yPobnfSale of Valuable Real Estate. i|N pursuance of an order of the' Orphans' >*■ CodH of Colombia ' County, on Ratnrdny, Ist of November, bext, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, Jacob . Damon, administrator, &c., of Joseph Jooes, Male of Greenwood township, in said county, deceased, will expose to sale by public ven due, upon the premises, a certain messuage and v, . LOT OF GROUND# situate in the township of Greenwood afore said, adjoining land of Robert Montgomery on the Fouth-rrest, Robert Robbins on the east ami en the west, and land of Jesse Rob bins on the north, contninioa NINETEEN ACRES, on which arnerected a FRAME DWELLING HOUSE and a BARN. Late the Estate of said deceased, situite in the township of Greenwood and county •foresaid. - JACOB EVEULY, Clerk. ftloowsburg, Sept. 18, 1856. EITiUT. AME to the premises of the subscriber in Fishingcreek township, Columbia county, on the 26th of Aug. last, a Dark Red BULL, with a white laco and two red epots near each eye, otookerV horns, and between two and three years old. The own er is requested to come forward ami prove property, pay charges, and take him away, or he will be disposed of according to law. ANTHONY HUN'SINGER. Fishingcreek. Sept. 16, 18S6. ELECTION I'ltOLLAill ATION. WHEREAS, by the laws of this Common wealth it is made "the duly of the Sherifi of every county lo give notice of the general elections, by pubhctalion in one or more newspapers of the county, at least twenty days before the election," and to enaWnwate'theYein "the officers to be elect ed," and Id "designate the place at which the election itr to be held." —Therefore, 1, STEPHEN H. MILLER, High Sheriff of Co lumbia county, do hereby make known ant', proelaim lo the qualified electors of Colum bia county that a GENERAL ELECTION will be held throughout said counlv, on TUESDAY, the FOURTEENTH day of OCTOBER, being the second Tuesday in said month, at the several districts within the county lo wit: Benton Township, at the House of Ezekiel Cole. Beaver township at the house of Chris tian Shuman. Bloom township, at the Court House an Bloomsbuig. Brtnrcreek township, at the town-house in Berwick. • Caltawissa township, at the house of the late Stacy Magerum in Caitawissa. Centre township, at the house of Jer emiah Hess, dee'd. Fishingcreek township, ai the house of Abraham Kline, now occupied by William Long. Greenwood township, at the house of Joseph Patton. , Hemlock township, at lite Buckhorn. Jackson township, nt the house of Eze kiel Cole. Locust township, at the house of Da vid Reinbold. firanklin township, at Clayton's School Itßtte. Mifflin township, at the house of John Keller. Madison township, at the house of John Welliver, Mountplensnnt township, at the house of William Hutchinson. Montour township, at the house of John Richards now occupied by Jesse Hollingshead. Main township, at tho house of Isaac i Yetter. Roaringcrcek township, nt the house of G- W. Driesbach. Orange township, at the house of Pe iter P. Kline- Pine township, at the house ot Albert /Hunter. m Sttgarloaf township, at thehonse of Mrs. Sarah Cole. Scott township, at the house of Enoch lloweil, in Eapylown. It is further direclednhat the election at the said several districts shall be opened be tween the hours of 8 and 10 o'clock in Ihe forenoon, and rhall continue open without interruption, or adjournment until 7 o'clock in the evening when the polls shall be closed. The officers to be elected at the time and places aforesaid, a-e A CANAL CCMMISSIONER, AN AUDITOR GENERAL, A SURVEYOR GENERAL, A PRESIDENT JUDGE. A MEMBER OF CONGRESS, A STATE SENATOR, A MEMBER OF ASSEMBLY, TWO ASSOCIATE JUDGES, A COUNTY COMMISSIONER, A DISTRICT ATTORNEY, A COUNTY SURVEYOR, A COUNTY AUDITOR, A CORONER. It is (urlher directed that the meeting of the reltim judges, at the Court House in Bloomsburg to make out the general returns, shall be on the first Friday succeeding the general election, which will be the seven teenth day of October. The Congressional return judges of the Twelfth district composed of the counties of Luzerne, Wyoming, Columbia and Montour, will meet at the Court House in Bloomsburg, on Tuesday, the 21st day of October next to make out returns for Mem'/er of Congress. The return judges of Columbia and Mon tour counties will meet at the Court House in Bloomsburg, on Tuesday, the 21st day of October next to make out returns for Member of Assembly. And in and by Ihe said set, I am further directed to give notice "thai every person excepting justices of Ihe peace, who shall bold any office or appointment of profit or trust under Ihe Government of the United Slates, or of this State, or of any city or in corporated district, whether a commissioned officer or otherwise, a subordinate officer or agent, who is, or shall be employed under the legislative, or executive or judiciary de partment ol this Stale, or of any incorporated district, and also that every member of Con gress, and of the select or common council of any city, commissioners of eny incorporated district, is by law incapable of holding or ex ercising at the same time the office or ap pointment of Judge, inspector ot clerk of any election of this commonwealth, and that no I inspector, judge or any other officer of eny sect) election shall be eligible to any office * then to be voted for. Given under my band at my office in Bloomsburg, ibis 101b day of September, A. D. 1866. STEPHEN H. MILLER, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Blooms-1 bnrg, September 10, 1856. | Notices ALL persons indebted to (be undersigned, will pleese to call and settle, as they are de termined on closing the Books. We hope (hie oell will receive attention. . .. - 6. DREIFUSS, A. KLINE. Bloomsburg, Sept 20, 1856. - •FRQSPEOTTTS'T" " DAILY PENNSYLVANIA]* A DOUBLE SHEET MORtfINO NEWSPAPER. The Proprietor'6f the Philadelphia "Daily Penttsylvaniah," in view "of the Presidential Election, has made arrtple arrangements tor the improvement of that Journal in all us various departments. A double sheet, con sisting of eight pnges of six columns each, piinteil on good paper, with olear lyp*. Issued daily. No pfeins are spared to do full justice to every part of thai paper. The lar gest telegraphic news from all parts of the country will ba found in its columns; anil at great expense, talented correspondents from whom highly interesting letters are received, have been secured, not only in England, France, Washington and New York, but in many other parts of the country. Great at tention is also paid to the monetary, com mercial, and especially the shipping list de partment of this Journal, as well as to (he local news of the City. And while every desirable feature of a Newspaper is thus en grafted upon the Pennsylvaman, it will con tinue with redoubled energy and determina tion to do battle tor the Constitution and the Union. The editorial conductuf The Pennsylvaman has met with general approval, on account of the fearlessness with which it assailed the dangerous political heresies introduced by an organization acting in secret, and corrupting the whole moral structure of society. Abo litionism also, has found in The Pennsylvani on, an unrelenting enemy because (he doc trine is snbversivaof the rights of one portion ofourcounlty. That of course has been approved of by our party, and intelligent citizens generally, is attested by the prosperity of our estab lishment. Our subscription has increased fourfold, and our advertising is a still nrealer ratio. Already has onr issue reached ten thousand; and at our present tale of progres sion, before the year 1855 shall have expired ii will be double that number. The Propri etor intends to spare no expense to make Ihe Pennsylvanian one of tho firet journals of lb: country in all ils departments, and in this way merit the patronage of a deserving public. The Opposition, fully aware of the tm itiShse power and influence wielded by the press, avail themselves of il lo the fullest ex tent. The circulation of their organs are in rreaseil by every possible means and the w hole power of their organization is used lo accomplish that object. The speeches of their disunion orators, and other incendiary documents, are sown broadcast throughout the land, and obtrusively thttrsl into Ihe hands of every voter. Those who have so much i holier a cause to advocate, and upon the suc cess ol whose labors rest the durability ol the very coiner stories upon which our happness is loundeil, —civil and religious liberty,—and the perpetuation of the Union itself, should not be lese active. We appeal lo the true Democracy, and to all Constitution loving citizens, to come forward and aid us in dis semir.aling correct political information, and exposing the nefarious desigus of our antag onists. We appeal alike to the citizens of the North, and of the South to aid in the cir culation of those sentiments, and support of those measures, which are advocated by the only National Political organization now in existence. The Proprietor can already bnast of a large circulation in the Southern Slates, and he is anxious to increase the number of his read ers in that region, so that his hands may be strengthened for coming conflicts against those who are not only the enemies ol Ihe South, but ihe enemies of all true men in ever portion of the Confederacy.' In Penn sylvania, and the Northern and Western Slates, an increased circulation nf this journal w ill do much as an antidote to rite poisonous doctrine of the Union-haling Black Republi cans, anil tyradical and corrupt Know Noth ings. AVe thetelore confidently calculate uoiin Ihe hearty cooperation of our political friends to lha extension of our circulation, and feel confident that this appeal will not be made to them in vain. TERMS : DAILY PENNSYLVANIAN, Double Sheet, 86,00 per annum, if paid in advance, or 87 at the end ol the year. TRI WEEKLY, 83,00 per annum, if paid in advance or 83,50 at the end of the year. WEEKLY, 81,00 per annum, invariably in advance. The price for the WEEKLY PENNSYL VAMAN, for a single year, is ONE DOLLAR per annum, hut for the purpoeoof further in creasing Ihe circulation, we offer thre follow ing inducements lo agents and others to raise Clubs: One Copy one year, $1 00 Six do do 5 00 Twelve do do *lO 00 Eeiglitssn do 15 00 Twenty-five do 20 00 THE CAMPAIGN WEEKLY. Persona who wish lo recvive the paper merely during the campaign, will have il sent on the following terms, for six mouths from ihe lime, of subscribing: 1 Copy, 0 50 5 copies 10 one address, $1 00 10 " " 400 20 " " 800 30 " " 12 00 40 " " 16 00 50 " " 20 00 100 " " 40 00 Large Clubs in proporlion— Cash always in advance. Although the rale at which the IVeekly Pennsylvanian is offered falls far below the real value of such a publication, we are wil ling for another year to test tho experiment of continuing to issue it at this reduced price in the confident hope that, by an extensive circulation, we may he secured from the heavy pecuniary sacrifice which such an ex periment involves. Postmasters will confer a favor by sending to one address when convenient. N. B.—Letters to be addressed, post paid to VVM. RICE, Sept. 3, '56. Proprietor. House aud Lot for Sale. THE subscriber offers for sale a lot on Third Street in the lower end of Bloomsbuig, on which is erected a FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, which would make a cheap and good home for a mechanic or laborer of moderate means. He will sell it on very reasonable terms, for learning which apply to R. VV. Weaver Esq., Bloomsburg, or the owner at Mtfilinville. LUDWIG LICHT. Mifflinville, Aug- 22, 1856. "ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that letters of ad ministration upon the estate of Daniel Rob bins, lata of Sugarloaf township, Columbia county, deceased, have been granted to the undersigned residing in Ihe said township of Sugarloaf. All persona indebted to the said estate are requested to make payment with out delay, and those having accounts for set tlement to present them to DAVID LEWIS, Administrator. Sugarloaf twp., August 25, 1855—6t. Registration Certificates For the use of clergymen, justices, pnysi ians and other persons in registering marria ges and deaths as required by tbe new Ac Assembly, can be had at the office of tbe Star of the Norlh." COLUMBUS MALE AND FEMALE 03 S3D OB HSX2 8 laiizernc County, Pa. THE Trustees of this Institution respectfully announce, that it will be opened for the reception of Pupils, of both sexes, on Monday, October SOtb next, under tho immediate care of Ifrof. JAMES ANDERSON, as Principal. Mr. A. is a gentleman of extensive acquire, ments. and enlarged experience as an educator, and has been connected with the most popular "High School" of Bucks (Jo. for several years. Ho is also well and favorably' known as a con tributor to some of our leading educational peri odicals. THE COURSE OF INSTRUCTION Will comprise Orthography, Definitions, Read ing, Penmanship, Etymology. Geography, Eng. Grammar, Composition, Arithmetic Algebra, Geometry. Mensuration, Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, Surveying, Navigation, Astron omy, Ac. Hook Keeping, History, Physiology, Natural, Intellectual, end Moral Philosophy, and Chemistry. Classes in the French, Spanish Latin Languages will bo formed n r early a practica ble, and Instruction on Piano-Forte will be given if desired. WEEKLY LECTURES on the Natural Sciences, illustrated by appropriate apparatus will o!o bo given. SPECIAL ATTENTION will be paid to young Ladies and Gentlemen designing to qual ify themselves as Teachers. TERMS! FOUR, FIVE and BIX Dollats per Quarter in accordance with the studies pursued, payable one half in advance and tho balance at the close of Ihe Quarter. GOOD BOARD can be had in the village at • moderate price. br Mr. A. will deliver an address on Physi cal, Intellectual and Moral education, on tbe day of commencement, when his method of imparting instruction will he illustrated, and the discipline end management of the cbool, fully explained. Parents, Guardians, and Ihe friends of educa tion generally, are cordially invited to be pres ent. D. L. UHAPIN, I B.M.STEVENS, JOHNKOONS. N. D. STILES, SILAS DODSON, | JOHN YAPLE, THOMAS PEALER, Columbus, Sept, 4, 1856. Trustees. SOWER ABARNIiTS IJDVCATSOIVAf, BOOH STORE. NO. 33 NORTH THIRD STREET, East Side, above Market, Philadelphia, Pa. PUBLISHERS of Pelton'e System of Geog raphy, taught by the uid of six splendid outline maps, each covering nearly 50 square* feel, and forming an invalnuble as well as elegani ornaments for the school room. Children are delighted to study Geography by this system. They learn so rapidly and receive such clear impressions of Ihe subject, that it is a pleasure 10 both teacher and pu pil lo be engaged in it. We all know thai a better anil more lasting idea of a locality is obtained by looking at a bold and distinct drawing nl it, than by volumes ol descrip tion. If a man wants lo get an exact idea of a farm he has been purchasing, he learns more by one iook at the draft on Ihe back of the deed, than by reading the description in side twenty times. This is the great princi ple of I'elton's system of Geography, and there are others equally practical combined with it which entitle il to the reputation it sustains, as lite best and quickest mode of teaching Geography, vet introduced. PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY—including all ihe invaluable discoveries in this science, of Lieut. Maury and his coadjutors, is beauti fully illustroierl by these maps and the ac companying keys. The keys are lo bo used by the scholars, and cost less than half the price of a Geography and Atlas. SOWER & BARNES' also publish' San der's New Readers, of which over two hun dred thousand wete sold within six months of their publication- Their success has been wonderful, but iheir beautiful appearance and evident superiority justifies it.—Prof. Sanders is a practical teacher of public schools, who has made the subject (he study of his life. Eighteen yeara ago lie published a ae ries of Readers, which Itatl great popularity, but (he new series on which lie has been en gaged ever since, are acknowledged by all lo be Ihe greatest advance yet made in Read ers. Eminent teachers everywhere, who have been so bored by book agents that they were unwillingly induced lo look at them, have at once pronounced their excellence and introduced them over all kinds, and the best which hail been published before them. School Directors anil Teachers are respect fully invited lo write to us concerning School Bonks. A full assortment of Miscellaneous and School Books, paper and Stationary, inclu ding Blank Books, of all kinds, on hand and for sale at the lowest wholesale prices, in large or small quantities, to country Mer chants. SOWER & BARNES, 33, North Third Street, Philadelphia. Sept. I5 w lßh6.—3nr.. IMPROVED SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME. THE subscriber informs Dealers and Farm ers that they have greatly improved the qual ty of their Super-Phosphate of Limes and now confidently recommend the article as superior to any in the tuailtel. Also, con stantly on hand PERUVIAN &l MEXICAN GUANO, Oils, Candles, Soap, &c., at the lowest mark et rales. MITCHELL & CROASDALE, Successors to G. W. Ridgway (f Co. No. 30 North Wharves, above Arch Street, PHILADELPHIA. IST Farmers can load on Water Street, and avoid the crowded wharf. Aug. 37, 1856—1 m, PUBLIC SALE, OF , VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans Court ol Columbia county, on SATURDAY, THE 4th DAY OF OCTOBER next, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, Lucas Fahringer, Administrator of John Fahrtnger, late of Cattawissa township, in said couuty, deceased wilt expose to sale by public veil due, upon the premises, a certain messuage and TRACT OF LAND, situate in Catta wissa & Locust townships, containing about 56 ACRES, and adjoining lands of Jacob Drumheller, John Price, James Mears, Alexander Mears and Israel Wherry. There are on the prem ises a two story Irama DWELLING HOUSE, and bank bain, and other outbuildings, late the estate of said deceased, situate in the townships of Cattawissa and Locust and county aforesaid. JACOB EYKRLY, Bloomsburg, Sept. 9, '56. Clerk. Teachers Wanted I FIVE teachers for the common schools of Beavar township are wanted by the Directors of that district The schools are to be open ed at such lime in the early part of Novem ber as the teacher may desire. The pay will be according to the qualifications of the applicant, and r.one need apply without a certificate from the County Superintendent. CHARLES MICHAEL, Pres't. TILGHHAN RITTBBNODSC, Sec'y. Bearer, Sept. 3, 1856. BOOK, CARD AND FANCY £?CE>DB THE THE NORTH.," Having added to the fixtures of tho "Stsa" Office good and extensive JOBBtNG MATERI AL, is prepared (6 execute #ll kinds of JOR I'RINTING in the best'ClTE STYLE, and at short notice. Certificates of Stock and Deposite, Constitutions for Societies, Bank Checks, Promissory Notes, Bail Boad and other Tickets, 'Catalogues, Paper Books, Bill-Heads, Check Rolls, Plain and Fancy Cards, Business and other Circulars, Posters Plain and in Colors. AND PRINTING OP ALL KINDS Can be Procured at the "Star" Job Office, AS PROMPTLY. AND NEATLY PRINTED AS IN THE CITY. A monthly periodiaal is published at this office in excellent style and workmanship, and with superior material. ... The public are invited to call and see specimens, as we are determined to merit palron age by strict attention to business and superior workmanship. Bloomsburg, June 2, 1856. New Arrival of Spring and Summer Goods. s£sn3B£\i3> cCs oacE> a HAVE just received and opened their stock of merchandize for Spring and Summer sales, which comprises the LARGEST, CHEAPEST, and HANDSOMEST assort met. t no w offered in this'.TOWN! Having paid groat attention to the selection of their entire stock, as to price and quality, they fiallei themselves that they can compete with the cheapest, and all those wishing to buy cheap, can save tnonoy by giving us a call. We have all kinds of Goods and Wares to supply the wants of the People. A very large lot of LADIES DRESS GOODS, French merinoes, wool plaids, alpacas, bombazines, de bages, poplins, parametta cloths, mohair lustres,mtislin de laines, Persian cloths, Ginghams, Calicoes, &c. WHITE GOODS OF AU, KINDS, Sieves. Collars, Spencers, handkerchiefs. Bouncings, bands and trimmings, laces and edgings, bonnet ribbons, in large variety, vel vet ribbons, and braids, kid, cotton, and lisle thread gloves, mohair mitts, &c., All kinds of SHAWLS, broche, Bay State, Waterville, black silk, cashmere, Embro.ler ed, &c. Also a very large assortment of cloths, cassimers, salttnetts, vestir.gs, tweeds; jeans, beaver cloths, coating velvet, &o. BOUTS AND SHOES, OF ALL KINDS If SIZES FOB MEN WOMAN ? CHILDREN We have a large assortment ol Hals and Caps of latest fash,ions. We have ulso Hard ware, Queensware, Cedarware, &c. Very cheap carpets, carpet bags, floor, table and car riage oil cloths, mats rugs, baskets, &c. Muslins flannels, tickings, diapers, towelings, drillings, &c., in abundance. We invite our friends nnd the public generally to give us a call before purchasing else where. We have bought our goods at Lowest Cash Prices and w ill not be undersold by anybody, or the rest Of mankind. Bloomsburg, October 28, 1855. CELLING mttat COST: I£}OPC£iQ£FQa££J£3 G3cE>g, BEING desirous of closing tip their business in Bloomsburg as early as practicable, offer for sale AT COST AND BIILOW COST, their entire Slock of Goods consist ing of a full aassortment of FROCK, DRESS, BOX, SACK, GUM AND OIL CLOTH COATS, of all sorts and sizes, that the present enlightened age knows any thing about. Of Pants and Vests they have every color of the rainbow, besides some black, blue, grey, striped and fancy ; Vests of satin, silk, buff, casimere, marseilles, linen and worsted of all fash ionable cuts and colors ; Working Pantsand boys clothing. Alff* fine while, figured and striped shirts, Pocket and Neck Handkerchiefs, Stocks, Ties, Scarfs, all kinds of gentle man's dress goods ; Hats. Caps, Trunks. Traveling Bags anil Umbrellas ; and They have Undersleves, Spencers, Collars, Rigalells, Gloves, Mills, Ladies'a bead-bag Handkerchiefs, &c., &c. Also Jewelry and Notions, saclt as Rings, B.reast pins, Gold ami Silver Pens and Pencils, Medallions, Vest and Fob chains, Portmonies, Spectacles, Knives Razors and a well selected assortment of Accordeons. VST Remember the cheap store in the "Exchange Block" opposite the Court house. Bloomsburg, April 3, 1856. S. DREIFUSS, & Co. New arrival of Fall and Winter Goods ! * DAVID LO7TEHEELG TNVITES attention to his stock of cheap and fashionale clothing at his store on Market siroet, two iUro abovo tho "Amorionn t House," where he has a full assortment of men and boy's wearing apparel, including jyAaismQSj&iMoiß ©©ASPS? go.*, sack, frock, gum and oil cloth coats of all sorts and sizes, pants of all colors, shawls stripes and figure, vest's, shirts, cravats, slocks, collars, handkerchiefs, gloves, suspenders | and fancy articles. N. B. He will also make to order any article of clothing at very short notice and in tfie best manner. All bis clothing is made to wear, and most of it is of home manufac ture. Bloomsburg, April 1, 1856. "Quick Returns and Small Profits." A. J. EVANS, IIAS just received and opened a new as *-"snrlment of seasonable gnodß from Phil adelphia, which he is determined to sell quick anu cheap. He has everything desir able for Ladies' and GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, and all dry goods for domestic and house hold use, suited for the PALL TRACE. He has also a lull supply of Queensware, Hard ware, Wondware, Brooms, Looking Glasses, BOOTS AND SHOES, and a good stock of FRESH AT THE LOWEST PRICES OE THE MAR KET. He will sell at the lowest living profits, and will make it to the interest of purchasers to deal with them. fSST"UaII and see our Stock, Bloomsburg, Aug. 20, 1896. STOVES! STOVES! STOVES! gpj THE undersigned informs his friends BraS and the public in general, tint he has I "HJiaked the entire interest in the Tinware and Stove Establishment, on Main Street, one door above the Court House, Bloomsburg, where he is prepared to furnish Tinware, Stoves, Stovepipe, and Spouting, and all other business in his line on short notice, and in good order. The New Raub and William Penn Cook ing Stove, and also a large assortment of Parlor Stoves, constantly on hand and for sale at moderate prices. ty Thankful lor former patronage, he re spectfully solicits a continuance of ihe same. JOSEPH SHARPLESS. Bloomsburg, May 6, 1856. PUBLIC SALE or VALUABLE REAL ESTATE THE undersigned Executor of die esiate of YVesloy Roat deceased will offer at public sale upon the premises on Wednesday, the 191 A of November next, at 1 o'clock, P. M., the fatra belonging to the said estate, situate in Hemlock township, Columbia county, containing 125 ACRES AND 37 PERCHES, and adjoining lands of Hugh Moßride, John Mcßeynolds, Pe'er Appleman,Celeb Barton, sen., and Sylvester Pureed. It is situate in The Iron Ore Region of Columbia coumty, two miles from Blooms burg, and on the public highway leading to Buckhorn. A branch of Hemlock Creek pass es through Ihe premi*es, ar.d the whole farm is in a fair state of cultivation. The improve ments are a large new frame MANSMM HKMJSIEs a new and commodious frame tenant house, a large new qank barn, a new wagon-house, and other outbuildings entirely new. Pos session will be given on the first of April '57. iy Conditions will be made known on the day of sale br. WILLIAM NEAL, Executor. Bloomsburg, Sept. 23, 1856. OMNIBUS .JEM, LINK AND ilvery^^stabli:. S33< !DPtrcEsaa QHsasa ]\ OW runs anew omnibus between Blooms burg and the Railroad Depot, which will take passengers from and to any of the residences of the town, or the American House and Forks Hotel; and he will also furnish conveyances to all travellers who may wish to go into any part of the county. The omnibus will leave Bloomsburg twice daily at 10 o'clock A. M., and at 4 o'clock P. M. Cy Fare cen s each way. He has also a large livery stable connected with the omnibus line, from which he can accommodate the public, with conveyances for travelling, pleasure excursions or busi • ness. Stand in the rear of Hoffman & Else's I establishment, near the centre of die town. NOAH S. PRENTISS. I Bloomsburg, June 3, 1855 lv I - ii i House .-Hid Lot for Sale. HP HE subscriber offers for private sale the House and Lot on Third Street, Blooms burg, new occupied by hiin. The lot fronts 851 leet on Third Street, and extends 198.feet back lo'an alloy. There is on it j . a double frame 110 USE, which car. be used g | lor two familio ß , and some outbuildings. The properly will make a de sirable and cheap home for any laborer or mechanic of moderate means. Terras will be made known upon applica tion to VALENTINE SMITH. Bloomsburg, Aug. 13, 1856. PERUVIAN GUANO. Ij'XPERIE.NCE has taught the Farmer that ■*-* the onlv reliable Fertilizer is the PERUVIAN GOVERNMENT GUANO. The subscriber Sole Agent in Philadelphia for the sale of it, has now on hand a large stock of PURE PERUVIAN GUANO, which he will sell at the lowest Cash price, in lots to suit either dealers or farmers. S. J. CHRISTIAN, Sole Agent for Philadelphia. No. 48 North Wharves, and 97 North Water Street. Philadelphia, August 19, 1856—3 m. Tinware & Stove Establishment. FIYIIE UNDERSIGNED reapectfuly in. -A forme his old friends and customers,that he has purchased his brothel's interest in the above establishment, ml the concern will here after b conducted by himself exclusively. He has just received and ofleia fur sale the largest and most exteneive assortment QSS menl vf FANCY STOVES everintro ducJ into this market. Mlovepipe and Tinware constantly on band and manufactured toorder. All kinds of re pairing done, aa usual, on abort notice. The patronage of old friemie and new cus tomers is respectfully solicited. A. M. RUPERT- Bloomsburg, Jan. 12, 1853. tf. DRAWER GOODS, Spotted Swiss, Bog Jaconett Mull, Cambrio, Swiss Muslin Bishop Lawns, sale Bard Muslin just receiv . ed al the Store of A. C. MENSCH "NO SUCH WORD AS FAIL." A. RESISTLESS REMEDY. II O L L Off AY '8 OIN TM E NT. Circnlar to the Sicty THE first hospital eutgeons ntid medical putt Heists of Europe, admit the unparalleled onti-inflammaOry and healing properties ol litis Ointment; governments sanction its use in their naval and military aervicea; andthemaasea in Ihie country and throughout the world repose theuijnost confidence in it* curahve propettie*. It periftiatfaa the idu *ces of inflammation anu corruption which underlie the external eviden ces of dieaec, and neutralize the fiery elements which feed and exasperate malady. RHEUMATISM, SCROFULA, FRY SIPELAS, These ate among the most ,'errlble and ago nixiug dia.asca of the inuacles. the fleshy fibre and the skinj yet in their wor-M forms, and when seemingly incuiablo they die appear under a persevering application of this soothing, healing antidote to pain and inflam. mat ion. SALT RHEUM, FEVER SORES, STIFF JOINTS. In caca of Salt Rheum, where medicol w lera, lotions, and every recipe of the pharnioco poen have proved unlets, tho Ointment will accomplieh a thorough cure. Fever Sore, heal quickly under iia influence, and it. relaxing ef fect upon conlractud sinews ia truly wonderful. DISCHARGING ULCERS, A most remarkable ar.d happy change is pro durcd in the appearance of malignant ulcers after a few applicalions of tin* Ointment. The surrounding redness vanishes, end gtanulee of healthy flesh begin to lake the place of rhe dis charged m titer. 'I his process goes on more or less rapidly, until tho orifice ia filled up with sound material and the ulcer radically cured A WORD TO MOTHERS. The yourg are lire moat frequent sufferers from external injuries, and then fore every mother should liuve ill's healing preparation constantly ott hand. It is an absolute specific for soro breasts, and quickly removes the en crusted sores which sometimes disfigure the heads and faces of ihildren. SIGNIFICANT FACTS, This Ointment is universally uaed on boapi t'-e Atl.it tic and Pacific whaling fleet as a cure for scorbutic affections and as the best possible remedy for wounds and bruises. Large supplies of it have recently neen ordered by the Sultan of Turkey for hospital purposes. Both the Ointment and Pills should be used in the following cases : Bunions, Skin Diseases, Burns, Swelled Glands, Chapped Hands, Bore Legs, Chilblains, Bore Breasts, Fistula, Bore Heads, Gout. Sore Throats, Lumbago, Sores of all kinds, Mcrcuiial Eruptions, Sprains, Piles, Biiffjoints, Rheumatism, Tetter, Ringworm, Ulcers, Ball Rheum, Venereal Bores, Scalds, Wounds of all kinds. # # * Bold at the Manufactories of Professor HOLIOWAT, 80 Maiden Lane, Now Yoik, and 244 Strand, London, by all respectable Drug gists and Dealers in Medicine throughout the United B nice, and the civilized world, in pots, at 25 cents, 624 cents, and £1 each. There is considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. N. B.—Directions for the guidance of patients in every disorder are affixed to each pot [3l. Trusses ! Trusses I Trusses ! a. E. miEDLES}, TRUSS AND BRACE ESTABLISHMENT, 8. W. COB. or 12ih AID race streets, PHILADELPHIA, fM PORTER of fine French Truss-"^sf = 3 es, combining extreme lightness, ease and durability with correct construction. Hernial or ruptured patients can be suited by remitting amounts, as below:—Sending number of Inches round ihe hips, and stal' ing side affected. Cost of Single Truss, $2, $3, $4, 85. Double, 85,86, 88, and 10. Instructions as to wear, and how to effect a cure, when possible, sent with the Trus. Also for sale, in great variety, Dr. Ban ning's Improved Patent Body Brace, for the cure of Prolapsus Uteri; Spinal Props and Supports, Patent Shoulder Braces, Chest ex panders and Erector Braces, adapted to all with sloop shoulders and weak lungs; English Elastic Abdominal Belts, Suspensories, Syr-, inges—male and female. Ladies' rooms, with lady attendants. August 2, 1855. FIRST A R HIV AL ! OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS! AC. MENCH respectfully informs his • friends, customers, and the public gen erally that he has just receiveJ from Phila delphia Ihe first goods of the season, consist ing of u large assortment of choice and de sirable For the spring and summer tradecomprising, for men's wear: Superior Blank, and Colored French Cloths, Black French Doeskins und Cassimere. Black Satin and Fancy Silk Vestings. Blue, Black, Brown and Green Casbmeret'es. LADIES' WEAR. Eiegaitl Mack SIIKS. all qualities. Barege De Laines and Challi Bareges. Plain, Pink, Blue and Green De Laines. Bombazine Finish Black Alpacas. French, Scotch and Domestic Ginghams. Worked Collars, and Linen Handkerchiefs. Hosiery of all kinds and qualities. Calicoes of all patterns ami descriptions. FURNISHING GOODS. Linen and Cotton Sheeting. Bleached and Unbleached Muslins. Linen Damasks and Table Covers. Besides a large assortment of Boots and Shoes, Sugar, Coffee, Teas, and all kinds of Groceries, Hardware, &c., which will be sold remarkably cheap. Call at the old stand, corner of Main and Market streets. ty FLOUR & FEED always on hand, and for sa| B at the lowest market price, for CASH. A. C. MENSCH. Bloomsburg, April 2, 1856. Bloomsburg Foundry. JOSEPH SHARPLESS. ** having taken the entire of his late partner in CSHHSsEBPfcItio Bloomsburg Foundry,and a prepared to manufacture ALL KINDS OF CASTINGS, usually made in his line of business. Thankful for the liberal custom heretofore awarded this establishment, he hopes to merit an increase of public patronage. Bloomsbnrg, May 5, 1856. Freeh Arrival! A NEW lot of cheap muslins and prints juat received by railroad and for sale by A. A. C. MENSCH. lAJUSLINS a yard wide for 8 cents, and *■" good prints for 6J eenta just received by A. C. MENSCH. fBWJSk 4} && Hi #Bll TO THE FASUONABLE AND Jfc. dE> t o3KioßJaa I *3- ffIHE uuduralgnia, havingjutr£vWifc ■I latest Tafia and New Tfonk Faahtona, would again beg leave to inform his numer ous friends end all the world about Blooma burg, that he is n6w belter prepared than ev er to accommodate any one with the neatest, easiest and best fitting suits of Clothes that have been turned out lately ; and not only that, but he will also do them op in the best order, upon the lowest terms. ■_ His shop is at the old stand, (too well known ro need fuither notice) where lie faay at all times be found, sealed upon the Bdttch of repentance steadily drawing out the thread of affliction, hopeittgil may in the end prove advantugeous to him and h\s customers, He would also advise his friends to bear in hiind that poor, afflicted tailors must live, or they can't be expected to work. Therefore, Wheat, live. Corn, Oats, Potatoes, and with all how and then a little CASH will come mighty haiuly from those who are back-standing on hie hook. Remember, gentlemen, that in all bases '• the laborer is worthy of his hire." BERNARD RUPFERT. Bloornsbnrg, April 14th, 18531 GREENWOOD SEMINARY MILLVILLE, COLUMBIA CO., PA. For Youth of both Seiei. Will. 81/RUE&s PRINCIPAL. THIS Institution which has been In suc cessful operation for several years has recently been enlarged to give better accom modations for boarders and increased facili ties for Tuition, Sic. Each quarter of tho School year consists of eleven weeks, and the next session will commence on the I3th of August, but pu pils will be taken at any season. In addition (p the constant attention of the Principal, the services of an experienced teacher have been procured. Instruction will be given in all the English branches bgualty taught, and also in Laun. Natural Philosophy and Astronomy will be illustrated by appropriate apparatus aqd ac cess given to a Library snd the use of Math ematical instruments. Books and Statione ry will be provided for all who dbeite. IPEgIMaSo TUITION, 83 50, 84 and 84. 50 per quarter, graded hy the course of study. Boarding, Tuition, Washing. Lights, &r., 824 per quarter, one-hall payable quarteily in advance. EP*For further particular* addressthe pfin pal. -Vlillvilie, July 6, 1858. New Wholesale Drug Store, No. 20 South Second Street, PHILADELPHIA. jV SPENCER THOMAS, IMPORTER J -*s Manufacturer, and Dealer ir. Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Acids, Dye Studs, Paints, Oils, Colors, While Lead, French and American White Zinc, Window Glass, Glassware, Varnishes, Br.ushes, Instru ments, Ground Spices, Whole Spices, and all other articles usually kep; by Druggists in cluding Borax, Indigo. Glue. Shellac, Potash. &c. &c. &c. All orders by mail or otherwise promptly attended to. COUNTRY MERCHANTS are invited to call and examine our slock be fore purchasing elsewhere. BP GOODS sent to any of the Wharves or Rail Road Stations. Prices low ard goods warranted. Philadelphia, March 6, 1856-ly. Premium Improved SUPER-PHOSPHATE OF LIME. The Only silver Medal VET awarded by Agricultural Societies, was given to this superior article, at the Pennsylvania Stale Fair, at Harrisburg, as a Fertilizer of the Best Quality for Wheat, Corn, Oats, Grass & Potatoes, Raising heavy crops, and greatly improving the soil. The subscriber respectfully informs farmers and dealers that he Is prepared to supply the fall demand with this superior and well tested article. Agents Wanted. —A liberal discoun'l allowed. ALSO. . NO. I PERUVIAN & MEXICAN GUANO. Pourirettc and Land Plaster. Oils, Candles, Sonp, <f-c., Of the best qaalily, at lowest market rate*. JOHN L. POME HOY, Ninth and Tenth Wharves, below Mar ket Street, Phil ad'a. Farmer* can load at iwopnttafealhtys, and avoid the crowded Wharf. August 19, !856-3m. DENSLDW^TCO^ Commission Mcrrlraiifs, Aml Wholesale Dealers in all kinds of Foreign and Domestic Leaf Tobacco. \[ ANUFACTURED I'obacco, and Foreign J-'J- and Domeelio Segars, 21 South Front Sireet, Philadelphia, fmporlera of fine Ha vanna Segars of the choicest growths of the Vuelta-Abajo. A large aaaortment of which nra kept con stanlly on hand, and for sale at a small advanee on cost of importation. Consignments respectfully solicited, on which literal advance* will |.o inide when desired. N. D. Special attention given to orders for purchase on commission, of Tobacco, aa al so every description of Merchandise, for ac count of patties living at a distance from this market. ®oie Agent for F. A, Goe'ie'a Celebrated German Smoking Tobacco, comprising thirty different varieties. Philadelphia. April 7, 1856. lyr. pT:\N SYS/V\Ml\ s S^S ? ATo. 56 Jlrch St. bet. Second 4" Third, (Oppoj'ito Bread Sireet.) PHILADELPHIA: c*t EVES,'RIDDLES, SCREENS, WOVEN "Wire ol all meshes mid' widths, with all t'nds of plain and lancy wire work. Heavy Twilled Wire for Spark Catchers; Coal, Sand and Gravol Sqreen*; Paper Maker's Wire; Cylinder and Dandy Rolls, covered in the best manner; Wire and Wire Fencing. A very superior arlicle of Heavy Founders' Sieves. All kinds of Iron Ore Wire and Sieves. BAYLISS, DARBY & LYNN. August 20, 1856.-3 m. ESTATE NOTICE; ALL persons having accounts with the es tate of Gabriel Lutz, late of Mifflin town ship, Columbia county, deceaied, are here by notified to meet the Administrator at the late residence of (he deceased, on Saturday, the 20th day of September instant to make settlement of all accounts iri which the es tate is interested. STEPHEN H. MILLER, Administrator. Bloomsburg. Sept. 9, 1856. LOST I AN English Silver Wdtdh was fX, • lost on FRIDAY AUG. 29th, on the JElt public road along Fsthingcreek between the Bridge of the Blootnsburg R. R. & Iron Co. and the house of Adam Albert. It had a red momcoo strap attaohed,aod the face was a little cracked at the one edge. A reasona ble reward will be paid by delivering it al the "Buckhorn" to LAFAYETTE FAUST. Buckhorn, Sept. 10, 1856.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers