CONSUMPTION, AND AI.L DISEASES OF THE LUNGS sxl THIT' AT are positively curable by nhalalion, which* convey# the remedies to he cavities in the lungs through the air pas tsges, and coming in direct contact with the disease, neutralizes the tubercular matter, allays the cough, causes a free and easy ex pectoration, heal* the lungs, purifies the blood, imparls renewed vitality to the nervous eys lem, giving that tone and energy so indis pensable lor the restorative of health. To be able to state confidently that Consumption i" rumble by inhalation, is to me a source of unalloyed pleasure. It is a* much under the control ol medical treutmeni as any other formidable disease; ninety out of every hun dred oases can be cured in the first stages, •nd fifty per cent, in lite second; but in the third stage it is impossible to save more than five per cent., for the lungs are so cut up by the disease as to biJ defiance to medical skill. Even, however, in the last stages, in halation affords extraordinary reliel to the suffering attending this tearful scourge, which annually destroys ninety five thousand per sons in the United Slates alone; and a correct calculation shows that out of the present pop ulation of the earth, eighty millions are des tined to fill the consumptive's grave. Truly the quiver of dentil has no arrow so fatal as Consumption. I" a" ages it bus been the great enemy of life, for it spares nei her age nor sex, but sweeps off alike the brave, the beautiful, the graceful, anil lly the help ol that Supreme Being, front whom connetli every good and perfect gift, I otn enabled to oder to the aftfeted a perma nent ar.d speedy cure in Consumption. The first cause of tubercles is from impure blood, and the immediate effect, produced i by their disposition in the lungs, is to prevent the free admission of sir into the air cells, ] which causes a weakened vitality through < the entire system. Then surely it is more rational lo expect greater good 'mm cines entering the cavities of the longs than from those administered through the etom ech; the patient will always find the longs free mid the breMliing easy after inhaling | temedies. True, inhalation is a local | l remedy, nevertheless ii acts constitutionally, j and with more power and certainty Ihun rem- i odies administered by the stomach. To prove the powerful and direct influence ot this mode of ad min tst rat ion, chloroform inhaled - will entirely destroy sensibility in a lew min utes, paralyzing the entire nervous system, so , that'n limb may be amputated without the s'ighiest pain ; inhaling the ordinary burning gas will destiny life in a lew hours. The inhiiliitinii of ammonia will rouse the . system when tainting or apparently dead.— The odor of many ol the medicines is per- . ceptible in the skin a few minutes after being ' inhaled, and may he immediately detected 1 ill the blood. A convincing proof of the j. constitutional effects ol inhalation, is (lie fact 1 ihsl sickness is always produced by breath- 8 ing foul utr. Is not this positive evidence h dial proper remedies, carefully prepared and judiciously administered through the lungs should produce the most happy results? Du- S ring eighteen years'practice, many thous ands. suffering fro.n diseases of the lungs and throat, have been under my care, and I have affected many remarkable cures, even alter the sufferers had been pronounced in , the last slge, which fully satisfies me that * consumption is no longer n latal disease.— My treatment of consumption is original, and founded oil long experience and a thorough il investigation. My perfect acquaintance with the Datum of tubercles, &e , enables me to distinguish readily tho various forms of Jts • ease thai simulate consumption, and apply the proper temedies rarely being mistaken even in a single case. This familiarity in connection with certain pathological and mi- | l ctoscopic discoveries, enables me to relieve j I the longs from the effects of contracted chests; J „ to enlarge the chest, purity the blond, impart | lo it renewed vitality, giving energy and tone t „ to the entire system. Box 53. Post Office, G. W. GRAHAM, M D ! Office 10!) Filbeti Street, below l'welfdt, Philadelpltia, Pa , March 10, 1857. QUxjrtSiuaSEJ sA-125 j GREAT GIFT BOOK SAI E, 400 Hhoauway, New Yohk. Fine Hold Jewelry giro a-.ray to Pur - j chasers of Hooks- ALL Hooks will be sold as low as can be I bad at other Stores, many of them lor less. New Books received daily. A Gilt varying in value Irom 25 cents to SIOO, giv en with each book at the tune ii i* sold.— Having on hand a very large slock of nrtr and | valuable Hook*, ami as cur motto is "Large sales and small ptoli's." we are determine.! <o give out customers better bargains than can be had elsewheie Any book published in New York or Philadelphia will be prompt- 1 Iv sent, gilt included, on receipt of publish er's price. Cataloguer ot Bonks and Pres ents, containing lull explanations will be sent free io sit pans of ihe country. The most hbtud tat,'turmoils are offered lo Agents. Anv persen sending us an order for ten books, with monsv enclosed, will be en titled to an rrlrti Hock and (lift. All orders tor books, centsiniog money, (io ensure peitect sstety ) should be regis* tered at the Post Office whet* thev are mail ed, and directed to Evans & Co., -406 Broad way. New York. HeSrtmct —M. Thomas & Sons, South 4 h Street, Philadelphia : J. B Lippincott & Co . Philadelphia: D. Appleton & Co, Broad way ; Deiby & Jacksoo. Nassau Street, New York. SEND FOR A CATALOGUE. EVANS ft CO. Principal S ere, fit? Brodway. N \ Branch S ores at 125 Chestnut Street, Phil adelphta. and at Wa-hingtotv, P. C. IVc. 20. 1856 -3 m. \ tl lIIIOOD, AND I FN PKIiMA iT Ri: DECAY. Just Published. Gratis, tkt ?P?A Thousand jfdJflmßm A tew word# on the rational treat without Me, 1 cm# of Soer wausjsajw iwatorrbea or Local \V#hnvs Nocturnal Emissions, Cennal and Nervou: Debility, Iwvpoteocy, and Impediments ti hlaniage generally. KVn DE LANKY. M D. The important fact that the many alarnvrv; complaint*, originating in ihe imprudem ard solitude of yocih.may be easily remove v.rhojti in this small tract, ctearii demon*:rated: and the entirely new am htgMy svtccessfol tieaimert. as adopted br five Ac.thor. fully explained, by roear.s o which every one is enabled to cure Aawaaj perfectly and at the !e**i possible cot*, tbene by avoiding al! the advertised nostrum* e tb day. Sent ta amy addre**. gravis and pos: ire# in a sealed euveiope. by remitting, pos r-s i two postage s'amp*, to Dr. B DK I.ANEV 11, L'isperanJ S-reei. New fork City. Jarcary 5, 1857 -6m "ITTHRATLEVS ARCH STREET THEA- I * TEE Arc* Siren, oftw SixfA, PtuT TSK Siaa Cowrasr. C omoosed FFF the first Artist* in the vrorfd. and extern ding ut Stvetgtfv and TaVrv ay IVamarrc r-o*ibt,a itaa Mvetoiore offered to the Tb-atricat Pot be, wiif apnea; EVERY NKHT i a Comeoy T-age.-t ScrwvCoitu: Draaoa, Yaodeviiies Music* Barietta# Ax , ftc. Ot Wbwv eiwig fte eity, gw ifteue. FBB BEST A caere building oa Mate street. Bwae ban. let Ml en reasnoabke era* GEORGE WEAVER JS,oowftKl. Ke# 24, MP" TO THE FASIIONABLE AND® •TpHE undersigned, havingj nslreceived the •*■ latest Paris and New York Fashions would again beg leave to inform his (turner oua friends and all the world about Blooms burg, that he is now belter prepared tuan ev er to accommodate any one with the neatest, easiest and best filling suits of Clothes that have been turned out lately; and not only I that, but he will also do them up in the best order, upon the lowest terms. His shop is at the old stand, (too wel known to need (utlhernoiire) where ha may at all times be found, seated upon the bench of repentance, steadily drawing out th vthrcao of aflliction, hopeing it may in the end provt advantageous to him ami his customers. IU would also advise his friends to bear in minn that poor, atllictcd tailors most live, or they can't he oxpected to work. Therefore, VVhoat llye. Corn, Oats, Potatoes, and with nil now i and then a little CASH will come mighty h wily from those who are back-standing on h!e book. j Remember, gentlemen, that iti till cases "thelaborer is worthy of his hire." BERNARD RUPERT. Rloomsbnrg, April I4lh, 1853. OiUiN ILINK AND ILTERII^^STARIiG. o££S< iPtMsaatlflsao jVOW runs anew omnibus between Blooms burg and the Railroad Depot, which will take passengers from and to any of the residences of lite town, or the American House anil Forks Hotel; and he will I also furnish conveyances to all travellers who ' may wish lo go into any part of the comity The omnibus will leave Bloomsburu twice j daily ut 12 o'clock M., and at 2 o'clock P. M. (VFare 124 ecu s each way. lie bus also u large livery stable connected with the omnibus line, from which ho can accommodate the public, with conveyances lor travelling, pleasure exrnrsions or busi ness. Stand in the rear ol Hoffman & Else's establishment, near the centre ol the town. NOAH S. PRENTISS. Rloomsbnrg, June 3, 1855. ly. lr<'iiiinm improved SUPER-I'HO ST IIATE OF LIME. The Only Silver Medal \T.T uward—d by Agriculiural Societies, ■ was given to this superior article, at the Pennsylvania State Fair, at llirrisburg, a* a Fertilizer ol the Hest Quality lor M heal, torn. Oafs, Grass & relators. liaising heavy crops, uii.l greatly improving the soil. The subscriber respectfully inlorrns farmer* ami dealers that he is prepared to supply the full demand with this superior and well tested article. Agents ll'mikd—A liberal discount allowed,, \O. I PI.BOYIAK* MEXICAN GUANO* Poudrette and l.atul Plaster. Oils, Candles, Soap, i\-c., Of the best quality, at lowest market rates. JOHN L. PO.VIF.HOY, .Xinlli and Tenth Wharves, below Mar- Let Sheet, Philad'a. rW Farmer* can load at two private alleys, and avoid the crowded VYbatl. August It', 1836-3 in. ••Quirk Itrlurns and Small I'roflls." A. J. EVANS, HAS just received and opened a new as sortment ol seasonable goods from Phil adelphia, which be is determined lo sell quick aim cheap. Ho has everything desir uklo lo* I. utiles' iiinV GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, and all dry goods lor domestic and house hold use, suited lor the FAI L THAI K. Ho has also a lu'l supply ol Qneenswsro. Hard ware. Wood ware, Brooms, Looking Glasses, BOOTS AND SHOES, and a good stock of FRESH gpgesft-a AT THE 1 OVVEST PRICKS OE HIE M AR KET. He w ill sell at the lowe*tliving profits, and will make it toihe interest ol purchasers io deal with them. nerr all and see our Stock _£K3 Rloomsburg. Aug. 20, 1856. JOHN A MOORK. JOIIS W, WIU.UMS MOORE 8c WILLIAMS, Crnrral Commission Mrrrhants, uml dealers in KIITEB.S 9 SUPPLIES, So. M South U'oltr SI., TkUoMpkia. THE snbvcrtbers having been associated with the coal trade and mining operations gtHfiut/y. for several ye-r ate prepared to supply orders lor all articles contingent to mining purposes at the lowest talcs, with care and dispatch. Our stock comprises the following articles: 011.5—Sperm. Solar. Elephant, Bleached, Racked. 1-ard. Rosin. Creasing. I.inseed Salety laimps. Fuse*. Ida-ting Paper. Nope Chains. Ropes, all Stre. Pulleys. Wicktng. Wire Hope. Tar and Tuch Thon ley 's Celebra cd Com Belting, Wa-hers. Packing ——Basting and other Powders. Soap, Caudles. ftc. rvferj-NCFS Hodgson & Keen, Philadelphia, j J B A &5. Allen, Charles Miller & Co., *' 5. Kottiermel. Eq., " 1 John Thornley. Esq , " Wm. IV Haven. Esq . Mirversriile, Ta. Hon W. Oonaklson, Pottsville, Pa. Hon C W. IV man. Ceo. W.Snyder. E>q , *' D. P Brown. Vsq., " L. P. Biook, Esq.. " J J. Connor. Ashland. Pa. Philadelphia. Jan. 16, ISST.-Iy. tgs* SUSJ T&P.TrRSLBIES ft MFPFA", (ieimnatowa R.vtd ka'f on Hint r'l r ilk firm ttt Exchtmgt hf ifmnibus. SHAPE. FRUIT ANP ORNAMENTAL TREES. SHKTBS. PLANTS, ROSES, ftc . Ouhivaed and for sale in quar.u.tev to sun neater* and ohers. including an extensive and varied assornnem nt air ihe desirable va> rimes of the above, for sale wbclssaie and retail. I Cata'ogce* can be bad re application, gva'ia. 5. MALTA! ft CO. N. B —When addressed by mail, direct if Rising Sua T. o_, Philadelphia. Oor par.ii are in the Marks'. Market S: tclow Sixth, vhere orders are also i rest red. March 25:h, 1857-fti. Lralhrr. Liralbcr! Lealhrr! W. SVJSaKAK, iMsoaraa or rKEXCU C.iLF SKISS and Lcarral Leather Dealer, No f Sorrh Third Street. Phvia. TF" A general assort steer of a ; < kind# oi Lcaitier. Momeeo.ftc ftc. RED/LSD OAS SOLE LEATHER February 26. 1857.—1f. BLiSKS! BLiSfcS!! BLUkill DEE OP SIMMONS. KXEfll IONS STRIKE* AS AND JUDGMENT NOTES, of porper ft desirable foraaa. do* sale at tha offox of tie "Star oftbe Nonft-'f SALAMANDER ] §Sm^ * wats ° ,,v Great Fire, Chestnut & Fifth Streets, MONDAY MORNING, DECEMBER, 15th, 1854. EVANS & WATSON'S SALAMAN DER SAFES TRIUMPHANT, as they al ways are when put to the test. Philadelphia, Dec. 15M, 1554. Messrs. Evans SL Watson, No. 26 south Fourth Street, Philadelphia.—Gentlemen:— We 'nke pleasure in recommending your Salnmunder Safes to merchants and dthers in want of a secure means of preserving their hooks, papers, &c., from fire, as the one we purchased from you about seven months since has preserved oor books, pa pers, and cash in as good condition as they were when put into it, before the great fire oflhis morning, which destroyed the entire tdock of buildings corner of Chestnut and ! Fifth Streets. The above Safe was in use in our office, on the second floor of our build ing. from which place it fell into the cellar, HIKI remained there until the fire was out The sale was then removed, and opponed in the presence ol at least 1000 persons, who witnessed the good condition ol the contents. Will you please have the Safe and locks re paired, as WH intend to put it in use again, having perlert confidence in its tire proof qualities. Y'ours, respectfully, LACKY & PHILLIPS. Evans & Watson take pleasure in referring to the following, among the many hundreds, who have their Sales in use:—U. S. Mint, Philadelphia; Farmers & Mechanics' Bank, Philadelphia; Samuel Allen, Esq. High Sher iff, Philadelphia; John N. Henderson, Ci:y Controller; Caleb Cope & Co., No. 183 Mar ket street; Richard Norris & Sun, Locomotive builders, Philadelphia; Bancroft & Sellers, Machinists, corner 16th and James streets ; Franklin Fire Insurance Co., Philadelphia; Petit sylvttnia Railroad Co, Philadelphia; Laeey & Phillips, enrner of slh and Minor street; Sharpies* Hro., No. 32south Second street ; James, Kent & Santee, No. 117 north Third street. A large assortment of ilia above Safe* al ways on hand [warranted lo slant! at least 10 per cent, more (ire ilian any Herring's Sitio now in rise ] Evan* fc Watson also inuiinlacliire anil keep lor sale, Iron Shutters, Iron Doors, urn! Iron SHSII, for making lire proof Vanlla, for Hanks, stores, private anil public buildings; Seal ami Letter Copying Presses ; l'eten I Slate Lined Refrigerators. &e. Please give us a cull at No. 26 South 4th sireel Philadelphia. EVANS & WATSON. March 27, 1856. TONICS WON'T 110. rfMIF.Y never did do more than give tempo ' rity relief and they never will. It is be cause they rlon't touch the cause of the dis ease. The crttute ol all ague anil billions dis eases is the atmospheric poison called Mias ma or Malatia. Neutralize this poison by its AY? TUR.IL w IXTWO TE. and all diseases caused by it disappears at once. Rhodes' Fever and Ague Cure is this Antidote to Malaria, and moreover it is a perfectly harmless medicine. The certificate of the celebrated chemist, I. U. Chilton, of New Votk. to this died, i* attached to every bottle : therefore if it does no good it car. do no harm. This is more than can be said of Quinine, Arsenic, or any tonic in existence, us their use i* ruinous to the constitution and brings oil DC M U Atil'H, which never allows a per son in feel pniloeily well for a single moment. In itlixuiatinn of tknso Weill* I annex some extracts trotu a letter just received from a Physician: l.eorgetaien, Ohio, March 17, '56. .Its A Ritrmcs, KM). —Dear Sir: Yours of 5d in-t. is at hand. '1 he Cure arrived late last year and the difficulty in getting any one to try it was greatly increased from the fact thai*a remedy had been introduced which was growing in favor with ihe public, as be ing better than using Quinine.—-not knowing I presume thai the remedy they needed io escape taking Quinine, contained ibe DRUG irSF.LFI This remedy, (knc.w-t a "Smith's Tonic,") would invariably BREAK an ngue, bill it did not Cl'BK it, and it would often return with renewed vigor. The one circumstance 1 deemed in your favor, if I could institute a ii comparison between ii and your CURE. The following is the result: Three persons look your "Cure," all of winch were esses of "Quotidian lniermil teru Fever." 01 many weeks standing. They had itted Quinine, end other remedies, occa sionally nursing a chill, but it was, la* in all such cases,j slowly wearing them out. and laving rhe foundation of other and reveter maladies. I did succeed in effecting a radi cal cure of all threw of these cases with your remedy, and they have not bad a chill since In all three ot litese cases the "Smith's Ton ic ' had been used, and would, as betore sta led. break the chill, but after a period or two had elapsed it would return. 1 think there will be no difficulty now in giving to year "Cure" the vantage ground ot any other remedy now in n<e here, &c. ftc. WILLIAM BUCKNERL M. 0. RHODES' FEVER and AGUE CURE, or Hi . 'idols to Malaria, ihe only harmless rente dy m existence, is eqital'v certain as a PRE VENTIVE, as a "CI'RK." Take it when you feet the chill coming on, and you will never have a single one JAMES A. RHODES. Froynfor. Providence, R. I. Tor sals by Druggists generally. June 15, 1856. A cat Wholesale Drug Store. „Vo. ffff South Second Stretl, 1*1! I LA DEL. I* 111 4. V SPENCER THOMAS. IMPORTER ** • Manufacturer, and Dealer ir. Drugs, Jtiedicines, Chsmreals. Acid*. Dye Stuffs. Palais, Oils, Colors, White Lead, French ami Aruerean White Zinc, Window Class, C:asswa r e. Varnishes. Broshes, lustra mens, tlround Spices. Whole Spice*. and al other articles usually kept by Druggists, in c! ortisg Ror/ix. Indisci. Glut. Shellac, Polatth, Lr fcr fto. All orders by mail or otherwise promptlv attended ta COUNTRY MERCHANTS are invited to call and examine our stock be lore purchasing elsewhere. Iv' GOODS sent to any of the Wharves ot Rail Road Nations. Puces iow and goods warranted. Philadelphia, March 16 1856-y. P E2V X SILT A AIA N-s r ©a2s.sao Ac. 56 .Irch St. bet. Second ft Third, (Opposite Bread Sireet.) PHILADELPHIA: YIEVES. riddles, screens, woven meshes and width*, with all t üb* of plain and farcy wire work. Heavy Twilled Wire fwr Spark Catcher*; Coal. Sand atd Grave! Screen#: Paper Maker'* Wire; Cylinder and Dandy Roil*, covered ia aha best manner: Ware and W ire Fencing. A ,qj at peri or article of Heavy Foaoders Sieve*. Ah kmos of lrae Ore Win and BATLISS, TABBY ft LVNH Aegaet *6. 856 -*• t Business Directory. filoomobnrg, flu. , DAVID LOHENBER6, ' /"CLOTHING STOKE, on Main street, two , doors above the 'American House." ATT. EVANS ' TIffEUCHANT—Store on the upper part of Main atreet, nearly opposite the Episcopal Church. 1 B 7c. smvß, ; Itf ANUFACTUREU OF FURNITURE , iTI AND CABINET WARE—Wareroom inShive's Block, on Main Street. ATMT RTPERT, rrtINNER AND STOVE DEALER— L Shop on South side of Main street, be low Market. R- W- WEAVER, A TTORNEY AT LAW—Office on the -£*- first Hoor of the "Star" Building, on Main street. JOSEPH SHARPLESS. FOUNDER ANN MACHINKST, Build ings on the alley between the "Exchange and "American House." ~MRNARD RUPERT, r I iAILOR.—Shop on the South Side of Main A Street, first square below Market. A. C. MENSCII, XI ERCHANT—Store North West corner ■t'A of Main aiut Market S'reets. 11 IB AJI c. UOH ER, wiITRGEON DENTIST.—Office near the Academy on Third Sireet. M'KELVV, NEAL & CO., MERCHANTS— Northeast corner of Main and Market streets. JOSEPH SIIARPLESS, MANUFACTURE AND DEALER IN STOVES, TINWARE fea—Establish mem on Main street, next Duilding übove ho Court-house. PIIII D 0 >V S DIGEST. A NY Justice of the Peace wishing to pur *™chu*e a copy of Purdon's Digest,can be accommodated by applying at he this Otfi? n ariiiaisiLiPo TIJi: I'OCKET CSCI'LAPICS) OR, RVKRT ONK HIS OWN PHYSICIAN. FIFTEITH hundred Engiavinga, &'' iraa VA showing Pisceses and Mal- K £wG?als\ 'Q' d ' ntt ' (in ' of iho human fit f££B 'Bff*' 19 "y* ,f,n If every shspo and E W orm * ° which i added B 4aßflfcnf m * Treatise on the Piseases ne jy °f Females, being of the ried people, or those enn lemplating marriage, My WILLIAM YOUNG, M. D. Let r.o lather he ashamed the present a copy of the Ae<eulapius to his child. It may save him from an early grave, bet no young man or woman enter into the secret obligation* o! mar. ried life without reading the Poeke Aesculapius Let no one suffer from a haeknied L'ough l'sin in the Side,restless nights, nervous feelings, and the whole train ol Pesprptic sensatioua, and given up by thi*ir physicians, ho another moment without consulting the AKBCULA rtt'a. the mariiet „• *ves sW...i i. n. married any impediment,read this truly useful hook, as it has been the means of saving thou sands of unfortunate creatures front the very jaws of d eatli- Any personaending twenty five cents, en closedin a letter.will receive one ropy of this book,by mail,or live copies willheseni for one dollar. Address. Pr. W. Young .No. C 53 Spruce atreet, Philadelphia,' Post paid. No 153 Spruce St., Philadelphia. Sep- Ist, 1884-ly. LLi U <E> 03 'JLEk S3 lb OQ UP fi? Cabinet Ware Rooms, 8. C. SIIIVE RKSPECTFULIA invites the attention of ol the Publto to hta extensive assort ment of Cabinet Fur.ii.ureand Chairs, which ho will warrant made of good materials and ! in a workmanlike manner. At his Establish. I Tieni, can always be louud a good asaort i ment of Fashionable Furnilne. Which is equal in style and finish to that of Philadelphia or New York cities, and at as low prittf. He has Sofas of different style and prices, from 825 to 560. Divans, Loun ges, Walnut ar.d Mahogany Parlor chairs, Hooking and easy chairs, Piano stools, and a variety of upholstered work, with Dressing and parlor bureaus, sofa, card, centre and pier tables, detashus. ehefl'eniers, whatnots and comodes and all kinds of fashionable work. His stock oi bureaus, enclosed and common washstands, dress-tables, corner cupboarjs, solas, dining and bteakfast ta bles. bedsteads, cane seat and common chairs, is the largest in this section of the country. He will also keep a good assort menl of looking-glasses nith fancy gilt and common frames. He will also furnish spring mattrwsses fitted to any sired bedstead,which are superior for durability and comfort .to any bed in use. Bloomsburg,April 6th 1554. tf. LEAF TOBACCO AAD CIGARS. DENSLOW 8C CO., 91 South Front Street, PHILADELPHIA, Commission merchants, Jwid Wkolttule Hecltrt ta ,-.U Cute* if Leaf Tobacce, Maiiufaemred Tobac co, aid (i^irs, HAVE constantly on nau.l and for sale low all kinds of American and Spanish To baccos, selected with special reieience to Manufacturer*' use. All srncles sold, warranted to he as rep tesented and every opportunity afforded for evsminatiea. Purchasers Ot a distance ran send iheir or ders. snd rely upon being as faithfully served a? if the goods were selected in person. (Wber 15, 1856. Tinware * Stove Estiblisbneat. THE LNDKRbIGNED rrspectfalv in term* hi* rid friend* sod easterners,ihtt he hst | ntihaaed his brother's interest ia ibe Ke c-T*btssWmeo, nd the concern will here after H coodneiad by himself exclasively. He A bts jaolraeatrtd sad odTeis foresle the .S3 largest and most extensive assortment mem ..f FANCY STOVES everiuuw iutri into this market. Sre-epipe sad Tinware constantly ao hand and msnufsctared ta order. All kinds af re pairing done, as wewat, an abort notice. The patronage af oldTrwmce and new as teasers u respoctSaMy aotkaiod- A. AL RUPERT Blootrsbutg, Jan. If, 18S3 if. ■RON STEEL, tad evarj toad of Hs7 1 fiic or Atifl W >fc£ELVY. NEAL kCo; Philad'n. and Bending B* K. CL M.MKK ARRANGEMENT. 1855 Great Northern and Western U. S. Mail Routes. Speed increased and fare reduced. Little Schuylkill, Callawissa, Sunbury and F.ris, Williamsporl and Elmira Railroad. Through to Buffalo, in 16 hours. <l Niagara Falls, ' 16 " " Detroit, • 24 " " Chicago, ' 34 " " St. Louis. N 43 " CV Ticket Office—N. W.corner Sixth and Chestnut streets, and Philadelphia and Read ing R. R. Depot, corner of Broad aod Ninth streets. On and after Monday, May 7th, Three Pas senger Trains will leave the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Depot, corner of Broad and Vine streets, daily, (Sunday's excepted,) as lollows: DAY EXPRESS- 6 A. M. Stopping at Phmnixville and Reading only. Connecting with the Cnttawissa, Williams port, and Erie, and Wtlliamsport and Elmira Railroad; arriving at Elmira at 4 o'clock P. M.. connecting with New York and Erie and Buffalo; and from thence, via. Steamers on Luke Erie, or on Lake Shore Railroad, to Cleveland, Tuledn, Monroe, Sandusky and Delroil. Also, with Elmira, Canandaigiia with New York Central Railroad, East and West, and at Suspension Bridge with the Great Western and Michigan Central Railroad for Detroit, Chicago, Si. Louis, aud all poiuls in Canada and Western Stales. Only one change ol Baggage between Fhil adelohia and Canada or the Lakes. DAY EXPRESS—Break last at Pott Clin ton and Dinner at Williamsporl. NIGHT EXPRESS—Tea at Port Clinton. Passengers purchasing Tickets by this Line have the privilege of slopping at any of the above points, aud resuming their seats at pleasure. Fare from Philadelphia to Tamaqua, 95 Cattawissa, 4 35 Rupert, 4 40 Danville, 4 60 Milton, 5 15 Willivnapottj 6 90 Elmira, 7 00 Jefferson, 7 65 Slarkey, 7 95 Perm Van, 6 00 Gorham, 9 t)0 Geneva via. Gorham, 8 00 " Steamer J. Arndt j 8 00 Canandaigiia, • P 00 Honeoyo Falls, P 50 Caledonia, P 8f l.e Roy, 8 Balaviu, 9 On Rochester, P 60 Buffalo, via. N. Y. and E., and Buffalo and N. Y. City, . 10 Buffalo, via. Tonawanda, 10 Niagara Falls, via. Elmira, Canandai giia & Niagara Falls R. R. - 10 " " via. Buffalo, 10 00 Suspension Bridge, • 11 00 Cleveland, 10 "0 Toledo, 14 75 Cincinnati, 16 00 Detroit, via. Rail, 16 00 " Buff. & Lake, 16 00 Chicago, via. Great Western i: Mich igan Central K. R. • 20 00 Chicago, via. Buffalo and I.ako Shore Mich. Southern R. R.. • 50 00 j Chicago, via. Buff., Lake and Mich. Central li. K. • - 20 00 Rock Island, 25 00 E T. HURKELL, Ticket anil Freight Agent, N. W. cornet Sixth and Chestnut sts. 0. A. Ntcoi.i.s. Superiiitetideut Philadelphia ami Komiing HalintKit. T. KrKtssocg, Superintendent Cattawisaa, Williamsport and I'.rie Railroad. HENRY CorrtN, Superintendent Williams pott and Klmita Railroad. July I<>, 1855—t1. TIIK W EST BIUXC II INSIRANCK CO. OF LOCK HAVFN, Fa. Insures Detached Buildings, Stores, Mei , ehsivlixe, Farm Property, and other build ings, and their contents at moderate rate*. CAPITAL, $300,000. CtlJi R TP II P ERP ETVA L. DIREiTORD. ; Hon. John J. Pearce, Hon. G. C. Harvey, I John B. Hall. T. T. Ahrams, i Charles A. Mayer, P. K Jarkman, ' Charles Crist, \V. White, j Peter Dickinson, Thomas Kitchen, Hon. G C. HARVEY. IWt. T. T. ACIUMS, Vice Pres. THOS. KITCHVN. See'y. 11 CHAS. ULMAN, Gen'l Aa't. REFERENCES, i Samuel H. Lloyd, Thomas Bownan, D. D. !A. A. VVtneaatdner, Wm. Vanderbell, L. A Mackey, Wm. Fearon, ; A White, Dr. J. S. Crawford, James Qnitrgle, A. I'pdegtaff, John W. Msynard, Jstnes Armstrong, ! Hon. Simon Cameron I Hon. Wm. Biler. WESLEY WIRT, Ageut, Bloomsburg, Jone 18, 1556.-Sm. .M. I. V(.SHI VI Wrought & Cast Iron Bed j STEADS, RAILING,SETTEES,TREE BOX ' es. Stands, Verandas, &c., Cemetery Lots En ; closed with either cast or Wronabt Irou Rail- I iDg, No. 335 MARKET, STRUCT, (2 doors below Ninth.) PHILADELPHIA. March 27, 1856. E. O. EOTTBR, MOTESE. ,11 I I fc T* ESPECTFI'LLY offers his fle&Kl ■Aw professional services to 1 T w ths Ladies and Gentlemen of Bloomsburs and vicinity. He is preparedto attend to all the various operations io Den jistrv. and is provided with the latest im proved PORCELAIN TEETH, which will be inserted on pivot or gold plate, to look aa well as natural. _ A superior article of Tocih Powderi, al ways on hand. All operations on the teetb warranted. RT Office near the Academy. Bloomsburg, Nor. 20, 1856. H. WARD, Monxj/tcttireT and Dealer in (S^Q&CDiIG)) No*. 77 A 79 North Second Street, PHILADELPHIA. WE ate receiving our Spring Stock, which wilt comprise a large and demratsle assort meet of ell kinds of Straw aad LareßonnrtsN* Our Stock ot Flowers will be ona.u afly Urge this season,and we will ievite your spuria! at teat ton to that department Please eai and examtoe them before makiag goer peiehaae. H WARD, Kes. 77 fc 79 N Second Si. March 11, 1857-2 m. TERRIBLE DISCLOSURES Secrets fbr the Million! A moil Wonderful and Invaluable Publication. Br. Diattr'l Medical Haaoali A miiMil,. OEING AN ORIGI /, NAL and popular flfi/Mitt Treatise on MAN and WOMAN: their Phys ~~rm\ i°'°^V; Function# and Sexual Disorder# of • ve 'J r kind > with n,v er failing Remedies for the speedy cure of all diseases of a private and delicate character, incident to the violation of the Laws of Na ture and of Natures God. PRICE TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. Tas Author of the above volume is a gradu ate of one or the first medical schools it- the United States, and having devoted a quarter of a century to ttie study end treatment of Syphilis and kindred disorders as o speciality, he has become possessed of most invaluable informs, lion in regard to the same, and is able to com pass into vade mecum compisa the very quint, essence of medical science on this Important subject; as the result of the experience of the most eminent physician in Kurope end Amer ica is thoroughly demonstrated in hia own highly successful practice in the treatment of se.rtt diseases in many thousands of cases in the City of Philadelphia stone. The t rso lice of Dr. Hunter hse long boen, and still is literally unbounded, but at the ear nest solicitation of numerous persons, he has heen induced to extend the sphere of his pro frssionsl usefulness to the community at large, through the medium of hie "Medl :al Manual tlaiid-Bouk for tho Affiic'ed.'' It is s volume thai should he in the hand of evety family in the land, whether used as a preventive of teciel vice, or as a guide for the alleviation of nna of the most awful and do struetive scourges aver visited upon msnkind for tho sins of senautlity and impurity of every ki d. It is a volume that has received the unquali fied recommendation of the first physician* in tho land, while many clergymen, fathers, moth ers, | hilanlhropists and humanitarians, have moat freely extended its circulation in all quar ters where it* powerful teachings would be like ly to be instrumental ill the moral purification nud plivM.'al healing of multitude! of our peo ple, among the young, volatile and indiscreet, otherwise the pride and flower of the nation. The authoi argues particularly, most strongly against every spociea of self-defilement, and warns parents and guardians, in seatching terms, to guard lha young of both sexes from the terrible consequences concomitant of their ignorvnee of phyolcgicnl laws and sexual tmd purities and irregularities, whether exhibile i,y precocious development or arising from the viseiousaud corrupting examples of their srhoob males or otherwise. To those who have hcei already ensnared to tho "paths that lake hold on licit,'' a clear and explicit way is shown hy which they may secure n return of sound health and a regeneration of the roul from its terrible pollution. It ia well known that thousands of victims aro annually -acriflcoJ nt the altrtn of (Quack ery—especially those suffering from Venrreslor Syphilitic diseases—Strictures, Seminal Weak ness, Nervous IMrility. and tho nuineroas mal adies whieh spring directly or leas remotely front the indulgence of caroal passions and se cret violation* of Nature. In view of these (acts, and when it is also considered that about 100,001) persona dieannu ally in the United Stales of Conoumptron—a ' large majority being the victims of the voluptu ous indiscretion of their progenitors, agreeably | to the Scriptural enunciation, that the sina o( the parents sre visited upon the rhildron. even to 1 the third and fourth generation. The Author, ; imbued with sentiments of enlarged phtlbnthro- I py, will scarcely be censured for any effort to j restrain the vices of the age, bv the humble iu sltutucntalUv of his Medical Manual, One copy,securely auviieped, will be forward ed tree of |># ageto any part oftbo United Slate* for S3 cents, or 6 copies for ft. Address, post paid, COSDISN <1 DO,, Prnr.isssns, llox IDT, Philadelphia IV" Ifecksijlcis, Can*****ra ene Uook Agents supplied on the most liberal terms. 1000 TOftS !%'o. 1 SUPER-IMIOSPHATE OF L ME, DEBUUG'S Original and Genuine, warrant ed ot superior quality, the cheapest manure in the world. Fainteis and dealers supplied at low prices. EXTRA QUAI.TTV LAND PLASTER. 6.000 barrels F.xtra Quality Lai.J Plaster, selected (or its (eniliztt 9 quality. JO.OOO bushels of same in bulk. 10,000 barrels best quality Ordinary Land Plaster, equal to the best usualv sold, at the low price of SO cents per bushel, or St.lo per barrel, with a deduction for Urge lota. 55.000 bushels of same in bulk. 1,000 barrels Calcined Plaster. 1,000 " Casting " 600 " Dentist " 5,060 " Hydraulic Cement. 1,000 " True Roman M Peruvian Onano. This article we offer in confidence fo our j customers, s eqnal to any imported, and far j superior to roost in the market. 10.000 bags of this superior Guano, for sale, at the lowest market rates. Also. Poudrelte, Mexican Guano. Ground Charcoal, &c &c. FRENCH, RICHARDS & CO. At the Steam Plaster Mills, junction York Avenue and Callowhiil Street, Philadelphia. February 14, 1856. JOSEPH A. NEEDLES. Manufacturer of WIRE.SILK&UAIR CI.OTHSEIVF.S C'OU E, medium and fine in raesb: large, middle-sized and small in diameter. Metallic Cloths or Woven Wirt, Of the beet qualities, various sizes of mesh, from Nos. to 80 inclusive, and from one to six feet in width. They are numbered so many spaces to a lineal inch, and cut to suit. The subscriber also keeps constantly on hand For Coal. Sand, Ore, Lime, Grain, Gravel, Guano, Sumac, Sugar, Salt, Bone, Cofiee Sptde, Drugs, Dye-Stuffs, &c. Together with an assortment of Bright and JinnraUd Iron IFire. AU of the above sold wholesale or retail, by J. A. NEEDLES, 54 North Front Street, Pbilad'a. May 28, 1656-ly. Wood's OTIUMBUI Iroa Works, RIDGE AVENUE, PHILADELPAIA. THE atteotieo of the inhabitants of Penn sylvania are invited to the extensive Manufac tory and W arsrooms of the subscriber, who is prepared to furaiih tt the shortest notice, Iron Railing of every description, for Cemeteries, public and private buildings, also Verandahs, Koontaios, Chairs, Settees, Lions, Dogs and other ornanwnul iron works of decoistive char acter. Parebasers may rely on having all ar ticles carefully boxed and shipped to their des tination. A book of designs will be furnished 1 to those wishing to make selections. ROBERT WOOD, Ridge Avenue, before Spring-Garden St., PHILADELPHIA. September 27, 855. THOMAS BUTLER, No. 7 South Seventh Street, PHILADELPHIA ; Tk* nnufneturer of strong Tinware, Copper, Tin and Zinc Batoing Tube, Bathing Pane, and every kind of battling apparatus. Also deed and paper boxes. Prompt attention g ven to ordered work, and goods carefully lotwpiend 00 order*. Philadelphia, Aagust 17th, 1864. GRATIS, GRATIS, GRATIS, GRATIS. A FREE GIFT TO ALL. niSERV RELIEVED '•Nature'i Guide," new and popular work, is distributed without charge, and forwarded by mail to any Post Office in the U. States, on receiving an order eaolosing two stamps for postage. PHILADELPHIA MEDICAL HOUSE— Established 20 years ago by Dr. XINJCKLIN, corner of Third and Union streets, between Spruce and Pine, Philadelphia, Pa. INVALIDS Are apprised that Dr. KINKELIN confines his practice to a particular branoh of medi cine, which engagea hia individual attention. He cautiona ths unfortunate againat the a bus* of mercury; thouaanda are annually mercurialized out of life. Recent affections are piomptly extinguished. TWENTY YEARS'EXPERIENCE In the treatment of a class of diseases hith erlo neglected and imperfeotly understood, has enabled Dr. KINKELIN, Author of a work on Self Preservation, to prove hat nine tenth* of the causes of nervous debility, lo cal and constitutional"weakutsa, mental and physical suffering, are traceable to certain habits, forming the most secret yet deadly I and Utnl springs of domaslio misery and I premature mortality. j TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE, There is an evil habit sometimes in by boys, in solitude, and which, if not rat termed in due time, not only begets serious obstacles to matrimonial happiness,but gurea rise to a series of protracted, insidious, and devastating afflictions. Few ol those who give way to this pernicious practice are a wate ol the consequences, until they find the nervous system shattered, feel strange and unsccountabla feelings, and vagua fears in the mind. The unfortunate thin affected become* fee ble, in unable to labor with accustomed vig or, or to apply hi* mind to study; hia alep ta lardy and weak, he ie dull, irresolute, and engage* in his sport with leas energy than usual. 11 be emanciiate himself before (he prae tics haa done it* worst, and enter matrimony, hia marriage ia unfruitful, and hi* ssoaa tail* him that this ia caused by hia early follies.— These are consideration* which should awa ken the attention of those similarly situated. MARRIAGE Require* the fulfillment of several condition* in order that it may be really the ceuae of mutual happiness. Could the veil which covers the origin of domestic wretohednes* be raited, and its true source ia every in* stance disclosed—in how many oould it be traced to physical disqualifications end their attendant disappointment*! Apply then while it is yet time, in order to have your unstrung and relaxed organization rebtaced, revivified and strengthened. REMEMBER, He who place* himself under Dr. Kinkelin'e treatment may religiously confide in hie hon or as a gentetnan, end rely ttnon the assur ance, that the secret* of Dr. K'e patients will never be disclosed. Young man—let no falas modesty deter you from making your caae anown to ene who, from education and respectability, can belrtend yon. Too many think they will conceal the aa cret in their own hearts, and cure themse Ivee Alas! how often I* this a latel delusion, and how many a promising young man, who might have been an oruament to society, baa faded from the earth. Strictures of the urethra are rapidly re moved by the application of a new there peutioal agent, vised only by Or. K. Weak ness and Constitutional Debility promptly cured, and full vigor restored, >7i a man anti deem nothing which relates to wan foreign to my feelings." BHHHKYOI'TH AND MANHOOD Jl Ilia A Vigoiout Lift or a Pre- IgfilJ author Drr.lA. KINkKUN ON SEf.F-PRKSRRVATION twenty-flit cents , or the value in post age stumps, will ensure a copy of this hook, prepaid, per return of mail. Persons at e distance may address Dr. KINKRLIN by letter, enclosing a remittance, and be cured at home. Packages of Medicines, with plain diree lions, packed secure from damage or curios ity, are forwarded by Mail ot Express to any part of the United States. REMEMBER, Dr KINKELIN'S residence has been for the last twenty years at the N. W. Corner of Third and Union Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. July 2d, 1856.—tf. HERRING'S 683 J£\ UP OB 0 CHAMHON!! The only Safe tohich. in every instant* preserved the. entire contents at the late E.rt*nsive Fires. AT THE BURNING OF THF. ARTIZAN BUILDINGS. April 10lh,and in the great flre in Market Street, May Ist, 1656, the gen uine Herring Safb preserved the Jewelry of George \V. Simms Si Bro ; Books, Papers Sic. of Fisher & Bro. and Edward Semans St Co., after remaining exposed in the burning rains for nearly Forty Hours, and proving conclu sively what we have alwaya claimed for Ihem, their great superiority over all eecuri ties known. In these fires, the HERRING'S SAFE, standing side by side with those advertised as '-warranted to aland 10 per cent, more fir* than Herring's," came forth the acknowledg ed victor, not only preserving their contents in excellent order, but being themselves ia • condition to go through another ordeal, while the boasted '-Salamanders" of other makers were badly used up in every instance, and in somecestetheir eutire contents completely destroyed. To the public we would simply say, that, during the fourteen years of the Herring's Safe has been before them, more than two hnndred have passed through accidental fires without the occurrence of a tingle locs. We would, therefore, caution purchasers against the misrepresentation of interested parties. The Herring's Patent is the only Fire-proof Safe made in this city which ia protected by a Patent Right, and we will guarantee it to resist more than double the amount of heat of any other Safe now known. FARRELS & HERRING, Sola Manufacturers in this State of "Herring's Patent Champion Safer." 84 Walnut St., Pbilad'a. N. B.—"Evans fe Watson's Improved Sal amander*," "Oliver Evan's." "C.J.GaylerV and 'Scott'* Abeatos," Don Chests, (a large assortment having been taken is part pay ment for "Herring's,") will be sold at low prices. Philadelphia, Jane 10, 1856 ly. Dr. FKAKCIB C. HAREIHOIf, WOULD respectfully inform tbe citizens of Bloomsborg and vicinity, that bo has commenced the practice of Medicine and Surgery iheretand rohcits ashare of public pa. tronage. He can always be fbttnd at the Ez* change Hotel opposite the Court House. Btoomsbnrg. March, lat, '55. MUSLINS a yard wide for 8 cents, and good prints for cents hut received by A- C. MEKSCH
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers