'/j' " ■— ■ ■■■ GF The tklton Argus eayV ''lf ihe devil don'i got Lebo, WagtwseMer Mil -Meneer, ihotoV no D> In having a devfl." ■ ■ ■ i , ■, I'D BMC DINNER AND SUPPER THE Ladies of Hlnotnsburg will give a Public Dinner lnd "Supper it Ihe Methodist K. Chuich of (lie same 'place, 'on Tuesdhy, the 31 of February, 1867, for ihe purpose of fflinUhiiig their nno Cti'ureh now umfer con templation.'. ririner at I and Supper at T. The public ere respectfully invited to it lend. Tickets 10.b.e had ai'lhe dobr. td CONsEui ATION. DY divine permission, the St. Peter's Church, in Cooper township, Montour county, will be dedicated to the worship of Ihe Living God, on Saturday and Sunday Ihe 7lh and Sth'days rf Ft binary proximo. Several clergymen of this vicinity, with others Irom abroad, will officiate on the oc casion. Exercises in English and German. UV" The public are respectfully invited. January 28, 1867. BRIDGE LETTING. FM2HE County Commissioners will receive JL proposals at the house of Alrfnzo Bald win, in Benton township, until 3 o'clock, P. M., on THURSDAY, the 19th DAY of FEB RUARY next, lor building an open truss bridge, in Benton township, over Big Fish ingcreek, near the residence of the said Alonzo Baldwin, said bridge to be 100 feet in '•"•gilt, with a pier in the middle 6 feet thick; width of bridge 10 feet. Plan and specifications can be seen on Ibe day and place of letting. " By <rHire Co. Com'rA. V R. C. FRUIT, Clerk. , CostMHStoNta's OmcK, ) Blcoinsburg, Jan. 21, '57. J \ JOHN A. MOORE JOHN W. WILLIAMS. MOORE So WILLIAMS, General Commission Merchants, and dealers in MimSßrS s SUPPLIES, No. 64 South Water St., Philadelphia. THE subscribers having been associated with the coal trade and mitring operations I generally, for several years, are prepared lo eupply orders for all arlicles contingent lo mining purposes at Ihe lowest rales, with care and dispatch. ; Ogr stock comprises the following articles: OlLS—Sperm, Solar, Elephant, Bleached, Racked, Lurd, Rosin, Greasing, Linseed. Safety .Lamps, Fuses, Blasting Paper, Slope Chums, Ropes, all Sizes Pulleys, VVicking, V.'ire Rope, Tar and I'ilch.ei—Thornley's Celebrated Gum Belling, YVashers, Packing, Hose Blasting and other Powders.—— Soap, Candles, &c. REFERENCES J Hodgson & Keen, Philadelphia. J. B. A. & S. Allen, " Charles llliller & Co., " R. Rotliernrjel, Esq., " John Thornley, E-q., " Wm. De Haven, li-q , Minersvillr, Fa llon. W. Donaldson, Pottsville, Pa. Hon. C. W. Pitman, " Geo. W. Snyder. Erq , " D. P. Brown, YVq., " L. P. Bicok, E-q., " J. J. Cmiiior, Ashland, Pa. Philadelphia, Jan. 16, 1867.—1y. Office of Ihe Columbia Coal Iron Co. ) S. E. Corner 4(li & Walnnt Sis. \ Philadelphia , Pec. 31st, 1856. THE Annual Meeting of tno Sioekfiolders and election of Directors will be held at the office'of the company; on Mondny evening, February 2nd, 1857, ai 7j o'clock. P. KLATLR, Secret!ry. Applicationstbr License. NOTICE is hereby given that the following Applications for Tavern and Eating-iiouse Licenses, have been filed, with Ihe Clerk of the Court of Quarter Sessions, of the Peace in and for the county ol Columbia, and that Ihe i same will be presented to tho Court ot Quar- | ter Sessions, at the next February Term, on ! ench day as the said Court shall designate. David Miller, Briarereek township, Tavern. Henry B Eisner, Rupert Stalino, do Reoben F. Nicely, Berwick, Ealing House. Frederick Isster, Bioomsburg, do do Elias Met.deuliall, Bioomsburg, Store. J. J. Brower, do do A. J.. Evans, do do JACOB KYERLY, Clerk. Bioomsburg, Jan. 5, 1857. A Hew Book for Agents. THE life and times of Alexander Hamil lion; by Samuel M. Smuckev, A. M., author of the life and Reign of Nicholas I, of Rus sia. &c. &. This is the only complete and reliable bi ography of this great man. He wts'lhe in litnute personal friend of Washington, and by many considered his equal. 1 his work includes a history of ihe times and men of the Revolution, and many inci dents not heretofore given in history. It bar all Hie charms n( romance, although prepar ed from the most teliable and authentic sources, and should be in ihe hands of every American who reveres the great and good men of our Revolution. A sketch of Burr is also given, and an account of his misera ble end. Agents wanted in every part of the United Stales, for this and other valuable works, lo whom the latgesl commissions Will be ppid. Copies sent by mail, on receipt of the price, CI 00. J. W. BRADLEY, Publisher, No. 48 North Fourth Street, Jae. 14, '67.-4 w. PHILADELPHIA nBrrfttmas G3<3E>®SS GREAT GIFT BOOK SALE, 409 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Fine Gold Jewelry given away to Pur chasers of Books • A IX Books will be sold as low as ran be em. bed at other Stores, many of them for lets. New Books received daily. A Gift ! varying in value from 28 cenle lo 8100, giv en with each book at Ihe time it is sold.— Having on hand a very large stock of new and valuable Books, and as nur mono is "Large sales and small profits," we are determined 10 give our customers belter bargains than can be had elsewhere. Any hook published )□ New York or Philadelphia will be prompt, ly sent, gift included, on rev-nipt of publish er's price. Ceudosuee -of Books and Pres ents, containing lull explanations will be sent free to sll parts of the country. The most liberal inducements are offered to Agents. Any person sending us an order for ten books, with money enclosed, will bp en tilled to sn extra Boot and Gift. All orders lor books, comsining money, (to ensure peifect safely.) should be regis tered st the Post Office whom they sre mail ed, end dirscleil lo Evans & Co., 409 Broad way, New York. Rrferencc —M. Thomas & Sons, South 4th Street, Philadelphia; J. B. Lippincott & Co., Philadelphia; D. Applston A Co, Broad way ; Derby b Jackson, Nassau Street, New York. SEND FOR A CATALOGUE. EVANS k CO., • Prinoiptl Si ore, 409 Brodway, N. Y. Branch Siorse at 126 Chestnut St reel, Phil adelphia,.sad at Washington, D C Deo. ?f>, 1866,-3 m. PROOIAMA.HOW. NOTICE is hereby gi>en that the several Courts of Commom Pleas, Gen eral Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and Orphans' Court. Court of Oyer ahd Terminer and Jail Delivery, in and for the County of Columbia, tocommence at the COURT HOUSE, IN BtoostsßUßO, ON Slonday the 2 d Day of February next, , TO CONTINUE ONE WEEK. The Coroner, Justices of the Peace & Constables,in end for the county of Co lumbia, nreTeqtrnbtetl to be there ih their proper persons, -with their rolls, records, inquisitions, and' Other remem brances, to db ihdse things to their sev eral OITICCB appertaining to be done. And all witnessee prosecuting in behall of the Commonwealth ngainsi any pris oner, are nlso requested and commanded to be ihen and there attending in their pro' per persons to prosecute against him, as shall be just—and not to depart without leave at their peril. Jurors are request! ' ed to he punctual in their attendance, a- | the lime appointed agreeable to their no- i liees, Given under my hand at Bioomsburg the j TthJayof January, in the year of our j Lord one thousand eignt hundred and fifty-seven, and the Independence ol the United States of America the Blst. (God save the Commonwealth.). STEPHEN 11. MILLER, Sli'Jf. GRAND JURORS—FEB. TEIT.IL 1857, Briarereek —John Davenport, G.W. Slyer, Hudson Owen. Bloom—R. B. Arthur, Charles M'Kelvy, J. G. Fuss, John H. I.eidy. Centre—G. H. Fowler. Fishittgcreek—llussel P. Slucker, Jacob Slucker. Hemlock—Cornelius Vanhorn. Jackson—Loll Parker, Nelson Kitchen. Locusl—Elijah Yocum. Madisortr—Nictolas Barber. Montour —Samuel Lazarus. Orange—Henry Delong. Scott —Ceorga Bowman, William Hsgen bueh, Samuel Betz. Greenwood—John K. Eves. Sogarlnaf—John W. Kile, Joseph Cole. Pine—Robert Kinney. TRAVERSE JBRORS-FEB. TERM '57. Pine —Geo. Stnckhouse, Jacob Dribelbis. Briarereek—Gilbert Fowler, Enoch Adams. Locusl—John Kline, Jesse John, Elijah Cleaver, Davis Yeager, Jackson Campbell, William Hughes. Scoll—Silas Edgur, Abraham Snyder. Bloom—Nathan Bomboy, Michael Waller, Elisha E. Barton. Fishingcreek—Samuel Yost. Centre—Clinton Herring, Henry Delong. Madison—John Chrk. Jacksoh—Michael Remley. Grange—Jesse Brumsielter, George Wit mire, John McGargle, Michael Hageubucb, William Fisher. Montour—Jacob Arnwine, Evan W'elliver. Hemlock —Jesse Beers. Mifflin—C. H. Hess, Reuben Fry. Maine—Solomon Sltuntan, Jesse John, Ja cob Brown. Caiawissa—Abel Thomas. Cony ogham—Joshua Womer. Ml. Pleasant—John Mordan. TRIAL LIST FORLM TERM, 1857. 1. John Gerlina cl id. vs. Cliatles F. Mann. 2. Samuel L. McCullnck etal. vs. Samuel F. Head ley. 3. William Koons vs. George L. Kline'el 01. 4. William Koons vs George L. Kline. 5. Frederick Dcate'a Dam. v.. Fliitip Win tersleen el al. 6. Jonathan Mnsteller vs. Benj F. Hartrnan. 7. Joseph Stackhouse vs. Gilbert Fowler. 8. Jane M. Beinitiger Vs. W. A. Kline. 9. Malancliuin Baker vs. Richard Torby. 10. Daniel F. Seybert vs. Daniel Sponen berg's Admr. It. David Reiubold vs. Aaron Wolf. 12. James Tyson et al. vs. John M. Sheldon et al. 13. Peter Apnlematt el al. vs. Leonard B. Ru pert et at. 14. Hirvm Brown vs. John Jones. 15. Mary Vansickle t-s Joseph Ruckle et al. 16. E. & J. Hteks vs. Wm. L. Lance. 17. George Miller vs. f'-latworthy Fisher. 18. George Miller vs. Nathaniel Overdorf. 19. Peter Appleman vs. Leonard B. Rupert. 20. Thomas Parker vs. John H. Parker. 21. John Wagner vs. Sally A. Wagner. 22. George L. Kline vs Moses Coffinan. 23. Susannah Hall vs. Archibald Henry. 24. Jonathan Mosteller vs. B. F. Hartrnan. 25. Isaac Brown vs. Richarl J. Lyon. 26. William Robison vs. Wilson Ager. 27. Isaiah Shuman vs. Jacob L.Shaman etal. 28. Jesse Hicks vs. Joseph Kirkeudall. 29. Jacob Schuyler vs. Wilson Ager. 30. Nathan Seely vs. Daniel Spottenberg's Admrs. 31. Fletcher B. Dodsori vs. William Long. 32. Leon .Hay mail vs. Aionz, H. Ellis. 33. Caihern Tanner vs. John D. Weaver. 34. Leonard S. Stineman vs. Gordon R.Goff. 35. Adam Gable vs. Benjamin Wagner. 36. William Wicbt vs. Gorden R. Goff. 37. Jonathan Mosteller vs. Stephen Baldy. 38. Simon Koder vs. Noah S. Prentiss. 39. Milton P. Miller el al. vs. Chas. F.Mann. 40. Milton I'. Miller vs Christian Shnman. 41. Christian Pleisl vs. Daniel Gigger. 42. William Hopper vs. Kdniond Crawford. Register's Notice. NOTICE is hereby given to all lega tees, creditors and other persons interested in tho estates nf the respective deredonts and minors, that tho following adminis tration accounts have been filed in the of fice of lite Register of Columbia county, and will be presented far coufirmation and allowance to the Or) bans' Court, to be held at Bioomsburg, in the county afore said, on Wednesday, the 4t!i day of Feb ruary next, at 2 o'clock, P. M : 1. The account of Geo. B. Seybert, executor of Nicholas Seybert,late ol Briarereek twp., deceased. 2. Tito account of Ephrvim P. Lulz, admin istrator cum tesiamento annexo of Charles llcfley , lata ofßlonrn two., deceased. 3. The final account of John Bower, executor of Maigaret Siiueman, late of Liberty twp., deceased. 4. The account of Isaac K. Krickbaum exec utor of John Kline, late of Benion twp., deceased. 5. The account of Samuel Laird, deceased, who was execu'or of James Luird, lata ol Madison township, Columbia couniv, de ceased. so far as lbs same was administered by said Samuel Laird, filed bv Cyrus Laird, administrator of Samuel Laird. C. The account of Edmund Crawfgyl, admin istrator of Elizabeth Lunger, lain of Benton twp., deceased. 7. The final account of Isaao Leidy, admin istrator of Philip Girtoo, late of Hemlock twp., deceased. 8. The account of Isaao McKamy, adminis trator of Joseph Broshs, late of Scott twp., deceased. 9. "1 he first o#d final accoUnl of Oliver Evans administrator of William T. Miller, lata of Roaringereak lownahip, deceased. 10 The account of Thomas Aten, Adm'r of the ealate of Samcel Ateo, late of Catawia aa township, deceased. DANIEL LEE, Register RUCISTXR'S OIRIE, j Blooutahnrg. .fan 5, 18J7. J SHERIFF SALE. |"IY virtue ef several writs of venditioni ex *•' points lo me directed there will be expo sed to publio sale at the Court House, in Bioomsburg, on Monday, the 2d day of Feb ruary next, at 1 o'clock, P. M., tbe following 1 real eslste lo wit: All that undivided moiety or half part of an undivided Xfiointy, or helf part of three tracts or pieces of laiid„wi:h a water power appur tenant thereto: first tract situate in Scott township, Columbia county, containing Fifty Plight aores and eighty nine perches strict I measure, be the same more or less, all of which is improved lands, bounded and de scribed aa follows, to wit: On the north by land of John Em and Peter Sliug, on the east by a road leading from Bloohtf-burg lo Or srigeville, on tbe south by laud ol Samuel Melick, on the west by lands of John White and others, whereon is erected a FURNACE, a Grist Mill,l iwoslory frame dwelling lipuse, 5 one and half ; story frame dwelling hou-es, one frame bam and stable, widt the appurte nances Second Tract, siiua'.e in the town ship and county aforesaid, containing Seven | teen acres and five perches strict measure, I be the same more or less, bounded and de scribed as lollowa, to wit: By lands of John ) White, Andrew Crivelmg and others. Third I Tract, situate in the township ol Ml. Pleasant ' and county aforesaid, containing Four acres and sixty-six perches, strict measure, be the ! satr.e more or less, all of which isu"im[iroved; bounded by lands of John White, Peter Shag and others, With the appurtenances. , Seized and taken in execution aa the prop erly of James Kester with notice to Samuel L. Buttle lerre tinuttt. ALSO, At the same lime and place all that undivided mOlety t>r half parr of an undivided inoiaiy, or half part of three tracts or pieces of laud will) the waler power ap'pnrtenent thereto : First Tract situate in Scott township, Colum bia county, containing fifty-eight acres and eighty-nine pefchea, strict measure, be the same more or less, all of Which is improved : land, bounded and described as follows, to wit: On lite north by lands ol John Er.t and Peter Sbug, on tho east by a road leuding Irom Bioomsburg to'Orangoville,on the south by lands ol Samuel Melick, on the west by lands ol John Whire and others, whereon is erected a Furnace, a Grist Mill, 1 two story frame dwelling house, five one and a half slorv dwelling houses, one frame barn, one stable, with the appurtenuuees. Second Tract situate in the township and county aforesaid, containing Sevemeen acres and five perches strict measure, bo the same more or less; bounded and described as follows, to wit: — By lands of John White, Andrew Criveling and others. Third Tract, situate in the town ship of Mi. Pleasant, nnfi county aforesaid, containing Four acres and sixty-six perches, stiicl measure, be the some more or less, all of which is unimproved; bounded by lands of John White, I'eier Shug and others, with the appurtenances. Seized and taken in execution and to be sold as the properly of George Boyd, Jr., with notice to Samuel L. Beitle, lerre tenant. ALSO, At the same time and place all that certain lot or tract of land situate ir. the village ol Rohrsburg, in Greenwood township, Colum bia county, bounded and described as Inflows to wit: On ihe neat by lot of John Black, on the north by lot of William Birctifield, on Ihe oust by Main Street, on Hie sotttn tiy a toad leading limn Rohrsburg lo Greenwood, containing tinea fourths of an acre, be the j same more or less, whereon is erected n two J siory frame Tavern House, a irarne Stable, Willi the appurtenances. Seized and tkeu in execution vs the prop erty ol W. A. Kline. ALSO, Al (lie same lime arid place by virtue of a writ, of levari facias, all that ceriuin lot, tract, piece or parcel or rami enua.o in tMnuais township, Columbia couutiy, bounded and described as lollnws, 10 wit: Beginning at a stone, line of land ol Hugh Thompson & Headley & Jackson, thence north eleven de grees west one hundred and one and five tenths perches to a road, loading trom the turnpike to the old Huntington road, thence along the same south seventy-nine degrees, west (orly perches lo a stone, thence south eleven degrees east one hundred and one and five-tenths perches to a Hone, thence north seventy-nine degrees east lorty perches to the place of beginning, containing twenty-five I acres and sixty perches, strict measure. Seized taken in excciilinn and to be sold as tbe property nf Jacob Shaffer. STEPHEN H. MILLER, Sheriff. SHERIFF'S OFFJCK, j Bioomsburg, Jan. 5, 1856. ) Orphans' Court Notice. To the devisees of the estate of Robert Moore, late of Sugarloaf township, Columbia county, deceased: TAKE NOTICE that an application of L-- C. Pennington and George Lloore, Executors of the said estate to the Orphans' Conn of , Columbia county for an ordpr to sell for the payment ol debts tbe following real estate ol ihe said Robert Moore deceased so far as the same is situate in Columbia county; viz:— a tract ol land situate in the township of Sn gsiloaf in the conrity aforesaid and partly in the township of Fairmount in Ihe county of Luzerne, containing 262 Acres and 548 perches, adjoining lands of Ihe heirs of Sam uel Sieadman, lands of Josiah Lockard, Ez ekiel Snullz, Jonathan Penr.|ne;on arid oth ers, on whicfi wCfcrecied a Log House ar.d frame Barn ; the said Court has granted a rule upon the devisees of Ihe said real estate nf Robert Moore deceased lo appear on the first Monday of February next, and show cause why the order of sale as prayed for should ■ not be granted. 1 JACOB EYERLY, 1 Clerk of the Orphans' Court. ClerU'a pffice, I Bloomsburr, Dec. 9, 1856. j ,1 ——— ' ■ I Administrator's Notice. 3 NOTICE is hereby given thai letters of Ad - ministration de bonis non with the will annexed . upon ihe esiale of Andrew Hess, late of Su garloaf township, Columbia con my, deceased, r have been granted to the undersigned resi ding in the township of Greenwood. All ' parsons indebted to the said decedent are re quested lo make payment without delay, and , those having accounts againsl the estate to prosent ihem for settlement to R WILLIAM G. HARRIS, Administrator de bonis non cum testamento ' annexo. Greenwood, Dec. 18, 1856. Administrator's Notice. I TVOTICE is hereby given that tellers of • ±* Administration upon the estate of Har- I man M. Johnson lute of Scott township, , Columbia county, have beer, granted to the underrigned residing in Light Sheet in Ihe > same township. AH persons indebted lo the I said estate are requested to make payment without delay, and those having accounts - against the decedent lo pteeeoi tbem for set : llement lo JOSEPH R. ROBBINS. Administrator. , Light Street, Dec. 17, 1856. ' Columbus Male k Female Academy t LVZF-RNS COUNTY, PA. f rrtHE next Quarter ol this Institution will A commence or. THURSDAY, JAN. Bth. TERMS: S4, $5, and S6 per term,—ol 11 weeks. BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES. New Columbos, Dec 29, 1866 BLACKWOOD'S MAGAZINE AND THE BRITISH QUARTERLY REVIEWS. Great Inducements to Subscribe I COST REDUCED SO TO 75 PER CENT. fc. SCOTT k CO., NEW YORK, continue to publish the following leading Briliah Peiiodicals, viz.: J. ( The London Quarterly, (Conservative.) 3. t The F.dinburg Rptiyw, Hit North British ffeuietc^FreeCliurch) 4. The Westminster Review, (Liberal.^ 5. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine (Tory.) These Periodicals ably represent the three great political parties of Greet Britain—Whig, Tory and Radical, —but politic# farms only one feature of their character. As Organs of the most profound writers'on Science, Liter ature, Morality, and Religion, they stand, as they ever have YfWld, unrivalled in the wnr'd ol letters, being considered Indispensable to to the scholar ami the professional man, while to the intelligent reader of every class they furnish a more correct and satisfactory record Cf the current literature ot the day, through out the world, than ctan be possibly obtained frdln any other source. . EARLY COPIES. The receipt ol aduunce duels Iron) the Brit hit -publishers give additional value to these Reprints, iuaegnnch As they cm new be placed in the hands of aubsetlben efeourirs soon as the original editions. TERMS. (Regular Prices.) Perann. 1 For any one of the four Reviews S3 00 1 For any two of the four Reeiews 5 00 ' For any three of the four Reviews 7 00 For all four of the Reviews 8 00 For Blackwood's Magazine 3 00 For Blackwood and three Reviews 9 00 For Blackwood and the four Reviews 10 00 Payments to be made in all cases in ad vance. Money current in the State where issued will be received at par. POSTAGE _ The Postage to any part of the United States will be but Twenty-four Cents a year for "Blackwood," and hut Fourteen Cents a year for each of the Reviews. At the above prices the Periodicals will be furnished lor 1857. SPLENDID OFFERS FOR 1556 AND 1857 TOGETHER. Unlike the more ephemeral Magazines of the day, these Periodicals lose Utile by age. Hence a full yeat of the No.Twhu ritromia sions) for 1856, may be regarded nearly as valuable as for 1857. We propose to furnish the-two years at the following extremely low rales, viz. For Blackwood's Magazine, $4 50 For any one Review, 4 00 For any two Reviews, 6 00 For Blackwood and one Review, 7 00 For Blackwood and two Reviews, 9 00 For three Reviews, 8 00 For Blackwood and three Reviews, 12 00 Fur the four Reviews, 11 00 For Blackwood and the four Reviews, 14 00 * To avoid fraciinns, S5 may be remitted for Blackwood, for whiuh we will forward that work for both years, post paid. N. B.—The price in Great Britain of the five Periodicals Auve named is about 831 per annum. As we shall never again be likely to offer such inducements as those here presented, Now is the time to Subscribe! Cy Remittances must, in all cases, be •nu/U ih\wt /A IS. PuUuAarc ,Jnr at.that* uri nes no commission can be allowed to seems. Address, LEONARD SCOTT & CO. No. 54 Gold Street, New York. YM/TLI.IAM HO WITT, the Celebra ted English author, writes for the Saturday Evening Post. TALLEN (4ETTA or the SQUATTER'S HOME See Prospectus in another place. ALICE OAKY writes lor the Satur day Evening Post. THE STORY OF A COUNRY GIRL. Sea Prospec tus in another place. fTi S. ARTHUR Writes lor the Satur •*- * tiny Evening Post. THE WITH EREL> HEART. See prospectus in an other column. IRYING'S LIFE OF 1 ILLUSTRATED. GREAT INDUCEMENTS FUli CLUBS. ]V| ESSRS. Q. P. PUTNAM k. CO., having M ±" now ptrbltahed "The fttvr vofome of the | Illustrated Edition of Irving's Life of Waslt > ington, being the complete life of Washing ton before the Revolution, are ready to fur ' nish the same to subscribers free of postage, ' on the receipt of $3,50. Single numberssant, ' post paid, to any pan of the Union on receipt of 25 cents. ■ Tho following inducements are offered tn Clubs, desiring to subsctibe to this magnifi cent and national publication: Any person remitting four subscriptions for the first vol ume, comprising fourteen numbers, will be ' entitled to five complete sets, delivered free of postage. Clubs of six, remitting 821, will ' be entitled to two extra aopies ol the volume, ' or an etna copy of any other of G. P. Pul -1 nam & Co. a publications of an equal value. 1 Clubs of twelve, remitting $42, will be emi ' tied to four extra copies, or an extra copy and a complete set of Addison's works, in bix volumes, delivered free of postage. The same premiums will be given for a like num ber of subscriptions to the succeeding vol umes. Each number of the Illustrated Wash ington Wlll'cuuitii.i i.A-.ery other number two ffrat class Steel Engravings or Maps. It) addition to the Steel Engravings, I tho work contains numerous elegant Wood Engravings, Illustrative of historical subjects., CAUTION.-—Persons subscribing for ibe ' Life of Wellington should be particular to I obtain the only work which must forever re main the standard authority. Irving's Lile { of Washington bears the imprint of G. P. , Putnam & Co.,the opiy publishers of Irving's Works. "Every American should put Ihis woiknn , his book shelf side by side with his Bible. Lei your children read it, end learn by the example of the Grent Washington, the les eonsof patriotism, moral courage, persever ance under difficulties, which the hirtory of his life affords. We know of no American book which we had rathet own than this; it ■ is worth a thousand of the trashy publications * which the press is daily sending forth."— > Scientific American. ' Of Country papers copying the above 9 advertisement twiro will receive a complete 9 set of Putman'eaft'ory Library" ' Ur-P. PUTNAM & CO. 5 No. 321 Broadway, N. Y. THE underaigned will sell at Auction, 1 their entire stock of Clothing, &c., every ' Wednesday evening, and Saturday afternoon 1 and evening, beginning next Wednesday the, 31st, until all is sold. DREIFUSS & KLINE. December 81, 1856. | BOOK, CARD AND FANCY <UC3DI33 LF > THE ipjfrbPRIETOR fcf THE "STA* OF THE NORTH," Bering added t:be fixtures of the "Star" Office goo.d ami e.xtehei-ve JOBBING MATERI AL, is prepared to execnie all kinds of I'Kk'.BTIIIICJ in the 'i begt CITY STYLE, and at short notice. , 'Certificates of Stock dhd Dr.posite, Constitutions for Societies, Bank Checks, Promissory iNotes, • Rail Road and'oth tr Tick 'ls, , Catalogues, Paper Books, Bill-Beads, Check Rolls, Plato a.t'i Fancy Ca'ds, Business and other Circulars, Posters Plain and in Colors. AND PHIITTISTS OP ALL XXtttfS Can be Procured at the "Star" Job AS PROMPTLY AND NEATLY PRINTED AS IV THE CITY tPOa® £vC£®cH£l®siU A monthly periodical is published at this office in excellent style and workmanship, a with superior material. The public are invited lo call and see specimens, as we are determined to merit patron age by strict attention to business and superior workmanship. Bloomsburg, June 2, 1856. I - New Arrival of Spring and Summer Goods. f f AVE just received and opened their stock of merchandize for Spring and Summer sates. I f which comprises the LARGEST, CHEAPEST, xmd HANDSOMEST assortment now offered in Having paid great attention to the selection of their entire stock, as lo price and quality, they flattei themselves that thoy can compete with the cheapest, and all those wishing to buy cheap, can save money by giving us a call. Wo have all j kinds of Goods and Wares to supply the wants of the People. A very large lot of LADIES DRESS GOODS, French merinoes, wool plaids, alpacas, bombazines, de hages, poplins, parametta cloths, mohair lustres,muslin de laities, Persian cloths, Ginghams, Calicoes, &c. WHITE GOODS OF ALL KINDS, Sieves. Collars, Spencers, handkerchiefs. (lAuncings, bands and trimmings, laces and edgings, bonnet ribbons, in large variety, vel vet ribbons, and braids, kid, cotton, and lisle thread alovee, mohair milts, &c., All kinds of SHAWLS, brocke, Bay Slato, Waterville, black silk, cashmere, Embroder ed, &c. Also a very large assortment of clotl)3, cassimers, saltinelts, vestir.gs, tweeds; jeans, beaver cloUrs, coaling velvet, &c. BOOTS AND SHOES, OF ALL KINDS If SIZES FOR MEN WOMAN If CHILDREN We have a large assortment ot Hals and Caps of latest fashions. Wp have also Hard ware, Queensware, Cedarware, &o. Very cheap carpets, carpel bags, floor, table and car riage oil clothe, mats rugs, baskets, &c. Muslins flannois, tickings, diapers, towelings, drillings. &c., in abundance. We invite our fripnds and the public generally to give us a call before purchasing else where. We have bought our goods at Lowest Cash Prices and will not be undersold by anybody, or lite rest of mankind. Bloomsburg, October 28, 1855. New arrival of Fall and Winter Goods ! DAVID LOWERED RG TNVITES attention to his stock of cheap and fushionalß vlothing at his storeoo Market x street, two doors above the "American House," where he has a full assortment of men and hoy's wearing apparel, including IFABmiK&SJA&ILffI ©IfiISSS ©©AES*, pox, sack, frock, gum and oil cloth coats of nil sorts and sizes, pants of nil colore, shawls stripes and figure, vests, shirts, cravats, stocks, collars, handkerchiefs, gloves, suspenders and fancy articles. N. B. He will also make to order any article of clothihg at very short notice and in the best manner. All his clothing is made to wear, and most of it is of honre manufac ture. Bloomsburg, April 1, 1856. NEW K4JIBLB Y A R !) lIT I-LCCHESBTO.G. lIIIEANI 8. CAItKY TTAS opened a Marble Yard at (he corner *-■■ of Main and Market Sireets, where lie is prepared io finish the best of work from Italian or American Maible for Totrib-sinnee,"Tatles, Mamies, Window-sills and lemils. For the character and finish of his work he relers to such as he has made is this county. He will furnish designs for work or execute any that may he furnished to him. His work shall always be satisfactory in its style and rsasonable in price. Bloomsburg, Dec. ), 1856. Executor's Roller. NOTICE is hereby given that letters testa mentary upon the esiale of Nathan Oliver, late of Greenwood township, Columbia county, deceased, have been granted to the under signed residing in Greenwood township. All persons indebted to the decedent are requesij ed to make payment without deluy, and those having accounts against the estate to present them for payment to THOMAS OGDEN, Executor. Greenwood, Dec. 17, 1856. Assignees' Notice. GEORGE W. DKIESBACH, of Roaring, creek township, in the county of Columbia, havitig made an assignment to the undersign ed of all his properly, for the benefit of his creditors, all persons having claims against said Driesbach ate hereby directed to present them to the undersigned without delay, and all persons indebted to make payment forth with. NATHAN DRIESBACH, REUBEN FAHRINGER, Rnaringcreek. Col. Co., ) Assignees. Dec. 29, 1856. } 1A| USLINS a yard wide for 8 cents, and good prints for 6J cents just received bj A. C. MENSCH. OR MARIIOOD, AND ITS PREMATURE DECAY. Just Published, Gratis, the 20th Thousand. ' ew ,vor d s on the rational treat ment, without Met'ioin*. of Sper •efioßaur matorrbea or Local Weakness, Nocturnal Emissions, Geniial and Nervous Debility, Impotency, arid Impediments to Marriage generally. BY B. DE LANEY, M. D. The important fact that the many alarming complaints, originating in the imprudence and solitude of youth, may be easily removed without Medicine,is in this small tract, clearly demonstrated; and the entirely new and highly successful treatment. as adopted by the Author, fully explained, by rtteans of which every one is enabled to cure himself perfeclly and at the least possible cost, there by avoiding all the advertised nostrums of the day. Sent to any address, gratis and post free in a sealed envelope, by remitting, postpaid, two pottage stamps, to Dr. B. DE LANEY, 17, Lispenard S'reet, New York City. January 6, 1857 -6m. Executors' Rolice. NOTICE is hereby given that letters testa mentary upon the estate of Philip Krickbaum, late of Bentor. township, Columoia county, deceased, have been granted to the under signed residing also in the said lowyship of Benton. All persons indebted to the said , estate are requested to make payment with i out delay, and those having accounts against I the decedent to present them for seiileroeut t to ISAAC K. KRICKBAUM, SAM'L P. KRICKBAUM, ExKutors Benton, Dec. 4, 18S6 POLUMBUB MALE AND FEMALE <scJ> Ou on Jf - m Luzerne County, Pa. rjTHE Trustees of this Institution respeclfullv -L announce. Hint it will In, opeue.l fn, ih~ t reception of Pupils, of both sexes, on Monday, October 20th next, under tho immediate care oi IVf. JAMES ANDERSON, as Principal. .Mr. At Is a gentleman of extensive acquire, menls. and enlarged experience as an educator ami has hpen connected with tho most popular , ''High School" of Bucks Go. for several years. He is a lap well and favorably known us a con . tributor to some of our leading cducaliooal neri , odicalr. , ' t .THE COURSE OF INSTRUCTION , Mill comprise Orthography, Definitions' Read , ing, Pbnmanshtp, Etymology. Geography, Eon Grammar, Composition, Arithmetic Algebra Geometry, Mensuration, p| ane and Spherical . Trtgonometry. Surveying, Navigation, Astron omy, Ac. Book Kcepmg, History, Physiology, ; OnJ Ch<■ mis'ry C ' " j Classes inlhe French, Spanish &• Latin . Languages will he formed as early as practica- I bl ."' Instruction on Piano-Forte will i„, b given it desired. ' s . VVEEK /' Y LECTURES on the Natural ' l e 7r\ ,f "PP'opriate apparatus win mo he SPECIAL ATTENTION will bo paid to f " u "8 I' l "*'*" nd Gentium.it designing to onal- I ify themselves as Teachers. TERMS: FOUR, FIV E and SIX Dollats per Quarter in accordance with the aludie. ptiraued, payable ; on hoQijtlt Cr, V ° n CC " nd ,h ° balance alt " e cl - c a mo°d"rl B ;,', A ce RD "" had ,B ,h ° viMa^ i T'" <, . eli * Cr on oHHrcs-s on Physi dav „f " n " d Mori ' l education, on the day of commencement, when his melhod ol mparti.ig uisirucUon will bo i.'lnalrated, nnd fuHy Mpitinedl "f the ehool, Paienta, Guardians, and the friends of educa Uon generally, arc cordially invited lo be pres. I B,M ' STEVENS, JUHN KOONSs, I N.D.STIIaEH, BILAS DODSON, I JOHN THOMACJ PEALER, Columbus, Sept, 4 t 185g. Trustees. ~ FIIESII ARRIVAL. X ! Nb ' w lot cheap muelina and prints jost received by railroad and Tor sale by A.C. MENSCH. jyiRS. fe. D. E. N. SOUTH WORTH write# for the Saturday Evening Posl. See rospectus in another plane. SHAWLS with Silk fringe, a Ji. fine lot just received and for sale by A C. MENSCH. LIS P OF LETTERS] REMAINING, in the Post Office, at Blooms burg, Pa., Jan. lnt, 1857. Corooron Catharine Miliary Chester Day Samuel P Nsgle Emeline Feocht Adam Ortrin Henry ; Gigor Elias Prosser John ' Gsrber J B Schenmerhorm C M Grores Dsvid Sohrork Mtry Holler Samuel 2 Thomas Henry , Johnson Elvira Weaver Sarah Lendae* Mary Ann Yohe Sarah 5f i l?* landr Dbsh Lowis, Ship Mcßrido Rebecca Allstnlter ,!o I orsnns calling for the above lelleri will please say they are advertised. PHILIP UNANfiST, P. Bloomsburg, Jan. J, 1857. I\olice. Pfrns Indebted u> me ovep , wo month, will confer a lavor r <P on me and tbem- Mlves by sett hug up within two months. N , . K LIENRY ZUPPINGKB Bloomsburg, Dec, 80, 1856, The Medicine of the Million. PHILOSOPHY JND FJtCr. ffiKDKHfl®tfS'SnS rafittUS* The Excftiife Cause of Sickness. The blood i. the life sustaining agent. It furnishes the compounds Ol flesh, tone, muscle, nerve end integument. The stomach it Us manufactory, the veins iie distributors; end the intestines the channel through which the waste matter rejected in its production* is expelled. Upon the stomach, the circula tion and the bowels, these Pills art simulta neously, relieving indigestion, purifying the Quids, arid regulaihg the excreliona. THE NATIONAL ( OMPi.AIST. Dyspepsia ia the most common disease among aft classes in this country. Itassamaa a tboussitd shapes, and is the primary source of innumerable dangerous maladies; but whatever its type or symptoms, hevT*rob insla its resistance to ordinary preparations, ields readily and rapidly to this searching and nerr 'ng remedy. . , , . AFFECTIONS. Tho quw' nlll >' aml QW't'y ° r "to bile are a vital imports.' 11 ?® 10 heal,b ' H po 2 *>• lhe gland wh ' ch eoreia® this fluid, these Pills operate spt infallibly rectifying its irregularities a." d pn ctoally curing Jaen dice, Bilious Remit Unl0 > alMl 4f " ,h# ; of disease generated b f " omNltural coadt lion ol the organ. > • I Unless the bowels perh. lrm J®" f u™"OhS properly, the whole body ,D " e "- Ten* or thousands die annually of L , f Sßl ' lor yi Dtav rhcea, Chronic consumption, a o, her dis eases of these waste pipes of II 0 system.—. , The eflecl of the Pills upon all in. ' est, nal dis orders, whether casual or epid'e. I " c .' 10 • . phenomenon in medicine. By fol'a win 8 lob . printed directions, the most alarmiit. ' f. 00 ? 0 of bowel complaint ate promptly con::\ A Word to Females. . , , ; The local debility and irregularities wSk are the especial annoyances of the weak*. ' •ex, and which, when neglected, always . shorten life, are relieved for the lime being, . and prevented for the lime to come, by • , course of this mild but thorough alterative. HOLLOW AYS PILLS f , • Are the best remedy known in the world fa* \ the following diseases: Asthma, Diarrheas, Bowe! Complaints, Dropsy, Coughs Debility, * Colds, - Fever and Agaa,' Chest Diseases, Female Complaiata, Cosliveness, Headaches, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Stone and Gravel Influenza Secondary Symptoms Inflammation v Venereal Affections Inward weaknesa 1 Worms of all kinds Liver compliints 1 Lowness of spirits Piles. Sold at the mpuufacinriee of Prof. Hollos way, 80 Maiden Lane, New York; and 244 Strand London, by ull respectable Druggists i and dealers in medicine throughout the U. i S. and the civilized world, in coxes at 35 cents, 62$ els. am! t BPThere is a considerable saving Cy (ak ■ ing the larger sizes. N. B. Directions for the guidance of pa tients in every disorder are affixed to each box. [Aug. 13, 1856. FIRST AKSeIVAE! or sr it IN 4i AN* ttiHMMi CbCDS, 4C. MENCH respeilluHy informs hia • friends, customers, and lite public gen erally that he has just received from Phila delphia the first goods of tire season, consist ing of a Urge assortment of choice and de sirable For the spring and summer trade comprising, 'or men's wear: Superior Black, and Colored French Clotha, Black French Doeskins ami Cussirnere. Black Satin and Fancy Silk Vestings. Blue, Black, Brown and Green Caahmerettea LADIES' WEAR. Elegant Black Silks, all qualities. Barege Da Laities and Chnlli Bareges. Plain, Pink, Blue and Green De LainSa. Bombazine Finish P.lack Alpacas. French, Scotch and Domestic Ginghams. Worked Collars, and Linen Handkerchiefs. Hosiery of all kinds and qualities. Calicoes of nil patterns and ile.criptiona • FURNISHING GOODS. Linen and Cotton Sheeting. Bleached and Unbleached Muslins. Linen Daftiaslts and Table Covers. Besides a large assortment of Boots tad Shoes, Sugar, Coffue, Teas, and all kinds of Groceries, Hardware, &0., which will bo sold remarkably-cheap. Call at the old stand, corner of Main and Market streets. EV FLOUR Si FEED always on hand, and (or sale at the lowest market price, for CASH. A. C. MENSCH. Bloomsburg, April 2, 1856. STOVES! BTOVES! STOVES! THE undersigned informs his friends and rite public in general, (hat ha has Tinware and Stove Establishment, on Muin Streot, one door above the Coart House, Bloomsburg. where he is prepared to furnish Tinware, Stoves, Stovepipe, and Spouting, and all other business in his line on short notice, and in good order. ... The New Raub and William Penn Cook ing Stove, and al.ro a large assortment of Parlor MtAvcs. constantly on hand and for sale at moderate prices. IST Thankful lor former patronage, he fa spectfully solicits a continuance of ilie-same.' JOSEPH SHARPLESS. Bloomsburg, May 6, 1858. LIST OF REMAINING in the Past Office at Catav.issa Dec. 31st, 1856. * Adams AW Bntterfield Edwin Billey Garret Brociocs Samuel Campbell John > Davis Win. Divers Daniel 2 Ganmer Mosea Hsminger John lrvin Wm. . lieiser Daniel Krislter Denial Lewarde M A Miller 'rf.,b-frk 3 Meeonkey David Aloe., \y it McHenry Wm. V sflfJk J W Quentne John n.i.. rri ' Somonino Ranicoi y)av*iJ Tsggurl DariiL . Wolf Stephen' M „ D • hl .tdtger James. „• P 0 " r .s calling lot the above letter* will please sa-y ihey are advertiseil. . Cain w > C " BAIIN, P. M. Caloa ■, s>a[ i) ao , jgjg AOMIN ISTK PIC" >U riCE is hereby given, thai ieuers or ad ministration upon the estate of Marthd School)', laia ot Madison township, Colhm. bta county, deceased, have bean grained. la ihe undersigned residing in Jerseytotvn Col county. AH. persons ihdebted to the ujj decedent are requested to matr# payment without delay, and ihoae having accouam 10 presenf them fpfssMlemerj to JOHN A. FUNSfOtV, .. Jersey to wq,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers