'1 ho Mormon War. A resolution is before the Tennessee Leg itdamrc, pledging the co-operation of th< State with the Executive of the Unitei States in suppressing the civil war existint in the Territory of Utah.' 1 There will be nt lack of aid to the Government in such t contest. Public sentiment is so strong against Mormon practices, and Mormor assumption and insolent defiance of the Government, that it will not take long ti raise a force sufficient to wipe the saints nu of existence, if the contest over comes t. blows. But Brighaui Vouug, with all in bravado, does not desire hostilities, If by burning baggage trains aud making a show of fight against a small force, he can stoj the nearer approach of tire Dnijpd. Statsi troops till spring, it is probably by that time the whole Mormon population will bo off bag aud baggage, to some oilier country lew likely to be invaded by the roving and rest less adventurers of this country. Mo com rnmiily like that ol the Mormons can exis lin any civilized community, it iius only grown up to its present monstrous propor lions by the iuditlerencc and contempt will which in its beastliness it bus hitherto legal ded. lis progress is inimical to virtue and its prelections dangerous and insulting tc liberty. Its power must bo broken, and its pernicious principles bo eradicated entirely from tlia hold it lias had socially upon si large a class ol its deluded followers.— Lai- WORTHY OK AM. I'IIAI-H.—We ask the at tention of our renders to the followiu -t item : A S'(u> Alovcinciil —A corrcspomleiii ol the i'roviilonct: Juuinal, writing Irom Dixon, Illinois, MI) s: "A move lias been made by die ladies of Pixosi, Illinois, bo me twenty ■of the daughieis ol llhode Island, now re.-. | ding here, have icsuh'td that until even 5 factory and calico i-l.iMitlitueat el their j native State is again in successful opera lion, they will neither purchase nor consume any fabric, unless of American uiatitiluo ] tare, and will gho preference to labor oil their native State. The sons ol Rhode lshniit, also residing here, have adopted . j similar resolution, and ten ol them w ill ap pear next wool; in new suits of bioadelotli, the materials of which were lur .ished by the lllio.le Island factories." Here is anV.xtunple worthy of uuivers.il, inlilntiou. If American ladies pos-essed in dependence and patriotism enough not only to resolve but carry into clleol n similar ic* olutiou everywhere, we should not export millions of specie every year lot ridiculous gew-gates. We should like to hear oneo nil a whole lite time that liter • was 00.l sense mill good t.iste etioe.-It in the tinted State to iuve.it an \nieri> ..u ia.-hiou, without se vilelv copying every otto ot them iioin I'.a l rope as we now do. IVAVKUS tew tiik. I'ims.- —t he tnliotn I new prayers ham 1 eon dinvted to be oiler I ed up m the Episcopal I'liurehes in t I Diocese, by Bishop I'ottci. and eonliaii.. I during the present iii-.i>iw.a-e. d.treuitj business alia i is. ' Oli most mighty God' km;..; > <g -a ...j Lord of lord , without whose cue tlu> j matt wakoth but in vain.wo inipl ,:. iah,..] our tiino of need.thv swooer ni..i Id. . behall of our rulers and tv.a-i-t ' ' '' ! all the people ot this lard Kemetulvf u -'j our many and great tr.m —o—t.' ! troitl n* the jedcmeats which we foe' f -j fear; and give us w,<donx to dl-cerv count!,' to nttontpt. n-i.t I nth' . -- to .' ! and paiioneo re endure win.:* rover - el la j WwH-pler.siOC lu rhx >•>:!. . that -ot'.e' c : ings may yield, the peaceable tre ; -of . V J oouaaesv and li nt last we may -v--.ee i thy salvation, throc i i u- .rl ■ Amend' 'O l/uxl. wo beseech thee, moivi ulb hear our prayers, n-.l spare at t ..-e !..•' S . . I eonfes: thc.r sin-eato . . mat-hey >oj ifn*iwtr bx sin are accused b* 1 v tner J citul pardon rtay be absolved, thivnv.l! I Christ Oar 1 -rd. A men " Fa<n K a . ST. I.jru. Oee ?.! -.t-VX' st meet.--: o'J Frxv Stale ivo- wa< i <d. leave worth I Kansas, on ths JtsMilt. | Resole; teas were adopted siir-i'ar rc. i l -. - j yiMftl a: a 'prevfcwM wretittf . • v j Utwro. sirti e 19th spets 'c wc-e' (MAfe by LFON F A wg> Ml flri p Hatch tod M.xore sod others. Mr Phi Vps advised the eppr- tic to r j ly atvi d l!.e To;vVa v.- i.rj AJ'owa Omit* of ha - > hbor.y A riiltrrr cennr. tot s eo.j 'err.. - • threugbowt the Terri-, -v A iewor to*hoDowtis-r*' s .-v cd] Laxrtooco. Nov id. M. w tin I o. WalkotJ hat dhe vox. id cs a -or . sc- , -i j the lo*isi.'-tare. -prwrxte i the rr r bor< vro-1 1 s-r-i * pledge cears- g '.o * wet IK* re info got c-ai V : sir.: • VT Abort forx re he cr-rr r eve.' we-fc "TP ffsyis of -tf r"v ;; Net Y t. ; for ;fr WR; or Trcs.'ry r. rrr. e e: . c • rf ti Mr. C C T-rrr. v I - vrws ah-.- twrr.r >ad by i rwptrr r' J; -t<. '-err thf Co.-—at rTTtrss res- wrtt'-s O! ai week, ir"-?■-< ar T: ■ • r>-| tarekt-T*. Anal pi-*-r- w. -R'-i. C r| Wlfitioy ar.ara -i e t - - ....- y ■.J MMtaInSKK cvi.-e- t-riT -E efts hoj Iglfowtati S W f* fri'f s".. r. I tor:; ~ ikr WFS. Too C.-..,R; sAift SERF] iWB a r - ®f>. Ps . oaraioo s- e jmrtert y hrpry at irs tnrserxr ojww [•ill h®of xp '.si t— vwil *• a ; .t. * i.p- j VF-- BFT F JFT-WIT W ASH —FT '-T-F V at. J >aaßpfo*'!Tiori dfTT-! -.Tr it f Crf s L CTW ■n.r.ribns-ir.sa.-':; to rnt .remed a hkwjoCA* i.Ptßf ir Pfdin.'.e'r.t.t. Sfctfctrr tbf "fnofi V>t C.r.r.>c-a tC WiiTßirjtrir. Nrrft Ca-rrfrrrr last f&bpT.■ e. *mstantV k.' W. fir % WTITI KLL. IKZMTV ;;NNJ IT. -" . 1 | SS at* isO' CUkr-u uevf lv fan aarr a-n opj—m D*n, W kitt to Star of tljit Nortl). H. W. W'EAVEK, EDITOR, lilootu.vbiiis, y\ ( ilntMlti) , L>t'c. u. 1857. WOM I ' Hi—l|M—if toPit niaait|ja'MW uw newvueaa . * tmmw.eofiSMe*wnrstiMm ■ *H ■'" Il*B.rwttWene ainr)rai ,rf artrzwh-u'*•*• " Wfi "yum jil** a MMMMPaai r. iwnvn MMSUJ " *• PIIXiMA '!.><•> Mkm.l imMiivdb.tM m*'n imK wra rDffMitNMbp Mi MuJW ■atuwit .fa 'ifJiMaii] M'dlf I wM.iiiii> Mrf ay ■Htiwi IIWXI ■ AM tvrsr n* Y[3SCB3M^W*ANR•• *->K:-I V- ■, ,AA.A I® WJ|IR"IW-T ***** \ lMt' • i—jaux . tw rem i®Afhff'*>' .ti-, •a* *? firf ruM wlitrffi>a<c-t#l''K' mm9no*~jn7 rrx U -* .**<• oka-h*/ -■*•*-* r h" iff* tit WMM jwm *- - rwsv-af - - -y --"m !** ! m eeewekfetr.. --v/H'H Mi srw.a®j;ol m -fat® - >fwa*®ii.®xWSTip'drrx-j rj o® cmV J*< ! a m- mrvmv 'wtj.*",}.* ■ m' >n nMfxaVtovMluMA nfcr ifx atMiVt.i Mttv* ■ I4W aw*] paaawt *rwmn oirv*r®ac. *■ ■yWiaHlliltKoh ros# KiftiWftn l w**nrww • a+idtanmms*.. a. •• %%mm ••*?■* ~ n..sv * *w~<m <tSM ® nt ri Nwawwa rKV-ez* fFtoxafite* cfa| a^t.vt fi jaj.rjj '** " <fc".>] . wis.) pa. i^jren *r*m >ajM W*V3 .r-f . J itras KmU -t xw*oi- 1 ITW •' 'sri-. --K0 ,",rf * 1 #tm lintlMi uaresi t ,a w< Wmang®CW r >^t , <ai pL CM{ H - ' "• 1 *• Vtvr •rf.a®s®rarv l oxi r&*m - ■ SKmoxt R.tti®ia*k .aw:t MUU afni.-) f.wtftm UaiMsM'.<®M®id TOM* rt VM. ■J m**m ->*x <. s irafrt a®t®w'oxre® i' *•• 'ixr Kiroi •*■*!> J TIL" H(* VV.W - KI * < gt* i+K'y I K 1 - Rita i'v IT j' Ktoxvci'M- " < N.a A. 'id- "t ■ •* :*• rt®- xrAwx'.X tl hvsw. , >&< - .cawwr ..vr fo, ; il,. lid.vi. ci"o. •. .ok. : •-#>" " xk-a^M jh®t®Mti®yW.aC< *ts n j ■atjiaJWlßW'tw kn-n I®A> uy * j. J' aat®®H-j® ,.r r# .rera4wrv f ao. *il j !■•> rxan **-.. w ' r-o.l BiC^S!MJ4h?^^2T. ,ra^ .*ri u P - L'.'TT I ™~ v ' l * ,s - ! ?; f f*-e"J iUtt ,.V ' ..<!.-..r-i* CO lj'w.. .K1 . .If#* " ' ix*.. .'ttrtj o x ,i :X 1 •* Jv-'*nrt. vn ws* Xy#*! jxtra< ■■! nwt>r *•* j M ""®-S?2?SV. lMa A. iof • yvi®' i I"*-.' rJWj:i;-fjtrj WariiMj||W9 4*i | wa M K af* .WL •".• * *vc*gt TMIH! • fc®lks I £|." h*.t ,■ Rtax 'itftt • M" • imOi i d iTJl'X^xl jnlH' auao. lM (iinm •■•V*t' M-l Cd.vwua-a >** • ' xx imw".> —■ •a -n a n0;< at®Mt' ***.- V®M M. tv®#. I K..h ai- •-Jk v .<x®i.i*-Mvtiva®rKt<k Kvx i HxTKJ—fciatj ws*®g . A ".1-n.ni' L* -x *. • i-i <.A<Bs<-awMi Nia-wMx uoaac®* i OMs-aata®® r*H l o.,wire.v'® ** *%M : n w®a-a*,twil ab iitaa-iixri. sViMhrdM art®. MOM m *•> N' tj L I I" IMH iiMrs .®iu*<-f 0 imi m*K -*> cr-v *' i .-x - x®ot s, •*'-' r' v- rwi ( doom-*' H®xx in* ae on pm# n; iaM®wrv''irA - iwrdaaavr Vnf* r m aioi uv . w ••**-1 > toMI Wrxway—>NWVi xs^%*,,.^ro.. ■ ®-' *w IXawifiif sFt.Bn*.'® . w l a"r ■ < NhM . *• ■< O bant wtacvavwvws S® bti .V -rv -O.r ® arwrax-w.- "• '"js. -V x.x r V*'. I r 7T.- " X "M I INMNMMMI MNi oso -*v* wv ■ jMMrtMH ISWfKIS .*. 1. ...t y - 'apSJ-H re v ' J ya x < .V -,VWJ 'ifox *>\xrsfc< cAa ' •<'*•* -.l' -V i a.'k Arw - s k AfW* I 1 Wl <N y i "f 9^" >-• *-ea • . ■ ; hmkT_ . ../.J:. L?#EKTJF 5i"F ;^ r T^T^j \ r * - ■ • ■ - c. -i I - Wr®' [' WMPN; m : m •>*•- %a< |t - -isr-kft " • ' . ■ : cm +•* • >-x go v®Noa a®rs*- (®W*W> . - AkKOb, tJUM***' v ; 4 * ** : i - r- -* w! .■ mm- - -vOPor V\ o ./* we-r> Mtaw >*■ ®i -x®e-®aa .®-o to V- vm *K.- c f A i - , - - v ,r® E i A-A j p ( wCsl®** ,-r i js<* ' .x,. •. - m*m<f - -®-® ho*®* w®.■ —- ®x - *?t wi 4®.-® ,r .w i -®a ®-.. -■ i®i ■m j j *-. * ♦ . • ■ - <:~r ; . E 1 . -ii .a ■ .. v- -■!—-] : ■ - - . . . u.- ss^wsr h| Dl EU: I In Bloonisburg, on Wednesday, tho sec lonil .lay of December, instant, IIXI BBN W. ■WKAVKR, K.-n , in the thirty-second year of ■)i is ago. ■ Mr. WKAVKB was born in the county of yßucks on tho sixth day of Docomber, 1825. HWliile yet young his parents with him ro- Hmoved to the county of Columbia. Reared Hand educated in the midst of this eomrauni- Hly, his political, social and business rela- Hliotts were all connected with it. lie rend Hlaw with Hon. Charles 11. Buckalow, and Hwns admitted to practice on the twentieth ■day of January, 1818, just after the removid | nf the seat Of justice from Danville to Blooms- K burg. In tho summer of 1848, upon the I resignation of Mr. Buckalexv, lie wns ap I pointed Deputy Attorney General forColum H j bin enmity, and discharged the duties of that! I ntiice creditably ami satisfactorily until by al I eliai go in the btutc Administration conse-1 I i|u.*ul upon tho death of Coventor Sliunk, a | mece-soi of opposite politics was selected *by Governor Johnson. In January, 1819 E die Nu- ol the Nnrlh was established, and Hlr. Nt tit lime he has been its constant c.li- Eior. I i the titittiinn of 1854, upon the resig inieien of liev J. K. Bradley, ho was ap pointed Superintendent of Common Schools in this County, and retained that position until the expiration of his term in Mayo! g tho present year. I l.i every capacity in which Mr. WRAVKKI we.- Is,n- lit bet.ire the public, lie cxliibit-1 y-d .pi.diiie.ition lot the proper discharge oil B ill tin-duties that weie thrown upon him j Bib- \ias trill,-iI with a clear, vigorous nn,l B i.-ute intellect—ho possessed the entire eon iiid. ace of the eemmtmity i t his piuily of HIM, ,no and l.is directness and integrity ot Bp-:r pose- tiii.l he pursued his aims with ti it.et eieram e that never lehtxetl and tin in- j Ida..;iy tiist never tired. Bern to tho pros- j Ip.-e! ot too inheritance of wealth, it Was ; i':i i ambition to no,pure independent post- 1 1.i0;,. and to be what lie most emphatically j Jbecame. a successful ami uselttl man. J I As the Editorof a political newspaper,his I |op',iiioiis were conscientiously entertained. I Jsiid boldly and frankly avow ed. lie looked 5 in pen every iptestion of public policy in theß It i - Mil which was shed upon it by the tried® Je d ptoved principles of his patty. No pa ■ Iper was ever less influenced by the settti Intent ol individuals, or the mere authority E Sot meat names, than the N.'.i rofthi Xorth.— G | I'lie few miing. fundamental principlesw hielil i nve been the ground work of republican! In. :i. n thvonghout till the history of popular® ■-i.t w en the tests which Mr. Wkax KIIP l .pplie.l to all the varied i-sties which. ditr-E 1 . editorial career, xvere siicces-it olyfi Ipi.'s.- ,d to the xot.-tso! the country lie® j i . ,-.• -i,,1,-nc.) in the judgment ami wisdemH I .',, masses of the people, lie felt, xvhatl fdl ll. en w 'no \v ill take the pains to ebsei ieS la.-d retik-ct w ill early learn, that "there is aM Iwisdoui -.a the o :ien e majorities ot men.M l.h.u pa.—cs all the undeisi.v,sling ol tuc-.i'K |p. .lose iv. ..d all the learning of nii-i.-B 1 . ..liar- -p." He k ,-w that our political! y. loin lest- upon tew plain tales adapted j! ■to Vie o np ohension t : plain men That® J . \to the caiotiii'c..:—that gOIMtUWnJ j \oail tho mvessiti. <o. the oommnnity -,-8 |.r. imp.- cc-,....t g-a.-.s o. pii!...ar| E \ n \ ,v - ; v > y* \ t . men ar# UDN> 8. •s , ■ .-w,ud> the destine oa ct ropnb l „ -.i;;—that restraints of dux * ■ ) tAif.tmiifiA with in livithisJ® Wt K l IJ J - jjj | * , ~ ,1 ~s T , r I ■■ V X , n ; y , \v K atV pol t'c.-d faith " \C- I j. upon ,0,, eppesod c-r i ij ' 1 s:. Mr. \N arts hcU a JVJ ]. ,'s xT'.iW.k" wbic;. woi:jxi ha\c ;r.fu:iv est neaswe O(HOCCSI Hi * c ... ,:v .u 1: liw ia<l heanh hi : . bjV. V.i :.i:v he won]xi have Nxwrrjo .. • nt •*.. .c ik'.G r. * | Wi ::k? r a ikitAnffratird o: irr.pvtf- I-. c, tendci.-cy Mr. Wu.u was a kiad ■ ; _... rr r. ... a pi.bue spiroei ciuzen. His, • mss c. c . s;o* iv and ethaujatng Ut-ot V 1..- ass>-;£ti< s were xnurdy ;r,c.se 5 —r-xr r.r.tr.r.'.'v est c.i his btiscoess j ec-.irris t-.i: ttsosr who fcrew him iTni s- :* v e irrtL est :c: him jee.ina? of h.;r. ■ . A-.: - !.s cosdac-; was nv.rji; evera- V ;..rc . ,f xr... t* j. sc.t ree e:' lire -- _ ti.. .je.T. ir t.-.s ;<revto r..-.-ra;s ta: jrij.r BiiiWei U .1 i f T:-r near y a ymt, iwtui : dm umh f" • . .sease was ars: ierek>ped bye.ipof- - :h. serf:'ties of the wirier v h'Je he ~ -'.g: Kif f -St g'-U-ik was r. i? .* ru.-MT,- t'T. 2-i-f- Sinee thai ume., - it r -sued iris arrnnnmod arorauoiifi S Tit;: -.he .as: few weeks -Lesring J- .. ir ;.e r ecu.-, or Br.penonned, be isrcfi . ar. sgamfi-. Jia; entlßT xprbosf xriaotT is vrxy> ■ ere aiic itrCAiuc.. af oil XOOL. must |.ocoiue gjf hour whieii JVoTiaenne fS®3 5 ■ tu..- the y-rer a: '"'.r fnemjr K last. At f ..s -_;njr ;>: I'u >a:£., bf- was t roMtberr of .'• Method-is Church, cx,d drplociar>leto the i-XiL distressing tr tir ir.ru i ; y a I fLat luuir. be w :: it curse 'jug u> tnew o: b reksonaiue- rebpouf tnd hn'j- DEATH of REUBEN H. WEAVER, Esq. At a meeting of the mombers of the Bar of the county of Columbia convened at the office of Robert F. Clark, Ear]., in Blooms burg, December Qth, 1857: Hon. Warren J. Woodward, was appoint ed President, and Wm. G. Hurley, Esq., Secretary. Tiro President having slated tho object Of the meeting, on motion, Robert F. Clark, Jo|)n G. Freezo, ami Wesley Wirt were ap pointed a Committee to draft resolutions, who reported tho following, which were unanimously adopted: Whereas: It has pleased an All-wise Prov idence to remove trom our midst our lamen ted friend and .brother, Reuben W. Wea ver. Esq. Therefore; Resolved: That whi to we bow with hum blensubmisslon to tho will of Him "who doeth all things well", we deem it duo to tho virtues mid memory of our deceased friend to record our unfeigned sorrow at his death. Resolved: That the Bar of Columbia coun ty lias lost a member of ability, learning, and integrity; the community acili/.en, wise, trustworthy, mid manly; his own immediate circle, a friend, earnest, discreet, generous, and faithful. ! Resolved: That the nfllletpd family of the jj deceased have our wameat sympathy in j this distressing dispensation, which lias car ried down to tho tenth, at tho tall vigor o| manhood, the support, protector find guide of the wife: the hope, the only ami well-be loved son ol the parents. Resolved: That the President ol this meet- 8 ing be directed to furtish the widow and j parents of lite deceased a copy el the lore- j 'going proceedings, and tlint the same bet | [published in the papers in the county of I Columbia. f W. .1 WOODWAFD, i'tes'l I [ W. G. 11l RI.F.Y. .Vii } l iiiieial el en VVin b. Tim ceremonies attendant tuputt the rcmo J vtil of the remains ef General Worth to thejj lotnb prepared for them, nnder the monn-M incut in eontse of ercetioa to hi- rnmnery, 'B| die junction ef Btoadwav and lilth urea tie,® Madison Square, took place m VSw Nork or.ff Wednesday. The military, masonic, nttdfj civic display was most imporhg, and Was® witnessed by thousands of persons, who eoii-P -.regaled along the line cl lis precession.Bj notwithstanding the severity of cold. 1 he® mineral services at tho monument were per B formed by Rev. Dr. Vinteu.of rtitiitv Church® aw interesting masonic ceremony followed pd and Mayor Wood delivered an address, I'fl was seme time after dark befete the cetemo-B nies were eonelnded. j Below his name on the coffin were plecedß the square and compass, denoting tho Geucr-B id's connection with the Masonic order, r'klb h's position as that of Past Grand M.,'tciB An exchange states the following most disre-B 'potable incident: I Doting the obsequies el General Worth.fl !*nd wbi'e the mihtaty were about to take upfl the line of march to the monument, Gover-B nor King vrivs.l at the hall, and all furtherH movements w ere suspended tot at least tweß hems and a half. Ho was persuaded teH ice Vis order* that the troops should givoji !:.m the hener of a review before burying asj ere This empty eertnetw, well t itsvvav. bnl ill-dtned and impertinent at a-E funeral, was the catixjt at all the deixiige.gj Irr-,—t ard de'av wliidh occur red. Ten thou s.v;.d troops, seme ef whith were from ether States, and mvriads el spectators, were thus kept standing two and a half mortal hoot* j-n the rht'.lir.g blast. I least Letters—"l tuir Content*' | Every Pe*;.*>tat, a quarter, mums i. . e letters I, r \\i ret. e can find no clai .main, to the eopautuw. at U ashir.gton. A jcen:'.,tenti.l clerk break- the sal ot all these j :ope s them Vat ■ ees no', toad a lute. He - .\ aseenai..- it . .ere is any thing in ;.;.em. it there is eel, 'care without inr i-er tre . o paeke. aw \ let burning, and j -v.'Vy tr -i- an oven prepared ' -r .- ese, se fat ...-sliieg shall escape I; tew ever, litere i- ai i sum of money, cr |. rv valuables, hewers- trifling, 'ha letters ' ' e sr.te-.'s a*o bar,. .1 ver to another elerk. >v!,-, v.-'r examir.es he r.amc and addtess. , r. encloses the alee bark lathe wri er. The res: of the iene-s is forbidden to be -cad. !. the w: tor ea-nv; be letrnd. the let e: - e.trcbr'l preset! vl, with its contents. \sri--. unit'.! every , har.ee or its being re claimed has died away. Pari •* :! e> last St? 5 was re . eve, --. about S COP etlers rat the dead I*l - eff.ee Net . e ?N"'DO? a \ car u gen ie tl its receive.! ir about 10,000 letters ! - sheet art average ef $5 a teiser. Of this, i - err Sen'red that nine-tenth* am returned ve the sender The wbe> 5* WK> -mrmasters' a.vonms 'or t-.e lest quart r ha eVsa received. tra --fr-t septra'ed. iea-- 'ewe* bills comparer!, s-d ba'i'css teewded. • lawrstntof labe.i a-i .eg roe of er .ted. or reldom a itoessea . the General Po-'Offioe Trtt C siumis f >*jrs—The banks of Can ada and et the a.hvirtej Rriiisd, Provinces, J rot acspend ppeeief'svwiert dering the -eeer.t crisis. The direr.ocs of the Hanks met. consulted and esoirej not to suspend ni.-teas undera '-ror " d in the meantime :: fortnr ibenrselre with goH Irom Europe. Trsere was r.o ruw. ixlWte demand tor spe cie. b> biH VsT.-%e-r end ority en the rt.rt ft a few bcrke-- ir. ttr S auss, who rot eeifd tno rnt ir . Is for redemption. An rrpoTta-,nn of soi - -erjis to the atr.oor.l o ifbt-uOB. far rbar cocntfrbalanaad T'SS drt r ttd pli J the Psrv"<Tw"tl Ba-kt rfida-se.r Tb- ; fcave tberefore, contia ?ref tr per soeeie tfcooi' the ensvs. ars, -'f'trtwrn oorsfidenc- aresd he pauir— Lmitr , .Vcies. ! F.w-vo Tts *t t Pa—l Trey- of tie Drrn flsrEto En., t tig*! tmd a: Sei oire. Crtuo. WBaL? as folk ws -if a Repntfiicar icoera an Jtif Atnra.- EfSf -.z -Tu'. if fiac-e t>• . igrai t ines omwzt tn Tc wanCa. Fe: usti ia. Tae -ascm-:>ers nace teeii -depeetnf the rethair.f of iaarv Wareeor Tat -aßit.aiac are saad to same iorrtcc iseaaafti cms in frem- Taer yeited Aim away m a houe akbie bib, ana T'taree a rawer ra? error tae soar, npai - Hero ires our Itvwv, cemi as a nau Vol dew dfcsi auliod in aicMOb iij He wxituid no: iaz jigac staj mix St. he loot lur. \pi V. stay iu: he.^ Iceairtn. The Thirty-fifth Congress assembled at Washington on last Monday and organized. In the Senate, in the absence of Vice l'ros ident Breckinridge, the Hon. Bonj Fitzpat rick of Alabama, was chosen President pro I cm. lion. J. L. Orr, of South Carolina, was elected Speaker of the House, and ,T. C. Al len, of Illinois, Clerk. The President's Message was delivered to day (Tuesday). We shall publish it entire in the next mint Iter of tho Star. A synopsis of tho first day's Congressional proceedings eatt bo seen in another column of this paper.* CP" We observe in the appointments made by tho Canal board, that our towusmay, Hiram W. Brown, has received the appoint ment as Woighntaster of Piltston. The ap pointment is a fit one, and Mr. Brown is capable of discharging the duties with lidel ity. IT?" The Inauguration of Gov. Packer will! take plaee in Hnrrisburg, on tho second! Tuesday in January next. Arrangements! !are being made for a grand military parade! on the occasion. ty William Donaldson, Esq., has lieenl elected President of the Anthracite Bank ofl t'anuiqna, in the place of Richard Carter,! Esq., deceased. Murk Got.n.—There was another regular !"liood" of the yellow stull into this country Blast week Tho steamer Fulton landed with |-t?00 .000 in specie from England. The Pan jfel Webster has arrived ot New Orleans, jjfrotn Havana, with 5500.000 specie. The sNorthern l.ight has also arrived from Aspin 3\\ all, Havana, ft?, 000.000 of gold—ittdepen udent of what is brought by the passengers, land net made note of in the manifest. 1 Here we observe is rut importation of over! 700.000. It matter should continue thus,! It lie trouble will be to knew what to do wttliß all the gold! try William Williams was convicted forja the murder of Daniel Hendricks, in Danphing county, last week, lie is a young man 018 about ?8 years, and is married far the roe B mid time. His father is blind, and fools (bi H awful situation of his son. fl J fy The next l.egislatnre of '.his State willH be strongly urged to prohibit the circulations of Batik notes ot a less denoniinniien than! ton dollars. Soma very prominent gotulo-1 ! mon ate in favor ot cany ing np tho limit to! f?5. so that paper as a citiroaey shall not i t ! | icrlero with the troe circulation ol the high-! est ilcnominntion el coin. Tliero ts much! reason in iavot of ??"> notes as tho lowest! donemination ol bank bil 1 * \ " g IT Tito New \ ork Times mentions the 111 Bowing tact as evidence that there is tte-. I i i jipti.o so much desporau distress m that ei ) Bus sonto imagine: B ''There was an application last week for a Hvverrtan to go into the country and live en o C'tr'al! farm, where she would be paid five 1.1 oil us a month, st .l t was three days before Doiy r.ia eoi.lj be lon ad among all itie mut: Itttdo e! unemployed laborers who was will ling to accept the odor. 1 ' S CT* I is assertrsi in diplomatic circle* that illo- J. CHaney Jones, of cur State, is likely B'e succeed Mr. Dallas at the Court of St. e.'anies. When Mr. Buchanan returned from ■that mission he recmntnended M, . Jones to ■the late President as his own successor Mr. Hones is a true Democrat. IPs appointment pwould be a popular cue, lAn Inhunsc Ritni'i —It is sitimtisd Bthat the aggregate amount ol revenue deri ■ ved trom tobacco, almost wholly ot Ameri | can growth, t-v the government* cf Great i ßritain and France, to whom Uis a groai monopoly, for 1557, which is abnnt atj sver ace year, would reach the sum of Ssß,3i7i\- OSO, of which $?-1.000 000 would l*c for France, and t?4 ?7b 080 for tires: Britain. Rsvssr T*\ior was msrricsi in Gotha, baxonv, to Miss Hu*en, of Gotba. on the i7:h tVtnber. Mr. T.. passes the winter |iviih h s bride at Miiseow, where she ha* ne jlatives residing. He is to come back to SAmerica next autumn, and Willis anaounc** jjlhat be has "already wntien to ela m for lldlewilil the htmeymoon of his return. r I Cy Last Monday re.ecittig of the crsdi |icrs cl the Maotout Irou Compaoj was to Shave been heid in Pttilaneipoia for the pur- Ilpose of dvrormiuing whether they would IgTani said octnpany an extension. We have (heard nothing official in regard to ihe miner llloiavcrabk roruots are nie.—lkin\ie Jure#-' JagflKfr. I Mrs, K a widow iady of Greensbutgj I has recovered a verdict against the Penttsyf raoia Railroad Company ef f I.SS6. for inju ries received about three years ago in get ting off the accommodation train at that place. The Pi'tsbrrg Gazette srvtes that Mr. Tie rra-r.. Mryereler- cf New York, was form leriv a reside:' of Tinsbcrg. sm! was engager; lir tf* manofc'ue of red and w fcite lead, in j;he rs-'tbiiehToe!.: c-f Mr. Pur.e:, 1 I -No AmKxmiG pos Txsrx —A Yankee Iwho bad isst come tram Fiorenrc. beins |aslced waal he bad seen and admired, and I another be was rvor : -n rapiorv with the Ve aus tie Medici, repued. -Weil, te teli the tngh, 1 dand care about those sto-.e gais." Ti i DtscorrasTO Fxuica.—l.oreczs Dow once w->d of a grasping, arsrieioa* fa r aier. thai r he had the whoie world enclosed is t os: a pact of groan i a- the oatsi-Jt for pota law. E?" It i* said that a cerate iasbiorjable la cj ir, P: uadelp'nia, the wife of a promisee aievchatit, bad ti ei'k la lie band a :>ei mantca-makera the day her Lcthanf GT Col fact bm incited to Liver .be muuoai ad drees before rbe Geograpb i®. and ?li*ical Saeiety -of !Se Yizlr. Ulack-KepnbUcnii Hypofi The Washington Union *ay with trot| that the inost arrant hypoorillo 10 bofqund it ilia Black Republican, who pr*teucl to be horrified bocaoso the wholo of Kansas con sti'urton is not submitted to Uto people of tire Territory for ratification or rejection. This sumo Block Republican was, and is, the ad vocate of the Topcka constitution, that was uiailo by a body of irresponsible fanatics, vvtio assembled in open, defiance of tbo laws of the Territory, usurped the power to sit at a constitutional chnvemlon in open hostility 110 the lcrrul authorities of the Territory, re fused to submit any pordnh in the people fot ratification or rejection, but sen! It to Con- Kress, and there insis'ad that it was the true and legitimate oeusii tut ion of Kansas. Jin hypocrite now pretends to bo shocked tits l the letialiy constituted convention ol Kansar has failed to submit any other than the slave ry clause fin the judgment of iho people.— Such bwaen-taced eliioutety and shameless hypocrisy deserve trt bo scouted and despis ed by all Hue national men Appointments by the I'll oil I t-omnilsalon cra. lIAKKI*IU.'hc, Dec., C.—The following ap pointnients by Canal Commissioners were made to day CoHeolor*— IV H. Neimsrt, ol Hasten; C. S Palmer, cf Now hope; J.Swin toi.l, ol Northumberland; J- Phut, of Wil liunisporl; J. H. Deis, ol Diiiisbnrj ; and L. 11. I.uts, ol PiUsmn. Welghfnasters —J S.Taylor, ol Northumberland ; (Ten. Man liar-lt, of Beach Haven | Hiram W. Brown, of Pitfston ; and 11. S. Bacon of Bench lla vrn. Tins following additional appointment* were made this afternoon by the Canal Board; Cargo Inspector—J. B. Docker, Bristol Weigh master* —Wm Able, b.asloo ; \\ • Olmsicud, assistant do AVashtngion Ailalrs. WAMIINOPOS, Dee., 4.—Tbo Constitution framed by the recent Kansas Convention, is warmly npptovedby Sonator Btgler,of Pettn syivania, and other prominent Democrats. Although Senator Doughs has expressed himself freely nsainst the l.eoompton move ment, thrt opinion is current that lie will not place himself in direct antagonism to the Administration. The appearances ate, that the House will eiTect an organization en Monday without trouble. Tw contest is particularly warm tor the posts ol l\t Master, Doorkeeper and Pi inter. It is now definitely ttitdersfpod that printed copies of the President's Message will be I sent in advance to the cities of Philadelphia and New Yotk, if no further. Cor-RCKTOK ON TUB BANKS—The Hon .Phos. 11. Benton is out in along letter in the H.V on.:.' f.iW/igrnrvti, on what used to be ■his favorite subjects. Banks and the Curren ■e.y. and advocates "a stamp duty on paper ■currency, and a bankrupt law against bank ■itipt banks." He concludes u follows: E "Tlteta is not a monarch in Europe, who] ■would treat his subjects, ot suilet them to be] Mireatod, m the people ol the Foiled State* srd ■treated by the bata parrs ol tlteir o n Unb.. land She indulgent Legislatures, which legal ■ize their violations of law. promises, and ■contract*.. Tin) issue of currency and iisreg ■tilaitou, is an attribute of sovereignty, and ■ovetywlvese is exercised by the sovereign ■ power, except in the United States. Here, lialso. it was intended to be an attribute ol yjsuveroignty, and was placed in tbo hands ol i metes-, anil r'twr,'. i 'o I'u issn t of g&'.i nr../ err, UNii Ihi regulation .7 its tv/tts Fot out stent government was formed by hard v.ey men, who had srou and lei: the disas ter a:id demctsii xnigeiicct of paper money, d were anxious to s.,ve thgir posterity from ch cahimtiies as they had fullered. They d their part to save us. Shall we bo lalse ourselves and to them." Ttic KANSAS bT.trR CoNSTtrrrtoN is warm and l.eattily approved by all the Democratic, urn*!* at Washington, and nimeen-twen ?ib.s ol the members of Congress- The ■it says "It will be universally hailed from ;e etui of the 'and 10 fhe other as the mod- Stata Constitution of the Confederacy," :d bm for i's extreme Democracy, nnd'va vns land speculations, no sane man could sject to it. It fixes the seat of government I.comp:on, and for this reason is nnac 9table to a t influential body of land *pec stors at I-awrcnce. and to the contributor* i the Tui.il* clthe New England Aid Society, hose fortune depends upon the growth ol opeka These facts, however, are artfully vncealed, and Ihe Dsiflocaiie party of the rootty is to be upturned and torn asunder i promote these schemes of plander. FramvK Stive* t* LONDON.—Two quad men girls, about fS and 10 years old, wet? rseemly ames'ed in London for begging it the streets. They said they wets fugitives fro-n Kentucky, and that their pawege was pa.J from America to KogtamJ by some be nevolent persons in i'mMelphia; also thai >hey bad endeavored to gain sobs.s'ence ai domestic spirants, but found it impossible ir England, on account of their color. They expressed themselves willing to work for a livelihood if tbey cocld find employment. The magistrate told them that begging wa; prohibited in London, but, believing in the uc.th of their statements, be gave them fcut shillings to purchase implements for knitting "■4.JTCS, w Licit they sakl they understood "Banc sent them away with sumo kind words a A bard chance ior those poor quadroon girls lutue is that great city. ■ IV kit 7car Scats oaf —There is a small vol ume contained in the following paragraph about :ne writtea sermons: Tne Congregational Jfer.ild, quotes from a: eictacgr an account of Re*. Dr Davis, wfcc bad been anncunced to preach, but said tt the congregation, that, by so oversight cfthi baggage tsaater. his carpet-bag had beet) on and torn' some one else n.i* therefore preaef ie bis Mead. The HrreJd saye: ' Imagine i'aof. Maodicg on Mars Hik, t Atben*, be fore as amembty of seen. ccr.ici&ing Creak*, Md eayiag, Ye aeen of Atheoe, I penin AM >o all*hrogi y am too pent*inos, cad 1 wall argue the qaw-as with yen as sow at sy earpewbki msmm from beraa 1 '1 he Time*. WH hear (torn nil quarters that the time* are imptnvhig. Stock—those indices of thd financi it | IIIHP— • Itich eie tlepteesed by the panic tolhtjjpwesi ppssitd* figure, have again Htti up to Itenrly what tltcy were before tbo crii.3 Hold from abroad bat been pour ing in upon its, mid we are importing limb ing to dffith the specie from u*. Coin that bid it-el/in dark cornets at the (net sound of alitnn, i* coming out Irom the place* of con cealment to empty itself once mora into the channel* of trade. Manufacturer* are taking heart and Marling their hammer* and loom* again, and operative* find emplnymflnt at a ime when they thought they saw tho dread ful necessity nltnoet upon.them. Tho liank* of New York now fold in their coffer* 521,- 3012,1 -IA in specie, more than double what they held on the first of Tecembm ISho and the first of IVocmbet IPStt ; while at the *amn time their loan* and circulation hare largely decreased. Capitalia't are embarras sed to know how to ir.vost their money, hav ing lo*t confidence in many oi the securities that used to be ranked at first cla**. Tho •utic can*p* that have operated to till tho New York Hank* with speeic, will relieve the Hank* of tin* State from tho droaJed scarcity of the precious metal*, and enable them to resume specie payment* a! the time fited by the suspension act. Hn every hand the signs of a '"belter time a coming'' ore manifest. In material wealth the coonlty i* now better ol] (hart it was bo tore toe difficulty, and when a healthy tone of public confidence r* again restored, and out banking system i* placed upon a new and more secure basis, wa will be enabled to look back upon these financial difficulties, and regard them a* a purifying alarm which broke off the dead and rotten branches cling ing like dead weight* to the living tree.— //.irrtVnrg f'nr.-n lYwiiniiso AFFAIR IN HOSTON—A a AMO KOF* TKNTIST. —The liostnn I'oat, of Salnr lav, ha* this account of * little transaction in hat city : "Quite a bustle was created in the viritli y el Norfolk place, upon VYashiugton street, ihottly after 6 o'clock yesterday afternoon, by one ol thoso exciting little inotdvuts ahieh belonging to a class that ha* not Con t(bated to die local departments of the pyeo tot a long while. It appear* Irom the state menl ot the parties seeking routes* through die cowhide, thai on Thnrsdey&nonting, Mi*. S. Tv Jeller* visited a demist f*om Haftgor. named K Osgood, at his ptesenl residence. No. I;' l.a (irange place, for the purpose ot iibiaiiiing a new tooth. The dentist said he had no paste ot the right color, hut soon would have, promising to wait upon her at her residence. Yesterday forenoon, ha a#- cordingly visited Mrs. .letter*, and while there, a* ho slates, placed hi* aim around her wait and endeavored to kiss her. She obliged him to leave tho house immediately When Mr. .tellers canto homo at no.' >, ho soggesvd to lii< wile that she should go to the (leftist's and have Iter tooth auetided to. Mr*. J declared that she would not go with out him. at.d u,:on his inquiring the reason, she told the occurrence of tho loienoou. The indignant husband then wr-u o note to Mr Osgood, requesting hi* professional attend ance at a house in Norfolk place, at a speci fied time yesterday afternoon, and the ip poitument t-eing kept, a cowhiding was the result—the atlair tok it g place immediately in front of the store ot KnubaSi, Kelt & Went worth. T:ie la-h was laid on without mercy, and the dentist had received scrotal vary se vere cuts upon In* tsca before a police ofll cor inlotferrod and took him to the station house. Jetfisr* subsco t ueni|y gave himself up, ptepated to answer at - y complaint; but none wis proi red, and both were dis charged. Mr. Osgood stcuily denies the charges made against him. He is about 36 years of age, and the other parties about ST" FRFK I.oviy.s AKRXSTCC —Wo learn fiom the Sandusky ''Ohio" Register that on Mon day a descent was made on the "Free Love'-'l .establishment a; Hetlio, Kne comity, and 1£ S. Tjrlei, A. W. Smith, Maty Dame, Mary 1 Lewis, Supfcrattia Tower*. Thomas Homer, land 1 he mas U tight were brought bqjoie the mayor ol Sandusky on the charge oi adulie jty pr<lerred against thetn. The Register says: Tl.e men wore ali respectably dressed, wore neavy moustaches, whisker a and long ihair. Oi the woman, three in number, two vvete dressed in Hloomer costume, the other in nrdtnaty long skirts. Thev all wore their hair in long curls, and with the exception ol Mrs Alary I si wis, looked cheerful and oven debar t The history of Mrs. Lewis is a $aJ icr.e. bhe M the w tie of Air. Harlow Lewis, of bkeneateles, N Y., a gentleman oi high Ire special-dity, is iony-two years oi age, and the tnotbei of thtca children, the youngest ot whom, a little fellow of five years, accompa nied her t-sfcro the court. She was induced, it appears, to leave her home and join the Free Love Association. The mayor has not yet disposed of the case. New WAT TO CCT RIE or a BBF. —On Thursday morning last as a small girl was on her way to school, in Philadelphia, she wa met by a genteely dressed young man, who stopped her ac.l enquired where she was goirg. She replied to school, when the young mis asked the name of the mistress. On being reformed he requested the li'.sie girl to convoy a hurdle to ber, at the same time cautioning her to carry it very caiefolly, as she might break it.—She took the bundle and carried it with great care to her teacher, who, upon opening it, found a white child apparently abost f our days old. The little one was properly taken cte oi. AowtTTEm—W*i. Bird, was tried last week at Wilhsvocport, for kitting Samuel Hill, do ing a figtn two week* ago. in Brady town ship, (not Chn en township, at stated io out ococcut of the affair) ttiia county, and oe quitted, the evidence going to abow that the act war com mated in self defence-*#/*!*-!, AMBMSJP k/ - Dr. W iiam A. bantu, of t'*&'■ til eo. b* been appointed by lb* Tresidsui Jtispfr tor oi Drug* at the port ot Tbiladelpf ia.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers