WASHWOTOH, Dec Tth, 1857.—Th0 weath er to-day is charming, and the opening of Congress his attracted dense crowds in the gallriea of both Houses and other parts of the Capitol. SENATE.—On the roR being called fifty Senators answered to their names. The Sedate was called to order by the Secretary, who reid a letter from Mr Breckinridge, Vice President, stating that he would not be able to reach Washington at tho com mencement of the session. On motion of Mr. Benjamin, a resolution was adopted that the oath required by the Constitution be administered by Mr. Bright, tho oldest member present. Messrs. Andrew Johnson, of Ter.nessee, end Clark, of New Hampshire, new mem bers, wero sworn and took their seats. The Senate proceeded to ballot for Presi dent pro tern, of the Senate, when Mr. Fitz patnek w9 chosen and being conducted to his seat, returned bis acknowledgments for the honor conferred. The usual resolutions were adopted for the appointment of Committees to inform the House and the President ol the United Stales that the Senate was organized and ready for tbe transaction of business. The Senate then went into Executive ses sion and confirmed tho nomination, by the President, of George (V. Bowman, laic edi tor of the Bentord Gazette, as Superintendent of Public Printing. HOUSE. —Two hundred and twenty one members nnswesed to the call of the House. A quorum of members being thus ascer tained to be present, the House proceeded to (he election of a Speaker. Mr- Orr was nominated by Mr. Jones, ol Tennessee, aDd Mr. Grow, by Mr. Banks of j Massachusetts. On the ballot the vote stood as follows: Mr. Orr 128 Mr, Grow 84 Scattering - - 13 On assuming the Chair, Mr. Orr expressed bis thanks lor tho honor conferred upon him. The members were then sworn in, advan cing in delegations for thai purpose. On motion of Mr. Clingman, the rules ol lite last House were adopted till otherwise ordered. Mr. Allen, of Illinois, was elected Clerk of the House, receiving the same number ut' votes as Mr. Orr received for Speaker. Mr. Giosbronner was elected Sergeant-at- Arm, and Mr. Hackney Doorkeeper. Mr. Cluskey was declared Postmaster by resolution. Mr. Florence, of Pennsylvania, gave no tice of bis intention to introduce a bill for the entire suppression of all bank notes as cur rency, or of bank notes of a less denomina tion than a hundred dollars, as a circulating medium, in the District of Columbia. The House then adjourned. FKTLFLL WASHINGTON. NOMTNATIONS BY THE DEMOCRATIC CAUCUS OF THE HOUSE. Washington, Dec. 5 —At a caucus of the Democratic members of the House of Rep resentatives, whioh was held this evening, the following nominations were made: For Speaker—Hon. Jas. L. Orr, ol South Carolina. For Clerk—Mr. Allen, of Illinois. For Post Master—Mr. Cluskey, of Georgia. For Door Keeper—Mr. Hackney, of Vir ginia. | For Sergeant-at-nrms—Mr. Glosbrennar, I of Pennsylvania. I The nonsination for Printer was postponed till Monday night, when another caucus will be held. Strljce ti the I'entrnl Ohio Itlor Non-Payment of IVnges. ZANF.CVII.LK, Ohio, Dec. s. —Tho mechan ics and workmen on Central Ohio Railroad, employed at the depot in this city have made a "strike," OH account of the non-payment of two months' Wages. The strikers to-day ! stopped the freight trains, and put the loco motives into the engine houses. There was 'no personal violence attempted, however, the attacks being made solely against prop erty. No passenger trains were molested. DISPUTED W^t.L. — A curious will case is pending in Dallas.tounty, Alabama. Mr. E. Pool, last summer, died alter a short illness, bot procured the services of a friend to draw | his will. By that instrument he bequeathed a fortune of $60,000 to two mulatto women and their children, bis own offspring, and gave the drawer of the will a negro for his trouble, besides making him sole trustee, with direction to send these slaves to a fteo State. The heirs of Pool contest the will on the 6">ond that ho was of unsound mind.— No decision yet. EF* Beauty and wit will die—learning and wealth will vanish away—till the arts of life will be forgotten—but virtue will remain for ever. Planted on oarth, in a cold, unconge nial clime, it will bloom and blossom in heaven. CW Midias was so great a man that eve rything he touched turned to gold* The lease U altered now—touch a man with gold and he will change into anything. | BP Hon. Theodore Frelinghuysen, in 18- 44, Whig candidate lor Vice President, now President of Rutgers's Colloge, was married 'on the 26th of Oct., to Miss Harriet Pom pelly, of Qhvego, N. Y. lyOte Methodists have already thirty itinerants and several local preachers in Kansas, and their camp-meotings this fall have been very successful. The Mciho ti.sts have laid the foundation of university Palmyra, called the Baker university, after Bishop Baker. W Editors in lowa are ohen placed on committees at State and county fairs. To what extent they carry their examinations may be inferrod by the following, which Is contained in the report of a late fair by the editor of the Davenport Democrat: ' 'The best wollen cloak was worn by a lady from Muscatine ; also : the best socks and home made shirt" vr A Salmon weighing twelve pounds, was caught at Money Dam, one day last week, by two gentlemen of Milton. Governor Packer'* Cublnel, Hon. N. B. Browne and William A. Porter, Esq., of Philadelphia; Hon. P. C. Shannon and A. B. McCalmoni, of Pittsburgh; and Hon. Gaylnrd Church, of Erie, are named in connection with the appointment of Attorney General under Governor Packer'# adminis tration. For Secretary of the Commonwealth 'the most prominent names spoken of are Hon. William M. Iliester, of this county Hon. John L. Dawson, of Fayette; and Hond John Cessna, of Bedford. I We do not know what Mr. Hievter's views are with reference to accepting a place in Gen. Packer's Cabinet; but all who are ac quainted with him will agree with ua that he is peculiarly well fitted, by education and ex perience, for the office with which his name lias been coupled; anil should the appoint ment bo tendered and accepted, it will do credit to the Governor's choice, and be re garded with lltd liveliest satisfaction by the pcopjy of this, his native county, as well as j by the Democraoy of she Stnte at large.— Reeding Gazelle. " WOODLAND CREAM"— JI Pomade for j beautifying the Hair —highly perfumed, | superior to any French article imported, and for half the price. For dressing Ladies H<\ir it has no equal, giving it a bright glossy ap pearance. It causes Gentlemen's Hair to curl in the most natural manner, it removes dandruff, always giving the hair the appear ance of being fresh shampooed. Price only fifty cents. None genuine unless signed FETRIDGE& CO., Proprietors or the " lialm of a thousand Flowers." For sale by all Drnggisla. New York. Tin: REV. C. S. BURNETT, while laboring as a Missionary in Southern Asia, discovered a simple and certain Cure lor Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Nervous Debility, and all impurities of the blood; also, an easy and effectual mode of Inhaling the temcdy. Actuated by a desire to beneiil his suffering fellows, lie will cheerfully send the Recipe (free) losuoh as desire it, with full and explicit directions for preparing and suc cessfully using the Medicine. Address Rev. C. S. BURNETT, 831 Broadway, New York City. WHITE TEETH, PERFUMED BREATH AND BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION —catt be ac quired by using the u liulm of a Thousand Flowers." What lady or gentleman would remain under the curse of a disugre.eable breath, when by using the "Balm of a Thou sand Flowers" as a dsutrifico, would not only rentier it sweet, but leave the teeth as white as alabaster ? Many persons do not know their breath is bad, and the subject is so deli cate their friends will never mention it. Be ware ot counterfeits. Be sure each bottle i 6 signed FETRIDGE & CO., N. Y. For stiie by nil Druggists. Fob. 18, 1867-6 m. CANVASSERS WANTED. A lew competent agents warned for the Comprehensive Geography and History ancient and modern of the I Voud;" by S. G. Goodrich, (Peter Parley); handsomely bound and pro fusely illustrated. Price S3. Sold only by Agents, tc whom rare inducements aro oliet ed. Address, J. H. CO LION & CO. No. 172 William Street, New York. A UMIMSTRATO R'S NOT ICE 7 NOTICE is hereby given that letters of ad ministration upon the estate of Solomon Sny der sen , late of Locust township, Columbia county, decM, have been granted to the un dersigned also residing in ttie said township of Locust. All persons indebted to the es tate are requested to make payment without delay, and those having accounts for settle ment to present them to SOLOMON 0. SNYDER, If EG IN A SNYDER, Administrators. Locust twp., Nov. 7, 1857. laisl or Lcifcrs T> KMAINING in the Post Office at Blooms -* * burg, Pa., lor the Quarter ending Nov. lGlh, 1857. Bitienbender Mry C Philips John S Bechtel Sarah A Peck Allen W Ilrison Henry 2 Bobbins & Stoeker Case William Rupert George 2 Flemings Wesley Smith John Gutter David Stars! Henry Goodrich Harvey H. Snitemati James 2 Hill George Wagner Preolove l.echthaler Conrad Weiliver T. J. Long N B Wowrcr W J f.arish Reuben Wicks Madison McGee Jackson Zobbill Cnrolino Morgans Morgan Thomas Hughes ) r/J Marr Alum James Watley > Si Nichds Henry Flynn James ) ? Persons calling for the above letters will please say they are advertised. PHILIP UN ANGST, r. M. Bloomsburg, Nov. 18, 1857. A<li!iinis(i'ntoi''B Notice. NOTICE.is hereby given that letters of ad ministration upon the estate ol John Weiliver late'of Madison township, Columbia county, deceased, have been granted lo the under signed residing also in the said township ol Madison. All persons indebted to the estnte are requested lo make payment without de lay, and l hose havingaccounls for settlement to present them to JOHN A. FUNSTON, Administrator. Jerseytown, Aug. 14, 1857. ESTRAY. CAME on the premises of Samuel Cole man, in Brtuon township, after harvest on the premises of Peter Earns', adjoining Coleman's farm, where they are at present. The owner or owners of said sheep are here by notified to come forward and prove prop erly, pay charges and take litem away or else they will be sold according td'law. PETER EARNS & CO. Benton, Dec. 2, 1857. NOTICE. Barbara Tice, by ber next f In the Court of friend, Samuel Zimmer- > Common Pleas man, vs James Tice. )of Cil. eo., No. 18 of May term, A. D , 1857. To James Tice Defendant: Take notice, that the depositions of wit nesses to be read in evidence on the argu ment of the above stated cause on the part of tho plaintiff will be taken before the un dersigned Commissioner, at his office in Bloomsburg, on Wednesday, the 9th day ol December next, between the hour* of seven and ten o'clock, P. M., when and where you may attend if you think proper. W. WIRT, Commissioner. November 17, 1867. A FULL ASSORTMENT of Ladies' Dry- Goods nt (be Arcade by May 27, ! 87. A. C. MENSCH. WOOD k COAL for ealeat the Arcade by A. C. MENSCH. Fourth year of the Cosmopolitan Art Associa tion. THE FAMOUS DUSSELDORF GALLERY PAINTINGS! Purchased at n Cost </SIBO,OOO. AND POWERS' WORLD RENOWNED STATUE OF THE GREEK SLAP El Re-purchased for six lhousar.il dollars, with several hundred oilier words of Art, in Paint ings, Sculpture and Bronzes, comprise the Premiums to be awarded to the subscribers lor the Cosmopolitan Art Association, who subscribe before the 28th of January, 1858; at which lime lite awards will take place. TERMS OF- SUBSCRIPTION. Every subscriber of Three Dollars and 36 cts. is entitled to a copy of the large and splen did Steel Engraving, entitled "Manifest Desli ny," also to a copy of the Cosmopolitan Art Journal one yenr, also to a Certificate in the Award of Premiums, also a Free Admission •to the Dusseldorf end Cosmopolitan Galleries. Thus it is seen that for every Three Dollars paid, the subscriber not only receives a splen did Three Dollar Engraving! but, also, the beautiful illustrated Two Dollar Art Journal, one year. Each subscriber is also presented with a Certificate in the A wauls of Premiums, by which a valuable work of Art, in Painting or Sculpture, may be received in addition, thus giving to every subscriber an equivalent to the value of Five Dollars, and a Certificate gratis. Any one of the leading $3 Magazines is furnished, instead of Ergraving and Art Jour nal, if desired. No person is restricted to a single share.— Those taking five membership, remitting £ls, are entitled to the extra Engraving, and six tickets. Foil particulars of the Association are giv en in the Art Journal, which contains over sixty splendid Engravings, price 50 cts. per number. Specimen copies will be sent to all persons who dosire to subsuiibe, on receipt of five postage stumps, 15 cts. Address, C. M. BLAKER, Honorary Secretary, C. A. A , R. F. Clark's Law Office, Bloomsburg, J'a. Novvember 18,1857. REGISTER'S NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given to all legs tecs, creditors and other persons interests? in tlic estates of the respective decedent and minors, that the following ailminit iration accounts have been filed in the o; fice of the Register of Columbia county and will be presented for confirmation an allowance to the Or) hans* Court, to b held at Dloomsburg, in the county afore said, on Wednesday, the 9th day of Dc cembcr next, at 2 o'clock, I'. M : 1 The final account of Wm. Roberts, ad mitiistraior of Jacob J. Kline, late of Jacksoi township, ilec'd, filed by S.unnel Rhone, ad miui-trator of the said Win. Roberta, deo'd. 2 The account of Samuel Rhone, admin istrator of Wm. Roberts, late of Sugarloa township, deceased. 3 The account of Jacob Hoffa and I.j'dii fleeter, Executor and Executrix of Jacol fleeter, late of Liberty township deo'd. 4 Tho nccount of Jacoh Demon, adminis trator of the estate of Elizabeth Welliver late of Madison township, deo'd. 5 The account of John Hughes, Execute of the late will and testament of Ahratiarr Troxell, late of Roaringcreek township, de ceased. 6 The account of Thomas Conner, Ad miuistrator of the estate of Isaiah Conner late ol Orango township, ilec'd. 7 The account ol Stephen H. Miller, ad ministrator of tho estate ol Gabriel Lata. late of Mitllin township, deceased. 8 1 lie account ol Philip Unangst, Execu tor of the late will and testament ol Elizabeth Unaer, late ol Bloom township, dee'd. DANIEL LEE, Register. R MUSTER'S OFFICE, j Blooinsbnru, Nov. 11, 1857. j / A Kvlired Physician / 75 YEARS OF AGE. f Whose sands of life have nearly run out, | discovered while in the Easl Indies, a cer tain cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bron chitis, Coughs, Colds, and General Debility, The remedy was discovered by liim when bis only child, n daughter, was given up lo die. He had heard much of the wonderful restorative and healing qualities of prepara tions made from the East India Hemp, and the thought occurred that he might make u remedy for his child. He studied hard and eucceoded in realizing his wishes. His child was cured, and is now alive and well, lie has since administered the wonderful reme dy to thousands of sufferers in all parts of the world and he has never failed in making them completely healthy and happy. Wish ing to do as much good as possible, he will send to such of his afflicted fellow-beings as request it, this recipe, with full and ex plicit directions for making it np, and success fully nsir-g it. He requires eaoii applicant to inclose him one shilling—three cents to be returned as postage on ihe recipe, and the R remainder to be applied lo the payment I of this advertisement. Address # Dr. H. JAMES, No. 19 Grand Street, i Sept. 23.-lm ] Jersey City, N. J. * Full Slock of Fall Dry Goods. TfYRK & LANDELL, Fourth & Arch Sis., Philadelphia, respectfully request Cash Ruytrs to examine a fine stock of Seasonable Goods, adopted lo Best Pennsylvania Trade. Full l.ine of Fall Dress Goods. New designs of Fall Shawls. Good Black Silks of all widths. 4 Cases assorted French Merinoes. 7 " Poil de Chevrcs, New Goods. Britsh and American Dark Prints. Satinetls, Ca&simeres, Cloths & Vestings. Muslins, Linens, Flannels, Dlankuts, Btu. N. B.—Auction Bargains from New York a d this City daily received. Particular at tention given lo Country orders for desirable Goodg— Terms Nctt Cash. Sept. 1, 1857—3m05. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. THE subscriber oilers lor salo his farm in Orange township, Columbia 00., containing 336 ACRES, on which aro valuable improvements, com prising two sets of farm buildings, Two Dwelling Houses, | two barns snd other buildings, two apple orchard* and a variety of other fruit trees.— About 200 acres of the premises is cleared land in a good condition of improvement, and it lays along Fishingcreek, 1 mile above Orangeville, and only 7 miles from the county seal. The whole will be sold together, or in two divisions as purchasers may desire. For terms apply on the premises or direct o Orangeville, Columbia county to JOHN A^tRNBACH. Orange township, May sth, 1857. BLANKS! BLANKS! ! BLANKS!I DEEDS. SUMMONS, EXECUTIONS, SUBrtENAS. AND JUDGMENT NOTES, pe ofporr & desirable forms, fo sale at the ficef ofo the '"'tar of the North-" HATS AND CAPS on hand and for sale at the Arcade by May 27, 57. 'A. C. MENSCH. AJTIEKIIJIN suniiuLivnisT, Hard Tims si Hard Times t Enlarge ment — Enlargement. The Beet in the World — The cheapest in the World. Premiums to each subscriber—Every Farmer interested. BAKER'S AI.SO, every small plot owner. DOZEN. To meei the increased value of money consequent upon (he 'Hard Times,' the publisher of the Amer ican Agriculturist is happy to an nounce that lie has increased the pages of this staunch old Journal One Third, and doubled the in iriusio value. Each number will BAKER'S hereafter contain 32 doable quarto DOZEN, paaes, filled with plain, practical reliable information, of exceeding value to every one who cultivates a farm, a eardenj or but the small est plot of ground. Ladies each volume of the Agriculturist will contain hundreds of excellent prac tical hints upon overy department BAKER'S of in-door, or household work. DOZEN. Besides furnishing the largest amount of really useful informa tion, prepared by a groat nnmber of practical working men and wo men, the Agriculturist la uow the largest Journal of its character in the world, but owing to its im mense circulation it can still be afforded at One Dollar a year, or BAKER'S for eighty cents each to clubs ol DOZEN, ten or more. A BAKER'S DOZEN, or 14 months will be sent for the usual price of 12, to all subscribers for 1858, (Vol. XVII,) that is, all single or club subscribers for 1858, who subscribe now. will r&ceive the two very valuable numbers for BAKER'S November aud December, of this DOZEN, year, without extra charge. VAVUABLE SEED PREMIUMS TO EVERY SUBSCRIBER FOR 1858. A large list ol valuable Field, Garden and Flower seeds will be * presented to the subscribers for volume 7, from which every sub scriber will be allowed to choose BAKER'S three packages without charge I— DOZEN. The seeds will alone be worth the subscription price to many per 'Otis. Send in your names at onec and get the November number, now ready, and the succeeding numbers promptly upon the first ..'ay of each month, until the end of 1856. The best remedy for the "Hard BAKER'S Tit''es" will be to learn from tho DOZEN. Agriculturist the best modes of in creasing the products of your fields, gardens, orchard*, &c. Terms in advance—Hi a year, or 14 months now, 6 copies for $5. 10 copies for SB. ORANGE JUDD, Publisher, 189 Water Street, New York. P. S. To PBNNSYI.VANIANS —The I'ennsyl vanian Farm Journal has been merged into the American Agiiculiurtst, and the Agricul turist isnpw peculiarly the paper for Penn sylvania Farmers. November 11, 1857. AM. perpons knowing themselves indebted or having unsettled Lime accounts with the subscriber are hereby notified to call upon Solomon Neyhnrd, Esq , who can be found in his office every Saturday afternoon, and settle the same before the first of January next; for after which time nil uncollected ac counts will be placed in hands ol officers for collection. RICHARD TORBY. Oct. 31, 1857. ~ THE WITHERED lIE\IIT. BY T. S. ARTHUR. This is a large 12mo. volume, Price SI.OO, with a fino mezzotint engraving, and is oue of the most thrilling tales ever written by the author. It shows how a man may seem to the world all that is good and noble, and yet bo a tyrant in his lamily, and finally send his wife to a mad-house. We publish all Mr. Arthur's rtew books, also works of History, Biograpoy, Sea., for which wo want Agents in all parts of the U. S., to whom ihe largest commission will be paid, ulso on extra commission it: the way of gifts. J. VV. BRADLEY, 48 North Fourth St. Philadelphia, Pa. N. B.—Specimen copies sent by mail, free, on receipt of the price of the book. Oct. 27, 1857. "ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that lottersof ad ministration upon the estate of Stephen Sei pie, late of Centre township, Columbia co., deceased, have been grunted to the Register of Wills &c., of said county to the under signed residing at lflackcreek, Luzerne co. All persons indebted to the estate are re quested to make payment without delay; and those having accounts for settlement to present them to JAMES KESTER, Administrator. Blackcreek, Luzerne co., Oct. 23, '57. NOTICE 'pO the heirs and legal represent { L. is. atives ofYo6t Driesbach, latoof —-v- Roaringcreek township, in ihocouo ty of Columbia, deceased : You and each of you will take notice, that at a Court of Common I'leas, held at Blooms burg, for the county of Columbia, on the sth day of May, A. D. 1858, the petition of Na than Driesbach and Samuel Hauck waa pre sented to the said Court, representing that tho lands of the said petitioners, situate in the township of Roaringcreek, are now held in gage or pledge by two several mortgages, to wit: one mortgage in favor of Yost Dries bacli made and given by Samuel Hauck, da ted the 30th day of March, A. D. 1852 : one other mortgage in favor of Yost Driesbach aforesaid, made and given by Nathan Dries-1 bach, dated the 21st day of September, A. D. 1852; the|first of which mortgages is record ed in the office for the recording of deeds, Sic., in and for the county of Columbia, in Mortgage book No. 3, pages 793-4, and the second of which is recorded in the same book, pages 794-5; that said mortgages re main unsatisfied; and thaljlellers.'ol adminis tration on the estate of said Yost Driesbach have not been granted ; and praying the said Court to grant a role upon you to show cause by tbe first day of September Term of tbe said Court, A. D. 1857, why satisfaction of said mortgages should not be entered upon the record by the Recorder of Deeds, by tbe di rection of tbe said Court; which rule, at the said September Term rl said Court, was con tinued until the then following December Term of the said Court: There lore you are hereby required to appear on the first day of next December Term n[ said Court to answer the prayer of the petitioner in the case. Witness my hand at Bloomsbttrg, in the County of Columbia, this lOtb day of Octo ber, A. D. 1857. STEPHEN H. MILLER, Sheriff. COOPERING. THE subscriber announces that ha will carry on the COOPERINU BUSINESS at his brewery in Hopkinsville, where he will make BARRELS, TLBS, KEGS, nr. everything in tbal line of business. He will also repair work of all kinds, and will do il skillfully and at fair prices. CHARLES W. H ASSERT, Bloomsburg, June 2, 1867. DRUGS AJYD DP* HaWO'Za ® IXTOULD call Ihe attention of all those who wish lo buy good gooda in bii,% lh J he h £ w replenished his (already) large and well selected aaaortment of ihe Mowing srU cles, viz;— Drugs, Medicines, Oils, Paints, Varnishes, Glass, Dyestuffs, ConfeotiouarteS :Per fumery, fancy soaps and toilet articles generally; Cigars null,^ o^ eo epe'r fcn brand. Harrison's Inks wholesale and retail at the manufacturer's prices PURE WJhESAm, BRANDIES for medicinal use only. Trusses, Shoulder Braces and Abdominal Supporters, SURGICAL AND DENTAL INSTRUMENTS, Paint Varniab and Tooth Brushes; also agent for most of the popular Patent Medicines of the day ' Toys and an endless varieiy of useful and fancy notions not here enumerated. ciati's Prescriptions and Family Medicines put up carefully and at short notice. Glass Cutting done to order at the old stand. *•- "• GUI A. Bloomsburg, April 8, 1867. BOOK, CARD, AND FANCY ArnrtTTt THE PROPRIETOR OF THE "STAR OF THE NORTH," Having added to :he fixtures of the "STAR" Office good and extensive JOBBING MAT ERI n AL, is pre oared lo execute all kinds of JOB PRINTING in the ' ' best CITY STYLE, aud at shorl notice. Certificates of Slock anil Beposite, _ Constitutions for Societies, Bank Checks, l\omissory Notes, Rail Road and other Tickets, Catalogues, Paper Books, Bill-Heads, Check Rolls, Plain and Fancy Cards, ° Business and other Circulars, Posters Plain and in Colors. AND PRINTING OP ALL KINDS Can be Procured at the "Star" Job Office, AS PROMPTLY AND NEATLY PRINTED AS 111 THE CITY • The public are invited to call and see specimens, as we are determined tomerh patron age by strict attention to business and superior workmanship. New arrival of Spring and Summer Goods ! SXS®O2.L22aWiJ*, c£2s <3B<3L>* HAVE iust received and opened their stock of morchar.diz.e for Spring and Siimmersales, which comprises the LARGEST, CHEAPEST, and HANDSOMEST assortment now offered in this TOWN! Having paid great attention to Ihe selection of their entire stock, as to price and quality, they flatlet themselves that thoy can compete with the cheapest, and all those wishing to buy cheap, can save money by giving ua a call. We have all kinds of Goods and Waros to supply the wants of the People. A very large lot of LADIES DRESS GOODS, French mcrittoes, wool plaids, alpacas, bombazines, de Inttges, poplins, pnrametta cloths, mohair lustres, muslin de laines, Persian cloths, Ginghams, Calicoes, &c. WHITE GOODS OF ALL KIN ITS, Sieves. Collars, Spencers, handkerchiefs, flouncing*, bands and trimmings, laces and edgings, bonnet ribbonsjn large variety, vel vet ribbons, and braids, kid, cotton, and lisle thread alnves, mohair mitts, &c., All kinds of SHAWLS, brooke, Bay State, Waterville, black silk, cashmere, Embroder ed &c. Also a very large assortment of cloths, cassimers, sattinetts, vesting*, tweeds; iea'tts, beaver cloths, coating velvet, &o. BOOTS AND SHOES, OF ALL KINDS If SIZES FOR HEN WOMAN $■ CHILDREN We have a large assortment ol Hat* aud Caps of latest fashions. We have also Hard ware, Qtteensware, Cedarware, &c. Very cheap carpets, carpet bags, floor, table and car riage oil cloths, mats rugs, baskets, &e. Muslins flannols, tickings, diapers, towelings, drillings, Sec., in abundance. . . We invite our friends and the public generally to give us a call before purchasing else where. We have bought our goods at Lowest Cash Prices and will not be undersold by anybody, or the rest or mankind. Bloomsbnrg, April 15, 1857. New Arrival of Fall and Winter Goods. DAVID LCWENEERG INVITES attention to his stock of cheap and fttshionale clothing at his storron Mark?! street, two doors ab"ve the "American House," where he has A full assortment of men and boy's wearing apparel, including IFABisiIIOHABILIB MBESSS ©©ASPS* {jox, sack, frock, gum and oil clothcoats of all sorts and sizes, pantsof nil colors, shawls stripes and figure, vests, shirts,cravats, stocks, collars, handkerchiefs,gloves, suspenders and fancy articles. N. B. Ha will also make to order any article of clothing at very short notice and in the best manner. All his clothing is made to wear, and most of it is of home manufac-1 ture. . Bloomsburg, April 1, 1857. A. C.MENSCH AT TIIE ARCADE STAND HAS just received and opened a full and large assortment OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, which he will sell at the lowest living profit. His stock embraces atella, Ihibel and crape shawls, barege, barege delaines, tissues, lawns, debeges, crape orientals, alpaccas, &e SILKS.—A very handsome assortment of striped, plain, plaid and black silks, which he intends to sell at very reduced prices, EMBROIDERIES. An immense stock of embroiJeries, snch as embroidered handkerchiefs, collars, spen cers, sleeves, Swiss and jaconet edgings and j linens, cotton and thread laces, fiouncings and embroidered curtains. DOMESTICS —Muslins, drillings, tickings, checks, osnaburgs, baggings, ginghams, flan nels, table diaper and ready-made bags. Men and Boys' Wear. Cloths, cassimcres, vestings, jeans, cotton ades, denims, blue drillings, cotton plaids &c. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. A very large assortment of new style car pets, such as tapestry, Brussels three ply, in grain and Venetian oil cloths, of all widths. A large assortment of Ladies' & Childrons' Shoes, which he will sell very cheap. GROCERIES. (SSg* A lot of fresh sugars, molasses, TEAS, COFFEE, FISH, SPICES Bwl Sic. Also Hardware Queensware,®^® s # l22 ® Crockery and Woodenware. CST Flour and Feed always lor sale at tho lowest market pr'mes for cash. Bloomsburg, April 29, 1857. ~ EST RAY. ESTRAYED from tho subscriber at Camp bell & Worden's Powder Mills, in Centre township, Columbia co., on Monday the 14th of September last, a young UMPIBEr WHITE COW, with some btown spo's upon|W™Tflf her, and horns pointing down-ariiSilriv ,r I ward. Five dollars reward will be given for her recovery by tbe subscriber. ELIJAH SNYDER. 7, 1857. WHEATLEY'B ARCH St. THEATRE, ARCH STREET, ABOVE SIXTH, PHILADELPHIA. • Tbe Star Company, composed of the first Artistes in the world, and exceeding in strength and talent ony Dramatic combina tion heretofore offered to the Theatrical Pub lic, will appear every night in Comedy, Tra gedy, Serto-Comio Drama, Vaudevilles, Mu sical Bnrlettas, &c. &c. When visiting the city, go there. Philadelphia, Oct. 27, 1857. CHARLES STAHL, BOOK BINDER, baa located In Blooms burg, where be will bind books, period ical* and pamphlets in any desirable style and manner; and at reasonable prices. He will bind newspapers and magazines, plain, in library aiyle or in morocco ornamented. He baa his place of business in Hopkins* ville with Mr. F. Isler. 1 Btoomsburg, July 13, 1857. COLUMBUS MALL AND FEMALE <23 33D a Luzerne County, Pa. THE Trustoos of (his I itstitution respectfully announce, 'hot it wilt he opened for the reception of Pupils, of both sexes, on Monday, October 20th next, under the imtprdiste care of Prof. JAMES ANDERSON, ns Principal. Mr. A. is a gentleman of extensive acquire, merits, and enlarged experience as an educator, and lias bean connected with llio most popular "High School" of Bucks Co. for several years. Ho is also well and favorably known us a con tributor to gome of our leading educational peri odicals. THE COURSE OF INSTRUCTION Will eompiise Orthography, Definitions, Rend ing, Penmanship, Etymology, Geography, Eng. Grammar, Composition, Arithmetic Algebra. Geometry, Mensuration, Piano and Spherical Trigonometry, Surveying, Navigation, Astron. omy.&c. Book-Keeping, History, Physiology, Natural, Intellectual, and Moral Philosophy, tml Chemistry. Classes in the French, Spanish Latin Languages will bo formed as early as piactlca ble, and Instruction on Piano-Forte will be given if desired. WEEKLY LECTURES on tho Nntural Sciences, illustrated by appropriate apparatus will also l e #ivcn. SPECIAL ATTENTION will be paid to young Ladies and Gentlemen designing to qual ify themselves as Teachers, TERMS: FOUR, FIVE and SIX Dollars por Quarter in accordance with the studies pursued, payable one half in udvancc and tho balanco allhc close , of the Quarter. GOOD BOARD can bo had in the village at a moderate price. IY" Mr. A. will deliver an address on Physi cal, Intellectual and Moral education, on the day of commencement, when his method of imparting instruction will be illustrated, and the disciplino nd management of the chool, fully explained. | Patents, Guardians, and tho friends of educs tion generally, arc cordially invited to be pies ent. D. L. CHAPIN, I B. M. STEVENS, JOHNKOONS. N.D. STILES, SILAS UODSON, | JOHN VAPLE, THOMAS PEALER, Columbus, Sept, 4, 1956. Trustees . j NOTICE, Notice it hereby given to all persons inter ested. that the following accounts hare been filed in the l'roihoootary's office of Colum bia county, and wilt be presented to the Conrt of Common Pleas ol said county lor confirmation and allowance on Wednesday, the 9th day of Deoember, A. D. 1857. 1 The account of John R. Moyer Commit-' lee o( the person and estate of Peter Meiick, a lunatic of Scott township. 2 The account of Jonathan Risbei Com ' miuee of the person and estate of John Riah el, a lanatiQ, l*ie of Montour tQwpabip. 3 The aeoowil of John Snyder Committee of the person end estate of Alexander Kteker an habitual drunkard of Bloom IpwnaWp. JACOB KVERLY., Prothmoi'ry. ; TO MECHANICS, INFBNTOBf 4 MAN UFACTURERS. In announcing ihe THIRTEENTH annual volume jo the Scientific American. JhFPff- Ushers respectfully inlotm the publicwiat in order to increase and stimulate the formation LARS IN CASH PREMIUMS for the fifteen largest lists of subscribers sen' in by the Ist of January, 1858; said premi urns to be distributed as fotteawt For the largest list, 8300; 2d, $250; 3d, 8200; 4ih, $150; slh, S1C0; 6ib, S9O; Tth,Sßo 8 b, S7O; 9th, S6O; iOlh, SSO; 11th, S4O; 121b 835; 13ib, S3O: 14lh $25; 15lh. S2O. Names of subscribers can be sent in at dil ferent limes and from different Post Unices Tbeeash will be paid u#lhe orders of lh> successful competitors, immediately after tn Ist of January, 1858. Southern, Western and Canada money wil be taken for subacriptione. Canadian sub •cribers will please lo remit Twenly-sii cut extra on eucb year's subscription lo pre-pay postage. " Terms of Subscription—Two dollars a yea' One Dollar for 6ik moiiihs. Club Rates—Five copies, for six months 4 Five copies, for twelve months, $8; Tat „opies, for six months, $8; Ten copies fo twelve monilm, sls; Twenty copies, for 11 months, S2B. For all Clubs or Twenty end over, lb yearly subscription is only $1 40. The new volume will be priuted upon fini paper with new type. The cennrnl character of the Scientific Amer kan is .well known, and, as heretofore, it Wil lie chiefly Jevoted lo the promulgation ol information relating to the var'oua Meohani cal anil Chemical Arts, Manufactures, Agri culture, Patents, Inventions, Engineering M>ll Work, and all interests which the ligli of Piaciical Science is calculated lo advance It is issued weekly, in form for binding; r contains annually from 500 lo 600 finely ex ecutcd Engravings, and notices ol America' and European Improvements, together witl an Olficial List of American Patent Claim published weekly in advance of ail other pa pers. It is the aim of the Editors of the Scientific American to present all subjects discussed it lis columns iu a practical and popular form They will also endeavor lo maintain arandh fearlessness in combatingand exposing fl' theories and practice in Scientific and Me chanical matters, and thus preserve the char acler of llm Scientific American as a ruliabh Encyclopedia of Useful ami Entertaining Knowledge. Specimen copies will be sent gnlis lo any part of (ho country. MUNN&CO., Publishers and Patent Agents, No 128 FubctPSt, New York Sept. 1, 1357. T. kl.\(.Sl01(l) 4 SOX'S TURK OSWEGO STARCH (FOR THE LAUNDRY^ T-TAS established a greater celebrity thai ■" has ever been obtained by any olhe. Starch. This has been the result of its marked su periority iu quality, uud its invariable uni fortuity. The public may be assured of die continn snce ol the high standard now established. The production is over Twenty Tons daily and the demand bus extruded throughout tin whole of the United States, uud to foteigt countries. Working thus on a very large srale, am under a rigid system, they are able lo secun a perfect nud uniformity in thaqualily tnrongh out die year. This is the great Desideratun in Starch-making, uud is realized now fot the first time. The very best starch that.can be made,an, no other, is always wanted bv consumers, and while this will be supplied to them by die grocers, as soon as their customers have learned winch is the best, and ask for it— ■ otherwise they would be likely to gut tha article on which lite Urged profit can be made. Mr. Kingsford lias engaged in the manufacture of sturch continuously for die last 27 years, uud during Ihe whole of the period, the starch made under his supervis ion lias been, bev-oml any question, the best in the market. For the first 17 years, lie had die charge of the works ol Wm. Colgate & Co., at which period lie invented the process of tiie manufacture of corn starch. EST Ask for Kiugrford't Starch, as the name Oswego has recently been taken by another fac tory. T. KINGSFORD k SON'S OSWEGO CONN STARCH, (.For Puddings, fyc,) Has obtained an pqual celebrity with their Starch for the Laundry. This article is per tectly pure, and is, in every respect, equal lo die beet Bermuda Arrow-Root,-besides hav ing additional qualities which render it inval uable for the dessert. Potato Starch lias been extensively packed and 6old as Corn Starch, and has given false impressions to many, as lo the real merits ol our Com Starch. From its great delicacy and purity, it is | coming aho into extensive uso as a diet for iniants and invalids. E. N. KELLOGG k CO., Agents. 196 Fulton Street, N. Y. ALLEN & NKEDI ES, Agents, 23 South Wharves, I'hilad'a. Jniv 28. 1857—3 m. Farmers' Repot and Plaster 111 if Is 7 At the Junction of York Avenue and Callowhill Streets, PHILADELPHIA, WE offer a large slock of Chemical Ma nures and Fertilizers at low priees, uud war ranted to be genuine : among which will be found— -1,000 tons No. 1 Government Peruvian Guano. 1.000 tons Dcßerg's No. 1 Superphosphate ol Lure. The above standard articles are, each of their kind, the best in the world ! Our Land Plaster, manufactured from select alone, it celebrated throughout the Union (or its purity and strength. WE INVITE ORDERS FOR De Berg's No. 1 Super Phosphate of Lime. No. 1 Government Peruvian Guano. French's Improved Sup-phosphate ol Lime. 1 French's Philadelphia Poudretle. No. I Phosphate Guano (Phila. Co.'a.) Mexican G-iatu> (A.) Extra Lund Plaster, Ordinary Land Plaster Chemical Bane Pure bone dust. V Fish Guano, Ground Charcoal. 10.000 Parrels Land Plaster. 5,000 " Casting Plaster. 10.000 " Hydraulic Cement. 3,000 ' yVuc Woman Cement, 1,000 Portland (Eng.) Cement. ALSO, DENTISTS* PLASTER, STEREOTYPE ' GLASS MAKERS' '• GROUND STONE, WHITE MARBLE, BLUE Powdered Anthracite Caal, (in barrets.) do Bittusinoas Coal, do Ground Brown-Stone, do White Sand do Groond Bricki for Painters Chertpeal Bone dust. FRENCH, RICHARDS, & CO. Steagn MiUi and Farmers' At Junction of York Avenue, Crown and Callowhill Streets, Philadelphia. September B, 1857.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers