Hollow ay's Ointment and Pills, an Infallible Remedy for Blotches on tha Skin.—Edgar Mortimer, aged 18, of Third-stretat Philatlel a phia, was for five years a severe sufferer wib Bfdlches on theskin, the whole of his fsce, neclr, aritis, sntl hand*, being disfigured v* : with them like small pox ; be consulted rev • ■ eta! vefy clever raedicit! men, who told him • it was the predicating symptoms of disease, which alarmed him exceedingly ; however, 'fie took Hol'oway's Pills immediately, and. xobbed the Ointment on the parts affected, • and in two weeks the whole of the blotches disappeared, and his health was considerably improved. These remedies will enre the moat deeply seated old wounds and ulcers, even of twenty years standing. IMPORTANT TO FKMILES —Or.CHKEsxMAiis' "PILLS— -The combinations of ingredients tit these Pills, la the result of a long and ex tensive practice; thy are mild in their oper. atiou, and certain ir. restoring natuee to its proper channel. In evary Instance hive the Pills proved successful. The Pilis inverts bly open those obstructions to which females are liable, and bring nature into its .proper channel, whereby haalh is restored, and the pale and deadly countenance changed to a healthy one. No female can enjoy good health unless she is egutsi ; and whenever an nbstruclion rakes place, whether from ex posure, cold, or any other cs'jse, the general 'health immediately begins to decline, nnd the waul of such a remedy hat beer, the cause of many consumptions ti,7?ong young female To lau'." whoso health will not an in grease of ihu' r family, these Pills will p." 0 * 0 • valuable acquisition, is (hey will prevent Tf isgnaiicy. Headache, train in the side, pal- V'itat in of tlie heart, loathing of food, nnd disturbrd sleeo tlo m' alwavs arise from the interruption of aatu.e; and whenever that is the case, the Pills will invariably remedy all these evils. Nor era they Isaa efficacious in the cure of I,eucoirhoea, commonly celled the oWhites," These Pills should never be ta. ken during pregnancy, is tltcy would be sure I to cause a miscattittae. W a raited to be purely Vegetable, and free from anything injurious lo life or henlih. Full and explicrt directions Sicompany each box. These Pills are put up in square flat boxes. Perons residing -where there are no ageney established, by enclosing One Dollar in a let ter postpaid lo f)r. C, L. Cheeseman, No. 267 Blacker street, New York Oily, can have them sent to their respective addresses by return of -mail. WIMPORTANT TO THE LADIES Dr. GtlHMt's Celebrated Menstrual Fills have been long and widely known as invari ably certain in removing any stoppage, irreg ularity, or suppression ol the menses. lif tne female hospitals in Vienna, Paris, and Berlin, they have entirely superseded the ■use of'all other reqiedies; because, where a Cure is attainable by medicinal agencies, they are certain of sooCtess. Their astonish ing efficacy would be almost incredible, if not vnechod fm by indubitable testimony, in numerous instances producing returns oi the monthly period alter all tirtpe had been aban doned. In every case,from whatevercauso the ob etruction may arise, as also to prevent preg nancy where tne health will not admit ol in crease of family, ihey are always efficient; for which teason tliey must (tot be used du ring pregnancy, though always mild, healthy, sale and certain in their effects. Married ladies will find particular instruc tions in the directions, iu which are staled the various symptoms by which the cause ol the suppression may be determined. Price, One Dollar per Box, containing ex plicit directions. Each box will be signed by Dr R.G. Geiss •ner. Principal Office, 127$ Liberty Street, New Yoik City. Responsible agents will be appointed for their sale as soon as practicable. In the mean time, all orders are to be addressed to Dr. R. G. Geissner, 127$ Liberty Street. New- York City, or to box 2456 N. Y. Post Office, and a box will be sent by return mail, as they are put up in sealed-envelopes,-and can be sent with the strictest privacy to any part of the United States. CAUTION TO units. As various not only ineffective but injuri ous compounds purporting to be " Female Pills," under all kinds of names as " Iron Pills," "Silver Pills," "Golden Pills," " Peri odical Pills," he. are attempted lobe palmed off upon the credulous or unwary, it is only necessary for ladies to be on their guard against the attempted imposition, and in all cases where there is no authorized agent lor the sale of Dr. Geissner's Menstrual Pills," to order direct from bim by mail, by return of which a box will be 6enl. [29 —ly Agents— Geo. Ross, Lebanon ; E. T. Mil ler, York; S. Alleman, Harrisbnrg; D R. Jones & Co., Harrisburg ; C. YVeigley, Mill bach. VS. M. PETTKNCIU. & Co., Advertising , Agents, No. 119 Nassau Sireet, New York, and 10 State Street, Boston, are authorized to receive and receipt for advertisements and subscription to this paper. 3Stw QLboertisementa. NOTICE! WHEREAS letters of Administration were this day granted to the under signed, by the Register of Wills of Colombia county, upon the estate of Edwin Holmes, late of Fishingcreek township, deceased; all peisous indebted lo said estate are requested - lo make payment, and those having claims against the seme lo present them without de lay. MARY HOLMES, Administratrix. Fishingcreek, Nov. 26, 1755—6w. BV BOAT DEI'ORTO! SECOND ARRIVAL OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS! AT A. C. MENSCHS CHEAP CORNER: OF Cloths. Gassimares, Satinetls, Kentucky Jtane, Muslins, cotton and wool Flan r nets, ail wool Detain, Brege Detain, Cham bray, Silks antitia, .Long and Single Shawls, Cnlicoe*, luts, Caji Boots and Shoes of all sizes, Groceries, Hardware, Iron, Steel, Nails, &c., Sc.; in fact every Ihing to make np a full and complete assonmeui. Come and see. ALSO: BUCKWHEAT AND WHEAT FLOUR, Corn and Rye Chop constantly on hand and for sale for cosh. Bloomeburg, Nov. 28, 1855—4 m. SHERIFF SALE. BY virtue of several writs of venditioni ex ponai to me directed there will be exposed to public rale, at the Court House In Blooms burg, on Monday, the 3d day of December next, •I 1 o'clock in the alteration, the following Weal estate to wit: ■* All that certain lot ef around, situate in Scott twp., Columbia county, adjoining lands on the north of David Lee sen., on the east by Jackson Hagenbuch, on the south by Aaron Bnona, on ihe weal by Aaron Boone, containing three acres, whereon is erected A one and a half story frame dwelling house End a frame stable. Seized laketi in execution a* the properly of CI U C. Shug. Condthpxa,—Ten per cent, of (he purchase moaey la be paid when the property is attack down, and the balance on Thursday the sth day ol Peoemher next. 1 ,'##. {? FAWNY FERN'S l,OT,OTO k NEW BOOK COMING. WE have the pleasure of announcing that we hgve in. press, and shall publish about tbe first of December, a new work of fiction eutllled A ROMANCE—BY FANNY FERN. The last work, and fifst continuous tale of of this 'brilliant and fascinating authoress, ' Holh Hall," achieved a soccesa unexam pled in the annals of letters. In the language of a leading periodical, it "created a more profound sensation than any which has been issued during a quarter of a century." But it is unnecessary to allude lo the merits ol "Rtffh Hall." Judging from the number ol copies of it we have sold, we judge that every body in the U. Stales has read it. As respects the work we have now in press, ROSE CLARK, we can only say that we regard i: as, in every respect, a greater, belter work;; anil ate confidant it will not only sustain, but even increase the reputation of its distinguish ed authoress. We have reasons tor think ing "Rose-Clark" will make a greater sensa tion than did "Ruth Hall." It will form an elegant 12 mo, volume of over 400 pages. Price $1.25, on receipt of which 'jopies will be sent by mad, post paid. It will bo for sale by all booksellers. Any newspaper giving the advertisement three insertions, and sending pa a copy of paper, with advertisement marked, will re ceive an advance copy of the work, by mail nn.'-paid. Published by 1 " MASON BROTHERS, Nov. 22, 'BS. New Y " rk - COSMOPOLITAN AuT ASSOCIATION! SECOND Y£AR. . ARP.ANGEMENTS for the rsc.?nd Annual Collection of this new and popou*' Ins.'i lulion for the diffusion of Literature and Art, have been made on the most extensive scale. Among the works already engaged is the far-famed "G ENOA CRUCI F I X," which originally cost Ten Thousand Dollars. In forming the new Collection, the diffu sion of works of American Art, and the en couragement of American genius, have not been overlooked. Commissions have been issued to many of the most distinguished American Artists, who will contribute some ol their finest productions. Among them ate three MarWe Busts, executed by the greatest living Sculptor.—Hiram Powers; GEORGE WASHINGTON, The Father of his Country ; BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, The Philo-opher; DANIEL WEBSTER, The Statesman. A special agent has visited Europe and made careful and judicious selections of foreign wor.es of Art, both in Bronze and Marble; Statuary and Choice Paintings. Tbe whole forming a large and valuable collection rrt Paintings arid Statuary, to be distributed free am mi g the members of the Association for the Found vear. Terms of Men berskip. The payment of three dollars constitutes any one n member of this Association, and entitles hira to either one of the following Magazines for one year, and also a ticket in the distribution of tli9 Statuary and Paintings The Literature issued to subscribers con sists of the following Monthly Magazines . Harper's, Putnam's, Knickerbocker, Black wood's, Graham's, Godey's Lady's Book, and Household Words. Persotfh taking five memberships are en titled to any live of the Magazines for one year, and lo six tickets in the distribution. The net! proceeds derived from the sale ol memberships are devoted to the putchase of works of Art for die ensuing year.' The Advantages Secured by becoming a member of this Association, are— -Ist. All persons receive full value of their subscription at the start, in the shape of ster ling Magazine Literature. 2d. Each member is contributing towards purchasing choice Works of Art, which are lo be distributed Dmong themselves, and are at the same time encouraging the Artists of the country, disbursing thousands of dollars through its agency. Persona in remitting funds for member ship, will please give their post office address in lull, stating the month they wish the Mag azines lo commence, arid have the letter re gistered at the Post Office to prevent loss; on the receipt of which, a certificate of member ship, together with the Magazine desired will be lorwarded lo any patt of the coun try. Those who purchrss Magazines at Book stores, will observe that by joining this Asso ciation, they receive the Magazine and free Ticket in the annual distribution, all at the same price they now pay lor the Magazine alone. Beautifully illustrated catalogue*! giving full descriptions, sent free oil application. For Membership, address. C. L. DERBY. Actuary, C.A. A. At either of the principal offices— "Knickerbocker Magazine" office. 348 Brnanuay, New York ; or, Western Office, 166 Water alreet, Sandusky, Otiio. %* Subscriptions received by Robert F. Clark. Esq., Honorary Secretary, Blooms burg, Pa. Nov 14, 'ss—if. THE BEST ARE THE EMPLOY the BEST TEACHERS and use the BEST BOOKS in your schools and your children will learn more in six months than in three years with inferior ones, and you will SA VE TIME AND MONEY ST IT. SANDER'S NEW are the best Readers. WEBSTER'S are the best Dictionaries. GREEN LEAF'S SERIES ARE THE BEST ARITHMETICS. PELTON S IS THE BEST SYSTEM OF Twm- Splendid Outline Want. WILSON'S ARE THE BEST SERIES OF LAMBERT'S ARE THE BEST WORKS ON IpaTSTSIKBIfctEtBTre Sower & Barnes, I'uUuhcis, Jioulucllm If Stationert, 33 North Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. October 11, 1885—3 m. NOTICE TO COLLECTORS J THE Collector* of MILITIA Fides in Col. county are lie ruby notified IO meet the Com missioners at their office in Bldßmsbnrg, on the finl Monday qf December next, for the pur pose of gelling tiieir exonerations. Punctual attendance i* requited as no exonerations will be allowed alter that tima. By order of the Commissioners. .... R. C. FRUIT, Clerk. COMMISSION xas' OFFICE, j Blcolusburg, Nov. 15, 1855. ) NOTICE IS hereby given that John Waliz,sen., and bis wife, Betsey, have parted this day the 15th ol November, 1855, with .mutual con sent: He therefore auuona all persons not lo irusi her on his account, as he will nol pay ally debut' of her counseling after this aate. JOHN WALTfc, een. . Main IWp., Nov. 19 f 1855. STILL GREATER ATTRACTIONS! QODEY'S LADY'S BOOK OPdDcr* Hd3®><3B rtrry *cdwD VOL ! T*i iioniku MSOSZINI! Especially devoted to Ike wants of the Ladies of America. Where this Magazine is taken in • home, no other i* wanted, as it. comprises all that could be obtained by taking three other Mag azine*. New Features for 1 SOT. i A new and very intereaiing story story will be commenced in January, by Marion Har land, author of "Alone," and "Hidden Path," two novels that have 'created an immense sensation in the Kwrsrry world. Also— Miss Virginia P. Tewnaeiid will commence in the Fetnuary number a Novelette, which we know will strongly interest (he reader* of tbe "Book." Stories by an English Authoress. How to make Wax Flowers and Fruits— With engravings. The Norse and the Nursery. How to make a Bonnet. Troubles of an English Housekeeper. The art of sketching flowers from Nature. With engravings—To be copied by the learner on paper to be colored. Maternal counsels (o a Daughter.—De signed to aid her in the care of her health, the improvement of her mind, and the culti vation of her heart. New style of illuminating windows aod lamp shades, with engravings. Poetry and history of Finger Rings, illus trated; Shells for the Ladies, and where they come from, with engravings. Modelling in Leather with engravings. This is only giving an idea of our inten tions for 1856—New designs of interest to the ladies are springing no everyday; we shall avail ourselves of everything that can interest them. In lad, "Uodey'a Lady's Bonk," will possess the interest of uny other l,'tree magazines. fjt addition lo the above will be continoed in each No. Godev's splendid steel engravings. o,.ie hundred pages of reading. Goo'ey'schallenge Fashion Plates, fn this as in eve. r y other department, we defy rivalry or imilatio.i. Embroidery patterns. Any quantity of them.are giver.' monthly. Model Collage.''. Dress making willi diagrams to cut by. Dress patterns —Infant's and ChtKlrens Dresses —All kind o( Crochet and Netting Woik—Cloaks, Mantelets, Talmas, Collars, Chemisette, Under Sleeves, Bonnets, Win dow Curtains, Broderto Anglaise Slippers, Caps, Cloaks. Evening Dreses, fancy Arti cles, Head Dresses, Hair Dressing, Robes lor Night and Morning. Carriage Dresses, Bridal Dresses, Wrea'lts, Mantillas, Walking Dres ses, Riding Habits, Boy's Clothing, Capes and Cloaks of Fur in season. Croohet and Netting Work printed in colors. /burring Lessons fdr Youth—looo designs, Music, $3 worth is given every year; the Nurse and the Nursery, witli full instruc tions; (jodey'6 invaluable Recipes upon every subject. We would advise all who intend to sub scribe to send in their orders soon, for if wo do not make duplicate stereotype plates, it will be difficult to supply the demand. We expect our list for 1866 will rench 100,000 copies. The best plan for subscribing is to send yottr money direct to the publisher Those who send large amounts had belter send drafts but notes will answer if dralts cannot be procured. Letters had better be registeted—-K only costs five cents extra, and their safe reception is ensured. Terms—Cash in Advance. One copy 1 year, S3. Two copies 1 year, $5. Three copies I year, $6. Five copies 1 year and an extra copy to the person sending the club making six copies $lO. — Eight copies one year, and an extra copy to the person sending the clnb, making 9 cop ies, sls. Eleven copies 1 year, and an ex tra copy to the person sending the club ma king 12 copies, S2O. BT The above Terms cannot be deviated from, no matter bmv many are ordered. Godey'e Lady's Book and Harper's Maga zine both 1 year for $4 50. Godey's Lady's Book and Arthur's Home Magazine both 1 year for $3 50. The money must be all seul at one lime for any of the Clubs. XST Additions of one or more to clubs are received at club prices. Ci** A Specimen or Specimens will be sent direct to any Postmaster making the request. W We can always supply back numbers for the year, as the work is stereotyped. Subscribers in the British Provinces, who send fur clubs, must remit 36 cents extra on every'subscriber, to pay the Ametican post age to (he lines. Address L A. GODEY, No. 113 Chctnnt Street, Phihid'a. ~~ PRCQLAMATXQIirT~ NOTICE is hereby given that the several Courts of Commom Pleas, Gen eral Qttnrter Sessions of the Peace, and Orphans' Court. Court of Oyer and) Terminer and Jail Delivery, in and for the County of Columbia, to commence at the Coutt House in Bloomsburg, on Monday, the 3d day of December next, to continue o.ne week The Coroner, Justices of the Peace &■ Constables, in and for the county of Co lumbia,are requested to be then and there in their proper persona, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, and other remem brances, to do those things to their sev eral office* appertaining o be done. And all witnesses prosecuting in behalf of the Commonwealth against any pris oner, are nlso requested and commanded to be t hen and there attending i n their pro per persons to prosecute against him, aa shall be just—and not to depart withdut leave at their peril. Jurors are request ed to be punctual in their attendance, at the time appointed agreeable to Ibeir no tices, Giren tinder my hand at Bloomaburg the fltli day of September in the year f our Lord one thCusand eignt hundred and fifty five, and the Independence of the United Statue of America the 77th. JOHN SNYDER, Sh'ff. (God eave the Commonwealth.) VALUABLE FA It ill AT PRIVATE SALE! THE subscriber offers for Bale hi* FARM, situate in Ftshiimcreek township. Columbia county,.about 24 milea above Oratigeville, adjoining lands of Hiram R. Kline, Thomas Lunger and Jacob Eyer, now occupied by the owner, and Containing Seoul > Aoamathts of which about 8 acres ia limbered and the real well improved for farming. Tbere are on the premises .e A FRAME SWELLING HOUSE, a frame barn, n good young apple orohard) a lot of valuable peach trees, cherry trees, &o. ty Conditions will be made known by applicaion on the premises to t ; . i, THOMAS ROBBINB. Fisitingcreek, Oot. 4. 1858. ■ ,i t ESSENCE OF COFFEE. For safe at the 'cheap store df A. J. EVANS Trial Lilt Ar DeeemkerTOh* IKS. I.'Gilbert H. Fowler * Samuel A. Wor man vs. Hejiry Trembley. 2. John R. Mover Committee ,of Peter Melick or. Samuel P. Hsadly tot. al. 3. Daniel Hower vs. Jonas Berninger., , 4. Joseph Sharplesa vs. Jamison .Rartqjr' 6. O. B. Hilliard vs. Daniel Sponenberger. 6. Enoch Howell vs. Isaiah Shuman. 7. Jonathan J. HqgdlabU Vs. Israel Ashlon. 8. William Edgar tor the ate of John 8li den vs. Alexander Edgar. V 9. William B. Peterman vs. George Pain* ter & hie wife Mary, Jane Painter. J / 10. John L. Flick vs. Samuel Uaueler. 11. Rev. Isaiah Bah! vs. John Werkheiser. 12. Hugh Thompson t is Augustus B. Pearce et. al. 13. William MeKelvy et. al. is. Jonathan Modeller. 14. Augustus B. Pearee vs. Hugh Thomp son. 15. William McKelvy et. at. vs. Jonathan Mosteller. 1 P ' ' ' 16. Heury Mellick vs. John W. Vander slice. , 17. George Aman .fi. Andrew Croose. 18. Eti Fairmanvs. Henry Martz. 19. Theiiycoming County Mutual Fire in surance Co. vs. Simon P Ease. 20. John Gerling for the use of Heny Van llced vs. Charles F. Mann. 21. Alexander Edgar vs. Danial F. Seybsrt. 22. Samuel L. McCulloch et. al. vs. Sam uel F. Headier. 23. William Koona vs. George L. Kline el. al. 24. William Koona vs. George L. Kline. 25. William Shaffer vs. James Molt. 26. Jacob flossier vs. Benj. P. Prick. 27. C. C. Biddy vs. Daniel Sponenberger. 28. Jno. V. Hart et. al. vs. David M'Kinney. 29. George Strieker vs. Andrew Malcom et. al. 30. Sarah Kline vs. Joseph S. Kline. 31. John Murray vs. William Hecderehol's adm. 32. Peter Blank vs. Benjamin P. Frick. 33. The Com. pf Penntylvaoia vs. Peter Billmyer. 34. Edward Henry vs. Robeit Montgomery. 35. Robert Montgomery vs. Edward Henry. 36. Azima Vallerebamp's adm. vs. John H. Vanrlerslice. iiraud Jury lor December Term, '55. Briercreek—John Davenport, Jas. Evans, George L. Freeze. Benton—Elijah Kline. Centre—lsaac Ernwine. Franklin—Michael Meneb. Fishing Creek—Alexander Cramer. Greenwood—Barnabas Watts, James Gib son. Hemlock—George Ohl. Locust—Samuel Mearv Francis Cams. Ml. Pleasant—George Vance. Monionr—William Pursel, Phillip Krum. Mifflin—Christiun Lutz, Levi Keikendall. Orange —Henry C. Delong. , Koarmt Creek— Michael Mowery. Scotl—lsaac Crevelmg. Sugar loaf—Samuel Kitchen, Alinas Cole, John Lewis, Jesse Fritz. '1 ravprse Jurors for Dec'r Term, '55. Bloom—John Hicks, Hiram W. Thornton, Reuben Fetierman, Hiram C. Hower. Brier Creek —Lewis DieVerich, John Salt, John Martz. Beaver —John Slinman, William Culp. Beuton—Matthew McHenry, Stephen Kei- fer Centre—Gilbert H. Fowler, Alex'r Hughes, F.lias Creasy. CstiawissH-Snlomnn Reinanf, Jadob Kreigh Fishing Creek—William Rab'er. Greenwood—Jacob Girard, Isaac Ikeler. Hemlock—William H. Shoemaker, Will iam Vandyke. Locust—Heniy Roads, Peter Keller, Hi ram Keller, Levi Johnson, Henry Yager,"Eli us Helwig. Madison— Jonathan Johnson, James Dil dine. Montour—George Youst. Maine—Michael Grove:. Orange—Cor.rad Adams. Pine—William Deilin. Roariogcreek—Jacob Yocum, George Dries bach. Scott—Shively Sladon. Register's Notice- TVrOTICE is liereby given to all legatees, creditors and other persons interested in the estates of the respective decedents and minors that the following administra'ion ac counts have been Bled at the office of the Register o( the county of Columbia, and will be presented for confirmation and allowance to the Orphan's court, to be held at Blooms bars, in and for the county aforesaid, on Wednesday, the 6th day of Decembet next, at 2 o'clock, P. M. 1. The first and Anal account of Stephen Thomas, adtn'r. of Margiret Thomas late ol Briercreek township deo'd. 2. The account of George Applemar, guar dian of Jane Patterson, a minor child of Aa ron Patterson late of Greenwood townahip, deceasad. 3. The account of John Freaa, guardian of Aaron Knorr a minor child of I'eter Knorr late of Briercreek township dee'd. 4. The account of John R. Moyer, adm'r. of the estate ot William Pfier late of Bloom township deo'd. | 5. The first and final account of Henry Hollingshead administrator of Hiram Phil lips Isle of Cailawitsa township deo'd. 6. The account of Asron Mottheller,adm'r. of the estate of Daniel Moatbellef late of Maine towndhip dee'd. 7. The account of Isaac M'Kamey, adm'r. of the estate of Elia* Mass late of Scott townahip det'd. DANIEL LEE, Register. REGISTER'S OFFICE, { Blnomsburg, Nov. 6, 1855. | PUULfU SALE OF REAL ESTATE I THE subscriber, Executor of the fast will and testament of Martin Bender, dee'd., will offer at publio sale at the house 6f Al fred Howell, in Orangeville, on v SATURDAY, the 22nd day of DtcEMBER, 1855, a valugblc TRAC T OF. L'AiVD eftdalc in Grange township, Columbia county, Pa, about one mile frain Orangeville, adjoining land* of Edward M'Henry, Jacob Seidie, W. Bownan and others, on which are creeled a HOUSE AND A LARGE BARN, There are also a quantity of FRUIT TREES on rhe premises of different kinds of fjpil.— For iurlher particulars address the subscriber at Orangeville, Columbia county, Pa. JOHN COVANH9VAN, Orangeville, Nov 14, ,f sg-*te. ' ' Executor. List or Letters VT REMAINING in the Post office at Blooms burg, Pa , Nov. 17, 1855 Blauksnn Maria . Jonaa Thomas Brower Robert F" Overdorl Samuel Beach William Sickndr William > 'V. Cramer A VV Vickers Daniel Coyed James Winner Mary ...,i Fisher Benjamin F , / Weil John Gibbs Jane Wonamacher Jsoob ' Ginon Eliaa White John A, , Holland Lewis ' ' ' WiflidTeirThoS. J ' Hollaoa Mary lane j MolOhney Effeb shp. Persona calling for the a helVe tetters will please say they are advertised. " 1 PHILIP NANGST.' ?1* MINER £ AND WANTED AT LANCASTER COLLIERIES, Staamo kip, Northunxberlatiti Couoty. Pau t whom ateady Work fiU ha givenduriatf the winter. Appls t • 1 > ' > COCHRAN PEALE & CO., -sol Oct. 11,188$, Shamoktn. TO THOSE WANTING CHEA.P OpODS! ' HAVE just received ana opened their slock of merchandize for Fattehd 'Winter skies, which comprises the LAncEsT, CHEAPEST, and HANDSOMEST assortment now offered in Having paid great attention to lhe selection of their entire slpck, as to price and quality, they flatlet themselves that they can compete with the cheapest, and all those wishing to buy cheap, can save money by giving us a call. We have all kinds of Goods and Wares to supply the wants of the People. A very large lot of LADIES DRESS GOODS, French merinoes, wool plaids, alpacas, bombazines, de bages, poplins, parametta cloths, mohair lustres, muslin de laities, Persian cloths, Ginghams, Calicoes, &c. WHITE GOODS OF AfA KINBS, Sieves. Collars, Spencers, handkerchiefs, flouncings, bands and trimmings, laces and edgings, bonnet ribbons, in large variety, vel vet ribbons, and braids, kid,'cotton, and /isle thread gloves, mohair mitts, &c., All kinds of SHAWLS, broche, Bay State, Walerville, black silk, cashmere, Embroder ed, 'fcc. A/so a very large assortment of cloths, cassimers, saltmeus, vesting*, tweeds; jeans, beaver clbthe, coaling velvet, fee. BOOTS AIf!) SHOES, OF ALL KiNVS If SIZES TOR MEN WOMAN tf CHILDREN We have it large assortment of Hals and Caps of latest fashions. We have also Hard ware, Queensware, Cedarware, &c. Very cheap carpets, carpet bags, floor, table and car riage oil cloths, mats rugs, baskets, &c. Muslins flannels, tickings, diapers, lowelings, drillings, &c., in abundance. We invite pur friends and the public generally to give ns • call before purchasing el*e where. We have bought our goods at Lowest Cash Prices and will net be undersold by anybody, or the rest of mankind. Bloomsburg, October 28, 1855. S3 a can aa m E3Dira&Q,£Pocis3S3 c£ss C3ce> # HAVE RECEIVED A NEW LOT OF Fashionable Fall and Winter Clothing ? In the Exchange Block next to Swarte's Book Store. They have on band a large ami full assortment of 8 "" FROCK, DRESS, BOX, SACK. GUM AND OIL CLOTH COATS, of all sorts and sizes, that life present enlightened age knows any thing about Of Pants and Vests they have every color of the rainbow, besides some black, blue, grey striped and fancy • Vesta of satin, siHc, buff, casimere, murseilles, linen and worsted of all f a h ionable cuts and colors ; Working Pants and boys clothing. Also fine while, figured and striped shirts, Pocket and Neck Handkerchiefs, Stocks, Ties, Scarfs, all kinds of gentle man's dress goods ; Hula, Caps, Trunks, Traveling Bags and Umbrellas ; and 2W&GK 23L522 S&3M2&S They have Undersleves, Spencers, bollars, Rigaletle, Gloves, Mills, Ladies'a bead-bag Handkerchiefs, &c., &c. Also Jewelry and Notions, each as Rings, Breast pin* Gold and Silver Pens end Pencils, Medallions, Vest and Fob chains, rortmor.ies, Spectacles Knives Razors and a well selected assortment of Accordeops. t3r Remember the cheap store □ the ."Exchange Block" opposite the Court house Bloomsburg, Oct. 4, 1845. s . OREIFUSS, & Co! 1855 JVew Fall and Winter Goods! 1855 DAT I D LO-TTEITB 23 RG KNVtTES attention to his stock of cheap snd fashionale tlothing at his wore op Market street, two doors above the "American House," where be has a full assortment of men and boy's wearing apparel, including JFABIEIKMTAIMIaffI 2BDUBSS gox. sack, frock, gum and oil cloth coats of all sorts and sizes, pants of all colors shawli stripes and figure, vests, shirts, oravats, stocks, collars, handkerchiefs, gloves, suspenders and fancy articles. • , N. B. ' He will also make to order any article of clothing at very short notice and in the best manner. Ail his clothing is made to war, and most of it is of home manufac ture. Bloomsburg, Sept. 20th 1855-Sffl. A. H. JOCELYN'S t ATALOLtiE of POPULAR MAPS AND Illustrated Sheet Publications, With General Descriptions, Prices, &c. riMIKSE publications are invarialy colored, and all the same size, (26 by 32 inches.) and of one retail price.—2s cents each. FOtt CASH ONLY. Ist.—Mirror of the City of Sebastopol, and Map of the Crimea and Black Sea THIS is the only autheeiic view given, showing the exact position of all the fortifica tions, with correct name nnd number of guns in each, and giving a full description of the city, its public buildings, harbors, &o. Also, map of the Crimea, showing the military po sition of the Allied forces surrounding Sebas topol ; man of the Black Sea, containing dis tances from Constantinople, and statistical Information relative to the population of {Eu rope and its principal cities. Also, views of the hurricane on the Black Sea. the Battle of Inkormann, &o. Wholesale Price to Agents, $7 per hundred. 2d Sheet.—Map of North AmferiCa, Uni ted States and Cuba. . . Showing; the routes to California, New Or leans, Cuba, and many other large places.; extent and popufation of Uhited States, Mex ico, British America, Russian and Central America nnd Cuba; population of cities; por traits of Washington, Jefferson. La Fayette, Jackson, Webster, Clay, and Calhoun—men who will never be forgotten. Wholesale price to Agents, $9 per hundred, 3d Sheet—The Illustrated Life of Christ. Containing eleven large and spleudid En gravings designed by Gilbert, the great Eng lish Artist. .Subject as follows : The Adora tion of the Shepherds—The Fligh' into Egypt —Jesus in tfce Midst of the Doctors—Jesus Subject to hip Parents—the Uaplisno.-Our Lord in the House of Martha and Mary— Lord raising, the Widow's Son—Jesus Christ Blessing little Children—The Crucifixion— the Resurrection—Our Saviour. Wholesale price to Agents, #9 per hundred. 4tli Seeet.—A Oresl National Chart.— The Upnatittition of the United States and declarstion of Independence. With portraits and Biographies pi ail the the Presidents, and Seals of every Statq and Territory in the Union. Wholesale price to Agents, $9 per hundred. N! B.—No citizen should be without this Sheet, and Foreigners who would understand the Ampricau people, , their principles and uovernment, should have a copy without de lay. 6th Sheet.—-Jtfsi Published, Latest Maps and Views of .the Eastern war, from the most authentic sources, Sebastopol, Crimea, Black, Baltic and AzofTSeas. j Showing the present position of the Allied forces; Small Map of Europe, giving the routes and distances from l/Midol) and Paris to the Crimea, tpronsladi, and many other places; Number ol vessels in the Baltic Fleet; Army and Navy of the world- Views of the Hurricane oh the Black Sea, Battle of inker mann, Constantinople; Population of Europe and its principal Cities; Immense Supply of War Munitions to the French Army. c. CP* No person should be without tnisSheet It confainS on a large scale the best maps, plant and yrews of places that are causing so rhuch excitement throughout the world; also, a small map of Euthpe for reference to their positions, &o. Wholesale price S9 par blind red. 6ih Sheet.—Mirroref CronststltT Scbas tonoh Great Redan, Mamelon and Ma't lakofT'fowers, Map of the Crimea and Baltic Sea, With portraits of (he, Prin cipal' Crowned Heads, alio, Russian, French* English and Turkish Officers. , This is the only authentic view-given of Croristadt, showing the exact position and feorract name of all the Fortifications, with aprnber of guns HI each. A nawpfen of Se bastopol, Southeast-view, showing'the Great Redan, Mamelon and Malekoff Towers drawn on tha Spot—also, giving the number of Allied Forces in the Crimea, Baltic See, &. Publisher of Biuslratad Maps, Popular Sheets, Ao , &o. 60 Fulton St., (ksya stairs,) N. York. Opt If.- Oenuinc Honey Soap. Rrance and mikl emollient properties of this Soap, renders it es- For chapped hands,and various diseases of the skin, ii is unequalled. Each enke is stamped WM. CONWAY, 168 South Second Street, Philadelphia. No oth er is Genuine. Improved Cbcmical Olive Soap, Warranted to wash in hard, soft, or salt Water This soap has powerful cleansing proper ties, which readily remove Oil, Paint, Dirt, &c., from every description of goods without injury to them. For all domestic purposes it is supsrior to any other Soap in use, sod 20 per cent, cheaper than the common Hosio Soap. Each bar is stamped WILLIAM CONWAY, 168 South Second Street, Philadelphia. Manufacturer of Fancy and Staple Soaps, Sperm. Stearine and Tallow Candles, Impor ter £ dealer in Sab Soda, Soda Ash, Rosin,&c. Orders by mail promptly attended to. August 23, 1855.—3 m. PEKKY & EKETY, S. W. COB. or 4TH & RACEST., PHILADELPHIA, OOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, PUB *-* Ushers and Blank Book Manufaclurers. P. tc E. have constantly on hand an assort ment of Imported and American Books and Stationery of the finest, .quality,, which can , he supplied AS LOW AS BY ANY OTHER , ESTABLISHMENT in the Cjty. , Having an EXTENSIVE BINDERY ' connected with onr business we are enabled I to lurnisli BLANK. BOOKS either from the shelves or made to order at the lowest raaou- I facturer's prices. ' Persons wishing to purchase in Philadel ' phia will find it to their advantage to give us a call before making their selections. All ordfH b> mail promptly attended to. Sept. ny1855.—6m. Wood's Ornamental Iron Worlhs* Ridge Avenue, Philadelphia, THE attention of the inhabitants of Tann* sylvania are invited to the extensive Manufac. Tory and Wararoome of the subscriber, who is prepared to furnish at tho shortest notice, Iron Railing of every description, for Cemeteries, ' public and private buildings, also Verandahs, ' Fountains, Chairs, Settees, Lions, Doga and other ornamental iron works of decorative char ade'. Pujch aaen me j rely on haying all ar ticles carefully boxed and shipped to their dos tinatiop. A hook of designs will tie furnished to those wishing to make selections. ROBERT WOOD, Ridge Avenue, below Spring Garden St., PHILADELPHIA. September 27, 1856. PUBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE ! rpHERE will be sold at public sale at Ihe residence of Daniel Knit'le, in Franklin township, Columbia county, on SATURDAY, (he D( da S of DECEMBER next, at 10 o'clpck in the forenoon, a tract.of land, situate near the residence.Of Ihe sub scriber, in Franklin township, adibining lands of David A John Yoder, Joshua Mendenball, John Lawrence and others, containing One Hundred bind twenty-five Acres, (bore or less. There are oa the premises a i DWELLING HOUSE, near which js a well and several lasting springs of waier: also a .targe frame and other outbuildings. About thirty acres of tbe tract are good pine and white-oak tim ber land, and Ihe remaindet is in a good stoic i ,of cultivation. A large part of it ia excellent meadow land. There ia a large AP>LE ORCHARD on the preiqiaea, and a variety of o|b*r fruit trees. The , property tfye afcng the publio road from Caitawisea to Blyebunt, sod only three miles from the CsUawiaia Railroad. CondiiiM* Franklin if., Oo. to. K<ei ui Reason Together. IVBV ABE WE SICK? It has been the lot of Ibe human nee to bo weighed down by diieaae end Buffeting. Hof< toway'a Piila are specially adapted to the Belief of the Weak, the Nervona, the Delicate, end the Infirm, of ell dimes, ages, sexes, ana ooo solutions. Professor D olio way personally en* perintends Ibe manufacture qf his medicinee in the United Btatea, and offery them to a freeaed enlightened people, as the best reined) the world ever saw for the removal of disease. These PiUt Purify the Blood, These famous Pills am expressly combined to operate on the stomach, the liyer, the the lunga, tbe skin, and. the bowels, corteetfog any derangement in their function?, purifying the blood, the very fountain ot life, and thus eel ring disease in all its forms. Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint t, ffearly half the human race have taken thesis Pills. It has been proved in all parts Of the world, that polhing has been , found esgg ts them in esses o'f. disorders of the liver, fyepep. sia, and stomach complaints generally. Thee soon give e healthy toue to these organs, bow; ever mech deranged, end when all other mean* have failed. , General Debility. 11l Health. Many of the moat despotic Governments have openyd their Custom House* to the intro duction of these I'ills, that they may become the mcdicino of the masses. Learned Colleges admit that this medicine is the best remedy ov er known for persons of delicate health, or srhoie the ay step) has been impaiied, as ita invigora ting properties never fail to afford relief. Female Complaint*. No Female, young or old, should bo withpo this celebrated msdicine. It is correct and rag ulates the monthly courses at all periods, acting in many cases like a chaim. Uis also the best and Sgfcst medicine that .can be given to chil dren of all ages,, and for any complaint: conse quently no family shoulo be without it. Hollow ay''B PiUt are the bett remedy known ■in the world for the following Diseases. Asthma t . Diarrhcea Bowel Complaint* Dropsy Coughs Debility Cold* Fever and Ague . Chest Disease* Female Complaint* Costiveness Headache Dyspepsia Indigestion Influenza Inflammation inward, weakness Liver Complaints Lowuess of Spirits Piles Slone and Gravel . Secondary Symplons Venereal Affections Worms, of all kinds Sold at the Manufactories of Prof. HOLLO WAY, 80 Maiden Lane, New-York, and 144 Strand, London, and bv all respectable Drug gists and Dealers of Medicines throughout the United Slate*, end the civilized world, in boxes, at 25 cents, 62J cents, aqd Si each. t#" Thers is a considerable saving by ta king the larger size. N. B. Directions for the guidanoe of pa tients io every disorder are affixed to each Box. COPIES I Steamboat Disasters on the Western Waters, and Steamboat Directory, THE undersigned have now in courae of preparation a new Steamboat Directory/ which will be issued in October next, the book will contain over two hundred pages, il lustrated in the beat atylot and neatly bound in a durab(e,msnner. It will be one of the moat interesting books ever published, and; will be a.book that will be interesting to all classes of people. The Steamboat Directory will contain a complete liat and description of all the rtiean)ho*t* now iflqaf in the Western and {southern waters. Tho length, modal, speed, power and tonnsje of ysch boat, where and by whom built, the nam* of the boat* with the trade she hastn.. Also, the names of Captains and officers, her age, dec. The Directory will contain a History of Steamboat* and btearuboating on the Western waters/ since the application of steam: also, a sketch of the tirat boat built for the Ohio Rivar, with the name of the builder, commander and own er. . v - ' , , ; The River Directory will contain ■ lUt imt description of all the Steamboat Disasters fhot have occurred on the Western and.Bouth< em waters, beautifully illustrated, with a list of alt those who have perished by their burn ing, sinking and exploding, on the western, and southern waters.. The, Directory will contain Maps of the. Ohio, Mississippi, Mis souri, Illinois, Arkansas, White, Red, Ouachita,' Yazoo, and other rivers, with the towns and cities laid down, with , correct, distances: also,' many other Kiver end Commercial items af interes' to the people at large. The book will contain the cards of the various (J. JJ. Mi| Boats, with the trade they are io, die. The- Directory will also contain a complete liel at all the responsible Steamboat Licensed 0&- rera, their places of residence, dec. dec., the new steamboat law its requirements, with comments, showing wherein it benefits the in, competent officer, end injures the competent officer, Ac. die., and all the important U. H Supreme Court ateamboat dscisiona up to date; the Kates and important Commercial Privileges, Bills of Lading, important decis ions of the varroua U. S. Courts in regard to Freights Lost and Damaged, die. Ac., with many other things of interest, )i( Tho Directory will be in the bas|k style, and printed in the h.est manner, The author baa for six years been gathering together all the facts and items in regard to numerous steamboat disasters orj 'ho Western and Southern waters,. and now intends pub, liahing them in book form. The price of the work will be put at the low turn of One Poller. Ten thousand copies will be issued, for the bos;mer ; ell others desirous of epbacyibing, will hsve to do vo at once, aa none will be * printed unless ordered in advance. This work la destined to bates circulation of ovhr eight thigiaand copies, as the publishers are receiv. iog large numbers ef subscribers, per mail, from all parts of the country, daily. Soma of, the oldest boatmen, as wall aa most acienUfia' men of the limes, are contributors to • the Steamboat Directory. . The Directory will ba tabued in Pctobar, and will be an ornament to thegwrln* as welt as steamboat. By remitting One .Dollar, poet paid, you will reoeive s copy of the above work. AH communications and tellers should be' addressed to JAS. T. LLOYD A CD. Post Office Building, Cincinnati, Ohio. July is, igaa. _ \\T HE AT LEY '8 ARCH STREET THEi Vv TRE. Arch Strut, above Sixth, Phil'a. THE STAR COMPANY, Composed of the first Artists in the world, and exceeding in Strength and Talent any Dramatic combina tion heretofore offered to the Theatrical Pub lic, will appear EVERY WIGHT in Comedy,' Tragedy, Serio-Comio Drama, VaudeViHea, Musical Burletias. Ac., Ac. , ' 1 BT When visiting tbeoily, go there. Oct*—tf. . - JumHccb of* (he Pence iu Oa ND CONSTABLES oan find ail kind of aLb anks desirable for-tbair use,in proper form i tkeoAoe oftheSiAaor rag Rem,'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers