• ELIOT SCHOOL. THE next term of ibi. ushnoi, M) eom m.nru nn MGNDAY, MAY I lib, uaxl, runt sow in h* eleven *irfc. I Hpit. *1 reefivsil M any dm#, TKHMI or TUITION. - Primary Situlie*, ... #4 Common English Siruti#*, . I Higher English Ptndir. nruf Cls#t*, 9 B. P. EATON, Primtpel. Bloom.hufg, March 94, WAT. OR E E NW O O DBE Ml NARY MILLVILLB. CRLt'MBIA CO., PA. A pystemaiin inurse of instruction is given in all ill* En9li.ll lir.nrl es n.n.Uy laoglit. The Principal will he ai*teil doting the present year by T. M. POTTS, an eaperi enced leaehar, recently Irom lbs I..ncmer Co. Normal School. A vacation o( eeven weeks will commence July 111. EXE&see TUITION, for day pupil* 93.60, to 54.50 per quarter. Hoarding, Tuition, Washing, Light*, he., 930 per quarter of eleven week* one-ball in advance. For oirnular, catalogue or orlher particu lars addrers \VM. BURGESS, iVlillville, April 1, 1857. Piincipal. Lial of Letters REMAINING in the Post Office at Bioorue burg, Pa , April let, '57. Alexander Geo. 3 Kahler Thompson Baldwin Wm. Lore Lydia Burt Samuel M'Climork Andrew Brown J A DF Moylau Richard 2 Buhm Catharine Nathan Simon Cben.barlin Wm. Pie iter Francis Chri.ly John H. I'feifer Charles Creem Cornelius PiferGeorge First John Keeser Rebecca Freeee Joiiab Ruesel Woel Gabb Henry F Ryan John Gillard Samuel Schmcyei Peter Henley W C Slawson Mary Ilariman Jacob Siraustr Benjamin Hill Stephen H. Tovey George Hopkins Kienzi Webb George Hunt Fredeiick Wallowey Ellen. Washington George. Perrons calling lor the above letters, will please ray "they are advertised." PHILIP UNANGST, P. Id. April 8, 1857. Public Notice Tor Licenses. TVTOTICB is hereby given that the following A™ perrons in Columbia coumy have filed theii several petitions in the Court of Quarter Sessions ot the 6aid county for a tavern li cense in their respective townships, which said petitions will be presented to the said court on Monday the 4 h day ol May next, of which all persons interested will heieby tako noiieo, and the licenses lor the county ot'Columbia will be gianted on Wed nesday tbe 6th day ol May uext at 2 o'cluck p. a i. Olivet A. Jacnty, Bloom. Joshua Womer, Couyngham. William Long, Fishingcieek, Thomas Connelly, Berwick. Franklin Shuman, Koaringcreek. John Linden, Briarcreek. John J. Stiles, Benton. Peter Shug, Scott. Isaac Rhodes, Locust. Joseph 11. Long, do. Isaac Velter, Maine. Samuel Anderson, do. W. A. Khne, Greenwood. Frederick Nicely, Berwick- Kiefier A. Smith, Jersey tow n. Samuel Koticnborder, Catawissa. Enoch Howell, Scott. Daniel L. Evethart, Light Street, Samuel MeHdrtYy, Benton. Richard l'lummer, U'.oom. Samuel Everett, Orange. Peter P. Kline, do. George L. Shoemaker, Hemlock, l'eter Billmyer, Bloom. David Miller, Biiarcreek. Isaac K. Swepbenheiser, ) Store License. ' { Mifflm. The fallow ing persons have filed their pe- 1 litions in tbe same court lor license to keep an eating house or testauram in their respective ; township*, and tne.e petition* will be pre sented and acted upon at the same lime with those for tavern licenses. Mary llolmes, Fisbiogcreek. T. C. &O. T. Wilson, Bloomsburg. Joseph W. Hendersbot, Bloom. JACOB EYEELY, Cirri. Bloomsburg, April 6, 1857. Register's Notice- NOTICE is fiweby given to all lega tees, creditors and other persons interested in the estates of (lie respective decedents Rnd minors, that the following adminis tration accounts have heen filed in the of fice of the Register cf Columbia county, and will be presented for confirmation and allowance to the Or) bans' Court, to be held at Bloomsburg, in the county afore said, on Wednesday, the oth day of May next, at 2 o'clock, P. M : 1 Tbe account of Charles Snyder, admin istrator of John Snyder, late of the borough ot Berwick, deceased. 2 The account of George Keller, admin istrator of the estate of Jacob Keller, late of Fishiugcreek township, deceased. 3 Theseveral accounts of Caleb Appleman, Peter Applemsn and Bains Appleman, exec utors of Ualtis Appleman, late of Hemlock township, deceased. 4 'J he account of Philip Cool, administra tor of David C. Bodiue, late of Koariogcroek township, deceased. " 5 The acoount of Stephen Gearhart and Jacob Gearhart, the executors of Jacob Goar hart, lalo ot Mifflin township, d#eee**if. 6 Tho first and final account of Joshua Fowler, administrator of Daniel Fowler, late of Centre township, deceased. 7 The final account of Wm. Snyder, guar dian of Richard Palmer, a minor child of Thnmai Palmer, tale of Bloom twp., dee'd. 8 The final account of William Snyder, guardian of Daniel Palmer, one of the child ren of Thomas Paliuer, la is of Bloom town ship, deceased. 0 The account ol Lawson Hughes, adm'r. of the estate ol Abraham Hoover, late of Ben ton township, deceased. 10 The account of Jacob Detnotl, adminis trator of trie estate ol Joseph Jones, late of Greenwood lownshipy deceased. 11 The account ol John Perks, adminis trator ol the estate of Philip Dodder, lata of Fisbiogcreek twp., deceased. ' 12 The first and final account of Aaroo Mosleller, guardian of Lydia Longenberger, late Lydia Miller, a daughter of Heary Mil ler, late ol Lutssroe county, dec't). 13 The account of Peter Yocum, executor of Calhaitue Renting, late of Locust town ship, deceased. 14 The final account of Maria Emmons, otimimstialrix antf&amuel McNinch, adm'r. ol tbe eslalo of Andrew Emmons, dee'd. 15 The account ot Sa must Eisner a.id Rich ard Demon, exeuuiota of the 1 stale of John Kntner, late of Madison township, dee'd. 15 The accouut of Paul Zaner, administra tor of Daniel Zatter, lata ot Centre township, deceased. 17 The account of Eli Creveling. adminis trator of Joha MeCarty, late of Scott iwp., (jflfoqirtl Jltcisicit'a Orricc, I DANIEL LEE, Bloomsburg, April, 7, {57; J Hsgisttri ; "1?11 . '. r "Tab** Corner Jftnth ond Market Until. Oflee in foMStd frevy, PHI LAO ILPHI A. WM brvtfe attend do to sur enlarged *Mnk of Drags, Palms, (Ms, TsMrishss, he , veUret sit sxpresely lot oar **!**, and eompvisipf rme of tbe finest eaaerlmeoM M lb* Urd*rt States, which we offer M Id# prieea, for cssh or vpfuowA rwerfih WE MANUFACTURE voy extensively: ■ Piemiam Pure, Who* l.ead. best, Kensiogtou Pure White Laid, Peail Snow While Lead, "Vietfe Montsgne" French 7Jne, beat, Pure Snow White American Zmc, Philadelphia Snow White 7Jne, Silver's Plastic Fire U Weather-proof Psirt*, Chrome Green*, Ycilovrs, It colors gerieraffy, AGENTS FOR: Potter's superior Alkaline Window Glass, Genuine French Plate Glass, warfan'-ed, The New Jrrrey Z tie Company's products, Tilden and Nepbew'e N. Y. Varnishes. Brooklyn Premiu.-n Pure White Lead, Hampdsn Permanent Greeos, Pure Ohio Catawba Brandy, Sic. he. IMPORTERS OF: French and English Plate G!a*, Frencli and English Cylinder Glase, Colored and Engraved Window Glass, Dagueneotypa Glass, Hammered Plate lor Floors and Sky-Lights, Drugs, Chemical*, Perfumery, itc. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN: Drozgreiv Articles generally. Painters' Tools of all descriptiosa, Hydraulic and Roman Cement, Calcined and Land Plaster, Paper Maker's Clay, Satin, White, See See. FRENCH, RICHARDS & CO., Store N. W. cor. of Tenth h Market Sts. PHILADELPHIA. April 8, 1857 -3m. Faracrs' Depot and Piaster Mills* At the Junction of York Avenue, Crown and Callowhill Streets, PHILADELPHIA. WE offer a large stork of Chemical Ma nures and Fertilizers at low prices, and war ranted to be Genuine: among which will be found: 1.000 tons No. 1. Government Peruvian Gusno. 1.000 tons De Berg's No. 1 Super-Pbos phate ol Lime. The above standard articles are, each of their kind, the best In the world! Our Land Plaster, manufactured from selert stone, is cefebrated throughout the Union for its purity and strength. • WE INVITE ORDERS FOR— De Berg's No. 1 Super Phosphate of Lime. No. 1 Government Peruvian Guano. French's Improved Sup- Phosphate of Lime. French's Philadelphia Poudretie. No. 1 Phosphate Guano (Phila. Co.'s ) Mexican Guano. (A.) Extra Land Plaster. Ordinary Land Plaster. . Chemical Bone. Pure Bone Dost. : Fish Guano. Ground Charcoal. ] 10,000 Barrels Land Plaster. 5,000 " Casting Plaster. 10.000 " Hydraulic Cement. 3.000 " True Roman Cement. 1 1,000 " Portland {Eng.) Cement. ALSO* DENTISTS' PLASTER, STEREOTYPE PLASTER. GLASS MAKERS' PLASTER, GROUND SOAP STONE, GROUND WHITE MARBLE, GROUND BLUE MARBLE. Powdered Anthracite Coal, (in barrels.) Powdered Bircrninons Cost, do. Ground B'own Stone, do. While Sand, do. Ground Bricks, for Paintera. Powdered Btme Black. FRENCH, RICHARDS, & CO. Steam Hit Its ami Tut mere' Depot, A' junction ol Y'ork Avenue, Crown and j Callowhill Streets, Philadelphia. April 8, '57, 2rn. - j Notice. ALL persons imere.ied will lake notice i that James Leidy and John Rirhsri. I ! Committee ot Archibald I'aiier-ou a habi'u ; al drunkard, have filed their accounts of ibe management of the e.late o* the said Arrhi j bald Patterson in the Piothonotary' office ot the Court of Common Pleas ol Columbia county, and that the satd account will he I presented to the Court of Common Pleas of \ said cuunly for confirmation and allowance | on Wednesday the Gift day of May next. JACOB KYERLY, Bloomsburg, March 28, 1957. Prolk'y. ' Notice. A I.L persons interested will lake notice I Z* diat Hiram R. Kline, Committee ol Ma- I thins Kline, now deceased, a lunatic, ha filed his account of the management of the estate of WtW said lunette in the Pioihonotaiy's office of ibe Court of Comtnun Pleas of Co lumbia county, and that the said areoon: will be presented to tbe Coort of Common Pleas Of said county (or confirmation and al luwance ou Wednesday Ilia 6th day of May 1 next. JACOB EY'ERLY, Bloomsburg. March 28. ft 7. Prolk'y. Aduiinißlrator'M Notice. JMOTICE is baieby given that tellers ul ad- ] • * ministration upon tba estate of Anna Lunger, late of Bemon township, Columbia | county, deceased, have been gran ed to the undersigned residing in Benloo township.— 1 All persona indebted to tha said estate are ' requevtatl to make payment witboat delay, i and thosa having aoconnu againH the aatale to preseut them for payment to PETER LAUBACH, Benton, March 28, '57. Adm'r. Ad niini<rator's Notice. IYJOTICE is he.eby given that letters of ad minist-ation upon Ibe estate of David Herring, Isle of Centre township, Columbia county, deceased, have been granted 10 ibe undersigned residing in Limestone township, Montour counly. All persons indebted 10 the said estate are requested to make pay ment without delay, and those having ac count* against the eclatwto preseul them for payment to PETER STRAUS, Limestone. March 28. '57 Admr'r. STOPES J STOVES J STOVES ! JTV , THE undersigned informs his friencU and the public in general, that ha has tbe entire interest in the Tinware anil Stove Establishment, on Main Street, one door above tbe Coort Hoase, Bloomsbntg. where he h prepared 10 furnish Tinware, Btoves, Stovepipe, and Spoatmg,and all other busines* in hie line on short notice, and in good order. The New Reub and WiHiam Peim Cook ing Stove, and also a large assortment of Parlor Stove*. constantly ou hand and for sale at moderate prices. Thankful for former patronage, he re spectfully solicits a 'continuance of the same. JOSEPH SHARPLESB. Bloomsburg, May G. 1856. CAUTION. —T WHEREAS my with,' Catherine, has left my bad and board without any jaat caaae, I forewarn all person• against trusting bar on my accouut, as I will not pay aay debts of bci contracting hawtsher. THOMAS COURSEN Pina township, March , 1857.-t,* j jAkl .A'ti i.tvi glSibsi live esvsvM Courts of Commom Wens, avis'! era) Qosrtvr ffssMrm* of the feotv. to 4 ' Orphans' Court, tiooft of Of ol omt; Tvminvt and in it Delivery, in n*A (01. •he fiorsotf efColamhi*. Uietmsosoes as . the Coetrr Hoase, M Smsmmm, em Msndog the 4th tlog of May next, Th# 6sfppr, iosiUsn of the Feaee k. Coff*i*U*, in m<( far the eoomtf of Co- , Icmbis.sre reqeeatsd fa ha thaw aw 4 there in their proper per sows, with their reot, regard*, iwqwisiivwws. ami other remews-1 bra trees, ta do thosa things to theft saw- < eral offices appe/tsia'Mg la ha dome. 1 And all witnesses prosecuting its behalf of (be Commonwealth agsiusl say pri* j awer, era also requested tad commanded j 10 be then sad there aiietsdiag iw (heir pre per per sows la prosaeaia agaioar him, a* 1 shall be jwar and net la depart without j leave at their peril. Jurors are reqwestt j ed 10 be punctual ia (heir atteudanee, a the lime appoiwtad agreeable la their mo-, lice*, Given under my haad at Bloomsburg tbe Ist Jar of April, ia tbe year ofoar! Imrd ose thousand eignt hundred sad | fifty-seven, and tbe Independence of ibe j Uoited States of America tbe Slat. (God save the Commonwealth.) STEPHEN H. MILLER. Sk'f. J GRAXDJrUORS FOR SAT TERM* 57 Briarcreek Jab* Dusk, Richard Thornp * son. r earn—Solomon Not hard. Catawissa—Charles Kreagb. Greenwood—John Lemon, Geo. Ktmen, Edward Albenson, Ira Jotansoo, Isaac Dew Hi j Hemlock—Peter Appleman. Locust—John Yeager. Mounlpleasant—-Jacob Gobo. Mifflin—Abraham Aloft-tier, William K. Brown. Maine—Daniel Shuman. Montour—Peter Heimbaeh. Madison—James Johnson, Keiier A. Smhk, • John Swisber. I'ioe—Albert Hunter. Scott —John Trembly, Harman G. Crive- | ling, Jackson Garret son. Sugarloaf—Andrew Laubach. Traverse Jarors far May Tera, '97. | Bloom—Morris Van Baskirk. Brian-reek—Henry Ri:leubouae, Henry i Doafc. John Freas. Reaver—Charles Michael, Mosea Scblicb- < or. Jacob Bitlenbender. Bemon—Richard Sules, Joseph C. Hew. j Centre—John Fester. Jacob Htgeubecb. Catawissa—Daniel Ciacwell. ! Greenwood—Abraham Dreibelbis, Jacob 1 1 BiUeabsnder. Hemlock—Reuben Bjgart. ] Jackson—George firm. I ram Derr. t Diets*:—John L. Hirst. Jonas Beruinger, G : C. Hower, Edwin John. I Mifflto—Jobo Folk, Henry Bellas, Thomas | Ajpii. Hiram Freas. Madison—Nehemiah Weiliver, Richard i Derno'i. Moonipleasa-.-—Joha Sh-pman, Philip Crawford, Paul Kline. Roaritjgrreek—William Dreisbacb. Scop—Recce Fairmsn, Wifitsm Mjors, Tliour-* Schtieidman, WiUsrd.C. Green. Sugarloaf—George Sted man. LIST OF I'AtSES FOR TRIAL AT MAY TERM. 1. John Geriiag el ai. vs. Charles F. Maori. ! 2. Samuel McCeliock U. at. o Samuel F. ! Head ley. 3. VV.n. Koana ra. George L. Kline et. aj. 1 4. William Koon* rt. George I- Kline. 5. Frederick Beat's Exr's. trs. Pbihp Wicter ! steen e. al. j 6. Joseph Stackhouaa vs. Gilbert Fowler, i 7. Jane M. Brrcioger tri. W. A- Shoe. 8. David Retrtbidd er. Aaron Woif. t 9. Peter A.rpleman et. al. tts: Leonard B. I Rupert el. al. ] 10- Mary Vaatirkle trs. Joseph Ruckle at- ai. 11. George Miller vs. Ctatworihy Fitter. 112. George M tiler r*. Nathaniel Oierjwt 13. Peter Appleman n. Leonard B. Ropeit. 14. Thomas Parker er. Jobo H. Parker. | 15. George L. Kline er. Muee* Coffmao. i t 16. Jobn Wagner e. Sally Wagoer. i 17. Suaannab Hail cr. Clemu -1 Heary. 1 18. Isaac Brown er. Robert J. Lyon, j 19. William Robisoa es. Wiltoa Agev. I 20. Isaiah Shuman t. Jacob L-Sbamau eL aL ' ' 21. Jesse Hicks a Joseph KirkendaU. I 22. Jacob Schuyler vs. WiUon Ager. j 23. Nathan Seely vs. Daniel Spooeabetg's ; ! Adminisirators. ! 24. Fleicfier B. Dodsos er. William Long. j25 Catharine Tanner as. Jobo D. Weaver, j 26. Adam Gable vs. Engle Fox, Am'r. 27. William Wicb: rt. Goi.lcn R. Got ] I 28. Jooatban Mawefier vs. Stephen Bafdy. . 29. Christian Heit cr. Daniel Gigger. ( 30. William Hopper es. Edmoud Crawford. 31- George Fenermao er. Sotoasoa Fetter -1 man. 32. Martin Mowrer ct.Tbos. Staekhonse OLal. , : 33. Gilbert Fowler vs. Daniel Fowler, Et'r. j ' 35. Daniel Knsteobader ta. David Haas. < 36. Tilgnman D. S.rouss et.al.trt. John Hess. ' 37. Wiiliam RiUcokoasese.Samad F. Head- . ; ley. ! 38 James Ralston vs. Jos. Rtkton P-, Adm'r. 39. Leaoder W. Kaufman et. aL ta. Lewia Y. f Mysrs a*, al. 40. David Heldebraat vs. Ben jam ia Faax. 41. Rebecca Garrison vs. Alfred HvsoL 42 Daurei L Wimeraeec ataL sa. Canal tea Shaman. 49. William Robboo so. WUlmm Edgar. Notice to Heir*. In tke matter of tkr eOmi of DEN set Tamer tale cf Centre tenrnJup- CoOnml!e ommSg, AscA. 1 To Hannah Zaner widow, Pant Zsoer, ' John Zaner, Levi Zanar. Calbanoe Werk ' heiser, late Catbariao Zaner, oow wiia of > Charles Werk heiser, Ann Editor, late AM ' , Zsoer, now of John Eekroaq Alary Ana ' I Miller, Isle Alary Ann Zaoer, now wife of | Daniel W. Miller, children aad beim at law ol tbe raid Daniel Zaner: Yoo and each of yon ate hereby cited and commanded 10 be and appear before the Judges of our Or phan's Court al an Orphan'* Court so ha h olden al Bloomsburg in aad for said eoomy on the first Monday of Alay next, tbeo and there to accept or refuse 10 take tbe real es -1 tale of said Daniel Zaner, deceased, at the appraised value pal upon R by an iiqstst duly awarded by tbe said Coort, aod in ease I all the bci'. and representatives refuse so io 1 lake the same then to shew eaase, if any I yon have, why tbe said premises .Louid not 1 be ibid, according to ibe act of Assembly ia such case made and provided. ( j By order of tba Orphan's Coort of < L. S. > Colombia onnnty. ( — 3=r J STEPHEN H. MILLER, , bHCaivr's Omce, I Sheriff. Bloomsborg, March 26, '57. j | Ataianlntor'* Notice. NOTICE is beseby given that truer* of ad ministration upac the mate ot Joha H. De wit!, law of Semi township, Colombia um ty, deceased, have been granted Is Ibe ao l dsrstgood maiding in Ugbl firnsnt. Ail per sons indebted to tba said petals am ommsf 10 mafco payment wnboot dafey. aod dom j bavin; ocooaota against lbs deciaSonl la pco saot tbeaa tm aattlameotte GEORGE JOHN, Light Sboot, March 30, 1867 Adm'r. j ' f>etntdf t ftfmttw, GMsfE Otrnrml.jSmtemfmS ■ f 4m| Ifinjp < |jf pfnyf ittrf ' By**, Clefso#*w A* Body, PcAriwJrr'-gii ? aetd tflf 6' J (K MMr of bewr Imag trending, Of e*-r>i#* Idm ease, tmnmtf m emetmn, ami nt * shower fimw rbaw e pmm* mam mom* r*d by >7 oiMf Mwyiwmi, ct*t #B<rr the AiR nf mm toe,rt eminent plijaWMfa bm l , hM, and Am dries** teemed art other | Aran* ml em*. The mm i Ida mm tfae teem *, *<H*rtSew b^e*.— w' wuaw ibo—aod pa- M!>, who were taßtdig wrfr Ao www farm* ml jM ml 6m Oiri aaowfa—rf Am eo*Or, in a nwatetW (KM*MMiIiMM Md bsppsooss, me mem 16m Btm mumam ml mmtb Maytaoa, *er jfwa, he . me/6 4MiU bs o tar- MTM 6m corA; for (to Am tmsmtsky men Hlcrwrf, ao m merys.xy ml Ikm ernes Uiwti haAtf MMpMpi mm, who • ooly W ia cm 6m mssUlj, bm rata Ao aammm acb aotmirio nk of aca) okirh, waA Aa RMnTtUm mm aa Ik nana, yiliin wwy of tem abo* Miri tlaM.aMt hkf ami- BaAf RR CWWpiHWI, A MpiJ ft EfDE CSCDD DSDfIdvFY ak the raetim le fir raw aamo, Ac fan i ia rhaa eooreyed ka Aopriawrao Aa cfcJ lira, ni;| them H cast MM Aa awtl ak rraMbia, aCecaaaaa ef Ma Ay syne, ihroat, Ar_ asl apaa Himmairo a cam* napaa.ud i ka nchas twemaaa iiaHr gnre, between the age* ef w* meoAs aal ibinj-fire fern. Stii-abaaa aa aala lnaiilaMa aaaaay M haafA; ia fimaja Aa aaitaci rrsiaaa, mpiil'y wssrang anf Aa Mrjjaa o* lafa, caaraj aaMi Aaap* bappaacac. Female InasaMu* Ml aArr - luratd of femtlm iaaM la aha mom aU fal sod rcitwiAt aaarara. Ilifaiaa i wiA faMigo, wsi ta may pan ml Aa Dewed "mi an 1 finnilar bj paaii aaa aaMaiia i a i ] tins hrii ) a|*M k fewer. J SLMHEKULLK, L D, Be* . Peat Office; Filbert Sacra, We Teeth, FUt l>l ,Pm LRTTCRIEb. THE arUaan Maryfaorf Cngl toil Laaario, oJ which R. FRANCE A Co. axe jibe aaaaeen, are Aararel b> rbeacsSr af I Mar) laud, and a rraaiiutan raccf by the people, who aa some M ■]■ i iwtai I aal certify teal crerjthmg emwead'hib tew | :• haa in a aanedy bo— M maartrr, aal iba' iba aaMaaana al parire whw naili aa a ' iJauacr are aa well pawtecsed me A Aay lltewwlrea were paaaeai at the favwt—' Another tee* which ahe Masapaa ai aerw • uaa u>, ia, ibal al penoaw bare a iqp.l io wsf or W tor ides ta llayaal aa! , loiienea are lrzafiae4 be apeeial law aa IX£ j i alate. X boat) ta ban ears* Ay of lit' iwwxfc. If am (oilKailit cMa iiaaa iil or . for are b iei ia ike hxte daaaia; M take bad The price* el "•ckeaa rare home Si * ile t2O So lefcotaaae, baatw, aeoc aaln lb e ffiOLrr lot Ae tanr a* nmaal wehaae order. Ibe Jqwjay are opaa Am pwb " of os* ooaabcr n etch lalei (afw Ae Ha a aaa flaa,)aad Tea—ay nelniiw. Prmra vary ■ a mrnam bmm fO to IIMJM AS * orders Ist wtei or package* A cenic* I : proa* ■ iMnia. aaa Aw Mamj aa*aa at paacMWSA aMMSihaWily afcer a ia arc. I T. H HTSSASD It CO, bo Faf a Bag As <*, Feb. 3d. lAS7<—iy. Ron wcor. MA. BLI.\D SHJUPKr j OF NEW STYLES. B.J. WILLIAMS, 1 *• 12 SMttH hits muanr. PHILADELPHIA. ■ ISYFArTEKEK #F T2HITIAH BLasrrS, VELVET AXD GOLD MCfiECfj) A3tu PASXTKD SHAIE*. or Kamm Wftr Bvff mad mil ether emlmrmef- HmUrnmd , awf /or Shmdmm. ; Fixiaaes, Tnosi— kc, kr, Tl ndr iwli and —ail al Ae Loom bah Pram. ' j bH'KE SHADES Palmed M me dec. J BJ. W . AaaAlad far part pmmsmw&, : arerslaity aoiaeaaa As | lila ne ceS aud ex- ' : aswa haa nee and laaga a—tL beMae i TO PLEASE.* apt Maach 17 57—3 M. .. | WILLIAM G. PERRY, 8. U . Corner M F—oh ak Race Aa. { Wad Smjmty em Lam Ttrme, Bill Bra As, Cards, Checks, Bill of Imdiag. Pt emeieemp XmUe, Draft*, pr. ICCCUKT BOO2S, Made as a espenav ■asn 11 ar triad —d Letter, lit a Fssltoy Tapsr, FLAT PAPER. ALL SIZE*. IFiaS-HIE; •LB BOOMS KK>MI AB. PhflsieftAkL Maach 4, 1*57. WirwaiEs a una, rade/wsAc F*haa fc r % tfawsdM SHADE. FSLIT AXD ORMAMfPfTAL M TREES,RUCK, A, 1 j Cel. i rated asd far aah aa gsaaA—a Ma— ' dealeas sad w.heas, bida %mm iiaanw | J and osried arse pwi af R (kdaaaaUrn lirtaea af A* ahooe, far aafo afahaA aaad j retail. Ckalegsrs cu be had aj*d~cr aa. gratis LIUCPAtkCD. j X. B.—Wbes hAwad by sad, lanlh 1 Bam- Sot P. OU, Ptilalrl/ha Oar ataah aae as the Maiket. Market St tA* bah. ' . '-bear order* see ahw aeeeaaad. Match tfck, I*s7—fc-.. Lrathrr, Leather*. Leather! W.OVMJKA2?, FSESCB CJILF SKI'SS . HiCi ■irilLettherßflm He. 6S—-hThaadSareM Phda. VA CM—aJ aawsw M al kasA of LeaAcc. Marrrra,Ar.Mc. REbAKbOAK SOLS LEATHER Fcbnh) a, I*s7.—if. ""iLOftMiCTff* 1 ' feck— nag cased, wemthmm, asd aha a—ch aaaaertal far aaia. March £7, 1*57 F&ESfI ABM V Al- . j A HEW ia* af cheap I H ■ sfpd jwMraccjosd by aaafaaatitad^ra* I, lmtfGH Am) MEDICIJrES. „ ZMLf>ULXtXIe£±ZIXXI DP 23bWO>Za f ® YB|7'dPLD eafl Ao eMermirm of aO iho— who wkh to bey pood food* in hi* Ho*, b*t hs he yen repfm rtahetf bk (drefdyj large and wall Mi—ted mertwdnl of the following arti ek, '*—Drarjsa, ttmAmoee, Oil*, Paint*, Vamwhe*, Ola**, Drorioffr, Confeotionafie*, P*r- f timer), faoey roop* and toilet aniclo* generally; Cigar* arte! Tobscao of errrv rarieiy and brand, Harriaon'a Art* whole-ale ami retail at the etanofaetnrer'* prices, PORE WINES AND BRANDIES for m-dieinat o*e only. Tokee*, Shoolder Brae— and Abdominal Seppoat ere, SURGICAL Am DKNTAL INSTRUMENTS, Park, Tamiab and Tonrh Brnkv—; af—n agent for irmt of the popafai Patent Medraines of the dhy. Toys, and mm end!*-* iinry of o*efnl and fancy notions not here onomerated. Phyal eiao' Praaerisrton* and Family Medicine* pot enesrefollf sod at short notice. Glam Catling do— (e order at (be old arac.d. E. P. LUTZ. Blaaaubarg, April 9, 1857. BOOK, CARD, AND FANCY <Z7CE>Le THE PROPRIETOR OF THE "STAR OF THE NORTH," Haersg added t Ae hsietes ef the s Sfaa" Office geod and exkn-i-e JOBBING MATERI AL, is prepared to enterne all kind# of JOB PRINTING in the best CITY STYLE, and at then amice. Certijkmte* of Sloth moid Btpoebe, Cometitrntiona for Societies, Bmmh CheekPremmietory Notes, Roil JtomA mnd other Tickete, Cmtmimgmem. Paper Books, BiR-Heads, Cheek Roll*, Plain and Fancy Card*, Bstsime** mnd other Circular*, Poster* Plain and in Color*. JLXTD PZLXXnEZXrO C 7 ATIT. 2IITDS Can be Procured at the "Star" Job Office, A§ PBOBFTLI AYB BRATLV PRKITED AH I % THE CITY. The pabße are arrtJ to call aarl ace aferiraer *, as are are delemiosd to merit patron ay* by atnet ahaation to time teem aad aapenor wnrkatawahip. New Arrival of Spring and Summer Goods. . HATE jaai receired and opened ibew Hock of aaerebardize for Spring and Snmmer tales which comprise* the LARGEST, CHEAPEST, and HANDSOMEST auonmn t now afcaid m AaarrOWN! Ha*tag paid great attention to the selection of tbeir entire atoek, to price and quality, they Ratter fhamaelveo that they can compete with the cheapest, awd all rhoae wuhi— to hay cheap, eaa tare aaoney by firing cs a call. We hare all kawdsef Goodoaad Wamor# awppiy Ae wants of the People. A very large lot of LAMES DBEhS GOOD 3, Fioocb meriaoee. woof piaads, alpacas, bombazieea, do treses, poplin*, parametta cloths, mah— hanca.maffii de lames. Peraaa eloebe, Gmgbama, Calieaos, Ac. WHITE GOODS OF ALL KI!(DS, Slcre*. Collar*, Spencers, handkerchiefs. iar ri*-r. baodi aad trimmiags, laces ami tdpp. bonnet ribboca, in larje rariety, rel- ! rea nbooae. ami braids, kid, carloo, and lisle thread stores, mohair milts, Ac., All kmdt or SHAWLS, brachc, Say State, Walcrnße, Mack silk, eaefamcre. Embroder- j ed, Ac. Al— a rmy large asmthcat of cloths, cummers, aottinetts, reatiegs, tweeds; jcieii. oearrr cteth*. raanag reirea. Ac. BOOTS ASD SHOES, OF ALL JUS OS f SIZES FOE MEN WOMAN * CHILDREN Wo bare a kemgm a—taaeo: at Ham awd Cap* of latest fashion*. We bare also Hard waae, Qooewswate, Ccdarwaae, Ae. Ycay cbcap carpets, carpet bags, Roor, labia and car nase ail dmha, mala rat?*, bashaw, Ac. Maalio* flannels, tickings, diapers, toweling*, ■ dirflcsgs. Ac., ia ahwadaoce. ( We rarsac mi fnewd* and Ae pabfie generariy to pre * a call before pnrehasing el.e-1 i where Wo bare bmgbt —rgoodaat Lowest Cash Prices and will act be undersold by ! aaybody. or ike ten ed mankind. , Blaomihoag, October 28, 1855. ! ! New arrival of Spring and Snmmer Goods ! DATID LC77SXT23S.O - sarewta— to hi# work of cheap and fasbiowalc rfothing at hiastoreon Afark-t Z£.^TaaS • go*, sack, frock, gem aad oil cloth corns of all aort. and *ize*, pants of all color* shawl* Keeps* aad Sgm. ream, ahiau,erarata, stocks, cellar*, handkerchiefs, glares suspenders : asui lamer article*. j N-R- He wrll alae make to order any arricfo of ele:bins at rerr abort notice and in ' 'Aw besc maaner. All bra risiklag is made to car, ami moat of it is of borne macofac lan. Bkoemabsrg, April 1, 1857. r 1 — - - - . ■ FIKWT ARRIVAL! •F srilK ASR RIIEK CNR A C. REACH respectfa Ty mfmms bra | A* trier■*. rwsrrmrts, awd Ae ysMk sew- ecaiiy ihm be has jast imiiel from Pbiiw ■ cA*ir Ae Raw goods af the scasoe, consist. I mgaf * ktje siearearer ef ckaire aed da -5 For Aespraam awd smßseer trade campriasag, I SotfWiitt Back, aad Colarwd Frcweb Clatka, ; Rek Fsnach Dmakiats ami Caatiiwata. ' Rack Sari* awi Tamer, Sdk Twkki-*. i Buae, Rack, Brow* asd Gee— Casbmerettes LADIES' WEAR. • Elcghct Rack SUa. a* epaabsma. . Irnga Da Leases aed Chant Boteges. Pom. rmfc Kmm ami Gseem Dc Lames. IBsmbarma FmA Btark Alpaca*. Freach, Scosch aad D—wtrie Gusgkaam. ( Werfecd Cabn, awd Lioea BwrfktwhtA j llai* ■/ afaß kiwdaawd )iiiai. Cahrmaef aR patrewmamf dracaiprte—. FVRMMHNG GOODS. LT— awd CW*o Rbrrtaag. Bleached awd Tuiilr irhad Masriwr Laoew Damasks and TaMe Carer*. ,| Bi wit* a base aniii'tsiar ef Boors aad **, Swear, Coffire, Teas, wad aR kiodsef Gumriart. IlisJwm. Ac, which wA he sold aamAaMyebaap. CoR aa Ae eM wand, taiau f Mans aad Market rants. . tW FLOCR A FEED ahemym mm bawd, aad lor mia at A bare marker price, far CASH. -A. C MEX3CH. Raamshagfc ArR 2,1*5*. ' Il llinim SEW MYEL: HEXMF LTLET OR. LIFE AND OBICICL Ry Mam Fn'As Mail)—, dae-hrerof An 1 lam Capaais Maaay—L 12 mo, rftA 42* . i pujm. Praee SIM. |j What Ao Phaasaey of Heesy Lyle: -We hope m see :h book m eresy wsR mtotaci Ldorr. la ia woadby ef a plaee " awcac As Roi r works af amy arm '—Fro "B ae eeswshstg srh aka a* Ao aaailcimy efbw—smea gemeatiae t iiflai ITrj.—Xwe- asVamm Ffa ! "The lady wrwes m a aryte mpfawao Ae peepfa—amae staßawd ae Attilh am See hteWL * Got a copy of -Henry , I >dMkf6AUm,DICK A FTTZ GERALD. keliim Ti Al. Now Tad. f Far arid kg T R PkIMWR, r UPPINCCTT A CO_ W.P BAZZARDACO. Chp tw ef Ao ehesw weak sear ae say ad. Fehsaswy 25, 't*3. I |~^ RAWERMOto. ipaafa^m^ ' Rrhspl ao i 1 aim the Store A A C.MEK9CH —*s?~ WEAVER. rLIXK MILE H FEMALE Lnierar Conni?, Pa. THE Trosteea af this Institution respectfnllT sanoonco, >hat it wfli be opened tor the reerpfioo of Pepils, of both sej, on Monday. Cfcmber Mrh neat, arsfer the immediate fare of fW. JAKE-s ANDERSON, u Principal. *' A. m a g emir men of nuawn Kifwe. "teeta. aad enlarged ripmriKi a* on ednealor. and boo been connected with the most popular "Hggb School"' of Bsclts Co. fee aes,„| H m *f wefl and beoroMj kno nas a com Irihntor to soma of oar leading educational pari •dicat#- THE COURSE OF INSTRUCTION J Wiß eirap ise Orthography, DafwiioM, Kead- I in%, Penmanship. Etymology. Geography, Eng O learner, Corny neilion, Arithmetic Algebra. Geometry. Jfmmfm, Plana and Spherical f Trrjsnami try, Set any iag, Navigation, Asfron ' R'epiag, Rwte.y,Plyiiolpjy Raemaf, Intsflectanl, and *,, n-.dom.pbj, ■ad Chemistry. Clma%e ia lit French, Spaniih Sf Latin J'W" win be former! a* early aa practica ble, aaJ lastmetino oa Piano-Forte will be peen if desired. WEE ALT LECTURES on the Natnral libstrwed by appropriate apparatus •* r SrtCUL ATTENTION will be paid lo Tg Lmfics aad Genikmcn daatgaiog o qoal tommeafeaaa# Teachers. TERMS: Pom, TITE and SIX DeDara par Quarter to irra-lmn with tbe stadia pursued, pa,able " ,wf advance and the balance at the dose af he Quarter. a ■2!wto ~A,ID *" m ,h<Til!ar! *' 0" Mr. debser am sddrasaon Pbysi *■• heMlectnal and Hani edaestion, on the day ef actotcsamt, whan bis method of laspmtesy aiwiiw will be i'fastrated, aad fajl-t'ilri'* 1 lh * dbossf. PbM, OstsTiM. and the friends af ednca to geaenfly. sea eordbOy mr-ted in be pras . L CHAPHV. I B. *. STETENS, JOHN KOONs. I N. D. STILES, SILAS DtIDSON, j JOHN TAPLE, THOMAS PPALBK, Cohaabu*, Sept, 4, 1856. " Trutlet*. MfMIcUH *f (••PartursUy. THE Co-Partnership heitofore emMing be lw— W*— ft Ptrry tf WjHjam Ersto, Paofaeße,. ami Statoecete, tab., ar.der the bjwcmT" * bRT ' " lkiS dy ditto!red WILLIAM G. PERRY, _ WILLIAM ERETY. Pba'adaiyhta, Feb. 19, IS7. 9BTKE. THE mtmignmi Mting pcialiased (he •wee tototas of bin late Parana, wit! eon decttbe Bob, Mown, Bhtofe Book Man efaoencc, —d Eating Rnsiea is, in nßthew breasbo, wah emu I racticiea and atnei —o— f "■■■ a, be hopes to receive mm ' WtUrAM G. naurr" 5- W cor. Ponrth ft Race s?i rifr nrnicim nm mnm. aßßlUMjWlk'Srfl IFUIMEaOo , The Exciting Cause pi Bfekaests The blood it tbe life sustaining agent. It furnish#* the components of flesh, bono, muscle, nerve and integument. The stomach is in manufactory, the veins its disliibetorv, and the intestines the channel through which the waste matter rejected in its production* is expelled. Upon the stomach, the circnla lion and the bowels, these Pills art simulta neously, relieving indigestion, purifying the fluid#, and regulalhg this excretions. THE RATIOS 41, ( OiHPUIItT. Dyspepsia is the most common disease among all classes in this country. It assumes a thousand shapes, and is the primary toorce of innumerable dangerous maladies; bat whatever its type or symptoms, however ob slinete ite resistance to ordinary preparations, it yields readily and rapidly to this searching , and unerring remedy. BILIOUS AFFECTIONS. The quantity and quality of the bile are of vital imapitanse to balth. Upon the liver, the gland which secretes this fluid, these Pilla operate specifically, infallibly rectifying its irregolariiiee, and effectually coring Jaou diee, Bilious Remitlants, and all the varieties ot disease generated by an unnatural coudi tion ol the organ. BOWEL COMPLAtRT*. I Unless ihe bowels perform their function* I properly, the whole body suffer). Tens of thousands die annually of D)senlery, Diar i rhcca, Chronic consumption, and other dis j eases of these waste pipes of the system— ; The effect of ibe Fills upon all intestinal dia ! orders, whether casual or epidemic, is a phenomenon in medicine. By following Ihe ; printed directions, the most alarming case* ; | of bowel complaint are promptly controlled. A Word lo Females. I The local debility and irregularities which j j are Ibe especial annoyances of Ihe weaker j sex, and which, when neglected, always : shorten life, are relieved for the time being, ! and ?,• noted (or the lime lo come, by a ■ course of this mild bat thorough alterative. . HOLLOW ATS PILLS Are the best remedy known in the world foe Ibe following diseases; Asthma, Diarrhma, , Bowel Complaints, Dropsy, | Coughs Debility* - Cold*, Fever and Ages, . Chest Diseaees, Female Complaints, Costivenese, Headaches, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Stone and Gravel Influenza | Secondary Symptom* Inflammation ■ Venereal Affections Inward weakness ' Worm* of all kinds Liver complaints j Lowne.a of spirits Piles. | Sold at the manufactories of Prof. Hollo ; way, 80 Maiden Lane, New York, and 244 j Strand London, by all respectable Druggist* and dealers in medicine throughout Ihe U. jS. and the civilized world, in boxes at 20 j cent*. 62i ct. and CI each. is a considerable saving by lak -1 in/ the larger sizes. N. B. Directions for the guidance of pa ! (rents in every disorder ere affixed lo each box. [Aug. 13, 1856. Adminiatrater'n Aatie*. ■ NOTICE i hereby given that tellers of administration upon the estate of Robert Fairman, laie of Greenwood township, CoL co., deceased, have beer, granted to the un dersigned, both of whom are also resident* of Gremwnod township. All persons in ' dehietl to the said estate are requested lo ; make payment without delay, fnd those bay , ing accounts for settlement to present them forthwith to KLISHA HAYMAN, - EDITH FAIRMAN, Greenwood, Feb. 25, '57. Mm'rt. Executor'* Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that latter* testa mentary upon ibe estate of Peter Heilocher, late of Mtfllin township, Colombia county, deceased, have been granted to the under* signed residing in the township of Mifflin. All persons indebted to the estate are ro ; quested tc make payment witboet delay, and those having accounts for payment to present I them to JOHN H. HETLKR. Extmtor. Mifflin township, June 21, 1857-61* ' EXECUTOR'S NOTICE! NOTICE is hereby given that lei'erv teste* menlary upon the cut* of M >** MeHenry, late of Fishingeraek township, Columbia county, deceased, have been granted lo the undersigned residing at Cambra, Luzerne Co. All persons indebted to the estate are reqoea ted o make paj merit without delay, and those having accounts for payment in present them to JAMES McIIKNIIY, Cambra. Luz. Co.. March 12, 1857. YX/HEATLEY'S ARCH STREET THE - * * TRE. Jrtk Slrtel, afxne Sixth, PiMm. Tax Stsr CoMPisy, Composed of the Erst Artists in ihe world, and exceeding in Strength and Talent any Dramatic combina tion heretofore offered to the Theatrical Pub lie, will appear EVERY NIGHT in Comedy, Tragedy, Serio-Comie Drams, Vaudevilles, Mo*ical Borletia* Ac., Ac. 17* When visiting be city, go them. IT2VMI* CANAL. THIS work haniig is.s aolnsgnd lljluilgfl oat to admit the largest sized Pennsylvania Canal Boats ; the water will be let in from Middletown to Reading, on ibe first day of tpril. Toll Sheets and information respecting the Canst can be obtained at the Office of the Company, No. 56 Waluat street, Philadel phia, on application to R. BUNDLE SMITH, Pretidtnl, he. March 7ih, 1867-31. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. JAJOTICE is hereby given ibat tellers of ad -1 ministration npop the en-ate of Michael Mo wry, laie of Rotnngcreek towntbip, Co lombia county, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned residing in said township. A" persona indebted to the said estate are re qoepred to make payment without delay, and ■bote having accounts against the decedent lo present them lo MICHAEL FTEDEROFF, ' MARYMOWRY, Administrator*. R-tenagcrtefc, Mareh 12, 1657. KMke to Creditors, THE creditors of the estate of Banj. Hay mart, late of Orange township, Columbia CO., deceased, are requested to present their claim* to the undersigned on or before the 15th Of April next, and those indebted to the aetata to make payment without delay. SOLOMON NEYHABD, Administrator, i Cso tie towaahip, March 13,1757. M HSLINS a yard wide for 8 cents, and good print* for 6| canta joM received by A. C. MENSCH
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers