STAR OF THE NORTH. R. W. WCAVCR, EDITOR. Oloomsburß, Thursday, March 27, 1850- DEMoTkAIItfSTATE NOMIN ATIONsT CANAL COMMISSIONER, GEORGE SCOTT,Jo/ Columbia County. AUDITOR GENERAL, JACOB FRY, Jr., of Montgomery Co. SURVEYOR GENERAL, TIMOTHY IVES, of Potter County. THE COMING MAN. IT is not certainly known who will be Ihe nominee of ibe conveniion which will meet Rl Cincinnati in June next, but appearances indicate rather conclusively that Pennsylva nia will furnish one standard bearer in the coming contest for the presidency. That she should be petmilled to do so we think the world will admit to be right. Pennsylvania is one of Ihe oldest of Ihe old thirteen. The names of many of her sons have honorable mention in the history of scieqce and diplo macy. She has given the world a Franklin, but she has never furnished the States a pres ident. She is now abont to do so, and her voters w.ll have the additional incentive of pride to urge them to the exercise of the elec tive franchise. We say urge them, because V* W w Uiaentvll. aL-i thoro jta orotatna apathy with respect to the most important of the functions of freemen. Men go Isggingly to the polls. Should they complain of mis rule? "The price of liberty is eternal vigil ance." Man, in the civil state, may not be a creator. He cannot make guoj, i'f ll be may prevent the creation of evil. To accomplish the latter is hia mission as a member of soci ety. How can he do this ? By being active. No member of community can, with safety, ait down and agree that hia fellows shall do that in which he ia expected to be a co-work er. And no mere disappointment, either in the choice of rulers, nor in the course of those who may have been elevated by our votes, ia a sufficient excuse for negligence in us thereafter. Such disappointment should only incite ua to greater caution and activity.— These are truisms, but let us lay them to heart—The Democracy will be able to botiat, in the coming contest, of a champion whose virtues are tried. The election of JAMKS BU CHANAN will be an honor not only to the na tion at large, but to each voter tvl.o shall have supported him. The Spirit of tHeauucsa. Two weeks ago the Democrat began a ma licious and mean attack upon us because ac cident, fitness, friendship or spite had given us a few small offices; most of which are without pay, and some a source of expense. The attack only ridiculed it* author's jealousy, because the true Democrats of the county re fused even to permit his name to go into the State convention for Caoal Commissioner, and afterward protested against bis appoint ment as Revenue Commissioner, since he bad only the fall before opposed the Demo cratic nomination of the county and openly gloried in it* defeat. That reason was given in the protest, and the best Democrats of the county signed it to prove the fact of his po litical treachery. He was refused other ap pointments for the same reason, and lor his repeated opposition to Democratic nomina tions iu the fall of 1854 and 1855. This is notorious in the county and out of il. The only military office he ever held he disgraced by running after General SCOTT in regimentals like a clown ; and the only civil office he held ended with an execution agaftst him for the public mor.ey he bad collec'ed, and which never reached the Stale treasury, according to his own story; although he says be paid the money to somebody, not named. After being on the list of Slate defaulters, he was only relieved by a special act of the leg islature, which can be found on the statute book of the Siate. So much for the greed, the honor, and the money of hH offices. The fact of his repeat ed defeats explains his malice—tbe style and language of his article last week proves his depravity and mendacity, and it would be a shame for any man to answer his slang which would much better become some such flash organ of rowdyism ts he had lately printed in his office, than respectable newspaper. As in ihe matter of Auditor General: be cause Mr. Scott was prominent for Canal Commissioner tee did not ask any delegate for his vote. As to 2J'- Scott, we supported him efficiently when he began hia political career, and less than a year ago voted for him in the Slate convention. As to Mr. Bu chanan's name—we have not yet hoisted ntues before nomination; but have snpport d men for nomination whom we thought fit, and then raised up the name of the nominee for zealous, and faithful support, as we hope and expect to do that of Mr. Buchanan. As to Col. Wright, we have supported him faith fully whenever he was the candidate of the parly, while it was notorious here than when he was last a nominee in 1854 the whole bob-tail fraternity of this county opposed him. Mew Advertisements. We invite the attention of our readers to tbe advertisement ol M.Laghenmaier. Many articles of ornamental furniture are now made from iron, to be both cheaper and more in good taste than when made trom wood. Evans & Watson advertise an article which every business man ought to have. Thii firm is an old and well established one. H. B. Fussell advertises umbrellas and parasols. The Ridgway Farm Association furnish cheap fatms in Elk county. Mr. Menseb gives a notice of interest tc those who ought to pay up. Several Auditor 1 * notices will interest some people. H. Ward can furnish bonnets and *ll othet straw good* in tbe best style. The Iwt of jurors for thai next court appeara to-day. Also the trial list. (TI. MKIRILL LINN, Esq., HM retired itom the Onion Argui, to demote his unditi dad attention to hi* Legal profession. Col. H. W. CaoTasa make* bia bow a* an Asso data Editor of tba "Argus." TOWNSHIP OFFICERS, Elected in Columbia County on last Ft iday. ■ BLOOM TOWNSHIP. Constable*—B. F. Hartman, Gordon R. goe ; Supervisors—John Purael, Martin Rupert, Samuel Shaffer. Overseers—R. B. Arthur, J. H: Abbot. School Directors—A. C. Mensch, Elias Hicks, 3 years Joseph Sharpies*, Jos. W. Hendershot, 2years: Dr. Jobn Ramsay, Wel lington Hartman 1 yr. Assessor—John M. Chembcrlip. Judge—Thomas J. Morris. Inspectors—l. W. Hartman, Jacob F. Diet terich. Auditor—John K. Grotz. Bit IARCREEK. Constable—Ada.n Suit. Supervisors—Jonathan W. Eck, Peter Hay man. School Directors—Moses Davis, Jos. M. Hicks, Wm. L. Frees, Alexander Lockart. Assessor —Wm. Erwine. Judge—Lewis Enke. BEAVER. Justioe—Franklin Shumau. Constable—Charles Michael. Supervisors—Jacob Hoats, Samuel Co*. School Directors—Jesse Johnson, Peter Hauck, Charles Michael, (tie.) Sssessor —Daniel Singley. Jailjo—AUOIRW Ohuman. BENTON TOWNSHIP. Justice—Jacob Ogrlen. Constable—Stephen Kiefer. Supervisors—Wm. Cole, F.zakiel Cole. School Directors—Jesse Pennington, N. P. Moore, Elijah Hess, (tie.) Asses*"'—'Samuel Rhone. Judge —Samuel tiesi. CENTRE, Justice—Jesse Hicks. Constable—Charles H. Dieterich.' Supervisors—Daniel Nsybird, Isaac Ar wine. School Director*—L. A. Hutchinson, Jas. Knoher. Assessor—Elwood Hughes. Judge—Henry Hess. CON YNOH AM. Justice—James A.King, John Scott. Constable—John Uren. Supervisors—A. W. Rae, Geo. Scott. School Directors—F. R. Wolfhart, Jas. A. King 3 years: A. W. Rae, Geo. Scott 2 years: Israel HuDtein, Jacob Detk 1 yr. Assessor—F. R. WolfharL Judge—Jacob Detk. CATTAWIBBA. Justice—lsaiah John. Constable—Peter G. Campbell. Supervisors—Abel Tbomas, Samuel Kosl enborder. School Directors—lsaac S. Monroe, Mat thias Hartman, Barnett D. Davidson. Assessor—Milton H. Kerr. Judge—Michael Brobst. FRANKLIN. Justice—B. P. Fortner. Constable—Aaron Lamberaon. Supervisor*—Hiram J. Reader, John Zeig- Isr. School Directors—David Zarr, Moses How er. Assessor—Aaron Lamberaon. Judge—Wellington Cleaver. FIBUrNGCRBEK, Justice —A. J. Kline. Constable—J. C. Runyan. Supervisors—John Drescher, Aaron Hess. School Directors—N. T. Pennington, Hen ry Bittenbender. Assessor—Thomas J. Hutchinson. Judge—Peter Criveling. GREENWOOD* Constable—Abram Kline. Supervisors—Philip Reese, Henry Kitchen. Schools-Directors— Aaron Reece, Thomas E. Eves. Assessor—Russel P. Welliver. Judge—Eltsba Hayman. HEMLOCK. Constable—Daniel Nevhard. Supervisors—lsaac Leidy, Sylvester Pur aell. School Directors—Baltia Appleman, Reu ben Folk. Assessor—John H. Faust. Judge—Jobn G. Nevins. JACKSON. . Constable—Jacob W. Hesg,. Supervisors—Peter Hodge, Frederick Wile*. School Directors—Hiram Baker, Peter Hodge. Assessor—Wesley Snyder. Judge—Thorns* W. Young. LOCUST. Constable—William Goodman. Supervisors—John Ritner, Leonard Adams. | School Directors—Jobn Yeager, Jr., John Warner, Peter S. Helwig, George Fetterman. Assessor —Reinbold. Judge—Amos Rhodes. MAINS. Constable—Joseph Giger. Supervisors-John Klingaman, Joseph Hart* zel. School Directors—Aaron Aadrews, George Fleming, William Shumau. Assessor—John Harmony. Judge—George W. Gardner. MONTOUR. Justice—John Dieterich. Constable—Peter Heimbach. Supervisors—Geo. Yost, William Roberts. School Directors—Josiah Roberta, Lewis Roab Aaaessor—Cadwallader Roberta. Jndge—Joiiah Roberts. MIFFLIN. Justices—Samuel Creasy, John H. Heller. Constable—Lewis Eokroth. Snpervisora-Atron Mosteller, Jacob Hart* zel, Jr. School Directors— Samnel Snyder, Charles Klingaman. Assessor—John Frost. Judge—Nathan Grove. MOUNTPLHASAKT. Constable—Melkiah Rnokle. _ Supervisors-Jackson Hower,,William Fair man. Sohool Directors—Andrew Melick, Samu el Johnson, John Hower. Assessor—Maltbia* Gilbert. Judge—Stephen Crawford. For the "Star." NEW YORK CORRESPONDENCE- Naw YORK, Match 24th, 1856. I am not an habitual ball goer; yet when I do venture to shake the wrinkles out of my pantaloons, I want to do it under favorable and fashionable auspices. It being generally understood by the metropolis and his wife that "The Ball of the Heavy Guards" at the Academy of Music was to be the tip-lop af fair of the season, I concluded to purchase a tioket, after which I forwarded an invitation to a lady friend to accompany ma to the Terpaichorean entertainment, when the eve ning arrived we proceeded to the Academy. The door keeper admitted us after levying on our pasteboard and having accompanied the lady to the dressing room, I proceeded to de posit my hat and overcoat in the custody of a greasy looking individual who presided over that department. Devoted fifteen min utes to unsuccessful efforts to make myself appear pretty, with the deliberate intention of creating a sensation. Succeeded in put ting on a pair of white kid gloves with no other damage than tearing them between four of the fingers of each glove, after wbicb t rejoined my lady and together we proceed ed to the ball room. 1 had seen crowds; had witnessed jams ; but I confess that un til now 1 had never looked upon a crush.— Every seat ol the three tiers of boxes was filled by a person who had eyes, but no legs —or if a generous nature had favored themv with those physical extensions, they weie indisposed to use them in dincing. But on the floor the dancers were in afTeclionute, un comfortable and ever dangerous proximity— in fact they were as thick as fleas. A side couple beinsr wanted in a quadrille set, I stepped forward with my lady and filled it. Hires feel in front of us was the opposite couple whilst my contra partner was so close to me on my left, that some ostrich feathers in her hair manifested an uncomfortable li- JJ " lo my proboscis; and when ever she moved her •><> ' h ® wou,d ,ickle my smeller, against 'he organ l ues lion would protest emphatica"" by a B P as modic sneeze. All being "ready "honC.' s " were called and the result to me was an af fectionate kick in my ahine inflicted by a fat parly in the rear whilst try ing to make a bow. "Right and Lell" secured me a dig in the ribs from the owner of the ostricb feathers.— "Balance Four" resulted in a groan and the involuntary nibbing of two malignant corns on my left foot and causing me to step back and infringe on the real estate allotted the couple in the rear of us ; they recovered their rights, however, during "Ladies chain" by pushing me hack against the ostrich feather's partner and upsetting him ; but 1 helped him up in time to enable him to "promen ade four half round," which change I fanci ed had brought with it no mishaps; but 1 soon realized my mislako, for where I had led off in th* "right and left sides" 1 carried ostrich feather's mantilla with me—the lace of that garment having caugbt upon one of my coat buttons. Extricated the mantilla in a fractur ed condition and in time to trot into the "promenade four" and knock over a woman in a red dress who had come with her part ner on a filibustering exdedilion into ourset. Hostilities were ceased for two minutes, in order lo give the bellige ants lime lo rest; but "forward two" tenewed the programme of accidents and before the change was conclu ded, the set was broken up ill this way ;my opposite partner in attempting to dove tail a pirouette into a succeeding pigeon wing, sent her curls into my mouth where they remain ed—and demonstrated to the astonished be holders tha< if the curls were really her own, it was only becanss she had paid for thohi. I combed the capillary oleaginous compound out of my mouth with my fingers and polite ly offered them to the owner who is so far from thanking me, gave s villainous look at me and then made a precipitate exit. 1 made no further attempts at dancing until we reach ed the polka in the little three inoh dancing "bills of fate." Prepared myself for a hercu lean eflort at dancing. My partner put her left hand affectionately on my right shoulder and her left cheek in loving and tempting proximity to my chops. The music began and off we started with a prospect of clear sailing. Proceeded ten feet when a mali cious officer caught his sword between my legs and fetched me up standing. On a sec ond attempt a fat woman gave hie a lick on the pellicular spot where my dinner was de posited causing my head to strike an iron post and enabling me to study astronomy without the aid of a telescope, made a third attempt and when fairly under way my part ner's baok hair caught in the epaulette of a high private, and making it one universal demolition. The prospect being a speedy pul verization if we remained on the floor and not having taken the precaution to insure my life, my partner and myself-beat a hasty re treat from the premises. We proceeded to a restaurant ; partook of some oysters and ale, amf then sloped for our homes. MUNICIPAL MORALS Are again the subject of conversation. The second trial of Ebling, the Street Commis sioner, has just been completed and the in telligent jury (ailed to agree—there being three or four personal friends of the accused on the jury. There are several indictments brought under the bribery act still pending and 1 learn that the District Attorney intends to enter nolle prosequi in them all as he thinks if he cannot secure the conviction of Ebling upon evidence against him over his own signature, it will be impossible to con vic' the others as the testimony will be state ments of conversations; and furthermore he will not bring an) more indictments under the set nntil he is empowered by the Legis lature to peremptory challenge any friend ol the accused who may be subpoenaed as a juryman. THE OPERA For a short season has been revived with most of the artists of the company lust sea son, under the direction of Max Marelzex.— Miss Adelaide Phillips, an American artiste, is one of the company and will make her debut ou the opening night. There ia nothing naw at any of -the thea tres. Miss Lonisa Howard (Mrs. Henry Far ran) has been engaged at Waliaok'a and her husband has sdverlited to giva instruction in tba Dramatic art to aspiring Thespians. CALIFORNIA. With the opening ol spring thete is an in crease of the emigration to Colifornie, and the steamers go out loaded with pesssngert. Col. Fremont has a residence in this city and will probably remain here some months. His sudden elevation into wealth is one of the many examples of the freaks of fortnne. A feLvfan ago hqwts known only as an en terpnnug trplorer, now by the confirmation of the Mariposa grant he becomes the pos sessor of wealth almost illimitable. The case of ("aimer, Cook & Co., ol San Francisco, the bankM afford another instance. The firm is composed of four members, Mr. Palmer, Mr. Cook, Mr. Wright and Mr. Jones. In 1844 the three first named gentlemen were ' poor yonng men residing in Nantucket, Mass. Mr. Jones at that period was a book keep er in Clyde, Wayne & Co's, New York, on a small salary. Being seized that year with the California fever they emigrated lo try their luck. Their first enterprise was in the lumber business in which they were suffi ciently successful to enter into banking. They are now among the wealthiest houses in the world. In the financial panic fifteen months since it is said that they advanced very largs sums to the different houses which were in volved. They own sn undivided half of the Mariposa claim of Col. Fremont and other real estate claims said to be of great value. The oldest member of the ffrm is only thirty three"kears of age. DavW Broderick who fs a boding Demo cratic politician and a candidate for United States Senator a few years since, was a resi dent of this city. He was an active fireman of Engine Co. No. 34. He ie self-educated, possessed of indomitable energy and ie laid to be worth half a million of doliare. THE MARKETS. Cotton.—The market it a shade lower.— Ordinary selling at 8} cents, middling at 7} to 10 cis., middling fair at 10} to 11 cts., and fair at 10} lo 12 cts. Flour and Meal.—Market inactive. Sales of Western at 88 75 a 88; Genesee at 88 62 a 810 50; Canadian at 87 25 a 89 37; South ern a ,' <7 62 a 89. Rye Flour.--Sales at 84 a*635 * Co.*® Maal at 83 50 a 84. Buck wheat Floor at 81 7<* 82 12} per cwl. Grain.—Sales of commo.? White Miohigsn at 81 80; Rye at 81 17",' Oats at *1 40 Corn arte a 69 cts. Sugars.—Market dull, and price# a shade lower. 1 be late Samuel P. Coinage. The death of this distinguished Pennsyl* vanian in a foreign land, and while occupy ing an important official station, must still be fresh in the recollection of onr readers. Of a generous, self-sacrificing nature, ardent in his attachments, honest in his Impulses, and of unswerving consistency M a poli tician, he had won the confidence, the re spect, er.d the affectionate regard of all who knew him. As an energetic, persuasive wii ter he had few, if any superiors in the coun try ; and notwithstanding the unshrinking boldness with which be placed his politioal convictions before the public, his suavity of manner end kindness of heart eeldom failed to snftett Abe acrimony and bitterness of par tisan warfare. The above is from the Washington Union of Match 12, prefaoing a letter of the Eng lish Charge d' Affaires lo the Diplomatic auJ Consular Ageuts at Tangier, announcing the death of Mr. Collings, June 14, 1855, with the replies of :bs Agents of the Two Sici lies, Spein, Sardinia, Austria, Sweden, Por tugal, and Franoe, ail couched in language the most respectful towards the memory of Mr. Colliugs, and of sympathy foi Mrs. Col lings and family in their bereavement. The correspondence is too long foy us to copy.— Wilkesbarre limes. Tbe Kansas Committee. WASHINGTON, March 22.—Tbe composi tion of the Kansas Commission is a promi inent topic of discussion. It is composed wholly of Western men. Mr. Campbell, of Ohio, was selected as chairman, because he was the leader of the Anti-Nebraska party in tbe last Congress, and the leader of the House in this, as chairman of the Ways and Means Committee. Mr. Howard, who is regarded as an able lawyer, was the general choice of the Republicans, who objected to Mr. Dunn because of his eourse in reference to tbe Speakership. Mr. Oiirer, of Missou ri, was recommended to the Speaker by the prominent Nebraska representatives, as their ' choice for the minority member ot the com- I mittea. Tbe vacancies thus created in tbe ' Committees of Ways and Means and Elec tions will probably be filled temporarily. I The investigation will consume at least - two mouths. The committee are for a tbor- I ough scrutiny. They will take a clerk and ' stenographer with them, and two or tftree marshals, to subpeona witnesses. THE RIGHT WAT.— We nave before ns the 1 Montrose Republican, containing the State ment of Receipts and Expenditures of Sus quehanna county for the year 1855. We see 1 by it that not one dollar is due from Collectors, • even for 1855, on State or County taxes.— The amoont reosived was 815,508 87, and ! tbe Exonerations only 8266 33. Here is a 1 lesson for other counties. Susquehanna is ' not a rich county, but she has a system of ! compelling every collector to settle within the year; and the result is, no claims out standing, and the per centage of losses by f this prompt settlement only one and a half per cent. Money end trouble and anxiety would be saved if all counties would copy their example. Bold Robbery in Eastern.—Eaelctn, Pa., Mar. 24.— Thia morning, Mr. Joseph Howell was I knocked down at bis distillery at this place, k and robbed of bit pockat book, containing fir* bundled end eighty seven dollara. The outrage wee perpetrated by two men (stran gers)artned with e slung-sbot. They esoap * ad. Fifty dollars reward ie offered for the arrest of tne robbers. , tW The "Sunday Mercury " published at r Philadelphia contains a tale oelied the "Or phan# of Wyoming" by Mary A. Avery, - founded upon true incident* in the Wyoming - Valley, it has now run through savsrai r number*, and i* very readable. The "Mer i cury" ie a live paper, and is rapidly growing I into public favor. The Benighted Batch Democrats, Of Pennsylvania to be captivated by the no me of AHDRE W J A CKSON donelson. The Know Nothings hops to gain much from the popularity of Andrew Jackson, and Par*on Brownlow says it is arranged to print the name of their candidate for Vice Presi dent in the above style in order to make bitn run well. Hear the Parson ! "It hat been understood at arranged that Major Donelson would be pit on tbe ticket with Andrew Jackson in big letters and Don elson invisible, and ther. the old line Demo ents would think that Old Hickory had come to life again." The New York Mirror says: "Of tbe candidate for Vice President, we know less, end shall say less to day. He has t good name, and hails from the sunny side of the 'division line.' It is presumed that in the approaching campaign, a large proportion of tbe benighted Dutch Democra cy of the interior of Pennsylvania will vote the American tioket under the impression that they are again voting for 'Old Hickory,' of blessed memory." The dandified popinjay of the Mirror will Gnd out about next November that be has reckoned without his host. True, tbe Fed eralists were twice successful in swerving enough of the honest yeomanry of Pennsyl vania to carry the .Slate for military heroes, but the third time they missed it—"the be nighted Dutch Democrats" of Pennsylvania could oot be swerved from their fealty to De mocracy, even by a military hero whose lau rels were still green upon hie brow. One would have supposed that with their failure to humbug the "benighted Dutch" in 1852, they would have given over efforts of tbe kind, least of ail so shallow an artifice as to use the popularity of a name they always feared and haled, but never suspected. We presume they will bring out their banner of 1848, on which was inscribed, "We stoop to conquer," for if such electioneering is not crawling in the dust, we should like lo know what is. Tbe editor of tbe Mirror is very kind in letting the "benighted Dutch" know their in tentions. ANDREW JACKSON donelson, it ap pears, has no merits or qualifications of his own—none are claimed for him, more than that he owns a hundred negroes—but the Dutch Democrats are to be captivated by the ,7tme. A shrewd piece of Federal Yankee cunning, but onfnrtunately for the projectors,- the indention '•' on| y trouble the inventors. The Democrat* who bave been twice gulled by specious Federal argument can nevet be caught a third time, more especially when the Federal editors put their intentions sC plainly upon laeoni.—Hollidaysburg Standaid. ADVERTISING. ft is difficult to persuade some men of the value of advertising, although the immense fortunes which have been made by it, in this country and in England, within tbe last ten or fifteen years, are evidenced by the pala tal structures which have been erected by the shrewd and fortunate advertisers in Phil adelphia, New York, London and other cit ies. It is said that the average weakly re ceipti of the London Times for advertising alone, umount to S30,000„ and they have frequently gone up to 840,000. This shows that a just appreciation of advertising is possessed by the Londoners. The New York Tribune on an article on this subjeot says that nowhere is advertising carried on to so great an extent as in England. Professor Hollowsy's Pills are advertised to the amount of 8150,000 annually; Moses & Son pay 850,000 ; 850,000 is also paid by Rowland for his Macassar Oil, &c.; 850,000 bv Dr. De Jough for his Cod Liver Oil, Heal Si Sons pay 830,000 per year for advertising Ibeir bedsteds and bed furniture, and Ebon Nioholln, a tailor advertises to the extent of 820,000. Large sums are paid in this country, also, for advertising; some houses in New York set aside ten, fifteen, twenty, and twenty five thousand dollars annually for advertis ing, and this is continued from year to year, because it pays. Walking the streets ot Philadelphia a few weeks ago, a friend call ed our attention to a beautiful building con • structed of white atone brought from France. "That building," said he, "is a portion of the proceeds of an ample fortune derived from judicious advertising." We know men in this oily who have built a large business from almost nothing by edvertsing, while old houses in the same business, with every thing else in their favor, have dwindled into comparative obscurity. We know of instan ces of large sums being made during the last year, within a few weeks, by advertising, when without the aid of the press, nothing cduld have been done. We lay it down as an axiom, tbe money spent in judicious ad vertising, by a business roan invariably yields him four-fold, sooner or later, and in numerous instances one hundred or one thou sand fold. Some men advertise for t short time after they commence business, and think that suf ficient, others intermit advertising after they have established a flourishing business by its aid. This is a great mistake. From the moment a house esases to advertise, howev er large its reputation and standing, it begins lo decline. The changes are so rapid in this country, and the public mind is so constantly occupied by new applicants for its favors and its attention, that to be out of the papers where every body seeks for information on every subject, is to be forgotten. Tbe press is daily more and more becoming e neces lity, and its usefulness as an advertising me dium is a* constantly increasing. No man ie wise, or jnst to himself, who undertakes lo do business without availing himself of it* advantages.— Gazette. HP" The State Superintendent of Common Scb oola has appointed A. B. Putnam Buper intendent for Montour County, vice E. W. Conkiing resigned. 17 Frederick D. Simmons, of PotteviUe, son of Capt. Simmon*, U. S. A., has been appointed lo a Cadetahip at West Point. (7lt ie announced in letters received from Mr. Buchanan that it waa hi* intention to leave Havre, in tbe Arogo, on the 9th of April. ARRIVAL OF THE PERSIA. j ONE WEEK LATER FROM EUROPE. New YORK, March 90. Tbe steamship Persia, from Liverpool, with dates to Saturday tbs Bth inst., arrived this morning, ar 8j o'clock. The Persia brings no tidings of the steam er Pacifio. The prospects of tho Peace Conference are nnchanged. * It has been reported that the represents- I lives of the Conference were signing the preliminaries of peace, but It was really the appending of their signature* to the prelim inary formalities. Tbe Emperor Napoleon has recently made a speech, in wbiob be said that he hoped lor j peace, but France must be prepared for war j or peace. The Persia brings nothing to add to the above, except the general rumor that negoti ations were proceeding steadily. The fifth meeting was held on Thursday, the 6th, but secret as nsnal. The latest by Telegraph. LONDON, Saturday morning, March 8. The Paris Moniteur of yesterday, contains the Imperial deoree, calling into active ser vice 140,000 young soldiers, of the class of 1855. LONDON, Friday evening. The funds were beavy, to day, owing to the continued presrnre (or money. Advances on government securities were in active de mand throughout the day, at 6 per cent., the settlement day and transactions in scrip of ihe new loan, having increased the wants of dealers. From the Crimea. Delegates of the two belligerent armies met on the 29th pf February, to concert measures for carrying out an armistice. France. Orders have been received at Marseilles for the conveyance of 10,000 infantry and a battery of artillery to Ihe Crimea, to replace the troops returned home. From the Baltic. The Russians are sending troops in consi derable numbers to Finland. They are also concentrating a Targe force around St. Peters burg, and strengthening the barriers near Cronstadt. Great Britain. Additional insurance has been effected on the steamship Pacifio at Liverpool, at 80 per cent. The Covent Garden Theatre was burned on tbe morning of the sth, at an early hour, just at the close of a bal-masque, under the management of Prof. Anderson, the Wizard. Nearly all the party had left, and but few Dersons were slightly injured. The destruc tion cf lbs building and properties was com plete. Kansas Free State Legislature. ST. LOUIS, March 22.—The Kansas corres pondent of Ihe St. Louis Democrat, writing from Topeka, under date of the 13lb, says the Free State Legislature would on tbe 15tb adjourn till July. CASE or Ma. MATSELL —The Police Com missioners, in the esse of Mr. Matsell, the K. N. Chiel of Police, have nnanimooely deci ded that be was born in England, but that, hia father having been naturalized during his son's minority, the Chief it an American cit izen. READING CITV ELICTIOW.— An election for Mayor ot Reading, Berks county, was held on Friday last. Wanner, the Democratic candidate, was elected by a majority of 24, over an "American" and fusion ticket. Last year the American party carried the city by 704 majority. DEATH or REV. Da. BOND.—A despatch from New York, announces the death of the Rev. Dr. Bond," an eminent Methodist Di vine, well known throughout the country as tbe editor of the Christian Advocate. B. P. FORTNER, Auctioneer, WILL SELL On the 26th the personal properly of Na lhaniel Overdorf. On the 27th the personal property of Thos. Clayton, in Frauklin township. On the 28th and 29th the merchandise of Christain Shuman, in Beaver township. On ihe 31st and Ist day of April, the en tire team and tavern slock of Reese Fair man, Light Street. On the 4th of April the personal property of Wm. P. Smith, in Cattawissa township. 17* Persons who desire the services of B. P. FORTNER as Auctioneer will do well to engage him before adveiiising the date of their sale. ag&mamsa&u On the 20th inat.,by Rev. D. J. Waller, Mr. MILLSCHCMBERUN, of Bloorasburg, and Miss SAMANTHA MCCARTY, of Irondale. On Thursday, the 20th inst., by Rev. Wm. Goodrioh, Mr. FRANCIS R. SNYDER, and Mist LUCY E. COWMAN, all of Bloomsburg. By the same, at the same time, Mr. LAM BEST PEERING, and Mita LYDIA ANN KNOUA, all of Bloomsburg. In Hnntington, on the 20th inst., by Rev. E. Wadsworih, Mr. WILLIAM W. ROBERTS, and Miss SUSAN AsHLEMAe,both of Sugarloaf. On the 16th instby {lev. Isaiah Babl, Mr. AMURTH NOBLE, and' Miss XATE L. ADAMS, all of Bloomsburg. On the 13ib inst., by Rev. H. Tullidge. Mr. WILLIAM BEIDELMAN, and Mita ANN ELIZA DETWILER, all of Bloomsburg. On tbe 13lh inst., by tbe Rev. I. Babl, Mr. ABRAHAM MOSTELLER, and Mias ELIZABETH ANN LUTZ, both of Mif&in township. In Bloomsburg, on the 19th inst., by Rev. Mr. Sharrets, Mr. MARTIN BASTUSCHECK, and Misi CATHARINE FETTER, all of Lime Ridge. In Briarcreek, on the 20th in'*)., by Rev. I Babl, Mr GEORGE KELCHNER, and Miss ELIZA MARTZ, both of the former place. On the 9th inst., by G. P. Lore, Esq., Mr. JAMES KINNEY, of Lycoming Co., ana Miss FRANCES POTTER, of Columbia Co. Money Wanted! A LL those who know tbemselvee indebted **• IO the subscriber on notes or accounts of more thsn six months' standing, are re quested to make settlement snd payment of suoh account! by tbe firat day of May next. A.C. MBNSCH. - Bloomsburg, Msrcti 26, 1856.—6w. HORSE Sfomc BILLS. PMNTEDATTHEULSJA£L OWICB or THE "STAR OF THE NORTH*" IN THE BEST STYLE OF THE ART! And on short Notice. MAM. LAOHEIMAIERN ■to'l Manufacturer of MM Wrought 4c Cast Iron Bed- STEADS, RAILING,SETTERS,TREE BOX es, Stands, Verandas, tor.. Cemetery Lots En closed with either cast or Wrought Iron Rail ing, No. 335 MARKET. STREET. (2 doom below Ninth,) PHILADEI.PHIA i March 27, 1856. i £XX MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN STRAW GOODS, Not. 77 <f* North second Street, PHILADELPHIA, Would call your attention to hia most desira ble stock of Imported French Laces, Don stables and fine Split Straws, together with a beautiful assortment of Leghorn, Rutland, and Diamond Satin BON ■PNETS; Ladies' Riding HATS, jp | Misses' Leghorn and other Hals, HC> Boys' and Children's Hats, &c., &c. All of which will be sold at a SMALL PROFIT FOR CASH. H. WARD. Philadelphia, March 24, 1856.-2 m. H. B. FUSSELL, Umbrella & Parasol Manufacturer, No. 2 North Fourth Street, North West Corner of Market, Philadelphia, ITAS now on hand an extensive assortment of the newest and most desirable kinds including many not heretofore to be bad in the market An examination of our stock i* solicited before purchasing elsewhere. BP Prices as low HS any house in the city. March 24, 1856. Auditor's Notice. Estate of Margaret Shearman, dee'd. NOTICE is hereby given to creditors and all others lntereated, that Robert F. Clark, auditor, appointed by tbe Orphans Court of Columbia County, to distribute the assets in the hands of Lewis Yetter, administrator of Jacob R. Hower, who WM the administrator of Margaret Shearman, deceased, will at tend to the duties of his appointment at tbe house ol Jacob Dyer, in Csttawlsaa, at 12 o'clock. M , of Monday, the 28tb day of April next. ROBERT F. CLARK, March 24, 1856. Auditor. Auditor's Notice. Estate of William Prior, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given to creditors ami all other persons interested, that Edward H. I Ralily, auditor appointed by the Orphans Court of Columbia county, to distribute the assets In the hands of John R. Moyer, ad ministrator of Willian Prior, deceased, will attend to the duties of Ins appointment at the office of Rrobert F. Clark iu Bloomsburg, ou Friday the 2d day of May next, at 10 o'- clock, A. M. EDWARD H. BALDY, March 24, 1856. Auditor. To those who wish Farms- TO have fertile laud at a cheap price and on easy terms, your attention is called to the RIDGWAY LAND & COAL COMPANY. Twenty-five acres, or more in proportion, are given for 3200, payable in instalment* of % I per week or 34 per month. It is located in Elk county Pennsylvania, acd has one of the best market' for its produce io tbe State. Tbe soil is a rich loam, and is not to he surpassed for farming, as examination will show. It has the best elements of prosperity, being underlaid by TWO RICH VEINS OF COAL, and will shortly be intersected by four Kail roads. The Timber is of tbe most valuable kind; Title uuexoepiionably good, and war rantee deeds are given. It presents a good and substantial opportunity to commence farming, providing for one's children, or making an investment. Further particulars can be had from the pamphlets, which are sent to inquirers. Letters answered prompt ly. Apply or address SAMUEL W. CAT TELL, Secretary, 135 Walnut street, north side between Fourth and Fifth streets, Phil adelphia. Full information is contained jp the pamphlets. March 27, 1856. List of Cause* for Trial at May Term, 1856. 1. Peter Melick et al. vs. Samuel F. Head ley et al. 2. A. B. Hillisrd vs. Daniel Sponenberg. 3. William B. Peterman vs. George Paint er and his wife. 4. George Omen vs. Andrew Crouse. 5. Eli Freeman vs. Henry Mtrtz. 6. John Gerling et al. vs. Charles F. Mann. 7. Alexander Edgar vs. Daniel F. Seibsrt. 8. Samuel L. McCullook et al. vs. Samuel F. Headley. 9. William Koont vs. George L. Kline etal. 10. William Koons vs. George Lt Kline. 11. C. C. Baldy vs. Daniel Sponenberg. 12. James V. Hart et at. vs. David McKin ney. 13. Tbe Commonwealth of Pennsylvania s t al. vs. Peter Billmeyer. 14. Thomas H. Wilson vs. Samuel F. Head ley. 15. Daniel Kestenbader vs Jacob Stein. 16. Philip Cooper vs. William Sloan: 17. Frederick Beale's Ex. vs. Philip Win tersteen. 18. Benjamin Peterman vs. Andrew Lau bacb. 19. Jonalban Maateller vs. Benjamin F. Hartman. 20 The Bloomsburg Railroad I-on Co. vs. Edmund Crawford. 21. The Township of Briercraek vs. Augus tus B. Pesroe. 22. William Sloan vs. Philip Coopqr. 23. William Brown's admr, vs. Samuel L. Battle. 24. Samuel Giddis et al vs. Alfred McClure'e administrator. 25. Jeremiah H. Harroan vs. Andrew Mat corn. 26. Joseph Stackhouse vs Gilbert Fowler. 27. Amos Ellis vs. Dier Mora*. 28. Charles Hill vs. Eaooh Riltenhoose. 29. Adam Kline et. at. vs. Charles F. Mann, et. al. 30. Jane M. Bernlnger vs. W. A. Kline. 30. Malaoot hon Baker vs. Richard Torby. HENRY ZUFPIN6EB, JCaCloch aad WatehwakerXA South tide of Main Street, above the Railroad, DIFFICULT watoh repairing done in the BEST MANNER, and SPECTACLES of all kinds for salt. Bloomburg, March 20, 1856. DRAWER GOODS, Bpotied Swiss, Bog Jaeonett Mull, Cambrio, Swiss Muslin Bishop Lawos, sale Bard Muslin just receiv ed at the Store of A. Q. MENSCH Fresh Arrival! A NEW lot of cheap muslins and prints just reoeived by railroadand for sale by I A C. MENSCH.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers