ITEMS OF GEN BRAG INTEREST. The amount of Coal sent over the' Rea ding Railroad last week was 22,865 tone. Four million dotiefs worth of oyetar* ice •old in Now York annually. A brother of Eckel, the alleged murderer, ha* become insane. Judge Black's appointment as Allornoy General giver great satisfaction. The selec tion was excellent. During the last half ysar 220,900 messages were sent over the telegraph line between Washington and New York. The chatter of the Bank of England will expire shortly. A new one will be asked. This bank pays £IBB,OOO, or more than 8700,000 ahtiinilly tfc ibe Government for the tight to use notes. When Lord Napier, the new British Min ister arrived at New York An the th inat., he was immediately be*et, on sbipboad, by 'ho newspaper reporters, hrho wanted bis opinion on k Variety of subjects. The im- of these men is becoming outrage- indedenl. Large bear killed A beer, weighing 417 pounds, was killed, after a chase and run ning fight which lasted ten hours, and cost the lives of three dogs, near Amissville, Va., a few days ago. Green hides Toledo, Ohio, ie the great tnsrt of the West for green bides, the psy ~ nuute for which by tbe dealers, it is said, average 82000 per day. A Model legislature.— The Legislature of Michigan, which meets only once in two yeara, has recently adjourned, alter a session of forty day*. The newspaper is a sermon for the thought ful, a library for the poor, and a blessing to everybody. Lord Brougham calls it the best public instructor. Public Instruction in California.— From tbe official reports of 1856 we learn that there are in California 316 public schools, attend ed by 26,160 children, and taught by 411 teach rs. The number of boys in the schools was 12,455 in the ysar 1852, and 14,928 in 1856; of girls there were 11,313, in 1855, mid 12,435 in 1856. A Sunday Fight in Baltimore, Ml— On Sunday afternoon, two parlies of young men had an aherqaiion in Prall street, Baltimore, Maryland, which resulted in a fight, in the courw of which e young man, named Frank lin Padgett, was dangerously wounded by a pistol shot. He is not expected lo recover. Institutions of Learning There are 144 Colleges in the United States, the oldest of which are Harvard and William and Mary, in addition lo these, there are 46 Tbeologi oal Seminaries. Texas has, proepeciivelv, the largest educational fund nf any Stale in the Union. Slavery knmnal in Missouri.—The "An sieger des Westens," a German paper at St. Louis, in arguing the policy of emancipation in Missouri, gives statistics of population, showing that slavery has only a nominal ex istence in one half of the Slate, There are 22 counties with a while population of about 100,000, average only 47 slaves to each county. In the wholo Staio there are only 29 counties containing more than 1,000 slaves. The strongest slave population is found in Lafayette county, it having 6,107 •laves to 10jfe58 whiles. "Metry In Ilaitri Repent at Leisure. Considerable interest is excited among the relatives of a certain Miss JAjoett, in Ches ter county, in a subject in wbicb ibe commu nity at large is also interested. The lady in qoealion has made application for a divorce, end the bill is about to come before the Sen ate. The circumstances of the care are pe coiiar. Mist Jaquett, about a year ago, was at ■ small parly with a certain Mr. Bacblell, where the one publicly challenged tbe other lo get married—by way of a joke. Tbe tatt ler was mutually accepted; the gentleman and lady jumped into a vehicle, posted off to * qeighboring clergyman—tbe knot Wae tied —but the lady, having ihowed her spirit, de clared she would carry the joke DO further. Both parlies soon found they bad oarried the joke too far. Mr. Bachtell was a gentleman of property in Obio. He'could no longer make title to bia real estate. The young lady, who reigned as a village belle, soon found she bad been trifling with a serious matter. It wee an aot of youthful indiscre tion for which tbe law had provided no remedy. It should be said in extenuation of the young lady, that her ignorance of Ibe bind ing obligation of tbe ceremony is not e mat ter of so mucb surprise, but it oau hardly be doubted that Mr. Bachteli was well posted op, and is therefore the parly responsible for the act. Another Mysterious Poisoning Case in Bos ton.—The Boston papers contain an account of the supposed poisoning of Mrs. Lavioia Briggs, of Stoughton, and the arrest of her husband, Hoses Briggs, and a young woman, Miaa Adalina Drake, as tbe supposed au thor* of her death. Mrs. Briggs' body waa taken up, and charcoal testa were applied, which showed arsenio in the stomach and bowels. Tbe cue is now coder examina tion. HT Crime is said to be largely on the in crease at Illinois, and the present Penitentia ry being incompetent to accommodate the prisoners, the Warden commend* the erec tion oi a new bnilding, at Joliet. Tbe pres ent edifice contain* 256 ocils, in whieb there SN 275 convicts. fcw The Broad Gusgo Railroad to Dan ville bee failed. The Company wailed ten A,A (or Danville to raise the requisite amount to grade the rosd from Ropert, but have now decided to make the terminus at Rapert. OF There is now living in Murray Co., Georgia, oa the water* of Holly Cntek, a'rev olutionary veteran, Who has attained the age of one hundred end thirty year*. His name ie John Heme*. tar Water has' bsen let ink) the Schuyl kill Canal, throughout its etifire length. FRIGHTFUL RAILROAD ACCIDENT. A TRAIN PLUNGED INTO A RIVER. dIXTY OR EIGHTY KILLED! TOROHTO (Canada Weal) March fS. . The train which left (hie ciiy thia afternoon for' Hamilton ran off the bridge over this Dee "Jardine Canal, above Hamilton, precipitating the engine, baggage oar, and two passenger ears into the water. The Locomotive and baggage car ptaeed Over the bridge in safety, but the two rear cars, containing one hund dred and twenty passenger* fell through. Be tween fifty and sixty passengers are supposed to bave been killed on the spot.' The passengers Who escaped death are all mora or less mangled, and moat are' in jnred beyond ail hopes of recovery. The doctors are leaving Toronto and Hamilton to render services to the wounded. There are several Americans among the wounded > The bridge is partially broken down. The cars fell one on the top of the other a distance of 40 fdet. The excitement oansed by thia terrible ca tastrophe ie beyond precedent. The Parliament adjourned immediately on learning tbe tidings. Nothing that baa here tofore occurred in this vicinity has created snob profound grief. Tbe Resignation ol Gov- Geary, Washington, March 16.—A despatch hat been received from Kansas, via. St. Louis, announcing the resignation of Governor Gea ry, and desiring that he majr ho relieved of further duty as speedily as possible. His reason for this is the impossibility ol admin istering faithfully and satisfactorily the do lies of his offico, so long as the present or ganized opposition to him remains in force. It is rumored here that the President will urge the Governor to remain, by promising to bring about a better state of things ; but should be still refuse, it is rumored that Samuel W. Black, of Pennsylvania, will be nomiaated for the office. The Peeesylvearh Appointment*. WASHINGTON, March 10v—The Pennsyl vania appointments were considered in Cabinet to-day, bat were not decided upon. THese, together with those of New York and California, are expected to be disposed of this week, as persons hero most inter ested ltave been informed. UF The remains of Dr. Kane reached Philadelphia on Wednesday of last week, and the funoral obsequies took place on tfie next day There was quite an imposing pro cession, and every mark of respect shown the remains of the deceased. W A Bounty Land Warrant for 160 acres, says the Washington Union of Satur day, was, on Friday, issued to George Pea body, the London banker, for his services as a private soldier in the War with England in tbe year 1812. fee f The Emperor of Russia, according to the Paris correspondent of the London News, wiil visit the capital of France in April. Philadelphia Market*. Flour and Altai. —Tbe market for flour is dull. Good Will not bring more than $6. Salos of better brands for home consump tion at $6 25 as 6 38, and extta and fancy brands at £6 87 aB7 50. There is very lit tle export demand. Rye flout is held at 84 per kbl. Corn Meal is selling at 3f per bbl. Grain. —Wheat is dull and prices favor buyers. Sales of prime Pennsylvania red are making at 81 42 a 81 45, and 81 67 a 81 81 for good white. Rye is steady; sales of Pennsylvania at 81 a 82c. Corn is in fair request; sales of old at 69c., and new yellow at 66 a 67 afloat, and 64 a 65 in the cars and in store. Oats are steady; sales of Pennsylvania at 44 a 45c. per bushel,— Saleß of Barley Malt at $1 60. Seedt.— Cloverseed is in demand. Sales of prime at s7| aß} per 64 lbs., and some fair quality at 87 75. Timothy ranges from 83 25 A 83 75, and Flaxseed at 81 85 a SI 90. Sales of Red Top at $3 50. 17* Holloway'g Pills, in spilt o( the pfajti dices ol medical martinets, bave found their way into the leading hospitals and dispensa ries of Europe, and are now the established family medicine of all classes in tbe United States. Upon the stomach and liver, whiob prepare and temper the blood, upon tbe or gans which vitalize it in the process of respi ration, and upon the excretory vessels, which disoharge from the system the residium not required for tbe purpose of nutrition, these pills operate in almost miraculous manner, regulating, invigorating, oleaosing, and forti fying the whole of physique. In billions dis orders, dyspepsia, asthma, diarrhoea, dysen tary, sick headache, oonetipaiion, general de bility, end complaints peculiar to females, their affect ie astonishing. WHITE TEETH, PERFUMED BREATH AND BRAUTITUL COHFLIXIOH —ctn be ac quired by using the "Balm tf a Thousand Flowers." What lady or gentleman would remain under the curse of a disagreeibie breath. When byusiog the "Balm of a Thou sand Flowers" as a d?nlriflce, would dot only render it sweet, but leave the teetb as White as alabaster f Many persons do not know their breath is bad, and tbesubjeot is so deli eate their friends will never mention it. Be ware of counterfeits. Be sere each bottle is signed FETRIDGE & CO., N. Y. For sale [by all Druggists. e Feb. 18, 1867-6 m. On tbe 12lh inst., by Rev. Win. J. Ever, Mr. JAMBS S. McNiacU to Mies MART J. BIT TLER, both of Catawissa, this county. On the 12th inst.. by tbe Rev. Wra. J. R. Taylor, Mr. JAMES M. READ, of iPbiiadblpbia, to Miss HELEN BIDLACE, daughter of tbe late Hon. B. A. Bidlack, of Wilkesbarre, Pa. aaa&i&e Near Bloomsburg, on the sth inst., Mr*. MARGARET ANN, wife of Caspar 1. Thomas, aged about 40 year*. In Light Street, on the 7tb inst., Miss MAR GARET SALMON, -"-sister of the late Sheriff Sal mon—aged about 70 years. In Light Streeh on the 10th lash, Mr. Joint H. DEWITT, Postmaster at thai place, aged about 32 years. to Benton twp., in this county, oh the 4th Ltmuaa, aged (O yean, 4 mos. In Kingston on tbe 4tb inat., Mr. DANIEL BOAT, formerly of tbig county, in the 54th ydai cf his age. COLUMBUS MALE AHD FEMALE AjfrA&aranr* IJ7HE next quarter of ibis Institution will commence on TUESDAY, APRIL ~tk, 1857. W TERMS—B4, 85 end 86. New Colnmbus, March 16,18b7.—2t. FOR SALE. THE subscriber offers for ssle at Main ▼file, Columbia county, SIX MULES, HARNESS AND WAGONS. Alt in good condition and for sale on fair terms. WILLIAM SHUMAN. Mainvifle, March 14, 1857. BLINDS AND SHADES! OF NEW STYLES. B.J. WILLIAMS, No. 12 NORTH SIXTH BTREBT, PHILADELPHIA',. - MANUFACTURES OF vwxrixi*,#. tansrDs, VELVET AND GOLD BORDERED AND PAINTED SHABEB, ON ijBAHTINUL DESIGNS. Buff and 'all Other colon of Holland , used for Shade*. Fiktures, Trimmings, &c., &e., Wholesale and retail at the Lowest Cash Prices. BP* STORE SHA DES Painted to order. B. J. W., thankful for past patronage, re spectfully solicits the public to call and ex amine his new and 'large assortment, before purchasing elsewhere. tar" WE STUDY TO PLEASE." March 17,'57 —3m. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that let 'era testa mentary upon tbe estate of Mosea McHenry, late of Fishingereek towmhip, Columbia county, deceased, have been granted to tba undersigned residing at Cambra, Luzerne Co. All persons indebted to the estate are reques ted to make payment without delay, and those having acoounts for payment to present tbem to JAMES McHENRY, Executor. Cambra, Luz. Co., March 12, 1857. ADMINISTRATORS' NOtICE. JVQTICE is hereby given that letters of ad ministration upon the estate of Michael Mowry, late of Roenngcreek township, Co lumbia county, deceased, have been granted to tbe undersigned residing in said township. All persons indebted to the said estate are re quested to make payment wiihout delay, and those having accounts against the decedent to present tbem to MICHAEL FCEDEROFF, MARY MOWRY, ■ Administrators. Roanngcreek, March 12, 1857. Notice to Creditors. THE creditors of the estate of Benj. Hay man, late of Orange township, Columbiaco., deceased, are requested lo present claims to the undersigned on or before the 15th of April next, and those indebted to the estate to make payment wiihout delSy. SOLOMON NEYHARD, Administrator. Centre township, March 13, 1757. PUBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE! IN pursuance of an older of the Orpbaqs Court of Columbia county, on TUESDAY, THE 31st DAY OF MARCH next, alien o'clock in the forenoon, Keuhard Kline and Thomas Kline, Executors &c., ol Godfrey Kline, late of Orange township, in said coun ty, deceased, will expose to sale by public vendue, upon the premises, a certain "TRACT LAND; situate in Orange township, in the county of Columbia, adjoining lands of Benj. Steiner 1 on the East, Samuel Low'ry on the South, Benj. Hayroan on ibe North, Daniel W. Montgomery on the Weal; containing OBC Hundred and Sixtecii Acres; whereon is ere'eted a two slory Fiona House, a large Stone Barn, onl houses, and there are about' nio'ety acres of cleared land in the tract. Late the estate of said deceased sit uate in tbe township of Orange and county aforesaid. JACdB feYERLY, Bloomsburg, March 11, 1857. WILL IAMO.P E R R Y, S. W. Corner of Foutih and Race Sta. Will Supply on Low Terms, Bill Heads, Cards, Checks-, Hill of Lading, Promissory Notes, Drafts, 4 - c. ACCOUNT BOOKS* Made iu a superior manner, or Ruled and Bound to any Pattelb. Letter, Note & Foolscap Paper, FLAT PAPER, ALL SIZES, WFFIAIPIPNXR© IPAEPIEIBO OLD BOOKS KE-BOUAD, In a handsome and durable style. W Your orders reapecllully solicited. Philadelphia, March 4, 1857. H. WARD, Manufacturer and Dealer in SE3oLix a au*7ar CZ}<s><3DdCUs B No*. 77 & 79 North Second Street. PHILADELPHIA. WE ate receiving our Spring Stock, which wilt comprise a large ana desirable assort ment of all kinds of Straw and Lace BonnetsHf Our Stock of Flowers will be on usu ally large this season,and we will invite your special attention to that department. Please oall and examine them before making your purchase. H. WARD, Nos. 77 & 79 N. Second St. March 11, 1857,-2 m. Leather, Leather I Leather! MimißY WeOITffiBMAM, IMPORTER or FRENCH CALF SKINS ' and General Leather Dealer, No* 6 South Third Street, Phils. 17* A general assortment of all kinds of Leather, Morocco, &c. &c. RED ARb OAK SOLE LEATHER. February 28, 1857.—1y. Bloomsburg Foundry. JOSEPH SHARPLESS, • having taken the entire interest of bis iate partner in SRHVbtht Bloomsburg Foundry,snd * prepared to manufacture ALL KINDS OF CASTINGS, usually made in his line of business. Thankful for the liberal custom heretofore aWstded thia establishment, he hopes lo merit an ibcrease of public patronage. Bloomsburg, May 5, 1856. FOR BALE Oft BUNT. A DOUBLE HOUSE AND LOT in (be vil lags of Baekborn. For terms apply to. GEORGE WEAVER, March 4, IS 57.. Bloomsburg. BLANKS 1 BLANKS! I BLANKSII DEEDS. SUMMONS, EXECUTIONS, SUBPfENAS, AND JUDGMENT NOTES, of porper k desirable forms, fo* sale at the { office f the "Star ofthe North." "* -'I CONSUMPTION, AND ALL DISEASES OF THE LUNGS and THROAT are poaJtifeljr curable by inhalation, whioh conveys the remediee to (hecatitiea in the longsjikpngh the air pas aages, and coming iu.dired contact with the disease, neutralizes rabetptftet matter, allays the cough,-causes a freehand easy sx peetorstion, heals the longs, purifieslhe blood, imparts renewed vitality (o tpe nefyous sys tem, giving that tone and energy so iqdrs pensab le for the, restorative of •heath- To be able to state coDlideatly tbat,.Consumption is curable by inhalation, is to me .a source of unalloyed pleasure, it is as miicb under the eontrol of medical ttaatraeJMW aajr,other formidable disease; ninety out of arerfTkto dred cases oau be cored in (he first e'Ages, and fifty per cent, in the second; but in tbe third stage it is impossible to save mote than "five per oent., for the lungs are so cut up by the disease as to'bid defiance to medicaid skill. Even, however, in the lsst stages, in halation afTords extraordinary relief to the suffering attending this fearful scourge, which annually destroys ninety fire thousand per sons in the United States atone; and a correct oalcolaiion shows that out bf the present pop ulation of tbe earth, eighty millions are des tined to fill the consompuve'a grave. Truly the quiver of dealb baa n? arrow so fatal at Consumption. In all ages it has been the great enemy of life, for it spares neither age nor eex, but sweeps off alike the brave, 1 the beautiful, the graceful, and the gifted.— By the help of that Supreme Being, from whom cometh every good and perfect gift, I am enabled to ofler to the afflcled ■ perma nent and speedy cure iu Consumption. Tbe first cause of tubercles is from impure blood, and tbe immediate effect, produced by their disposition in the longs, is to prevent the free admission of sir into which cauees a Weakened the entire system. Then surely it is more rational to expect greater good from medij cines entering the cavities of the lungs than from those administered throogh the stom ach; the patient will always find tbe lungs free and the breathing easy after inhaling remedies. True, inbhiation it not a local remedy, nevertheless it acts constitutionally, and with more -power andesertaTnty tbsu rem edies administered by the stomach. To prove the powerful and direct influence of Ibis mode of administration, chloroform Inhaled will entirely destroy sensibility in a few min utes, paralyzing the entire nervous system, so that a limb may be amputated without tbe shghtcst pain ; inhaling the ordinary burning gas will destroy Itle if) k few tiAurs. The inhalation of attiraonia wilt rouse the system when fainting or apparently dead.— The odor of many of the medicines is per ceptible in the skin a few minutes after being inhaled, and may be immediately detected in the blood. A convincing proof of the constitutional effects of inhalation, is tbe fact that sickness is always produced. breath ing foul air. fs oot this positive evidence that proper remedies, carefully prepared and judiciously administered through the lungs, should produce the most happy results'? Du ring eighteen years' practice, many thous ands, suffering from diseases of the lungs and throat, have been under my care, and I have affeoted many remarkable cures, even after the sufferers had baen pronounced ill (he last stages, which fully satisfies me that consumption is no longer h lata I disease.— My treatment of consumption is original, and founded oil long experience and h thorough investigation. My perfect acquaintance with tbe nature of tubercles, &c., enables me to distinguish readily the various forma of dis ease that stimulate consumption, Slid apply the proper remedies rarely being mistaken even in a single case. This familiarity in connection with certain pathological and mi croscopic discoveries, enables me to relieve tbe lunge from the effects of contracted cheets; to enlarge the chest, purify the blood, impart to it renewed Vitality, giving energy and tone la the entire system. Box 53, Fost ontce, - , G. W. GRAHAM, M. D. Office 109 Filbert Street, below Twelfth, Philadelphia, Pa. March 10, 1867. fiVFFER NOT, WHEN A PUR. maneni cure is guaranteed ia all stages ot SECRET diseases, Self Abuse, Nervous Debility, Striatums, Gleets, Gravel. Mercurial Rheumatism, Scrofula, Paink iq'the Aokles and Bones, Diseases of the Throat, Nose and Eyes, Ulcers upon the Body, Female Irregu larities, and all other improper discharges, no matter of how long standing, of obstinate the case, rbcOvery is certain, and in a shorter time than a permanent cure could be effect ed by any other treatment, even after the skill of the most eminent physicians bad failed, and the disease tesisted all olber means of ctlrp. The remedies are free from odor, causing neither sickness nor inconve nience, and witbodi .tauroury or balsam.— During twenty years' practice, I have re stored to health over seventeen thousand pa tients, Who were suffering under the wbrtt forms of all of the above ra—aimed dis eases, which guarantees me io promising a perfect and moat speedy onre. Secret dis eases are tbe greatest enemies to health and happiness, as they are the ftttt cause of con sumption, scrofula, Ac., and should be a ter ror to alt nations on the earth; for the dis ease is becoming so common, and treatment so little understood, that a permanent enre is scarcely ever effected, as a majority of the cases fall into tbe bands of incompetent per sons, who not only /ail to cure the malady, but tain tbe constitution with corrosive sub limate—a dangerous poison, a preparation of mercury—which, with the remains of dis ease in the system, produces many of the above named affections, whioh finally termi nate in consumption, and frequently a rapid one ; but should it not cause death speedily, and tbe victim to disease marries, the disease is then Conveyed from tbe patient id tbe chil dren, causing them tu come into the world with scrofula, affections of the skit)-, eyes, throat, &c., and again terminates in con sumption, and consign bis vjotim to an un timely grave, between the aasaf six mouths and thirty-five years. Selt-aDQse is another formidable enemy to health; it destroys the nervous system, rapidly wasting away tbe energies of life, causiug mental derange ment, preventing a proper development ol the system, anil disqualifying it* victim for marriage, society, bosiness, and all earthly happiness. Femsls Irregularities bad bthei diseases of femalee treated iq the most skill ful and scientific manner. Medicines, with directions, sent to any part of tbe United Stales and Canadai, by patients coramuniea ting their symptoms by letter. I. 6UMMF.RVILLE, M. D., Box 63. Posl Office; Filbert Slteet, below Tenth, Phila delphia, Pa. . : " ' JUST LOOK AT 11. " ALL persons having acooenta of over six months standing are requested to come for ward and settle np by roe first of March ; and all accounts of ona and two yaars stand ing most be attended to immediately or Oosi will be added. U A. Q MENSCH. Blobrtisbnrg, Jan. 28, 1857. ' —r WHEREAS my wifo, Catharine, has Ikfi my bed and board withont. any just cause, 1 forewarn all persons against trusting fiet on my account, as 1 will not pay any debit of ber contracting hereafter. . THOMAS CdufcSßN. Pine township, March 8, 1857.-3t.* FoKEEWT. A store baildiqg. bn Main afreet, Blooms bnrg, lor rent on reasonable terms. ' GEORGE WEATER. Bloomtbarg, Nov. 24, 1888. BOOK, CARD AND FANCY tOODIB PROPRIETOR OF tHE "STAR OF THE NORTH," BAvltJg added to tbe fixtures of the "Srxa" dffice good anffextensfve JOBBING MATERI AL, Is prepared to execute all kinds of JOB PRINTING in tbe best CITY STYLE, and at short notice. Certificates of Stock and Deposits, Constitutions for Societies, „ Bank Cheeks, Promissory Notes, Bait Road'and other Tickets, Catalogues, Paper Books, Bill-Heads, Checkßo Us x Plain and Fancy Cards, Business and other Circulars, Posters Plain and i Colors. AMO PRINTING- OP ALL XXNL3 * . Can be Procured at the "Star" Job Office, AS PROMPTLY AND NEATLY PRINTED AS IN THE CITY <U>Qaa SX£cBoEL£L<xaAQ- QQcKlPaDapucExcteaog A monthly periodiaal is published at this office in excellent style and workmanship, and . with superior material. The public are invited to oall and see specimens, as we are determined to merit patron age by,strict attention to business and superior workmanship. Bloomiburg, June 2, 1856. New Arrival of Spring and Summer Goods. HAVE just received 4tiil .opened their stock of merchandize for Serins and ° - 'V'- which comprises the LARGEST, CHEAPEST, and HANDSOMEST aMortmerfnn! offered in tbiaITOWNI Having paid great attention to the selection of their entire s-ock as to price and quality, they flatlet themselves that they can compete with tbe cheaveat and all those wishing to buy save money by giving ue a oall. We have at kinds of Goods and Wares to supply the wants of the People. A very large lot of LADIEg DRESS GOODS, French merinoes, wool plaidv, alpacas, bombazines, de bagee, poplins, parametla cloth, mohair lustres, muslin de laines, Persian cloths, Ginghams, Calicoes Ac WHITE GOODS OF ALL KINDS, Sieves. Collars, Spencer., handkerchiefs. Bouncings, bands and trimmings, lacea and edgings, bonnet ribbons, in large varietv vel vet ribbons, and braids, kid, cotton, and lisle thread islovee. mohair milts Ac All kinds of SHAWLS, brocks, Bay State, Waterville, b\aok silk, cashmere, Embroder ed, Ac. Also a very large assortment of cloths, oassimers, sattrnetts, vesting., tweeds jeans, beaver cloths, coating velvet, Ac. ' ' BOOTS AND SHOES, OF ALL KINDS If SIZES FOB MEN WOMAN k CHILDREN We have a large assortment of Hats and Caps of latest fashion?. We have also Hard ware, Queenswaro, Cedarware, Ac. Very cheap carpets, carpet, bags, floor, table and car riage oil olothe, mate rugs, basxeis, Ac. Muslins flannels, tickings, diapers, toweling drillings, Ac., in abundance. ° r ' " ' We invite our friends and the public generally to give us a call before purchasing else where. We have bought our goods at Lowest Cash Prices and will hot be undersold bv anybody, or the rest of mankind. J Blootnsburg, October 28, 1855. New arrival of Spring and Snmmcr Goods ! DAVID LOWBNBSRG TNVITES attention to his slock of cheap and fashionale slothing it his store on m l. -I street, two doors above the "American House," where be has a full assortment K,n and boy's wearing apparel, including '""""lotmen S , ASSIII@:Er.&2BILIB ZDiaiBSS <9®AVS 9 gdk.sack, frock, gum and oil cloth coats of all sorts and 6izes, pantsofall colorw shawl, half fancy arlktke BhlrtB ' cravalB ' BlockB ' co,lars > handkerchiefs, gloves, suspenders N B. He will also make to order any article of clothing al jrery short nolice and in lure manner " clothing is made to wear, and mosl of it is of home manufac- Bloomsburg, April 1, 1856. FIRST ARRIVAL ! OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. ACL. MENCH respectfully informs bis * friends, customers, and tne public gen erally that be has just received from Pbila delpbia the first goods of the season, consist ing of a Urge assortment of choice and de sirable , „ ..6ESESS® For tbe spring and summer iradecomptising, for meo's wear: Superior Black, and Colored French Cloths, Black French Doeskins and Cassimere. Rlack Satin and Fancy Silk Vestinga. Blue, Black, Brown and Green Caahmereltes u . .LADIES' WEAR. Elegant Black Silks, all qualities. Barege De Laines and Challi Bareges. Plain, Piok,J?lne and Green De Laines. Bombazine Finish Black Alpacas. French, Scotch and Domestic Ginghams. Worked Collars, and Linen Handkerchiefs. Hosiery of all kinds and qualities. Calicoes of. all patterns and descriptions. , FURNISHING GOODS. Linen and Cotton Sheeting. Bleached and Unbleached Muslins. Linen Damasks and Table Covers. Besides a large assortment of Boots and Shoes, Sugar, Coffee, Teas, and ail kinds of Groceries. Hardware, Ao., which will be sold remarkably cheap. Call at tbe old stand, corner of Main and Market streets. t3F FLOUR A FEED always on hand, and lor sale at the lowest market price, for CASH. A. C. MENSCH. Bloomsburg, April 2, 1856. MISS MARRYATT'SNEW NOTELT HENRY LYLE: OR, LIFE AND EXISTENCE. By Miss Emilia Marryatt, daughter of the late Captain Marryatt. 12 mo., clotb. 420 pages. Prtoe SI.OO. What tbe Pbess say of Henry Lyle: "We hope to see this book in every well selected Library. It is worthy of a place among tbe finest works of any era."—Pra ter's Magazine. "It ia a crashing rebuke to the tendeney of the present generation to infidelity.—Lon don Atheneum. "We have seldom had an opportunity of enjoying a more fascinating or a more in structive novel."— Tribune. "The lady writes in a style to please the people quite as well and as skillfully as ber fa'ber did. * * Get a copy of "Henry Lyle l ' forthwith.— Timet. Published by GARRETT, DICK A FITZ GERALD, No. 18 Ann Street, New York. For sale by T B. PETERSON, LIPPINCOTT A CO., W.P. HAZ2ARDACO. Copies of the above work sent to any ad drhta free of postage. Fcbrnsty 85, 1857. Dissolution of Co-Partnersblp. THE Co-Partnership hertofore existing be tween WiUiam Q. Perry If William Erety, Booksellers and Stationers, trading under the firm of Pfetav A Ebstv, it Ibis day dissolved by mutaal content. WILLIAM G. PERRY, , WILLIAM ERETY. Philadelphia, Feb. 19, 1857. NOTICE. THE undersigned having purchased the. entire interest of hi* late Partner, will con duct the BOOK. Stationery, Blank Book Man ufacturing, and Binding Business, in al] their branches; with increased facilities and strict attention to bnsibesi, lib hopes to rftfelive aa increased proportion of public patronage. WILLI A SI A. PERRY. S. W. cor. Fourth A Raee Sis. FANCY GOODS, of every description aqd f variety, new atyles.and fresh from New York I arid Philadelphia, for sale at the cheap store 1 M'KELVY, NEAL A CO COLUMBUS MALE AND FEMALE £X (23 d£X !_£> 533 £2C£ "CP a liiizerne Counly, Pa. TWfi Trustees uf this Institution respectfully announce, thai il will be opened for the reception of Pupils, of both sexes. on Monday, October 20th next, under the immediate care of Prof. JAMEB ANDERSON, as Principal. Mr. A. is a gentleman of extensive acquire, menls, and enlarged experience as an educator and has been connected with the most popular 'High School" of Bucks Co. for several years. He is also well and favorably known as a con tributor to some of our leading educational peri odtcals. ' THE COURSE OF INSTRUCTION Will comprise Orthography, Definitions, Read ing, Penmanship, Etymology, Geography, Eng. Grammar, Composition, Arithroetio Algebra, 'Geometry, Mensuration, Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, Surveying, Navigation, Aatron omy, dec. Book Keeping, History, Physiology, Natural, Intellectual and Moral Philosophy, nd Chemistry. Clauses in the French, Spanish Latin languages will be formed as early as practica ble, and "Instruction on Piano-Forle will be given if desired. WEEKLY LECTURES on the Natural Sciences, illustrated by appropriate apparatus will also be u-iven. SPECIAL ATTENTION will be paid to young Ladies and Gentlemen designing to qual ify themselves as Teachers. TERMS: FOUR, FIVE and SIX Dollais per Quarter in accordance with the studies pursued, payable one half in advance and tho balance at the close of the Qutitor. GOOD BOARD can be had in the village at a moderate price; 13* Mr. A. will deliver an address oh Physi cal, Intellectual and Moral education, on the day of commencement, when bis method of imparting instruction will be illustrated, and the discipline end management of the chool, fully explained. Parents, Guardians, and the friends of educa tion generally, aro cordially invited tt> be pres ent. D. L, CHAPIN, B. M. BTEt£NS, JOHN KOONa. N. D. STILES, SILAS DODSON, JOHN YAPLE, THOMAS DEALER, Columbits, Sept, 4, 1656. trustees. ~ "LOTTERIES. , -THE well-known Maryland Consolidated Lotteries, ot which R. FRANCE & Co: are the managers, are chartered hi the.ylgte.of Maryland, and a commissioner .elected by the people, who is sworn to superipteritj and certify that everything connected with them if done in a strictly honorable manner, and that the loterists of parties who reside at a distance are as well protected tip jf they themselves were present at the drawing.— Another fact which the .managers call atten tion to. is, that all persona bavdti legs! fight to fiend orders fot tickets to Maryland, as lotteries are legalized by special law in that state;,, A lottery is drawn evelk dot i>f the mouth. If no particular class Is Hamad, or ders are filled in the first drawing to take plaice ufler the commiinioiliod cornea to hand. The prices of libkbtfi vaty from SI to S2O. No tickets are, ht>viewer, sent unless tb e money for (he sanlb is febeived with the order. The drawing* are flpo'ti tfc'h fmacinle of one numbdr on eaeh tioket (after the Ba v ana pitta;) and Ternary combination. Prizes vary in amount from S2O to SIOO,OOO. All orders for tickets or packages will receive prompt attention, and the drawing mailed to alt purchasers immediately alter il is over. Address, ~ . T. H, HUBBARD & CO., No. 39 Fayette et., or Box No. 40, Feb. 3d, 1857,-ly. Baltimore, Md. FRESH ARRIVAL- A NEW lot of cheap muslins and jmols just reoetved btf railroad and for sale by - —A.C.MENSCH. "NO StiCH WORD AS JAIL.* A RESISTLESS REMEDY. T Circular to Ihe Sick HE first hospital suigeons andiqedictl pah lieiau of Europe, admit the unparalleled anti-inflammatory and beating prepertfaa of tide Ointment, governments aanction ita use in their naaal and military aervicea; and the maaaae in tbia country and throughout the world repoee the utmost confidence in ita curative properties. It penetrates the sources of, inflammation end corruption which underlie the external eviden ces of dieace, and neutralize the fiery element a which feed and exasperate the malady u RHEUMATISM, SPfoQFULA, ERY Theaa are among,the moat terrible and ago. ninug diseases of the muscle** the fleshy fibre and the skin;. y* on .flisu worst forma, and when seemingly ( incufa!ile. Lhey invariably die appear under a. persevering application .of this soothing, healing antidote to pain sad inflsm nations ti j y j. SALT RHEUM, FEVER SORES, v ....STIFF, JOINTS. . , In caves where medical u. ters, lotions, and every. , ec ipe of the pb.rniico poet have proved. u*el,„, th, OiutmeiU will accomplish a thorough cute. Fev.r Bore. hel , quickly under us influence, and its relaxing ef ■ Taafss-fiair" I ''- after a few applications nf ibis Ointment. .The surrounding redness vanishes, and granule* of healthy flesh begin..te take the place eft hodia charged matter., lljia pre ceae goes en more i teat rapidly, until the orifice ia Ailed up with lound materiel end the rgdicaliy cured. A WORD to. MOTHERS. ~ The are the. most frequent auflbrene from external Injuries, and Iberefors every mother should, have |hia healing prestation constantly on haDd.i it ia an absolute apeeifle for aore breasts, and quickly removes the en crusted sores which someitmes disfigure the heads and tarea-of, children.. SIGNIFICANT fe-ACTS, This Ointment is universally used on boanr the Altai tic and Pacificwhaling fleet ee a cure for scorbutip affections and as the best possible remedy for wounds and bruises* Large soppliee of it beve recently oeen ordered by the Sultan •of Turkey for hospital purposes. Both the Ointment and. Pills should A# used in the following cases: Bunions, Skin Diseases, . „ A . Swelled Gland* Chapped Hands, Bore Legs, Chilblains, Bore Bream*, Fistula, Bore Heads, Gout. Bore Throats, Lumbago, .... Sores of all kind#* Mercuiial Eruptions, Sprains, Btiff Joints, Rheumatism, Tetter, Ringworm, Ulcers, Ba It Rheum, Venereal Sores. Bc i ld *> ~ , ' Wounds of all kind*, , v** Bold at the Manufactories of Profeaso* HOLSDWAT, 80 Maiden Lane, New York, end 244 Strand, London, by all respectable Drug* gists and Dealers in Medicine throughout the United 8 ales, and the civilized world, in potaa at 25 cents, 62$ cents, and (1 each. BP* There is eonsiderable saving bv taking the larger sizes. N. 11—Directions for the guidance of patient in every disorder are affixed to each pot 31 ,\ „ Farm for Sale. The subscriber offers-it private mile thA farm containing ONE HUNDRED AND FIFV TY ACRES, on iybich Are a log houee, a log barn, a good spring of water near thd house, and a good apple orchard. The prop erty will make a good home for any person who wishes to farm. He also offers for sale another tract of land lying in Pine township, Columbia couutyj containing : < V ■ SIXTY-FIVE ACRES: About ten acres is cleared, and the balance well timbered, so aa to support a saw-mill. Fer terms a|iply to the subscriber in Jack' son township, Columbia county. ■it JOHN KESLER. Jackson, Fab. 10, 1856. Administrator'! Notices NOTICE fa hereby, given thai letters of administration,,upon, the estate of Robert Fairman; late of Greenwood township, Coa co., deceased, have beer, granted to the unt dersigned, both of whom, aru also of Greenwood township. AH persona ins debled to the said estate aril requested id make payment without delay, and thoee hav ing accounts for settlement to. present theni forthwith to PLISHA HAYMAN, , . r- EDITH FAIRMAN, Greenwood, Feb. 26, '67. Adm'rsi Executor's Notice. NOTICE ie hereby given that Jailers testa mentary upon the estate of Peter Herlocberi late of Mifflin township, Columbia county] deceased, hive been the under? signed residing in the township pf Mifflin. AH persons indebted to the estate are ret quested to make payment without delay, and tboae having accounts for payment to present them to . i; ... • JOHN H. HETLER, Executor. Mifflin township, June 21, 1857-6 i* Administrator' Notice. IVOTICE is hereby gi*en that letters ol Administration upon thp estate of Elijah Albertsou, late of Greenwood lownahip, Co- Inmbia county, deceased,,have been granted to the undersigned residing in Mt. Pleasant township. , All peryoos indebted to the said estate are requested to make payment with out delay, and, those having accounts against the decedent to .present them for settlement 'o WILLIAM J. IKELER, i; Administrator. Mb Pleasant, Fab. 7tb, 1857-fiw, HEATLEY'S ARCH STREET THEA .TRE. Arch Street, above Sixth, PkiPa. THB STAR COMPART,. Composed of tb* first Artists in the world, end, exceeding in Strength and Talent any Dramatic combina tion heretofore offered to |he Theatrical Pub lic, will appear EVER Y- NLGHTin Comedy, Tragedy, Serio-Comio Drama, Vaudevilles, Musical Burlettas. Src., tic. Vr When visiting be oily, go there. UNION CANAL. THIS work having beep enlarged through out to admit the largret sited Pennsylvania Canal Boats ; the water will be let in from Middletowu to Reading, ou the first day of April. , „ Toll Sheets and information respecting tha Cansl csn be obtained at tbe Office ot tha Company, Nq. 68 Walnut atraet, Philedel pbia, on application to-, . , : R. RUN DLE S MITH, President. * March 7tb, 1867—31. • 1 A C. MENSCH
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers