CANDIDATES. 1. W. KLINE, ESQ., OF Orange lownsbio, will be candidate for I'ROTHONOf ARY before the Dem oemtie connty convention thti (all. WILLIAM T. SHMHAJf* Esq., , OF Maine township, will he a can didate for COUNTY TREASURER be fore the Dcntocratiu County Convention ibis Inll. JOHN ttrtSFKR, .V *" rf~kF Calawissa township, will be n candi- dale for COUNTY TREASURER before the Democratic County Convection this fall. BAMTEL KISNER, ESQ., OF Madison township, wilt be a candidate for Connty Commissioner before the Democratic county (Convention this fall. BENJAMIN WINTEBSTEEN* , „ OF Pine township, .will he a candidate.for COUNTY COMMISSION Ell before the Peninrraiir County Convention this lull. JUIIN A. FINSTON, OF Madison township, wiil be a candidate for COUNT Y COMMISSIONER before the Demecraiic County Convention thia fall. Eublir Hnle of Heal Estate. rpHE subscriber will offer at public sale up on the i remies on Saturday the 6th day cf September next at 1 o'clock in the aliernnon, a tract of valuable (mm laud containing over of which about 30 acre* is woodland and the balance newly cleared land, in ,a good stale of cultivation. It lays within 2 miles below the town ol Caiawissa, io a ftfiokly settled neighborhood, in Franklin township. Cnlum bia connty, adjoining lauds of Jesse Cleaver, Homillnn Clark, Daniel Zarr, Daniel Yelter and Philip Seeeboliz. There is a public road miming through the farm, and lite improve ments on it are a new frsme and other outbu'ldings. There is a good young orchard on the praminse, a good pump at the door of lite dwelling, a neverfailing spring near the house, and a brook running through the meadow. It is a pleasant and desirable residence, and to a good farmer can be made as profitable as it is pleasant. IST Terma will b,g made known on the day of sale by CHRISTIAN B. SEESHOLTZ. Fienklin township, July 21, 1867. TI BLIl 1 SALE OF REAL ESTATE. BY virloaj ol an order of the Orphans Court of Columbia counly,FolMnon Neyhard, Ad ministrator of Benjamin Hsyman, deceased, will on SATURDAY, THE 22t! ol AUGUST NEXT, at 10 o'clock, A. M., expose to-pub lic sale Upon the ptcmiseg in Orange town- I ship, Columbia county, at the late residence of the decedent, lite following real estate; a TRACT OF LAND, the est end of rhe farm, adjoining lands ol \Vm. Delong Jacob Kaub, Win. Mears, and other lands of B. Ha)man's estate, and containing ACHES 104 PERCHES, on which there ore erected a Iratne house mid frame barn. There is a good spring of water on the premises, and a'l kinds of fruit trees. About 5h acres is cleared land. At the same time there will also he sold 52335CS LLa£E><QSi3 a adjoining the above properly, two n| them <n the we*|, containing Respectively 5± and 7j acres; the other four on the South, con taining respectively 5 acres 31 perches, 5 acres 126 perches, 5 acres 112 perches and acres 99 perches, and adjoining lands of f enjamin Steitw*, Nqvhfo fitter ami D. Mont gomery. These lots are moilly cleared land, and will be sold separately. At the same time anil place there will also be sold the deeede.nt'e interest in a LIMESTONE QUARRY, in Cenire lownvbip, Columbia comity; IO wit, the undivided one fourth ol a quarter acre of ground. Late ibe estate of the said Benjamin Hay man of Orange township. Columbia county, deceased. SOLOMON NEYHARD, Orange twp., July J8,'57. Adm'r. Public Sale or Valuable Real Estate. THE undersigned Executor of the estate of Wesley Roat deceased will offer nt pub lic salr upon the premises on SATURDAY, THE 3rd OF OCT OVER NEXT, at one o'clock, P. M.,the farm belonging to lheßaid estate, situate in Hemlock township, Colum bia enmity, containing 199 Acres & 37 Perches, and adjoining lands of Hugh Mcßride, John Mcßayuolds, Peter Appieinan, Caleb Barton/ sen., and Sylvester Parsed. It is situate in THE IRON ORE REGION of Columbia coumy, two miles from Blooms burg, and on Ihe public highway leading to Buckhoru. A branch of Hemlock Creek passes through Ihe premises, and the whole farm ie in a fair state of cultivation. The im provement* are a larce new Irame MANSION HOUSE, n new and commodious Irame tenant house, a latge new bank barn, a new wagon-house, end oiher outbuildings entirely new. Pns eereion will be given on the Ist of April 1858. Conditions will be made known on the day .rfesleby WILLIAM NKAL, Executor. Bloomsburg, July 20, 1857. TOE NfeW COLUMBUS MALE~ANID FEMALE ACADEMY. HE fourth term ot this Inalilttlinn will -■- romrnence on MONDAY THE THIRD !>AY OF AUGUST NEXT, the ragie having been in successful operation eince laV'Ocio ber. under Ihe charge of PROP. ANDERSON, with competent and reliable assistants, end have been well patronized Lv students from abroad, the counties of Bucks, Lehigh, Car bon, and Columbia have furnished a good portion of the school besides several from the far west have attended the same. I*. S. An opening address will be deliver ed on the-day of the commencement at three o'clock, P. JVI. TRUSTEES. Now Columbus, July 20, 1857. CHARLES STAHL. BOOK BINDER, hss located in Blooms bnrg, where he will bind books, period icals and pamphlets in any desirable style and manner; and at reasonable prices. He will Mod newspapers and magazines, plain, in library utjle or in morocco ornamented. He ha* hrs place of business in Hopkins ville with Mr. F. Istori Bloomsburg, July 13, 1857: .TOLLS AT BEACH HAVEN. COLLECTOR'S Orncs, 1 ' Beach Haven, July 1i1,_'67. j Ma. EDITOR Thai amount-Of wlta receiv ed si ftrts office are Is follows: Previously reported, . . . 831270 13 June, ... . . . • . . . . 29516 02 Fines, . . / . . . . 10 Of Total, . 860816 15 JOHN S. FOLLMER. Collector. BLANKS I BLANKS 11 BLANKS! I . DEEDS, SUMMONS, .EXECUTIONS, SUBPCENAK, AND JUDGMENT NOTES, ol porper & desirable forme, fo* eale at the olfiee of the "Star oflhe North." TO THOSE WHO WANT FARMS. A Farm within the reach of every Man. THE RIDGWAY FARM COMPANY has has made arrangements by which all who desire to settle oi purchase a home can doso. .... The Farms consist of the best limtSstong soil of the most superior quality for farming, in a rapidly improving place, into which an extensive emigration is now pouring. The property is located in Elk Connty, Pcnnsyl -1 vania, in the midst of a thriving population of some 10,000. The climate Is- perfectly health*, and plro terrible plagueyf the (vest fever It unknown. It altohas an,abundance of the bast quality of (Josl and Iron. The pries to buy it out is from $3 to S2O per tern, payable by Installments, to be located at the rime of purchasing, or s share of twcn'y-five acies entitling to locate the same for S3OO, payable (6 per month or acres payable $4 per month. Discount for every sum o r SIOO and under, pard in advance, and for oecs SIOO a (lis .ount of 10 per cent. 1 reconsidering the advantages of emjf rating 10 thia locality the following are presented : FIHST —The soil is a rich limestone,capable of raising the heaviest crops, owing to Ibis settlement has obtained ita present great |;ros|*rrty. Cisco*li—lt is the centre of ,he great North West Coal lladr, and is destined soon to be come one of the greatest business i laces in the Slate. It will supply the great Lake mar ket, (according to the population and tr rvel the greatest in the Union.) It hasfive work able veins of rha best Uiturninouscoal, amount ing in the aggregate IO over 22 feet, which makes 22,000 tons of coal under each acre, I'hit will make the land of inestimable value. The eminent geologist Dr. Chas.o'. i Jtcheon of Bostootkas made a geological survey of ijte land, and analysed the coal, the (roil ore and Imeatoiie. Thia report together' with mkps will tie furnished to inquirers. FOCBTB —Three Railroads are laid out thro' ibis property,- The riunhurv and Eire Railroad gives us a market for our coal to the lakes—-it runs from Erie to Philadelphia. A largo pert of the Road has been finished, and ia now in ruuiiiiiK order. A heavy force is now working from Erie.towards our land in the weatern di rectum, the mean* for the completion of which hae been rat-el, it will soon be finished. The Allegheny Vnlley '.Railroad connects us with New York, Boston and Pittsburg. The Ve nango Road connects ua with the West. Theie are nlreoily gond Turnpiko Road, running through this property, various other roads have been opened to accommodate the emrgration and settlement which has already taken place. There ia no opportunity equal to it now of. fered to the man wbn wants to provide himself a home in an easy way, and makes settlement where he can live in prosperity and independ enco in a climate Perfectly Healthy. No csee of fever ever having been known to. ok-rur io thii settlement. It is noviike going to the backwoods of the West, among perhaps ■ i ilolerant people, where thero ia no society, churches, or echoolj, whore the price of land ia high, and where the emigrant, after being used to the healthiest climate in the world, has to endure sickness and pain, and perhaps ruins his health and that of hie family. But here is a thriving settlement having thiec lowrns, con taining churches, suhools, hotels, stores saw mills, grist mills, and everything desired. There is a rush market at hand. The lumber trade last year nmcunled to ovor 'wo hundred million feet of lumber. Ins short time, owing to the wilt become still more valuable as a number of iron works and manufactories will soon be started; they are at present starting Ihern extensively at VVaireu. Even for those who do not wish to go there, the payments are such that they cart easily buy a farm to save their rising families tram want in the luture. or to gain a competence by the rise which will take place iu the value of lands. By an outlay scarcely juißaec!, a substantial 1 provision can be inude. Persons shouM mk*wely applioatcow.'sp ply or write to M. Jeffries, Secretary, No. ISS Walum Sttee:, below Fifth, Philadelphia.— Letters carefully answered giving full infor mation. Shares or tracts of land can be bought or secured by letter enclosing the first Install ment of five dollars, when the subscriber will be furnished with bonks, maps, War rantee Deeds given. Persons can also pur chase from our Agents. ftoule from Philadelphia to Tyrone on the Pennsylvania Central Railroad, and thence by stage to the land. This is a delightful season 10 visit St. Mary's—the best hotel ac commodation is allorded. Enquire for E. C. Shuliz, Esq , the Agent for the properly at St. Mary's. MAP OF BLOOMSBURG. TVfESSRS. HURLEY & LI.OYD, Civil En -4" gineers. Surveyors ar.d Map Publishers, are now in ibis place for the purpose of ma king a thoroughly correct Property Map, showing the Ground Plan ot every Building, the size and shape of each Lot, With owners' names, or initials, printed theredn, Colored, Varnished and mourned on Canvas, and Rol lers, all complete. Price per copy, 85 pay able on delivery of ihe Map. They are also prepared to make Burveys and furnish Skeleton MaDS of Farms, with contents cslculated and inserted ihereon, of any farm within • reasonable distance from town. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. : NOTICE is hereby given that (he nnder aigned Auditor to whom was referred the ac count ol J. Sanderson Woods administrator of the estate ot John Lazarus late of Fishing creek township, Columbia county, deceased, and Ihe exceptions thereto, will proceed lo heat all parties interested in the aaid eaiaie at his office in Bloomsburg on Saturday the 251b day of July Inst, at 10 o'clock A. M. ROBT. F. CLARK, Auditor. Bloomsburg, VALUABLE FARM FOR HALE. THE aubscriber offers for said his farm in Orange township, Colutnbia 00., containing 330 ACRES, on which are valuable improvements, com prising two sets of farm buildings, Two Dwelling Houses, two barns sd other buildings, two apple orchard* and a variety of other fruit trees.— About 200 acres of the premises is cleared land in a good condition of improvement, and it lays along Eisltingcreek, 1 mile above Orangeville, and only 7 miles from the county sest. The whole will be sold together, or in two divisions ss purchasers mey desire. For terma apply on the premises or direct to Orangeville, Columbia county to JOHN ACHENBACH. Ortnge township, May sth, 1857. CANVASSERS WANTEDT A few competent agents wanted for the Comprehensive Geography and History ancient and modern of Ihe World;" by S. G Goodriob, (Peter Parley); handsomely bodnd and pro fusely illustrated. I'tice S3. Aid only by Agents, to whom rare inducements are offer ed. Address,. J. H. COLTON & CO. No. 172 William Street, Now York. LARGE assortmemof Iron, Steel and Nails for sale at the Arcade by May 87, '67. A. C. MENSCH. |Y| USLINS a yard wide for 8 cents, and J-T-a. good prints for 6} cents jnst received by A. C. MENSCH. DRUG, PAINT AND GLASS - WHOLESALE WAREHOUSE, i Corner of Tenth and Market Streete, ' Office in Second Story, PHILADELPHIA. WE invite attention to our enlarged stock of Drugs, Painta, Oil,, Varniahes, &c., select ed expressly for our sale*, and comprisinß one of the fineat assortments in the United States, which we offer at low prices, for cash or approved Credit. WR MANUFACTURE very extensively: Premium Pure White l.ead, beet, Kensington Pure White Lead, Pearl Snow While Lead, , "Visile Montagne" French Zinc, (rest, Pure Snow White American Zinc, Philadelphia Snow While Zino, Silver's Plastic Fire & Weailier-proof Paints, Chrome Greene, Yellows, & colors generally, AGENTS FOR: Porter's superior Alkaline Window Glass, Genuine Frenrh Plate Glass, warranted, The New Jersey Zino Company's produots, Tilden and Nephew's N. Y. Varnishes. Rrooklyn Premium Pure White Lead, Hampden Permanent Greens, Pure Ohio Catawba Brandy, &o. &c. IMPORTERS OF: French and English Plate Glass, French and English Cylinder Glass, Colored and Engraved Window Glass, Daguerreotype Glass, Hammered Plate (or Floors and Sky-Lighls, Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumery. &c. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN:" Druggists' Articles generally. Painters' Tools of ail descriptions, Hydraulic and Roman Cement, Calcined and Land Platter, Paper Makepq Clay, Jhtiin, White, . &o. FRENCH, RICHARDS & CO., Store N. VV. cor. of Tenth & Market Ste. PHILADELPHIA. April 8, 1857.-3 m. Farmers 1 Depot and Plaster Mills, At the Junction of York Avenue, Crown and Callowhill Streets, PHILADELPHIA. WE ofTer a large stock of Chemical Ma nures and Fertilizers at low prices, and war ranted to be Genuine: among which will be found : 1.000 tons No. 1. Government Peruvian Guano. 1.000 tons De Berg's No. 1 Soper-Phot phaie ol Lime. The above standard atticles are, each of their kind, the beat In the world! Our Land Piaster, manufactured from select stone, is celebrated throughout the Union for its purity and strength. WE INVITE ORDERS FOR— De Berg's No. 1 Super Phosphate of Lime. No. 1 Government Peruvian Gnano. French's Improved Sup-Phosphate of Lime. French's Philadelphia Poudrette. No. 1 Phosphate Guano (Ptiila. Co.'s.) Mexican Guano. (4.) Extra Land Plaster. Ordinary Land Plaster, ''henrical Bone. Pure Bone Dust. „ Fish Guano. Ground Charcoal. 10,000 Barrels Land Plaster. 5,000 14 Casting Plaster. 10.000 44 Hydraulic Cement. 3.000 44 True Roman Cement. 1.000 44 Portland (Eng.) Cement, ALSO* DENTISTS' PLASTER, STEREOT YPE PLASTER. GLASS MAKERS' PLASTER, GROUND SOAP STONE, GROUND WHITE MARBLE, GROUND BLUE MARBLE. Powdered Anthracite Coal, (in barrels.) Powdered Bituminous Coat, do. Ground Brown Stone. do. \VMteßaqd t do. Ground Bricks', -for Painters. Powdered Kon&Bhnrir. - - FRENCH, RICHARDS, & CO. Steam Mills and Fai mers' Depot, At junction ol York Avenue, Crown and Callow'.till Streets, Philadelphia. April 8, '57, 2m . NOTICE TO TUE HEIRS & DEVISEES Of John Allen, lute of Madison township, Columbia County, deceased. Yon and each of you are heteby notified that at ttie last term of the Orphan's Courl of Columbia county llio pepilion of David Al len one of ihe sons and devisees of the said John Allen deceased was presented to the said court praying for the sale of the follow ing real estate of die said decedent to wit: A lot of ground in Jersey-town in Madison township, eiiußie on ihe Main road or street of said town adjoining lot of, John Swisher, lot or lots belonging to Dr. Russet Parks acd others, containing one acre ol land on which is erected a two story frame dwelling house and frame stable: Also one other lot of land in said town sit uate on aa'd Main road or alreet, adjoining land of John Swiahor and James Stout, being a town tot. Also two other contiguous town lots situ ate in said town on said Main Street and ad joining lot of John Funston and oihera; And one outlot of land situate on the road leading from Jerseytown to Millrille contain ing about three and one half acrea adjoining land of John Swisher, Abraham Brodt and others:—which said properly was on the 21st day of November, A. D., 1846, accept ed by Robert Templelon Allen and awarded to him at the valuation and appraisement of an inquisition held thereon, and the Orphan's Court of Columbia county on the 21st of August, A. D , 1847, vacated the decree so awarding the said real estate; so that Ihe same remains unaccepted by any of devisees and unsold. And it is prayed in the said petition that the said real estate may be or dered by the Court to be sold at publio sale on the premises on • day certain on the fol lowing terms and conditions: twenty percent, at the striking down of the property, one the remainder on the first day of first day of April, 1859, with inierest from the first day of April next; —and a rule has been granted by the said Court upon the heirs and devisees of John Allen deoeased to show cause, if any they have, by ihe first day of next term why the order of sale ajiould not be granted, of which yon will hereby lake notice. STEPHEN H.MILLER, SHSRIFF'S Orrice, 1 Sheriff. Hloomsburg, July 6, 1857. j Executor's Notice. NOTICE m hereby given that leiters testa mentary upon the estate of Sarah MoClure, late of BlooiDsburg, Columbia county, de ceased, have beeu granted to the undersign ed residing also in Bloomsburg. All persons indebted to the eaid estate are sequester! to make payment without delay, and those hav ing accounts against the estate to present them for payment to H. C. HARTMAN, Executor. Bloomsburg, June 17, 1887. COOPEBINU. THE 'subscriber announces that he will carry on the COOPERING BUSINESS at hia brewery in Hopkinaville, where he will make BABRELB, TUBS, KEGS, and everything in that line ot business. He will also repair work of all kinds, and will do it skillfully and at fair prices. CHARLES W. HASSERT, Bloomsburg, June 2, 1887. A LARGE LOT of Thibet Shawls just re ceived and for ssle by A. G. MENSCH. CCFFER RIOT, WHEW I PH. manent oure is guaranteed in all stages of SECRET disea*et, Self AbuVervoiis Debility, Siriorores, Gleet*, Gravel', Mercurial Rheumatism, Scrofula, Tains in Ik* Ankles and Bones, Diseases of the Throat, Nose and Eyes, Ulcers upon the Body, Female Irregu larities, and all other improper discharges, no matter of how long standing, or obstinate the case, recovery is certain, and in a shorter lime than a permtnem cure oould be effect ed by any other treatment, even, after the skill of the roost eminent phjfsiciyns had failed, and the disease resisted olher means of cure. The odor causing neither sicltnae#ißlStMß##*'- nisnre, and without murdury ®f.4l*a*.— During twenty years' practice,,! Itave re stored to health over seventeen thousand Ita tienta, who were suffering under the worst lorms of all of the above mentioned dis eases, which guarantees me in promising a perfect and most speedy cnre. Secret dis eases arethe greatest enemies to health knd happiness, as they are the list cause of <on sumption, scrofula, &0., and should be a"ler ror to all nations on the earth; for tha dis ease is becoming so common, arid treatment so little understood, that a permanent ewe ia scarcely ever effected, aa a majority of the cases fall into the hands of inoompetenl'per [ sons, who not ouly fail to cure the malady, hut ruin the constitution with corrosivnob [ limate—a dangerous poison, a preparation | of mercury—which, with tliejemains of dis ease in the system, produces many of the above named alTections, whioh finally termi nate in consumption, and frequently a rapid oue ; but should it not cause death speedily, and the victim to disease (parrfe*, the disease is then conveyed Irom the patient to tips chil dren, causing them to coma world wiili scrofula, affection* or •y^a, throat, &c., and again terihtnafc In con sumption, and consigns his victim to an un timely grave, between the ages of six months and thirty-five years. Self absnc is snoiher formidable"enemy to health; it destroys the nervous system, rapidly wasting away the energies of life, causing mental derange ment, preventing a proper development of ihe system, and disqualifying its victorn for marriage, society, business, and all earthly happiness. Female Irregularities and other diseases of females treated in the most sk:,t fol and scientific manner. Medicines, with directions, eent to any part of the Uniteu States and Csnadas, by patients communica ting their symptoms by leiter.- J. SUMMF.RVILLE, M. D., Box 83, Tost Office ; Filbert Street, below Tomb, Phila delphia, Pa. TWENTY-FIVE WITNESSES OR. THE FORGER CONVICTED. IkT JOHN S. DYE 18 THRAUTHOR Who ha* had 10 yeare' egßMSttee V* a >■* Ranker and Publisher, and author of M A Series oj Lectures at the Broadway Tuber id * nacle, , m when for 10 successive niant*, over U EF" 10,000 People an W greeted hun with round* ol applause, while he exhibited Ihe manner in which uOounterfeitetH execute their frauds, and 5 the suteel and shortest uteaos of detecting them ! © The Bank Note Engrmew all say that He is the Greatest Judge of Paper Money Living. ® Greatest discovery ol the present century 2 For Detecting counterfeit Bank Notes. 2 Describing every Genuine Bill in exis'- ®tiooe, and exhibiting at a glance every Counterfeit in Circulation !! M Arranged so admirably, that Reference is easy and detection Instantaneous. index to examine 1 tio pages to ? hunt up! Bnl so simnTtfikd and r --© ranged, 'tmfTtwAlaiJOa^pO—U" er and Bosinesa Man o'ah tea g all at a Glance. 2 English, French and German. Thus each may read Ihe name in Ms own Na -0i( tive Tongue j MOST PERFECT HANK NOTE y LIST PUBLISHED, 53 Also a List of Z ALL THE PRIVATE BANKERS IN g AMERICA. y A Complete Summary of tha finance of Europe and America will be published in .each edition, together withal! the Import fid ant news of the day. Also, 2 A SERIES OF TALES From an old manuscript found in the East. !*J It furnishes tha most-aomplete r* history of Oriental lilffe, ™ In describing the most perplexing posi mA tiens in which the Ladies and Gentlejiien, ®of that country have been to often found. These Stonea will continue throouhout the J whole year, and will provatM Most En feJtert*tning eve* offered O Cy Furnished Weekly to subscribers fionly, at SI a year. All letter* mutt be ad dressed to H JOHN S. DYE, Broker. jg Published and Proprietor, 70 Wall Street, © April 27, 1857. Now York. THIS WAV FOB BARGAINS I A. J . EVANS HAS JUST RECEIVED A NEW STOCK OF" SPRING & SIIMMEH GOODS AT his old stand on the upper end ol Main Street which he will sell cheaper than >lhe cheapest. It consists in part of Silks al paccas, lustres, ba rages, de laines, ducal cloths, poplins, brilliants, cballios, de buges, lawns, skirting, french and scotch ginghams, prints, gloves, hosiery, collars, handkerchiefs, &c. Shawls and Mantillas ol every style and quality. STAPLE & DOMESTIC DRV GOODS, Cloths cassimeres, vesting*, flannels, mus lin*, lickings', stripes, checks,jJaWeoes, cot tonades, linen*, sheetings, drill*, maryeilles quilts, colored and, white carpel chain, parasols, umbrella*, a large and splen did assortment ol HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES. A SUPERIOR LOT OF FRESH HPsssifi? Teas, Coffee# fcujfar# Molasses Rice, Spioe, &c. Also, Hardware, Queena ware, Crockery and Cedarware. Having selected my entire stock with Ihe greatest care and at Ihe lowest (Cash prices, 1 can assure my friends and the public gener ally, thst I will do all in my power to make establishment known aa the "Head quarters for bargains." Those who wish to purchase will find it to their advantage to call aqd ex amine my stock bafore purohaaing. I will pay the highest market price for BUTTER, EGGS, RAGS. SOAP AND Dried Frnit, and country produce in geperal. Btoomsburg, April 29, 1857. Execulor'e i\<Hice. NOTICE is hereby given lh)tt, kites* testa mentary upon the estate of .Jiuii'Uastecher. late of Mifflin township, Wtußm county, deceased, have beet) graftWfe the under signed residing in the townsbi p of Mifflin. All persons indebted to the estate are re quested to make payment without delay, and those having accounts for payment to present them to JOHN H. HETLER, Etcscwfor. Mifflin township, June 21, 1857dt* A f'LlfX ASSORTMENT of Ladles' Dsy- Goods at the Arcade by May 27, '57. A. C. MENSCH. DRUGS JIJYD MEDICIJYES. Z3Bapaaaa<£xs2S)a aoMUPea a WOULD call the attention of all those who wish to buy good goods in his line, that he has just replenished his (already) large and well selected assortment of the following arti cles, viz:—Drugs, Medicines, Oils, Paints, Varnishes, Glass, Dyestuffs, Confeoiionaries, Per fumery, soaps and loilel articles generally; Cigars and Tobacco of every variety and brand, Harrison's Inks wholesale and rotail at the manufacturer's prices, PURE WISES AND BRANDIES for medicinal uae only. Truss**, Shoulder Brakes and Abdominal Supporters, SURGICAL AND DENTAL INSTRUMENTS, Taint, Varnish and Tooth Brushes; also agent for most of the popular Patent Medicines of the day. Toys, and an enillass variety of useful and fancy notions not here enumerated. I'hysi cuin's Prescriptions and Family Medicines pot up carefully and at ehort out ice. Glass Cutting dune to order at the old stand J5. P. I.UTZ. Bloomsburg, April 8, 1857. BOOK, CARD, AND FANCY cjjeom u 3 ixms2r s o>i23C2rca3><, THE PROPRIETOR OF THE "STAR OF THE NORTH," Having added to the fixtures of the "STAR" Office good and extensive JOBBING MATERI- ] AL, is prepared lo execute all kinds of JOB I'RIN'rlRKs in the best CITY STYLE, and at short notice. Certificate) of Stock and Deposite, Constitutions for Societies, Hank Checks, Promissory Notes, Pail Itoad and other Tickets, Catalogues, Paper Books, Bill-lleads, Check Rolls, Plain and Fancy Cards, Business and other Circulars, Posters Plain and in Colors. AITD FE.IHTI2TG- OF ALL KINDS Can be Procured at the "Star" Job Office, AS PROMPTLY AND NEATLY PRINTED AS IN THE . * • * CITYo • js. The public are invited to call ami see ipecimen#, as we are delermiuea to merit patron age by strict attention to business and superior workmanship. New Arrival of Spring and Summer Goods. HAVE jnst received and opened their stock of merchandize for Spring and Summer sales, which comprises the LARGEST, CHEAPEST, and HANDSOMEST assortment now offered in this TOWN! Having paid great attention lo the selection of their entire stock, as to price and "quality, they flattei themselves that they can compete with the cheapest, and all those wishing to buy can save money by giving us a call. We have all kinds of Goods and Wares lo supply the wants of the People. A very large lot of LADIES DRESS GOODS, French merinoes, wool plaids, alpacas, bombazines, de bages, poplins, paramotta cloths, mohair lustres,muslin de Ittines, Persian cloths, Ginghams, Calicoes, &c. WHI TE GOODS OF A 1,1, KINDS, Sieves. Collars, Spencers, handkerchiefs, fiouncings, bands and trimmings, laoes and edgings, bonnet ribbor.s, in large variety, vel vet ribbons, and braid*, kid, cotton, and lisle thread gloves, mohair mills, ftp., * All kinds of SHAWLS, broefce, Bay State, Waterville, black silk, cashmere, Embroder ed, &c. Also a very large assortment of cloths, cassimers, sattinetts, vesting*, tweeds; jeans, beaver cloths, coating velvet, &o. BOOTS AND SHOES, OF ALL KINDS tf SIZES FQR MEN WOMAN $ CHILDREN We Lave a large assortment ot Hats and Caps of latest fashions. We have also Hard ware, Queensware, Cedarware, &c. Very cheap carpets, carpet bags, floor, table and car riage oil cloths, mats rugs, baskets, &c. Muslins flannels, tickings, diapers, lowelings, drillings, &c., in abundance. We invite onr friends and the public generally to give us a call before purchasing else where. We have bought our goods at Lowest Cash Prices and will not be undersold by anybody, or the reßt of mankind. Bloomsburg, April 15, 1857. * New arrival of Spring and Summer Goods ! DAVID LOTTEETEERG INVITES attention to his stock of cheap and fashionule tiothing st his storeoo Market street, two doors above the "American House," where he has a full assortment of men and boy's wearing apparel, including ISJXBIBSJS gox, sack, frock, gum and oil cloth coats of all sorts and sizes, pantsof all colors shawls stripes and figure, vests, shirts,cravats, slocks, collars, handkerchiefs,gloves, suspenders and fancy articles. N. B. He will also make to order any article of olothing at very short notice and in the best manner. All hie clothing is made to wear, and most of it is of home manufac ture. Bloomsburg, April 1, 1857. A. C. MENSCH AT TIIE ARCADE STAND IT AS juat received and opened a full and ** large 'assortment OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, which he will sell at (he lowest living profit. His stock embraces atella, thibet and crape shawls, barege, barege delaines, tissues, lawns, debegea, crape orientate, alpaccas, &c SILKS.—A very handsome assortment of striped, plain, plaid and black silks, which bo intends to sell at vety reduced prices. EMBROIDERIES, An imtneni-e stuck of embroideries, such as embroidered handkerchiefs, collars, spen cers, sleeves, Swiss and jaconel edgings and insertings, linens, collon and thread laces, flouncing* and embroidered curtains. DOMESTICS—MusIins, drillings, tickings, chocks, osnaburgs, baggings, ginghams, flan nels, table diaper and ready-made bags. Men and Boys' Wear. Clothe, cassitueres, yestings, jeans, coilnn ajles, denims, blue drillings, cotton plaids &c. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. A very large assortment of new style car pets, such as tapestry, Brussels three ply, in grain and Venetian oil cloths, of all widths. A large assortment of Ladies' & Cbildrens' Shoes, which he will sell very cheap. GROCERIES. ||iS25S A lot of fresh sugars, molasses, Ib3b TEAS, COFFEE, FISH. SPICES Mcrl &c. Also Hardware Queensware, oHte&sSJ Crockery and Wooden ware. Or Flour and Feed always lor sale at the lowest market prices for cash. Blooujsburg, April 29, 1837. WlTliam Q. PERRY, S. W. Corner of Foutth and Race Sts. IFt/f Supply on Low Term*, Bill Heads, Cards, Checks, Bill of Lading, Promissory Notes, Drafts, is-e. AOOOOTE BOOKS, Made in a superior manner, or Ruled and Bnond to any Pattern. Lelier, Note Ji Foolscap Paper, FLAT PAPER, ALL SIZES, wmAwiPnsr® XP^PWSO OLD BOOKS RE-BOUND, In a handsome and durable style. CV" Your orders reapecllullv solicited. Philadelphia, March 4, 1857. FOR RENT. A store building on Maiß street, Blooms burg, for rent on reasonable terms. GEORGE WEAVER. Bloomsburg, NOT. 14, 1856 AN ASSORTMENT of oonfeotionary, jew elty, Perfumery aoaps, hair oils, &0., Pomades, to be had at C. CLARK'S Book Store. T ARGE lot of No. 1, 2, & 3 Mackrel, also, White Fish, Cod Fish and Heiring, juat received and for sale by May 27, '57. A. C. MENSCH. HATS AND CAPS on hand and for sale at the Arcgde by May 27, 57. A. C. MENSCH. t'OLUMBUS MALE AND FEMALE Q33 OD OB S3O Luzerne County, Pa. THE Trustee* of (bis Institution respectfully announce, 'hat it will be opene.l for the reception of Pupils, of both seres, on Monday, October 20lh next, under the immediate care of Prof. JAMES ANDERSON, as Principal. Mr. A. is a gentleman of extensive acquire, ments. and enlarged experience as an educator and has been connected with the moat popular "High School" of bucks Co. for several years. He is also well and favorably known aa a con. fnbulor to some of onr ltadig.ducatiot)al peri- THE COURSE OF INSTRUCTION Will comprise Orthography, Definitions, Read ing, Penmanship, Etymology. Geography, Eng. Grammar, Composition, Arithmetic Algebra. Geometry, Mensuration, Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, Surveying, Navigation, Astron. omy, 4c. book Keeping, History, Physiology, Natural, Intellectual, and Moral Philosophy, and Chemistry. Classes in the French, Spanish Latin languages will be formed as oarly as practica ble, and Instruction un Piano-Forte will be given if desired. WEEKLY LECTURES on the Natural Sciences, illustrated by appiopriate apparatus will also he tfiven. SPECIAL ATTENTION will be paid to young Ladies and Gentlemen designing 'o qual ify themselves as Teschers. TER M St FOUR, FIVE and SIX Oollais per Quarter in accordance with the studies pursued, payable one hall in advance and the balance althe close ofthe Quarter. GOOD BtIARD can be hid in the village at a moderate price. I3f Mr. A. will deliver an address on Physi cal, Intellectual and Moral education, on the day of commencement, when his method of imparting instruction will be illustrated, end the discipline snd management of the cbool, fully explained. Parents, Guardians, and the frionds of educa tioo generally, aio cordially invited to be pres ent. D. L. CHAPIN, I B.M. STEVENS, JOHNKOUNS. N.D. STILES, SILAS DODSON, | JOHN YAPLE, THOMAS PEALER, Columbus, Sept, 4, 1856. Trustees. rpRIMMINGS AND NOTIONS, fancy arts. J- cles, a good assortment of Hosiery of lha beat quality; also gloves, mitts, baskets, Ca bas, Combs, dress trimmings and linings, sewing silk, thread, etc., eta., to be bad next door to the "Exchange." AMELU D. WEBB. Bfeomahnrg, Mny 26, 1887. Corner Stone Laying. THE Corner Stone o' the Evangelical Lu theran Churoh, in Mifßinville, will be laid, God willing, on Thursday, the 4th day of Au gust, with appropriate religious services, in English and Getman. Service to commence at lOo'clook, A. M- The public are invited to attend. E. A. SHARRRTTS, PASTOR. TBE NEW FEE-BILL FOR Justice* snd Constables. Copies in nest fotm far sale at the ''STAR" office. The Medicine of the Million. PHILOSOPHY AND FACT. HKBiii&fl&WitfflS The Exciting Cause of SicitMist The blood i (he life .sustaining egent. fi furnishes lite components of Aesh, bone, muscle, nerve and integument. The stomach is its manufactory, the vein* its distributor*, and the intestines the channel through vrhiofi the waste matter rejected in Its productions is expelled. Upon the stomach, this circula tion and the bowels, these Pills an simulta neously, relieving indigestion, purifying the fluids, and regnlatitg the excretions. THE NATIONAL COMPLAINT. Dyspepsia is the most common diaeaad among all classes in this country. liiasninea a thousand shapes, and is the primary source of innumerable dangerous maladies; but. whatever its type or symptoms, however oft stinate Its resistance to ordinary preparations, it yields readily and rapidly to this searching and unerring remedy. IIILIOCS AFFECTIONS. The quantity and quality of the bile are of vital importance to health. Upon the liver, the gland which secretes this fluid, theso' Pills operate specifically, infallibly rectifying -it* irregularities, and etlnulually curing Jaun dice, Bilious Kemittants, and ail tha varieties of disease generated by an uunatuTal eondi lion of the organ. BOWEL COMPLAINT*. Unless the bowels perform their functions properly, the whole body suffers. Tens of thousands die annually of Dysentery, Diar- • rhata, Chronic consnmplion, and other dis eases of these Waste pipes of the syjteffi.— The efieel ol the Pills Dp'on all intestinal dis orders, whether casual or epidemic, ia • phenomenon in medicine. By following the • printed directions, the most alarming cases of bowel complaint are promptly fcbhlrollecf. A Word to Females. The local debility and irregularities which are the especial annoyances of the weaker * sex, and which, when neglected, diways shorten life, are relieved for the lime being and prevented for the time to come, by a course of this mild but thorough alterative. noLioyfjirs PILLS Are Ibe best remedy known in tbe world lot the following diseased: Asthma, Diarrheas, Bowe! Complaints, Dropsy, Coughs Debility, Colds, Fever and Ague, Chest Diseases, Female Complaint*) Costivenem, Headache*) Dyspepsia, Indigestion) Stone and Gravel Influenza Secondary Symptoms Inflammation Venereal A flections Inward wegkness Worm* of all kinds Liver complaints Lowness of spirits Piles. Sold at the manufactories of Prof. Hollo - way, 80 Maiden Lane, New York, and 244 Strand London, by all respectable Druggist* and dealers in medicine througho'dt the U; S. and the civilized world, in boxes at 29 cents, 624 cts. ami 81 each. EyThere is a considerable saving by tak irig the larger sizes. N. B. Directions for the guidance of pa tients in every disorder are affixed to each box- [Aug. 13, 1856. iy CAUTION !--None are genuine iiplesn the words "Holloway, New York and' London," are discernible as a water mark in every teat of the book ol directions around each pot or box; the same may be plainly seen by hold ing the leaf to the light. A handsome reward will be given to any one rendering such in formation as may lead to toe detection of any parly or parlies cuunierleiling the medicines or vending ibe same, knowing them to be spurious. EVANS & WATSON'S BPhil'a Manufactured SALAMANDER TRUTH IS MIGHTY, $• MUST PREVAIL. Report of the Committee appointed to superintend the burning of the Iron Safes at Reading, jtob, 27/ A, 1857. HEADING, March 4th. The undersigned, members of the Commit tee, do respectfully report, that we saw the two Safes origiqally agreed upon by Parrel* & Herring and Evans & Watson, placed side by side in a furnace, viz; The Sale in use by the Paymaster of the Philadelphia and Read ing Railroad Company, it) his office at Head ing, manufactured by Parrels & Herring, and the Safe iri use by H A. I.antz, in bit store, manufactured by Evane & Watson, aud pot in books and papers precisely alike. The Are was started at 84 o'clock, A. M.,' and kept up Until foUroords of green hickory, two cords dry oak and half chestnut top wood were entirely consumed, the whole under the superintendence of the subscribers, mem bers ol the Committee. The Safes were then cooled off with wnter, after which they were opened, agd the books and papers taken out, by the Committee and sent to H. A. Lartlz'e store for public examination, after they Wero first examined and marked by the Commit tee. The books and papere taken from lhA Safe manufactured by Evans It Watson Srartb but slightly ufleeted by the intense heal) whila those taken from the Bate manufac tured by Farntlsfe Herring wete, in our judg ment, damaged fully fifteen per rent, mora rhan those taken from Evana & Watson's Safe. JACOB H. DVSHBR, DANIKL S. HUNTER. . Having been absent daring the burning,* we fully coincide with the above ilstement of the condition of lira papers and books lak* en ont of the respective Safes. G.A. NICOLLS, H. H. MUHLENBERG, JAMES MILHOLLAND. The following named gentlemen, residents of Beading and its vicinity, who aaw the above fire, have purchased Safes from Evans & Watson since ibie burning op to May Ist. 1867. G. A. Nicolls, 1 Solomon Rhoada. 1 R. R. Company, 2 W. B. Verger, '; i H. A. Laniz; 2 Geo. K. Levant, 4, Kirk & Heister, ■ Btwnnel Easing, 2 W. Rhoads It Son, 1 J M &G.W.Hmnisch,l H. W. Miaaimar, 2 James Jameson, t Dr. Wm. Moora, 1 J. BfcA. B. Wanner 1 Levi J. Smith, 1 Jacob Scbmneker, 1 High & Craig, 1 YVm. King. I Wm. Krick, 1 V. B. Sbolienbergei, 1 Kaufman & Baum, I Leopold Hi/ah, 1 Wm. McEarlin, 1 Err a Miller, Geo. J Eokert, 1 W.C.&P.M.Ermen isaac Ruth, 1 trout, I Billmeyer, Folmer Wm. Dooahower, 1 & Co. 1 Bollit it Mihon, I EVANS k WATSON. June 17, 1867. LOUR AND FEED Depot at the A made, bv A.C.MENScit'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers