SHERIFF SALE. BY virtue of several write of testatum ven ditioni exponas there will bo exposed to Eoblic tale at the Coott Hooee, in Blootns nrg. ON SATURDAY, THE 3d DAY OF NOVEMBER NEXT, at 1 o'clock in tho af ternoon, the following real estate to wit: All those six certain traots of land situate in Beaver twp., Columbia county, bounded and described as follows: No. l.oalled BALBEC, beginning at a post, thence by lands of James McNeal, north 12 degrees, west three hundred and forty-two oerelies to a chestnut oak, thence by land nf Wm. Gray and Wm. Steedman, south sev enty-eight degrees west 179 perches to a post, thence by lands of Jeremiah Jackson, south 12 degrees, east 410 perches to a post, thence by lands of Kichatd Brook, north 78 degrees east, 73 perches to a dogwood, north 12 degrees west, 15 perches to a post, north 78 degrees, east 82 perches to a black oak, thence by an old survey, north 12 degrees, west 25 perches to a hickory, and north 32 degrees, east 34 perches to the place of be ginning, containing four hundred and twelve and one half acres and allowance of six per cent, for roads &c., on which are erected two log houses and two stables, and about twen ty five acres of cleared land. Another of them called " PALMYRA," beginning at a post, thence by land of Robert Gray, north 12 degrees, west 410 per ches to a post, thence by land of Wm. Steed man, south 78 degrees, west 160 petches to a post, thence by land of Jno. Brady, south 12 degrees, east 410 perches to a post, and thence by land of Johc Wild and Richard ' Brook, north 78 degrees, east 166 perches to the place of beginning, containing four hun dred and one acres atni a quarter, and allow ance of six per cent, for maris, &c —Anoth er of them called " STONE HALL," begin ning at a post, thence by land of John Br„- dy, north 12 degrees, west 263 perches to a post, thence by land of Chas. Hall, south 78 degrees, west 271 perches to a chestnut, thence by land of Catharine Longenberger, south 16 degrees snd a quarter, east 276 per ches to a stone, and thence by lands of Deb orah Stewart and Thomas Brooks, north 78 degrees, east 249 petches to the place of be ginning, containing four hundred and thirty eight acres and a half, and allowance of six per cent, for roads, &c., be the same more or less, on which is erected a stone house, and about half an acre of cleared land. There is also a vein ol stone coal opened on this tract.— Another called ' FARMER'S DE- I TGI'T " bpnii i i'u* a' s ret, thence by laud < I Wm. Sn edn hi,, ninth 16 degroes and three quarters, west 310 perches to a Spanish oak, thence by land of Wm. Webb, south 74 de grees, west 162 perches to a black oak, thsnce by land of Thomns Say, south 16 de grees, east 20 perches to s chestnut, thence by land ol Chas. Hall, south 8 degrees and a half, east 362 perches to a post, thence by land of John Brady, north 78 degrees, east 130 perches to an ash,north 12 degrees, west 80 perches to a white oak and north 78 de grees, east 80 perches to the place of begin ning, containing four hundred and eighteen acrea, and allowance of eix per cent, fnr roads, &c.—Another of them called 1 TROY,' beginning at a post, thence by land of Jere miah Jackson, north 12 degrees, west 410 Ksrchea to a post, thence by land of W. P. rady, south 78 degrees, west 80 percbes to a white oak, south 12 degrees, east 80 per ches to an ah, south 78 degrees, west 130 Strches to a post, thence by land of John eese, south 12 degrees, east 263 perches to a post, thence by land of Thomas Brook, north 78 degrees, cast 20 perches to a chest nut oak, south 12 degrees, east 41 perches to a black oak, thence by the same and land of John Wild, north 78 degrees, east 106 percbes to a black oak, south 12 degrees, east 25 perches to a white oak, and noith 78 degreea, east e:ghly perches the place of be ginning, containing four hundred utitl twen ty nine acres and a quarter, and allowance of six percent, fnr road., &c., and lite other of them called "MAINE," beginning at a posl, thence by land of Wm. P. Brady, north 8 degrees and a half, west 362 perches to a chestnut tree, thence by lands ol Thomas Say and Jesse Budd, anuth 74 degrees, west 188 perches to a post, thence by land ol Thomas Bellas, south 5b degrees, east 89 perches to a chestnut oak, thence by the same and land of John Longenberger, souih one hundred and eighty-eight perches to a chestnut oak, thence by land of the said John Longenberger, south 76 degrees and a quar ter, wen 124 perches to a post, south 16 de grees and a quarter, east 104 perches to a chestnut tree, and thence by land of John Reese, north 78 degrees, east 271 perches to the place of beginning, containing three hun dred and eighty-one acres and three quarters, •r.d allowance of eix per cent, for roads, &c. Seized taken in execution and to be sold aa the property of Jacob Loose. Conditions of s alt —Ten per cent, of the' purchase money to be paid when the proper ty is struck down, and the balince on the 6th day of December next. JOHN SNYDER, * Sktriff. SHERIFF'S OFFICE, ) Bloomsburg, Oct. 4, 1855. j Trusses I Trusses ! Trusses! a. H. NEEDLES, TRUSS AND BRACE ESTABLISHMENT, . W. COR. OF 12lH AW RACE STREETS, PHILADELPHIA, IMPORTER of fine French Truss es, combining extreme lightness, ease and durability with correct construction. Hernial or ruptured patients can be suited by remitting smounts, as below:—Sending number of ir.ches round the hips, and stat ing tide affected. Cost of Single Truss. 82, 83, 84, 85. Double, $5,86, 88, and 10. Instructions as to wear, and how to effect • cure, when possible, sent with the Trata. Also for sale, in great variety, Dr. Ban ning'* Improved Patent Body Bmcp, for the cure of Prolapsus Uteri; Spinal Props and Supports, Patent Shoulder Braces, Chest ex pandets and Erector Braces, adapted to all with tloop shoulders and weak lungs; English Elastic Abdominal Bells, Suspensories, Syr rages—male and female. Ladies' rooms, with lady attendants. August 2. 1855. wnkv&l&WA aasrss AMD Mm* STABLE. S2fo 6#30 CPaPc^miiasssD TWOW runs anew omnibus between Blooms- A* burg and the Railroad Depot, which will take passengers from and to any of the residences of the town, or the American House and Forks Hotel; and he will also furnish conveyances to all travellers who msv wish to go into any part of the county. The omnibus will leave Bloomsburg twice daily at 104 o'clock A. M., and at 3j o'clock He hat also a large livery stable connected with the omnibus line, from which he can accommodate the public, with conveyances for travelling, pleaaure excursions or busi ness. Bloomsburg, April 24, 1855 ly. DRAWER GOODS, Spotted Swiss. Bog Jaooneit Mull, Cambric, Swiss Muslin Bishop Lawns, sale Bard Muslio just receiv ed at the Store of A. C. MENGCH IRON STEEL, and every kind of Hard wtte for sale by McKELVY, NEAL It Co Grand Gift .enterprise AND CONCERTS. 60,000 GIFTS VALUED AT 860,000. Tickets SI each. E. UNJINGST Announces that he has projected a series of GIFT CONCERTS, to the pstions of which lie will distribute by lot 60,000 valuable gifts or premiums. The conceits will be given nt such towns where s sufficient .lumber of the patrons of the enterprise reside. The times and places will be arnounced in sulisequent bills. Each ticket will entitle the holder to two admis sions to the concerts, and one of the follow ing prizas or premiums : One three story Brick Hotel in Bloomsburg, opposite theCnurt-house, now occupied by Ex-Sheriff Billmyer, valued at 810,000 One large two-story brick dwellmg-house.ffit and oui-bttiUßngs, on Main Street of Bloomsburg 5,000 Onetwostcrj brick dwelling house and lot on Main Street of Bloomsburg 4,800 One two story brick dwelling house and lot on Main street of Bloomsburg 3,000 Jne two story frame dwelling house and lot on Mailt street of Bloomsburg 2,000 One two story frame dwelling house and lot on Main street of Bloomsburg 1,800 Two two sloty brick dwelling houses on Centre street of Bloomsburg, each 1,600 One two story frame dwelling house and lot on Main street of Bloomsburg 1,60 One two story frame dwelling house and lot on Main street of Bloomsburg 1,000 Eight corner lots on Centre street of Blooms burg. each 8450 8,600 Six middle lots on Centre street of Blooms burg, each 8400 2,409 Two buggies, each S2OO 400 Two buggies, each 8180 360 Two buggies, each 8170 340 Ten Gold patent lever watcheg, 8100 1,000 Twenty Gold detached lever watches, each S6O 1,200 Twenty Gold cylinder escapement watches, each 850 1,000 15 Gold lepins watches, each 850 750 50 Silver lever watches, each 825 1,250 50 double barrel shot guns, each 820 1,000 10 " " " 816 160 j 10 Rifles, each 814 140 10 Allen's revolvess, each 812 120 10 Coll s revolvers, each 820 200 20 paits pistols each 82 40 1000 Gold pencils, each $3 3,000 1000 Silver pencils and pen holders, each $2 2,000 2000 Gold pens, each 81 2 000 30000 Engravings each 25c 7,500 | 25745 Pieces of Music 3,099 The money received for the sale of the tickets will be paid over to John K. Grotz, to be deposited by him in the Bank of Dan ville, to the credit of the projector, lor the security of the ticket holders. When the tickets are all sold notice will be given in the public prints for the ticket holders to meet at some designated lime and place, to choose a Committee who shall dis tribute the gills as the shareholders shall de termine. REFERENCES as to the above property: William Snyder, Robert F. Clark Esq , R. B. Menagh, R. W. Weaver Esq., or Rob ert B. Arthur, Bloomsburg, Columbia coun ty, Pa. All orders for tickets must be addressed, post-paid, money enclosed, to E. Unangst, ; Bloomsburg, Columbia county Pa., and the tickets will be promptly forwarded to any address. Mr C. F. Knapp will act as general cor responding agent at Bloomsburg for the pro prietor. The distribution will take place on the 25th day of December, 1855, or sooner if the tick, e's are all add. The ticket holdeis in each county shall select one'person on the 21st day of October to distribute the gifts as the ticket Holders shall direct. The committee will select such place as will be most convenient. E. UNANGST. Bloomsburg, Nov. 22, 1854.—6rc. LEATHER AND FINDINGS. TIHE subscriber respectfully invites the at tention of dealers and others, to his Isrge and well selected stock of Leather and Find ings, which is kept constantly Ireth by repeated drafts upon tt manufacturers of this country and of Eurcf ,tnd which is made up in part of the following articles, viz . I'he best and Red Sole ; Slaughter, Skirting and Uamng. Ed do.; Harness, Bridle, Band and Welt Leath er ; Thong and Lacing do. • Wax Upper, 800 l Grain, Buff and Split do.; City Slaug, K,ps Salted and Collar do. ; City, Country, French and Patent Calf Skins; Boot Leg Moroccos, Buck Skins, Pad skins. Chamois,and Moroccos; Bindings and Linings of almost every descrip tion ; Shoe Thread, Patent Thread, Silk, 800 l Cord, Lace, and Silk and Union Galloons: Black and Colored English Lasting. Worsted Uppcrß,and Crimped Frontsand footings; Awls Tacka, Needles, Eyelet and Crimping Machines and Eyelets; Steel, Iron, Copper and Zinc Nails, Flics, Rasps, Knives; Rubbers, Pegs. Bristles; and Boot Web; Hammers, Bootand Shoe Trees, I,aits, Crimps, Clamps, Handles, Gum, Color, Cod Liver and Tanners Oil; Shoe Tools and Currier's Tools ot all kinds, ready for use, be sides many other articles not enumerated above, all of which will be Bele at the lowest market ratee, by JOHN WHITE, Importer and Dealer, 497 Market Street, Above 13th, Philadelphia, G REENWOOD SEMINARY MILLVILLE, COLUMBIA CO., PA. For Youth ol* both Sexes, wm. Ul ItUCSM, PRINCIPAL,. THIS Institution which has been In suc cessful operation for several years has recently been enlarged to give belter accom modations for boarders aud increased facili ties for Tuition, &c. Each quarter of the School year consists of eleven weeks, and the next session will commence on the 13th of August, but pu pils will be taken at any season. It: addition to the constant attention of the Principal, the services of an experienced teacher have been procured. Instruction will be given in all the English branches usually taught, and also in Latin. Natural Philosophy and Astronomy will be illustrated by appropriate apparatus and ac cess given to a Library and the use of Math ematical instruments. Books and Statione ry will be provided for all who desire. ITU&IfcECSSo TUITION, 83.50, 84 and 84.50 per quarter, graded by (jte course of study. Boarding, Tuition, Washing, Lights, kc., $24 per quarter, one-hall payable quarteily in advance. EP"For further particulars address the prin cipal. M ill villa, July 6, 1855. FALL MILLINERY G00D& JNO. STONE & SONS, No. 45 SECOND Street, Philadelphia, ate now prepared to offer to their customers, and to the trade, (of their own importation.) the largest and handeomeet assortment of Millinery Goode, in tbie city—consisting in part of Bonnet Silks, Ribbons, Velvets, Fancy Feathers, Flowers, Laces, be. tfc. Which will be told at the lowest pticer, and on the most favorable term*. Philadelphia, Sept. 13, 1855 2m. JRitlce* of the Peace AND COKSF ABLBB can find all kind of L b anks desirable for their use, in proper form at thi office of the STAR OF THX NORTH. Philad'a. and Reading R. R. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT.—IBSS. The Greet Northern and Western U. S. Mail Routes. Speed increased and fare reduced. Little Schuylkill, Caltawisaa, Sunbnry and Erie, Williarasport and Elmira Railroad. Through to Buffalo, in 16 hours. " Niagara Falls, ' 16 " " Detroit, ' 24 " " Chicago, ' 34 " '' St. Louis. ' 43 " BP Ticket Office—N. W. corner Sixth and Chestnut streets, and Philadelphia and Read ing R. R. Depot, corner of Broad and Ninth streets. On and after Monday, May 7th, Three Pas senger Trains will leave the Philadelphia and Reading Railtoad Depot, corner of Broad and Vine streets, daily, (Sunday's excepted,) as follows: DAY EXPRESS- 6 A.M. Slopping at Phmnixville Reading only. Connecting with the Caltawissa, Williams Sort, and Erie, and Williamsport and Elmira ailroatl; arriving at Elmira at 4 o'clock P. M., connecting with New York and Erie and Buffalo; and from thence, via. Steamers on Lake Erie, or on Lake Shore Railroad, to Cleveland, Toledo, Monroe, Sandusky and Detroit. Al-o, with Elmira, Canandaigua with New Y'ork Central Railroad, East and West, and at Suspension Bridge with the Great Western and Michigan Central Railroad for Detroit, Chicago, St. Louis, and all points in Canada and Western Stales. Only one change ol Baggage between Phil adelphia and Canada or the Lakes. DAY EXPRESS—Breakfast at Port Clin lon and Dinner at William-port. NIGHT EXPRESS—I>a at Port Clinton. Passengers purchasing Tickets by this Line I have ttie privilege of stopping at any of the above points, and resuming their seats at pleasure. Fare from Philadelphia to Tamaqua, - $2 95 Caltawissa, - - 4 35 Rupert, .... 4 40 Danville, • 4 60 Milton, - - 5 15 Williamsport, - - 5 90 Elmira, ... 7 00 Jefferson, - - 7 65 Starkev, .... 7 95 Penn Yan, - - 8 00 Gorham, - - . - 8 00 Geneva via. Gorham, • 8 00 " Steamer J. Arndt, • • 8 00 Cariandaigna, • - 8 00 Honeoye Falls, .... 8 50 Caledonia, - - 8 8' Le Roy, .... g Balavia, • . 9 00 Rochester, .... 8 60 Buffalo, via. N. Y. and E., and Buffalo and N. Y. City, ... 10 Buffalo, via. Tonawanda, - 10 Niagara Falls, via. Elmira, Canandai gua & Niagara Falls R. R. • 10 " " via. Buffalo, 10 00 Suspension Bridge, - • 10 00 Cleveland, - - - tl 70 Toledo, ... . 14 75 Cincinnati, - - 16 00 Detroit, via. Rail, - - * - 16 00 " Buff. & Lake, * . 16 00 Chicago, via. Great Western & Mich j igan Central R. R. - . 20 o*o ; Chicago, via. Buffalo anil Lake Shore j Mich. Southern R. R., . . 20 00 1 Chicago, via. Buff., Lake and Mich. ! Central R. R. • 20 00 j Rock Island, ... 25 00 F.. T. HUBBELL, Ticket aud Freight Agent, N. \V. cornet Sixth and Chestnut sts. G. A. NICOI.LS, Superintendent Philadelphia i am! Reading Railroad, j T. KcKissouc, Superintendent Caltawissa, 1 Williamsport and Erie Railroad. I HSNRY COFFIN, Superintendent Williams pott and Elmira Railroad. July 19, 1855.—if. fiTSW ECilffiffiHilß W@l£l£S 8 IN ULOOMSHURO. EPHRAIM ARMSTRONG EYAS taken charge ot a new marble works at the corner of Main and Market St., Bloomsburg, where the publio can b9 served with Every kind of marble Work, executed in the best style of the Art, and at the lowest living prices. Thankful for past favors, Mr. Armstrong will execute all ordets that may be left with him for Tomb-stones, Tombs, Monuments, Door and Window Sills, steps of marble or sandstone, Mar.tles, or any thing else in the department of marble masonry. The slock on hand and engaged consists of the best ITALIAN AND AMERICAN MARBLE; ami LETTERING will bo done in English or German. E. ARMSTRONG. Bloomsburg, Feb. 1, 1855. BrFRANCIS C, HARRISON, respectfully inform the citizens of Blorgnsburg and vicinity, that he has commenced the practice of Medicine agl Surgery lhere;and rolicits aahare of public pa tronage. He can always be found at the Ex change Hotel opposite the Court House. Bloomsburg, March, Ist, '55. LEATHER Fritz, Hendry & Co., No. 29 NORTH 3d ST., PHILADELPHIA, 1 MOROCCO MANUFACTURERS, CURRIERS & IMPORTERS OF FRENCH CALF-SKINS, aud deal,ra in Red and 1 Oak SEN LTATSXS it X:/x Feb 6, 1855. I—y. | ~100,000 COPIES SOLI)!- i Lloyd's Great Steamboat IVork will be ready on or about the twenly-fourth of October. j CONTENTS:—First application of Steam. I Lile of Jno. Filch—Engraving of his first boat. ' Lite of Robert Fulton—Engraving ol his j first American Boat on the Iludsnn River. ' Robert Fulton and Livingston's first Ohioßtv- I er Boat—Correct Likeness—Full Particu lars. Estrone's First Boat. First Steubenville Boat. First Explosion ou the Western Waters; Irom an Eye-Witness. Maps of the Western Waters ; Towns, Ci.'ies aud Distances laid down correctly. List ol Steamboat Explosions since 1812 ; Names of Killed and Wounded ; List ol Steambonts now afloat. Correct views of Pittsburg, Wheeling, Cincin nati, Louisville, St. Louis and New Orleans in 1856; Sketch of each place; Popßlalion, Business, &c., &c. Fast time of Boats on the Ohio and Mississip pi Rivers. List of Steamboat Officers on the Western Waters. The new Steamboat Law—With Comments - Life Boats. Disasters on the Lakes—Names of Lost, Kill ed and Wounded. The high Water 1810, 1832, 1847. List of Plantations on the Mississippi River. Important United Stales Supreme Court Steamboat Decisions. Tbiee hundred pages, with one hundred engravings; handsomely bound. By remit ting One Dollar, post-paid, yon will receive a uopy of the above work, Ordere from the trade solicited, and agenta warned In every town and city to canvuaa for the work. Address JAS T. LLOYD & CO., Poet Office Oct 3. Buildings, Cincinnati, Ohio. Business Directory. Bloomebnrg. Jta- HIR A M W. THOHNTON. ' MERCHANT. — Store on the South side of Main Street, second square below Mar ked DAVID LOWENBERG. STORE, on Main street, two doors above the 'American House." ~ SIMON BREIFVSS, & Co. CLOTHING STORE in the 'Exchange Block,' opposite the Court house. A. J. EVANS. TAf ERCHANT.—Store on the upper part "A 0 f Main etreet, nearly opposite the Episcopal Church. IT®. BHIVB. 1%/TANUFACTURER OF FURNITURE lvJ. AND CABINET WARE.—Wareroom in Shive's Block, on Main Street. A.M. RUPERT, TINNER AND STOVE DEALER Shop on South side of Main street, be low Market. "JOSEPH SWARTZ. BOOKSELLER. Store in the Exchange Block, first door above the Exchange Hotel. RW-WEAVER ATTORNEY AT LAW— office on the first floor of the "Star" Building, on Main street. SHARPLESS & MELICK* FOUN DEBS ANN MACHINESTS. Build ings on the alley between the "Exchange and "American House." BARNARD RUPERT. I r a VAILOK. —Shop on the South Side of Main JL Street, first square below Market. A. C. MENSCH, MERCHANT. —Store North West corner of Main and Market Streets. HIRAM C. ROWER, SURGEON DENTIST.—Office near the Academy on Third Street. M'KELVY, NEAL LICO.I ~ lAI ERCHANTS.—Northeast corner of Main and Market streets. SHARPLESS tt MELICK, MANUFACTURES AND DEALERS IN STOVES, TINWARE &c—Establish ment on Main street, next building above he Court-house. UENRV ZDPFINFLEK. CLOCK and WATCHMAKER, south side of Main street, above tbe Railroad. Everv kind of disorder in jewelled or oth er newly invented Escapements faithfull re paired. " PBRDON'S DIGEST^ A NY Justice of the Peace wishing to pur •'*chase a copy of Purdon's Digest, can be accommodated by applying at be this olFf e : TMTflnra wrwa wrrjvjfT' AND R. R. OMNIBUS LINE. THE undersigned respectfully informs his friends and the public that he lias taken THE EXCHANGE HOTEL, IN BLOOMSBURG, iocaied on Main Street, directly opposite the Court House, which has been thoroughly re paired and improved, where be is prepared to accommodate his customers with good fare and to general satisfaction. He has also in connection with the EX CHANGE HOTEL, an eceilent !X£t UQ a~OD uass Qa£LCEI<E> 8 I running regularly several limes per day, to i and from ihe Depot on the arrival of the j Cars, by wtiich passengers will be pleasant : ly conveyed to the Depot Station, or taken from and relurned to their residences, if de sired. He will always be happy to entertain snd accommodate his friends to tbe ut most of his abilities. JOHN SNYDER. Bloomsburg, Sept. 20, 1855. SAVING FUNID OF THE V. S. Insurance, Annuity & Trust Co. S. E. cor. of Third & Chestnut Sts., PHIL'*. CAPITAL 250,000. MONEY is received on deposit daily.— The amount deposited is entered in a Deposit Book and given to the Depositor, or if prelerred, a certificate will be given. All sums, large and small, are received, • and the amouat paid back on demand, with j out notice. Interest is paid at the rate of five per cent., I commencing from the day of deposit, and j ceasing lourteen days previous to the with drawal of the money. On the first day of January, iu each year, the interest of each deposit is paid to the depositor, or added to the principal, as he may prefer. The Company have now upwards of 3,- 500 depositors in the City of Philadelphia alone. Any additional information will be given by addressing the Treasurer. DIRECTORS: S. R. Crawford, l'res't. Wm. D. Godwin, L. Johnson Vice Pres't. Paul B. Goddard, A. VV Thompson, George McHenry, | Benj. VV. Tingley, James Devereux, Jacob L. Florence, Gustavua English. PLINY FISK, Secretary (f Treasurer, j J. C. OEHLSCHI.AGER, Teller if Interpreter. j September 6,1855. —ly. | GREA T REDUCTION IN THE PRICE or FALL & WINTER GOODS. AC. MENSCH has juat received a new ' and complete assortment of seasona ble goods which he offers for sale at tbe old stand upon the best of bargains. From his FULL NEW STOCK he can supply every reasonable want of his customers snd ihe public. He has received a variety ol new style dress goods, and every thing lo° make up a complete assortment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. Hard-ware, Queens-ware, Cedar-ware, Hoi loware, Drugs. Fish, Salt, Coal, Plaster, Iron, Nails, Boots, Shoes, Hals, Caps, &c., &c. In short, every thing usually kept in coun try Stores, to which he invites tbe public generally: Cash, Lumber, Old Iron, and Coun try Produce taken in exchange lor Goods, at the highest market price. A. C. MENSCH. Bloomsburg, Oct. 4, 1855. TO BUILDERS & CONTRACTORS. THE undersigned is prepared to undertake and finiah in the best workmanlike style all work in the department of SBIOZLATXHGk He will personally superintend the work, and find a sufficient number of good hands for whom he will be responsible to do all work he undertakes at the shortest notice. Work will be done to order either by contract or by lime. GORDON R. GOFF Bloomsburg, May 30, 1855. THE POCKET AICULAPIUB; OR, XVCRT OMR HU OWN PHYSICIAN. rpHE FIFTIETH -A Edition, with Ooe H bun dre d Engiavings, ff W showing Oisetset nd Msl- B H formations of tb human B 9 System in every shape and El AMSjjflVjg form. To which is added wLIMRH J* * Treatise on the Diseases JS °' Females, being of the 9sHS|EIHF hlghe-t impeitance to mar. ried people, or those cnn templaling mamage. 3y WILLIAM YOUNG, M. D. Let no father be ashamed the pressnt a copy of the Aesculapius to his child. It may save him from an early grave. Let no young man or woman enter into the secret obligations of mar ried life without reading the Pocke Aesculapius Let no one suffer from a hacknied Cough. Pain in the Side, restless nights, nervous feelings, and the whole train of Despeptic sensations, and givun up by their physicians, he another moment without consulting the AESCULA PIUS. Have the married, or those about to be married any impediment, read this truly useful book, as it has been the means of saving thou sands of unfortunate creatutes from the very jaws of death. Any person sending twenty five cents, en closed in a letter, will receive one copy of this book, by mail,or five copies willbe sent fur one dollar. Address, Dr. W. Young, Mo. /52 Spruce street, Philadelphia.' Postpaid. No 152 Spruce St., Philadelphia. Sep. Ist, 1854-ly. F. H. SMITH, ~~ PORT MONNAIE, POCKET BOOK, AND Dressing Case Mannfhcturer N. IV. cor. of 4th and Chestnut St*., PHILADELPHIA, A LWAYS on hand a large and varied as ■* Bortment of Port Monnaies, Work Boxes, Pocket Books, Cabas, Bankers Cases, Traveling Bags, Note Holders, Backgammon Boards, Port Folios, Chess Men, [Books Portable Desks, Pocket Memorandum Dressing Cases, Cigar Cases, &c. Also, a general assortment of English, French and German fancy goods. Fine Pocket Cutlery, Razors, Rszor Strops and Gold Pens. Whole sale, Second and Third Floors. F. H. SMITH, N. W. cor. Fourth & Chestnut Sis., Pbila. N. B— On the receipt of SI, a Superior Gold Pen will be sent to any part of the U. Slates, by mail; describing pen, thus, medi um, hard, or soft. Philadelphia, April 5, 18SS. 1-y. STOVES! STOVES! STOVES! SHARPLESS 4- MELICK HAVE opened a new Stove and Tinware Establishment, on Main street one door above the Court-house, where they are pre pared to furnish goods in their line such as Tin, Sheet Iron, Hollow Ware. Brass Kettles, Cast Iron Sinks, Frying Pans, Stove Pipes, all kinds of Tin Wars, Broom Wire fyc., at extremely low Prices. Jlmong their variety of may be found the Home Air Tight, William Penn, Globe, Coal Mountain, Miners' Choice Van Leer's Kitchen Comfort, Double Oven, the celebrated Raub Cooking Stove for coal or wood, and others, too numerous to men tion. Also Parlor Grates, Office and Parlor Sloves. in great variety. Tin Roofing, Gutters, Lead ers, and all kinds of work made to order, at the shortest notice. Repairing of all kinds attended to. Bloomsburg, April 27th 1854.—tf. NOTICE! ]V OTICE is hereby given that the under signed citizens of Bloomsburg Columbia county Pennsylvania, will apply to the next Legislature for a Charier for a Bank to be located at Bloomsburg, to be called the " BLOOMSBURG BANK" wiih banking priv iliges of issue, discount and deposit, with a capital of two hundred thousand dollars. Daniel Snyder; Win. Robison, L. B. Rupert, J. Ramsey, Wm. Snyder, R. B. Arthur, E. Mendenhali, Ephraim P. Lutz, A. J. Sloan, Joseph Sharpless, Lloyd Paxton, Wm. Sloan, Geo. Weaver, S. Mendenhali, Bloomsburg, June 20, 1855.—6 m. Just Published: MIRROR OF CRONSTADT, SEBASTO- ! I'OL, great Redun, Mamelon and Ma- | lakofTTowers, Map ol the Crimea and Baltic ; Sea, with portraits of the principal crowned heads also Kussian, French, English and Tur- ! kish Officers. This is the only authentic view 1 given of Cronstadt, showing the exact posi- ' tion and correct name of all the fortifications, j with the number of guns in each. A new; plan of Sebastopol, (Southeast View,) show- ( ing the great Redan, Mamelon, and Mulakoff Towers, (drawn on the spot,) Allied Forces | in the Crimea, Baltic Sea, be. Size of map 26 by 32 inches. Price 23cts. ' beautifully colored. Sent by mail to any part > of the country for one ceut postage. Agents i Wanted to sell from a list of the most popular Maps ever published. Letters of inquiry promptly answered. Catalogues and speci men sheet free to the trade. A. H. JOCELYN, No. 60 Fulton Street, New York. Oct. 4, 1855. Private Sale! THE undersigned offers for sale his prop erty situate in Mifflinville, Columbia county, consisting of a dwelling house, store house and four contiguous LOTS OF GROUND-, being (he same premises conveyed to bim by Peter Billmyer, late Sheriff of said county, and now in tbe occupancy of Nathan Snyder. The property will be sold reasonable and the terms made to suit the purchaser, A good title and possession of the premises will be given at any time the buyer may stipulate. Apply either personally or by address ot the subscriber residing in' Petersville, North ampton county. JONAS SNYDER. Petersville, September 6. 1855. Engraving* (br Newspapers and Magazines. THE subscriber has several thousand en gravings of various subjects and sixes, suita ble for illustrating newspapers and maga zines. He offers the use of them for taking casts or printing, to tbe editorial fraternity on very moderate terma. Address, JOHN FROST, March 29,1855. PHILADELPHIA. BLANKS! BLANKS 1! BLANKS! 7 DEEDS, SUMMONS, EXECUTIONS, SUBPOENAS, AND JUDGMENT NOTES, paper and desirable forma, fo* sale at the olfice of the "Star of the North." HI BET SHAWLS with silk fringe, a fins lot josi received snd for isle by 4 C. MENSCH THE GREAT NATURAL REMEDY FOR Indigestion and Dyppila. J. s. HOUGHTON'S ffvwia© PEPSIN, the true Diges- IrrfvMlir Fluid, or Gastrie Juice, fir JC, iSv still holds the first place a ajL a mong all the various rente diss Tor these painful and de structive complaints. It it Nature's own ape cifio for an unhealthy stomach. No art of man can equal its curative powers; and no sufferer from Indigestion & Dyspepsia should fail to try it. Agents supplied at No. 11, N. EIGHTH St., PHILADELPHIA. by E. P. Lutz, and J. R. Moyer. Match 29, 1855. DOLLARD, PREMIER ARTISTE IN HAIR, 177 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA, In ventor of the Celebrated Gossamer Ventila ting Wig antl Ealalio Band Troupees. Instruc tions to enable Ladies and Gentlemen to measure theii own heads with accuracy. For Wigs. Inches. No. 1 The round of the head. 2 From forehead over the bead to neck. 3 From ear to ear over the top. 4 From ear to ear around the forehead. Toupees If Scalps. Inches. No. I From forenead to back as far as bald. 2 Over forehead, as far as required. 3 Over the crown of the head. R. Dollard has always ready for sale a splendid stock of Gentlemen's Wigs, hall Wigs, Frizots, Biaide, Curls, etc., beautifully manufactured, and as cheap as any estab lishment in the Union. Dollard,s Herbunian Extract, or Lustrous Hair Tonic, prepared from South American hetbs and roots, the most successful article ever produced foi preserving the hair Irom falling out or changing color, restoring and' preserving it in a healthy and luxuriant slate. Among other reasons why Dollard's Hair Cutting Saloon maintains its immense popularity, is the fact that his tonic is ap plied to every head of hair cut at his estab lishment; consequently, it is kept in better preservation than under any other known ap plication. It thus prac'tcally tested by thousands, offers the greatest guuranty of its efficacy. Sold wholesale and retail at his old eslab lishment, 177 Chestnut Street, opposite the ' State House. R. Dollard has at list discovered the tie ? ilus ultra of HAIR DYEjattd announces it or sale, with perfect confidence in its sur passing every thing of the kind now in use It colors the hair either black or brotvn, as may be desired, and is used without any in ' jury to the hair or skin, either by stain or otherwise, can be washed off ten minutes after application, without detracting from its efficacy. Persons v'siling the city are in vited to give him a call. Letters addressed to R. Dollard, 177 Chestnut Street, Philadel phia, will receive attention. Philadelphia, Oct. 12th, 1854—1y. : SPRING- & STJKEMER GOODS CHEAP! A. J. EVA'S ITAVING purchased the interest of Mr. Appleman in the new store nearly op posite the Episcopal Church, has received a new assortment of Spring and Summer goods which he ofiers to old customers and new at GREAT BARGAINS. Among bis ladies' dress goods are silks, borages, chintzes, debaizes, lawns, ginghams, poplins &c. He has GENTLEMEN'S' DRESS GOODS, such as fine black and brown French cloths, black Doeskin and fancy Cassimers, satin and fancy Vestings, black & Italian fancy , Cravats, Suspenders, Gloves; &c. WITS AND CAPS. A large assortment of Men's and Boys' hats and caps, embracing every style and quality. Also, a large and varied assortment of Parasols and Ribbons, i DOMESTICS.— Bleached & unbleached | Muslin, Checks, Tickings, Jeans, Drills, Ta ble-diaper, Bagging, Toweling, Table-lin ens, &c. BOOTS If SHOES.— A iarge assortment of Men's, Women's & Children's Boots and Shoes, Jenny Ltnd & buskin Shoes at very low prices. GROCERIES.— A large assortment of Groceries, such as Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Rice, Teas, &c., &c. Ready made clothing, spring fashion. GF" The highest price always paid for grain or county produce of any kind. Bloornsburg, April 26, 1855. ! Cabinet Ware Rooms, S. C. SHITE RESPECTFULLY invites the attention of of the Public to bis extensive assnrt j ment of Cabinet Furniture and Chairs, which he will warrant made of good materials and I in a workmanlike manner. At bis Establish | ment, can always be found a good assort- I ment of Fashionable Furnitue, Which is equal in style and finish to (hut of Philadelphia or New York cities, and at as low prices. He has Sofas of different style and prices, from #25 to S6o. Divans, Loun ges, Walnut acd Mahogany Parlor chairs, Rocking and easy chaira, Piano stools, and | a variety of upholstered work, with Dressing j and parlor bureaus, sofa, curd, centre end : pier tables, detashus. cheffeniers, whatnots and comndes and all kiDds of fashionable work. His stock of bureaus, enclosed and common washstands, dress-tables, corner cupboards, sofas, dining and breakfast ta bles, bedsteads, cane seat and common chairs, is the largest in this section of the country. He will also keep a good assort ment of looking-glasses with fancy gilt and common frames. He will also furnish spring matlrasse* fitted to any sized bedstead,whioh are superior for durability and comfort to any bed in use. Bloom|burg, April 6th 1854. if. UD L2J ULi E. G. EOVOR, BUJBCHBON JOTnnnMTe ame-JLM*. 1* ESPECTFULLY offers his professional services to the Ladies and Gentlemen of B\gomsburg and vicinity, He is prepared to attend to all Ihe various operations io Den tistry, and is provided with the latest im proved PORCELAIN TEETH, which will be inserted on pivot or gold plate, to look as well as natural. A superior article of Tooth Powders, al ways on hand. All operations on the teeth warranted. < tr Office near the Academy. Bloornsburg, Nov. 20, 1851. 1 PB.BSH ARRIVAL 1 Mufliu Detain, Brage Delain, Cbam " brage, Calioo, Muslin, Ladies' Black & Fancy Gaters, Boots and Shoes, Iron, Steel, Nails, Fish, Coffee, Sugar, Tea, &c., &c. A. C. MENSCH. August 21, '55. Fancy Paper* Envelopes, Pens, Ink, Wilting sand, ke \ an be found at the cheap Book store of JOSEPH SWARTZ, ESSENCE OF COFFEE For sale at the i cheap store ol A.J. EVANS. , Mr 4k m TO THE FASIIONABLB AND cpurarmmsß. HPHE undersigned, having just received the' ■- latest Paris and New York Fashions, would again beg leave to inform his numer ous fYlends and all the world about Blooms burg, that be is now better prepared than ev er tp accommodate any one with the neatest, easiest and best fitting suits of Clothes that have been turned out lately; and not only that, but he will also do tbem up in the best order, upon the lowest terms. His shop is at the old stand, (too well known to need further notice) where ha may at all times be found, seated upon the bench of repentance, steadily drawing out ihe thread of affliction, hopeing it may in the end prove advantageous to him and his customers. He would also advise bis friends to bear in mind that poor, afflicted tailors must live, or they can't be expected to work. Therefore, Wheat, Rve. Corn, Oats, Potatoes, and with all now and then a little CASH will come mighty handy from those who are back-standing on lite book. Remember, gentlemen, that in all cases " the laborer is worthy of his hire." BERNARD RUPERT. Bloornsburg, April 14th, 1853. MOSS A BROTHER, No. 12 South Fourth Street, Philadelphia, BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS & BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS. KEEP a complete assortment of SCHOOL, MISCELLANEOUS and MEDICAL BOOKS, Blank and Memorandum Book?, Writing, Letter and wrapping papers, fine Pocket Cutlery, &c., to which they invite the attention of country merchants and others. The prices and quality will compare favora bly with any other House. Having an ex tensive bindery under their immediate su perintendence, they are prepared to furnish either ready-made, or ruled to particular pat tern, Blank account Books of every size and description, suited for Banks, Insurance Companies and County Court Records, the quality of which is warranted both as regards paper i and binding. They employ none but the bert workmen and use first class materials. W Orders from a distance will receive f particular attention. Masonic and Odd Fellows' Regalia and • Publications for individuals, members and I Lodges, the most extensive assortment to be . found in the United Slates. Philadelphia, March 29, 1855-6 m. Furniture, Furiiiture~! r ¥-1 F. HOOVER respectfully informs his ' customers of Bloornsburg and the peo i pie generally of Columbia County in want of ■ FURNITURE, that they will find it greatly I to iheir advantngo to purchase at bis Ware ■ house, where they will find A LARGE STOCK ot the most modern styles to select from. The subscriber begs to say that his facilities , fur manufacturing and buying his materials fur cash and having no Apprentices, but em ploying the best of workmen enables him to ofler great inducements to those in want ot • GOOD FURNI PURE AT LOW PRICES, as he much prefers the "nimble sixpence it J the slow shilling." All goods bought at bis 5 Warerooms will be warranted, and if intend r ed for the Country will be packed with cars and dispatch. 11. F. HOOVER, No. 126 South 2d St, below Dock west siJ , March 15, '55.—3 m. Philadelphia. ' CUBE YOIIK COIGH, BV THE USE OF Rider's Syrup of Tar, | WILD CHERRY, and WOOD NAPHTHA A SLIGHT COLD, accidentally acquired, through neglect or improper treatmen:. , may result in that worst of all diseases, eon , sumption, therefore be advised in time, an ! procure at once a bottle of ibis valuable pre paration. It is pleasant to the taste, and bas . no narcotic in its composition; and can be taken with perfect safely. The wide spread reputation which this preparation has oDlained as a cough me i cine, is a sure guarantee of its usefulness ii, all diseases of the throat and lungs, and all who use it will be certain to obtain relief For sale by all the storekeepers in ibis, and . adjoining counties, and wholesale by the proprietor. I. L. RITTER, No 7 South Front st., Philadelphia. Jan. 28, 1855. Arthur's Patent Self-Sealing Cans. For Preserving Fresh Fruit, Tomatoes dec., by Hermetical Scaling. THESB cans, which are sealed by the housn kcepere without the aid of a tinner, and open easily with rut injury to the can, are rapidly coming in;o general uae. Full direction . for putting up fruit accompanying thf cans, and the work i so easily performed, that by their uae. every family mav have fieah fruit and tomatoes on their tablea all winter, at summer prices. PRICES.—Pint Cans 32.00; quart 32.50, Half-gallon 33.50; three quarts 34.25; gallon -35 00 per dozen. The different aizes neat, in order to secure economy in transportation.— Country .Storekeepers will find this new article one uf ready sale. Manufactured and sold by ARTHUR, BURNHAM St CO. No. 60 South Tenth St., Philadelphia. July 26, 1855.—3 m. llool's Philosophical Theory AMD PRACTICE OF PENMANSHIP, ■ N three parts, ot four numbers each, oom "■ prising Cuts, designed to illustrate tho manner of holding and conducting the hand and pen. Preparatory exercises which thor oughly train the muscles employed in writing A classification of Letters and Words, *c cording to their similarity of formation. In structions accompanying the various exer cises, in eaoh book. The whole arrange-> so as to effect great economy of time, labor and expense; thus enabliug any one to pi.'- fet't himself in the Art of Penmanship, with or without the aid of a Teacher, to whom, also, it affords great facilities in teaching Specimen copies will be furnished to Teach ers on application to the Publishers. MOSS & BROTHER, 12 S. Fourth Street, Philada Sept 20, 1855. tlivmimd saw® Establishment rpHK UNDERSIGNED, respectfully in -A forms his old friends and customers,ih it be hea purchased his brothel's interest in the sbove cstablistimont, and the concern will hero, after ha conducted by himself exclusively, lio bet just received and offeia for sale the rv*S largest and most extensive assortment TO mcnt of FANCY BTOVEB ever intro duce! into this market. Stovepipe end Tinware constantly on htnd and manufactured to order. Alt kinds of re pairing done, aa usual, on abort notice. The patronage of old frienc'e end new cus tomers is respectfully solicited. A. M. RUPERT, llloomsburg Jin. 12, 1853. Sl-lf THOMAS BUTLER, No. 7 South Seventh Street, PHILADELPHIA ; lyTatiitfacturer of strong Tinware, Copper, Tin and Einc Batning Tuba, Bathing Pans, and every kind of batning apparatus Also deed and paper boxee. Prompt attention given to ordered work, and goods carefully lorwpjaeJ on orders. Philadelphia, August \7th, 1854
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers