THE STAR OF THE NORTH. ■ .. : !_L 8. W. Heifer, Proprietor.] VOLUME 9". THE STAR OF Tnß NORTH is PUBLISHER EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNING BY ft. IV. WEA, OFFICE-U/Mfnirj, in Ihe new brick build ing, on the south side oj Main Street, third equate be,'ore Market. TERMS-: I'wo Dollars per annnm, if paid within six months from the lime of sub ecribng ; two dollars ant! fifty cents if not paid within the year. No subscription re ceived for a less period than six months; no discontinuance permitted unlii all arrearages ere paid, unless at the option of the editor. ADVERTISEMENTS not exceeding one square will be inserted three times for One Dollar, and twenty five cents for each additional in settion. A liberal discount will be made to jhoae who advertise by the year. A I.ESSON IN Git A.IIHAK. trfKjfeeoh, g4mmtriau The number in but nine, Whether we speak of men or things, Hear, set, smell, feel or dine. And first we'll speak of that called Noun, Because on it are founded All the idea® we receire, And principles are grounded. A noun's a name of any thing, Of person, place, or nation: Aa matt and tree, and all we see That stand still or have motion. The Articles arc A and Ihe, By which these noons we limit: A tree, the man, a pot, the pan, A spoon with which to skim it. The Adjective then tells the kind Ol every thing called Noun: Oood boys or bad girls glad or tad, A large or a small town. The Nouns can also agents be, And Verbs express their action* : Boys run and walk, girls laugh and talk, ketid, write, tell wholes or fractions. To modify these Verbs again, The Adverb fits most neatly : As JMP* correctly always writes, And itne she sings so sweetly. The Pronotm shortens what we say, And takes the place of names, Wuti I, than, lie, she, we. you. they, Where wsnteucea we frame. • Cemjanttum next we bring to juio lltese senwttces together.- Aa John and James may go to town, ff it stte&i prove good weather. With Noun* and Prononne we have need To use the Preposition ; Which el before ur placed between, Expresses their position. "The InliifecUon iieljfirto exprSsa Onr joy and sotrow too. As when we shout hurrah I or cry Alas I what shall we do? Ilemarkuble Position of tbe Planets. At the present time, until lite end of Janu ary, all the old planets, and the two of im portance discovered within 75 and 100 years, will be visible soon after sunset, and five of them west of (he meridian ; a position wor- Ihy cf particular notice, as it may not occur •gain for yeara. MENCUBT, in consequence of ite proximity to the aun. is usually invisible, so that many persons have never seen it. There will be ■ very favorable opportunity for viewing it, in this month, especially from about the 7th to (tie 20th, as it will not only be at its great est Eastern elongation on the 15t.1i, but its South declination will be much less than lhal of the sun, so that,on the lUb, it will not set in the W. S. W. until an hour and a half later. It will appear aa a reddish star oi the first magnitude. Alter the 20lh it rapidly returns to the sun, and aoon disap pears. VENUS, although already very brilliant, will continue to become more so unlii about April Ist. Its greatest Eastern elongation takes place on Feb. 27th, and Inferior Con junction on May 9th. So that for four months our evening western sky is to be or nsmenled by this beautiful planet. MARS will be in Conjunction early in Jane—it is therefore, in that part of the orbit moat remote from the earth, and shines with g faint reddish light, Jt is now a very little West of Vennsy in the W. S. W., hut the dis tance is rapidly increasing. JUPITER, "the great disturber of the sys tem," goes down exactly in the West; al though also approaching its conjunction, (April 11th,) and therefore the more distant part of its orbit, its light is not apparently tass than when in opposition in September. This evening, at sunset, it will be about two degrees west of the Moon, by which it was eclipsed in France, Great Britain, &c. URANUS, which set* in the W. N. W., and NCPTUNE in Ihe W. by S., although ntany limas larger than the Earth, cannot be seen Without the aid of a telescope. The former will be in conjunction May 15th, the latter March 10th. SATUBN came in opposition tWo days since, and therefore now risea in Ihe N. E. by E. a few minutes belore sunset. This planet is new in a favorable situation for observation through a powerful telescope, as it attains a great altitude, and the rings, ■(though not quite aa open aa in 1856, are muoh more so than usual. They will hence foith gradually contract, and in 1860 will cease to be visible through any telescope except that at Cambridge, and perhaps half • dozen ethers of similar alee. Ot A drunkard, confined in prison at Hsr risburg, for breaking into a cellar to gat some liquet, wa* foam! dead in his cell next morn ing from having drank "burning fluid" in mistake for whiskey. ■ v JBT The prosperity of a man fiee in this one worJ—Education. Convey humanity to this fountain of happiness, and you be slow everything; all means of power -and greatnsee. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY. PA., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 28, '1857. America us Due of (lie Great Powers. The Juurnal des Debats of December 23d, in an article on (he Presidents Message, signed by S. De Sacy, makes use of (he fol lowing language: The political relations between North America and Europe are developing them selves. Commerce is the Bole cause; but what is the extent of the field which it oc cupies at this moment, and what subject does it not affect 1 The message mentions two subjects which ind'cate how America penetrates, day by day, deeper into the heart of European que-tions. The first is (he pay ment ol the Sound dues. Undoubtedly, at the instigation of American ship owners, the government of the United States, taking here, contrary to custom, the initiative, made known to Denmark that it did not under stand that the merchant flag of the United States was obliged to recognize these rights. The cabinets of Europe have pelled, to a greater or less extent, to follow the course of America on this point. In consequence of the policy of the cabinet o! Washington, conferences have been held, negotiations have followed,Jand we are com pelled In submit ourselves to the will o( America. The Sound Dues, a feudal insti tution, for which no proportionate equivalent is returned, but respectable from its antiqui ty, will be abolished. So far as Europeans are concerned, it will be at the price of a considerable indemnity, but there is reason to believe that the Americana will escape without any indemnity. ! The other subject, which has a more gen eral import, is the abolition of the right of privateering in lime of war, as well as a more exact definition of what constitutes a blockade. The Congress of Paris, by a reso lution, which will redound in history to the honor of onr age, as we well remember, ral lied unanimously upon the principles of mar itime right for which France, tinder ihe old regime of the first Empire, had eo urgently insisted. There will be no more letters ol marque, and the neutral flag will be respect ed. The United States, taking the lead •gain in this path of progress and security for private property, have deinsnded that not only shall blockades bu defined with the utmo'l exactness, thus doing away with all paper blockades, but that vessels of war shall no longer exercise the right of making re prisal upon commerce. This complete as limitation between war on land and naval cerned, has received the assent of Russiai and, as we are informed by the message of President Pierce, that of the Emperor of the French, although the official solution of this new proposition is yet to take place. Under the prosenl circumstances, on the question of the Sound Dues, the American Union, as we see, begins to exercise a remarkable in fluence on the definite decisions of the Eu ropean cabinets. In fact, it enters thus at once into concert with the powers in a man ner most flatteriug to its self-esteem and its reputation, for, aa its flatterers will not fail to tell it, its actions seem to imply a right of control over even a jurisdiction Ih cases ol appeal. The moment has come when we must ask ouselves if it does not concern the whole world that America should enter into the Eu ropean system in an open and official man ner. It ii a great Christian power, whose re lations have become inseparably connected with those of Europe, and which virtually fulfills the condition of possessing great mil itary resources on sea and on land. It un doubtedly has distinct interests, but all great powers have them; and the state which has no special, well defined interests, with the resources to make them respected, will be, for that very reason, but a sattelne to the others. But Ihe American Union has also great and common interests- with all of us. On the day on which she look her official place in Ihe Coagress of European powers, the peace of the world would bare acquired one precious guarantee more, and could be secured against many accidents. For the Americans themselves this would be an in comparable advantage. If, up to this period, they have not entered into those political as sociations which obtain from time lo time in the governments of great civilized states, it has been Irom causes which have ceased lo exit). Formerly the United Slates were weak, distant and without exterior influence; at present they are strong, their exterior in fluence is becoming more apparent, and by Ihe improved facilities of communication, they are now only a few days distant from ns. For themselves, that isolation, which might at first glance seem a charming posi tion, is really filled with disadvantages which, at any given moment, may turn into dan ge'i. A [.EOisi.kTivic SCENE —A scene occurred in the Illinois House of Representatives, on the 9ih inst., which was more remarkable or its singularity than its decency The House before organization, elected a Speak er, pro lent. The Clerk of the former House claimed the chair till a Speaker was regu larly elected. Bridges continually interrupt ed the Speaker* until the latter ordered the Serjeant-at-Arms to remove the disorderly Clerk. As soon as the Sergeant-at Arms took hold of bim, they clinched, while many I of the members made up to the scene of ac- I lion to assist the Sergeant in the discharge of his duties. After some considerable wrest ling, knocking ever chairs, desks, inkstands, men, and things generally, Mr. Bridges was got out with his coat shockingly torn. Five or ma Assistant Sergeant-at-Arms were then appointed to keep order and the House pro eesded to business. Truth and Kijfht—God lui ®ur Country. Neil of Action and HI en of '(bought. The world is divided into two sort's of men, those who think and those who act. Of course, all men think, and all men act, but some more of one than of the other, and hence Ihe propriety of dividing them into two classes. Napoleon, for example, was an able thinker, but be was a man of action to a much greater degree, and he may, there fore, he ranked among the last as contradis tinguished from the first. Shakspeare was a man of action to an extent that few poets have been, but his career as a dramatist has overshadowed his other qualities, and he is to be considered consequently as a man of thought. The men of action, in a word, are those who carry out the thongH's of them wrtrea wr (tiers; tltc men of rhnugtn are those who think chiefly, and leave others to act. The first conirol their own nge, the last generally the ages thai follow. Alexander ihe Great exercised a more powerful and ex ten"ive influence, in his own time, than Ar istotle, his old master; but Aristotle's works have been influencing men, communities and empires ever since. A man of action, however great, Js like a stone, dropped through vacuum, that leaves no percep ible trace of its passage. A man of thought is like a stone dropped into the water, which sets it; motion circles that widen continually and never soem to slop. 'I he men ol action are too apt to under value the men of thought. The ordinary type of the former, in otir day, is the active, sharp-sighted, energelie man of business, who brings everything to the lest of the question, "will it pay 1" The ordinary iypd of the latter, is the talented cle'gytnan, pro fessor, or author, who, generally, has no great knack at what is called "gelling along." A natural antipathy seems to exist between tbe two classes. The first despises the last for ignorance of business. The last looks with a contenipeiuniis pity on the first, as deficient in refinement and culture. Yet why should this antagonism exist? Each class is good in its own way, and each is necessnrv to progress. If we had nobody but bustling, eager, money-making men of action, there would he no inttdlectual, nor social progress, and a dead materialism would eat out the heart of socioly. If we had only great preachers, profound profes sors, or popular authors, things would soon come to a stop (or the want of a little practi cal utility. The two go together to make HJ-S hx* SIMA m ' jiij jfalpl vast his genius, to a dreamer like himself, and their housekeeping is soon "at sixes and sevens." But marry him to a thrifty, ener getic woman, with a strong dash of common sense, and matters get on very differently. It is a mistake, also, in men of action, or men of thought, to rank their speciality the highest. Each class has a mission to per form; and each, therefore, is honorable in its place and vocation. As the material in terests of society demand that we should have thrifty mechanics, adventurous mer chant" and enterprising capitalists, so the moral, social, political and religions wants of the race require teachers, statesmen, au thors and clergymen. It is as invidious as it is false, therelore, for one class to say to another, in the spirit of the Pharisee, "stand aside, I am holier than thou." The present wants of society call for the man of action as fully as its futuro development call* for the man of thought. The vast and compli cated machine of human affairs would come to a dead lock without either. One wheel is as necessary as the other, and as noble, if there is any question of nobility a' all. Let each man lulfil his vocation, taking care to perform his work fairly, and nnt to be, as many are, a carricature of his class; for the man ol action should not degenerate into a mera miser, nor should the man of thought pass into a crazy dreamer or ideaoligist.— Fhila. Ledger. COLO. For every mile that we leave the surface of our earth, the temperature falls 5 degrees. At 45 miles' distance from the globe Vo get beyond the atmosphere, and enter, strictly speaking, into the regions of space, whose temperature *,£ 225 degrees below zero; and here cold reigns in all its power. Some idea of this intense power may be formed by sta ting that the greatest cold observed from the Arctic Circle is from 50 to 60 degrees below zero; and here many surprising effects are produced. In the chemical laboratory, the greatest cold that we can produce is about 150 dpgreea below zero. At this temperature, carbonic gas becomes a solid substance like enow. If louchej, it produces just tbe same effect on the skin as a red hot cinder; blis, tering the flesh like a burn. Quicksilver or mercury freezes at 40 degrees below Zero; that is, 72 degrees below the temperature at which water freezes. The solid mercury may then be treated as other metals, ham mered into sheets, or made into spoons; such spoons would, however, melt in water as warm as ioe. It is pretty certain that every liquid and gas that we are acquainted with would become solid if exposed to the cold of the regions of space. The gas we light our streets with would appear like wax; oil would be in reality "at bard as a rock," pnre spirit, which we have never yet solidified, would appeal like a block o( transparent crys tal, hydrogen gas would become quite solid, and resemble a metal; we should be able to turn butter in a lathe like a piece of ivory; and the fragrant odotsof flowers would have to be Inade hot before they would yield per fume. These are ■ few ot the astonishing effects of cold: " W Who woold not be honest, if they hnew the tweets 1 Mvltzvrlund—t'nn she Hester. The intelligence brought by the lest steam er is that war ia imminent between Switzer land and Pruaaia. The occasion ia the refu sal of the former to release tha royalist pris oners, incarcerated for attempting to get up a revolution in Neufehalel. It ia so much of course for the absolutists of Europe to hang or imprison republican disturbers of society, that they cannot comprehend how little Switzerland dares to mete out the slightest punishment to conspirators ol mon aichial tendencies. In the United State*, however, the 1 sympathy will be all on the side of Switzerland. The Mountain Repub lic is right, not only on the main qnestion. concerning Neafchalel, hot op-' ttie s-jVprurnaie trtrr, wSpdh cflPWHru the pntiishtnent of these royalist revolutionists. She owed it to the cause of justice, to resist, not only the threats of Prussia, but the insid ious efforts of-Louis Napoieen to induce her to release the insurgents at tis solicitation. It is right nnd necessary, that if rebela of lib eral principles are to be punidied in Europe, when unfortunate, rebela of despotic tenden cies should be made to feel that they run the same risk, when attempting to assail froo institutions,, and- mm. are glad to see that the only republic left abroad has the spirit to assert her prerogative ia this respect.- Switzerland cannot, wifb any regard to her own dignity, pardon,, nndet duress, these prisoners. Nor arc Switzerland'* chance* of a suc cessful resistance slight. She occupies a mountain region, which rises, like an em battled fsrt, in ih# —H er population of two mihtons, consequently, enjoys the same advantages in delending it self which a valiant garrison possesses,'when seconded by the almost impregnable works of an Antwerp, a Liege, or a Valenciennes. Nature has done for the Swiss what Napo leon sought, in all his campaigns, to do so for himself by strategy—she baa placed them in such a position, that, in.repelling inva sion, they are always able re manoeuvre from the centre instead the circumfer- I ence. In area, Switzerland ia not qui'e one third as large as Pennsylvania, but being ' nearly as populous, is excceediug'y well fit- I '.ed lo defend herself. In a great measure also she is self-dependent; her people live frugally ; and n hardier, braver race can no wh :re be found. Two million* of such peo ple as the Swiss, entrenched as they are, cesslully coping with ten millions; and Prus sia, therefore, will not find tho reduction of them so easy a task as she supposes, espe cially as there is little national sympathy in Prussia for the war. The Swiss have always been more or less free. Though Julius Caesar conquered Hel vetia, as Switzerland was then CHed. it was a conquest only in name. During the mid dle ages, the House of Hapsburg acquired an ascendancy over the eastern poition ; but its exactions led to an insurrection ; a confed eracy was formed between the cantons of Uri, Schwytz an J Unterwalden ; and at (he battle of Morgarten, in 1315, the sovereignty ol Austria was cast off lorever. Since that time the Swiss have had no foreign masters. Their armed force, in 1851, consisted of one hundred and eight thousand; but evety Swiss is a soldier, and in a contest for inde pendence they -will bo-tftruhty efficient.— Moreover, the government has the right, se cured to it by treaty, of recalling, in the event of war, the Swiss regiments in the pay of the Pope and oilier powers, so that a per sistence, on the patt of Prussia, may lead lo a Roman, if not Italian rising, in consequence of the absence of the Swiss guards from the Vatican. The threatened storm may blow over, indeed; but fsnm present appearances, it is not likely to: and when it bursts, it may disturb, far ar.d near, the political elements of Europe— Phila. Letlger. GRAMMAR,—"Jim did you ever atudy grammar?" "1 did." '•What case is Squire X ." "He's an objective case." "How so ?" "Becfcuse he oftJSeted TtTpSying hi* sub-' scription, which he has been owing for five years or more." "What is a nona?" "I dont't know p-bat I know what a re noun is." "Well, what iiU?" "Running oft without paying the printer, acd getting on the black list as as a delin quent." "Good! What is a conjunction ?" "A method of collecting outstanding snb scriptions, in conjunction with a constable ; never employed by printers until the last ex tremity. BE" TEACHER.—How many genders ere there ? LITTLE BLUE EVES—Three, air. TEACHER—What are lliey ? BLUE Evxa—Mascuhneyjsmlnine and neu ter. TEACHER—Give an example. BLUR EVES—WeII, sir, you are masculine because you are a man, I am feminine be cause 1 am a girl, and, sir, I reckon, Mr. Jen kins is neuter gender, becauee he ia an old bachelor/ TEACHER— Oh, oh, that will do.— N. York paper. % W They have a new way of hatching ohiokeni in the Weal, by which a single ma ternal fowl is made to do the dmy of a hun dred. They fill a barrel with eggs and place a j hen on the butighole The BsailierSacat ol Caatoe- The advices from Europe are, that a British Consul hts declared war against the Chinese Government, end a British Admiral has com menced hostilities by bombarding the City of Canton for several days. Of course, in such a thickly populated city, the loss of life matt b8 dreadful, and must tieve some strongly justifiable cause to warrant each summary proceedings on the part of the agents of the British Government. The offence appears to have been that the Chinese took some of their own subjects out of a veaael having a British flag flying above it, and toTrhich they had gone for refuge, probably guilty of some crime, political or otherwise, for which they ! were i isble to punishment. Sovereign gpy ernments have usually juiisdictionover their own subjects in their own waters, and there fore the refusal of the Mandarins to give any explanation* would appear to be only a prop er exercise of sovereign rights. The British Consul did r.ot think so. He commenced "mild reprisals," by ordering the seizure of a Mandarin junk. This not being sufficient to satisly the Governor that the authorities were wrong, theeflec! of shot, shell, musket bullets end bayonets were tried. The Chin ese walls were less stubborn thee the Gover nor's resolution. They yielded to the force of ihe argument applied, and iba British troops took possession of the Governor's palace.— The Governor however, grew stronger in maintaining his rights, as hit power to resist the invaders of it grew weaker, and at last accounts he still stubbornly refused sny 'rep aration.' Great Britain seems to ruu into a fight just as naturally as a Cost* Ricen runs from it when he hat to fare the Yankee filibusters. It has jost got out of one terribly costly wor, in which it found itself involved by interfer ing with quarrels not its own, and has plung ed since into two others apparently from as little cause. With Persia, tn Western, China in Eastern Asia, and chronic hostilities South ( in Hindostan, it is in a state of war with near ly the whole Asiatic continent. This is the great filibustering ground of the British Gov ernment, and slice alter slice of territory is absorbed from year to year. Whether any immediate project of absorption will grow out of (heir operations at Canton, will be seen hereafter. It is suspicious of that issue th>t the English journals are already declaring in favoi of a removal of the English settle meut nearer the distMts where the main *ta 'pies o( ff~e country ato produced, where the climate is comparatively temperate, and their position would command the mouth of the great river. A California Wife. We have been told thai when John Biglef, ine laid Governor of the State of California, was a member of the Slate Legislature, Mrs. 8., his wife, absolutely washed the clothes of some of the honorable gentlemen for so much a dozen. A) the time of his election Bizler was very poor, and his per diem was hardly cnongh for himself end wife to live upon in those prodigal times. To moke both ends meet, and save something against a rainy day, Madame Bigler put her shoul der to the wheels as above stated. Now, won't this be rather startling to the pale faced, attenuated damsels ol the East, who faint and scream at the sight of a wash tub or cob web ? Think of it. The wife of tn ex-Governor with her sleeves and gown rolled up. bending over a wash-tnb, wbVie her husband, with his clean dicky atitndvng upright chafing his ears, rose lo a question of privilege, "Mr. Speaker, Mr. Sp-e--k-e-r!" And then think of the ex-washerwoman be ing feted, three years after, a* the wife of the Governor of the State of California, worth a hundred and fifty thousand dollars—enough money lo make ihe heads of universal snob dom duck and dive like an affrighted water fowl in a thunder etorm. Good for the Pennsylvania Dutch girl! Five hundred years hence, when the histo rian lifts the veil from the catacombs of the past and writes Ihe history ot the uaforgotten dead, he may perhaps append this little epi sode to the history of ono of California's Governors ; and ibe little ragged girls that then go down to dip water from the Rio Sacramento, may think better of their mo thers who have to labor, because a long time ago Mrs. John Bigler, the Governor's wife, filled her wash-tnb from the asme noble river. These are 'he pioneer women of Califor nia ; there era many such, at strong willed and as true, who quail not at their own foot steps in the woods, wboee hearts swell with hope at The clanking ef the hammer, And the creakicg of the crane. What Makes a Bushel. The following table of the nnmber of the number of pounds of variona articles to a bushel may be of interest to ocr readers: Wheal, sixty pounds. Corn, sbcjled, fifty-nix pound*. Corn, on tfie cob, seventy pounds. Rye, fifty six pounds. Oats, thirty-six pounds. Barley, forty-six pounds. Buckwheat, fifty-two Irish potatoes, sixty pounds. Sweet potatoes, fifty pounds. Onions, fifty-seven pounds. Beans, sixty pounds. Bran, twenty pounds. Cloverseed, sixty pounds. Timothy seed, fnny-five pounds. Flax seed, forty-five pounds. Hemp seed, forty-five pounds. Blue grass seed, fourteen pounds. Dried peaches, thirty-three pounds. HINTS UN WINTKR UKKSS. •V MM. ADAMS. As a change of dress is now necessary a few remarks respecting taste and fashions may, to some, be acceptable. Flounces and double skirts are very much admired; there is, however, one disadvantage with regard to these winter dresses, for flounces make a very heavy skirt; the belter or more expen sive the material ihe more heavy the skirl.— Plain skirts, handsomely trimmed with vel vet or plnsh, are qaite a lady's dress. Double skirts are not too heavy, and are pretty. 1 have seen some double skirts made with li ning joined to the lower part; but should the upper skirt be blown up, it is not neat to .flfe.a twosjtirts should be whole 10 ihe w.t. Dress skirts of any kind are much mom comfortable to wear than they have been for years past. The skirts being loose from the jackets, so much slope is not required, a•"lhe skirt must come onder the front of the jacket. Your skirt being fastened round your Waist you can better support the weight rhan when it i hanging off the hipe; the dragging of a heavy skirt below the waist must be a most uncomfortable feeling. Thete remarks are wrinen for those ladies I who lake walking exercise ; but those who seldom move ten yards from their own door a dress of any fashion may be worn. Skirts are frequently pot on to aahsped band; this band resemble# the lower part of a jacket; it ia cut in ahape to fit on the hips and around the body ; it sometimes enables the jacket to sit smoother end better. Skirte should be nicely plaited; there may be some persons who think the appearance ia preferable to comfort. I cannot recommend anything but a nicely plaited skirt into the old-fashioned straight band. I will now give a few ideas on the jackets. Jackets are reads larger and much handsom er thar. they were last year. Larger and ful ler sleeves tre worn. Three frills qnite full cut on the straight; the first one put in the arm-hole, the other two are deep enough to form a handsome xieeve. Three puffs are still worn ; the pods to begin at the arm-hole. Another elegant sleeve is a plain piecof material plaited abont three inches down from the arm-hole. The jackets tre cut much longer below the wsitt than they were last year. The new braces on the jackets are in the shape of a low body-trimming or Bertha, in front; the point is on ths middle of the chest, and half, way do writhe bsck. To many figures this Is very becoming, and newer than the long braces. Broad fringe, three or four inches deep, round the shoulders of the jackets is very handsnme; it is not necessary to have the same width of fringe on any other part of the jacket. Sewing silk fringe is what ia worn. Marriage of Guizot to the Princess Liewen From a private source we learn that the celebrated Guizot has finally married the Princess Liewen, a lady not less celebrated in diplomatic and social circlss. It is slated that the affair is kept a secret, or rather, that it ia a public mystery. The princes* still wears her former name, and the happy couple do not live under the aame roof. Should this be really so, we are wholly at a loss to un derstand the reason, and our consideration for the character of Guizot must siuk consid erably. Guizot. is nearly seventy years old, and his lady-l.ove ia but few years younger. The friendship commenced in 1840, when Guizot was the French Ambassador at London, and while Ihe Princess, once the celebrated bean ty of the Congees* of Vienna, and for eigb* teen yean ihe ackuowldged leader of the highest haut ton in England, was residing there with her husband, then Russian Am bassador at ths Court of St. James. After the death of the prince she endeav ored to be the diplomatic Egertaof the Czsr, although she still continued to reside in Paris or London. The medium of this correspond | ence between her and Nicholas, was her bro ther, Count Benkendorff, the predecessor of | Count Orbfl in the F.mperor's confyience and i favor. Since the death oftheCouot, in 1844, 1 her real influence at the Russian Court nas j been on the wans; her influence, however, ! with Guizot and Louie Pbillippe rather in ! creased, they believing tbat through her they | might get a controlling bold on the Czar.— ' Her ealon at Paris has been most brilliant and renowned—the focus of all Europe for di plomatic scandal and petty intrigues. The Princess, who during the lifetime of her hus band was known to direct the Embassy in London, preserved her tasls for diplomatic intrigue, which she carried on with great delicacy, elegance, perspicacity and grace. But she has lost her poweT; she has lost her credit in St. Petersburg,especially since on account of bet connection with Guizot, the has become one of the souls of the Orleanist faction. It is possible that Ihe Princess, who is mistress of a Urge income, may have wished by a matrimonial connection with Guizot to secure to his old age the-fuxuries of fortune. But we can hardly understand how he came to accept thU left-handed, humiliating alli ance, in which his wife does not bear his honored name.— AT. Y. Tribune. WOMAN-HEX.— Laughing, the charming ISABEL Had challenged me to kiss her! Well, By stratagem I soon obtained What lerce would labor for in vain. I boasted. "Don't be prood," said she. " 'Ti# nothiog wonderful: for, see— Your valor's not so very killing; You kissed me—true—but I was willing! OP Light seems the natural enemy of evil deed*. [Two Dollars per Annnn. NUMBER 2. Oor Daughter's Untried- Where ! At Fashionable boarding schools. Ilow ! fn manner and form to wit.: % A young lady in good health We* sent to a distant city, to finish her eduestien at • hoarding school o! coftsiderrbfcr note. lo one month she returned, snffefWig from gen eral debility, dizziness, neuralgic pair.a, arid headache. It muat be a very telling process, which, in a single month, transforms a frolicking, romping, ruddy-faced girl of sixteen, to a pale, weakly, failing invalid. It ■* not often done so quickly ; bat in the course of a boarding school education, it is done thou u—)• of limaas Public tbanlu are due law correspondent'of the Buffalo Medical Journal, for the pain* he took to ferret on', the fact# of the daily routine of the establishment, the proprUtfru of which so richly merit ihe rep robation of the whole community, both for their recklessness ol human health, and their ignorance of physiological law. Said an ac complished lady to us not long since, "My only daughter is made a wreck of—she lost her mind at tbat wretched school!'' At this model establishment, where the daughters of the rich and of the aspiring are prepared for the grave every year, twelve hours era devoted to study, out of the twenty four, when Ave should be the utmost limit. Two hours are allowed for exercise. Three hours for eating. Seven hours for sleep. Plenty of time allowed to eat themsefree to death, at the expense of stinting them to the smallest amount of lime for renovating the brain, the very fountain of life, npon whose healthful and vigorous action depends the ability of advantageous mental culture, and physical energy. But what is the kind of exercise which prevails in city boarding-schools I The girls are marched through the streets in double file ; violently, of course, IO as to in sure to Ihe benefit of the proprietors, in the way of a walking advertisement, knowing well enough that a file of young ladies, from the families of the npper ten, would monopolize attention on any thoroughfare, even Wall street. But what does an hour's prim walk effect, when, conecions of be ing the cynosure of every eye, they am put on their most unexceptionable good be havior, when a good side-shaking, whole aoukd laugh would übjoot tU i. purgatorial lecture, to be repealed daily, perhapa lor a month! Verily, Moloch has hi* worshipers in this enlightened age, when parents are found to sacrifice the lives of their daughters, for Ihe reputation of having them at THE fashionable boarding-sohool— Hall's Journal ot Health. A Yankee Outdone. There is a pleasant little tale about Sir Al len McNab. He was once traveling by steamer, and, as luck would have it, was' obliged to ocenpy a state room with a cer tain full blooded Yankee. Both gentlemen arose safly in the morning; and when Sir' Allen was dressing, he was astonished to behold his inquisitive companion make thorough researches into his (Sir Allen's) well fnrniehed dressing case. Having com pleted his examination, he proceeded, whila the chieftain remained in petrified astonish ment, coolly to select the tooili-brush, ant# therewith to bestow on his long, yellow fangs en industrious and energetic scrubbing. Sir Allen sard not a word, but "kept np a deal of tbinkir.g." When Jonathan had concluded, the old Scotchman gravely finished wash ing himself, silently Set the basin on the floor, Boaped one foot well, and taking the tooth brash, applied it vigorously to his toes and toe-nails. "You dirty follow!" exclaimed the aaton isoed Yankee, who had watched every mo tion, "what tht mischief are you doin that for 1" "O," said Sir Allen, coolly, "Thal'e the brush I always do that with." A GOOD ANECDOTE. —The following con versation was toon of tho K.o Grind#." Scono, night. Two volnnteers wrapped in blankets and half covered with mud. Volunteer Ist: "How came yon to volunteer!" Volunteer 2d: "Why, Bob, yon see, I have no wife to care a red cent for me, and ao I volunteered —and besides, J like wort" "Now tell me how you came out here!" Volunteer Ist,: "Why, the fact is, you know I— I—f bare got a wife, end so I came out here, becanXo I like peace I ' Hereupon both Ihe volunteers turned over in their blankets, got a new pla*. taring of mud, and went to sleep, F*smosA*TE.—A little girl w school read thne: "The widow lived on a small limbacv, left her by a relative." "What did you call that word I" asked he teacher; "the word is legacy, not lim bany." "But, Miss Johnson," said the little girt, "Pa aays 1 muat tsy limb, not leg." tdr""Tinsion!" exclaimed an Irish seargent lo bis platoon. "Front faee, and tend to the row) call 1. As many of ye ae ia priaint will say 'Hera I' and as many of ye ax is not pria int will aay 'Absent!'" EP A jolly old darkey down South bought himself a new hat; when it commenced raining be put it under his arm. When ask ed why he did not put it on hie head, ho replied:—"De hat's mine; bought him with my own money; head 'long* la masaa ; l him take care bia own poperty.'^
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers