BY AUTHORITY. BEBOLDTHMV prxmoem g Amendment, to the Conetitmhn of the Commonwealth. RESOLVED by the Senate and House of Rep raaentatives of the Commonwealth of Penn aylvania in General Assembly met: That the following amendments are proposed to the constitution of the commonwealth, in accor dance with the provisions af the tenth article hereof. FIRST AMENDMENT. There shall be an additional article to said conatitution lo be designated at article elev en, as follows'. — ARTICLE XI. OF PUBLIC DEBTS. Pre f. The atale may contract debts, to eopply casual deficits ot failures in revenues, or'.o meet expenses not otherwise provided for; bnl the aggregate amount of soch debts direct and contingent, whether con'rected by viitue of one or more acts of the general as sembly, or at different periods ol tune, 6hall never exceed seven hundred and filtv thou sand dollars, snd the money arising from the creation of such debts, shall be applied to the purpose for wbicb it was obtained, or to lepay the debts so contracted, and to no other purpose whatever. . . I Src. 2. In eddition to the above limited power the state may contract debts to repel invasion, suppress insurrection, defend the state in war, or to redeem the present out landing indebtedness of the state; but lite money arising from the contracting of such debts, shall be applied to the purpose lor wbich it w as raised, or to repay such debts, and to no other purpose whatever. Stc. 3. Except the d :bts above specified in sections one and two of this siticle, no debt whatever shall be ctealed by, or on be half of the ritaie. Sec 4. To provide for the payment of the present debt, any additional debt contracted as pforesaid, the legislature shall, at Its first session, after lite adoption of this amendment, create a sinking lund, which shall be sufficient to pay the accruing inter est on such debt, and annually lo reduce the principal thereof by u sum not leas than two hundred and fifty thousand dollars; which sinking fund shall consist oflheriel annual in come of the public wotks, front time to time owned by the 6ta'c, or tho proceeds of the sale of the 6ame, or any part thereof, and i f the income or proceeds of sale of stocks owned by the state, together with other funds, oi resources, that ntßy be designated by law. The said sinking fund may bo in creased, from lime to time, by assigning to it any part of the taxes, or other revenues of the State, not requited lor the ordinary and current expenses of government, and unless in case of war, inva-ion or insurrection, no jrart of said sinking fund PIIHII bs used or applied otherwise than in extinguishment of Hie public debt, until the amount of such debt is reduced below the sum of five mil lions of dollars. SEC 6. The creJit of the commonwealth shall not in any manner, or event, bo pledg ed, or loaned to, any mdivtdnal, company, corporation, or association; nor shall the commonwealth hercalter beconto R joint owner, or stockholder, iu sny company, as sociation, or corporation. Sic. 6. The commonweal-h shnll not as sume the debt, or any pari ihereo r , ol any couoty, city, borough, or township; or of any corporation, or association; unless such debt shall Itsve been contracted to enable the •tate to repel invasion, suppress domestic .nsurrection, defend itsell in lime ol war, or lo assist the stato in the diechargo of uoy portion of its present indebted! ess. SEC. 7. The legislature shall not aulbcize any county, city, borough, township, or in corporation district, by virtue ol a vote ol its citizens, or otherwise, to become a stock holder in any compary, association, or cor poration; or to obtain money lor, or loan its credit to, any corporation, association, insti tution, or party. SKCOND AMRM'MENT. • There shall he an additional article lo said constitution, to b designated a* article XII, at follow*: ARTtrt.R Ml. OF NEW COUNTIES. No county ehall be divided by a line cut ling ofl over one tehth of it* population, (eith er 10 form a new county or otherwise.) with out the express assent ot such county, by a vote of the elector* thereof; nor shall any new county be established, containing less than four hundred eqnare miles. TMIHO AMKKOMKNT. From section two ol the first article of the constitution, strike out the words,''ol the city of Philadelphia, and of csch county respec tively;" from section five, same article, strike out the words, "of Philadelphia and of the several counties;" trom section seven, same at tide, airike out the words, "neither the city of Philadelphia nor env," and insert in lieu thereol the words, "and no;" and strike out "section four, same atticls," and in lieu theieof inseri the following: "Sxc. 4, In the year one thousand eight hun dred and sixty-four, and in every seventh year thereafter, representatives to the num ber of one hundred, shali be apportioned and dismbuied equally, throughout the state, by districts, in propornon to the number of tax able inhabitants in the several parts thereol: except that any county containing at lesat three thousand five hundred taxable*, may be allowed a scparaie representation: but no more than three counties shall be joined, and no county fh*U be diluted, in tfoe ionization of a district. Any cit* containing a suffici ent number of taxable* to entitle it to at least two representatives, shall have a sepa rate representation assigned it. and shall be divided into convenient districts of contigu ous territory, of equal taxable population a* near as may be, each of which districts shall elect one representative." At the end of secion seven, same article, jnsert these words, "the city ct Philadelphia shall be divided into single senatorial dis trtcis, of contiguous tairitory a* nearly equal iu taxable population as possible; but no ward sbtll be dtviJed in the formation there of." The legislature. *i its first session, after the adoption of this amendment, shall di vide the coy of Philadelphia into senatorial and Representative districts, in the manner aboea previded: such districts to remain an rhsnged a Mil the apportionment in ibe year one thousand aigiu hundred and stxiy-fou:. par are aaaxpucwT. There shall be aa additional section to the first article of aaid constitution, wtich shall be numbered and read as toUows: Sac. 28. The legislature shah have the power to aher. revoke, or annul, any charter of incorporation hereatier conferred by, or under, any special, or general law, whenev er in their optnaoa t may be injurious to the rnisea*nf ibaaowrmevt wealth, ineacb man iter, however- that ao .njeeuc* shall be dona to the corporators. J* Sen aft Man* 27, 1*57. JbeefaaL That this resolution pas* On '.be first amendment, yeas 24, nays 7; oa the eeoond end meet, re as 23, nay* 8: on the lhad amendment, veas 24, nays 4: on the foorth amestdmen; veas 25 nay 4 fKxtrsct from the Journal ] GEO. W. HAM ERSLY, dark is tiu Remit 4 April 29, 1857. Jfeaofced, That this revolution pass. On she MaamhMt:. yeas 78, nays 12, oa *e mmm 4 *maliment, yeas 57, nays 84; Filed in Secretary's office, May 7. 1857. A. O CURTIN, Secretary of the Commonwealth. SECBETABV'S Omce, Harrisburg, Jane 22, 1867. Pennsylvania is: I do certify that the above and foregoing ie a true and correct copy of the original "lies* olution proposing amendments to the Con stitution of the Commonwealth," with the vole in each branch of the legislature upon the final passage thereof, as appears from the originals on file in this office. ! 1 lo testimony whereof I have 1.. S. > hereunto set my hand and caused —> ~ )to be affixed the seal of the Secre tary's Office, the day and year above written. A G CURTIN, Secretary of the Commonwealth. IN SENATE, March 27, 1857. The resolution proposing amendments to the Constitution of the Commonwealth being unrlor consideration, On the question, Will the Senate agree to the first amend ment? j '1 he yeas and nays were taken agrees bl) to (he provisions of the Constitution, and were as follow, viz: YEAS—Messrs. Brewer, Browne, Coffey, Ely, Evans, Fetter, Fleiinikon, Frszer, In gram, Jordan, Ktllinger, Knox, I.aubach, Lewis, Myvr, Scofiehl, Selleis, Shuman, Steele, Straub, Welsh, VV ilk ins, Wright and Taggart, Speaker— 24. NAYS—Messrs. Crabb, Creeswell, Finney, Grpgg, Harris, Penrose, and Souther—7. So the question was determined in the af firmative. On the qneslion, Will the Senate agree to the second amend ment ? The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the provisions of the Constitution, and were as follows : • YEAS—Messrs. Brewer, Browne, Cresswrll, Ely Evans, Fetter, Finney, Flenniken, In gram, Jordan, Knox, I.aubach, Lewis, Myer, Sellers, Shaman, Sou her, Steele, Stranb, Welsh, Wilkitts, Wright and Taggart, Speaker —23. NAYS —Messrs. Cof?y, Crthb, Frazer, Gregg, Harris, Killinger, Penrose and Sco field—B. So the question was determined in the af firmative. On the question, Will the Senate agree to the third amend ment? The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the provisions of the Constitution, and were as follow, viz : Y ass—Messrs. Brewer, Browne, Crabb, Cresswell, Kly, Evans, Flenniken, Ftazer, Ingram, Jordan, Killinger, Knox, I.subsch, l.cwis, Myer, Scofield, Sellers, Shuman, Souther, Steele, Stranb, Welsh, Wilkin* and Wright—B4. NAYS— Messrs. Coffey, Gregg, Harris and Penrose—4. So the question was determined in the af firmative. On the question, Will the Senate agree to the fourth amend ment ! Ttie yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the provisions of the Constitution, and tveie as follow, viz : YZAS —Messrs. Brewer, Browne, Coffey, Cresswell, Kly, Evans, Flenniken, Eraser, Ingram, Killinger, Knox, I.anbarh, Lawis, Myer, Scofield, Sellers, Shuman, Souther, Steele, Straub, Welsh, Wilkius and Wright 23. Nats—Messrs. Crabb, Kinney, Jordan and Penrose—4. So die question was determined in the at- Urinative. IN THK HOUSE or RrrRRSKNTATivr*. j Aptil 29. 1857. j The resolution proposing amendments to the Constitution ol llie Commonwealth being under consideration, On the question, Will the House agree to the first amend ment ? The yeas agd nays were taken agreeably to the provisions of the Constitution, and were as lollow. viz: YlCAS —Messrs. Anderson, Arihur, Back house, Ball, Beck, Bishop, Bower, Brown, Calhoun. Campbell, Chase, Cleaver, Craw lord, Dickey, Ent, Kvsler, Fausold, Foster, tiibboney, Gildea. Hamel, Harper, Heins, Hiestand, Hill, Hillegss, Hoffman, Berks cot Imbtie. lnnis, Jacoba, Jenkins, Johns, John son, Kauflman, Kerr, Knight, Leisenring, Longaker. l.oretl, Menear, Mangle, M'Cal mont, M'tlvain, Moorhead, Momnia, Muss ulman, N'irhols, Nicholson, Nunemachsf, Pearson, Peiers, Pnrikin, Pownall, rureell, Ramsey, Philadelphiaßamsey, York ; Rea mer, Reed, Roberts, Rupp, Shaw, Sloan, Smith, Cambria co.; Smith, Centre co.; Sie vet.son, Toltn, Vail, Vanvoorhis, Vickers, Voeghley, Walter, Wesibrook, Wharton, Willisiou, Wuherow, Wright, Zimmerman, and Gets. Sprakn —7B. NATS —Messrs. Backus, Benson, Dock, i Hamilton. Hancock, Hine. Hoflmao. 1-eba noil co ; I-ebo, Siruthers, Thorn, Warner and Wintrode —I*2. So the question was determined in the af firmative. Or. ihe question, Will ihe House agree to the second amend ment ? The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the provisions ol ihe Crtisntution, and were as follow, viz: YKAS— Messrs Anderson, Baokhor.yp. Ball, Reek. Bower. Calhoun, Campbell, Cany, Ent, Fausohl. Fosier. Gildea, Hamel. Harper, Heius. Hiestand. Hillegas, Hoffmen, Berka co.; Housekeeper. Imbrie, Innes, Jenkins, Johns, Johnson, Kauffmen. Knight, l*isen j ring. Longaker, Loveti. Menear, Maugle, M llvain, Moorhead, Musselman, Nichols, j Nicholson,Nunemscher, Pearson, Peiers, Pet- I nkin, Pownall, Powell, Ramsey, Philadel phia: Ramsev York co ; Reamer. Robert*. Repp. Shaw. "Sloan, Tolas, Vail, Voeghley, Waler. Wesibrook, Whanon, Zmmerman and Getz. Sptakei —67. Nare—Messrs. Arthur, Augustine, Backus, I Benson, Bisboo, Brown, Cfcase, Cleaver, I Crawford, Eyelet, Gibbonej. Hamilton, Hsn | cock. Hill. Hioe Hoffmen.* Lebanon co.; Ja : cobs, Kerr, I<ebo, M'Calmow, Mamma, Reed, Smith, Cambria co ; Smith. Cevure co.; I Stereoson. Struiberw, Itiorn, Vanvoorhis, I Vickers, Wag on feller. Warner, Wimrode, Witherow end Wngnt—34 i So the question wet determined in the ef- I firmaave. On ibe question. Wilt tbe House agree te tbe third amend ment? Tbe yea* and nays were ttkee agreeably to tbe provisions of the Constitution,end wave as follow, viz: Year—Messrs. Anderson. Backhouse, Bel!, Beck, Benson. Bower, Brown, Cvibeort. | Campbell. Chase, Cleaver Crawford, Dickey, , Ent, Eyster, Faoaold. Fosrer. Gibbertey. Ha mel, Harper, Heme, Hiestand, Hill. Hiiiega*. ! Hoffmen, Berks cm.: Hoffman. Lebaooa co.: Housekeeper, Imbrie, Inoe*, Jacobs, Johns, i Jobasoe. Eauffmao. ken, Lebo, Longaker. Loveu. Menear. Mangle, M'CaJmont. Moor- Med. Momma, Messefmae Nirfcoie, Nichol son, Nonemacber, Pearson, Peiers, Fctrikia. Pownall, Puroell. Ramsey, Yoik ca, Beainer, Reed, Rap p, Shaw. Sloan, Smith, Cambria i cn: Smith. Centre co; Sievooeon, ToUe, Vati, Vußvooihis, Vickers, Voegbley, Wag cmaeller. Wnrbrook, VViilamon. lVherow, Wright, Zimmerman and Getz. Speaker —72. Kara—Mentis. Arttiar. Aagasune, Bet-has. ! Bishop, Cany, Dock, Gildea, HawMiam, 8aa i15155362k. - - - So the question was deieimioed in lha af firmative. On the question, Wilt (be House agree I? the foortb amend ment ? The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the provisions of the Constitution, and were as follow, vix: YEAS—Messrs. Anderson, Arthur, Back house, Backus, Ball, Beck, Benson, Bishop, Bower, Brown, Ctlhoan, Campbell, Cany, Chase, Cleaver, Crawfoid, Dickey, Er.t, Eye ter, Fa usold , Foster, Gihboney, Gildea, Ha mel, Harper, Hems, Heistand, Hill, Htllegas, Hoffman, Berks co.; Hoffman, Lebanon co.; Housekeeper, Imbrie, lnnes, Jacobs, Jenkins, Johns, Johnson, Kannmann, Kerr, Lebo, Lai scoring, Longaker, Lovelt, Menear, Mangle, M'Calinont, M'lfvain, Mnntma, Musselman, Nichols, Nicholson, None mac her, Pearson, Peters, Pelrikin, Pownull, Pureed, Ramsoy, Philadelphia; Ramsey, York co.; Reamer, Reed, Roberts, Rupp, Shaw, Sloan, Smith, Cambria co ; Smith, Centre co; Stevenson, Tolan, Vffil, Vanvoorhis, Vickers, Voeghley, Wagonseller, Waller, Warner, Weetbrook, Wharton, Willislon, Witherow, Zimmerman •od Getz, Speaker— B3. NATS—Messrs. Dock, Hamilton, Hancock, Strulhera, Thorn, Winlrode and Wright—7. So the question was determined iu Ibe af firmative. SECRETARY'S Owe*,) HARRISBUBO, June 22, 1857. j Pennsyivani i, u; I do certify that the above ar.d foregoing is a true arid correct copy ol the "Yeas" and "Nays" taken on the resolution proponing amendments to the Constitution of the Com monwealth, as the same appears on the Jour nals of the two Houses of the General As sembly of tflie Commonwealth for (be session of 1857. r , Witness my hand and the seal of the ' J said office, this twenty-second day of June, A. D. 1857. A. G. CURTIN. Secretary of tke Commonwealth. CONSUMPTION, AND ALL .DISEASES OF THE LUNGS aid THTOAT ate positively ourable by inhalation, which conveys the remedies to the cavities in the lungs through the air pas sages, and coming in direct contact with the disease, neutralizes the tubercular matter, allay* the cough, causes a free and easy ex pectoration, heals the lungs, purifies the blood, imparts renewed vitality to the nervous sys tem, giving that tone and energy so indis pensable lor the restorative of health. To be able to stste confidently that Consumption is curable by inhalation, ie to me a source of unalloyed pleasure. It is as much under thn control ol medicel treatment as any other formidable disease; ninety out of every hun dred cases can be cured in the first stages, and fifty per cent, in the second; but in the third stage it is impossible to save more than five per cent., for the longs are so cut up by the disease as to bid defiance to medical skill. Even, however, in the last stages, in halation affords extraordinary relief to the suffering attending this tearful scourge, which annually destroys ninety five thousand per sons in the United States alone; and a correct calculation shows that out of the present pop ulation of the earth, eighty millions are des tined to fill the consumptive's grave. Truly the quiver of death has no arrow so faial as Consumption. In all ages it has been the great enemy of life, for it spares neither age nor sex, but sweeps off alike the brave, the beautiful, the graceful, and the gifted.— By the help of that Supreme Being, from whom eometh every good and perfect gift, I am enabled to ofler to the utile led s perma nent at.d speedy cure in Consumption. Tho first cause of tubercles is from impure blood, and the immediate effect, produced by their disposition in the lungs, is to prevent the tree admission of air into the air rells, which causes a weakened vitality through the entire system. Then surely it is more rational to expect greater good from ir.edij pines entering the cavities of the lungs than from those administered through the stom ach; the patient will always find the lungs tree and the breathing easy after inhaling remedies. Trite, inhalation is a local remedy, nevertheless it acts constitutionally, and wtth more power and certainty than rem edies administered by the stomach. To prove the powettu! and direct influence ot this mode of administration, chloroform inhalsd will entirely destroy sensibility in a tew min utes, paraly zing the emirs nervous system, so thst a limb may be amputated without the a'tghtest pain; inhaling the ordinary burning gas wdl destroy lite in a few hours. The inhnlatien of ammonia will ronse the system when fainting ot apparently dead The odor ot many ol the medicines it per ceptible in ihe skin a tew minutes after being inhaled, and may be immediately delected in the blood. A convincing proof of ihe constitutional effects ol inhslation, is ihe fact lhat sickness is always produced by breath ing foul air. la not this positive evidence that proper remedies, carefully prepared and judiciously administered through the longs, should produce the most happy results? Pa ring eighteen years' practice, manr thous ands, suffering from diseases of the lungs and throat, have been under my care, and 1 have affected many remarkable cores, even atier the sufferers had been pronounced in the lasi sieges, which fully satisfies me thai consumption is no longer a tatal disease.— My treatment of consumption is original, and founded on long experience and a thorough investigation. My perfect acquaintance with the nature of tubercles, &c., enables me to distinguish readily the various forms of dis ease that simulate consumption, end apply the propet remedies rarely being mistaken even in a single case. This tamitiarity in connection with certain pathological and mi croscopic discoveries, enables me ic relieve the longs from the effects of contracted chests; to enlarge the chest, purify the blood, impart to it renewed vitality, giving energy and tone to the entire system. Box 63, Poet Office, C. W. GRAHAM, M D. Office 109 Filbert Street, below Tweifilt, Philadelphia, Pa. March 10, 1837. THE SETKET INFIRMITIES OF YOUTH AND MATURITY, Jest Pubtmked. Grata, tkt 25 1k Thousand. fiatmtm A few words oa the rauooei treat /MWmem, without Medicine, of Sper maiorrhea or Local Weakness, Nocturnal Emissions, Geoital end Kervoos Debility, Premature Decay of tbe System, lie potency, and Impedimenta to Marriage (Hntriiij. BY B. OF. UkNEY, M. D. Tbe important feet that the many alarming com pit i ota. originating ia the imprudence end solitude of yoeih.msy be easily removed without Me&cimt a in this small tract, clearly demonstrated j and the entirely new and highly saccmwfol treatment, as adopted by tbe A other, folly explained, by means of which every one ia enabled to core tumte/t perfectly and at tho least possibleeoet, tbere"- by avoiding oil tbe advertised nostrums ol tho day. Soot to any address, gratis sod fast free in a sea tad envelope, by iwmittmg, postpaid, , iwo postage stamps, to Dr. B. DK LJJfEY, 17. Lispeoerd Strom, Sew York City. May , 1857 -6m. TKCN STEEL, end every bad mi Hoed * woo or aeie few McfcELTY, NEAL It Co pLOC* AND PEED a^wAmde, Business Directory. glQcwitborgTlto. DATIBTovrENiEBS, STORE, on Main lreot,two doors above the ' American House." A. J. EVANS. IKfERCHANT.— Store on the upper part of Main aireet, nearly opposite the Episcopal Church. r c. suns, ]Vf ANUFACTURKR OF FURNITURE iTI AND CABINET WARE —Warerootn in Bhtve'a Block, on Main Street. A.M. RUPERT, TINNER AND STOVE DEALER Shop on South side of Main street, be* •ow Market. R* W- WEAVER, ATTORNEY AT LAw.-oifice on the first floor of the "Star" Building, on Main street. JOSEPH SHARPLEBS. ANN MACHINKST, Bnild ingson the alley between the "Exchange and "American House." BARNARD RUPERT, f pAILOR. —Shop on the South Side of Main J- Street, first square below Market. A. C. MENSCII, MERCHANT. —SIAM North West corner of Main and Market S'reets. HIRAM C. ROWER, DENTIST.—Office near the Academy on Third Street. M'KELVY, NEAL k CO., MERCHANTS. —Northeast corner of Main and Market streeta. THE POCKET JEBCULAPIUB) 08, BVICHY ONE Hie OWN PHYSICIAN. rpHE FIFTEITH -A. Edition, with One /J' hundred Engravings, W JbHL m showing Divers.nd Mai- H irarWk TO formations of the human f ttwjf pnk IB System in every shape and B Jg form. To which ia added m WtMml M * Trettiae on the Diseases JS Eemalea, lieing of the BisHnpne highe-timportsnrelomsr. rled people, or ihoee con tsmplsting marriage. By WILLIAM YOUNG, M. D. Let r.o father he sahsmed the preacnt a copy of the Aeaculapiua to his child. It may save him ftom an early grave. Let no young man or woman enter Into the secret obligation* of mar ried life without reading the I'ocke Aeaculapiua Let no one suffer from a hsckniod Cough Pain in the Side, restless nlghtt, nervous feelings, and the whole train of Deapeptic sensations, and given up by their physicians, be another moment without consulting Ihe AESCULA PIUS. Have the merrird.or those about Id he married any impediment, read this truly useful book, as it baa been the mean* of saving thou sands of unfortunate crealutes from the very jaws of death. Any person sending twenty five cents, en closed in t letter, will receive one copy of this book,by mail,or five copies willbe sent for one dollar. Address, l)r. W. Young, No. /AS Spruce •treat, Philadelphia,* Post paid. No Hp.race Sc., Philadelphia. Sep* Ist, 1854-ty. H3U <s aDQm ss Cabinet Ware Rooms, 9. C. SUITE. . RF.SPF.CTPULI.Y invites the attention of of the Public to hie extensive assort ment of Cabinet Furniture and Chairs, which he will warrant made of good materials and in a workmanlike manner. At his Establish ment, can always be found a good assort ment of Fashionable Firiitie, Which ia equal in style and finish to that of Philadelphia or New York cities, and at as fota ptittt. He has Sofas of different style and prices, from $25 to S6O. Divsns, Loun ges. Wslnut and Mahogany Parlor chairs, Rocking and eaay chairs. Piano stools, aud a variety of upholstered work, with Pressing and parlor bureaus, sofa, card, centre and pier tablet, detashns. chefTeniers, whatnots and cotnodea and all kinds of fasbionablt work. Hiaateck of bureaus, enclosed and common washatanda, dress-tables, corifbr cupboards, solaa, dining and break (ast'ta bles, bedstead*, cane seat and common chaira, is the largest in this section of the country. He will also keep a good assort ment of looking-glaases with fancy gilt and common frames. Ha will slso furnish spring mattrasses fitted to any sized bedstead,which am suparior for durability and comfort .to any bed in nae. Ploomaburg, April 6th 1554. tf. LEAF TOBACCO AND ClfiABS. DENSLOW 8c CO., 91 South Front Street, PHILADELPHIA. Commi*lon Merchants, And Hkottnut* Dneitrt ia all kituis </ Leaf Tobacco, MantifaclnreA Tobac co, ait Cigars. HATE constantly on haud and for sale low •II kinds of American and Spanish Leaf To baccos, selected with special reference to Manofactorere' use. Ail articles sold, warranted to ba as rep resented and"every opportunity afforded tor esamioaiioG. Purchasers at a distance can send tboir or ders. sod rely upas being as faithfully served i. if the goods wore selected io person. October 16, 1880. Tinware A Mitt EsUbibbneiL THE UNDERSIGNED respectful? in forms his old friend, sad customer.,thu I be hss purchased kisbrother's interest in the abce c*blisbmeet, nd the Mseen will here, nft.r be cnodeeaed by himself exclusively. He has just received and offers for sals lbs JE% Urge* and mast extensive sssertaeet 9 meet -f FANCY BTOVEB ever intra dace J into this market. blowpipe and Tinware coustantly no hand sad aunts timed to order. AH hinds of re pairing done, as nana!, on short notice. The patronage sf add ftreaca and new cus tomers is lauusilMty solicited. A. M. RUPERT Bloomsburg, Jan. It, 116S- lf- TRLLS AT BEAU BATES. CouJfeitje'e Orrtca, I Bret* Soma, Ang.isA*s7. \ Ma. torn :~a —mat at toUi receiv ed at this e&os am ao tottnws: Pteetooelv -T— —■, . . • SGOSIS IS li% " . - - -JTiseji Total, 86 Pummifnl:.. ■ lAml.ltffll CMhffar. yyXK>D t COAL for aale thaAmndebj EVANS 4k WATSON'S BPhil'a Maniifaclnred SALAMANDER SAFES; No. 26 South Fourth Street PHILADELPHIA. TRUTH IS MIGHTY, ♦ MUST PREVAIL. Report of the Committee appointed to superintend the burning of the Iron Safes at Reading, Feb. 27/ A, 1857. RKADINO, March 4th. The undersigned, members of the Commit tee, do respectfully report, that we saw the two Safes originally agreed cpon by Farrels & Herring and Evana A Walton, placed side by side in • furnace, vir The Safe in oee by the Paymaster of the Philadelphia and Read ing Railroad Company, in hit office at Read ing, manufactured by Farrele & Herring, and the Safe in use by H A. Lentx, in bit store, manufactured by Evans & Watson, and put in books and pepere precisely alike. The fire wys Marred at 84 o'clock, A. M., and kept up until four cords of green hickory, two cords dry oak and balf chestnut top wood were entirely consumed, the whole under the superintendence of the subscribers, mem bers of the Committee. The Safee were then cooled off with water, after which they were opened, egd the books and papers taken out by tbe Committee and sent to H. A. Lentz's store for public examination, after they were first examined and marked by the Commit tee, The books and papers taken from Ihe Safe manufactured by Evans A Watson were but slightly affected by the intense heat, while Ihoee taken from the Safe manufac tured bv Farrels & Herring were, in our juug men*, damaged fully fifteen per cent, more than those taken from Evans & Walton's Sale. JACOH H. DYSHER, DANIEL S. HUNTER. Having been absent during the burning, we fully coincide with Ihe above statement of the condition of the papers end books tak en out of the respective Sales. G.A. NICOLLS, H.H. MUHLENBERG, • JAMES MILHOLLAND. The following named gentlemen, residents of Reading end its vicinity, who saw the above fire, have purchased Safes Irom Evans & Watson since the burning up to May Ist, 1857. G. A. Nicolls, 1 Solomon Rhoads, 1 R. R. Company, 2 W. B. Yerger, 1 H. A. Lent*; 2 Geo. K. Levore, 1 Kirk & Heister, 1 Samoel Fasing, 2 W. Rhoads A Son, 1 J.M AG.W.Hanlsch,! H. W.Missimer, 2 Jamea Jameson, 1 Dr. Wm. Moore, 1 J. B. AA. B. Wanner 1 Levi J. Smith, 1 Jacob Schmucker, 1 High & Craig, . 1 Wm. King, I Wm. Krick, 1 V. B. Slrollenberger,! Kaufman A Baum, 1 1 eopoUl Hirah, 1 Wm. MrFarlin, 1 F.rra Miller, 1 Geo. J. Ecknrt, 1 W.C.AP.M.Krmen- Isaac Ruth, 1 trout, 1 Hillmeyer, Folmer Wm. Donahower, 1 A Co. 1 Bullit A Milton, 1 EVANS A WATSON. June 17, 1857. THIS WAT FOR BARGAINS I A. J . EVANS HAS JUST RECEIVED A NEW STOCK OF SPRING&SUMMER GOODS A T his old sland on Ihe upper end of Main Streel which he will sell cheaper than the cheapest. It consists in part of Silks al parcas, lustres, barages, de laines, ducal cloths, poplins, brilliants, chillies, de bages, lawns, skirling, trench and scotch ginghams ; prints, gloves, hosiery, collars, handkerchiels, Ac. Shawls and Mantillas ol every style and quality. STAPLE k DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, Cloths cassimeres, vesting*, flannels, mus lins, lickings, stripes, checks, calicoes, eol tnnades. linens, sheetings, nankeens, drills, marseillee quills, colored and while carpel chain, parasols, umbrellas, a large and splen did assortment ol HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES. A SUPERIOR LOT OF FRESH eSBB® Tons, Coflcc, Sugar, Molassos Rice, Spice*, Ac. Also, Hardwire, Queens ware, Crockery and Cedarware. Having selected my entire stock with the greatest care and at the lowest cash prices, I can assure my friend* and the publio gener ally, that I will do all in my power 10 make establishment known as the " Htad qnorttrs for bargains." Those who wish to purchase will find ii to their advantage to call and ex amine my stock before purchasing. 1 will psy the highest market prico for BUTTER, EGGS. RAGS, SOAP AND Dried Fruit, and country produce in general. Blootnsburg, April 29, 1857, GREENWOOD SEMINARY at MILLTILLE. COLUMBIA CO., PA. A systematic course of instruction is given in all (he English brunches usually innght. The Principal will be assisted during the preeeni year by T. M. POTTS, an experi enced teacher, recently from (be Lancaster Co. Normal School. A vacation of aereo weeks will commence July Ist. lranmso TctTton, for day pupils 93.50, to 94.50 per quarter. Boarding, Tuition, Washing, Lights, &c., 930 per quarter of eleven weeks one-half in advance. For circular, catalogue or orther particu lars address WM. BURGESS, Millrille, April 1, 1857. Piwcipal. TALUABLE FABM FOB SALE. THE subscriber offers for sale his farm in Orange township, Colombia eo., containing 33 ACRES, on which are saleable improvements, com prising two sets of farm buildings, " Two Dwelling Routes, two barns snd other beddings, two apple ore hard* and a variety of other fruit trees.— About 200 acres of the pre rupees is cleared land in a good condition of improvement, sad it lays along Fishingcreek, 1 mile above Orange.tile, and only 7 miles from the county •eat. The whole will be sold together, or in two divisions as purchasers may desire. For terms apply on the premises or direel to Orangeville, Colombia county la JOHN ACHENBACH. Orange township, Msy 6th, 1857, THOMAS BUTLER, And. 7 South Seventh Street, PHILADELPHIA ; Manufacturer of strong Tinware, Copper, Tin and Zinc Battling Tube, Bathing Pans, and every kind of battling apparatus. Abo deed and paper boxes. Prompt attention g veo to ordered work, and goods carefully lorwpreed on orders. Philadelphia, August 17th, 1864. GL lEUBT EirraCEß, a JE It BLOOMSBURG. JCA mj^^^waiTMted; spec ter hunting cased walebea, and other watch material for mle. ! March *7, 1857 MT A il TO THE FASHONABLE AND ffj <3E>tSatISJBIX3LSI3- THE undersigned havingjualrecoived (ho latest Paris and New York Fashions, would again beg leave to inform his numor ous friends and all the world about Blooms burg,that he i* now belter prepared thanev er to accommodate any one with the neatest easiest and best fitting suits of Clothes that have been turned out lately; and not only that, but he will also do them up in the best order, upon the lowest terms. His shop ia at the old stand, (too wel known o need farther notice) where Ire may at all times be found, sealed upon the tench of repentance,steadily drawing outthehkrma of affliction, hopeing it may in the end ptov* advantageous to him and hia customers. He would also advise hi* fiends to bear in mind that poor, afflicted tailors must live, or they can't be expected to work. Therefore Wheat, Rye. Corneals, Potatoes, and with all now and then a little CASH will come mighty handy from those who are back-standing on the books. Remember, gentlemen, that In all case* "the laborer t* worthy of his hire." BERNARD RUPERT. Bloomsburg, April 14th, 1853. HERRING'S 3 ZJP 08. THE ACKNOWLEDGED THE recent trials at Read ing have endorsed Ihe cur rent of public opinion, and confirmed the verdict of more than 200 acci dental (Ires, proving conclusively that "Her ring's" is tha only safe that will not bum. Extract from the Committee's Report on the Trial of Iron Salss at Reading: "On the 26th of February all the member* of the Committee met to witness the Safes and book* and papers, (placed in them) and were perlectly satisfied that all was right.— The day following, Ihe burning took place, under the superintendence of the Committee. After a fair and impartial burning for five hnura, the Safe of Messrs. Evans ft Watson was first opened, the Safe being on fire in side, and the contents partially consumed, while Ihe content* in the Sale of Messrs. Farrela & Herring were in good condition, and no fire inside." Rending, Match 2, 1857. H. F. FELIX ) (Signed) P. N. COLEMAN, { Com. A H. PEACOCK. ) And endorsed by over 60 of the best men of Reading. The above Safe* can be inspected at 34 Walnut Street, where the public can satisfy themselves of the great superiority of the "Herring's Patent Champion," over the de feated and used-up "inside Iron Door Sala raander." FARRELS & HERRING, 34 Walnut St., Philad'a. Only makers in this State of Herring's Patent Champion Safes. The attempt made by other partieeto bol ster up the reputation of a Sale which ha* lailed signally in accidental fires in Philadel phia, (Ranstead Place,) by taking one out at an agent's store, [II. A. Lantr.] made dou ble thickness, (different from those they sell) to "burn up" one ol Herring's, (half as thick) has met with its true reward. Herring's Sate could not be burnt, proving conclusively that the only relittble Safe now made is Herring's, ol which over 16,000 are now in aciuel use, and more than 200 have been tried by fire irithout n single loss. Philadelphia, May 8, 1857—1y. LOTTERIES. THE well-known Maryland Consolidated Lotteries, ol which R. FRANCE & Co. are the managers, are chartered by the slate of Maryland, and a commissioner elected by the people, who is sworn to superintend and certify that everything connected with them is done in a strictly honorable manner, and that the interists of parties who reside at a distance are as well protected aa if they themselves were present at the drawing.— Another fact which the managers call atten tion to, is, that all persons have a legs! right to send orders for tickets to Maryland, at lotteries are legalized by special law in that state. A lottery is drawn every day of the month. If no particular class is named, or ders are filled in the first drawing to take place after the communication comes to htnd. The prices of tickets vary from Si to 820. No tickets are, however, sent unless th e money for the same is received with the order. The drawings are upon the prineinle of one number on each ticket (after the Ha vana plan,)and Ternary combination. Frizes vary in amount from S3O to SIOO,OOO. Ail orders for tickets or packages will receive prompt attention, and the drawing mailed to all purchase!* immediately alter it is over. Address, T. H. HUBBARD & CO., No. 39 Fayette at., or Box No. 40, Feb. 3d, 1857,-ly. Baltimore, Md. The Drawn Numbers of the Maryland Loteries are published by the Slate Com- ! msaioner in the following papers, vix: Sun, Clipper, Patriot, American. Arrtu, ot Balti more; also, the National Intelligencer and Union, of Washington, D C. Eagle Foundry,ltloomsburg STOVES ANb TINWARE. THE subscriber having erected a large new brick Foundry and Machine Shop, in place of the old one, is prepared to make all kinds I °f CASTINGS AT THE LOWEST PRICES. Flows constantly on hand. The enbsrribe 1 has removed 'bis Tin Shop from Main Street to the Foundry Lot, where be bae e rooted m building altogether for Stoves and | Tinware. The Cooking Stoves consist of the WM. j jgte, PENN COOK, RAUB COOK, VAN ■gwLIEK COOK, and PARLOR STOVES nHftof all kinds, tha Egg Cylinder Stove, SLC. All kinds of Spouting made to order. JOSEPH SHASPLESS. Bloomsburg, April 16,1857. Leather, Leather! Leather! IBHBYW.O¥iaMAI, IMPORTER OF FRENCH CALF SKINS and General Leather Dealer, No. 6 South Third Street, Pbda. ty A general assortment of all kinds of Leather, Morocco, Ac. Ite. RED AND OAK SOLE LEATHER. Febroary 28,1857.—1y. Dr. FRAIfITS I. HARRISON, WOULD respectfully inform the citizens of Bloomsburg snd vicinity, ibst be hss commenced the practice of Methane and Surgery theretand solicits ash are of publie pa tronage. He can always be found at the Ex change Hotel opposite Ike Court House. Bloomsburg, March, Ist, '55. A N ASSORTMENT of confectionary, jew elry, Perfosssry soaps, hair oils, Ac. Pomades, to be bad at C. CLARK'S Book Store. T AJtGE lot of No. 1,2, A 3 Msckrel, also, Ai White Fish, Cod Fish and Herring, just received end for sale by Mey 27, '57. A- C. MENSCH. * ;iRGE assortment of Iron, Steel end Nails *A for sale at the Areede by May 27, '37. A- C. MENSCH AYER'S PILLS. Ajer's Cathartic Pills. PILLS THAT ARE PILLS* PROF. HAYES. Slate Chemiit, of Maw , *ays they are the best of all pill*, tod an nexed are the man who certify ihat Dbo'et Hayes knows: . it. J. GARDENER, Governor Of MOM. EMORY WASHBURN, ex-Gov. of Maaa. SIMEON BROWN, Lieut. Gov. of Maaa. E. M. VV RIGHT, Secretaty State of Mats. J. B. FITZPATRICK, Catb. Biahop of Botton. PROF. JOHN TORREY, of the Collm* of Phyticians and Surgeon*, Now York CUR. Dr. C. T. JACKSON, Geologist of tbo Public Laud* ol ihe U. S. * MEN THAT ARE MEN. Among *ll* diaeaiea tbi* Pill baa eated with aitoiiialtipg rapidity, we may mention: Cottiveness, Biliou* Complaint*, Rheum** tism, Dropsy, Heartburn, Headaohe anting Irom a fowl Stomach, Nautea, Indigestion, Morbid inaotion of the Bowel*, and pain arising therefrom, Flatulency, Loaa of Appe tite, all Ulcerooa and cutaneous Diseases, which requira an avaonant Medicine, Scrof* ula, or Ktng'a Evil. They also by purifying the blood attd stimulating the System, Cure many Complaints wbioh it would not be sup* nosed they could reach; such as Deafness, Partial Blindness, Neuralgia and nervous Ir ritability, Derangements of the Liver and kidneys. Gout, tnd other kindred complaint*, arising from a low state of the body, or ob structions of iia function*. They are the bast Purgative Medicine ever diioovered, and you will but need to oao them onca to know it. Prepared by Dr. JAS. C. AYER, Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Mass.—aud sold by E. P. Luta and all Druggist* in Bloomsburg, and by Medicine everywhere. Sept. 11, 1857 -2m. JOIIN A. NOORK. JOHN W. WILUtMt MOORE 8c WILLIAMS, Etnrral Comblsslob Mfrchaals, and dealers In imrans' stjppiius, No. 54 South Water St., Philadelphia. THE subscribers having been associated with the coal trad* and mining operations generally. for several year*. are prepared to supply orders for all articlta contingent to mining purposes at lbs lowaat tales, with care and dispatch. Our stock comprises the following articles: OlLS—Sperm, Solar, Elephant, Bleached, Racked, l.ard, Rosin, Greasing, Linseed. a Safety Lamps, Fuses, Blasting Paper, Slope Chains, Ropes, all Sizes, Pulleys, Wtcking, Wire Rope, Tsr and Pitch. Thornley~e Celebrated Gum Belling, Washers, Packing, Hose. Blasting and other Powders.— Soap, Candle*. &c. RKFERKNCESI • Hodgson & Keen, Philadelphia. .1. B. A. & S. Allen, " Charles Miller & Co., " S. Roihermel, Esq., 11 John Thornley, Esq., " Wis. De Haven, Esq., Minersville, Pa. Hon. W. Donaldson, Pottsville, Pa. Hon. C. W. Pirman, " Geo. VV. Snyder, Esq., " D. P. Brown, Fsq., " 1.. P. Brook, Esq., " J. J. Connor, Ashland, Ta. Philadelphia, Jan. 16, 1857,-ly. ISN'T IT SO t Use ARTHUR'S Celebra ted Self-Sealing Cans and FRESH FRUIT Jars, and yon will have fresh fruit all the yeat at eununer prices. Full directions for putting up all kinds of fruit and To matoes, accompany these cans and jars. They are made of Tin, Glass, Queensware, and Fire and Acid proof Stone Ware. IN WINTER The sizes are from pir.ts to gallons. These cans & jars are entirely open at the tope, and nest, to secure transpor tation. For sale by Storekeepers throughout the U. States. Descriptive circulars sent BETTER on application. CT" Orders Irom the trade solicited. Be sure to ask for " Ar thur's." It has stood the test of two seasons, having twen used by hundreds of THAN thousands of families, hotel and boarding-bouse keep J ers. We are now making them for the million. ARTHUR, A GILROY, SWMtaeatS. Manufacturers under the Patent. Nos. 117 & 119, S.Tenth St., toor.George.) PHILADELPHIA. June 17, 1857.-3 m. • BLOOMSBURG bfi3£PCE>EXII3B. THE undersigned would in this way call the attention of the public to the Book Store at the old stand, next door to the "Ex change Hotel," where at all times can bw found a good assortment of books, including B files, Ijn Seeks, Prayer Reeks, Histories, Books of Poetry, Novels, and School Books ; also all kinds of alaiiooaty of the bast quality. A conwderabi# deduction made upon the price of School Books and Stationary to those who by to aell again. JUKI received, a good assortment of WALL PAPER, wbich I would ask all to call and examine before pochaeingelsewhere. CAROLINE CLARK, Successor to Jesse G. Clark. Bloomsburg, May 25, 1857.-lyr. E. C. EOW3R, 6UKOSBOM XJJKOTHSff. T> ESPECTFULLY ofiera hie MSBL IV professional services to the Ladies and Gentlemen of Bloomsburg end vicinity. He is prepared to attend to all the various operation# in 3en tistrr, and is provided with the latest im proved PORCELAIN TEETH, whieh will be inserted on pivot or gold plate,to loox aa well as natural. _ . A superior article of Tooth Powders, al ways on hand. A! operations on tho teeth warranted. iy Office, 3d building above Wilson's Car riage Manufactory—Main St., Weat aide. Bloomebutg, Nov, 20, 1856. A LARGE LOT of Thibet Shawlf juat re ceived and for sale by A C. MENSCH. A FULL ASSORTMENT of Led lea' Dry- Goods at tha Arcade by May *7, 'St. A C. MENSCH.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers