STAB Of THE NORTH. R. \V. WEAVER, EDITOR. Bloomsburir, Thursday, Jan. 10, 15307~ A bad spectacle. The present House of Congress presents a sad spectacle of' Americanism' lo the friends of republicanism through the world Digni fied legislators toy and squabble for weeks over the few dollars patronage that hang up on a Speaker's favor. At this rate it will soon come to ba A burning shame and dis grace for a man to be a Congressman; but / the great mischief is the destruction of all public confidence in the purity of our laws, ) and in the fair administration of justice. To be beneficial the administration of justice must be, like Cccesar'a wife—above suspi cion ; and when the very fountain head looks so muddy and impure as now, there can be none of that glowing and earnest patriotism in the mass of the people which has given to the Republic if. strength and. dignity.— Both at home and abroad, the country loses respect. And is this Ameiicnnisml This desecration of the highest legi.lative place in the Repub lic? This gambling by the long month for apoils, while the public business goes beg ging ? This offer of bribes—first in fright danied, and then owned to have been made as a good jest ? This trifling play of dalliance, threats, coquetlry and Irdachery? May Heav en protect America from a spirit so fell and foul I 'May the children of America never learn that men have dared with impunity lo do auch deeds iiwhe name of Liberty ! And may the men of America hsed the loud warning that comes up from the dens of dark ness, and Irom the foul cloister ol the Amer ican political Jesuits ! The true hearted Democrats stand firm as a rock ; while the factious majority fall back dismayed at every shock—as and light as the foam which the spent wave in anger throws on its invincible foe. The true rep resentatives of the people's cause are in the minority by numbers ; but "Thrice ishe armed who hath his quarrel just," for might and manliness are in an honest cause, while "the wicked flee when uo matt pursuetb." SuowStoim mid ( old For two days past we were "in search ol knowledge under difficulties," until some limes we thought the Superintendent and all knowledge ol him would be buried under a snow-drift; or with horse, sleigh and buf falo be carried off over tbe hills in the vio lent rage of a snow-cloud. Into one school bouse the storm seemed lo follow us, for clouds of snow came in through the crevices * of the floor above, and at the sides. Tbe scholars will not suffer from breathing viti ated air in that bouse, and we did not think it necessary to speak of Physiology there. On the second day, upon the homeward route, the sport of driving five minute miles was checked by the miniature snow-moun tains that made us often think of Capt. Kane and his Northern adventures. One infqrmant , reported the thermometer at 21 degrees be- V JQW zero, and "Ihe mercury almost froze." Ac lo kia recUlU U itiitl 1101 lICCU BU colli the last filteen years. Couuty Finances. On last Monday the County Commission ers and Auditors met at Ihe Court-House (o make the annual settlement. They found every fact and figure plain and clear—in per fect order and precision. With the help of Messrs. Lee aud Fruit as Clerks of the two Boards, every item was examined and the settlement finished on Tuesday evening. In aome counties no larger than Columbia the -—.-work occupies from two to four weeks. ' The finances of toe county are found in a fair condition ; for while several expeusive bridges have lately been built, and the rate of taxation very low, the county is ouly 8470 in debt to tbe Treasurer, and there are large amounts of lax yel outstanding for collec lion. , .. Esquire Harris will now act as Treasurer. The new Auditor* Messrs. Phillips and De mon showed at the settlement that they un derstood the<r business. Ilarrlsburg "Patriot & Union-" This Democratic journal at the seal of our Stale Government will be issued Semi-Weekly daring the session of the Legislature, contain- Reports adapted to interest the people, One copy, semi-weekly, during the during the session and tbe rest of the year 3 00 tbe Publishers, HOPKINS & BROWN, Hsrrisburg. JMr. Euller at Home. TW Wilkesbarre Record expresses its dis approbation of Mr. Fuller's course in Con trail), and considers him faithless lo the Re publicans. The Pittston Gazette " heartily regrets" to see him act as ha does. Tbe Danville American is also against him, and the Democrat seems to be the only news paper in his District that earnestly sustains him. Fire at the Furnace. Last evening (Wednesday) a fire broke 00l in tbe Casting-house of McKelvy & Co's Furnace near ibis town, and before a suffici ent supply of water could be procured tbe fc - the oasting-bonae was burned and r fell in. The other property was saved from •ojury. Appointments. The Commissioners of Columbia county have made tbe following appointments for tbe year 1456: C/sri—Robert C. Fruit. , Attorney —R. W. Weaver. Mercantile Appraiser—- Richard Stiles. - New Cans.—The Catiawitia & Williams fprt Railroad Company bare recently placed 8 set of rtow nod elegant Passenger* cars on their Road. Tbey e*pleasant and comfort gble to ride in, end tend to ,puke tbe long yide from Port Clinton to Willitmapqrt, easy toad agreeable. A Fine Slelghing-Song. For such sleighing parties as that which paid Danville a visit on last Friday night, and those of a more juvenile character, we suggest that the following sleighing-song will make excellent music. Let about seven "couple" get packed into a large aled box, tbe interstices well filled up with buffalo robes, and, without much regard to Mr. Hradbury'a rules of music, you can sing to chime with the bells, or to the good old air of "SOME LOVE TO ROAM."— How swift we go Thro' the Sparkling snow. In the moonbeam's silver glance, AP.'U out glad song swells, I NVhile the jingling bells Kectp time with our proud steeds' pranoe ! .And the hollow glen, Sends back again, Our laugh and glad halloo: While the diamond spray Flies every way, Aud the moonlight flashes thro'. 'Tie cold to-night, But these eyes so bright, A glow on the young heart shed. And these lips that move To ihe tones of love, With the smile of pleasure spread ; Then onward speed, While the snorting steed Shakes the spangets Irom his mane, We'll join in the flight Of the elves of night, Aud love and delight shall reign. Couuty Revenue. Several of our friends at Harrisburg have sent us the annual report of the Auditor Gen eral, from which wo learn that the following sums have been paid into the State Treasury during the past year by Columbia county : viz— Tax on real and personal estate, 87 155 04 Tavern Licences, 347 00 Retailers' Licences, 843 60 Militia Tax, 35 60 Tax on Writs, Wills, &c., By Jacob Eyerley, Proth'y, 105 49 " Jesse G. Clark, Reg., 212 92 Collateral Inheritance Tax, D. Lee, 112 76 $8 812 21 Deduct am'l received by Colum bia county for Public Schools, viz : 1 080 45 Leaving net revenue received by the Stale from Columbia co. 87 731 76 Montour Items. There are twelve churches in Danville. A course of popular lectures is published in the upper room of the Danville Academy. The Welsh choir is acquiring a considera ble popularity for its practice of vocal mu sic. Wild tuikeys and deer were observed oil Montours Ridge. He having no children, the large estate of the late John F. Derr, of Derry, goes lo the heirs at law ; twenty-four tracts of his land are now in partition. Four persons were convicted, at last Court, of violations of license laws. The late Martin Billimer, of Liberty twp., left 12 children, and (says the Intelligencer) furnished more hickory poles for the Democ racy to raise than any other man in the re gion. LIOUOR LAW IS CARBOSDAI.E.—Last week court was held at Carbondale, and among ether business, eight indictments under the new liquor law were presented to the Grand Jury who returned two of them not a true bill, and the others were withdrawn. The Transcript says : "There are about one hundred groggeriea in this place—every 'shanty' in. fact being a rum hole,—all selling intoxicating liquors in defiance of law, but the great difficulty seems lo be in obtaining undoubted evidence of the fact. You cannot get the frequenters of these 'dens' lo be proper witnesses —they won't swear to the truth." ANOTHER TRACEDT Two Men Murdered by a hlamac. —A double murder was committed on Tuesday near Woodbridge, Conn., by Charles Sanford, an insane man, whose neph ew is 0.-.e of the Wakemaniles who was ar rested 11. suspicion of ihe recent murder of Matthews. Sanford's first victim was Enoch Sperry, brother of N. D. Sporry, Secretary ol State. The maniac chopped off bis head with an axe, while he was ti 'sng home in a sleigh. The second victim was kltnbod Umbetfield, a farmer, whoS ttiford killed with an axe in his own house. The murderer is now in prison, Where he is constantly rnut teting senseless jargon of prayers. A Woman Swimming Ihe Mississippi.—Uoyd's forthcoming Steamboat Directory gives a thrilling instance of the necessity of women knowing how to swim. When the ill fated Ben Sharrord was in flames oo the Missis sippi river, and the lady passengers who had thrown themselves into tbe water were drown ing around the boat, the wife of Captain Cas tleman jumped into the river with her infant in her arms, and swam ashore, a distance of half a mile, being the only woman saved out ol sixten. THE BUBUHOTOV ACCIDENT. —IsraeI Adams an engineer on the Camden and Amboy rail food, who was on trial at Mount Holly, for manslaughter, baa been honorably acquitted- Mr. Adams was engineer on the train whieh ran off the track in August last, causing a deplorable loss of life. It appeared from the evidence that no blame could be attached to him. The Potisviils Gazette urges a stricter atten tion to agriculture and a more general prose cution of husbandry in the coal region* of Schuylkill county. It says that 8200,000 are sent to Philadelphia yearly for vegetables, which oould be raised in the oounty, and that thousands of acre* that could be convert ed lo agricultural purposes are left in a state of nature. MARRIED AGAIN.— Mr*. Payson Eldredge, belter known as "Fanny Fern," was married on last Saturday to Mr. James Parton, a liter ary gentleman. He ia tbe author of tbe Life ol Horaoe Creelj, and Ihe working edi tor of the Home Journal. The lady was mar ried twice before. One husband is dead and the other divorced. Correspondence of the Star. FROM HARRISBUHG HARRISBUHO, Jan. sth, 1856. Both Houses have been very harmonious in the choice of a Speaker. In the Senate the two rival candidates voted for each oth er. Mr. Piatt's Cameron deflection of last winter does not seem to have hurt him much. Mr. Wright, the young Quaker Speaker of the House, is a good and true inuu, and has the requisite energy and firmness for his post. In his neat speech of thanks he re marked that not one of the members of the present House were here when lie first be came a member, which, I believe, was three years ago. The present House is a great im provement upon that of last sessioo in the character of its members. In Ihe Senate the Standing commilte are announced with the following gentlemen re spectively Chairmen of the most important ones: Finance, Mr. Buckalew. Judiciary, Mr. Willkins. Corporations, Mr. Browne. Ranks, Mr. Creswell. Education, Mr. M'Ciititock. Vice and Immorality, Mr. Price. A bill has been passed fixing the 14th mail, for the election of a United Slates Sdnalor.— David R. Porter has undergone a political resurrection, and is now quite a formidable candidate. He is perhaps the very shrewd est politician in the Stale—quite as cunning as Cameron, and superior in effect, because he never makes a blunder. Ex-Governor Bigler'e prospects sre not as good as two weeks ago. Tbe imprudence of some ot his friends has injured bis chan ces. Buckalew and Foster stock is improv ing. A bill to repeal the Liquor Law of last year will be among the first ones passed. It will be remembered that some Know- Nothings attempted to explain away the in iquity of the bill passed last winter which raised the pay of the members by saying tbe cost of the session would actually be less than before. The report of the Auditor Gen etal gives these wise men some light upon this subject. From it we learn (bat the ex penses of y the government under the Kuow- Nolhings in 1855 was 8330,081 22. In 1854, under a Democratic ad mini -(ration, it was 8299,605 54, making about $40,000 differ ence. The Governor has appointed Joseph Casey, HOW ol the Dauphin Bar, as Reporter of Su preme Court decisions, in Ihe place of James Hepburn deceased. He has also appointed E. Beatly of the Carlisle Herald as Superin tendent of Public Printing, in tbe place of A. K. McClure resigned. VINDEX. Nhakspcnic's Heroines. It is remarkable that ihedaughlersofShaks peare with whom we are most acquainted, Desdemona, Juliet, Jessica, Hero, Miranda, Rosalind, Celia, and Portia, have neither brother nor sister. Each of them is the only child of her parents. Ophelia has no sister. With Ihe exception of Juliet, they are all motherless. Although Lady Capulet talks of her old age, being warned to a sepulchre, Bho was but twenty-eight when she proposed to her daughter the acceptance of Peris' hand. There is no confiding love, nor affec tionate intercourse between Juliet and her mother. On the contrary, she is reserved and secret, keeping her a stranger to her thoughts. Lady Macbeth stands distinctive ly apart from Ihe other females of Shaks peare, knowing no kin, as if authoress of herself; yet she is restrained by reverential awe, when, intent on evil, she cans her eyes upon'the image of her sleeping father. Jes sica is insensible lo any snob touch of natu ral tenderness. The daughters of Lear, with all their deformity, scarcely surpass her in cruelty and impiety. She betrays her father, plunders his house, bears off his family re membrances, elopes with his enemies and the enemies of her race. Even the ring of Leah, on which she knew his old age doted, she profanely exchanges for a monkey, and, in the end, consorts and feasts amidst exul tations over his overthrow and ruin. Desde mona is an unkind daughter. She deceives, and clandestinely, in the night, deserts her father's house for the "sooty bosom of a Moor." The match was mortal to him, grief of it broke his heart. In all her subse quent career, in sunshine and ill storm, and even in the last memorable evening in her bed-chamber, alone with Emelia, when her thoughts recur to her childhood and the memories ot her mother and her mother's maid Barbara rise up before ber, she has not a tear, nor word of pity or tenderness, or even a thought for her neglected and lan guishing father. DISAPPOINTED—Moat of the young men and their families, says the Village Record, who left West Chester last spring lo settle at Battle Creek, in Michigan, have returned or are about to return, egregiously disappoint ed. Two mechanic*, each with families, have returned; both of wbom lost their time, spent their money, and had to borrow funds to get back again. They lost from 8500 to a SIOOO a piece by the experiment. JOI.LT TIME FOR THE PAUEONE. —Have you read the famous book by Professor Rondout, of New York, advertised in our paper to day? No I Then read it at one. It will astonish you. It will make weddings as plentiful as blackberries in summer. No keeping out of love now. He lets out the subtle mystery. You can marry whom you please, now.— Huzza for Cupid I Matrimony for ever? W During the struggle in tbe Houie the past week, Mr. Banks, on one or two occa sions, obtained precisely votes enough to elect him Speaker; but before the vote oou I d be announced, several gentlemen, who had been hurriedly sent for, entered, and casting their votes for other candidates, turned (he scale. THE COAL TRADE.— It ia estimated that Ihe amount of the anthracite coal shipped from the Penneylvenia mines, for the year ending December Ist, ia 4,662,000 tons, 700,000 ton* more than last y ear. It is a wonder that our dear old Commonwealth is besoming tbe Empire as well** the Keystone Slate. | T = ofvEnNOK^OLLOM^MMSAOE HH Tfce Philadelphia Ledger gives the follow ing abstract of the message. We ibiok it does the document foil justice: A Urge portion of it is devoted to the sub ject of the State finances, and it pppears by the exhibit that the State Treasury is in good conditaDr-juowing a balance of about a million and a quarter of dollars, without any loans laving been required during the year. The actual receipts into the Treasury were 35 390^74, and the expenditures, including extraordinary disbursements, 85,385,705; a balance ol nearly a million and a quarter was left over from the year previous. The exlraordjaary expenditures were for comple ting public improvements, nnd amounted to 81,246,113. The balance in the Treasury will be required to pay the February inter est ThSsura of 8395,011 due the sinking fund has applied to the paying off of tho temporary loans which bear six percent, interest, the State debt on the Ist of De cember last amounted to 811,067,994, being a decrease.of 8639 601 in the last year. It is estimated that the receipts for the current year will exceed the ordinary expenditures by one million and a half of dollars. The Governor calls attention to the fact that the minimum pqtiod has expired fiixed by law for the redemption of the certificates of State slocks issuedjor the payment ol interest on the funded debt of the State, and that no provision has been made for their renewal or redemption. He thinks, as there would be t-ouble to negotiato a loan at this time, that the bonds of the Commonwealth, bearing five per cent, interest, with coupons, might be issued in renewal of said certificates. The public works yielded 1,945,376, or 8103 585 over all the expenditures, ordinary and jjxtraordinaty, or £794,013 over the ordi nary expenses. A large increase m the bu siness ol the current year is expected. The sum paid by the Pennsylvania railroad lor lax on tonnage has been very large, amount ing to 161,125, which shows the extent of business over that road. The Delaware Di vision and the Columbia railroad exhibit! satisfactory results. The western end of the Main Lino has not paid its expenses. The Inclined Planes over (he Alleghanies are not completed, and the cost exceeds the esti mates. 8177,572 would yet be required be fore the work is done. The North Branch Canat is not.completed ; it has likewise cost more than the original estimates by $751,- 340- The Governor renews the fecommen dation that the Main Line be sold ; but sug gests an amendment of the law giving such authority, and he thinks it a wise economy to sell the whole of the publie works. In regard to the currency, the Governor is not clear that all the applications for banking powers should be granted. As all tbe ap plications would embrace a capital of about thirty millions, we think the Governor could come at once to some satisfactory conclu sion upon this important point. But, evident ly, thr Governor ia out of his element when discoursing upon banking, and men of busi ness need not have the weakness of this por tion of the message pointed out. On the subject of agriculture, he talks more ration ally and and makes au ex cellent suggestion when he proposes the es tablishment of an agricultural bureau, in connection with one of the Departments of S'ate, and the appropriation of a sum of money towards the Farmer's High School.— When it is considered what importaut inter ests are involved in the success of agricul ture, any suggestion which tends to enlarge the knowledge or promote the practical labor of farmers is eminently deserving of atten tion. The general manufacturing law, the Governor thinks, is too restrictive. Tho common school system is commend ed, and suggestions made for the increase of its usefulness. The State Lunatio Asylum engages his sympathies, and he thinks it should be aided ; also the school for Idiotic children, the House of Befoge, and the Blind and Dumb asylums. The subject of intemperance is approach ed with caution. The Governor is inclined to let the Legislature lake oharge of Ibis sub ject, in accordance with the people's wishes. He recommends general in preference to special legislation, giving good reasons lor the preference, and what he says about re stricting insurance companies, so that they shall not be banks in disguise, is well limed and judicious. Divorces should be granted by the courts of law. Toe acta of the leg islature upon vAicb the enrollment tax ia not paid, should be repealed, and future acta should not be vnlid uuless the tax is paid within six months. Tbis is likewise a good suggestion. He next touohes npon the Erie railroad question, the abstraction of the pub lic arms from the State Arsenal, the election of a Stale Senator, and closes with express ing his desire to co-operate with the Legis. lature in protecting the rights of the people and the prosperity of tbe Commonwealth. The message is very well written, its sug gestions generally are of a practioal and use ful character, showing a generous heart as well as ■ patriotic spirit. Tire EASTON AROOl.— Samuel P. Higgins, Esq., hes become associated with Col. Hat ter in conducting this well known Democrat io Journal. Mr. H. is a practical printer of experience and capadity, and judging by bis salutatory in a recent number of that paper, he wields tbe "grey goose quill," with equal facility. A CHANCE FOR SPECULATION The Govern ment of Peru has got a project up for selling all the guano on the Chinca Island—nearly twelve millions of tons—the price of whiob is S3O a ton. Any company having tbe small snm of 8360,000,000 will probably have a chance to purchase tbe whole lot at Ibis price. W The School Directors of Northumber land county met at tbe Court House, in Sun bury, on last Saturday, and increased tbe sal ary of the Cour.ty Superintendent, Mr. Reim ensnyder, from 8350 to 8600. THE STATE IMPBOVEMEMTS.— The amount of tolla on all tbe linea of tbe public improre menu amount to 837,000 mors this year then last. The expenses were 870,000 leas. /■ SCHOOLS OP COLUMBIA COUNT*. From the advance sheets of the annual re port of the State Superintendent of Common Schools, we copy the report Which relates to the schools of Columbia county for tbe year ending June lst 4 1855: "Immediately after (he receipt of my ap pointment, on the Bth of January last, I com menced visiting the schools of the county, and continued steadily at that engagement on til the Ist of March, when the schools in this county generally oloeed their terms. From the number I had designed to visit in that time, I was unable to spend as much time in each school as I wished, but I noted the ex ercises of the several classes, suggested im provements to the teachers, and, where I thought it proper, addressed the scholars. lu some cases I examined classes, but generally wished to witness how tbe teacher taught, as well as bow the scholars studied and recited, lu less than those two months I visited three lourths of the sebools in the county. In ev ery instance I endeavored to have one or mora of the directors visit the school with me, and in more than one-half tbe cases I was so ac companied. Condition of the Schools. —Most of the schools are in a primitive condition, and nearly one fourth of the teachers have received certifi cates from necessity, rather than by merit.— A number are unable to teach grammar or geography. In but few schools is arithmetic taught by classes, and a number of school houses are destitute of a blackboard. Men tal arithmetic is unknown to many ol our teachers, at least so far as their practice show ed ; and the higher mathematics are taught only in a few schools. The manner of teach ing has generally been more stiff and me chanical than is desirable; and more from the dull dead letter of the task, than Irom tbe living inspiration of the spirit and soul of the subject. I find those teachers most success ful who interest their pupils by familiar oral explanations of the lesson, and use the book only for a text. In some schools I did not find a book with any instructions for reading,with reference to inflection, cadenoe or modulation; but each scholar seemed to have brought such stray history or book °f adventures, as accident threw in his way. I explained to a number of directors and citizens the evils of tbis course, and am pleased to find that, in many instan ces, directors, teachers and parents are now co-operating to introduce a uniformity of books. I have introduced into tbe schools, gener ally, the plan of reviewing studies. Some teachers hud already adopted it befoie my visit. I have urged the introduction of rhe torical reading, grammar and geography into schools where these studies were not taught, and found 6on.e cases where they had been thought only proper for high schools and sem inaries In a number cf schools I formed classes in orthography, where only mechani cal and arbitrary spelling had been known. Writing from dictation I found to be a "new thing" in most schools; and in my visits late ly, I generally organized a class, and illus trated a lesson before leaving tht> school.— Reading in concert 1 scarcely found in any school, and suggested it to be used only for obtaining proper command over, and modu lation of the voioe, and as a preparation for learning music. Musio I found only in one district, (Bloom,) but hope that next winter I shall find it in others. Grades —There were some good schools in this county within the past year. For the first time in the history of the common school system we have had graded free schools, and they have answered an excellent purpose. It is only to be regretted that the plan cannot be introduced into sparsely populated dis iriets. The directors of Bioomtownship, and my predecessor in office, are entitled to the credit ot their successful introduction thns far. Teichets' Association —Soon after I com menced vjsiting the schools, I saw that more good could be done if an association of teach- j era could be formed ; so that proper interest and ambition oould be inspired, and ail or many of the leaders reached at once with j suggestions and improvements. To that end I I called together the teaohers of the county, and in conjunction with the most intelligent of tbem, organized a "TXACHCRS' ASSOCIA TION," which has since held two meetings, and is engaging tbe attention of all good teach ers ir. (he county. I can see that it hes al ready done some good. Teachers' 1 Examinations.— Most of the teach ers bad been examined by my predecessor. I have given twenty-eight temporary and fonr permanent certificates, and rejected but few applicants. I will make my appointments to meet and examine teachera in their districts during the month before tbe opening of the schools in the fell. Short Terms. —lt is a mailer of great regret that the terms of our schools are so short Young men of good education seek for more permanent employment; and while some re gard teaching as a transition stale to some other pursuis of life, they do not feel as much interest in the suocess and prosperity of their sohools as tbey would under other eiicam stances. Female Teachers.—ln summer our schools are generally taught by females, for tbe rea ■ sons that it ia more economical, the scholars are all quite young, and tbe schools small.— The moral influence of a female teacher on suoh minds, is perhaps better thsui that of males, and bas more ol nature's proper sym pathy to develop and lead on '.be tender in tellect. Tbe scholarship of these females is also, in general, equal if not superior to the teachers of tbe otber sex. Teachers' Wages. —Tbe want of properly qualified leacber* bas been the greatest dif ficulty in my way to do the work I design ed. This want, in my judgment, can only be filled when there shall be more induce ments to urge young persons to prepare themselves fot teaching; and when directors sod people can and will discriminate more deoisively between good and incompetent teachers. Ido not mean by advanced wages, 'but by a more extended grade of wages. All teachers who have certificates, claim the same wages— equal to what the beet teachera receive; and so it happens that good teaob em reoeive too little pay, aad poot ones too much. This discourages persons of good ed- ucation from entering the profession of teach ing, and sometimes drives them oat; while it creates an unjust and unfortunate prejudice against the common school system among those persons where incompetent teachers have, during the past year, been engaged at advanced wages, because they now bad cer tificates. But such accidental cases are inci dent to every system, and to remedy this, I 1 have lately endorsed upon the back of my temporary certificates the grade of the teach er's proficiency in each branch of study in a tabular form with figures. In every case where, to keep a school open, I was com pelled to give a certificate to a teacher, much ( deficient, because r.o better one could be had, I explained to some one or more of the directors, where the person was to be enga ged, the extent of his or her qualifications, so that no prejudice might subsequently result against the school system, nor against the ef ficacy and value of certificates. Teachers' Certificates. —Unfortunately the old form of our certificates divided all teach ers only into two classes, and of these a very small one ; so that it was difficult for even intelligent directors to discriminate. The new blanks which I have received will remedy this difficulty, at least to some extent; and they are one of the improvements by which time and experience can perfect the common school system. But, in my judgment, there might bo still another form of certificates used with good efTect. I mean one like the new provisional certificates, except that it should not be limited to one year, so as im peratively to demand a new examination each year, but leaving it at the option of the teach er to apply for an improved certificate, if he had studied diligently, or to content himself with the old one, if he hud made no improve ment. The backwatd teachers would still receive the certificate limited to one year,so that there might be room for a belter class at the end of each year; and the re-examination would not lake place in those cases where ! no eood result can be seen likely to follow. School Law. —The new school law of 1854 ; is understood, in this connly, as an improve ment, by all who are favorable to the com mon school system and who have given at tention to its operations. The old sub-dis- Iricts divided responsibility, until the direct ors often refused to act in a manner, and the committees too often chosen by the passion or private prejudice of (he spot and occasion, ■ rather than with reference to the interest of public education. County Superintendent. —The County Su perintendency has by many been appreciated as a desirable and necessary part of the school system, and has met with tin objection in this county, except from those who have always opposed the system of common sohoo's. It has been treated With uniform kindness and respect, and 1 have only heard of objections against its necessity from two townships, where it is very evident that its operations are highly necessary. In one of these I vis ited all the schools without finding a black- ' board, or one scholar to recite in g-ammar or j geography; and three schools of 'he other district were in the same condition, with the I addition that there was not in uny one of thess latter a book with instructions for reading - One of the teachers was even ignorant of the use or purpose of the different pauses in read ing, and unable to define a period or note of exclamation. He had been employed with out a certificate, because he taught cheap. { The present board of directors in thst district will hire only such teachers as hre certifi cates. Services Rendered —Not a week has elapsed . and iii some weeks not a day without bring | ing calls trpou me from directors, teachers or citizens, for information and counsel as to the operations and requiremeutr of the school { law and school system. In every instance 1 , responded promptly, and in every instance the difficulties compltined of explained or adjusted, to the satisfaction of all parties. The counsel and labor I havo given in this way, alone, would, in a professional capaci ty, have been charged more than the amount of my salary as County Superintendent. R. W. WEAVER, County Superintendent. BLOOM.-BURU. July 14, 1855. tCT The world renowned John Smith sends the Boston (Mass.) Post the following pithy toast for the next celebration of the Fourth of Jdly, but it is too good to lay over :—"The Two declarations—the Declaration of Inde pendence, whereby we gained our liberty, and the Declaration of Love, whereby we lost h." LoseES BV FIBS —Losses sustained by the Lycoming County Mutual Insurance Compa ny from September 10th 1855, to December lOtb 1855, being the 2d quarter of the pres ent fiscal year, as given in the Munoy Lumi nary, amount to #71,029 81. A GOOD BUSINESS. —A professional beggar woman, who has lived in Pittsburg, Pa., for ten years past, has accumulated property for which she has refused 810,000. OT The Montour American gives the pres ent population of Danville as 5423. In 1850 it was 3333. OS" The ladies of Reading found out that this is lesp year, and so gave a Ball to the gents on last Tuesday. B. P. FORTNER, Auctioneer, WILL SELL la Franklin township, Columbia oounty, on January the 18th, a house and lot; the property of John Tesple. On the 19th, in Franklin township, Colum bia county, the real estate ofO. P.Teetsworlh, being nine acres of land with good improve ments on the seme. OJ the 25th and 26th, in Ataine township, Columbia county, the entire furnace stock, horses, and merchandise of R. Shuman. ty Persons who desire the services of D. P. FOBTNER as Auctioneer will do well to engage him before advertising the date of their sale. TST S. M. PETTINOILL & Co., Advertising Agents, No. 119 Nassau Street, New York, and 10 State Street, Boston, are authorized to receive and receipt for advertisements and subscription to thia paper. j FOUR DAYS LATER FROM EUROPE. ARRIVAJTOF THETARAQO. NEW YORK, Jan. 6.—The steamship Arago i lias arrived, with London dates to December 19th. She sailed from Havre on the same day, with 240 passengers, and a cargo valued at over two millions. The London Daily News affirms that Swe den has ratified a treaty with England and France. The allied powers guarantee the territorial integrity of Sweden, and the latter engages not to alienate any nart of her terri tory to Russia. The contraciing parties also engage to commnnicate reciprocally,nil prop ositions coming from Russia. Rumors of peace are etil abundant both in France and England. Count Esterhazv left Vienna for St. Peters burg on the 16th nil. with important de spatches containing propositions for a pacifi cation. It ia stated, that if the Czsr refnsee their acceptance, Austria will withdraw her Ambassador from St. Petersburg. Both the London News snd Times express strong doubts of t he acceptance of these ptopositlone by the Czar. The instructions given to Prince E-derhszy, are to return immediately, in the event of the Czars refusal to negotiate. The difficulty which existed between the English and French government, relative to the conditions on which peace should be made, have been arranged, throngh the ef forts of the King of Sardinia. The surrender of Kors to the Russians, it confirmed. Nine Pashas, together with Gen. Williams and sixteen thousand troops, have been taken prisoners. Among the ammuni tions of war captured, are 120 field pieces, some of which are very heavy guns The Russian General Bebutnff has estab lished his head-quarters at Kulars, and in tends shortly to resume his offensive opera tions against An akin and Redoubt Kale ! His army is abundantly supplied with provi j sions by the Armenians. ■* The defiles between Kara and Erzeroum are held by the Russians. Aflsirs in the Crimea are quiet. Great preparations continue to be made for augmenting the ffrilish fleet, in anticipation of operations iu the spring. Contracts have been made iu Sweden for the French fleets and the aft om parrying ar my. The Persian Ambassador arrived at St. Pe tersburg on the 9th of December. Hollowny's Ointment and Pith, the best Remedies for rite cure ol Female Complaints. The extraordinary effect these Pills hßve up on all complaints peculiarly incidental to fe males, would appear incredible to lha citi zens of the Union, if it were not confirmed daily by the wonderful cures they effect in various Slates It unquestionable fact, that there is not any remedy in equal them, for exterminating suffering" from Ihe softer sex, pariicularly for young girls entering into womanhood, therefore all are requested to . give tlicm a trial, which will insure their recommendation. I ' ' ! On the Ist of January, <856, by Rev. E. A. Sltarrelts, Mr. DAVID BROWN, of Main twp , and Miss DOROTHEA BROWN, of Mifflin town- , ship, Columbia counly. On the 27th of December, by the Rev. W. Goodrich. Mr. JOHN F. HUTCHISON of Blooms burg, and Miss REBECCA BSIOIIT, of Fishing creek township, Columbia counly. In Huntington, by Rev. E. Wadsworih, on the Ist inst., Mr. J. ALBERT BEERS, of Rock port, Carbon county, to Miss REBECCA TRES COTT, of the former place. By the same at Huntington, on the 3d inst., MR. WM. ASH, and Miss MARY A. SMITH, both of Benton, Colombia comity. On the 3d inst., in Beaver Valley, Colombia Counly, by the Rev. I. BA hi, Mr. JOSEPH SHUMAN, and Miss ELIZABETH BREDBENDEII, both of that place. In Bloomsbure, on New Year's everting, by the Rev. E. A. Sharretls. Mr. WILLIAM T. ERASMUS, and Miss MARTHA JANE TERWILLI GER, all of ibis place. ~~ In Rorwick on Monday last, Dr. A. B. WIL SON, aged about 60 years. Dr. WILSON was not only the principal physician of the community in which ho lived, but bis charncter and counsel as a man and a neighbor had a commanding moral influence and weight. His intelli gence and kindness filled every duty of a citizen, and gained him a hold upon the re spect and confidence of those who knew him best, so that many will now feel tbejr have lost a true ft i end. In Centre twp., Columbia counly, on the 27th of December, 1855, in the 18th year of his age, Mr. WILLIAM HOFFMAN, jr., son of William Hoffman, senior, ot that place. MUSICALTCONVENTION. Prof. W. B. Bradbury, Of New York City will bold a MUSICAL CONVENTION, in Bloomsburg, commen cing on Saturday evening, Feb'y 2nd, and continuing with Three Sessions for Instructions, each day ; (except Sabbath) until Wednes day evening following, when Ihe whole mat ter will conclude with A PUBLIC CONCERT. All persons who desire instruction in sa cred and secular music, bv one of the most celebrated teaobersin the land, are invited to attend. TICKETS, for ike convention and conoert, can be obtained at the book store, next door above the Exchange bote). Boarding will be provided at reasonable rates, for those who shall attend from neighboring places. JESSE G. CLARK, s. P. COOK, THOMAS J. MORRIS. Bloomsburg, Jan. 9, 1866. Lilt of Letters T> EMAINING in the Post-office at Catta -*■*' wissa, for the fourth quarter ending Dae. 31st, 1855. Ahlun Milton Bieber M. Barr Christian Bennett E. B Clay water A S Mrs. 2 Deal R C Folk Benj. G Gornerd John M'Gowan Terence,ship Hennessy John 3 Hartenstine Jacob Gordan Janes Lalts Alexandra Meiz Richard Smith Josisb Tingly Urban Tingly Joseph Tobias Jackson A Walter Abner. Persons applying for the above letters will please say tbey are advertised. C. RAHN, P. M. Catlawissa, Jan. 3, 1856. TRON STEEL, and every kind of Hard waief or sale by McKELVY, NEAL&Co /
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers