 1858 are as lol lou-g:—All the journals will be cast-harden ed, die shoes, guards and gearing will be I bnili of the best Salisbury iron, and wrought I iron substituted for cast in several places. The Machine is made lo mow lodged clo- I ver without Obstruction, by simply fetnoving I four bolts and leaving off a pari of the I f'ame work. With these alterations ami im provements, the machine will be mil strong er than heretofore, when it was the only re liable Combined Reaper and Mower made. For luither particulars Ihe Farmers are respectfully invited lo call upon the Agents, who will furnish painphlels containing cer , lificates, tic. The Machine is warranted capable of cut ting from ten lo filleen Acre- of Crass or Grain per day, in a workmanlike rn inner. H. K. Parson, Harriaburg, General Agent for Eastern Pennsylvania. SYLVESTER PURSKLL, is Agent for Columbia county. Walter A. Wood, Manufacturer and Pro prietor, Hoopittk Falls. New York. IST F arnters are respectfully invited to call at the residence of the Agent for Columbia cont.ly, near Bloomsburg.ant! seespecimens of lite Reaper and Mower. They can like wise have the privilege of seeing them in operation at any lime after grass culling. April 27, 1858. ~ FORKS HOTEL. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA CO., PA. ROBERT HAGENBUCH, hoprielor, rjIAKES pleasure in announcing toihe pub s' lie thai he has rented and thoroughly refilled Ihe Forks Hotel formerly occupied by James Freeze, in Bloomsburg, and is prepared to accomodate travellers, teamsters, drovers and boarders. His table will be sup plied with ihe best products Ihe markets af. lord, and his Bar will be constantly furnish ed with Ihe choicest liquors. Attentive ostlers will always be : n at tendance, and he trusts his long experience in catering lo the wants of the public, and his obliging attention to customers will se cure him a liberal share of patronage. Bloomsburg, April 21, 1838. A<lminislra<or'N Notice. ESTATE OF DANIEL HOUCK, doo'd. BETOTICE is hereby given to all persons in- AV leresled that letters of administration on the estate of Daniel Houck, late ol Roaring creek township, Columbia county,deceased, have been Rrantpd by the Register of wills of said county, MM "Reuben Fabringer, resid ing in ihe 'ownimVp of Locust, id whom all accounts must be presented without delay oroperly authenticated for settlement. I REUBEN FAHRINGER, Adncr. ' Locusl, March 17, 1858. ] A GREAT BOOK FOR AGENTS. Published this Bay, Feb. 9th, 1868. Fifty Years in Chifins'- OR, THE LIFE OK AN AMERICAN SLAVE. WBITTEK BT niMSBU'. 430 Pages, Cloth, Gilt Back, -tyce 81 This is the title of one of the morf'lntense ly interesting biographies of the day. 'lt is ine plain history of an American slave in the lar South, who after two or threeescape and recaptures, finally, an old man, foqnd freedom and rest in one of the Norlhefe States. What Ihe Press Say. The slory is lold wißi a simplicity, bui with much power nntl pathos. Whoever takes it will find it difficult to lay il down until it ii finished.— National Era, Washing ton, D C. A nurrmive of real experience like the above, will have far more effect against sla very limn the ingeniously wrought novel, however true to life its pictures maybe Am. Baptist. Here is a bonk of factß stranger Ihnn fic tion, arid a thousand-fold more thrilling; a simple lale of life-long oppression, revealing Irnely ihe working of the "peculiar institu tion" in onr country. Tc the story-loving we would say, here is a story worth readiug —Jllissiori Record. A thorough Canvasser is wanted, in each county iu the free States, to engage in the sale of the above work immediately. Such can easily clear from 850 lo 8100 per Month! The work is beautifully printed and bound snd is as large as the books that sell for 81.25; but as we mean to sell at least one hundred thousand copies, through agents, we have made ihe relail price only 81. A sample copy of Ihe book will be senl by mail, postage paid, on receipt of Ihe price, and our privale circular to Agents, with terms, etc. Address H. DAYTON, Publisher, [no -3m. No. 29 Ann St., New York IT IS WCT We subjoin a few names of those who rec ommend Mrs. S. A. Allen's World's Hair Restorer and Zylobahumam. Piesl. Eaion, ol Union University; "The tailing of hair ceas ed, and my grey locks changed 10 original color." Rev. C. A. Bnckbee, Treas. Am. Bible Union, N. Y.; "I cheerfully add my testimony." llcv. (I V. Degen, Ed. "Guide to Holiness," Boston : "We can testify lo ils effects." Rev. E. R. Fuirchild, Cor. Sec. Ch'n Union, N. Y.: "Used in my family with beneficial eflecls." Rev. A. Webster, "Ch'n Era," Boston : "Since using yonr preparations, I um neither bald or grey as heretofore." Rev. Jas. H. Cornell, Cor. Sec., N. Y... "Il has restored the hair of one ol tny family to its original color, and stopped its falling out," etc., etc. We can quote from numerous others ol like standing in Europe and America, but for further infor mation, send lor circular lo MRS. S A. ALLEN'S I World's Hair Restorer Depot, No. 355 Broome Bt.,N. Y fno. 8-3 m. JD"SOLD EVEBYWIIERE. era cio 'ja S3 via coa ap Q a OE> LEV 3 CCIIOFUI.A, Coughs, Chronic Rheuma- tism, Debility, and all Diseases aiisttm from a Scrofulous or Impoverished slate ot the Blood. HKGEMAN, CLARK & CO.'S GENUINE VODLIVEII OIL, Has stood the lest of over leu years experi ence, and is recommenden by all ihe most eminent physicians as the most valuable remedy it. use. Dr. Williams, the celebrated Ph\stcian of ttie London Consumption Hos pital, look notes of its effects in aboul 500 | cases, nod found il more efficacious lhan all remedies yal discovered. This remedy, so valuable 'when pute,' becomes worthless or injurious when adulterated. See thirl the la bcl has the eagle and marlar, and Ihe signa ture over the cork of each bottle, as lito-i --samls have been cured by the use of the genuine article who had used others without success. Bold by all DruuuLis. [no. 8-3 m. HKGEMAN & CO. Lackawanna & Bloomsburg LO L£a LSi C££) LiD 8 ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES OF TRAINS. GOING NORTH. STATIONS. N. Y. Mail. Accomd'n. Phil' Mail. Ijeave Rupert, 7 00 a m 3 15 p.m- Bloum, 7 10 " 3 26 44 Espy, 7 18 44 3 33 44 Lime Ridge, 7 30 1 • 3 45 44 Berwick, 7 55 44 4 10 44 Beach HavonH 10 44 4 26 44 llcach Groveß 20 44 4 35 44 Sliiuktiiiinny 8 35 44 4 50 44 Hanlock's C.B 65 44 5 15 44 Nanticko 000 44 5 20 44 Plymouth 920 44 540 44 A rrive at Kingston 9 30 44 6 50 14 Leave Do. 935 44 1 45 p.m. 600 44 Wyoming 950 44 210 44 620 44 W. Pittston 955 44 220 44 625 44 Pitta ton 10 00 44 2 30 4 * 0 30 •• Laekaw&na 10 10 44 245 4 640 44 Taylorvillo 10 2 0 4 4 30 0 44 660 44 Ar. at Scranton 10 .'>o 4 4 31 5 4 4 70 0 44 The New York Mail train connects with the Ex press £oing Kast, on D. L. A W. Railroad, Arrive in New York, 7 16 p. m. 44 Philadelphia, by Camden fc Ainboy Railroad, 8 20 p. in Fare from RUPERT to NEW YORK, SO,OO. The Accommodation Train North, connects at Scranton with tho Express Train West, on tho D. LAW. Railroad. GOING SOUTH. STATIONS. Fhil'u Mail. Accomd'n. N. Y. Mail. Leave Scranton 800 a.m. 11 30a. m. 4 00 p.m. Taylorvill 81 0 44 11 45 4 4 41 0 44 LnokawanuH 20 44 12 00 M. 420 44 PittHton 830 44 12 15 p.m. 430 44 W. PittstonS 36 44 12 30 M 435 44 ( Wyoming 840 44 12 40 4 440 44 Ar. at Kingston 9 00 44 1 00 5 00 44 Leave Do. 10 00 44 fi 15 44 Plymouth 10 16 44 ft 30 44 Niuilicokc 10 50 •• tt 55 44 Jlunlock's 10 55 44 7 00 44 Shlckshlnyll 00 44 7 25 44 B. Grove 11 25 44 740 44 B. Haven 11 35 4 4 7 5 0 44 Berwick 11 65 44 810 44 L. Kidgo 12 20 p. m. 8 35 44 Espy 12 30 4k 8 45 44 Bloom 12 40 44 8 50 44 | Ar. at Rupert 12 60 44 000 44 The Philadelphia Mail Train going South, eon-! noote with the Mail Train at Rupert, going East at 1.10 p. in. for Cattawissa, Port Clinton, Pottaville, Reading. Ac., arriving nt Philadelphia at 8.25 p. in. Also with Mail Train going West at 3 o'clock p. m. for Dunville, Milton, Muncy, Williamsport | and Elmira. Passengers by tho 4 o'clook p. in. Train going South, can take the 11 o'clock p. m. Express train for Ehnira and the West, or lodge at'Bloomsburg and take the 4 o'clock a. m. train going East, arri ving at Philadelphia at 12 noon. [L7~ Passengers for Harrisburg, direot will take the N. Y. Mail Train (4 o'clock p. m.) going South, onmiocting at Port Clinton with tho Dauphin A SusquohannA Railroad, arriving at Hnrririburg at 12 o clock noon, next day. F. J. LEAVENWORTH, Sup't. Sorunton, February fid, 1858. THE FRANK LI N HOUSE, LIGHT STREET, PA. Tlx HE undersigned, formerly of New Berry, A Lycoming county, having taken Ihe ele gant new Blick Tavern Stand, lately kept by Peter Shug, in Light Street. Columbia coun ty, known as the FRANKLIN HOUSE, would reepectlully inform hi* friends and the pub lie, thai he is prepared 10 accommodate, in excellent order, all who may favor him wilh their custom. The bouse is commodious located on Main Street, every part of il be ing new anil very comfortable, with spacious stabling, good ice House, and other conven iences, for the accomodation uf man and beast His Table and Viands will be kept in Ihe best style, and Iris Liquors of the choicest brands. It will be his aim to cater fo the convenience of Ibe creators comfor'a of hit guests. NT. HUDSON. Light Street, April !4th 1838, New Arrival of Fall and Winter CE> CE> £33 lIIcKEIiVY, NEAL Sc CO., UTAVE josi received and opened their stock of Merchandise for safe, wbich compri ses the LARGEST, Cheapest, and handsom est assortment now offered in this TOWN.— Having paid great attention to the selection of their entire stock as to , Price and Quality, t lltey flatter themselves that they can compete ' Iwilh the cheapest, and all those wishing'to bny cheap, can save money by giving n# a call. We have all k inils of goods and wares to supply the wants of the people. A very large and complete assortment bl LADIES'DRESS GOODS. French Alerinoes, wool plaids, alpacas, bom bazines, de bages, poplins paratnetta cloths, mohair lustres, muslin de laines, i'ersiau cloths, Ginghams, Calicoes, &e. WHITE GOODS OF ALL KINDS, Sleeves,' Collars, Spencers, handkerchiefs, flouncings, bands and trimmings, laces and edgings,bonnet ribbons, in large variety, vel vet tibbous, and braids, kid, cotton, lisle thread gloves, mohair mitts, &c. ALL KINDS OF SHAWLS, broclte, Bay Slate, Waterville,* black silk, casitmete, emhrodered, &c. Also a very large large assortment ot Cloths, cassimers, satinets, vesttngs, tweeds, jeans, coating vel vet, beaver cloths, &c. of all kinds and sixes for men, women and children. We havo a large as<rirnenl 6f HATS and CAPS of the latest fashion. We have also, Hardware, Queeneware, Cedar ware, &c. Very cheap CARPETS, CARPET-BAGS, FLOOR, table und carriage oil cloths, mats, rngs, bas kets, &c. Muslins, flannels, tickings, dia pers, toweling*, drillings, &., in abundance. We invite our Iriends and the public gen erally to give ue a call before purchasing elsewhere. We have bought our goods rt the LOWEST CASH PRICES and will not be undersold by anybody nr die rest of man kind. WcKELVV, NEAL & CO. Bloornsburg, January 13, 1758. A. C. MENSCH AT THE Alt CADE STAND IXAS just and opened u full au'd *■ *■ large assortment OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, which be will sell at the lowest living profit. His stock embraces stella, thibet and crapa shawls, barege, barege delaines, tissues, lawns, debeges, crape orientals, alpaccas, &c SILKS.—A very handsome assortment of striped, plain, plaid and black silks, wbich he intends to sell at very reduced prices. EMBROIDERIES. Ail immense stuck of embroideries, such as embroidered handkerchiefs, collars, spen cers, sleeves, Swiss and jaconet edgings and inserting.#, linens, cotton and thread laces, flouncings and embroidered curtains. DOMESTICS—MusIins, drillings, tickings, checks, osnaburgs, baggings, ginghams, flan nels, table diaper and ready-made bags. illcn and Boys' Wear. Cloths, cassiiueres, vestings, jeans, cotlon ades, denims, blue drillings, cotton plaids Ate CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. A very large assortment of new style car pets, such as tapestry, Brussels three ply. ins grain and Venetian oil cloths, of all widths. A large assortment ol Ladies' & Children*' Shoes, which lie will sell very cheat). GROCERIES, A Inl of fresh sugars, molasses, §Q|Os, TEAS. COFFEE, FISH. SPICES j &c. Also Hardware Qiieent.\vare,"§3ae=ga* Crockery and Woodenware. HT Flour anil Feed always for sale at tba lowest tritrket prices for cash. Bloornsburg, April 29, 1857. NEW LIVERY STABLE. N. S. PRENTLS, Respectfully in- forms bis friend# and the publicftHgKSk in general, that he still W ueg ,|, e LIVERY BUSINESS, on Main Street. East Blooms burg, at Ins NEW BRICK STABLF, w-hera he will always be pleased 10 furnish his cus tomers, and the community at large, with HOUSES and C ARRI AGES by the hour, day or week, a l , reasonable rates. His slock is entirely new, and by keeping good horses and carriages, and attentive dri vers, Arc., he hopes to receive a good share of patronage. Having added to his extensive slock some of the most containable two horse lehicles, parties will find it to their ad vantage to call on Itim. He also has in connection with the livery business, an exrelleut CfDKSAtEt.a.'Qbmss Qkiflm.® 8 running regularly several times per day, tu and trom the several Depots, on the arrival and departure ol the Cars, by which passen gers will be pleasantly conveyed to or from, if desired. He lenders thanks for patronage heretofore bestowed, and respectfully solicits n continu ance ol the same. N. S. PRENTIS. Bloornsburg, March 10, 1858. i: N WAR rTvaT/ it P FALL & WINTER GOODS, D AVID LOWENBEItG INVITES attention to his stock of cheap and fashionale clothing at his storeon Market street, twio doors above the 'Amer ican House,' where he has a full assort ment of men and boy's wearing apparel, including the tnost fashionable DDapoosß® QS<£>siOa3 e Box. sack, frock, gum nnd oil cloth coat# of all sorts and sizes, pants of all colors, shawls, stripes and figure, vests, shirts, cra | valSjßtocks, co liars, hand kerchiefs, gloves, suspendars and fancy articles. N. B. He will also make to order auv artiole of clothing at very shoilnolice and to the best manner. All his clothing is made to wear, and most of it is of homo manufacture. DAVID LOWENBERG Bloornsburg, April 1, 1857. DRIGh AN ft I*l BDICIN e5~, DPc OaUFSLPSii , IXfOI'LO cull the attention of all those who * v wish to boy good goods in his line, that he has just rejilenished bis (already; large and well selected assortment of the fol lowing unifies, viz.- -j DRUGS, MEDICINES, OILS, W PAINTS, TURKISHES, GLASS, l)yr,sTUVrs Conteclionuries, Perfumery, far.cy soaps and loilel Hrliclea generally; Cigars and Tobacco of every variety and brand, Harrison's Ink# wholesale and retail at the manufacturer's price#, P URE WISES AND BRANDIES for medicinal use only. Truase#, Shoulder Braces and Abdominal Supporters, aßTaraacaß'Eica DENTAL INSTRUMENTS, Paint, Varnish and Tooth Brushes; also agent tor tnosl of the popular i'atem Mediuines<of the day. Toy#, and an endlesa variety-of useful and lancy notions not here enumer ated. Physician'* Prescriptions and Family Medicines put up carefully and at short no, tice. Glass Gutting dona to order at the old stand. E. P. LUT2L Bloornsburg, Jan. 13, 1858. * , f
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers