Executor*' Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that letters testa mentaiy upoe the estate of Philip Krickbaum, late of Bentor. township, Columbia county, deceased, have been granted to the under signed residing alto in the said township of Beaton. All persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make payment with out delay, and those having accounts against tba decedent 'o present them for settlement to ISAAC K. KRICKBAUM, SAM'L P. KRICKBAUM, Executors, Beaton, Deo. 4, 1856. Orphan*' Court Notice. To ft# devisees of the estate pf Robert Shore, late of Sugartonf township, Colombia county, deceased. • TAKF. NOTICE that an application of J. O. Pennington and George Moore, Executors of the said estate (o the Orphan*' Court of Colombia county for an order to sell for the payment ol debts tbe following real estate ol the said Robert Moore deceased so far ae the same is sitnate in Columbia county ; viz:— a tract of land situate in the township of So gsrloaf in the county aforesaid snd partly in the township of Fairroount in the county ol Luutna, containing 262 Acres and 648 perches, adjoining lands of tbe heirs ol Sam uel Stead man, lands of Jpsiah Lockard, Ez ekielShullx, Jonathan Pennington and o'ti ers, on which is erected a Log House and frame Bstn; tbe said Court has granted a rule upon the devisees of the snid real estate of Robert Moore deoeased to appear on the first Monday of February next, and show cause why tbe order of sale as prayed for should nbt be granted. JACOB EYERLY, Clerk of Ihe Oixhans' Court. Clark's Office, / Bloomsburg, Dec. 9, 1856. j PYJBIiIC SALE VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Columbia county, on SATURDAY the 3rd day of JANUARY next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, Franklin Mo- Bride and Levi Aikman, Administrators, &0., of John Old, Isle of Hemlock township, in said county, deceased, will expose to sale by publio vendue, upon the premises, a certain TRACT OF LAND, situate in Hemlock township, Columbia Co., adloining lands of Vaniah Reese on the south end west, lands belonging to the heirs of Henry Obi on Ihe east and north, and con taining about 101 ACRES, There are on the premises s good frame DWELLING HOUSE,a bank BARN, a good wagon-shed and other outbuildings. About 60 acre* of the land is cleared and improved, and there are on the premises a good . APPLE ORCHARD, and other fruit trees. There is a good well of water near the dwelling. Late the estate of said deceased, situate in the township of Hemlock and county afore- Mid. FRANKLIN McBRIDE, LEVI AIKMAN, Hemlock, Dec. 9, 1856. Administrators. The Great P&nily Weekly Paper. THE NEW YORK LEDGER has now at attained the extraordinary- circulation of Ooe Hundred and Ninety Thousand copios. The Ledger is devoted to Folde Literature, Original Tales, Sketches, Poetry, Essays, Gos sip, and Cnirent News, and maintains a high moral tone. It is every where acknowledged to be the best family paper in the world ! Hence its extraordinary aud unheard ot pop ularity. Mr Bonner, the Proprietor or me Ledger, emyloys the best talent in the coun try, and by so doing make* the best paper. Such writer* as Fanny Fern, Sylvanus Cobb, Jr., and Emerson Bennett, are perma nently engaged on it, and will write for no other paper hereafter. Mrs. Sigourney, also, constantly writes for it; so do a host of nlhar popular authors, including Mr. Emma D. E. N. Southworlh, Alice Carey, Mrs. Vaushan, Mary W. Stanley Gibson, Clara Sydney,&o., Tbe Ledger ia beautifully illustrated every week. The New Yoik Ledger i printed on beau tiful white paper, and is composed of eight pages, making the handsomest weekly pa per in tbe country. It is published every Saturday, and sold at all the news offices in every city and town throughout the country ; and is mailed for subscribers at two dollars per annum; two copier are senl for three dollars. Any person obtaining eight subscri bers at $1,50 each, (which is our lowest club 'rales?) and sending us sl2 will be entitled to one copy Free. Terms invariably in ad vance. Address all letters to BOBERT BONNER, Publisher of the New York Ledger, 44 Ann Street, New York. N. B.—Now is a good limn lo subscribe a* Emerson Bennett 1 * Great Original Novel of Frontier Life, will be commenced in the Ledger on the first of January. Employment for the Winter The Beet Book for Agents. TO PERSONS OUT OF EMPLOY MENT. An Elegant Gift fore Faiherto present lohis FAMILY. Send for one Copy and try it among Your Friends. WAN TED— Agents in every section of the United Slates and Canada, to circalate Sears' Large Type Quarto Bible, lot Family Use— Entitled The People's Picte rial Domestic Bihie With abom One Thousand Engravings! This book it Ue-tined, If Mnn lorn an opinion from the notices of tbo Press, to have an unprecedented circulation in every section df our wide spread continent, and to form • distinct as* in the sate of out works. It will, no doubt, in a few ysars become tbe Family Bible of tbe American People. - The most liberal remuneration wilfbe al lowed to all persons who mav bo pleased to procure subscriber* to tba above. From 50 to 100 copies may easily be circulaied and ■old in each of the prinoipal cities and towns •I the Union. It will be sold by subscription only. Application should be made at onca as the field will soon be occupied. Person* wishing to eel n agents, and do a sate business, co send tor a specimen copy. On receipt of the established price, Six Dol lars, ihe PICTORIAL FAMILY BIBLE, with a well bound Subscription book, wiH be csrofully boxed, snd forwarded per oxpiaea, at our risk and expense, to my central town ot village in Ihe United States, excepting ffioea of California, Oregon and Texas. Register your latter* and yoar money will eerteeste. In addition to the Pictorial Bible, we pub lish a large number of illustrated Family Works, very popular, and of such a high moral and unexceptionable character, that while good men may safely engage iu their citenletion, they will confer a public benefit, end receive a Fair Compensation for their labor. BP" Orders respectfully solicited. Forfur ther particnlxre, addressthe subscriber, poet paid. ROBERT SEARS. 181 William Street, New Yoik | Dec. 10, 1856. j Prospectus lor 18S7. TIE BJLTIJR)>A?ETENI!IG POST. Established August 4th, 1831. THE pobliebers of tbia old and firmly es tablished paper lake pleasure in calling the attention of (be public to their programme Tor 'hecoming year. Surfeited with politics, the claims of literature will be more than ev er appreciated by tbe reading world. We have therefore already made arrangements 1 with the following brilliant Hal of writera:— WM. HOWITT (of England,) ALICE CA REY, T. S. ARTHUR, MRS. SOUTH WORTH, AUGUSTINE DUGANNE, MRS M. A. DENNISON, tbe author of "ALLAH." &c., See. We design commencing, in the first num ber in January next, the following original Novelet;— TallflßgeUa, or the Squatter's HOMO. By WILLIAM HOWITI, author of "Rural Life in England," "Homes ol the Poets," fkc. tec. This is a Story of Australian Life, Mr. Howitt having visited Australia expressly with tbe object of acquainting himself with tbe novel and romantic aspects undsr which nature and society present themselves in that singular region. Tfce following Novelets will then be given, though probsbly not in the exact order here mentioned—| THE STORY OF A COUNTRY GIRL By Alice Carey. An original Novelet, writ ten expressly for the Poet. THE WITHERED HEART. An original Novelet, written expressly fortbe Post, liy T. S. Arthur. LIGHTHOUSE ISLAND. An original Novelet, by the author of "My Confession," "Zillsh, or Its Child Medium," lie. THE QUAKER'S PROTEGE. An original Novelet, by Mrs. Mary A. Den ison, author of ' Mark, the Sexton," "Home Pictures," &c. THE RAID OF BURGUf|)Y. A Tale of the Swiss Cantons. An origiaai Novelette, by Aogostiue Duganne, author of "The l.ost o( the Wilderness," Sic. We have also the promise of a Short and Condensed NOVELET, by Mrs. SOUTHWORTH to run through about six or eight numbers of the Post. In addition to the above list of contribu tions, we design containing the usual amount of Foreign Letters. Original Sketches, Choice Selections from all sources, Agricultural Ar ticles, General News, Hunwrous Anecdotes, View of the Produce and Stock Markets, the Philadelphia Retail Markets, Bank Note List, Editorials, &o , Sic., pur object being to give a Complete Record, as far as our limits will admit, of the Great World. ENGRAVINGS.—In the way of Engra vings, we generally present two weekly—one ol an instructive, and the other of a humor ous character. The postage on the Post to any part of the United States, paid or yearly in ad vance, at the office where it is received, is only 25 cents a year. | TERMS—Cash iu advance—Single copy 92 a year. 4 copies, 0 $5.00 a year. 8 " And one to the getter up of the Club, 10.00 " [II " do. do. do. 15.00 " 20 " do. do. do. 20 00 " Address, always post paid, DEACON & PETERSON, No. 06 South Third Street, Philadelphia. vr Sample Numbers sent gratis to any one, when requested. [4B, MT EVERY READER smft WILL please notice the advertisement de scriptive ofMr.Seat*' Pictorial Family Bible, and send fnr the Printed Catalogue ol all our Illustrated Work*. .To the undated in the great art of selling Books, we would say that we preseot a scheme for money making, far belter than all the gold mines of California aud Aus tralia. tW Any person wishing to embark in the enterprise, will risk Utile hy sending to the Publishers $25, for which he will receive sample copies of the vaiious worke, —at wholesale prices,—carefully boxed, insured, and diiected, affording a very liberal percent age to the agent lor his trouble. With these be will soon be able to ascertain the most | saleable and order accordingly. Address, post paid, ROBFRT SEARS, Publisher. 181 New York. MECCA AND MAHUMJHED. G. P. RUTNAM & CO. Will publish Thursday, September 25, Bur ton's Pilgrimage to Mecca and the tomb "bf the Prophet, with introduction by Bay ard Taylor. 1 vol. 12m0., with illustra tions SI 50. The history of this curious boy is as follows; Burton, an officer in the East India Com pany, having by a long residence in Upper India, acquired a perfect knowledge of the Oriental languages and customs, projected a visit under the auspices of the Royal Geo graphical Society, to tbe holy city of Mecca and the tomb of the Prophet at Medina, places rarely if ever before visted by any Englishman. Tbia ha successfully accom plished in 1853-4, disguised as a Moham medan Dervish. The history of tbe prilgrim age is nnt surpassed in interest and original ity by any book or travel ever published— embracing bis residence at Cairo as a Mo hammedan Student; the journey across the desert with the great annual caravan of Pil grims; the visit to the tomb of Mohammed ; tbe discovery that tbe Sacred black stone is an aerolite; the annual sermon preaobed at Mecca to an estimated audience of 150,000 Pilgrims gathered from all parts of (be Mos lem world ; bis narrow escapes from detec tion, snd tbe only accurate account of the ceremonies of the Mosselman faiib. To the religious community tbia work fur nishes information never before made pub lic, respecting the ceremonial lawa of a large proportion of tbe Eastern World; while for general interest, Burton's nairative will oom pare favorably with either Eolhen or Cres cent and the Cross. G. P. PUTGAM & CO., No. 231, Broadway, N. Y. _____ ■CUfiTYTFtiCo fcjEVEKAL 120 Acre Land Warrants can be purchased by applieailoo at this Office. '■THIBET SHAWLS with silk fringe, a JL fine'lot just received and for sale by A C. MENSCH. T IGHT-HOUSE ISLAND, an original -*- i Novelet, by tbe author of "Zillah," &c„ will he published in tbe Saturday Evaping Poet. See prospectus in another place. M RS.~Mk.RY A. J - TA for the iKturday Evening Poet.— THE QUAKER'S PROTEGE. See prospectus in anotbev-^| a ce. FANCY GOODS, of every SQaoription and variety, hew styles, and fresh IrdWrfew York and Philadelphia, for sale at the clfbu> store M'KEI.VY, NEALfcyp MUSLINS a yard wide for 8 cents, aba good prints for 6J cents just received by A. C. MENSCH 'WKTILLIAM HOWIYT, the Celebra ted English author, writea for l|te Saturday Evening Post. TALLEN GETTA or the SQUATTER'S HOME Bee Prospermia in another piece. ALICE CARY writes for the Satur day Evening Poet. THE BTORY OF A COUNRY GIRL. See Prospec tue in another place. TS. ARTHUR write* lor the Satur • day Evening Poet. THE WITH ERED HEART. See proepectue in an other column. HAVE YOU SUBSCRIBED lie TUB COSMOPOLITAN ART ABBOCIATION FOR THE THIRD YEAR 9 OEE THE RARE INDUCEMENTS!—The & management bave the pleasure of an nouncing that tbe collection ol Works of Art designed for distribution among tbe subscri bers, whose names tre received pievious to the 28th of Janusry, 1867, is much larger aud more costly than oo any previous year.— Among tbe leading works in Sculpture—ex ecuted in the finest Marble—is the new and beautiful S:stne nf the "WOOD NYMPH," The Busts of tbe tlyee great Ameriuan States men, CLAY, WEBSTER & CALHOUN, Also the exqnisite ideal Boat, • * bB3 CP £l2 ££ C 3- o • APPOLLO AND DIANA, In Marble, Life Size. Together with the following Group* uud Stat ues in Cavrara Msibla—of the v Struggle for the Heart, Venus and Apple, Psyche, Magdalen, Child of the Sea, Innocence. Captive Bird I and Little Truant. f With numerous works in Bronze, and a col lection of several hundred Fine Oil Paintings, by leading Artists. The whole of which are to be distributed F or allotted among tbe subscribers whose names are received previous to tbe 28th of - January, 1857, when tbe Distribution will ! take place. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Every subsciiber of three dollars is entitled i to A copy of the epleadid Steel Engraving, 1 "Saturday Night," or A copy of any of the following S3 Maga -1 zines one year; also A copy of the Ait Journal one year, and A Ticket in the Annual Distiibution of Works of Art. . Thus, for every S3 paid, a person not only gets a beautiful Engraving or Magazine one year, but also receives the Art Journal one year, and a Ticket iu tbe Annual Distiibution, making four dollars worth of reading matter besides the ticket, by whioh a valuable paint ing or piece of statuary may be received in addition. Those who prefer Magazines to the Engra ving 'Saturday Night,' can have either of the following one year; Harper's Magazine, Godey's Lady's Book, United States Maga- ' zine, Knickerbocker Magazine, Graham'* ' Magazine, Blackwood Magazine, Southern ! Literary Messenger. No person is restricted to a single share. 1 Those taking five memberships, remitting 1 Sis, are entitled to aiz Engravings, and to siz tickets in the distribution, or any five of - the Magazines one year, and six tickets. Persons, in remitting funds lor member- . ship, will please register (be letter at tbe Post Office, to prevent loss; on receipt o f which, a certificate of Membership, together with the Engraving or Magazine desired, will be forwarded lo any pari of the country. For further particulars, see" inn itovemoer Art Journal, sent free on application. For membership, address C. L. DERBY, C. A. A., 348 Broadway, N. Y., or Western Office, 165 Water Street, Sandusky, Ohio, or ROBERT F. CLARK, Hon. See. Bloomsburg, Penna. Nov. 26, 1856. TO SCHOOL TEAIUERS. Teachers of Columbia county ™ who have not yet obtained certificates sre hereby notified thst examinations will take place at the office of tbe CouDly Su perintendent in Bloomsburg on every Satur day afternoon, and at no other time. All ' the examinations sbould have been public and in the presence of the Directors; but the present arrangement will accommodate all who still desire an examination. All other time will now be required for the visitation of schools. R. W. WEAVER. Bloomsburg, Nov. 11, 1856. NEW MARBLE YARD ZXT BLCOKSBTO.G. HIRAM 8. CAREY HAS opened a Marble Yard jet the corner of Mail) and Market Streets, where he i* prepared to finish tbe best of work trom Italian or Araerican Marble for Tomb-stones, Tables, Mantles, Window-sills and lentils. For tba character and finish of his work he refers to such aa ha has made is this county. He will furnish designs for work or execute any that may be furnished to him. His work shall always be satisfactory ' in its style and reasonable in prion. Bloomsburg, Dec. 1, 1856. . ! TOLLSATBEACHHAVEN. COLLECTOR'S OFFICX, I 1 Beach Haven, Nov. Ist,-1856. ) R. W. Wxsvxa, ESQ., — Dear Sir:— The a ' 'mount of lolls reeeived at this office duriog the mouth of October is <38,541,01 > Amount previously reported 189,087,10 r Total am't since Nov. 30,1855, 8227,628,11 " " same period in '55, 206,888,88 Increase in 1856, . ; . . . $21,388,58 Respectfully yours, PETER ENT, Collector. GRAND JWRORB RETORT. To the Honorable, the Judges of the Court of Qnarter Sessions of the Peace in and for County of Columbia. The Grand Inquest of tbe Common weMth ■ of Pennsylvania, inquiring for (be body of i the county of Columbia, respectfully report, r' that they have examined the pnblio buildings and find tbsm in good order, tbe recomiMn dations of former inquests being attended io. I We farther report ihe ,oads in Conyngham , and Cattawiasa townships, generally in bad condition. The bridge over Pine Creek, at ' Solomon Buss' in Fisbingcreek township, f wanting repair. Index hoards in Fishing', creek ttr.d Conyngham townships down. We - would recommend the Supervisors of Cata i wissa township, to fill up the road near tbe - creek, at what i* oelied tbe Narrows, so that j it will be above high water and ice, oa lite road leading from Calawissa to Mainvilie. All of which is respectfully submitted this . 3d dsy of December, A. D. 1896. \ JOHN CHAMBERLIN, Foreman. > FOR RENT A store building on Maia street, Blooms burg, lor real en reasonable terms, f GEORGE WEAVER. ( bloomsburg, Nov. 24, 1856. BOOK, CARD AND FANCY <£KE>X33 XPXELXZSy'tPtisarCC'. THE PROPRIETOR OF THE "STAR OP THfc NORTH." Having added lo :be fixtures of the "STAB" Office good and extensive JOBBING MATERI AL,. it prepared to execute all kinds of JOB PBINTUICI in Ibe best tl|T STYLE, and at short notice. Certificates of Slock arut ijepositc, Constitutini for Societies, 1 Rank Checks, Promissory Notes, ' * > Hail Road arid other Tickete, Catalogue*, Paptt Boakti Bill Tftmtle, Check Rolls, Plain and Fancu Cards, Business atid olhtr Circulars, Posters Plain and in Colors. .. ANDPBJMsaro or AM KINDS Carl be Procured at the "Star" Job Office, AS PROMPTLY ANi NEATLY PRINTED AS IN THE CITY. SLPQQ.CO SX2aodQL2l(9enklL SXia^tPaDopaaacvii^ A monthly periodioal is published at tfaia office in excellent style and workmanship, and with superior material. The public are invited to call and see specimens, as we are determined to merit patron age by strict attention to buticess and superior workmanship. Bloomsburg, June 2, 1856. New Arrival of Spring and Summer Goods. SX£ar3S.Oßl2os3P^r i HAVE just received and opened their stock of merchandize for Spring and Summer sales, which comprises the LARGEST, CHEAPEST, and HANDSOMEST assortment now offered In tbis!TOWN! Hsviqg paid great atlentionao the selection of (heir eutire stock, as to price ana quality, may fnßnittvm.lsu that they can compete with the cheapest, and all (hose wishing to buy ebaap, can aave money by giving us a call. We have all kinds of Goods and Wares lo supply tha wants of the People. A very large lot of LADIES DRESS GOODS, French merinoes, wool plaids, alpacas, bombaeines, de hages, poplins, parametta cloths, mohair lucres, muslin de laines, Persian clothe, Ginghams, Calicoes, &c. WHITE GOODS OF ALL KINDS, Sieve*. Collars, Spencers, handkerchief*, flouncing*, bands and trimmtngs, laces and edgings, bonnet ribbons, in large variety, vel vet ribbons, and braids, kid, cottob, and lisle thread cloves, mohair milts, &c., All kinds ot SHAWLS, brocke, Bay State, Waterville, black silk, cashmere, Embroder ed, &c. Also a very large assortment of cloths, cassimers, sattmelts, vesting*, tweeds; jeans, beaver cloths, coating velvet, Sic. BOOTS AND SHOES, OF ALL KINDS If SIZES FOR MEN WOMAN tf CHILDREN We hake a large assortment ol Hats and Caps of latest fashions. We bave also Hard ware, Queensware, Cedarware, &c. Very cheap carpets, carpet bags, floor, table and car riage oil cloths, mats rags, baskets, &c. Muslins flannels, tickings, diapers, toweling*, drillings, &c., in abutulauce. 0 We invite our frienas end the pubiio generally to give us a call before purchasing else where. We have booght our goods at Lowest Cash Prices and will not be undersold by anybody, or the rest of mankind. Bloomsburg, October it, 1866. SEL.L.IMO OUT JIT COST! SSacaaaum 4 £3Daca£raassß CSB<® BEING desirous of closing up their business in Bloontsburg as early BS practicable, offer for sale AT COST AND BELOW COST, their entire Stock of Good* consist ing of a full assortment of m FROCK, DRESS, BOX, SACK, GUM AND OIL CLOTH COATS, of all sorts and sizes, that the present enlightened age knows any thing about. Of Pants and Vests they have every color ol the rainbow, besides some black, biue, grey, striped and fancy ; Vests of satin, silk, buff, casimere, mareeillee, linen and worsted ol all fash ionable cuts and colors ; Working Panlsand boya clothing. Also fine white, figured and striped shirts, Pocket and Neck Handkerchiefs, Stocks, Ties, Scarfs, all kinds of gentle man dress goods ; Huts, Caps, Trunks, Traveling Bags and Umbrellas ; and Tliey have Undersleves, Spencers, Collars, Rigaletts, Gloves, Milts, Ladies'a bead-bag Handkerchiefs, &c., &c. Also Jewelry and Notions, such as Rings, Breast pins, Gold and Silver Pens and Pencils, Medallions, Vest and Fob cbaiue, Portraonies, Spectacles, Knives Razors and a well selectsd assortment of Accordeons. QT Remember the cheap store in the "Exchange Block" opposite the Court house. Bloomsburg, April 3, 1856. S. DREIFUSS, & Co. New arrival of Fall and Winter Goods! DAVID lOVTESTBERG 4 fNVITES attention to his slock of cheap and fashionale rlothing at his store oo Market street, two doors above the "American House," where he has a full assortment of men and boy's wearing apparel, including gox, sack, frock, gum and oil oloth coats of all sorts and sizes, pants of nil colors shawls stripes and figure, vests, shirts, cravats, stocks, collars, handkerchiefs, gloves, suspenders ana fancy articles. N. B. He will also make to order any article of clothing at very short noiioe and in the best manner. All his clothing is made to wear, and most of it is of home manufac ture. Bloomsburg, April 1, 1856. . TYPE FOUNDRY ADO Printer's Emporium, ESTABLISH®® 181. ~ The subscribers desire to ail visa their friends and llie Printing Interest generally, that since the late fire, which injured only the manu facturing department of their establishment, they have entirety refitted the same with new machinery, aud have availed them- i selves oi the opportunity to introduce every MODERN IMPROVEMENT whioh long experience and capital can com mand ; and that they have therefore unequal ed facilities forproduieg SEP -or OP OB of superior excellence and darability, and of supplying all orders far the same with great accuracy and promptness. Oar NEW SPECIMEN BOOK, (just issued) will be freely given to all who wish to pmohase, when applied lor. Printers will please be particular in greeting how it may be sent. We also famish every article needed in a Printing Office, at manufaotsfey's prices. FKESSSS, (machine and Sand,) noes', Taylors', Adions', Haggles', CHASE'S DIAMOND PRESS, (of which we are sole agents in this city,) and of every other Maler In the United States ; Ink, Cases, Stands, Imposing Stones, Composing Sticks, Galleys, (brassand wood,) Chases, Furniture, &c,, &c. Orders will likewise be filled for Paper, Cards, and PRINTER'S STOCK of every kind. Klectrotypiug and Stereotyping in all.their branches. Type Copper-Faced to Order. Old Type received in exchange for new 31 nine cents per pound, jf delivered in sixty ays from the date of purohase ; if later, bat six cenia per pound. TV Publishers of -.Newspapers who will insert this advertisement ihreq times with this note, and forward us a paper containing the same, will be paid in printing materials by purohastDg fonr limes the amount of tbeir bill for the advertisement. Second Hand Presses (Maobine and Hand) osnally on sale. Our new Combination Borders, which, since their introduction hate base careiully revised, end can now be justified with the greatest nicely, hereafter will be sold at 50 cents per pound. JOHN HAG AII.' | WM - HAGAR, Jr., It Co. New Vore, Nov. 26, 1356. COLUMBUS MALE AND FEMALE csa ije> aa SSC2 s Vsiizerne County, Pa. THE Trustees of (his Institution respectfully announce, that it will be opened for the reception of Pupils, of both seise, on Monday, • October 20tb next, under the immediate cere of ■ Prof. JAMES ANDERSON, te Principal. Mr. A. lea gentleman of extensive acquire. I menta. end enlarged experience ae en educator, I and his been connected with the moat popular . ''High School" of Bucks Co. for several years. He is also well and favorably known ee a con tributor to some of our leading educational peri odicals. THE COURSE OF INSTRUCTION Will comprise Orthography, Definitions, Read ing, Penmanship, Etymology, Geography, Eng. Grammar, Composition, Arilhmslio Algebra, Geometry, Mensuration, Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, Surveying, Navigation, Astron omy, Ac. Book Keepiug, History, Physiology, Natural, Intellectual and Moral Philosophy, and Chemistry. Clatiei in the French, Spaniih fy Latin Languages will be formed as early ae practica ble, end Instruction on Piano-Forte will be given If desired. . WEEKLY LECTURES on the Natural Sciences, illustrated by appropriate apparatus will aleo be given. SPECIAL ATTENTION will be paid to young Ladiea and Gentlemen designing io qual ify themselves as Teachers. TERMS: FOUR, FIVE and BIX Dollaie per Quarter in accordance with the studies pursued, payable one half in advance and tho balance at the cloee of ibe Quarter. GOOD BOARD cen be bed in the village at a moderate price. tf Mr. A. will deliver an address on Physi cal, Intellectual and Moral education, on the day of flommencement, when hie method of imparting instruction will be illustrated, end the discipline end management of the chool, fully explained. Parents, Guardians, and the friends of educe tion generally, are cordially invited I o be pree- j eat. D. L. UHAPIN, I B. M. BTEVENB, JOHN KOONg. N.D. STILES, SILAS DODSONf, JOHN YAPLE, THOMAS PEALER, Columbus, Sept, 4, 1859. Trustees. FRESH ARRIVAL- A NEW lot of cheap muslins and prints jnst received by railroad and for sale by A. A. C. MENSCH A UGUSTINE DUGANNE writes foi ' the Saturday Evening Posts THE RAID OF BURGUNDY, a Tale of the Swiss Cantons. See prospectus in an other place. \] ltd. R. b. fi.'N. WGuTiTWoKTII writes for the Saturday Evening Post. See prospectus in another place. N0 SUCH WORD A 8 FAIL." A RESISTLESS REMEDY. Circular (0 the Sick. THE Ata .hospital vuigeon* undoi'dic-sl pub licists r Europe, admit the unparalleled atili-infiamniatory and healing properties of tliii Ointment; government* sanction its nee in their naval and military services; and the mateei in this country and throughout the world report the utmost confidence id its curative props i lie- U penmate* the reuices of inflammation ami corruption which Underlie thh external eviden ces of dieaee, and neutralize the fiery element! which feed and exasperate the mete'dy. RHEUMATISM. SCROFULA, FRY SIPELAS. These ete among the most terri'ole and ago niziug dissasee of the muscles, the fleshy film and the akirr j yet in their worst forme, nut when eeemingly incurable, they invariably dia appear under a persevering application of thi soothing, healing antidote to pain and inflam mat ion. SALT RHEUM, FEVER SORES, STIFF JOINTS. In caves of Salt Rheum, Where medical wa tars, lotions, and evsry tecipe of the pharnraco poea have proved useless, the Ointment wil accomplish a thorough cure. Fever Borea bea ' quickly under iis influence, sod its relaxing ef feet upon contractud sinews is fruly wonderful DISCHARGING ULCERS. A most r.mvibvbM-vr.e knpy vhango is pro duced in the appearance of m.ilignant ulceri after a few applications of this Ointment. Tbr surrounding redness vanishes, and granules o , healthy flesh begin to take the place of ibe din charged matter. 1 his prccess goes on mote 01 seas Wpidly, until tha orifice is filled up will . lound material tnd tho ulcer radically cured. A WORD TO MOTHERS. The young- are the moat frequent sufferers ; from external injuries, and therefore every mother should have th't healing preparation constantly on hand. It is ah absolute specific . for aore breasts, and quickly removes the en . crusted sores which sometimes disfigure the heads and faces of childran. SIGNIFICANT FACTS, This Ointment is universally used on boapt tho Ailai tic and Pacific whaling fleet as a cure for ecorbutic affections and as the beat possible remedy for wounds and bruises. Large supplies of it have recently Keen ordered by the Sultan of Turkey for hospital purposes. Both the Ointment and Bills should be used in the following eases i Bunions, Skin Diseases, Burns, Swelled Glands, Chapped Hands, Bore Legs, I Chilblains, Bore Breasts, > Fistula, Bore Heads, Gout. Sore Throats, l.umbago, Sores of all kinds, . Mercutial Eruptions, Sprains, I Piles, Stiff joints, Rheumatism, Tetter, Ringworm, Ulcers, Bait Rheum, Venereal Bores. Scalds, Wounds of all kinds, Bold at the Manufactories of Professor HOLLOW AT, 80 Maiden Lane, New York, and 244 Strand, London, by all respectable Drug. | gist* and Dealers in Medicine throughout the United Bates, and the civilised world, in potaa ' t 2 cents, 02 j cents, and $1 each. BP* There is considerable saving by taking tho larger sizes. N. ll.—Directions for the guidance of patient in every disordei are afilxed to each pot 31,} FIRST ARRIVAL ! OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS! AC. MENCH respectfully informs his • friends, customers, and the public gen erally that he has just received from Phila delphia the first good# of the season, consist ing of a large assortment of choice and de sirable For the spring and summer trade comprising, for men's wear: Superior Black, and Colored French Cloths, Black French Doeskins and Catsimere. Black Satin and Fancy Silk Vesting*. Blue, Black, Brown and Green Casbmereltes. LADIES' WEAR. Elegant Black Silks, all qualities. Barege De Laines and Cballi Bareges. Plain, Pink, Blue and Green De Laities. Bombazine Finish Black Alpacaa. French, Scotch and Domestic Ginghams. Worked Collars, and Linen Handkerchief. Hosiery of all kinds and qualities. Calicoes ol all patterns and descriptions. FURNISHING GOODS. Linen and Cotton Sheeting. Bleached and Unbleached Muslins. Linen Damasks and Table Covers. Besides a large assortment of Boots and Shoes, Sugar, Coffee, Tea#, and all kinds of Groceries. Hardware, &c., which will be sold remarkably cheap. Call at the old stand, corner of Main and Market streets. felff" FLOUR fit FEED always on hand, and (or sale at the lowest market price. lor CASH. A. C. MENBCH. Bloomahnrg, April 2, 1856. STOVES! STOVES! STOVES! THE undersigned inform* bis friends ■MR and the public in general, lhat he has entire interest in the Tinware and Stove Establishment, on Main Sireut, one door above the Court House, Bloomsburg, where he is prepared to furnish Tinware, Stovea, Stovepipe, and, Spouting, and all other business in bit line on shoit nolicu, and In good order. The New Raub and William Penn Cook ing Store, auti also a large assortment of Fnrlor Stoves, constantly on hand and for sale at moderate priest. OT Thankful lor former patronage, ha re spectfully solicits a continnance of the same. JOSEPH SHARPLESS. Blooms'oorg, May 8, IBse. 1,200 JL TEAR. 1000 Agent* Wanted. AGENTS wanted io every part of ihe Uni ted States, to sell a beautiful and instructive i sort, ''The PANORAMA OF THE OLD WOULD and the NEW f" comprising, A view of the present state of the Nations of the world, their manner*, eostoma, and peculiarities, and tbeir politioal, moral, social and industrial condition ; interspersed with Historical Sketches and Anecdotes. By WILLIAM PINNOCK, Author of the His tory or England. Greece and Rome. Enlarged revised and embellished with several hund red engraving* from designs of Croome, Dev. ereux, and other diatingniahrd artists. Il is, ai*C, illustrated with twenty four beautifully coloted plates, with costumes of various na tions,- io., &c. Agents selling this work have cleared 8100 a month. tar Send for a specimen copy tnd pro spectus, which will be sent by mail, post paid, on receipt of 83.00, with particulars of agen cy. J. W. BRADLEY, Pubiieber. 48 North Fourth Street) Pbllada. N. B —ln addition to (ho ttstral percentage, ww make an extra inducement to Agents m the way of PREMIUMS. J. Vf. 6. Nov. 8, 1896-21#. J | OMNIBUS Q JOE LINE if B IIiTERYS^STiBiE SETo 6t3 tJPap<3&aa<£djfip ]\J OW runt a new omnibus between Bloomit * borg and the Railroad Depot, which will take passengeti from and to any of the residences of me town, or the American House and Forks Hotel; and he will alao furnish conveyances to all travellers who may wish to go into any part of the ronnty The omnibus will leave Bloomsbr.ru twito daily at 10 o'clock A. M , and at 4 o'clock P. M. |y Fare 121 cen s each Wty. He has also a large livery stable counseled with the omnibus line, from which ba cia accommodate the public, with conveyance* "\ for travelling, pleasure excursions or bur.* ness. Stand in the rear of Hoffman 4e Kite's establishment, near the centre of the lowa. NOAH 8. PRENTISS Bloomsburg, June i, ISM ly. TUB lfibs6lAN WAttT"" ' We have joet published a new edition of this popular au<l saleable work, and can now supply our Agents and Canvassers without deity. . ... Besides a complete History of the War, it , includes the i Lift had Reign of Nicholas 14 with sketches of SCHAMVL, the Circassian ' Chief, and other dtstingoiahed characters; also descriptions of Russiall Society and Oov ernment, be., making one of the mdst Inter esting works ever published. It is beabtlKij. ly illustrated with fliu?, tinted pl.ites, and bound in the best manner. We aer.d a spe . cimeii cony vriih particulars of agency tq I any pari of the United Stitm, free of post- I age, on reoeipl of the price, ft.25. J- W. BRADLEY, \ Publisher. No. 48 North Fuorth Street, .. PHILADELPHIA, Pe. i Navhmher 24, tß9e.-4t. r BRIDGE LETTMtL PROPdSALS will be received st the House of James Masters, In Pine township, on the 2(?ih day of Decembet urt'.il 2 o'clock, P. M for building a courtly bridge over Little Fish ingcreelf, at Warherville—the span Id be S4> leet, the heighth of ablnment 7 fret, the widih of the bridge from ont to ont 16 feet, and the wing- walls to extend II feet from the abut ment*. Plan and specification* can be teett on lite day and pjao* of letting. Older if the County Commissioners. r ■ , :: R- C. FRUIT, Clerk Commissioners' OJJice, t Bloomsburg, Nov. 11,'36. J Administrator's Notice. NOtfCE is hereby given, that letters of administration, have been, granted upon the estate of Peter Eveland, late of Fishingor'ew township,Colupttbia county, deceased, ta the undersigned Administrator residing also in thd said township of Fishingcreak. AU pex sdne icdebted to the said estate are request ed to make payment without delay, and those having , accounts to present them for settle ment to Fishmgereek, Nov. 16, 1856. Adminitra(or' IVofice. NOTICE is hereby givqn/tbal labors of ad minislraiion upon the estate of Benj. Hay man, late of Orange township, Columbia co deceased, have been granted to the under' signed residing in Centre township, Colum bia county. AH persona indebted to the said estate are requested to make payment without delay, and those having accounts to preseat them for settlement to SOLOMON NEYHARD, Centre, Nov 17, 1858. Adm'r. Bloomsburg: Foundry. JOSEPH SHARPLKSS, i having taken the entire ■ 1 Ar hia,late partner in "'V'l jKWßgJinihe Bloofcsbbrg Foundry,and a prepared to manufacture. ALL KINDS OP CASTINGS, usually made iu his line of business. Thankful for the liberal custom heretofore awajded tbia establishment, he hopes to merit an Increase of public patronage. Bloomsc&rg, May 5, 1836. Employment for I.fFOO Per sons: WANTED, immediately, Agents in every oounty in the United States, in engage in the' sale of The Garden (f the World; or The Great West—lts History, It* Wealth, Its Natural Advan tages, and Its Future. Comprising a complete Guide to with a lull description of the Different Routes Westward, By C. W. Dana, of Chicago, 111., Author of "Western Scenes," "Lile in the West," Ate, be. With statistics and facts from Hon. Thomas H. Benton, Hon. Samuel Houston, Col. John C. Fremont, and other 'old settler*.' Comprising an outline History of the whole West, from the lime the first bonier who ever irml the pal bless woods, to the whistle of the last locomotive that has yet aped along iu boundless prairies, giving a full description of the toil, Climate, and Farming resources of each Slate and Tervitor ry. Also, the Railroads completed, in prog ress, end projected, together with the Relig ions complexion, Educational provisions, and Population, from the statistic* of 1856 and 1856. 12m0., muslin; 400 pager. Retail price, $1 29. Address D. HULISON, No. 32 South 3rd! Street, Philadelphia; Pe, er, ;f living Weal, to H. M. P.ufison, Cincinnati, Ohio. A sample copy will be mailed, pott mid, on receipt Of price. Afeo a fnli list of my publicafionf. with terms to agents. P. 9.—-Editor* of any regular weekly news paper or monthly periodicals throughout the United States, giving the above advertiser menl four or more insertions, including this notice, and sending me copies of the papers, be., containing the same, shall have a copy mailed to their addrer*. postage paid. Nov 26, 1866. LIST OF LETTERS REMAINING in the Posl-Officeal Blooms burg, Pa., Nov. 18, 1869: Arnold James, McMurtrie Lewis, Blair Miss Mary, lngoie Wm., Bancroft James, Phelps Charles A., Belknnpp, E., Waters Alexander. Bloom D. f, Smith Wm. H^ Dean Willie Ann., San key Jamas, Gist Jacob, Berry William, Gerhard Henry, Beranco George, Hirst John, Baker Thomee, ship Hi land Thomas, Douggen Michael, thin Kitchen William, Hogg William, Mcoro Mrs. Margarets, Mifficy Willis, Persons calling for tha above letter* wiil please eay they are advertised. PHILIP UNANGST, t>. M- Registration Certificates For the use of clergyman.lßalibiC," ian* and other persou* in regtMerut", gee and deaths as required by Assembly, can be had a- .he offl„. f ,KS Suit of the North." lhe o{fic# of th * tastices of tbe Peace t Hn CONSTABLES can find all kind of e.anks desirable for their use,in proner mrfa'o the oflioe of the STAR or THE NORTH.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers