■■■' r THE STAR OF THE NORTH. B. W. M eaTeT, Proprietor.] VOLUME 9 THE STAR OF THE NORTH IS PI'DLISIIKt) EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNING BY K. W. WEAVER, OFFICE— ITp stairs, in tke new brick build ing, o the south suit oj Main Street, third square below Market. f EII HI Sf: —Two Dollars per annum, if paid within six months from the lime of sub scribing ; two dollars arid fifty cents if not paid within the year. No subscript-ion re ceived Tor a less period than six months; no discontinuance permitted until all arrearages are paid, unless at the option of the editor. Advertisements tret exceeding one square Will be inseried three times for One Dollar, and twenty five cents for eacb additional in-" senior). A liberal discount will be made to those who advertise by the year. l£ 1) oi i c }J o c tr n. TIIE GIKL W ll'U TUE CALICO Dll ENS BY ROBEIIT JOSSELIN. A fig for your upper-ten girls, With their velvets and salinß and laces, Their diamonds and rubies and pearls, And" their milliner figures and tacee ; They may shine at a party or ball, Emblazoned with half they possess, But give me in place ol them all, My girl with the calico dress. She is plump as a partridge, and fair As the rose in its earliest Wfom, Her teeth will with ivory compare. And her breath with the clover perfume. Her step is as free and as light As the fawn's whom the burners liarJ press, And her eye is as soft and as bright, My girl with the calico dress. Your dandies and foplingr may sneer, At her simple and modest attire, lint the charms she permits to appear, Would-set a whole iceburg on lire. She can dance, but she never allows The bugging, the squeeze and caress, She is saving all these for her spouse, My girl with the calico dress. She is oheerful, warm-hearted and true, And kind to tier father and mother, She studies bow much she can do For her sweet little sisters and brother. If you want u companion lor life, To comfort, enliven and bless, She is just the right sort for a wife, My gul with the calico dress. MY EARLY LOVE. It was an ardent boyish love, That fuded out as life grew older, My heart flew to her like a dove, And lighted on her beauteous shoulder. Or sipped the honey of her lips, Or in her eyes found heavenly graces, I loved her lo her linger tips— t loved l*cr very loot-print traces. Her features wore a rapturous charm, Her smile made VII within me flutter, A rounded beauty was Iter arm, Her little hand was fat as butter. No wonder that I loved her so, But she was fulse as she was pretty, And soon she sacked.her little beau, And took a big one (torn the city. I caught him out one gloomy night— 'Twas one ol love's extiemest phases— I aggravated him to fight, But oh, he larrupotf me like blazes! fU i6ce 11 n ti e ou a . GOOD DOCTIUNK.—Havo you enemies? Co straight in ami mind ihem not. If 'hey block up your path, walk around then;, regardless of their spite. A man who has no enemies is seldom good for anything—ha is made of itiai kin l ! ur uiateiiul nleu is so easily worked that every one has a hand in it. A sterling character—one who thinks for him self and speaks what ha thinks, is ulvvaye sure to have enemies, 'l'ney are as neces sary to him as fresh air; they keep him alive and active. A celebrated character, who was surrounded by enemies used to remark, "They ate spaiks, which, if you do not blow, they will go out of themselves." Let this be your feeling while endeavoring to live down the scandal of those who are bitter against you. If you stop to dispute, you do but as they desire, and open the way for more abuse. Let the poor fellows talk; there will be a reaction, if you perform but your duty, and hundreds who were once alienated from you will flock to you and acknowledge their ertor. - I How WIND PHODUCEB COLDS.—Wind pro duces cold in several ways. The act of blow ing implies the descent upon and motion over the eaith, of colder air, to occupy the room of that which it displaces. It also in cteases the evaporation of moisture from the earth, and thus conveys away considerable lisat. This increased evaporation, and the mixture of warm and cold air, usually pro duce a condensation of vapors in the atmos phere; hence the formation of clouds, and the consequent detention of the heat brought by the rays of the sun. And whenever the air in motion is colder than the earth, or any bodies with which it comes in contact, a portion of their beat is imparted to the air. WET CLOTHES. —Neglect of changing their clothes, when wet, is a great source of dis order among men. To lemain in wet clothes when the body is at rest, subjects the person who is so imprudent to (he united bad effects of cold and moisture. Much worse conse quences, however, may be expected, when (hey are heated by labor and lie down to sleep, as people often do in their wet clothes. The diminished force of the circulation and other powers of life, which always take place doting sleep, causes the bad effects of cold to operate with much greater danger to health and life. CP" Few persons care to wako at night and to i'oel a largo spider crawling over their laces. Yet many will carry a favorito vico in their hearts without fueling tho least alarm. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY. PA., WEDNESDAY. MAY 20. 1857. INTERESTING LEGAL DECISION. In Ike Quarter Sessions of Chester County Jacob Fox was recently tried for assault and battery under such circumstances as made the c*so of general interest. The case grew out of the great snow storm of last January, and defines the rights and responsibilities of land owners, supervisors and the travelling public in cases of a temporary obstruction of the public highway. The following is tho charge of Judge Haines : This case presents peculiar circumstances for the consideration of the Court and Jury. On the 17th and !Bih days of January last, a snow storm began and continued, which, in many places, rendered tire publio high ways utterly impassable. The public pass ages were filled, the teuces in numerous in stances were thrown down, and the travel, leaving the publio thoroughfares, look to the fields and enclosures of private individuals. Among other instances of the kind hero men tioned, was one in Upper Oxford in this county, along and through the land of the Defendant. Here, for the distance of some half a mile, the public highway wus filled to the depth of six feel, rendered utterly im passable,—and the fences of the defendant were thrown down, his enclosures laid open, and his fields were traveled over by the pub lic. How long this state of things continued is not definitely settled, but a day or two be fore the time of the conflict between these parlies, Mr. Fox having collected a large number ol men, commenced to open the road along tho line of his property, and suc ceeded in making a passage of six feet wide through tho snow embankment here noticed.' He also put up his lence to prevent the travel across his fields, and to turn it again into its proper channel. Matters stood in this way until lite 30th day of January last, when the prosecutor, Joseph P. Walton, drove tipjio the mouth of the opening in tho snow, with his wife and child in a sleigh. At the lime of his arrival, "the canal," as it has been called, was filled with a drove of cattle, with sleighs impeded in their passage, and with a broken sled, and remained lor the spaco of half an hour in that condition. 1 mention this fact, not because the rights of patties were affect ed thereby, for these impediments would not give to Mr. Walton any rights over the prop erty of Mr. Fox,—but to inform you that, in the opinion of lite Court, they do not alter the question lo' be determined. Whether they had an effect upon the mind of Mr. Walton, determining him lo parsist in going through the field, may be a matter of more doubt. Having determined to cross the en closures of the defendant, Mr. Walton, with tho assistance of Mr. lloss, proceeded lo pull down the fence. At that moment, Mr. Fox, who had previously shouted at them, arrived will a shovel in his hand, attd stationed himself in tho breach they hud made, and bade them not to attempt to enter. Mr. Walton bad his horse by the head, and was in the act of leading him into the opening, when Mr. Fox struck the horse on the head, and Mr. Walton thereupon desisted from his atternpl lo enter the close of the defendant. I do nol mean to speak of the evidence on this point—il is somewhat contradictory— and it is your duty, not mine, to examine and to weigh it. | The parlies having met as I have stated, ! the one determined to enter the grounds of J lha ilofoodant, an J tho other lesotvC't to pre j vent the entry—it becomes necessary to ex ' amino the rights of the prosecutor and de | fendant, and the principles of law which ! should rule the issue according to Hie evi dence. I will not examine in regard to the j assault and battery. You have heard itcom j mooted upon at the bar, and it is enough for ! tr.e to say that if the evidence of the prose | cutor is believed, an assault and battery is sufficiently proved, unless the rights of the I defendant justify it. What, then, wero the j rights of those individuals? By the Act of the Ceneral Assembly of this Common wealth, passed 13th day of June, 1830, the supervisors of the different townships have large and important duties imposed upon them, and is therein provided that "Public roads and highways laid out, approved and entered of record, shall, as soon as may be practicable, be effectually opened, and con stantly kept in repair, and all public roads or highways, made or to be made, shall, at all seasons, be kept clear of all impediments to easy and convenient passing and travelling, at Hie expense of the respective township as the law directs." It will be seen by this provision, that the supervisors of lite town ship of Upper Oxford were, on this occasion alluded to, neglectful of their duties, and if complained of, would have been punished in the Court of Quarter Sessions of the county, for gross neglect of their official duties.— They should have removed, at the earliest possible moment, all tho impediments in the public highways, and have made the differ ent passages easy and convenient. They neglected to perforin the duties assigned them, and this prosecution is the result of that neglect. The rights of the parties, how ever, are not affected by the misfeasance of the supervisors, and it still remains for us to examine these rights. I meet this case, with the more pleasure, inasmuch as public opin ■ou is unsettled on the subject, and erroneous views are entertained as to the right involved in the issue. The right of Mr. Fox to the peaceable and uninterrupted enjoyment of his possessions, is the same as that of every individual in the State. No man can molest him, in his houses or lands, without becoming at once a trespas ser, and liable to the punishment duo to such offences. The lw evon gives him the right to oppeso the trespasser, and to eject bim from bis premises, and authorizes the exerciso of sufßcienl force for Itial purpose. | If Mr. Fox, standing on his own ground, Irad j seen Mr. Walton wantonly tear down his j fence, open a pa*sge, and tnake an attempt i to euler his enclosure, he would have had j the right to resist that attempt, with a lorce j sufficient to prevent it. This is the law in ; relation to the rights of property, and no prosecution for an assault, or an assault and battery, could be maintained against the owner or possessor of land under such cir cumstance. There are, however, occasions when private rights are required'to give way to large public interests. No man is securo m his possessions against tho right, coupled with the necessity of the public to make roada or highways, through ar.d over the 1 premises. He holds his lee-simple title to Ills real estate, subject to the over-ruling right of the public in cases ol absolute necessity for the public welfare. In cases of impera tive necessity—as in the march ol an army to repel a foe—in the progress of the civil force of a country to suppress a dangerous mob—in tho risk of the citizens to assist in extinguishing a spteading lire—no one, 1 presume, will doubt thai the exigency of the public interest would override private rights, and would authorize, where the highway was rendered impassable, the pullhig down of fences, and entering of enclosures, even against the command of the owner of the premises. It is indeed a question of nicer balance to say, whether the ordinary public business of tho community, will justify a simple invasion of private rights under sim ilar circumstances of impassable highways. A careful examination of the principles of law applicable to such cases, together with a refeieuce to decisions bearing on the subject, has induced me to answer in the affirmative. I am of the opinion, and lay it down as the law, that where a public highway is wholly impassable, as in lire case of the storm in January last, the citizens l.ave tho right to enter an adjoining clo.e and make therein a temporary way, for the transaction of the or dinary business of tho community. This opinion is sustained by docisions of the En glish Courts so long back as the second Charles, and coming up to a recent period.— In one caso I have before me, it is stated that "if a way bo so foul as is not passable, I may then justify the going over another man's close next adjoining." In a treatise on the obstruction of highways found in the Law Library, it is said, "With respect to a 1 highway, it seems to be quite clear that if j "there be any obstruction, the passengers "may go over tho adjoining land. They may "remove any illegal, improper, or inconveni "ent interruption, but if the ordinary track "be so dangerous as to compel them to leavo "the road, they may go extra viiim, passing "as nearly to tho original way as possible." Lord Mansfield, in the case of Taylor vs. Whitehead, after speaking of private tvays, lays down the same principle in these words: "Highways are governed by a different prin ciple. They are lor the public service, and "if the usual track is impassable, il is for the "general good that people should be entitled "to pass ill another line." These decisions have never been overruled, ft is unfortun ate, perhaps, that the Supreme Court of this State, when the question was fairly before them, in the ease of Holdeu vs. Cole, did nol definitely determine the rights of parties in relation to '.his issue; but in that case it is quite clear they decided nothing adverse to the principle above laid down. Il was there determined, as it has been by repeated de cisions in this State, that where supervisors have opened a road or highway, even upon ground where il was not located, they have no authority to re-locate it, in oider to place it on what might be supposed its recorded sife. "The authority," says the court, "un "der an order to open, is exhaus'.ed by the "action of those to whom it is directed, and "cannot be resumed. The road once laid "eantiol be altered except by a new and an "original proceeding according to the road "law." The court further say that the super visors have no authority even on the ground of sudden necessity, to open a route for the public, through private property, till a road can be regulaily laid out; but they refuse to aver that the rights of individuals are restrain ed ill the same manner. On the contrary, where the Judge below expressed tho opinion in his charge to the Jury, that where a public road should become impassable, the owner of the land adjoining would have to submit to temporary inconvenience, for the benefit of the public, the Supreme Court simply withhold their opinion on the point, without any disaffirmance of the decision belo.v. You will see, from these observations, that had the road in question been blocked tip when this controversy occurred, in the way it was left by the storm of the 18th of January, Mr. Wilson would have had the right to pull down the fence of Mr. Fox and to have entered the close to pass round the obstruction in the highway. Enjoying this right as a case of necessity, Mr. Fox could r.o; legally have intercepted him, and would have been guilty of an assault and battery if he had used force 'o prevent him. The abso lute necessity of the case would havo chang ed the rights of the parties, flere, however, the case assumes a new aspect. Mr. Fox had been laboring to open the road for sev eral days, and had succeeded in cutting a passage through the snow bank, through which several sleighs had passed when Air. Walton arrived. The temporary blocking up of the wov was thus opened, by a broken slod, and by a drove of cattle, at tbo atrivai of the prosecutor, did not auihorizo him to tear down the fence and forco a way through the defendant, if the road was then otherwise passable. He might havo wailed and did wait, till those who then occupied the pas- Truth and Right God and our Country* sage had gotten through; attd ho tvou'ld rtfft I have been justified in tearing down the fence of the defendant on that account. The ques-1 tiOn will then present itself to you for deter mination. Was that place passable or was it noil You will remember that it is not ev ary impediment hi a road—every gutter which an unskilful driver cannot avoid—that will give him the right to enter on the adjoining land. There must been actual necessity lor the safety of travellers, before the right to enter an enclosure attaches. If this necessity existed at that place, from the character of the public thoroughlare, then Mr. Walton had the right lo tear down the fence and make a passage for himself, on the land of Mr. Fox. If no uecessity existed, : he had no tight on the ground of the defendant. Admitting, however, that ML Wakon had no right to enter the close of tie defendant, a question has been raised, whether Mr. Fox did not use more force thin was neces sary to repel him ! This, also, ie a question for you. The law on (his point is—a man may justify an assault and batwry in defence of his lands or goods. I'nlesi the trespass is accompanied with violence, the owner ol the laud will not be justified in assaulting the trespasser in the first plaee, but should re quest him to depart, and, if he refuses, should gently lay hands on him, and, if he resist, force may be used to expel him. It will be for the Jury to say—other circum stances not interfering—whether tho tearing down of the fence was or was not such an act of violence as would justify the force used by the defendant. These observations have been thrown to gether in the course of tiro trial and are not in such form as a revisal might give (hem; but tbey contain the principles of law appli cable to the case, leaving lo your judgment the application of the lacts and the determi nation of the guilt or iunuccuce ol Iho de fendant. Tlie Jury in thiscaso rendered a verdict in favor ol ihe defendant and directed the pros ecutor to <>ay the costs. A Fpclidthiill Election. A Loudon correspondent of tbc National Intelligencer, alluding to lite recent elections throughout Great Hritain, says that a great improvement hag taken placo within the last j half century. He says that in 1768, a contest ; tonk place which was known as the spend- I thrift election. The polling lasted for fourteen - days, and the candidates were Lord Halifax, i Northampton and Spencer. In proof of the I corruption, it is recorded that, though the I number of real electors did not exceed 930, I no fewer than 1149 persons voted. Tho al- ' most princely mansions of Norton, Castle- Ashby, and Althtope, were thrown open to all voters, and when tho cellars at Norton j wore drained of ull the old port, and Lord Halifax had to place his claret beloie iheca- j rout ers, they declared they would never vote ! for a man who gave them sour port, and went i over in a body to Lord Northampton al Castle- j Ashby ! The election was referred to a scru- j liny of the House of Commons; the inquiry lasted for six- weeks, during which sixty cov ers were daily laid at Spencer House for members, whose names were taken down each day. It resulted ill the number of voles being declared equal, and was finally decided by a toss—Lord tSpencer winning and nomi nating the member. The election cost Lord Spencer £IOO,OOO, and each ol the other lords £150,000 —almost incredible sums, when they are doubled, to express l heir present val ue; about $4,000,000, representing the total expenditures in money of this day ! Lord Halifax never recovered (he blow. Lord Northampton cut down his trees, sold his fur niture, and went abroad for the rest of bis life, dying in Switzerland. There isa sealed box at Castle-Ashby marked "Election Pa pen," which no one of the present genera-1 lion has had the courage to open. This, we j are aware, is an extreme case; but we have j known others which have approached it even since 1800. The Last Kul Tulc J A gentleman on the flay informed us yes i terday that in order to destroy the number of rats on his premises, be was in the habit of placing a tempting bailjn tbe yard, and on seeing agood crowd of "varmints" around it, would shoot them down from a convenient spot. As the rats began to get shy of the j common bait, bo procured a flask of sweet almond oil, and buried it in a hole in the yard, with only the mouth uncorked above the lev el. The rats could not resist the templing flavor of tbe oil, so they came with a great rush, and not a few fared badly. Yesterday morniog the gentleman saw two patriarchal looking rats cogitating over the oil flask, bow to get a taste of the luscous ar ticle within. After examining all around, one of them brightened up with an idea. Ue inserted his long tail into the oil flask, and when it was well moistened with (ho sweet oil, drew it out and permitted his friend to lick it. On the principle that one good turn deserves another, rat number two inserted his dorsal elongation into the oil flask, and allowed rat number one to enjoy the feast. This in-tailing process was kept amicably for some time, till rat number two, who was evidently a gourmand, instead of couGuing himself to licking his friend's caudal appendage, actu ally bit! " Wherottpott,'' to use our inform ant's language, "they had a fight, sir, such as has not been equalled since that of Tom Hyer and Yankee fjullivan."— Savannah Georgian. CF Prido breakfasted with Plenty, dinod with Poverty, and sttppod with Infamy. A NOVUL TIIfcOKY. SUM FLOWERS AS A PKEVENHVE OF AGUE. Lieut. Maury, in an article 'ooflrtnutviealed to the Rural New Yorker, maintains that the growing of sun (lowers around a dwelling located near a fever and ague region, neu tralizes the miasma in which that disease originates. He was led to make an experi ment by tho following circumstances: The dwelling of the Superintendent of tho Observatory at Washington, is situated on a hill, on the left bank of tho Potomac, in lat. 38" 39' 53''. It is 94 feel above low "Water matk, and about 400 yards from the rivor.— The grounds pertaining to it, about 17 acres, are enclosed by u wall on the blast,South and West, and with a picket fence on the North. The South and West walls run parallel with the river, the Cliesapeuke and Ohio Canal, and a row of sycamores, of some 20 yoars growth, separating the wall from the river. I In fact, the river, with its marshes, encircles ! about half of the grounds. The house is, I therefore, in tho bend of the river, anJ the place is so unhealthy that the family of the Superintendent are compelled to vacate it five months out of lite twelve, the mar.-hes being covered with a rank growth of grass and weeds, which begin to decay curly in August. A knowledge of these facts led Lieut. Maury's mind to the following process of reasoning: "if it s jo ttro decay of the vegetable matter on the marshes that produces '.lie sickness on the hill, then the sickr.ess must be owing to the deleterious effect of some gu, miasma or diluvium, (hut is set free during the de composition, and if so, the poisonous matter, or the basis of it, whatever it be, must have been elaborated during the growth of rhe weeds, and set free in their decay. Now, if this reasoning be good, why might we nol, by planting other vegetable matter between us and the marshes, and by bringing il into vigorous growth just about the time that that of the marshes begins to decay, bring Iresb forces to the vegetable kingdom again to play upon this poisonous matter, and elaborate it again into vegetable tissue, and sopurily the air? j "This reasoning appeared plausible enough | to justify the trouble and expense of export | metit, and I was encouraged to expeet more lor h'ss success from it, in the circumstance : that everybody said, 'plant trees between J you and the marshes—they will keep off the j chills.' Rut as to the trees, it so happens I that at the very time when the decottttposition | ott the marshes is going on most rapidly, the | trees, for ihe moat part, have stopped their growth to prepare for the winter; and though ' trees might do some good, yet a rank growth of something got up for the occasion, might do more. Hops climb high; they are good 1 absorbents, and of a rank growth, but there I were objections to hops on account of stakes, [ poles, &c. I recollected that i had often I seen sun flowers growirg about the cabins in 1 the West, and had heard, in explanation, that lit WHS 'healthy' to have ibern. This was so | much more in favor of making the experi ment with sun flowers." | Lieut. Maury says that an acre of sun ; flowers will absorb during their growth many j thousand gallons of water more than are I supplied by tho rains. They are of easy | cultivation, and "he seeds, which are very j valuable, find a ready Inurket at the drug stores. The theory or scieuce of the experi ment is this: The ague and fever poison is set free during the process of vegetable de cay, which poison is absorbed by the rank j growing sun flower, again elaboraied into | vegetable matter, and so retained until cold I weather sets in. The result of the experi ment is thus narrated; "Filially, I resolved lo make the experi ment at the risk of spoiling the looks of a | beautiful lawn. Accordingly, in the fall of J 1855, the gardener trenched up to the depth of 2i feet a belt about 45 feet broad around | the Observatory oil the marshy side, and from 150 to 200 yards from the buildings. The conditions of the theory 1 was about to try, required rich ground, tall sun flowers and a rank growth. Accordingly, after beiug well | manured from the stable yard, the ground was properly prepared and planted in sun flowers. They grew finely; tho sickly season was expected with more than ordinary anxi ety. Finally it set in, and there was shaking at the President's House and other places as usual, but for the first time since the Oher vatory was built, the watchmen about it wea thered the summer clear of chills anJ levers. These men, being most exposed lo the night air, suffer most, and heretolore two or three relays of them would be attacked during the season—for as oue falls sick, auoUier is em- ployed in hie place, who, iu into, being at tacked, would iu liko manner give way to a fresh hand. And last year, attacks of ague and fever were more than usually prevalent ill the neighboring parts of thoctty." During the presaul year, Lieut. Maury in tends to repeat the experiment, witti varia tion in two respects. First the seeds are to be planted later; and, second, there are to be two plantings, so that the last crop may be caught by the frost while yet in rtower. If on a second trial the result proves equally favorable, the practical benefit of the discov ery will be great indeed, and Lieut. Maury wilt have added another to the evidences he has given, that true science is the handmaid of practical utility. BT A revolutionary patriot, a native of Long Islaud, passed through Easton, lately, on bis way to the place of his uativity, hav ing walked all the way from the State of Illi nois. He seems in excellent condition to complete his journey. Ho gave his age at 110 years. UN li HY ONE. BY CIIAB. DICKENS. One by one the sands are flowing, Ono by one tho moments fall; Some are coming, some aro going, Do not strive to grasp them all. One ly one thy duties wait llteO, Let thy whole strength go to each; Let no future dreams elate thee, Learn 'llior. first what these Can teach. One by one (bright gifts from heaven) Joys are sent tlioe hero bolow; Take thetti readily when given, • Beady too to let them go. Ono by one thy griefs shall meet thee, Do nflt fear an armed band: One will fade as others greet thee, Shadows passing through the laud. Do not look at life's lor.g sorrow; See how small each moment's pain, God will help theo for to-morrow, Every day begin again. . Every hour that fleets so slowly I las its task to do or bear; Luminous tho crown, and holy, If you set each gem with care. Do not linger with regretting, Or for passing hours despond, Nor, the daily toil forgetting, Look too eagerly beyond. Honrs are golden links, God's rokort, Beaching heaven; but one by "lie, Take them, lest the chain be broken, Ere thy pilgrimage be done. CHINA AND THE CHINESE. j Our foreign files contain much interesting j information ill relation to China anil the Chi- | uese. Tho town of Canton is said to be nine miles in circumference. It is the residence of a Viceroy, and is divided by walls, into the Chinese and Tarter towns. The popula tion is reckoned at -100,000; it is calculated that 60,000 persons live it) the boats, and about 000,000 in the immediate vicinity.— Each trade or call' ng has its especial street, so that in one there is nothing but crockery and glass; in another, silks, &e. Between the houses small temples are often seen, but they do not differ from the surrounding build ings, The gods, loo,occupy the ground tloor, the upper stories being inhabited by simple mortals. A traveler who sometime since vis ited Canton, gives this sketch: The bustle in tho streets was astonishing, especially ill those set opart lor the sale ol provisions. Women and girls of the lower clasps went about with their purchasers, just !as in Europe. They were all unveiled, and I some ol litem waddled like geese, in cottso ! quence of their crippled fuel, which, as 1 be- I (ore observed, extends to all ranks. The ' crowd was considerably increased by tho number of porters, with large baskets of pro visions on their shoulders, running along, aud praising in a loud voice their stock in traJe, and warning the people to make way for them. At other times the whole breadth of the street will be taken op, and the busy stream of human beings completely stopped by the litter of some rich or noble personage proceeding tu his place ol business. But worse mail ail were the numerous porters we met at every step we look, carrying large baskets of unsavory matter. I After threading our way for at least two ' miles through a succes.ion of narrow streets, we at length emerged into the open space, where we obtained a full view of the city Walls, and from the summit of a small hill . which was situated near them, a tolerably extensive one over the town ilsel'. The city walls are about 60 feet high, and for most part, so overgrown with grass, creeping plants, and underwood, that they resemble a magnificent ol living vegetation. The town resembles a chaos of small house, with new and then a solitary tree, but we saw neither fine streets nor squares, nor any re nrarkable buildings, temples, or pagodas A single pagoda, five stories hiah, reminded us of tho peculiar character ot Chinese arch itecture. The Chinese have many peculiarities.— They begin thair writing at the right baud of (he page. The men wear a loose dress, and carry a fan. The grandfathers ohen walk on stills, and amuse themselves by flying paper kites, while the boys look gravely on. The following from the writer already quoted, will be read with interest : When wa had nearly reached the end of our excursion, we met a funeraL A horrible kind of musio gave us warning that some thing extraordinary was approaching, and we had hardly lime to look up and step on one side, belore the procession came ilying past us at fuli sped. First came the worthy mu iciatis, followed by a lew Chinese, next two empty litters carried by porters, and then the hollow trunk ol a tree, representing the cof fin, hanging to a long pole, and carried in a similar manner; last of all were some priests and a crowd of people. A lew days later 1 visited a tea factory The proprietor condncied me himself over the workshops, whtch consisted of large halls, in which six hundred people, includ ing a great many old women and children, wore at work. My entrance occasioned a perfect revolt; old and young rose irom work, the elder ponton lifting up the younger members of the community in their armsand poiuting at me with their fingers. The whole mass then pressed close upou me and raised so horrible a cry that I began to be alarm ed. The proprietor aud bis overseer bad • difficult task to keep ctf the crowd, and begged me to content myself with a hasty glance at the different objects, and then quit the building as soou an possible. In consequence of this, I coo id only man age to obsetve that the leaves of 'he plant aw [Two Dollars per Annna. NUMBER 18. thrown lor a lew.seconds into boiling water, and then placed in flat iron pana, fixed slan tingly in atone work, Where ttocy are e&ight'y roasted by a -gentle hear, oaring which pro cess they are'coutinually stirred by the hand. As soon as they begin to curl a little, they are thrown upon large planks, and each aiught leaf is rolled together. This is effected with such rapidity that it requires a person's undi vided attention to perceive that no-more than one 'leaf is rolled up at a time. Black is* lakes some lime to roast, and the green is frequen-ly colored with l'tucsian blue, an ex ceedingly small quautiiyjof which is added during the second roasting. Last of all the tea is once more shaken out upon the large boards, in order that it may be carefully in spected, and the leaves that are not entirely closed are rolled over again. Before I left, the proprietor conducted nr.e into his house, and treated me to a cup of lea prepared a.'.ffrjhe fashion in which it is usually drank by tich and noble Chinese. A small quantity was placed in a China cup, boiling water pouted upon it, and the cup then closer 1 , with a light fitting cover. In a lew seconds the tea is then drank, an# the leaves left at the bottom. The Chirfask take neither sugar, rum nor milk with their lea ! they say that anything added to it, causes it to lose its aroma. In my cup, however, a little sugar was put. The London Alornir.g Star, alluding to some of tho recent scenes in Canton, says : Under the British flag, and in the name of ( a lliitish Queen, deeds ate perpetrated which j make one's blood boil with indignation, aud | which are rivalled hy tho merciless atrocities J of which we read in counoctioii with i'sgau ! history. A tf'lCTtJftK Of liOSUON. Wo recent'y alluded 10 (he destitution an 4 misery which prevail among die poor of Lon don, and especially lo the crowded and un healthy manner in which tome of them are compelled to live, in narrow alleys and damp cellars. One instance, in which 48 men, 79 women,'and 59 childreu resided in 3 f rooms. The Loudou Times has taken up the subject, with a view lo arouse tho authoiries tc the necessity of tome sys tem of reform, and concludes a bold and strong article with this language: 'Ms there no moral from this contrast ? Is the modern Dives guiltless because he runs away, and the modern Lazarus to be lei: alone because he hides in a corner his mis cry and his sin? Vet there is no city in the world like the City of London for its religion and its charities. There is no English city so well churched, so wi-J clargyet!, so well bishoped, so well tithed, eo well rated, so well charltied, so well armed with all the slufTof long established piety and ostentatious benevolence. I'overty, disease and crime tu this city are the material out of which whole clas.es are enriched. We have Unions to relieve them, hospitals to cure ihenr, and clergy to convert them. So well secuieu are the higher influences that when a parish dis appears its church remains, and, if there be no flock to tithe, the very sod and bricks maintain the pastor. There is no arty in the whole wotid In which the aggregate expen diture for all public purposes,—tor govern ment, for police, for charites, for schools, for churches, tor clergy, for infirmaries and dis pensaries,—comes at all near that of the city of London. Vet the result Is the existence and even the fresh growth, in the heart of litis metropolis, and within the favored bor ders of the 'City,' ol these physical and moral jlague nests. In the whole world, far away lrorn the preaching of missionaries, there is no 6uch titter brutishcess, such groveling and wallowing, as is discovered in ihe ' Ward of Bishopsgate.' Dives is inJecJ wise in his generation to fly o' nights from such a foul proximity. When Lazarus had doue his dsy's work and betakes himself to his stye he is a very unwholesome brute. Where he, bis companions, and his cubs feed and litter, the dirt ferments, and the very air is enven omed. Dr. Letheby has analyzed it and found that it has lost its share of life-giviug power, and that it is charged, not oaly with more than its share of sluggish elements but also with the vapors of death, and .he princi ple of putrefaction. Mature, which kindly dissipates this horrid etlluvium. and raises it from the lair where it is generated, diffuses it to the dwelling of the tradesman and the daily resort of the merchant. They are made fearfully aware of the present pest; they hear with alarm the advance of fever; they inves tigate its source, and tindomasiuk of crime. Such is the parable of our own city and our own times. It", as we believe, the case is worse, and the contrast more flagrant, than i.n the sacred page, the lesson is at least as plain and as fearful. Certainly there ought not to be such a state of things. Its existence is not only an evil, it is a crime; and thd the crime is shared by all who can do any thing to abate it, and leave that undone.'' UsitrcL HlMTS.—Never enter a sick room iu a state of prespi ration, as, the moment vou become cool, your ports absorb. Do not approach contagious diseases with aa empty stomach, nor sit between the sick and the tire, because the heat attracts the thin vapor. KF* Says a scientific writer: "To obtain some idea of the immensity of the Creator's works, let us look through Lord Ross' tefe seopo and wo discover a star in tho iuiiuiUt depths of space whoso light is J,500,(MW years iu traversing to our carta, ut the velocity of 12,000.00* irniesin a wunite. And K'hokt Cod was there '
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