STAR OP Till- MIRTH R. W. WEAVER, EDITOR. Illoonb lira, WednMiiy, March 4, 1857 Democratic Nomination*. FOR GOVERNOR ~~ WILLIAM V. PACkEB, of Lycomir.g County. TOR JUIXIF OF THE SUPREME COCRT, ELLIS LEWIS, of Philadelphia. TOR CANAL COMMISSIONER, HIM ROI) STRICKLAND, of Chester County. 1 bo Nomiuntious, On last Monday the State Convention on the 25th ballot nominated Gen. WM. F. PACKER for Governor. He is a man of the people, and has educated himself in the great ■school of the world to understand thoroughly the structure of our political institutions anJ the sentiments ol the millions of toilsinen. For a quarter of a century lie has in his dis trict beer, at the head and front of the great cause of the people ; and his fidelity and ca pacity are well proved by the malice and vindictivenese with which the Opposition have assailed him. His is not a negative character, for while he has cool discretion anil foresight, he has also the soul of a man Judge LEWIS is now the head of the legal profession in Pennsylvania, and is known beyond the Atlantic as a man of distinguish ed ability. NJMHOD STRICKLAND is a man of undoubted | integrity, and has a thorough acquaintance with the public affairs of the Stale. Wo do J not apprehend that there will really be any , very serious or desperate opposition to him ' or Judge Lewis. linnk Krports. Every year the qnnrlerlv repnrls of the ! banks in the State are published, and these J always represent every institution as entire- ' ly solvent. The assets are made up of such | items as "bills discounted," "due f rom other j bank"," "notes of other banks," &c. These j ' bills discounted may be those of the officers | 1 of the bank—ihe other banks from whom ! ' debts nro due may bo insolvent concerns;) 1 and in this way such institutions us the ( caster Bunk have made their reports, looking | ' as il the Bunk was entirely solvent. Even ) ' in the reports just recently published, the af- i 1 fairs of the Etie City Bunk and Newcastle j 1 Bank look as prosperous as any. j ( 1 ' (limits in t'lliuwlssa. Mr. Ent has presented a petition in the J r House and mid in place a bill lor the repeal ol the act of 82d March, 1860, relating to the ! 1 supervisors ot roads in Catawissa township i ill this county. The act ot 18(0 provided for ' the election of otic supervisor, and that he should let out the repairs of the toad tor the I year to the lowest bidder. It was passed by j B. P. Former, Esq . during his service in the j legislature. The act to repeal passed the | House finally, on Mr. Kill's motion. Mnokeil I hrui Onl On last Friday the resolutions to expel the four corrupt members ol Congress were up, and belore any action could bo had on them Mr. Gilbert, one of the four, arose and I made a short speech declaring his innocence, I and ended by resigning his seat and walking ! out of the House. A communication from | Mr. Matterson w as then read also resigning i his seal. i STATE ROADS. —In the House, on the 19th i ult., we notice that Mr. ENT presented two remonstrances flout citizens ol Limestone township, Montour county, for the repeal of tins net granting a Slate road from Limestone to Milton. Also one ftom citizens of Columbia coun ty, asking for the repeal of the law authori zing the laying out of a Stale Road in Con vngham townsi.'ip. Mr. Ent read n bill to repeal certain por tion* of a State Rortd in Hemlock township, Coii'mbta county. Whs". Ihe Legislature makes roads in the sever.' wh " ,he momb " rS 8 '" tirly unaeqn.tinfed contention, generally fol low : and .he ne.v v v ' n,<,r,h ' r * a p, °^ C ' '* repeal. These mw't"'* had alwaya nine, better be left in the ci'tmt/ co\it\ where a. parties can easily be heat J IT We have received the "umber ol the Westminster Review, re-pubh 1 Leonard Scott &Co New York. Con —Worldlinese and Other-Worldlines: t. •* Poet Young. Capabilities and Disabilities ot Women, English . its Oppression and Confusion, Sue of Italy since IStS. Revi-. afon of the English Bible. Herat and the l er sian War, &c . kc. -- ceople of Danvilie have held a -e that the Lackawanna and 1 meeting to ur, # ;l „„ B.oomsburg Railtv in#e , d of Catawissa Railroad a. Rupert. As it seems that l,u ' f (wo toads wdl be ditferei.l, •.*' "J 1 ' ' j transportation wil have to be teshtp,**■' •' i ever the connection is made, CP" Persons going u the city will £md the establishment of Mr B* U. ' EKRV a gv-°D place to pnrchase books or to have binding done. They can depend upon being fairly j dealt with. A number of persons in itus vi- t ciruiy have had binding done there to their' ectire satisfaction. IY MR ENT. the Member of this district, was in town on Us: Saturday on a flying vis ir, evidently in good healtb and fine spints i He ii in every respect attentive to the interest : of hie eonstitoer te. j-y If oof cotempotarie* ® ho steal anicle* fsHB onr rsltmot week alter week am shori j of brarite to eooeoet ibeir own editorials, they i ought be boo~ to give credit < ■,! -bey cso get along independan- y. THE PEACEFUL IttVOLUTION. To-day the chief magistrate of the republic will retire from his office and houors and be ■ come a privato citizen, and another citizen from the hills and valliesof Pennsylvania be comes President. The character of our gov ernment and people is such that thischange ~ is made peacefully and in a few moments, _ while in lb?, old world a change of rulers is 7- yet oiten, and was in the olden time nearly ~ ) always attended with popular convulsions, ' at.d a general up-heaving of the political ami social system. The new President enters his office amid the ploudits of mo6l of his countrymen, and with the best wishes of many more. He has shown wisdom in the selection of such patri otic counselors as Lewis Cass and Howell Cobb—men who are conservative and safe in every lime of danger, and who are never - | extremists on public quettions. The new ad ;r.:;:i-lralioii brings with it experience and n j capacity in the management of publio affairs; r I and it finds no embarrassment from any act a of the out-ging administration. General Pierce will leove the banks posted up—the Treasury full to overflowing, and the j j Departments ail cleared up and clean for the ! j entrance of the successor. It is easy for a , ! puppy to batk at a lion, and il has been the ( j fashion among some conceited and disap j pointed men of narrow minds to revtlo the administration ur.der whom they would not ' have made respectable tide-waiters. But 1 11ha following article from the Philadelphia i Ledger does e/Jlir.v justice to Ibis subject, and \ we prefer to copy iro.m a neutral paper: j " President Pierce wi'l retire from publio , [ office in a day or two, and i'ome of thenews ' papers which have very roundly abused his administration, now discover that there was | | considerable merit in il. Like JVlr. Polk'sad- j j ministration, it liar, in spite of assault, lelt its ; j mark distinctly impressed upon the hi.Mory ; !ol the country. There is no question of to*" j | eign or domestic policy which has arisen du- j | ri ';ig tho last four years, which il has not I ! frankly and boldly tnel, and nearly all ol I I ( | lCm j,. lVl! been settled upton principles ail- | j vantageous to if' 9 nation , " I ' l promotive ol ! its peace ami prospe Wa ""• mention J bill the Nontheastern list. * : '. v qoeiion, the en- ; listment question, one of w.'dch adds to our ! commercial advantages, the oi'hef to our na- i lional honor. 'J'licn came tf.e C,W"I Amer iciiti qocs'ion, which, lliongli it hs s not been j settled definitely, has yet released us from j the eniamjement ol a very bunglt.'U 'reaty. The Koszta nlfair, the Spanish dillu'U'[ and in fact every question which brongt'.'t l ,<s j in collision wi'h the powers of Europe by the fearless enunciation of principles favor able to Democratic progress, or in vindication 1 ( ol our sovereign rights, has been honorably j | and peacefully settled, and an American pol- ( icy established which hereafter must be re- ; garded and respected by Ihe nations of the ! ( world in their internalional conduct. All , these things speak highly of the firmness of ( ttiu exccmive, the wisdom of his counselors, ( and his own appreciation of their suggestions. , t In our domei-lio policy the same foresight, ( , I discrimination and adherence to sound prm- , ! ciples, have added to tho strength of the na- ! j tion and increased its prosperity. A wise I I forbearance, during a heated political stnig- ! J gle, saved the country from the evils of a civil I war; and whatever may be the differences ot ! opinion respecting tho constitutional control by government of slave y, circumstances will , hereafter show' that the principle adopted for the territories, is the one which hest favors freedom without producing the shock which would have been caused by the attempted ' exclusion of slavery. The administration of Freshen! Pierce we regard as one of the | most successful in its results amid its most . I trying difficulties that we have had. ■ SPRING.— For several weeks pa.-t tho rob- I bins have enlivened the bright sunshine as d spring was ready to leap laughing from the lap of earth. The earth has not yet donned ; her new suit, but whoever wishes to enjoy a new suit can be accommodated at David Lowenberg's cheap and fashionable clothing ■ establishment up street. His new stock ot j spring styles ctune about as early as the rob- j j bins: and he has a large and fine selection ! ol jewelry ill a large show-case which looks so magnificent that, lest people should sup ! pose it was kept for exhibition only, we think it right to in lot m everybody and the rest of mankind that every gem and jewel in it is i for sale cheap, and that admittance is free— j children hall price. J TRATUNO STORKS —During the past week . Mr. \ C. Mensch and Messrs. 11. C. & I \V. j Hatiir.aa have exchanged the locations of I their stores. Mr. Men-ell is now at the Ar cade Building, and Messrs. Hartman at the corner of Main and Market Streets. py ,\i a | a te Democratic celebration at , Fiichhurg. Massachusetts, tbe following toas: read : ••The Fiemont party was christenJ by three ti.'ousa'id clergymen, educated- by Charles Sumt er and clothed by bleeding Kansas; but was atrCsied by Illinois for treason, tried petore Chief Union. Indiana on the bench, found gu'ltyby New Jersey, hung by Pet nsylvania between the two Biaek Re publicans' New York ar.'l Ohio, and finally sent to the place of rr.ourr.inJ "solemn silence" by California GT In looking over the "assets'" of the Lancaster Bant we perceive that three mem i bers of the Raehnun and three of the Long ■ f-iecker family are indebted to the bank at i present time in the aggregate sum of ;j)t' So 1 • 10 would'ot have a bank in "the family ' • j> ev Theodore Parker says j / "Washington hd no; n0 P hi " losophic power, no tmag.'nation, no fondnes. | for beauty in ar. or literature. At t.mes he : poured out the ghastliest oaths, was not an j i affectionate man, ar.d few flowers ot benevo- I lertce gleamed across his path " Mr. Parker lis one of the "sensation" ministers. He j would rather be striking than true and never ! allow# a sUvehokift to y>si without ihmktng j it his eperial doty to hit him as hgrd as be j can. But il it likely that Washington's e!ar- I aowr urtli sunt) even Mr. Parker's bellicosi | tie. <2sut ational. c Fxiiiuinatlous and Exhibitions. The Upper Grade School of this place will hold its public ex-amination exercises at the Methodist Church on next Friday afternoon and evening. We have no doubt they will be creditable to the school and teachers.— ' The public ure invite Ito attend. On Saturday, the 14lh of March, the Up * per Grade School at Ligfti Street will hold j its public examination in the Academy, and ' in the evening there will bo a publio enter j tainment of declamations and compositions. SCHOOLS IN BLOOMSBURG. The rchools of this district have improved I very much, and there is again the order, dis a cipline and decorum becoming the children r of civilized society, which last winter seem ed all lost. The Upper Grade School under I Mr. NASH and Miss MORRIS is as well in structed and managed as any parent need | desire for his child ; and the scholars show quite creditable proficiency in their studies. I The Directors have recently purchased for this school a set ot Holbrook's Sohool Appa ratus, embracing a planetarium, an orrery, a tellurian and mathematical tables. In the lower room ol the Academy Miss SHARPLESS is quite successfull with tho pri mary department of girls, and makes her instruction interesting nnd agreeable to the little learners. The class in reading could teach some teachers, and those in Arithme tic and Geography, though just beginning, | are in the rigtil direction. I But our tnost agreeable surprise was in I the lrondalo school, under Miss SUSANNAH IlicitAßT. We expected to find a school rath- Jer backward ; but it is one which has few ; equals in the county in Ihe thoroughness I and correctness of the instruction, and the I promptness and regularity of the scholars' i answers. J Miss CATHARINE WEAVER has an orderly j .and progressive primary school opposite the > American House, and Miss DEBORAH KNOIIR ; one very much like it in Hopkinsvilln. Be low Hopltinsville the Directors have built a ' coiiifrinable new school house where Mr. j JAMES STOKES does all ho can to train and teach the wayward young. Mr. ELI AS HICKS has charge of tlis primary boys' suliool in the Academy, and THOMAS J. MORRIS, Esq , of the school in Bcotl town. The (tonicity. We have been asked several times wheth er tax-payers ate justified in refusing to pay | their taxes when the Board of School Direc tors hire incompetent teachers without eer- Hgoates, or otherwise violate the law. Wa j di. not think the tax-payer can constitute ! hi mi "If 0 a,u ' ,a ' io l ''* B ■ummory rem- | edv iiu" own ' iaiu ' s - 'Fhe proper remedy I is in such ca.' , ' ,s to have thu Directors re- [ moved by th v" 0UI1 utH,, ' r P'*'" provis- j ions of the sch "l law. But tho school tax ! must he paid to i'e ex'Pended by just officers for legitimate purpo. 1 "*- '' bctv adjudged thai this lemeiiy of re, 1 " 04 *' supersedes die old ono ot mdiclvng DircClo h ir 11 misde- : meanor in office; and innci. 4 n.'uro would ii I supersede tho summary and laivle. s< redress ot a singlo individual's opinion or wii h which would generally be more easily movoo by a desire to escape taxation than by one tor bel ter schools. ( But the School Department sustains no j such reUtio.i to the Directors as does the citizen ot the district. It cannot remove the j Board, and therefore ts not precluded Ironi ( taking its only other just remedy and witli-J holding the State appropriation from the de- 1 liuqueul Directors. Its duty Is to see that the , public money goes only to those who use it j : tor legitiitiaie purposes. But the quesiiou arises whether directors ' are liable to township m# civil suit, if by , ' -heir negligence the State • pproprialion be j lost. They catit.ot be liable man action of \ debtor assumpsit; but there is nothing to j ' shield their liability from an action oti the case for the negligence and maladministra tion. Musical Concert. >' On last Thursday evening Mr. J. W.ALF.X- ; ASPKK and the class which has during the j winter been under his charge gave a musi cal concert in the Court-house to the gratifi cation of our towns-people and a number of visitors Item neighboring towns. Though ( there are not many voices in the class which give evidence of musical genius, the exer cises showed fidelity and artistic skill in both pupils and teacher. But one member of the class— Miss Mary McßriJe has a voice of the highest and finest capacity and compass to be found among musical prodigies. It is a treasure, and max be a fortune to her. We ; have heard the Seguin Opera Troupe and a , number of other popular Opera singers, and wo believe there is a gift in the voice of ibis > oumi girl in the valley of the Susquehanna which by culture might equal the music of the most famous sopranos impotted from t Italy. i i Mr. Bucliaunu'a Inaugural Suit. M'. Buchanan has got his inaugural coat made bj an honest Duicli tailor of Lancaster, who has patriotically stitched it with stars, representing the shiny -one States of the : Union. The idea is a good one, and could 1 ouly have originated ir Lancaster county. } where the Union is a cardinal principle with the Dutch yeomanry, who will not have it separated without tearing the whole fabric, material and workmanship, into shreds. 1 . is also symbolical ot Mr- Buchanan s admin istration. With the Union stitched into the ! Democratic policy, and with the right kind : of buckram in the cabinet-to stiffen it, it will wear out its term—a credit to trie manufac : turer. a satisfaction to the wearer, and the ' admiration of the people. Cy Mr. Eat has presented to the House a ; petition of Maty Silvester, of thi# county, fot . a divorce from her husband, Jeremiah Sfives - ter. py The President has issned his procla ' roarion, ordering the sale of the Indian Tros' Lands in Kansas, in May aod June next There are about 650,000 acrea of these lauds ! which will be sold to the highest bidder, bu { n at leas than the appraiaed ralne. THE INAUGURATION. The arrangements for the inauguration 101 l ll clay are as follows The Senate Chamber will be opened as early as 11 o'clock for the n admission of Senators and the privileged II guests, ex-Presidents and Vice I'tesidenls, the Judges of the Supreme Court, diplomatic corps, heads of departments and members of Congress, officers of the army and navy, j who, by name, have received he thanks of! I Congress, Governors of S'ates, &o. At 11 j o'clock, the President and the President elect I accompanied by the Committee of Arrange- ! ments, will proceed to the Vice President's room, and at 12 o'clock, when the Senate shall assemble, the President and President elect will be introduced by the Committee of Arrangements to .the seals prepared for ' them in front 01 ihe "Secretary's table in the Senate Chamber, with lire judges on the j right and the diplomatic corps on the left. — , I The whole body will then goto the eastern portico of the capitol, where the President will take his seat ill front of the platform with the officials, &o , named above, ill or der in the rear. The oath of office will be administered by the Chief Justice. If the weather should prove unfavorable, the cere ( monies will take place in the Senate Cham ber. ty The I.ycoming Gazette hits off some i i of Ilia foolish little practices which editors ! I | 100 often indulge in, for wont of better ex cuses, which go far to weaken, if not destroy , the influence of the press. Wo append the article of the Gazette in the hope that it will desttoy the practice: "Kvery lew weeks we see in some of our exchanges a notice after this fashion : 'ln consequence of the laige number of new subscribers added to our list since onr out side was worked off, we ure compelled to send a half sheet to mar.y of our subscribers this week.' Would it not be well for our j I brethren of the press to discontinue thai I practice ! It's worn out. If they are unable ' Ito issue more than a half sheet, we reeom- 1 | mend them, hereafter, to say so, instead of 1 ( perpetrating such transparent humbnggery. | Another jko that might as well be abati- j I dotted is, to write a notice that 'in conse- 1 i of our heavy advettising patronage we shall soon be compelled to refuse adver tising patronage we shall soon be compelled to refuse advertisements or enlarge onr pa- i per—the latter course will probably be pur- | sued.' when thai heavy advertising patron- i age consists of a tVUimn and a half pros pec- I tna of the New York Tribum, foi which the | editor gets paid in the ptivilege of exchati- | ging with it for one year; three fourths of a • | column of lottery advertisements, a pill ml- i ! vertisement, worth one hundred dollats, but i inserted lor twelve, ami a score of others ol ' like character. Gentlemen of the press would j do well to bear in mind that this is an en | lightened age ami nation,and that these little dodges are out of date. They bring discredit upon the whole fraternity by their shallow ness. The former class should stop opera ; lions when they feel the necessity of such a paragraph, while the litter would do a sensi- 1 I We thing to ••retuse advertisements"—par- ] ' ticularly such as we have named." I'cloruted IVi-hnge Mumps, Hon. James Campbell, the Postmaster j I General, lias recently introduced an improve- j ; i.neut in the postage stamps, wliicli adds j gre ally lo their public convenience. He lias ! had t.Vm prepared on sheets with peforations around C'-e borders of each stamp, so that 1 ( | u ,y can - ,,e separated, one from the oilier. without in icq a knife or a pair of scissors. - Besides the sa '-'ing ol time in this improve-j I ttient, thero is gt' a'er security that the stamp | will adhere to the leuer, for the points or rough edge lelt by the peforations will stick , i better to the letter, the.'e being none of the j risk of the edge turning up as when it is j centitious. This plan of pefornting letter | i stamps is pracise.l in Europe, and Mr. Camp ! hell had the contractor to procure a machine j i from thai country for use here. The eon-! ; tract is mado with Toppan, Carpenter & Co., ; | of this city, and, in addition to a supply for ! i Philadelphia, the stamps have already been ; sent to New Y'ork, Boston, Baltimore, Cin- 1 cinnati, St. I.otus, New Orleans, Chicago ami ' Albany. The amount of letter writing in the ; United States m.iv be inferred from the mint- J her of postage stamps used. The number 1 sold by the Government last year reached i nearly one one hundred and fitly millions of j stamps ! —Ledger. Alar■ Inge l xtroidtuary. 1 county, (N. Y".,) a widow of about fifty years 1 1 of aae, was married a short time since to a ' i green half developed wight of twenty. The | 1 t woman has had some experience in such af ' ; fairs, as this is her fourth marriage. The ' ! first hnsbatu! was thirty years older than her -1 self; her second consort took to hard drink- : 1 ing immediately after his marriage and soon I died; her third is still living and has given ! aid to her last marriage, having hired the boy to marry her, giving him five dollars as a start in housekeeping and his good will. 'I he Mexican Treaty. The following is probably the correct ver '• sion of the new Mexican treaty. It contem- plates a loan ol 515,000.000, of which " S3 000,000 are to be applied to the payment of American claims, to be adjusted by a joint II commission, and ihe remainder is unrestrict -1! ed. Twenty per cent. 0 f jhe receipts from customs by Mexico is to be appropriated for the re-payment of the loan. It also content piates a joint postal arrangement via Tehaun * i tepee as well as a transit route. There is no 'j ; stipulation for a cession of territory, and " i Cong-ess or the President have no authority " to cor. ract such a loan. SLEIGHIKG IS NKBRASK> —A correspondent j of the Cleveland PlamdeUer writes: a "My attention was attracted this morning , r i by two comfortable frame houses moving through onr streets upon rocners, and drawn by lour horses each. Stove pipes protruded througn the roof, indicating cozioeaa and comfort within. YVindows adorned the sides, i- and tiny icicles glittered in the 6unligh: pen s'. dam from the eaves. Upon inquiry we learned tun these houses contained the f*m ily of an old acquaintance, Hon. Isaac Far ** rish, formerly of Ohio, who is moving from >< his home in lowa, to a new one at the town of Do Sottj in the territory " FROA CALIFORNIA. Ex-Govert.or Bnrr.ett has been appointed Judge of the Supreme Court of California The Apacha Indians have been committing great depredations in Sonora. The copper mine at Fort YTima is developing richly. The earthquake on the 9th extended throughout California and lasted several minutes. Walls and chimneys were prostrated, and one wo man killed. People rushed out of their | houses greatly alarmed, and many streams I diverted from their used channels. The Su | preme Court has declared invalid ihe act im posing a lax of fifty dollars on persons not intending to become citizens. It is rumored that a filibustering expedition against Sonora is about leaving San Francisco. The Cali fornia Piiee Current advises a suspension ol shipments from the Atlantic cities, the mar | kets in California being already over-stocked, ' and the 'eceipts of merchandise continuing exceedingly heavy. The cold weather in the mountains has prevented mitiirg opera tions. I.iuid Warrant*. Of land warrants Messrs. Sweeny, Ritten house, Funt & Co., in their financial circula tion of to-day, says: " Warrants have ad vanced 3 cents per acre since our last repoit. | We quoio the market to-day firm, with a de i cided upwards tendency. Buying rale. Selling rate. 40's $1 12 per acre. $1 15 per acre. 80's 1 03 " " 1 05 " " !60's I 02 " " 1 04 " " . 120's 1 00 " " I 02 " " Kevolu'ry scrip 1 054 " 207 " " '•Large orders continue to come in from the YVest, in anticipation of the opening of the land office in lowo, Kansas and Nebras ka." "A bill introduced by Mr. Cobb, of Ala bama, is now pending before Congress to place warrants issued under the act of Murch 3d, 1855,0na footing with those issued un der the act of 2817 and 1850, which author izes the issues under the acts to bo received in payment of lands on railroad grants and at public sales. Should this bill become a law, warrants must, in our opinion, enhance the value.— Cor. Baltimore Sun, Feb. 16th. Valuable Gold .11 illc 1 Among (ho nssels of the Lancaster Bank is a gold mine located somewhere, we be lieve, in Nonh Carolina. This same gold mine a few years ago was the means of puf fing into notoriety and magnificence the great financier of Lancaster who owned it. The papers teemed with accounts of its richness —the proprietor grew fat and saucy in anti cipation of its abundant yield—the Lancas ter Bank was drawn upon for funds to de velope it, receiving as security a judgment upon the ''gold mine," which the appraisers now return under oath as worthless.—Lan caster Examiner. Heath of Dr. linnc. Dr. Klisha Kent Kane, the great Arctic ex plorer, died at Havana, Cuba, on the ltith i ins-t. His remains reached New Orleans on i j Monday, en rouie for Philadelphia. Dr. | i Kane was only 35 years old, but no living j I man of his age had acquired a greater fame. I | His death will be deeply and widely lament- | I ed, for he was known wherever civilization ' extends. Shooting Cnse in Washington, WASHINGTON, Feb. 28—David Hume wont to the Pension Office this morning to de- j tr.aiul the retraction of a charge bv D. C ! 1, a eletk in that ofhee, that lie (Hume) I | had picked Lee's pocket at the President's j ! reception last night. Lee declined to retract, j | when Hume struck him with u stick. Lee j ! thereupon shot him dead with a pistol, and j I soon after delivered himself to the officers. | DECIDED IMPROVEMENT.—In Maine they j 1 make as much of their murders as they do i : in New Y'ork, human curiosity being pretty ! much die same in an "inland village" and j j iu a "metropolis," though the self-conceit in \ ! the latter is amazingly ahead. In New Y'ork ' j the refined and intellectual citizens gather in j ■ the neighborhood of a house in which a ; ' murder is committed, and gaze for hours a: ; 1 the doors and windows, as if they expected ! | them to open and make a revelation of the ' 1 murderous mystery. In Maine the ladies. ! I old and young, take their knitting and sew- | t ing with them lo the Coutt House, and im- ' j bibe the sanguinary horrors while they man- j I ufacture worsted stockings and lace capes— I a union ot industry and curiosity in "village" ' customs and habits decidedly to be preferred j to the idle iuquisitivciiess of ''metropolitan" manners. riT The "City of Tiffin," a village of five thousand inhabitants, in Ohio, appears .to have been giver, over lo the Evil One : A young man named Coffman, burned his father's barn, valued ai SI3OO, and then stole Sl3o of money from the old roan ; another i j onth of the name of Frazer robbed his father i j of 5200 ; the body of an unknown man was found in the streets, who had been murdered | by some one ; the cholera is decimating the j hogs ; a series of fights, riots, etc., had oc- I curred, within a week, and the Postmaster ! | at Melnore, near Tiffin, ha* recently robbed , 1 the mail of monied letters, but escaped be , | fore the officers could catch him. "J HORRIBLE —The editor of the Scalpel, in I i the February number, in an article on the r "Education ol American School Girl," hss " ; discovered thai a frightful practice prevails I among young ladies of ealing chalk and slate 3 j pencils and drinking vinegar to avoid gaining ' flesh. "Very few persons," he says, "ima ( gine the exteDt to which this suicidal perver ! ston of the natural instincts will go in young ii women who are under the influence of their imaginary superiors, in what tbey consider g graceful thinness ; much has been said about ? tight lacing, and becsuse the corset has par- II lially gone into disuse, people imagine that compression of the lungs had ceased; it is Sj far otherwise, hooks and eves and whalebone - have taken their place, and the insaoe devo e ' tee willingly starves herself by the year." i* l . _ . -,, tW The election of State Treasurer, with u the consent of both Honser, place j on the 1 lib insteot. Secret Service Money. When we recently published the facte re specting Hie >350,000 of secret service money distributed by General Scott while in Mexico, we expressed our humiliation at the facts which it indicated. That officers of high rank in Mexico were willing to sell their country for a private consideration seemed indeed hardly crediblo. And yet the recent report of the Committee of Inquiry show, that the uses of another sort of secret service money are by no means confiued to foreign oap itals or to limes of war. In Washington, some of our own members of Congress can, it seems, be reached by such considerations more ef effectually than by any other. That the action of the Committee of Inqui ry was independent, manly, and influepced by the purest and most honorable motives, there can be no question. That a bold but milj view of the case wo have no doubt. But whether they have got really to the bol ! torn ol the mat er seems quite doubtful.— Suppose three or four members to be expell ed, would it be quite safe to sit down and say, as do the Committee, that all beyond is | irreproachable and above suspicion J It is true that it was for the interest of the con spirators, if ever so few, to magnify their numbers, get up a report of members of Con gress being so linked, in order to fleece mon ey more proiusely out of parlies thus to be shaved ? No doubt they exaggerated the corruption, to swell the amounts, just as some of them professed to be very indignaul at the rascality of the whole thing, while coolly swallowing the plunder. But, after all, will the country believe the other members of Congress to bo immaculate? It is true that a certain ex-member from New York testi fies that he knows of no coimptiou. But is that enough? Perhaps he ord others might differ as to what is corruption, for Mr. Simon ton tells us that he had seen this same ex- | member call out twenty or thirty members, j and after conversing with them they had | changed their votes. Why was not this re- j porter asked to slate who they were? I'rob- i ably he would have forgotten. One thing iscortain ; the public generally j will lake a more favorable view of this case ' lliau the committee have taken. Those who defend men charged with such infamous do- | ing, by the mere empty declamation against ! ''star chamber" proceedings, will be suspect- [ ed, whether justly or uujustly we know not, j but they wilt be suspected ol being too closely > linked in with them to pursue any other j course. The friends of somo of the accused parties ' will, no doubt, feel sore, and many will be- j lieve them not culpable to the extent that j the report of the Committee would make it j appear. All this was to be expected. There j might not be unimpeachable evidence against j some of these men of directly taking bribes, t suflicient to convict them in a court of justice, j as courts novv-a-days seem to arrange mat- ; ters. But that is not the point exactly. An j honorable body, like Congress, whose votes j ! decide all questions of national importance, I must be kept not only pure, but above all I suspicion. The corrupters of public spirit are i bad enough, but if to this it should onre be j | understood that tho members can be Individ- j | ually approached by direct bribes, what shall jwe come to? It may begin in a little book jobbing, for $14,000; it may go on at tho raie > | of >1,500 for a vote on a railroad, till it cut up i a quarter of a factory or use SIOO,OOO to work j through a bill; but will it stop there? j Will not tho section of the country that ! can carry the heaviest purse, by and by se ; cure the tarifl ? And when the vote comes j on claims a flitting treaties, on questions of ; North and South, peace or war, what is to ] prevent the country being solJ in its honor j or its dearest interests, lor some private mess lof pottage.' The fact of such a thing as the j possible bribery of Congress votes, to say j nothing of the reproach, is so unsettling In I its consequences of all public repose and \ confidence, that it is not enough that mem i bors be not proved guilty, but they must be i above all reasonable ground of suspicion— ■ men of suflicient carefulness anj discretion I not'to be compromised nor to compromise j Congress by any approach to corruption. | When in Rome golj could purchase votes 1 nnd the highest offices of State, it was not I i long belorethe country was utterly destroyed. ; Thus we have been saved the curse of a j standing army, because all were willing to submit to the votes of the majority. But once I let it be understood that it is not r.u&abers I and not justice '.hat decide the questions be fore Congress, but gold and bribery, and tho whole foundation and stability of the govern ment is overthrown. Henceforth a govern ment must inevitably arise resting upon an other basis— force. !.el any great question once coma up, involving vast interests, and j who will submit to have it decided by the | purse, unless it be backed by the power of 1 j the sword?— Public Ledger. nr An impostor calling himself Capt. i Charles Shores, who has been gathering 1 , tunds for the relief of Kansas suflferers, in ' this and other free States, was arrested in 1 Milwaukie recently, after having success fully swindled the Kansas sympathisers in r j the different States out of a pretty nice sum. ' He deserves and will probably gel leave to " finish his education in an institution where the science of weaving is looghl in the high- est perfection. e s \3T The Pmsa, published at Havana, an s t nounces the arrival in that city of the Mexi i can General D. Joaquin Range), who, it says, „ is on his way b'uher with "the project of a ~ protectorate of the United States over Vhe .. Mexican nation;" the realization of which, „ the Ptnsa thinks, would be a death-blow to the Mexican Republic. Gen. Range! will , r I remain in Havana but a few days longer, |t when he will proceed to tba Uoited Slates. it ' " Child stealing, the New York paperr s say, is practised to a great extent ia that city e Probably, on an average, two children a week . are abducted from their homes while playing on the Bidewalk, and are detained until the afflicted parent offers a reward for them, b when the kidnappers bring their little rictimi e to light and receive the monej. They ought to receive a place in the State prison. I SPIRITUALISM. It is claimed by the followers of this um that there are sixty thonsand spiritualists in Philadelphia, or about ten per cent, of t|, e population. We do not believe that any snch preposterous number of persons labor under this delusion; but we do know that many persons are affjeted by the mania who would not be suspeoted of any such silliness. A young man committed suicide in that city last week, and from papers in his possession which were examined after his death, it was made manifest thai the destruction of hie Ala by hie own hand was instigated by spiritual ism. The suicide was Charles Whippn, a medical student, a:id a son of Or. Whippo of Newcastle, Pa., a young man of education, and tiis associations were with accomplished people. The papers ol this young man also disclosed tho fact that the father of the de ceased, —also an educated man, and in high social position—was a confirmed spiritualist, and moreover it seemed that a respectable educated lad) of whom the deceased was en amored, was a believer in this delusion. These Rre startling facts, and in viow of '■ them it is not to bo wondered at that such vulgar impostors es the prophetess, Aune Meister, whose doings in the city have eicl ted public attention latelv, should find dupes among the ignorant and uneducated. It ia fashionable to laugh at and deride the believ ers ill demonology and witchcraft who were so numerous in the seventeenth oer.tury; but wo incline to to the belief (hat fouls are about us plentiful now as tbey were two centuries ago. Millerism, Mormonism and Spiritual ism will certainly compare in point of wick edness and folly with any of the isms of tho days of the Mathers. An Amerlciiu Gill. Two or three weeks ago, several deserters from the British troops stationed at Kingston. 1 mudojiheir way across Wolf Island and the | St. I.awrpnce to the United States. Some of . them wete badly frozen on the way, and one j was taken in and cared for by Mr. Pinches, j on Carlton Island, within the jurisdiction of | the United States. Ou the 29ih nit. a Brit- I lull officer, with a file of men, came upon 1 the island, and endeavored to pursuade the j deserter to go back to Kingston, promising | that he should not be punished. Ho refused, and the officer determined to take him by | force. Mr. Plntohes, with one of his hired ; men, was absent. Another man was chop j ping wood at tho door, and Mrs. Plulches j and two daughters were in the house. The j women sent tho man off after Mr. P. and his companion, and soon afterwards the offi ; cer ordered the deserter to ho brought out. Five soldiers rushed into tho house, but the : others wero prevented from entering by tho j eldest daughter, who dashed tho fifth man j back as he entered, and he rolled upon the ! ground outside. She then closed the door, and locked it, and taking her position before j it, declared that if the (our who were left in ; side look the deser'er out, they would havj to pass over her dead body. By this time Mr. Plulches and his men were seen return < ittg, and the officer out doors called for his ! men to come out and run. The thing was ' either said than done, howover, as the brave ! girl maintained her post, and it was only j on a solemn promise given by them to ob -1 serve the laws and respect the soil of the j Uni'od States in future, that trie imprisoned soldiers were released, and with their officer, , allowed to beat a hasty retreat. 1 PT At tho cock pit in Havana recently I battles were fought for largo sums of mon ey. His F.xceilency the Captain General, | with the Matqueas (his wife) were there one day, and were so interested in one of the battles that tl.ey wagered some money ! upon one of the birds, which, killing its op j ponents, they won their wagers. BP* The widening ot the Union Ccnal will ; be finished, and that Canal will pass the lar gest class boats on and after the ffrat o f April 1 next. This improvement is thus finally ac i 1 comphshed m the right way, without ma . | king the State liable for the interest on tha money expended in widening the Canal. I I HOLLOWAY's OINTMENT AND PlLLS.—lmpu rities of the blood are often developed in , disgusting eruptions, ulcers, tumors, scrofu lous sores, boils, and other external aflfec- I tions. For all these distressing and danger j ous complaints, Hollow-ay's Ointment is lit i eraily a healing balsam. It neutralizes the i j mnteries morbi, or seeds of diseases in the , exterior secretions, and dispels the inffam ! mation. Nature does tho rest. The expe ' ' rience of every human being who has tested ■ I the efficacy of the Ointment is the same. It i ; has never failed. When the internal organs are alone affected, as in liver complaint, dys ' pepsia, and irregularities of iho bowels, a few ' doses of the Pills afford certain and perma* ■ ! nenl relief. 1 1 MAmmaa®* f I On the 26th ult., by the Rev. J. Eyer, Mr REUBEN KACCH to Miss MARGARET both of Mod too r township. 4B| ! On the 19'.'li of Febtuary, by Rev. I Shunt-. b, Mr. ntitjAMtN MILLER of - - | Ridge, and Miss CATHARINE ALE, I Pleasant township, Columbia county, t j On the S6th ult. by the same, Mr. SAMUA. i WALTER of Hemlock township, and Miss '• { SUSAN R.ICHALDIFER, of Bioomsburg. n j On the 19th ult., by B. P. Former, Esq., i I Mr. WILLIAM REITZ to Miss SA VILLA MARTZ, 0 j all of Franklin township, this county, e In Berwick, on Thursday the 26th nit., by 'he Rev. Isaiah Bahl, Mr. STEPHEN THRASH ER. of Fishingcreek, and Miss HELENA RHONE, 1 of Benton township, Columbia county. On the same day, by the same, Mr. TOBIA i- SHOVER, of Hollenbach, and Miss CAROLINE MEYERS, of Dotauce twp., Columbia co. , I Ir. Beaver Valley, on the 19th ult., by tho ' i same, Mr WASHINGTON FISHER, and Miss A ! LUCINDA BITTESBENDKR, both of thenormer ie ! place, Columbia county. i, j On the 24th ult., by the Rev. Geo. Warren, o Mr. SILAS S. DEMOTT, of Columbia county, II and Miss MATILDA REEDY, of Bioomsbutg, Columbia county. ' On February the 19itl ult., by the Rev. J. A. DeMoyer, Mr. JOSHUA FRITZ, of Sugarloaf twp., and Miss MARIETTA M. BAKER, of Jack rs eon twp., Columbia county, p. On Tuesday, Feb. 24th ult., by the same, Mr. WM. KRESSLER, of Scott rtrp., and Miss LOUISA Hknbt, of Fiebingcreek township, e Columbia county. >e ' _ '* Ju H'asliingtonville, on the 20th. of Fabru " ary, Mrs SUSANNAH REEIEB, agd 69 years, 6 months sua 6 days. i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers