Rem ;h Sii'WWttai US iii-i l (ciinHs ni Snyder, Nonlmn heriand .\lon ouf ar.ii Co'lumoia, will ined ai the Ctiuu Inn*#, in ilie borough of Suiihurv. in ih lounty of Northumberland. oil tIjESDAY, hi- Twentieth day nl October iiexr, to nluke ml returns fur Simp S-'Hior. The return Judge- of the Represpn'otive D -hie, ('<Mui<'il i-l |lji* col'ii ill t V\ y nu. Sullivan, iCnloinhiii a il Moi'loiir, -1m I neei arthe Onrt lb n-e HI B). I'ln-hanr. HI lie county of Ctilim.liiii. i'|i TUESDAY .l e ST"entieih ilay nl Oviober next. In make nut Flfi'irn* Icr oienil ei 01, Aw-tmddy. V Anil in anjJ t-y lit* yrn.l art, I um fnt'her Uiirciei! lo give notte iliat even peremi. R>i*e|itinjl juaiioea Of llio peaee, who sh.ll ■Kihl any office or appointment ol profi or plru-I lii.ilel ille (iilt-llitlienl of I In" United Euioa, or ol (hie S'aie. or ol any rnv or in ' co'pi mini di.irict, whnher a commi-sin eil Mrtfiee h otherwise. it ..-übpnhiiHie ■ .Hirer or agent. ho in, or all all he employed ilinler *ll,e legi-laliyu, or executive. 01 jm ii-inty de. )p ■ ttit**llt ol illia Stele.or ol any ft oia [(til itlalrtfl, ami slo thai every member i I PC* narem, and ol Ihe selei t or eoinrnon eon" Pc.l or any oil), commit—inner* ol any inenr Kuirated difirutl. i- bylaw, ineapahle ol hold ling nt exercising • Ihe -ame fillie, the office ftr ap) oilitmenl of judge 111-pee or nr el- rk f*tf any election of Una Commonwealth, au-i filial no it epee'or, judge o' i-liy nflieur of a< y riicl) election shall he eligible lo any otlice ,-ftmn to he voted for. (liven iinilei my hand and seal, ai my of fice in B'onniybotj;, Hit- 3ll day ol Aiigu.t, A. D., 1857. STEPHEN H. Mil l Ell. pt 6 lßi.-7. tHunff. i .DKIHIA'I IDA. ST. MATI IIkW S K\angelical Lutheran [ Church, ai B-conisburg, Col. Co , Pa . will f be dedicated to the worship ol die Triune ! God. fiiotl NvilliliL') nil SUNDAY, Ibe 2odi nl September iuM. Divine Services may be ex [ peeled mi Saturday evening previous. S rv tcea nil Sunday to cufiiiuence at 10 oVlcwk, A. M., preiifely. Seveial ruiniere from a distance are cxptcicil l<i be pre-ein, and preach on Ihe occasion. The Irietnls o! Ib • ligiou generally, aie inviieil io attend E. A. SHA i\REITS, Ptis[or BloppAsburif, Sept. 5. 1857. /ti\ l IM, (till 'rs, IJIFTS ! f A I'liIZE 10 EVERY I'Ulit lIAMCR, jit lite Quaker City J uh/i./inie llnuse af DIANE, 1.1 LINU.N, I'HILADEI.IIDLV. •gifrY l.uyii'g tn>"k oiu- il.-ilnr nr niK' B It m ii urn nl nlirr | tvin'lili'J with ii |nixi. wmih fi'iiki 25 wills (it Sl(t((.'i.ij{ i Kill* (u.lii Jtwvlty, \\ nil tn*-. &.f. Alluith". ly in. 11 will ie |. i. iii 111 y liili'il nu J (In- (ins,, "r (niitu will feciioi|nni> tlif liml, Oui li.. riimain* all of llio mum pn|iulm honk, nf ihr ilay, uiiil will he .old at Ihu u.unl -i-ltnl priri'. m.ny ol ihi'lH for lo.b t'ci.i ii. wn-hing urn (uilicular houk van order at once, and 11 will l>c fciwaided with a gilt. A raiulngue r vii r full iiifuriiiudon, with a li.-l nf h nks and gilm will le .enl |>ot paid, hv addre.uing l'l ANK HI I.IBON, Nn 3S Snuili 1 St., I'hiladelptiij. rv A s i'll 8 WH 11 id. r.; .H, 185?, 3.11. TO MLtIiAMfS, !.M FATOKtJ & ill AX IFACi'I REUS. In jniiriuiicii R ihe I Dili I EEM II Hnnnul vi Uirn "( the Scientific /Imtruiin lih ~ut--- li.h.r- le.peeiltilly i-loiiii d e p.ihlie il hi u. .irder to HiereitMi hi d .limiiiHte din turn alini. ol k-lliti*. dIHV pronn.e In oiler ONE IHOt SANI) FIVE HUNDRED DDL LARS IN CAM! BKEMIII.VIS for die ttlleeii largeul Imts nl .10 m-utiers smi.i hi hy dip 1.1 of J.iiuiiry, 1858; -aid ine hi uhi. to bp diltibtned h. .; For die liifße.4, li.i, s3t)t>; 2d, £250: 3 SIU0: -lih.8150: oil), Slot): tiui ir!)t: ~• i. *Bl. H;h, 470; 9ih..4ti11; Iddi. Sotl; liili 540; )2il | $35; 13 5,430; Mill 425; 15di. S2ti. Nellies ol -übspriher- cHti he m-ih in ai ili|. ferenl litlies and fiom diiiervnl [\,si Odiees. Tha cash will bp paid lo ihe order.- 1 I the j si.cce-sfnl ((inippiiinip, iiritnediu'ely alier the l-i ol January, 1858. Niinliern, W'eslern and Canada mom-y will le taken lor übueri| timiu. Ce a-'iaa iuli .eriben will plea-e 10 reinii I'weiin-mx el-, exiru oil each year's MiL-elipnun In pre.-j.ay posiHae. l'pinis of Subscription—Ttvodi ll.itsa yer or One Dollar for mx nnnidis. Mtih liiiwc-tKiis for m\ month-, $4.; F'tve copies, liir twelve nnmii , 68; lm copies, for HI moiolis. $8; Ten copies lor iwelve months, >ls; I'atruly copies, for 12 months, S2B. For ell Clubs of Twenty and over, the yearly subscription is only Si 40. The new volume will t e printed upon line paper with new type. The ueiieial character of the Scientific Amer 1 can is well known, end, as will be chiefly devo.vd to ihe promulgHimti i f information relating to the vumous Mechani cal ami Chemical Arts, Manufactures, Agri culture, Patents, Inveinions, Kngineeriuv, M II Work, and all iinete.-G which die ligi i ol Practical Science is calculated to advance, it is issued weekly, in lorm for binding; t contains aniiually from 600 to 600 tinet\ e\. tented Engravings, and minces - I Aiuenc n and European Improvements, toge'lier with an Official List ol American P.ceiu Claim published weekly in adiauce ol all o.her pa pers. Il is ihe aim of the Editors nf the Scientific Ameitcun to present all sul jects discussed in its column* ru a ptactical und popular lorm Tliev will also endeavor to maintain a candid feurlessness in combating and exposing faNe theories ami practice HI Scter.iiflo arid Me (balneal mat ers.amt thus preserve the cliar eca-r ol the Scieunfh- Aruerican a- a tenable Encyclopedia of Useful an I Entertaining Know ledge. Specimen copies will be sent to any part cf '.tie country. MUNN & CO , Pttblishere and Patent Agents, No 128 Fulcti St, New York Sept. I, 1557. SPECIAL KEQCEST 2 The celebrated Welsh Harpist, OF NEW YOKK. now on a tour through Hie United S'ate*, will ■LKCT URE ON MUSIC AND THE " HARP" Llustrated by his own perlurinunces on the Jliirp, At the "Court House.'' Btoointhurg, on Wed nesday Eve , the 'Jth of Sept, ct 8 o'clock. W For further particulars tea programme. Bloomebnig, Se,/I 2,1857 A flministrnlor s Notice. NO'] ICE is heiehy given iliai tellers id ad rrtinisiraliori iifiou l|ie e-iaie nl John Walliver lule'of Madisort township, Columbia county, deceased, have been granted to the tinder signed residing also in Ihe said township nl -Madison. All persons indebted to the ustute are requested to make payment without de lay, and t hose-hdviiiyaceourUs for sultlement lu present them to JOHN A. FUNSTON, Administrator. Jergeylown, Aug. 14. 1867 BLANKS: BLANKS<-1 BLAAKSU DEEDS, SUMMONS, EXECUTIONS, SUBPOENAS AND JUDGMENT NOTES, of carper & desirable forms, fo' sale at the office of the ofthe North " MUSLINS a yard wide (or 8 cent*, and good stint* for 6J cent* ittst rereired iy A. C. MENSCH. JFai uiei >• - eput unit Plaster Mills, Tjit tut Junction of York dvtnue awl, ('(illowliill Streets, WE oHer a lara" s'nck nl Cl en-teal Ma linrwa Mil it Kerilizeraat low pur.--. uial wa runteii In he genuine: uliiong which will he found— I 000 lori No. 1 Government Peruvian Guano. 1.000 Inria De Berg's No. 1 Snper-phoeplinie ol Inn e. Til - ahnve standard article. are eueli nl Uieir kind, tin. beat in (lie wnihl '. Our Laml I'hi-ler, ll.anuluelured front -el.rl alone, is celebrated throughout th'v Union lor ils piini) and strength. \\ K INVITE OBOE US FOR De Bert'a No 1 Super Phoephaie of Lime, N-t. I Government Perm nut Guano. ErenollV Improved Suyerili -spnaie ol Lure French's Pliiladelphnr Pouilrelle. No. l Plin-pliaie (Dairi (I'lula. Co ) Mexie..n (i iano (A.) Extra L i d Plaster, Ordinary l.itnd I'las er. Cherit col B"iie I'i.te hone dust* E • 11 Guano, (iit'iiml (dinicoii(. |il 800 I turret a I.nml /'hitter. 5.(100 *• Cutting Planter. 10.000 " lli/.truitlic Cement. .'i.dtlO " True Human Cement, 1,000 '•• Port/am' (Kng.) Cement A LSO, DENTISTS' PLANTER, STEREOTYPE •' GLASS MAKERS' '• (JKOUM) sTONE. Will I E MARBLE, HI,Ul', Powdered Anlhruniio Coal, (in barrels.) do Itiiumiiiou* Coal, do Ground Ilrnwu Stone, do While Sand do Ginimd Blink* for Pointers Cheinic.l Rotietlnsi FRENCH RICHARDS, St CO. Steam Mill* am I Former*' l)epat A' Jiiiielioa nl Ynik Avenue, Crown atul Callow hill Street*. I'niladelplua. Stlpleinlier 2. 1*57. GIFTS I (iIFTSI GIFTS t GIFi'Sl A. It VWLY, ViibliMlicr, 393 BROADWAY. NEW YORK. OFFKIi- FOU -AI.K .T,€SC.O BCMUi* JL MAPS, 'JK nil kind-, mi Pu. I -hm*' price*, to be .tccctnp.tilled yv*i\li st>o OUO GIFTS, vvnrl- Innii 23 C! lit- tn fr2tur each ; *f-i.-ti gf • * (i Id ai d Silver V\ .1 etie-, Gubl Ln kcs. fJtdd C'ihimh Camet 1 Pins hikl Drop-. Gold ibacriet-, (tni l Pencils. Sew it g Birtfe, in s'mtt Jcvao rv nf ckeiy tieecripiinti; K tn'Ule- L idiir> Puc-. Prttit* &•'. &ISU tvnr-fi nl GIFTS DIM'UIBU 1 Ki> well every 600 bvoks. A Gitt a ill t♦- t'.e livHietl vv iti Hitit book Mild lor mie dtdiH* or llinti*. Altlinili'i O book nr article will be t-nlti for* iliuo the usual re nil price, tiia- y vaill Oh ul. lot less. I'tMSniifr vy tnilititf any parncular bnnk, can order at nice und it will he forwarded with a Gill. Pef-OMM (il '. r-1. tl • 1 tnrtv ahl the itCllOlllil ol 5t- it iiiu-i iiiAMiuihl) bo psal in advniicf,— Ine a pcftuge lor frJ .25 book.s is 18 ct-.. and lor >1 60 and S2 00 hi nks. 21 ceu-s. IN DUCK MEN IS IO CLUBS AGENTS : A BOOK AM) GIFT \YITIIOU I'MONKY. An v pm-nii, fiy lor warding an order lor Bonks, (vviili Homey em bne.l ) will receive an exita Bu k and (bit wnh every Jtii li n k- til lie sent In one addre-n This (iicthnd til forming Clnbi ?aves pent age, a- the Package g.ies by K.\ t r*-s, bull iiitoritiMliiiii lesj.vclii.j i|ii- ureal • il i rderjnise, inue'rber with a cnriipleui Li.-l ol Book*, ami gilts will be. lurnishcd in our C i-ibiune, vvmcli is seril post paid tunny ad iire?a on applicu.ion. Address, A. UANNKY, Nn. 293 Br ad way. iN.-vv Ynik. Public Mile tif Valuable Ileal Estate. IUK undersigned Kxecti or of the eslav oi Wesley lv at deceased will ofIT nl pub- I c suie to nil t' e pretlitee- oil Nf 7 Ulxl)A Y % HIE 3k: OF OCTOBER AU.YT, at one •Vloi k, P -t , d e farm !• intiumg to the said estate, piut.tie in Meiiitock towiichip, Coinu*- bia county, coictnnini* 135 Acri's &. 37 I'crchcs, Mllli U-'joillillU lilllllo (>i 11 4&* ll AilblU'P, J.'tlM Al I**)' iMx, I*-1* r A||ie.aii t % it*t* Harlot), >a*).. miml I'lirxHl. It ix xrua o in THE IRON ORE RE(iION ol Columbia roomy, two milxx Iroin Blooms t.i.rj, unit on 'I q pnbbo tiiyhWHV l**t 111*2 10 Buokhprti. A branch of Hem lock C r t ck paxxcn through ihc premise*, nod the whole farm ix in u lair Mate ot cultivation. Tho irn proveni**ot are it |ir e tiPiv Iranirt lA\BIIOi ICOISF, a new unit commodious traine lenanl house, a latyo new bunk burn, a new wagon house, and other outbuildings etpirely new. Pos. session w ill be given on ihe l-l ol April 1858. Conditions will tie rrisile known on itis day of sale by WILLIAM NEAL, Executor. Blonmsburg, Jolt 20. 1857. Ol" Id'(ll'8 T. > EM AINING in the Po-i Office at Blooms " Kfit.g Ph., lor tbe Quarter ending August 16th, 1807. Bfomnier Adam MclSride M Bridge George l'tim I'm Michael Keddow Writ Pait.'ide John A Bacon Septimus Smt'li John Cornell Rebecca Souder Win F Davis laao Shaffer Frederick Essex Bilser Shulig E P J C Tiimblio.mi I U '.►• amines Jonathan Wilson S L Hill ESM Wetiber Simon H-.her John VVontiitigiori Wm Klink A C Wax C isper K ng George M 2 Weritnan Henry Long Gmuge J Richard Griffith ) Letv.s II * Morgan Price >E. Lumburd Frank Miller Bernard J 7 Persons calling for Ihe above lepers wtl please euy they ure udver|i-.'d P UN ANGST, P. M Augusi 17 1857 Full Stock nf Fall Dry Gooffs. |7YRK & LANDELL. Fourth St Areli 5.,, ■-* Ptiilaileliilna. respectliitly r rpiest Cu*h Buyers to exnuiiiie a flue stock ol Seasonable Goo-ls, adopted 10 Best Pennsylvania Trade. Full Line ol Full Dress Goods. New designs of Fall Shawls, Good Black Sdk-ol all wirnha. 4 Caves assorted French Men o*a. 7 " Pot! de Cnevres, New Good*. Brii sh and American Dark Prims. Saiinetls, C-issuneres, Cloth- & Veslings. Muslins, Linens, Flannels, Blanket-, &o. N. B.—Auction Bargains Iroin New York a it this City daily received. Partioiil.vr at lerition given in Coiimry orders for desirable Goodg— Terms etl Cash. Sept. 1, 1857—3rnos. 71 MUM MINGS AND NOTIONS, fancy ani -L cles, a good assortment ol Hosiery ol the best quality j also njoves, mips, baskets, Ca bus, Combs, dress trimmings and linings, sewing silk, bread, etc., etc., to be had ext door to the "Exchange." AMELIA D. WEBB. Rloomsbnrg, May 25, 1857. LARGE assortment of Iron, bleel und Nails for sale at the Arcade by May 27, '.57. A. C. MENSCH. WOOD U COAL lot tale at the Arcade by A C MENSCH. /TO TUOSK WHO HAKT FARMS. W Farm within Ihe reach of every Man. '■MIE PIDUWAY FARM COMPANY line ■ has made artai.Bwmenla by which all who desire to selile At purchase a home can <lo KO. The Forma coiisiot of ihe heat limestong | poil ( .f tlx trot-i mi| eimr qwoliiy for j in n ni|iit!l> place, info which tit. e.\U*i(five nijrrjiiin in inuv pouiii'R. The , ftrniierty if lurntpd hi Klk (', PtnnnyU j vnmn. in the mitUl of h thriving }io|*iilmioi* . of #ome 10 000. The clinuie is |er!eril\ 1 hmllhv, and ihe teirUile plague of the wett fever i unknown. It alao h an nhundanct .f the heat qualify of f-'oal aid fron. I e price lo buy il out i* from #3 lo S2O per acre, payable ly, io ha localPil °f flic time of purrhHsing, or u slinfe *f twnfy-fivc coliiling fo hicate Ihe Hfline for ruytib'e |pr inoi ih or 12 j acres pa t able §1 • i-cr tiionih. OihCotiiit for every sum o r tH I ii (I iinilei jis'id in advance, ana fi>r ovej s>oo I .i <lis iitmi of I" per cent. | Incoiiaitletiug the ailvunUges of cmipratii.q o thi locality the following are piceiit'd : j Fiust —'l he soil i i it' ll lime-tOne,ca jole "f ra>ii g the hravical crops, owing to *\hi h this so ilemeul bus obtained its present great . roepciity. —lt is the centre of ,hf great North \N M Coal Ha il , nod is destined soon to he roine one of the greatest husiiieea | laces in ihe Slate. It will supply the great uinr koi. (according to ihe populuiion and r*vc •he giealcsl in (ho Union.) It has live woik nlile veins of die best Hiiuiiiiiioux coal.amount eg ill the giregale o over 22 feet, wlueh • I'tik' H 22 OtJtt tons of coal under each acre, I.ln* will uthke the lai d of inestimable value. 'I lie eminent ueologist L'r. Chss. T. Jackson l llostoti. lias made ti survey of the i:inl. and analysed the emit, the iron ore and iinestoiie. Tliis tepori together with map .\ 111 be tuitiisied to iiquiieis. Foiihth—'i biee Uiiilrmdi are laid out thru' In* propeity, I'lie v and I -le Koilroud gives us a niatket for our coal io the lakes-—il un* Kric to |Mii!adel|illi. A largo part of the t< ud has been and is now in unuiiig order. A heuvy force is now WAirki Imuii Uiie towards our land in the western di r ciion, the meaiis for the completion oi which I •asln en rsi-ei, it will soon be finished. lln | Allegheny Vallev ltnilroad um with i New Yoik. !'. • ni and I'll slung Tin Ve- I i<:ii go Hosd Conner IS U * with ill** est. Th e tiio alieiM y gm-d Tu npiko Ho.iJ.- I tu nit g ihr tigh thiM pioperty, vur'ous hei I mads have hi en opened to accoininudatc the • nirundion and holtleiiient which has a.uady I .it-en place. ! |' uie is no opportunity equal In it now of (••red to tin man who wauls io provide himself j -i home in an eusy way. and (taken .settlement win ie ho can li\e in prosperity ui d iudepend tnee in a t lunate I'eiftv'ly Healthy. No case of levei ever huvint? been known t otcur in iliis ce'ib meiM. |i is not like going to ibe Ivc.wtK tls ot the West, lining |it a dtii|ih i icleMint people, where thee i nosoiieiy. ebnrclus, • r t-choo&. w here ibe price of land is ; ti gh, and wlnio the amigiunt, after living need io the healthiest clim do in ihu w.r!l. hue to er dure eickncss and pain, and pe'lmp- ruin- ItU ho tl'li in <1 • lint of family, lint heie is I • thriving MMileiiionl having tlnee towns, con- i i tinii g clnircl'ts, sohools. Itoiels, stores saw in It*, gust nulla,and everything desired. There is a • ush nuikei at luind, 'lhe. Inmlier ti:ul< last a eat nn.ilihted tocvoi 'Wo bundled liulliou i feel of lun her* In u short time, • wing to the ! will 1 cCiine aldl iiiiit© valtiahltr as a j number iif iron wotks and iiuimu luotor uh will • -oit be stalled; ili y artt at pre-ein I t in l in ex let let vi*l yat Wutren. Kven for those whodfi not vii h in go there, Ibe pay irients ! sr/ such that tbey can eai!y buy u faim to ' -ove their n-inii laiitllivs liom waul 111 the i mture. or to gain h compelenee by the rise w iit'll w ill i.'ko pbn.e in ibe value ol lamia, R> ati outlay ncareely lUissed, a subslaittial ' provision can tie made. i I'erMin* should make early application,"ap , ply or write to K Jettnes, Secretary, No. 135 Walnut Stree:, below Filth, Philadelphia.— | Le ters careiully aii-wcted giving lull inlor (luiiiou. ! Share or trafta of bind can be bought or secured hv letter uiieluainu die lir-t ioslmll rneut l five ilollurs, when the suit .critter will Ibe wnh books, map-, &c. War ran tee Deed* uivhii Pctsons can l-o pur i ciiHse bom our Agents. I Uoute ho in IhnUdrlnhia to Tyrone on the 1 Plmuh.) Ivu'.ia Ceulrtil Railroad, and thence by Ms2e to the bind, litis is a deliglitlitl sm.ipoii mi vi-il St. Mary's—ffit? best hotel ac con rnot'aiiuii ie t(lorded. Knq'iitc for K. C. Shulr?., Ksq, the Agent for the property at St. Mary's. the loldin prize. rpHB NEW YfiRK WEEKLY GOLDEN -I PRIZE. One ol the largest and beet lit erarv papers ol tint day. 'J'e i ms of Subscription, $2 per Year. Anil a GIFT wld tie pre-niiled 10 each sub ecrihor in mediately on receipt of the sub ► cup no meiieV. Each subscriber will bo entitled to a Gilt worth Iroin iT to SSOO in Gold. TO I IX' US. 3 copies for 1 year, $3 00 15 do 1 do 15.00 READ—RKA D—READ—READ TIIK LIST OF GIFTS—GIFTS—GIFTS. 1 Pack sue eorilaiuii 2 §SOO in Gold 10 Gold Patent Lever English Hunting Cased Watches SIOO Each 15 '• " " " 75 " 25 " Geld Watches 60 *' 100 " " " " $" " 300 Ladies' " •" " 35 " ioO Silver Hunting Cared Walotiss 25 " 200 " Watches 10 lo 20 " 500 Gold Vest, Guard & Fob Chains f0 to 30 5000 Gold Lockets 2to 10 '' Gold Rings—Ear Drops— Broaches— Ifteasi Pins—Smds Cuff Pure—Sleeve Button- Ate. $lO in 15 each. Immediately on the receipt ol ihe sub si rip'inn money the subscriber's name w I be -roared upon our subscription book, op pi.sits a number, ami 'h** gift corresponding wiih that ' itttiher will be forwarded to bis or hei address by mail or exi-r-ss, post paid. Atldresa, BECK EI be CO., Puhlisheis. 92 Moffat's Buildings, New York. Aogu-f 2, 1857. cSJssilics HOUSE AND LOT! THE subscriber will offer at Public. Sale at Blonmsburg. oil TUESDAY, the Bth iLy of SEPI EMBER next, at I (>'• cluck. P. M., bis HOUSE AND LOT at the Easteiulof llopkinsville. The lot is 50 feet in front ami 198 I'eet ilecp: anil the house a convenient new Ilrick dwell int;. There is u guoil pump close to the house, anil ilesiral le triiil trees on the lot, which is well improvcil, JAT OH REEDY. Hlnomsburg. Aug. 11, 185 7 , TOLLS AT liEACU HAVEN. Cul.l.KcTOß's OSFICIC, ) Beach Haven, Aug bst. '57. j MR. EDITOR The amount of tolls receiv eil ai this office are us Inflows: Previously leported, . . . $60816 15 July, . . . . • . . . . 27158 71 Total, $87874 80 Respectfully submitted, JOHN 8. FULLMER. Collector. A LARGE LOT of Thibet Shawls just re ceived and for sale by A. C. MEN SO I. KUTi HUKt * PUB. mapem cure is guaranteed ill all .luges ol SECRET, Sell Aboee, Nervntin Debility. Striatums, Gleei". Gravel, Mercurial Rheumatism, Setofllla, Pains in the Ankles Bones, Diseaie. of the Throit. Nose anil Evas, Ulcers upon the Body, Female Irregu larities, ami all o'liSr improper di-rbarges, no matter ol how long standing. or oh.iuiaie llta c ii-e, recovery is cerium, anil in a shorter 11"lie Ilia" h permanent etile cmilil be elleci cil by any oilier ireniment, even "Iter ilia skill ol lire must eniintnl phy "tennis bail tailed, anil the diseasa resisted all other mentis ol cure. The remeilies are fiee from ml or cuusutg neither sickness nOr iiiconve niance, anil withdu' mnrttrwy or balsam.— During'Jwenty years' practice,-1 Inive re stored to health over seventeen ihou-ainl pa tterns, who were suffering mule* lite worst lornis of all of the uhme mentioned ilis. Hu-es, which unaraii ees ma in promising a perleoi ami most speoily core. Secret ilis .•uses Hfctlie ttrealcsl enemies to health Ullil ti.tppilie.s, us they are the fit-t c..u.e ol con sumption, scrofula, &e., and should be a ter ror to nil nations on lite earth ; lor the dis ease is becoming so comhwn, and treatment -o litilu u m(e rat nod, that a permanent cure is scarcely eve; effected, as u mnjnttlv ol the case* lal! into the hands of incompetent per sons, who not only l' ! <° rl,rß ,l,rt malady, tun ruin the constitution with corrosive sub limate—a dangerous ooisim, a preparation nl memory—which, with the remains of dis ease in the system, produces matiy ol the above named allections, which finally termi nate in consumption, and frequently a rapid one ; but should it not cause death speedily, and the victim to disease mairies, tlie disease is then conveyed Irom the pa ieni to the chil Iron, causing them In come into die woilil with scrnlulil, affections of the Skirl, eyes, liroat, &c., and iigain terminates in ton sumption, and consigns his victim to an mi iimelv grave, between the ages of six months ami thirty-live years. Sell ahsnc is another Immutable enemy to health; it destroys the nervous system, rapidly wasting sway the energies of Itle, causing menial derange tneni, preventing a proper development ol die system and disqualifytog its Vtcinm lot marriage, society, business, ami p'll atirtnlv happiness. Female Irregularities and oil ei of females treated in the most -k nl ami scientific manner. Medicines, with directions, sent to any part ol the Unite,, Stales and Camillas, by patients ciilliinuuica • iiiU their symptoms by leuer. J SUMMERVILLE, M. (>., Box .13 Tost Office ; Filbert Street, below Tamil, Phila delphia, Pa. TTVEXTY-FIVK H ITN ESSES (IK THK foßg e r convicted. JOHN S. IVK IS TWK~AIiTIIOR Who lia* Intel 10 >•<*' expcriencH UR a Banker ami l*illihr, ami Mtitinif l ■£ 1 Setts oj Lectures nl Ike llrotulu'ay Tuber■ n n>icle, m] when for 10 successive oigtifs, over IV ; 0,000 People ,£j hint wuh rounds ol apolau-e, _ while lie exhibited the manner ill which cmiiiicrfniii'is execute their iruds. and JJJ die surest and .hottest means of delecting e them ! The Hank Note Engravers all say y that lie is the (ir rut est Judge of Paper Money I.iviug. ® Great".l discovery til the pr -em century § For Defecting < ofinierfeit Bank Notes. ™ Degrtihii'g every Gcuuirie Bill in exis'- none, ami uxhihitiug at a glance evoty Ctiunierleit m Circulation!! a Airuiigetl ro ailmirahly, lliat Upleronco i<t i J? t>ii-y anil Aoieitlioii ltißtaiit.itiiiuß. ' rWNo i.olox 10 examine! No panaa lo tniiii u|>! Bui nt RimpliltHtl aim at* ® ranged. llial lilt Merchant, Bank „ 11 <iiit.) BiißineßH Man nan nee all a' a filmic*. ImiHHrJI) French iiihl Gernan. im Thus each may tend th" tinmcni his own No- tire Tongue j MOST PHltKli'"!' HANK NOTE "" LIST PUUMSIIEI), A I*o a l.i-l "I 7Z ILL THE PRIVATE HANKERS IN " AMERICA. A Complete Summary <il the I inmice of Europe vml America will be piiltii-ht-d in . ene!i edition, together with nil the Import er 'Hit news ol the day. Aln, " A SERIES OF TALES rj From an old manuscript found in the East. T" 1; furnlshe* the most complete r* history of Oriental ILiIV, In describing the most perplexing posi •4liens in which the Ladies and (•entlemen 2"I dial country hiyvo bee.n so ohen touinl. these Stone* will continue tbKiugl.out die ■■ whole year, and will prove the Must En entertaining ever ollered to the Public, w CV Furnished Weekly to subscribers S only, hi £ 1 a year. All letters must be ad dressed to H JOHN S. DYE. Broker. Published and Proprietor, 70 Wall Street. 5 April 27, 1857. . New Yoik NOTICE TO THE IIEIRS & DEVISEES VJ John Allen, lute i<J Mmlisim nunnktp, Columbia County deieme'l. You arid each ol you are heiehy Minified that a! the la-i term of the Orphan'* Court of Columbia eonotv tie pepotou ol Davnl Al len one of the sons ami tlevi-ees of the said John Allen deceased was presented to the said court praying for the sale of the follow ii g real estate of lite said decedent to wit: A lot of ground in Jersey-tow n in Madison township. si tta'o on lite Main mail or sireet of said-town adjoining lot of John Swishe-, lot or lota belonging pi Dr. R.tsscl Parks ai d others, containing nne acre ol land on which is erected a iwo alriry frame dwelling house and frame slahle: Also one oilier lot of land in said town sit uate on said Main road or street, adj lining land r f John Swishur and James Smut, being a 'own Int. i Also two other contiguous tnwn lots situ ate ill said town on -aid Main Street and ad joining lot ol John Fnnsioo and oilier* ; J And one onlloi of land annate on the roanj leading from Jersey town to ill ville contain ing abmtl three ami one half acres unjoining land of J hit Swisher. Abraham Brodl ami others:—which said property wa* on the 21-1 dav ol November, A D., 18-16, accept ed by Robert Templelbii Allen and awarded to him at the valuation and appraisement ol an inquisition held I hereon, and the Oiphan's Court ol Columbia county on the 21-1 ol August, A. D , 1847, vacated the decree so .■warding me said mat estate; so that the same remains unaccepted by any of devisees and unsold And it is pruyed hi the said ■eiilion that the said real e-.aie mav be or tiered by the Court to t e sold at public -ale on the premise* on a tiny certain un the (of lowir g terms ami ctuijlitiiMis; twen y per cei l, at the striking down of the property, one hall ol the remainder on lit* first day ol April, 1858, and ttie other hall thereof on the first .lay ol April, 1859, with interest Irom the first day of April next;—* ml a rule ha heen granted by the said Court upon the l.eirs and devisee* ol John Allen deoea-ed o -how catt-e. if any they bate, by the fir-i tity of nsxt term why the order of sale •linuld not be granted, of winch you will hereby take notice bTEPHEN 11. MILf.F.R SiUßirr's Orricc, j Sktnff. ni-hnrg. J .lv 6. 1857 ( |A UJlilt AND FEED Depoi at tint Arcade, r by A C MENSCH. DR UGS JtJYD ,1 OP ESaTBT'SPZa H WOULD call the attention of all those who wish to buy good goods in his line, that he has just replenished his (already) large anil well selected assortment of the following srti cles, vi/:—Dings, Medicines. Oils,"Paints, Varnishes, Glass, Dyestuffs Confectioneries, Per luinery. farcy soaps and toilet Articles generally; Cigars and Tobacco nl *vrrv brand. Harrison's Inks wholesale ami retail at the nianufaoititer's prices, PUKE WlfihS AND 1! UAH VIES for medicinal u.e onlv. Trusses, Shoulder Braces and Abdominal Supponc/s, SURGICAL AND DENTAL INSTRUMENTS, Paint, Varnish and Tuoin Brushes; al-o agent for mod of the popular patent Medicines of the day. Toys, and an endless variety of u.elul nod lancy notions not heie ennmeiated. Physi- | oian's ! rescripiinns and Family Meificittes put up carelully'and et short notiee. Gluts Cutting done to order at the old stand £■ P- LUTZ. Bloom-burg, April 8, 1867. BOOK. CARD, AND FANCY THE PROPRI ETOR. OF THE "STAR OF THE NORTH," Having added to ;he fixtures of the "Stmi" OHice good and extensive JOBBING MAI EKI AL, is prepared to execute all kinds ol JOII L'IIIVTI.\4< in tltu best CITY STYLE, and al short notice. Certificates of Stock unit Deporite, Constitutions for Societies, Hank Checks, Promissory Notes, Hail Iloud and other 'Pickets, Catalogues, Paper Hooks, Itill-Heads, Check Rolls, /'lain and fancy Cards, Husiness and other Circulars, Posters Plain and in Colors. AIT 2 FSJUffiIWO- CP ALL XliTfciS Pan be Procured at the "Star" Job Office, rUOni'lliY ,\M) M ATI.Y PUIKTEU AS l\ THE CITY. The puldic are invftelf fo call and see specimens, as we are determined lo merit patron age by strict atieiition to business and superior workmanship. New arrival of Spring and Summer Goods ! gats corrsrffFTn war, <£& HAVE just reneivhd and opened their slock of merchamli/.e for Sp'ing and Summer sales, which comprises the LARfiKSV, CHEAPEST, and IIANDSOMEST assortmei t now offered in this'TOWN! Having paid great attention to the selection of their entire stock as to price and quality, they Hattei themselves thai fliey can compete with llie cheapest and all those wishing lo huy cheap, can save money by giving us a call. Wo have all kinds of Goods and Wares to supply the wants ol tlie People. A very large lot of LADIES UKIESM CiOODS, French merinoes, wool plaids, alpacas, bombazines, ile liagek, poplins, parametta cloihs mohair lustres,muslin ile lames, Persian cloths, Ginghams, Calicoes, Sic. WHITE GOODS OF A M, KINDS, Sieves. Collars, Spencers, handkerchiefs Bouncings, bands and iriinmings, laces and ediings, bonnet ribbons, in large variety, vel vet ribbons. and braids, kid, cotton, and lisle tiny ad gloves, mohair milts, &c., All kinds nl SHAWLS, broehe, Bay Stilt", Waterville, black silk, cashmere, Embrnder-I trd, &e. Also a very large assortment ol cloths, ca.simors, sullinelis, vesting", tweeds;' 1 jeans, oeaver cloths, coaling velvet, Bio. HOOTS AM) SHOES, OF ALL KISVS If SIXES FOR MEN IVOMAN 4 CHILDREN Wo have a large as.ortinen'. nl Hals and Caps ol lalest fashions. We have al.ii Hard ware, Queen.ware, Cedarware, Sic. Very cheap carpels, carpet bags, floor, table and car i riago oil cloths, mills rugs, baskets, &o. Muslins llannels, tickings, diapers, lowelings, drilling.. &c., in abundHiico. We liivno our friends and the public generally In givo us a call before purchasing rl-e --" nitre. We have bought our goods at Lowest Cash l'rices and will nut tie undersold by nix body or the rest of mankind, illootiioburg, Aptil IS, 18S7. New Arrival of Fall and Winter Goods. DA7ID LCVf£IT£ E?. Cr ' I NVITES attention to his slock of cheap and fashionafe vlotfiing at bis storeon Mn.tkn * .treel, two ilnors above the ' American House," whore he has s full assortment ol rnon and boy's wearing apparel, including a)iai£sai os®i.ifs,, I ;[ox, sack, frock, gum and oil elolh coats of all sorts and sizes, punts of all colors, shawls j stripes and figure, vests, shirts, cravals, stock", collars, handkerchiefs, gloves, "uspemlore i and lancv articles. i N. B. " lie will also make to order any article of clothing al very shorl notice and in ! the best manner. All his clothing is made to wear, and most ol it is of home mauufne- I lino. Hloonisbcrg, April 1. 1857. A. C. MENSCII AT THE JiRCJihE STHM) nAS just received and opened a full and |hpP jiMorlmPni OP SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, which lie will sell ai the lowest living profit. His slock embraces s'elU, ihibet an I crape shawls barege. barege delaines, tissues, lawns, debege*, crape orientals, alpaccas, &e SII-KS. A very handsome assortment of atriped, plain, plaid ami black silks, which he intends in -ell ai very reduced prices. EMBKOIDEHIES. An imiiieiiso stock of etnbroiJeiies, such as embroidered Itat.dkerchtels,collars, sport* cers. sleeves, Swiss and jaconet edging* ami insetting*, linens, cotton and thread laces, Honoring* and embroidered e.uriam-. DOM EST ICS—Muslins, drillings, lickings, check* onahnrg, baggings, giogba.ns, 1 1 un* tiels, table diaper and ready made bags. Men and Boys' Hear. Clottis. cassiuieres, vesting*, jean*, cotton ude-, denims, blue drilling* cotton plaid* &C. CARPETS AND Oil. CLOTHS. A very !irie <• f new aiylo car pels, such a* inpe-iry. Brunei# Ihree ply. in- anil V*ti6iiaii oil cloth*, of all wiU|ia. A larijc a"orlinent ol Ladiea' & ClnUlret)*• , Shuns, which he will 11 very cheao. ghoierio. Irsr^?] A lot of fresli sugars molasses |™s r /v")] TEAS. COFFEE FISH SPICES ®fVj[ &o. Also Hardware (ju* en *w are, g . Crockery ami Wno.letiware. Flour and Fee l a'v ays lor sale at the lowest mtrket prices for ca-h. Bloornsbnrg, April 29. 1857. mT$lO and sisTingi.e a double f THUEHDEH EMPIRE FAMILY SEWING MACIIINF: AN Agency for the sale ol these Machines for this ami the adjoining counties can be secured on liberal terms by i per-onal appli cation io the subscribers, 6th and Arch Sis., Philadelphia. No one need apply • ' out capital sufficient to com 1 net the business properly, and without references as ;o telia bibtv and capacity. We poasibvely assert that these Machines, for all of FAMILY SEWING, are in every respect superior to any Sewing Machine in market, (no manor at what price* they are held a.) and will wherever offered for sale command a ready and un limited demand. JOHNSON & fJOOIiELL. Philadelphia, Aug 14, 18j7.-lin. CHARLES STAHL, |3()OK KINDER, has locaied in Blooms " burg, where he will bind books, period leal* and pamphlet* in any- desirable style anil manner; and l reasonable price*. He will bind newspaper* and magaz-nes, plain, in library siyle or in morocco ornamented. He has his place ol basiue-s iu Hopkins ville with Mr. F. Ister. Bloomsburg, July 13, 1857. HATS AND CAPSou hand and for saie at the Arcade by : May 37, 57 A. C. MENSCH- < OUMBIS 31 ALU AM) F U3IAI.E: jS± C£3 iJD L£i £*2 (Tuiiiiy, Pa. rpHK Trustee* of this Institution respectfully J- announce,'hat it will ho opens! lor the reception of Pupils, of both sexes, on Monday. October koth neat, under tho immediate care of Prof. JAM ITS ANDERSON, as Principal. Mr. A. is a gentleman of extensive acquire, merits, and enlarged experience a- an educator, and has been connected with the most popular "High School" of Bocks Co. for several years, lie is also well and favorubly known us a con. iributor to some of cur leading educational pert odicals. THU COt'USE OF INSTRUCTION Will compose Orthography, Definitions, Head ing, Penmanship, Etymology Geography, Cng Grammar, Composition, Arithmetic Algebra. Geometry. Mensuration, Plane and Sphcrtcul Trigonometry, Surveying, Navigation, Aat run. omv.&c. Hook Ki eping. Hi-lory, Physiology, Natural, Intellectual, ar.d Moral Piulosophy, and Chemistry. Clauses in the French, Spanish A* Latin Languages will be formed as early as pi act tea bit", and Instruction on Piano-Forte will Le given if desired. U LEKLY LECTURES on the Natural Sciences, illustrated by apptcpriate apparatus will al-o be given. SPECIAL ATTEN'I ION will iu; paid to young Ladies and Genlh mi u designing 'o qual ify themselves aa Teachers. TERMS: FOUR, FIVE and MIX Indian per Quarter in accordance with the studies pursued, payable one half in advance and the balance at the close of ihe Quarter GOOD B"ABD ran be had 111 the village at a moderate pirce. Mr. A. will deliver an aJJiess on Fhy-i cat, Intellectual and Moral education in the dvy of commenccnient, when his method ol imparling instruction will be illcslra'ed. an, the discipline -ud management of the chool fully explained. Patents Guardians. snJ the friends of educa lion generally, arc cordially invited to be pre en t. U. L. CHIP ! B.M.STEVEN'S, JOHNKOON'S. N. H STILE"*. SILAS LfODSON. I JOHN VAPI.E, I HUM AS PBALER, Columbus. Sept, 4, 1850. Trustees. MAP OF BLOOMSBIRL. \FI>MvS. HURLEY & LLOYD Citil En gmeer-. Burveyor> ard Map Publihr ure now in ihts nlace for the purpose of mi king a thoroughly correct Property Map showing the laiouud Piatt ol every BuiLftt g. the size anil shape ol each Lot, with owner, name*, or initial*, printed thereon, Colored Varnished and mouoinl on Canvas, and Roi lers, all compl*!*. Puce per copy, $5 pay able on delivery of ibo Mvp. They are also prepared to make Survey and lurnish Sgeleci Mao* of Farms, wit contents calculated and toaerted thereon, o' any farm wiihiu a reasonable distance Iron town. FRESH ARRIVAL- A NEW lot of cboat* *n<l MO just ivcQivoU bv nilioodud >r *)• tjr A- C M&KfCH- American Safety-Paper Maaaftclfr* ing Cempany of lew lertt. * CAPITAL A00,00. A. NICHOLAS, President. Office, 70, WU Street. I A Perfect Security again*! , aft magnet of Fraud or counter/riling OH paper* Po prevent Photograph* urrd Atten tat ic Counterfeit*. Eruturcs, Tram- Jer * or Alterationi. 11 AVISO purchased ilia Falanl fof lha JJX* i-ln-ive right 10 mmittfuutnre and sell lire onw Chemical Caper m Amiica, invented utiil patented Ir. Kngland by Henry Ulvtm,,* to labium J chemist and ulinear in iha Biitifb anny, i: i La fitly n*ceary lo say "that IB# Caper i rmuim mended by Mr. Kent, As*)'er OL IIIK fluted Stale* Mint, Mr. Lyman of lha New Vurlr Clearing "Hon**, and Meade Hmther*, extensive ami skilfiil'pholtigraphen, I 233 Broadway, New Vorlt. The latter nay I that no imitation can hf made nn a check or tiank note primed o*. me balmy 'Paper, be low in our liel of price* Hank Check*—3s ol* per Ih. Hunk It'Jle s|B lor 1000 aheet*. Hill* ol Kxchange—s2s lor ROO short*. I'romisi-niy N'o'e*—lu ol*. per Ih. Sight & Tuna (trail*—s2s for 1000 theeU'. Insurunce Policies—4o eta per lb. Uatlroad Siock* Ik Bomli— 40 cle. pe,r Ih. Hank anil Siwe block*—4o ci*. per lb. Hond* and Mortgage*— 4u cia. per lb. I W ill* und (toed*—4o cia. par Ih. | For wrapping Sdk* and oilier line article* | ti* exci lloni, us it prut etna motlie. 40 ct*. i\ lb. For IndaMutes and Agreements. 40 ceoia per lb. All State and County Rpcorda should I* way* be printed or written on this paper, ae the chemical* inverted in the pulp not only prevent erasure or transfer, but make it last ing as time. For Southern Clinr.ales it is excellent, ami much aii| erinr to any other; a* me inoisliieak nl ihe'clitiiHte doe* not ilotroy h,—die prop *tue* inserted in the pulp being a preventive, in all the southern rates, Cub*, the VVnsl lit tle* and die Central American State*, no nublic records can l-e kept over 20 year*, wrtPeil on the ordinary paper, wln'e the oil* *i d* inserted in this paper makes it imlc*iructi|ile by irie ravage* of lime. It i* also proof attain*! moth*, rats and other rei nun, which leiiat on ai d Ueatroy all oilier pa per now in ue. The Company have now in operation MilU in Mortis County, N. J., ol about 300 hone power, and are able In li.t uli orders for pa per at lira shortest notice. All orders (or tlie paper most be sddresead to A NICHOLAS, President of the Company. No "30 VVa'l S reel, New Vork. ,Cian' a, 1357.—3 m. f T. KI.VGSTOUi) ii SOX'S * fUHg OSWEGO STRUGS. (FOtt I'HE LAUNDRY.) JI AS established a greater relebri ty than has erer been obtained by uny otftei' Starch. This has been d.e remit of its tnarkej m perinfty in quality, and its invariable uni lurrinty. I be public may te nsHtred of tlie continu ance of ita h <j|, e .jr.llr t now e-'al lished. The production is over Twenty Tons daily and the demand has. mended throughout the whole i,| tha United s;„tcr, tnJ )0 tuition COnri|ri#*ff. W orkirig tfjuii on n very la;;p tcule, and under h rigui sysiem, the) are aide to secure a tier(ect sail uti ifoi nut) in tin,quality turough oi.t tlie ) ear llim is the great Desideratum in Starch making, and is realized now lor the first time 1 lie very best starch that can be made.ard no other, i always waited by consumers, and wlnle tit s will he supplied to thern by the gnicer , as sunn as their customers ham learned which is the p., at. and ask for it otherwise they would he i.kely to pet that article on winch the largest profit can to made. Air. Kings ford has heen en-raced irt the manufacture r I Match continuously for the las: 27 years, and during tl.u whole nf this period, the March made under his supervis ion baa been, teioml anv question, the best n> tlie maikei i-Yrlhe first 17 >oars, he I,a l the charge el the works of Wtr.. Colgate St ■ h > at which period he ir,voided the process ol itie mannfartnre of com starch. 1 1T" ■f'kjor A r .p\fnnl' St itch, is the nnmt Oswego h is n.entSj srt/t takti ly another fat- Ley. T. KIN'GSFOUD L SON'S OSWEGO COHS VrjßCft, (For In! Jugs ff: .) Hss obtained ari equal celebroy with llieif Starch lor the Laundry. Tins articla is per fectly pute, and is, in every respect, equal to the Lest Kermuila Arrow-Root, besides lia ii g iouai qnalines which render it inval uu! !♦* for ihe it**sprt, I'otato s'arcb !ia- been extensively packed and sold Corn Starch, an 1 has given liUe impressions to many, as to the real merits el ocr Corn Starch, brum its great delicacy and pnrity, it is coming u!-u into extensive use as a diet lor infanta and invalids, E N KELLCGG A: CO., Wgrntr lf'ii Fulton Street, X. V. ALLEN A NEED: L?. Agent*. • 3 South W t.a.'ves I una I a July 2*. 1557—3,„. tIINE LETTOM, ! JJL' H'o>.\l.S vv.ll Le at former , 1 I- tin ace on \\ edt.e.daj, the IC nof Sep t-mter next, until 2 o'clock, I'. M, ol sai l *"}' I 'or building at open :m bruise over , I Roarirucreek near Voders Mill, in Locust lOtto-bip. The bridge to be 65 feet lor* I bet ween the abutments, 16 t'eei wide fioru oct lo pit', and 9 feel above low water mark. I'ropot.ilt will l-o be received at the houM of John He- in Fisftiugcieek township on Friday. tie iSifi of September t exi. oruilt i o'clock, I* M . of -aJ tisv, for budding au j open lru.s t ruU- over Huntingdon Creek, ! near the house o! John He-*. In Ft-riit.gcieca I lowo-bip This brig- „to be 108 lee"kwg, | w '<ti a pier it tie middle, 16 feet wide Iron* out io ouc and 9 leet above low water mark. I P.ana au,t specifica'tott* r.f both bridges can be -eeu on 'he days of the !*v iog. ry ' Uir cj 'it Cc . fcttaotio c, s. j KOtfT. C. Fhi ITT, Cotuwtioxce'a OrrtcK. 1 Cfetk. Bi *ni.b. or 5 (SJ7. { .MlAll.Ma 1 lit 1 UK rv M)| K fc. NO! !Ci is hereby giv.n t> a', letter*of ad mmi* r.tiiit: upcti the e-(te of Tit rta Ale, tate of Moanpiea-ai.t low.-hip, Cofumbia ' Ceu.'.y. dece-ed. have been .pan ej to the ; or der-igned tesiding t!.o in -. vaswat • luwrship. All per*.*,ts im'eb'e l ta'he teri J e.'a e ate retjne- ej • > make parrceat wuh— | oat delay, and harmg avenua s sjs'ct ' <he e-iAte ;o preaeul i*euv 'or paxraervt to SAM IF, L ALE, .'imo.i-.raii.-, A.J ; ISSJ /CANVASSERS WANTED;" if A lew compel*;, 1 aitM'e wenetl kl im I C •mprtkt+n.t (,'jt ewky and f/cu.u-y inrW I >J atodera ef tiu R'.uis. oy Sll IWrvk. • v He er periev V hai-.'-vSteiv vj-n# aovl prr j 'uaely diuaus etl. Pwe S3 S*> and* by Ager'* to whom rare i Kfacetsertri at* ei* i *O. Addrwaa. J H COUON & CtX No 172 With** Street. N* York. LAfStIE k>i of No, I. til Wht# F.o, Cpv! Ftb aatl jt| > rtc* >f*l !•* *v! Mr Mr sr ( *7 a.c watJea.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers