CONSUMPTION, AND ALL. JISKASES OF THE LUNGS •JO THDSAT are positively curable by nbalMion, which* conveys the remedies to the cavities in the lungs through the air pas •ages, and coming in direct contact with the disease, neutralizes the lubercatar matter, •Hays the cough, causes a free and easy ex pecio'siion, heals the lungs, purifies the blood, imparls renewed vitality to the neivous sys tem, giving that lone and energy so indis pensable lor the restorative of health. To be able to slate confidently that Consumption is curable by inhalation, is to me a source of unalloyed pleasure. It is a much under the control ol medical treatment as any other formidable disease; ninety out of every hun dred cases can bo cured in the first stages, and fifty per cent, in the second; hot in the third stage it is impossible to save more than five per cent., for the luugs are to cut up by the disease as to bid defiance lo medical skill. Even, however, in the last stages, in halation alfords extraordinary relief to the suffering attending this tearful scourge, which annually destroys ninety five thousand per sons in the United States alone; and a correct calculation shows that out of the present pop ulation of the earth, eighty millions are des tined to fill the consumptive's grave. Truly the quiver of death has no arrow so fatal as Consumption. In ull ages it lias been lire great enemy' of life, for it spares neither age nor sex, but sweeps off alike the brave, the beautiful, the graceful, and the gifted.— I!y the help of that Supreme Being, from whom cometh every good and perfect gift, I J uin enabled to oiler to the oflleled a perma nent ai.d speedy cure in Consumption. The first cause of tubercles is from impure blood, and the immediate effect, produced by their disposition in the lungs, is to prevent the free admission of air into the air cells, which causes u weakened vitality through , the enliro system. Then' surely it is more I rational 10 expect greater good from iredi, I cities entering the cavities of the lungs than , front those administered through the stom- \ nob; the patient will always find tho lungs i free'and the breathing easy after inhaling ( remedies. True, inhalation is a local , remedy, nevertheless it acts constitutionally, | nnd with more power ami certainly than rem- j e.liet iidmini-teied by the stomach. To prove | tho powetliil and direct influence ol this j mode of ad ministration, chloroform inhaled j will entirely destroy sensibility in a lew mitt- j men, paralysing the emit* nervous system, so > ihat'n limb tnay be amputated without the | fc'ightesl pain; inhaling the ordinary binning | gas will destiny li'e in II low limits. The inhalation ol ammonia w ill rmisa tho 1 system alien limiting or apparently dead.—l The odor ol many ol the medicines is per ceptible in the skin a lew minutes til er being inhaled, and may be immediately delected j in the blood. A convincing prool ol the constitutional effects ol inhalation, is tho (act j that sickness is al'.vuys produced by breath- ] ing toul air. Is not this positive) evidenco i that proper temediee, c.irelul'.y prepared and j judiciously udtninisietoil through the lungs, should product the most happy results f Da- ! ling eighteen years'practice, many thous-j unds, fullering tio.u discuses ot tho lungs , ntid throut, have been under my care, and I have affected many remarkable cures, even idler the sulTctets had been pronounced in tho last stages, which fnllv satisfies me at consumption is no longer a latal disease My treatment el'consumption is ot>gin.<l, and foonded on long expeiieiieo and a thorough investigation. My petted aoquai lat oo vvi.h j the nature ol tubercles, kv , enables me to distinguish readilv the unions tortus ol dts case thl simulate consumption, ao.l apply the propel remedies riv-lv being iui-:akeu even in a single ease 'lbis tamiHurity in connection with return pu liologicsl and mi crovcopioditoovarieib citable* mete relieve the longs from the effects ol con rioted chest-, to college tan clu-rd, putllv the Meed. liupstt lo it renewed v i.ality. energy and tone to tho ctmre \stem Box ML Lost Office. G. W. GRAHAM, M ft. Office 100 Fi ben Street, below loot:,. 1 .t.Udelphia, 1 a March 10, 1857. GREAT GIFT BOOK SAt 1 . -UU) Hnovt'W \V, NKIV 1 OI:K. J'ine Gold Jeuclrp fiire* a trap to Pur chasers 0/ Hants' Al,l. Books wilt bo sold a> low A cat be had at other Stores. nut ol them tot less. New Books received v'.iuy A lull varying M value Irom 25 ceto SIOO. gtv- ii will. each book t the li" 1 ' 1 11 '* >o '-' Mating on limil vety iargt .<'. v* o' tin? tin.. r ■tlu.'.y.? Roed*. and ** cur ii'o o - '-largo sale* mihl una 11 ptcll - wo *:o determined to give our pßOiuiifo better bargains that' omi lye had al<pw!irip- Aov book pubts.i.c in Now York or Philadelphia will bo prom;-: ly wot. gill included, on roor'n". ol p i ih •Caprce. Cat* ome* ol Hook* aid Fres onto, contain tug mil enplarai.on* wilt bo Mitt ira to all part* ol the coei'ttv The moM nice. n-.i'iorviri. > are offered to Agents. Any per>. n , *. or. or tor ton book*. w it mori v ene!oed. w.ll to en titled to *0 tj: -i Kovi G" Ail otvivis tor book*, ooi .aun-i trono*. (to Mtrmp prtiri't ** rn 1 bo reg*- teej *t tho Fot Oiliee wbeie thov are ro*i'- eu and i too'o.l to Evan* x u o , 40s 1 hroau w*v. Now Yo k. Kett*t< —M Tboats* ,C Scrs. bol' 4 c Sireer, Pintado J F 1 :'P x Co. Fhilade' vrv ; IV:t 1 v \ Jaclhv. Now York SKXP FOR A CAT.UC CT k V \ \ S x CO Trirrioi'S ■*•<•. 4.i B *•<. > Y. * Branch Sovr v. IJJ Cfe>: S-er t'.nl ■liclfhi* *• d at V **hip|tO-'. P v t\v J.I, lb or -3;n o\ *s mioou. ANO I l*S PRKM V I {'KM PEC VY . r *s /"six iduti, (fr-Ut. :tt -W t 7 4*' ■ JRGIJTN A lalv w '" r ' S c " •* T' ' £G£IM ■ ■ "" ■I lifciT matorrbca .-- I wal Weak Nocurna! E.m*s 'M, C*" ' N'* r c - Dob itr, Impx-Jeney. sr.d !.vpv tror.* to Marriage jenera.iv BY B DEI ,\!*ET. M r T 4 -* ; raro: a-t tar marry a'a-rr -g corenltirt*. or.j-'.Ji'ir * o • ar ' *oJkc*'o m teeth.r:ay . * e> y -e— -w vkM .'c'c:vr i b * tt- .tier. c *a- v dNM.;t.Pvi: i o •? * y hlgb'iT J..oOC** "0* ' }t • ihc A. r or. . v c\>'* nee by rn f: wb est rtrn o o * tnt'f. P ttrt renoc. v }■ ' o**t r --< r 0000 tv t i -.U lit?:. *ei rs ":t t the I*T Sea; w at;v •*** ?--• '*' '** is a c- rf ope. fcy * . VV -v j. - ou -o ♦ ta;.. "o Pr b 11 IT. U*pf -a-i Nf YcokC y. Jairt-t 3* Bloomburs Fanudry. 1 viA.;. . ;'p ' .ares ;w cc. t : rtf co kit i pa.-rrc- : JLL KISDS OF CASTISGS. L i agr si i■* "*?•* I,fs^ YWk V to Ton ■ ...'rj As e<t*: s*ec-". se wees . r-ci** o* -rt.x- r*r*Bge " FANCY GOPOb • ft ; <escr?cics^acd *s!alkM>a!rtßr ti* a jc : *-er ■** ' y-rr:vY NLil iCO 199" A JSU & & .4Ml4a TO THE FASHONABLE ANPLJ? (Diyrrirwm 9. CIMIE undersigned,havingjustreceived tho latest Paris auu New York Fashions, would again beg leave to inform his iiumei ous friends and all tho world about Blooms burg, that he is now belter prepured than ev er to accommodate any one with the neatest, easiest and best fitting suits of Clothes that have been turned out lately; and not only that, but he will also do them up in the best order, upon the lowest terms. His shop is at (lie old stand, (too wel known to need (uitfternotice) where lie ma) at all times be found, seated upon the henck of repentance, steadily drawing out the threno of affliction, hopeingit may in the end prove advantageous to him and his customers. Hi would also advise his friends to bear in mimt that poor, afflicted tailors must live, or they can't be expected to work. Therefore, Wheat Rye Corn, Oats, Potatoes, and with all now and then a little CASH will come mighty handy from those who are back-standing on hie hook. Remember, gentlemen, that in all cases "the laborer is worthy of his hire." BERNARD RUPERT. Bloomsbttrg, April Hth, 1853. / O ftl NIII US M MIAN 1) I IS A' II at A IN, N. UPUP<®EElfltilS3S3 IV OW rims a new omnibus between Blooms- * burg and the Railroad Depot, which will take passengers Irom and lo any ol the residences of the town, or the American House and Folks llolel; and he will also furnish conveyances to ull travellers who may wish to go into any part of the county The omnibus will leave llloomsbt.rg tvvict, daily at 12 o'clock M., and at 2 o'clock P. M. rVFure 12J ceu s each way. 110 bus also a largo livery stiihlo connected with the omnibus line, from which ho run accommodate the public, with ronveyancos for travelling, pleasure excursions or busi ness. Stand in the roar ol Hoffman & Else's establishment, near tho centre of die town. NOAH S. PRENTISS. Bloomsbttrg, June 3, 1855. ly, Trciiiiiim SSll[mox<H srrEii-pnosriijiTF. or /./mi:. The Only Silver Medal XJ-T.T nward-d by Agricultural Societies, *- was given to litis sttpei tor article, at the Pennsylvania State Fair, at ilurrisbiirg, us u Fertilizer ol the Best Quality for 11 lic.ti, Lorn. On Is, Grass A INiLHocs, Raising heavy crops, and greatly improving ilio soil. The subscriber respectfully uilorms l.iruieis and dealers that lie is prepared lo supply the tall demand with this superior nod well tested article. jtgents II'.IIIII.E—A liberal discount allowed. Also. NO. I I'hIUVIW & AIIIAICA\ GUANO. Poua'rrtte and /.and /'/aster. Oils, I'andlts, Sonp, tj •<•., Ol the best quality, at lowosi mnikel rates. JOHN L. PO.MKROY, Xinth and Tenth II hart'rs, leloic Mar ki t Aft et t, I'ltilad'a. t"?" Far i ers can lcn-1 at two pi il'ufr alleys, ami avoid the crowded Wharf. August 18. IShe-3m. ••Quick Belarus and Small FroHts." A. J. EVANS. HAS nisi received and opened A new as set. mom ot seasonable goods Irom Phil adelphia, which lo is dmeintmed to sell unict- ami cheap, lie has evctythiug desir- at'io lot I a.lies' .mil Lll.N TLEMF.N'S WEAR, and all -liv goods tor demesne -in.i house hold use, spued lor the KAl.l. TKAi'E He has also a In'l supply ot Qiieenswaro. Hard wan', Woodwure. Biennis. Looking Glasses. BOOTS WD Mlt'l'S. and a good stock of FRESH ggBSSS^S \T THE I.vfWFST URIUFb OKTHK M AR KE T. He w : . sellal litelowestliving profit* and vv II make it to the ipieiestof purchaser! to deal with them. f\C7"C all ami soo our Stock. QT'I Is'oom*bi'.ij!, Aug tSbri. .i.MIS A NOxtKC-S J.'UN \V WtLLttM* MOORE WILLIAMS, CrKtral ((tramission Mfrchails. mut itoa'oi* in ICIITSILS 9 S"J?PZZSS t A.- 64 SM4 ITiNr Si. THE übscribor* liatu-.g boon a.**ocia'ou with the coal a .1 mining operation* CCHf.' .r.'.y. rMWHIII >0 ' It* pMpMCd 0 m' <t order* tor ait *' io.c* coo mgoi'.t .' it; .' i" g to.r,'o*o* at the iowejt I ate* tv th oa:e ami dispatch. tVr ;.yk comprise* the toilowirg article* ri'il S—Sperm. Sc.*'. EVolism. F oaohexl. Kaoaed. laid. Kc> i. ilea* eg. I c.sced Sitcre laiiip*. Fin*! Btertwg Paper, Slop* Chan*. It'vs. all S.-c*. IV e>*. Wick M, \\ c Hep*, Ta* ai d riieh rnomie* ** Celotra od Cum Fee pr. NY *bor* I'ic* g H.s* ; c. i* hot Eowder*. Scap, Caou.o*. .So KKKFRVNur* .• lK.lgt*n x Keo'i. IT: iadelpbi* j. lv A X S v c t har.e# M or X Co . S Kc rermr . E-c . '• .t.v . Tnc"'# . F'c . 41 \\ r> IV Hit- E'.j M -#•**•'>. Pa. 11 \\ Ccuji *.T, Fo v e. Fa. He C. YV. F., Cc - YY" Sci.'er Etc,, Pi 4 l'*crrt'. l '*C, " T P Pvt. E"t'. 44 .1 j Cc ' c-, Ah;jr. J . rl. Phi aco p.".a. Jan If. ISi* -ly. 2CSSTY& S YVRSLKIES &■ CIIDEX. -,v> *■■ cor EW El. ft or H SHADE, PRI-rr AND ORNAMENTAL TREES,SHKi FS. FIJiNPS ROSSES x. Cub *aic.i ar.l :.'.'*ao • seaat e* o *s . ;*.e-* ird o ae-*. cc -•• g a: o; r..' '? a u:;M wsfditwo o. i :e Of- rab.e ta : os c: the abcte. .'or *a'e sfi.t - u re a Catioguf* cm bo v al c irrvi *. ;rJ i * S MAI'PAY x CO. N R—YV. f ■ i 'cvs-CJ trtti . _:-eo. 0 Us - • O F f ■ a C;r *U- 's a t • -t Mi if - Mi-if b: bo . Suu v o-o orver* IT rect-red. Marl ic a, l;:T-r Lratlirr, Lraliirrl Leather I uafww .* * FXEXCH CJLF SNYS andt.enrral Leather Dealer* Nx€ S. Ta .-J Tb vr .F .a IF" a £-re:a'. assjrirs; of a a : .'<s c" Lei'crr M.'-rte. ic. kc. SJLD JLSD Cii SOLE L£J N IEa. Frirury 3 Iw- —ly. ILItDtBUUb!! RLI.MkA:: DEEt b *i Mili>\x KA.EC CI VJtVi. bCSFYLN Ar ANT arDGMENT NOTES, af k ier:-ag.o raat* :j* n th* ccSo* : a* a:tie SsrLt.'' SALAMANDER EVANS & WATSON, Great Fire, Chestnut & Fifth Streets, MONDAY MORNING, DECEMBER, 15ih, 1854. EVANS & WATSON'S SALAMAN DER SAFES TRIUMPHANT, as tliey al ways are when ptil lo the test. Philadelphia, Dec. 15/ A, 1854. Messrs. Evans At Walson, No. 26 south Fourth Street, Philadelphia.—Gentlemen: — We take pleasure in recommending your Salamander Sales lo merchants and others in want of a secure means of preserving their books, papers, &c., from fire, as the one we purchased from you about seven months since has preserved our books, pa pers, and cash in as good condition as they wore when put into it, before the great lire of this morning, tvhich destroyed the entire block of buildings corner of Chestnut and Fifth Streets. The above Safe was in use in our office, on the second floor of our build ing, from which place it fell into the cellar, and remained there until the fire was out. — The sate was then removed, and oppsneil in the presence ol at least 1000 persons, who witnessed the good condition ol the contents. Will you please have the Safe nnd locks re paired, as we intend to put it in use again, having perlect confidence in its fire proof qualities. Yours, respectfully, LACEY & PHILLIPS. Evans & Watson lake pleusuro in referring lo the following, among tho many hundreds, who have their Sales in use;—U. S. Mint, Philadelphia; Fanners & Mechanics' Bank, Philadelphia; Samuel Allen, Esq. High Sher iff, Philadelphia; John N. Henderson, City Controller; Caleb Cope & Co., No. 183 Mar ket sireet; Richard Norris & Son, Locomotive builders, Philadelphia; Bancroft & Sellers, Machinists, corner 16th and James streets; Franklin Fire Insurance Co., Philadelphia: Pent sylvnniu Railioad Co., Philadelphia; l.ticey & Phillips, eorner of 6th and Minor street; Sharpies* lire., No. 32 south Second sneei : James, Kent & Suntee, No. 117 north Third street. A large assortment of tho above Safes al ways on hand [warranted to stand at least It) per cent, more lire than any Herring's Sale now in use.3 Evans & Walson also manufacture and keep lor sale, Iron Shutter*, Iron Doors, and Iron Sash, for making tire proof Vaults, for Bunks, stores, private and public buildings; Seal and Letter Copying Presses ; Patent Slate Lined Refrigerators,&o. Please give us a cull at No. 26 South 4ih street Philadelphia. EVANS & WATSON. March 27. 1856. TONICS WON'T DO. riMIF.Y never did do more than give tempo •* raty relief and they never will It is be cause they don't touch the cause of the dis ease. The cause of all ague and billions dis eases is the atmospheric poison called Mias ma or Malatia. Neutralize this poison by j its uWITUR.IL .'IXTWOTfi, and till diseases caused by it disappears at i once. Rhodes' Fever and Ague Cure is this Antidote to Malaiia. and moreover it is s luuuiiess medicine. The certificate , ot the celebrated chemist, J. K. Chilton, of : New Yo'k. to litis effect, is atiached to every 1 bottle . therefore if it does no good it cat; do i no liatnt. This is more than can be said of Quinine, Atsenie. or any tonic in existence, as their use is ruinous to the constitution and brines' on DUMB AC I E. which never allows# per son to feel petleolly well for a smgle moment la illoeitnnou ot these truths I annex some ! extracts Irom a letter just received from a Physician Georgetown, Ohio, March 17. '56. Js A. KNOCKS, Esq—Dear Sir: \ ours of 2d inst. is ai liar.d I lie Cure arrived late last vesr and the difflrtllj in getting any one to try it was greatly increased from the fart that a remedy had been introduced which was growing in fiver with the public. ss be ing beiter than using Quinine,—not knowing 1 presume that the remedy they needed to escape taking Quinine, contained the DUI ll ITSELF! This remedy.(knew") a ' Smith'sTenio ") n u-.M invariably BREAK an Ague, but it dtu not CI RF. it, ai d it would often return with renewed v gor. The one riieums-anee I deemed in your favor, if 1 could insti u'ea test comparison between it and your CI'RE The lo.lowing is the result: 1" ree persons took your "Cure." *ll cf which were esses of "Quotidian Intermit ten- Fever." ot many week*standing. They had tried Qcii'.ine. and other remedies, occa sional i missing A rhiff. but it was, las in all such o".;ses. • slow i wesru g them out. and H! g tha fan datioaof other ; d severer ma ad < 1 -i d *ucreed in effect,: g A radi cal cure ot A, .luce ol those oases with your remedv. and they have not had a since. ID a i d too tl these oases the -SHI Ton c ' tad been used, at.l would, as he;ore sta te. i. break the ehilt. but a er a per.-si or two had oiapsed it won n route. j 1 th ' k ibere wih bo no o.lliou'. y now in gto jour "Cure" the i ac:ag" grout .I oi i . > retrodv new in u*o "ov. i. •. Xo. , YY 1111YM BUCKNER. M. P. I . FEVER cad AGUE CCKE, or .< ■: r :.' .tic.dnu. he oc \ r.arxios* ronio- , d\ •e\ ' et-oe. t* ogca 'i err a •a* a PRE- Y'VNtIY'E a* a ' CCKE " Pake it when ; yen tooi t. c c i.l com.; g or., led yea will rever ha* o * < g> on* JAMES A RHODES. Fr: ;r.y. Pre douce. R. I.' For solo bv P.vggisli gfnetady. jut* IS. ISSA. | \tt Wholesale Bm; Store, .Yo. ill South SECOND S:rt, PUItaDRLPiIIi y SPENCER THOMAS. IMPORTER -'• Mmu'ioturer, ard IVavr it Pn-g*. Mextic o*. C ox c* s. Ac J*. IH# St ; T *. Faiuis, Oils, t lrs. W kite Lead. E-orcti a-J Amer raa YVh ■ sl.r.f, YV id.iw il a**wire. Van ishes. F".' es. * QlMld Sriee*. YVhc o Sc cex Nti a o an Am kepc by IkaggiMs, in li.-rxx. hJig.t. G/tie. SheiM le, P xc kc xc AS order* by xa.l or otserw;*® prmr y a-.f-dec ;x COUNTRY MERCHANTS are in x .• ca . and exasuae cat stack :oc* pan*' r < sewiere. r> GOODS ,er. :c a v e:" Wha-re* cr S*j. Re* i S- Fr.res low and gcoc* I Pt aio phi*. March 1# UK-r. PE.\ XSY LV A> 11 4^SsS r CE>3'DS.S3® .Yo. 66 .Irck St. brt. SECSWI d- Third, (Ojjas e Bread Ssneei.) PU IL A DELPHI A: C":*TES. RIDDLES SCREENS. WOVEN MM* led eiJtM, wah aH a ads it r*a and airy ewew* Hoary Tw .eu YV je it Spa t Cawcser*. SasJ aid G in. Srfieesa; Paper >!* * YVire C } :c<; aid Diaadj Kx*. tsmel i* "< wst aaiaer. Wire aid We Fa* ay. A •err opeiwr aiucae M baity Foaaien A., taga at Lraa Ow Wj* tai t EAYLXSS. DASRY * LYNN • K id* -j* Business Directory. DAVID LOWENBERG, ry.OTHING STORE, on Main street, two doors above the 'American House." SIMON BitEIFUSS, & Co. STORE in the 'Exchange Block,'opposite the Court house. A J. EVANS TWERCHANT.—Store on the upper part _ of Alain street, nearly opposite the Episcopal Church. 8. C. BIIIVE, \f ANUFACTI'RKR OF FDRNITDRE ITk AND CABIN FT WA RE.—Wnreroom in Shive's Block, on Main Street. A.M. RIPER T, THINNER AND STOVE DEALER SHOP on South side of Main street, be low Market. 717W- WEAVER, 1 A TTORNEY AT LAW—Office on the -sA- first floor of Iho "Star" Building, on Main street. JOSEPH SHAHPLEBS. I ROUNDER ANN MACHINEST, Build ■ ittgson the alley between the "Exchange , and "American House." ~~Ii ARN AltD RUPERTr~ ' | BAILOR.—Shop on the South Side of Main -I- Street, first square below Market. A. C. AIENSdI, AIEUCHANT-—Store North West corner i'-L of Main and Market S'rcets. I UIKAJI v. IIOH ER7 ! DENTIST.—OHice near the W Aeuuetuy on Third Street. AI'RELVy, NEAL & VO.T MERCHANTS. —Northeast comer of Alain and Market streets. JOSEPH SHAUPLESS MANUFACTURE AND DEALER IN if*STOVES, TINWARE No Establish 1 ment on Main street, next building above ho Court-house i T|i it DON ' S D I G KS T . a NY Justice of the Peace wishing to pttr- a copy of Purdon's Digest,can be neeninmodttted by applying t ho this • 08U e THE POCKET AESCILAPIIS; ) OK. KVIIRY ONK tllS OWN PHYSICIAN. trpilF. FIFTEITH | J- Edition, with One i It u nil rt d Engraving*, allowing Piscasas ami Mai l orutal ions of the hutnan tSy alein in every shape and form . To which is added j a Treatise on the -Diseases , of Females, being of the tied people, oi those con e=i— — templaling mautage. By j WILLIAM YOUSU, M D. re father be ashamed the present aeopy of the Aewulapius to his child. It mv save him from an early grave . no young man or woman enter into the secret obligations ot m-ir. j ited life without reading the Pocke Aesculapius ] Lrl no ii ■sAVr liaw • haehnied Cough Pain in the SMe,restless nights, nervous ftebngs, anil the whole train ot Pespeptic sensations, and given up by their physician*, he another moment without consulting the ARtitT'LA- Pll S. Slave the married,or those about to be married a"v Impediment, read this tinly useful booh, aa ti has t ore the mean* of saving thou >r.os of unfertuuate creatines from the very jaws of death. Ait* person sending twenty five ceuts. en closed in a letter, will receive one copy of this book,by mail.or five copies will be sent for one dollar. Address. Pr. W. Young .No. ro3 Spruce street. Philadelphia.' Post paid. No t- s-pruce tit., Philadelphia. Sep- Ist, 1854-ly. L5-1U uE> JJIA iSJ *_t> UQ Cabinet Ware Rooms, S. C. SIIIVE UKSPECTFI I.LY invites the attention of of ttie Public to his extensive assort ment of Cabinet furniture and Chairs, which he will warrant made of good materials and tu a workmanlike manner. At his Establish ment, can always be found a good assort ment or Fashiouablf Furßilut. Which is equal in s >ie and finish to that of Philadelphia or New York cities, and at as lew pr!.: <. He has Sofas of different stj le and pneea. from $55 to StiO. Divans, Loun ges, \Ya.out acd 51 a began, Parlor chairs, Hooking and eus*, Piano stools, and a variety of upho.stercd work, with Dressing and par.or bureaus, sofa, card, centre and pier la.>!es, detashu*. cheffenier*. whatnots and ccmcdes and all kinds of fashionable work His stock of bureaus, enclosed and common weshstands. dress-tables. corner cupboards, sotas, diaing aui bteaktast ta bles. beus.eaJj. catte <ea; and con-- chairs, is the largest in ton section of the ccnsritry. He will also keep a good assort ment of lookiug-gjasses with fancy gilt and common frames. Re wi I also furnisa spring rastirs"*-"* fit'sd to any sueo beustead.whicn are superior tor durability and com. on .to anv bed *n use feioontsbung. April 6th 1554. tf. LEAF TODUTO AM) fIGABS. DENSLOW SC CO., 31 South Front *trert, PHILADELPHIA CoDinijioit !*lrrrluiiits, .fad <fkus> i ftviVi :• f Leaf Tobacco. .Manufactured lobac te, 3ud lirars. HAVE cons an: y c r.n.t a.,. 1 for sate Tow a' kic-iof Anaervca't and bpicis.i Lea: To baccos. se.eo en w..i spec ... reference to Manat.eearers' use. A., artwies sold, w-rac:ed :c be as rep •esc-ted and every cpportst.ty afford eg tor lawcs. Fts.-chasers a: a distance ran seed their ot hers. ;4 rely spec be "g as faithfully serred i, ■■ s gratis —ere selected ia person. o'-\Wt IS, 1866. T -.%rar< k >iovf EsuAlbfcaeat. Tr.£ I'IiDEIisIGNEU RSfMtisii is. :'hw, lash faesss ted customers.that k ;i< :<rrwNbrrxi's ii..treat ia the i iurr" ti tte cracera will here tfte.- •< •:o jetted Sjiiastf esdeaiveiv. He a ru jMtrwtiur ut dft fr salt the ■£j arrest ltd wwlaesi C? mrnt.f FANCY STOVEoevtriiW *w<i w rait at'tt:. StwN -ftft aad Tiawiru caustaaiiyaa haad aad n-.iiicinl Mirier. AU fcisds of o --| fm-~ ; iw. ■Met. eo atan uatic*, . The ;tr:obe e f aid friewes ui mem emt i ' .n<i ' a :*f*<faHy aalici'td. A. M. RUPERT ' ffiiailni|_ Jas- it, 1863. iL Pliilad'a. and Reading R. 11. gaga teiri fiUMMKK ARRANGEMENT. IBfts Great Northern and Western U. S. Mail Routea. Speed increased and fare reduced. Little Schuylkill, Cattawissa, Sunbury and | Erie, Williamsport and Elmira Railroad. Through to Buffalo, in 16 hour*. " Niagara Falls, 1 16 " " Detroit, ' 24 " " Chicago, • 34 " " St. Louie. ' 43 " Gf Ticket Office—N. W. corner Sixth and Chestnut streets, and Philadelphia and Read ing K. R. Depot, corner of Broad and Ninth streets. On and after Monday, May 7th, Three Pas senger Trains will leave the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Depot, corner of Broad and Vine streets, daily, (Sunday's excepted,) us follows : DAY EXPRESS-6 A. M. Stopping at Phrrnixville and Reading only. Connecting with the Cattawissa, Williams port, and Erie, and Wtlliantsporl anil Klntira Railroad; arriving at Klmiru at 4 o'clock P. M., connecting with New York and and Buffalo; and from thence, via. Steamers on Lake Erie, or on Lake Shore Railroad, to Cleveland, Toledo, Monroe, Sandusky and Detroit. Also, with Elmira, Cnnaitilaigua with New York Central Railroad, East and West, and ot Suspension Bridge with the Great Western and Michigan Central Railroad for Detroit, Chicago, St. Louis, and all points in Canada and Western Slates. Only one change ot Baggage between Phil adelnhia and Canada or the Lakes. DAY EXPRESS—Breakfast at Port Clin ton and Dinner at Williarnsport. NIGHT EXPRESS—Tea at Port Clinton. Passengers purchasing Tickets by Hits Line k have the privilege of stopping at any of the above points, and resuming their seats at pleasure. i Fare from Philadelphia to c Timinipiu, $2 95 j t Cntlawissu, 4 35 ; t Rupert, 4 40 j I Danville, 4 (0 , " Milton, 5 15 1 WilllvnsporC ft 90 j 1 Klmitu, 7 00 | Jefferson, 7 65 i ' Stat key i 7 95 I ' Petiit Van, 8 00 I tiorhant, 8 00 j! Geneva via. Gnrham, 8 00 ' " Steamer J. Armlt J 8 00 j ' Cauandaiaua, • 8 00 i lloneoye Falls, 8 SO j f Caledonia, 8 84 j Lo Hoy, 8 , Haiavin, 9 Oo j , Rochester, 8 60 ; , Buffalo. via. N. Y. and K., and Buffalo ' and N. Y. City, - 10 I Buffalo, via. Tonavvanda, 10 j Niagara Kalis, via. Klmira. Cunandai ; gua N Niagara Kalis R. R. • 10 " " via. Buffalo, 10 00 ' Suspension Bridge, • 11 00 , Cleveland, 10 70 Toledo, 14 7ft i Cincinnati, 16 no | Detroit, via. Rail, 16 00, << Bull'. & l.ake, 16 00 Chicago, via. Great Western & Mich igan Central R. R. - - 20 00 | Chicago, via Buffalo and Lake Shore Mich. Southern R R„ • 20 00 ; Chicago, via. But)., lake and .Mich. Central R. R. • 20 00 Rock Island, 25 00 E. T. HUBRKLL, Ticket and Kreight Agent, j N. W. cornei Sixth and Chestnut sts. i G V Nicot t.. Superintendent Philadelphia . 1 and Reading Railroad. T KI KISSOCK, Superintendent Caltavvissa. Williantsport and Kne Railroad. HENRY Corns. Superintendent Williams* port and Kintira Railroad. July l-. 185.- it. MIL WEST BRAMH MBVBARCB 10. OF I.OCK lIAVEN, DA. Insures Detached Buildings. Stores, Mei [ ohandixe, Farm Property, and other build ings, and their contents at moderate rates. CAPITAL, $300,000. Cll AKTE A' PERPETV AL. \ Dl K KCTORB. Hon. John J. Pearce, Hon. G. C. Harvey, John B. Hall, T. T. A brains, , Cha-les A. Mayer, 11. K. Jackman, Charles Crist, W. White, Peter Dickinson. Thomas Kitchen, i Hon. G C H ARVEY. Pres't. T. T ASSAM#, Vice Tree. , i THOS. KITCHEN. See'V H t H AS." I'LMAN, Gen'l AgY REFERENCES. ] Samuel H. Lloyd, Thomas Botvnan, D.D. A. A. WinegaiJuer, Win. Vauderbelt, L. A MAC key, Wat. Fearon, A. White, Dr J. S. Crawford, James Quigale. A. I'pdegraff, John W. Maynard, James Armstrong, ' Hon.S.monCameron | Hon. Wnt. Bigler. ! WESLEY AVIRT. Agent, Bloom# burg, June 18, 1956-6 m. , Wrought & Cast Iron Bed- STEADS. RAILING,SRTTEKosTRKE BOX . es, Stai ds. Verandas. No. Cemetery Lots En* : closed with either cast or Wrought Iron Rail* i lag, NO. 335 MAREBT. STREET. 2 doors below Ninth.) PHILADELPHIA. March 27, 1536. S3T 2 o E. a EC7T3S, i SJESSCH ~, ■ ■■ , Th ESFECTFI'LLY oiters his *• protessional services to • Vs Ußtt >he Ladies and Gentlemen of Bioomsburg and vicinity. He is prepareuto attend to a>i the various opera.ions io Deu nstrv. and is provided with tne latesr im* ->'oved PORCELAIN TEETH, which wid be inserted on pivot or gold plate, to look aa well as natural. A superior article ot Tooth Powders, a! ways on hand. All operations on the teein ! warranted. CP" Office near the Academy. Bloomsbcrs. Nov. 20, 1866. H . WARD, Manufacl urtr and Dialer in 8 Not. 77 fc 79 Nor)lt Second Street, PHILADELPHIA. WE are receiving our Spring Stock, which will comprise a Urge and desirable assort meat of a'! kinds of fiStl Straw and Law Our St oca et Flower* will be rnusu aEy Urge this sewsee.aed we wid savue your special auewuoa to mat depanmea . P.ease call and ezasise them beiort making your ~itrrVif "• WARD, *ioe 77 t 79 N Second St. March 11, 1857^2m TERRIBLE DISCLOSURES Secrets Tor the million! A most Wonderful and Invaluable Publication. Br. Hunter's Medical Manual; vWUDi '/<'//, REING an origi. sNbNMkj&&.<//,. NAL and popular Treatise on MAN and WOMAN: their Phys iology. Functions and Sexual Disorders ol '''■'/ftfjtt ,'i!V\\\^ X every kind, with nsv er failing Remedies for the speedy cure of all diseases of a private and delicate character, incident to the violation of the Laws of Na> ture and of Natures God. rlt ICE TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. THK Auihor of the lbove volume is ■ grsdu ate of one ot the first medicil schools if the United Ststcs, and having devoted a quarter of a century to the study and trestment of Syphilis stid kindred disorUers ss a speciality, he has become possessed of most invaluthle informs, lion in regard to the same, and is able to com pass into vado mecum compass the very quint, essence of medical science on this important subject; as the result of the experience of lbs most eminent physician in Europe and Atuer. leu is thoroughly demonstrated in his own highly successful practice in the treatment of se. rt t diseases in mtny thousands of cases in the City of Philadelphia stone. The \ raetice of Dr. Hunter has long boon, and still is literally unbounded, but at the ear nest solicitation of numerous persons, he has been induced to ex lend the sphere of his pro fessional usi fulness to the community at large, through the medium of Itia "Mednal Manual tland-Uook for the AfllicVd.'' It is a volume that should be in tho hand of every family ill the land, whether uaetl as a preventive of aecret vice, or as a gnitle lor the alleviation of one of the most awful and de structive scourges ever visited upon mankind for the tins of aeuaualily and impurity of every kl d. H is a volume that has received the utiquali- j tied recommendation of the first physicians in ' the land, while many clergymen, fathers, motif j em. | hilanthropiats aid humanitarians, have; most freely extended its circulation in all quai- I ters where its powerful teachings would he like- j ly to he instrumental in the moial purification [ and phvu.'ol healing of multitude i of our peo. ! pie, among the young, volatile and indiscreet, j otherwise the pride and flower of the nation, < The authot nrguea particularly, most strongly | against every aperies of sclf-drlileniciit, and i warns parents nnd guardians, in searching | terms, to guard the young of both sexes from j the terrible consequences concomitant of their ignorance of phytological laws and sexual turd j purities and irregulatitiea, whether cthihile- | nv pteeoeious development or nrising from the I visoioua and coriupling examples of their school ; males or olheiwise. To (hose who have beet alteady ensnared to tiro "paths that lake hold j on hell,'" a clear and explicit way ia shown by j which they may secure a tcturn of sound health and a regeneration of the soul fiout its terrible , pollution. I It is well known that thousands of victims ; are annually sacrificed at the ahnn of Quack -1 erv —especially thosesuffering fiotn Ycncieal or t>> philitie diseases—Strictures, Seminal Weak ness, Net volts Debility, and the numerous mal adies which spring directly or less remotely from the indulgence of carnal passions and to cretviolations of Natute. In view of these tacts, and when it is also considered that about 100,01)0 persona die annu ally io the Tinted States of Cououiupt.ou—a large majority being the victims of the voluptu ous indiscretion of their progenitors, agreeably to the Scriptural enunciation, that the sins of . the parents ate visited upon the children, even to the third and fourth generation. The Author, imbued with sentiments of enlarged phrlhuthro py.wtll scarcely be censured for any effort to restrain the vices of the age, by the humble iu i stiumrulaliiv of Ins Medical .Manual. \ One copy, securely enveloped, will be forward' ! cd ftce ofpos ageto any pan oflho United States for Sft cents, or t! copies for #t. Address, post paid, COSUGK 4* TO.. IVausuvas. llox I'dl, Philadelphia Us*" lleokscllets, Canvassers anc Book Agents supplied on the most liberal terms. 1000 I'O.XS *; i SUPFsR-rnOSPUATB OF L ME, PKBI'KIVS Original ami Genuine, warrant ed ot superior quality, the cheapest rtianure in the vrorht. Kattnets and dealers supplied at low prices. K.XIKA QUALITY LAND H.ASTKR. S.OOO barrels Kxtra Quality Blaster, selected lor its ferliluit g quality, j 10 000 bushels ol same in bulk. 10,000 barrels best quality Ordinary I.anJ i Plaster, equal to the best usualy sold, at the ; low price of 20 cents per bushel, or SI. 10 per barrel, with a deduction tor large lota. 25,000 bushels of same in bulk. 1.000 barrels Calcined Plaster. 1,000 " Casting " 500 " Dentist " 5.060 " Hydraulic Cement. 1,0t.i0 " True Roman " Peruvian tstialio. This article we otter in confidence to our customers, as equal to any imported, and far superior to most in the market. 10,000 bags of this superior Guano, for sale, ; at the lowest market rates. Also, Poudrette, M-sxican Guano. Ground Charcoal. &e. &e. j FRENCH, RICHARDS & CO. At the Steam Plaster Miile, junc'.iou York j Avenue and Caiiowhiil Street, Philadelphia. February 14, 1856. JOSEPH A. NEEDLES, j Manvfictnrer of W!RE.SILK*HAIR CI.OTHSEIVES COL""-*.* E, medium and tine in mesh; Urge, middie-stxed and small in diameter. I Metallic Cloths or Woven Wire, O; the best qualities, various sixes of mesh. ■ (rum Nos. "to SO inclusive, and from one to 1 six teet in width. Thee are numbered so many spaces to a t lineal inch.and cut to suit. The subscriber also keeps constantly on ■ hand i For Coal, Sand, Ore, Lime, Grain, Gravel, , Guano, Sutnac, Sugar, Salt, Bone. Coßee Spice. Drugs. Dye Stuffs. &c. Together ■ with an assortment of i Bright and .innealed Iron Wire. Aifof the above sold wholesale or retail, ! by J A. NEEDLES, 54 North Front Street, Philad'a. Slay 28. 1856-ly. Wood's OraaMfßlal Iron Works, RIDGE AVENUE, PHILADELPAIA. THE attention of the iahsbitanls of Penn sylvania are invitrd to the extensive Msnofac. 1 torr and Warerooms of the subscriber, who is i prepared to famish at the shortest notice. Iron Railing of every description, fr Cemeteries, public and private boildings. also Verandahs, ' Fountains, Chairs, Settees, Lions. Dogs and j other ornamental iron works of decor alive char | acte'. Purchasers may relr on having all >r -1 ticles carefully boxed ind shipped to their Jes i tination. A book of desigos will be famished ' to those wishing to make selections. ROBERT WOOD, . Ridge Avenue, Most Spring Garden St., PHILADELPHIA. I September 27, 855. THOMAS BUTLER, JVo. 7 Somlk Seventh Street, ! PHILADELPHIA; iWf anutac'.urer of strong Tinware, Copper, Tia and Z- no Batniog Tube, Bathing Pans, and every kind of bain log apparatus. Also deed and paper boxes. Prompt attention g'ven to ordered work, J and goods carefully fonrpreed oo orders. Philadelphia, August 17th, 1854. GRATIS, GRATIS, GRATIS, GRATIS. A FREE GIF! TO ALL RISERT RELIEVED. '•Naturr* Guide." anew and popular work, it distributed without charge, and fnrwuidml by mail to any Paal Office in (be U. States, on receiving an order enclosing two stamps for postage- PHILADELPHIA MEDICAL IKHJSE- Ealabliahed SO years ago by Dr. XINKF.LIN, corner of Third aud Union streets, betweou Spruce and Pine, Philadelphia, Pa. INVALIDS Are apprised that Dr. KINKELIN ocrtfi.-es Ins practice to a particular branch of rite cine, which engages his individual attention. He cautions the unfortunate against the • bit so of mercury; thousanda are annuat'y mercnrialixed out of life. Recent atfeti -:,j are ptomptly extinguished. TWENTY YEARS'EXPERIENCE In the treatment of a claas of diseaaes hlth ertoneglected and imperfeolly understood, has enabled Dr. KINKELIN, Author of a work on Self Preservation, to prove hat Hint tenths of the causes of nervous debility, 10. cat and constitutional weakness, mental art, physical suffering, are traceable to retrain habits, forming the inost secret yet deadly and land springs of domestic misery au,. premature mortality. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE, There is an evil habit sometimes indulged in by boys, in solitude, and which, if not re formed in due time, not only begets teriou> obstacles to matrimonial happiness,but gives rise to u series of protracted, insidious, and devastating afflictions. Few ol those who give way to this perttioious practice ate a wate ot the consequences, until lbe> find the nervous system shattered, feel strange and unaccountable leeliugs, and vague to sr. in the mind. The unfortunate thus utfecteJ becomes 'so ble, Is unable to labor with ecruatomed vig or, or to apply his mind to study ; his *ti- is tardy unit weak, he is dull, irresolute, and engages in his sport with loss energy man usual. If ho emanei| ate himself before the pr*. tiee lias done its worst, and en'er matrimony, his marriage is unfruitful, und Ilia sense tolls him that this is caused by Itia eatly follies These are considerations which should awa* ken the attention ol those sitniiaily situated MARRIAGE Requires the fulfillment of several conditions | in order that it may be really the cause pt | mutual happiness. Could the veil which i covers the origin of domestic wretchedness |be raised, and its true source ia every in j stance disclosed—in how many could it be ' traced to physical disqualifications and their attendant disappointments! Apply then while it is yet time, in order to have your unstrung and relaxed organization rabtaoed, revivified aud strengthened. UEMEMHER, He who places bimseli undsr Dr. Kinkelin'a treatment may religiously confide in his hot)* | or as a geitteinun, ami relv noon the easur -1 unce, that the secrets of Dr. K'a patients will j never be disclosed. Young tnati—let no false modesty deter I you from making your case auown to sue i who, from education altid respectability, cau j beitieud you. Too many think they will conceal the so- J ore! itt their own hearts, and cure itiemse Ivee I Alas! how olten Is this a latal delusion, end how many a promising young man, who i might have been an ornament to society, has ) laded from the earth. I Strictures of the urethra are rapidly re moved by the application of a new that A - I peutical agent, used only by Dr. K. Weak I ttess and Constitutional Debility prompt y j cured, and full vigor restored, "I am man and deem nothing whi h ! relates to man foreign lo my feelings." YOUTH AND MANHOOD HjJjTSISI -I Vigcimts Life or a Fr- HUH ,nature Oe,th. i KINKELIN ON SELF-PRESERVATION, i Only twenty-fire tents, or the value in post > age stamps, will ensure a copy of this book, 1 prepaid, per return of mail, j Persons at a distance may address Dr. i KINKELIN by letter,enclosing a remittance, ! aud be outed at home. Packages of Medicines, with plain direc tions, packed secure from damage or curios ity, are forwarded by Mail or Express to any part of the Uuiied States. REMEMBER, Pr KINKELIN'S residence has been for the last twenty years at the N. W. Corner of Third and Union Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. July 2d, 1856.—tf. Espj HERRING'S !|| s© ap as . tj|y CHAMPION!! The only Safe which, in evert/ instancy preserved the entire contents ah the late Extrusive Fires. AT THE BURNING OF THE ARTIZAN BUILDJNGS, Aptil lOth, and in the gisat \firt in Market Sweet, May Ist, 1856, the gen uine Hkrring SiFyweserved the Jewelry of 1 George W. , of Fisher & Bro. and Edward Semans & Co., after remaining exposed in the burning ruins i for nearly Forty Hours, and proving conclu sively what we bare always cleimed for them, their great superiotity over all securt ; ties known. In these fires, the HERRING'S SAFE, i standing side by side with those advertised as '-warranted to stand 10 per cent, more lire ' than Herring's," came forth the acknowledg ed victor, not only preserving their contents j in excellent order, but being themselves is a condition to go through another ordeal, while I the boasted ••Salamanders'* of other makers were badly used op in every instanoe, end in somecasestheir entire contents completely I destroyed. To the public we wonld simply ssy, that, I during the fourteen years of the Herring's Safe has been before them, more than two hundred have passed through accidental fires without the occurrence of a single loss. We would, therefore, caution purchasers against the misrepresentation of interested parties. The Herring's Patent ie the only 1 Fire-proof Safe made iu "his city which is ; protected by a Patent Right, and we will , guarantee it to resist more than double the amount of heat of any other Sale now known, FARRELS & HERRING, Sole Manufacturers in this State of i "Marine's Patent Champion Safes." 34 Walnut Sv, Pbilad'a. N B '"Evans & Waison's Improved Sal . emanders," "Oliver Evan's." "C.J. Gay let's' I and "Scott's Abestos," Iron Cherts, (a large assortment having been taken in part pay ment for "Herring's,") will be eold at low prices. Philadelphia, June 10, 1856—1y. Dr. FBiSCIS C. DABRISOX, WOULD respectfully inform thecitizene of Bioomeburg and vicinity, that he ! has commenced the practice of Medicine and Surgery theremnd rolicitsasbare of poblicpa r tronage. He can alwsye be fonnd at the Ex- S change Hotel opposite the Conrt House, t- Bioomeburg, March, let, '55. ■ *f USLINS a yard wide for 8 cents, and i" good printe for 6} ceore recced
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers