THE STAR OP THE NORTH. Mrs. B. W, Weaver, Proprietress.] "VOLUME 9. THE STAR OF THE NORTH 19 PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNINO. W. 11. JACOBY, Buftluecis Manager. WflCß Upstairs, in Ikentso brick build on the south side o] Main Street, third njuart below Market. t'ERIM S:—Two Dollars per annum, if paid within six months from the time of sub scribing ; two dollars and fifty cents if not paid within the year. No subscription re ceived for a less period than six months; no discontinuance permitted until all arrearages are paid, unless at Ihe option of the editor. A DVKRTISZMENTS not exceeding one square will be inserted three times for One Dollar, end twenty five cents for each additional in sett ion. A liberal discount will be made to those who advertise by the year. M R "_i__ SB van IT it T; AM OF EIIOEITT' ARAJH. SY TIIOMAS UOOD. [THOMAS HOOD, born in London, in 1798, was tbe con of a respectable publisher, of 'the firm of Vernor, Hood and Sharpe. He wae brought up an engraver—he became a writer of "Whims and Oddities." end he grew into a poet of great and original power. The slight partition which divides humor and pathos was remarkably exemplified in llood. Misfortune arid feeble health made him doubly sensitive to the ills of his fellow creatures. The sorrows tvhioh he has delin eated are not unreal things. He died in 1843, his great merits have been previously recog nised by Sir Robert I'eel, who bestowed on hint a pension, to be continued to bis wife. Thst wife soon followed him to the grave. The pension has been continued to their chil dren.] T'waa in the prime of summer time, An evening calm and cool, And four-and twenty happy boys Come bounding out of school: Thero were some that ran, and some that leapt, Like Doublets iu a stream. Away they sped with yameenme minds, And souls untouched by sin ; To a level mead they came, and there They drave the wickets in: Fleasenllv shone the setting eun Over the town of Lynn- Like sportive deer they coursed about, And shouted as they ran— Turning to mirth all things of earth, As only boyhood can ; But tbe hsher sat remote from all, A melancholy man ! His-hat was off, his vest apart, To catch Heaven's blessed breeze ; For a burning thought WHS in his brow, And his bosotn ill at ease : bo he leaned bis head on his hands and read Tho book between hi* knees 1 Leaf aftrr lenf he turned it o'er, Nor ever glanced aside; For the peace of bis soul he read that book In the golden eventide : Much study had made him very lefcn, And pale, and leaden-eyed. At Inst he shut the ponderous tome; With a fast and fervent grasp He strained the dusky covers close, And fixed ibe brazen hasp; "O God, could I so close my mind, And clasp it with a clasp!" Then leaping on his feel upright, Some moody turns he look ; Now up the mead, now down the meud, And paat a shad) nook; And la! he saw a little boy, That pored upou a book. "My gentle lad, what is't you read— —Romance of f.iry fable' Or i* it some historic page, Of kings and crowns unstable ?" The young boy gave an upward glance— ' It is the death of Abel." The usher look six hasty strides, As emit with sudden pain; Six hasty strides beyond the place, Then slowly back again: And down he sal beside the lad, And talked with him of Cain. And long since tten, of bloody mea, Whose deeds tradition saves; Of lonely folk cut of unseen, Ami hid in sudden graves ; Of horrid slabs, in grovea forlorn, And murders done in oavee ; And bow the sprites of injured men Shriek upward from the sod— Ay, how tbe ghostly hand will point To show the burial clod; And nnknowß facts of guilty aots Are seen in dreams from God 1 He told how murdereis walked the earth Beneath the curse of Cain, With crimson clouds before their ayes, And flames about their brain— For blood bes left upon their souls Its everlasting strain! "And we'l," quoth be, "I know for truth, Their pangs must be extreme— Wo, wo, unutterable wo— Who spill life's sacred stream f For why t Methought last night I wrought A murder tn a dream ! '"One that had never done me wrong— A feeble man, and old: 1 led him to a lonely field, Tbe moon shone clear and cold: Now hero, said I, this man shall die, Aud i will havo bis gold! "Two sudden blows with a ragged stick, And one with a heavy stone, One honied gash with a hasty knife— . And then the deed was done : There wsa nothing lying at my feet, But lifeless flesh end bone ! "Nothing but lifeless flesh and bone, That con IJ not do me ill; And yet 1 leared him til the more For lying there so still. There was a manhood in his look, That,murder could not kill! "And lo! the universal air Seetned lit with ghastly flame — Ten thousand thousand dreadful eyes Were looking down in blame : I look the man by the hand, And called upon his name, irLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY. ' O, God 1 it made me quake .to sea Such sense within the slain 1 But when f touched the hleler* clay The blood gushed out amain ! For every clot, a burning spot Was scorching in my brain I "My head was like an ardent coal My heart as solid ice; My wretched, wretched soul, I knew, Was at the devil's price : A dozen timet I groaned, the dead Had never groaned but twice, "And now from forth the frowning sky, From the Heaven's topmost height, I heard a voice—tbe awful voice Of the blood-avenging sprite: , : 'Thou guilty man 1 take up thy dead, And hide it from my sight., "T took the dreary body up, And cast in a stream— A sluggish water black as ink, The depth was so extreme. My gentle boy; remember this Is nothing but a dream 1 "Down went the corpse witli • hollow plunge, And vanished in the pool ; Anon I cleansed my bloody hands, And washed my forehead cool, Ami sal among the urchins young That evening in Ihe school! "Oh, Heaven ! lo think of their while souls, And mine so black and grim ! I could not share in childish prayer, Nor join in evening hymn : Like a devil of the pit I seemed, 'Mid holy cherubim I "And peace went with them one and ell, And each calm pillow spread; But Guilt was my grim chsmbeilain That lighted me to bed, And drew my midnight curtains round, With fingers bloody red! "All night I lay in agony, In anguish dark and deep ; My fevred eyes dared not close, But seared aghavt at sleep; For sin hac rendered ur.lo her The keys of hell to keep ! "All night 1 lay in agony; From weary chime to chime, With one besetting horrid hint, That racked me all the lime— A mighty yearning like the first Fierce impulse unto crime ! "One stern tyrannic thought, that made All other thoughts its slave: Stronger and stronger every pulse Did that temptation crave— Still urging ma to go and see The dead man in his gravel "Heavily 1 rose up, as soon As light was iu the sky, And sought the black accursed pool With a wild misgiving eye; And saw the dead in the river bed, For the faithless stream was dry ! "Merrily rose the lark, ond shook The dew drop from its wing; But 1 never marked its morning flight, 1 never heard it sing: For 1 was stopping once again Under the horrible thing. } "With breathless speed, like a soul in chase I took him up and rait- There was no time lo dig a grave Before ihe day began : In a lonesome wood, with heaps of leaves, I hid the murdered matt! "And all that day I read in school, But my thought was other where! As soon as the mid-day task was done | In secret I was there; And a mighty wind bad swept the leaves, r And a still the corse was bare I "Then down I cast me on my face, And firvt began lo weep, For I knew ray secret then was one Tiaat earth refused iflkeep ; Or land or sea, though he should be Ten thousand fathoms deep! "So wills the fierce tvenging sprite— Till blood for blood atones. Ay, though he's buried in a cave, And trodden down with stones, And years have rotted off his flesh— Tbe world shall see his bones'. "Oh God, thtt horrid, horrid dream Besets me now awake ! Again—again, with a dizzy breia, The human lile I lake ; And my red hand gtows raging hot Like Crammer's at the stake. "And still no peace for Ihe restless clay Will wave or mould allow; The horrid thing pursues my sou!— It stands before me now !" The fearful boy looked up and saw Huge drops upon his brow I That very nigbt, while gentle sleep The urchin's eyelids kissed, Two stern-faced men set nut from Lynn, Through ihe cokl and heavy mist; And Eugene Aram walked between With gyves upon his wriats. ARTESIAN WEI.LV IN SAHARA DESERT. —At the meeting of tho American Institute Far mers' Club, in New York, on Monday, a paper was read giving an account of the success which has thus fat attended the sinking of Artesian wells in the great Afri can Desert of Sahara. The first well was bored in May, 1856, in the basis of Oued river, near Tamerma, by a detachment of the "Foreign Legion," conducted by Engi neer W. Juss. Water was obtained in Juno at the rate of 600 hogsheads per hour. The joy of the natives at the discovery was un bounded, and, with groat solemnity, they consecrated it by the name of "The Well of Peace." Another bore in Tamnqua gave 120 qrts.per minute. The temp, of the water iu both cases was about 75 degrees Fahren heit. The supply of water furnished by these wells will, by means of irrigation, produce vegetation where none was ever seen before. v QT A verdant Yankee expectant for of* fice, was advised at Washington to apply for the Consulship of the Lobos Islands, vice Guano, removed. He had his letter written before he discovered the joke. PKESIDGNri) JIESSAWE. [CONCLUSION ] Should the Constitution without slavery be adopted by ihe votes of tho majority, the rights of property in slves now in the terri tory are reserved. The number of these are very small; but if it were greater the provis ion would be equally just and reasonable These slaves were brought into the Territory under the constitution of the United Stales, and are now the property of their masters. — This point has at length been finally decided by the highest judicial tribunal of the coun try—and this upon the plain principle that when a confederacy of sovereign States ac quire a new territory at their joint expense, both equality and justice demand that the citizens of one and all of them shall have the tight to lake into it whutsoever is recognized as properly by the common constitution.— To baze summarily confiscated the property in slaves already in the Territory, would huve been an aot of gross injustice, ami contrary to the practice of the older Slates of the Union which have abolished slavery. A territorial government was established for Utah by act of Congress approved the 9th September, 1850, and the Constitution and laws of the United Stales wero thereby ex tended over it "so far as the same or any provision thereof, may be upphcuble." This act provided for the appointment by the Pres ident, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, of a governor, who was to be ex officio superintendent of Indian affairs, a Sec retary, three Judges of the Supreme Court, a Marshal, and a District Attorney. Subsequent acts provided for the appointment of' the offi ce's necessary lo extend our laws and our Indian system over the Territory. Brigham Young was appointed the first governor on the 20th September, 1850, and has beld the office ever since. Whilst Governor Young has been both Governor and Superintendent of Indian aflairs throughout this petior, .he bad been at the same time the head of the church called the Latter Day Saints, and proteases to govern its members and dispose of their property by direct inspiration and au thority from the Almighty. His power has been, therefore, absolute over both Church and State. The people of Utah, almost exclusively, belong to this church, and believing through a fanatical spirit that he ia Governor of the Territory bv Divine appointmenr, they obey his commands as if these were direct revela tions from Hetven. If, therefore, he chooses that Iris government shall come into collision with the government of the United States, the members of the Mormon church will yield implicit obedience to his will. Unfor tunately, existing fact* leave but little doubt lhat such Is his determination. Without en tering upon a minute history of occurrences, it is sufficient to say lhat *ll the officers of the United States, judicial and executive, with Ihe single exception of two Indian a gents, have found it necessary for their own personal safety lo withdraw from the Terri tory, and there no longer remains any gov ernment in Utah but the despotism of Brig ham Young." This being the condition of affairs in the Territory, I could not mistake the path of duty. As Chiel Executive Mag istrate, I was bound to restore the supremacy ol Ihe Cmistiiulirin and laws within its lim its. In order to effect this purpose,["appoint ed a new governor and other federal officers for Utah, and sent with them a military force for their protection, and to aid as a posse com itates, in case of need, iu the execution of Ihe laws. Wilh the religious opinions of Ihe Mor .nons, ss long as they remained mere opin ions, however deplorable in themselves and revolting to the moral and religious senti ments of all Christendom, I bad no right to interfere. Actions alone, when in violation of the Constitution and laws of the United Slates, become the legitimate subjects for the jurisdiction of the civil magistrate. My in atructions to Governor Cummitig have there lore been framed in strict accordance with these principles. At their dule n hope was indulged that no necessity might exist for employing the military in restoring and main taining the authority of the law; but this hope has now vanished; Gov. Yoong has, by proclamation, declared hit determination to maintain bis power by force, and has already committed acta of hostility against the United States. Unless he should retrace his steps the Territory of Utah will be in a siale of open rebellion. He has commttied these acts of hostility notwithstanding M.jnr Van Vliet, an officer of the army, sent to Utah by the commending general to purchase provis ions lor the troops, had given him the strong est assuranoe ot the peaceful inienlions ol the government, and that the troops would only be empluyed aa a posse comitaius when called on by the civil authority to aid in the execution of the laws. There is reason to believe that Governor Young has long contemplated ibis result.— Ho knows that the continuance of bis des poiio power-depends upon the exclusion of all settlers from the Territory except those who will acknowledge his divine mission and implicitly obey his will; and that an en lightened public opinion there would soon prostrate institutions at war with the laws of both God and man. He has therefore, tor several years, in ordar to maintain his inde pendence, been industriously employed in collecting and fabricating arms and muni tions of war, aod in disciplining the Mor mons for military service. As superintend ent of Indian affairs be has had ao opportu nity of tampering with the Indian tribes, and exciting their hostile feelings against tba U. Stater. This, according to our information, be has accomplished in regerd to some of i TraUi aid Bight God aad Country. ] these tribes, while others have remained true to their allegiance, and have communi \ cated his intrigues lo our Indian agents. He ' has laid in a store ol provisions for three ' yeats, which, in caas of necessity, ss he in ! formed Maj. Van Vliet, he will conceal, 'and . then lake to the mountains, and bid defi ance* lo all the powers ol government.' A great part of all this tnay be idle boast ing; but yet no wise government will lightly j estimate the efforts which may be inspired by such phrensied fanaticism as exists among the Mormons in Utah. This is the first rebellion which has existed in our Ter ritories; and humanity itself requires that we should put it dowtftn such a manner that it shall be the last. To trifle with it would be to encourago it and lo render it formidable. We ought to go there with such an imposing force ss to convince these deluded people that revis'anrc wg-phUbe vaMkjm 1 thus spare the effusion of blood. We can in this man ner best convince them that we are their friends, not their enemies. In order lo ac complish this object it will be necessary, ac cording to tbe estimate of the War Depart ment, to raise four additional regiments; aud this I earnestly recommend to Congress. At the present moment of depression in the rev enues of the country, f am sorry to be oblig ed to recommend such a measure; but I leel confident of the support of Congress, cost what it may, in suppressing the insurrection and in reeloring and maintaining tbe sover eignty of the constitution and laws over the Territory ol Utah. I recommend lo Congress the establishment of a territorial government over Arizona, incorporating with it such portions of New . Mexico as they may deem expedient. I need scarcely adduce arguments in support of this recommendation. Wears bound to protect the lives and the property of our citi zens inhabiting Arizona, and these ate now without any efficient protection. Their pres ent number is already considerable, aud is , rapidly increasing, notwithstanding the dis advantage under which they labor. Besides, i the proposed Territory is believed to be rich in mineral and agricultural resources, espe , cially in silver and copper. The rpails of the United States to California are now carried over it throughout its whole extent, and this route is known to be the nearest, and believ ed to be the best to the Pacific. Long experience has deeply convinced me that a strict construction of the powers grant ed to Congress is the only true, as well as the only safe theory ol Ihe constitution. — Whilst this princip'e shall guide my publio conduct, I consider it clear that under Ihe war making power Congress may appropri ate money for the construction of a military road through the Territories of the United Stales, when this is absolutely necessary lor the defence of any of the States against for eign invasion. The constitution has confer red upon Congress power "to declare war," "to raise and support arms," "to provide and maintain a navy," and to call forth Ihe mili lia to "repel invasions." These high sover eign powers necessarily involve important and responsible public duties, and among them there is none so sacred and so impera tive us that ot preserving our soil from the invasion of a foreign enemy. The constitu tion has, therefore, left nothing on this point to eon A l ruction, but expres-ly requires that ' the United States shall proteot each o f them (the State") against invasion." Now, if a military roed over our own Territnries be indispensably necessary lo enable its to meet and repel the invader, it follows ss a neces sary conaequence not only lhat we possess the power, but it is our imperative duty to construct such a road. It would be an absur dity to invest a government with tbe unlim ited power lo make and conduct war, and at the name time deny to it the only means of reaching and defeating the enemy at the fron tier. Without such a road it is quite evident we cannot "protect" California and our Pa cific possessions "against invasion." We cannot by any other means transport men and monitions of war from the Atlantic Slates in sufficient time successfully to defend these remote and distant portions of Ihe republic. Experience has proved thai the routes across the Isthmus ot Central America are at best but a very uncertain and unreliable mode of communication. But even if this were not the case, they would at once be closed against us in ihe event of war with a naval power, so much stronger than our own as lo enable it to blockade tbe ports at either end of these routes. After all, therefore, we can only rely upon a military road through our own territories; and ever since the origin of ihe government Congress has been in tbe practtre of appropriating money from the public treasury for Ihe construction of such roads. The difficulties and expense of construct ing a military railroad to connect our Atlan tic and Pacific Slates, have been greatly ex aggerated. The distance on the Arizona route near the 32d patallei of north latitude, between lite western boundary of Texas on Hie Hio Grande and the eastern boundary of California on the Colorado, from the best 'exploration now within our knowledge, does not exceed four hundred and seventy miles, and the face of the country is, in the main, favorable. For obvious reasons the Govern ment ought not to undertake the wotk itself by means of its own agents. This ought to be commuted to other agenr.ies, which Con gress might assist either by grants of land or money, or by both, upon such terms and conditions as they may deem most beneficial for the country. Provision might thus be made not only for the safe, rapid, and eco nomical transpoitation of Uoops and mnhi tiona of war, bat alio of tbo public mails The commercial Interests of the whole coun try, both East and West, would be greatly promoted by such a road; end, above sfl, it would be a powerfol additional bond of uoion. And although advantages of this kind, whether postal, commercial, or politi cal, cannot confer constitutional power, yet they may furnish auxiliary arguments in fa vor of expediting a work which, In my judg ment, is clearly embraced within the war making power. For these reasons I commend to the friend ly consideration of Congress the subject ol the Pacific railroad, without finally commit ting myself to any particular route. The teporl of the Secretary of the Treesuiy will furnieli a detailed statement of the con dition of the publio finances and of the re spective branches of the publio service de volved opon lhat department ol the govern ment. By this report it appears that the a mount of -avenue received from all sources into the treasury during the fiscal year end ing the 30lh June, 1857, was sixty-eight mil lion six hundred and thirty-one thousand five hundred and thirteen dollars and sixty seven cents, (68,632,513 67) which amount I with the balance of nineteen million nine hundred and one thousand three hundred and 'wenty-five dollars and forty-five cents, ($19,901,325 45,) remaining in the treasury at the commencement of the year, made en | aggregate foi the service of the year of eighty eight milliou five hundred and thirty-two thousand eight hundred end thirty-nine dol lars and twelve cents, (88,532,839 12.) The publio expenditures for the fiscal year ending 30tb June, 1857, amounted to seven ty million eight hundred and twenty-two | thousand seven hundred and twenty-four I dollars and eighty five cents, (70,822,724 85; | of which five million nine hundred and for { ty three thousand eight hundred and ninety six dollars and ninety one cents ($5,943,896 91) were applied to the redemption of the publio debt, including interest and premium, leaving in the treasury at Ihe commence ment of the present fiscal year on the Ist July, 1857, seventeen million seven hundred and ten thousand one hundred and fourteen dollars and twenty-seven cents, ($17,710,- 114 27.) The receipts into the treasury for the first quarter of the present fiscal year, commenc ing Ist July, 1657, twenty million nine hun j dred and twenty-nine thousand eight hundred and nineteen dollars and eighty one cents, I ($20,929,819 81,] and the estimated re ' ceipls of the remaining three quarters to the | 30th June, 1858, are thirty six million seven ' hundred and fifty thousand dollars [836,750- 000] making with the balance before staleJ on aggregate of seventy five million three hundred end eighty nine thousand time hun dred and tbiity four dollars and eight cents, [575,389,934 08,] for the service of Ihe present fiscal year. The actual expenditures daring the first quarter of the present fiscal year were twen ty three milliou seven hundred and fourteen thousand five hundred and twenty eight dol lars and thirty seven cents, [523,714,528 37] of which three million eight hundred and ninety five thousand two hundred and thirty two dollars and thirty nine cents, [53,895,- 232 30] were applied to the redemption of the public debt, including interest and pre mium. The probable expenditures of the remain ing three quarters, to 30ih June, 1858, are fifty one million two hundred and forty eight thousand five hundred and thirty dollar* sod four cents, [551,248,530 04,] including in. lerest on tbe public debt, making an aggre gate of aevenly-four million nine-hundred and sixty-three thousand nine hundred and fifty-eight dollars and forty-one cents, ($74,- 963,958,40,) leaving an estimated Daluncein the treasury at the close of the present final year of four hundred and twenty-six thousand eight hundred and seventy-five dollar* and sixty-seven cent5[5426,875,67 ) The amount of the public debt at tbe com mencement of the present fiscal year was twenty-nine millions sixty thousand three hundred and eighty six dollars aod ninety cents [529,060,386 90 ] The amount redeemed since the Ist of July was three million, eight hundred and ninety five thousand, two hundred HUII thirty-two dollars, and thirty-nine cent5,[53,895,232 39] —leaving a balance unredeemed at this time of twenty-five million, one hundred and six five thousand, one hundred and fifty-four dollars and fifty-one cents $25,165,154,51.] The amount of estimated expenditures for ibe remsinding three quarters of the present fiscal year will in all probability, be increas ed from :be causes set forth in the report of the Seoretary. Hie suggestion, therefore, lhat authority should be given lo supply any temporary dt ficency by the issue of a limited amount of Treasury notes, is approved, and I accordingly recommend the passage of such a law. I transmit herewith the reports made tome by the Secretaries of War and of Iho Navy, of the interior and of the Postmaster General. They all contain valuably and important in formation and suggestions which I commend to the lavorable consideration of Congress. As stated in the report of tbe Secretary, tba tariff of March 8, 1857, has been in op eration for so short a period of time, and un der circumstances so unfavorable to a just development of its results as a revenue meas ure, that f should regard it aa inexpedient, at least for tbe presant, to undertake its revis ion. 1 have already 'tfeeottlmended tbe raiting of font additional regiments; and the report of the Secretary of War prevents strong rea sons proving ibis increase of th under Milting circumstances, to be indispensable. I would call special attention of Con- gresa to the recommendation of the Secretary of the Navy in favor of the constiurtioh of ten small war steamere of light draoght. For some years the Government has been obliged on many occasion* to hire ench ateemers from individual* to eopply it* press ing wants. At the present moment we have no armed vessel in the Navy whichesn pen etrate the rivers of China. We have but few which can enter any of the harbors sooth of Norfolk, although many millions of foreign and dofoestio commerce annually pas* In and out of these harbor*. Some of onr most valuable interest* and most vulnerable points are thus lelt exposed This class of vessels of fight draught, great speed, and heavy guna would be formidable in the coast defence. The cost of their con struction will not be .'great and they will re quire but a comparatively small expenditure to keep them in commission. In time ol peace they will prove as effective as much larger vessels, and often more useful. One of then, should be at every station where we maintain a squadron, and tferee or four should be constantly employed on ocr Atlantic and Pacific coasts. Economy, utility and efficiency combine to recommend them as almost indispensable, Ten of thest small vessels would be of incalculable advantage to the navel service, and the whole cost of their construction would not exceed two million three hundred thousand dollars, or 230,000 each. The report of the Secretary of the Interior is worthy of grave consideration. It treat* of the numerous important and diversified branches of domestic administration intrust ed to him by law. Among these the most prominent are the public lends and our rela tions with the Indians. Onr system for the disposal of tbe public lands, otiginating with the father* of the re public, hae been improved as experience pointed the way, and gradually adapted to the growth and settlement of our western Slates and Territories. It has worked well in practice. Already thirteen Slates and sev en Territories have been carved out Of these lands, and still more than a thousand mil lions of acres remain nnsolJ. What a bound less prospect this presents lo our country of future prosperity and power! W9 have heretofore disposed of 363,362,- 464 acres of the public lands. Whilst 'fbfe public lands as a source of revenue are of great imporlanue, their im portance is far greater as famishing homes for a hardy and independent race of honest and indosirious citizens, who desire to sub due and cultivate the soil. They ought to be administered mainly with a view of pro moting this wise and benevolent policy- In | appropriating them for any other parpose, we ought to use even greater economy than if they had been converted into money and the proceeds were already in the public trea sury To squander away this richest and noblest inheritance which any people have ever en joyed upon objects of doubtful constitution ality and epediency, would be to viotaie one of the most important trusts ever committed to any people. Whilst I do not deny to Congress the power, when acting bona fide as proprietor, to give away portion* of them for the purpose of increasiug the value ol the remainder, yet, considering the great temp tation lo abuse this power, we cannot be too cautious in its exercise, Actual settlers under existing laws are pro tected against other purchasers ai the publio sales, in their right of pre-emption, to l])e ex tent of a quarter-section, or a 160 acres of land. The remainder may then be disposed of at public or entered at private sale iu un iin i led quantities. Speculation has of late years prevailed to a great extern in the publio lands. Tbe con sequeuce has been that large portions of them : have become the property of individuals and companies, and thus the price has greatly enohanced to those who desire to purchase forectutl seitlemen'. In order to limit the area of speculations as much as possible, the extinction of the Indian title and the exfeA lion of the public surveys ought only to keep pace with the tide of emigration. If Congress should hereafter grant alternate sections to States or Companies, as they have done heretofore, I recommend that the | intermediate sections retained by Ihe Gov- I cinmeot should be subject lo pre-emption by actual settlers. I It ought ever to be oar cardinal policy to j reserve the public lands at much as thay be | for actual settlets, and this at moderate prices. \ We shall thus not only best promote the prosperity of the new Stale and Territories, and tbe power of the Union, but shall secure homes fur our posterity for many generations. The extension of our limits has brooght within our jurisdiction many additional and populous ttibes of Indiana, a large 'portion of which are wild, untraclable, and difficult to control. Predatory and warlike in their disposition and habits, it is impossible alto gether to resttain from committing aggres sions on each other, as well as upon our fron tier citizens and those emigrating to our dis tant States and Territories. Hence expen sive military expeditions are frequently na eersary to overawe and chastise the more lawless and hostile. The present syetem of making them valu able presents to influence them to remain at peace has proved ineffectual. It ia believed to be the better policy to colonize Ihem in suitable localities, where tbey can receive the rudiments of education and be gradually induced to adopt habita ol industry. So fat as tbe experiment baa been tiied it bse work ed well in praotice, and it will doubtless prove te belest expensive tban tba present system ■ [Tw NUMBER sft. The length of poet road* in 1827 • 105 386 miles; end in the year 1887 there were 242, 681 milee of the poet rotd, including 22,- 680 milee of railroad, on which the maile are traneported. The whole number of Indiana within oar territorial limite ie believed to tie. from the beet data in the Interior Department, about 325,000. Tbe tribe* of Cherokee*, Chnotaw'f, Chi*- kaeawe, and Creek*, eettled in the territory eel apart for them wet of Arkaneae, are rip idly advancing in education and in all the arte of civilization and ee/f-goebtntsent; and we may indulge the agreeable anticipation that *t no very distant day they will be in corporated iito the Union ae on* of tbe sov ereign States. It wdl be reen from the report of'the Post master Gen'l that the Poet Office Department still continues to dopand on the Treasury, as it has been compelled to do lor several years past, for an important portion 'of the means of sustaining and extending its opera tions. Their rapid growth and expansion are shown by a decennial statement of tha number of post offices, and the length of post roed* commencing with the year 1827. lit that yeai there were 7,000 post offices; in 1837, 11,177; in 1847, 15.146; khd in 1857 they nnmber 26,686. In this year 1,725 post offices have been established and 704 dis continued, leaving a net increase of 1,021. The postmasters of 368 offices are appointed by tbe President. The expenditures of the department for tha fiscal year ending on the 30th Jane, 1857, as adjusted by the Auditor, amounted to 311,507,670. To defray these expenditures, there was to the credit of the department on the Ist July, 1853, the sum of $879,689; the gross revenue of the year, including the an nual allowances for the transportation of free free mail matter, prod need $3.033,951; and the remainder was supplied by the appropri ation from the treasury of $2,250,000 gran ted by the act Of Congress approved August 18, 1856, and by the appropriation of $066,- 883 made by tbe act of March 3,1857. lead ing $252,763 to be carried to the department in the accounts of tbe current year, f com mend to your consideration (he report of the department in relation to the establishment of the overland mail route from tbe Missis sippi river to San Francisco, California. The route was selected with my full concurrence as the one, in my judgment, best calculated to attain the important objeols contemplated by Congress. The late disastrous monetary revolution* may have one good effect should it causa both the government and tbe people toietorh I to the practice of a wise and judicious econ omy both in public and private expenditure*. An overflowing treasury has fed to habit* of prodigality and extravagance in our legis lation. It has indaced Congress to make large appropriations to object* for which tbey never would have provided had it beeh necessary to raise the amount of revenue re quired to meet them by increased taxation or by loans. We are now compelled to pause incur career, and to scrutinize our expendi tures with the utmost vigilance; and in per | forming this duty, I pledge my d 6 Operation , to the extent of my cocstiiutional competen | °y. | It ought to be obkerved, at the 6ame time, ; that true publio economy does not consist iu | withholding the means necessary to accont < plish important national objects "intrusted to us by the Constitution, and especially such ' as may be necessary for the common de | fence. In the present crisis Of the couotry ; it is our duly to confine our appropriation* . to objeots of >his character, unless in case* ; whore justice to individuals may demand a < different course. In all cases, care ought Id : be taken thai tbe money granted by Congresh shall be faithfully and economically applied, i Under tbe federal Constitution, "every bill | which ehall have passed the House of Repre | sentatives and the Senate shall, before it be , comes a law," be approved and signed by the President; and, if not approved, "he shall return it with his objections to that Hdu>e in which it originated." In order to perform •bis high and responsible duty, sufficient time must be alluwd the President to read and examine every bill presented to him for approval. Unless this 6* afforded, the Con stitution becomes a dead letter in this par ticular; and even worre, it becomes a means of deception. Our constituents, seeing tbe President's approval and Sign*fure attached to each Act of Congress, are ir/ducedio be | lieve that he has actually performed this du ly, whan, in truth, nothing is, in many cases, I more unfouoded. From the practice of Congress, such an examination of each hill as the Constitution requires, lias been rendered impossible. The most important business of each session i* generly crowded into its last hbure, and the alternative presented to the President is eith er to violate tbe Constitutional ditty which ha owes to the people, arid approve bill* which, for want of lime, it is impossible ha should have examined, or by hie refusal to do ibis subject the country and individual* to greet lost and iucocvenienoe. Besides, a practice has grown tip of lat* years to legislate in appropriation bills, at the last hours of the season, n new and impor tant subjeto*. This practice cOnStriihs the President either to sutler measures to be come law* which he does not approve, or to iooorthonek of stopping the wheel# oi thd government by vetoing an appropriation bill. Formerly, each bill*erereconfined toepeeifio appropriation for carrying into effect existing laws and the well established . policy of the country, and little time was then required by tbe Presidoat for their examiaation<
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers