CANDIDATES. A. W. KLINB, liSd., OF Orange io*nbio, will be a candidojo ft* TROIHONOTARY before the Dem ocratic county convention ibis fall. WILLIAM T. SntMAN, Esq., OF, Maine township, will be a can didate for COUNTY TREASURER be fore the Demoeratio County Convention ibis fall. OF Catawis.a town .(tip; will be a candi date for COUNTY TREASURER before the Democratic County Convection this fall. SAMUEL KISNER, ESQ., OF Madison tewnshiji, w ill be a candidate for County Commissioner before the Petriocra'ic county convention this fall. BENJAMIN WINTERS! EE N, OK Pine township, will be a rnndid<oe for COUNTY COMMISSIONER belore the Democratic. County Convention this full. ~~ JOHN A. FUNSTOXT d">K Madi-cii township, wiil be s candidate for COUNTY COMMISSIONER before the Den-cctatic County Convention this fall. GRAND JURORS FDR SEPTEMBER TERM, 1867. RlPOlll—Charles I.abler, H-ram W. Brown, llriercreek—Samuel bowler, Wm. Stahl, William Luman, Samuel Henry. Jacob Marz. Benton—John C. Doty, John 0. Dildine, Abraham Young. Beaver—lsaiah Longenbergcr. Centre—William Hoffman,Geo. 11. Kelch rter. Franklin—Jnshna Mendsnhall. Fihingrreck—Na'han Kleckentlein, John Crevelii g, '1 bomos Pealer. Greenwood —Samnnl Evans, Isaac. Evans. Jackson—Peter Hodge, Daniel Poust. I.ncnst—William Yeager. Matli-on—Jjjmes Kisner. Orange—Samuel Arhunbach. Traverse Jurors for Sepl. Term, 's7s Bloom—E P. Ltitz, William H. Jacoby, Henry G. Phillips, L. S. Steinman. Briercreek—Wm. Herrin, Josiah Thomas. Beaver—Charles F. Mann, Daniel Singtey. Benton—l>aac K. Krickbaum, Jehu Ikelrr. Centre—lsaac Hess. Catawissa—Daniel Helwig. Franklin—Christian Arlley. Fisbingcreck—Peter P. I'ealer. Crpenwood—Robert Robbins, Isaac Pulton, Isaac Lynn. Femlork—Franklin M'Bride, John Novi ur, John Brngler. Locus—Daniel Reinboltf, Mark Williams. Ml. P.passnt—Samuel Johnson, William Howell, George Csvenc. Montour—Jylin G. Quick, James Barton, George Blecher. Mifflin—Peter I.nngaberger. Orange—Dayid herring. Pine—John I.eggit. Rnaringcreelt—Michael Mo wry, Elijah C. Horn. Sngnrlnnf—Samuel Parks, Joshua Brirk. ELISHA KENT KANE. A BIOGRAPHY —HY WM. ELDER. IN announcing the Life of Dr.Kane, we ore but anticipating the wishes of thousands and lens nf thousand* of the admirers ot that gigal man. Having been a personal friend of the de ceased, and enjoying n large share of his I confidence, Dr Elder is well qualified'to do jus ice tn the subjecl. ( This work w ill be issued in one handsome octavo volume, and will equal in every re spect the superb volumes ol "Arctic Kjyilo latino," recently published. It will contain a new lull-face portrait, execnied on steel, as well as engravings ol hie residence, tombs, medals. &o. In order to give this work a large circula tion it will be sold at the low price of $1.50. More than $300,000 snld within 9 months. I)R. KANE'S GREAT WORK, ARCTIC EXPLORATIONS, Is now being read by more than two hun dred lhouaod persons, old anil young, learn ed and unlearned. It i.- jus-l the book which should be owned and read by every Ameri can. Five hundred liewspnpers have each pro yi ponced n rbe most remaikablo anrl marvel- Nun work rver published. The Foreigh Jonr \ls and the most distinguished savans of blrnpo are extravagant in its piai-e. It is note Interesting than jROBINSON CRUSOE; I ng a faithful account of privations and hl-liips, the narrative of which cannot be rs Without a shudder. Our most eminent rr have vied with each oilier in extolling in elite. Two vols., octavo, Superbly illus tel. Three hundred engravings—Price SI . . KANE'S FIRST NARRATIVE: T '. U.S. GIHNNEL EXPEDITION 1 IF.ARCII OF SIR JOHN FRANKLIN, During the years 1850—51. riHiraiive, by Ehsha Kent Kane, ' it. I>., U. S. N. One vol. Bvo., upwards of 550 pages, containing 200 Steel Plates , and Mood Engravings, including a fine Steel Portrait ol Sir John Franklin, hiring the only one ever engraved in America.— Also, a Biography of Franklin, by S. Aus tin Allibnne, Esq. 83 00. This wotk ia totally distinct from the rer ind Arctic Expedition, and embraces much uluable and interesting mutter never before übliehed. It should by all who have pur based the las! Expedition, as it makes Dr. Cane's works complete. 7 PHOTOGRAPH OF DR. KANE, Taken from Life by Brady ol New York.— rice $5.00. IN PRESS, COL. J. C. FREMONT'S EX LORATiONS. Prepared by lbs Author, ' r.d embracing all his expeditions, tmperb r illustrated with steel plates and woodcut*, agrsved under the immediate superintend nce of Col. Fremont, mostly from baguer sotypes taken on the spot, and will be is tied in a style lo match Dr. Kane's works, t will also contain a new steel Portrait, be ng the only correct likeness of the author iver published. Two vols., Octavo—ss.oo. BRAZIL AND THE BRAZILIANS. By Rev. D. I*. KIDDER, of the Methodist Epis :opal Church. By Rev. J. C. F'LKTCUER, of Abe Presbyterian Church. This new Rnd splendidly llustrated work (one large vol. octavo, in onilorm etyle with the superb vol umes of Dr. Kane's Arctic Explorations,) is the joint effort of the above named gentle men, who, as travelers and as missionaries, I (and one in an official position as Acting Secretary ol the United Stales Legation ut Rio.) have had a long and varied experience in a land full of interest, whether we regard it in a natural, commercial, political or mor al point nf view. Price $3,000. Any of the above works will b6 sent by mail free of pottage by remitting the pub lished price. Agents Wanted. I CHILDS & PETERSON, , Publishers, 602. Arch St., Philadelphia. J. B. Lippineolt Co , 20 N. Fourth St., i uladeiphia ; Phillip*, Sampson & Co., 13, inter street. Boston ; Sheldon, lllakeman & i., 115, Na*ean St., Now York ;G. P. Put t in Ik Co., 121, Broadway, New York"; Ap j -ga-e & Co. 48, Main Street Ciooinoeti; :G. Gnggs SCo 111 I uke St. t'hiiiavn OLY 29 IS ST. TO THOSE WnO WANT FARMS. A Prrrm within the reach of every Man. THIC PIDGW'AY FAKM COMPANY hks lias made arrangements by which all who desire lo settle (it purohase a home can do so. The Farms consist of the best limcatong soil of the most superior quality for farming, In a rapidly improving place, into -which an extensive emigration is now pouring. The property is located tn Elk County, Pennsyl vania, in the midst of a thriving population of seme 10,000. The climate is perfectly healthy, and tli* ,terrible plague of the west feveH* unknowwt It also haa en abundance of the best quality of Coal and Iron. The price to buy it Out is from $3 lo S2O per acre, payable try installments, to be located at the time of purchasing, or a share of twenty-five uciCß entitling to locate the same for S3OO, payable $6 per month or 12J acres payable SI per month. Discount for every sum o' - SIOO | and undet, paid in advance, aou for ovej SIOO a dis .ount of 10 per cent. In considering the advantages of emigrating to this locality the following ere presented : FIRST —The soil is a rich limestone,capable of raising the heavieat crops, owing to w hi li this settlement has obtained its present great prosperity. MOisn—lt is the centre of ,he great North West Coal Italic, and is declined soon to be come one of the greatest business | lacea in the Slate. It will sopply the great Lako mar kel, (according to the population and travel the greatest in tlio Union.) It basfive work able veins of die best Bituminous coal, amount ing in (be aggregate ro over 22 feel, which makes 22 OUO tons of cool under each acre. I'his will make tire land of inestimable value. The eminent geolognrt Dr-CUav. T. Jackson of Boston,haa made a geoioglrol survey of the lend, and analysed the coal, the iron ore and 'iuieatune. This report together with maps will bo furnished to inquirers. FOURTH —Three Uailiouils arc laid out thro' this property, Hunhnrv and Erie Railroad gives us a market for our coal to the lakes—it runs from Eric to Philadelphia. A large part of the Road has boon fmi-hej, and is now in running order. A heavy force is now working from Erie towards our land in the western di rectum, the means for the completion of which has been rui-cl, it will soon he finished. The Allegheny Valley (Railroad connect, us with New York, Boston and Pit'shnrg. The Ve nango Road connects us with the' West. There arc already good Turnpiko Roads running through this property, various other rondo have been opened to arcommodatc the emrgrstion and settlement which has altcady taken plare. There is no opportunity equal to it now of fered lo the man who wants to provide himself a homo HI an easy way, and make a settlement wherfc he can live in prosperity and indepoud enre in a climate Perfectly Healthy. No case of fever ever havine been known to orcur in this settlement. It is not like going to the backwoods of the West, among perhaps intolerant people, where there ia no society, churches, or schools, where the price of land is high, and where the emigrant, after being used to the healthiest climate in iho world, has to j endure sickness and pain, and perhaps ruins ! his healib and lhal of his family. But here is I a thriving settlement having thiee towns, con- j taining churches, schools, hotels, stores saw- j milis, grist mills,and everything desired. Thore is a tash matket at bond. The lumber trade I last year tin.cunlcil toovoi 'wo hundred million 1 feet of lumber. In a short time, owing to the j will bee me still more valuable as a ; number of iron woiks uttd manufactories will anon be started: they aro at present starting tliern extensively at Watren. Even for those who do not wi-h to go there, the payments are such that they can easily bny a farm to save their rising families Irorn want in the (ttture. or to gain a competence by the rise which will take place in the value of lands. By an outlay scdrcety missed, a substantial provision can be made. Persons should make early application,(ap- i ply or write to E. Jeffries, Secretary, No. 185 Walnut Street, below F'ilih, Philadelphia.— Letters carefully answered giving full infor- I trial ion. Shares or Iracls of land can be bought or : secured by letter enclosing the first install j merit of five dollars, when the subscriber will be furnished with books, maps, &o. War rantee Deeds given. Persons can also pur chase from our Agents. Route Item Philadelphia to Tyrone on the Pennsylvania Central Railroad, and thence by stage to the land. Tliia is a delightful seu*on to visit St. Mary's—the best hotel ac commodation is aflordcd. Enquire for E. C. Sltuliz, Esq , the Agent for the property at St. Mary's. Trial' List fur Sept. Term 1857. ~ 1 Wi/liam Koons vs. George L. Kline, et. al. 2 William Koons vs. George L Kline. 3 Joseph StacFfiotise vs. Gilbert-fowler. 4 Adam Sironp jr. el al us. L. B. Rupert et nl. 5 Adan. Strotipjr.>t al . L. B. Rupert et al. 6 Thomas Parker us. John 11. Parker. 7 George L. Kline tis. Moses Coflman. 8 l-aac Brown vs. Robert J Lyon. 9 William Robtson vs. Wilson Ager.* tO Jacob Schuyler us. Wilson Ager. 11 Fletcher Bowman t'S. William Long. 12 Catharine Tanner vs. John D. Weaver. 13 Adam Gable tij Kngle Fox adm'r. 14 Jonathan Mosieller t-s. Stephen Baltly. 15 Christian Heist t-s Daniel Gieger. 16 Win. Hopper us. Fblmond Crawford el al. 17 George Fctternian us. Solomon Feltermau. 18 Marten Mowry vs Thomas Slackhouse. 19 Gilbert Fowler vs. Daniel Fowler's Ex. 20 Daniel Kos'enbader et al us. David Hamz. 21 Win. Riiienltniise vs. Samuel F. Headley. 22 Jas. Ralston tis. J tmes Ralston jr. 's admr. 23 David llildebiant us. Benjamin Faux. 24 D.L Winterstqpnetalvs.ChrisiianSltuman. 25 William Bobison vs. Wm Edgur. 26 Jas. S. Woods, adm'r of John Lazarus vs. Catharine Lazarus. 27 Reuben W. Weaver w. Willam Motz. 28 Thomas Marks vs. Clark B. Steward. 29 William Conrad vs. Daniel L Smith. VALUABLE FARM FOK BAIE. THE subscriber offers lor sale hi* (arm in Orange township, Columbia on., containing 336 ACHES, on which are valuable improvements, com prising two sets of farm buildings, Two Dwelling; Houses, (wo bntna snd other buildings, two apple orchard* and a variety of other fruit trees.— About 200 acres of the premises ia cleared land in a good condition of improvement, and it lay* along Fishiugcreek, 1 mile above Orangeville, and only 7 miles from the county seat. The whole will he sold togelher, or in two as purchasers may desire. For terms apply on the premises or direct to Orangeville, Columbia county in JOHN ACHENBACH. Orange township, May sth, 1857. MAI OF BLOOMSBURG. ]YfESSRSf -HURLEY & LI.OYD, Civil En. gineers. Surveyors ar.d Map Publishes, are now in ibis place for the purpose of ma king a thoroughly correct Property Map, showing the Ground Plan ol every Building, the size and shape of each Lot, with owners' names, or initials, printed thereon, Colored, Varnished and mounted on Canvas, and Rol lers, all complete. Price per copy, $5 pay able on delivery of the Map. They are also prepared to make Surveys and furnish Skeleton Mans of Farms, wnh contents calculated and inserted thereon, of any farm within a reasonable .distance from town. A I.ARUK LOT of Thibet Sbawl* just re ** oeiveil an>l for •al* by A. r. MRNSCH. NOTICE TO THE HEIRS & DEVISEES ' Of John Allen. Inle of Madison township, ♦ Columbia County, deceatcd. You and each of you are heteby notified ' that at the last term of the Orphan's Court of Columbia comity the pepition of David Al len one of the anna aod devisees of the said John Allen deceased was presented to the sat.d court praying for the sale of the follow ing real estate of the said decedent in wit: A tat of ground in Jerseytown in Madison township, situate on the Main road or street of said town adjoining lot of John Swisher, lot or lots belonging to Dr. Russel Parks ami ruber*, cntitainiag nne acre ol land on which ia erected a two Mory frame dwelling house and Irnme stable: Also one other lot of land in said town sit uate on said Main road or street, adjoining land nf John Swisher and James Stout, being a town lot. Also two other contiguous town lots situ ate tn said town on said Main Street and ad joining lot of John Funsion and others ; And one outlot of land situate on the rnad leading from Jersey town to Millville contain ing about three and one half acres adjoining land of John Swisher, Abraham ilrodt anil others:—which said property was on the 21st day ot Novpmber, A. P., 1816. accept ed by Robert Templeton Allen and awarded to htm at the valuation and appraisement of an inquisition held thereon, and the Orphan's Court of Colombia county on the 21st of August, A. D, 18-17, Vacated the decree so awarding Itio said real estate; an that the same remains unaccepted by any of devisees and unsold. And it is prayed in tiie said petition that the amd real estate may be or dered by the CpuWo be sold at public sale on (he premises on a day certain on Ifie fol lowing terms and conditions: twenty per cent, ut the striking down of the properly, one half of the remainder on 1 lie first day ol April, 1858, and the other half thereof on the first day of April, 1859, with interest (rem the first day of April next; —Bnd a rtilo lias been granted by the said Court upon the heirs and devisees of John Allen deceased to fhow cause, if any Ihey have, by the first day of next term why the order of sale should not be granted, of which yon will hereby lake notice. STEPHEN H.MILLER, SIUHIFF'S OFFICE, J Sheriff. Bloomsburg, July 6, 1857. j Public Sale of Valuable Real Estate. THE undersigned Execnlor of the estate of Wesley Roat deceased will offer at pub lic sale upon the premises on SATURDAY, THE 3rd OF OCTOBER NEXT, at one o'clock, P. M., the farm belonging lo the said estate, situate in Hemlock township, Colum bia comity, containing 1 *2.1 Acres & 37 Perches, and adjoining lands of Hugh Mcßride, John Mcßeyuolds, Peter Appleman, Caleb Barton, sen., and Sylvester Pursell. It is situate in THE JHOfi ORE REGION of Columbia cou/tty, two miles from Blooms burg. and on the public highway leading to Buckhorn, A branch of Hemlock Creek passes through the premises, and the whole farm is in a fair state of cultivation. The im- ' provements are a larce new Iraine MANSION HOUSE, a new unit commodious frame tenant house, | a large new bank barn, a new wagon-house, ! and other outbuildings entirely new. Pos- j session will be giver: on the Ist of April 1858. Conditions will be made known on the day I of sale by WILLIAM NEAL, Executor. | Bloomsburg, July 20, 1857. PUBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE. ; BY cijiue of an order of the Orphans Court ! of Columbia county, Solomon Neyhard, Ad- j ministrulnr nf Benjamin Hayman, deceased, will cm SATURDAY, THE 22d of AUGUST NEXT, at 10 o'clock, A. M., expose to pnb- I lie sale upon the premises in Orange town- | ship, Columbia county, at the late residence of the decedent, the following real estate; a ; ■ TRACT OK LAND, the east end of the farm, adjoining lands of Wm. Delong, Jacob Raub, Win. Mears, and oilier lands of B. Hay man's estate, and containing 00 ACHES 101 PERCHES, { ou which there are erected a Iratne house 1 I and frame barn. There is a good spring of I water on the premises, and a'l kinds of fruit i trees. Abnul 50 acres is cleared laud. At the same time there will also he sold I adjoining the above properly, two of them | on the west, containing respectively 6J and 7} acres; the other four on the South, con- I taming respectively 5 acres 31 perches, 5 | acres 126 perches, 5 acres 1 perches and ' 5 acres 99 perches, ami adjoining lands of I Benjamin Sielner, Reuben Siller and D. Motn- I gomo'y. These lots uro motlly cleared land, I and will be sold separately. ' At the same time and place there will also be sold the decedent's interest in a I LIMESTONE QUARRY, I in Centre town.hip, Columbia county; to wit, the undivided one fourth of a quarter acre of ground. Late the estate of the said Benjamin Hay man of Otange township. Columbia county, deceased. SOLOMON NEYHARD, Orange twp., July 18,'57. Adm'r. Public Sale of Real Estate. mllE subscriber will offer at public sale up on the premises on Saturday the 6th day of September next at 1 o'clock in ttie alternoon, a tract of valuable faim land containing over 1381 ACRES, nf which about 30 acres i* woodland and the balance newly cleared land in a good stale of cultivation. It lays within 2 miles below the town of Calawisss, in * thickly settled neighborhood, in Franklin township, Colum bia cMnty, adjoining lands nf Jesse Cleaver, Hamilton Clark, Daniel Zarr, Daniel Yetter and Philip iSeeshnltz. There is a public road running through the farm, and the improve ments on it are a new frame mwaiuuarat Tsmnsa m and other outbuildings. There is a good young orchard on the premines, a good pump at the door of the dwelling, a neverfeiling spring near the house, and a brook running , through the meadow. It is a pleasant and desirable residence, and lo a good farmer can be made as profitable as it is pleasant. tar Terms will be made known on the day of sale by CHRISTIAN B. SEESHOLTZ. Ftanklin township, July 21, 1857. CANVASSERS WANTED. A few compelsnf agents wanted for the Comprehensive Geography and History ancient and modern of the World;" by S. G. Goodrich, (Peter Parley); handsomely bound and pro fusely illusliaied. Ptioe $3. Sold only by Agents, lc whom rate inducements are offer ed. Address, J. H. COL - ! ON & CO. No. 172 William Street, New York. FRESH ARRIVAL. ~ A NEVV lot of-cheap muslins and prints just received by raUroadand for sale by A. C. MENSCH. 1 AKGK assortment ol Iron, Steal and Nails •" for sale at the Arcade by May 27, '67. A. C. MENSCH. IMUSLINS a yard wide for 8 cents, and good prints for 6} cents just received ITV A C. MENSCH. —— i i —gg-ggggß UIIFFCB NOT, WHEN A PER ~ maneni cote is guaranteed ib all ®ge* f SECRET disease*, Self Abuse, Neteous Debility, Strionwes, Gleets, Gravel, Mercurial Rheumatism, Scrofula, Pains in tha'AnJrlea and Bones, Disease* of the Throat, Nose and Eyes, Ulcers upon the Body, Female Irregu larities, ami gll other improper discharges, ho matter ol how long standing, or obstinate the case, recovery is certain, and in a lhortar lime than a permtnent cure could be efieol ed by any other treatment, oven after the skill of the most eminent physicians had fulled, and the disease resisted sfl other means oi cute. The remedies odor causing neither sickness liWjMWnv*. nience, and without mureoyyor balsams'— Dunns twonty years' practice, I have re stored In health over seventeen thousand |s>- lienls, who were suffering under the wurll forma of all of the above mentioned die which guarantees nio in a perfect and most speedy enre. Secret dis eases nrelbe greatest enemies to health and happiness, a 9 they ure the fits! Cotise of con sumption, scrofula, &c., und should bo a ter ror to all nations on the ettrth; for the dis ease is becoming so common, and treatment so little understood, thai a permanent cure is scarcely ever effected, as a majority of the cases fall \nto the hands of incompetent per sons, who not only fail to cure the malady, hut ruin the constitution with corrosive sub liniaie—a dangerous poison, a preparation of mercury—which, with the remains of dis ease in the system, produces many of the above named affections, whioh finally termi nate in consumption, and frequently a rapid one ; but shoifld it not cause death speedily, and the victim to disease marries, the disease is then conveyed Irom the patient lotlie Chil dren, caulintj them lo Wras ""hk with scrolula, affections of the skin, eyefc, throat, &0., and again terminates in con sumption, ami consigns his victim to an un timely grave, between the ages of six months and thirly-fiye years. Sell absno is another formidable enemy to health; it destroys the nervous system, rapidly wasting away \he energies of life, causing mental derange ment, preventing a proper development of the system, and disqualifying its victom for marriage, soniely, business, and all earthly happiness. Female irregularities and other diseases of female* treated in the most ek''l ful and scientific manner. Medicines, with directions, sent to any part of the Uniteo Stales and Csnadas, by patients communica ting their symptoms by letter. J. SUMMF.RVILLE, M. D., Box 53, Post Office ; Filbert Street, bolow Tenth, Phila delphia, Pa. TWEKTT-FIVE WITNESSES ~ OR, TUB FORGER CONVIQYED. ,• JOHN S. DYE IS THE AUTHOR rj Who has had 10 years' experience aa a ki Banker and Publisher, and author of )3t A Series oj Lectures at the Broadway Tuber igj nacle, when for 10 successive nights, over IV 10,000 People ?greeted him with rounds ol applause, _ while he exhibited (tie manner in which Scounterfeiteis execute their frauds, and J" the surest and shortest means of detecting £ The Bank Note Engravers all say H that fie is the Greatest Judge of Paper Money Living. § Greatest discovery of the present century Xl or Detecting counterfeit Bulk Notes. 2 Describirg every Genuine Bill in exis'- ®nooe, and exhibiting at a glance every Counterfeit in Circulation ! 1 I *4 Arranged so admirably, that Reference is jJS easy and detection lnslantaupous. I. ?* ty No index to examine I No Tlßgf* fo , jJ? hunt up! But so simplified and ur | ® ranged, '.hat die Merchant, Bank j er and Business Man can see | all al a Glance. 2 English, French and German, j* Thus euchmuy read the name in his own Na i 4>| tiue Tongue I j MOST PERFECT HANK NOTE ! LIST PUBLISHED, I q Al'o a List of <3 ALU THE PRIVATE HANKERS IN j 5 AMERICA, i y A Complete Summary of the finance of I Europe oml America will be published in j .each edition, together with all the Imporl i62 ant news of the day. Also, I A SERIES OF TALES i From an old manuscript found in the East. I It furnishes the most complete V* history of Oriental liffc, 1 In describing the most perplexing posi- I liens in whiuinlie Ladies uuu Gentlemen j Hot that country have been so ofien found. * Those Stories will the whole year, and will prove die Most En lertnining ever oflerpd to the Public. © QC Furnished Weekly lo subscribers I © only, at Si a year. All letiers must be ad -1 dressed to 13 JOHN S. DYE. Broker, fg, Published and Proprietor, 70 Wall Stfeet, © April 27, 1857. Now York. THE NEW COLUMBUS MALE AND FEMALE ACADEMY. ffIHE fourilt term of ihis Institution will commence on MONDAY THE THIRD DAY OF AUGUST NEXT, the same having been in successful operation since last Octo ber, under the charge of I'ROF, ANDERSON, with competent and reliable assistants, and have been well patronized Ly students from abroad, the ootmlioa of Bucks, Lehigh, Car bon, and Columbia nave furnished a good portion of the school besides several from the far wesl have attended the same. P. S. An opening address will be deliver ed on the day of the commencement at three o'clock, P. M. TRUSTEES. I New Columbui, July 20, 1857. COIITERIAIL THE subscriber announces that he Will, carry on the COOPERING BUSINESS at his 1 brewery in Hopkinaville, where he will make BARRELS, TUBS, KEGS, and everything in that line ol business. He will also repair work of all kinds, and will do it skillfully and al fair prices. CHARLES W. HASSERT, Bluomsburg, June 2, 1857. CHARLES STAHL, BOOK BINDER, has located in Blooms burg, where he will bind books, period icals and pamphlets in any desirable style and manner; and al reasonable prices. He will bind newspapers and magazines, plain, in library style or in morocco ornamented. He has his place of business in ville with Mr. F. Fsler. Bloomsburg, July 13, 1857. TOLLS AT BEACH HAVEN. - COLLECTOR'S OFFLCE, ) Reach Haven, July Ist, '57. } MR. EDITOR The amount ol lolls receiv ed at this office are as follows: Previously reported, . . ■ 831270 13 June • . . . ■ 29538 02 Fines, 10 00 Total, $60816 15. JOHN S. FOLLMER, Collector. BLANKS! BLANKS IT BLANKS Tr DEEDS, SUMMONS, EXECUTIONS, SUBPCENAS, AND JUDGMENT NOTES, ofporper it desirable foims, fo' sale at the office of the "Star ofthe North-" DRUGS JIND MEDICINES. nwrprTrrrra Qp. OaW£PZ2 H WOULD call the attention of all thoae who wish to buy good goods In his line, thai he has just replenished his (already) large and well selected assortment of the following grii cles, vhw—Drugs, Medicines, Oils, Paints, Varnishes, Glass, Dyeetufls, Confectioneries, Per fumery, soaps ami toilet indoles generally; Cigars and Tobacco " V "V brand, Harrison's Inks wholesale and reiail at the manufacturer's prices,Pl/RE HiiSAft AND BRANDIES tor medicinal use only. Trusses, Shoulder Bracev ami Abdominal Supporters, SURGICAL AND DENTAL INSTRUMENTS, Paint, Varnish arid Tooth Brushes; also agent for most of the popular Patent Medtoine* of the , djy. ""d a " eridlesa variety of useful and fancy notions wot here enumerated. Physi plan's J TOseripiions ami Fanfiiy Medicinal put u£ carefully and at short Hptice. Glass Culling dona to order at the old stand , E. P, lAJTZ. Bloomsburg, April 8, 1857. nr., .. IIOOK, CARD. AND FANCY <£KE>I33 QPmJ2s^ , al2K2rc3B'. THE PROPRIETOR OF THE "STAR OF THE NORTH," Having added to the fixtures of the "STAR" Office good and extensive JOBBING MATERI AL, is prepared to exeonie all kinds of JOB I'IIINTIAG ill the best CITY STYLE, and at short notice. Certificates of Stock and Jleposite, Constitutions for Societies, Bqnk Checks, Promissory Notes, Bail Bond and other Tickets, * Catalogues, Paper Books, Bill-Heads, Check Bolls, Plain and Fancy Cards, - Business and other Circulars, Posters Plain and in Colors. AITD PJtIITTIHO CP ALL XXtfLS Can be Procured at the "Star" Job Office, AM PROMPTLY AND NKATLV PRIMED AS Ll\ THE CITY The public are invited to call ami see specimens, as we are determined lo merit patron age by strict attention to business and superior workmanship. New Arrival of Spring and Summer Goods. C3BCE> HAVE just received and opened their slock of merchandize for Spring and Rummer sales, which comprises the LARGEST, CHEAPEST, and-HAN DSOMEST assortment now | oflered in this TOWN! Having paid great attention lo the selection of their entire stock, as to price and quality, they flatlfii themselves that thny can compete with the cheapest. and all those wishing to buy cheap, can save money by giving us a call. We have all kinds of Goods and Wares lo supply the wants of the People. A very large lot of LADIES DRESS GOODS, French merinoes, wool plaids, alpacas, bombazines, de bages, poplins, paramatta cloths, mohair lustres,muslin de laines, Persian cloths, Ginghams, Calicoes, &e. WHITE GOODS OF ALL KINDS, Sieves. Collars, Spencers, handkerchiefs. Bouncings, bands and trimmings, laces and edgings, bonnet ribbons, in large variety, vol vet ribbons, and braids, kid, cotton, and lisle thread gloves, mohair mitts, &c., All kinds of SHAWLS, broche, Bay State, Waterville, black silk, cashmere, Embroder ed, &c. Also a very large assortment of cloths, cassimers, suttinelts,, tweeds; jeans, beaver cloths, coating velvet, &c. BOOTS AND SHOES, OF ALL KINDS If SIZES FOR MEN WOMAN If CHILDREN We Lave a large assortment ol Hals and Caps of latest fashions. We "have also Hard ware, Queensware, Cedarware, &c. Very cheap carpets, carpet bags, floor, table and car riage oil cloths, mats rugs, baskets, &c. Muslins flannels, tickings, diapers, loweliogs, drillings. &c., in abundance. Wo invite our friends and the public generally td give tis a' cafl before purchasing else where. We have bought our goods at Lowest Cash Prices and w ill not be undersold by anybody, or the rest of mankind. Bloomsburg, April 15, 1857. New arrival of Spring and Summer Goods ! DATID LCWEITEEF-G --INVITES attention lo his slock of cheap and fashionaie vlolliing at Insnoreon Market street, two doorsabovn tlie "American House," where he has a full assortment of men and boy's weartngApparel, including VASamOSTAIELIB E)l£l2fflß gox, sack, frock, gum and oil clolh coals of all sorts and sizes, panlsof all colors,shawls stripes and figure, vests, shirts.cravats, stocks, collars, handkerchiefs,gloves, suspended and lancy articles. N. B. "He will also make to order any article of clothing at very short notice and in the bejst manner. All his clothing is made to wear, and most of it is of home manufac ture. Bloomsburg, April 1, 1857. A. C. MENSCH AT THE All CADE STAND HAS just received and opened a full and largo assortment OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, which he will sell at the lowest living profit. Ilia stock embraces Stella, thibet att.l crape sh'awls, barege, barege delaines, tissues, lawns, debeges, crape orientals, nlpnccas, &e SILKS,. —A very handsome assortment of striped, plain, plaid and black silks, which he intends in sell at vety reduced prices. EimROIDRRIBS. An immense slock of embroideries, such as embroidered handkerchiefs, collars, spen cers, sleeves, Swiss and jaconet edgings and insettings, linens, cotton and thread luces, fiouncings and embroidered curtains. DOM ESTlCS—Muslttis, drillings, tickings, checks, osnabnrgs, baggings, ginghams, flan nels, table diaper and ready-made bags. Iflcn and Hoys' Wear. Cloths, casiineres, vesting., jeans, cotton ades, denims, blue drillings, cotton plaids &c. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. A very large assortment of new style car pets, such as tapostry, Brussels three ply. iu graitt and Venetian oil cloths, of all widths. A large assortment of Ladies' & ChilJrens' Shoes, which he will sell very cheao. GROCERIES, upa, i A lot of fresh sugars, molasses, JjSE WJ TEAS, COFFEE, FISH SPICES liar ,31 kc. Also Hardware Queenswure,SSfi2aß • Crockery and Woodeuwnre. CST Flour and Feed always tor sale at the lowest market prices for cash. Bloomsburg, April 29, 1857, WTLTTAM Q. PERRY, 8. W. Corner ol Fourth and Rare Sis. If'iti Supply on Low Terms, Bill lleadti, Cards, Checks, Bill of Lading, Promissory Notts, Drafts, S'C. ACCOUNT BOOKS, Made in a superior manner, or Ruled and Bound to any Pattern. LeUer, Note & Foolscap Paper, FLAT PAPER, ALL SIZES, WffiillF'lPEKf© IP&IPIEIBo OM BOOKS ItE-BOUND, lit a handsome and durable style, or Ysor orders reapsollullv solicited. Puitadelphia, March 4, 1887. FOE RENT A store building on Main street, Blooms burg, for rent on reasonable terms. GEORGE WEAVER. Bloomsburg, Nov. 24, 1856 A N ASSORTMENT of confectionary, jew *■ city, Perfumery soaps, hair oils, &c., Pomades, to be had at C. CLARK'S Book Store. LARGE lot of No. 1. 2, & 8 Mackrel, also, While Fish, Cod Fish and Herring, just received and for sale by May 27, '57. A. C. MENSCH. HATS AND CAPS on hand and for sala at the Arcade by May 27, 57. A. C. MENSCH. < OLI'MBIS MALL ANI) FEMALE C£3 USD LSU SX2 *£2* s fiiiKcrnc County, Pa. rrtHE Trustees of this Institution respectfully J. announce, 'tint it will ho opened for the reception of Pupils, of both eoxes. on Monday, October 20th next, under the immediate care of I'rof. JAMES ANDERSON, as Principal. Mr. A, is a gentleman of extensive acquire, ments, and enlarged experience as an educator and has been connected with the most popular "High School" of Bucks Co. for several years. He is also well and favorably known as a con tributor to sotne of our leading educational peri odicals. THE COURSE OF INSTRUCTION Will comprise Orthography, Definitions, Read ing, Penmanship, Etymology, Geography, Eng Grammar, Composition, Arithmetic Algebra. Geometry, Mensuration, Plane and Spherical Trigonometry,', Surveying, Navigation, Astron omy, Ac, Rook Keeping, History, Physiology, Natural, Intellectual, and Moral Philosophy, nod Chemistry, Classes in the French, Spanish <s■ Lctin languages will be formed as early as practica bio, and Instruction on Piano-Forte will be given if desired. WEEKLY LECTURES on the Natural Sciences, illustrated by appropriate apparatus will also bo given. SPECIAL ATTENTION will he paid to young Ladies and Gcnlltmi n designing to qual ify themselves as Toachors. TERMS: FOUR, FIVE and SIX Dollata per Quarter in accordance with the studica pursued, payable one half in advance and the balance atthe close of the Quaiter. GOOD BOARD can be had in the village at a moderate ptiee. tP Mr. A. will deliver an address on Physi cal, Intellectual and Moral education, on Ibo day of commencement, when his method e( imparting instruction will bo illustrated,' snd the discipline >nd management of the chool, fully explained. I'aieuls, Guardians, and the friends of cduca tion generally, are cordially invited ,to be pres ent. I). L. L'HAPIN, | B. M. STEVENS, JOHNKOONS. N. D. STILES, SILAS DODSON, | JOHN YAPLE, THOMAS PEALER, Columbus, Sept, 4, 1850. Trustees, rpRIMMINGS AND NOTIONS, fancy nrti ■k ties, a good assort men! ol Hosiery of the heat quality; also gloves, mitts, baskets, Ca bas, Combs, dress trimmings and linings, sewing silk, thread, ato., etc., to be had next door to lite ''Exchange." AMELIA D. WEBB. Bloomsburg, May 28, 18&7. Corner Stone Laj ing. THE Corner Stone ol the Evangelical Lu theran Church, in Mifflinvtlle, will be laid, God willing, on Thursday, the 4th day of Au gust, with appropriate religious services, in English and Getman. Service to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M. The public are invited to attend. E. A. SHARRRTTS, PASTOR. TUB.NEW FEE-BILL FOR Justices and Constables. Copies in best form far sale at the ' STAR" office. \ The Medicine of the Million.- PHILOSOPHY AND FACT. HICDMdQWi&'SrS IPH&ILffIo Tfie Exciting Cause of Sickness. . The blood i the life sustaining agent, ft furnishes the component! of flsah, (one, muscle, nerve and integument. The stomach is its manufactory, the veins its distributors, and the intestines the channel through which the waste matter rejected in its productions is expelled. Upon the stomach, the circula tion mid the bowels, these fills art simulta neously, relieving indigestion, purifying the fluids, and regulating the excretions. THE NATIONAL COMPLAINT. Dyspepsia is tho most common disease among all classes inthis country. li assumes a thousand shapes, and is ttie primary .omen of innumerable dangerous maladies; but; whatever its type or symptoms, however ob situate its resistance to ordinary preparations, it yielJs readily and rapidly to this searching and unerring remedy. UILIOIS AFFECTIONS. The quantity and qunlity of the bile are of vital importance to health. Upon the liver, he gland which secretes this fluid, these Pilla operate specifically, infallibly reclilyiiig us irreaularilies, and eflrfciually euring Jaun dice, Utlious liemitlauts, and all the varieties of disease generated by an unnatural condi tion ol the organ. IJOWIiL COMPLAINTS. Unless lite bowels perform their functions properly, the whole body suffers. Teas of ihousamledio annuully of Dysentery, Diar rhoea, Chronic consumption, and other dis eases of these waste pipes of the system The efleel of the Pills upon all intestinal dis orders, whether casual or epidemic, is • phenomenon in medicine. By following the printed directions, the most alarming cases of bowel complaint are promptly controlled. A Word lo Females. The local debility and irregularities which are the especial annoyances of the weaker sex, and which, when neglected,. always shorten life, are relieved for the lima being and prevented for the lime to come, by a course of this mild but thorough alterative.■ HOLLOW AYS PILLS Are the best remedy kttOwn in the world for the following diseases: Asthma, Diarrhoea, Bowel Complaints, Dropsy,' Coughs Debility, Colds, Fever and Ague, Chest Diseases, Female Complaints, Costiveness, Headaches, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Stone and Gravel Influenza Secondary Symptoms Inflammation Venereal Affections Inward weakness Worms of all kinds Liver complaints Lowness of spirits Piles. Sold at tho manufactories of Prof, flollii. way, 80 Maiden Lane, New Ynrfc, and 244 Strand London, by all respectable Druggists and dealers in medicine throughout the V. S. and the civilized world, fn boxes at 25 cents, 62J els. and SI each. C®*There is a considerable saving by tak ing the larger sizes. N. B: Directions for lite guidance of pa lients in every disorder are affixed to eacb box. [Aug. 13, 1856. E5" CAUTION !--None are genuine unless :he words "Hollowoy. Ntw York and London," are discernible as a water mark in every leaf of the book ol directions around each pot or box; the same may be plainly seen by hold ing the leaf to the light. A handsome reward will be given to any one rendering such in formation as may lead to the detection of any parly or patties counterfeiting the medicine* or vending the same, kqowing tbem to bo spurious. EVANS & WATSON'S Manufactured IIH SALAMANDEK TRUTH IS MIGHTY, $ MUST PREVAIL. Report of the Committee appointed to superintend the burning of the Iron Safes at Heading, F>b, 27 tfi, 18St, KEAEINO"March 4ih. The nnift-risned, member.* of (he Commit tee, Ho respectfully report, that wa saw the two Safe* originally agreed cpon by Farrels & Herring ami Evans & Watson, placed side by sido in o furnace, viz: 7"he Sule in use by tbe Paymaster of the Philadelphia and Read ing Ilnilmnd Company, in his office at Reed ing, manufactured by Farrels & Herring, and the Safe in nee by H. A. Latuz, in his store, manufactured by Evan* & Watson, and put in book* and papers precisely alike. The fire was started at Pi o'clock, A. M., and kept up until lour cords of green hickory, two cord* dry oak and half chestnut top wood were entirely consumed, the whole under the superintendence of the subscribers, mem bers ol the Committee. The Safes were then 1 cooled off wiih water, after whfcb they were opened, ngd die book* and papers taken out j by the Committee and sent to H. A. Lentx'e store for public examination, after they were first examined and marked by the Commit tee. The books and papers taken from the Safe manufactured by Evans & Watson were but slightly affected by the intense heat, while those taken from the Safe manufac tured by Farrels & Herring were, in our judg ment damaged fully fifteen per cent, mere than those taken frbm Evans & Wulson'a Safe. JACOB H. DYSHER, - DANIELS. HUNTER. Having been absent during the burning, we fully coincide with the above statement of the condition of the papers and books lak-. en out of the tespective Safes. G. A. NICOLLS, 11. H. MUHLENBERG JAMES MILHOLLAND, The following named gentlemen, resident* of Reading and iis vicinity, who saw the above fire, have purchased Safes Imm Evans & Walson since the burning up to May lei, 1857. G. A. Nicolls, t Solomon Rhoads, t R. K Company, 2 W. U, Yerger, 1 11. A. Laniz; 2 Geo. K. Levure, 1 Kilk & He-lster, t . Ssmneb Easing, 2 {V. Rhoids & Son, 1 J M &G.W.Hai|tscli,l 1. VV. Mtsaimer, 2 James Jameson, I Dr. VVm. Moore, 1 J. B &A. B. Wanner I Levi J. Smith, t Jacob Sclirnucker, I High & Craig, 1 Win King, I Wm. Krick, 1 V. H. Shollenberg*r,l Kaufman & B*um, I 1 eopelil Hirsh, I Wm. McFadin, 1 Ezra Miller, I Geo. J. Ecdtert, t W.C AiP.Rl.Ermen- Isaac Rutf 1 trout, I Billmeyer, Pointer Wm. Donahower, I & Co. I Buliit & Milton, I EVANS & WATSON. June 17, 1857. _____ ' LOL'fl AND FEED Depot am ha'-A made, by A. C, MEKSCH, •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers