'i ' * n—w.im— t ' -- '■ - 4 CNSWI OUSTS i A.RANKkV, PUIIMSIHER, 993 BROADWAY. NEW YORK, offer* for sal* <500,000 BOOKs & MAPS; OF nil kifdv 1 >•' I r '"l 0 *' "*■- villi tPU.tdQ Outs, *m|lh fnin> S3 ctnis U> 1 oob;,-eoi*Uiig b'" Gold a. <J trifver \Alch*s. Gi-ld Lockets. G.>1.1 Clu.it> C-mco I'll " not' Diups, "Gold llroc.-.ois, Gol. Recoils. riewing BiW, in short Jem-fry .r every drnciiptias, Keticu es, i.s.liev' Purse* J\.nmonit' &o. sls" worth of g' f t distrih „, P j w ii|, iw,, -600 books. A gilt will lie de litend withcerv bonk fold for one dollar ot more- Although no book or article will lie old for more than the usual retail ptire many will ce sold for loin. Persons wishing eny (irticulsr book, toil ortloi it once ai d will lo f.ilWbldixl Willi n pill. Tenons order ing hooks with gift* should toiwaid the amount of portage, no il tuunt invariably be paid in ml. Vance. I'bo average I oniago for S1 ,"3 books is 18 cent* and for $1,50 and $2,00 book*. 21 cent*. INDUCFMENTS TO CLUBS & AGENTS: A BOOK AND GIFT WI THOUT MONEY. Any person, by fbrwsidiag an oroer for Rook*, with nnuiov en. Inaed, will receive mi Vx tra Book and Gift with every Ten Books lo boaent lo one odd rem. This me hod i f forming Chjln aaven poal ego. aa the pork gt goes 'y Kxpiesr. rull inf imilion respecting ihia greai gib enterprise, together with a coinple e lint ot Bonks, ami gifts will lio furninhed in otlt Cat alogue, whnh is sent post paid to any add rota on application. Adores., A- R ANN FY, . No. 393 Btonoway, Now Yoik. Of all disease: the gteat. first cause Spring* (torn neglect of Nature's laws. OVFFTR NOT, WHEN A CERE is guaranteed in nil stages ol SECRET DISEASES, SELF-ABUSE, NERVOUS De bility, Strioiures, Gleets, Gravel, Diabetes, Diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder, Mer curial Rheumatism, Scrofula, Pains in the Bones ami Ankles, Diseases of the Lungs, Throat, Nose and Eyes, Ulcers upon the body or linr.bs, Cancers, Dropsy, Kdileptio Fits, St. Vita's Dance, and ail diseases iris ing from a derangement of lite Sexual Or gaQi. Suih as nervous trembling, less of memory, loss of powet, general weakness, dimness el vision with peculiar spots appearing before tile eyas, loss of sight, wakefulness dyspepsia, Liver disease, eruptions upon the fare, pain in the back and head, female itrecnlarities and all improper discharges ftotn both sexes. It matters not from what cause the disease origi listed, however long standing or iibstioalc the case, recovery is certain, and in a shorter time than a permanent cure ran lie effected hv any other treatment,even after the disease has linf lied the skill ol eminent physicians snd resist- I cd all the ntcsns of cure. The medicines are pleasant without odor, causing t.o sickness snd ftce from mercuty or balsam. During 20 jests til practice, 1 have rescued from the jaws of death many thousands, who, in the last stages of the shove mentioned diseases had bran given up to die hy their physicians, i which warrants me m promising to tho olilici- 1 cd, tvbo may place themselves umlar my care, j perfect and must sancdy cu'e. Secret dis cuses ore the greatest enemies to health, as 1 they nre the first cause of Consumption, Scrof- j ulu aim many other discasos, and should hen j terror to the human family. As a peimanent j cure is scarcely ever effected, a majority of the cases falling into the hands ol tneonipe- I tent persons, who not only fsil to cure tlto do cases but ruin t lie constitution, filling the i si stum with mercury, which, with the disease, hastens the suffers! into a rsptd consumption. | But should ihe disease and tho treatment not cause death spccdilv and tho victim mar lies, the disease i- entailed upon children, who I ure born with fertile constitutions, and tho ■ surreal uMilu corrupted hy a virus which be trays itself in Scrofula, Tetter, Ulcers, Ernp lions and other affections of the skin. Eyes, | 'Throat and Lungs, entailing them lo an early giave. t>elf-ahuee is another formii'nblr enemy to health, lot nothing else in th dtenJ catalogue <f human diseases causes ao destructive a iliani upon the system, drawing iia thousands of victims through a few years of suffering d >nn to an untimely giave ft destroys the Ner vous system, rapidly wastes away the enirgies •of life, caun's mrntnl deratigen.eiil, prevents the proper deelo|.incnt of the system, dis quahli' for rnairitge, society, business, nnd all earthly happiness, and leaves the sufferer wrecked in body and mind, predisposed to consumption and a liain of evils mote to he drrndtd than demit itself. With the fullest confidence I assure the unfortunate viuiinis ol nil-abuse thai a permanent and speeiiy cure ran be effected, and with the gbandwnineiil of ruinous practices my patients can be restored to robust, vigorous health, 'l ire afflicted are cautioned against the use <f( Patent Medicines, lor there ate so ninny inge nious snares in lliecolutnns of the public pi in Is to catch and lob the unwnty sufferers that millions have their constitutions ruined by the ile compounds of quack doctors, or the equally poisonous nosttums v need as' Patent Medicines.' 1 have carefully analyzed many c.f the so called i'ateul Medicines and find that nearly all of ibcm contain Uorrogivc CSunli male, which is one of tile strongest prepsra tions of uietcury and a deadly poison, which instead of curing tbo disease disables the sys tem for life. 'I hiee-fotirths of the patent nostrums now in use are put up by unprincipled and ignor ant persona, who do not undeistand even the alphabet of the Materia Medico, and are equal ly as destitute of any knowledge of the human system, having one object only in view, and that to make money regardless of consequence. Irregularities and all diseases of males and females treated on principles established by 20 years of practice, and sanctioned by Ihousai.ds of the most remarkable cuies. Medicines with lull directions sent to any part ol the United States or Canados, by patients lommuniculing their symptoms by letter. Business correspon dence strictly confidential. Address J. SUMMF.RVILLK, M. 0., Office No. 1131 Filbert Street, [Old No. 109] below Twelfth, Philadelphia. UK AMI JURORS' REPORT. To the Honorable the Judges of the Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace in anil for the County of Columbia: The Grand Inquest of ihe Commonwealth *f Pennsylvania, inquiring for the body of the Count) of Columbia, respectfully REPORT: Thai they have examined the public build ings belonging to the said county and find Ihem io good condition, the jail particularly being neat and clean. Wc would respectfully recommend Ihe Commissioners of the county 10 appropriate $l5O of Ihe County funds for the purchase of a Clock lo be put in Ihe Bel fry or Steeple ot the Courl House provided the citizens of Blosmsburg satisfy them that Ihey will pay the balance of said purchase money of said Clock. We would also rec ommend that the Supervisors of Orange town ship be notified as soon as can be, to open and make a road wtiirh is already laid out, leading flora Mallbew M'Dowell's Furnance around the hill to Stony Brook. All of which ia respectfully submitted this 9th day of Sep tember, A. D. 1857. CHARLES KAHLER, Foreman. BUNKS! BLANKS! !BLANKS! 1 DEEDS, SUMMONS, EXECUTIONS, SUBPfENAS. AND JUDGMENT NOTES, of porper k desirable forms, fo r sale at the office of the "Star ofthe North." • in AMI JOINT AND LAP SHlffGtfiS tor sale at the Arcade by May 27, '57. A C. MENSCH. GENEBAL ELECTION PR6CLAMA TION. WHEREAS by the Iwa of this Common woaltli it mode "the duly of the Sheriff ol every ennniy 10 pivo notice of the jfenerul elections, by publivaiion in nne or mora newspapers of Ihe county, at least twenty tlnys boiote the election, ami lo enumerate therein "the officers to the elected,•' utul to "designate the piece at which Hnj election is to be held " Therefore, J, STEPHEN H. MILLKIi. H>gh Sberitf ol Columbia county, do hereby make known and proclaim to the qualified electors ol Columbia county, thai u general election will be held throughout sunt county, an TUESDAY, the IHIRIKKNVH DAY OK OCTOBER, being the second Tues day i said month, at the several districts within the county to wit:— Benton township, at the house of Ey.ekiel Cole. Beaver township, at the house of Christian Stinmau. Bloom township at the Coutl-house Blooms bnrg. Brtnrrreek township, at the Town House, Berwick. Catawilea township, at the house of tho lute i Stacy Mitrgerurn, Catawtssa. Centre township, at the house of Jori miah Hess, deceased. hisltingcreek townehip, at the house of Ahrahutn Kline, now occupied by Withain (.eng. Gtecnwoud township, at the house of Jos. R. Ration. Hemlock township, at ihe Buck Horn. Locust township, at the house of David Reinbold. Franklin township, at Clayton's School house. MilQiit township, at lite house of John Kel fbr. Mmlison township, at lite house of John Welliver, dce'd. Moiininleasanl township, at the house ol William Hutchinson. Montour township, at Ihe house of Joint Richards, now occupied by William Hulling*- head. Main township, at the liouaVof Isaac Tel ler. Konringereck township, at Ihe house ol G. W. Dnesbach, uuw occupied by Franklin Shutnatt. Orange township, at the house of Peter P. Kline. Oraugeville. Pine township at the house of Albert Hun- Sligatloal township, at the house of Ali itas Cute. | Scott township ai the house of Euooh How i ell, E-pyiown. I Coiiyiighain township, at die house of F. 1 It Wollorih. Jackson township at the house of Joshua Savage. !( is further directed that the election at die said severa* districts shall bo opened be iwefn die hours ol 8 am*. 10 o'cluuk in the forenoon, and shu'l continue oper. without uiieirupiion or adjournment, unlill 7 o'clock HI the evening, when the polls shall he clov ed. The officers lo be elected at the time and place ahtresnid are:-*- A GOVERNOR, 2 JUDGES OF THE SUPREME COURT. A CANAL COMMISSIONER, A MEMBER OF CONGRESS, A STATE SENATOR. 2 MEMBERS OK ASSEMBLY, A COUNTY COMMISSIONER, ONE PERSON FOR PIIOTHONOTARY, CLERK OK THE COURT OF QUA It IER SESSIONS. OF THE ORPHANS'COURT, AND OF THE COUUTOFOYER AND TER MINER. 1 PERSON FOR REGISTER AND RE CORDER. A COUNTY TREASURER, A COUNTY AUDITOIL And the said election of Congressman is held in pursuance of a writ to me directed by the Governor ol the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, wherein it is directed that be cause a vacancy has happened in the repre sentation at tins Slate in the House ol Rep resentatives uf die United Slates, in coir-e --ipienee ol die death ol JOHN G. .MONT GOMERY, Esq , elected a member ol the Twenty Ftlih Congress, Irom the Twelfth Congressional District, composed of die counties ol Columbia, Luzerne, Montour and Wyoming, that I, Stephen H Miller, High Slierilf ol Columbia comity, strait hold or cause to he held, in each township, at die lime and llm places aforesaid, an election fur choosing a Representative of this Common wealth II: the House ol Representatives of the United Stoles, to fill the vacancy afore sairl. And, whereas, I have been directed by the Governor to five nonce that a joint resolu tion, proposing ceriam amendments to the Constitution ol this Commonwealth, has been agreed lo by a majority of the members elected to each House ol die Legislature, at two successive terms ot the same, and dial it iv provided by the Constitution, that any amendment so agreed upon, shall be sob mined to the people for their approval or re jection. Tlterelore, for Hie purpose of ascer taining the sense ol the citizens ol this Com mon wealth in regard thereto. I, Stephen H. Miller, High Sherifi ol Columbia county, do give notice and proclaim to lite qualified electors of said county, dial an election will he held in each of the townships, wards and districts therein, on the second Tuesday of October, A. D. 1857, lor the purpose of deci ding upon the adoption or rejection ot the said amendments, or any of them; which said election shall be held ai Ihe place*, and opened and closed at die lime at and within which the General Elections ol this Com monwealth are held, opened and closed; and it shall be dm duly ol the Judge.*, Inspectors and Clerks of each of said lownihips, wards and districts to receive at the said election, tickets either written or printed, or partly written and partly printed from citizens Only qualified lo vote lor Members ol die Geu erat A-sembly, and to deposit them ill a box i or boxes to be lor that purpose provided by | the proper officers; which ticket's wball be be respectively labelled on the outside, ' Fir-t Amendment," "Second Amendment," "Third Amendment,""Fourth Amendment," and those who are favorable in said Amend ments, or any of them, may express thetr desire by voting each as many separate writ ten or ptieted, or partly written or printed ballots or tickets, containing on the inside thereof the words "For die Amendment," and those who are opposed io suclr Amend ments, or any of them, may express their opposition by voting each as many separate wntien or printed ballots or tickets c obtain ing on tho inside thereof the words "Against the Amendments." And further, Ido hereby give notice, di rect and procluim, that the election on Ihe said proposed Amendments, shall be opened and closed at the same time, and in all re spects be conducted, as the General Elections of this Commonwealth are now conducted, as well as respects the qualifications of vo ters, ihe lime and manner of making re turns, as in all other particulars. It is lurlher direcled thai the meeting of the return Judges, at the Court House in Bloomsburg, lo make out Ihe general returns shall bo on the first Friday succeeding the general alectioo, which will be the sixteenth day of Ociober. The Congressional return Judges of the Twelfth District, composed of the counties ol Columbia, Luzerne, Montour and Wy oming, will meet at the Court House, in Bloomsburg, on TUESDAY, the twentieth I day of October next, to make out return* : for member of Congress. ! The Senatorial return judges of the Thir- tcenlh S-natntial District composed of Ibe r mini fas ot Snyder, Nmthumberia'nd Mott onr and Columma. will meet at the (,'o'im HtTnse, in the borough of SUnbtiiy. in tfte enenty of Northumberland. on TUESDAY, 'lie Twentieth tluy of October next, to make out returns far State Senalok. The return Judges of Ihe Representative District, composed <,l the roomies of Wy tog, bit 111 v a ii, Colutiibiu and Muntour, shall tticet at die Court Hou-e in Uloomsbuts, in tl e county of Colombia, on TUESDAY die Twentieth day ot October next, to ttiuke out tetntns for mend ers ol As.-emhly. And in ami by die sstJ tint, I am fnrher directed to give notice tliat ererv person, excepting justices of the peace, who shall hold any office or appointment ol profit or trust under the Government of the United States, or of this State, or ol any city or in corporated district, whether a commissioned office ot otherwise, n subordinate officer ot agent, who is, or shall he employed tinder the legislative, or executive, or judiciary de partment ol this State, or ot any incorpora ted district, and also that every member ol Congress, attd ul Ihe select orcotnmnti coun cil or any city, commissioners of any incor porated district, is by law, incapable of hold ing or exercising nl the same time, the officii or appointment of judge, inspector or clerk of any election of this Commonwealth, and that no it spector, judge or any officer ot any such election shall he eligible lo any office than to be voted for. Given under my hand and seal, at my of fice in Uloomsburg, this 31st day of August, A. D., 185 T. ' STEPHEN If. MILLER, Blnntrsbnrg, Sept B, 18671 Sheriff. Farmers' Depot aud PlasieFMills. Jit the Junction of Vnrk slvenue and Callow lull Strrrtu, I'IEIi.VIHI.I'IIIA. WE oiler a Drye slock uf Chemical Ma nun's HIHI Fertilizers ai low prices, ami war ranted to be genuine : among which will be (bund— -1,000 lons No. 1 Government Peruvian Guano. 1.000 lons Deßerg's No. 1 Super-phosphale ol Lure. The above standard article* are, each of their kind, the best in the world ! Our Laud Plaster, manufactured from select stone, is celebrated throughout tlw Union tor its purity ami strenutli. W K INVITE onrtEPvS FOR I)o Bert's No. 1 Super Phosphate of Lime. No, 1 Government lVtuvian Guano. French's Improved Snp-nhosphate ol Lime. Fiench's Philadelphia Poudrelte. No. I PtiosphatoGnatio (Phila. Co.'e.) Mexican Guano (A.) Extra Lund Plaster, Ordinary Laud Plaster, Chemical Hone Pure bone dost. Kixli Guano, Ground Charcoal. 10 000 Parrels I.and Plaster. 5,000 • Casting Plaster. 10.000 " Hydraulic Cement. 3,000 " 'J'rue llotnan Cement, 1,000 •' Port/am' [Ting.) Cement. ILM), DENTISTS' PLASTER, STEREOTYPE •' GLASS MAKERS' GROUND STONE, WHITE MARBLE, BLUE Powderod Anthracite Coal, (in barrels.) do Bituininout Coal, do Ground Brown Stone, do White Sand do Ground Bricks for Painters Chemical Bone dust. FRENCH, RICHARDS, & CO. Steam Mali nut I Fanners' Depot, At Junction of York Avenue, Crown and Callowhill Street*, Philadelphia, September 2, 1857. GIFTS! UIFTSI GIFTS! GlFTsl A. ItAWLY, Publisher, 393 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. OFFICII* FOII SAB .100,000 KOOKK & MAPS, OF ull kinds, ai Publishers' price*, to be accompanied with 500,000 GIFTS, worth from 25 cent* to 6200 each ; consisting ol Gold and Silver Watches, Gold Lockets, Gold Chains. Cnnteo Pins and Drop*. Gold Bracelets, Gold Pencils. Sewing Birds, irt short Jewelry of every description; Reticules. Ladies Purses, Pnrtmunities. &c. $l5O worth of GIFTS DISTRIBUTED with every 500 Books. A Gill will he delivered wuh every bonk sold for one dollar or more. Alihomjh no bonk or article will be sold for more than the usual retail price, many will be sold for less. Persons w killing any particular book, can order at once and tl will be forwarded with a Gift. Persons ordering Books with Gifts, should (orward the amount of postage, a* it ntut invariably be paid in advance.— The average pnslage for sl,2sbnnksis 18 els., and lor $1 50 and $2 00 books, 21 rents. INDUCEMENTS TO CLUBS & AGENTS: A BOOK AND GIFT WITHOUT MONEY. Any person, by forwarding an order for Books, (wuh money enclosed.) will receive an extra Book and Gill with every Ten Books to be sent to one address. This rneihod of forming Clubs saves poet age, a* the Package goes by Express. Full inlorrnutiou respecting this great gift enterprise, together with a complete List of Books, and gilts will be lurnished ih our Catalogue, which is sent po6l paid to any ad dress on application. Address, A. RANNEY, No. 293 Broadway. New York. the golven prize. rpHE NEW YOUK WEEKLY GOLDEN -* PRIZE. One ol the largest and best lit erary papers of the day. Terms of Subscription. $2 per Year. Anil a GIFT will be presented to each sub scriber immediately on receipt of the sub scription rneney. Each subscriber will be entitled to a Gift worlh Irom $1 lo SSOO in Gold. TO CLUBS. 3 copies for 1 year, $3.00 15 do 1 do 15.00 REA D—RE A D—READ—REA D TIIK LIST OF GIFTS—GIFTS—GIFTS. 1 Package containing SSOO in Gold 10 Gobi Patent Lever English Hunting Cased Watches SIOO Each. 15 <• "< 75 " 25 " Gold Watches 60 " 100 " " " " 50 " 300 Ladles' " " " 35 " iOO Silver Hunting Cased Watches 25 " 200 " Walches 10 to 20 " 500 Gold Vest, Guard & Fob Chains ' 10 to 30 " 5000 Gold Lockets 210 10 " Gold Rings—Ear Drops— Broaches—Breast Pins—Stnds Cuff Pin?— Sleeve Button" &o. 810 lo 18 each. Immediately on the receipt of the sub scription money, the subscriber's name wtl be entered upon our subscription book, op posite a number, and the gift corresponding with that number will be forwarded to bis or her addruss by mail or pxpress, pol paid. Address, BECKER & CO., Publishers, 92 Moffat's Buildings, New York. Augusr 2, 1857. Trimmings and notions, fancy nni clo, a good assortment ol Hosiery of the best quality; also gloves, mitts, baskets, Ca bas, Combs, dress trimmings and linings, sewing silk, thread, etc., etc., to be had next door to the "Exchange." AMELIA D. WEBB. Bloomsburg, May 25, 1867. TO JRECHANICB, INTERIORS 4 MAN UFACTURERS. In announcing the THIRTEENTH annual Volume of tlie Scientific American, ihe pub. littler* respectfully idoim the public that in order In increase and stimulate the formation of efub*. they propnse to offer ONE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED DOL LARS IN CASH PREMIUMS lor the titlecn largest line o subscribers cent in by the I/O of January, ISW; said promt um to be distributed as l-Vtr itie laruest list, s3ot>: 2d, $250; 3d, MOO; -Jlh, SI50: sth, Slfitt lith. S9O; 7H, $80; 8:h, S7O; 9th. *6O; 10th, 110; Ilih.f-IO; |2lh, $35; I 3 lt, S3O; Ulh $25; slh. S2O. Names of sub-nnihersciia be sent in at dif ferent tunes and fiotn different Post Office*, lite cash will be paid to'the orders of the successful competitors, immediately alter the Ist of January, 1858. ; Southern, Western and Canada money will bo taken lor subscription*. Canadian sub scribers will please to remit Twenty-Hit cts. ex'ra on each year's subscription to pre-pay postage. Terms of Subscription—Two dollars a year or One Dollar for six months. t'llib Rates—Five copies, for six months, $4; Five copies, for twelve months, $8; Ten copies, for six months, *8; fen copies for twelve months, sls; Twenty copies, for 12 months, S2B. For all Clubs of Twenty and over, the yearly subscription is only $1 40. The new volume will be printed upon fine paper with new type. The mineral character of lh Scientific Amer ican is well known, ami, as heretolnre, it will be cliielly devoted to the promulgation of mforniHlinn relating lo the various Meohani cal ami Chemical Ails, Manufacture.*, Agri cifl'nre, Patents, Inventions, Engineering, M il Work, and all interest* which the light nl Practical Science is calculated lo advance. It is issued weekly, in lorm for binding; it contains annually from 500 to 600 finely ex* edited Engravings, mid nonces ol American nod European Improvements, together with an Official List of American Patent Claim# published weekly in advance of all olber pa pers. It i* Ihe aim of the Editors of the Scientific American to present all subjects discussed in it# columns in n practical and popular form They will also endeavor to maintain u candid fearlessness in combating end exposing fal-e theories and practice in Scientific and Me chanical mat era, ami thus preserve the char acter ol the Scientific American a* a reliable Encyclopedia of Useful and Entertaining Knowledge. Specimen copies will be sent grilis to any pari uf the country. MIJNN & CO., Publishers and Patent Agents, No 128 Fulicti St., New York. Sept. 1, 1857. TWENTY-FIVE WITNESSES 1111. TIIK FORGER CONVICTED. john s. uykTs thTaiithor I* Who has had 10 years' experience as a [■ Banker and Publisher, ami author of Ui A Scies oj Lectures at the Broadway Taher mi node, (ij when for 10 successive nighls, over p* OP* 10,000 People *1 ? greeted him with rounds ol applause, while he exhibited the manlier in which execute their frauds, and JJJ the surest and shortest means of detecting e, them ! q The Hank Note Engravers all say U that He is the Greatest Judge of Paper Money Living. ® Greatest discovery ol the present century X For Detecting < otiuierfeil Bank - Notes. 2 Describing every Genuine Bill in exi#'- ®noee, and exhibiting at a glance every Comuerleit in Circulation!! M Arranged so admirably, that Reference is S easy and detection Instantaneous. . CiT No index to examine! No pages lo J? hunt up! But so simplified and at ® ranged, thai the Merchant, Bank- _ er and Business Man can see V all at a Glance. English, Ffetich and German. £4 Thus each moy rend the name in his own Na live Tongue j MOST PERFECT BANK NOTE 5 LIST PUBLISHED, q ,\l*o a List of Z ALL THE PRIVATE HANKERS IN 5 AMERICA. y A Complete Summary of the finance of Europe and America will be published in .each edition, together with all the ircport- Sganl news of the day. Also, J A SERIES OF TALES rj From an old manuscript found in the East. 1: furnishes the most complete history of m Oriental Lire, In describing the most perplexing posi lions in which the Ladies and Gentlemen 2of that country have been so olten lound. These Stories will continue throughout the ■■ whole year, and will prove the Most En- Mtertaining ever oflered Jo the Public. C ty Furnished Weekly to subscribers SSonlj.otSl a year. All letters must be ad- dressed to H JOHN S. DYE. Broker. £ Published and Proprietor, 70 Wall.Slreet. © April 27, 1857. New York. Full Stock of Fall Dry Goods. EYRF, & LANDELL, Fourth & Arch Sts., Philadelphia, respectfully request Cash Buyers to examine a fine slock of Seasonable Goods, adopted to Best Pennsylvania Trade. Full Line of Fall Dress Goods. Ne.w designs of Fall Shawls. Good Black Silk* of all widths. 4 Cases assorted French Mertnoes. 7 " Poi! de Chevres, New Goods. j Britsh and American Dark Prints. Satinetts, Cassimeres, Cloths & Vestings. Muslins, Linens, Flannels, Blankets, &c. N. B.—Auction Bargains from New York/ and this City daily received. Particular at lontion given to Country orders lor desirable Goodg— Terms Netl Cash. Sept. 1. 1857—3tnos. GIFTS, GIFTS, GIFTS! A PRIZE TO EVERY PURCHASER, Al the Quaker Cily Publish ng House of OUANE RULISON, PHIIADEI.HHIA. Y buying a book for one dollar or more you are at once presented with a prise, worth form 25 cents to SIOO, consisting of Fine Gold Jaweliy, Watches Ac. All orders by mail will be promptly fillet. anil the prize or prizes will accompany the bonk. Our list contains all of tho most popu ar books of ihe day, and will he sold at the usual -flail prices many of theui for less. Peiatnawishiug any particular book can order at anrr, and it will be forwarded with s gilt. A -slalngue giving full information, with a list of txohs and gifts will be sent post paid, by ndJ'-ssing DUANK HULISON, No. 33 South Third St., Philadelphia. Ir Ageu's wanted. Sept. 8, 1657.—3 m. goopeking. THE subscriber announces that ha will carry 011 the COOPERING BUSINESS at hia brewery in Hopkinsville, where he will make BARRELS, TIBS, KEGS, and everything in that line ol buafnaaa. He will also repair work of al! kinda, and will do it skillfully and at fair prices. CHARLES W HASSERT. Bloomsburg, June 8, 1857 DR UGS JIJYD _ cP m. T*7"OULD call the atiention of all those who wish to bay Rood Roods in his line, that he has * just replenished hi* (already) large and well selected assortment of the following arti cles, via.—Drugs, Medicines, Oils, Paints, Varnishes, Glass, Dyestuffs, Confeotionaries, Per fumery, fancy soapa and toilet articles generally; Cigars and Tobacoo of everv variety and brand, Harrison's Inks wholesale and retail at the manufacturer's prices, PUßE WILES AND BRANDIES for medicinal uso only. Trusses, Shoulder Brace# and Abdominal Supporters, SURGICAL AND DENTAL INSTRUMENTS, paint, Varnish and Tooth Brushes; also agent lor most of the popular Patent Medicines of the day. Toys, and an endless variety ol uselul and fancy notions not here enumerated. Physi ctan's ! resr'ription* and Family Medicines put upcarelully and at short notice. Glass Coning done to order at the old wand. E. P. LUTZ. Bloomsburg, April 8, 1857. BOOK, CARD. AND FANCY <X?CE>I33 THE PROPRIETOR OF THE "STAR OF THE NORTH," Having added to the tixturea of the "STAB" Office good and extensive JOBBING MATERI AL, is prepared to execute all kinds of JOII I'RINTIIUtJ ill the best CITY STYLE, and at short notice. Certificates of Stock unit Deposite. Constitutions for Societies, flank Checks, Promissory Notes, Hail Hood and other Tickets, Catalogues, Paper Books, IliH-Heads, Cheek Rolls, Plain and Fancy Cards, Business and other Circulars, Posters Plain and in Colors. A*td priwiihg OP ALL XXITLS Can be Procured at the "Star" Job Office, AS PROMPTLY AND NEATLY PRINTED AS IN THE CITY- The public are invited to call and see specimens, as we aro determined to merit patron age by strict attention to business and superior workmanship. New arrival of Spring and Summer Goods ! 2£SrLSBJ£kOa c£>3 CSBCE> HAVE just received and opened their stock of merchandize for Spring and Snrtlhnersales, which comprises the LARGEST, CHEAPEST, and HANDSOMEST assortmel I now offered in this TOWN! Having paid great attention to tho selection of their entire stock, as to price and quality, they flatioi themselves that they can compete with the cheapest, and all those wishing to buy cheap, can save money by giving tie a call. We have all kinds of Goods and Wares lo supply the wania ol the People. A very large lot of LADIES DRESS MOODS, French merinoes, wool plaids, alpacas, bombazines, do bages, poplins, parametla cloths, mohair lustres,muslin do laities, Persian cloths, Ginghams, Calicoes, &c. WHITE GOODS OF ALL KINDS, Sieves. Collars, Spencers, handkerchiefs. Bouncings, bands and trimmings, laces and edgings, bonnet ribbons, in large variety, vel vet ribbons, and braids, kid, cntlon, and lisle thread gloves, mohair mitts, &e., All kinds ot SHAWLS, broeke, Bay Slato, Waterville, black silk, cashmere. Embroder ed, &e. Also a very large assortment of cloths, cassnners, sattmetts, vesting*, tweeds; jeans, beaver cloths, coaling velvet, &c. BOOTS AND SHOES, OF ALL KINDS If SIZES FOR hIEN WOMAN Sf CHILDREN We have a large assortment ol Hals and Caps of latest fashions. We have also Hard ware, Queensware, Cedarware, &e. Very cheap carpels, carpet bags, floor, table and car riage oil cloths, mats rugs, baskets, &c. Muslins flannels, tickings, diapers, toweling*, drillings. &c., in abundance. We invite our friends and the public generally to give us a call before purchasing el-e --where. We have bought our goods at Lowest Cash I'ricea and will not be undersold by anybody, or the rest of mankind. Bloomsburg, April 15, 1857. New Arrival of Fall and Winter Goods. DAVIE LOWEITE EE, Gr INVITES attention to his Stock of cheap and fashionale tlothing at hi# storeoo Market street, two doors above the 'American House," where lie has a fuli assortment ol men and boy's wearing apparel, including ffikSIEa@SJAI£LIE UMBIESg O&A'Effi? j|ox, sack, frock, gum and oil clolh coats of all sorts and sizes, pants of all colors, shawls stripes and figure, vests, (shirts, cravals, stocks, collars, handkerchiefs,gloves, suspenders and fancy articles. N. B. He will also make to order any article of clothing at very shnrt notice and in the best manner. All his clothing is made to wear, and most of it is of home manufac ture. Bloomsburg, April I, 1857. A. C. MENSCII AT TOO ARCADE STAND HAS jiwt received ami opened a full and larie Husorlinpni OF SPUING AND SUMMER GOODS, which he will sell at the lowest living profit. His stofk embraces s'ella, thibet an.l crape shawls, barege, barege delaines, tissues, lawns, debeges, crape orientals, alpaccas, &c SILKS. —A very handsome assortment of striped, plain, plaid and black silks, which he intends to sell at very reduced pticeß. EMBROIDEKIES. An immense stock of embroideries, such as embroidered handkerchiefs, collars, spen cers, sleeves, Swiss arid jaconet edgings and insertings, linens, cotton and thread laces, flouncing* and embroidered curtains. DOMESTICS—MusIins, drillings, tickings, checks, OMiaburgs, baggings, ginghams, flan nels, table diaper and ready-made bags. • iHcn and Boys' Wear. Cloths, cassimeres, vesting*, jean*, cotton ades, denims, blue drillings, cotton plaids &c. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. A very large assortment of new style car pels, such as tapestry. Brussels three ply. in grain and Venetian oil cloths, of all widths. A large assortment of Ladies & Childrens' Shoes, which tie will sell very cheap. GROCERIES. (^^l A lot of fresh sugars molasses. IDE^FJ TEAS. COFFEE, FISH SPICES JSP JL &c. Also Hardware Crockery and Woodenware. BE Flour and Feed a'ways for sale at the lowest market prices for CJb. Bloomsburg, April 29, 1857. TUE $lO AND sls SINGLE & ROUBLE THREADED EMPIRE FAMILY SEWING MACHINE: AN Agency for the saie ol these Machines for this and the adjoining counties can be secured on liberal terms by a personal appli cation to the subscribers, 6th and Arch Sts., Philadelphia. No one need apply without capital sufficient to conduct the business properly, and without references as to relia bility and capacity. \\'e positively assert that these Machines, for all purposes of FAMILY SEWING. are in every respect superior to any Sewing Machine in market, (no matter at what prices ihey sre held at) and will wherever offered for sale command a ready and un limited demand. JOHNSON & GOOD ELL. Philadelphia, Aug. 14, 1857.-lin. CHARLES STAHL, BOOK BINDER, lies located 10 Blooms burg, wnere ha will bind books, period icals and pamphlet* to any desirable style and manner; and at reasouabl* prices. "He will bind newspapers ami magai'ues, plain, in library style or in morocco ornamented He has his place of bustuese to Hopkius ville with Mr. F. lsler. Bloomsburg, July IS, 1*57. ATS AND CAPS on Mod arid far sale at the Arcade bv May 87. 57 A C MENSCR lOLI.IIBIS MALE' ARB FEMALE ad so Lii/rrnr County, Pa. THR Trustees of this Institution respectfully announce, that il will he opeoeifor ihe reception of Pupils, of both sexes. on Mnndav, October 20th next, umlor the immediate care of I'rof. JAMES ANDERSON, as Principal. Mr. A. is a gentleman of extensive acquire, ments. and enlarged experience as an eilucator and has been connected with the most popular "High School" of Bocks Co. for several years. He is also well and favorably known as a eon trihutor to some of our leading educational peri odicals. THR COURSE OF INSTRUCTION Will comprise Orthography, Definitions, Read ing, Penmanship, Etymology. Geography. Erg Orammat, Composition, Arithmetic Algebra Geometry. Mensuration, Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, Surveying, Navigation, Astron omy, Ac. Book Keeping, History, Physiology. Natural, Intellectual, and .Moral Philosophy, nd Chemistry. Classes in the French, Spanish S,- Latin languages will be formed as eirly as practica ble. ami Instruction on Piano-Forte will be given if desired. II LDKIi) LECTURES on the Natural Sciences, illustrated by apptopriale apparatus will also be j^iven. SPECIAL ATTENTION will be pa*', , 0 young Eadiea and Genlitrmn designing ' jqua! ify themselves as Teachers. TERMS: 101 R. FIV E and SIX Lrollats per Quarter in accordance with the studies pursued, pai able one half in advance an j the balance at the close of ihe Quitter. GOOD BOARD can be had :n the village at a moderate price. EC' Mr. A. will deliver an address on Physi cal, In'elleetual and Moral education. a the day of commencement, when his method of imparting instruction will be illustrated, and the discipline nd management of the eh eel. fully expla.ned. Patents. Guardians, and the friends of educa titan generally, are cord.ally invited to be pres ent. D. L. CHAPLN. I B. M. STEVENS. JOHN KOONS. N. D. STILES, ILAS DODSON. | JOHN VAPLB. THOMAS PEALER. Columbus. Sept, 4, Trustees. MAP OF BLOOHsWRC. T%|ES>KS. HI'RLKY & LLOYD. Civil F.v tjuieers, Sorveytvv and Map Publisher* are now in this o.'ace tot the purpose of ma king a thoroughly correct Property Map. | showing the Gtwumt Shan of every Buiidi.-.*. the sue and shape oi each Lot. with owucs I ttamvs, or initials, pfiated thereon. Colored. Varnished and tnocn'vd na Caava#. asd Rob- j Wis, all compfs-e. Prior per copy, io pay ab'e oa delivery of .he Mp. TX'V are also prepared to make Sucvev and luruish Skehitor* Macs v>f Farm-, * h contents catooiated aad itraevasd thereon, or any term wtthm • reason aWe distance (root , town. i FRESH ARRIVAL ! ANEW >oi of cheap tausltf* aad prtate | jaat recssved by radeoa'aod teeaaJa ay • A C MENSCH < American Safety-Paper MauufeCtßr log CB|U]f of Kew York. CAPITAL s<!©©,•••; A. NICHOLAS, PruidiHt. Office, 70 Wall Si reel. A Perfect Security Ogaint! all manner of Fraud or counterfeiting on paper, ro prevent Photograph* and Ana*' tatxc Counterfeit, Eraturet, front' or Alterationt. A VINO purchased ilia Patent for tba at' elusive ripht to manufacture and aall the new Chemical Paper in America, invented arid patented ir. England by Henry Glynn, a celebrated uliemiat and officer id die British ariny, it i* hardly neceaeary Id .ay thai the Caper is rooommended by Mr. K#nt, Assayer ol die United Stole. Mint, Mr. Lymah of the New York Clearing House, and Mead* Brothers. extensive and skilful photographer., 233 Broadway, New York. The latter say that no imitation caa be* made on a check or bank nnte printed en. ine Sslety Paper, Be low ia uur list of prices Uunk Checks— 3s cts per lb. Batik Hills—fclß (or 1(100 sheets. Bills ol Exchange— >25 for 1000 sheels. Promissory No'e*—4o cis. per lb. Sight & Time Drafts—*2s lor 1000 sheet*. Insurance Policies—4o cts per lb. Kail road Stocks Hi Bond.—to cts. per lb (lank and State Storks—4o cts. per lb. Bonds and Mortgages— 40 cts. per lb. Wills and Deeds—4o eta. per lb. For wrapping Silks end other One article* it is excellent, as it prevent! moms. 40 cts. n lb. For Indenture! and Agreerrlemv. 40 cent* per lb. All State and County Records ehonld al ways be primed or written on this paper, as the chemicals inserted in lh,e pblp not only prevent erasure Ot transfer, but make It last trig as drtiir. For Southern Climatee it is excellent, and much si)| etior to any oilier; as trie moi.tness of the climate (loft. not destroy it, —the prop; erties inserted in tuft pulp belt)" A ptevenlive. In nil die southern slates, Cub., the West In dies and the Central American Slate., no | public records can be kept over 20 yearsj written on d> ordinary paper, while die Oils and chemicals inserted in this paper makes j n indestructible by trie ravages of time. It I is also prnof against moth., rats and other ver min, which feast on and destroy all other pa i pe- now in use. The Company have now in operation Mill* in Morris County, N. J., hi abnut 3ot) horse power, and ere able to fill all orders for pa per at the shortest nnticc. A! 1 orders for the paper mu.t be addressed In A. NICHOLAS, President of the Company. No 70 Wa'l Street, New Vork. Angus! 5, 1857.—3 in T. KINGSFOUI) A SOVS OS7f EGOIST A R3H. I (FOK THE LAUNDRY.) , ¥TAS established a greater celebrity than i •* ha. ever been obtained by any other ! Starch. This haa been llio remit of its marked su- I periority in quality, and its invariable uoi j formity. The public may tc asnred of the ronliuu- I ance of tho it ah standard now established. | The production Is over Twenty Tona daily | and the demand hasextend-d llirooghout tha I whole ol the United States, and to foreign j countries. Working thus oil a very large scale, and and* r a rigid system, they are able to secure ; a perlict snd uniformity in the quality tsrough out the y ear. Tins is the great Desideratum I in Starch-making, and is realized now for j the first lime. The very best starch that can be made,and ( no othtr, is always wai led by consumers, and while this will he supplied to ihem ty I die grocer", as soon as their customers have learned which is ihe Le-t, and ak for it— j otherwise diey would be likely to gel that i article on wlrtch Ihe largest profit can ta , made. Mr King.ford has Leer; er.gsged in the manufacture of starch continuously for the las; 27 years, ar.d during the whole of the period, the starch ma le under his supervis ion lias bean, tevnnJ any question, the best in the market. For the first 1" years, he had the charge ol tl,ts work- ol Win. Colgate k 1 Co.. at wt'iicb he invented the process ol me m.iniitaciu-9 of corn siarch. r?" Aikjor kmgtford't Slunk, at tkt nam* Oncego hat r neatly been taken by atMktr fac tory. T KINGS FORD k SON'S OSWEGO CO/t.\ ST.IRUH. (Far Pwjdmgt (fc .) Has obtained an eqoal ceiebrby with their 1 Siarch lor ihe Laundry. This article is pr --i fectiy pore, ana is, in everv respect, eqaal to the best Bermuda Arrow-Root, besides hav ing additional qualities which render it inval , cable for the dessert. Potato ?'areh has been extensively necked and sold as Corn Starch, and has given taiv* impressions to many, as io the real merits cf our Corn Starch. From us great delicacy and purity, it is coming al-o in;o extensive use as a [ or infants and invalid* E. N KELLOGG t CD., Aetah ... ' 96 cation Sreet N. T. ALL F.N it N FFGLes. Aentr. 235,, d ,(j Wuarves. Philad'a. July 2*. I?j7_3m J'ablic >\it #f Valubl* Bal £aUU. T f '.cl undersigned Eveca'.or of ihe estate Wesley Roat deceased w it. otfer at pab -1.0 sale upon the ptem se* 00 SAT L'RDAY. THE 3rd. OF OCIOBER .SEAT, at one o'clock, P. the farm belonging 10 the sanl estate, shcate in Hemlock township, Cornm • b.a . rfx"lining I I 'J-f Arret A 37 Perches, and adjoining lands of Hugh Jlcßride. John Moßeyr.olJa, Pet-r App-eman. Caeb Bartoo, sen., an t Splve- er Pu-seiL 1: is area can THE IROS ORE KEGIOX ; of Cmutrb.a craoiy, two miles from Bfootas ton an.l on the pub. c bigswav leading to Buckhorn. A bra-tch cf Hemlock C-*ek passes through ;be premises, and the whole farm is in a tair state of cultivation. Tie rrs provements are 1 l,r*-e new —note HOISF, 1 r.eur auJ cu-omodioos tssw teuact haoee, a large -e bank bam, a new wagen boisse, and riper ro ennrel* new. As sess. n will teg ver on the Ist of April tS3S. Condition* wdf be trade known on the day of sa.e by WILLIAM NK.lt, £mkr. Pfryin-sbtl*2. July 80 At'iuiu intra lor' Aalicc. NOTICE i becooy g'.veu ;aai eiu-rs at af mi- -irs on ;• .ron -he e-ua eof John Wefiivee a e*rMac - n- ownstupi. Co-amijua soanty, creased. save eeou j-sd* i ; -jw encVi - geed >rs.ii :g aiae at ;ae said oewkiy ef ilal-HM A 1 perse <: : ajefcaed ;o rfce coeaao are wqvested • • waae pareeit • chant 4e ay. and t hose kavUigaueuoafet J ir si 'nemi o present tseaa to JOHN A. FI.NSTOJi. Jerswviowrv. log IT CANVASSERS WARTBOT A row compel*,K agents. oNo-od for a-T *U*~* tJ&Lry < mi amwww of Ate Wk > * v S anfrrj ,Ptnor fh-nk kewk aea<N hoc.yf ano iaeef| Ktoo >, Aioot*. K whoen KO tuiu*c<®o*,> wta aAke vt g 'if -em T if A et tn Atultm -.00., N>o
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers