FEED. The above tut * single crone horse machine with the htmft( necessary to attend it. v The subscribers lake this method of In forming the public in general, that they have fdrsotno time been carrying on, in all their various branches, the man tincture and sale ol Wheeler's Patent Chain horfe Powers, together with Overshot Thrashers, Feed Cut ten, Revolving 1L i> Kakos, tc , in Light Street, Columbia co., arid the town ui Notib omberland, Northumberland co , Pa. The BIorc-Pwcr* ■re strong and durable, and very simple in their construction: run light, and are not liable to gal out ol order. Witts a aiioht ele vation, Ihe weight alone of the horse or bones drive* the Thrasher with force and speed. They ftiay also lie used lor varinua other purposes, such a driving Circular Saws, Turning bathes, boring Machine*, Grind- Stones. Chums, etc. etc. The Overshot Machine* b*ve several advantages over Ihe machines DOW in use. The apron or feeding table is level, and ol a proper height to allow the feeder to stand erect, and feed evenly and easily without annoyance frctn dust; sticks and stone ore uot liable to get into the thrasher, and the grain is not scattered, but thrown down to the "operator. The two horse machine, attended by from two to three hands, will thresh Irom 100 to 150 bushels of wheat, or double the amount of oat* per day. The one Lurse machine, at tended by two or three hands, will thrush from SO to 79 busltele -ol wheat, or double Ihe amount of oata per day. The Feed- Cutter is a first rate article, and is very much used. It cut* fine and very fast; stalks are cat by it 3-8 nf en inch long, at he rale of from 300 to 900 sheaves per day. - The foregoing is a brief statement of the qualities and character of our machines.— There probably is a larger number of Wheeler's Patent Powers made and sold than any other kind. We offer our ma chines to lite farming cominuni'y with lull confidence in theii merits, ami invite all in terested to call and examine iliern belore purchasing elsewhere. For further particular*, or for purpose of ordering machines, address the subscribers at Light Street, Columbia co., or at North umberland, North d county, Pa., or apply to ibe following audit.:—Jacob Hurtmari, Mil ton ; Joseph Vankirk, near Northumberland ; John Deft, near Seluissrove; Jacob Humbert, Lewisburg ; A. ft J. Lyes, Money; Samuel Hartman, Hnrtlelon; Daniel Kicckuar, New Berlin. STONE ft HULSHIZER. October 15, 1856 -3m. HAVE YOU SUBSCRIBED IN THE COSMOPOLITAN ART ASSOCIATION FOR THE THIRD YEAR? SEE THE RAKE INDUCEMENTS!—The management have the pleasure of an nouncing that Ihe collection of Winks of An designed for distribution among the subscri bers. whose names sic received pievioue to the 28th ol January, 1857, is much larger end more costly than on any previous year Among the leading works in Sculpture—ex ecuted in He lioest Marble—is the new and beautiful Status of the "WOOD NYMPH," The Buali of the three great American States men, CLAY, WEBSTER Si CALHOUN, Also the exquisite Ideal Bust, •b£3 533 1 1 j 12 S2f ATPOLLO AND DIANA, Ifl Marble, Utle Size. Together with the following Groups and Stat ues in Carrara Marble—of the Struggle for the Heart, Venus and Apple, Psyche, Magdalen, Child of the Sea, Innocence. Captive Jiird and Little Truant. With numerous works in Bronze, and • col lection of several hundred Fine Oil Paintings, by leading Artiste. The whole of which are to be distributed or allotted among the subscribers whose name* are received previous to the 28.1 iof January, 1857, when the DUtribuiiou will take place. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Every subscriber ol three dollars is entitled lo A oopy of the splendid Steel Engraving, "Saturday Nicht," or A copy of any of the following $3 Maga- Bin.es one y ear: also A copy of ihe Ait Journal one year, and A Ticket in the Annual Distiibution of Works of Art. Thus, for every V 3 paid, a person not only getl a beautiful Engraving or Magazine one year, but also receives the Art Journal one year, and n Ticket in the Annual Distribution, making Jour dollars tcorlh of reading natter besidea the ticket, by which a valuable paint ing or piece of atatuary may be received in addition. Those who prefer Magazines to the Engra ving 'Saturday Nigh*, 4 can nave either of the following one year: Harper's Magazine, Godey's Lady's Book, United Stales Maga zine, Knickerbocker Magazine, Graliaiu' Magazine, Blackwood Magazine, Southern Liierary Messenger. No person is restricted to a single share. Tho?e taking five memberships, remitting SIS, are entitled to tjx Engravings, arid to six tickets in the distribution, or any five of (he Maguzii.es one year, and six tickets. Persons, In remiiting funds tor member ship, will please register the letter at the Post Office, to prevent loss; on receipt o f which, a certificate of Membership, together wilh tbe Engraving or Magazine desired, Will be forwarded to any oarr of the country. For further particulars, sen the November Art Journul, sent tree on application. For membership aildru-s C. L DERBY C. A. A., 346 Broadway N. Y., or Western Office, 165 VVeler Street, Sandusky , Ohio or ROBT. F.CLARK, Hon. Seo., Bloomsbirrg, Per.na. Nov. 26, 1856. • T IGHT-HOUAE ISLAND, an original •" Novelet, by the author of "ZILLAII," it c., will be published in ihe Saturday Evening Pot. See prospectus in another plaoe. Augustine duganne writes for the Saturday Evening Foal. THE RAID OF BURGUNDY, a Talo of the Swiss Cantons. See prospectus in an other place. I\|B3. MARY A. DENNISON writes A * for the Saturday Evening Post.- THE QUAKER' 9 PROTEGE. See proepectui in another piece. WBT £L TO THfif FiiHIONABLE AND I# r|*HE undersigned; haVlngjust fftchK'ed the ■I latest Paris and New York Fashions woukl again-beg leave to inform his 4iypei oasfriends and all the world about' Bfobrns burs, that he is now better prepared ;liairev er to accommodate* any one with the neatest, easiest mid Best, fitting suite ol Clothes that have been turned mil lately ; and not on!) that, but be will also do them up in the best order, upon lite lowest terms. His shop is at the old stand, (too we! known raneed lutlliernolice) Vfrerfl'he ma) at ell times be found, seated Opon the bmti of repentance, steadily <1 raw ing oat the(Srwi* i of alliiction, hopeing it may in the end provt advantageous tf) hint ami his customers. 11l tvwukl alio advise hie frieuds to bear in imn<\ that poor/Wfictediltirors must live,otthoj can't be expected to work. YBswßWf; Wheat Bye. Corn, Oats, Potatoes, and witji all now and then a little CASH will come mighty handy from those who are back-standing on h:e book. Remember, gentlemen, that in all cases "the laborer is worthy of his hire." BERNARD RUPERT. Btoomsbnrg, April 14lh, 1853. GREENWOOD SEMINARY MILLYILLE. COLUMBIA CO.. PA. For Touiti of both Se*e*. MM lliltfillK* I'HI IV 4 It" A ft. ri tlllS Institution which has been lit suc- JL cesslul operation for saveral yeats has recently, ueen enlarged to give hotter accom modations for boarders and increased facili ties for Tuition, ftc. Each quarter of the School year consists of eleven weeks, and Ihe next session will commence on the 13th ol August, but pn pils will be taken at any season. In addition to lite constant attention of the Principal, the services of an experienced teacher Imve been procured, instruction will be given in nil the English branches usually taught, and also in Latin. Natural Philosophy and Astronomy will be illustrated by appropriate apparatus and ac cess given to a Library and the use of Math ematical instruments. Books and Statione ry will be provided for all who deaire. tPßflfcSiifflo TUITIOH, 83.50, 84 and 84.50 per quarter, graded by the course of study. Boarding, Tuition, Washing. Lights, &c., 824 per q-iarler, one-half payable quarteily in advance. ty For further particulars address the prin pal. Millrille, July 6, 1855. OMNIBUS roans' LINK AND ILVGRII^^iiiTABLE i,ifg &Gj„ UPQPCSma^SSSS TV OW runs a tie w omnibus bet ween Blooms burg and Hie Railroad Depot, which will take passengers Iroin and lo any of the residences of the town, or the American House and Porks Hotel; anil he will also furnish conveyances to all travellers who may wish to go into any part of the county The omnibus will leave Hlnomsburg iw'in daily at 12 o'clock M., and at 2 o'clock I'. M. IVPare 124 cett s each way. He has also n large livery stable connected with tbn omnibus line, from which he can accommodate the public, with conveyances for travelling, pleasure excursions or busi ness. Stand in the rear ol Hoffman k Kiss's establishment, near lite centre of the town. NOAH S. PKKXTISS. Bloomsburg, June 3, 1855.—1y. Premium Improved SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME Tbe Only Silver Medal "V'ET BWiiril.il by Agricultural Societies, WHH given to I/us superior article , at the Pennsylvuiya Suit# Fair, at llarrlsburg, a a Fertilizer of (tie Bei Quality lor Wheat, Cora, Oats, Grass & Potatoes, Hairing heavy crops, uni greatly improving the toil. The übcriliisrrepeeUully inlonua farmers anil dealers that l- is prepared to supply itie tall demand witb tins superior Bin) well lesied article. slger.ls Wanted. —A liberal discount allowed. ALSO, NO, 1 PERUVIAN & MEXICAN GUANO. Poudrelte and Ixind Plaster. Oils, Candles, Soap, dffc., Of the best quality, at lowest market rates. JOHN L. POMEROY, Ninth and Tenth Wharves, below Mar ket Street, Philacl'a. W Farmera can load at two private alley*, and avoid the crowded Wbsrf. August t9, 1856-3 m. •'Quick Returns and Small Profits." A. J. EVANS, ¥TAS juel recoived and opened a new as *-"snrtment ol seasonable good# from Phil adelplna, which tie is determined to sell quick auu cheap. He has everything desir able lor Ladies' and GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, and all dry goods for domestic and house hold use, suited for the FALL TRALE. He has also a lull supply of Queeiisware. Hard ware, Woodware, Brooms, Looking Glasses, BOOTS AND SHOES, and a good stock of FRESH £ggO££g|ffs AT THE LOWEST PRICES OF THE MAR KET. He will sell at the lowest living profile, and will make it to the inteiest of purchasers to deal with them. Bart Jail and see our Stock, Bloomsburg. Aug. 2U, 1856. \\l HEATLEY 'S ARC.H STREET THKA * ' THE. Arch Street, nhove Sixth, Phil'a. Thb STAB COMPANY, Composed of the first Artists in the world, and exceeding in Strength end Talent any Dramatic combina tion heretofore olfered to the Theatrical Pub lic, will appear EVERY NIGHT in Comedy, Tragedy, Serio-Comio Drama, Vaudevilles, Musical Burleilas. Ac., he. IT When visiting be city, go there. DRAWER GOODS, Spotted Swiss, Bog Jacotielt Mull, Cambric, Swiss Muslin Bishop Lawns, sale Bard Mutliu just reeeiv ed at tbe Store of A C. MENSCH Blooms burg Foundry. JOSEPH SHAKPLESS, ** having lukeu the entire interest of his laie partner in CEWfc&giSlkthe lllonnisburg Foundry,and a prepared to manufacture JILL KINDS OF CASTINGS, usually made in his line of business. Thankful for iha liberal custom heretofore awarded this establishment, he hopes to merit an increase of public patronage. lllootnebdrg, May 6, 1856. Noticel AL-j persona indebted to the undersigned, will please to call and setile, as thev are de termined on closing the Books. We hope Ibis oall will receive attention. S. DREIFUSS, A.KLINE. BJoomeburg, Sept 20, 1856. LAND WARRANTS, 62EVERAL 120 Acre Laud Warranta oan be purchased by application at thia Office. IHfejga SALAMANDEn BEgglS arias * witso's, iyaii': 26 South Fourth St., Groat Plrf, Miostniit & ftftiyitmls, MONDAY MORNING, DKCEMVK Islh, 1854. EfAnS ft WATSON'S SAL AM AN nF.fi SAFES TRIUMPHANT, m they al w Sye fire when ppt to the ll riiiltiritfphitt, the. ISM, 1854. Messrs. Evan* ft Watson, No. 26 south Fourth Sheet, Philadelphia—Gentlemen : Wa take pleasure in recommending your Salamander Sates to merchants and other* in want of a secure means jer' "pteierviiry their books, papers, &„ from (ire, as the one. we pttrojiawd fMm yon about seven ytaSpßlrlWcbas preserved our books, pa ' pers, and cash in as good condition as they were when put into 'it, before ihe great fire of thia morning, which deswoyed the entire block of buildings corner nf Chestnut and Filth Streets. Ihe above Safe was in use in our office, on (lie second floor of our build ing, from which place it fell into the cellar, and remained there until the fire was out.— The sale was then removed, and oppened in the presauce ol at least 1000 persons, who witnessed He good condition ol Ihe contents. Will you please have the Safe and looks re paired, as we inland to put it in use again, having perfect confidence in its fire proof qualities. Yours, respectfully, I.ACEY ft PHILLIPS. Evans & Watson take pleasure in referring to lite following, among the many hundreds, who have their Safe* irt\ use:—U. S. Mint, Philadelphia; Farmers ft Mechanics' Bank, i Philadelphia; Samuel Alleu, Esq. High Sher iff, Philadelphia; John N. Henderson, City Controller: Caleb Cope & Co., No. 183 Mar ket street; Richard Norris ft Son. Locomotive builders, Philadelphia; Bancroft & Sellers, Machinists, corner 16th and James streets; Franklin Fire Insurance Co., Philadelphia; Pennsylvania Railroad Co., Philadelphia; Lncey ft Phillips, coiner of sth and Minor street; Sharpies* Bro., No. 32 south Second street; James, Kent ft Santee, No. 1-17 north Third street. A large assortment of the above Safes al ways on hand [warranted to stand at least 10 per cent, more tiro than any Herring's | Sale now in use.} Evans ft Watson also i manufacture ami keep (or sale, Iron Shutters, Icon Doors, anil Iron Sash, lor making fire proof Vaults, for Banks, stores, private and public buildings; Seal and Letter Copying Presses ; Patent Slate Lined Ke!rigerator*,&u. Please give us a call at No. 26 South 4tb street Philadelphia. EVANS ft WATSON. M.~t> 07. 1856. TOXICS WOiVT DO. rIIHEY never did do more than give tempo ■* ra:y relief and they never will. It is be cause they don't touch lite enure of the dis ease. Tti# enure of all ague and billious dis eases is the atmospheric poison called Mias ma or Malaria. Neutralize this poison by its NATURAL ANTIDOTE. and all diseases caused by it disappears at once. Rhodes' Fever and Ague Cure is this Antidme to Malaria, ant' moreover it is a perfectly harmless medicine. The certificate of the celebrated chemist, ]. R. Chilton, of New York, to this effect, is attached to every bottle; therefore if it does no good it cac do no harm. This is more than can be said of Quinine, Arsenic, or any tonic in existence, as their ue . ruinous to the constitution and brings Oil DUMB AGUE, which never allowsa per son 10 leel perfectly well lor a single moment. In iilusiiaiion of these truths I annex some extracts from a letter just received from a Physician: Georgetown, Ohio, March 17, '56. JAS. A. RHODES, Eq.—Dear Sir: Yours of 2d inst. is at hand. The Cure arrived fate lai jesr and the difliroliy in netting any one to try it was greatly increased from the fact that a remedy li.nl been introduced which was growing in favor with the public, as be ing better than using Quinine, —not knowing I presume that the rome.ly they needed to escape taking Quinine, contained Ihe DRUG ITSELF! This remedy, (know-] as "Smith's Tonic,") would invariably BREAK an ague, but it did not CURE it, and it would often return with renewed vigor. The one circumstance 1 dramed in your favor, if I could institute a lest comparison between it and your CURE. The lotto wing is the result: Three persons took your "Cure," all of which were esses of "Quotidian Intermit tent Fever," of many weeks standing. They had tried Quinine, and oilier remedies, occa sionally missing a chill, but it was, (as in all such rases, i slowly wearing them out, and laying the foundation of other and severer maladies. I did eucreed in effecting a radi cal cure of all three of these cases with your remedy, and they have not had a chill since. In all three of these cases the "Smith's Ton ic" had been u-ed, and would, as before sta ted, break the chill, but after a period or two had elapsed it would return. I think there will be no difficulty now in giving to your "Curu" lite vantage ground of any otbet remedy now in use here, &e. &c. WILLIAM BUCKNER, M. I). RHODES' FEVER and AGUE CURE, or Antidote to Malaria, the only harmless reme dy in existence, is equally certain as a PRE VENTIVE, as a "CURE." Take it when you feel the chill coming on, and you will never have a single one. JAMES A. RHODES, Proprietor. Providence, R. I For sale by Druggists generally. June 18, 1856. New Wholesale Drug Store, No. 26 South Serond Street, I*lll LA DHL. I*lll A. ]\f SPENCER THOMAS, IMPORTER Manulacturer, and Dealer ir. Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Acids, Dye StufTa, Paints, Oils, Colors, White Lead, French and American White Zinc, Window Glass, Glassware, Varnishes, Brushes, Instru ments, Ground Spices, Whole Spices, and all other articles usually kept by Druggists, in cluding Borax, Indigo, Glue, Shellac, Potash, &c. &c &c. All orders by mail or oiberwise promptly attended to. COUNTRY MERCHANTS are invited to call and examine out stock be lore purchasing elsewhere. rr GOODS sent to any of the Wharvea or Rail Road Stations. Price* low and goods warranted. Philadelphia, March 16, 1856,-y. rjEftrcSTl/TAMIA %9v9 r gDO k QS.SS a No. 66 Jirch St. bet. Second fy Third, (Opposile Bread Sireel,) PHILADELPHIA! (CHEVES, RIDDLES, SCREENS, WOVEN meshes and widths, with all kind* of plain and fancy wire work. Heavy Twilled Wire for Spark Catcher*; Coal, Sand and Gravel Screens; Paper Maker's Wire; Cylinder and Dandy Rolls, covered in ihe best mariner; Wire and Wire Fencing. A very superior article of Heavy Founders' Sievee. All kinds of Iron Ore Wire and Sieves. BAYLISS, DARBY & LYNN. August SO, 856.-3 m Business Directory. Bldomobtirg. JJa. ~ DAVID LOWEABBEGT = ' fiLOTHING STORE, on Main street, two doors nbove the 'Aitterican House." SIMON DItLIFUSS, & Co. CLOTHING STORE in tje 'Exchange I Block,! opposite the Cptfrt house. * • e m -- - A./J.'-WANS. "MERCHANT—Store on the upper part *of JpTin street, nearly opposite the |ojflfcDpal Cbnrcb. 8. ('- 8111 YE, MANUFACTURER OF FURNITURE AND CABINET WARE—Wareroom in Shive's Block, on Main Street. A. M. RUPERT* TINNER AND STOVE DEALER— Shop on South side of Main street, be |Ow Market. R. W- WEAVER, ATTORNEY AT LAW— office on the first floor of the "Star" Building, on Main street. JOSEPH SIIARPLESS. FOUNDER ANN MACHINF.ST, Buiid ingson the alley between the "Exchange and "American House." BAfrNARD RUPERT. f ■ SAILOR.—SIiop on the South Side of Main -L Street, firef square below Market. A. C. MENSCB, \f ERCHANT.—Store North West corner l'J. 0 f Main aud S'reets. I1IRA& €• ROWER* DENTIST.—Office near the Academy on Third Street. 91'KELVT, NEAL & CO., MERCHANTS.— Northeast corner of Main and Market streets. _____ JOSEPH SHARPLESB, AND DEALER IN 111 STOVES, TINWARE &c.—Establish merit on Main street, next ouilding cbove he Court-house. P I K l> O<V 8 DIGEST. ANY Justice of the Peace wishing to pur chase a copy of Purdon's Digest, can be accommodated by applying at he this THE POCKET ESCIILAPICS) OR, F.VKRY ONE HIS OWN PHYSICIAN. rrillE FIKTEITH Edition, with One hundred Engravings, l&< showing Diaeases and Mal ay formations of the human I? in! System in eit.ry shape an J B HaSajS form . To which i added M /Sj a Treatise on Ihe tiiaeases JS] of Females, being of the highest importance to mar. ried people, or those con. templating marriage. Uj WILLIAM YOUNG, M. D. Let no father bo ashamed the present a copy of the Aesculapius to his child. It may save him from an early grave. Let no young man or woman enter into the secret obligations ol mar ried life without reading the Pocke Aesculapius Let 110 one suffer from a hacknicd Cough Pain in the Side,restless nights, nervous feelings, und the whole train of bevpeptic sensatious,' anj given up by their physicians, be another moment without consulting the AESCULA PIUS. Have the married, or rhose about to be married any impediment, read this truly useful book, as it has been the means of saving thou sands of unfottUDate creatures from the very jaws of death. Anv person sending twenty 6ve cents, en closed in a letter, will receive one copy of this book, by mail,or five copies willbe sent for one dollar. Address, Dr. W. Young, No. fS2 Spruce street, Philadelphia.' Post paid. No 152 Spruce Ht„ Philadelphia. Sep* Ist, 1854-ly. 5_S3 H CD <2>E££ISBTJbQaEP2S > Cabinet Ware Rooms, 3C C. SMITE RESPECTFULLY invites the attention of of the Public to hie extensive assort ment of Cabinet Furniture and Chairs, which he will warrant made of good materials and in a workmanlike manner. At his Establish ment, can alwnys be found a good assort ment ol Fashionable Furuiltie, Which is equal in style arid finish to thai of Philadelphia or New York cities, and al as low prices. Hi has Sofas of different slyle and prices, from 825 :o 860. Divans, Loun ges, Walnut atjtl Mahogany Parlor chairs, Hocking and qasy chairs, Piano stools, and a variety of upholstered work, with Dressing and parlor bttrdaus, sofa, card, centre and pier tables, dejashus, cheffeniers, whatnots and comodes and all kiods of fashionable work. Hissttfck of bureaus, enclosed and common wafhstands, dress-tables, corner cupboards, solas, dining and breakfast ta bles, bedsteads, cane 6eat and common chairs, is the fergest in this seotion of the country. He also keep a good assort ment of leo*tg-glase u ith fancy gift and I common frames. He will also furnish spring l mattrasses fitted to any sized bedstead,which are superior lot durability and comfort to any bad in use. Bloomsburg, April 6th 1854. tf. LEAF TBBACCO AND CIGARS. DeNSLOW &. CO., 91 South Front Street, PHILADELPHIA, Commission Merchants, Anil U'hglesult Dealers in all kinds of Leaf Tobacco, Alauufaclored Tobac co, and Cigars, HAVE constsuily on timid and for rale low all kinds of American and Spanish Leaf To baccos, selected with special reference to Manufacturers' use. All article, sold, warranted to be as rep teeented and every opportunity afforded lor examination. Purchasers at a distance can rend their or derr, and rely upon being as faithfully served as if the goods were selected in person. October 15, 1856. Ttawaiwt Move Lstabllshaent. FLLHB UNDLRSIGNED respeotfuly in ' forms hispid friends end customers, thot he has purchasedhls brothel's interest in the ABOVE cslablisUmait, nd the ceocern will here after ha conducted by bimeelf exclusively. HE SFI baa just received and olTeta for tale the largest aid meat EXTENSIVE assortment rnynt U FANCY STOVES everintro duc J into this market. > Stovepipe and Tinware constantly on hand and manufactured to order. All kinds of re pairing done, ts usual, on short notice, The patronage of old friends and new cus tomers is respectfully solicited. A. M. RUPERT- Bloomsburg, Jan. 12, 1853. (f. Philad'a. and Reading R. R. fiUAI MEK ARK ANU E b* EX T. .1865 Great Northern and Wastern U. S. Mail Routes. Speed increased and fare redvced. Little Schuylkill, Caltawissa, Sunbury and .Erie, Williumsport and Elmira Railroad. Through to Buffalo, in 16 hours. " Niagara Falls, ' 16 " " Detroit, ' 24 " " Chicago, ',34 " " St. Louis. 1 48 " W Ticket Office— N. W. corner Sixth and Chestnut streets, and Philadelphia and Read ing R. ft. Depot, coruer of Broad and Ninth streets. On and after Monday, May 7tb, Three Pas senger Trains will leave the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Depot, corner of Broad and Vine streets, daily, (Sunday's excepied,) us follows: DAY EXPRESS—6 A. M. Stopping at Phccoixville and Reading only. Connecting with the Culluwisea, Williams port, and Erie, and Wtlliameporl and Elmira Railroad; arriving at Elmira at 4 o'clock P. M., connecting with New York and Erie and Buffalo; and from thence, via. Steamers on Lake Erie, or on Lake Shore Railroad, to Cleveland, Toledo, Monroe, Sandusky and Detroit. Also, with Elmira, Cauaudaigua with New York Central Railroad, East and Weil, and at Suspension Bridge with the Great Western and Michigan Central Railroad for Detroit, Chicago, St. Louis, and all points in Canada and Western Stales. Only one change ol Baggage between Phil adelphia and Canada or Ihu Lakes. DAY EXPRESS—Breakfast at Port Clin ton and Dinner at Williamsport. NIGHT EXPRESS—Tea at Port Clinton. Passengers purchasing Tickets by this Line have the privilege of .Mopping at any of the above points, and resuming their seats at pleasure. Fare from Philadelphia to ' Tamnqua, |2 95 Cattawissa, 4 35 Rupert, 4 40 Danville, 4 60 Milloo, 5 15 WilLvnepofl, 5 90 Elmira, 7 00 Jefferson, 7 65 Starkey, 7 95 Perm Van, 8 00 Gorham, 8 00 Geneva via. Gorhara, 8 oo " Steamer J. Arudt , 8 00 Canandaigua, - 8 oo Honeoye Falls, 8 50 Caledonia, 8 8f LeJttoz. 8 Batavia, 9 0u Rochester. 8 60 Buffalo, via. N. Y. and E., and Buffalo and N. Y. City, . JQ Rnffalo, via. Tonawanda, JQ " Niagara Falls, via. Elmira, Canandai gua & Niagara Falls U. R. ■ 10 " " via. Buffalo, 10 00 Suspension Bridge, - 11 00 Cleveland, jq 70 Toledo, 14 75 Cincinnati, 16 00 Detroit, via. Rail, 10 00 " Buff. & Lake, 16 00 Chicago, via. Great Western & Mich igan Central R. R. . 20 00 Chicago, via. Buffalo and Lake Shore Mich. Southern R. R., . JQ QQ Chicago, via. Buff, Luke arid Mich. Central R. R. - • 20 00 Rock Island, 25 00 E. T. HUBBELL, Ticket and Freight Agent, N. W. cornet Sixth and Chestnut sts. G. A. NICOI.I.S, Superintendent Philadelphia , and Reading Railroad. T. KCKIS.-OCK, Superintendent Cattawissa, Williamsport and Erie Railroad. flENnv COFFIN, Superintendent Williams port and Elmira Railroad. July 19, 1855.—tf. ' THE WEST BRANCH INSURANCE CO. OF LOCK HAVEN, PA, " Insures Detached Buildings, Stores, Mer chandizß, Farm Properly, and other build a ings, and their contents at moderate rates. CAPITAIs, 8300,000. CHARTER PERPETUAL. niRBCTURe. Hon. John J. Pe&rce, Hon. (J. C. Harvov John B. Hall, T.T.Abrarns, 7 ' . Charles A. Mayer, D. K. Jackman. Charles Crist, VV. While, Peter Diokinson, Thomas Kitchen, Hon. G. C. HARVEY, Pres't. T. T. ABIUMS, Vice Pres. r Taos. KITCHEN, Sec'y. H. CHAS. ULMAN, Gen'l Ag't. REFERENCES. I Samuel H. Lloyd, Thomas Bownan,D. D. A. A. Winegardner, Wm. Vanderbelt, L. A. Mackey, Wm. Fearon, A.White, Dr. J. S. Crawford, James Quiggle, A. UpdegrafT, John VV. Maynard, James Armstrong, 1 lion. Simon Cameron | Hon. Wm. Bioler WESLEY WIRT, AgSnt, ' , Bloomsburg, June 18, 1856.-6 m. M • LA (. II LN.MAIER Wrought & Cant Iron Re<l- STEADS, RAILING, SETTEES, TREE BOX -68, Stanrtu, Sc.. (JetjWieryL,ots Kn closed with either cast or Wrought Iron Rail ing, No. 335 MARKET, STREET, (2 doors below Ninth,) PHILADELPHIA. March 27,>1856. ijD33aacsr < oi2^ , ojjcL'ar 0 H. ASOTRAR, BOT©IEOH SMBBnFffST, dptgg&h, "R ESPECTFULLY ofiera his professional services to r1 * the Ladies and Gentlemen of Bloomsburg and vioinity. He is prepared to attend to all the various operations in Den tistry, and is provided with the latest im proved PORCELAIN TEETH, which will be inserted on pivot or gold plate, to look as well as natural. A superior artiole of Tooth Powders, al ways on hand. All operations on the teeth warranted. tar Otiide near the Academy. Bloomsburg, Nov. 20, 1800. GST HENRY ZUPPINGER, GST LAciock uud WkiiniHlterJr.3l South side of Main Street, above the Railroad. DIFFICULT watch repairing done in the BEST MANNER, and SPECTACLES of all kinds for sale. Bloomburg, March 20, 1856.. . „ .. BLANKS! BLANKS 11 BLANKS 11 DEEDS. SUMMONS, EXEcui tows, SUBP<ENAS, AND JUDGMENT NOTES, paper and desirable forms, fo* sale at the office of the "Star of the North." TERRIBLE DISCLOSURES Secfcts Tor Ilicßilllout A mol H'onderfitl and Invaluable Publication. Br. Hunter's Medical Manual} S.WVW! tUHt, OEINU AN O.RIGI , NAI. and popular TTrßtdise on MAN and WOMAN: iheirl'hys iolopy, Functions and Sexual Disorders pf ''<v;™/lllV\X\ : N X ' every kind, with nev er failing Remodiea for the speedy core of all diseases of a private and dalicste charactar, incident to the violation of the Lawn of Na ture and of Natures God. PRICE TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. TUB Author of the above volume TE a gradu •te of one Or the first medical schools fit the United States, and having devoted a quarter of a century to lite study and treatment of Syphilis and kindred disorders as a speciality, he has become possessed of most invaluable informa tion in regard to the same, and is able to com ' posa into vatle mccum compass the very quint essence of medical science on this important subject; as the result of the experience of the most eminent physician in Europe and Amer ica is thoroushly demonstrated in his own highly successful practice in the treatment of se.ret diseases in many thousands o( cares in the City of Philadelphia .done. The | ractice of Dr. Hunter has long boon, and still is literally unbounded, hut at the ear nest solicitation of numerous persons, be has been induced to oxtend the sphere of his pro fessional usefulness to the community at large, through the medium of his "Mcdi:al Manual Hand-Bonk for the Afflic'ed.'' It is a volume that should be in the band of every family in .tbu land, whether used as a preventive or .rtist vies, or ea a gsiila for the alleviation of una of the most stvful and de structive scourges ever visited upon mankind for the sina of sensuality and impurity of eviy kl d. It is a volume tbnt has received the unquali fied recommendation of the first physicians in the land, while many clergymen. folhers, moth ers, | hilonthropisls and humanitarians, bare most freely e.\lended its circulation in all quar ters where its powerful teachings would be like ly to he instrumental in tbe moral purificatiu,, and phvsltal healing of multitude) of our peo. pie, among the young, volatile anil indiscreet, otherwise tbe pride and flower of the nation. • The authoi argues particularly, must strongly against every species of sclf-defilernent, and warns patents and guardiane, in searching terms, to guard the young of both sexes from the terrible consequences concomitant of their ignorance of phytological laws and sexual imd purities and irregularities, whether exhibite oy precocious development or arising fiom the viscious and corrupting oxamples of their school, mates or otheiwise. To-those who have beoi , alieady ensnared to the "paths that take hold |ON n-n,') N LIONS and - 1 - — -Y ;■ .S.WH br which they may secure a return ufaound health and a regeneration of the soul from its terrible pollution. It is will known that thousands of victims are annually saerificad at the shrin of Quack* i cry —especially tho.osuflaiing ftoin Veneieal.or ! (Syphilitic diseases—Stricture!, Seminal Weak- I tiers, Nervous Debility, and the numerous mal ! adies which spring directly or lesa remotely ! from the indulgence of carnal psssjons and sc j crctviolations of Nature. In view of these fuels, and when it is also considered thut shout 100,U00 persons die annu ally ill the United Stales of Connumpliori— a large majority being, the victims of the voluput ous indiscretion of their piogenilors, ugreeably to tho Scriptural enunciation, that the sins of iho parents arc visited upon the children, even to the third and fourth generation. The Author imbued with sentiments of enlarged philhnthro py, will scarcely he censureJ for any effort to restrain the vices of the age, by rhe humble in strumentality of his Medical Manual. One copy,securely onvcloped, willhe forward ed free of pos agolo any part oflhe United Slates for 25 ccnte, or 6 copies for sl, Address, post psid, COSDEN <j* 00-, POHLISUKBS, Do* 197, Philadelphia Ey Bocksellcis, Onnvasssrs nnc book Agents supplied on the most liberal terms. 1000 TONS No. 1 SUPEIt-I'IIOSPIIATE OF LIME, DEBUKG'S Original and Genuine, warrant ed of superior quulity, the cheapest manure in the world. Fanners and dealers supplied at low prices. EXTRA QUALITY LAND PLASTER. 5,000 barrels Extra Quality l.acd Plaster, selected for its fertilize g quality. 10,000 bushels of same in bulk. 10,000 barrels best quality Ordinary Land Plaster, equal to Ihe best usualy sold, at Ihe low price of 20 cents per bushel, or SI.IO per barrel, with a deduction for large lota. 25,000 bushels of same in bulk. 1,000 barrels Calcined Plaster. 1,000 " Casting " 000 - Dentist " 5,060 " Hydraulic Cement. 1,000 " True Roman " Peruvian (J 11:1110. This urticle we offer in confidence to our customers, as equal to any imported, and far superior to most in the market. 10,000 bags of this superior Guano, for sale, at the lowest market rales. Also, Poudrette, Mexican Guano. Ground Charooal, &e. &c. FRENCH, RICHARDS & CO. . At the Steatn Plaster Mills, junction York Avenue and Callowhill Street, Philadelphia. February 14, 1856. JOSEPH A. NEEDLES, Manufacturer of WIRE.SILK& HAIR CI.OTHSEIVES COURSE, medium nnd line in mesh; large, middle-sized and small in diameter. Metallic Cloths or Woven Wire, Of the best qualities, various sizes of mesh, from Nos. to 80 inclusive, and from one 10 six feet iu width. They are numbered so many spaces to a lineal inch, ami cut lu suit. The subscriber also keeps constantly on band S33(2amiS ESaS2TSS3 8 For Coal, Saud, Ore, Lime, Grain, Gravel, Guano, Sumac, Sugar, Salt, Bone, Cofiee Spice, Dtugs, Dye Stuffs, &c. Together with an assortment of Bright and Annealed Iron Wire. All of the above sold wholesale or retail, by J. A. NEEDLES, 54 North From Street, Phtlad'a. May 28, 1866-ly. Wood's Oruameutal Iron Works, RIDGE AVENUE, PHILADEI.PAFA. THE attention of the inhabitants of Pcnn ■ylvanis are invited to the extensive Manufac tory and Ware rooms of the suliacribcr, who is prepared to furnish at the shortest notice, Iron Railing of every description, for Cemeteries, public end private buildings, also Verandahs, Fountains, Chairs, Helices, Lions, Doga and other ornamonial iron works of decorative char acter Purchasers ma) rely on having all ar ticles carefully boxed and abippej la their dee. tination. A book of designs will be furnished to those wishing te make selections. ROBERT WOOD, Ridge Avenue, below Spring Garden St., PHILADELPHIA. September 27, 855. THOMAS BUTLER, No. 7 South Seventh Street, I PHILADELPHIA; llfanufaatHrer of strong Tinware, Copper> Tin alul Zino Binning Tubs, Bulbing Pahs, and every kind of batning apparatus. ! Also deed and paper boxes. Prompt attention g ven to Ordered work, and goods carefully lorwpieed on orders. Philadelphia, August ITth, IM4. # A FREE Gift TO ALL. ' MISERY RELIEVED. '"NatUiVi Guide," a hew and popular work, is distributed without charge, and torwarded by mail to any Post Office in tba U. States, on receiving an order enclosing, two stamps for posiaJre. PHILADELPHIA MEDICAL HOUSE— Established 20 years ago by Dr. KINKKLIN, corner of Third and Union btreeis, between Spruce tod Pine, Philadelphia, Pa. INVALIDS Are apprised that Dr. KINKEtIN confine* his practice to a particular braoch of medi cine, which engages bis individual attention. Ho cautioris the unfortunate against the a buse of mercury; thousands are annually mercurialised dot of life. Recent affection* are ptomptly extinguished. TWENTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE In the treatment of a class of diseases hilh erto neglected and imperfectly understood, has enabled Dr. KIN'KELIN, Author of a work on Self Preservation, to prove hat ntne tenths of the causes of nervous debility, lo cal and constitutional weakness, mental and physical suffering, are traceable to certain habits, forming the most secret yet deadly and fatal springs of domestic misery and premature mortality. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE, There is an evil babtl sometimes indulged in by boys, ill solitude, and wlich, if not re formed iu due time, not ofily begets serious obstacles to matrimonial happiness,but gives rise to a series of protracted, insidious, and devastating afflictions. Few ol those wbd give way to this pernicious practice ate a wtite ol lite consequences, until they find the nervous system shattered, feel strange and unaccountable feelings, and vague feare in the mind. The unfortunafe thus affected becomes fee. bla, is unable lo labor with accustomed vig or, or to apply his mind to study ; his atep ia tardy and weak, ha is dull, irresolute, and engages in his sporl with less energy than usual. If he emanciyate himself before the prac tice has done its worst, and enter matrimony bis marriage is unfruitful, and his sense telle Itim that this is caused by bis early follies These are considerations which should awa ken the attention of those similarly situated. MARRIAGE Requires the fulfillment of sereral conditions in order that it may be really the cause of mutual happiness. Could the veil which covers tjie origin of domestic wrelohedness be raised, and its Irue source in every in slance disclosed—in how many could it be traced to physical disqualifications and their attendant disappointments! Apply thenwhile H is'yet tlrne, ln *orderto have your unstrung and relaxed organization rebraced, revivified and strengthened. REMEMBER, He who places himself under Dr. Kinkelin'a treatment may religiously confide in hit hon or as a genleman, and rely upon the assur ance, that the secrets of Dr. K' patients will never be disclosed. Young man—let no false modesty deter yon from making your case Known to ana who, from education and respectability, can befriend you. Too many think lltey will conceal the se ciet in their own hearts, and core ihemsajves Alas! how often is (his a fatal how many a promising young man, who tniglil have been an ornament to society, hu faded from the earth. S-rictutes of the urethra are rapidly re moved by the application of a new thera peuticul agent, used only by Dr. K. Weak j ness and Constitutional Debility promptly I cured, und full vigor restored, | "1 am a man anil deem nothing which I relate* to man foreign to my feelings." YOUTH AND MANHOOD g-j Sn | A Vigorous Life or a I'rt- KINKKLIN ON SELF-PRESERVATION. Only twenty-fine cents, or the value in post age stamps, wilt unsure u copy of this book, prepaid, per return of mail. Persons at a distance may addresa Dr. KINKELIN by letter, enclosing a remittance, ami be cured at home. Packages of Medicines, with plain direc tions, packed secure from damage or curios ity, are forwarded by Mail or Express to any pari oflhe United States. REMEMBER, Dr KINKELIN'S residence has been for the last twenty years at the Pi. W. Corner of Third and Union Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. July 2d, 1856.—tf. p2§|pg|l HERRING'S ...J *33 IS 3 CHAMPION!! The only Safe which, in every instance, preserved the entire contents at the late Extensive Fires. AT THE BURNING OF THE ARTIZAN BUILDJNGS, April 10th, and in the great Jlre in Market Street, May Ist, 1856, the gen uine Hr.ttßiNO SAFE preserved the Jewelry of George W. Sirrims & Bro.; Books, Papers &c. of Fisher & Bro. and Edward Semans & Co., after remaining exposed in ihe burning ruins for nearly Forty Hours, and proving conclu sively what we have always claimed for them, their great superiority over ail securi lies known. In these fires, ihe HERRING'S SAFE, siamling side by side with those advertised as '"warranted to stand 10 per cent, more fire than Herring's,"came forth the acknowledg ed victor, not only preserving their contents in excellent order, but being themselves in a condition to go through another ordeal, while the boasted ''Salamanders" of other makers were badly used up in every instance, and In somecasestheir entire contents completely destroyed! To the public we would simply say, thai, during the fourteen years of the Herring'* Safe has been before them, more than two hundred have passed through accidental fires without (he ocourrence of a single lor*. We would, therefore, caution purchaser* against the misrepresentation of interested parties. The Herring'* Patent is th* only Fire-proof Safe made in this city which i* protected by a Patent Highl; and we will guarantee it to resist more than double the amount of heat of any other Sale now known, FARRELS & HERRING, Sole Manufacturers in this State nf "Herring's Patent Champion Safe*.'* 34 Walnut St., Philud'a. N. B.—' Evans & Watson's Improved Sal* emanders," ''Oliver Even's." "C.J. Gayler's' and '-Scott's Abestos," Iron Chests, (a large assortment hnving been taken in part pay ment for ''Herring's,") will be sold at low prices. Philadelphia, June 10, 1866—1y. r FRANCIS e. HARRISON, ~~ respectfully inform the citizen* of Bloomsburg and vicinity, that be has commenced the practice of Medicine and Surgery thereptnd lolioits ashare of public pa* tronage. He can always be found at the Ex* change Hotel opposite the Court House. . Bloomsburg, March, Ist, '55. TRON STEEL, ami every kind of Hard ware or sale by MeKELVY, NEAL k CeJ
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers