<eih ivurwrmi Dis-two. u ol 'i eoimiiex ni Snyder, Norilmsrihetfßiifb Mon tour er.d Colnmnia, will meet at tbeJCquil House, in the bornnch of SunhbfV, In 'he eouMy of Northumberland. on TUESDAY, • the Twentieth day ol October Mil, to wake oul iftnim fur Stun* Si|iWiv. The re mm J.nlges of the Jfepressniatire Distilf'^composed ul the conn-ie* ol V\y iiig.Sjllbvan, C'lluintniC. I'lff MoiAefir Asha I meet at the Court i-Hois# •.-Xlfiftnl|h#k. 'n the county of .Columbia, on TUESDAY, the Twentieth day ol October,next, m make oui returns for inetnbefs ol Assembly. And in and by 'lie f.W.t act, I am fyir#er directed to give itoiiee that ever) partoti, excepting instice* of ihe pcsue, w ' ,u fchall liold any oßire or appH'4m*nt of profii or trust uni/ei the Government of the Uuib'tl Siaies. or ol llii* State, or of any oily or in corporaisd almir ja*l t whvtlser a fommvssioned office nrodierwis*, a Mibnidinute officer or epeid, who IP, or shall he employed under ihe legislative, or executive, oi jnciciary de pailiiiriu id ihia State. or ol any incnrpora-" led district, and alsn that every member ol Congress, and ol lite select or common conn oil or any oily, commissioners of any incor poraied dinr>el, it by low, incapable of hold ing or exercising at Ihe same ti|ne| the offieo or appomlmoni ol judg*. inspector or elf ik of any election of line CmiiipoHweglth, and thai no ii specter, judge or any offieat-sil any such eleelion i-ll l>s eligible to any office than to be voted for. Given under iny hand and Heal, al my- of fice in Blnotiisbuig, this Slat day of August, A. D., 1857. STEPHEN H. MILLER. Bloomsturg, Sept 5, 1857. Sheriff, y * i>i:DiCAti<)\'. ST. MATT LiEtt S Evangelical Lutheran Cltuicli, HI Birnnibtlt*t tCol. Co. Pa. will be dcdicaled in the vvot.-h-p qj ihe Triune God, (God willing) on SUNDAY, ihe 2>uh of September inel. Divine bervice* rimy lie ex pected on Saiunlay evening previous. Serv. iee on Sunday to eonimence at 10 o'clock, A. M-, pretiaely. Sevnial rainimem from n * distance are expecied to lie present, anil preach on the nqcaaion. The Iriertd* ol Re lgion generally, ate invited in aiieiul E. A. SHARfIETTS, Pnelor Bloomsbiirg, Sept. 5. 1857. "GU T S; 6IFIS, CilF'l JS ! A PRIZE 111 I VERA P( R.HA>EK, At 'he Quaker ivy 1 ibhshioe House tf DIM N E RULISON, PHILADEI.HHIA. BY buying a book for one dnilar or moie you are at once presented with a prixe. enilh loin. 25 cents to (100. ennsis'ing _t Fine Gnhl Jeweliy. Watches,&c. All orders by mail will t.e promptly filled, aud the prixe or ( liz<-a will s/ci.nnipany the bonk. Our list 'contains all of Ihe most popular bosks of ihe duy, si ll will be roll)at U)o usual r einil prices niany 01, thiol for less. I'en,.n-wi-hm g any potlirulir liaik can order at once, slid it will he fi iwauled with a gilt. A catalogue givfug full informsliuit, with s li-t of In uks and gilts will'Le sent post paid, bv addressing DI'ANE RUI.IsON. No 33 Sohlh Third St., Philadelphia. ESP" ARCH'S wonted. Sept. 8, 1857.—50t. " ■ TO AIECUAMCB, INVENTORS & MAK FFALTIREKS. Tn annmuiciiiii the THIKI EENTH annual volume of Ihe Scientific American, the pub lishers respectfully u-ioim the pabftcthat in ruder to increase and stimulate the lormaliuii of clubs, ihey promise in riff-r ONE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED DOL LA US IN CASH PREMIUMS H|frr the filleeb largest li*t ol subscriber* seni fit- the l-l ol January, 1858; said preini time to be ilugftbuied an billows: For die laraeHl list, #300; 2d, 8250; 3d, t'00: 4lh. (150; 6th, (1Q0; fith. %9Q; 7tli. (60, 8:h, (7<l; Bill. (60; IDihw (50: 1 lit, #4O; I2ih, (35; 13 It, (30; 14th (4(; 15llt. #2O. NamcAjil aubscijbrrecan be sent in at dif ferent timhe and fiom different Post Offices. Tbe cash will be paid to the orders of the enccessbtl competitors, immediately alter the Ist uf January, 1858. Southern, Western aud Canada money will la taken lor subscriptions. Canadian suh rcrtbers will plea-e to remit Twority-eix ols. extra on each year's subscription to pre-pay postage Terms of Snbscriplion—Two dollar* a year r One Dnilar for six mouths. Club Rales—Five copies, for six months, 51; Five copies, lor twelve months, (8; Ten copies, lor six months, 58; Ten copies for twelve cqoothe, £ls; Twenty copies, for 12 rrontbs, 523. For sll Clubs of Twenty nod over, ihe yearly subscription is only Si 40. The new volume will be primed upon fine 1 paper-xirtj pew type. Tl e general chnrucier of ihe Seienlifia jfmer \ awn is \yell known, and, as hereiolote,ii will 1 fie ol nelly devoted lo the promulgaiion of [ leluliiig io.lh vaiiou- Muehani- I csi and Chemical Arts. Manufacture*, Ann 1 eaftere, Kataht*. Inventions, Ei sittieeriiiv, ! NT7f Wiiffc,-an<l all iuteresU wlucti ihe ligi t ; •if Practical Science is calculated in advance. ] It is issued weekly, in lorm fur n'mdiua; it contains annually from 500 in Goo finely ecmed Engravings, and noncas ul American and European Intprovrmeiits, togeiher with an Otficiul L>' of American Patent Claims published weakly m advance ol all other pa para. h i* the aim of the Editor* of ihe Scientific American to present all nubjecta disous-ed u. ■tg coluiniis in a practical and impulai lorm They Will alfo eiidesv,,ri o mskllaiu a caudal Jeailessnesg m combating soil exposing fl<a theories and practice in Sciei.nfio and Mo clianieal matters, and thus preserve the char acter Of the Sciennfitajkmericati a' a reliable Encyclopedia of UMIUI and Eutertaininn Knowledge. Specimen copies will be sent stia lo any part of ihe country. MUNN & CO., Publishers and Paiem Agems, No 128 Fubcu St, New York *"pf. t, 1857. BY SPECIAL REQUEST The celebrated Welsh Harpist, Or New YORK, now oo a lour through 'he.United States, will rl.-hver a LECTURE ON MUSIC AIVPTUB " HARP" Illustrated by bis own petlofii. l,ncM tn t ihe Harp, At the "Court JJou>e,'' Btoome'mrg, on Wed nexlay Eve, the 9lh nf Sept , of 8 o'clock. -IcW For futlhar particulars see programme. Bloomsburg, Sapl a, 1857. Adniiuivtrnlor's Notice. O NOTICE is f.ereby given that tellers ol ad (ninisirsiion upon the estate ol John Welliver t Initio I Madison lownship, Columbia county, hecea'sed, have been the under signed residing also in the said township ol Matjis.on. All persona indebted to ihe> esiaid are requested, lo make payment without d lajr, and I hose havingaccounla for *eitlemenl to preseoLlbeai to • JOHN A. FUN STON, Ailminutrulor. n'sLAiikS ~ DEEDS, SUMMONS, EXECUTIONS, BUBPCENAS ' * * HT AUD JUDGMENT NOTES, X of PjppeT ft degfrable form*, fo' sale at the o(K*e of the "*ftr ofthe Norfh" ' IM?StINS w ide lor 8 oeoia, and goad griata fer cente jwt received ■Y A. C. MKNSCH aitiiu i uun - I* " Fa mo 15* > fpt autl Plaster Mills, Jit tic* Junction <>f York JTeenue ami Colloirhill Streets. miLABEtPHYA. WE offer a )*rj-e slot'k ul Che iiii-nl M nurna and Feriiligsrs at low piioes. mid wan ranted to be genuioe : among which will b found— v 4.000 ions No. 1 Gnverumetit Peruvian Guano. 1,000 lona Deßerg's No. 1 Super-phosphate Ol Luce. Tb<- above slundard ariiclea sre. each ol their kind, ilia liesi in the wmhM Our Lund Flasier, manufactured fiom select none, is eelebraied throughout ttw Union lur iis puiny and strengili W E IMVI rE ORDERS FOR Da Ber j's No. I Super I'hosphne nf Lime. N'u. I Government iViuybm Guano. French's Improved Sup-nhoi-piiain ol Luti*.. Fivucli's Philailelplnu I'ouilialte. No. I Pliesptiate Gnaiin (Plnla. Go 's ) , Maxican Giano (A.) Kxtia Land Plaster, Ordinary Land Plas-er, Cticnncal Bone Pure bone dust. Fish Guano, Ground Charcoal. 10.000 Barrets Land Fluster. 5,000 • Casting Fluster. 10-000 " HifdruuHc Cement. 3,000 i' True Unman Cement, 1,000 • Fort hint' (Eng.) Cement ALSO, r DF.NTISTJS' PLASTER, STKUFO'i'YPE •' GLASS MAKERS' "• GROUND STONE. VVHFTE MARBLE. BLUE Powdpretl Ai-ihraciie Coal, (in barrels.) do Ibminmnuv Coal, do Gmnnd Brow n Stone, do Wlii!" Sand do Gtbund Brick* for Puinlera Chemical Bone dust. FRENCH. RICHARDS,<i CQ, Steam Mills and Farmers' lie pit A' Junction ol Yoik Avenue, Crown and Cutlowliili Street-. Philadelphia. September 2. 1857. GIFTS! GIFTS! GlFi'ttl GIFTS I A. KAAAEV, Publiblier, 383 BROADW AY. NEW YORK. . OFFKK- FOB VALR .100,000 BOOK* Sk WAI'N, OK ull kinds, ai -Pot I..hers' price., lo be accompanied with 500 000 GIFTS, worth fr0t0.25 cent* lo 5200 each ; consisting ol Gold and Silver Watches, Gol-I Lnrkete. Gold Chains. Cameo Pni* mid Drop*. Gold Bracelet"*, (hill Pencils. Sewing Birds, in stiorl Jewe'ry.of every description: Reticules. Ldies Pur-es, Po(iin"ntne* hie.. 8150 worth, of GIFTS DISTRIBUTED with every 500 Books. A Gift will t-e delivered with every bonk sold lor oiip dollar or mora. Although >0 book or arlicli will be Sold for more than the usual le.ail price, many Will be aoh for less. Persons w islinig any particular book, can order at once and ii will be forwarded with a Gilt. IVrona ordering Books with Gif's, should forward die amount ol pontage, a* it mu*l invariably be paid in advance.— The average postage for 81.25 books is 18 rt*.. and lor 51 50 ami 82 00 bunks 21 rein*, JNDUCEMENTS TO CLUBS &• AGENTS: A BOOK AN D GIFT WITHOU T Ml FN KY. Any pfu.on, by forwanluig an order lor Books, (w-nti money enclosed.) will receive an extra Bonk ami Gill with every Ten Bonks to be split to one address. This method ol forming C'lnli* raves port age, a* ihe Package goes by Express. Full irfformslinii respeclir.g this great gill I enterprise, together wi)b a complete List of | Books, and gilts will he luroished in our Catalogue, which is sent post paid to any ad dress on-application. Address, A. RANNF.Y, No. 293 Broadway. New York. I'tiblfic hale of Valuable Heal UMale. THE undpr*igoed Executor of ihe estate of Wesley Rial deceased will offer at pub lic sale upon fhe premise- oil SAJ UROAY, THE 3rd OF OCT OVER NEXT, at one o'clock, P. M.,lhe farm belonging to the said estate, siiuaie in Hemlock township, Colum bia cnnnlv, con-ainiiig 123 Acres &■ 37 Perclies, and adjoining lands ol Hugh Mcßride, jnhil Mi-Reynolds, Peter Appieman. Caleb Barton, sen., and Sylvester Pursell. If is silna'e in THE IROS ORE REGION rd Columbia county, two miles Irnm Blooms- Burg, and on the public highway leading in Bnckbom. A branch of Hemlock Creek passes through ihe premises, and Ihe whole ' farm is In a lair state of cultivation. The im j provement" are a lr e new frame Tl\\KlO\ HOUSi:, a new anil cnmniiKiiuus Irame tenant house, : a large new bank burn, a new wagon hnu-e, 1 soil oilier ouibiiilitinga enurely new. Po*. session w ill t-e givet. oi* die 1-loLApril 1858. ! Conditions will be made known on die d>y ] of sale by WILLIAM NKAL, i Executor Bloomsburg, July 20, 1857. Übt ol' LcHci'N Tl EMAININfJ in um Po- Mice hi Bh-oms -"Wt-nrg. Pa., lor die Quanei emiing August 16th, 1857. Brommnr Adanj Mcßride M 1 Bridge George Phn> liu Michael Beildow Wm Paitride John A Bacnu Septimus Smith John Cornell Kebocca S-iuder Wm F Davis l.aao Shaffer Frederick Essex Balser Shuliz E P Freelaud J C Tnmblinsnn P B Grammes Jonathan Wilson B L i Hill ESM Webber Simon Usher John Woririingion Wm - Klink A C VVax Casper King George M 2 Wen in an Henry Long George J Richard Griffith ) y, Lervis If Morgan Price y f. Lumbard Frank Miller Bernard ) ? Persons calling [or the above letters will please (By they ere advertised. P. UNANGST, P. M. Ausnsi 17 1857 Full Stock of Fall Dry Goods. TjM'RE & LAN DELL. Fourth & Arch Sis., *- J Philadelphia, re-pecifully r quest Cash Buyers lo examine a fine stock ol Seasonable Goods, adopted in Best Pennsylvania Trade. Full Line of Fall Dress Goods. New designs nf Fall Shawls. Good Black Silk* of all wmdn. 4 Cases assorted French Merb oee. '5 Pod do Chevies, New Good*. Brii'sh and American Dark Prims. Saiinella, Caasimerea,Cloths tc Vesting*. Muslins, Liiicns, Flannels, Blanket*, tn. N. D.—Auction Baraams Irom New Ynrk a-d this City daily received. Particular at I lention given to Country order* for desirable I Gondg— Terms ett Cash. Sep'. 1. 1857—3m05. ' r nKi'MMINGS AND NOTIONS,fancy ani -1- cle, a good assorimenl of Hosiery ol Ihe best qnulny; also gloves, mitis, baskets, Ca baa, Combs, dress Uimmings and linings, . sewing silk, bread, etc., eio., to be had exi door to tbe "Exchange." , AMELIA D. WEBB. Bloomsburg, May 25, 1857. > T ARGE assortmenl of Iron, Steel and Nails ■AJ for sale al ike Arcade by - May 27, '57. A. C. MENSCH. 1 U/OOD k COAL for sale at the Arcade By v" A. C. MENSCH. WANT rKSM. A Farm wlthfhlhe ptush of every Man f|M!E pjDGWA Y 1 FARM COMPANY Ma ■ has mtdw tmabgamerit* by wtiiuh al who desire lo settle ut purchase • home cwi do art. . Tb* Farm* cnhsist of ihp beat limeMoOf toil of Ibe most suparmr quality for foimiuy, in a rapidly improving place, into which an extensive emigration i now (.outing. Tb property ta located in E'k Gonrny„ Ptwwyl vanta. in (he midat of a Ihiiving population of mint 1(1.000. The clim.no (a perfectly health v. arid the (etrilila plague of the went . lever i* unknown. It alaohia en ahundnnea of the heel quality of (,'osl and Iron, I e price to huy it out ia from $3 to 820 per a ere, pHyahle hy installments, to lie locateJ at the time of purchasing, or a share of twonly-five ncica entitling to locale the name for 630 U. payable f6 per month or I2j acrea payable $t per month. Discount for every aum o r SIUO ti tl uinlet. paid in advance, ano for over 8100 a die .oant of 10 per cent. In considering the advantagea of emi|ralii.g ' .o this locality the following are presented : Fiukt —The mil ia a licit limestone, caaanlo of raiting the heavier! eropa, owing lo whi h ibis >e tlement has obtained ita present great rnepenly, hrn nii— It ia the eenlre of ,h great North lied Coal lla-ir, and is destined toon to he come ono of the gre*le*t business | laces in the Slate. It will supply the great I,ake mar ket. (according to the population and tr ive ilie greatest in the Union.) It has five work able verb* of the brat Bituminous coal .amuutii •ng in the aggregate o river 22 feel, whif.li makes 22 Olltl toua of coal under each acre, I Ilia will make the land of inestimable value. The eminent geologist Dr. Chat.. T. Jackson of Boston,bus made a geoioglral survey of the land, and analysed tbe coal, the iron ore and ihtrslima. This report together with maps will be lomlshed to inquirers. Foe*-re —Three Railroads ore laid out thro' ■ Ilia propetty. The riiuibuiv and Kite I,'inlrosd gives us a inalket lor our coal rq the lakes—it HUH tr in Fine to Philadelphia. A large purl of the Road has been finished, and is now in ui.niuc order. A heavy force is now working fioni Erie towards our land in the western di n cliori, the means for the completion oi which lias been ryt-e 1, It will soon be finished. The Allegheny Valley Railroad connects os with New York. Boston and Pit slung The Ve nango Road connect! us with the West. Theio ure already good Turnpike Road running through this property, various other rouds have been opened lo accommodate-the emigration and settlement which has aluady at en place. There is no opportunity equal lo il now of fered lo tbe man who wants to provide himsell home in an easy way. and makes settlement white he can live in prosperity and indepeod cure in a rlimate Perfectly Healthy, No ease of level ever bavins been known to oeeirr in fTiis settlement. It is not like going to the bael Woods ol the West, smong |ieihaps i tiilt*railt people, whcie there is no society, ehorcbea, or school*, where ihe prico of Isnrl is high, end where the emigrant, after being used in ihe liealthieal clim'ile in the world, baa to endure sickness and pain, and perhaps ruins ids heslih and that of his family. Bui here is a thriving settlement having llnee towns, con taining churches, sohoola. hotels, stores saw in II", gtist m'lts, and everythingdevirW. There is a .sb rye be: tit baud. The lumber tnide Ut year mutinied toovoi 'wo hundred million leu ,<f lun In r. In s short lime, . wing lo the coal.it will become still moie valuable as a number of iron woiks and inaatifavlories will stuiii i'e st art eel; they eru t present starting lltetn extensively at IVatteit. Even for those who do not wi-h in go there, the payments are snr.h that they turn ea-i'.y buy a farm lo save their rising lamtliPv Irom want in the Injure, or to gain a competence by Ihe rise W'tioh will lake place in (lie value ol lands. By art outlay scarcely missed, a substantial provision csn be made. Persons should mnke early application,"ap ply or wriip to E Jeflries, Secretary, No. 135 IVHIIIIII Street, below Filth, Philadelphia.— j Leiters csreiully answered giving lull inlor mation. Sliaies or tracts of land ran be bought or Secured l>v letter enclosing ihe first install ment oi five dollars, when the subscriber will be furnished with books, roups, &rr. War rantee Deeds given Persons can al*o pur chase from nor Agents. liojite from Philadelphia to Tyrone on Ihe Pennsylvania Central Railroad, and thence by stage to lite land. Tins is a delightful season to visit St. Mary's—lhe best hotel ac commodation is aflorded. Enquire for E. C. Shulrz, Esq , the Agent (or Ihe properly at St. • Mary's. Till: GOLDEN PRIZE. ~ THE NEW YOKK WEEKLY COLD EN PRIZE. One ol the largest and beet lit eiary papers ol the day. Terms of Subtcription, 92 per Year. , And a (rIFT will be pre-emed to each sob i scriber immediately on receipt of the sub . scription money. Each subscriber will be entitled lo a Gifl I wottli Irom 81 to 8500 in (fold. TO CI.UBS. 3 copies for 1 year, S3 00 15 t'o I do 15.00 RE A D—UFA D—READ—REA D THK LIST OF GIFTS—GIFTS—GIFTS. I 1 Package containing 8500 in Gold 10 Gobi Patent Lever English Hunting Cased Watches 8100 Each ,5 , " .. .< 75 .. 25 " Gold Watches 60 " 100 " " " " 60 " 300 I.adien' " " " 35 " iuO Silver Hunting Cased Watches 25 " 200 " Watches 10 to 20 " 500 Gold Vest, Guard & Fob Chains 10 to 30 " 5000 Gold Lockets ,210 10 •' Gold Rings—Ear Drops— Broaches—Breast Pina—Sind' Cuff Pins—Sleeve Button* &u. f 10 to 15 each. 5 Immediately on the receipt ol the sub scription money the subscriber's name wd be entered upon our sub*cripiion book, op . posite a number, and the gift corresponding with Hi at number will be forwarded to bis or her athlreav by mail or exuress. popr paid. Address, BECKET & CO Publiiliers, 92 Moffat's Buildings, New York. Augu*r 2, 1857. , * OF HOUSE AND LOT! THE subscriber will rifTcr at Public Sale et 8100/nsburg, on TUESDAY, the Bth day of SEPTEMBER next, at 1 (TivekvJL M.(.his HOUbE AND LOT at the East end ol Hopkinsville. The lot ia 50 feet in front and 198 feet deep.* and the house a convenient new Brick dwell t ing. There ia a good pump close to the house, and desirable knit trees on the lot, t which ia well improved, JACOB JREEDY. Btoomshurg, Aug. 11, 185t, .' ; TOLLS AT BEACH HAVEN. COLLECTOR a OFFICE, | , Beach Haven, Aug bet, '57. J IP MR. EDITOR Ttie amount of tolls receiv ed at this office am as loilows: Previously teported, . . . 860816 15 July, 27158 71 Total, ....... 8774 86 Is Respectfully submitted, JOHN 8. FOLLMER, Collector. - A LARUE LOT of Thibet Shawls just ri y ceived and for sale by . n A. C. MENBCH I tWrt-I R MOT, WHEW A PMR-1 ' ■ nteuqni fiurn i# gjrqganteed (0 dl Mages nl SECRET diseases, Self Abuse, Nervous Debtlny. Strictures, Gleets, Grevrl, Mercurial Rheumatism. Scrofula, Pubis ♦" "be Anklea hiiS Bones, Disease* of ll® I hroat. Noee *od !Kyee, U tears upon i>ia Body, Eernaletlrregu la'ntiea, miii nil Other improper discharge*! no mener ol bow ohpoeUneie 1 lie oese, recovery i* certain, end in a shorter lime limn a parmrhdhi curd could be effect ed by any other ireaimeul, evrni alter the (•kill of ihd most eminetii physician* had failed, and the disease reinedj|j Other means of cure- The remedies ur^Hendm tulor causing rn-iilier sickness j^jMj^pve uierice, and wdhou 1 miironr*^^^®wlo- — Dunns twenty years', pttedwj T dfnVe re stored to health over seventeen thoflsattd |a ueiils, who were suffering undo* ihe worst lorm* nf all of the above mentioned dis eases, which autrrameiw nte In promising a perfect and most speedy core. Secret dis eases aretbe greelrst enemies to health and happiness, a' they aro the find c.ue of oon -nmprion, scrofula, &c., arid shoobl be a ter ror 10 all nations on the earth; lor the dis ease is becoming so common, and treatment so little miilermoral, thai a permanent cure is scarcely ever effected, as a majority ol ihe case* ltd! into the hands of incompetent per rons, who not only la■! to care the malady, hut rttin the constitution with corfoslVe sub- Innate—a dangerous ooi-nn, a prepara'iori nl mercury—which, with the remains of dis ease in lite system, produces many of the above named affections, which finally lermi sie in i-rinsumptioii, and frequently a rapid line ; but should n not cause death speedily, roil the victim to disease marries, Ihe disease s then conveyed trom the patient totltechil Iren, causing them to come Into the world Rriih scrolnlu, afleciions of the akiri, Xies. hronl, &e., and again lerrfiintitireW/bT'ho lasnpiiou, and consigns his vicUrrt (It an un nriely grave, between the ages wfet**monihs toil thirty-five years. Sell absnc Is urirohet ormidahle enetny ro health; it destroys ihe lervnos system, rapidly wasting sway the ■oefgiee of life, causing mental derange nent, preventing a proper development ot he system, and disqualifying its viciom lor carriage, society, business, and all earthly tappiness. Kemale Irregularities and oiler Itseases of female* ireated in ihe most sk-' 1 - ttl and seietttific manner. Medicine*) with Itreoiior.s, sent lo any pari ol the Unheo ( hates and Cvnndas, by patients cotltmunica- ( tng their symptoms by letter. J SUMMKRVILLE, M. D., Bo* 53 Post j )fHee ; Filtterl Street, below Tenth, Phila- Iwlph in, Pa. TWEKTY-FIVK WITNESSES OH THK FORGER CONVICTED. * JOHN S. DYE IS THE AUTHOR * Who has had 10 vests' experienoe as a ■ Banker and Publisher,and author nf £ 4 Series oj Ledum nl Ike BraadVklf Tuler m noc/e, j] when for 10 successive niplds, over a or : 0.000 People 'greeted him with rounds ol applause, r while he exhibited Ihe manner iMwhieli jconnterfeileis execute their and JJ the surest ami shotlesl mean* of delecting them ! j The Hank Note Engravers all say 1 } that He is the Greatest Judge of Taper Money Living. J (Jrealest tlisrovery ol the present century |For Detecting * oiiuierfelt Bauk *- Notes. * Describing every Genuine Bill in exist ®noce, ami exhibiting nl a glance every "Counterlett in Circulation!! w Arranged ao admirably, thai Reference is "1 easy and detection Instantaneous, j* CV No index to examine! No pages to ? bnht jup! But so simplified anrt ar -5 ranged <hßi ,hs MfrS.iit, Ussk. Per and Business Man can see d all at a Glance. 2 English, French and German. m Thus euch may tend th- nnme lit his own Nu fd tire Tongue j MOST PERFECT HANK NOTE 5 I.IST PUBLISHED, ■j Al-o a List of 3> ALL THE PRIVATE BANKERS IN 2 AMERICA. w A Complete Summary ol the finance of Europe omt America will be published in .each edition, together with all the Import s'ant news of the day. Al-o, A SERIES OF TALES •j From an old manu-cripi round in the East. L furnishes the most complete * history of M Oriental I.lff, In dsscriotng the most perplexing posi tA liens in which Ihe Ladies and Gentlemen *ol that commy have been xoobeu lound. These Stories will cnqgtae'SffMßlioiri the aww.tole year, anil wrill pWre the Most En eeiertsining ever offered W the Public. S iy Furnished Weekly to subscribers Qonl), at $1 a year. All letiere mus; be ad dressed to H JOHN S. DYE. Broker. id* Published nnd Proprietor, 70 Wall Street, z April 27, 1857. New York NOTICE TO THE HEIRS & DEVISEES Of John Allen. Inle of Madison toiomhip, Columbia County deceased. Yon and each ot you are heiehy noli fieri that at ihe last term of the Orphan's Court of Columbia county the pepition ol David Al len one of the sons and devisees of Ihe said John* Allen deceased was presented to the said conn praying for the sale of the follow it.g real estate of the said decedent lo wit: A lot of ground in Jersey town in Madiaort township, situate on the Mailt road or street nf said town adjoining lot of John Swisher, lot or lot* belonging to Dr. Russel Parka ard others, containing sue acre ol laud oil which is erected a two story frame dwelling house and Irame siablef ' *•' ■ Also one other lot of land in said town sit uate on said Main road or street, adjoining land of John Swisher and James Stout, being a town lot. Also two olher contiguous town lots situ ate to said town on said Main Sireet and ad joining lot of John Fumhoti and others ; And one oollot nf laud situate on the road leading from Jeraeytnwn to Mißvil'e contain ing about three and one half acres adjoining land of John Swisher, Abraham Brodt and others:—which said properly was on the 2lt dav ol November, A. D., 1846, accept ed by Robert Templelnn Allen and awarded to bin. at the valuation and apprsisemeut nl an inquisition held thereon, and the Oiphan'e Court of Columbia eoonty on the 21st ol August, A. D , 1847, vacated the decree sn swarding Ihe said real estate) so that the same remains unaccepted b) any of devisees and unsold. Arid it is prayed ill the said petition that the said real estate mir be or dered by the Court to be sold at publid sale on the premise* on a Hay certain on the fol lowing terms and conditions: twenty per cent al the striking down of Bhs property, one half of Ihe remainder on day of April, 1868; and the other half thwreof on the first day of April, 1859, with iefeiast Irom the first Hay nf April next;—and a rule has been granted by the said Court npon the heirs and devisees of John Allen deceased to show causa, if any they have, by the first day nf next term whv the order of sale should not be granted, of which you will beraoy take notice. STEPHEN H. MILLER. Snxnirr's Orrtcß, | Sheriff. RlmxwstHicgUJnlv 6. 1867. \ IsM-OUK AND FEED Depot at the' Arcade, T by A. C. MENSCH- nni'GS JVYD METJICIJYES. rrnTTim op. tiiUTtJii 3 WOULD Pall thd attention of all thnito who wish to boy Rood food* id hi* lino, that ha h* jos replenished hi* (already) large and welt selected gMopmenl flf the following *rti ol*s, viz.- Pro**. Medicines,' Oils, Paruts, Varnishes, Glass, Dyes'toffs Confectioneries, Pert ftimery, fxr.cy snaps and toilet article* genaialljr; Cigar* fetid Tobacco of everyjaripijrand brand. Harrison's Intra wholesale and raraitai the attanttfaetaaor'*price*, P URE WIKESAND BRANDIES for medicinal use only. Truants, Shoulder B rarer and Abdominal Support*/!, SURGICAL AND DENTAL INSTILMENTS; Paint, Varnish atld'Tnoin Brushes; also agent for most of the popular fnlrm Medicine* of the (lay. Toy a, and en entiles variety of useful and Inncy noliona not here enumerated. Pliysi' cisn'S fresrription* ami FamilyJUedioines put upoarelully end at attort notice. Glass Cutting , done to order at the old stand * la. P. Ll'fZ. Rlcomsbntg, April a, tas7. BOOK, CARD, AND FANCY LPUII2S3F 1 5JPSISACAS'. THE PROPRIETOR OF THE "STAR OF THE NORTH," Having added to the fixturea of the "St*b" OfTice good and extensive JOB,BING MATERI AL, is prepared laexecme all kinds of JOB I'RINTINU in the best' ClTY STYLE, and at short notice. Certificates of Stock anil Deposits, Constitutions for Socieliss, Dank Checks, Promissory Kates, Hail lioad and other Tickets, Catalogues, Paper Books, Bill-Heads, Check Rolls, Plain and Fancy Cards, Business and other Circulars, Posters Plain and in Colors. AND PRINTING OF ALL KINDS Can be Procured at the "Star" Job Office, AS PROMPTLY AMD NEATLY PRINTED AS Iff THE CITY. The public are invited to call and aee specimens, as we are determined to merit patron age by strict atieution to business and superior workmanship. p '. i.l , i JVew arrival of Spring and Summer Goods ! XSA<®£33.NB3OW"£Y 1 , KSOBsCXOo c£Sl C3BOD nAVF. just received and opened their alook of merchandize for Spring and Summer sales, whiuh comprises the LARGEST, CHEAPEST, and HANDSOMEST assort met I no* offered in this TOWN! Having paid great attention to the seleodrbn of their entire stock, as to ;lrii.e.rnd quality, they flatiei themselves lhal they can compete with the cheapest and all those wishing to bujr cheap, can save money by giving us a call. We have all kinds of Good* and Ware* to supply the waul* ol the People. A very large lot of LADIES DRESS GOODS, French merinoes, wool plaids, alpacas, bombazines, de bages, poplins, parametla cloths, mohair lustres,mtiello da taine*, Persian cloth*, Ginghams, Calicoes, &c. WHITE GOODS OF AliL KINDS, Sieves. CoHars, Spencers, handkerchief* flouttcings, bands and trimmings, laces and edging', bonnet ribbor.s, in large variety, val vet ribboiik, and braids, kid, cotton, and lisle thread gloves, mohair mills, &c., All kiods ol SHAWLS, hrocke, Bay State, Walerville, black silk, cashmere, Embroder ad, ire. Also a very large assortment of cloths, castimers, sattinatls, resting*, tweeds; ! ieans, beaver cloths, cogting velvet, &c. BOOTS AND SHOES, OF ALL KINDS f SIZES FOR MEN WOMAN If CHILDREN We have a large assortment ot Hals and Caps ol latest fashions. We have also Hard ware, Queensware, Cedarware, &c. Very cheap carpels, carpet bags, floor, table and car riage oil cloths, pints rugs, baskets, &c. Muslins flannels, lickings, diapers, totvelings, drillings. &c., in abundance. We Invite our Ineeds and lite public generally to give us a cell before purchasing she wliere. We have bought our goods at Lowest Cash Prices and will not be undersold by <ii) body, or the rest of mankind. Blooinsburg, April 15, 1857. New Arrival of Fall and Winter Goods. SATIS LCVFENEERG INVITES attention to his stock of cheap and fashionale clothing at his storeou Market street, two doors above the •'American Huuse," where be has a full assortment ol men and boy's wearing apparel, including IFASIBUGSRAIMUB JMBIESS gox, sack, frock, gum and oil cloth coats of all sorts and sizes, pants of all color*, khawls stripes and figure, vests, shirts,cravats, slocks, collars, handkerchiefs,gloves, suspenders and lancv articles. N. B. "He will also make to order any article of clothing at very short notice and in the best manner. All bis clothing is made to wear, and most of it is of home manufac ture. Bloomsburg, April 1, 1857. A. C.MENSCH AT THE ARCADE STAND HAS j" 1 received nnd opened u full and lame .is*ortineitl OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, whioh lie wilt sell at the lowest living profit. Hi* "lock embrace* s'ella, thibet an.l crape shawl*, bareae. barege rielaniea, ti*ue*, lawn*, debege*, crape orientals. alpaccas, &e SILKS A very handsome assortment of siriped, plain, plaid and black silk*. which lie intend* lo*ell hi very reduced prices. EnBROIDEKIFS. An immense atflck of embrniJeiies, anch aa embroidered handkerchiefs,collars, spen cer*, sleeves, Swire and jaconet edgings and inserting*, linens, coilou und thread laces, • flouncing" and embroidered cnriain*. DOMESTICS—MUKIIIIS, drillings, tickings, check*. ostiaburg*, baggings, ginglia.ns, flan- ' Dels, lable diaper and ready made bag*. ' Rlcn nnd Boys' %Vca*. Cloths, casimere*, vesting", jeans, cnttnn ade*, denim*, blue drilling", eolion platds &c. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. A very large assortment of new style car pels, tape "try, Brnael* lliree ply, iu urain und Venelisn oil idoiha, of all widths. A large assoriitieni ot Ladiea' & Childrens' Shoe*, which he will sell very cbeao. GKOCEKIHK' A lot of fresh sugar* mnla*e |t3|' J TEAS. COFFEE, FISH' SI'ICF.S Kjl &c. Also Hardware Qiieeiiawte,'*rSnsi ""H Crockery and Wooden ware. HP Floor and Feed always lor sale at the lowest market prices for o*h. Blnoinsborg, Aprrl 29. 1857. 1 THE $lO AND sls SINGLE & DOUBLE THREADED EMPIRE FAMILY SEWING MACHINEt AN Agency for the sale olthese Machine* for this and the adjoining counties can be **cured on liberal terms by a peronal appli cation to the subscriber*, 6th and Arch Sis., , Philadelphia. No one need apply without capital sufficient to conduct the business properly, ami without references as to relia bility and capacity. We poasiiively assert thai these Machine*, for all purposes of FAMILY SEWING. are in every respect superior to arty Sewing Machine in matkel, (no mailer at wihal prices they are held at) arid will wherever offered for sale command a ready and un limited demand. JOHNSON & GOODELL. , Philadelphia, Aug 14, 1957 -Im. CHARLES STAHL, BOOK BINDER, hag located in Blooma hurg, where he will bind books, perind- I icals arid painphlais in any desirable'style , and manner; and si reasonable prices. He , will bind newspapers and magazines, plain, | in library style or in morocco ornamented. He baa his place of business io Hopkins viila vyiTh Mr. F. Isler. Bloomsbnrg, July 13, 1847. HATS AND CAPS on kknd and for sala at lb Arcada by M<r 37, 97. A. C. MZNSCR. COLUMBUS MALE AND FEMALE 03 ZJD SX£ fsiizcrnc County, Pa. THE Trustees of ibis Institution respectfully ennounce, that il will be rjpens.f for ihe reception of Pupils, of lioth sexes. on MApday, October 20th next, under the immediate csre of Prof. JAMES ANDERSON, as Principal. Mr. A. i a gentleman of extensive acquire, menu, and enlarged experience as an educator and has been connected with the most popular "Hi*l School" of Bucks Co. for severe! years. He ia also well and favorably known as a con- Uibutor to nime of uur leading educational peri odicale. THE COURSE OF INSTRUCTION , Will comprise Orthography, Definitions, liead • ing, Penmanship, Etymology. Geography, Eng. Grammar, Composition, Arithmetic Algebra. Geometry. Mensuration, Plone and Spherical ' Trigonometry, Surveying, Navigation, Aslron- I omv, Ac. Book Kreping, History, Physiology, I Natural, Inlefleclual, end Moral Philosophy, and Chemistry, Classes in Ihe French. Spanish Ijr Latin I.anguages wilt be formed as early ai practica ble, and Instruction on Piano-Forte will be given if desired. at WEIiKLY LECTURES on the Natural Sciences, illustrated by appiopriate apparatus twill also l e given. SPECIAL ATTENTION will be paid to young Ladiea and Gcntltmin designing to quit' ify themselves as Teachers. TERMS: FOUR, PIVE and HIX Dollars per Quarter in secordence with the studiee pursued, payable one htfif in advance end the balance atthe close of thd Quatlor. GOOD BOARD can be had in the village it • moderate ptice. IV Mr. A. will deliver en address an Phyai csl, Intellectual and Moral education, on the day of commencement, when his method of imparting instruction will be illuatrated, and the discipline *nd management of the chool, fully explained. Patents, Guardians, and thefrienda of educa I tiep generally, are cordially invited to be pres. ent. D. L. CHAPIN, I B. M. BTEVENS, JOHN KOONS. N.D. STII.EB, SILAS DODSO.V, | JOHN YAPLE, THOMAS PEALER, Columbus, Sept, 4, 1850. Trustees- MAP OF BLOOMBBIJRG. ESBRS. HURLEY k LLOYD. Civil En gineers. Surveyors ar.d Map Publisher*, nre now in tbw place for the purpo*o of ma king a thoroughly correct Properly Map showing the ti/auud Plan ot every Building the sigo and shape ot each Lot, with owner"' name#, or iniliale, printed thereon, Colored. Varnished and mounted ou Ca'nva*, and Rnl lere, all comploie. Price per copy, ,<95 pay able on dehvory of the M>p. They are also prepared lo make Surrey am! lumish Skeleton Map* of Farm*, with contents calculated and inserted thereon, of any farm within a reaaonablo diatanoo fron. town. FRESH ARBIVAL- A NSW lot of obelp mnalina and prime **■ fti*t by fgllroadand formal# by I _ a fe |Li_ DkkAa Hmw&AIWJ In* €pti/ *Rjew Urk. CAPITAL s3oo,©®o* A, SICHOI.AS, President. Office, 70 (Veil Stvpal*. A Per/let Security against all mamtar of Fraud or c<>unteifrltlrift tin plipor. To prevent Photograph* MS AnA- Mlic Counlerfiite, JBratures, Tran*- jtrn or Alteration*, , EJ AVIMI purchased III* PaUnt far the et *m clnsjve right in manufacture anil Mdi jhd new Chemical Paper i* America, invented and patented in England by Henry Ghnn, a celebrated chemist and officer iii the British artny, it ta tardly necessary to say tb*t (tie Paper ia recommended by Mr. Kent, A*-ayar ol the United State* Mint, Mr, Lyman of th* 233 Broadway, New Ydvk. HieTißWrKiy that no imiia'ioD cat be made mi * ehecJt or bank note printed ox toe Safely Paper. Be low ia nor liat of prices v • : r Bank Check*— 35 ct per Ih. Bank Bill*—9)8 for 1000 sheets. , • n Hill* ol Exchange— 985 for 1000 sheet*. Promissory Ne'e*-4uct*. per Ih. Sight A Time Dralt*—s2S tor 1000 *li*dtc. ineutaiice Policies—4o ct* per lb. t Railroad Stock* & Bomfs— 40 cm. per lb. Hank am) S'eie block*—4o cl*. per Ih. Bnda and Mortgages—tu eta, per lb. Will* and f)eed**4o ct*. per lb. For wrapping Silk* and other fin* arriclae it ia excellent, a* it prevent* motn. 40 o a lb. For Indenture* and Agreement*. 40 cant* per 10. .7 All State and County Reeorda ah no 1.1 al way* be printed or written on fhia paper, aa the chemical* inserted in the palp not only movent ervauve or tranafer, bat make it lavt mg as time. Frtr Southern Climate* it i* excellent,and much any erior lo any other; aa tne moirtriMe of the climate dote*pot destroy it,—the prog enia* inserted in the pulp Being a preventive, In all the southern atate*, Cuba, (he VVeat i .liea and the Central Amerioan State*, rto noblie reeorda can be kept over 30 year*, written on the ordinary paper, white the oil* *cd chemleaf* diverted in thia pap'nr make* u indestructible by tne ravage* of bine. It i* elan proof attaihat moth*, rat* end other ver min, which least on and destroy all othW pe lt* r now in use. The Company have now in operation MiHe in MorrTa County, N J., of about 300 horte power, and are able to fill all order* for pit per al the shortest notice. All ordera for lite (taper miit be nddrasred to A NICHOLAS. Pre*idnntof thoCompany. No 70 Wall Street, New York. Anguat 5, 1857.—3 m. > T.KIHiSFORD 4 SOVi " Pun OSWEGO SSAJfcOSL. (FOR THE LAUNDRY.) EE AS established o greater celebrity than ha* erer been obtained by any other Starch. Thia ha* been the reaull of if* marked su periority in qbality, and its invariable uni formity. 1 he public thay be assured of the coutinu °l 'ha h git standard now established. The production ig over Twenty Tone daily, and the demand ha* extended throughout the whole of the United State*, and to foreign countries. Working thus on a very large tcgVa, and under a rigid sjsiem, th*y are able to secure a perfect and uniformity in the quality through out the year. Thia i* the great Desideratum in Starch making, and ia realped now for the first time. The very best alarclt that can be made,ant) no ta alwaya wat led by consumers, and while this will be supplied to them by the grocer*, a* oon a* their cutomers have learned which ia the beat, and a*k for il-j --otherwise they would be likely to gel Ihqt article on which 'the largest profit can be made. Mr. Kingaford has been engaged in the manufacture of starch continuously for the last 27 year*, and diiring.jhe whole of the period, the March made under his snpervia ion has bean, beionil artv question, the beat in the market. For the first 17 year*, he had the charge ol the works of Win. Colgate & Co., at which period he invented the procete of lite munniactuie of corn march. tST Ask Jo i Kmgsford's Starch, as Iks name Oswego has iccently been taken by another fao (lory. T. KINGSFORD & SON'S OSWEGO CO UN STARCH, (For Buildings !(c.) Has obtained an equal celebrity with their Starch for die Laundry. Tni* article is per lectly pure, and ia, in everv respect, equal to the bast Bermuda Arrow-Root, beside* has. trig additional qualities which render it iaval ualtle for the dessert. Potato Starch ha* been extensively packed and sold its Com Starch, and has givtn fait# impression* to many, aa to the real merits of our Corn Starch. From its great delicacy and parity, it it coming al*o into extensive one aa a diet for infants and invalids. E. N. KELLOGG & CO., Agents. 196 Fulton Street, N. Y. ' ALLEN & NF.EDI ES, Agents, 23 South Wharves, Philad'a. July 28, 1857—~3m. BRIDGE LETTIXGBT PROPOSALS will be received at Diemer'a A Furnace on Wednesday, the IB'h nfSep lumbar next, until 2 o'clock, P. M., of said duyj for building an open truss bridge over Roarinecreek near Ynder'a Mill, ih Lncnat township. The bridge to be 65 thai long between the abutment*, 16 feel wide from oot to out, and 9 feet above low water mark- Proposals will also be received al the house of John Hess in Fishgigcreek township oq Friday, the 18th of September next, until S o'clock, P. M., of said day, for building aa open truss bridge over Huntingdon Creek, near the house of John Hesa in Fishingcreek township. Thia bridge is to be 108 feel long, with a pterin the middle, 16 feet wide from out to out, and 9 feet above low water mark- Plans and specifications of both bridges can be seen on the day* of the lettiug. By order of the County Commissioners. KOBT. C. FRUIT. COMMISSIONER'S Ovrtc*, J Cteik. Blnnmhurg Anu<" 6. 1857. ) AI)M1 MB'l RA I UK'S NOtTCJS. NOTICE is hereby given that letter* of si, ministration upon the estate of Thomas Ale, late of Mourilpleasaht township, Columbia county, deoeasad, bate been gtsmed to the undersigned residing alao in Mounlpleasanf township. All person* indebted to the sapj estate are requested 'to make payment with out delay, and tlioke having accounts the estate to preaenl lbem 'or payment to SAMUEL ALE, Administrator. Mi. Pleasant, Aug. 1.1857. CANVASSERS WANTED* A lew competent agents warned for the Comprehensive Geography and History ancient ■•nd modern of the Worid,' by S G (ioodriebj (Peter Parte)); handsomely bound and pro ttaely illusttaied. Ptice 93. Sold only by Agent*, to whom rare inducement* are offer ed. Axldreaat I. H. COLItJN h CO. No. 178 William Street, New York. LARGE lot of No. 1 8, & 8 Maekrei, also, Who" Fish, Cod Ftab end Herring, J tug received and for eafe By May tT,'57. A- 0. MSNBCS.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers