TO MECHANICS, INVENTORS & UAN IIFACTFRERS. In anoooncing the THIRTEENTH annual Tolumejothe Scientific dmencan, (ho pub lisher, reifieclfully intoim ibe public thai in order to increase and nlimulate the lormation of club*, ihey pronoun lo offer ONE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED POL LARS IN CASH PREMIUMS for (lie fifteen large,! liela of ftubecriber* p-nl in by Ibe lel of January, 1858; said premi um* to be distributed a* billows: For the largest list, £300; 2d, £250; 3d, 8200; 4th, £150: slh, £100; 6th, £9O; 7ih,880; B*.h, £7O; 9th, #6O; 10th, £SO; 1 111), £4O; 12th, £36: 13 b, £3O; 14lli. £25; 15th. £2O. Name* of ftubscriberscnn be'ftcnl in nl dif ferent limes and fiotn diflerpiii Post Ollices. The cash will be paid to the orders ol tlie succesftful rnmpetitors, itnmediaiely alter Ibe I*l of January, 1858. Southern, Western und Canada money will be taken lur subscriptions. Canadian sub scribers will please lo rornil Twenty-six ets. extra on each year's subscription tu pre-pay postage. Torms of Subseription—Two dollars a )enr or One Dollar lor six tnonllrs. Club Rales—Five copies, lor six months, £4; Five copies, lor twelve months, S8; Ten copies, for six months, £8; Ten copies lor twelve months, 815; Twenty copies, lor 12 months, £2B. For sII Clubs of Twenty and over, the yearly subscription is only £l 40. Tho new volume w ill be printed upon line paper with new type. The Koneral character of the Scientific Amer ican is well known, and, a* heieuiliue, it will he chiefly devoted lo tho protnnlcalioii of information relating to the vaUous Mechani cal and Chemical Arts, Manufactures, Ayri enhurn, Patents, Inventions, Enyinonriinr, Mill Work, and all interests which llio light of Practical Science is calculated to advance. It IN issued weekly, in Inrm for tdnditic; it contains anoealiy Iroin Mm to 6<K> finely ex ecuted Engravings, ami nonces ol American nnd European Improvement!., lopoiher with nil Official Lisl of American l'atenl Claims published weekly in advance ol all other pa per*. Il is the aim of tlie Editors of the Scientific American to present all subjects discussed in nt columns in a practical and papular loim They will also endeavor to in.rotam a candid fearlessness in conibatm-r and exposing faUe theories ami practice in Beier.tifio and Mo vlruiliciil manors, unit thus preserve tin* char actor of llio Bcieublio American as a reliable Encyclopedia ol U.clul and Kiiietwtiuiny Knowlndyo. Spci'imon copies will ho sent pritis to any part of tire country MI NN A CO , I'libllsliers aini Uaietn Ajjcots, No 128 Fiihi ii St, New Imk Sept. I, 1857. T. KIM.M ORl) .V SON'S IT'lt I STARCH, (I t'll THE LAUNDRY ) I | AS csiublisliod a yrenter celebrity than ' lias ever been obtained by any otlrei Starch. This lias been the result ol it* marked su periority in rjiialii) , and i.s nuaiiuble uiii tin roily, 'Tlie public mav l c asured ot the continu ance ol the lr Mi siai.datd now r-ial fished. The production is oyer Twenty l oos daili. and the ilcmaml Iras CMITIIIITI ihroujilioui the whole ol lire United States, and to loreijjr. coonUies. Woikiny thus ort n very lanie -rale, a id llinlcr a nyd system, tficy ate able to seeure a (rerl'ect *nd un rforiniii m ihc .preiny iv.iOlio!l -out the') car. Tins is the I'esi.lct.iu.ii id Starch making, ami is teal ~e,l now I, r the first time. The very bent s'aicli tl at call be made.and no otker, is always waited lv ccn-omcrs. and wlole tfiisw.d be suppi d lo litem li the uroccrs. as soon a* itieir .-c-temers lia.e limine,l which is llie best, a ,1 a-l. ler it— Otherwise they woivt.l be like i t ' y.'l thai nrticle on which the ptelit tan te made. Mr. Kiniisfiir.l has been Oi'::a:c,l in t' e manulactiirc ol s'arch ceniniitiuislv ler the last 2* years, ami dnrie ; the w hole ol ibe pertod. the s arcfi made under Ins supervis ion has been, bevon.l a:i\ ti.e besi in the market. For the tir.-i 17 years, he lis the charge ot the works ot H m I'e ga.e A To . at which jtetiod he inverted the proee-s of the manutaciure of corn siarcfi. 0.-ictfo 6..' rrvrr. been taken Ii anoth-. fin ■ tory. T KINGS FORD A SON'S OSII'KC.O CORM sr.nun. (For /hir.nngs S\ .) Has obtained an equal cclibtr i w ,;h the Siarcfi ler ihe lamnAry. Thi ar i.-'c is per . teclly pure, a d is. in even teepee rqoa e the l est Bermuda Ar-ow-Reo . besmes bav ina e-lili ioral quafincs wt i ;t nr. vr n invst for the dessert. Potato S vli ha* been cMci -iir'i packed ar.l sold ss Coro Siarcfi. and ha* ,'.,.-c impression* to many, ns ;o the rem mcrns ol our Corn Starch. From nr great delicacy an-1 purity, it is coming l-o into extenarve use as a lc tulaiits and invalid* E. N KF.LI.tNR7 A CO.. .<cc> :- 196 Fulton S reei N V ALLF.N A NKRDi FS Agoits, 2S South Wharves. Phi a.'a Jolv 28. 1867—3, c FarMers* I'tpof and riasfrr Mills* .It tht Junction of Font' .irrnut nn>! Ceitioecki/l Strrftf. l'HIl. A IM I I'lll I. WK mfrr a tenre ;oek ot Cfmtiral Ma mi re* and Kertilirers ai ion pice- a I *-- ran'ed to be genuine: among which w -i be found— I iNV ton* No t! Peruvian llnano I MX) ions DeSerg's No 1 8. -cr-p 1 :.-*;-' 'e of Litre. The above standard *• >clc* are each o! their kid ihe t>c.: n the wori.d ' Our Lac.' INesier. rramttacured -cm sc.eel store, - celebrt'rd thrrnghoui ihe I r rou tor i pun arid etrencth. \k F IN\ ITF ORDERS F. b TV Berg's No. Ib. net Ptic- "<■ Tif No. 1 Uovernircn: I'm sc 7i rr" French s Improve. Sen- --ho-r .re' I rr r French's Plitia.lMpfi>a Poc. e e No. t Phe*. haieG. sr - ; Prd* Co'.-' Mexican G-rann (A ) Extra land Pta*ier. iT-, 1 s-y L*-d'PT Chcimc-ai Kor.a P. *e bo-e d.-.s: Frslr tionn.v 7-or r,- y't.arco*!. lO.POfi JSctrrtJ* Tjtnci P'rwir*. S.fK'fl •• tontine P-nx:rr. Ift .ooo " Hydraulic Cement. 3.6W - K r rntss. (Vmrrd, I.OPfi •• Pore.out ,En& ■' Cri/ecnl. ALSO, DENTISTS' PLASTER. STERFOTT PF. liI.ASS MAKERS' GROUND S i-ONF. WHITE MARBLE. BLUE ro'tie roc Aomraciif Coal 'is :e- v dr Bnurr, moo* Coa Ac Grot>nu Brotrr Siorc <io White JVnd CD Groove Brick* io- Partncre Ctiesm Bone Ous: FRENCH R'CHARrib. a. CD Bmm JIMmV Amen' gi tmrnmnm of Vmt Aveouf Crowr sod I ( .fiowhil Stawt*. PteMnlpb.* i i r i—tint S. J8S 7 . Of all disease; ibe great, first cause Springs from neglect of Nature's laws. CtFFI II NOT, WIICN A IIDRII is guaranteed in all siagea nt SECRET DISKASKS, SELF-ABUSE, NKIIVOUS De bility, Strictures, Gleets, Gravel, Diabetes, Diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder, Mer curial Rheumatism, Scrolttla, I'ains in the Bones and Ankles, Diseases of lite Rungs, Throat, Nose nrtd Eyes, Ulcers upon the body or limbs, Cancers, Dropsy, Kdileplic Fits, St. Vita's Dance, nnd all diseases aris ing irom a derangement of the Sexual Or <nnr*. n Surli ofe nrrvoiiH trcnihlinp* Ipph of memory, IIIBH of power, perioral wrokinHH, (linineM f vision wiill peculinr appearing lpfor© the . eya*. loHn of Bight, wukclu'.ness clysm-pnia, i ! |,iver ilisensc, eruption* upon Ibo fiCP, |#iiin in the hack ami homK fomale iiroanlonlirs and ! nil improper tl inch nrgc* fiom both PCXI'H. It j ' in ilti'is not from what cbumi the ilim'fiße origi- | i unlet!, however I'iig "tamling or obmi into llio ( I cnHf, rcrovm\ is rrr'aio.nntl in n shorter limn \ ' ihtin n permanent cure tan he rlVecte.l by any , oilier lienlinent, even nfivr the tlixoiirfC bus hnf J • deil ibe skill of eminent physicians anil resist- ' ; etl all tlie* imnns of euro. The medicines are j i pleasant wilbuul odor, cnusiug i o sickness ( ! and free from nierttiiy or bnlsnm# During till M'uis o! piaeliee, I bav rescued from tho j I jaws of den ill many lliou*amlH, who, in I lo ; Inst singes of ihc above mentioned diseases ' bad beau given up lt> tlie by their physicians, 1 . which wamuita mo in promising to the nfllirt* ' | el, who may plactf themsalveH under my euro, : a perfect ami must speedy euro. Secret dis eases nre the graiter't enemies to hcnllh, as | i ihey nrc the liikt CUIINO of (Umsiiniption,lScrof- j • ula unci many other dmeoMes, and should he a 1 teiror to tlie human futnily. As u peimaneni 1 cure is scarcely ever elfected, a majority of the nisea billing Into the hands nl ineompc* I lent persons, who uol only fml to cure (lie dUoaaes but iniii Ibe conslitutioii, tilling the ' system with intimrv, which, wish llie disease, hasiens the Milium iniu a rapnl ennsiimpiion. It nl hlitiultl tho tlisease nutl (be liealiueiit nut cause tleallt tpeetlilv ami the victim mar i ries,the tli-ease i- entailed Upon children, who i are born with leehle constitutions, end lite 1 current of life corrupted by a vims which be* ; miys itself MI fcrmliilii, Tctlei, IJICIMH, J2rup* lions antl oilier nllectioiis of tlit* skill, 1 \en, i Throat and Dungs, entailing thciu to an curly ginvc. >clf-nbuso is nnolhar foimit'aldo enemy lo health, lor nothing else in the tliuad catalogue of humait diseases t aiises so tleslruclivc a tbnio upon the syrtctn, tlniwing iiv thousand* o victims through a few years of siilleiing tl >\vn |to an uiittmelv giave It ilealroys the Ner -1 VOIIN system, riipitlly waste* away the energies o! life, ciiu <" mental tit lodgement, i n vents J •he proper development of the system, dis qualifies lor mainsge, society, biisiness, uutl I -i|| earthly happiness, ami leaves the sufferer wrecked in body and mind* picrhsposed to consumption ami a tioin ef evils nunc to be diended than death Itself, \\ nh the Indent confidence I lite unbottnuiie viiinui* ol self-abuse that e permanent and speedv cure can be lliftid, ami with the abandonment ot milieus piaetiees my pa'ienls can be restorsd ' lor. bust* vigo ous heiiill). I he attlteted aie cautioned against tlte me of Patent Medicine*, toi there mc t-o many tnge naris in theeidumu* ol the public pmita to unult and lob the unwaiy sutbieis that millions have their einiMiiuttons inioul by •be*|j,. compounds f quatk iee:ois. or the etpial'v poisonous nositum- v m ed as % P.tieni Mt tin lues.' I have aitlullv aualvr.Ctl many of the so called Patent Medicines and find (hit neatlv allot ihrm contain I orrtti.ive Suou tnate. which i. one ut the Mio"gu*t pte|vnt* tioi sel mcici.iv and s tlestilt | eisoit. which ins I cad el * ii i* * k the tl.siMt* disables the sys tem tor I tie. i hit e-louttbs of the patent nostrum* now in use ate put lip bv uuputieipltHi and ignor ai.t j t mons. Who do not urderslNiut evfo t'le alphabet ol • I e Materia Mcdica, aed mc < qtuvl lv a.* desiuu el any kn w\ledge ot the I t man tern, hav M';'. one o'.qcct onl\ til vew.sid that to n ake uotirv iegn*xties of eM'seqmMiee. liit guUtilie* and ait diseast * of mules and feinahs treated on principle* e>(.,: -be t ! \ ~t years of practice, and sanctioned by thouaai ds ol the mo>t i irnt kaldc cuu* Med cures with lull dnecitoi s cut to m-\ part ot the 1 ailed Males or t'miada*, lx pnucnts onimeli.tatmg their symptom* iy ettei. lUiMne*> eoucspon deuce stiet \ co. frdential. Ad.hess J M MMKUV .1 iK, M 0, OlRc No 1131 Filbert Soe . [Old No 10dj telovr 1 wolldi. Pl.t' ttle oliia, / A fcSMirrtl l't> -iuian / T.N VK AKS OF AGE I W'!-.--!' i't hii> I :>- nonrly run <M>i. ■ ■ v.-;i-.l !\,< ii! llir li ilie*. n-r --lin cuti" Iw AwKih,, Bmm chin,. CV'ii!;!'. C.-M# an,l 'lrimi DhF i u lie w ni> ,It-covorru l v 1 m wucn hi, cl !-l, * I'accln'r, w> <ivcn op lo i 1 e 11c !l , 1 I c.u,l nuicl; c! 1 c ,% crUll rc-'craiivc ,1 l.M.r': c.iai:. c- prcj-ar.i --i on* m*,V ircci ilu- Eu-i 1 ,lIH li 'irij- r,i tl.* c, < .-. tip.l ' lie nttij: i make -> rcn c-H !cr ti> i .1 H* 1,, .i anc -ccci i ,lc,l rc.i - : ' - c- I'.-cl, i cure,' ;.nv -i , w i*c ft. wc 11c I'ss > miMcrc.i (he won.ldle! remc , i to ihonsni -i- of m ,'icrcr. in ft . ptrlt ill ' c wori.l ro ,1 tc ; : cvci !*iIIHI i : nmkir.jj .''cni con , 'c;c < he-; \ ft.-.l h*prv. W tstt •i a\i ilo *r rc\.<!' tioo,l a he will -c i.l to mc'. ol ii- ftlflic v.i Iciiow ft- rcocc-l i .•' i rcoipc. w..h Ulii ft'l.l PV . 1,',, -cci.o s'orrrftk :■ i uej.*nl kV*V- I. > nfto £'l IV ! ,ji: '-- pao i sppo. sr.; to i doftp li m orp ah i i— 'irep c-oi u- hp rpiiirro, ftft po-1 ft£P o 'Op rpc .1 il p f rcina p. c: tc he *.-p;,p,l io ihP p*yipn< I of v-ai.-- -po-.c-.t A (Mm* / Dr H iAMES No 19 Ornd Stwmt, y Spc CS-lrr>] JwftJ' City, N. J. - Full S.ock of Fall Pn goods. X I.ANDEIX, FoontiS Arrh S ■ 4 P.'. ..* ..v i 4. rr*|Veo u x r*v.ur*; t - FiW < orv an .no a I. c - vk M N • c adoo r. '0 Tiae.e Kin l.jee o Ka Dre* (iatvlf. New lie* gr* c Pa Shaw i* iiotxl tvarlk S a w . ih 4 Oases s**i ~ ei Vre■ eh MeTi'nves. T l\v . e 0? evros New Goods. Brn*h anl Arrencur. Dark l % r • v Sartre s o*s* rr-f r e* x >ef nc c Mneiitis,. D. Fa e * B'n \ \ \ n— \ , - Itaga *N • Nd as Yoti a d h.* O i d. x we iV si' ► -re ~ 0 ow?c*s inr jc>.raT.e irP' .7V"r.* ?r f Cr*k Se.-' 1 I fIWfS - •'- * 1 tuißl F FARM WR SALS THE a. hpr oftprft or M. e h. *,rrr lr O ift c- ' Cal. rahia p.-. CM 11,'r.ii; 33C ACRES. C ,' .Oh ft '• >•*; * " -oveirorii* oonr pn ■ s a. -f > o M-nr Er. Tno livtclliiig II OUSTS. ur !>. • k e . .• : ;i. . i.>. W i o .• f mekinhlM I af 4 it ni |w Ah. OiK- i ere* o; be prerr *e> r* re -e. land ii k pnoc rojioi iori o. ur.frta , efet i- i,Fist i i-.'reek i n e k: if .'iranget ibr. or*.v * iru-p# :rfm ;U: coui. 5 *eki. The wirvie w i>e aoi.l or in :tr; u1 a isiofM* s* nay doaire For terms 1.. •.% or ibf r> r or d:"Oc z Orar^i,llf Cxuofv ua rotuita tr JOHN A CHEN BACH Orarsft 'ovre-hip. May Ml.. ) A f" KLAXk*' LLAVk> ! ILAVks - ! L£Ef>. AiXJON's. EABCL'i ION- >rRrXNA> AND JUDGMENT sort.? or oy>on fc dft.rfcbv ifirmft. :o* f-tj* ki dp nrf efc tbe of the North." I IMPORTANT DISCOVERY* CONSIJIMPTIOW. AND AI-L DISEASES OK THE LUNGS j A inl TIIOATTare positively curable by in l J* halation, whiolr conveys Ihe remedies to I the Cannes in the luups through the air pas i sage*, unit coming in direct contact with the j disease, neutralizes the tubercular mailer, | ullays die cough, causes a tree anil easy ex- I pectorstion, heals the lungs, purifies Ibe blood, imparts renewed vitality to the nervous sys tem, giving that tone and energy so indis pensable lor lire rostoralion of health. To lie able to stoto confidently thai Consumption is curable by inhalation, is to me a source of unalloyed pleasure. Il is a* much under llie control ol medical tteatinenl as any ather formidable disease; ninety out of every hun dred cases can be cured in Ihe first stages, and fifty per cent, in lite second; but in tire third singe it is impossible to save more than five per cent., lor the luugs are so cut up by the disease as to bid defiance lo medical I skill. Even, however, in the lust singes, in- I halation ullords extraordinary relief lo the j sullering attending this tearful scourge, which | annually destroys ninety five thousand per- , sous in lire United Suites alone; and a correct , calculation shows that out of the present pop- I ulatioit of the earth, eighty millions are de- | tilled to fill the consumptive'* grave. Truly the quiver of deailt lias no arrow so j fatal as Consumption. In all ages il has been ! tho great enemy of life, for it spares neither I age nor sex, but sweeps off alike lite brave, | the beautiful, the graceful, and llio gifted.— j By the help r.f thai Supreme Being, from | whom cotrielh every good and parted gilt, I I mil enabled to oiler lo the articled a pcrma- j mn.t at.d speedy cure ill Consumption. The j first caue ol tubercles is Irom impure j hlnod. and the immediate effect, produced ' by their deposition ill the longs, is to prevent ; the liee admission of air into the air cells, | which causes a weakened vitality through | Ihe entire system. Then surely it is more rational to expect greater good from rr.edi 1 cities entering the cavities of the lungs than Irom those administered through the stotn- j itch; the patient will always find the lungs (tee nod the breathing easy alter inhaling remedies. Thus, inhalation is a loeal remedy, nevertheless it acts constitutionally, j ami with more power and certainty than rem e lies administered by the stomach. To prove , the poweitol and direct influence ol this ; iiindc of administration, clitorolorm inhaled will entirely destroy sensibility in a lew mitt- j mcs, paralyzing the entire nervott* system, so | that a limb may he ampnta'ed without the 1 s'ightest pain; inhaling the ordinary burning ; gas will destiny lite in a lew hours. The inhalation of ammonia will rouse the : system w hen limiting or apparently dead.— I'lie ,vlor ol many ol the medicines is per ceptible in the skin a lew minutes after being | inhaled, ntnl may be immediately detected | HI tlie blocl. A convincing proof of the ; constitutional ertccts ol inhalation, is the fact [ that sickness is always produced by breath ing foul air. Is nor tins positive evidence t thai proper remedies, oarehifiy prepared and judiciously administered iltrongh iho lungs, should produce the most happy lestiits? Dn- ' ntig eighteen ycais' practice, munv thous and-. still,'ting fro.n disease* ot the lungs and, have been under my cure, and I have aliened tu any remarkable cures, oven n er the *ulferers had been pronounced in ihe 'a-t singes, which fully satisfies me thai e,of un pi ion is no longer a land disease.— My treatment ot consumption is oiignnd. and I,minted on long experience and a thorough mve-t 'utiiin Mv petlect ncqnaintni ce w rill the ti.i r.ii' ol tubercles. Ac . enables me to ,ti" nci-isli readily the various tortus ol .1 ,s --en-e th*: simulate consumption, and apply pt.'pct tc medics mrc'v being tni-takcu even in a sutg'e case Tins familiarity in connection with certain pathological am* mi cio-coprc discoveries, enables me to relievo ■lie In Irom the oflcci* ot cnoracted chest-, to enlarge ihc chesi, pnriiy the blood imparl in II renewed v: ab:. giving energy and rone ;u 'he entire s\ stem Med. vines wtill tiiU directions senile snv pan ot the United San- and Tana,la by p:, u'.ns oem.nun.,' itina ihctr sytupi'i.ns by lener But the cure wot. 1,1 be more retain it the pat ,".u shot:'.! pay rue a i si. which woo 1 give me an oppornin > to examine the in i- .. nl c: able me to prescribe with er,*., o , oriaunv. and the:, it.e cur.' con .1 be cllc :c,l without mv seeing die pa ieri' .r tail G. W.GRAHAM, M D O.Tice list Fnhatt B,reet. (old No. lot'.) be;, w twelhh, I'ltiladelphis, Fa Sep' tl, ISST. ilOTY\i:il ASMMi iriON. rn i ri. r n/-f. IMPO UFA NT ANNOHNCEMNR P. rj Hi i, persiu's alßieteti wuh Sum Ft ■ iM-in, each a- iNnattrakhM, Stmim'.i It e.Usr.-< KptMM (,o>.. oft :, Giecl, Si;vb 1.,- to vme ol ()■.: ,-ih, J". 5' . Hie "Howard Avaociation,' iatiaw of the di-'io:iori ot I'i'o'sti lite. cftnvOi! by > \: a! ,*i c ,—s a~t the deceo'iO'is pre:.-e.l '■ e itntout ' an' victims ol such .iisen-e --fy (J.tacks. I ave direc e.i li e r Ton-,... ,i SIIIgMM, ss a dMhMI Oct wor;t, of ihe,l Part c 0 give Me ire* odi ice c :-. 10 ft per sen* thus artiictc.l, who may *p \ l i lei cr ,x It a .'e-enjump oi rlieir i-in.ii:ion. yage. occnpft, habits ot lite. Ac .1 ao.i oi .--< o'eurcme povery t n.t si.;ter,i.g. ;o Jurn me • ■'.r-f>rc ofch r -c Ihc Howard A*,vi,ior. i- s benevolent 1 iiiier>,o-t*bli*he-i 6t -oecai endowment, or the re ict c li e sick and oi- r,-—e.t. *l - wnh " Vita ent and F.uoemic T> s eses." I' has nut a surplus ol rue* .*. ahrch ihe Director* hnre we,: io expeio m e.ner'iio2 ihe bove nonce It is r,eo,' ev* 10 a1o thai the Association commands the ; Medic* skill of the age. a no. w for r -h the mo*' approve, 1 modern treatrrient. Jest nr.hlis! e t by tie Assoeaalf * Ke pori on S -crmsiorrh.T'*. or bcmins. We kness 11 e rxv ol tVi nni-m. Masturbation or 8s : Abuse, ftt.d . er -iisease* ot the Sexu- v)r t*n*. by the Cawatahiwg Saigeoi wbieh w,.. bv -c b> marl, (in * willed e. v, i.qie). Fret (,■ Ckr.-„r on re reoe p; ol tier stamps tor pes.ace y res*, D' GEO R CAI-HOUN Cor,- g S givv Hownrd A--OC No. 2 S NINTH S reel. ,'tira. l'ft By or.ret o. ;1 e D r,-tc-s EZRA D HEART WELL. Tres't GEO FAIRv H,,.0 s -c-eta'j T a ei; 1 .a. Sr > 24. 1867 IFTS. IFT* BIFTSI A Fix./.f Vxt EVERY PURCHASER. hr TV t Tnt'K-u-i.c Ibu-c erf r'I'ANT K. LIsDN. I'H.I.ADEI.HHIA BA lining * Nook for orir doila- or mc-r vol; are *1 niicr preeenioi wiik p-we • o trj lorn 26 cut- tc S'.fbi. ennststing . 1 f ,r,( Goo Jf * r lit. b n'rlif- A-. AII orders Is no.n ail) :* prompt'y f ted. and thr p*izf o" r"-izos will accompanj tb, t-oni Oc- h* c.n airis fti' of the n.ivst pr.pu ar h,ck ~f ihe cry. ft rot a .11 if er*? *1 rbt ustr*! -ct*t' prices n-Bf y ru tben, for less Pe'sou- i-brng inr I articular bock car. order at once, and rr will t'C rwardrd with > gil. A c:tofi>e r'inf lui! rr.rorrrarion. with * Itst "f b oki and pifis will be sen: pes: paid, by add-cssing DP AN E Rl JJWON. No. S? Sooik Third SL. i'tolailetptiift. Pp Ages'* waured. Sxep.. 8. J867.—3.. MMrNGs AND NOTJONs, ;anry arn i ie. s goon asaor niei' o Hosrery o-' lte be* qiMLf y aiso y.rove*, mnts. baskeia. Ca in- Com is- OTeas trmnr.jngs and linings., sewing a,lk. thread, ore., ore., wbt h*d ntsi ooo: io the Ekctiarige AMELIA D. WEBB. BifOmsbcrg. May 26,1867 Business Directory. I I jßlooinabnrg. }3a- DAVID LOWENBERG, fILOTHING STORE, on Main street, two doors above the 'American House." A. JR EVANS. MERCHA NT.—Store on ihe upper part of Main street, nearly opposite the Episcopal Church. 8. f SDIVE, MANUFACTURER OF FURNITURE AND CABINET WARE.—Wareruom in Shive's Block, on Main Street. A.M. RUPERT, rpINNER AND STOVE DEALER A Shop on South side of Main street, be low Market. R. W- WEAVER. ATTORNEY AT LAW.— office on the first (loor of the "Star" Building, on Main street. JOSEPH SHARPLESS. |7iol T NDEB ANN MA CHIN EST, Build-| A ingsoti Ihe alley between the "Exchange I and "American House." BARNARD Rl'l'EßT. f 1 1A 1 f.O ß—Shop on the South Side of Main A Street, tirstsquure below Market. A. f. MENSCII, I\l ERCHANT. —Store North West corner i'A- of Main and Market S'.cets. lllKAill A. ROWER, -.URGKON DENTIST.—Office near the Academy on Third Street. M'KBLVY, REAL & AO.. MERCHANTS. —Northeast corner of Main . and Market streets. TIIK POCKET JESAI LAPII S J OK, KVCRY ON K HIS OWN I'll \ MA'I AN. MFTF.I I II ho nd re d Engravings, V&a showing Diseases nod Mill* B formations of the human 5 : Qj System in every shape and 'jS form. To which is added jS a Treatise on tho Diseases vy of Females, being of the JP highest nnpotlanee to mar. lemplating mariiage. Bv WILLIAM TOUAG, M i>. Let t.o father he ashamed the present a copy of ihe Aesculapius lo ' Ill's child. Ilmav save him from an grave. Let no young man or woman enter into ihe secret obligations ol mar riedlife without reading the Pot ke Aosetilapius l.el uo one sutler from a haeknied Cough Pain in the Side,restless nights, nervous feelings, and the whole train ol Despeptie sensations, and given np by their physicians ,he another moineni witlionl consulting the VESf'ULA- I'll S Have the married.or those about to he married any impediment, read this linly useful hook, as it has been the means of saving thou -ands ol iiufoitunile erealutes from ihe very jaws of death. Any person sending twenty five cents, en. closed in a letter, will receive one ropv of this hook.hv mail.or live copies wi I Ihe seni for one delist Address. Dr. \\ . \ ottng.No. i*AB Sptuee street. Philadelphia ' Post paid. No th'i Nptuce M., Philadelphia. Sop' Ist, 1854-ly. Cabinet \\ are Dooms, 8. A. BIIIVE Ur.SPFCT Fl L.I.X in VHPS the attention ot O' the Public to his extensive assort ment ot Cabinet Furniture and Chairs, which he will warrant made of good materials and ,n a workmanlike manner. At Ins Establish ment, can always be found a good assort ment ol • Fashionable F urinific. Which is equal in style and finish to that of Philadelphia OT New York cities, and at as .etc p-i,e> He has Sofas ot different style a ..I prices, from tr?s to SOO. Divans. Loun ges. Walnut ard Mahogany Parlor chairs. Rocking and easy chairs, Piano stools, and a variety ol upholstered work, with Dressing and parlor bureau-, sola. card, centre and cier tables, ehetfemer*. whatnots a .1 comodes at..t all kinds ol tashionable work His stock ol bureaus, enclosed and common was'-tands. dress-tables, corner Clipboards, sotas. dining and bteaktast ta bles. bedsteads cane scat and common chairs, is ihe U-gesi in ihis section of the country. He will also keep a good assort ment of looking-glasses with fancy gii: and common frames He w-.1l also furnish spring waitresses fitted to any sired bedstead.which are superior for durability and eomtort to any bed in use. Klnomsbnrg, April Gih ISS-4 it. LEAF TOBACCO AM) CIGARS. DENSLOW 8c CO., "21 South Fronl Sfiorf. PHU.ADKf.PHIA. Aoiiiiiiissinn Rrrchanff, Anil Wkoitsi ii Dec.'r s ; UtfTtkMf*. Mauufacurfd Tobac co. anil titars. HAVF. constantly on banc and for sale low all k r of American and Spanish Leat To raccos. eelecied with special reteience to Manufacturers' use All articles sold, warranted to be as ren iei-eiited and every opportunity atiorded lor examination. Purchasers a: a dista-rc cart send their or .-rs. arid rrly upon be r.c as taitfUully served a> '. the gooos were selected in person. iVtcber 15. ISSO. 1 Storo r.stablisbaruL 'fHE VADKSHGXEb respeetfoly in- A forms his olc frie iAs and customers .that be has purchased his brothel 's iaienesi in I lie bo establishment. nd the concert, will here, wfw: " conducted by hirosrlf n,-.lamely. He has lustrect ivfcC and r.flcis for sale the fr-gest and most r x tensive assortment *SCp amil ■ f FANCY >TOVE£ everinuw dacd intoihis market. J-'cvei-iw and Tmwarr constantly or hand aur manufactured toorder. All kinds of re pai- ng done, as usual, or. short rtotirr. ''be patronaie f oidMsmis and new cos it.mer* is resfiertfafW so-ctcd. A. M RTFERT- Bloerrshr-e. fam. 1? I*s? if. TftLLb AT KLAiU BAIL*. l DU.C. TOJ S OFFICX. ) Knock Haven Aug bet. '57 j Mt. Ejjfia —The tamai of ml is receiv ed at this office are us roiiows Previous,r reponoc - - • SOfirlG 15 Jtly, . 871 58 * 1 Total WsTgTa be Hesrecrftdiv so hm rtier J AJiuE a-so'usMt of In*.. Steel and Nails A-f fo- safe an the Arcade bv May 17. '57 AC WENSCH EVANS & WATSON'S Briiil'a Manufactured SALAMANDER TRUTH IS MIGHTY, If MUST PREVAIL Hcporl of the Committee appointed to superintend the burning of the Iron Safes at Heading, /Vl>. 'Z7th, 1857. HKADING, March 4ih. The undersigned, memhemol ilih Commit- J lee, do respectfully report, thnt we saw ilie ( two Safes originally agreed cpon by Parrels | St Herring ami Evans St Watson, placed side i by side in a furnace, vizi The Sale in use by the Paymaster ol the Philadelphia and Read- | ing Railroad Company, in his ollice at Read ing, mannfactnred by Parrels & Herring, and i the Safe in use by IL A. l.ntiix, in his store. | ntannfaclured by Rvans & Watson, and put in bonks and papers precisely alike. The tire was started at Si o'clock, A M., i and kept up until four cords of green hickory, j two cords dry oak and half chestnut top wood j were entirely consumed, the whole under the superintendence of the subscribers, mem bers ot the Committee. The Safes were then cooled oil with water, after which they were opened, ngd the books and papers taken out by the Committee and sent to 11. A. l.ainz's store lor public examination, after they were (irst examined and marked by the I ommit lee. The books and papers taken front the Sale manufactured by Rvans & Watson were but slightly a fleeted by the intense heat, while those taken from the Sale manufac tured bv Parrels ft Herring were, in our judg ment, damaged fully fifteen per cent, more ihan those taken from Rvans & Watson's Sale. JACOB II HYSIIRR. DANIELS. HUNTER. Having been absent during the burning, we fully coincide with above statement ot the condition of the papers and books tak en out of the respective Sales. (?. A. NICOI.LS, II II MHHI.KNBP.RU. JAMRS MII.HOI.I.ANP. The following named gentlemen, residents of Reading and its vicinity, who saw the above tire, have purchased bales trom Rvans ft Watson sineo the burning up to May Ist, lSft7. (. A. Nieolls, I Solomon Rhoads, 1 R. R. Company, 2 W. B. Verger, 1 11. A. Law*,: 2 tiro K l.evure, I Kirk ft Heisier, 1 Samttel Rasing. 2 W. Rltosds ft Son, 1 .1 M&U W Hardsell.l 11. W. Missimer, 2 James Jameson, I Or. Wm. Moore, I J. BftA B. Wanner I l.evi J. Smilk, 1 Jacob Sohtnuckor, I High & Craig, t Wm King. I Wm Krick. t V. B Shollonborger.f Kaufman ft Banrn, t I eopold Hirah, 1 Win. MoPailin, I P.zrtt Miller, 1 Geo. J K.ckert, I W.C.Jtl'.M.Rrmen- Isaac Until, 1 trout, 1 Biilmeyer, Pointer Wm. Ponahower. 1 ft Co. 1 Bulli' & Milton, I EVANS ft WATSuN. June I*. ISM, THIS H AY FOR BARGAINS! A . J . EVANS HAS.II ST RP.CP.IYK.P A NEW Sl'iH'K OK SPRINGS SIMMER GOODS \r his old stand on the upper end ol Mam Street which be will soli cheaper than the cheap u st. It consists in part ol Silks KI paeons, lustres, bareges, de lames, ducal cloths, poplins, brilliants, chalbes, de bages, lawns, skirting, Ireneh and scotch ginghams punts, gloves, hosiery, collars, handkerchiefs. &o. Shawls and Mantillas ot every sty le an,l quality. STAPLE & DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, Cloth* oassimeres, vesting*, flannels, mns. hns. tickings, stripes, checks, calicoes, ret tonades. linens, sheetings, nankeens, drills, mat-eilies quilts, colored and white carpet chain, parasols, umbrellas, a large and spier did assortment ol HATS. CAPS. BOOKS \NP SHOES A SUPERIOR LOT OK FRESH Toas,Collce> SujcartMulassrs Rice, Spicps,No Also. Harvtwsre. Queens ware. Crockery and Cedarware. Having selected my entire stock with the greatest care and at i:i* lowest rash prices, 1 can assure trn tnends and the public gener ally. that I will do all in my rower to make establishment known as tbe "Jtre.i flatten for bargains " Those who wish to purchase will fiad u to thetr advantage to call and ex amine mv stock before purchasing. 1 will psy the t i .liev market price lot BETTER. t'.OOS, HAGS. SOAP AND lirte Krntt, and country produce in general Btoomsburg, April 29. 1557. GREENWOOD SEMTNARY AT MILLYII.LE. fOLOIBIA CO., PA, A systematic course of instruction ts g'ver in all the English branches usually taught The Principal win be assisted during thr present y eat by T. M. POTTS, an expert, enced teacher, recently Irom the Lancastei Co Normal Scflool A vacation of seven weeks will commoner July Ist. VS&SCSo TVITIOX for day pupils SS.SO. to 54.50 pet quarter. Boarding, Tuition. Washing Lights. &e. £SO per quarter of eleven weeks one-hali in advance. For circular, catalogue or ortber particu lars address WM. Bl RGESS, Afiilrille. April 1. 1557. Pimnpal "THE SECRET INFIRMITIES OF YOUTH AND MATURITY, Juss Published. Gratis, the ib:k Thousand, jrfltfn A tew words on the rational treat .**Y"p ment. without Medicine of Sper maiorrhea ot Weakness. Nocturnal Emissions, Genital and Nervous Dt-bilitv. rrematcre Decay of tbe System. Impotence, and Impediments to Marriage generally. ' BV R DE LANKY. M D The impor ant iar: hat tbe many alarming origins mg in the imprudence ar.d solitude ol youth. may be easily removed v.'kc' l Mediant is in ibis smal; tract, rear's demonsrated: and the entirely rtew and highly successful treatment, as adopted by the Author, tullv explained, by means o( vrttti every one is erabled to cure hmstj oeriectly and at 'be ieast pessibferosn, there by avoiding ail the advertised nostrums of the day. Sent tc any address, gratis and post free in. a seated e-veiope. by rerouting. postpaid, an postage stamps, to Dr. B DE LANEY 17. Lispena-d S-rce'. New York City. May 6. 1557 —6m ~~ THO MAS BUTLE R, &e, 7 South Seventh Street. PHILADELPHIA: | tmufar'.rrer of strong Tinware. Copper. - 1 -" Tin and Zine Batbtog Tubs, Bahing Pans, and every kind of bauitng apparatns. Also deed and paper boxes. Prompt attention g'ven to ordered work, and goods carefully It-rwpjaed on orders. Philadelphia. August l7:h. 155*. AFLIX ASJORTMENT of Ladies Dry- Goods at the Arcade by May 27. "57. A C. MENSCH. t;jr £u i'iiXU. J*~ 41 TOTHE F4SIIONABLK AND CE) L£-£ 5-B3 • riMIK undersigned iiHvingjust received lltr * latest Pari* and New York Fashion* would again beg leave to intorm his uuntet oua friends and all the world about Hlooma burg,that lie is now better prepared titan ev er to accommodate any one w tit the neatest easiest and best titling suits of Clothes that have been turned out lately; and not only that, but lie will also do them up in the best order, upon the lowest terms. His shop is at the old stand, (mo wel known o need (ulthernotiee) where lie maj at nil times be found, sealed upon the beneh of repentance steadily drawing out the/Arme of artliotioii.hopeing it may in the ritrf provt advantageous to him and his customers. Hi would also advise bis fiends to bear in mine that poor, atllicted tailors must live, or they can't be expectedto work. Therefore Wheat live Corn, Oats, Potatoes, and with all now and then a little CASH will come mighty handy from those who arc buck-standing on j the books. Remember, gentlemen, that in all cases- | "thelaborer is worthy of his hire." BERNARD lilt PHUT. 1 liloomsburg, April 14th, 1853. rftmm HERRING'S NT GSJ LSd a THK ACKNOWLEDGED I jASjfl ( IIAIMIMON!! El' il ' TIIK recent trials at Read- j V '" n " endorsed lite cut \sttapiVao'*i', iii of public opinion, and continued lite verdict of more than iOO sect- ' dental (Ires, proving conclusively that "Her ring's" is tlte only sale that will not burn. Extract from the Committee's Report on the Trial of Iron bales at Reading: "tin the !flth of February all tho members ol the Committee met to witness the Sales j and books and papers, (placed in them) and ; were perfectly satisfied that all was right.— The day following, the burning took place, under the superintendence ol the Committee ; Alter a fair and impartial burning for five hours, the Safe of Messrs. F.vaus it Watson was first opened, the Safe being on lite in side. and the contents partially consumed, while the contents in the bale of Messrs. j Farrels & Herring were in good vendition, i end no tire inside." Reading, March 8, 1557. H. F. FF.I.IX, I (Signed) I'. N COI.EMAN. > Com ! A. H PEACOCK. \ And endorsed by over 50 ol the best men , ol Reading. The above Safes can be inspected at 31 1 Walnut Siren', where the public can satisfy i themselves of the great superiority of the . "Herring's IVteol Champion." over the do- 1 leaied and tued t'ji "inside Iron Door Sala mandcr." FARREId it HERRIMi, 34 Walnut St.. Philad'a. 1 Onhf makers in this Stale of Herring's I'ntent Champion Safes. The attempt made by other parties to bol ster up the reputation ol a bate which has laded signally in accidental files in Philadel phia, (Ranstead Place,) bv taking one out . ol an agent's store, fII A Latnz.] made don- [ bio thickness (different from those ihev sell) 1 to "burn np"oi.eol Herring's, (half as ihiek) has met with its tine reward. Hetring'sSafe ; could not be burnt, proving conclusively that the only reliable bate now made is Herring's, ot which ovrr 15.000 are now in acme! use, ' and more than 800 have been tried by fire | without o single loss. Philadelphia. Mav 8. ISs7—lv. UTTKIIN. THE well-known Maryland Consolidated l.olteries. ol winch R. FRANCE A t'o. arc the manngers. are chartered b\ the slate ol Maryland, and a commissioner elected by the people, who t sworn to superintend and certify ihat everything connected with them •s dene in a strictly honorable manner, ami thai the interisis ol parlies who reside at a distance are as well protected as if thev themselves were present at the drawing Another tad whi h the managers csll atten tion to. is, that all person* have a leg .I right to send outers for ticket* to Maryland, at lotteries are legalized by special law in thai state. A lottery is drawn everyday of the momh. If no particular class is named, or ders ate filled in ihc first drawing to take place uher the communication comes to hand. The prices ot tickets vary from SI to SBO. No tickets are. however, sent unless tli e money lot the same is received with the order. Ihe drawings are upou the principle of one number on each ticket (after the Ha vana plan.) and Ternary combination. Prizes 'vary in amount from S2O to SIOO,OOO All orders tr.r tickets or packages will receive prompt attention, and ihe drawing mailed to all purchasers immediately alter it is over. Address, T 11 HUBBARD & CO , No. 39 Fayette St.. or Box No. 40, Feb 3d. 1857 -ly. Baltimore, Md. CF" The Drawn Numbers of the Maryland Loieries are published by the btate Com missioner it. the following papers, viz: Sun Clipper. Patriot, four/row. Argus, ot Balti more; also, the Sattentat Intel,ipencer and Cn ion. of Washington, D C. t'.aslr Foundry. Itlomtmr£ STOVES AND TINWARE. THE subscriber having erected a large new brick Foundry and Machine Shop, in place of the old one. is prepared to make ail kinds of CASTIXGS AT THE LOWEST PRICES Plows constantly on hand. The subscribe has removed his Tin Shop from Main Street to the Foundry Lot. where he has erecied a budding altogether for Stoves and Tinware. The Cook ing Steves consist of the \VM A, PF.XX COOK. RAl'B COOK. VAN Br. T 1.1 ER COOK, and PARLOR STOVES of all kinds, the Egg Cylioder Stove, fee. All kinds of Spouting made 10 order. JOSEPH SHARPLESS. Floomsbopg. April 16. 1857. Lratlirr. Lrathrr! Leather! EEBTXY Wm CTOEM, lwroßTtß or FREXCH C.iLF SFI.XS aiid4> Leather Dealer* No 6 Souih Third Street, Ptnla. rr.\ general assortrrrerr of ail kinds of Leather. Morocco, fcc. fee. RED ASD OAK SOLE LEATHER February 28. 1857.—1y. HENRY ZIPPINLEK, icik ELOOMtbURG JE"A IKIFFICUI.T repairing wa-ranled ; s,.ci -A- tarles anu glasses for spectacles; glasse for burning caed waicfces. and other watch rcaer-al for sale March 27, J857 t X ASSORTMENT of coDfectiODary. jew -*■ elry, Perfumery soaps, hair oils. Ac Pomades, to be bad at C. CLARK'S Book Store. IRON STEEL, and every kind of Hare *- wars or saie by MeKELTY, MeKELTY, NEAL k Co AfOKTICED POSTS on hand and for saie at tfie Arcade by May 27, '57. A. C MENSCH FLOUR AND FEFD Depot at the Arcade, tr A C. MENSCH AVER'S PILLS. Acer's i allmrtic Pill*. PILLS THAT ARE PILLS. PROF. HAYES, State Chemist, ol Mas* , viyi* are the bovt of *ll pills, and an nexed Are ihe men who certify thai Doc'or llnvcs know*: H. j. GARDENER. Governor of Mass. KMORY WASHBURN, ax-Guv. of Maa*. SIM RON BROWN. Lieul.Gov. of Maw. K. M. WRIGHT, Secretary Sime o! Ma**. J. 11. FIT/PATRICK, Caili. Uiahnpol Boaion. PROF. JOHN TORRKY, of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York Cuj-. Dr. 0. T. JACKSON, Geologist ol lh Public Lands ol the U. S. MEN THAT AKE MUX. Among 'lio diseases litis l',ll has on rod with astonishing rapidity, wo may mention: Costivenes*, Bilious Complaints, Rlntnmi tism, Dropsy. Heartburn, Headache arising Iroro a fowl Siomneh, Nansea, Indigestion, Morbid inaction of iho Bowels, and pain arising Iherelrom, Flatulency, Loss of Appe tite, all Ulcerous ar.d cutaneous Diseases, which require an cvaenant Medicine, Scrof ula, or King's F.vil, They also by purifying die bluod and stimulating iho System, Cure many Complaints which it would not be Sup posed they could reach : such us Deafness, Putital Blindness, Neuralgia and nervous Ir ritability. Derangements of the l.iver ami kidneys, (Join, and oilier kindred complaints, arising front a low stale of the body, or ob structions ol ils functions. They are the best Purgative Medicine ever discovered, and you will but need to use them once to know it. Prepared by Dr.JAS. C. AYF.R, Practical and Analytical Chemist, l,owell, Mass.—and sold bv K. P. I.uir and all Dtnggists in Bloomsbnrg, and by Dealers in Medicine everywhere. Sept. 11, 18.17 -Om. JOHN A MOOKK. JOIIN W. WIMIAMS MOORE &, WILLIAMS, General (ouiuitsslon Merchants, and dealers in MINERS' SUPPLIES, j Ao. 14 South Wilier SI., VhihiMphia. I TilF. subscribers having been associated | with the coal trade and mining operations ' grnrniHy. for several yours n .e prepared to ; supply order* lor all anicles comingent to mining purposes at the lowest rates, with care and dispatch Onr stock comprises the following articles I OlLS—Sperm, Solar, F.lephant, Bleached, Racked, lurril. Rosin, Greasing, l.inseed ' Salety l.amps. Fuses, Blasting Paper, Slope Chains. Ropes, all Sires, Pulleys, Wicking, Who Rope. Tar and Pitch Tboruley's Celebrated Horn Belting. Washers, Packing, Hose Blasting and other Powders. Soap, Candles, &o. KKFKRKNCKS.- Hodgson & Keen, Philadelphia. .1 R. A. & S. Allen, " Charles Miller Is. Co., " S Uotbermel, Ksq., John Thorn ley, Esq., " Wm. Do Haven, Esq., Minersville, Pa. Hon W. Donaldson, Pottsvillc, J'a. ! Hon. C. W. Pnman, " | Geo. W. Snyder, F.q., " D. P. Brown. Fsq., '* 1. P Brook, Ksq., " .1 .1. Connor, Ashland, Pa. Philadelphia. Jan. tti, 1867.—1y. ISN'T IT SO { ] Ise ARTHUR'S Celebra ted Sell Sealing Cans and FRKSH Fill" 11 Jars, and you will have fresh I'tuu all ihe yeat at summer prices. • Full directions for pulling up all kinds of fruit and To jmatoes, accompany these cans and jars. They ere made of Tin. Glass, (Jueensware, and Fire and Acid proof Stone Ware. IN WINTKR The sizes are trom pint* to gallons. These cans & jars arc entirely open at the tops, and neat, to secure transpor tation. I For sale hy Storekeepers throughout the U. States. Descriptive circulars sent BETTER ion application- TV Orders trom the irade solicited. ! Be sure to ask lor " Ar- I I thurs." U has stocul the Itest of two seasons, having jhecn used hy hundreds of THAN housands of families, hotel | and boarding-house keep; ijers. Wo are now making them for the million. ARTHUR. BURNHAM & GII.UOY, - Swfflmf AtS. Manulacturers under the Talent. Nos. 117 & 119, S.Tenth St.. fcor George.) > | PHILADELPHIA, j June 17, 1857.-3 m. BLOOMSBURQ LE33DsE>LSS. &£3<££ I CE>O3.LS fIiHE undersigned would in this way rail : I ihe attention of the public to the Bock Slcre ai the old stand, next door to the "Ex 'j charge Hotel," where at all times can bo I . foond a good assortment of books, including Bibles, Hinn Books, Prayer Books, j llisiories. Books of Poetry, Novels, and School Books also all kinds of stationary of the best quality. A considerable deduction made upon the I price of School Books and Stationary to those ] who hy to sell again. Just received, a good assortment of WALL I PAPER, which I would ask all to call and examine belore pochasing elsewhere. CAROLINE CLARK, Successor to Jesse G. Clark. Bioomsburg. May 25, 1557.-lyr. E. O.EOWaR, j T> ESPECTFULLY offers hie -A* professional services to j rT t f, e Lgdies and Gentlemen of Bloomsburg and vicinity. He is prepared to attend to all the various operations io Den tistry, and is provided with the latest im proved PORCELAIN TEETH, which will he inserted on pivot or gold plate,to look as well as natural. A superior article of Tooth Powders, al ways on hand. Al operations on the teeth warranted. GPOrfiee, Jd building above Wilson's Car rtsste Manufactory—Main St., West side. Bloomsbnrg, Nov. 20, 1856. ARGE lot of No. 1, 2, U. 3 Mackrel, also, White Fish, Cod Fish and Herring, jaet received and for sale bp Miy 27, "57. A. C. MENSCH. A LARGE LOT of Thibet Shawls jost re ceived and for •!• by A C. MENSCH.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers