imxaimmm vWtSml tglagga AIM AN AC FOR 1856. 20 21 52 23 24 25 26 "►FfclfeS 27 28 29 30 31 EeBRO'Y ' 1 2 17 18 IP 20 21 22 23 jgP* M 24 25 26 27 28 29 .... g-^rT* a 910111213 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Egg. 23 84 25 20 27 28 29 30 31 MSWfr* *??S5!! APRIL.. ....1 2 3 4 6 .*rtty* tJSHi 6 7 8 9 H) II 12 jpjg. ■ 13 14 15 16 17 IS 19 i&S** 20 2 I 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 ...• ... *!.': 15* ' II Ul3 14 15116 17 •£#• ''4-Yg 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 aii&gl 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 XS&aa trfjg i4jiw JUNE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Jenffi t> 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 4*so*to ''jiEj 22 24 25 26 27 28 xffir * 10 II 12 13 11 If 16 17 18' 19 20 21 22 23 .*&§* 7njj||jj 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 0 cMljffi SEPT'B 1. 2 3 4 5 6 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 pffi* 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 5 6 7 8 9 10 II <*#§ 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 *S4S^N> ??%>• 19 20 21 22 23'24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 .. . *§gg* •■**£s 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 stjftfS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 JSjii 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 m?K> 'IPj-nS 30 .... DEC'BEH ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 oilSfe* 7 8 9 10 1112 13^^3; ®fg| 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 s£S* •fggjg 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 oSffig . _2BSBBO 31 .... ...5.... j£32-£ GREENWOOD SEMINARY DIILLVILLE. COLUMBIA CO.. PA. For Youth of hotli Sexes. WM BIIRGESs, I'RIXCU'AL. THIS Institution which has been In suc cessful operation i'or several years has recently been enlarged to give belter accom modations for boarders and increased facili ties for Tuition, &c. Each quarter of the School year consisis - of eleven weeks, and ihe next session will j commence on the 13th of August, but pu- j pils will be taken al any season. • 1c addition to the constant attention of the ! Principal, the services of an experienced I teacher have been procured, instruction will ! be given in all the English branches usually taught, and also in Latin. • Natural Philosophy and Astronomy will be illustrated by appropriate apparatus and ac cess given to a Library and the use of Math ematical instruments. Books and Statione ry will be provided for all who desire. spjsifcaiiso TVITION, 83.50, 84 and 84.50 per quarter, graded by the course of study. Boarding, Tuition, Washing, Lights, &0., 824 per quarter, one-half payable quarteily in advance. * CP"* For further particulars address the prin cipal. Millville, July 6, 1855. LEATHER AND FINDING?. f|7llE aubscriher respectfully invites the at -I- tendon of dealejs and others, to his large and well selected stock of Leather slid Find, irtgs. which is kept constantly Ircsh by repented drafts upon lb manufacturers of this country and of Kurcy and which is made up in part of the following articles, vix :— The best Oak and Red Sole ; Slaughter. tikirting und Daring, ed do. ; Harness, Bridle, Band and Welt Leath er; Thong and Lacing do. - Wax Upper, Boot Grain, lllifTand Split do.; City Slnug, K>ps Baited and Collar do. ; Oily. Country, French and Patent Calf Skins ; Boot Leg Moroccos, Buck Bkins, Pad skins,Chamois, and .Moroccos; Bindings and I.inings of almost every descrip tion ; Shoe Thread, Patent 'J bread, Bilk, Boot Cord, Lace, and Bilk and Union Galloons; Black and Colored English Lasting, Worsted Uppsra, and Crimped Fronts anil footings; Awls Tacks, NceSles, Eyelet and Crimping Machines end Eyelet"; Steel, Iron. Copper and Zinc Nails, Flics, Hasps, Knives; Rubbers, Pegs, Bristles; and Boot Web; Hammers, Bootand Shoe Trees, Lasts, Crimps, Clamps, Handles, Gum. Color, Cod Liver and Tannert Oil; Shoe Tools and Currier's Tools of all kinds, readv for use, be sides many other articles not enumerated strove, all of which will be sele at tho lowest market rates, by JOHN WHITE, Importer and Dealer, 497 Market Street, Above 13th, Philadelphia. THE DEST ARE TIIE csoaLß^xop'Ds@a , o i =, EMPLOY the BF.ST TEACHERS and rise Ihe BEST BOOKS in your schools and your children will learn more in six months than in three years with inferior ones, and you witl SA VE TIME AND MONEY BY IT. SANDER'S NEW arc (he best Readers. WEBSTER'S are the best Dictionaries. GREENLEAF'S SERIFS ARF, THE BEST ARITHMETICS. PELTON'S IS THE BEST SYSTEM OF ©TOOTAFMY TAUGHT BY THE USE OF Splendid Outline IHnpg. WILSON'S ABE THE BEST SERIES OF SBSSIN^IKSiSSa .LAMBERT'S ABETHF7BEST WORKS ON Sower St Barnes, Publishers, Booksellers If Stationers, 33 North Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. October 11, 1855.—3 m. Registration Certificates For the use of clergymen, justices, pttysi ians end other persons in registering marria ges and deaths as required by the new Ao Assembly, can be ttad at the office of the Star of the North.'.' I STARTLING. BUT TRUE 1 Hmm TO EVERYSENSIBLE WOMAN. war tti iaabs stirpEß in health. No woman of delicacy 1* vcWtnft to dlielooe tlie ycru iar ailmen 4 * Incident to her BOX, even to a most InlWnato fondly physli-lnn. Thin modesty am! delicacy in implanted by nature, and neither should nor dcm be subjected to the rndo shocks inevitable in maklrir known to the other rex those exclusively to the female. Kxcejrt in extreme cases, lier scr.sitlveuess s* ill sacri fice her hlft i rather than her delicacy. The coiißiM ucuocw are actious, lamentable, and 11 fo htiur. Thus what at first could hnve been easily remedied, or im rlmjw better still, not incurred, becomes a compli cation of tlhieascA, not only -ruining; tho health of the mother, and embittering her days by t 'ckm-M and auf foring, hut entailing bvofcpn conatftnttane upon lief children, and enihUrraaalng, If not distressing, the busi ness und pecuniary procipeoM of tho huaband. Lot evei7 sensible woman XAKE WARNING IN TIME, (as thousands lnxvedWßp) by the bitter and dufferiug* of olheritoflhc drendful consvunences she t-nLxilM upon herself and those endeared to uer, hy her ignoenncu of the rlmplost ami plaliuuit rulon of health sw connectctl with the marriage state, tho vJolaUciu of which ontntiA suffering, and misery. How many arc sudering from obstructlona or 'lrregu larities iH'cullar Uj-?.lie I'.unale system, which undurmiuo the hehfth, tho cfTci ts f which they are ignorant, ami f-r which their deJic.ncy forbids seeking modii i) ad vice I How many sutler (i ttm jtrolapsus uteri (falling of He womb), or Tntrnjlirur alius (woakiiobs, debility, &c.)l Ilci a* mnny are in constant agony fr mnnv months pre ceding confinement I .Itwr many have dttllcnlt, If nt dnngcroua deliveries,and slow snu unoortaiu recovctloel T the qticniion, how are these to he prevented i what elioll be donef Ihe answer ts simple. Ta t every woman ascertain for herself without vio lence to her delicacy, the nature and character of tle ailment (to which sho as a female Is subject), the causes from which It may arise, and tho proper remedies for Us cure and future prevention. This she can do by porscsbing n littlevolumo ( dready pos-Wvcd by thomnuids), WHICH TF.L.I.K KVEIIY WHAT is Tin: MATTF.H, A.\H TELLS TIF It WHAT TO HO FOIt IT, in simple bill chaste words, and such as she can understand. This little volume ifl entitled THE MARRIED WOMAN'S PRIVATE MEDICAL COMPANION ' 11Y pn. A. M. MAURICE AW, r'tOrKHSOH OF DISK A9BB OF WON ML One Hundredth Edition (600,000; IS/no, pp. 21*0. fOX S IXB PIPE!!, EXTRA BINDING, $1.00.] A f-laiulard work of cwtuhliahot! found j rl 1 In the Catalogues of tho grest Trade Bali* in I tsmv York, PhilndHwlila, nnd other pities, and noLi by I •he xvin-!pjil liookfoilcrii in tho United Sttttos. It was nmi pul li.-hc 1 in 1347, aitico which tlnu> FIVE IITTNDItED THOUSAND COPIES have been void, of which there were upwards of ONK HUNDREDTIIOITSAKD SENT IJY MAIL attesting the high estimation in which It is hold s THE I OSL V Hi: LI A CLE, popular medical HOOK FOIt EVERY FEMALE, the author having devoted, and eliil devotes, his exclu sive attention lo tHb treatment of complaints peculiar to | fomaJeti, in twnect to which lie is yearly consulted by i tUoiifania, both in person and by letter. Here every woman cun discover, by comparing her own symptoms with those desoribed, the nature, charoo- ' tor, causes of, rind tho proper remedies for lier coin plaints. Tho wife about Dccominga mother line often need of | Instruotlon and dviee**f the utmost importance tt> her future health, will find such hMMiction md advice, nnd ■ also explain many symptoms which ollicrwitc would I occasion urxiety or alarm, a-* all tho peculiarities Inci dent to lier situation are described. It in of course impraciicable to convey fully the va rious subjects treati-d of, iih thov are of a nature strictly intended for the married or those contemplating ma* ! liogft The revelations contaimd in its pages havs ] proved a bleiriiig to thoiD-'ande, a** the Iniiunn rablo U-t --tor received by the author (which lie 1b permitted by the writers to publish) will aittst. Extract qf a letter from a gentleman in Daytim, Ohio. Daftox, May 1, l. g 47. j Dr. A. M. Mtinrierau: " My wife ban been perccplinly sinking for some three yours <r more, in cotiwvnicuee of her groat anguish and sutrering some moutlia before and during confinement: every niccesslve one more nnd more debilitated niul , prostrated her, putting her llfo in Imminent danger, and which WHS iui the last occoa'.c innjMiired of. I r-upjaiwcd that this ftato of tilings was Inevitable, and ntdgucd i myself to n.eot tlio worst At this time (now about two J mouths), T heard your book highly spoken of, a*eon- I 1 Hiring * mie matter* ranching my ease. On its receipt and perusal, I cannot express to you the relief l! afionlod | my ftirttresscd mind, anil tho joy Us pages impart oil to my wife, on learning that tlio great discovery of M. M. Jiesonuaiix provided ft remedy. It oj/ened t tirosj/ect tumewiiichl little conceived was possible. No la-cn niary consideration can ever repay the ohtigatlotH 1 am under to you, for having been tt o means of impni tiug to j ti" the matters contained In 41 The Married Women's Privnto Medical Conipanlcn." Hut for tW, ere another year wnuld have pn.-nrul over my head, in oil human pral nbili y my w ire would have been in Iter grave and my -children left motherlcsH. n In onnAcqueueo of tho universal popularity of 'he work, a#* evidenced !>> its extraordinary sale, various Im positions hare been attempted, as well ot I>ooksellers ns •<n the puhn<\ ly Imitations of title page, gjairincs cdi -4lons, and surreptitious infringements of copyright, nnl ot In r di vices tuid duceptlon-4, it lts been found n. cc-sury therefore XO CAUXION XHE PUBLIC to buy no book tmlesa the words "Dr. A.M. MA mi eAU. 130 Liberty Street, N. T.," is on (ami the entry In the Ok-rke Lfiice on the o. ) tho tide page; and buy only of respectable und bouomble dealers, or send by mail, and sddrees t Dr. A. M. Maurioeau. Di* Upon receipt of Ore Dol'ar " IIFE MABHIED WOITAT, '3 VRT7AT2 MEDICAL COMPANION" la sent tvtaildl I'm) to any part of the United State*, the ftanadas, ami Dritkh I'rovincta. AM let'em rnr.xt be !>ost-paia, rnul addrrssod to Dr. A. M. MAU2 ; TCEATT, box 122-1. Kow-Yoik City. Fublu-ting Odioe, No. 129 Wbort)* Street, New-York- Agents in Pennsylvania. T. B. Peterson, J. M. Moss &Bro., and T. Cowpeilhail, Philadelpliia—Mrs. Cynthia Williams, Honesdale—Wentz & Slark. Csr bondale—E. Flint. Williamsport—S. Tuck, Wilkesbarre—S. Leader, Hanover—B. Hall, Pil'sloti—J. S. Nickeon and A. K. McClure, Charnber6bor—E. Benner, Sumneylown— Joseph Swariz, Bloomsburg—G. W. Earle, Waynesboro—J. H. Cornelius, New Berlin— G. D. Main, Mainsburg—Potter 8t McMann, Be'.llonte—H. A. Lance, Reading. July 26, 1855.—6 m. Trusses! Trusses! Trusses! • c. E. NEEDLES, U'.rfis AND BRACE ESTABLISHMENT, t. W. COR. OF 12111 A SI) BACK STREETS, PHII MH LPIII A, IMPORTER of line French Trusß---g = i es. combining extreme lightness, I ease ant* durability with correct construction. Hernial or rupiured patients can be suited 1 by remitting amounts, as below:—Sending j number ot ir.ches round the hips, and stat ing side r-ffecled. Cost of Single Truss, 82, 63, 84, 85. Double, 85,86, 88, and 10. Instiuctions as to wear, and how to effect a cure, %hen possible, sent with the Truss. Also for sale, in great varieiy, Dr. Ban ning's Improved Patent Boily Brace, for Ihe cure of Prolapsus Uteri; Spinal Props and Supports, Patent Shoulder Braces, Chest ex pandets and Erector Braces, adapted lo all with stoop shoulders and weak lungs; English Elastic Abdominal Belts, Suspeusories, Syr inges—male and female. Ladies' rooms, with lady attendants. August 2. 1855. AND LIVERY STABLE. £3fo bS3o 0-'a a CBIEI.a£IS26U IVOW runs anew omnibus between Blooms ' burg and the Railroad Depot, which will lake passengers (rom and lo any of the residences of the town, or the American Spuse and Forks Hotel; and he will so furnish conveyances to all travellers who may wish to go into any part of the county. The omnibus will leave Bloomsburg twice daily at 104 o'clock A. M., and at 34 o'clock P. M. He has also a large livery stable connected with this omnibus lute, from which he can accommodate the publie, with conveyances for travelling, pleasure excursions or busi ness. Bloomsburg, April 24,*1855—!y, ~~ NOTICE. WHEREAS letters of Administration were this day granted to the under signed, by the Register of Wilts ol Colombia county, npoo the estate of Edwin Holmes, late of Fishingereek township, deceased; ell persons indebted lo said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims against the same to present them without de lay. MARY HOLMES, Administratrix. Fishingereek, Nov. 26, 1755—6w. ESSENCE OF COFFEE. For sale al the cheep store of A. J. EVANS. Philad'a. and Reading. JK R* SUMMER ARRANGEMENT.—IBSS. The Greet Northern and Western U. B. Mail Routes. Speed increased and fare reduced. Little Schuylkill, Cattawissa, Sunbury and Erie, Williamsport and Eiraira Railroad. Through to Buffalo, in 16 hours. " Niagara Falls, ' 16 " " Detroit, ' 24 " " Chicago, ' 34 " '• St. Louis. ' 43 " CP Ticket Office—N. W. corner Chestnut streets, and Philadelphia and Read ing R. R. Depot, corner of Broad and Ninth a; reels. OfVcmd tfter Monday, May Tib, Three Pn§- aeneer Trains will leave the Philadelphia and Reading Railtoad Depot, corner of Broad and Vine*streets, daily, (Sunday's excepted,) as follows: DAYEXPRESS-6 A. M. Stoppina nt Phrrnixville and Reading only. Connecting with the Cattawissa, Williams port, and Erie, and Williamsport and Klmirn Railroad; arriving at Elmira at 4 o'clock P. M.,connecting with New York and Erie and Buffalo ; and from thence, via. Steamers 011 Lake Erie, or on Lake Shore Railroad, to ' Cleveland, Toledo, Monroe, Sandusky and ' Delrpit. Also, with Elmira, Canandaigua with New Yoik Central Railroad, East and Weil, and at Suspension Bridge with the Great Western and Michigan Central Railroad for Detroit, Chicago, St. Louis, and all points in Canada and Western States. Only one change of Baggage between Phil adelphia and Canada or the Lakes. DAY EXPRESS—Breakfast at Port Clin ton and Dinner at WilliamsporL NIGHT EXPRESS—Tea at Port Clinto*. Passengers purchasing Tickets by tills Line : have the privilege of slopping at any of the .! above points, and resuming seats alt pleasure. Fare from Philadelphia to Tamaqua, - 82 95 Cattawissa, • 4 35 Rupert, ... 4 40 Danville, 4 60 Milton, - - 5 15 WilLvmport, - . 5 90 Elmira, • 7 00 Jefferson, - - 7 65 Starkey, 7 95 Penn Yan, - 8 00 Uorham, • 8 00 Geneva via. Gorham, . 8 00 " Steamer J. Arndt, • 8 00 Canandaigna, • - 8 00 Honeoye Falls, ... 8 50 Caledonia, 8 8 f Le Roy, - 8 Batavia, • . 9 Ou Rochester, .... 8 60 Buffalo, via. N. Y. and E., and Buffalo and N. Y. City, ... 10 Buffalo, via. Tonawanda, - to Niagara Falls, via. Elmira, Canandai gua & Niagara Falls R. It. - 10 " " via. Buffalo, 10 Of) Suspension Bridge, • • 10 00 Cleveland, - - It 70 Toledo, - - 14 75 Cincinnati, J6 00 Detroit, via. Rail, • - - 16 00 " Buff. & Lake, 16 00 Chicago, via. Great Western & Mich igan Central R. R. 20 00 Chicago, via. Buffalo and Lake Shore Mich. Southern U. R., - . 20 00 Chicago, via. Buff., Lake and Mich. Central R. R. - 20 00 Rock Island, - - 25 00 E. T. HUBBELL, Ticket and Freight Agent, N. W. cornet Sixth and Chestnut sts. G. A. Nicoi.i.s, Superintendent Philadelphia and Reading Railroad. T. KcKissock, Superintendent Cattawissa, Williamsport and Erie Railroad. lIENHY Cof-pjn, Superintendent Williams pott -and Elmira Railroad. July 19, 1855.—tf. 3JELW Kiiiaisais 8 IK BLOO.iISBIiRG, EPHRAIM ARMSTRONG TJI AS taken charge of a now marble works al the corner of Main and Market St., Bloomsburg, where the public can be served with Every kind of Nlarble Work, executed in the best style of the Art, and al the lowest living prices. Thankful for past favors, Mr. Armstrong will execute all orders that may be left with him for Tomb-stones, Tombs, Monuments, Door and Window Sills, steps of marble or, sandstone, Mantles, or any thing else in the department of marble masonry. The stock I on hand and engaged consists of the best ITALIAN AND AMERICAN MARBLE; and LETTERING will be done in English or German. E. ARMSTRONG. Bloomsburg, Feb. 1, 1855. Dr. FRANCIS C. HARRISON, WOULD respectfully inform the citizens of Bloomsburg and vicinity, that be has commenced the practice of Medicine and Surgery lhere;and r ohcita ashare of public pa tronage. He can always be found at the Ex change Hotel opposite the Court House. Bloomsbnrg, March, Ist, '55. LEATHER- Fritz, Hendry & Co., ' No. 29 NORTH 3d ST., PHILADELPHIA, i MOROCCO MANUFACTURERS, CURRIERS & IMPORTERS OF FRENCH CALF-SKINS, a id dealrrs in Red and Oak ac-.i Lv.tTßxx k \:.'J Feb. 6, 1855. I—y. | ~pw iLHRITiuL OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS ! U I RANI w. THORNTON HAS JUST received and opened a new and splepdid assortment of gTBHySqiCTAHfTMM ®®<©l2)o For Fall and Winter, at his store on Main street below Market, to which he invites the attention ot the public. His assortment will compare in price and quality with any to be found on this side of Philadelphia, and includes ODUa'Er C£3>CEXE>LE>a3 3 QUEEN SIVNBE, HARDU'AItE, GLASSWARE, HhTS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES. He has on hand every desirable and fash ionable style of Cloths, plain and fancy cas si me re's LADIES' DRESS GOODS, MERINOS.COBURG CLOTHS, CASHMERES, SHAWLS, SILKS, DELAINS, GINGHAMS PRINTS, and every article of HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. SHEETINGS TICKINGS, CHECKS, ETC. His stock is selling feet, end win be re plenished every few weeks for his motto is ''small profits and quick sales." Call and see our goods. We charge noth ing for showing them, and will always take country produce in pay at the market priees. Bloomsburg, Oct. 16, 1856. . RAWER GOODS, Spotted Swiss. Bog Jacoueti Mull, Cambrio, Swiss Muslin Bishop Lawns, sale Bard Muslin itiel receiv! Ed at lha Store of A. C. MENSCH Business Directory. Bloomßbnrg. pa. DIRA9I W. THORNTON. "Vf ERCHANT.—Store on the South side of IVL Main Street, second square below Mar ket. DAVID LOWENBERG, 'jftLOTHING STORE, on Main street, two doors above the 'American House." SIMOITDEEIFUSS, & Co. fJLOTHING STORE in the 'Exchange Block,' opposite the Court house. A. J. EVANS. TITERCHANT.—Store on the tipper part of Main street, nearly opposite the Episcopal Church. 8. C> BIIIVE MANUFACTURER OF 'FURNITURE AND CABINET WARE—Wareroom in Shive's Block, on Main Street. A. M. BIIPERT, TINNER AND STOVE DEALER— Shop on South side of Main street, be low Market. ~~rTw. weaver. ATTORNEY AT LAW— office on the first floor of the "Star" Building, on Main street. SIIARPLESS & ME LICK, FOUNDERS ANN MACHINESTS. BOIID ingsonthe alley between the "Exchange and "American House." BARNARD RUPERT.' f j tAITAIR.—Shop on the South Side of Main X Street, first square below Market. " 7 A. C. MENSCH, MERCHANT. —Store North West corner of Main and Market S'.'eots. HIRAM C. HOWER, CiURGF.ON DENTIST—Office near the tS Academy on Third Street. BTKELVV, NEAL & C 0„ IYI ERCHANTS.—Northeast corner of Main and Market streets. SUARPLESS dt 9IELICK, MANUFACTURES AND DEALERS IN STOVES, TINWARE &c—Establish ment 011 Main street, next Duilding above he Court-house. IIENR Y ZUPPIN GE R , CLOCK and WATCHMAKER, south side of Main street, above the Railroad. Every kind of disorder in jewelled or oth er newly invented Escapements faithful) re paired. PER DON'S DIGEST. A NY Justice of lite Peace wishing to pur x"chase a copy of Purdon's Digest, can be accommodated by applying, at be this office ' EZOEAITCfS SCT3L AND R. R. OMNIBUS LINE. TITHE undersigned respectfully informs his X friends and the public that he has taken THE EXCHANGE HOTEL, IN BLOOMSBURG, located on Main Street, directly opposite the Court House, which has been thoroughly re paired and improved, where he is prepared to accommodate his oustomers with good fare and to general satisfaction. He haR also in connection with the EX CHANGE HOTEL, an ecellent qprmn mQUpoasa LCaQcn.cß> e running regularly several times per day, to and from the Depot on the arrival of the Cars, by which passengers will be pleasant ly conveyed to the Depot Station, or taken from and returned to their residences, if de sired. He will always be happy to entertain and accommodate his friends 10 the ut most of his abilities. JOHN SNYDER Bloomsburg, Sept. 20, 1855. SAVING FITAD OF TIIE P. S. Insurance, Annuity & Trust fo. S. E. cor. of Third & Chestnut Sis., PHIL'*. CAPITAL 250,000. MONEY is received on deposit daily— The amount deposited is entered in a Deposit Book and given to the Depositor, or if preferred, a certificate will be given. All sums, large and small, are received, and the amount paid back on demand, with out notice. Interest is paid at the rate of fine per cent., commencing from the day of deposit, and ceasing fourteen days previous to the with drawal of the money. On the first day of January, in each year, lite interest of each deposit is paid to the depositor, or added to the principal, as he may prefer. The Company have now upwards of 3,- 500 depositors in the City of Philadelphia alone. Any additional information will be given by addressing the Treasurer. DIRECTORS: S. R. Crawford, l'res't. Wm. D. Godwin, L. Johnson Vice Pres't. Paul B. Goddard, A. VV. Thompson, George McHenry, Benj. W. Tingley, James Devereux, Jacob L. Flnrance, Gustavus English. PLINY FISK, Secretary If J'rcasurer. J. C. OF.HI.SCHLAGER, Teller If Interpreter. September 6,1855. —ly. GREAT REDUCTION IN THE PRICE OK FALL & WINTER GOODS. 'A C. MENSCH lias just received a new A* and complete assortment of seasona ble goods winch ha offers for sale at the old stand upon the best of bargains. From bis FULL NEIT STOCK he can supply every reasonable want of bis customers and the public. He has received a variety ol new style dress goods, and every thing to'make up a complete assortment o'f DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, Hard-ware, Queens-ware, Cedar-ware, Hol loware, Drugs, Fish, Salt, Coal, Plaster, Iron, Nails, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, &c., &o. In short, every thing usaally kept in coun try Stores, to which he invites the pnblio generally; 0T Cash, Lumber, Old Iron, and Coun try Produce taken in exchange for Goods, at the highest market price. A. C. MENSCH. Bloomsburg, Oot. 4, 1855. TO BUILDERS & CONTRACTORS. THE undersigned is prepared to undertake and finish in the best workmanlike style all work in the department of . - SSsISZLATIWCK He will personally superintend the work, and fin.. a sufficient nnmber of good bands for whom be will be responsible to do all work he undertakes at the shortest notice. Work will be done to order either by contract or by time. GORDON R. GOFF. Bloomsburg, May 80, 1855. Justices of the Peace w NO CONSTABLES can find all kind of laL b.anks desirable for their use,in proper 1 form it the office of the STAR or THE NORTH THE POCKET JESCCLiPIIJS; OR, KVKRY ONE HIS OWN PHYSICIAN. ®rP HE FIFTIETH ■X Edition, with One hun d r.e d Engiavings, showing Disetset and Mai formations of the human System in every shape and form. To which is added a Treatise on the Diseases of Females, being of the highest importance to mar ried people, or those cna templating marriage. 9y WILLIAM YOUNG, M. D. r.o father be ashamed the present a copy of the Aesculapius to his child. It may save him from an early grave. f,et no young man or women enter into the secret obligations of mar. ried life without reading the Pocke Aesculapius Let no one suffer from a hacknied Cough I'oin in the Bide, restless nights, nervous feelings and the whole train of Dcspcptic sensations' and given up by their physicians, bo another moment without consulting the AESCULA PIUS. Have the married, or those about to be married any impediment, read this truly useful book, as it has been the means of saving thou sands of unfortunate creatuies from the very jaws of death; Any person sending twenty five cents, en closed in a letter, will receive one copy of this book, by mail,or five copies willbe sent for one dollar. Address, Dr. W. Young, No. 752 Spruce stroct, Philadelphia.' Postpaid. No 162 Spruce St., Philadelphia. Sep. Ist, 1854-ly. CHARLES :DICX3XTS S c , The best & most Popular In the World TEN DIFFERENT EDITIONS. No Library can be complete without a set of ihese Works. Reprinted from the last London eihtdions and Piddiskcd by T. B. PETERSON, No. 102 Chestnut Street, PIIILADELPIIIA. t<T)ETERSON'S" is the only complete and X uniform edition of Char-lea Dickens' Works published in America; they are re printed from the original London edition, and □re now the only edition published in this country. No library, either public or private can be complete without having it in a com plete set of this, the greatest of all living au thors. Every family should possess a set of one of the editions. The cheap edition is complete in Twelve Volumes, paper cove>; either or all of which can be had separately. Price Fifty cents each, llleak House Price 50 cenls. David Copperfield 60 " Nicholas Nickelby 50 " Pickwick Papers 50 " Dombey and Son 50 " Martin Chuzzlewit 50 " Barnaby Budge 50 " Old Curiosity shop 50 " Sketches by "Boz," 50 " Oliver Twist 50 " Christmas Stories and Pictures from Italy. Containing a Christ mas Carol, Tlte Chimes, Cricket on the Hearth, Battle of Life, Haun ted Man, Ihe Ghost's Bargain, &c. 50 " Dickens' New Stories. Con taining The Seven Poor Travelers, Nine New Stories by the Christ mas Fire, Hard Times, Lizzie Leigh, The Miner's Daughters, Fortune VVildred, &c. 50 " A complete set of the above will be sold or sent to any one to any place, free of postage, for Five Dollars. Complete Library Edition. In five very large octavo volumes, with a Portrait on Steel, of Charles Dickens, con taining the same reading matter as the Illus trated Edition, and comprising over four thou sand very large double columned pages, handsomely printed, and bound in various styles. Vol. 1 contains Pickwick Papers and Old Curiosity Shop. " 2 do OliverTwist,Sketchesby 'Boz' and Barnaby Rudge. " 3 do Nicholas Nickelby and Mar tin Chuzzlewit. " 4 do David Copperfield Dombey & Son, and Christmas stones. '* 5 do Bleak House, and Dickens' New Stories. Price of Complete set. Bound in black cloth, full gilt back Price 87 50 " " scarlet cloth, extra, 8 50 " " library Sheep, 9 00 " " half turkey morocco, 11 00 " " half calf, antique, 15 00 g} Illustrated Edition in 12 Vols. This edition is prin'ed on very thick and fine white paper, and is profusely illustrated, with all the original illustrations by Cruik shank, Alfred Cowquill, Phiz, etc., from the original London edition, on copper, steel,and wood. Each Volume contains a novel com plete, and may bo had in complete sets, beau- Hfully bound in cloth, for Eighteen Dollars a set, or any volume will be sold separately, aa follows; Bleak House, Price 81 50 Pickwick Papers, 1 50 Old Curioaity Shop, 1 50 Oliver Twist, 1 50 Sketches by "Boz," 1 50 Barnaby Rudge, 1 50 Nicholas Nickelby, 1 50 Martin Chuzzlewit, 1 50 David Copperfield, 1 50 Dombey and Son, 1 50 Christmas Stories. 7 different ones, 150 Dickens' New Stories, 1 50 Price of full and complete set of the ll lusttated Edition, bound in 12 Vols., in black cloth, gilt back, 18 00 " " " " Library ebeep 24 00 " " " " i Turkey raor. 27 00 " " " " i calf, antique, 36 05 17* All subsequent works by Chas. Dick ens wilt be issued in uniform style with the above. Copies of any one, or any set, of either edi tion of the above works will be sent to any person, to any part of the United Slates, free of postage, on their remitting the price ol the edition they may wish, to the publisher in a letter post-paid. Published and for sale by T. B. PETERSON, No. 102 Chestnut street, Philad'a. To whom all orders must be directed. Booksellers, News Agents, and all others, will be supplied at very Tow rates. NOTICE I IV OTICE is hereby given tbat the under- J -Al signed citizens of Bloomsburg Columbia connty Pennsylvania, will apply to the next Legislature for a Charter for a Bank to be located at Bloomsburg, to be called the " BLOOMSBURG BANK? with bapkingpriv iliges of issue, discount and deposit, with s capital of two hundred thousand dollars. Daniel Snyder; Wm. Robison, L. B. Rupert, J. Ramsey, Wm. Snyder, R. B. Arthur, E. Mendenhall, Ephraim P. Lutz, A. J. Sloan, Joseph Shareless, Lloyd Puton, Wm, Sloan, Geo. Weaver, S. Mendeuhall, Bloomsburg, June 20, 1865.—8ra. IYfUSLINS a yard wide for 8 cents, and x '* good priate for cents iust received V* A. G. MENSCH TUfi GREAT NATURAL REMEDY roa Indigestion and Dynpepeia. J. S. HOUGHTON'S frifnntjP PEPSIN, the true Diges- Iltlailllf l ' re or Gastric Juice, fr , still holds the first place a a mong all the varioos reme dies for these painful and de structive complaints. It is-Nature's own spe cific for an unhealthy stomach. No art of man can equal its curative powers; and no sufferer from Indigestion & Dyspepsia should fail to fry it. Agents supplied at No. 11, N. EIGHTH St., PHILADELPHIA FF"Sold by E. P. Lutz, and J. R. Mover. March 29, 1855. DOLL, ARB, PREMIER ARTISTE IN HAIR, 177 * Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA, In ventor of the Celebrated Gossamer Ventila ting Wig anil F.ablicßand Troupees. Instruc tions to enable Ladies and Gsntlemen to measure then own heads with accuracy. For Wigs. Imk , s No. 1 The round of the head. 2 From forehead over the head to neck. 3 From ear to ear over the top. 4 From ear to ear around the forehead. Toupees If Scalps. i„ c h ei . No. 1 hrom forehead to back as far as bald. 2 Over forehead, as far as required. 3 Over the crown of the head. R. Dollard has always ready fo- sale a splendid stock of Gentlemen's Wigs, hall Wigs, Frizols, Braids, Curls, etc., beautifully manufactured, and ae cheap as any estab lishment in the Union. Dollard. b Herbanian Extract, or Loitrous Hair Tonic, prepared from South American herbs and roots, the most successful article ever produced for preserving the hair from falling out or changing color, restoring and preserving it in a healthy and luxuriant stale. Among other reasons why Dollard's Hair Calling Saloon maintains iis immense popularity, is the fact that his tonic is ap plied to every head of hair cut at his estab lishment; consequently, it is kept in belter preservation than under any other known ap plication. It being thus prac'ically tested by thousands, offers the greatest guaranty of its efficacy. Sold wholesale and retail at his old estab lisliment, 177 Chestnut Street, opposite the Slate House. It. Dollard has at list discovered the ve plus ultra of HAIR DYE; and announces it lor sale, with perfect confidence in its sur passing every thing of the kind now in use it colors the hair either black or brotvn, as may be desired, and is used without any in jury to the hair or skin, either by stain or otherwise, can be washed off ten minutes after application, without detracting from its efficacy. Persons visiting the city are in vited to give him a call. Letters addressed to R. Dollard, 177 Chestnut Street, Philadel phia, will receive attention. Philadelphia, Oct. 12ih, 1854—1y. SPUING GOODS CHEAP.' A. J. EVANS YIAVING purchaseu the interest of Mr.! " Appleman in the new store nearly op- i posile the Episcopal Church, has received a : new assortment of Spring and Summer goods 1 which he ofiers to old customers and" new at 1 GREAT BARGAINS. Among his ladies' dress goods are silks ' berages, chintzes, debaizes, lawns, ginghams' pbplins&c. He has " ' GENTLEM ENS' DRESS GOODS, such as fine black and brown French cloths I black Doeskin and fancy Cassimers. satin' j and fancy Vestings, black & Italian fancy Cravats, Suspenders, Gloves; &c. HATS AND CAPS. A large assortment of Men's and Boys' i hats and caps, embracing every style and quality. Also, a large and varied assortment of Parasols and Ribbons. DOMESTICS. — Bleached & unbleached Mjislin, Checks, Tickings, Jeans, Drills, Ta- i ble-diaper, Bagging,^Toweling, Table-lin-! ens, &c. BOOTS If SHOES —A large assortment! of Men's, Women's & Children's Boois and I Shoes, Jenny Lind & buskin Shoes at very j low prices. GROCERIES. —A large assortment of! Groceries, such as Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, ( Rice, Teas, &c., &c. Ready made clothing, spring fashion. W The highest price always paid for grain or county produce of any kind. Bloomsburg, April 26, 1855. Q3II ® <£> EE6XS3UD Qa.QPgg> Cabinet Ware Rooms, S. C. SHIVE RESPECTFULLY invites ihe attention of ; of the Public to his extansive assort- | ment of Cabinet Furniture and Chairs, which i he will warrant made of good materials and > in a workmanlike manner. At his Establish- ' ment, can always be found a good assort- 1 ment of Fashionable Furnitue, Which is equal in style and finish to that of Philadelphia or New York cities, and al as low prices. He has Sofas of different style and prices, from $25 to 860. Divans, Loun ges, Walnut acd Mahogany Parlor chairs, Hocking aDd easy chairs, Piano stools, and a variety of upholstered work, with Dressing and parlor bureaus, sofa, card, centre and pier tables, detashus, cheffeniers, whatnots and comodes and all kinds of fashionable work. His stock of bureaus, enclosed and common washstands, dress-tables, corner cupboards, sofas, dining and bieakfast ta bles, bedsteads, cane seat and common chairs, is the largest in this section of the country. He will also keep a good assort ment of looking-glasses with fancy gilt and common frames. He will aiso furnish spring mattresses fitted to any sized bedstead,which are superior for durability and comfort to any bed in use. Bloomsburg, April 6th 1854. tf. SJE> E. aEO7TBSL oflfrs his .P r 9 services to RlsnmaKiim l i t * , - ,eß anl ' Gentlemen of aiin7tn Vicinity. He is prepared to attend to til the various operations in Den listry, tn<iis provided with the latest im- Ptovei PORdELAIN TEETH, which will be inserted on pivot or gold plate, to look as well as natural. A superior article of Tooth Powders, at waya on hand. All operations on the teeib warranted. ty Office near the Academy. Bloomsburg, Nov. 20, 1851. raasH areitaxiT {"Ah Muslin Detain, Brage Detain, Cham brage, Calioo, Muslin, Ladies' Black & Fanny Gators, Roots and Shoes, Iron, Steel Nails, Fiab, Cofiee, Sugar, Tea, &c., &c ' A-Casc'H. STONE COAL, £JHEAP FOR CASH, lor sale at the Canal or in town at the etore c' OoLJI,'W- A.J.EVANS COSMOPOLITAN AST ASSOCIATION* SECOND YEAR. . 4 RRANGEMENTS for the second i Collection of this new sod popular . totion for the diffusion of Literature and } have been made on the tnoat extensive scale. Among the works already engaged is the far-famed H - "GENOA CRUCIFIX.'H J. which originally cost Ten Thousand In forming the new Collection, the diffoJl^H • sion of works of American Art, and the couragcrrtent of Amerioan genius, have been overlooked. Commissions have been ll issued to many of the most distinguished - American Artists, who will contribute some of their finest nroduclions. Among them are three Marble Busts, executed by the greatest living Sculptor,—Hiram Powers- GEORGE WASHINGTON, The Father of his Country - BENJAMIN FRANKLIN ■ The Philosopher; DANIEL WEBSTER, ■ The Statesman. A special agent has visited Europe and made careful and judicious selections of forvian worxs of Art, both in Bronze and Marble Staiuary and Choice Paintings. ' The whole forming a large and valuable 4^l collection of Paintings and Statnary, to be distributed free among the members of the Association for the second vear. Terms of Membership. | The payment of three dollars constitutes I any one a member of this Association, and ' entitles him 10 either one of the following • Magazines for one year, and also a ticket id •h" distribution of ibe Statnary and Paintings ' . The Literature issued to subscribers con- i fists of the following Monthly Magazines i Harper's, Putnam's, Knickerbocker, Blaik i wood's, Graham's, Godey's Lady's Book H I and Household Words. ' 00 *' ■ Persons taking five memberships are en • titled to any five of the Magazines for one - ve i r ' an<l 10 *" '** in the distribution S The neit proceeds derived from the sale ol fl memberships, are devoted to the pnrchass ■ r j of works of Art for ihe enHuing yea xf ; | The Advantages Secured ■ I are—° * member of ,hi " Association, ■ Ist. All persons receive full value of iheir fl subscription at the start, in the shape of ster- ■ linp Magazine Literature. ' M I 2d. Each member is contributing towards 9 - purchasing choice Works of Art, which are ■ i to be distributed among themselves, and are I at the sane time encouraging the Artists of 9 the country, disbursing ibousands of dollars 9 1 throogh its agency. V Persons in remitting funds for member- 9 ship, wfll please give their poet office address 9 in full, stating the month they wish the Mag- 9 I azines to commence, arid have the letter re- 9 I gistered at the Post Office to prevent loss- on 9 the receipt of which, a certificate of member- ' 9 ship, logetner with the Magazine desired 9 | will be forwarded to any part of the ooun- ■ I Those who pnrchrse Magazinee at Book- I stores, will observe that by joining this Asso- ■ j ciation, they receive the Magazine and free I ticket in the annual distribution, all at the ■ ' al'< PrKSO lhßy "° W PSy f °' lb * Ma B Min ®. I j Beautifully illustrated catalogues, mving I i I" l ' ascriptions, sent free on application. I bor Membership, address. I i ~ C.L. DERBY, Actuary, C. A. A. I , At either of the principal offices I I "Knickerbocker Magazine" office, 348 Broauway, New York ; or, Western Office, I€ 6 Water street, Sandusky. Ohio, j *** Subscriptions received by Robert F . Clark. Esq., Honorary Secretary, Blooms -1 burg, Pa. j Nov 14, 'ss—lf. EW~ £u j* TO THE FASHONABLE AND C2D : 0 > SZS2 L 3 33; 559. ' TMIE undersigned hnvingjust received the latest Pans and New York Fashions would again beg leave to inform his numer ous friends and all the world about Blooms burg, that he is now better prepared than ev er to accommodate any one wiih the neatest easiest and best fining suits of Clothes tha i > av , e been turned out lately; and not only I that, but he wil also do them up in the belt i order, upon Ihe lowest ferms. j His shop is at the old stand, (| OO well known 10 need further notice) where ha may /, at all times be found sealed upon the bench i | or repentance steadily drawing out the thread ol affliction, hopeing it may in the endprove ' advantageous to him and his customers He would also advise his friends to bear in mind \ I that poor, afflicted tailors must live or thev | can't he expected to work. Therefore, Wheat. . / I Uve. Corn,Oa(s, Potatoes, and with all now ; I and then a Utile CASH will come mighty h j handy from those who are back standing on l h:e book. ' Remember, gentlemen, that in all cases S | "the laborer is worthy of his hire." ' ; _, , BERNARD RUPERT. , Bloomsburg, April 14th, 1853. MOSS & BROTIIER, No. 12 South Fourth Street, Philadelphia, BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS & BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS, 17" EEP a complete assortment of SCHOOL, .MISCELLANEOUS and MEDICAL BOOKS, Blank and Memorandum Books, Writing, Letter and wrapping papers, fine l'ocket Cutlery, &c., to which they invite Ihe attention of country merchants and others. The prices and quality will compare favora bly wiih any other House. Having an ex tensive bindery under their immediate su perintendence, they are prepared to furnish either ready-made, or ruled to particular pat- a tern, Blank account Books of every si2Q andk ■ description, suited for Banks, Insurance < and County Court Rec- jr ,ji a ,h e quality a which is warranted both as regards paper TbP / none but ihe and ' fir * o| „ g p.jticu', dUlano ° < i ' a "iuio and Odd Fellows' Regalia and , J plications for individuals, members and oodges, the most extensive assortment to be found in the United Slates. Philadelphia, Maroh 29, 1855 -6m. CURE If Oillt COUGH, % BY THE USE OF Rider's Syrup of Tar, , WILD CHERRY, and WOOD NAPHTHA A SLIGHT COLD, accidentally acquired,. 7X through neglect or improper tre: ;roent, may result in that worst of all diseases, con- I i sumption, therefore be advised in lime, and I procure at once a bottle of ibis valuable pre- f i paration. It is pleasant to the taste, and has f ino narcotic in its composition, and can be i. taken with perfect safety. *■. , wid V preail . re P lati °" which this It preparation has obtained as a cough medi- 3 one. is a sure guarantee of its usefulness ifn 9 !k„" , T 0 . the throat and lungs, and'atf * 2 "? 9 h Wil be certain to obtain relief _ ' ror sale by all ike storekeepers in fbb, anil 1 •djotoing counties, and wholes*.',- h' , h „ proprietor. I. L. P.iTTER "* ft Jan. 28°,]i!*t Fr ° m "' Ph "}, BLANKS! BLANKSTTBLANKS ir ' <t DEEDS. SUMMONS, I EXECUTIONS, SUBPtENAS d AND paper and deairableforms, fo- sali J, , K . f olfice of the * f
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers