The best place 10 get theffi ir at CKi-or crimes <fir'C£9t:*Sß dREAT GIFT Book SAI.E, ( 400 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Pint, Cold Jewelry given away to Pttr- P ' "WAi chaser aof Books- A IX Books will be told as low as can be A bad JH other Siores, many of them for les*. Now Books received daily. A Gift varying in value from 25 cents to #IOO, giv en with each book at the time it is sold.— Having oh band a very large Hock of not anil valuable Boate, and as oar motto is "Large sales and email profits," we are determined lo give cor customers belter bargains than can be bad elsewhere. Any hook published in New York or Philadelphia trill be prompt ly tent, gift included, on receipt of pilhlish er'e price. Oaialotjiree of Bpnks and Pre*- 'Wptfi coma/ning foil . explanations will be flljwi lo all pails of iliauoutiity. liberal ir.ducemenle.ato off-red lo Af|S(MfcAny person sending us an order for money enclosed, will be eu (MNHHfikuftra Bock unit Oft. Ail Hb lor bonks, i-oiilairitQg money, (ui mMalflh|/ect rsfoty J. should be regit tered et Office. wlteis thny are mail- ! ed, and dltflfo to Evan* & Co., 409 Broad- j Fhda J-lp|-ir Principal S'ore, 4W Irrdv -v, N.'Y. ■ ' Branch Stores at Philadelphia and at VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. IN pursuance of eti order of the Orpheoe' Court of pclumbia countv, on BJ TURD A I the ltd day of JANUARY next, at 10 o'elfic k in die forenoon, Franklin Mo- Brlde anil l/vi Aikroarr, Adininietraiors, fee., of John Ohl, Isle of Hemlock township, in aaid ecunty, deceased, w ill expose to sale by public vendue, upon the prund.-es, n certain TTBAC T Olf SrAKE), ft'uale in Uumlock township, Colombia Co., adloitjing lan Js of Vanish Uaese pit the south and west, lands belonging to the he its of Henry Old on thy cost and north, and .con taining about 101 ACRES. There are on the premises a good frame DWELLING HOUSE,a bank BABN e good wagon-shed and other outbuildings. About 80 acres of the (attd is cleared and improved, and there sro nu the premises a good APPLE ORCHARD, and other fiuitireee. There is a good well of water near the dwelling. Laid the estate ol said deceased, situate in the township cf Uen.lOck onil county afore abid. FRANKLIN McBIUDE, LEVI AIRMAN, fieinlcek, Dec. 9, 1856. Administrator!. FTJ3IK3 SALE or YaSuablc Real Estate. IN'ptirsuance of ac otdsr of the Orphan* Court of Colutnbis count-,-, on FRIDAY, THE ltb DAY Cf JANUARY next, at 10 o'clock'in the lorenoon, Benjamin McHeury, Execn'ot, of Elias Mcllenry, late of Fishingcreek township, in aaid county, deceased,, will expose to sal# by -Pubic Ven due, upon the premises, a certain PIECE AND PARCEL OF LAND, shame in Fishingcreek township aforesaid, adjoining lands ot Jackson Mcllenry on the North, Wm. Ikeler on the Wen and South, and Henry Bitlenbender oa the East; con taining FIFTY-t'WO ACRES, more or tees. Also one other piece or parcel of land situate in the township aforesaid ad joining hinds of Moses Mcllenry on the East. James D. McHeury on the South, Wra. Ikeier on toe North and West, containing .SEVENTEEN ACRES, mere or less. And alto one oilier piece or pare#! of land, situate in the township afore said, adjoining Inn Is of Moses Mr-Henry on the East, William Ikeler on the South, Ja. D. McHerity on the Nojjh and West, con taioing ,T EXTY4'DOttACRES, with.the appurtenance*. Late the, estate of #li|deces'ed stttfrtte in the township of Fishingcreek and county aforesaid. BENJ. Mi-HENRV, ' Administrator. Fishingcreek, Den. 17, 1856. T&e trcal Family Weekly Paper. THE NEW YORK LEDGER bas now at attainad the extraordinary circulation of Oe# Hundred and Ninety Thousand copies. The ledger it devoted to Polite Literature, Original Tales, Sketches, Potby, Essays, Got *, and Ci rnent Newt, and maintains a high I mors! tone. It ta every where acknowledged J# be the best famhy paper world W- Demo, it., arvu YSmeiatm sennrtn, gw perms- for it; so do a host of other awgklijMthnrs, including Mrs. Emma P. E. N. Bdijfwotth| AliceCarey, Mrs. Vaoxhan, MMmBS Stanley Gibson, Clara Sydney,&e., ■lvger i* beaolilnlly illustrated every Hte New York Ledger it printed on beau llHiAeGliie paper, end is composed of eight pdHmaking the hamWomest weekly pa country. It is published every ;:S S£iH* ,d •°' l ' •' a " 'h® news offices in town throughout the ooitntrv ; -MdHMMHed for subscribere ot two dollars' . Mtstfife two copier are sent for three jnßmi'igKv person obtaining eight subscri- (which is oar lowest club us 812 will be entitled to one eegfljge. Terms invariably in ad f BOBE UT BONNEBr I a good time to subscribe riett'e Great Original Novel will be commenced in the if of January. ' A. DENNIBON write* iturdav Evening Poet.— IR'9 PROTEGE. See nether place. T iir 1 iB, of every description and „and fresh from New York , for rale at the cheap store M'KELYY.NEALKCO .YVLS wrtb eiik fringe, a rrvspvcMH lur isuf. THE BATLIDAYEVEMVG POST. established August 4lh, 1821. THE publishers offfils olrf and firmly es tablished paper take pleasure in calling the attention of the public to their programme for be coming year. Forfeited with politics, the claims of literature will b more than ev er appreciated by the reading world. We have therefore already mahe arrangements with the following brilliant iial of writers WM HOW ITT (of England.) ALICE CA REY, T. S. ARTHUR, MRS. SOUTH WORTH, AUGUSTINE DUG.VNNE, MBS M. A. DENNISON, the author of -'ZILMII " &c , &c. We deaign commencing, in-the first num ber in January next, the* following original Novelet:— Tatlengella, or the SfluaMer'g Home. By Wru.ttJi Ho Win. anhnr of "Rural 1./fe io Englund," "Htmies ol the Pent*," ire. &<-. fl'JUis is a Story of Australian Life, Mr. Howill having viaited Artatralia expressly wilts the object ol acquainting himself with the novel an-i romantic aspect, under which nature and society present themselves in that ■ aiiigular region. I The following Novelets will then be given, | though probably not in the exact order hore ' mentioned—J THE STORY OF A COUNTRY GIRL Carey-. An original Novelet, writ flbuus" WITHE UE |)HE ART. written for the An original Novelet, by Mrs. Mary A ./-Den i*on, author of' Mark, the Sejttoit," "Home Picture*." &c, x THE RAH) OF BURGUPf>Y. A Tale of the Swiss Cantons. An original Novelette, by Angnstine Duganne, author of '•The 1-ofl of the VVtl iernes*," Sea. We have also the promise of a Short and Condensed NOVELET, by Mrs. SOUTH WORTH to run through about six or eight numbers of the Post. In addition lo (he sbeve list or contribu tions, we design containing the usual amount of Foreign Letters, Original .Sketches, Choice Selection* from all sources, Agricultural Ar tiolea, General News, Humorous Anecdotes, View of the' Produce and Stock Markets, the Philadelphia Retail Markets, Bank Note List, Editorials, &c, &c., our- object being lo give a Complete Record, as lar as our limits will uuir.ii, of the Great World. ENGRAVINGS—In the way of Engra vings, we generally present two weekly—one ol an instructive, and the oiber of a humor on- character, Tbe postage on the Post to any part of the United States, paid quarterly or yearly in ad vance, st tbe* office where it is received, is only 26 cents a year. l'ERMS—Cash in advaace—Single copy $2 a year. 4 copiee, 85 00 a year. 8 " And one lo the getter up of the. Club, 10.00 " 13 " do. do. do. 15 00 " 20 " do. do. do. 20 00 " Address, always post paid, DEACON & PETERSON, No. 66 South Third Street, Philadelphia. W Sample Numbers sent gratia to any one, •belt icquested. [4B. fa®" EVERY READER WILL please notice the advertisement de scriptive ol Mr. Sears' Pictorial Family Bible, and send for the Printed Catslugow oi all our illustrated Wortts. To the ur.ttiated in the great art of selling Books, we would say that we preseot a ■diems for money making, far belter than Wlhe gold mines ol California and Aus tralia. Of Any person wishing to embark in the enterprise, will risk litile by sending to the Publishers 825, for which he will receive sample copies of lha various works,—at wholer ale prices,—carefully boxed, insured, and ditecled, affording a very liberal poreent aga to the agent lor his double. With these he will *oott be able to ascertain (be moat saleable and order accordingly. Address, post peirl, ROBERT SEARS, Publisher. 181 William Street, New York. MECCA AND MAHBMMED. G. P. PUTNAM & CO Will pobUsh Thursday, September 25, Bur ton's Pilgrimage to Mecca and tbe tomb cf the Prophet, with introduction by Bay' ard Taylor. 1 vol. 12m0., with illustra tions 81 sb. Hie history of this curions boy ie as follows: Burton, an officer in the East India Com pany, having by a long residence in Upper Indie, acquired a perfect knowledge of the Oriental languages and customs, projected a visit under the auspices nI the Royal Geo graphical Society, to the holy city of Mecca and she tomb of the Prophet at Merlins, place* rarely if ever before visted by any Englishmen. This he successfully accom plished in 1853-4, disguised as a Moham medan Dervish. Tbe history of tbe prilgrim age it nnt surpassed in interest and origßnl tty by any book or travel ever publisbkW— embracing his residence at Cairo as a'Mo hauimedan Student; the journey across the desert with the greiu annual "caravan ol IM grimSf the visit to the tomb of Mohammed , the discovery that the Sacred stone is an aeiolitej the annua! cermoe- preached at of 150,000 Pilgr|{HpHHHHprparti of the Moa- escapes from detec- HBiPand the only accurate account of the ceremonies of the Masselmao faith. To the religious community tbie work fur nishes inlormation never before made pub lic, retpeeling .the ceremonial laws of a la'ge proportion ollhe Eastern World; while for general interest, Burton's uartatiya will com pare favorably with either Eolhen or Cres cent and the Cross. G. P. PUTGAM ft CO., ' No. 4SI, Broadway, N. Y. Orphani' Court Notice. ' 7>i the devisees of the estate cf Robert Moore, 1 lute of Siigarhaf township, Columbia county, deceased: J TAKE NOTICE that an application of J. C. Pennington and George Moore, Execntor* of the said estate to the Orphans' Court of Colpmbia county for an order te sell for the payment ol debts the following real estate ol tbe said Robert Monre deceased so far as the , same ie situate ie Columbia county ; viz:— I a tract ol laud aituato in tho'tewuship of Bu , garloaf in the county aforesaid and partly in tha township of Fsirraount in the county ol . Luzerne, containing 262 Acres add 548 percutje, adjoining lands of the heir* ol Sam uel Steadpian, land* of Jbiiah Lookard, Ex - ekit-l Siiuhn, Jonathan Penqingiou and o.b --e era, ore WinchS* erected a Log House ar.d frame Bare; the *jd Court has granted a rule upon tho devisee* d* the said real estate n d Robert Moore deceasdhyp appear on the fit* k Monday of February near,.and show caust 0 why the order of sale as prayed for ahouk not be granted. w JACOB EYERLY, a Clerk of the Orphans' Court. y | CUlk'* Office, ) ' Bloornsburg," Dec, 9,1856. j HO WITT, ihe Celebra ted Engliah author, writes fnr the Saturday Evening PostTALLEN GETTA or the SQUATTER'S HOME . See Prospectus in another plaee. r ' A GARY writes for the Snlnr > -t®-dey Evening Post. 'FHE STORY ; OF A COUNRY GIRL. See Prospeo , tu* in another place. - •'&£ ' . r T I S. ARTHUR writea fqr the Satur * day Evening Post. THE WITH ERED HEART, See prosperous in s other column. , i HAVE YOU SUBSCRIBED IN THE , COSMOPOLITAN AUT ASSOCIATION , ! FOR THE THIRD YEBRf Sm EE THE RARE INDUCEMENTS!—The management have the pleasure of mn - nouneiitg that the collection of Works of Art i rlaaigned for distribution among Ihe subscri "bers, whose names are received ptevious lo i the 28ih of January, 1857, is much larger and mote costly than on sny previous year.—— , Among the leading works in Sculpture—ex i ecutad in the finest Marble—is the new and beautiful S'atiin of the "WOOD NYMPH, The Busts of the three great Amerieart States men, I CLAY, WEBSTER & CALHOUN, Also the exquisite Ideal Bdsf, • E FES 3 OP EE* CE S3 1 „ • • AITOLLOJkND DIANA, In Marble, Life Size. Together with the fallowing Groope and Stat u>* in Carrara Marble—of tbe Struggle !■) tftVeeter* and Bpph, Peychti , \ Magdalen, Child of the Sea, Innocence. Captive Bird and Little Truant, : With numerous works in Bronte, and a col lection of several hundred Fine Oil Painting** by leading Artist*. The whole of which are to be distrtboted or allotted among the subscribers whose i names are received previous to the 28th of January, 1857, when tbe Distrib'uliou will ' take place. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Every subscriber ol three dollars ie entitled to A copy of the splendid Steel Engraving, , "fofurt% Niiht,'' or A copy of any of the following $3 Maga zines one j ear; also • A copy of the Alt Journal one year, and A Ticket in the AnDUal Distilbdffia TSf Works oTArt. Thus, for every 83 paid, a person not only gets a beautiful Engraving or Magazine one year, but also receives the Art Journal one year, and n Ticket iu the Annual Distribution, making Jour dollars worth of reading matte' betides tbe ticket, by which a valuable paint ing or piece of statuary may be received in addition. Those who prefer Magazitiesto (he Engra ving 'Saturday Night,' can have either of the following one year: Harper's Magazine, Godey's Lady's Boole, United Stales Maga- 1 zine, Knickerbocker Magazine, Graham's ' Magazine, Blackwood Magazine, Southern ! Literary Messenger. 'No pernon is restricted to a single share. ' Those taking five .remitting 1 .815, are entitled to six Engravings, and to six tickets in the distribution, or any five of Ihe Magazines one year, Bnd six tiekela. ' | Feraons, in remitting fund* for member- < ■hip, -Will please register tbe letter at the Post ] Office, lo prevent loss; on receipt o f which, a certificate of Membership, together with the Engraving or Magazine desired, will be forwarded lo any part of the country. For further pSnlctTTars, 808 rtte November Art Journal, sent free on application. For membership, address C. L. DERBY, C. A. A., 348 Broadway, N. Y., or Western Office, 165 Water Street, Sandusky, Ohio, or Robcaf F. CLARK, Hon. Sec. Bloomsburg, Fenna. Nov. 26, 1856. TO BCUBOL TEACHERS. QCHOOL Teachers of Columbia county h-5 w-iio |,ave not yet obtained certificates are hereby notified that examinations will take place at the office of ihe County So - perintendeul in Bloomsburg on eveiv Satur day afternoon, and at no other time. All Ihe examinations should have been public and in the presence of the Directors; but tho present arrangement will accommodate ail who still desire an examination. All other . time will now be required for the visitation ol school*. R. W. WEAVER. Bloomsburg, Nov. 11,1856. fsFw MARBLE YARD • IN ELCCMSBTOaCK HIRAM 8. CAREY ■fiTAS opened a Marble Yard at the corner X* of Main and Market Streets, where he is prepared lo finish the best of work trom Italian or American Matble for ■ fli&SStirsiClgSJffßs, UOSffIBS,-) ■ Totnb-sioiies, TtßNBi,Maudes, Window-sills unrl lentil*. For the* character and finish of his he relers to such as he has made is this county. He will furnish designs for v>ork 1 or execnte any that may be furnished lo ' him. His work shall always be satisfactory ' in itaatyle and rtasonable in price. | Bloomsburg, Deo. 1, 1896. ) GRAND JURORS REPORT. To the Honorable, the Judges ol the Court of Quarter Sessions of Ihe Peace iu add tor ' County of Columbia. ' The Grand Inquest of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, inquiring for the body of the coun:y of Columbia, respectfully report, 9 that they have exemined the public buildings ' and find them in good order, the recommeq dat'oos of former inquests being attended to. " ' We further report the roads in Conyngham and Cattuwissa townships, generally in bad condition. The bridge oyer Pine Creek, at Solomon Buss' in Fishingcreek township, wanting repair. Index boarde iu Fishing creek ar.d Conyngham townships down. We , would recommend the Supervisors of Cata .' wissa towtisbip,, lo fill up the road near-the . creek, at what is called the Narrow*, *o that • it will be above high water and ice, on the ' road leading Irom Calawissa to Maitrville. 1 All of which is respectfully submitted this 3d day ol December, A. D. 1856. • JOHN CHAMBERLIN, Foremen. tl : ' • Bloomsburg Foundry. r 2>v lOSEPH SHARPLESS, ** having taken the entire tl °f h' l*<e partner in s Bloomsburg Foundry,tad j * prepared, to mangtaclure t'. ALL KINDS OF CASTINGS, i- usually made in bis line qf business, d Thankful for the liberal custom heretofore Ie awarded this establishment, he hopes la ,if merit an Increase of publia patronage, si --Bloomsburg, May 5, 1856. id Registration Certificates For Ibe use of clergy men, iuetices, pdysi ian* and other persons in registering marria ges and deaths as required by the new Ae Assembly, can be bad at the office of the I Bter of the North." BOOK, GARB AND FANCY <£TCE>EB THE PROPRIETOR OF THE "STAR OF THE NORTH," H.ring added t;l|e fixtures of the "Srr Office good and extensive JOBBING MATERI AL, if prepared to M'nn.e .11 kind, of JOB I-RISTISC in tbe _ ' CITY SI YLB, and at Short notice. Certificates of Sloek and Deposits, Constitutions for Societies, Hank Checks, Promissory Notts, „ , , _ n , ' Hail Road and other Tickets, Catalogues. Paper Books, Bill heads, Check Rolls, Plain and Fancy Cards, Bustness and other Circulars, Posters Plain and in Colors. F&IBrTXWGkOB 'ALL KINDS Can be Procured at the "Star" Job Office, AS PROMPTLY 1 ANfI'WATLY PRINTER AS IN THE CITY. •CPUa® maafPan^mr,^ A monthly periodioil ie published at this office io excellent style and workmanship. and wlih superior material. • The public are invited to oall and aee specimens, aa we are determined to merit patron age by atncl attention to business and eupetior workmanship. Bloomsburg, Jane 2, 1850. New Arrival of Spring and Summer Goods. xg-oßAxaa QBCE), HAVE just received and ripened their stock of merchandize for Spring and Summer sales which comprises tbe LARGEST, CHEAPEST, and HANDSOMEST assortmm l non offered in this.TOWN! Having paid great attention lo the selection of their entire stock, as to price and quality, the£ jfUtiei themselves that' They can compete with- tbe cheapest, and all those wishing to buy rmeap, can save in on ky by giving us a call. We have all of Gooda and Wires to supply the wants of the People. A very large lot of ' LARIES PRESS GOODS, Erench-jjjterinoes, wool plaids, alpacas, bombazines, de bages, poplins, parametta clolbs moltair l llWL muslin de laines, Persian cloths, Ginghams, Calicoes, &c. WHITE GOODS OF ALL KINDS, Sieves. Collars, Spencers, handkerchiefs, flounoings, bawdwHid trimmings, laces and edgings, bonnet ribbons, in large variety, vel vet ribbons, anoafcyH, kid, cotlon, And lisle thread's loves, mohair mitts, &c., All kinds ot black silk, cashmere, Embroder ed, kc. Also a very lerss, tweeds; jeans, heaver cloths, coating velvet, Bto. PObrS AND SHOES, OF ALL KINDS SIZES lf CHILDREN We have a large assortment pi Hat* and Caps of latest fashion*. We have ul.-o Hard ware, Queeusware, Cedarware, &e. Very cheap carpets, carpet bags, floor, table end car riage oil cloths, mats rnga, baskets, &c. Muslins flannels, lickings, diapers, tuwelings, drillings, &c., in abundance. ,0 - - We invrte Mir friends and the public generally to give us a call before purobaaing el<e where. We have bought ouraoodsat Lowest Cash Prices and will not be undersold by anybody, or the rest of mankind. Bloomaburg, Ooieber ?8, lias. — SELLING OVT&T COST! SSSaaaaceiSEi. CCS CSSCD* BEING deeiruos of closing up their business in Bloomsburg as early as practicable, ofTer for sale AT COST AND BELOW COST, their entire Stock of Goods consist ing of a full assortment of FROCK, DIIESB, BOXy SACK. GUM AND OIL CLOTH COATS, of all sorts and sizes, that the present enlightened age knows any thing about. Of Pants and Vests they have every color ol the rainbow, besides some black, blue, grey, striped and fancy ; Vests of satin, stlk, bufl, casimere, marseilles, lincti audi worsted ol all ionable cuts and colors ; Working Pants and boys clothing. Alto fine while, figured and striped shirts-, Pocket and Neck Handkerchiefs, Stocks, Ties, JScarfs, all kinds of gentle man dress goods ; Hats, Caps, Trunks, Traveling Bags and Umbrellas ; and aaaa SAsaasss Tltey have Uniersleves, Sneneers, Collars, Rigaleli., Gloves, Mills, Ladies'a bead-bag Handkerchiefs, &c., &c. Also Jewelry and Notions, each as Kings, Breast pins, Gold and Silver Pens and Pencils, Medallions, Vest and Fob chains, Porlmonies, Spectacles, Knives Razors and a well seleoted assortment of Accordeons. HP* Remember the cheap store in the "Exchange Block" opposite the Court house. Blootnsburg, April 3, ISM. S. DREIFUSS, & Co. New arrival of Fall aud Winter Goods! DATID LOTTBStEERG jTNVITES attention to his stock of cheap and fashionale clothing at his storeoo Market street, two doors above the "American House," where be has a full assortment of men and boy's wearing apparel, including VASSUKSWAIELS SMBSBSS ©©AIFSp gox.aack, frock, gum and oil cloth coats of all sorts and sizes, pants of nil colors, shawls stripes and figure, vests, ehtrts, oravats, slocks, collars, handkerchiefs, gloves, suspenders and fancy articles. N. B. He will also make to order any article of clothing at very short notice and in the best manner. Ail his clothing is made to wear, and most of it is of borne manufac ture. Bloomaburg, April 1, 1826. - ' .iga ' _ . _ . -- . 'ii - TYPE FOUNDRY ad *•"' Printer's Emporium, ESTABLISHED 18)8. The enberribera desire to ad vise their friends and the Printing Interest generally, tbat#ee Ihe late fire, which injured only the manu- I faotoring department of their establishment, J they hare entirely re ft'fid the same with j new machinery. and lae availed them- | selves of the opportunity to introduce every f MODERN IMPROVEMENT which long experience end capital can com mand; and that they have therefore unequal ed facilities for produina flPl of superior excellence and durability, and cf supplying all outers far the same with greet (just issued) will be freely given to all who wlt-hTo poiuhaae, when applied Tor. Printers will please be particular in directing how it may be sent. We also furnish every article needed in a Printing Office, at manufacturer's prices. PRESSES, (MACHIXE AtiD HAND,) Boea', Toy lore', Adams', Baggies', CHASE'S DIAMOND PSE3S, (of which we ere sole agents in this city,) and of every other maker in the United States; Ink, Cases, Stands, Imposing Stones, Composing Stinks, Galleys, (brass and wood,) Chases, Furniture, &0., &c. Orders will likewise be filled for Paper,. Cards, and PRINTER'S STOCK of every kind. Eleoirotypitrg end Stereotyping ia ell their branohea. Type Copper-Faced to Order. Old 'Type received in exchange for new at nine cents per pound, if delivered in sixty daya from the date of purchase ; if later, but six cents per pound. BP* Publishers of Newspapers who will insert this advertisement three times with this note, and forward at a paper containing the seme, will be paid in printing materials by purchasing four times the amount, ot their > bill for the advertisement, t Second Hand Presses (Machine and Rand) usually on die. Our now Combination Borders, which, ! since their introduction have beeo carelully revised, and can now be justified with the i greatest nicety, hereafter will be sold el SO t cents per pound. ; KtSte t WM - hagar ' New Yowt Nov. 26, 1356. I COLUMBUS MAjt AND FEMALE dDu C£B cCk. £E*QB S2C2 "hS* 8 Luzerne Cotciiy, Pa. fTtHE Trustees of this faptiiution respectfully X snnouDce, that it wh! ho openeJ for tho reception of Pupils, of boA sexes, on Monday, October 20tb next, under flic immediate care of ' Pmf. JAMES ANDERSON . Principal. Mr. A. is a geidlemM of extensive acquire ments. and as an educator, and has been with the most popular "High School" of Bucks Co. for several years : M*fit favorably known aa a con tributor to aotgpßf cur leading educational peri- OF INSTRUCTION Will cunpe Orthography, Definitions, Read ing, PenaSrislnp, Etymology. Geography, Eng. * Gtemniat, Compoaition, Arithmetic Algebra, QgOWtry, Mensuration, Plane and Spherical Tttgonoiuetry, Surveying, Navigotion, Aatrnn . My, dec. Book Keeping, History, Physiology, Natural, Intellectual, and Moral Philoaophy, and Chemiatry, Classes in the French, Spanish Latin I.anguagsa will he formed as early aa practica ble, and. frratructlon on Piano-Porte will be given if desired. WEEKLY LECTURES op the Natural Sciences, illustrated by appropriate apparatus will also ha given. SPECIAL ATTENTION will be paid" to young Ladies and Genlltmt u designing <o qual ify themselves pa Teachers. TERMS: FOUR, FIVE and BIX Collars per Quarter in accordance with the studies pursued, payable one half in advance and tbe balance at the close of the Quarter. GOOD BOARD can ba had in the villago at a moderate price. Etf" Mr. A. will deliver an addrevg on Physi cal, Intellectual and Moral education, on the day of commencement, when his method ol imparting instruction will be illustrated, and the discipline nd management of the cbool, fully explained. Patents, Guardians, and the friends of educa lion generally, arc cordially invited to ba pres ent- . D. L. OHAPIN, I 0. M. BTEVENS, JOHN KOONS. N.D. STILES, BILAS DODSON, j JOHN YAPLE, THOMAS PEALER, Columbus, Sept, 4, 1856. Trustees. FUESII ARRIVAL ANEW lot ol cheap muslins Bnd prints juat received by railroad and for sale by A. C. MENSCH AUGUSTINE DUGANNE writes for the Saturday Evening Post. THE RAID OF BURGUNDY, a Tale of the Swiss Cantons. Bee proapeotus in an other place. (VI KS. EriLli. N. SOUTH WORT H writes for the Saturday Evening Post- See roapeetus in another place. I The llKedicime of the Million. 'j>naiiflSo I be Exciting Cause of Sickness. The blood it the life sustaining agent. It furnishes the components of flesh, hone, muscle, nerve and integument. The stomacli it it* manufactory, the veins its distributors, and the intestines thechsnoel through which the waste matter rejected in its productions is expelled. . Upon the stomach, the circula tion and the bowels, these Pills art simulta neously, relieving indigestion, purifying tbe fluids, and regnlatiig the excretions. TUB XiTIONAL COMPLAINT. Dyspepsia is the most common disease among ali classes in this country. It assumes a thousand shapes, and is tbe primary source of innumerable dangerous maladies; but whatever its type or symptoms, however ob stinate its r.pistaiice to ordinary preparations, it yields readily and rapidly to this eearobing and onerring remedy. BILIOUS AFFECTIONS. The quantity and quality of the bile are of vital importance to health. Upon the liver, the gland which secretes this fluid, these Pills operate specifically, infallibly rectifying I its irreaularities, ami effectually curing Juuti , dice, Bilious Remittents, and all the varieties ■ I of disease generated by an unnatural cortdi . j tion ol the organ. , | KtOWLL COMPLAINT?. I i Unices the bowels perioral their functions properly, the whole body .ufleri. Tens oi thousands die annually of Djsentery, Diar rhmn, Chronio consumption, and other dis ' oases of these waste pfpes of the system.— The eflect of the Pills upon all intestinal dis orders, whether casual or epidemic, is a phenomenon in medicine. By follow ing the printed directions, the most alarming cases of bo Pel complaint are promptly controlled. ' A Word lo Fcmnlcs. The local debility and irregularities which are lite especial annoyances of ihe weaker | sex, and which, when neglected, always '.{.shorten life, are relieved for the lime being, 1 anrf. -jgeventcd for tlio time to come, by a course of*4us mild but thorough alterative. HOLLtmgrS PILLS hip the best remedjrkiiown in the world for the following diseases; Asthma, diarrhoea, Bowel Complaints, Dropsy, Coughs Debility, Colds, Fever and Ago*, Chest Diseases, Female Complaints, Cosliveitess, Headaches, Dyspepsia, Indigsstion, , Stone and Gravel Influenza . Secondary Symptoms Inflammation Venereal Affections Inward weakness Wormp of all kinds Liver complaints Lowness of epirits Piles, i Sold at the manufactories of Prof. Hollo way, 80 Maiden Lane, New York, and 244 Strand London, by all respectable Druggists and dealers in medicine throughout Ihe U. S. and the civilized world, in boxes at 25 cents, (52} els..and SI each. CThere is a considerable saving by l%k in" the larger sizes. N. B. Directions for the guidance of pa tients in every disorder are affixed to each 1 box. [Ana. 13, 1896. FIR*T AlfiilVAL! OF SPUING AND SUMMER GOODS! AC. MENCH respectfully informs his * friends, customers, and the public gen erally that he has just received from Phila delphia the first goods of Ihe season, consist ing of a large assortment of choice and de sirable For the spring and summer trade comprising, | for men's wear: Superior Black, and Colored French Cloths, Black French Doeskins and Cassimere. Black Satin and Fancy Silk Vestings. Blue, Black, Brown and Green Casbmerel'.e*. . LADIES' WEAR. Elegant Black Silks, all qnalilias. Barege De Laines and Challi Bareges. Plain, Pink, Blue and Green De Laines. Bombazine Finish Black Alpacas. French, Scotch and Domestic Ginghams. Worked Collars, and Linen Handkerchiefs. Hosiery cf all kinds and qualities. Calicoes ol all patterns and descriptions. FURNISHING GOODS. Linen and Cotton Sheeting. Bleached and Unbleached Muslins. Linen Damasks and Table Covers. Besides a large assort meat of Boots ar.u Shoes, Sugar, Coflue, Tdas, and all kinds of Groceries, Hardware, &c., which Will be sold remarkably cheap. Call at the old stand, corner of Main arid Market streets. CV FLOUR & FEED always on hand, and (or sale at the lowest market price, for CASH. A. C. MENSCH. Blnom'bnre. April 2, ISSB, STOVES! STOVES! STOVES! THE undersigned informs Ins friends and the public in general, that he has J the entire interest in lha Tinware and Stove Establishment, v on Main Street, one door above the Court j House, liloomsburg. where he is prepared to a furnish Tijwnre, Stoves, Stovepipe, and r Spouting, and all other business in hia liue on shoit notice, and in good order. • j The New llaub and William Penn Cook- v ing Stove, and also a large assortment of ( Far Cor S©veii, v constantly on band and for sale at moderate a prices. • f X3T Thankful icr former patronage, be re- t spectfully solicits a coa-Lnuapce of the same. JOSEPH SHARI'LESS. Blormsbnrg. May 6. IBsf. YS-AJEt. •IDDD Agents Wanted. AGENTS wanted in every part of the Ur.l ted States, 10 sell a beautiful and instructive 0 wort, "Ths PANORAMA OF THE OLD e WORLD and the NEWcomprising, A view ol'lhe present state of the Nations 11 of tbe world, their manners, customs, and 1 ,'.ecuHsrities, and their politieal, nfbral, social f a.'-d industrial condition ; interspersed with 6 Uistocial Sketches and Anecdotes* " By WILLIAM PINNOCK, Author of the His- c tory of England. Greece ond Rome. Enlarged revised aim embellished with several hund red engravings from designs of Croome, Dev ereux, and other distinguished artists, it is, also, illustrated with twenty four beautifully coloted plates, with costumes ol various na tions, &c., &c. r Agents selling ibis work haycolearad Sioo n a month. 1 tST Send for a specimen copy and pro a epectus, which will be sent by mail, post paid, I on receipt of $3 00, with particulars of agen- s cy . J. W. BRADLEY, Publisher. * 48 North Fourth Street, Philads. t .N. B—ln addition lo the usual percentage, we make an extra inducement to Agents in the way of PREMIUMS. JmL B. Nov. 9, 1856-2ra. jm LAND WARRANTO, SEVERAL 120 Acre Land Warrants can be putchaeed by application at ibis Office. . Employment for 1,000 Per nw. WANTED, immediately, Agent* in every county in the United Slates, to engage in the sale oi The Garden cf the World; or T/u Great West—lie History, In Wtalth, he hat ural Advan tages, and lie Future. Comprising a complete Guide to Emigrants, with a lull description of the Different Rooter Westward. By C. W. Dans, of Chicago, 111., Author of "Western Scenes," "Lite in lha West." tic., tm. With statistics and facts from Hon. Thomag H. Benton, Hon. Samuel Houston, Col. John C. Fremont, and blhet '..ld settlers.' Comprising ah outline History of the whole West, from the time Ihe Bret honter who ever trod the pathless woods, to the whistle of the last locomotive that has yet sped along its boundless prairies, giving a full description of the Soil, Climst", and Farming resources of each Stale and Terrilo ry. Also, the Railroads completed, in prog ress, snd projected, together with tbe Reli*. > ions complexion, Educational provisions, and Population, from the statistics of 1855 and 'r| 58 z!\T' lnusfift ' *°° P*K®'- Retail Address D RULISON, No. 82 Southard Street, Philadelphia; Pa., or, ;f living Weat lo H. M. Rulison, Cincinnati, Ohio. ' A sample copy will be mailed, post paid, on receipt of price. Also a full list of my publicalionf, with terms to agents. P. S.—Editors of any regular weekly news paper or monthly periodicals throughout the United States, giving tbe above advertise ment four or more iifsertior.s, including this nonce, and sanding me copies of tbe papers. Sic., containing the same, shall have a copy rustled to their address, postage naid - Nov 26, J856. Employment for the Winter The Beet Book for Agents. TO PERSONS OUT OF EMPLOY MENT. An Elegant Gift for a Father lo present (obis FAMILY. S end for one Copy and try it among Four Friends. t WAN FED—Agents in every section of the L7nitetl Males and Canada, to ciroalate Start' Large 'lypt Quarto Bible, for Family Use- Emitted The People's Pictorial Domestic Bihie With about One Thousand Engravings! This useful book is deslined, if we can lo;m an opinion from tho polices of the Press, to have au unprecedented circulation in every section ot our wide spread continent, and to form a distinct era in the sale of our works, ft will, no doubt, in a few years become tbe Family Bible of the American People. The most liberal remuneration will be al lowed to all persons who may be pleased to procure subscribers to the above. From SO to 100 copies may easily be circulated and sold in each of ihe principal cities and towns Union. It will be sold by subscription Application should be made at once as tho field will soon be occupied. Persons wishing lo act as agents, and do O safe business, csn send for a specimen copy. On receipt ol the established price, Six Dol lars, the PICTORIAL FAMILY BIBLE, with e wgll bound Subscription book, will be carefully boxed, and forwarded per exptess, at our risk and expense, to any central town or village in the United Slates, excepting those of California, Oregon and Texas. Regismr your letters and your money will come safe. ln addition to the Pictorial Bible, we pub lish a large number of Illustrated Family Works, very popular, and of such a high moral and unexceptionable character, that while good men may safely engage in their circulation, they w-ill confer a public benefit, and receive a Fair Compousatiou for their labor. £3* Orders respectfully solicited. For fur ther particulars, address iho subscriber, pott paid. ROBERT SEARS, 181 William Street, New York. Dec. to, 1856. THE RUSSIAN WAR! We have just published a new editioo of this popular and saleable work, and can now supply our Agents and Canvassers without daisy. , v Besides a complete History of tbe War, it includes the Life and Reigu of Nicholas I.* " with sketches of SCHAMYL, the Circassian Chief, arid other distinguished cbiractera; also descriptions of Russian Society and Gov ernment, &e., making one of me most inter esting works ever published. It isbeautlfbl ly illnsirated with flue tinted plat**, and bound in the best manner. VVe ser.d a spe cimen copy wirh particulars of agency to any part of tho United Stales, free of post age, on receipt of the prioa, 81.25. J. W. BRADLEY, Pubiisktr. No. 48 Nonh Fourth Street, PHILADELPHIA, ft. November 24, 1856.-4t. OMNIBUS Im. LINK AND srjo 6S3 a EPcpcstaaaasaes NJOW runs a new omnibus burg and the Railroad Depot, which will lake passengers from and lo any of the residences of the town, hr the American House ar.d Forks Hotel; and he will also furnish conveyances to all Iravellars who may wish to go into any part of tbe connty Tire omnibus will leave Bioomsburg twice daily at 12 o'clock M., and at 2 o'clock P. M. idV Pare 12} ceo s each way. He has ali-o a large livery stable oormected with tire omnibus line, from which ha can accommodate tbe publio, with conveyances • for travelling, pleasure excursions or busi ness. Siend iji the rear of Hoffman & Else's establishment, Dear the oentre of ihe town. NOAH S. PRENTISS. Bioomsburg, June 3, 1855.—1y. Administrator's Notice. NOTICE is hereby given, that Utters of adminknration have been granted upon tbe estate of Peter Evelaod, late ot Fishingcroek township, Columbia county, deceased, to the undersigned Administrator residing also in the said townauip of Fishiugcreek. All per son! icdebted to Ihe said estate art request ed to make payment Without delay, and ibose having aocounta to present thom for settle ment to • PETER EVELAND, I .... JOHNEVELAND, f Mmyt Fi-hingereek, Nov 15, 1856. Administrator'* Notice. NOTICE is hereby given (hat letters of ad ministration upon the estate of Benj. Hay man, late of Orange lowu*bip, Columbia co , deceased, have been granted to lha under signed residing it> Centra township, Colum bia county. All persona indebted to the said estate are requested to make payment without delay, and those having accounts to present them for settlement to SOLOMON NEYHARD, Centre, Nov 17, 1856. Adm'r. FOB REIT. A store building on Main street, Blooms burg, for rent on reasonable term*. GEORGE WEAVER Bioomsburg, No*. 24. 1889.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers